HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-02-26, Page 7# IV— 7 ­­7-_-'1W,­J�'- ,Jf2%-V- .. � . 1. _V, 1. , I , . � ­.) I 4:,� I- - ­ � � ­ � - � L' - , ,� 1-4, t, 7 - ` ,,-, I I � 1�1 -�, , ?7r -.-qv,,- . ." � %'11 ; I . ^ I -1 J_ �2:1_ .. I . I I ­; '' , � I . .. 1�1 . ------ ­­ -1 � ­-- ------ _____ � - _�____ _._ __ , __._______ __� _ ,-. 6 .�. __ __,_______.,_,. , - . , - , " , — --- - - - ----- _ -_ ­­ - - I—— _.. —_ .- _ . ­ � : .­ -4 . �,. ­­;�—?!�� L- - ­ � _ . 0 .. ­ � I 01-.. 1. -11 `0 0 ­ - IN _ __ - �, I lig VL it J ­ ,I I _� � &,�; . �� Lk!" � . J I , �1111111i � I - - . '.I� -,-,t - lia___ ;J,11�� 01 11,1014 me � 4 � qdlll i , ii - I , W I � 1. - �1111 ­� I ,, - I . -:: L . 11 � I &` , 4 . . - ­ _­ ftV4 *"W* #1 ?I�w ,--- � I I., �� -,--,I I . I I � 4 - I � I � A9440"" 0"W" " 0"s _ � --I --4------ " AW,_VVJt_4WJ , I � - ­__ - , , � I *_%0 I -,.-.- ___­ :!!T!_�_,L-;-�-;�:� - - -100-o .1 _________..___ � I � L�' I . I I - I , 11 , - - I . 1-1 �X*W­­-- - -� *a Atz 4014 F lot ill -, 11 � _�, I I DU I I '. I I I _­ ­ -, - - .1 -1 11 -1 � I 11 4--_-. - ­ ­­ 1. ­ . �� - " - - M a � 9 * 4114"SSIX06 ra A 4, t I I 'lid -040*04b� % � ­ , I ­- I '444ea" mpooli (ro*,0h&r ottoiitowss 4 *04M � " , , 3 � . k 1, � - 4uture P_w I " W � I.. ­ . Is . A Wt bow - - I .. . , () �N - I . . W06"" "X 11,14111� INX 1.1, iw t', Thl, V4 -1.00 'i"o 0, .4 ON 0 -.- - � � W, �� I A . � _ ex""01� Tool*. rOW*_**-A, 4. .. . e- - U4 4"0404, � ,ss � 0 . � I , , . . , , . two= I A. D M 20A � 4w" 1 1 1p"0110A4 ig th* . A - 04' A. 11M $w -1 , C 0 __ I I - , , I " - W -O ,, . * 1. .. I . I I _. . I � 4000"_y* Aow 0 I .4. J I . I " I , . at p ''! , *0� I** .. I . r —,, X. . -Takw '' , to. a , ..." �pi . . --- . --.-,-" b4emw Ostmdam rmoul* , hip" ot 4 &6;i4 tos"A4 a � .. , 0 - 40,10...� I I - oo pho"o _44.6 - t 40VIA ditvm* for twqk 44"I M _ . 1� I . � - �, , . ,. .I"* 00 � i p4ap,L 0406. orstat "ON* 10, "AW44, - 4wk, , � . I � ,* qk1f I I I � 11 � mph" of 0". 14"bor Poll, ftgoiab4t 20, iv^ t* . . XA I 11 1 1% ^1004* , . I I . P I I ot Tomato bw 11111i""10 *4 *0 , W44", 0 �, ., . ", I � 1. . _­: I'll , '. 1� Wout I . I 11 044� 04M PSWAS", # I - ) , lq�pitil oxiiswit , I I 044141 *V* . . . . I 'MI, 441.." *'I"1,101. . I I - I I C 11, * ,,, I I "" .1 . 44 AW -40,10P Av,0440AW,, Tk*, It""t IT"* di*us rwioliP4 '' 001 04, . 11 ;01.0 me'll, , , . I � � I I � 11 , I I go" 04'Akooc I I 40WO ippw* 0 V* W **44 *. - k I % . *� I I A abiot i4xx In 0 1 ,, 0041 . I : , .'� am for "Wo I 41b4otioni !�' Ic , U A 40sm" tsoft (Mawa, "; *4rxW4dtQw44*U I � V lok"� 1. , I 0"VA, , , � - ' " ., I . -0*1$� �� 10outo. * 4, . I '. . - wore for sh Atr J I . a W J. U � I . . I � I I laumitiat , u9ta wov,i� a;311ir.wx Xlello lq4,40W t 114t; ""* ow, itk* I X � 11 W , r4. slo-4P190-06 "Oor ol ", �u AAA" � ,, 4t, � , nut ,A , � t 164*41� 11 1. I 444 wh4i;4 , 004k VIltontig* _ , xilsitob� Pot "t I ... Two ,,,,*�,c � h, Am 441 � State , cut , � . ot og- W6444*4e gipm,f: . 1 4 NO V t ;"Irkotill, b . I - . � I . uwlsm`q� r4i0a A ow .44o 'A ,X"41t vt 44 b*.Aqt ois� rrid" *111411: ,v tp 0 4 4 ia elifitmor"t � 1. $ , 14 - U."t I"A 10, I . VIA , . - rr*4 ,M* 14441 - I 0 -1 I., I I 111. 11 I .1 I � � liz-t . 0 ', 9 ,1111 %141� � . I . I I I I _ *"., Tbo = , UK -Or" A. X, 'W'skut, P1 - , .. . inI4 " 1441�� I I U "J4 Owu 14 b* d", Am gr6*1=: "W 0*0 �t�4 V"OVOlt Arab- � 1� J4 at 00 A . I . 0 0161 - 31A . Vis , . , ro vt -, U4, . I * 100i, . or. , 9111(114"F401 04"W. I 11 I wo�*# of $us - I aigi -aas" 3W* for. *Vort, MAO. 44WA'*jA 41SQW thor* VaIl,4 WOR k4 0; jW _ .. , � , , A;Ibroklr ' 1 44'�A. U1. * , '. " - 11% 444.4o�sUrAq. � I k bliq 1 '4 A fta"W1X417W4,t0 I I , I I . , , 044ustiois" - 0 tio, - d I vok 4.4 Uk . I 1 U60;* QMtAtt** 04 ,#j"Xi*00- y. X Atst Womt% �)k , J W34 . wit* "*w4ovors,aiv 44111140. - X," A . I which, A0W 0.44 rowli As b , prosso yo *U4414 4pplalksol, "M 49 L - isdo4w of oprifix v _ , V440110, '7 lk NNUU494 '41' Wam*14 =441� Mugatiollt V10 I � XXT I , "' %401440A * t . ; Dr. 0#4 -tb*-Xxp U" JFr—*1*W 400, b ;rout*.; -Vwod�, , " -k 10. ' 0 ion . 44)" _0104 11414401." &ad 00416- m�. The r*VeAU# ,XL", A"V. , UM, T** . o aa�'P,0�sla I - " Jg,4 %*,y ='%: JXt4 % I O'ka X"A' . AM � . 0,41". - - -4 bi'* IA . � "%M 'I Ile I I 161 , Wq", of . ,Or i lettept b W4 kille , toot falb, it op W� 3 , 44J . I �', I * 40M. bu lot Wor vkmult *6 Ofs *00. rop; '. , 4-01i i low, of Plot, A"t VA 4"tailaw 0444 M_� � ,, 0�4 tb,t largest 44 . 40 I ­ *^% . � W0141, . , .so, , � " . . . of X'WkV* �901:4* *ioow.Y. I I . '� � . I , '1' 4 , " '1'��M.a � I 11 i I , 1�.. , I , I I I I. 0 *PA; I � .1 11 , V44 � , � W*4,04 *0 t - .. *01 "t t" :1;" thii Wh*0,XaV-i;b0 *440" 03.11i , , I 101044 ths DorAtAlon OPOWly" I . I I. I eat *o** 0 *0 ^W,* I . I .1 I . #Ovr *0 444, ouitual . ", AV" . � I _Arebaoiaqqa 8* T*&. 4slaeat 440-"t' %s"W1e*#' I .� I __1 1. . h , I 11, I . I � - I � , . i I � . .1 � V . I 140414AX -of ,-W ii bm-" - X 844 , I I I 4okogZA6 futpq At 400j,'"I't lgilIi 'QIX coh�%olrci`pkl 40,44 Wr�P"''Wo. 4400aw or, YVA = % - 11� , ., , Wo, op " 013 � - ,,,, ,,,,-A3r, - ,$or X4� A' $04hora;l, *a4 $1,14, , lhiol h4li 400. 1 _ 0i 1xiiiiArIlgoo' 04 Iw A3.44 a?", '4- � *JZl?J(�'An'k*A(0b* , .1 t thm § . An - olsl4m = 4"IM421 � - I I ro,"Ay* for Xcl, "A' Notporol, 0,49-V "�V44 � 1. I vith f4 ,. '04, i10 � . . -",of I . Xcxtrol W404 solixe4 *Ad 00 014'at - ,your uposwo, * . � 11111irx"Ot 111,11314111,11ai � . _ - U ,A" : L I I I . 1g I M W I Z 00 Isop", W WO -00-1. 4 � , . , 011111101:4111101". �1 , I , � , , , #W . ­ 11 I *0 � 'els per ae*p &V I 11! � WN ­ - I I � 1 ,4*0* 0 , . :1 . ­ V '10,114 4L ­ I .� , 9" %% L,443(44.19p t - 14;= ,. � tWozombira. vt 4 ii 04 W40 A , I : , , , �,.w*_,o��. . � " " homkill 4 I" Oat' ��V fo N011141 V 4io"it- -410 I In lot. , I , 0#` Po *I. 'No, .