HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-04-23, Page 3F
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. . __ I _ , - - -_�, 11 I I .I -1 111. - � -111_1_-__ ", , , _ I- I. I. � .` 1-11 I I ... . . � - � ... -11,1111 ... 1� .. 6- 1 1 1 .
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, I 'O is=f � ,� *ar*. � %
"41144ING T1, AMERIGANS 4 isigo" 00 NorthV44 $r " ,
. I A CITY, MADE TO ORDE� '41i 40, 1074 0 � � - —
W"4040014- %4""" so IN oo 4 40. most N"W_WyiI bs,440.vt, �i
. � � - I . , li"40M"6 i4iiiiai lowillo. sw " �4 1
, . 1W 04won"t "', AICS;0#44 ev Xupovs o4or us urw, I I � I 1 W 1 1 1 1 I- -
.1 is azrs^v4W Ws"ptiNJ 4ri* , I — U 144ift vouto, 04 trow 4kro - I �, *�"6�ft � 4 xy4ro". , I . I
. . . _ p. . I , I .."* . -0.4-* %,
L, X cou"s SAIX4 0"*** doou vi* witi* OW - , - * . , I I . k 1!.', 0 1, ,�� , . .1 . .,.
. 1�
I " "i" 4aw mxcx ltlumv$ X01k XXAW 40.W rumvislaq kovwiisa W, , �$ vmor ow- 10# X01m, 'Tux - CAU oriovs. IV
6' , forohrvt,90*444�, * 04 Aww that l. ".. i A'AM9141004'so .4 X0=41CAU 0X
: 1"VOlum- " 14"I Way.4, A*�, I -
I , atkooky -WAU "SmaAw 6; alrogy, Ituor, 04 I Z__
111,111,1F I � � 07 aw". wu# 'XOT �.
I It I., .1 I I 1. . b's" axINOW - , ")k 110106. 1 $- TWU40 " " No 74W ., � Ar'sloxg. "'Ou"MAN't'. I wo'no'k .01"", i(VU1104,0011*00"*44404 blo xt, TAT, C"4490 WAX,
� , , I I I I . . . � p4a *46 - I . 6,1"M I logo." ,,*Ak*. w o - . . � . . .
. . �
I , ,lb #*O, a * osr Wa *04 �"uy - 00 40"', If * � . . ��Awv ,iIok, , 14""M� . I ,. 11%_*- h*W 4m, 4 $"4041. 1 41. -0. � I
. .. 0* U* at v� "dusm - to * a* ?f th.00 #01if4iss will. U. work04. , oit Tkq Cro" � � I � 19' " . *A 44, thiw wo 4ql , , I I - - --
I I � Ir"k I r"Will L.111�4' Le-Noittio, Zcutlou Thol 1,4141"s. X -
� I . I rewiles of, 1440� 4" k MAoUtal-sowl'al '0444h sa-ms, - , .. I . 00, ;t wbiti W 140 xtiw**0104. % prWity. It is ^, fut tho yqu 04 4foar � .
-.---....�-,F,.-----.,---�*�-�..-. ----- oftv#r " " W40— . ,a4"_V9xq.,*W4 I � 4(%*, - � 1. . I A. 04 ru!�-. -4�ik,g?!411xg;;-i��L-.Clo.-N".---.-:--�--�-, -
_` ___ _ " - w,!�_A#_Vft6, - _.. - AJ-W..14.*--4tr#4.,,.*Stmt,,*Zw",, ' , - `-
'+*'74* 1�' .* -U4(t� , _ A_U"W*4_1r4AA0A-. *rwomwirarik'44*4�-, .--10-;,VXOY""Nw-0,4-,#t"'D'O*�6"'4, , 064krikair bi,tbo eottiditiox or 00 ,--"x Diy�a _ ` ___-7_- �'
. , A�fa
,VtV M'
� i j�Wgt`44.1 . - . - , V' , '4W N. posuoctio* . L I , Ils, tho Way of 4 -
- . I t , it swor to bU114 vp %Orefo, tr*df Z I 41*10!0. 11= . I TAP44041r, . , , UVOtill$ skpltom . . I
. . - � , f "PIU4111kuoo*uup*4,0i4,*jll.b,o,giA , 4"t Poor. I #?A ho ikkw, asy4lFav, $*vvi. it
, 114 Clan.o4s., U401t, aim Us* iI 4rQWiPt,QdU&t AM-4*0A 2144- other � .. �, .
�, � from, Tarooto., a , 4 -44W city I! Ap * � I I . his sun IN tust$ and POW *1W , 1� �
, *4 wakist - Tial"04,10o" oor the P " ,, At � n thk -4 � ,
I 44.40bor to w*vx- bobots Psi , pw, 9;x *% "04 4 RoA,10'inato'tide, o ,itrol VA4414148 tho oisqu-141440., $how* Nipi� ot. obuko hewsro tho A London Daily Mail correspQrl. .
. . . - Vom - -1 TraowrOAWA tsoilitfoiv Till sivo, loy from tho. 1 �44 1.0 - , Rur* of 44, yellow streak den �
. � � OtO400il, a4 PlAt 444101`4U(M, 140, b"464 ,Q*u -�,Oio 404 ire AW . t *W44 4w, r,44Atilix Uth*ui bvinto, runigro, Invoulouq in V400o, maxil 40 �
I � � _44a, 0, . . � 0 Ps P440.4,4upart, t or, 44'esNina, 4vialy, kvis W,0, I
. 4p#o thls . I � itwoxclos, for bltlngi 4140 000" hU4A,buUdW0#_, 04 quortor gtlA-
I _faict. ths,too Is- * udy.. 414,11,044 i��. , g ! rich. i = 't Will nOt bat'& 'h10Pb$�A*X`4'S.k9Vth. ,
- . _ ,., � 4 re
.prolzko tho vp* the other bvw, it hill "a I%
, .1
. I I - - It , WAX. � m, " .It It lifit ,Jmgo, 01*,aiaod Xer �YO#44 W 044, VAU I *010 -it w&% "upon'thil Ono '11"q t N ")at ,. ' ("I - � #116 present gwo ot >Aclimillual, m9X# I
. . 444.mi y mor. 'WX , r�., ** _t4oxmiu4. I .W i4ft '. h* gresiv EaNt* - fj�ct.ory ots,tQ'Iot. hit J)M#4 — VU I I
_ , I ''., , � the barrol hvilit a,vA W t04 tome momas atwir uo 41mb. .
I .
