HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-02-26, Page 4aW11- Sim I I 101-N 111111 pill jW1Nqk__._. FORUARY 26. t'90 4 alim, 701% SP14NV WVAT. TK A. Vilwvw ows** O00sesti, To* #A IA** Ck"oll W" Wit 410*0 of ot t'lip 04'Alpli, kie".0-0 f PON I 00, 4406ch R*1IW#Vf0KS4 04, tot 1nowly it0400 0*1110- �-X#twf�* 704* pilot Ism Well, 40sqoule4 Willi 0�04# I of -4 04ii Naolthy $4 W Q. P. a. TrVigstim XNsitartwetst At f41tsr bi 0 W k4,00 04000 04gopyi N., 1P illy, for 04 1040�#Nsnlks ly. ..... * -v*J fos:14ftutt. Its 71th (144414o W., vist, ond AlIpprit - oi diqv* #0139II awow 00400i W0404 01wto 4' wbitih. ooP114"to aW—*,44 1; thili aro floor 414 Q*�. 'They iown Mir., U wis Is, Ott 444 We 00000Y W0410 f like It WA the lithei.4 Was talk pill, WAX0 41114* 904 NPIP4 of ^lid fZtlts,eya ,lto and # boily intiro priodestj wofl; to, the Arv., 104 tit 000 I�Z -sltiNgi -two issro bittei4i rMoto VIC �A0 W viftich tourstsl �Tbv#*S , A 4win tbo twitisaf it". ot. 007arlsolt �qAjio" tlisk# convoy Uj jstftM� ystr* at I-77- i a athe ))eat th opia,04. to eat) for *IV AS A.:0orsiti* tic N10144 is tit 004try, Wit -,I* I and Aft� AM qt'ople i klo V-004" , Y 'to 0 lot, I&P 10% Orasuresi, tit, tho Amill. N FA CY Tisfis. bo, 4440 Valuable toldcla and e, .0ombislittlon Into ta ptj (flakeo. go. hi#�. -7 ON EDITOR M110 awma 41 WCOONIMY rip A HUR uroo 6re for conjoUpatIgn, I Itros- an -:Rst01Is1%e4 in 04"MA I - I I I but tA old - Y glad qQV#r 114ve JIA it, gad CAY.Cetive, is �se - V Of "isittv gu W 6&x_6 bases for WR is t 'di T#__I ai;llttia, At tog r. Robert a Adoot; olore, I** larest and, suost rl t cucunuts papore of Moodily last 00, taWuk the issarket a#4 icaudy factory in Canadi, eeannounced that lip, 0. Bortraro. worlit ill th III ortant to dver 'by his *Yee NA owned and tritan 40 .# - t I I IT ' Yor of customs In tile Very 1Df tun verl nrotue attri bas been appointed collector of C4.8- song.. wsty, :for "T60 hands - d4plor -per I , tbqLWtnte t of Toronto, In soc­ fr�S;U 'j. _jsp bloFoltotis. 1paitsof itome Coethe t4o, tirl"W'.164 ter an XOXAAY NOON A wonderful btisittep giowtlx, Canada. Now to the 0,404 101rour -0 Week. A41rort1writ will ­01s"D it0forst cession to the late J4 ATFQ8V* ONT, -"IT, 70pos me'll -tqApt, 16.� bile, Mr. Robert Hola 'theta 10 416 oPpbtt;uMtk f6 NiN04-4: This, so' DOI Nolattois J.1k, V* ee, ex -M. K of. 011st- an CAVIUM �4 ton, hae beed aPPOID04 fitil"MYOrs to Solely 04 that IKI PV choice of fgAi isqA.L the Aoogiljosi thor �'tte the PC ADVERTISING- ty of ItVou of Ties gTAU Will Wallis not* 0"' succession to Use. Be 10 go, A il4l tral4ting, a?&C.ortaicir roductti only CWS� left veryoile� a genuirie-hargiin.. k "'them as low a tiVi�&orva4vcrU8or to 0A Mr. -Holmes' friends Will tie 4oubt AdvAnta -Cq 331KARA -avp aop abe pleased at his bavlog received oneV up roliq Don't fqxp t*4 itis ts=. Tielegiii We hikvq a 2,�6 _W In by 'the blits4i 0, in 4epArt, Ir lower Pm thot hinds a so 11domiii'and. Will m it; Chill ear. and its brethren eiig ond, the ikretlsp� rQutIctoy ream Soda and Provo of,the props, Juno Creamery Butter, Posts switett, I*N to, r bIA t - run sTAn assiongst the another; may peo A vold"on, (or cost t i4ver is whole ga, pure supt, iie. *#* be per ttid to add that hicera vosi� ISX" issjdt�r CA I& on SIkV a and 40611 %,V45- s., am 'OuallA e. for 01141 _tuop r%tiftutpAvo. . tLoNd ,V 1160441 aow I# to no &It oustorials ate stiAly4od by an ex tio set apsirt A Wlig .av&y *so lip Will b oed 4. Ayotam eatheillt6o4lunde6kirts. We 'a Irwin 1 ut a tly the appolistment. fit pqrt clientlat 004 tue"five gi; ge. M*o for loci p,;Iey;.q I110�s 00 I n.