*L )�citborvi. L "T, 1 6114WAC - 0AN .1 I. W, 11 IAD i** 19AW, 1, Seq`* '­"� ' , mix , = I ­ ,�� . tjo% A._44t,� 'W -%g* - , %460 Who , k", os".., _ . ., , � . .117 1. � , .1 . '; ,,� L' ' ' * Ilt . 4,001 - qn,� Imid. , I . , - - . � . � *r.: Siub.""rlig,� tor *x p 00 Or allitAit. 7 "� , -1 11)'R�944.(Ik $10 la '^ JXV_, 4,4'suco, 4,004 ot. TRX f 00 . � . Z � r t1doelf. 1 1 9 , grim � O'lato-09, , , AV.X0 4 come, 4 . r. 4 � 04 tUt. J"t� . i - . I , ,'In t 1. . , ,�st, , it 40gil'itAt , ., , titod a Of a , , I 40 st64. 'bo, A0 ia�_X4,.,, A� Val, ull,Uou pox JuWq%4 I )� 0 AllitoQ4 4"c"_0 41 'r A;t' good: Tilsit" o0it _bo,,,0r0W1vM .0 , '' , �. . �­ . 's �, 'O 0a � I .. � . , , � - qpWit"Y" f '044t, A etoro . .01'10 01'49I�. , .� X* � ; *, Woaoel�tclIrt- - I .. .� llt-, A " � � . , � � ' tboi W- ",mor viawl% ltv'o* J ' ' ,140j_4,6a�. �ft . �� 1 04 0*04W.4,0 '101TO"'Po' $ �� I . . I " i,)T ',-,040' .,, : , _')JflAWq$.�' ' "4'� , . - I I'll 11 . !1 A 11 I . I ; .* , , * , � ­ , .1 . , , � h - I ." #Aid ltho't b I t4wt, or 4*01op I 044-�Ontor,4 , . 9, Atto � � . , ,I$farlo )$jMk assets, It 4,0.r Acm , : I , , .. I,, " st**411y ; ; L�� 4,10s jo. . '�"]*.ii,*,.�.lit,t*�loomxuip4� 14% , .� � " . , � I _ 'I .. , t I ,..1 0 1 , L I _ .*Jwu P! 140 P Q I 1. 1AQV*t I , , , � # � ck, IN"*Q X6.1 0, IIIQI!04"� 041, t3bo '941AXPaO 01, �. i I I _ , $r4s, J � AA i 1 04, moualip,z X. 04 ­ , I - . , ,,, " . - � . � for; 10%, 116k All �104 I W0,; t'".$4444 pqrsioTo'la 110W,10`114.1 _ . I'll, I t T� A 47cli lbs'l,! , ir ( - , ati *a . . i, , , 6i . ''dAnZa", �Vla% 10011, V #10.0 00 AIS YAOT11M. , T4, � 1, Y,V4 4 I I ., I ­ttpit of, 'Ift 1110,00 AV0410 �44M of *4 I., Aqx� �* 46 Troo,orlk sayat " "T" sjiip,-�bra�e in '' I � I � . . 6.404 . IZ . ��� it .0%. wood - '. 'O' at 440 Q91- J , 9"Y w., ROT ST04 �, .� � , . , L hws , W , 1, v - , I: -,- , I . , ! - .. tc� . 0 11 I �� ;*44% No . , volif4d, by i � , 0411*14 but $0 �04A, ok, 1 P 46ro W, 914.409 A., _0 . � .'' � , 01401111'.. of,I)OPloy.'"s, of Abe 0 1� - ., . �, ,,, - .. 4,17, 14A*04 . Vid� ik%v P I . I I . . �, " " :4 I ITOW., ­ F4044 Latoxte, of Molitpw 9 -affeliver After We . � , I i I I . �� " it . , It W*8 k4 Self 0 .40 W - __1 . ....... �A__-: ­ I " c .� "'� '' . , �L' MlWaiiia ma,pno � . -Vo - .0404041i X4II'r*y;, iiA9p1b0;* IL ' - - - _.. . ­ - . 414411V at t 0 , Oat , I , , - tii,� ,.,R 00o:,044W4 h0q4trial'ou olUL'oJ ,,� �44$_ �aj,olfW,�$O F, '41 4AQ 11 A-, . .* � � _44`� _ft Xtj�qb*tAJVnj#� I X � 1h ^4 IR - *1 V, �. L A#."Vi) ,� �� � I , , Tit# . *,--Iwx��.. , U, I ;1J . I _X _.-,— - r-44_111444'"Tol"W"4100W.44*0� "llat" we " 11111" __ . I- __ __ ­ vl� � . . , L4rJX)4 '�J, ., _ 01% sixort, =40 1. r " . _ 1trI61tNo.:1 blsrlq� 0.11 to 0*0 dtholt4olaW .. I" 13-1 � 414 -11". - i , . �!J W- ho the, 813A It 4 490 Xor 0*4 . . I - otgailint. Ill b idin Ite -6 ,wbi6,&:t,w,aa15 " I _t"U'r -_ - I - ­ '4rA'-, a voo-var, -A-1*04-i . - I rtim-vontreat-8 � � , , � � #-Ioo, . ii _� _!�t4$ . , . �­ I --� 4hA "-42444_711 . _ ­.�.­�,­ VUVAIQ;_��211, I � -oll -00- Or - !�E$__ � , ., �� - . . . . . . . t .- , .. �� , 1. � � - ­ 11 .... ­'.­­-­, �oF��, vim "st __ ' ­ ":#h-f4V0","'A_W..IT9'7L7 � . , Am nA -MA !% xm. " ,,L � - .. . - Ag 9 11.4le fA. 1A .. . +. Aligh I Alga ha,vinir, st4bbed is . i I i . — I W I ,' � 0"- ti�d it"lllu � � At -.* 0404, - k, K +" whor I � , : t7 M, � I . - 7 , I � , . I ... ­ 11 1. .. 11 'L -1 __ , I —I -1 I . I"6, - I �­ � �3,! x � 11 1� ­ . - kno .. 0� 111- � I 0 Wit Ist - - _­ . -11. .. L - -- ,4-p- ­­­!,­�­�,�, 11.1 �, � 1, , , -40 " . To '04 , Mother with. a I ' '. , � � P.1 __ _. - -_ - - - -_ - _____ I , 1 I I . tojoek t4q'Xw It�o . oil Oouit I I, 10 wckaf,�knifo, inflict- _ ­! -1 7, 112�11 � I ,�L 1: I . I , - � f'. � Wkva . I to SOV13" , - ., I , � .1 , lapr,qJ*0tTeek,,ib W04 to.40Yk4.4.to' k her left arm, Miss -tow t, , , 0 , a,, 4 i ,,Of r i 4 t obec, brawirs ho6ve, formod a, In 0. WOU44 IV `1117i " - , L . . 8' �' I 11 I W".UTANO 00 .." , w. .�do,'kA . is"100yin"00 tla*l AV4iaA`*4Wc`1 *)' 0, , *L' " do%$r t,inat _j'ilt� ' 04 i � . ,. � or ql__ I �­ . I - , , , � I., ­ 11" *",Aho,� , 4aq 10.4' id 4+tlj� . $ 1 i949 14W, to.wr­dar, "r-WIth-"Wu4,ft--V,Xy,­ i Vvontrot-pr*�Ucel - -W­M-y?#*v;-0l4---8yf!"1 --w" so aforts I ,QqrA— 9� . _400 ol'th,41i 0 � r --w laum . , ,:, � I . .0�� , , , -,-I- - " '4461 . I .. , ­,_;,7�­_-XA . *-jw I , I -',$a _ ';;1;!t " , 44� - '111 � .41 #, 40QA - � 00100 . I � , � ': ,�. t,�* A , , , '06 � 4 11 $0444do i 'I Z*21' 1Xyt41XWt4oX" ,oil R . q.-3, I -1" t a w 616 output ?,t beer of. tun arraigned before itiogel 1jazln �11 . I .0 41i ­ I ­ � � I., . . An�d to 01119V�a- it if,11646JI911ty, P)t � to in . .. I W1 14*. bk' 4JIP _* . 11 , Wednesday. The boy tilea4ed In 1!_, 11 , 11 " I ,�, - , jp�.04 Od fell' 4 90,10 'yollowl. 1 171 1: ,� "o - I I �� 11 irr, - 1 'I soet f�or.0,4.,giit�";,O:og,l�xlft4,lr4 to Forlop GWO t tr " 0 11 .. I gi. q, . k 'a . 0 LlFonoral� sJrAJ.C#p ... prov At 4% 1 11 . 40va -10. _, � 11 , �, , � � . 1 14 - Talon cquit" upr4a, the ftat &r+ court that he had acted in self -414- ow ... 4 V go Was tea 4 **"on W tv. Ad " L �', I ,; ste." , -, ,� -..1Tfff_ � , " , .,I � 0 'it -lvux.14'9rAt0K t 0'JQcA1,_o 3401 rms . co, cl.airaing his mother and &is. � The asollrauco* carried lit the On 11,147 now , . , "L It ,oil- ,is Absez 0:4 ,:P- ralf . . , - in the ten , , ril wasouns a=br11'"WM%- go= , , . A 46014t�4­�Irotn., , i , ­ � � I , .; v I I , . ,4a, hos"thoslitl4kancects, ol;,.. ., , olijoben, At-' ter were trying to kill him, *ttoer tb:r:t16 lie;40 'nAlly I "all" riet . -6 � o = to um (t , , 'at t A Legislature of . . . � I , �, ,,� - VA 04CS ., X440001'r rtoxp' t k0e., W44 AW604, VA I � I b . If"N'ob" , I at , . � �, SW ik bo4x. *ai, f Toll'PA, b V�o , , 044motl a E),*N tul)Z "I son Us. . I , , . 'ot . 