HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-04-02, Page 7-17­v-�Mllr-�_� 1,7R7,-T7F6W!V1 - ­ . -1 1- � I F"F)"A1­"_VW1W11r f, ­­� . Twqr�­ -- -2 -_ _- ­ I I - I "Mp""Priiiii-mawww I -_.- I - I . - . I . . V row tl I . I � ,,r,w � - .1 . .... . . 17' .1 . I . . I �) I - . . . . . . � I I I 11 ­ . � 11 I - I I ,:, I _ � I I I I � " I I I � I � I . li . . ,, I � "I . � I � I . I I � i I I :, I I � I . I . I . I I , . �'. . ! I't - I I- , �­ - � 11 I : ::1 1111:04 111, I 11""', - - -1 � 11 ­ ­ I -,,.-,. 11, 1! I I � . � . - . I . I I I I I I . I � I 11 I , 0 . , I I 9P .M - - - ­ - ­ . I -11 . I � I _ - I 11 I � - . 1. W , , , - " , , ��` ­ - I I _1 1� � . I-,-- __ '' 1. , ­­­ ­ ­-__ I I -10-1-l" ? ! ! i 1 I ! I 'A .-,-. I , R 11 � to . I'll 1 1 . . ,, 000100014to+11*4 .1 eg$ "luo As * m royfix. � I � ' � TV THE WORLD I � COADENSED NEWS IT . � � � 11 I I � � I I : � 4 - . . : ; I I I *�" I I I . I . � " I I I � A�A, IDA, . � � . I I - � I 1 7 � vmw ell lut ot .- *"" . - M 00"It''W'10 � � , Ra ""I's 111111EXT, 's K'�m`- TO 11 ., , 11 I DRA11 Fashion I � 1111*0 N40041, � � _', - a , � U. -S& � � . I I I . � .. 11 � � . - . I --iii t �*01%;smms, nuux 9-va �. ! I 00�� nox"Mx I 10MA00 . I , I i I . I . ; , i � . I I I 1% sm,ugglo * Tho 40'rol A*- I . I �IWI�110141-,­' I I . I - . I ng 7*P8 to, Mon Malt 104""A. � %W . . 90"rNulf 6 � , I : . t I toatI,rvom . 1 z 't .. � I � I I �, * Pru"'V , tes . zo , . I I i I I letm* I I 11, , I I - I # '04 � , � i �, a tse � , , �. "I"",,"i, 141A ,1*0*4; , .1 ,1, I , .1" � I I . , , 1!" P4 Ust, =* :I * 1-0" I Qla�$, I I trlotiQ Of-rer, to the, 0 Masi I . . . * !, I � I � I � I I r, ft1l" 0 0*W%,QftW* 0"" so � I I ;, . 1.0 I I I I . I * . : T14"i*U, W1 . MA , a 144 11 , � I . ue-gria. *ontw. , , I . 1* xrollig oo 0"01A of I"t :444t% "W -A iio bis is. i i . I k � 14, . ,Othitr .021 � " I - i overamont. . � . ,, , -1 . j I 4*t,1­I,14m#*o*�*!4 , , , , Dowition'.,q � ­ . �40110,0#w W""wo I . , , � 04 OM*r � 0,0111,stdov -of ,A olass, the V . . . .... "'.., '­­, . . 1 I I . ­ . -1 , I oiOU# 0 � f.1$0. toa$$Q#�Q I I tho ;J"#4%,It: I ­ 04". . , rps,�O.w rawn, .; � 1, I A 04"" 1 "� FrI * I 0. _1 I . ... rixt,plio, from, iuis,�" - ,n , .. . I , Joliia I � 0- 4,4ex , A "a 10"St. . , _ ''a" , *. _ q 9000 XV040'. %Jt"W'. to, A* Are, o-ducaUgaof aR tlit, b - - I . h , 44OW Ila, 0 I " 6iT*4­.hor#3l;i X14r,oPqa4. jmtuatlqo,�Iii, ,,, � I _,%% u, � A *sp .0h fr9rx - Ottawa . ,oysl oW girl* � . '44* , � . . � � � 1. `4 groat outhugai"A *00 , - , ituation, 0A account I WIMPIX0 WIVIM A" STSTM BRUDO=Fral. 1� I . , � 11 I I PA., 1, . "40111$041 44$ 1100 !W 4' P4, at Aug � Mr. 4, L. 'Botr4ga, secoAdod ithor - . I the Bolko , � 10IN ,4 , I . ri" Ty of,this�aow, W044W. *Pon izi � 1. .. 0-VOWIAOUSMA, No o*Ar.r.0AQ%k , at , , of can&, *. � , � I I X.; , " fif , . 11 , QUA . I , Of,04 irmcov I , . 0-**- I I . I I I me, *IP18116404 from both *144, of tho ,*1�61* 4,tittli# -,pf, 7!cronoti. )4r, �0­11lo �Ws Iswulld bet", 49TO, *Ill 1144o': , I , thiis, Oats, tliougk , op*7A 'bao - two I , , � �q Twq. .,t6=0 troirkh's cgulketo m9tion. Lord S.trktWo ' lit ' 'It 4X 14 $0, into call, 0, I . '04414-ftu -W, Taf4o 'A, a;:�Cx.ork.'Her4w carr."polia. tam, Wheat VQI �por oot, *00414*i 1941 ,-.'�',- � a*'* ott�r, , . � , As%.ry;h*A 44 a . I , . vn 10A 4it"Ov.0f,14 uAy. , 41*00 roisay =U- Sir f.ro4oriek Beii4oa, *a- 110 jal,4, 'Waaw be, received W10 I � ' , ' t 1 ,#4.15., tg 04,w %0,44,Y 14_0 ' 'oft' : Fla 11 I . �t* *04t'i*Uj*� #tlho � e oot voblox,,4 Mripll0u,a � Wars, 4 , 1464 few ,daiw, 4114-14114t. t i ror, � 41 is, W.kq 4144W. - I � _ ya" )*r610"0,U,`a`-�th* , Or, Q. VOr"* four.,veamld %iort"4400, Germany, 40 tho,unjtlA ,nouneed *a NV`oda0sd*y &ftiarlll'oeta fj4)AU$1.1 Of 0 deopw oppkeow _ . . b , 1 phlow off** eta,,, I . I I will, 4o0&-4q,T%bQt*ao.# # U Is.0'' viul"�V,hero, for, 0 , art, = th * * 04441411tvaq air* q 0 , Stroit.hcou* hP4 osta.b- tilizi 404 a ,V by tho members of I I � I , A � 110, .0 . ,�w4%4tu,c,k,,b,r4lgtOO4)1,falliluo ,, I , that *14ord 23 . I . j$ �J(tUite If , _: 100 - � I f"10oxod. i , . –0 - t* - T . U . ,uIrt4 , 0. . , I . I at,� .1 I ;A -*0361$ activa, tropaotlori* for telb,*, fWu,r� Ar$t4 ctlai,1144. 119 1 . hom ., 'VQ$1440 JOVT It* xit"Noutoal arA fatally 44 I ,O.. hy , 0.0 resent ear'. li*hod & trust. funo to X1014 $ On** Xelfe, le" of portyi biit, . � . 1. _ .. i - , � N , I 'Who, ogottlkot ort*ti J314414, � 44 , 4 . ler 0 *5,90'oa. track, orontix-t -4a�od. kiih� loom - Tko 0. P. X , 1P , s bwtloshl a tslaj � .10,90, the, "a 16 cl __, . . . �� war. At; Flu , ot '. 1A olkyt *QJ# " . ,,, OviIa4t. , ,- 40 `0W **409 1 ' Ri , a . ripti . I I I . � ball let, * 40110apti. Of Opoond, 1 all patd � Oseas, Th* no, , Jho pov , ", 46,0 .1. J 6 � � . . , , . kWir INr 4;g hug an , � a rits, 4VII, Per APAWA to 04MArAge. A111A PVQ- I I I I I Vraiico and R - . , evoest Aeldnc t? I 1, � uspla"to V,;A"4t.* lor'. ,and rotervistg4ro, vrlylujp cootixiu� ,04. _'W 45,66i. . I in '00 , i 0 "" ,L 11 la, on, of Lord Strathcons was on- I , _ ,4re4 mile , 's 61 irrig,stj , itilA # rouT -*ro rik'e'i"o �",, "., ,4; - � - , ­ I I -W 34,'a.,Vjp...tAA4 4 � . "nit4e4 �, 1 .013 , I _ � �', � 4 At4k - I ortablo t, q Ally 4W, , imiqediatolUMbI004 , V tire in b#rmQuy with. the many ,. � .on AO, 1 U 11 W_444;44 14._ � � oltoh"_ in C06.10AV'y flis.tr1ok 't ''ISt . .: a. ran , 349.4 the physical and milltar. . . � - t - � , unro411qaJ;*r;*A 913; at RUA I 4 of 4 . 04*1 , ., .914. a, v % OA4.k hilintor Willod tw,Pq:tPtwo - . I tra.luila,$ Oucloiling practice 1.4 rige, Pat 1; ; 11 . , I— . . ,h $orthorq� OU4111k I 1. , .4 Ali ry(` . - . I I I � Ich hw,d distit . 1. I .1, ­ L_ ;,a ­Agoi�s, usym ,- rQ4, sit U I I !om- 4A4, No..W.Wothe ,- 14,444 1 . - is wolvot, Krot . I 0 A 4 of the yoi4th atteattlas 1.004 his woodis ful careor. Mr. � , � I Au A,& 1§11 1, I w0thern Q , , - . , a. I 04", r 2 orulners, of tho A at socivital 1, I I �. .1 1, I ­ ,!POC4, ' rVA � , � in lov'" .191 A ijo 11 . V"Ve r - 10014 of cali*4A I �, the war. 11, . 