HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-03-26, Page 1, -
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I , . I ,,r r . , 11 ., . ; I ,i 1. 1 9 , , ' . I in 1, " I I I 1 9 , , 0 -i -m -N -10 -Sol, - i -i ~w O.- I � `41-060 , ._ , , , - X,�.*U- X 9 � I M . , . twirlowx 04404 I itito.. ,kPIRAINAOS � P000114 Wo KNOW*
� � ,, r ' ;T . � I I * I — , W � - '- L � ' I , - _r- : - - � . . I r . .�� . �� , it - . gi�iitlli Jtkb r . I r 9 . ',
� i _... , . I . . . . _. I � X U CIT I 0, i R i 18"ART% * � � 1-1 rel. oeitrt %%_4,X0 - 9 P. Jr. IAW*"W 'Witt in NOW , * r ,
� ":1 , 1141 .* � � 9 %T Will h4 . . -
- - : , It= Day�, , . L , , , , ;'I. -i
9 . . I I , 'r 4 � . ' Ur.r end, )4M W , 4iiint ftudor# .
o W. $4%iftl Wit* Inirgirtink
.. :: . I 11 ' ' I � . , , , Too, UIX44".ir Rustip.w.7po I" , , 001111194111111ttolitootmilike,491's - _ ,Q
I 1 9 r ' � . I � 1 . It, .*V' r I . - � I* , r r, � � # Viotillitilt, Ps.J A*&y 9. 1 1
. .1 . . I I OBBENTURES 1, - IM111 kkilloir - I* Vio � a0voy, " t4turdiky. ,
. , � � . . hs*� *0k � Z, , A , JV!1AJItd 4 , r heir the Crotity
11 � � I , ., � 9 1 , I ., 9 � I . . I . " , At'luiltolril ot N?* ypirk, , � I . "; alitl '041 to Iox 9t%tThrs1kC*:hA, to !g , ,, � .
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I 1 9. . r' I _ ft . "*,9140 VW. trU't . 1001, 4 0'"TUR614 0*4 � for borl"SK4. or to,gft%
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0"AnIm # QoderAe
,h4J*_tJ,0W t�b�,i�'."�'Wft*
10 ftt$ , , , i W01*,o vr, , , . . . . UUM Alt,
� . . I I , 9
. , : I Am lofferlok for sale &Ivnt � . . fitorest a 9 '. I . � _,,,�*, ' . r, log 00"thop Ir. , t I I " 0 r
� � , , r tires tior'logl' �Olv "" I Inroolnut,aer gw U . 9 , WVW. 4r., loft oil Tu . . .
. . t1#�'balf'ryq fil ' � � r, osdillyfor4woopot ,
� . . , tfjjr,�., T I '
_ 9 I r AIR. T . .
7 I . "_ I r,;:e,nt, �,ptir Anti � � - . , 0,P4 . , 4i, what 11"e"'ilit !b# 41% "' � loy'liters "i'voil Ili all' oty.l."m rclor (k vilderorilloolle ;0,11 par tor'Itself 411 13 1 .
' . 9 I ;lot w,?Wk 4
, mills-prAyA, I . I . , I � 940 ot t1tell Oldest 009*611`0 Of 9404 Cristu Arkits. Confectioner 0 C� 'Q I 044 to three years, Perhaps no i, WWO I L no H a w k I 11 8 t * t 0 In ad. to. M ill A t I k -
r .
" , . � I I . 1 0 b�'Al�t;k,llol�'".d%'I�o*a.iir,, that Us . 4wil loittv'01do-latbo1wriloo otkkit6oe. West fit. Hostat4tito .
I .1 , UOAIA$ ,CONNO,R$ _y,oit_ _
. I I , .
I .. �.".� � ' ' ritores, oft. ;Itltely- We: �;o pip Wo ial i . 11e# 1tlf'r4qte,4 file t ' 0 opltll' ' ' hr r, plibila ot . 4, . , togito 4 lop,( forcirm - Ali I . I - itr r , , tut . I
� '4* i � A0 Abs " At� I �,� , 0 up, Alcli A0014 YQUAR" of Uo ice to skit ont 1%od - �
9 r r, . 9. .. - � , . � r . ortilow
I � r I 11 . r . tiered in example In 041:010 demonstrate I
9 . . .1, , . at* V , . � 4 this. 1)
. ; an0ion. ol� Westil ROU 140'r 4� Oil% (leall V 6n,tAot,"v4tftI,"rJ,lq4 tur I . FlAtf, . . 00 0 I
vgs r' o atild a,dvlse J;toyiiint�,baving Molloy to � . - _ he 1 rv#f ILRO to know., 94y 444 8 inplicrd. of Toronto, wag to town .
: r . , titic . . , , I the Who mid, tillosill wI%Q .
- p � . . � titt. J, w _ I � Up"", W.Pio'. Astifteloi r jijet �,V .r tl 9 I I v. y1delJO, Atidw, 4 9 4 90 $oAto 4,04 4 months. 01, moro concludvely than the draltrogo or. I
9 �ota 811.4 Ca , I . th4t thertif Is ellou.111110ret), away to
. �. 11 AA4 $ 01 rn�,
I .� 1.4v0st to, 0 , . r X1,001WO10i. - - . A0 9 - ,.. lo. mio ' '16 McDonald roturne4 to Saillo St. I I
, , I . r � , ur � Ot "thO Rittenhouse farm" at XQO�u% 14 on itn"Y�
.1 e I 1 � . . �� ii 9 " 7 lq_r�W�1`14_1.w:o 999 99 :: �, I .. � .1W tit retoraftlila, RAMpall! 11.6131�1 IN
I I -n - r I - .. A I , ,, 11 .1. I .11. -1. r_,. . _e�_U__�___ , .9 �� . . . . . .. 1*1 J"K"i noi-vii. o foX . ... .----,.�__-_
. %�— F:Aq09:1,R 4AA"417t 4 � 14PI 10.1., M - -4094th-e-u -- 41artiar - In - 1140--N;agara Portirootilra --wm
T . . ... ��
, . I I . . � I I ox.0 , ..
I . I . , � 1 9 . I to 1, , A.50a. -� , on Uoutlay. � I
I - . , - � , -" W0:11. '", - 0 N9Xt Week suckel* Will I* 90409 tip OfiffluallY It was very we latilt-AltwHolturt rar it vT"Nf6-T*-Ut�'c,
`� , I - on'-wodnow-iiiii , # ". "towt '"o _W"'W .
1 9 �
. 9, 1 11 � . � I. I �. I � . . 0 oItPo!4I6pktjiJat% the rpIllowtogt . � to No much 0
. — , . . . tike Iq it Ak.9iftfto. h"AILtAU4__A*__fhfAr,r_."*Wl � -r,- -."."I _--.-____-___M -J 10-g-MRb "X t1rc"-W-ftfw------ ---.—,.
�k _0 _1L",_4Y_v;bfL
- ___-1 ? -_ .�,.:'.!-�_ -!��I,_ -.,T�r-_,-,---: I TOW ,,�Talt , IT
1.7.--.. I 11 -7 __"V9X#X___00TtI;1__A1_ ,141�,T , "n4w tbit. q, ten It 10 crops were u it;cturtic, .
I - . r . � --'-- 9 - �� .1w�Y-4iiiiW�4�e-,Tit'iiio-f4--I I IT"bof fm4 mKorliod At various amplo till AUOI pregent signs #Are
.'. I . . Y01011t4k :
I ,, ! ., . 1. I I I ,RD- � "It" ne4dayrf I . Or , �r
. THE ' LOAN CO Ayy. d4oght1forse, if years..614 Ift of 0016wla CoutrAl "A hold =,Val b, trumetive. elloatti of them. scarcely worth cutting, In low bir. Mr. AntJM- I. T. Dickson. of SoatmM, *ere - .. �
I . .. o I $JAND& IMPANY , ,vtoolliti,it P for a time, and then ilepylog As Q. U.- 0014 Oluo In the county town on 9 . - 9
- . I I 1, 9 . I - � wvy 4r4light Ware, j years old lost Wod , op'.�R" i IrIng jobs Sere
.1 . I I I . I I . ,it , , ,via Sergt, to. thoWilitlit durlog the re. Quito 4% "orobel. of . M. P. Rittenhouse, of Chicago, gave It LITI.1117.y!