I eAvancox itlio lig ' of. its, x' , , 6 VAAWV,. Th" wty, viritica, a Munich gorrolpott, .!,�Ivich have cams . lod viclout du6tuo, , I
�, - P allt, $004 ouso . th *** "'. #14ition, of th _ , th 'aigrik � Vital, ,
'6 044 tweat - To to - ,os . � r-owth, , ,,
. � slv,PoPW*09A th.an PooNylvania, " 74 . thht$ dollars 4i . - I Wolu wricalworkiql vith that Q'11 P"* CuAke, in no bettor t4i*u I
r , Mort'. 4 - , � felt ttle It �
,.. I 'Year to,,aov�lop onobtorwoawqr,t�., navo. h0oa lg*64 Out, -&ad it only. ,114140. - 11 010"till, tQ'tl*4- 0- dexi , d4iork which a No ilegirg
. . . #be WO -4 0out " much, Of � OR , , y Jo6ip. forward; � C It is cAllid SC tioalw.ou 'the )59Urs0--4Xu$. ud, _141t.i, Owo $,;is In, Alodiotely fella,winle the �
. ,* --As ',O � � I$ #tqaJ?0Fh0k410 ronw,44 .0 o4t, * 4144, for,oco'Apar.- . sjgitaj� aud IV, tho hoot of x0vou . 'a
� � . I ()AtA64 goo, ,40* .: vva, a once Mora t4*141F -you will find a sportsmaa-A no "I'll,
0� koeVs his friendshi as britht been made to clear *.way . "
, u#*,as, � 11 , Ia *4 , outh', . Power` V at this . h Q . . . . . 1111
jpo . -* U0 hundro '14i "ftO b
� Amorto* Put ogiotilmr� 'alw4ton ' i . is, jk�_ 'Tbo,GX*AdTru# Pact' -Atll, ea Poor QCV4, at. ..N arrisil4titienta
� , I A . go I, , - Tb*y are both 3�04 *1W'W'Q- toWn, Writes * q0trCsppAdr at , �T "re"
qltactrioltv� A& tiou'Ond t1lon jo ,, opla. 'Oor * t 110
delmor water ,, t tho'" I Tho'solmowpa6k 1,40 .d q1 the sI4 � 'it 'a �
'44 Ok"A* ftlsr. IiVOIVOt "Ot soifl -J�t' 'uric" - ticaut4l J$Mquo
:_ .bk_4 44 Our, to; About PXOMA' aollovirs. 'Thoro - , , t 0 as bill rigo a baAmir
. r .. ,pq^..trsLA6,. odtaiq'l , way - Ora APIV1 I on:4410 lot of, Rxitmo A. rt" W4* y4lovid at but tb .9, rw Zisrritz. in -4 vory 1154t.,W soliso who, q - ., I .1
I . , , rp $or,,
- * mop, . ore are, f9r,iQlu i 406r a. The oil* front, only is
. , hou - 11, rvo�_ b I . - Uits whou be has ouoqh. . �
' $t , a of I
, voibiot p 04i 4P .otk. ,this 0, I 411100040,I) an. ''gave oaplPimovit to now, more women Opp aiq,4- thit Duke of Lancaster to, audleols 'It is & careful, 4alicst* piQ'
"y At� It to
� _L , " 40# I
, I t&r'1Q t_h Z . 't haii T'll 46 1
r ^her GrO4 Britain *44 Germany* oJect4w I � I " A Available for traffic, and even t0hat -05 1
1 Tot. Undo.8m dooto �. it 14'a' d -to S&'V6.4MO �t, ' , , ,
. .1 I 11 ;� I bl. I L .
L . n't, *oAllykAdy *#,a4 %� I 6 -064 000 Palmas, Thig 'Proauct ` has They have no w f a. is two-thirds full of rubbish e%08,- .
. I I . , 0110Lra 4&7r b "' ".4tevi Wq
�'L . , 11 I - � y runuing 0 _ _ed Ur itt Oysivioe of * , , *rl�b.oasep. I at home here. Re kuowb A to clean a Bud thoroughly *no . . .
� I I rroat on, , �,04 , _. Tho gone to vwouvoi and Viq�or;& b7 person is able. to work they lo 'fAtAd from ruined houses and I I
bis, , ,, t him leave it in coaditi,Qia to rosist,gfamp, .
. . Up . OWA sh4re''of thei-voutig, X �, and it. I$ to,A�ovho #Wflo,0044t 9rk in t I 40 O,� ROW vast for an iudefinfic .
Mr- 'From t'nis` 'W�,,tMel'"in" Uild" 4i;ht.j OW4 city is Princo . , 11
� �. takiag its oil , , , . Rupert,, *4tory but,a h t � , w , , 0 V, tt"I".. atmosphere of genuine at -
.1 I I I � . Ilow IRO�k, A � . I - I ' _ " " L � W 04 IAO X44 ay c ft t � Pon always. Atacked 20 feet high. Tac Aelain
10%, he 144 stoppe4'Qu ber 0drt, . to Much of, It 141 through X"duca Ong .y, WIN* period. However, with all the oils,
In . M,UU* footion surrouildo him, and that, Ae4s &l1d
!, L . ovd. on "hei teiaaivt�t I ' ifter a - .4miolior , Q, tve,t lRow railrbiiq, , , . .. . 'p, ., - i1r, ol: I For, ttaly. rko j i T*r4MwAY running along the sea L
1.1 ,.' . tack. 440b.Oct Thi, v too tho in , Rupert. I I . thingi v,re, stroogely rare. But If r0al till' highest of England's L I
.. m0ii(Ackturlitig 'L Prince ,Rupert it,�W miles Uorth . JmoA a P "' ility, w 0 have rods, pluga'and clean irout, extending forty miles al , I 1, �� I
1, bor, olbpwod. hor''Opt, of"tho''Way., . Alto" ,04�04 04.4 .. a I -1 f . Other Aphoriqi -besides si 'Orion in PgQr.L old and hollpl;%�Njio,b h followed his .ex- ors at our dis- , Ong . I I
,� 11 3rer , J_ J_ L - . b I* IONS difficult than it Once 10 north coast and twenty vailes,
..... '4M on y Ott -1.1 .-.A&- _L-.- .
.. T-Vvrno� __ _ ___ 1_ -- - . . . . . . . . . , ii �i , :of vaaooitvv�x', , .,. , ,, , , � )L�OA� i _--affd--eonndx1---__ .----..-.--, -
__ " -o oxert prommura me'll 10 --col, Z_jRilON *rft__W#jtjvs64o_'�:4)o__dOye - e .1 A ri""i.n,w#&Y:;�L,Row--o*4,*�,-_&,�p As._� 11WAT'd, as ea- I—L'
. . . . . . " �� , .111, � - 11OpOdr_____ Ova ., -y;ss. L _ �
� , , , . � 'ihe e.;444 . Arpa -ailp ....... ..... .-,T,1ha I NO . I 41i"�inUi,Y7 9 4 ii I 4 . r te - estAb- ID040 u " I Q t a .. O- V s- - iv -1 ..
I L � ... � eel 04, litimulgat , , . ps L ecii4o lilce I I- ens I ct r f I . . _ xr, I
. I brand, whicy c Ar Ike) LLLLLLLLLLLL w lowlip U v - h%tis e begtwoean fis er-folk, tiere, is no Ono to Many different kinds *1 sun oils 30a; mi-aa-villagei, -iioiuld ffavIo 1 *q.
