HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-04-30, Page 3. � ­?-­�,XW.iW,,- , - .. ­.-JJW-, ­ -- -1 " -*� " 47:.:--1Jw7 ' '--' -V ­ I �- 7-=-.W - -9.F1II1qIr1JIJV1-.1IIIe­-� ­ - . . -1Jo­A;W4 � �` ,- . --T.!qrJW, ` - ­ , ­�� -W -�11111111F -- ! I . , .., . , 7 �� - -,-7 -'IT' . 7­#-qW I , � . . 7� , - I I " � `1177,q . T. � 1.11MIIU� , W , . . ", 1W7W7.XWm1F1%-- — ,MPPP —­­77MPP.9 , . ; 11 . "707 I I , "r . , - .. � - - I . . I I .. I � 1, ; � 1� I � - I � , �� I I.. .1 , � I I . � I . . I . - I 11 " I � I t 1, . � . t . .t I " I � I " . , :, -"nom -;i" ­­- - - .0211 111111:1t -_ 1101 ­ — I - � . I 1,141:1 ==,": I I � - -- I - "! � !! ­ 10 -, ­­ , - I I - I - I .. . . I I 11 . -- � f �� upw "I oda - I I . � ,�-111!1�ll,�lli��"1=..�.1-�-1-11--lI I .v�41�;h !i . . � --r I ­­ 1. I I ,Z . " T%b*4. �4 *0%,- n. upw*14 ko�w I ' ­ ­ ­­­ �- '. . ., � -11 -11, I-- - , . . -.1111.1--l", I - ,-- ­ ­ . I 1#1 I " , , 1, , " "' I "'"- -S . , W1 - . I . , . � . NIS U0111 -E ILL. � ', I" . . - - , OW r*, 'T is#, : "X U.4 I Tou WO"Efful, K W I 11f; FIXes"N VZO I "O 0.4"' it- i* * opor*tWo. i, � I *Weioo *t� � wboo **or tiIe pwim its- ;ZQ o., FRON IONK SGOMM -- 1"W **A of 04 ***" suslkc! I I X.00"W" ft". -liiy X#X*.W#. SULTA I. wo 8 � - X ER1X'S.,QRFo9K-- I I I ",*�* woo " *Xwr"* r*w 'Two oswoss, **4 - u0my � osou lio�*: . *­" I I I , , . .1 PRAIRL A DYKA - , . r� . . - , : 00ow"ON or, IM "U" , is$ Moving Parts WAT -Pw 40 oyu^#*r W" 00 vpwii row" X . " 'XXXM VXO* A"- <, - - 11 -M"* .1 I I � 1! A. I *1" I I d .1 I - NO" orastk�*A slash 104 . C Z . . 0!rxm� Ior , w0by " 1*040� I � � I I """ I � I I ' "M nr XSCUM& 0910*1 014� ooftproosioo &tr"#, a% � 1110111 , , p , 0 � I . - � I I � I "ft wUA lw*" 44 i�fti *ad auto *f ow 00" **4 'LOrd lVillittillbbs do,orok's isolso XXXXXVANAX04 MMUN 'AXW,4'X1X 01AM FA -r , , I I . , n int k0i'vint 0AX9901P "A"I., .014 .JX -- ,4,M � 'y1w, I I . , q$0, X,V,STM � * , I M 11� � '01 0�0 ortatio livin *utlioriull . '' ovo '. #=,U* W. wtor b4arii , , I NK IT", X" 11 . . "No"K, $41041111:11110. � � , � 1- . I ,PV4.q Ow ring, 4, i ,R"r 04 pwsr, , , U44449i"..im ogo: wlttie iw I I - Of I 1. � Alt", xwo TUN Py , 0 -Vwwwot **a $*pIll- r^04, , . -00-- I 04, � .I 10144.1$ k$Q"Sp. ' ... I " � , 0. utuftol 0XP1WQ4 00. � I .1 . . 1. . tiogal A,4 -now ke'doolS *4 iiini L ' , ' - - i � I , , $ .1 I I -111111- ,I 4, ,* *#i. Ill$* � 1,44,$tU, * "t, , -L , .0 . , . ,..� _: . . . . 4." I � ! . I d � � YW10 exty. .14 Us, OUUWO V* sk*w curN, wkkk it 0snod for ,doiaoi( *DP 0411 1#'0014% '01 , top* , Ith 0 41 aspin � .1 pop," , . . . � , I I I - 04" x0i aw",40"Okwo VWS *hIeho' "TO 44 M090W, 4ItX* 9t 0*,er#0.l, *QU14,'#*d . , , * 4*40 'C4 of X*s*X1,% ats"oo Uok 1(own ,�, '(601#1111*010i too, XAW4114 too, ot � . , - I I - I-, Jw I - . -keepps Qf , � , �,, -. - , �4 Met 4=. ArA ,, 00140.4"60", " .004 f4w4vio of Auld Ha -0 1ww'- - , , 0, Upper I t444 UG414, iii, rt TAW' , 114" -114 ­ ­Ia � - V tlio cut , -ANA4 -t*-1r,W­­.­ " ­J.P4 --I*-,.* ---:­----­­­ ­­­. �.. . " I 11 ... - � I _4 q* to , -, I .. I 1. - I hu#t#r11-­oWuef--.ar--4t -tty 7- ., -ft-*-K*1*t*aW*t .*OR . j # � - I , . � -0 -W � . qnsi 040 L ' , � . ,, 4 ' **� I � � - #ositm, 4 so Of thwilitif, 4. 4. 1 , , I I I I 4"Allso, I y4A . ". .. X1t4"-�WAk--W--VekW,-- - ­— I � I .. 04, 0 . I , - - I Thao 4o%lopmovit of the stio, 4 I 9 1k M1, . I . - x1s cirt4lotion i �, UrAlsk 49 Ax"t flar6flat . I ,or 04P 4FA 11A c4ll*rM0U . t , The now W . roa 0� Oquo 4'43,OL (v I . , " tia; . . .. I Th* gosyth, 44VAI , balso 04#14 �"X -,0104 perAgosites, , � � . . I . W- Aot 'O, 104"slaooil little �"uiii*w attow 0y. Od'410411 , 00111)r I **,il�'40 $001woiii6; ,040# , , tot ,do" got r -9 . 0 � 1 44=, 11140; ih� IW �19 yoon tion 0,yWhe I ]link 10 Adlul. I . 14s x1ker, � . , .� �, ha� binig� Ph4AONi4AAllo 'Act , ..ro ^bout, Its; #W44vao lisirt-pt the opoopstpr. I � tlt"i 4 VO4uAlly ou the'Juvrea", We* and tridlef- - X41 de#*,Vt0#Ut Of't.hor ftLto lias 0"'t to Asst wo '44 dadwt a4l'o I . � I ­. Qwy from, , I?4br$cWoa,b*ij.4 �whql�,r. offj�Q . ,A .44 T440'ro ate thr Very Interesting (A a, U*4, 46voloriaont OQ11trol i$'joJe4ti;rs1-4wI 4 � ,. mlp��Ivelwiog .luachlifoi ml ThA 1904k ox 11400nit'apuk, of bonort latter vt 44us op bot"no. 14 xrel*ixd ., tiou"IQ14a are Ill .. � � b ,, �g# than that ot - . t . J04* � Jif foUT' ., 1, t, 0 �*f* � I mQs # - . - 04 1 now, bfiouuiatallea� iutbo, olisss with thon.014.11sti, writoo,thoor 0, on* ig scotlow now going on: in #Q,IAO of the., prin- . I Poo . . w, but Int t -bW , V 7 "al,,d frOft the in4or , h,quii ,til , served 4ppost v*14 typo� I'll, W �"r- ut . ow a, prolossion 'bun ,# *�Oklp . go "lopti. L , I ciii4l; English . � : , frat 'I .40041 P )11!4044� ,*I - dow, 4op10,4Orx'04P0.U&ut ot, tho .,,,v*u . ��"* VOXOPAWO ,4t the potro � on ,4 tl* O.Cwtort, osto)4401 !�Iaorto t . t*pIiia ,topil t *o . - fine, it, Aq Will 4- ob � , .. 00 ., ,,, ,4044 L6,0VIN, of RaI4 , Ityli rot. 106*11papors over &I. - I . Pom its, I - cotimutAtori , w �;4041 -ship'llaimitils - 10 0 A044 ­ at * -P '44 rog for - I , , � - '04 wCA44 xr� At*r 9*n1IXs'-aIUIltr4W4`l,.' thlik �Jxoy,a spoor" ON".- 044 �4440%9, used, i oqo ooliltl).! 401.0 his formi,of 2W av * 10,;VA)MYsterioug wijo4a that have ; .. �� i to* 0m, Ini M JgA#. , . .104 J , bs Wail, , 28j*0 , or, h 44%4� � .0y, the torm, itself . is I t , . , I 0gOft9rdX,Og. ji4lmost W , � . , , zo-164r, 'a I I . - thoio ii avao, 01,1104M, - Th.4 liewvioext 4i,eam In% tlf�p which, been 11 by Pomona of education . Of C Y, E.,fland I i - � 1�, hqp�kofo, otosotli , Oro Wt It. con -, r �UPOA . Mein ths, 4jP* , , Pro thil itum.4,rd V44 motor -aix, 4 I . , 4#0 Mon, . I 109t,th."rou"I cqust� . swerl per1cotly,; - and evident truthfulness. Ono gos, I . I -.1 �, * X4 -44 ruotI44. ,- er activity 'tuh towbeei 000 41004 IWIX, of 11411pounell, died I , for 414s. typor. The � '46$40,00. RU thesov, which h . I � y4polog 1%64" �41�roi , L for r .14 isaili $0,130. Arid, straw 4�L ' L . I I #1110, 4,mQ X,4$,r I � I . '* I -,h* first, ovsaea , fi"i �'r , . . . ­ I . ,Q.4 *fts '.* �" '1h"w privatt pro'Verty of the 0404- 103 �Varw at his rc*WeIIQ-O,, I ­ it, th4 poliilibilii f�' " , 4 1 14 'for � ", been. the subject 1. , , " with' b04 t .advodw 0l"V4 mov a tIR4 five dw O. sov"i" tod of oertoi'u other I . - ,the *e4:JaX1hPA been .. sa P"tillir to Aii R . ,o Wag. .1 * lhitirib f PIX* voutittuotion! Is. i 'd,,to I . I I . - hofox#.� ,th , .7, 0 All alm,oilt, Four to"Nos diods mW -t,hi�, W."k, with 43', u 06*104*1 huntsm4tAt twuooix 0 the. imperial family, 0.1 Many arioicles, and letters is the � libcIllilliid #04d, ,', eal.y� u4 , Pit I I . 6 � - . 