. �. It' �� , . _ I. : . . , , , , 9 r Q'Q[)4 - I I I ; 07 ovala'aht utive, 2 Y�wrs Old Ite.ed atilit, 0 itiot I I * I Riven oitit no, to the Government for an hortio rAyth E1W 14, of 'rpronto, to visiting . : �
, RtCli . uuwbor illboe - r belliont of 18". In 1810 -Ire well mairried. Willi a go but coa- 11
� ., . .1 _ l, I I . 9 i I "I ; liavy Adrought Fillyt X yisr old btle.1.0ea$,W.itoll,�Ulsociesion,.6f thisftii I tracts to In lilt] 11 .. . ultur- Idlint . 11 .
s--1.__1__.,_ ___ - _-___.______--_-:_.. ___-___1 . - 4 r --,E-,---'- 'jI'!9: -troic"..1tua now. PA@AX.0_8_4A_Qodor1 ___ . ___ -- ___..________._�41'
. � .Z . r,� �K.;O, MO lTurpM�--Wvcr�-ryqApT;4--- � in r 0 . at proble OW . - -al-"pertment-ftirm�- ---ta--190 13� . I 9 _!�
- �
9. . ---� -- � � X "O,W,t� igirrit 014, (144to ,,,,,, ,Ur me.t 0,40#ryor ' -176,W'Uik"M'-A-rlU-W-D-diii#'f--*'()U'RAI NO W " Plentiful is one could wbill. --- . 7--Wwiw, 'k .
.'� '. , I I � � . � 9 ng,wgog tontre W04 In town this
; 9 - � 11 , . . � I . . 1, I - . � August tepoly04 AhO,qrA;% replies to;ln AdVe 130g;i"whocamil W Canada with her Therewill bethauk�ofterluga when underd wIlt 4 it noor"011. rectlay. �, ,
� , � � I I , , r.r., rAIII&I. th-v lines of tile below ,
� . . _ 'irr I 1i .1, , I I . -_ , 1. 1. .q . 1. I 111-11 I r. .1 �=_ I 0 k th Do"triber task , .9 1 I .
- �, kil . r.. '*: r'�' . ; " ., V Cowt: " vO.q� tissuient tn4aft`64 Ili ei nunshov Of pailinte In, W2. settling At BerIla And laid About four find a halt rods _
� " - - . , ��... 'r - - riblog . � years old r . the Ice has passed away tot- the winter t Mrs. Iftevi % C. #111 arid a ughtor loft an Ill I"
,.. r , . 11, G. r r' 4PAW I Tucoda for holadys tom -
I .;;�� 2 Stie* poers to A.004raAlo-ce wit'll 4. VoRq1titilog r 16 % tto rectory. Re
�, -7 " rl -1919.- , . I = afterwards alt Goilerloh, where As was by those who have to travel oil the 10 many places the subsoil was very. it no, after it tlir . ... .
9 L I., - 9 1 1 1 11 Hot eo piont IV A to he r4 % I .
0 votho
' � "!" I 3 Steers. rilling 2 Year$ 014 . of the 000011 at 4 100er latetIOR- mottled. After residing In Goderich I ton. a I 11,
� , r , 1. , ��! " 1 , , I T na, ,,, I A.Err, vo r , .
�. r . � . " � ��r � � . I � . WAN 4:S. . 7 Atifero, rising-$ years Old souch aide of West ,street, bttween very,be4vy, on, that the digging was agerr.p. Other tin lit" no 91 .
r. ,, I r I � -: - . "� , I I I Mr- C, Vo, UP, wh9 0*04 tA0 011414111 for ten years, Atr, Young went Iota the Square and the poiltoffice. hard And cost tiligh, about = an Acre, Mrs. i3ines St r r
1. � r I 1. .� - 1-1 rr". - ,54elfen,, doing 2,yearg old . _
_% 1� I 'i . . � Irk the 110941i, was 1194.0 In t001*44001k Goderich township And bowed out A Zfft, Arthur stroot;& hits re-
. r � , � . WANTER., Sobou", 2 Fell colves - , I R. E. Domino of St. Helens, dollyar- turlood real nor 0 to tier dIstict in Fouton, ,� ��,
. , q ,. . - r .. I or, 801 % 7".11 M, Niam of hia dealt e to geo rld of onme, Hik bome in the then wilaernoss, avid In In INS Oil tile part that was formerly .1 � . �
, , , r I I "r � . I , 1, r " I. A beAV�,�Pmbl Lumber Wagon had ,Jr Aced The so ad all exceptiolially good Clyde, four At on. � I
:, .:.: .. - � �� 11 ,,, , " � -1". I . !�!ra, FAIL4 , , le wIth A Vatrott 18a he -came to Colborne to the wettest It grow 05 bushels of oats James; A. Stractuin I It di
� , � 11 I .. . I-- . washlit years old, to James McCloskey on IV 1 44 for! �
r 1 Be broker. and,fell; potill4ent Ibat.Wkl;bIp , or' mile V
. I . r It it billtighti . � I r �
�, !, ! _ r .1 I Will I to Calt. " w5t t ut.n. �. �
. � I Ar,A'XD.J"c0mPObnnt- 9'"A'al SO"1114 i Deering Binder, nearly new . Monda -ice. The Animal to thoacre, thereby practicAlly paying "PSOORR114 clIttliMel"twentione city. I
L ' . � , I . MRS. A. . .30 days a so1q,woold beo#eol�d- Aftor Z.', . . , � ,. � _y Ifin c .. ! I L r
.� . . 1, I . &M. Ar'11114 L &;Joni, 4160tviolon It was . tied 04 1�11 ., at olr Rood in (Or the drAlUa90 In one season; for, the Lion of uto t on To for hlaul. . d 1. .
� � . � I 0 at 1, T 'L 01" to i Frost &, Wood- Mower . W"tR:bQ 1000 Ills.
!�, , - I 6EN , dlip( Culbert to
.. 191as Q Car low of farm L
L . ill e:ta.l .
. ? , ,. . .� , .. I � 71 J �Qhatliplon fifty Loader, nearly new 1, The social which was to have been year previous the oats oil the same, to'Dot,41"'T I 1! I
. inotion of cioulls. S4110,wo And 4041 , D Ind Milt. Iftkill h1va r �
I �:,., : , ,�- I , 06N LANCASHIRE � I,1Fh Will ftp_,r , Wo, e at thelhollul onjk H rAt gone toTtiTolite,
r ,.'� ' ' ��,r,,.,, � � _ , Lo'point General Agent for ainoteriel i'll"ring Hey Rake. to feet. nearly now that the $peolkl comoltilee compill "I L�.. , of Mrs, Alfred Nich. land were not Avorth cutting. :, ,�,
r, 6 on, i i r-hoca Massey -Harris Seed Drill And publish ^ bircol,it -ery , , -
. r � �, Vicinity. Zonewala attut;1lod. Expedition I ��. ON a. St. David apron an ot s ort v t. I..rl
I V .', r , L � , , 'r giving ei� etreet� under the was
4, _ � � I I ;_ . 1-7, __ -neolloilZRITI-eo laugger- 1W NO is St., -I Disc - - i-Crawn-plowomearl 1) I The Riftenhouse. farm, was *lot, C,A-bWM -,into a busluou trip to Hamilton _-�-__",
'." L �� .. ,. Natt" -ev.ery,-pogstblo-llitdt4n-*ttqin, Ile 41) 1, p of the Ladles' Aid of Victoria Voyed- "'I'tiesday.
� . I 11 . Canadian of C comerou therabe v. y ,ew gar a � .': . s ,� i
�� C, " .1.. I le I r - __ _. . - _ I.P.4-rift 9k-Ni,WQ---RL -_ � _ -the-hotel,-for-the, -benefit I Lanyet" ittralit church, has been postponed And tile drainage "Yatoill for It pl4nued . , :�
I 'r. I . L " , -- Toronto . I . — f Froat &Wood Twin Plow � IF- . I . : .
r I . � I T ed tu .. _ r L
I .
, '"ve � - w_ - I I :� ., �, OuturtO gricultural College. Any weekwith citorK11113ilrit"IlMe Torollo. L 1.
artment of Physics tit the a, ,1r. Holland. accompanied by Mrs, nouand.
by the D r
' r , . I enquiring. It was also agre from March 25 to the 29th. rr Ved 110T after 18jimiding � very �Ieaginat
I r .1 , . I t 0oletuan will Plow ox v M I .
t ". � - , � r FOR SALF. OR Till tend era he asked for repairing the roof, � ,lll,�::,� I A friend of 11 Meallf 11 had written a farmer In Ontario who is co6templat- ploniuld to note the ckrfkvl%t of-Halarta. - I ___ - I
I � 1:1 . I � . 'rL, r �, L . -littl-111
� , . , ,,� , � XSII -0outio t pall - b._Gur96y Scales R 11D. ain I 1�
. ,,�_ ! !, -_� ectict" Harrows wev of ibe buildvi loontobliatary notice for insertion In Ing underdraluage may on aall6atton 'a in th, electrimil.-OK I
. I ne. ,and covering the to ' .
.. . i)RNORFOR SALE, and three 2ool - r I
L"� Lots oil Walnut sprelit., - Halt #in .I" And. _&.1 . , I
I '. 1. r I r _qo4tm,-_that_ -the .09ma.4 � this week's STAn. but fortunately It have hiti farm surveyed, L e drains . Ila 0. ,� take big .
'L j , :L I .,,� . , , , 0 Z 'a I �, ��,
� . L' ,,r '
,,r L I,
I I , . I 5--.-- - Chot,Corfrutt-treog- and itaiduce suitable tor was received after the IrIebrua0Aet!t. I .'L'� .11
. I I I
.� I , .: , " , I I %rdenil, . A J, . 1) 0 Oil t 0 staff 0 tile Star 10 tr NT I T.- , .