. .t,k lu,, That I* pret f ' rtb, but it is in L I
,". ,., re ilian , anytiiias �61*%. it has - I I ostIa. twelvf ,!ctitk !a ii 46 w ear the ,A render . 11
4 I the'l3tateis. ,sellis for twew 4pqnto - 4 same 104U:,de go London. , aq4 city, ,a io whom he is not a beloved figure via made, and they are n ed vast assistance to the L I
_ 1 mado, vim, .04"aa, What sha 10;0. . I 1. the inter outhB,'wba es do for him to brin him his 4146oen4 ". good, but ther will but 4ty tclla,L�11 It r populace--an,44a,"ra, im the work � __.1*___1:y -1 I I
. ;.:_zt-, ot L 0, ta.. � ILAA. imocut4rei-is.-abo. 15 0 _ - ' _ -iii(I"-wait a - " � I 11
- - -
1, � in Cangd&, --th -4 . at-,th6- --- � Avi.—if - P46iffon- 61 6 '_ - -to -- - ' A ow of clearance, but is not available,
�-,__ - I . , _hacauso_,of I al )r '�Wa____ " Jr- - Pe r I i he V6811i dailk walle.'" alone. liberal amount .,t', I
, ---. � 001artan, trainin -a"iraly". rvW1;i,_1_'_' be bound to, 11amo-64 Louaousi. BY: TAMA And $
_Aw ML
�� L -hut she, ian�;t skk.,Fs, . "in minute- -"of beauty." It its indeed good to see our King grease must be Used with them. ,ior are thbro prospeetti of an early 11 I
,� I . bim L arbor, . � L,V L
1:1., giAteful, to I The beat thling take the iiianufuturers in 'such 4e& It is. protected by , MQ44taluAl There Ia a timber industry yet in .Of course, you have to pass the each, morning, as, punctually at A ral; well dampened with a good -,osumption of the tiervice, since . �. 1�
..? I lines to Canada �wbervs the'y will Itskskrbor is- practically landlocked', its infollmicy And iviin . g prop - I big cemetery, but all YOU SeO Of 11.40 I he issues from Wa - solvent cal will remove tile coarser the municipalities have no energy IL
, ,
�,!�, I . tb*t over b*ppcApd,t9 04,6a,da was �ake their goods'for %he Cana� ;but it has I m artiez alpaxt . . I L 1.
: Your Uncle Sani�btrt Ac didn't Pi ' . A mile wide roadstead for in the mouvitains need only veans that is the high, misty -red Wall mout Ili the south wing of tile Pal- fouling in the barrel, This should iind no funds to pay the arrears I
. . _ . .
,�'! - 'tiIink N whi i L 'L,'
I - . -so. at the tim.0" NOW, hp:viag di"L MarkOt instead of here." .. IiIhipol � ' Of trau'vp6rtatica, .ch surrounds it, and one of the a,ce Hotel, and directs h a stops be followed 461toruately with dry lue to the tramway company. It . I 1;
.. ,� " Be&. , . I
I � I I left -bill hard schools, she is la a - The projectors of this iew OCCO19,ran. Princt. A,4porthax had "agat magnificent Roman temples in towards Le Rocher de Ia, Vier 0, a rags and oiled rags until no stwii is therefore forted a I I 1: .
, , ,� . . ort, wont _ at,Ltho. choice of a- Site L - world to break the wall and mile distant, the goal of his wly is visible. If the bore is then coat- 'JamPany's decision rcgaxding the 1, I . ,� ; �,
___1 I . 1. I -----*— _pq I . to aw it the
., , I _IYU11II-0111 t4 givis-4 few 10sagh.s in, re- a start blreody�.* L Ther is a, the
�1� I carefully, The entire. north coa4t I v h hiira an entry. Germans do uot.promenades. Re usually wears a ed with a thin application of vase- project to electrify the vi . . L ,
, . turn, slud Is unquestionably L going I lation of 600. But on Y those Ave I
,� , ,: . , � act Co. .-� ,�
, TRAINED TREES. WvN3 SeArolled and 4�very harbor ha'v� shove off their cemeteries into ade line or gun groatto it is rendered . . ;1 �
� ". to do it." I . � come to the new town who - L loose dark green ovorcoat, with a SHELTERS FEW AND POOR. -
I -, . . aoUnOed. Thebost, way for the had to do with the work of the "Olate region of ash -can fields, her-, soft felt hat to match it in color, at and damp proof for an extend- .1
L . — �
ir, . . � .. They MAY be Made to Fit Aol railroad thtough .IhQ mou ins had 041 1 dering on smutty railroad yards, 0 Is of, Ili, equerries, Colonel Sir period. This happy state way : ."�'�*
-1 � I ., , ' _ , atat . r way company or the Govern- n 2 'Exceodingly little has been done
' tobe't4l;in ifitb consideration., as we a L.,
.. , This is a ;portion of a Plain. talk hiiisico'br to Take Amy Form. . , � mcvit� ometimes allow ourselves to Arthur Davidson, or Captain the be furthered by plugging e"h end in the work of orepting sheltors. �
11�1 , 1.� . - ' � .
, . �, . . to the American Pon,& by James , - FuTthej, the -moat. _&vailabl"_ojt� - do, but, rather-, have them handy Hen. - _L I I moat of tile tough huts existing - -
I -1 AA,expe,rt caw -make a vim of an - It -has 'been Impossible . for -any Seymour Fortescue wal -a or the barre w th oiled Nvaoto. ;1, I
, . . -�- H. CoIHus,-Nvw York - iv. -the- O&V- . :IYokobamaand theroot.-of--the, and in decent localities, where they beside him, and his Irish'terrier When it is possible a i -,>d of ,wood have ben built by inhabitants who . '. � :_ I J
,. � one to buy or lease "and without a I
1� , urday Evepin - APPIII or a Pear tree, a tree 91 a t' - had to tie taken into ac- Offlolal sanction- I
, . g Post� 4 Philadel I T'ar 'East can be frequently vi ited, house- his inseparable .companion. is or brass is preferable to A steel had to buy -their lumber and pay
,, gooseberry or currant bush, or 4, I and the bare have , � I
.1 I ,
i, .