4 tb* cioperionce A a gr, roe PU 'A 4" b*4 , 4 - sal oquiroi , , . , , k and I 0 rectly . . � I � -PrAo" i ougah farr I I - , spherical 0011,,�64111#04 ChAI.A.t Afc* r 64, sitteritkno, *h4tover". .g., or Au4hipbairdj. near On throb days, th(s 90st J4 044704, Purlus the last Wrtw oar* thin, 21$ht� evicted tonsiatil 9 B I "I I .. 4 I � - � , .11�. 'a . --.-. . too that th 'h , ket, ,w - � i10 '. thai*,fhe operot I , * -IuK� 44rattment irk the interest of 0 Say they saw � I L j UA to app,"ilitll'th . Ith popooketis .Qr Ar,rogt 4.0 stuchie" it W's BXpeAllea ore stead v - .1 � ,�PoWi4aOr � - nri 8 . B, thought front pols. -IL, iuciresoi the Lowo, estate, near ftusha, hao,vo 11441ilys wh recently ; 1 *4 I* , tir juitt"41 or Ilk , ,4 ,I , , I ' - , " ' r , 19-irtoy, t44 V*figoorl* low- I . Ii , Uqm"-,Ande.lror� iwIll, -it the .44rNew Aqw,pto.hie R to #91yo 14 # hk . V1 I 1, p4ing. - � . . The oultiq N44 Is in,many Q0114A. � paliko Camarillo, book reinstated. 4, vision of Dr. Avrjey. the latter I : . ko '4:1044i Mack , a I T 'X "I � . I Alton. and the - 'a I . . 11 I �. of v iw., 04 41go: Abv tar CPA -44f,o' '' fQ tri ton tim04 what is was afty 34M been actively 65aged 119 at the timo� in Algiers, while , gnt.Q ,-the provorlil, 14 � H , . or !% too -inro;N mixiota werco. eaA I o40 ha Hart, of Helywood, died bei jr0yor. *14 vio � - , rgot­k ' - in s*," - 4( 1 . "S. , lum, �� ". I *04 , 3 ity of Vo I*, g� 'J� JI4* �WICA'L 1141 e - filol� 0,10 Or 36 dAYB#r illilil`40=04t 1p into Its not r"O"00 UOM every 1, J. 1. �, . I k DOInt-0 %miform I r, Z *1 from drinking the water in which, Q . . his, ,we 4#14t uov At, L01111, 0- . ., � tri i4j;.L to ,]perfe,QQ�r 4V0g*, 900111114,11 I , , �04rli 990� In bin OWU country It iiii shell fish had boon, hailed, 40 Beer,, of the vision were in Eng- I L':': � r. - ' � " * 4i I Ir, 'buti I I a A "I 1- rn' 'for hovina matohc4 in t,4 5. M a 6, :gd, a* chickens xo�rco wheu(;e,,Jtt coullod a . land. It appears that Dr. Astley . . �, - ilr - , , Ql�l . � ", � 04 Italian ju w-dollibry. . Ore 440, for at � ratel of oft per Within the M04 after tile A sensation has boon caused in- I ", . 4 -ho, w. -� - 4J. , ohout tho'ciro th -" e% _ eir Wg.. �, 45,00 a )'6 , L Wal them , ell . hoo, *4 I fi . AOW4 1-11, I I pf � 0 of #0 *4 - 1�1911 peeliAttroin thrQuohoutuelyari. qw.type. : , I ., - , th was sufferims from Ikeoncussion of �- I �­ P4103, 14 the, sttoet�to,,onyt . '' ` " V ­ . . h on ey tA 11' I " , ,ctiia� I , , , . 0 . - - �-1. I - , Ing paivi, 9 11.402%' ( tho. 0. JOM04 Matther Barrj%�. r".Atiou of July- st, t Was, an- I" bonking--circlaw-by-flie-A Abe brain, and- vl @I* ily ,be -h - ,Itay- - -- - -­ — CORRIWJ�JMIKOK WOMWAWL'p- vfmt -hutw to . M"'.4, ,-A! f� x4'.', - . I rrest -111-164-111—- -­ --5-�!­� - I fel; , g Kti '8AA-­b. � �- ­­­ A tQllo at the foxo* took 14 �k. - � ­- , - - - ­­­4��e au�jq.,Jppll - � ----.-- - iCU---- 11112% -0 r- $0 t�We—w , U *Iuld not iif6- - � ...a �Uvo Al I 'V"� Ea- rJg­,Q&.-LW4 y*r,, 'm&1l'st, por4iii . .1 ,Q - . , Ql.� W a b Is fact, The Belfast relief fund . for the Engla 1i 'ie -n � �. - ­ a * Tqgu Writy Qg ,,p -4 -- X00W --- Of#- Rid-Wkm --W-UMgag0"-A4-&-Ual6f.-­-- `Ii� --------- -­­ ti� -6 ? PrO0100113 . -,r.i , Ir " , , 0, �� O'teO"g I . Ift A vy; wa Ut T . I , " - - I , , L4, 1048 In - .v 11 I lip I X'A . 4444ralifatist, has received: tho, (104 altos thoer a bad time." . ougly ceded to the thought they saw him in � /,A- , , ". - 0 thin 00ROOt Wigs 444 to he tAtte revenues 4 I 1 ­.� Much., ivt kvioen"t A44 ntill­014", water jacket,Axi- cons , gently h up. famili 1. � L .! I , ­ 1- � a ' , iji:� Utlown du,rI 0) a h ring:4 r e,a, Of LIOL.D. frOgi E4144oar$h "Ottrioualy enough," he gotta, amounting W 4 , ( urkish) a Italau eakliquake sufferers reach- his ar,clerical garb. one of . I that, the k4ew .0 , iig� th "Ill .0f,t 61 1 , _ load#0 ,,of, the V .84.06 fIX01,10M I tAlve,raity. Thin noun ver we 0 the first explanations was that, in , " - , 11 . - . . �, 4�egQ,V, .1 , , I - "certain. poultry keepers alwlityo yq*r. 11 t & tptxl of 162,042.70. � I ,0 tbo Petro r4otror w, ,whiqJIi,fr6m, the qUirWrical part'of � . 1 1 - , m,p y - ' ' - , , - , *�tkio �:1 , 0 'ho-ahatnee, of oh�r of - - The infli 411io --—.1-1. �� - W I" tt,4"k t , '44 --Kug-k .,Gat. -St a�'a those, .who- diod Qoum-t mia-ty .of IhQ �Wd 8aQ1 -0 U14 d-olirium. .his. mind had -go.. 1-1 ,,, ,-,, ��!­�.:—­�­ � "'lli -T .* - - I " — . �"MqPA 000,,441,061644 .. �ilbeiivoa,r, I Uung - have, oxadly� -the.. sama. numhoor- (1w I . - I ..-. . , Ilwt h."otco.l 1.0 I -- . 0,01 ;ie-;­ha87W . � path*,- chickens killed each year." 'Eiii)[351 11".1s, to be converted into back to England and projected his ' �­�i,�­ " �. 'ira,�a,'jer�'Mlio� bi.t . be: ack I orpork, pr0jeqf.fjg,'�t,'0Ig.tq in tho longer than in oroliv;ir r � IC 1�11 try, but on invootigooti II It was . �1, i . Kwt,m.d.' , . canting aud��agy u;lcaol wbere +the q'inde � -- - � 'ZM "V I ;" "., � . 1114010d, "thpillit "who'Nore, bongto . _ad AR049.04 linder b9to I " is rt, 109'itt to gireph Urlii onioriol There ore two tariffs of subilerip- proved that the lands And oother a technical instituclo. 1"aatral body" tho.e. :.. . 1. ' , woutih-A 'VA 'Oratory at the Sussex Coull , � ` Wit a .IV44 Iift40IQt.-1Vak1V6;V!U0o. 'uejog, an io JAR4 'ch A new co-operative creamery "as . , ,-,.�. ,� .h th,e jgdA*tr7. at, , od through the 4 t tions, acording to the number of sources wh ., produced this annu- "I l . � . - . tho� , il h - mAkeo pOillible, high, eompr� , b xnaw, andITHOUGHTS PEIMAPS THERE. 11 ­ I I- , , . 4."AionS of eylir,dg�, Wall,, Qf�`mor% Hoapital, Brighton. t al revenue had been improperly cen established at Li . ­ � � I - I At4h more lego"t t ' hauds,:withouit dagger of,pro-ignitiou -ago peg lair section ' - Its I - herses a man keeps or accordin To �­ r " %at' taken from the country. the, palace promises to be a decided auceess. I But it now apoptars, from a com, .11, 6K " , - - The � L I � - 1A �, � � I - " 'l- also colatribites. to mooth running The DAIMI,ar Company state that P44Y have declared a dividend, of he hunts. The b6ft rule, he till . . .t.' �, . I : -0*�Ii' -pit 0 af , I . Caledonian Railway - the an t having no right whatever to the cash estate is about be I arison of times, that at the criti. .1 ,� . I � Votbotb , , b - the pill 00m. . mber of \,days a week ­� t , , , ­I.jo4 th ­ 0 . , , % . '. nks, _ p I I I I 004,theip ban , 'A three cent., and the Glasgow would be that each gentleman income in question. ed by tile Estates Corn. cal moment the doctor was con. ,:. I F � 014, L t 'L SMALLAIRAII ABSORPTION. after a full ,yvair of constant -test. "'I'lith"aly L ' L - . L - _ por W6 Pt I I �% L - I 4 Ives . I , .. : L , . ,, � ,­ �' _ 4,47�dlyi 1 1 the ,matter Aside from the. advantages Of this MoOrat lima proved sukrior and South.Wentern Railway