0i , I I I 1.k 11 - I the tx&dop 04 labor,or - you a" to be oolv"J'P'4�L Q13 00 t00% %has the swillus a r FWW alet an ", � of the Lake silvoi 0,004 04 11 Uol�.,,�Dr,,_, Ayilkll 0401 '_ ,-: I ,� A I -ru. he bad mousod his mother of tak - .ithoao � . � I I . . ,� ", I � I ­ . ­­ , - �, . year to save the ,:. ,:, � W,bio 4 '.r 'h I I .1 .1 " 9" r*04� # Ii W44 rp.0040­4 .4,00, 0*e bl, N +i,14�64 , 4110:� � . I throua,. oat the vo%;nt;r� 16 is reported at Montreal that ing'0360 from him. He said it took 1410111ties increased or nearly "TOMW ter essic, turliw oa`flJta)jgt$;)oln � 9* ','xLr � 44'rU -1 4 I �, �, t _4 - 1. , � I . The flold o2tero out 492 4 laFra 1 .. 4401sh .. ti day 0,050, . I I _1* -P.R. will build the Peter- him mot L Attl 0.1lie 000196,11y ato intilillow r -la. I .0 ,,,, I ,�'.�' is, I L 1. I , I I �­Vorml RAO the C " than a` Z 1XI, 44 . to 9 _ DUPA. aatitlo& to lo-ach 044TIVan � ' '�: I ... I �u - a, Rtlifem 1,411 0 140. lco*� , . '- '"O'. 9 0 M, ol, T!_ . . 1 9 - , . ' boro'-Coldwo ey which he kept in & little The aslabort of oth"011.114101 tv :611VIO. = ph" fait fal. to �U* � eo . , ,e,A .. 1. 1 ofia ' ­­ . Z , OA)FOUX SHIPPING , ter branch during the ,grion , 40 �h* I ., ".' I pony would iniu�edio , MOAMP, 9, . 4,pplpq.�­TllWbiIp%k 44 xtq- *00 1 1 . I -�_ coming summer. � box in his room. When he, found Your D rootora all# pleased to be *%1016 to oUte Ib4t t 0 � . ! �-Al , . " . y , c , , - _ 9 , � the MOUSY � tit YOU 11140 b .FT -­_�� I I tq '-th* RW+%)V4PJV$-- It: � ­tWQ ' Thos Quebec Board of Trade coile- the box broken open and 11 for 4:011it Me* =21as of 0 __ WT �a_ - , I -- . , ,11�_C. "' � to W" - ILn -. Pilo% to a � to most alf 45. . "I tixtenxivo additfonil 0 Qpork, , k choice tiii� ', .4 Three Ifft04 U4 XlAetj V T at" 4� . . . , . , elsate 3140:1 tbotr future r 1� . 9 the�L"A'11JOIA16 "' ,_ 1. I ,.PA OQiieff', L otor. an that the a far � �:, . h4arth Nrofice's '4 04 for aookip�, *' _ , '- Tewla Built Last Tolitri, brated its hundredth Anniversary gone, he accused his mother of DAVID DIXT110, Proddess and Naosallix Dulow. . 'r I . . � , - 69 , ": steel TIOV. � In 1�4 :+,Camadiatl .oAfe X040A ditio ot I(alf'o ON to 13e4ap,7-primell, 41 -so 4-49, aw . on. Saturday last with @,, hanquat iiavinq taken it. He 54id,110 had . . I , � � `,� . 9, OO.;1 ; biha�x' iv: I , , �. I I '06-0. , 'r " 10 ,1:4 4R.15 pot �A despatch, from Ottawa says'. week sel- 4-S kpro4air�6ts �ira, alk, band. I - od� :0 � in tAa Chateau Frontenao. � I , ;, follow f 't tlt 'uteati6g, b In- L, ., . I I pick ". I I tearned from $8 to $12 a t6 4' * e�; I IN It A'devait"oh. from V o ria, B. C., 'laushel. � � I The a0buill report of* the Marine Mr. �. H. Berti.&m has be -on ap- �ing pictures from door to door. AU01TOPI'll 1191`0*1. � , , -, �make I the. greAteAt ' Anya; l4the bad t' - -L-Combs, $2.25 to Do, � I .the last fiscal year, , r and Mr. Robert " ", to � , �itdol' C6, M. t the , uQuoy 0.70 To the �rssldent and 01rosto" INS Moral A111114#10in'da comporlyl �. �','. ,, - , Ike.,.. res* o fit 'per dozen, and strain ,4 11 to pointed co Coto., -----+-- . �, , .,< i0i � "*I 3 911. alillIsmang * We have carefully astitod the book* &ad row , ea, fjqtmolliti or to Parliament '. 1, eem in Canada. . It is � ropotvO Xj'slatUrO.L'on , odnoiw n AY46 jag , presented -M.11 surveyor of ous- % " 'I , I . L � " . 9 By 0, . I 491106a, ox � Ts twol" (I". � . ,4 that the cofapfinyl­ will 400t n4w Finariog Minis r Tittlow show .er po + shows that. the total number �i savorw", f6 41 V .und. . I tiona.s ab Toronto. A NARROW ESCAPE. Vany for the year eating 40 IMcember last. ano have sartiled . � 4�`* blas� furnaces ZiA-9, &. #Vuotiural turplliA pf & =0'6n and 4 L tinaotlay, 410.60 to IieW'v02%*k built and rAgistere4 Ill tealuel Roberts of Minto has The Cash and Journal Vollohows U161to 1),6601 4140617 *14=11464 #411 40M Witk 00 ,�� v, , _ 11 hAW. .. 110 -No. I . % _V I � �. I. I . , i I 411 per . on &lid the Dominion during tae, year,wa,s boon sent for trial at the Gue!ph Alberta,s X tit Bd1d- entries resorted. I � :,.9 " 0 .:, . nogt1sco'l track here, ew 7arlialrif . -t;% � �.* 0 -plalit. " 1 9 . f�r , the ao, i4ceaurimg 38,410 tons r I 'zes on a cha,rge of marrying mosly haWesse tell , ;,. . I L 1� 1. he revenue I . The Delia In tile agesslas of $be (k '. ,,�_ . . � _+__� 3reat would reacil six raillions, &lid .lower Or eO, 49 to $10 a ton- , eg's" Asat Blown Up. rno:611- with 0 fovers"04%. at as 0 have a 11twood 0- 'gX '41f All a total estim top Nearly spotted Will Lr.l)utt.-X 4 . %.,? ,,* , � �pdtttlital,d" �4v_ , kl: -it l� raw�­$GL50 to, *7.50, on travk� ter, w I "t'4 "**too his Weco, Miss Margaret Ann Bur- by 4$rt1d0&t414 the tot& Afrtailljf With the VAQUIVIR as 1bQWA iU the Astsiliflill Rl , 4 �. 9 the, (� . . I I . LL:J.,�-:f,� ': , To. VISIT, DT-INO WIFE. Millions, of whi6h nearly three roll- .Potatow-Ontiri.os, 05c per bag of $1 728,450. T44D total number ilf ton, A dbapatch from Edmontont 164to. �,�, ., . _w_ �ckll,Rs, -dressed, N vessR6 oix the register books of the The Council of the Dominion Alba., guys: The legislature, and oampauyinir Atatomoato, vis., Ilovellso said l4like and 14&bt- . . I 14 0 .would ba fQr public worlr�, Poultry -Chi , " �.'-1 r- M. Z 41121t: M2=11`.? D" , U01glan Workman Traimplog ' �t lit 6114uhr �' i ,,� 1W Aor on the new Pa I2 .to" co Oss a' -largest in- the history of the to'lao per pouna;'fawl, 10 to 1%; Dominion at the beginning of last Ri#o-Association &a in favor of more some I 50 em loyes the Y�o result of the Toot's operations ant also I � I , I 4 ,� � I , 1. P&A3,44. , " rdvince. The public debt had ducks, 13, to 14c; geese, 12 to 13Q; Yea,r was 1,528, Measuring 698,688 rapid firing in the matches, to IiAment blailditag-, had & narrow ft44249tfullT sublaitt'", , . . ,�, I A, I - . �. .9 . een -re4tloe,4 from $11;000,0%) to turkeys. 