.' � �� - - I � R ., sqrR pt 1--McToggart Vantring Mill - 7- W11- undertoke, to make a dulablir I 11111 Reppir WO.Z11. with 1119 9thm
. �� ,:" . , - - ', - -1 _ UL . , ,r -plati%do-and the grades determined. 4 r a , . 1, .
. - 'r':' .9. I Top uggy I Portland Cutter walk down to the beach beioW thir. h tit th I Is brot or in D . eorge 1% . �
��, r , -r '' '' ' 'I I e I I
L : . 1, , ),&%y on the preirdscs to g13 torwas In type, sufficient, evidence to A Oat 11111th. of Dayflold. �,
'r "' , . � . 1=0 Ind, . -I set:heavy Harness I . Hill containing this Inter. -
I :L , I I ' L 1! lilt I' . 'I hotel was carried. r I.,
' . I .- #L*i,W,' ", warrant that " Mestilf " `As still Among unition andal
I ,r", L �_ � # I . - Lieut, Andrew Rouqvio, of Sarnia, wrim tit : I �
il�� ,r " � ".. , . . r _ - . r . Up$ FOIL S.viLE-ited Cooker t Uneda Cream Separator, No. 5 the living. aloo the size of tile advis.
_ L
. L , r.
�� ��,�, , 101011111 I r- " :.. ..&Ini10J:, I JDaisy Churn x Deering Emery Stone MARCH W911DING.-On M(mdfty.sill' town Wednesday Rod 'llu"aaY and attended
_ able Is sent to the owner as soon as ,�
. Lid_ , '' , � . ro lit th pea ir - a. F -g : , r
: I I . L P tile Mactillif or thin pincers of thoh�rd Regiment. _�'j
�, _ r 060041 '' ,rr , " 1!
�!� ,.L L*� , i r, . . . .Star PleciTin'Ovolty 4upair W N. Gods. 6o Hemi end numerous other artjoil6s exceedingly quiet wedding took litatrat dr- John H. MalloUlth left via the completed. The only outlay connected In Clinton oil tile first named everting. - L'
�' rfun. - I q
i -.4 I I I Vo '^_ , . 0. P. It. last Tuesday for the far West, will, the Harvey is .
- I . , !Everything mutit be sold, at; like pro. at the residence of Mr. and M j' ' the travelling W.111t, '1� �..
I I I . �
�, r , -Two a a Toro to week ':
I . , with hint a, carload of ten expenses of one rano fro," Guelph I ,rollortsoll 'units a business trip to
r 1, . '11110 ,,,king i1ii ..
,.,,:,r , , SALE OR TO RENT. 0`69 of P rte i 1,� �
" . � � 10 00. to itor is retiring, and his son Jbhix is Benjamin Saults, East street, the L.., Inc - the farm, consisting of vallway fare, tow I "�� �
� �� 'k " lill"'d Foalqnd with fraluo house and barn, on b ...... t a couple of days
. , r ' #Is 11 �, luding a fine drought stal . nawden, of Exetor
, __ ow .at . 0 L ug possession. . contracting pat -ties being their eldest .. the county town this . ,
�_ ' :� ' - ' I I I I 1. - . Huron Road, no mile froul town.. pate Ono - TaRMS I I LL L I lion, Lincolushlre'rom. Mr. MalloUgh meals and cartaRe of Inatinittlents. *9= �_ I
", I I - . I
. '$s an4 under daughter, Miss Battle Jae et.�% and W. 11. Baxter now of Chicago, wait tit �
�,_,;r I . . horse slelgirg. two buggi7as. Also Happy -All sums of " .. tile West, and Tup: STAU The railway fare Is only Ono cent a tIll.,11.7111. home this witch.
.,� 1, '.;,:� m 1). MOM, & QO-- cash ; over that. at 'It. F. A" MRS. -YOUNG hopes his highest expelitations for this mile each way for this wor .
� �', _ � r* _ _iooiiso�! r - congest son' tile late I
� _111:�______ - _- - ... � :�, niount, eight months: Lionel G., y of . - _ �_i
'11. wWWW,*0oiW, - '111amilton. in use butr four man ,,, and Captain THE'LATE . li � ",
_ ,,� ,. � . I , � I I I - 11 �iidit Will be given on furnishing ap- JiLlues Parsonp, West eirect, Mr. C. U. Lou returned train Chi Wed. ",
. � . atitity' of furniture and one Singer so*im, r . I trip may be abundantly realized. ��
."�?_?�_, , .1 . � .. . I proved joint notes. - A discount, Of 4 per And aullariatefidrent of. the -God 'ch. - - , Tlie t At the conclusalpri of oRpIl auryey Vwla Ovening-and reports thatch Vie I
.Sohtne� Apill en � . .. . r. %,�
�oa the promittas-toXHOMA4 , ,
�; , - 11 - . � 11 , dectillo lights which for it few it drainage dernonstrat . r.N m.Leo,ta rap Ott 0 - I _.__.�,�11
� � OLTOX. - cent. straight allowed for cash on credit Elevator&Trauaft0o. Thebrilleand ton is hold In rhatunatit, ancient. idly runovoring hrolfills . :��,
. I
I' . , , 'r -Large amotill with his family and built for them a nights were attaotted to one of the the field. and simple practival tn0t,hods Mr. A. E, Bradwin, of the Gait Reformer 1 . 11 . .
!rLZ;�.. . -INV] �D LOT'FOR, SALE. is. groom- were un*ttended, the marriage' eninfoitable home, being one of the faces of the clock on the Court House of aurvoying4t drain, determining Its stair. and formorif Ow"Or Of the BlYth Stand . 1, ,.1.
,,�� ' L . --I-- . - I - - 1, - — I ra,,.. Hoiiso. 8 roomed kitb Connors. Thos. Gundry ceiremony being performed by 'Rev. earliest pioneers. About seven years have been removed, owing to the ar. =n Ord. was It, Ondor on Ono day this weak. 'a -
, . INV - hen, 906d Thomas I Scouring a true bottom are 11 to I ,
Z��,, ''L � TORIS, collar, goo orchard, lar,10 911RO", �Alf all Acre James Hamilton. B.A. � The bride was ,go his health began -to fall, when he rangement being uneatisfactory. To tl� Led. atid the bouefits of "A ��',
,L NOTICE " Proprietor. Auctioneer. a 1�111 11io1w(.,l,.hc u1bo surprised if Air. 11radwill
,." ' , , - Located otSatford. Ce iont, walk. ,
, Holmes, oz.h . P., us ,-
I , , . ,
��i .4- of — "' A good chance. Appl toGEORGIOBYAONDS, h he correct a statement being mado that drainazie discussed. owner of tile eIjr11t4.1N1.w Era. ...
- ground n �oa a
Thee the .100.0oorge Acheeon'ig - mart -led in her tr&Tslliog dress, 'and retired from terming, althoug .
"I' -.1 � : 1 Estate ttveilebldeil-to effbi, 'the Whole eatetto an the premise". or af Tris STAB Office. I . shorily after the ceremony the young atilt retained much of that vigor and the work was done by the Star Electric Anyone dealphiig a surve atill ta" KnivotfiNaftel, now at Sarnia, with the . '.
- for sale. corikittlair Of real cirtattt;` bonds, do- — . � con q left by the 2.50 G. T. R, train activity which he always possessed till r Y, H it I '.-Ii:!
,_. . . . . . bern OOMS TO RIGNT. suitable either for NURSERY STOCK. f V lr,(�,.rka, Mr. Smith, Lite manar"r, de- should apply to Prof, Wit . IS
,�.,. �,
- ,� 'L ituroA avid stooks. Nrtles wi6blug invest- - - for ew York city, and during the us m1favyle ro'" and who Was oporawl ,,,
- �, � offices I ) on some
� me ts %Vill receive full particulars of the at , or for fainily use. Situated over ne be- Con 6 ago for appendlultw. is do ne well, .11,
' , . * . an', he lip "",
- , a few weeks ago, when hie decli to any t hat he had not Ang to Department of Physics.
�,, ,,, �._%,'. on ca 11. on lbe WI.Mlix. It, inf , MoVieses dhoc store.. honeymoon they will visit, Buffalo and ,,atrie Very noticeable and he finally :k, T , iplearance,, ota cioluk rovev fir are ,
" " * I . Ir hitely, I the States and Canada. I
", "'' . Osep% V & A y IQ To- Beautify the Town other cities in � Guelph. A large number applica-, f4VOrablo N STAU It Pleased to hour.0
� - J kitill do with it.
.''., s. Acimost . I t it of Ily away on Friday morn. A member of the troupe here on Lions are already in for thlb eason. Col. Goodman i�. I
MP , 19micutrix. _..... The departure from the depot Wait not -. Of Rki`kdaIO.WhGOO1l1nlMndc4 �;..