= ourgirlse, to oi#Lnv Top. iA Ithat L I i,* three NoIlliod 0 I It east* goo ft Once sition 041gary. Una 060 Zotu A 60.1ft", -const"en �PWPTI�,& Psi on The 'Velegraw (tilde. 301.4's ate ill a P0 I on i16910. On 4 0--Irnii -W' MAN W --;Oil% U44011 PO 8111;� batO, till V famed the Puritj I gr C.litq hoolling. and (10 not pendent) stive Under*lqq, alla arle offering betl6r, voltie,thaa, ever� Year t Lb I 4 h arkot, 4 00aw Toronto Liberals are not In a pitri t ley 1% half tit ractloos am " into irag ao- tic happy mood, this mortito it. tes of it. fiveralle4gurt-1s, of.said e Ore... earea was soldlrloet'year, and ji; I and,.' oovdinsly, I W 0 , vi Sty be v: 118tonle appoll I Pill I 0 See our Special Doll r Sateen -Skirt, a ltt�ve trod And , I ;, ,- : I . I ectod this 694 4,6, sason price, It Ian It so astich that John nor train t 0 wro"hyll 0 Wi It, 'All 0 ot Is" lie alliount Wil 'bp sola, lip Irt.1 ieOn Schools lit tb­ --ever poput W.& ftof 011" has been promoted against The recalls- Soroej neW d att active lines" in th OMAN; 11 'T e aok t) I ttoot, a Heatherblo om Skir4.: These- Skirts Ar4p the-nftrest niessilations of the Patronae toustriii- III Rat CRE.A. M st Fabrics The powiple"Of 94aiteroIjAu t. e I Case Von tee. What burts is the -roat tbatllob- PA 400bo"O $i1k yet prodoced. uThe Corkock Cut Y& 0. or to Oil onto art Holupes, ex Aft it wAisle, believe- tbi the P %be Post Wbrkmansbip 9iNN 0r has been brought In from Karen, and roasion for1ble at lips igatioll scheme Wish Gaods. The- 'new TArtan placed In the next bebt position. at t e oil ate is too- oft- ftecial Values in 001010"is Respecting Nowspallerit 1114111 alsil all at KoderAtt rAm at RaOlums, look jrAst like in �()Pular Clins, 3vidth D " I After tile -manner,' said Ono of Toronto allows that the G6XeVT1MQftL 0ANOOROUS., -POST,� re the lats vat t it th or iimua Wr takes axapar iols Toronto - I : 40 'te4si . . a . . .1 I . . I 27jPcl*s. , R!�qular so f thelts thin laoinin, I In wb (is disposed to go bivand t a law Its no pro notion f or mile4is t e $ C, Or. 99C per ya nvs, ally bled and Mod Axtoodinpr tile prinalple. T qatipaint- 0 Jantil 191, t e ettse, ulgh th or vothior Doll" V00011111b a $or lwylluout. far because, they feel tbay don't do. vent of Mr. Holmes as surveyor will The new Radium Foulards, in all the new "strioe if ill of hle Valosbtq, A&Ieci� all. 11110W t Tits soll I if ill -�hl) OttILWIL. socceinif I is on the pew clothS this season., and gor MT serve suols treatment from -lie iii effects It a rienon orders big r Intinuod he "Ile to his confrovas In t ;does not requireL watee supplied by 1 P alid el give t a PON) IV41 000' leaders, ,Yolivoftor yea# ection must so all arrears, id I world., and tie NvIll. lie eat arilfloiKi means to grow 11, Should prove very po Nuiti MiAnif spaper pular.' Regular 46c, for 310C yd, lissue to send it it, they Isave aA.tacked Toronto. But I more Wen Collect, t�p Whol 0 after election -eased to Title visits 4% a aDiount Whethor tilily ivah: able : avled tin rowI to�jl Than Ally other pat I Tury Tdfbata,' not because they ex- L s*per,L taken UOL the, molr lvr still to have -Western 0miada. Ther land to so lo Special Vaittes in S�wiss 15mbroideries during FebrUa y. tIN141 0 t iVoted ''t? all: &-peat WINICIA110. Win, but file rigaited. Thercourwiso," 