17 to 18c per pound. t6us. The nu I mber of steamer$ was make couditions more like actual escape from an unintended gun- � �- A despatelifrom. Wi,nia­ '"' says. I . 3,007, With 0 gross tonnage of 471,- WIMIT Nrl.. ,'4 I" _ -_ 109,o9o,00 within, a year, The miu- � — warfare. powder plot, Qn Wednesday. It Ramaton Ist Fo4vuAry. t9w A111111"W ;­ . I Charles Rover, a, -'Belgjp�a work- . 1 795 � I "L.' :1 9 ". j, . . ,lllan. has arrived, hort 1 ,,,-6� -p des-� istOr PT9PQgk1­0ti11 -4 greater de" ROG PRODUCTS. ton#. -, 1 . Savings deposits in Canadian appears that eometinie -since, in . . 7 ,,, ,� n the A. B. 0. lu'respect to total registered ton- banks are increasing at a record cleaning up the old Hudson Bay .,4, 9 porate tramp across Cona4. in the i0IOPme"ut, whe Bacon -Long- 01"r, Ily, 'to 11. g nage- oiuwAa - rankg'-tenth -dillb-fig ate, and now aggregate $443,170,- building, ton kegs of black sun- � , Ojorloil;l- hope I -led -t I I � . ,c�.�,___ .heart of -winter, ifiAh � I route, as. the minister sty blie per poundin caw lots ; me - 9 4r, the maritime countries of the .r FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR 1908 , of working his way ba;ck'--to Europe Alberta; and Brit�ish -000. Total deposits amount to powder were discovered in a to- �)# ". ,- , Columbia $20 sto,$20.60; shot out, $23 to worlll.�, y were probably 111101110TIL 0 � '' grain' route `w4ould in the near fu- . -P $06,456,000. I I "so where thq a- ." I . to Bee his dyint wife, *ho is a Vic- $24. The report shows 520 wireless The Attornay-Garieral of Quebec c' ched for defence against PC and AtioUtty Inoolus .......................... .. ­�. .1 , tim of consumption' -al ire be in operation, and the Par Ily hostile Indiana. The powder . I - ad is app6al- tu . Hama-Ligiii,to medium, 13Y9 to stations now operated by the de- Ert-.11.31-.. ............... ... :..,.:,.,.,. *. *.'. *.11 514r, No , name Canal completed. . has, ordered a prosecution of Pic- sib Route and ProAts........... I . ..,"'.� " � lqg to him t4 come. hfj e aiad see l4c - do heavy, 12Y2 to 13c; rolls, partment on the Atlantic and Pao : 4 4KIN W . .��' ' IN t ,It tar,6 show roprietors who have was removed, all but.one,kag. A 11 . , - -bor before she i(ilea., 0 list U40 -*jw.— They sent over 65,L -less, was ,, IoZ,�. to'lic; shoulders, 10 to loyse; 00 coasts. 9 ?­­I k � been giving unday exhibitions in fireman, thinking it use nitituntamiNT*. V, ., )Aoney but is.dotermioedto comply I I Policy-boldery ................................ � .. ........ is ,.,� , W � DIED ON LONDON STREET. bZV, 10 to'16%,c; breakfast bacon, messages during the Year. Montrea.l.. about to throw 'the keg into the paid to -4143 a : 1i with erthelpis, or - mt, aasigt� All, other Paymouts. ... ...... I., ....................... . , .! �, k� ' 'her wish, nev I — , 9 15% to Ift k � — 0 when .1". 0.141111 " A,'number - of Balary increases furnace as fuel, Balance ................................................... . ::::::.. ". . 4 �K` � perish in the attempt, -Porte, Lard -Tierces, 12V2c; tubs, 12Y,Q; TWO -CENT RATE ON 0. T. R. were decided on by the Hamilton ant warned hft of-thet danger. - .04 4",40 sil , fl, . � ,,-,., . . ." ­- 4, ri . Tragic End of Cot. A. W. ented 11 , I . I pails, 130. — n experim ASSILTS. 151118110111116ft 41416 ISM � ,'r ot 04jiville. - � Council, and it was proposed to in- Fireman Billy Lun �.: A " KILLED A P01140EMAN, . I .. privy Council Decides Agaltist 00 *ease the tax rate from 20 to 21 end the resultant explosion fired and Donds......_ ........................ ..... ...... $1.1473571 .4 ­ . A despatch from London, Ont . .. f mortraItes ............................................. . ..... 1. ..... " 61 �', %. I — BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Hallway. mills. . the entire keg, blowing his shack 1)""t -as I . 9 - I a - 01' 111 � T � . Nelson Dessler, of Berlin, Out-, says: Capt. A. W. Porte, of Gai- In the annual report of the De- tt fragmenU and terribly injuring Loallost'no Irtaltes" 11 ads. gtoqk. sto ................ � ... ..... : 1. .� Ville, former maniigirig director of Montreal, Feb. 23. -Peas --No. 2, A despatch from London says. jartment of Railways and Canals Lunn and two companions. All ft sas o ­­ ...................... .... I.... .--.:::1 TAS.VT4 U I . 1, ­ . Shot Officer at Olean, N. V. the Toronto biscuit 9 Company. 98c. Oats -Canadian West- The judgment of the Privy- Coun- 9 � � I � ­­­ -_ - -04 S.44's"N6 " �." . , I .� N. dropped dead in front of the, resi. . 2_40 to ,49Y - No. � M_qia the.. ca�se._,brought.by�Mrl' Mr. M. J. Butler speaks strongly � -;...;- _4f_.�_� � ... -.9 LiAlILITIRS. . A daspa,tch from Aodb:,DsWr 2. I Xto, 2c; extra ty of onlarging the . I- . . on* the neeessi � -of-Iiiii--sistaTi'mrs; -G0qrK& r t-,-6d-.-4821,-f6 -40-6-�,- N-,5­-1'-f&&d- 47vo -ve it - Y,.,. Aaylu.,Police- Captain--Timl6thY dencer , I Robertson, of Toronto, to ha; , 48 to 48%o. declared tba6 the Grand Trunk's Welland Canal. A, NEW DEPARTMENT. ll')6.8.8,iroL.,.,.u.o.,"�iii-n, u. .P. r -.9-o i s... - - .... - , - - - - - .... - .. - .. .. .. .. - ., ­ ..,. .,.- ........ $ L904418 00 Bassett of Olean W'&6'shqt and in- Brickenden, Queen'� Avenue, At 6 to'848c'; On%Zio No. 2,' 6"' a at . . � 1. .... 36.201 1 a tv The new Grand Trunk s — () her Ljabikjttea� ..... � .......... ........ 1. � .......... .... ........ 14. 00 stantly killed b "Nelson Dp4glbr) o'clock on Thursday evening. Mr. Ontario No. 3, 47 to 47y2c; 0 - charter requires it to give a C' Stratford were opened on It urplus an Polioy-holders' Account ................... ........... � 1110.476 63 �, —I,,'-,- . - - a he- IT ur" The Secretary of State Proposes a Ot 1. � I #A4A" 60 , � it burglar, in at I oity early on Porte iias walking with a young tario No. 4, 46 to 46%c; No. 2 her cent rate on tbird-claas car Mr i � Before Bassett lady and was apologizing fo� walk-, ley esy, to �5c; Manitoba feed bar- tween Toronto and Montreal day with a public reception. New B91. Asset . .......... 