9 . .1 , rA e � afrcoud,_ aa4m,� at ? We I I � . �,; I vl-gorsi 431"*40,;� 4144 X" �2_4904 , .1 , . - I. .... .9 I Oar - 40 Al spix I I I *1404- "�t 0 11�4 I 'W. Audto.�w Carnegie will pro t States Ila � � . 1� 'I . ; , , 5 000 to a 0 �t o u4i" .00 this gurpQise a che�que for $25Q.000 tbr object which h a Lordship had � I I I �� I �� .1 �­ , I , 40rus 41143%1'044,11 - ovool , . : a I � c � . .. '.. � f 4.otmr.4 � babl� 4011tribu rat class, a of the's will a prward,od u u tho=pt I . A130. T t - I I to ljo, library for 0 Uipul I I i 11 I I lgta,00e ,of � i , . i*-'Oa*i ft- 144 . 4,11 go#* 9 44, and quiiwo tri And L'11 of the thir4, Gar 46wo of the gilt. he groat extent by the foundation of � I !Pao, 0 " a No. i white, 4 � in. . pub It 4. R "i in view would be itimulated to a ,., . I � . . .. �t , 0. I . Western , 9�� p"k, r r I " Qt At F � I 90rou WiR45; g,e% to 46 mining io.to,P)Oy" 0 cAch at the first . I . � 1, . I � f. I I � . t'4mic pal ' I (1, I a Oats, U, 00111 049disiall Tba 4iroetoiro tunic of real 1#40 A Toronto she , or was fined , I oft passe4o unanimous resolution the trust. �, I � . � Z 1-tr aAd!-,Z.a.rit�.tho.qo&ix4wso6th4or�-or . . 40 go Of the thir , ra. .. � , '' I as 11 I for 4011in boys un. I classes 0 tendering, to Lord Strothcona the Sir Frederick Borden, after . . �, , 0 � � ' 4- :. �4 9 . . , " ­ � i o .. .4 00,W aud oxcoodiugly P)*tky, W tieva 'Y'Rars , ago. I boo 11 of the first class -. a of- I I I Au_A9 -.4or ' , I rvi !! froA� '414 oaluto . . , i�� it .11,.r_1_Ucr111.11 - .tU ft , bor6. , . - -I,-- ... 40. f. TI-t-b'k _Wk4k_8 -0 11it HQ1A*§_9! 0941111101111 in tho letter from Lord � . ,.. � - ... � I .,Fr el It` I a Ali a - a a 9.L_Q*VLa4a_._ .- I ___1_._1_ - D_Abj§PAA________ -* s " ,V�Ll_ s '61, s , Va� � I. ondl I& FQeAoPLZ!r,s �0 Do w , , Tbi_b� "ifirfktollro ".64tink- : �itiRg, sol( . I . I I - %T_ - A . I Th . k � 47, ! o,� .940 �,D,40144� , I . I . I a regor "Gover- second. and 92 of the t I � I I I - ".. 11 .. k4ijr , 4 �1_ I "I'll, -------- J I " . . __. ­ffi­ I I 11 ­ . 1. ___qd__RJL_kL_ 6 ..... . � " ",­, - I N . .. . .1 — �­ I . -f- " � 1 , � I i � I I ,. . � I " � I r all $ of t is I f, I : 004.44K to t 0, , , ,4 On Wit `4 la in t ��Jr Arms, 'Apirs 73 i or- Ato, A I . xel� 4 , tit A ) r, in't, r a', w Goyornor Q w Zeal& ond end 13 of the t W. I r - the resolution, administration of the fund, said . 11 � 1 � , " - . said that Lor I A �.-, 41� , I , ; � _Pq at UY ,,-_. _,@JLn_or4 . ,All . 4% a. ,,so on, track, 001140- ,Uana" signs, in!!! uob us for b 're u , * 6r proullsoi to 4: tain's a at class cruisers three are I , . .. . . I . g, present, ,,,, Ord in build Strathoona, had re lered many that lit- had telegraphed his Lord- [ , 11, �_ Call", � idi a cotli, ,71 72 an tr*ox, — covora. - I . i ! I I . who, ipi#Q 01 �, al 1.14.v ,� otlon Ap 6 awn b. t e i , all a now roe Invinollilles, which aire Almost 0 , 'I " _ � � Att"that � 4( - � - Af ,, imp ' . 4 . . aervice3 to Canada, ut none, he I ship Accepting his Qffer And suggest, ..., . � � _14 - , all_ a er� Iligi .,T@41 1,000, - ]French and JApanese, a th " I . 0101dii . . I . . . . . . . -tho P of. . , Jidiav"_of groatar__ .importance 4ng_tha1,-t,bo. luud-be known -as the, . , ,; �r .1.--1.11- ...... I . . ­ � ... ­,;_�r � ON-va ng �a +.V -vich I t a 1ps mr� - . --M�ea;,4�� 40i". -Jg�,-qw-biulk, outawe, pre .4a­-wro­&v-poi34W il�7�h I IV --qtr .- .. - .. - 4i'tt-10 tj - 7 . � ,,L - .... r �, - I ... A .a,r. � . , - T10ptJOr n #"nag any 0 , I � ;.-4.- . . 1. .� � _1 I . � ­ - � ­ . .� - _ .. . ..... .. � I , - � _... W�­ 014ortiii t�4, to 023m in balk out- tor"wailiti., A. ation than the present one.. Ila hoped "Stratheana Trust," of which the .11 11 � , ­_­ ­­ ...-.,;--1 ­ 111- - - . . A Moist in a, Montreal burlesque in commission. Germany's first And believed that the system now Governor-General would be patron, ,�] , 41 I . I - , _.Z . I . " I '' , aide. I I Santa criftle colors appear not- th t � , I ., 1, . It . XOOOP-900104, P" beav af; 0,11 f It's just an 014 - . .­­-� I Ably a, vivid must" andlevy Mr, r,.*,, driven crazy by the jokes, one was launched this w k. initiated would cause physical and the Prime Minister, vice Pat- . I ? � r. , . I 1. stump that . I hiiiself ooLpatitted to the asy- � � training to become a part of the ron, as the donor had desired. .. 11 .4 1. : lum. . I I .11'..., I . 11 .11 I .1 . I �, �, YO JNQ�:. : liko,*tboli, QAo,aeiar the spring, up , All the blues ,Are to be PoVular, .. . i I I , � . , . . . 1 -11. � I I I o, to 45,00 for choice The Railway Commission will BRAVE LONDON WOMAN. , .­,,� . . . I at' van4pa'al" . Apples�.44,0 9 to the faintest lKake, Antoinette take, up the telephone rates as soon I _1-1 . , ­­ ­ " _­ I , � " I , , I , , Y: ion . think is � boar) COUNTRY PRODUCE. giriah tin. � . � . , . ,�W,*O-fa. "Yeiri" a '4 Uncle Dan, qualities, and ;q,5o to $4 for am% , , , ,r ,, � FOLIKS , it * ydaritte tint, I as it Ahishes with the express rates She Saves Seven-year-old Boy From FOR A COLONIAL MARKET or " .0 r. ,il � ", that is. what 1 meant, I know onds. Plain colored satin ribbons, made investigation. the Iuver. __ 5� . , I * � , I I � . . � line, $1.,90 to $2, and r. I ,� � � III -Youth, Begna.-Pr � into rosettes, are a fad of the mo- 1i ��, % � . . I g u h seen �hom, too o If. I . I I . 900100" . , '�, ', I 1013. td -picked, $2.10 to p.jo per J 11 �, . The, Canada Automatic Ma4 atoh from London, Onb.. THE SUGGESTION OF AN ENG- 11 I -'%". 1, " Ux 0 4PV ment. HEALTH � OLE DAN'lls BE, 'A. , lia, . .�hiae I A desp 1-;N! � ,. AIX ST - I . � ............ If, bushel. . Telephone Company announce that ' The heroic act of Mrs. James I Pay The buttons of mirror glass are I ICW' Honoy­;-Combis, 4l2 to $2.75 per they will be operating at Brantford says' ! ,;,�l 1� , , 11 " paid Uncle P U, W40U lo.viely and are quite refined if not by Ma lat. . Bear. Walnut street, who, assisted LISH,NEWSPAPER. .