� � phia, his subject being. "Tho, New ^ . count. The clinics was made four been Put up quite securely. Just cleaned 'and covered with fresh rod, as the softer material will not for the building. Their is no sani- I I
11 snake of either, Av� will . never far off. '
I . Canada,". He starts.off with a tivilit, vears ago, and'obace then th ave plants. ook _1 ,
j.� Pinch,'and fondle the descendant of been making plane for the neey 11 enough business was lot in to like flower fields. reHently he catches sight of all scratch or mar the bore of the gun. tatiou whatever. Neither is there r
� ,
1�� . brief discussion of the pulp and W.0 1;opquaintance or personal friend. Yield cleaners have their uses but any sanitary inspoctiou or the re-
�; i., SOME) mighty apple tree, watil its . . ity- furnish the c�ntractora and labor- 4!�
l I , I paper question; observing, in con- gnarled branches and its forty fo4 THE'STEAUAIRIP ROUTE ers with supplies, There are a RUN BY CATHOLIC SISTERS. 1 ossibly strolling along in little U watch" eye should gu&.r� tile Moval of filth accumulating da.ily, 1, �
, I
11"". I . neotion witli the proposed removal spread; measuring, planning and To I . dozen or so stores, two branch But the huge building over thero'groups will be Conauelo, Duche,, cord and replace it with a fresh almost hourly,. among the huts. . ,��
of the American duty an wood pul ' the new port from the Par banks and two -hotels. Also there' through the troesi a faint yellow-lof Manchester, with some members cord when the old begins to fray. There are no arrangoincrits for the I "',
'I; z . �,-, 4 1 P) nursing lintil inste4d of , ,
, I . . . that the Caniiiiialls reason thus. - assuming East lies throui Otlivirwilse the shooter may have the removal or destruction of mattres. ��
"I the shape of its parent it will grow gh the Dixon on- is a weeklv newspaper, the Empire. just the color of winter sunlight-lof her house party, Mr. and Mrs. :11�
��. , I "If your Yankeps take off the duty trance into Rscitte btrait, 'theave As to 'the ovening of the, road and facing a great stretch of level, 'Rochefort Maguire, the American unpleasant experionee of a wire ses and furniture soaked with put- : ,�,
. on pulp we might as well to fit some space on the, side of his Jinto Chatham Bound and Prin bristle brush lodged in the rillivis rfd matter from tile dead and ex-
: . . put an house, nagging the wall like a vine, ' ce clear to the Pacific no Ono can aview-covered fie)ds-that is the Mrs. Moore, or the tail, graceful, 1:
�. export duty on loge and pulp. That or possibly will form a screen'to Rupert harbor. The harbor is speak with 0efiniteness. - poorhouse! You will see the old auburn -haired Mrs. George Koppel. and a broketi cord in his hand. A tracted from ruins. These articles :,
7-.- - - will bring. some of 'your Yankee' hide his kitchen porch. , really a strait between Digby Ia-_ I folks passing in and out, and some Footing it with the best of the Eng- wire brush or a heavy bristle will are left lyitlg in the sun aniong the �
I I mills into Canada. Last year we laud and Prince Rupert Islana and 2�_41_ remove tile most obstinate cake and wreckage while millions tilivin mil- -
. In the rich man's garden abroad l going for their daily stroll and lish women, and dressed i ... 1.11
I sent away a million cords 61 pulp it extends fourteen mil lmp'30- does no haria to the barrel. lions of large buzzing flies swarm
I.- - ei inland OLD T131E MILITARY DRILL. others returning, but all quite old cably as they in severe tailor-made
� wood,.. getting, only three or four we see all sorts of curious forms In case of lead fouling, or lead- over them, carry,ng deadly germs i'll
I _ to which fruit trees have been beyond the site of the now city. I — . and bent, leaning on stout canes, costume, will perhaps, be, too, 11 ing, as it is usually called,,14 little broadcast among the populace and - _1.
1, million dollars. If made into The Provinvial Government of How it W I ,
�tl' printin'g paper it would have trained. bome are beautiful, some -as Conducted in the Good "Gruss Gott W they say to you , French. lady, Mine, Ilenri Lotlillier. mercury will remove the foreign depositing the seeds of pestilence
� '
. are fr: i,ah,l but all are wonderful. British Columbia made a grant of ,as they pass. All receive a hand shake from the ,
. I I. Old Days of 187. metal if it is appli"I when the ria- on the food Bold tit the huts which
, . brought at least twenty-five million .v � yres, shields, crests, 10,000'a-cres to the railway com� The place is run by Catholic Sis- Duke of Lancaster, end drop 4 ing has ben wiped perfectly, dry. are oiled all shops. Among this . :11 "I
�, dollars or double that for betteF I The style of drill described below to t
I monograms, soldiers ' beautiful pany, which bought up 14,000 acres . ra; hat is, they do the work, uui, curtsey to the King, the English A cork may be placed Ili the chain- f,,d is much which lias ocen ro. . 11
grade. We ha-ve hewn wood long I of Indian reserve land, making aloulated to please any se"on- the city supplies the money, �,
,I I I 'd via, the apple or pear tree and . �4,- J11 0 . and if with the "bob" of our Court, the her and the mercury poured into covered from the ruins of shops in . � �
., enough for Uncle,Sam. 44at, a make mal e 000 acres for the city to grow in, ed martinet. One can imagine the you ask for the "Frau Oberin" !French women with the slower and the barrel. If it is allowed tree th& town, which were %naer blocks �
, , paper for him instead." the currant bush lose their iden- Probably it will need tt well -ordered ranks after they had some one will patter o her more graceful reverence of the an. contact with the leml it will uilit,e - I
1. tity. o more ff d ow )
I I been put througa the evolutions. for you, and probably .hT'wif1ct.h . f flats. .i
I WHAT MAY BE EXPECTED. Those that are trained like vines, acreage, It will start out with i event regime. rapidly with it and both are easily 0 '�
,,� "And to -day in Oangda," says 4'ays country Uffe , . 2,000 acres only, but that is Some This gathering ot militia took place you over the place as she did me. removed. BUSINESS NOT ENCOURAGED. . : �
, ,�
I i%,r1,0a,,_ st'Lt'lle'en " a kitchen, and I .GM`TING THE, FISHERMEN. The exterior surface of the gun There is practically no illumina- 11
. -certainly -posses - spaele- "' " - -- -- --- . ' _ ' " -- 'Ia. ''Cans"da. -and... is .described -in . Fir 0117mou
i .. .... :� --- -._.._W_QQl1ins, !'it looks- -very -much-aa- a -a-di , t The work of planning Prince Ru "Humors of '37," by Robins, 'and as it happened to be 11 o'clock in I Occasionally, too, such it, man all ti �,
- In the old days "
11 if this cours corative value, - should be wiped clean with an oile a night ill the ruined city nor 1,
� Is would be followed." every estate id England worth Pert began in earnest in May, igoo. Kathleen Macfarlane Lizars. ' the morning the warm draft that Lord Aling on, who enjoys the rag. The locks seldom need clean- any possibility of traRsit. N o, aa- I
, "If Canada L doee'this, " -,Ipe goes There was a qcope for much ori- was s6eked through the big door�close personal friendship of his i,g'b,y,nd that which may be given sistance whatever is giv,en commer. I :
I . Since then survey�ing and clearing
i�, on, "it will merely be in fine with while had a specimen box tree -a, 1. .. ,.
� I her general Policy towaxds the superior example of topiary ork- have been carried on simultaneous- , 91nality of unifoim in the drill of as she opened it was heavily laden Sovereign, will join in the morning with an ordinary feather dipped in cial enterprise, and business firms I..; �
� w IY. The land is cleared now and the militia. For the cavalry, a with fine smells. I could guess walk, entertaining the King. with'oil. If the, gun has been out on a cannot get concesatons of ground
. . Unite. States. Already, through which was pruned to resemble , end what the seven hundred were going ,,me of the good stories foi- which � ;
l . Queen Elizabeth. , the town'site, the 2,000 acres on carving -knife fastened on the wet or very cold day it is advisable and lumber for building ware- - A
L . I— .1 I her, Post-office� sho has Put a hea ' vy In the poor man's garden abroad which- the at -art is to be made, has of a pole aernotimea served as a to have for luncheon. � he is noted. Midwa,y on his -route -to place it where it will ,dry ther- housm -T+e-raiiway service is . �
11 I , I handicap, on. the circulation of our been mapped out. spear or lance. - . "Peas and potatoes are 'wo,the Port des Pechours is reached, loughly before cleaning it. Other- most unsatisfactory. " Express" �
�- periodicals, and as we need her a trained fruit tree finds its great- Of the infantry, a few had coats, things for sure," I said to myself. rand the King sits down' to rest for I wise the moisture ma ruin the trains are not infrequ,ently one to
lumber andwheat and other raw -eat usefulness. No ga,rden is too This town haa got, to grow as the a few, jackets; most were in their cal4rons four a moment or two on the low wall, artn. Finger marks w1if, result in two hours late, Often trains run
� materials from time to time, in the small for a few tre,es, The Tea, law directs and not as the people shirt -sleeves. Some carried fire- s a %eer barrel stood, which encircles the basin, where ' rust spots unless they are removed
Bant, with a scant six inches or a will. Streets will not f6llow cow down the centre of the room. without lamps and the candles sup -
future -which we certainly shall- looks, some old swords. The great ". in boisterous weather, the fishing iwith a rag. A case or cloth'cover plied are innufficient. Frequently . �
; she can deftly adjust her own laws foot between his walk and his paths or Indian trials. It has all "In here, peas," she said - in boats lie moored, Th �. , �.