Com- should subscribe annual 871I and Any one who has visited a Tur- missioners for the benefit of tile scious and talking with his attend. I. �� 4 �', "' L . allcitclovioted their antizo L energies ford , ad 4f" to the 914 type from every point of Pal' one of 3% per cent, . each lady $50 for each Ylay in the kish palace or even the residence evicted tenants, . ant in the hospital. Nooverthless, ­,,, , I - I by the -regular ili%d ,olie" and it I . �­ I , 'herip&I e, cha.m4pr. he $ only after the most , field Shi � . � I., .,: 1� . � to the.P6tfoat16u,-of tha,-�etrol ko- sp . Xplo4jog Re now chairman Of the Fair- I week that �h?y hunt. Then there Of e, wealthy pasha, must have At the ago of 82 yeara the Earl his thoughts may have been in Eng. '. CUB exhauptive and ,oltAstio trials and " -1 7� "., " , torl while many dutbusaastio pbuilding And Engineering will be 110 Injustice and an ,Gde- been struck by tho enormous num- of Howth, the last representative land, since the subject of his con. "I �,� " ''. - design of, tho'neW DaizAler motor . - i, - , '' toluers, wrlhOcd �hem*QlVeb to their, permits 0 itivestigati , h#t ,the management COM is Mr. Alexander Gracie, quate seven us. Such a tariff will pro- bar of Idle persons. of one of the oldest families in Ire. versation was his lost luggage. 1 4. . e. most on t . L nob" have concluded to. deliberately out ,� �.., L' L . -,� , - i , enthusiasm fof,.tha�sood c4goa.. , ollirect, and ii who for some years has d 1 LOAFERS ABOUND, land, has passed away. 1 I �. I . I ' .., coast =-.i ­­­ - - �1�tu as ,e$ ­f6rL -fhaL �'JW.iftly- .i - L - - r �, Out of the chaos existing at thi Loose frog ­3 the- -astan"diki,d Mim and ILP(any managing director. A bag containing 432 silve i "­­ . s -111"ililIg gaaaR, . The fresh -charge I,,Unch on . P and $37,500 for the expenses of the It is unnecessary to speak of im- some of which belong to th", 13th An equally remarkable .. L ­ � L 'tro-L ­ - ' , t Upon the ins,ollfacture of At Kilmarnock, John. Gardner, I pack with 250 subactibeTs. case , . "I": 4 � i .4 ti I ­ ,.!..� � I MO th arose, seVog .or 461glit yushas irectoly into 'the cylinder the 'now and novel desigti. dairyman, Reform street, Beith, The huntsman is a fortunate be- perial pipcholders, imperial light century, was dug tip on a farm at which hat, come UP in connection ,,L �, . ,�.., . years later one of the most extra- wAhout ancoun I ring 'any. sort I of I � . was fined $1r), with the alternative i,g. f carriers, im rial cigarette box Dundarg, near Coleraine. with this in that of NIr. Wilkinson, j. I �: �,% Hillary trades b �4 �j4,. C114 which ,ban ever ob.atruction which would 'O41140 it i , He is much the beat paid 0 holders Ut rhon such officeholders Darin f ' s 40,074 wo- of the .,ational Liberal Club, Lon- 1� , I bf 30 days' imprisonment for hav- the servants and makes about men ,,its ourteen da � - � i , I ': 4", � ,.�, ol . flourished in thiscountry; the mo� to become heated and 103al Weight, . WHERE TO BUILD. Ing sold from a cart milk deficient $2,000 or,$,2,500 a year in ,,hages, i h provided with an "assist- 11 27,009 chilen visited don, who saw a vision of a lemalo '. ., f� 1, tor car industry, to wit the motor while the exhaust, is permitted an � — j- ; , , ..�;. - � car was bound to come, just as the absolutely unimped . ad path to the Rocky Site No Longer Advised- in natural fat. perquisites, an4 tips. One case is ant" and a long WI of attendants, pitblio-liouiies in Dublin, says a relative in South Africa entering I � I.-� , � . � � , A large congregation was attact� and such sinecures ar"o multiplied Government return issued recently, .his door as he was about to retito . .. ,��, I �, %. ai noted where in a single day a several times over tile total cost The Marquis of Sligo has just at- to bed. ­ !,­�� , - rship or aeroplane is bound to pipes, which are Of liberal dimen- Gravel the Ideal Soil. on to Hathearn Parish Church re- huntsman received in tips $200, and ,. i 1. . come; it is the -march Of progress. sions Jesulting in remarkably, small Strange as it seco.aa after 2,000 cently by the novelty of a treble it is B,dde amounts tR a huge figure. tained the aWD of 78 youirs. He is I At that time the lady in question .11 . . -1 . I I � �.4 � I . and. inevitable. �. beat absor tiou to the cooling wedding, the three * daughiers of . d that many huntsmen The imperial kitchens, for"In- the third of is generation to hol,d'wals lying unconscious from some " I - I . . p " .. I I MARVELL water. years of talk and song about the ad- , have died leaving substantial for- . , .1, I 0 ". � . OUS PERFORMANCE. . This direct discharge and Mr. John Tollington, churchwar-1 stanoe, emplo sonio'240 000ka and the title, and was of a family of injury 6,o0o miles away. III neither 4 - ';� *�� . � . vantages. of founding one's house I � , � , ,,�) Eight or ten . carrying away of the exhaust gases upon a rock, ofie,of the ve#y things den, being the bridqs. tunes. beo scallions. Twice a da�- they pre- 13. case does death play a part in the '.�-, I ,,�. " years ago it was together with the extremely small A Glasgow man who broke 44 - . pare about 3,000 "tablas, ' or trays, A woman at Belfast gave chil-,silualion, I :.,.,� �� looked .Upon as &,marvellous per- that modern. build,.rs tell us LO . his I , I , wall area of the combustion chain- I?q owing to his foot catching in a CLUE OF DOG'S RED HAIR. each carrying a dozen courses. dren hatioot beans to play with, .� -�r, I; I formance Wa, -car * could run. be- avoid in selecting a sitQ in rock. � BRAIN MAY BE DYNAMO. I ", I bar render the matter ,of tooling f the 4aerec Iva — Three hundred attendants, bearing and thoy shared them with others. I 7 ­.:� .­..-,� . � tween, say Coventry 'and London the water orre of . extreme ease This is principally because o ti part of the footpath, his! .1 �� 1. � ", without ai-least Ono, tw(i� or three ' great cost of excavatlIg a cellar in' obtained a verdict of si,000 darn- Deductions. a la Sherlock Holmes the trays on their heads, distribute All ato them, .immediately show- Experiences like these, when ­o...�i � ,, , hours' stop for mechahical trou- while )the possible intake port rocky soil. uses, and expenses against the Lead to Murderer's Arrest. them throughout the palace; some ing -signs of poisoning. they are well attested. cannot be . , � I to t 0 � �� . , 1, . . 'Look at the other side of the der with fresh gases at any motor 0 An Edinburgh headmaster recent A remarkable example of ola- harem, to the "niabein" (the part body Ila ation. The limits of tire domain of . ,�� .