_ �. all a' "I
_, ,�
. I .1�
f^ � L
.1 WAr., I ch I"oplau taidni'Man, wits NtationadinGodon. - �1, t:
�_ "�* X little he... being part of Lot 43, 130,Ctort.. ,.at ere were- lit n the Wif 'ountf Infantry durina tile
, � . . - - it t� ,orluo
,_ �, � ' IDROPERTY FOR. ctAIX-A very valuable is an object of first-rate importance to the made known. hence Ili llde6n, nine sons and nine daughters, fell backwards on the street and fuI Ken Was a vtsitor in town Ott %vedliesilay u ) -11
,�__' J. P. 5ro'Nv:4 la Mi It 10th. The,. were 18 Tuesday. . banditunin, while playi it,
cl M4rJg*,,,p
: , , .,�'L"� ' . � . I o� Bullittk containing thirteen acres more or loss, citizens, and it can be done at few persons at the a IOU, And only of ,be,,, eleven still survive. vizi OUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER. ",
� � .,-' (lodericii. Dec. 5. 1907-� �7 . small outlay. ' , close relatives -of the family were Henry, Colborne. George. Goderich ed. A doctor took charge of him and .. lowni budiness with Mr. IX Maud, , . 1.
- " _ '' . I I I . gne, ratio from AUlturn station. There Is a xood a
, . I I I I .... _." kitcholl. neat barn, orchard . Ram. lie . . ., : � .
� " . .9
111il"T'11111997W 'I
14, dovow #40RW a Ob I. "is
� - eq 4 10 �,"o I
, I
- f
f r1i
1 lie
il It
I - �i_FUOT
-, . Our Nurseries afford an excellent preterit aL the marriage cereinotiv. TF.; Jacob, Chicago-, Robert. Goderich; he was removed to tile hotel, where he Friday, March 26th. auction sole of was a Very Poillul'u. officer with t . whola .
� 11 *�
. anjoulaii irnits. Would be a desirable pro- I I ,1
town, 41 1
I I "I � - t This is the third time farm, farm stock arid inipleme I . prop. lud especially go with all the rank and ,
11 .1 'I.- _:1 I '!�, LEGAL. ARDS of securing the necessary Recent deaths in the famil Timints. Walkerton; John, Loy.�I; n a 11110. I DUrinu his Fitay, hero ho waj tI)o,Ifue0t of 'I,
" , , IF pot, y to retire t, a drovep. as It Is o opportunity y made tile I soon recovered. ,
, HOOP ;40T. HA"VSA BLAIWBarristers, on, Cation. rt"is"111.0eatato of the lato'Ga- stock for this purpose. We have s6veral occasion a quiet one, and the marriage Mrs. . D. Ferguson Goderich ; lurs. 11 d o it conlrado, J, . Wrigtit. I 1.111, .
�,,� "'.'-,.: ! . --- - ^ � __ el Sprung. lie has met with alufflur experience, orty of Mr. James Elowatt, lot I COU.4.11 -
, I Etc- "Offico- to ,
, Vancouver ; � �
. Ft tip pvxotarleii, Public. For further Information apply varieties of Trifes for street planting, and took place on Monday. because it wu6 Card and Mrs. Hurliman, twice before In Now Brunswick, but Colborne; i Rogi until, son at N1 r. F . `�'
�',,`,� , P ST. .111), - quilct,us arrivix, executor. Nito P.O. ' I mile west of Augtirn. PtIdbam, loas ft�
, On the SeiiVarit. Ind'dicar front HaTfil ect' — - ' fit-, pIlle -RtVff r. In the- dressing romil. I (g� ej irill.01L An uc* of utto V luHtern, I r. -_ I
' _ -- -- Itton. sit tir.lis o, Ambs. -the-Zlth cLnz)iv�r-mary-of--the-niarriage- M1,If.---Gpaha -b'"lleg heart affection. lie has -401110. -Gundryi -auctioneer, _ 'pl- - 11 a I
� — -.-- -Gutlerictu, 4 . r r �, �p A-1- -Redding -Plants. etc.,- , r ilm 0 ,,, thu. �&
, IMOR SALE.-Sovural town properties; rung- for -private Lawns and Gardens is exten- of the bride's parents. The bride wits it am% a our At Ili comps;ty at, i,vinilip
. W� Prtvatil funds to Matilda, tit b�lono. There Are 62 grand. ction sale of and loaXom fit it tow day4 fur tile %voot, rfvU11f. �
, loan at lowosiW46. - sivi,'and Includes some new and attract- the recipient of many handsome arid "Reuben and His Sweetheart," the a comforta property it reliable young, until, and L
.. I X1 Ili Saturday, March 27th, nil 1��
I ,lilt price W0,00 up. Owners out.dr bildren. 54 great grand children and hie frattre dwellin TUR MWAR Win I
I condition,# applY.at once to auctioneer Goo, one Voeat grant grand child. The late was of Mr. John HnIstend; at t : Watch With Itacrolit his future career. A114 will ..
. � , . W. pubumpoinr. K.C.. IL.C. H-Ays. 0. F. BLAnt town or eaving. For further particulars -and ive varieties, besides all the standard valuable presents, the bVidal gifts c great Now England cottiody, tie promises be Pleased kO note that I he is taunting with the .
%, OFTUS IA. DANCBY, Barrister. Solicitor. Beckok�, Gotiorich. Ont. Box i83. 'Phone Oil. lines. coming from all parts of the Domini n "I
,� I - J Etc, Proctorin Maritime Court. Etc . In* Mr. oungunitedwith 6e Anglican greeted with a bumper house Ott Tnee- Victoria street, Goderich. T . Gundry "1100010 he WaserveN,
, -7��- Any orders or enquiries will receive our On their return from their honeymoon �y nigbi, the larg .eat and most appre. auctioneer. I . Z* �
, : , Itla, .Money 0 Loan at lowe-t rates office - -VOR $ALE; -In order to clow -up I ,,harch, Godericb, but on leaving there I - I �
� I � ;is .8 to
I �
- . % t corner Ham)[ a *;treat tindrSolusife. ubderle � of Lite late'G. C. Shannon. D.. h1H late careful attention. Address car. and Airs. Fursons wit, take up. joined the Wesleyan Methodists and c lye seen in Victoria for a long Monday. March 29th, on tot 4, con. 9.
� . , -1 . residenocisnowforsal.a. Itisinver faircon. John. Stewart Est residence on their property on West 'bad been a staunch member ever since, Lillie. The hand's street parade was W. D. Colborue. all lite farin stock, P.
:,� � I IVKIN80N & GARROW, Berrisbar.q. So- dttion. has modern ociaveniences. Zoo bOAn ate, Goderich Townshl
� , lialloN x Rtre 4 spacted at tiny Lt it. Beamiller, Oest. street, when THE STAR wishes them it. though of late years unable to attend. good, and the play put on to perfee, Implemente aqd other articles of Mr.
,;h . D Ic 'Qrner North I 0 tit further ParticularH I .
". u a., 4�94� V,,p.ly to. roudifue, r long successful and happy married In politics he actively supportdd the as appreciates
1. �b. �,
1:�, Anil $9 , , V , � at, .T .�Bxunu O;. T. & Blair, C. J. tion. Manager Thorn Henry Hobson; a good chance, as a bil' , And Airs. Little, Bavibuld, gave
�,,; � % . . X. L. DroxrNsON, � l TONSORIAL, - life, Liberal -Conservative casting to the full the patronage of the public farewell party to her two brothers. I
� � ------------ v and will continue to endeavor to merl' = inhe form. Thus. 6uijflry,' nuc- William .1
Cg,AIILw G^rixI,w,,.14L.P,, ; , . Larty, thi g must be sold the owner
, . Olt SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR PRO- - MILITARY MEarriNG.-The annual hisla4tVcotefmrE.N ewisoM,P. and*Rusooli Brownlee, of
IF PERTY In or HUTCHINSON, Tonsprial Artitit, it.
J1HAS. SEAGER, Barrister, Solicitor., No. . coal- Godericb.tbe Bpi. meeting of the officere of the 33rd' The funeral to Colborne cemetery . tioneer. Uoderich, who ate Iravin lot, the
, %_). M, aad Conveyancer, Office -In the, land farm on the 3rd con. of Aehflold. no WMid.l.treal street. Uoderich. Shaving, .
. ..."Caitti�, ,num�,�Qbd*deW,-,�Xoobr�tt�lemd��at,lrto�IM-G,Oreme,4 *U*raputa. -Good I ; ha 'AutUdgia % West. About thirty of Lie young . I I
- , bVil t , AIM11001419- %l4h;,44,431i Wdate- Regiment was held in. Clinton on on. Monday last was largely attended, That ever welcome harbinger of the .
lowest Inteto t�. I I I rigg. Fine orchn, , which wili'llay Interaoi '6foenoilun 'horied� 8atistao. good old atimmer time. I,. H. F.e,o p I e ,)I town drove down-. not caring
I . . n zm - W 0. Razors 4 Tuesday. March 3otli. auctidst ante of .