1. .... .. ...........".4 IJ14 .X. d I Guarantee Cavital ......... . ,:::::"::* .. ...... I ... 41 W . � . Sunday morning. wall C. M. Hays and staff were present, I .::.,,' *.: ".:: *,:::::,.::. . . fell he sent two bullets into Dees- ing slowly. "My heart is bad and ley: 56 to o5y4c; buckwheat 55Ys given on Wednesday by Lord hore- and were entertained at a banquet A despatch from Ottawa. says: Total Owurity 41540 I I I ter's abdomen, and -on Sunday it is' dalagel�ous for me to walk to 5ft. Flour�-Xanitoba. iini; burn. His -Lordship said the am- by the city. Ron. Chas. Mgov,thy, secretary of Policies w�;�"i�i'u'*'d"''A"o'o*u"rlti'g ......... ,.* , ­ *.* *., ­.' ­ * , ...... , , ! - .,a 0 ".., night it was believod- the Man rapidly" he said. With these wheat patents, firsts; $5.60;14aul- tion imposing third class fares at T *,:::,::,:. 11.1-101 41 � . 1. would die before morning, Doss- 'ords be pitched fo . rwarA dead. tolia, Spring wheat patents, . mile was still in force he cotton operatives employed state, is sponsor for a bill, whilch Total Insurance to Force ................... I .. ... .. . I see- two cents a * by the Dominion Textile Company is -to be introduced this session to After the adoptit.a of the Report the retiring Dirootoso tw reial:4= thgl w .b ,:ft a ,��:. ler is from Berlin, Oat., And. has .Capt. Porte -was one of the best onds, $5.1o; Manitoba strong bak- The whole question was whether in Quebec Province have served create a "department uf external ousuins Year. At a subsequent meetinu of tua irootors t ,.t,, *,a "' ]� ,,,j,:�i'-s, lengthy police. record. , known citizens of London befor46 oral; $4.90; Win'tr wheat patents, the awtion was inconsistent with notice that they. want themages re- affairs."' This, it is understood, lixeoutive Committee wuro re-elected. . . 1 ­­ 1 . "", � . b Torolit9_1P ye 4(t �o �ra 50;.,atraight rollers, $6 the -Railway Act of 1906; Ile hold stored to the o d figure as before will.be the equivalent of a depart. � ­ 9 ". . 1. ­ , .- mro $5. .. I . �1111 , ,ago.- & W�A'i*,'Aboat 0 years of to Z., in bags, $2-35 to that it was not, and &ISOLth&t tile ��,11"- .91 9 .j% removal to I :� _W M JAVANESE KILLED. � $Sio. not decide the cut of 10 per cent. was made. ment of foreign a,ffs,irs, And is but ENDED LIVE WITH RAZOR. TO WARD OFF DISRASS. � " I � � age. 1� $2.45; extra, in bags, $1.95 th Privy Council could The Dominion Coal Company has Ian extension of the policy 'which — I - \ I Mee Villages Buried, Vilder 20 - —10 . $2.m. F�ed-Onta�rio bran bag ad- whether the section was left on decjded to offer the Steel Company! was inaugurated , when William With Throat Cut, Wandered to To ward off disease: IT;. ,,.,� WASHWOMANIS FORTUNE. vamed $1 per ,ton, 'with sales Of the stEAutes by aesire or be,061100 to carry out the original contract Mackenzie was created secretary ­ C&r Tracks and Died. Don,trt -rundown" or "Played . Feet of.Ear, . car lots at $23 to $24; shorts, are overlooked, The appeal w tired, rest. . 1P " T . - — , i as dis- or make a new one, and to pay th.e for imperial and colonial corre­ � out." _' . I I A despatch frilm The. Hague- An Estate of $492,80, the Savings 50c, higher at, $24.50 to $25; Man'- missed with costs. . loss incurred in the purchase ,ul spondenoe. It is understood that A deopatch from Winnipeg saya: Don't live In foul air. � says: Six, hund-red JeVa,neSe Vgjj4D of TwonVy Years at the Tub. tobs. bran, $21 to $22; Manitoba - A1__ coal while the old contract was in Mr. Mackenzie will be deputy min- Invefit,igt4inn Bho,ws that Con. Don't drink Impure water, killed in a landslide which buried , shorts 024; Ontario br�.n, $23 to ow ,* the villages of Tjiboebothim - A despatch from North Adams, $24; Britario -shorbg, $24:50 to. VZ; dispute. ister of the new department, ,Euriglyt, formerLy of Renir , Don't buy dirty milk. , War — which will be under the adminis- Out., but who was working here Don't use staill milk. . --- enegineto and TelalibarlJoe, aocorj- Masm,,- says., What eedhomY will Ontario middlings $26 to $26-50; Do - . � ing to a -message from PeuJajaloe, do 'was illustrated here on Thurs- pure grain MLOUille, $28 to $3o, Turbine Flyer Xituretanlis Has GREAT BRITAIN. tratilve control of the pkime, win. three years as a barber, commkt- not eat food badly coQk6d. I � Java. z� park of the Mount Kent- day, when the inventory of the es- mixed mouille, ft5 to $27. Cheese Made New, Record. ister. ted Buicide. He was suffering from Take cooking lessons somewhore. tau left by Mrs. Ann Coll' Two suffragette raids in London _____q. ill -health for some time, and seems Don't kim dirty children. ja,�& slid down on the villlagps, cov, Ins, 61 -Finest western, 12y, to l3c; A despatch from New York says - on Thursday resulted in the arreit to have cut the jug�ilar vein with Don't mouth dirty monoy. I . eri4g them under 90 feet of.earth. 'washwoman, was filed in the Pro- casterns, 12Y, to 123/ac. Butter- The turbine flier Mauretania, of the of & large number of women, ' FEDERAL LIFE PROGRESS. A razor at a wooldpile Rapidly Wn't, rub your eyes With di'rtY . . .1 blate, Court. It is valued at $42,300. Fall creamery, 25c; winter cream- Cunard Line came abeam of the Ten more suffragette% we — weakening from low of blood, he finger%. 4�_ __ 0� M re sent . 