� : � ,,, 1$ - bles. area permits the filling of the cylin- An ther objection to rocky soil owners of the property. ;he Sultan's apartments, to tit It was alleged at all Irish inquest dismissed without careful consider- . . � L: I' . picture -the modern ear. Take for is that water will that a woman's dead d I � �,,� speed desirable, a,s there is practi- soak, through ly received the following executory ductious aiwr the labutun of She'- of the palace containing the offices been kept in a houso loi- fourtech the mind'have riot boon macertaiii- I!, i . l.''. instance the -Daimler, manufactured cally no limit to the size of the rock and so runs down it. Some of I .tLuimes that. leu to tire arrest and where the Sultan ca,rries on or twenty days wliilo her brother oil. �. I i . � The now questioned phenom- � '', .. . :" . in 0oventry, Englaiad., I went 160 openings which can be secured with this water would be almost certain communication:- "Please would '�� .. r i.11lt:, to seep through the cellar W-1 you be so kind a's to let Agnes away 'i a jjrULai muruerer are given in . :;� , the business of the State), and to drew her old age pension, ona, of radio- tolog raphy, as far as � ,:, ,, ­ - miles the other clay in a 38 h.p. this construction, V ,!JIB, anu .muitur, of berna, a best of sheiks, sherifs and not- Mrs. Will. Crawfurd, of Mullins,!they go, render it somewhat ensier ,� ! - ' * "'4 atux 11�� I :., nd stopped twie"nce making the cella, At 10 30 to go to the infirmary with . . ,��, �, �,!!!". The use of a ,cast iron sloe r damp, or it might bar �rother's arm I" . Germany. ables. county Donegal, has died at tire to conceive that electric waves � . ­. . for lunch and once at the oonclu- Ye Or undermine the foundations. bome time ago u. landed proprie- During the month of gamazan -age of 102. Site retained her facul- oluarrating from dynamos rally not 11 ,"­ tube as that portion Qf the com- The Glasgow Territorial authori- �� aion of the run. Consider the Again rock often contain springs. tor in the vrovinces was paurciered, poor people collect in thousands ties to the end, and remembered be tile only force capable of tra- �'I'� " I � � J , , '.. . strain upon the eggineand chassia bustion chamber in which the pis- If , spring were ,pened dM,dg ties have hit upon a novel methodl .. �� ,l ". ton travels, affords numerous ad- bl, 0 of securing recruits. Officers at- I and beside his buuy was found a toward sunset and can count on bb- vividly the Irish Famine of 1840-o, , versing the other, and in a few tno- . . ,,-, 11� � . during a long ran like thin and ting it would mean either that 1, , , vantages which contribute to the 11 tended the principal football long ,,pe covered with a fine pow- taining 'iftar"-the evening meal At a meeting of tire Dublin ments time encircling ttio earth. k.:, .. I I �� then marvel at the mechanical per- high efficiency of the, motor, the water w uld have to flow, matches and appealed to the spec- der, and to the collar of which ad- when good Mohammedana break Trades Council it was stated that Foil till that � call positively say, � , i fectiou of 'an engine which can go through the cololar or be deflected ' hered two tufts of hair, one grey the fast for the day, taking their there were 30,OOU people at the pre. tile human biwin in I ,�,, an day after day ' Principal among these are a per- -- tators to join the ranks of the ay be a dynaruo . , . and week after a costly operation. A house.built "Terriers." . i and the other reddish brown. 1'ric firit food, water and cigarette since sent moment either actual y Ktarv-! of a " Q'I week long, journey or short jo fectlY round cylinder machined in- I far finer quality Lhan any ,� ; . I or-. upon a rock also vibrates during a, 111� t��' nay, and then at the and of a year ,side and out to uniform thickne The Fife Coal Company b,ave*de- hall- and the cape were submitted dawn. The waste, extravagance ing or on the verge of sturvation mechanic eat) produce, and the up- ", h - X.no­t8roodency 5", thunder storm - .-.- ­ ­­­------ . 1�' ay is per , eriment in to a 1, �. -------- -or-more'-s--runuing---YAbiuW--nu--xp7;, a -v-111 _t*-wa,rP-or--go, --Cl - ,I, ­--cided- to- make an exp ' criminal . payaulogist, . who, 4nd. pecuintion, ar"eyunod,deaarip- -in t -he city, � � te-ratieft-s, of thought tuty be--oribra- � ­ I . aps more to be avq�d- the provision of bathing accommo- after unnute inspection of them, tion. A French cook at the palace The committee appoin M to take tory in it sense of w tell we ve as ., , L -out of shape under heat. Probably ad. than rock, sqys the Circle. Clay dation for their workmen. The,0111116 to the following c0he�usions : is maid to have asked for a little steps to establish new live stock 3et hardly dreauled. , !,., . preciable signs of �ear. . t h hil I ��, � . 1- P , the most marked advantage of this collects water- �iud'- spreads, .under- -Ai`tke­n-Pit1-KF3ItY,-WVe-fe 1,100 men'l "The murderer," beef to preptre s�mo dish for the ruarkets in N I ., 7� Talking about Daintlers-4 word even -walled non -distorting cylinder he said "is a vuriLrath have 4 d ­.; I ., or two about tLe now Daimler Rn- ec ' - I - is .- ita aressure� It, expa,nds in wet or e I,', I slisolute non-interfiarence find employment, has been- melect- 'mi del I e -aged man, slightly ba'Id. He Rultain. An ox wils b�rt:iught, On- ad to hold tIlree markets in ,11 ILLIMITABLE FORCES. � I -- . gine will not be axniss-as-there- is frosty weather and contracts in ed. � has a dog with lung. reddish brown Tj 1- -1 with the travel of the piston, its his protcating that lie only wanted year, viz.-Jullou 2, July 2, and De- I -einenclous force is required to 11 I wf-1 every prospect of this motor cat do I summer. 'Frozen clay clin The grass parks at Dumfries hair, which is in the habit, of play- a little he was answered with a cetuber 2. ldrive cleutric Wao,02i it thousand ,h I I , � - nvarying round-ness affording a brick or stone and often ,,, gs to House belonging to the Marquis of ing with him. By trade he is a real rise in ­ , luxe becoming as Popular in Can- It grin that what he did nut require "There could be no wile8, and we are unaware of any I " � constant wall contact with ,the Pis- dislocation of cellar w.Il.a`ugea' , 11 I ,�, ..