I to make a punishment that will fit neighbor's fence, still has room to been attended to, * even laying out number walking stickIl, and there there, potatoes ; here, soup."' I e Sovereigp 'excludes the dust and dampness passengers aTe left in total dark. . 1,
the crime. It will seem a gre,i Plant a tree and train it against a parks and boulevards, which may was an occasional umbrella. Com- of the world's greatest Empire I and prolongs tile life of the gun. ness, arid in this way endless de.- I
. I
. ,us, mands would be en as follows: I LONG SHINING RANGES I flings in brotherly fashion a cheery In choosing an oil one should U840 lays and ;rreat annoyanc�e are 1, I
. spiteful punishmobt to anybody in lattice. While the necesglt� for ,not be needed f half a century. v I 1 t r
I Maximum returna from� minimum One of the filsteps too engin- "Gentlemen w!�tih the umbrellas, And then she waved her hand'to- greetinz to the Basque fishermen, ,I care in not getting the kind list cetIsed. � K;ng Victor Emmanuel
; , the paper business, furniture and . take the ground to the right. gums or freezes easily. Inferior and Queen Elena in making their *
woodenware, lumber, flou not a part of our national "Irs took was to employ landscape ward the long, binning ranges who reply with that air of repect� I
er-,1 ""
. r mill- acres 'a "Gentlemen with walking -sticks, where the meats were cooked. I fully dour independence charact i oils of this quality cause many ag- tour of M - refused escorts : 1,
.... I t ing or whatever industries the Point of view, th,6 possibility of gardeners, who have produced I , &
..: .. I a take ground to the left." was reminded of the edition de luxe istic of this proud ra,ce, somewhat I gravating misfires and afford no' from the ,;uCalr7tiea avid went'alone :_�, f,
.� I blows may fall k.pon. But let a the training of trees as a hobby has plan which combines the utilitar- All ran after each other, )'a Hiarhlanders. , great protectio'n to the gun. If my tn vWt nil the ruins Prid cheer Up ''.,(-A
Yankee go to, Canada w been very much overlooked. I ian and the artistic in city build- elbaw- pampniets I bad seen of our big akin in nature to 0
,. ith broad ed, kicked, chattered, and if the notei kitchens. amon.; who Kinrr Edward pg,,,,,i previous advice is followed and tile
. In Germany you can buy a tree to ing. The landscape artists were gun barrels corked with rags -be the dwn1lo,rq, uraing the people to .
il ru-nipatbies instead of special in- measure to fill in any lapa,ce on, Brett & Hall, of Boston, who laid commanding officer turned his back, Ail the bisters with stiff white many of his happiest boyhood warned I See that tile rag or cork express their wants. � P,
I .� terasts. Let him be the sore that he sat down. The captain was apt to caps stopped to -look at me. to bow hours at Balmoral. i L r w
; ; I
i� your garden wall or house, just as out Mount Royal Park, Montreal. I . .is removed before firing, P nd avoid __4-_ ;1,
rince Rupert to -day be obsequ us n his orders. ai,d smile and say "Urubs Gott �" Then, rising, before 'once mor ,
himself in a bargain. Let him suit of If you visit ,L I e burst gun barrels. 11�
has been taught to take care of we buy a ready made io i Are you tired of hearing that ba- ' 11 �
. clothes. While the training of you will find a "Now, gentlemen, I am going to stepping out. RIDIN
settlement huddled , the King pauses t 6 IN AEROPLANE. . . I I
listen to the Canadian side of ihe fruit,trees- has- -become poVular--6n-ly- -on the wateTfr carry you --through the ,evolutions � lute -1 You never are when you look at the curious color effk� 01 — ---k— -_ , :�
Ill -.-- - .- I I matter, - and--luok--frovvi Canada ---- at , orit. It is maode up of manual exercise, and I hope I made upon the distant sea by the AN' ELE R. illonderful Smoothness In Ascent � ��
,� our own noficies'toward that coun. within ten years, the Formobst- largely of temporary structures in will be patient I shall be as shy�?Orut 11 IoWben I came out the noon bells melting of the Pyrenean shows I -_ and Deseent. I
� baumschulen, or schools where which the engineers and work-
� i ,.at. He will find it dif- as possible, and if I should be going i were ringing and the vendors we're How It Canie to be Placed on Royal .
, tr" it t"e r' trees are trained, are now 'to be mon have been housed, and fed and which the Nive and the Adour are � What ip the sensation of riding 1.
I fivult to feel sorry for himself or 'found everywhere in German Provided'for. Many of these struct- wrong, I hope you will put me hastily rigging up their temporary' pouring into tile oceati. Tlie sub- Exchange in London. I
�, 14SE444ring country." Y. right. With your permission I will fruit and �ake booths be,lore the in an iteroplane? It is peculiarly ,
� There are covvai�:arclal nurseries tures will disappeai when the city read the words of com and. - main entrance. way leading to tIpo Virgin'ti, rock Tile Royat Exchange in London exhilarating, and at tile beginning, %, , ,
, I - .. A.COSTLY SLAP.' where experts in espalier work are I gets its start. Your idea of the 0 has next to be traversed, and King is ljtill.i��ig decorated with paint- for nio,.4t port, ,ns
� The inmates Edward, disdaining to pick his way, inga bf leading artists depictind old excitement he machine rise,i �
. . " 'Tention! Please observe at who had been out full ot suppress- 11 ,�.�
I constantly making new forms and I city to come must be had from, walking were slowly stumping in, � 1� I "',
Taking up the question of trade � the word fire you must fire, all of I reaches the rock, with the magnill- the great events that have brought swiftly yet lightly from the monu- ;
b creating new marvels." Certain fmaPs. These ,maps show a long 'ntle 're spilling .�,
� etween the two countries Mr. shapes have become standard, such waterfront broken by you who have guns. you ge - ,and many of them we cient panorama of land and sea labout tile supremacy of Lngland rail alongf,,�%hjch it Ili pushed at : �%
Collins accuses the McKinley tariff as pyramids, cord men who have sticks, riding- ,their pfennigs into Lee eager, uro�n which it commands. I through the medium of this hikswric starting. ot a minUt4i the earth ,4.