9 . CA . . rs. Collins was left A, widow and Cry, 23 to 24c; dairy, in tubs, 20c; Ambrose Channel lightship at 10.35 to prison in Lon -don for creating i Financial Statement for Past Year wandered'blindly to the car ttucks, Don't try to k400p "up and . SMER ARRESTEI)i penniless, with six 6ildren, twenty rolls, 21c. Eggs --New laid, 32 to o'clock on Thursday night, thus a riot and resisting the police I Pre-cmiumily Satisfactory. where he fell anti, after brief coin- about" all the time if you are sick, . — k - years ago. She supported the fam- 32c; selected' stock, 29c; No. I -completing 9, voyage in which sev- The daylight saving bill wilf be Policy-holderg and shareholders vulsione, died. The cars after- but go W bad. ­ - Twelve-Bundred-Rollax Robhery at hy and saved her competence from stock, t7c. 16f the Federal Life Assurance Co. Diphtheria is spread by the lips .,. St. John, N. B. � her earnings at the washtub. I eral now ocean records were 'es- introduced in the British House of wards crushed his cliest, and Arm. � I ' . tablished. The steamer not Only Commons shortly, and is expected must be highly gratified with the __q.-_ and by fingers or other things . A despatch from St. -John, N.B., . � * UNITED STATES MARKETS. broke her own record over the long to pass. . I twenty-seventh annual financial which "vo been in tile mouth, and . , I says: One of the most sensational I . THE ICE GAVE WAY. Buffalo, Feb. 23. -Wheat -Spring winter course of 2,890 miles by two Mr Austen Cham"rlain moved statement of the directors, which THE ARMY OF THE EMPIRE. by spittle. I robberies that avei had St. John — wheat firialf, Wiriter nominal. Corn hours and twenty-five minutes, but A f,r*mal tariff reform amendment appear% in unother column. Tho __ 'Consumption is often carried in I for its Beene, took pl�co on Friday she also hauled down the ft ures � &b the noon hour, wheii, according F our Rhode Island Children -Stronger; No: 3 yellow, 69c; No. . to the ad -dress in the British Coal progress it has made during the Australia ShosiLag Great Interest the same way, by kissing, unclean I ello;c 68%c; No. A.coru, 66 to hold by her sister ship, the Tual- mons. . past year clearly reveals that ki tile Scheme. hands and by apiale. to his statement, W. R46rbert Dow- Drowned While Skating. 6 X I \1 1 8r2c; . 4 corn, 67% to 68c; No. tania, and has set the u,ow record Mr. Austin Chamberlain's tariff Canadians appreciate home com. A despatch from Molbourno says: Scarlet fever, measles and smam, '-1 I ney, billing clerk with the C. S- A despatch from Norwood, R. I., 3 whitg, 70Ygc Oats --Stronger - of four days and seventAaen hours reform amendment to the address paniss that are wisely ruatiaged, in The Federal Govetninent is &atis- pox may be carTickd from the skin Sims Cbrapany, bruill, manufa,ctur- says: While skatiiii; hand in hand No. 2 white, 57Y2c; No. 3 white' and fifty minutes, which is One was defeated in the British House preference to those operating ifted with Mr. Haldane's proposals Of the P"IeDt to we'n people by ' �' era, was attacked while alone'I'll on $and Pond on Wednesday night Bsy,c; No. 4 white,,66%c. Barley ' hour iind forty-six minutes better of Commons by 270 to 107 votes. under foreign charters. for the creation of ail Imperial food and fingers. - the office, choked Into. fusensibil- fouk,children were drowned when Feed to malting, 67 to 72c, than the Luaitania's best time — - This company offers policy -hold- great TyphoiA fever &ud cholers, aro ity, and left lying alone on the the ice gave way, another was here- 'at - over the course. Another achieve- istaft. The public are showing E � Minneapolis, Feb. g3.-Whe ,UNITED STATES. ore ample security and pays them interest in the scheme A an araV carried by dirty habits and by dirty floor. Twelve hundred dollars in ly saved and several persons who may, $I.Iiys to $1.11Y.; cash, No. ment of the voyage was a day's run liberal bonuses on the maturity of s)f the Empire, but Are awaiting water and dirty milk. . cash was stolen from the office, tl�e _d to rescue them narrow- 1 hard, $1.14; No. 1,Northern, $I.. of 671 knots, which breaks all re- President Wright of Clark Univer- their policies. particulars, It is understood that ' But don't wor about those attuip'p being engulfed in the icy $1 11 to $1,. oords for a 24-hour run. d comply with things, for soap 32 and Runsbino money having been iiat-6ndod to pay ly i,.,d . 13 -P No. 2 Northern sit in dead at Worcester, Mass. . � wages. The story had ian,'equally ,waters. The children drowned -No. 3 Northern*, $1.07 to 44 — Kesident-elect Taft has select- as Durina the past, year income an ith*, propowl,19 fully e powerful di"infectants, good sensational Requel on,.-FrWay when were: Raughilda, Lillian and Amel IIY&; 23 to 4123.50- Plour WOURM-AX-11 his Cabinet, with the exception sets ow a healthy iDerease. it'ho ininisterial promises rua,do a,t ar .1 si.og. Bran -41 XDLY 31ANGLED. ed The latter now stand at $3.314.. the Imperial Conferenve babits and right living iLre firm I the money was fountl'in a box un- Hanson and Joseph Johnson. All -First clears, $jf.10 to $4.25; see. — tary of the TreaKury. 850.65, an increase of $314,383.91, friends and allies, ,and a at-roug, ar where his m Gallagher, said to be ---+---- - � der Downey's desk he were under fifteen years of age. bnd clears, $3.05 to $3.15; first Drawn Into Machine In a Guellill W'11'a t- exclusive of guarantee capital. 