A a t � . A er,
1* - oil the whole InTostt tion always assured. � .f, Wednesday evening, and it being the as befitted the memory of one so long
_ I . neut. Reason f6k PoIllolf, . . advance agent otthe White .8 farm stock and ituplettictitH. Property the disagreeable night, returning
, . - . L KILLORAN, Barriarer. Solicitor, Not- too far awar to d to It. Appill. ..... I - — first occasion on which Colonel Wilson, and so widely known. Rev. Mr. Ball tit" LIU" of Mr. James ff. Harrison. con r, Gode. home in tile sull�ll I 0 th
��_ . by. . Z.Ornol Ont. I *a of litrot, oated Into Tam STAn office
i &c. Money to Joan tit lowest cut rent GoLirramulE, 13a) . officiated, and the pull bearers wel rich Tp. lours f e 'FlIorn.
i:� GODERICH MARKETS. of Seaforth, had presided as, command- on � e nesday being lip (hit) way to T. Gundry, auctioneer. Ing. We Wish the boyo attecosii in the
I I rates?. Offlee air North street. near Rcitistry . . - . MeNsirs. 3, H. Colborne. Jacob Stokes t Wednesday, March 11, on lot 4, con. 6, great West.
" . . office.. I ARM'rOR SALE. -Part block D., Lake T4o, past waga. steady week for concalifl,but Ing officer. there was it full attendance and Win. Treble. of Uoderi . i Ake be reli'llinary arrangements
�, 1, - I . - Road eilst, Colborne townsh I ch . Alex. I Ashficid, just east �f Kingabridge, a
Barrister, Solicitor from Goderlob, 150 acres good clay loam. briolk the steamer reybound, a annual
0. JOHNSTON, 11), 2 mile" it local demand for wheat cautied a rise of one of active officer a d many (!n the Robertson, James. Jenkins and Joih� f Airs. Samuel Johnston and sona and .
� I " , Alit Cominitodollev, Rotary Public, Goderlo� houtic.liarnm=7 with eldn,entatablitif I retired list of Labe Mean Regiment, Stevens, of Colborne. visit. June 10th to 21st. ure the datea large aniount of farinAptocki, implements,
, .. arteVLan cent at certain cantt*s, daughters left an Tursday for Snake.
ont. offices--namillton St, - I ,.Ith water.in bo din 75..,though those be lit t Over 50 were vresent to welcome I he
� , - — y.e,I�Irw To. Spr ng creek. Hoge arc worth J& OR for I he trip to Detroit, and tile far,- etc- ,riieprqpertyor-,Vlr.Tlios.Cotitiors, t0ou to join husband and father, and
! hard, 2 our Can a I
op V�Jrt
I ,-" . � t I n i b e r. Y OAu pllpgl Y'l .rc C - V. -M"r 7"n8 '! Mellow on Monday brought con even $7. new 0 O� and many lettcrg were read will he $1,1)i(). Brev Ayer says full who is retiring froth fari Aug. Thus. aniong Lite shipment of Ilaode was a I
- . E LC NSFS. NE11. Do I -
I --- - __ __ - -,-..MARR - - - -, —,I ter and eggs-=- master. gwrieceralrof,111. from-post-officet-srurnable-tor tier presen-t-i , - OULTUARY, - Gundry , auctioucer� - - - - - Nandsomir Mori4o chair, it present to I -_
�____ _ . part tit up sumistinle
, . � E ISSURR OF MARRIAGE I BRUNSWICK CIGAR STORE. creased offeringa. .1 among them being one from Col. SYSTONDS.-Anotber of the old real. e&rly in May. Friday, Apiil 2nd, auction Hale of farm Mr. Johnston front it few Goderich and
. .1 I W., L,1.06. Goderlith. Out. : Hides have dropped Ili price, as they tire Dow Varcoe, who was Indisposed, and one dents of SaItford has gone to bar eter- At the meeting of the Witter anti stock atilt Implements. Property of Air. Goderich towntihip friends, uJorri, with
'. L - * A Lt, KINDS OF TOBACCO. CIUA,RS only worth from $fL5v to si. from Capt. Todd, of Tnm STAR, who Light Commission Monday evening, Chas. Stewart, lot 3. con. 41, W. 1). a kindly worded letter signt-ol by Jainee
It r, S�'penr Nil�gillage. __ T. Gundry, Johnston, Robert (I. p[Ing and A. M.
t L 0 request of tile Town he . I ��-"" - ' Tilidd. 'f$v` Abid �ln phgo.$).�- -_,_ �,T�"�,.�K;�,,,,,: --!-
during Cho caming month an . Northwest Rebellion bf 1885. but whose Rendell Symondil, who p ased peace- (in 4'6 t'l f _�6�� '� �� __ '
, , " i
�j_ . ,AJUSl(; CLA§SES. .M and Pipes kept at the Biunswick Cigar a) rest, In,the person of Airs. Robert the e
,.; "�.:"� _.'� '..V_ bturc, Wwt -troet. tiny Your Tobacco there, . - .Aiidre%vr shipped a car of haiiii to Tor. accepted his COTUTniftSiOtl following the n ngineer wits instructed to ei
I " I - it try and win V I it Monday. . it h ,hT , Ig .. .
.Z' . L .�'
. . usic cLASSES. next month'ii supply true. Eac loc. pure I - . L �. I . ", , __:, , el _.
� . I . L.h ,base business engagements prevented his failly away on SiLtarday evening net. regarding the atering of pine and Ott) - "'.61i -s-pal 3r�l, nuction sale of , " , _�., . ...,
. - � A in entities you to a draw in (Current lukolesale prices corrected I .
- A.Inpro coltoreceivogupliatorlesson .___Of..?, ot ru in -ich setft Mrs. Symonds had not enjove f TRE RURAL IrICLEI'llm-41C.-The tele-
J(ff .. -nil preeen of good -ket ground. Iroperty o
I ce. Godei (]tot. Dr. Tor fit ' a I
:�': , Piano an henry; shin t e BurrowsMusical Npollbig tile w - _ -com- u"a-noon-of-T-hursday'l 1. supplieson th, max he till stock atilt implements.
1� Ki,ndergarten Method for young .children, Vote Clio ward cot '14 worth of Tobacco fretL Holmes. Surgeon Dr. Hunter, Oaptaini health for tile past yeav And it hali, a iietog WaShruitruct,ed to write Air. Alex.Radour, lot 77, Mitillrind concession, phone Meeting held Ili the hall, .
I Terms &Oil 6t 0. It costs you ii��
,, � her information can birlearnod at ow is your chane Wheat .............................. I ot to I lit and she had st . 11. h I ;, F y to whPn he Godetich Tp. T. Gun(by, auctioneer, 11ohnesville, Saturday evening, wits
;, 1. .,.n a 1,h I.% - Flour, per owt.. And Adjt. Witt. Uundry, Captains littered a stroke while
' L .. 0 �. - ; 2 09"i 'too 3 a Dunlop and "' 11 I
. Thomson's Mualo Store. __ , Varcoe. Lieut. of the viehing tier son lit Rtantford Rome Could Visit 0 "d 11 3118 the Monfiny, April 5(111, rilletim, sale of farill w'01 attended. After tit(, reportq tlf I
,� MISS EMMA A. AN Fin M11 rr ............ _ p" - C�
� DREWS. Godorlah. = . ......... , - el
'l",�,� ,� � . 3 1 10,r..017� .......... : ........... 2 75 to 2 M Corps of Guides W. J. Hayden, and morritb4 ago, After her return from mission decide, k fot- a coal'
L,:, 1. ICE FOR SALE 6 Star Flour ....................... 3 00 to 3 10 Lieuts. Dr. Sale, A. Rougvie rJett. ,.�.�_ it v fee. stock ond implements. ,property of Air, tit*' ealiva-Ing committee it diactission
�:,� . .. GTI I � �',,-' i i; � �i , , , , I _ . �— Bran, par ton ..................... 23 00 to 2,,I 00 - H. 0. that City, About, 0bristmas time, shoi Some applications for electric llgilt A. Jninieson, lot 2xi, con to, fluilett. '1', took pill"#- as to whedlor tile oubscrib.
, — AV : Sturdy and Washington. Tht, tneet- gradually grew weaker Until the end were grunted, and Homo accounts Gundry, nuctionceir,
OD 9
il� "he", Per Ca ......... ::,:, *:,::, * . ""' 8 a In 1, 1) Titesdav, April 6til, n"C"U"I"ale Of f"ful hod 01'%VlLitfOl*Ll101i'4LOfCt)tltli))IitL)IltJ .
- w. BECKETT. The Peoplo*s Anti ICE I ICE I ICE I Screenings, per ton... ._ ..t8cioto log opened at 7 -p.m., the several com cattle. The late Mrs. Svenond ers Hhould organim, thvli,Nelvps into it
. 0 40 to 0 42 ill ppointed, and the Col horn it) Eogland in ISM. and was of a routine character. y
_1 . G. � 0aw .................. ...... : L .tts, its pasoed. but the busines, w s 11 ly
--- Barley .... ................. 0 43 to 050 .. "....