: . of "cutting Canada off in a..day." ons, palmettos, SEVERAL LITTLE BAYS. switches and cornstalks needn't go i hands at the booths', in return for Away to the south is the grand I . I
. -
and so,on. the possession of the sunlight of , building. meems a blur beneath 3ou, but as I I � .
. � Vvhile Americans were considering There are practically no nurser- A few streets back from the through the firing, but stand as i oranges or the aw"Luess of caiies. outline of the 1-yrenees, rising tier I Yet tile many thousands who visit you alicend the landscape and ter- r�
I other countries in the adjustment ies in America that have taken up water the land ascends, at first you are. UP in tier, their summit& lost in tile Royal Exchange daily have very reutrial obIPcts deta-ch themselves V
of that tariff, "Canada, the best "Draw rammer I T CONTENTED FACES. !eternal snow. Then, to the right I ;�'�
� the propagation and sale of train- gradually and then abruptly. linse who I little idea, says the htrand, thut inuro clear y At an elevation of 1; �
., ,
. foreign customer ilmy nation has ed fruit trees in a serious way, and haven't any rAmmer needn't draw. I it is not such a bad place to be 'On the north side, he sees the route this pile owes itp origin to a cur- Arty a hundted feet, you would be ,
The streets are to go up hill in Charce bayonets! Excuipe me, thrit, old in, arid tneir faces all Lield much just traversed, trio Fishers' Portt'Auns callse ".
3 anywhere, was cut off, not design- ,there is almost no American litera- curves; in tact scarcely half of tb I to nothing else than th� uncolinciouti of any itioNernelit what- �.
. . .e is wrong; I t1irned over two pp-gea , vi cum-eatment. Perhaps it is trio the Grand I'lage, the flotej do 'chirping of a graBsnopper. e%er but for the wind thut fans your A
.. edly, but without; knowing sha ture on the subject; consequently streets in this new city will run in at once. Advpnoe Arms! Very best home they have ever bad, fur Palaig, and beyond that agairi 6e ' The chirp of this Insect attracted chookli- and whisks off 3our hat if A
was there." He then adds: one who .wished to take this work straight lines. Most of I it be not held securely, The oper- �,
"It made her fortune. the well d-ne. gentlemen; you im�rove in it they can do almost as they long beach, where the first Na- the attention of a little buy to a "!
I For ten tip as a hobby will be forced to look I thoroughfares are numbered, the wonderfully." please and when they please. Tney poleon and his beloved Empress . .1
or twelve desperate -y,e,ars she near- to Germany, France or England ator pulls a lever, the acropiane
, e avenues, generally parallel to the , baby, the son of a poor woman - I i
. ly starved. H r West was little for his inspiration and for his waterfront, the streets � at right _______e._ "Ia eaE, talk, sl&ep, bvrull, pray used to v. ander when the Imperial ,so poor that she could not support tilts to one side and niakes a sharp "I
.�,,,. known and frost caught the firat stock. or drink. It is hard to be pour any- Court was at Bayonne, now known � the child, and therefore had left turn to right or left, but you are . 1
11 �, I I,u
wheat crops in Manitoba then, be-' � .- angles to it. '--ere are many FOURTH DAY OF WEEK. where, but there, is pruilably no as tile Chambro d'A in,) u r. . t jerked about 4n your aeat as I
11 . as, — - 41s'�'-- - iMbilidio'K�ames,. Water street, . It a J him to perish alone. in a largo field .-!IF- - I .---
I use of the -very richness of its W I - Beach stret, Main street, also a Considered Unlucky by the Romans place where it is ma -de as bearable there, near tile nightho the: near tier hovel. Tile boy took tile y(IIL would lie in an autoniobile, or 1, I
soil. Water -power hadn't become . as in Germany. King call bee a line of hatti�Aome ,child home and it was brought tip even Ili u railway car. Now you ..� �
� fashionable, transportation ' and COCOA SLAVERY. Railroad avenue. and Jews. Besides, what would you expect villas, which have sprUng into ox- and eventual1v are facing about. toward the point .,,.�,�
L " mining were backward. — ., . . Here and there where the topo- o blossomed into it,) of departure Tile grwitid, far bo- �: r'
. �;-
I . British Among the Jews the fourth day of a country in which little covered istence f r the nmds of the British li,R8 a perpnn' thmi Sir Thoin" low, seems suddenly to be rushing ." r
., . C&Pital went to, Argentine, and we Hotrom of the system on West graphy permits are circles with of the week was considered an oil- shelte,ro are erected in vI;inter fur colony, ii.niong other% the Ktat(31Y Grr.shaui, who built the Royal Ex. 1,
� � drained Canada of its enterprising Coapit of Afr.oja. streets radiating therefrom. Away lucky day for maidens to wed, and eAeu a sparrow to fly into, where mansion (If Sir Eriwht Cassel and change. almig tit it torrifi( speed, although I I
� . ut, on the hillside the Prince Ru- the fifth for widows. The Romans he finds trosh bread arid seeds set the ':Mira -Rol," occupied by Con- ,rhe pro.4perong mprch;tnt, t,) pervelptibl) ciiariged. You are uuNv %
'' youngsters. Factories had to be tile wind against yuur fave has nut
'. �, �.., . developedi &.tariff fought thro A number of prominent British .i, Boule�ard had been mapped. also believed that certain days were there daily for his consumption by butJo, Duchess of Manchepter, hal'id down tn popfcritv t1w i i going ,,it, tile wind :
. 1. ugh coc,a fiiins hal6e, in view of the 1, curves around above the pros- unfavorable for the performance of official hands I Ithe "Villa 1,ea Vaguo,i," homt. of dent whidi Qd I,- lifc. bwk'n')" %b 3-1 avilroach till- litartaig ",
11� . . Ottawa, suit dirmt tfade. estab- t
� . lisfied with other countries, co,iditivns of ,ractical slavery still pective city, affording (on paper) the marriage rite. these being the Crand Duke Alexandqtr and the 9,raslihopper for hi4 (remt. and t'll"Ic - ;�I,
But prevailing in the ---4. ,
- lands of St. Theme and Principe, and its future array of shipping. also February and May, and many SMALL FR %%mle the wa(hine ir. still high in ,.
I � . :he led on, lived through it, work Portuguese Is- magnificient views of the harbor Nones and the Idea of each month, ENC11 CONSCRIPT. I(Ill-and Duchess Xenia. arld the im file rca�,,n whv that insect kl,i pla,-e tit(- conductor st,,p% hi4 awti-c .11'�11111
I I — "Villa Mouriscot,' where tile Prin- pla,r(ld, nit e%,-ry ,,nf, call sec, over tho Al I r It h4'K be, It %lIIi&r1IIg N41th � I , ,�
, d, saved and become as hard as on the West Coast of Africa, agreed You can easily imagine a second of their festival days. June was cpsa Frcderica tif-Harinver lies ill, the Royal Excliptrige. �11,
�, nails.- To -day she has powing in- to discontinue commercial rela, or third generation ,, Only a Little Over Three keet Ia dvlI(L.I;:,r;g,-j-,un4l, 1"IL ill %,,Ul- ex-
dustries, an aggressive of the pioneers considered the most propitio a matter of great concern to King 7�
1 1 young I
. tions with those island. - - - 4` -_ --- ( :0.11". ,Iu (1141 1)"t not., I
" foreign trade, great transportation, who themselves are yet to be dkiv. month for matrimony, while May Height and Weighs 40 Pounds. Edward, who either ralk or send - 'o it tin- t`
,., ];. mining and agricultural The horrors associated with the ing in automobiles along the boule- was to be specially ,avoided, as it There are, as every body knows each (lay to enquire after he'ri SENTENCE 8FRM0NS tit it �-caqpd ,rh,p ael-piLtilp ,lives i t.