�. �, I , - 0 'fQra a -story, &CCIDENT AT BOWMANVIL . LE. . dcalp d o 110 Par T y -year- — --*******"*1ll ____ I - - the .chAren teased I. . too large. . br Levi Plank, rescued seven , . pound. . he National Transcontinental 4 , I ��, !%noo ynali, All -mint- poalethiag dif- The. X agincer Bravely Stuck to His , Hay-Wa, I timothy, $10-50 to $11 StA practical purm 0 Arthur Curtis from4nowning, . � , ­ -1 __.� - In Railway Commission, is at Quebec i . THE NOSE. I . 1. . . . u �j ferent, I think I shall have to do, Post. P�ao wflai 1NOTaniXture of the 4,w the Thames on Friday evening, No Shops in London Where One � i, ", i 'pe tou on tra bore, and lower negotiating for the purchase of � I Cide' . . millinery. may secure for her the Humane So- * Who nose, the meat conspicuous 1 ��. � � - ' myself. How would Y04 like ,gr,;d0a a! $9 t 10 26 tia,n. Champlain Market as a site for 'I me unknown -Can be Sure of Gouling feature of the human la,oc, has al- i�,� to hay A despatch' from Bowmanville, Straw _$ _ Austrian crochet lace is much oiety's meds, . By so ­_. - ----q * me tell you about a, be.axi I _ _ 7 to J7.5o, on track. union'terminals. I accident the lad had fallen into the Colonial Goods. ways been regarded with great in- 7 I'. , . , moret people L , I Wat has frightened : Ont., says: A serious accident oc- potatoes-_60.to (37y.c-por bag on used, especially for doilies and tray The Dominion Textile Co!apany swollen stmam, and was exhaust- terest from an esthetic point of ,,� _ , t1lan any other in -the 'world, and ourred about -three, hundred yards cloth$. ' has refused the demands of its em- ed, having gone down twice, when A writer in Tito London Express view, but it is within a 4_ompara- . J I . that frightened me.lots and lots of west of the G, T. R. station on Fri- .tialok� 15, Yedds braid wRrfs will be used "' - 'L , times I" . day morning, when the'flyer from Poultry-Chickaus, dressed ' as ployeas for a. rest�ration of wages Mrs. Baa�, who first saw him from suggests that the various colonies of tively recent period that its im. 11' tc l6c per pound. fowl, 11 to 12a; .4Tapery on many of the new to the former figure. � . � 4 f turkeys, 2o to 22c per Poland. g hats. . � The 0. P. R. is ,nVotiating for the Durydas street bridge, da.shed Great Britain, which spend large portance in the matter of health "O -o -o -o I Goody I" cried all of Montreal, engine No* 989, incharge sprial il, i them together. . of Engineer David McKibbon, 0 - Shirred linings of soft satin often an elevator site at ancouver in into thip icy water and seized the sums yearly in advertising their has been recognized, �111. . "It's about a grizzly bear," said Toronto, Fiieman Almon Arnold, finish the brims of some of the sinking lad. Levi Plank of the products, should cstablish one or Its external configuration goes I I" , . connection with . �; Lyman and Conductor R. Ndrton, ran into THE DAIRY MARKETS. smartest hats. its plans to ship Dennis Wire Wcricii,'eamo to Mrs. more shops in solpe great thorough- far to mako or niar beauty of fea- 1!" . I ( I . I . ind caboose, which had Straight and narrow skirts will" wheat, via the Pacific. 1 Bear's help, and the boy was fare where the colonial products ture, and considered from the � t�, ": 1 L 1� o, a polar .bear," guessed an engine i Butter -Pound prints, 20 to 21c; The Senate committee has killed �', � izzle. . been on the front end of a freight be fashionable as the summer a,d- brought to land, It was a long way be well dibplAyed, chemply point of view of health, its inter- ' . t tubs and large rolls, 16 to 180; in- the Lancaster crossing bill again v ro - f,` %� . -"I think it's a cinnam rain, which had not cleared the f.ri.r, 14 to 15c; creamery rolls, I vances. and substituted the measure pre' tlTe, however,' before Ill,, child r.- priced, and .,ailallp for ,Due and -&I conlorin ti - is I 0 an ino, - L � i�l . I ll main trick. The engine had been One of the fan-.:ies for the new gained consciousness. all to buy, try, and come again. sif nificance. ti-,, I declared Bob. 1 25c, and solids, 21 to 22C- f pared by Senator Beique. � . a c c , "', ! - I taking water, and was jr.eturning ,to Eggs s is ,I This, lie subinita, would in the end rhe inside of the nose is divided t'�i, Uncle Dan laughed. "No," he --Case lots of now. laid, IS season w*Il be all aVer-soutache or The Dominion Government will . *_ I . the:siding. The flyer was due here . yokes and sleeves. be more useful than il'ameroias co- into two compartments by a, thin it '_� -one - of those liq,­ , Z's."it'sion't ally to 10c 'per dozen. inbroidered linen turnoverE take no action at the present sea- FOUR CHILDREN PERISH. lonial exhibitions and regiments of plate of bone and cartilage, calied � � I ; and egard to the tariff q . , It a kind of bear you nover about 6.30 o'clock, and was about ;e cheese 13yie per E s!on in r uea- The outer wall of each e �,!t,',� , � beaid of -s, bear that Cheese--Larl , Dutch Dollars of linen or lac� are — colonial officials in palatial office the septum. ,� has ve half an hour late. This train does ins, 14 to 14Z. tions raised by the revision in the Left Alone In a House When a Fire buildings. of these cavities has three project� . ".. 