�,., ads as it appears to be in Austr ,,. , a- ton ring sur and could easily be given away I tile prosperity of Irefand unlegs like force in the brum. , 11 4 . lis, and in several Ather I�Oes. preserving their . Bute were le,t by public auction carpenter or sawyer." But re- "�f 6. - , 'British true circular form a piers. . the expenditure on alcoholic drink cent discoveries have shown that al- I I ��'�� ... .. . �. Colonies. nd at all time recently. There was a ll�irgo at- I 'This detail as' to the murderer's THE SULTAN'S STABLES � � . . "I' �,-?L�: I maintaining perfect compression. a Also it is impervious to water. tendance, and the bidd ing wan occupation was deduced from the as immensely diminimhed," maid most illimitable fo.,:es exist, ull- "I iii , ­ no Thus an underground layer of clay brisk, and rents were up nearly 20 powder oil the cape, which, ex- the R. C. Dishup of Do%vu and Con Think, I 1. :� �� The public must realize that any A ther feature which will appeal are another pretty extravagance- w , recognized all abuutp its, . . .1. r1lil". �' , W will prevent the proper drainage hundre4a of borseA, with an army nor recently. for instance, of the energy locked I � 4�. � . ..fir'. ­ . . lt�-171- , ma9h&n'sm WWah can run the dra3- to the user generally, is the de- per cent. upon former rates. I arnined tinder the microscope, " Ic gauntlet of t a engineering and '�."; :, - t,,h,bl, head which forms the dome the soil � In a Parliamentary - I I t, of rain water and leave of coachmen, grooms and attend- return is , up in a bit of radium, e e t, . . The removal of the torpedo fa -e--1 proved to be sawdust. ��, , , mechanical do�ooartment of Hui- foul and Bodden. Finally, it ants, all living on the fat of the I 11 1',;, I of the explosion chambbr and car- 18 tory from Woolwich to Greenock I Armed with this information the stied oil the 11th inst., it is ,tated"Itterly unguessed by science until I I ,� . land's Pioneer Motor CO., must poB- extremely costly to excavate. Un- ]arid, and nome ,if them enjoying that the gun offences porpetratod a few yvarti ago �- .... ;;��­ . ries the sparkling plugs and coT- is evidently not to take place as Rulice instituted a search, and a Granted the ex- I I � sa I 0 ')f . . sess great merits, and its good qua- pression rings.- The removal of this Jar building purposes early as was expected, for the no- few days ago arrested a middle- directQr. The aviaries form an- ber, in 190", they rome it) 117, arid affect the surrounding ether, arid � desirable fo also laries that might tempt a bank iu Ireland in 190o were 60 in num. istene ' a power in tit(, brain to �".' lities be readily apparent to the head is onfy a matter of B, few rain_ fire made nd, sand and silt. Made tice inviting employes to volunteer aged carpenter, slightly bald, (ther costly bobby. Birds collect- last )ear they were no fewer than it would not be �Pry di.fficult to, I , I � . 1. , motoring public. The Company- ittes, which permits easy cleaning land is not always stable. for transfer by a certain date has whose hair was turning grey. lie ' �. .� I � with full knowledge of the effect of, out of an from the . Gravel is the ideal soil for build- been withdrawn. admitted that. he owned a dog w ith ad all over the world fill cages and 207. find a physical explanation (if such X. y carbon deposits , "", -..--- . - - an error of judgment -must have piston or combustion chamber walls Ing Purposes. It is porous and enclosures without number, arid ' I 1-1� -Prloceeded-vattiouiily-Aa-evidenoed-.--f,lf----f, ­ I - -------C- — I . -reddish ,b rtlwn.. con.,,. . � plu-nonnena as tho.o, that are now � - --. � I '11�1', another huge staff of "rvarita has — �*,— attracting so much attention in �i a pis on a -- , - -i, , ­i�-Oa` d-rairm perfectly- At the same time After reading the police descrip- the care of them; but of course tho' GATHER �� I bY the fact that two years have or , nd connee Ing ro a it is sufficiently* stable to support WOMEN UN SAVAGE LANDS. tio ING SEA FOWLS' EGGS I�ngland, :, ­ . may be drawn upwards and out n of him, in which lie was charg- -- I �, been ,spent -,In- investigation. and foundations. A gravel �levation is I I harcin heads the list of heavy ,"­ 1�1 . test of the most exhaustive kind. without ,� removing the cylinders the ideal building site. Health of Modern Woman Poor ad with the murder of the and- items ETHFR CARRIES M"SSAGES. I � , i. , �. from the base. , I ' Perilou" Work of Cliff Clialbers on . '12 Nover'before since the advent of . Depressions of levels between Compared With Savage. I owner, he turned deathly pale and By harem must be understood English Coast At bQtturn tire ntrango vigiun of 11 li at ones, admitted that he was the not only the Sultan's wives, but Dr. Astley, projecced from Algiers ... 4 1�,!,-" . ial DESCRIPTION OF WORKINGS- rock, are likely to retain water With tire "vent of *spring tile to I"Ilgland, jk. world has such a radical departure Lubrication is affected entirely even though the depression I' There can be -practically no com- author of the crime, all oisters,daughters andrelatives I uviild riot appear �11 � 1�1� . 8 pariBon in tiI6 matteri of --I.— I . I "�� L 'been chronicled in any feature of from splash, oil being W into the slight and the I York'8hire cliff climberm axe making "luell more mysterious than, the . "�. I elevation distant. a . health with an odd thousand or so f wu- , �.� Its construction. In fact, although between tne savago rid civilized WOMAN"S TRAVELS IN PERSIA. men attendants an.,d servantu 1preparations for gathering th I i r . base chamber and distributing to The ground water thus retain- 8 who Tgs reproduction at one end of a tele- : I that graphic curcuit of a photograph y 1- the demaid for an improvement in the sleeves, pistons and all inter- ad stands at a level. Small gravel- g 1, build their nests in tire dizzy pro, exposed �� ,1.1�. 'lite latter is I f the tityriacls of sea, fowe �� , - . I . womau. full er- ved, - - I y un -v pretext or another have suc- ,�­ design of the universally "ciepted nal mechanism by the dipping of IY elevations forms islands, as it it I, true, but sne is seldoiu posses- Ton Days 111de at Hard (olallop on It ceeded in attaching thembelves to . at Lite �,tfier *-aid In "id .. .. .�, Xtan4ard type of poppet valve art- ad of the exuberant health tiiat is tire palace. The ladiem of the pa- I e" pices of the northeastern coust, order to accomplish that foat we I � ,,� - 1.11, , the connecting rod big ends. The were, in a subterranean lalce, and I (;un Carriage. �� , �;�� �; gina has been generally recognized, motor was originally designed for upon them houses may ommon to the former. unljd- I lace. keep very high state, Be- says the Londun Daily News, � are obliged to inteiposo vertain me- .; I I'�,,� . , ... - with perfect saJety. The cellar birth is a simple thing to the un- to den their negro attendants they V Milli contrivatives, but in the . : ,,, little hope was entertained of an lubrication higher up in the cylin be built 0 1 In times of peril in Persia the I At Benipton, a few miles froin I �a I , " . . � , . L'� ,;,,�� ilized woman, and very rarely , ou ith their ladies Bridlington, the favorite resort or ,,rid it in the ether which carries .1.1 ?