. ALI, BRANCHES CAURFULOY ATTEND. 4 I :*.:,.:,. formed the a stock atill implements, Propetty of tba
, I Peas .... ......................... in ohicerstbat the annual therefore 70 years of age tit the little 1, have I'vell rnw-asmed and it,)
ED, FARM SALES, LIVE STOCK SALES , 0 It! to 08.3 The Port Arthur papers of last week Thoulas it. McCitrinev, lot i2, coil. ifi, report handed in. John Cox expremoted
-11 REAL � ESTATE . and MERCHANDISE We have our ice house well filled, Rye ................................ *. 0 48 to 06o drill of the Regiment would take lit f her death. Site waR inarried in tile In February contain long accounts of Qodericlt Tp. T. (oundrs auctioneer.
Id and new 0 45 to 060 In London on June Stb. The P Ce to y
SALES. Made ared to supply o I
(LnYWILCtC, write for date,,or and are pr�% Buckwheat, per bushel 1311rd old countr to tile ItLte Robert R. Sym. ' Ills opinion that it t ilf still -
Hay ..................... - ......... - lit tile Qiieen's sellbi-i-ti to tL mile f it I ter's Ifill,
patrons wit i the best quality during the ' 00 to 9 Oil Band. 19 strong,.was present arid dur. code, who died about 12 years "go- ad a grocers' lenque,and the dentre lie ' " 11 "'1111111-P
, . . cdll,(Lnd talk it over with Gico. Bncr,Err, I .......... a series of hockey games played there Wednesday, April 7tll,'
I Hamuto sticot.Goderich.OaL . Butter, per Ili ...................... 0 20 to 0 22 r. �
? � 11 coming season. Hotel, Dungiintion. We tel property '%long Lite rot title tit) tile Oth cot,., ,it)
. . 'Phone Jos. P. 0. Box 1911. MCI per dozen .................... 0 17 to 0 18 Ing the dinumv which followed the From I lie old land site came to the feated tile North tenim, Ili tile series. entire, nod farin stock, veli'lloes, arid other fluroti Road I oT. Walter-% I hen frolo I
, — , per cord .................... 6 50 t4o Goo formal business of the Regiment play. town of Goderich with her husband winning the trophy, find being enter- articles. Proprietor Is leaving Dungan- Ifultnesville north lit) tho Maltland
__ -------. CRAIGIE BROS. Cattle e it ... .......... 4 76 to 5 25 ed an excellent programme of music. atfout the year 1872, find bits resided tained tit a supper o mark tile vie, lion atilt everything must be Hold. Thos, Con, to 101.11 Vill),, flnd Oletl to Clinton,
. HOMAS 9UNDRY. --.-- - _____ x 0 'w".4-itititchers'.... 3 Oil to 4 00
I T Cattle: O+ I
. " choice ............. 4 25 to 4 26 VCR
ioncer. Pure Lake Huron Ice. Oa,t.0 .I,. I I I I r I In eg- 6 00 to 1660 gramine was pieseirted, speeches waanneofthe most lovable LLnd Na- auction that wo oilloold go to work and organ-
1� Live Stock and General Aunt When the cloth was rensoved a nice here continually,since that time. She tory. One of tile victorious it Gundry,
�' Hamilton sWeL Goderich. P .................... I it eer,
I I I Hoge fise weightL ......... . . 0 75 to 675 [terning made by Lient. Gundry, of the tient 6f women, ever ready to ]tin a was Arden Aitkin, it Goderich )o Y. Thursday. Aptil 8th, auction sale of ize and equip tl)lm lioj�, antl If Lilete is
Sales made everywhere and till offorts made sheep., tat (owtJ ... ... _...%*.*.' 00 to S 26 son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Aitkin, of
�) t privo you satisfaction. I . I have my ice houses filled witb the Harnif, y.er In ....... : ........ ..... :'. 10 15 to Oil Dufferin Rifles, Prin. of the Collegiate helping hand to those in need, unit her town. Ardon In evitiontly iocire than farm stock find implements. Prope t any extension (if lineq, let Illem emn..
L Variants, sale notes discounted. I Bacon ong clear ..... ............ 0 to to 0 W Institute; Calic. Forester. Col, Holmes, gentle disposition and kimily thought- T I
. largest and best supply of Ice a a good hockey player, for lie is noted of Mr. Standish, con. 51 Ashfield. . Ili when renely. C. W. Williams, Jobn �
-1 - tliat,,l have Miles ............................... 0 fio to 7 00 Col. Wilson, PAYFUnater Hayti in anotber Item an one of the r,)ntest- IvW4 In t Ills wily. A ini,tion wam then
. ;� -- --:�- .--- L � _ � - -- -:: ever had, and am prepared to sup ly Sheep Skins ....................... 0 50 to I)OO - nd fulness will long Ile gratefully remain- (,undry, auctioneer. Yet) 11,1111 W. 1-bli "Is() uttlitohmed their
. MEDICAL both old and new customers this comfog Tallog, rendered .................. 0 ina to Ono Lieut.Stanbury. Lieut. Gundry made hered by those who knew her beat. ants In a literart debate held by the Saturday, April iotb, auction sale of V
I season. � Poia oes ............. I .......... 40 to 040 a forcl hie arid able pies for a generous She is eurvived by one brother, Robert Trin fly Fpwot,L League. two good residence �ropertlen. lit "t - . "' ""Liinnnitnollkly that 41111.,01.9 nod
L forequarter . ..... ..... 6 ::,.7 Oil to 8 Od response to the Old Land, even to the py, of Montreal. and by five sons i'llote,em lie plect.-ti, and order poles
I DENSON WHITXLY, M. MIC". M., iFT Beef I hindouartar .............. ...8
J. P. and 0. 0. on re 9 no extent of two or three Dreadoonglits. "T , and phoneii to equip the ilne. ,rhe
1; The old reliable Ice Dealer. .Gn one daughter -Ell, of ,ribionburg, Mgr. Thomas, of Victoria Oporro promises, Keavg St., Oodet ich; belonging
`�-,� riclTee and Surgery-Kingston'Streot, Gode- ROBT. CLARK. I � House, has concluded all engagement to Mr. Walter libarinau and Mist; I 11 . ,
I / and his patriotic sentiments were re. Ont.: Chartee, of Keewatin; George, w "bull offlepr" Oro aq rollow�: I logident, Oeo.
L � office Hours--fli il� in '.to 10 P. in. Phonepi I shall also handle Fresh Fish. echoed by his brothers In arms. The of Saltford; War, J., of Goderich; Rob. ith the Crotty Triv, fan 1,,F,r" Sharman, both taust lie disposed of. T. Gould; vi,,e president, tileorge Holland;
Offied9f; Residence X' page dinner was it credit in every way to ert, of Brantford. and Mra. Ed. lots. " G d auctioneer,
� . and dancers, for all next k. I ney '" 'Y, serleflitt Thornn,i Walto-roi: treamugur.
. Ing- aredirect from the h'.1welelentres in Monday, April i2th, auction sale of
F. GALLOW, M.A. M. 0. P. and 8 0 PUBLIC NOTICE. 'L Spring Millinory-Hodgens Brop .......... 8 the RattenhurV Hous , ar;d will be ram (Hattie) tit home. The funeral, I W. Jet, ins: trustees. Will. Netibitt,
Wit Office and Surgery -Jordan Block, boi: � � Spring poods.-W. Acheson & Sor ........ 5 long remembered witheileasure, which took place on Tuesday to Col. ArnerIcit, and to fine perfort, may stock, Ili lements, etc, PrOPettY Of 10th con.; 0. Potter, Porter'm Hill, and
� , I T
�.� , borne Strout. BUYltinda of %Iri. Robbers; Copper, Start Oir Sale.-Camerrin & Moore ....... .. 8 0. 0. F.. No. 32—The annual oyster borne ceinetery. was largely attended, be looked for. The trio 1,101oclil.ta of hl re. R. . Sprung, lot 43. bast-lille, Andrew Coortice, lloltnei,v lile. A re-
�1 ; office Hour" i6 in. to to p. in. Phones- I Lead re, Iron, torgehair ana Feather Boat supplies-Howelt Cc .. ............... 5 The services were condneted by Rev. Silos Jeanette Crotty, singer and flullett. T. Gundry, nuctioueer. port of Lite, cost of one Olile of line wits
W: , omen i2i.,liesiderele up. — find wool Picki , I am myalf'in the Certainly Swell -G. M. Elliott ............ 5 supper of Court Goderleb, No. .92, Mr. Ill illytird, pastor of Victoria street dancer, the beat wooden ohn" dancer - Riven, for, thr--e, soliNviiher4 to the
/ buRines4 and do n isend 41% man, but ite - Canadian Order of Foresters, was held Methodist church, the pall bearers be. In vaudeville; Mks AllieVrotly, bitilad
)RS. EMM9RSON & TURNBULL self. unit pay you :- rotpat's milliz to you. 1110 Now SprInR Coati; -D. Miller Co ......... 4 Auction Sale Register. "'Ile, wilk-h was in thil neighlim-hood
I I A. T. 191111in—wiON, M. D. 11 not listen to anyone e lie, but send me an order The Best ShooR--Wm. Sharman . - L.. I Thursday of last week in the Temper- Ing John Walters, J. T. Goldthorpe, singer, And Joe Of OL0. I lip ilile"t step of $7 Per Year to i-sich, in,loding (-(in-
. I arid I will call arid pay in carli all o to '' J. McEwan. Wm. Daw, Ed. Harrl- dancer in Americtio. The costoome Are nection line wilh the 1011 Co. ut (lin.