'ONVED. hOM11hy body (your best W tion) feet would rest as he worked at the patents, $5.55 to $5.65; second pat� Factory. wanted at Truro, N. S,, fur shoo The Becurity fur policy-hulders, AGAIN' DINALI does not readily give a rztlhull to I typewriter. The discovery was I -9 _. on, ents, $5.40 to $5.60. ing a, bank cashier And stealing in'cluding guarantee capital, now — diaea3a-producing germs. . I I promptly followed by Downey's ar- HILL RAILWAYS IN MANIT Milwaukee, Feb. 23. -Wheat - A despatch from Guelph Bays; $28,0no has been arrested Deal, stands at the lligh figurc, of $4,- Ey.tiaiguishli'( t- i, Put on Nullil Act of rest in his boardipg ,,house. — . �fo i Northern, $1.16; No. 2 Oswald Bahl' 16 years of age, was pittsilwirg, Pa. is4,sm.6o, whilst the liabilities for Br .4h Culumbla. � � / TBE DEADLY DRINKING CUP. , Downey when put under arrest Bill to Authorize Great T�'orthern , dravm into a four -spindle tapping The United Rtates Senate C)m Ottawa says : Northern, $1.111; May, $1.14Y. to reserves and all outstanding claims A deBPatch iroill AN. . made no statement, but during the Ltues Ilefore the Legislature. $1.14ya bid. Rye--No� 1, 77y2c. machine in the Standard Fitting mitt�,_;)"Proign Relations linq is $3,045,7AO.00, showing the band. An extra uf,,tlje Canada GazetU Every- common -drinking cup, . afternoon and before the money A despatch from Winnipeg says- Corn -May 65% to 65Ysc Aarley and Valve Company's factory on favorably reported the fisherie, game surplus of $1,140,070.65, ex. was iasar�d o We.dile4day with,the from the tin dip or of tho boy who ,� had been found he"told a most cir- 1 -bill introdliced in the Legisla- -Standar�i, 6;�;; sampf�, 62yg, to TbursJay, He was extricated by treaty. elusive of uncalled capital. annuuticeMPtIt thRt the (]()vcrri,)r- pasees the drinting water in the cumstsntial story of how he had. 1. , orkman, and found in The two -cent letter rate betwesir: 'been set upon from' behind and I tUre fokesha&ws the construction 60c; NO. 3, 63% t4D 64y2e; No. 4, his fellow -w General- i n- Coll ncil has dinallowed country school to the grailife- , � of another transcontinental rail- 69% to 630, a frightfully mangled condition: Newfoun,dland and the Via', ­,(i _+___ the Act (it the British Cotunibia ware cup chained beside the fau- His right arm was so badly muti. States will go into effect on M%­,� Legida,ture of Feb. 11th last, re- cet in the lobby cd the, city school, ---_It$ . : road by the Hill interests. , The I lated that it had to be amputated let LINERS TO HAVE WIRELFSS. latilig to immigration into that is r. pouion eupL These are n(4 bill is for the incorporation of the CATTLE, MARKETS . — . I � at the shoulder, and in his left fore- The House of Representativrq at ill all pruvinw, and known as tile "Natal imaginary danger$, but living, ma- - DROWNED IN OIL TANK, , Great Northern Railroad in Man'L Toronto, Veb, 2,'�-.Thore were arm there Are two bones broken Washington passed a bill admi-ons Cimaillfin Pacific Vessels W Act.'' . lignant gorms awai"g the firsth I toba, and oneolause asks for power not many of the choice variety of and some .badly torn muscles. He Arizona and New Mexico +o Stiv.e be Equipped. - __+_ opportunity to 7antar the human Sarnia Man's Fatitl 8110 At the to tonstruct a, line from Winnipeg export cattle offering, and these has a gaping wound across his ho,r,d. I ,.* Impoilal Refitfory. . *eat to Brandon, thence to Elk. A despatch from Montreal sayu: Twenty lives were lost when the pyistem. Who shall say to what, ex, ... I- were, sourr - cIauyW-; wifild -the cry chest, and a number of wounds Seven starving Chiname-1, sup- steamer 11re8l,d4unte Ruca, tent these Robool drinking cups ­­­ I I- � 6'und� It was announce,J at the hpadquar. Argentino I.. A- diaps 0 -,-,- wifitizi4i­ E6146; &lid to'tLm ,wllAorly 0 frOTn C a r, a,! at catitht, fire and sank off the cval4t have been reaponsible for the lnoT�- . - t iii-, from. -9 ary of the Province. Five years is was heard for more. The top price about the head and face. His re- posed to have come ters of the Canad;an Pacific Steam- 3 I A well known And POPUI I paid to -day was ft26, covery is doubtful. veto found in a, car of lead ore at ships that aranqements are iinder of razil. tality among 6ur children of school i William Lowrie,, mat a trasic death, given to commence, construction Butcher cattle were in fair do- __ q.— Port Morris, N. J. w By Fratice will probably intercede age" Oft,oner than suipedtod, epi- �; p L Il, I , :91"" " 'I* -- 01% _� I � between one And two on Friday!and ton years for completion. It mand, but the quality offerin was FELL SIXTY FEET. of the Utlil.,l for the equipment of all their . "'� morning by d — , An extra gessivii Pacifie liners with long-distance betw"en Austria and Servis in an demics of tonsilitis, severe coldii. X ��, rowning In o;2e of the ig believed that the bill means Hill r. Choice cattle were unlang- States Congress to unde"'alm the roats, and diphtheria could . girleat, underground oil tanks at is preparing for his invasion of Poo arcuci apparatus cot the largest attempt to relieve tbo tclasion b4p- bore th od; medium quality easier; Cows, Eilward D. Parsons Fatal)y Injured revision of the tariff has boen call,2d U - � � the Imperial Oil RefinIlty. The-ra'Canads, itl1i'vin loxtengiVo Seals. steady. Lamm 8�rlirm and slightly at Montreal. for March 15. patu r n. An engineer, with. a tween the two nations, .be tratod directly to this medium. --- I . ,. .. � higher. Sheep-Umchanged. Cal-ves corps of Assistants. is now (in his `6r� -, .. � r - r �.,__ � .�� -t!�_ t 1 "�,_-"_— n 0 t . -, , -_ way from England to install the . � ." . ,� toady and unchanged. Hoga-Se- A despatch from Montreal says: GENERAL. .1 . . I lect hogs, f.o.b., $6.20 to $6.40; fed Slipping from the roof of the Co- paratus on the Pacific ships I . uake shocks are ropratod alto apparatuR w)ll be able to send . and watered, $6.55. Stockers and lonial Apartment Rouge on Thurs. Earthq T I . W A TPH 111 THE OPPIR A TIM '9' A� ­ fair demand day afternoon, Edward D. Parsoun, from Asia, Minor, Hungary and the messages f,?r five hundro.d mileq, FIFTEEN VILLAGES VANISHED, I I . . 