'habits, and 1 differog i not stop here, and, therefore, had pound, and tw . here in charming variety. . I � �`,�` � . . strange a the right of way. The freight train - . United States. ing lodgos, formed of curved plaws . �,, �, from any other bear in the world. Little princess tunics are being The Cleveland & Sarnia Lumber Broke Out. CAN'T BUY OUR PRODUCE. vf Vona covered with a loose mem- � . "In the 'first place, this bear jBiengine No. 748, was in charge of HOG PRODUCTS. . mostly witit side opening, lq_ � Company has bought Waldie's lim- A despatch from Montreal says: There are, he says, at' least halt brans, containing a great number ('11, � 11 1, found all over the emintry, not only l Engineer Zimmerman, and had a Ba,cou-Long clear, 12 'to 12Y20 awn0driltuttoning nearly to the hem. it and the mill ati Spragge, and will A report from Foster. Que., states a dozen colonial shows ,or muse- of blood-voswis. Opening into the � , i in wild places in the 'woods and caboose on.each' end. Engineer ,r pound in case lots; mess pork, A new idea in hair ornaments is the Mill to Sarnia. The price that four children belonging to a �,�� more often McKibben stuck to his post and �%P- 1 ge 0 , 50 to $21 ; short cut, $23 to $24- n adaptation of the old fashioned ,move ums permanently open in London, nasal cavity on each side are sov- � �, , mountains, but even . I i, said to have been $1,800,000. 1 Mr. Everett, who lives a short dis- near log'.housos and little pli�a the brakes but not in time ',ight to medium, 14 to ,back comb worn by children. ull excellently arranged and dis- oral hollow spaces ,in the bones of I _Jk ' villages, - Hains-I . A contribution of nearly a thou-Itance from Iron Hill, were burned I � V, . Jent. How he ear heavy, 13 to i3y,c; rolls, White trimmillFs, such as braii , ying the differqnt products of the face, A] and especially about old pasturesito avert an acm 14y4c; do., d Rand dollars has been received from; to death on Thursday afternoon. 'Ila I lined with mucous I " , " I I . . ' caped &live is a miracle. Fireman i joy , roe y . the colony to the beat advantage. membrane and containinC air. , "L. . I where you go to drive the cows in . to lie; shoulders, io%c; backs, butt*ns, etc., will be used f the children of New Zealand to-�The names are Kitty, aged seven; 'tempted by the cases of Ttio nerves of small are located ./ � � the morning and to get them pgain Arnold jumped, and his face was 16%, to 17c; breakfast baconk 153/2 on colored gowns and coats. wards the buttleftelds in connec- Harry, aFed five; Freddy, aged�Ono is i ,-� . badly cut, and one ear nearly taken . All-over soutach,e,d net yokes and jams, honey, turtle, fiuit, Meat. ill the mucous membrane which �� i�) at',night. W� 16C. tion with the Quebec Tercentenary. I three, and Tommy, aged two years, and a hundred and one other things, linos the nostrils, .and when inflam- �.� I The strangest thing about this off. The engine of the flyer was Lard -Tierces, 13c; tubs, 13%c; gu xceedingly popu- Mr. J. W. Loud, Freight Traffic The child)r4on were alone at the time, 1.11, . ---kimd--oi.,bear-ia--the,t.-Y-au--ne turned over on its riZht sl<14�, and pails 13y2_Q,_ , . . - - lar finish to the ona, piece dress. Manager of 4ba,-G-miad-T-runk, &-n-land- it -is t,hougbt- that, they began 'tasty, Useful, cheap, well packed, illation of the mombrang occurs, as . I him in the daytime or in the morn- its te er an � . and thoroughly available �;'. . nounoes a cut in grain rates to four'playing with the stove and set fire I ing, but only when it has begun ab the engine an caboose of the BUSINESS in MONTREAL. as ever, ranging from the simplest -oral domestic use. But go into -an ih more or Issa destroyed for the " . - cents a. bushel from Georgian Bay to the house. 11 to get dark a little at evening, and freight train, left the track, the to the ric est, mostly satiny big shop in London or the coun- time bo ' ins. ` -at of the freight engin�fl--W&aiial, March .30-.--Pees�No. weaves. I ports to Montreal, to meet the try and ask for any one article of The most important function- of I �_- , on nights when there is just a tiny steam che competition of United States lines. I — --.P— 18 I bit of moon. being torn off. Had the accident 2 .' f,�, r 98y, to E)fic ;oats, Canadian West- With the coming of summer fluffy colonial produce, and the oliancels the nose is that of the breathing , I I to I! NEW RIFLE SIGHTS. I *ttle farther east the ern No. 2, 5 ,We; extra No. ruffles will take oho,place of the are a, hundred to one, or more, I organ. The curved plateis of bone _'T" I "When I was a boy I had to take, occurred a 1, ruc;,No. .1 feed 50. GREAT BRITAIN. — ve, to increasi the surface cov. :.'1- . my father's cows to pasture every wrecked engine and cars would I I Bed, 50% to severely classical vogue in t9ilets. in 111flitia Will be Equipped with Im. that you will not get it. ,;�T morning and go atterlthem every have gone into the creek. As it to 50y,c; Ontario No. 2, 50 to 50%�; Linen Dutch oollarB with two Aeroplaries at the aero, show provement This Spring. The colonial reprase atati veil, �.­rz -with mucous membrane, so . f ��i,; I night. I never met one of these W16s the awagers, only, suffered Ontario No. 3, 49 to 49y,,o - Ontario rows and an edge of real cluny in- London are wiling at from $1,250 good, worthy, estimable mon one that the air in pamming over it is . W11 11 bears in the morning, but some. from shoer No. 4, 48 to 48%c; barle�, No. 2, sertion and am-odge of Aace are sty- to $7,000. A despatch from 'Ottawa says: and all, fight shy of the retail warmed and moistened, and so ran- ;%, '' I see three or four in � 66 to 67c; btley, Manitoba, feed, I lish. Rats are said to do damage I The Militia Department will iasueltracle, or also have no ow r t L dared fit to enter the bronchial '�` � o 111 .� � __F_ I tE 0 1 0,W 1 tubes and lung&. It is �Iso filtered 11, miss I wouid " eat� 55% to 56C. The princess dress of last year &mounting to '215,000,000 annually tile Sutherland .rifla sights thiii1push the goods which ey at L�­Ii -L I 1111 g a evening, and -they won 59% to 600; 1 uckwh v ) I z. Spring wheat,pat- i, remodeled tfiis wason with long in England and Wales. L. I . I.