.,� W. S. TunxtkVLU AL B. you. Ton Wx cent more %id I you = Home Sookerm' Excurollon-C. P. R ........ 4 once Hall. There was a very good P- elpgeut, those, of the ladles being
1. � ,to
___ ___QfJ)ceibX%mJJJ1tQASt6 'Pholle'02 my yard. AVID BRO N, Anorle"Is Ktrebt, Home Seekere Excur"lon-G. T. R. ...... Ron and H. J. A. MacBman. all old ton, which woldd cost $2U) for each
L — 4 Attendance, and from 0 to 8 p m., friends and neighbors of the deceased. especially pleasing to their Be%. anti mi Anhaeviber. Tlie vanvasmet-H front the
. Dr. Emerson'A Rosidencti-North Stroo Otille. . — Modern Furniture -Wm. Jol,ngton ........ 4 willing hands attended on the .guests, altogether it week of clean and Inost. - --1,
. alto St. Goolgo!aChurch. Phone"180. . d`JOKE. COICE.-Try our Gasholuic Vok _ - . Onderich end of the township neke(I
R.. . . — %_,i Fine for furnacen, ranges. heaters ated* Smart Stylwi-W. C. Priotharn ............ 6 serving them with oysters and other to entertaininprit In angurpd. for it g:-nel I niveting. Jim nlo�t (tit the
. -Mop1treal Strcot� cor. gtutes, more beat and cheaper than coat. X Pups for Sale�F. M. Smith ....... ........ I delicacies making an upped I What Do They Mean ? . re%, (I -i is
Dr. Turnbull's Rettidence on 1z rig 71111.1y'.1.111on only 10 cents for thim high ,
I ior Waterloo. rear Publio L brary. per ton cash. Residence for Salo -Mrs. James Brown. I supper When the tables were cleare I X th-it part nhked for a
I I 11 111hone 191, . - LN I will handle all kinds of Sellooner Wanted -Box 51. Niagara.. .. I th eno It food left to go I The following is the letter road at class attraction. ("Peting where explanati,,ris ,if the
�,Aq�.r�rlmrch M . i era ,;at,
I A �11
I I it . - V`- J tire Town (Jounnil meeting Just Friday, — system could lie listened to. and Ili, . ". �,
I - - "
�. .1 I I r, Satisfaction guarantood. Ngthintr but the Tobacco and Clgars-Tbe Brunswick ...... I scoreamore. Whentheh"Was pro- it', reported on page 5, And which role, I "thunto of the rwit hoin year to year. , " 4'
11 - - beAt fiathr to Witt be litutilled. rs was called I
I I Terms wit out exception cash. I AMONG Tl IE CHURCHES. in, wagotilt. 1witillehold furniture. Their reqiiest. was grante( . d ,
, I I nt, 'Phone -127. - Xurmily - ad n question as try what r mean L. I the role
, � )R, A. IL MACKLIN, M. B. Catlett& of Wall Paper--Ueorgo Porter.. 8 pared. Bro, Alex. Saunde Sat irday, April 3 lit 2 O't lo('k, harriess,
� kiln what did It re ? n Clerk The Auction Ifouse. Goo. Puckett. wing fixed for March 31ot, lit the �.... �
_; H*-MLIN'IC- Pure Ice-Robort Clark ......... .......... I was on the programme for that oiw Mr. J. C, Martin hits preFtentood the etc. �. 1, r
. Physician and Surgeon, tal atte r Stdoli-John St6wart Estate ..... 8 to take the chair. Bro. Dr. Mae huggle - ,
I , ar.-noso�Ad.,t=&."smeeal6tt=iflob -PwV fer to I �
MBank of On I Post omen. Auction Salo-Themne Connor ...... .... I 8 &1tion, but was i,,alled away just ch North street Adult Bible (11LAS with auctioneer. .
s , Old - K nox'has refill led that we have,no air ()range halt, 4th r,,n.
� West Rtr6at. Obilfirlah. Mhul.5. No. 162 MOKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR. . QI-re the literary feast he method of dipposing of sewage here. a The _ — -_ I � 'I
I I . r I's CO. — _gan, hence 'Ind the supposition Is that the firm ,n organ. ilassi meets In the Saturday, April ioth, at the Auction " . - '7 I
� I r, . VgTBRINARY. farlift Anil isolated Town Property insurod. Meeting Calendar. the change of chairman. Bro. Sound- Rhave made a mistake. uditorlum of tile chureh, but the House. al)Otlt 200 VRIUdble pictures, (Jerrie. I ,
".. � . . — -
.l . I ere, who is posted In all things per- pipe organ is too large for class tiae. inplit(ling oil paintingn, inirrorn, �tr. ,
�. .1 C , � unto of the Value of Property insured tip to Janitor Buffalo, March 17th 111olsoN.ki. 'John Hammond Wits Ott . ..
. ". . I 7' Tit,, re ular mootl of the Godarlob branch tainfug to the 0. 0. F., made an In ter- .low. The Rernion topic" at thti, Baptist 'rblo will Ile it rare opportnuily for pict. (loderich aq a jorvinan last week.- .
Ont,rl' 0 Coloice,To to. I 901, $10MM&OO, z
. . 1`0
.. I the % ortion's laid Cute %Vill be held at the Pitting noldress, and then introduced To the Honorable the Mayor Of church services next tionday #11.0 : tire . Oeo. Beckett, Auctioneer. ; "
:, ro atilt] V, lit P O of h 0 owners OFFICYRS AND DIRECTORS -J. 1). Me. r.me o0dra. Dock. Montreal atroot, on Them. 11 Mrs. It. 0. Alvl,atig'hlin, (if soolem, wait 1%,
, ,� . to a p V Ilic ofo rAtInir on h ' Uan. PreAdenhSoftforth P,o.: 1'. Fraser, dt kat3o'clock. A good attendance the Blackstone orchestra, who gave Goderidb, Goderich, Ontario. morning, "Religion on Pire." evening, hartiess. range, �;�
11 11 I t . fresh of tipary Iclno I p ILI,. April 1A S~]nY,'Nlflrcll 27th, it visitor lit (iorrie la -t week. -Afro. I I
. : , It � sidont, ru offeld P.Q, : T. R Hatrog. 14 otilred. a nice selection : then followed a vocal Dear Sir: -We desire to call to your "At Their Wito Rod." (;ovdlAl wel- brasq hed, wagom, buKRics, paintm. sew- I
, al n lia ,. an a Ill -Now to 1`0 r - re u t. Senforill P.O.: J. con- anti Mitin Dailloir, of Port lilgin. are I
, . At , C , � . . .1 U. Date. Cliptoll P a - Ine Courra have it
I , L. 6 - noll ' 46 0 'W6d t nettled Ahat refueling to duet bV Messrs Pawrle nd Belcher, Attention the claim of our client, tile come. Ing inachineil, etc.. etc., at tile Auction visitors %vith lit, fortner*s ditughter, i
.. � . 14 1 poit, all
- __ it I 0. ; J. EVA no. loot cakenowspaperHorperloolicala from the � a recitation by Miss Hazel Wilson; Crameron Septic Tank Company of Inverness CalIT of the .14.ns of.4co HOUS0. Sole at 2 an(i 8 p. lit. Ternin Mrn I,orrie Shill 4
I I � , " 11 I 11 . .; deVe WhitbrOM10 : J One, 0 oo orremovinund Ictovingthom unitntl6d vocal duet. Master Praster and Lillie Chicago, againsC your city for' an land will attiond Vine scrylep I - 'e' I
I .. L I . . r M ptlon t
- , 0. . W, Choo 4o;forth tot, while subpar r ,
1, I .. � __ I .. 1 .. L o inity. , r ils I nor K cash.' Gco, Beckett, auctioneer. 44(yr". -A mi^esnont N ron foot to . 11,A
"P., I, Ne,VMlI;, n
� ... . " he Irba facla evidence of ldremnt'l it& train reatriloq"ict, ,Ver&rmx.tee, hil
* , . - it t I Doctor of area nearest to 02' Ififirit*01hefit of its ItMent, proedso for church next S bliath morning. ;p a , , _� _ _ rianize a band, vinoer tit(- leadership � ;, , �
f , Ohrirtt, our popular Inirnessmak- 11, I
I - Button. AnaddresobyW.G, Strong, 5WW, dated December 27, 1897. lastied men will be held In the evening of the . I 1.