40 kipp I that princlolo ot promotion that A Olt he it L in tbe Ifoot "I the other Pispto-of the Pro to n$liven by L. Q�asar, a L, t1sid Xid of (he his 00altRICH Un ther fruit trees in 1q, Ali Watera0pliedat entlille Wfien In ft Their reward Is to be Anobbed tLO" I X, -es left of those smart Tweeilp. Regular 50c, for 2$t per by Istilvin tie d of rain. This Irrigation scheme Qnt_�, it few. pie� to I 11 a rejected rural p.oll-ticlaii Colleg&. their iseatia tA) a potd. AM TIOLMUS BUZiURES A SURTH, . was devised to insure tbe farmpr," fe�v pieces that sold as Which Pit It -not a dozen local men Duriner 'hb _00111flig %easori fruit yard. 'A high as t4ndou FM Prom gailist lops. throsigh drought, Zeal' (30t1CjjCb Star.. vere jilso as anxious #lad just !&a bill) owers of the Nlagarni, rfoul, t at this count�y Is liable.. -flave; —You t(1e_dMCC­a11,P_4tt_ern$ yet ? They ar f, ,fibli) of 411113g.' Tbo'electori-of West Harass were � e inom t (in I fra;olltoss to X1 ligill 1�111 11 th smt! sea?[)% Say mee "On the other hand, tb�r Ouatool Ong wilb great stjccess. -r c and-i5c'e ivALAdv1ssedjU ST If. )%riv tither pat -to Nonibl,') This ach oligis riggaptioles OAU YL -if -W-f 11oluies over Mr. 10. N. Lawto cheby. Pluto hodk -a At 036 t fid�ll lltapk� -9 — ------- 4f,Aouthet berta, Is espeoletil T X 00. the proiotioss prits-1ple was.pot ons, ja October last, aa te (or inter wileat. 80 DRUAttY 2M 19M Wed ber� When Mr. Bertram was 2tb 4)f an hone. Admitting that the two wen were n A4 the" Abut, 'thewhett 0ow" far Lne Aliont 1.1 -no Q; I'll"LLARS' thIf VP I(]"III in ability to t*preseut tile ele Is a ore cro as other officials in tile depart tuent like- Peter.. fivictiark beetle As it Ili st torisof tile litipurtant ridl %' 140 Thi.4 as Or ened before there is o-VOUIT3 SLAVIIII TRAFFIC. wiso desteryed to be moved tip." not remains that the defeAt of ., Holisive ally p sibIll, y Or fOSt' Ivite &-good thing for West Horeb, -Undir this and Vince for'niaw yeaes,, but ........ OPArat� G00 tax Courpell, of ronto lkewe tak0s6V4eP- Bamustsif Westiffilron hadelected aev(1irtc.1098 ultiall. haj-111, becatie, (1,11. e6ver, a bandbook gotten U by kbiv SOCIA1 Rat* e appointmerit on. higher Mr. Holynes, there wallad today S foul' do 'norfusit acindItloas ft :tsoollues its, DS loontlits latoN bi &ttaakA tb dand or tnfooly Illustratiet Auled -tioll tO t OatsadlAn PAclik Min any ZIA t tublislillso a. leAlRA t0PC` ground$. t says the pecessItI. Of 8100� ,1rhii, abil'SlVing romfailing article. Ili the " WO The Minas WIN1011* justify Mr, jog souNeortai In'the roota an ateiNd"hf I , t be( tirit4ficat And an,]eV [,.�.Lgxgejlnef - by Rion. Udwin W. aqtram's isepollittuent coodema the Ur. oluies'.. Insect lime, hAwever. ba� �hp It eis r this year is better th Wit Neglect tot rate- lb'6­ 46rent pradiidtlorA pt' S.L'Drsttict, Attorney for Cht- of Mr. Tile fbrjllQi� Intsimiorciaw, ? Be, ekVes$jvL rcrops, find infortuation rests ati" D.pf0MeSj.L Cope Sets, eto. -Its,- isladb tiblia'sol,000. has I t attaektria pel�f-I,tly :40itithy trees. , - 9 In 04", U.kho. wass. who -satiwpat g the pale Brushes 8 ment, r 6 seat to which Ile was not It has twors, lkhbh� orchi449, of 100aiNWeis have Irs Aouty--tilue, million -d-lie St&a"Cd �Jetjetl. How far he find krie, that be ill very acb..ar %viedge, 9611 was In search of it n spomedlatticto been, pvst�tjoaljy killed Interest ff s4, possibly- ak iis i0ere e,yo Lownei twe theaa of your frien si as Isgairsill. & t 1 , Chbcolates. Fine- Ilipeg fi) Cates, X-i-nas .