- ,0�i . I h . me so that I would run THREE HUNDRED MURDERS. Flour -Manitoba I I I spring. Thew sights do away with I and recommend. Their exhibitions, and freed from dust and from the , .I h . . � I — , , I I 1. I � all thet way home." - ants, firsts, $5.so to $6; Manitoba � &leaves and a short waist effect. William O'Brien, the prominent the use of a vernier, and are equip- I therefore, form a traling point of niany diwase-garms which it car- 1i "Did they chase you, Uncle Dan, Committed by a Russian Woman in Spring wheat patents, seconds, I Bib effects are o;e of the often Irish Nationalist, will retire from ped with a wind gauge. There will I view, defeat their own ends. One's I ries, The dust And microbes are . .1 1� . of did � you shoot them, or scare the Last Thirty Years. $5.30 to $5.50; Manitoba strong repeated characteristics of the pre- 13olitical life. I be a sufficient number to equip all I imouth wo-ters at the delicacies dis- caught on the moist surface, and ''f, ," bakers', $5.10 to $5.30; Winter.wnt day gown of almost any de- John Davidson, the poet and the Lee -Enfield rifles now in the played; and one then finds that are carried back to the ,entrance � 11 them away?" A des' . . �, � patch from St. Petersburg 1 $5.40 to $5.50; � scription. swasion of the Canadian militia.'Itbere is no chance of boin4 prote ,�T � I "No dear, I don't think any of wheat patents playwright, has disappeared mys- ' c- ol the nostrils in a current caused 14", 11 says, Charged with having commit- straight rollers, $5 to $5.10 The new silks are superb. I Iteriously from' his home in Pon- Vhe new sights will replace the pre- tively patriotic, d d -, , �', , them evee chased me, though I ran ted some three huil4rad. murders, straight rollers, in bags, $2.35 1'� I . ,an,Upon .lnl hard by tile constant downward move- ,� 1 , too hard to see; and I am sure. I Lace and patterned net ar * t zance. sent sights, which have oil windicash on coloni a p ucts n de- ment of microscopic hair-like pro- . ��.' . s woman named Propova has been $2.451 extra, in bags, $1.95 to nam _like�d_ botf,e ___ Al&a the a i " Th.. , x -e, u no -bu"- � � __ �1111�� � plal _Duf(ra4g,ttea found a woman_,_gaug,c.,__an --with jections, on the mucous membrane. I -- - nev-er--shot-no--par-tly---b--a"-..�.t S=mrw.-- -During, tho­`-WJ-,. I - __ - - __ ____ .. . w1lich & vexinex ."It, theratc __ � - __DTJ . __ ______ifi__ vil �, �, . - -" - .tob�­_t_ __V e c as ad a o g and at Croydon whose name had born Th emp &ins in part a 0 a - -_ had no gun with me then, and part- last thirty years, it appears, the. - __ Fii7d-ff&ff1 6 "'n, a n t, whi It b h uch I n must be used. L_ i t, $23; Manitoba shorts, $24 W $25o, � strenuous use. placed on the voters' list by mis- . AMERII�AN GOODS. thatllllcsult front mouth -breathing, '4"' ly becausAo� this kind of bear is so woman has made a practice of rid- Ontario bran, $23 to $24; Ontario 1 —41-- - .. i harA and tougli th t a bullet ding captious wives of their hus It is a foregone conclusion that take. She refuses to vote in spite The colonies must start their for then the air is neither warmod I � hurt him at A - shorts, $24.5o to s2p; Ontario mid- I we shall have tunic effects arid � of their entreatie.. HAULED DOWN 11111 FLAG. own shops in London first, and nor purified, and on entering the . doesn't all; nor can bands by means of poison. She $25.60; pure grain 1. you scare him away. He will not cha­�ied­a small fee, and is said toldlings, $25 to. �more tunic effects during the com- — Ithen in th'A more important pro- bronchial tubes it causes conges- � "'. I 110, $23 to $35; mixed mouille I !, � " run from anybody, do matter how , have executed her commissions with moul y I �. 11, -,7--:,d,.,..Gha4cS. .2cresford RotiresITInoial 'towns, or, what would Do tion. This in turn lessens the re- ­ :�,Vl' A �1 ,4 , "-p-'Tt'!�,,�', - I I - '� , - 8 to 13y 2e; in season. bei " ' vy. the Aeal plan, shey should com- Fisting power, " $28 to 111130. Cheese --13 ng Six In rh.'Fbo %--liee, a- a n* � which all mucous . "I � . much you shoot,or how loud a noise - much despatch. One of her clients, Brtter-Fall creamery, 23 to 24c; Ninty abirt waists are tref From B . riti8h N'a' arelmembranes, possess, against tba � � : __ _4our -gun makes. - He ut y nted by remorse, has now do- -hown made of printed white shirt- Indian uprising in Oklahoma. I bino (if for vnce agreorneat w I , �" A despatch from London says: antly porsible) and t4pen a�action of diwaw-g,erms. 11 � 11 right there." fresh receipts at 20Y. to 21%c. ing and trimmed with borders of be in Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, a: � � , I they, and what! nounced her. Mine. Popova has Eggs --21c per 4ozen. President Taft is said to � * - "How big are ,confessed to having committed the __ — the same effect. favor of free lumber, and to have t1rg (.olonial market righ in thol 0i.tarrhal inflammations, diph- I , , Commander of the Channel fleet,�heArt of London, where every co- theria, tuberculosis, and other res- ; � . ­ color 7" ttsked Lyman whose eyes I murders, but protests that she did CATTLE MARKET. —4— no hesitancy in expressing his views hauled down his flag at Portsmouth , .1 1, . - I were roun4d with int,pprest and ex- excellent work in freeing unhappy on the question. Ionial product would be on sale,,piratory diseases are much more -1 � I . I land where on.) might buy dw " I citement. wives from their tyrants. She Toronto, 'W'treh 30. - Ex- A CHILD OF WATERLOO. ion Wednesday, thus bringing to an, i I i the I e d fifty years of active .service igong likely to attack those who, through V They are all sizes," said Unclainever murdered a woman. A mob,:Port cattle were in firm d,e- — Chairman Sereno Payne says ,e �� � s' m- ,, .rl !and beche Qu anti- habit or necessity, breathe largely .% advocates of a high tariff on lit . -de-mar' from ."! I D s high as $5.