&%nAiii4. 0,h(lUvi), nn4l allits I"
-1 1� � 1. projects. procuring of cocoa slaves from the vard and taking in sights. was supposed to be und,er the in- 'right )�
1. -1. - , the
� British capital is flowing in last who has seen a French line regi bealth. Man) wim think they mean aft-er a ghdp �,f perhap,, a hun red ) ,
4� . � mainland. and the doom which There are mountains on the op- fluence of spirits inimical to happy ment, some extremely small sot- A STRICT INCOGNITO. art, right mcin "'
, . year John Biall sent her more than awaits them �n the islands, are de- posite shore ready and w Ring to households. This superstition Pre- Pf-trified crer,dq always havo the fqot Ahhugh it ina� -Iev�end at I ��
�11� . I two hundred million dollars. scribed by a London Daily Chron- be looked at to the no i rthwest, vaiied for centuries in Italy, and cliers in Be- . tile spe(l , t it mi�,- it ry'ortute. there �, �
.1 " "And now Canada, having learn- a yond doubt, houe%or, the most di- King Edward always preserves Fharpeo ang;c,, -�i )I
icle correspondent. through an i'allanol studded channel Iso is even now prevalent in wrile Cal(ulate,lj pirty Ill tile p I., Nu, an a1-q.I-i,,e ,,f -ii-A 0at � :,
, 4 1 1�'� od Uncle Sam's ClOse-fisted Way of , These unfortu'llate creatures are I parts of England, and marruivgas in minutive conscript who ever drew his at il,t Iii-ti.,imu, even whell at kind of calculation. ourrst It is irnpoapilde to kw,vt t.ie pre,i�e I I 1, I I
is the famous Indian village of Met an unlucky number from the urn is t�tc rff;-(-g rind tir., golf linkil, or rhoillent whou it touches tile
, . b1trgaining, is reacip to strike. 001118 brought from the �nterior in gangs, Inkalta. May are prohibited in China. There
ill' hard bargains in return. We pas- - Julien Touchard, a young man born Ivi-oll vIi1liv%;inI, tile playing of 1-ve's ]tit!(- dv-L-49 1,)nni larg(--,,t ground. I
". . chained together, for hundreds -of The harbor itself has been was at one time a prejudice against (in the recording arigel 4 books. I 11
,.. I sed the McKinley tariff to build up . map. at Manves, in the Departwout of pelota. At the golf links the small _.__ +___ - ____
1. our own industries. miles along an and track, where pod by the Dominion Government marrying on "Innocents' Day." the restaurant of the cAub has beon Riding a tallow till) timler it bush Y.
.. � Canada has, d,,tI'11 awaits them from hunger, Hydrographic Survey. it, is free ' twenty-eighih day of December, ' Orne, on July 19, 1888. fitt,ed tip as a drawing -room for bIA el d,,en not itiake it till are light RLEEP WITH READ TO NORTH. '�
11 I no said to commemorate Horod's maii. This conscript, who is in his - , 1,
'' always believed *o did it solely to thirst and disease .&r. every turn. from rocks or other obvitr tions The �igjrcst deposits tit henven -
�. starve her into the Union. Annexa. "The pdth through the Hungry and of sufficient depth to aff aacro of children. twenty-first year, has only attain- use, anti tile French War Minister ".
, :
, 1, � tion is. with us, Just a topic for ord od a height of 3 feet 2 inches, and having placed the band Of the 40th are made when nobody but God ig .iny Other Poidtion Conirnry to
i � � I mild Country," writes the correspon- good anchorage. The entrance is W_ weighs exactly forty pounds. On Regiment, from lia.3onne garrinon, looking Lnvi% of Nature. .
,; . me ,it skitills, and I found there the fresh . . -ifialay's digposa ir hand wag,,n primipally to oticapt; T%&,, I-'rerwh dorturs claim tn have �,
I editorials when there are no big dent, 'tip strewn with bones abd I tit Som- rhmb in(o the church f�::
I . murder triabi. But over the Ii steraight, 2,000 feet in width at the EARTHQUAKE PREMONITIONS. April 1, when along with his fellti, at the muni(
I . has been alhirlost ali issue, and is narrowest part� with a minimum In regard to the possibility of conscripts, he appeared nefore the ing the whole of thn R,oyal ,IF; It, the cull,ctinn. I
". I bodies of slaves, some murdered, depth of 36 feet at lo disro%er(ml that the proper p(,gitmn ;,
�., : still a fine political bugabroo; while w tide. A Council of Revision for bin district. the Duke of Lanertatpir must per-
., I 1, . some left to starve because, permanent whart ir,5oo feet ,Ong useful forecasts of earthquakes, They who blind themopiveq t,, a in which to sleep is to have the hk,ad
I to loosen the purse strings in Lon- through fever or fatigue, they had has been constructed Prof. G. K. Gilbert remarks that Julien was clad in the short Brock- force smilingly concede it gracious wrong keep their cyes open to Its to the north, and the feet p�itntlng ,�.'.
I �.
1, 11 I doh it is enough to tholit: "Help -I been unable to keep up with the Tive British Colu;�bis Govern- the destructive shocks are preceded ings and belted o,prallg of tin iri- )low when the Frighlih National revenues. south Aviv ,oher ponai,)n. fiuch as ...
t, � I The Yankees. Pre onnoxing uail party on the ma.rch." ment isn't going to have this new by. notes of warning which, if tin fant� of which he presents the Anthem is utrurk up an he appoar%. Tile arribit:,in to cleanite the worid cast and %' Ir contrary to the � I ,
I .
'. I . But hotv Canada redfly believes in ph , ical lispect. At the local ra(,en, however, the seems to occur to a good inany smal I lawq of ",,.;.,
1 The wretched remnant of these ,51ty at the mercy of a corporation. derstood, would give command of Y natt Porp,unit whose I. . :
A L, . only one for,m of annexation. She is gangs; are brought to the so-called It has taken a strong hand in the preciourl seconds for escape. Som -P. Rough the military atithoriti A King refugen to use the Ito ' val box scrulig hea<IR aro-placed cast and went, ", .11'.
,��,.' _ ,
, _ going to ann,53Z U'ricle Saint without "Emigration Agents" 46stabliabod work of development. of thIp preliminary vibrations are ire to enrol) every available mar When he motors to Anglet to Rep a It would be a good deal ea -Ter L�rref�,re. he in tile wr,,ng li�Isjtiori ��
. One-quarter " I I .