�� , - floor will be above the ground clvl the safest places not; only for Euru- of this and mistresses of that as' these egg hunwrB, the chalk (,IiffA , �� immediate successful departure ders, but this was found unneces medical missionti have proved to be I , ,- from the common constrdation, in sary and undesirable. water level and no rain water will fatal or productive, uf the train of the message, arid tire telegraphic . . . �:: t. �",. . which mushroom valie springs, � diseases common to pearls but also for the PerBianq full and complicated as their iord T`h" y in8trurnentm ar-- simply niore or less 11 11 ­. . By -referring to the lettering of drain into the cellar. the modern tower 4UO feet above tile sea. I . :�!­ tappets and 0ams play so, promin- the sectional drawing, and the — woman. After a day or so the new themselves. Dr. Emmeline Stuart, the Sultan's. In dress and jewel- "' the home of thousands of gulls, inefficient itgeutm for setting the �, . L � � ,� I -V of the veteran Bishop Stuart, cry the ladies (if tire harem gratify 1 co rrunrant4, kittiwakes and other , ther in vibration. Tho mimiliar . ,� , ent a part mother is able to take up her " , following description, a fair idea - niece I . 4". I NEARE�f TO' PERFEC' ' of its character and workings may THE LACK IN WOMEN'S LIVES. customary occupations, and she had a remarkable Btory to tell of extravagant talites (ju which ,to Neft birds that have just begun ti) a .'' �-` " TION. . roenc� of the brain, if it exists, is L .. ,,'.� be obtained. is never in need of the retinue of her own experience when preparing curb is placed 80 long as money can build their ruu�h negtq in the chalky �� The motor in question is of Few Diver ,to leave the country, says the Pall be obtained by hook or crook, I e re, v i ces. William Wilkinson, who , ,,�",. . ,,f a far higher order (,f perfeetion. ") . Instead of poppet valves, two thin sions &K a Small Village doctors, trained nurses and Iln But the time has riot .%et arrived , 4,.:" , American origin, its owners'hav . spe- Mall Gazette. -Hired this periloum call / I � - moving ca and Life is Dull. cialists thaLt the civilized woman Their indoor dress has been of has p u I 9 for a decisive prunounceruent on / I . :�Z Ing spent more than five years I at iron sleeves, A and B, demands. ` I ,�!-�, , n The only I-scort available through latv �earti 1',�nerally European, and, for many years, is known ocally I vl,�Illy experimental work --during thr are made to work together in an A writer in the Atlantic Month- The savage woman is usually a the disturbed country from Ispahan Paris supp leg many a smart gown a? "the king of the egg hunt ,, this facinating subject. Al,,'v ose r rN , years of which'time it was market outer water jacket pAilaciler. ly agrees with the general opinion to Teheran was offered to her by the for them. In jewelry their taste! He is a bluff, weather scarred maill . 4�e4A perfect physics.] specimen of hu- — 0I.— , to a limited extent in a high grade Thealg:@edMes, or cyll.114, �"ros ac- that the masculine half of mankind imilitary authorities, and mile ac. runs rather tuward the gaudy andl"f the aea, with am much nerv( 11 ", I tuated by separate eccentrics on has considerably the best of life, manity, and by virtue of bearing by tile , and I ju,, American car. Foi more than 18 heavy loads on her head acquires ,cepted it, to find that it entailed ornate: rings with large diamonds' agility am is poevo8sed rilost SENTEN( E SE10loss I ­ -, months its inventor and' designer the secondary one -to -two shaft, W, but adds that the question, which . travelling oil a gun carriage har- and rubics, emeralds and sap-' daring steeplejack. 4"', I has been at the works of the Daim- a C and of woman's alleged disadv a carriage and deportment that I , Wilkinmon wears air old heirnet to i The soldier of tire ervs4 Ileed rlut "I "I I . " through the connecting rod neRsed Aix in ban I and that for ten phireg ; earrings of weight and � I would have delighted a Greek - .1. Do attached by gad dilys double staqcs were effected at value, but littte artistic beauty i I pmteet ills head froin tile piewi-4 be a cross soldier. I � ,, �! ler Co., working in conjunctiop geon PiDS to the has operated the most , seriously sculptor, I . J,. 1� with its engineering a,rid mechani- lugs X. L is the water jacketed against bar? is olle of individual hard gallop, wh,fe the shelter of little caps for the head, thickly 'If rock diml(Aged by th4i rope by I No man 14 well uccupied who is ,� i" , '- li�. A majestic woman, with small a . 1�11 cal department to the and of per- cylinder ad, resembling an in- opinion. bare feet and grand, swinging, d the carriage formed her canopy at cuoered with gerns. Their native "' hich lie is sul,pendf,d in midair tuo bu.s.N to, m3nipaLlun. I -� fecting the design and adapting it verted piston, carrying the spark- For myself, she writes, living a. p night. dresses, too, are frequeatlo, stiff Around hi4 blld� lip bUCklem a kiiid "!, � � , � , liber.te gait, Hibiscus blussol]18,71 -stif with embroidery (if precious stories, ,.I leather harnmuck. in which tie I Tire golden rule I% the best an I , - to requiremonti; on this side. ing plugs and a wide packing ring, I have done in a village of 'm`Jl her flowing hair, a wreath of y . Dr. Stuart to, led to tile trufnil- tidute for the roil,- ,,f guld . !� , .% I . 3, in t,wo sections held out against size and few diver..oaB, the thing I Ing c(-)urtegv and kindliness o ( IgaretLe cases air<] fuild,o-rs, jew. is able to, Hit 0u his arms iiv r. I I I The result of these years of ex- the inner walls of the sleeves, A, have rpsented most, has been, arid low flowers falling over her native I (, f the arm leather pr-,t4-k-t,,rs I , I'lie shurt-t cut I() heavea is 'e, perience, in Amokica, and twelve garments, has ffireng too el boxes, sweet boxen, hand glasses, we d 1, tragic grandeur the traveller placed in Lower a,Aa�, bo)c ' lie cripm a ftiog m"IntLo,ut, �,UC (,f 11011 �. .1 I . . I OVIC by the inner ring, K, which is split is now, that it is not possible, that of appearanec "which makes the i their charge and reassured th , brushes and cornbo, all it) triagAive '' I �;: � , hava,produeed a wot6r which the POBsible, for me he swings hinuielf u%er the brink in ' Virtue Do- r uvedA to demoll i Months of refinement in C retry in one place, same as the common it never has been diminutive, fair-haired foreigner"'Imm'tt" am to the absolute - 8 11 . ' +11-14 - Daiml#f- Ca-.-ffijjE-sJF4jjj-Uff4­­ . - - Piston ring. to. hie me with my men -folk to the trotting along hesitatingly in high ; safety of tire missionaries during GOLD Oft SILVER, so almuoit hvrizontal pomition and I straLe jtb,if b) %-,-ileraLuai. 