- Death at Detroit of Mrs. Mary Ann He was given a rousing stknd-off � through the mouth. �.. � an, "sometimes not any larger, sought to' seize her and. burn her, her !Lre chiefly stumpage specula- by some 10,000 enthusiastic friendsi land; honey, mutton, and butter, Obstruction of ( tie nostril, such ".. A than's, Newfoundland d I two or three instances, but ­ ­ �V,-. - SuIll,van_ from other parts of Australia; ap- 1 " I . 0$, Rome- at the stake, but was prevented by 70 in I _ tors. and admirers who had gathered when the septurn projects � " the police. I these we A despadch from f)etroit says: Two trainmen were killed by the � around the dockya,rd gateit. Tho, I'les' maple sugar, and fish frt,in . - occurs ) times as tall as a big man; but they I re exceptional cases, $6 to I I I ;*10P are always dark -colored -almost - $r3.50 may be taken as the general, -a boiler on Admiral is now a free lance, and Canada; jams, pines, sugar and tea � to one side or when there are tu- . �, � I Butcher Mrs. Mary Ann Sullivan, who was,explosion of a locomotiv front Natal ; mebos, anoek, and van, mors, called pulypi, or other Hwal- j.4 black, and they are always stand- average. cattle of the 4orn on the field of Waterloo while the Lehigh Valley Railroad near that he will itake an ing r very still. FELL DOWN A SHA.FT. choice variety are as keenly sought the battle was raging, died at St. Buffalo. it is expected der Hum from tile Cape; wealies [Ings Of the mucous m,embrane, � .� * "The place where you are 'most - — after as ever, whilst the supply fell aFtive part in the agitation for a and tobacco front the Transvaul- puts too much work on the free t. 1. likely to see -them is in the shadows Fireman Fatally Injured far short of the demand. Well- Luke's Hospital on Wednesday, I The United States Steel Corpora- big navy. rum from Jarnaica fLud Ito on: nostril. Its membrane becomes I, I near trees, and in fence corners, 'London finished cattle were none too plen- where she had lived for the past,tion is said to have secured control I ted, and catarrh results, This ,I, While on Duty. h is tin- eleven years. She had been illiof the Nfichipicoten iron ore range, . *_ right through the whole gamut of cOnges I .1 4 and ilioni'the edges of old pas- tiful, althoug there was som being theinorth of Lake Superior. 'DT WITH DYF. colonial produce. , obstruct ion may be only temporary I . tures." A despatch from London, Ont.,,1provement in quality; the bulk of only a week, old age itherl Aquilla Chase, a descendant of COLORED CAN land may right itself, but when it . , , d, Well, but, Uncle Dan," began,aa-ys: Assistant' Fire Chief Scott the cattle were in poor condition. cause of her death. Her fi — — -.51 1 parmarient. it is necessary to ro- ­ : was a British soldier, and her mo-Ithe first child born to the Pilgrim Nother anti Two Children Serious- R ve. it by operation as a measure .1� Rob, eagerly, "it you can't. shoot, was fatally injured on Thursday! Stockers and feedem.-In fair de- too � P . I ther was one of the two women al-: Fathers, committed suicide in New ly Ill at Brockville. SUITORS RISKED LIVES. '', I , them and can't drive them away,, night by falling down an elevator mand, but the supply limited. lowed to accompany each com York because he was out of work. I . __ wi,,rotoction to the gener,ad healt.h. I ­ . I ,� uhat can yen do with'thia kind of shaft during a fire in the fur store Calves - Firm and unchanged. any. I Eighty-nino vessels were wrecked Damsel Punished for -_ uth'pj Companion. , ", (, . King Edward sometime ago ca...d � A despatch from Brockville sav .: her I bears 7 Do you always if Edmund Beltz on Dundas street. � Sheep and lambs --Fair demand and -one Mrs. PbilT Manbard and two chisl � Prus!"all Heartlessness. — _ � I away from chain? I think that is.The fire, which originated in the slightly lower. Hogs -Weak. 8 an investigation, to be made into I and two hundred and twenty dren repo i ng in th6 Township of AID TO . e- Mrs. Sullivan's claim that ghe was I persons lost their lives on the At. i I � cowardly." lbasement among Rome rubbish, lect at $6.80 to $6.90 f.o.b ., and lactic coast of America during the- I,',lizabothtown rtook of a quan-1 Tito lord (if Kienast castl in, j I . . "No, my boy,'; answered Uncle. filled the whole building with dense $7.10, fed and watered. the only living woman who was born tity of homeml.a candy, and as a Prussia, so the legend run)j, chad Shutting one's eyes is a wonder- "� on the field, and vouched for its'fall and winter season just passed. i result a Brockville physician was' ful amistance to exhausted nerves. " Dan with a smile, "thero, is an- 1 smoke, and it is thought that + . correctness, Mrs. Sullivan andl President Lewis of the United a lovely daugliter, Cunigunda, who 1. . I way. If you are brave enough' was blinded by it. It was his Scott I — T do this at home, when condi I other night called in attendance on 8und ?ff duty, and nobody knew he was THREE KILLED IN WIREC11. her husband lived for some time Mineworkers of America says the aNw-aa a hard-heartt-A damsel. She' " t to go right up to one of these: . a], the latter afterwards anthracite miners have a fund of finding all three seriously ill of ir-, vowed to accept n,, titan as her sui tionA are not such as W periiiit ly- ill I — in Montre " bears and touch him with your U1 the buildi g until his cries for ritant poisoning. It was with diffl. tor who Q,ould not ride round the trig down, is far better than alwayg �� help brought his comrades to his Train Took Wrong Track and Col. dying in London, ont. ft000,000 to draw on in case of a c ulty that the thr". were placed having the lids wide apart and un- i hand, he will never hurt you, but � strike, while $2,000,000 more can' top of the outer wall of her fatlwr is will disappear at once --so quickly I rescue. He has a wife and three Hal, - on Followed. 