I .: ;' Inilice, on a business basis, and has at various pointis of the country, of all the land reverts to the pro- too minute to be felt, and most) it in hardly likely that 3 I ulien game of pelotahr i,; ii,rcommwiated tu love, some saints if the.� ,,,,Id at night, and instea,,l of getting I
'L delicate seismographs yet invented Touchard will be required t( with a special loge. but by hvi Px hurry to heavAn reqt anti (-,,rnt,,rt, thev onl) wear :.,
I several ways 0) do it. 11 lit comes viader Portugueso regulations. and vince, as also one-quarter of the shoulder a rifle. The youngest . I .
I'll. quietly it can be, m4do Pleasant avid then forwarded to the other agents *aterfr do not record them, yet their frc� of a press desire this remain% undec It 'takes m,)ry than a nm4i,l ruan Lhem4vl�pa ,,tit in mleep It wits by �
I 11 ont, after the townsito has e- o ra te. d. ner to make one a mini -iter ,,f the rneasUring v%hat theN tail the '
i profitable. If be. proftirs to make a on the coast. been laid out. order that v 6
1. . quency is of such an family of five children, Julien d
I I ,,, fugs, there are the billy and the Tile slaves deatitived (or t eloped normally until he Was Me- It is now several year; in nueren- read of life ' neur,, ps�eiwl,jgi-al vurrenti; in L'
� �.. handcuffs " he is- I they fall within the register of the
, lands are brought b6fore a Portu- THE FIRST INHABITANTS ear, and aro perceived via soundli. einatAd at the silm- of 7, after wi,iIh nion that the English King ban Many think they are fighting Ain man that the I,- �a%aiitn ,amA to .
!1L-,, I . Mr. Collins t1lea pfoeetdg. te, pass tzueso officinl. and risked whether Of this city woja't have to worry These arrive in advance of the his growth entirely ceased. The chosen j,iarrit.7, an big winter rest- v'h4m ' a g.,od time tioli c,,m lti%,� ,I When a%NfikA, they � I ,��
. . I in re,triew Ciall'Ida's talk mati�riah thev rest of the family present no ah cure resoit, and th,, betwfit to tills otalibing Rinuero fUrther 4tat'S, ant,ther position - ."
11 . (trp willing to work on the is- over public improvements. They tremors prelimina.y to the princi- The life alImolutcly Atrwrr� to the Tiamek, ea -t or wi-Rt iq the best 11
�.. -
*h1ch the Amoricitnt; *ItIold 1i lands for five y a are other, yet bent it kn,,wg iq the beqt u-rm,m an, Nor pir"". illif4l a, it% It% Ownert; of 1
I I ke to pars. Not the slight� will find graded atreets, sidow Ike pal shock. There normality, and big brother has al- picturesque town has; boon sm-
. I I have. Bach 48"wholtio iimber ready, passed his peri -)d of nervi,,e niense. For the sor or right neekt; .
; I . NL,hestoa. ,,C#,hAdA cNl$ ,,, mi.tand ost attention is p&id to their sti. and sewers ready for them. The earlier, tremors, very faint, which ,
I . with the colors in the 103rd In. immediately preceding and coir,ci� can preach factorie,I avid -,fficeq where a large I
h , . 61' certnin tituAtloat," hio IreSS swera, and, entering the office as Provincial Government appro. may COMO A few minutes, Or a few fantry. dent with big stay, all the hotels He in a danger,,tiq man who number of porgon,t art, rpgularly I 11
, . * L *ith litt ttWst 41aves, tllt%v are shipped off as printed $200,000 for early improyti. hours, before an earthquake. These ,xf)uId. they uld, find it
� , ' 16 legislAtioll. , tv -ng ?
'. . Tliat lb __^__ and pensions are tilled with r - spondq much time drawing fine lines �mplo)ed
�,�', �, ,�_ P otintracbed laborers " This is Monts, and ample provision will are often inferred from the peculiar linh, American ant) other visitors between ghrewdnpqq and gin. to their 1%aritage to'have their es . .
�,."" V)itt ahe mOrAfts *hd1v 66 deeldto kho procass the Portugutse call re- have been made in advance for g behavior of anim0h. and Professor TITEN AND NOW The qvan who is anxious to let tabligilima'il Ing Pant and wptit
,7 that reciproeity Mat 't bt digilUtSed dj)Mption. . ;)opulation of 10,MO people. As Gilbert believes thnf�thero in r whom his preivence attrar,tq. while W4� tR fat ..
I 46,0ttawa ifittedd, of Avashijigrion. Somewhore in ancient hiptory, a large number of hiii pqr8onal you know that God III oil his tonque More rk can be g,,t .,ut ,,f a Tuan .
" Thm 91SV68 Ot ov the islands tit ,he population increases tho im. Gon to think that various animeall'a ultUall) haq the devil in hill heart in this p,oitt,-ti with Tim'i 1,,gq fa.
#0.f6,._J n L I
ktondon is'01tt, diff0o'd t t4w ,,116 f4&E6, oJL Io� i# five, efory yeAr irovements will ko8p well in ad. tre affeetkd h.V, vibrations to The story has been told friends and acquaintances I �
f1t&b1itillMo L I .0 whiph ha'c The rea;l,m the bigot advee-tise� tigut, Ir hterar,- mon' wnnt to I
.� . I �atof oubvidU10J, At,oagi). It ;tflo,f,fl(i 0 "AV6 vears for *Mcl ance. The gradual slopi& of the '(11111 is incollAble. Thus their eon. That anything that Midag touched eithpi, rented or built ,illas in the his one idca B,, Nigorotely IA that untp a a -1 - ,nip-ition, they
thip libol til 4�mltt, rfifaiff ,6rd i, k� 0 �,.", , I .01 . _ tt the Alirvivnir grid, with aft occasionhi abrupt duct MIS, serve as a, ' Wat quickly turned to gold reighborbood. and Pre looked upon ,t ,, his whole utock in intellectual qhould Rit at their desks facing tho 1
vurowo. somh ilinjtric�tt. � 114 . #4' � it true warning its permanent ifthribitilintli. The t I. ade Past. H�,% 4imple. after all. it will '�, L
. _ 91�4,, — :' i4oto art officint. sin,* ;-,o has Inade the dridbagiti prob. 41— But by fat a stranger night, y a I �
L , Alhd (110 W,�<,t Iftili ___ -, , t .' L A #y avo r-ontract,p,l -�w very eatty of solution, — Your 1,
. , " '4,41, , t d town collneil of Biar I
,� �, , 11 I I -The, *,q fiartq to th,e Hott4rtnts be hereaftor N, ,Ar!to better than ,-
I , teti�pm,attmo of PAvb*. , We in this age behold; ritz, ninronver, linve I I
� tiso Par WAL opi"I"111 "i 'l,�r h a , , Vo stm, Thity novex, Tha town, of course, will have to Tradually bding lowcAr6d, O*fug toportr. men now turn to anythin formed this orstwhile Q tr5r)" ma� count for little compare4, with Homer ,,r Snake9ppare, or to paint
�, - I I t ,4*1 1 tA,t�-�h��,�"Ofo.�t'il�lut",)�*- ;r-& bo *61. . Saft for the railway, but it in creep- the irritation of the country. I If they are touched with goly sordid -looking fishing vilI off,ewhAt Vou'r acts to your own **$k,o r- it manterpa-ce which %ouxl fill
I I I 1. � " r I I � , _1 P I . . at into 'WOMAG. 11 Michael Aagelo with envy
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