1. 11 . , I '", I av' to The piston travels in the cylinder village store, or to the shoemalcosT's il'oeled shoes look grotesque in com this period of unrest bv saying that roughly finished and p,,urly chaned, 1,resses each foot firml) agamn, , L,, t I e dee d., gr,� ,, f, to , k I, ,, 4 metres (the stroke) shop, or to the railing of the old if the %IIId,,%%s I., a I rg, ruuw .. " I e , c . , � " be the nearest to perfection of any A, 130 milli 'L power-produbing mechanism yet but fo,ut with stones ul great beauty ,tile el.11 ,urlawe Three �­ - while this cylinder A, as well as creek bridge, every evening of my parison, the mission Compound At l8pahnn men acize tire rope, and foot by X Inall ham na 11 �� designed, wits one nf the safest plar p 9 in tho and value, are also &elned Deceit :-v, r air) uv,re relig- V the outer sleeve, '13, travels 25 mil- life and talk. Woman the world over lim her I A The motor is das'e4bed as be' hours of ease. Slip dances, she ' itY. In fa,f. members of thf) fami Hary. Nua tire Intrepid (littiber in lower took thall h1% Oddreor cau fiwl .,uL. . I - Take these men-rolk of mine! In �, � :�,r . Ing limetres, the eccentric which actu - .fueredulously smooth and noiseless sings, she prays to the gods; sh, lien nf offleern nf the Rhnh Ila i Tit(- rnost scrious acti,,n. of the 'E'4) till his t1wery vuico is kiEt ainuolt I "ll lu-N ey Milk,- a II11nkrL&,- III gly- I - I In tile cur, plain and simple in c ates the cylinder, A I be* Bet 70 the pauses of gossip and of yarns, v qitn tile .gossips the Inqf fow monthq rerortedvt"oli'l -en in the I tile fluttering *mot.ndE; of the din I Ing 'A..tI,L )(,It g,%(, pult. of )vur- �, . I 1, I , she. anointA an(] t , ivil list is, howc%cr, Fir . I on cirrip heal of the they have more or less thoroughly i turbed birda He swings fr(,ni t,,Ij . tructi eco hical in iop�fation decorates herself. as an as3lum. injury that it has caused not only I ncgt L�) nest, puttIng each egg (, -11, , I " 'a nd so d ' allbost "a eccentric which pulls tell outer exploited, take it the year round, So it is not fare to advance a - ----T.—. — to private, individuals, but to the � are 1 The loan w1u, follows his appeLl , F , I - & icat anignV an to �r -, , d . t he ,16m,,t of mechanical Bleeve, B. every ev nt of importance that has theory that in a ntate of countr) . Fifteen years ag.) III(,,, I fully in a bag slung ,,ver hi,,; sh,,ul te"4 expett'; 1114 vvife t" f'.h.'" ilia S . "I' I ." troubles. Poppet valves of the earth living ABOLISH K1414IN(i3OF 11001J. were sent aruund lurke) in urcler �der Aq oo4min an hiq bag ;q full lu"Ideajq , In operation, beginning with the becurredeon the face where house rent is unknown, -.--- to hunt up dehirable plot& (if [arid lgii,es the ''hoost up ' signal -,it thel It tal(,-% tw,rc than singing ," . "I 'aP- exhaust, the process is as follows: heir entire lives; and where the tax collector does notrall. Now 11111 Pro'vides For , uide rope and the men haul hour , .�- I planted by cast iron tubes or Piston travels downward on explo- t I g �:., -sleeves used us a lining of the cy- =,g of the past and portents of Simpler and to find extuxes fur causing If"nue, sweet li,,mv, to make � I , sion stroke until it reaches a pipes do not burst with frost and E I sorm of Onth. theirn to be forfeited by the law of i �. . Point tho� future have not been lacking, the cook does not leave on the ev 1101111-R sweet I . �Jh I At ic I Even Himpler than tile Scottish tire country and then take posses- at the cold (,f the (lay Bit � Wheii tbe preLuber g,,,-% hunting I linder, containing ports Which reg- where it is desired to exhaust. Here they have forged their be- of the grand dinner, that woman up ilkins,on makes several Jescontq . Ister with one anuthor at desired this stage of the, operation, the liefs, and here they hame nervoil I . .4 I i0o ()f 011 behalf of the Sultan. . "" 1 f"r ('I"'(' the %'Af II0Cd8 110 111%lta I � . intervals being 4CLUILtW by ec. have moved dow-n- themselves to action. lap ier than when she has to con. witner'S, oath, repeated with up- 8 spoll 'Alth his aouil,itant%, VdI., k. echtries Lupled up with miniature No wonder, The British Embassy. and pro. two tu thp fold 1'�,!L L . ward until the lower lip of the ex- I have envied them,' tc, nTwith thene difficuitieAT I lifted hand after the judge, will be bablo, ever)- other embassy, has�-­�,,- ,(I'll' t tie in f,,r eating purp,sen to) thle, It q w. utw taikmg abutit diiine . I connecting rod, The result Nothing like In woman more settled in life 7 the declaraLion of witir al te r had 'during the last twenty yearii,linhalittants of t1w neighboring %I grace if �.,u (ann,a me gt.a(lous to � ,, , r 'a a haust ports, W, passes behind the it ever came into the I In the modern husband better than i Oet"t'er 1, if Mr. le3arsaem9sclen,14 lageEs . 6WArkable combination tending, to, ife of- any , ,,, . ;� ward theoretical perfection in the compression ring, K. The continued *Oman since the world began. the Savage 7 18 wrtnall free or 'Oaths Bill, which passed through man) casem bef,,re it of claim A that I rovo � . I pi i ----p--- I Mattar of cialtive vAlvins sphati- downward movement of the sleeves, It couldn't, you know ; there has have been nukdo up(m the pr pprty The h,,heqt ,A,,rk in this world �1'1­ � . . hap er I Well read the daily committee (.f the firitimh H,,uRe of no the vountri. beh,riging I cal explonflo, A and B,, completely Uncover the not been time. Things at home had . British SCRAPS , I n chamber, d6nat in� papers and decide. Commons recently, becomes; law. to o � I 19 hUYINg haPilluons fr(wm others . � :1, . , q . - gross and discharge Of 9186s, and exhaust poets, F. This port re- to be looked after even if ther men- subjects - influence af- I White horgea, berauRe they � . r 1hplmnatit � " ]it) ()or ­vll tml wid pain - � ! ,�. . 