41 .. .. ...q. . janitot, fell a distance df sixty West Indies. si) that shotiki in ftiture any dmas- I � I � � feet, striking his head on the hard Two Italians have invented a tor overtake any (yf the Vessels they I I I -, . THE DAIRY MARKETS, 4now. He was hurriedly removed submarine with propellors that v;ill be abin to send measagpo for ,� �� ` I I 0 .1 * largoon SaW 11iS t Itlitttr-Pound print.,,22 to 24c; to the Western Hospital, and was work like the fins of a flah. aid to any ship within that radius. Have Been Wholly or 11)"artially Destroyed L L Long Isla'ad Vote'rit " 11 L ohs and large rolls, 20 to 22e; in- found to be suffering from & frac- Bulgaria has notified the powers --F,-- . � - ., I I %, _V I �Af% I I I � feiior, 18 to 10c; creamery rolls, tured skull and other injuries. that she thinks the time, for recog- . owtL 'p6dix Removed. " ' 27 to 21Y,C, and solids, 26c. Death followed in a few minutes nizing her independence has &r- KILLED IN GRAVEL PIT. by Earthquake in 'Western Persia. . , 4LIF , Eggt-Cave lots of cold storage, after admission. rived, --- ' -_ - ---' ­_ ­_ "I P " , I __ 08o - selects, 97o, and new Wd, 28 - - -4�— A bill k shortly to be introduced Two Ron Buried Vnder Earth N ear A desipatch from Teheran, Pprr.ia, I to have been wholly or partially I " A denatch tram Xe,'W York tot" us the liarsd ApproackeJ the ail. - I dozen. CLEARED THE HORIZON. into the Cuban Congress prohibit. Kerwood. . I yo, , tent wit% the 4 I to 290 per I Bays: The Governor of Burujurd, a destroyed, and it is estimated that : Dr. P,d*ard J. Roblifai) 'a, veur- ther tone he c3mly Chosio-targo choose, 13%0 per ing foreignerq from holding pro, A despatch from Strathroy Bays - the total number will undoubt,edly w.*TM her stilids. 011ine Effec$ of Ii-ing Edward's %it perty in the island. . . -1town in southweiltern Peroia, has InaTy Surgeon ot tijilkolio L0619 , , "There& tothin pliatid, gild twins, 13Yge. John H. 'Denni.j. -a.i,, inatantly , be Moro than fifty. . ' the matt" I AL to Berlin. -4. kilW and James ons suffering sent out agents to invertigate the Some villages dioappeared c6m- ' Island, refused tO Wi*,ethtf 040 ,with your hUrt, old man," Dr. ­ 900 THROt'GH IIIS TIODY. ,'damage wrought by the earth. trace can be found I I jte,had hla'atoudl* teltio,veA last Rom *ho It Ala old friand, assur- WAS 115 TVARS OLD. A despatch frotp Berlin its 8 : — from.a broken leg as a result of .I pletely, and no , 'Wetit, EO rel" . i44d q4iotorduall, ow h1m, chancellor von Duelow addresyng Near cave-in at a gravel pit at Ker ,quake of January 3. This was the of the hamlets of Bahrom and IA- - e . Itt knd* It,' but Vrd going to 0 � of I Agricultural on Karl R. Johnaltsort Killed wood, six miles w4pat of here on I disturbanco that wag rogiotered b bon. It appears that not a single t ,out thh opefttiatt,� Aha "itt f6tir MIAMI 11) tea ytav Bratittord - ReA the Coutitil superior Junotton. the worly, r � I; � Wednesday, said thatthe dignified ThurrAny. Both mon, with ;�, e r- seismographs around soul belonging to th4es.e communi- . 4jyx after it he. dta,vi io. Atit �out thii #thoo aut, blictuto I waWb tawd fitoillika to LsmL - but the exvt locati n of which "' Was I' and only the to his home, T14 11allo*i0g, dity to top thb, "operatitm," s4id Dr. and happy visit of Kin# Zdwsrd A despatch from Port, Arthur &I othorn, were engaged in draw t" 030, Was attending to �bfa pkatries, Itblihing. ' � kd Apatch fromtrauttard SAYS- to Berlin and the aSttemellit wi h says: A dynamite explosion occur- ing gravel from the pit, when the was detormined only oon Wednes- riverii, 2ut,.!n'isv"'a'n-d broken val- . �d to W" vahotat 110,4 Vast$ pikitit) on a little Co. JThb. Smth haw blken reportad to Pramee h#A cleared th6 horizon III red in Construction camp No. 2, cave-in occurred, completely butv' d leyn rlom nv "' tell the tale of this I Tht riisiia isibelidit . I They we' Viia meagre reportm r r, I _Y_ ul.mn of nature. 'A attl1b). .1 . faW6 it you with." the Indian authoritits here of the West. and they were justified near j4uPerior Junction, on Thurs. in� Denning and Lyons. ra that have tea � . t It bbid '6010, WtAr, 114, th6 Thit *#,% .do %tioll John Silvetstalth, a resi&n6 of in supposing that the pmoeful die- day by which a tamping rod was ta on out with difficulty . Denning reached Teheran indicate that the a t that there were no for- �A ­'. ­ lot, ,, ,A the Opel "" " - Flea, ,�,,L , �� , _,L :. .. Titmitr6ra TA,W4*bfP, % his 1161h v*itions and p6wsful offotts of blown' through the body elf Karl only li-ve,d a few minutes, while devaslation was particulatly wverp .' nsuln anywhere in the ­ I � i I itiltim,um �' 13t., vllf**� Of pt � . ", - si *4116tit 111tor- - �q. in the mountainous rel ,,�,,�R."�hbc �v)od atocounts for the do - F ", at UrebtW6Wt 04 Wittit ftdift rolptiti, 1.1 , oAtknt, *hoib year. Decesied retained all his Jhe poweis Would Mgo suteetd in X. Johnasson, a Swede, killing him Lyons eseaped with a �broken I glon he 14 - !" :F,,;;i ...e. W. lo$i tod bt. hAza, a �Pt 'Ap to he eould 4culties Ile leaves a wife and Denning wall a married man ,lay Of month in the roeeipt of A until rowntly. R# '046 .01"ring stwary the 01oilds in the ingtantly, I with tween Durujurd and Luristan pro � � � . �, ", %,,too prosik 1W � 000 1, ­ 11 0 "Ift bi surgtona. a - Ave children in Sweden. a small family, vince. Fifteen villages ar4b Itnown the ine 3 here % -,. . , I 11 �% I A . I j baskst-mak,or. $111,11t. I I ,�. . .. . I . 1, 1 \4'." 1 lit, . � . I .1 # / li �1 � . � � � I . I I I I I.. �- I I � I !�,, I I I . I ... . I I I I � . " I I I . , ­­ ' I �, I I 1; I I I I 0 � I A I . , r , � - ­ I 1, I r " - / I I Ir . I v, I I 'I., " � � 1 I I I . . �, I . - . I % � _�; . i" �, I ? 11 h � I / I . � I 1� 11 , - I- L . , . . . I . 1. 1� I I . ,,, I . ,� I " *,­ \ . 1_1 I 11 I I '1� I . I � I � I I ,� � I I I � , , 11 I' I � � A:k4m"L&tl"A�_ I 1, I ,� 11 I I 1 L � . � 14,�.,,, " . ., , 1. � I .b��, - 1111,— L - I'll, . , , .- I � ,� 11 1� . L f ,� , I , 11 4t I .. . I , I �� - _i'-_&_�_&___ - — - -1 ALL-ijilft , L, . " I " I I � . AA� �.i' - I -,., �, 161 ,�_ -I. I ---------- I . I I" — - - — " W ,_";`L ,� I -9 .... t !A i _e " J . I I � Ll I