� , "' " Special Notices. of Brantford, Superintendent of 0- to D. Cameron and others, like patents game day. 0 'I,
I lir. — W. Sillib, duet. Meagre Merchant and the disposal of aewage, patent NO. annual servIcT, or Hatton nol 12,060 o
. � . I r fl i a fisher- Tim GonRutica RTAR, faille to
1. 1hep8te ' Balk people weplitly. Iluron'R best paper. er. Limie in not nat Isfied with only an
. M09 , D 'Ohl "� .
. Ca I ill spod orchetilra. it does not give hint scoEe . i
I . �, I I C OrLh- enough forhiminutilral abilit left, -T e I , I �
I �
� - I I Kilift Church on Monday evenin rch 29th. 1r, Strong spoke for some time, and of which have been recognized by our ward. news of Nil-. E L. Dickinaon'q death I
I i 4 , . forth The Nt!Gillivary Mission Band will ganization ofthe 0. 0. F.. an the for which process tire held by nor Next Sunday In the anniversary of Sevprnl finrka of wit(] gemw .
I OV CA14ADA hold 86 8datch wI&I in the lecture room of 3wth and prosperity of the order. client in the United States, the Validity the North street Metbodist church. over Ooderlell lant week going at !.
I . P1171%_11":
. w lour as ntq
.= 4* fiXIL gla.c.o�dl the numerical and strong called forth many Pxpreo-sions of Hot-- "
. do ,Job. Rev. Mr. Lanceley, of London. will
. I . lab ovilft TOROKTO ._________._. ---_-n__ a"V'S= TdInal llu`t;'iIe� I time . highest courta. We will be glad to The columns of Tim OoDmutca STATI �� i
� - -_ - _ - c ry the pulpit at both "PrOCri"L row MUlong oui citizens. as he had I I
I at position Of tile POrebtere negotiate with Your zity for the pur- oc " Allneele preacher of ittime are no There In not a line to many friends in and around Oorrie.- :
I, l I i i - I., M 0,01"......."', t padded.
1, I _. !! J - . I &-- clea ly before the meeting. The pose of adjusting the matter and per- Mr, y 19 it - simply "fill in." am tho naying goes.
" � 11 . W I ape, r distinction, and it will he tin 1)
t1ker was heartilY applauded on witting the future use of the proce . Impor The lectute avid entertainment given - �
tue"Poirot4a - W DEATHS. so n to
. I -, I "esurril tunity to bear him. Tho chorch The Blackatone ornhestra will take on Wednentlay evening last, under the I ,
Dobaloto Pililkibilat to "W" t
� *"I Act of LM aghlaseat. A plarm selection We might state for your inform lion betantefultv decorated with flowers, part In rt public hanquet at Clinton, �
I WATCIIBtAitga Yoxoma.-AnODIlsorre toirmiliV, an Frldt%. by Miss Elliott followed. and then ot and there vp Ill lie much more Lit n the this Friday evening. In honor ... ___ FV I
. D411108" March 10. IWO, Richard Fifield oung, aged that when the city of1roronto install- I lcpo o the Public Library, was
. . IXWULZR AND . came vocal Polos by Me. Marclimont X, Attended and mocii appreciated ..
. OPTICIAN years. 4 months and 8darit. - ed a similar propeas for the dillposal of usnal amount of music, In the el"Iening Frank Hosigens. of flodgenot Ilrop,, and Air. Spotton gave an I
. Harold * Blackstone, ,Bert Cott anti If,. sewage. it negotiated with our especially. Mr. It. Holmea. ex -M. P., whit are ,,,, I' o`,r, 1, I I no e I .
I I fly ev
. .. .. I . issuer of Idstrilige Licemits Mrs. Buggimi cornat selectinfi by Mr. client. recognized Its patents, and paid about to leave that town. . at ra ) ddresti, containing much 1� �
� I ,��,� ,-, Highest currott tAte of 111ter"t Rememb" the sille Saturday night Heinicke; solo by James Thomson; a license fee for the privilege of using AU. H. P. Paulin last Sunday after- od advice oil reading, history of St.
I . 1*td In, Ott . . Gotferkli. obt. at the Auction House. selection by tile Blackstone orebilostra. such process. noon was presented with a compli- ______ V-14trick, the worn of Ireland. Inter-
, I � � � - The famous Crotty trio. dancers &nil The Chief Ranger having tetideriod mental ad a by the Adult Bible Holmeaville. speined with wit anti bitmor. A pleas- �
�� I i
" 11 fivinp lilt lipidwall .c singere, at Victoria Opera House, all thoso who bad aftleted In the pro- It you will kindly lot us know how Class oltbedwrth street eborrill. Air. Ing featore of the entertainment wan
I �
�/ , I RALSEY PARXI ' next week, gramme, #%nil the ladles Who Wpilred long your dispostil plant Its* been In Paulin has been president of that clatia N(YrRa.-Mr. R. Shooppoord and qWer, tbd- friph flag tit -ill by 10 yming Iddium,
*n,` - on depwto Ot tit and, ltip*Awir, and tir"ided tit the tables, a Spart, use and thp coot of construct
, 4�1; . 4 0 Samilel Wise. agPd 55, died at his and has Mine much to brin .. � ��
V same, we will then ba pleased Ing Ile .1 it up to of Nilp. were callera at Win. Htanlev'p who arfinitted themselves very credit.
I twiffil ItRM&V Aid 0611 . Will fit, JeWellf, opilelin home In Tockerituilkh. The remains "Ote of thanks, the meeting Closed to take till 6tr success. on Alonday.-Mr. and Airs. Henry ably. rho other entertalm-rt. wore �,
. op the matter of giving you a deflnit ,roxent condiden
. ,l 11141ke %yet* interred In Cliti(oa eemittery. with God Save the king. figure for the purpose of settlement. 0 hn er addreits was presented to him Graharn, of Yale. Alichigan, are the aloo favorably received, and the whole . .
� . I A dowlittl botd4 IN0111,64 . Sbuth,80witif ilie Square, ,The lit quality of tbfj good@ at tho ... ... �low - I on Wednesday evening by the offletialsi goest" of his brother, Jame for it pr,lx,eeding, w,,.r(,,, vlored by the andi- �
to .., log
' '
, I . fiftwt6df �- N�, �` It, of the quarterly board. Nip, Paulin while before leaving for the West. 'i, (I Sirwvto the King. .
� , jftititff. OsT. Auction ouselaproofthatnothulltill On Saturday Mo 0. 0anl0r6b was the Mr. Win. V. U^Jor, of Toledo, O., and family are removing to the West. Whert, tbeY intend making thei fitture
� _ " �, , , , -1 too good- to. well at itft recipient Of i 961d pin set in pearls. It owner of the Itarne little race horse Both Air. and Mrs. Paulin have boon horno—hir. Walgert Tebbutt oft for . � ,
. " 0,1�1� , ,,, W. - -0 I I.L M ii"of I r. . 1 .4�1 �� auctiOn--81ttl I ,,'a;it i., " 0',�p ni,r ,,*,, I'll,
� I I . �_ I : , I . Pf"IdAy.,mlitch 20th fr6m2p.m.to is a "I& t" to cothroemorate Robert M., 2,11 14, by Tom Reed, pA J In the West, after a ending Do not ,ill whon they quarriiii,
., Po)�AVJM L JJV . (I. �
I . .OW 4 . L , � 4 ii. full ill bo "PAri ld energetic workers in tho ehurph In big battle . , ,
I . 0*49RIN *I ftlto' Dity to In Mlft t bat 6f, ClUtt But;bs, and it ivielt to (Joderich last fttlk. and v0lotis department*, and their goin the winter with hio brother a I sister. the little � r ,',dn t aa.nt me to ". ,
. I
I . I � . I .1 1 I .11 -- But rited And Miss V. Wit Mr. Nelcon moved last ** to hill Etterml , anyway "
I I I A, 0 , I IftT C011 And ITY In the NnI.Nd itchoolo Anyone *hd oil r lot fairin on the 71 " -_ Vilck cure - I 4
I I I � r t tboday.11h4latilm.r.011 rest I?ollsy his Ing tftrO. Grule P.: W . I - ht It o o'&; combdo � til
� , kW61i r6owa VI as ",lit t6 rho eit,om. P, Polls, I& rdem. whils here purelimed train Mr. A. $1. Is fit distinct loss find much regratte
.- . I Rd#r hey will carry atirtkv With them it I
L . ,
I ,
�, � . , CAUXA, *a*ki. I U"AhA ttiot"ynt' can totdo4ill beiii1teloofflo.-4. go T16- it. bift t6 tho fto 'Jarys by T6tn . OUto D01116 McCurdy itiartlett good witibes fol, their success moving out to i. we Yen let I
I I , : 4140outim mv;io#-� I
I 11 11 1_11 sj111111 silosiXiiiiiiiisoo- � , , __ . -1 ... I . I . *)it, ptifielpai, At this bid4by i6i6k4ft, - 1W 1-4, At A e064 A&Ilps. In the nibw country. I welcome them to our cold , lity. Intat lit/ I �
I I I I I . I I � � � 1� I I
I � I I � . . I
I 11 I 1, 13 A . I I 1, 1;
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