1. be easily raised. beyond danger. It turne-d out that castle. Kienapt castle is perched consciuutily looking at some object. � . that can't we him go. That, f,; children, has belonged to the bri. A despatch from Brandon, Mani- AN INSANE IMMIGRANT. the cause of the trouble was the on a rock im,lated from the body TliQ Ktrain of a busy day downtown 1. .. the you thing to do, btft I didn't gmd- five years, and was appointed toba, says: A disastrous head-on — GENERAL. use of ordinary dye in caiidy to of the mountains, and its wall% rise mill be tremendously relieved if a � nly find it out for a long time --until I Assistant Chief four months ago. color it. from the brink of nearly perpendi ,girl will take five minutes of heir 1, � was almost grown up." The stock was badly damaged by collision, resulting in three C. P. Government Taking Action Against Count Zeppelin's airship made a + lunch bmir and in a dressing roo4n . R. employees being instantly cular precipices. Cunigun,da had o, o . " "Ilut what is the strange bear?" smoke and water. launched into eternity, took place the C. P. R. flight of 150 miles, carrying 26 pas- KILLED BABY FOR ITS BLOOD. many lovers, bu� after her start- ther comparatively quiet place .� asked Lizzie, with a puzzled look — on Saturday at a point about a A despatch from St. John, N. B., sengerf;. er eyes Hho must not make .�� on -her face. "What is the name says: The Interior Department of P&CICrewski, tile famous pianist, — ling decisi(,n the greater number " 1080 11 - the mistake, however, of passing ;.. t EIGHT WORKMEN KILLED. mile and a half west of here. The Witches in Cuba Conrieted of 31ilp- discrpo�tly withdrew and the few I of it 11 I 1 -the Dominion Government is pro- has rheumatism in his right hand I I t he whoin of this five minutes look- � ; , Why, they call it the stump — dead are Engineer Hiram Hodg-. lding against the C. P. R. on a and arm. dering White Child. more daring spirits who attempte,( trig at her watch to sea if time is ,�', , f ' , Buried by a Falling Wall in Chi. son, Fireman W. J. Perchlay, and ' I the feat. were dashp4l to pieces in I "I ,, bear," answered Uncle Dan, lau,lh. eago Stock Yards. Br k n Thos. Leaeh, all of Fharge .of bringing to Canada an A bol% war has been proclaimed A despatch front Havana iiays: the ab�fioi. Ono day a knight Came op. for in that way she will geto �14 . h ing, "and, as I said, he has trig t- I Brvande=. The Estavan local pas- insane immigrant without stating in Mor,,cco by the followers Of the Three reputed witches have benn to Kionnat whose presonce and nothing but fatigue from the ef- .. ,,��._; 11 I r I tiled more persons, especially small A despatch fro Benger train pulled out of the de- bis condition. The man is a Rus- pretender. convicted of murdering a whitelmanners interestetl CLIFligtinda 110! fort. il I I I in C ic L Zi gh's t: sian Finn brought here on the A German wrestler murdered big baby in order to procure the blood - - - 11��,Ll . boys mid girls, than any other kind The falling of a wallhlMilg pot at im p.m. under charge of I Empress of Britain last cpponent in the ring at Reval, Rus- �nttv-h that she relwnted of hc.r Vow,, COLD 1'4 THF EYE i� �!� ' And Uncle Dan' workmen at the stock yards on Conductor Macan, with orders -to and heart wherewith fi) heal th when he iro,ist�ed on carrying' � . �41 Thursday. The men were at work ipd dep -ick. The women have been wit it)ut the daring ride. she beqged blul During muggy weather it often . � , of animal." I R:RfiTtbaba. 0 and, I latighed. run to Romnay, on the south track. .orted on the same Ric, and then committed suicide. " ' , , ­ � � 16teamer. ,While here he became The second read;tng of the Ger ,, For a second the children -did not demolishing what remained of one, By Rome meana these orders were, _nee,d to death, and two (,therg, � to dogist lie refused, and, w her happens that iLn att&ck uf cold )- I, know What to think. Then tilzie of Darling & Co's warehouses, not carried out, afid the train was, quite violent and caused damage man naval budget was pass.ed in convicted as accomplices, have beon I I I .� � lgreftt 11-13', pOrfortned tht� exploit notnifentg itself in the eve Tho I � burst 'into a joy,)us laugh. `1knowiwilich fire destroyed not long ago, switched onto the north track just in t'he immigration building. Com- the Rci,-hstag without discussion. Pentenc,ed to f r(im fourt,een toi fir9t 9%mptotnot are. a 'feeling ,�f � i . , V what. made at the Police Tho. Mayor of Sydnev' irely, bia as her lo�er diNmounteJ, - 'I it is I" she cfi6d� "It isn't, whom the wall came down on them, : west of the depot. About a mile I plaint was . , N * S, W_ oAenty years' imprisonment Thi,, "' Rhe run),ed formard to throw Fonarting irritation. as though a "t i , I a t1d ". N it the apeond case of the kind. threc., ,� _A -_W,_.6'_,--1.1W,-.*-_ , - i '! ____ farther on the line curves thr h, Court on Wednesday and - has asked for subscriptions amount- I raelf int,) hin aring he gave her pie,ce of Rand ,,r grit had ontered, .� . I :., , i a aound lj,,x on the ear%. and leap then the eye itwlf becomes blood- "", �� , i n cutting and at this pointong, mons will be issued. It is .'aicaut'ho ing to .C250,000 toward the build- women having been executed in ' "' ,� , C. P. R. will fight the case. in of a Dreadnought. crime. , _� � , : train bad' attained a good speed �he p,.wers have come to an ling to his hor%c. left tier fore%i,r �jl,jt. Strong light, wind, and col'i V � I �. I . - .1 I vgen it VMS met by a eavi east- ­ agreernprit regarding Sprvia and --4.