0cient coolin mains open until the piston reaches folk did become - patriots and It prescribers that tha uitneAq ter ciingiderable tr,,tjl)le usually - in al, I, I � I 9 Propensities, a's the top, of the scavenging stroke, heroes. (unless lie object or lack An arm to . g,,i,d targets art riot used in T,- Triany aro, tor�ing to giie this , . I el , � A, . Well as tL comparatively light weig!lrt WAS PORTENTOI'4 411,11 mufficed top defend the p"Nsesimal of ' %%,,rid it holy tone bN dr,)%ning its, 11� 1. � when it is closed. by the upper lips The babies had to born and rear- MER hold tip) shall talis the (,ntll thus- fare. " L I W th hotnns Pro( . I tuiles I � Itud accessibility of parts, theme Iandq, bill the ,A rptched Tur- In Siam tire flips are a plita :4. � � — "The officer administering tile kish subjert whip 141 bring no and every private 4�)ldjpr in 1), I Mrin) a rurom thinkA he iq %,,rk t � The striking fouturd of' the new of the port, F, in sleeve, B, tele- ell and fed; the food had to be pro- Peculiar HazN IntenRe Heat Dur. oath nhall addreRn tire person lak such influence '�'e , I , , ,,� !scoping with the lower lip Of the pared, the too bocalill, ,2haufft port, 0, n the water jack- � 6 h a met P climb. ()n the par' it � 190 Daimler 1110tot is R6 obsolete , I ., dishes washed, L the Ing Summe'r of 1783. � ing the oath in the folinwing forin : r luid to true. rmy must daily catch i,fnsi -f '119 113F-11 %%hou he � "Fi1v INabbling , fetedom from villv#soo -springot,aled-eted cylinder. house looked aft.,ir, and al , I the Europe and Asia were covered Yoll. A It.. Bucar fly Almighty if %,as t of tile civil list them I bet%eon dut) an(] dewre - .1 t a d and mended the � 1 cams, and Small parts, Alth6ugh of � 0 it garne (if might in right, RuAnianq do not eat piuponm he I If tire mail wh�) ham n,,thirig too , . t ,troep " . I I . the four straktitypot aga tonsoquent $IMPLE MOVEMENTS. other odd jobs clone that nobody by fog during the summer of 1783 ' Ood, that,' and tit n ed with and it vvnn bprauve tile country cause the Scriptural (love Iq a h"k- ay w,puld ,,nlv %av it he tv,,uld . �' I . e jrDUbles Wanted to do. This, you ,111 ad. Says Gilbert White (letter 109) the words (of tile na pretrribed genprallo, wag digilatirified with tile bird no,,n Acquire at reputatum fi)r wis 1 I As the , tot) starts downward on mit has taken - time, lots of time,, "The sunizatir of tile year 17M was by law. (imitting any *nrds of im attempto that were made upon pri. I � d"m I I I Whith arise tildna `th6 itt,egult&r ge, the guet ?Olta stroke, the ports, F, 8pain'g population is 14.(ryi. loa 1 ii6if and -unvtrt&ia,,6p0,ratiOg of the through the eccentrically actuated all ihe time of ninetc, preration or railing to witncqo; and I i ate property that the elvil li t b I I . . ,eri-twentietht, an amatitig and a portontous onu a. yet in America 35,000.00o %Pfl-a - There iq a ,A�,rlcl ,,f differ, nee be- �:, . . 1.,: 4 of All the: wonien who have ever , . . for, besides tile alarming the person taking the oath ahafl, came distinctly unpopular it l%een prayIT)g Ill rtli'lt � , washroom V06 of vklvo� 911, ves, move away from each other lived, 8611116 One says. And although mistoors and tremendous thunder- with uplifted hand, sav, 'I do ' " Spanimh r,,(ks and .1 I., I . . I . . . the peculiar baz falls due in G ny of the inatirod It '$I g,,',,d I— lon,,w that h,avel, � . I , I *1 ! PLAIN AM), SIMPL9. I= the opening in A 'is closed by I am the l8st to suggest that it hv,a storms 0* Thus apparently witnesses will — - -I-- --- A life insurance policy alwavq praling by ,;urm ... intinic Ibecor ", appeata"e6 thd ft6w- motor is melit brings port H into register, woman or (or y -fol, that prevaiW for , ,". " the wall of B. This same move- turned Out so bsuly, either for the Or R1110 have to ank t,o kisa the Book before STATION TO CUST $31,rloo.000. portions 1,,nen '1`l'o'tra` hands down net an4wvr %ith precioi4m ivur . � � Utzling. It tei,ftb , 10i , the raco she hn* many tka 11 thia island (Eng that alternative. is even nuggested to prayer to be ftirgiven nq %;r for �Wthft` the timed xs to earry the inner Port reared &g land) And in every part of E.urope. the, n repron"riting an --+ - - - give . � I ,� �, fir t t-46 f 6 "t tile And for i 0 I filling of the cylin. -- , I.*-- -- expenditure of $31.000,(m in near. GOING DOWN hillar four.wt r I must Y0 insiat that A Union Atatio . . JW6,*tr0k6 plittorooi. r 111t fta.k the 'I I el a rule: It has been dull for -the and even beyond its limitg, TvAn a .1 �, . 111, thtolin Ing completion at Leipoic, Gvr� It iq en -qv to, tell what I., d,, %ith I , -- t�fx IWO earburptter. woman, mont extraordinary appeftrance MARRYINO WELL. Ch,thi,r .1 'Were �ou plearred with nur brid friends, the b0her ­mpq . . ro . � . Mot that the Web hn4,.t*hfiUAt, � heill t 0 016fdo starts on the — many It will be cons of tire largest tile overefloat I gold you 1" 1 PIP60 Ore attk4tA to OPPOMW AA,eff a, , tifln Attqo the al"Vea begin -+­ The heat wa# intenAp. Calitbria and "Did yr,ur daught,er marry wolf Ill stations in the in mith the fftu�d une, who, art, no 1� , r world, nd 'It w � r 'Of Oft 01ifid6t 11460 thet too' Ono tile' � upwAto,tro"Vey, having reubcd MCI& E ZRA SAYS . d She's, got be tined 1)), 13 railway Itpeg There have worn it '' I I �p-!�� Part Of GO Idle Af Sicily wore torn "I gh�ould nay site di Ill Customer ' Oh, yen; all the boyn gn,-d I , q . , , � 'filght M'Atftk0 it 14�Ak tWO-ftto(ikli the N.11ttobt 000ir outwiLild stroke "A swelled head May gr,, r and convulged With Paithquakoo." no much money and is Platting on are now five railroad stationg in I � _ Some rir tiq mnv And that t1w kind - '' , le rom Cowper also refers to this pheno "Well, thick ol that " of heaven ne will have is heinct de I . , "inoe, If; thdtb ar6 116 tXteig,41 tho n! al tht sleeve, A. is wd two 01ttittg, but in 6it such style that her father and I are Leipsic, and Aerie are to be aban '' I do Ever' timp filter ar ra formined h , " i , , , , '. ttlil,�dtts of ,lifedt # M, fol! lbrelj�, ,tithed 1v am Ot her eikee, it;s menon, in sr,eaking -of "nature, uncomfortable all the timo we're cloned with the opening of the now in y tb� hind (if h,)Ilqf,q � I . . I I . I I . k�o catty tbis ftiu& pott, a nuinjilee oil your sh()tIIaers.,, with a dini and 'siekly eye." visiting her. 1i the ,,,t small' , a , r OU43 bak W take qr,- �Nilling folks , we � I � I 1 '41 .. I %. station, it. " should inhabit � .� 11 I . I cl " I . . .1 . . I I NI beros. I I I I � . I . � . r; . � . I . . � 1i � I I I � I— ` I Al 0, , ` y I , — K — I I , � " ! ANO - .0 T14 - em", - . ,a* "I �" \ 7 1 =..� ------ I I , F" I I �11-1 11 I I" 1, , I " � - , :itt.r.*.!.*.t-a��,,*,t--.--���— " � I I - , � � , � . .1 11, ,I' � ­ I 1"' :11 Or it a ; Vi ,to 44 W&III T�" tF,V=�Imtwl b a, at. O OR t 4 bq . T X- I au -W .] ot I 0 1 W, Is V41 to t1w elp tVI he or : -, qAt r.1 11 I I'll IX06 I i I 'I I I I I - "'" -1 , duet I � � _ _ I I � I �', ' ' ' � A . � !­--. , � I � I I 1z -1- I I I- , I I I . I I , � .1 I .; . I 0 1 . -: . I .� I . I -) ., I . . I I � I I , � I I I �, I I ­ I , , , , I I 11 I � , . . I �. . I �� I - �, - " I . I . I � I . � " I I - -1 I � ­ � �, I . I - ,�', I I , I,- I I . 'il I . . I i , . , . I . "I`*,, 11 t, 01 . -4111 I I I , . I , . � I �I . .1 I I I .1 I .1 � I 11 I - . I ,. � ... f Ir ' .� I I , . I , I 011hMW"-1 I -� - - 1. I .-.kl- - -1111111� I I . I ­`,Jall , " ­­­ 1. I .1 � I- 11 ­­ I I hdW&,&—&-A-4 -�,,�­ W 1:. &-i �AL �L --- - � JaL I ,jk . I F � , M ��������������l���������������l� i .11, - ­ , .