----- I Thc somewhat rilvoilier knight %19 air should be nvni4ied Tn prevent I , ad boun freight, running from forty the Landgrave Allpert, of Tht;riri� the vormonnng of the eyelid in the � ! �, � PH E 8, ENT'- O*� DR MILE. the Balkan danger is averted for 11 I � I 1� . I . Ito fifty miles at, hour, The impact — , EIGUT 1311*11INED TO DEATI . jigia, who,, in or4l,er t,, poni-h ( un,,ni,,rning it little ,-h%e nil should be . � � the present. — . ,� . . I was terrific, the smaller engine ofl igunda for tier (ruelty, had pre%i- ,rowared ,vernight The only re , , 11 . the passenger train being crushed Grand Trunk Will 'Conform to the __ __+ In Fire Followina a Terrific Storm � ougly practisefi his steed in this: me4v pprrw�giblo in domestic prac- f ' . I , like a paper box. The two engines Law at Once. MAURICE RYAN TO HANG. In Texas. I dangerous exerciw I tire . in to m4o a littlo lint dipped in .11 , ! I . Imperial Government F,xpresses Gratitude, vvere firnily wedged togethet, and A despatch from Montreal says - I ____ A cle-4pakeh from I`o r It Wo r t h. I _.__�re __ t�epld water ,)r a, diluted solution �,� J 0 the tender of the passenger loco- The next few days will see the as. Han Who Murdered His Brolher Texas, nay%- Reports received here 0 1,,r,,,,c , ,.. to Now Zealand. motive and express car, together tablishment of a third-class pas"n. Near North flay. on WedneRday from Wise countv,l THE ROD FOR TItI*ANTS. ___ ___+ . �) . .. , . . - � with five freight cars, mostly load- ger iervice at two cents per mile ,ao miles north of here. say that a I � , . . I , od with wheat, were ditched and on the Grarld Trunk Railway A de.spatch from North Bay %aye : terrific 4el( trical storm t1wept. tilat' Kingston Boys Reepiio Whipping Lit T[IO'dPSON SEN'TENCED. � �'?, I . A, atapatch Itom toftdotl sayt - itig afficial year is concerned, the be- Judge Latchford on Thursday ,c . .. . i I , areoi ttitain has stoo t�bd the of. .provigiang of the fraval estimates reduced to splinters. The engin- tween Montreal and Toronto. Mr. ntry, and that a fnrm#,r, hin wifo Illandq of Pollee. E � morning Renwnced Mau'rico ftyan " " � ''I iftord ample security, but in view eer and fireman of the local were It. S. Logan, milriistant to the Gen- tA be hanged on June 3rd next for and five rhildrrn and a farm hand, A deopateh fr,,rn Kingqton, Ont., I Ambersthurg Cotored Boy Who . � , .. .Ux,taoAt by New Zealand to #;ro fearfully mangled. oral Manager of the 0. T. R., stat- wore hurnM to death in a firn which Ra)U : Two sch .... lbov Killed IIIq rather. I I L ' of thoi uncertainty existing regard- the murder of his brother, Francis R. a gmi I I a nd ( L � I 11 Mpirt, free of 66st, A ftdly itig tho 4characliter and extent of .............. 1,--- rd on Friday that there would be I - followed. The town of Slidell iq 11. were, on the order -i (.f Maws 1% A deRpritch fr-,m Windwir Ont , i. I I to ' re4A Z - . eph Ryan, on or about Novem practically destroyed. I'Lifteen , , ' ' 6d D dnougld. Allhoutio, 0 4omatids that may be made on A Finlander named Rands wu all Official announcement mad4P dur rp,portc:A il"31p, I of the nert 60.: i8th. 1907. The Judg6 was ris- trilte Parrell. whippo,rl bv the po arty,; - .spar old William . I lo.tho tiacept-Atta of th ' it Igift ilt dur national rmourees the follow- killed on the railway at Fort Wil- in� the course two or ibly affe,ted in a4ldrewng the prin- Only twn houp,eq woro left stan4 hev on Friday morning for truanoi 1 Thfirripqrm, tit* coloretl h(.y who I .1 I - - _' ' 41k SM186 Of CeItilln0h`4 ' On Wbd� � ing Jkett, the offer of $0. Zealand lia6m. three days, and that the matter oner, to whom he rould hold ou, inn in Slidell. Twenty personti are The� attenAex] Cataraqui Pubife -41 hiq father during 11 . L' . was now before the passenger de- no hope reported to havo been in)ured �'r I,Lq,4 (,on l Opo arid kil!r th4S fklt- t6 defrayt *Ahlli thAto, pitiod, the The Evening Bulletin made its of Fxecutive , family quarrel n�oar \tnherqtburg ujdat, Mr. ,Asquith fOAA rlern6ncy. sch .... 1. and were "i"ro I � I �#*th Nont to Now Zetlirid', ex. east of-��&0*4b�j & 9*4,01tils bat- first sopearance at Prince Rupert 01rtmOnt- One car would be ____4�� - ___ their 0),wrie., Tho ne%pral m,,nthn ago,, pleatled gus! . on at first. Put The prirv.ner listened N) his Lord. �fl('111111A 6% I' 1*041tig. the G0vdrfkMftV* "Wathi. U Ill ifts, I tYp#) and a oil Monday. , - Aip'n remarks with closed t%yesl, The French asitirnnompir Gaillotie d er (,,,nfv.Q%P,J to brpaki .g I nto th t n manalauqht�r i,ff­r., .InAtice . **J-,VAt1t1jdo fdr thid *'0046i6txi attidl *!%,l ',o�Z I of I 10, Ahbit type if The Dominion Government will and at the and dank to big coat, announce,; that lie has di hotiso the other rda y nZit ,�tlel at 811"4wioh on Thur&day . I , I I I bter", ObAtialklati; Xt�' subsd4nelit a en fo"d * Jb 6 fteces. put & stop to the expottation of T&rqynto's ffet &bt is ulaced at bbing audibly, with his. kmW in two "';:1 � �� , . � % scover VAttliatit - , now PL%Dets situated far b.y.,Vd I :�. ng a lat go quantity of lead fternoon, and w6q �entenced t'u 4' I- I A"Uith "lid :--86 taf A's 4o Ott. gaty'. is most ki ., st 4�, 4440ted." natural gas. - I 1423,2"453. Ws bandL lix,awtatia. pencils I %O years' impris nment 11 � . ` I 11 6 t- � I " . I , . � " I t ! I I �1.14/ � . I. I . , � i. I I I � .1, � L " , R L 11 � I , � . � . . I . ; � I , , I I \ tura 1_",__­�_ . A% Iry I&I I '1�` LT n4val D t YUU . X I T ,1�1 ,th* 00d MILA-A- q h P , tj t1d MAW 04 , , I 1, I ; � I I I t , 'I" I , I Ad tho ri " i 0 ." B � 4 I -iii, OFj4ao , I I ... h Ino0i h 4 raw '" 1W to 4, :play I ho" ;4 00 I d ! wpm � 'I I � �, , I I .1 " I 1"", I ! !All 0�1 _01 . 000001& - I` 1.1 , L IL � ;, �, � �� , L , I I :. � I I / . . � I � � �- - i � . I I �Ir I IN I _� 1, . I IF I I I . I % I - 1". . I . f I I I i I , I ItI4 � I . .1 . � I I . . I I I I 11 I � I I I I I I ­ � I I I I � 11 t, \ � � 11 "I I � I - , � . I ." .I I i %. " � I . � � I � &,�;. � -, - I I&L ­�.�­4 ­16­0AMINWA1111111 I I .ud 4 , - .1 bA.._ - ­�� .1_ .., .. , '--.*- r, ,,, . . , I I'll, . I �_­b . 1116..A" , ,�� 1� V" �. , I . I 11, � 'Ill "" . aftwil I I , "' , im.,L - . . - ASOL311, _..Ill, -d'i'm 0,I _1`A__1' _'_ " / .- - - 11111161aulk- - � I '11111111 - "I AiAak d.