-'The help of the OATIAdifill oftho methods used In alsholialfhas berth wbarb lie might iest Units Wit- 7�'suah attacks, 60.10,90C tilat arp ftILWaVS lemed 0, at !11 rmatlon 13 p" Is, asked ]it% spreading title Warn- never teen determined. In view, twoblo lical and business activity OtbOr than 6kes 'Ot Clgars�i robacco Pouches,. etc - however, of the isiveiltination -before that at teaa etroloinuo q1tiractar Whid11L the St%t* eoto moloiglitbotd4atboj�* '�Of our W jolt ry told'tt pert,oill of the 1040t T46Va%j8 Ueo"eltIt 6 tile 0onstultwo of PC vilegelt And jj -the, Past ofthelv4I a6rIV(qe. thoritlow felt the sit � f'stposal_ somt -of the hOT-rOt7d Of this-AWtul trat" Elections 4t Ottawa. he roustj -Mr. Holtiles Ism accepted'the,pnel- ing to the slopilm W-NiabIbXt*W - make 11re Worth bed slith alrming Iteen as din ly doubtful of his tit Una, of livilig, a fact lbouse. aOf the trivith of Rrk 8111110 -It-was-Pr� oe0stotou office. - Per4oiniki- �Wbeo bealth,treis sort! q early established long allo Mat he ly, he is a jobd felloii.and vis. 4%,n6*A, the boottea, guip laisaaeoL fores -And Indigestion Vinisittes tit vive. . 613DFORD BLOCK GODERICH. paperinass LIJIL4 journal 'has no rolkson 10110 lsv.,tba Ifisedt - -Tufimfea and you pool Fine. a Yin doutt, and Over e , a Ygonellt Wait sean- to'reel other than, Proud at One who in k � tough the bar STURDY 8 polloil and that hi og kno%#11)9 tb4t the t,CNNj%60* being re- dialously treated. ) q had had the 06Y64AA an envitkye. Just teces 04U "Ow'be W Wy not And tipt the Houselsoldi, OVO,U, in OiLtk*d& courage, when these fiteta wore 6 newspaper olanil;vows of t ese 'guns rumses, 0miged by the a$14 AtWON tiffitinitOe the oplon ad , i tesign the seat for West 01"011, Writ sitsillar taacVkrOn`b`1V tr, the duties of a Customs "to Pr Is Itkee � it last Antonio, forever rid yourselfol eta did coW there oustbt,to be toflSblldraiofi of or". his ReLton 'would have been so problatuatleM, bn� P01sillis th4of Was g6m exudations tire tei and Ibittgesilolil' A" loied athuisq1t PRI . tn *11 the -forces for good tOAuPPre59 t %load by forigosr 0MVT1�1 unusual tbat he would doubtless have not the point. diseases. so�h as tire tq'0KsV, getol the blues alld. a W atid punish Itlk agents w been triumpliantlyi-e-electo4ni)dbtvve LC or to6udm� IN&$ 7 21 a mrsied for, himself ondtiving honor In at'llutleraltd Eggs a good eat, thou iNi� ',P,�00'8 I)IAPOP816 BR AVol' tho poItt (eat history of this Provides. a60 start thQ At 'Ili 0, bark There Will Ij 1*1641ok iihot-11kalitile will, "his seen: " , � - '% "E by Aft. . . letto yak otherwise, And he toost t InjtretiL4 ta.'knts,� the enaSetift Ces. torill. Odt eto6d, no feell a g Ilice nheIs It when the ittivi Otis Wien r0toovett, tit gas ot eruol* IOUs of ulldtlg0tod sturtay C a'Ca nittla 1bA* ASW GoidtAnteut to rperoovered Wit ton Mr. hikk�uil, 6t Cittarrhozooe, Cum -Broa- I OR se�klg to bit 11 kill ri�,,Oodbrleh tiesesided by onsvenwre, the onoral)Ie -the or it tburn",slk head. tho t 'Nothing is m4re appropriate, and $AlSfActary than articlejs of mitiths resothe� Irtot. of tile oilae of 0 11) the elentlon 3l Outbliap asto fx0t "do ferment And 1101000 your k)t*A �&tkota A MAX tandlot PfWrlour iTuy!llonl #06 , tolum Itottlies was agal a candida%e for e 08 I . out X yea tIsj'thN0'jO ,a fit pre. WeSt fforoo and altalfiL I 11 . papa's blapepolo u6sts only 50 eantis, Difts, IVIN&V4, kno* tlilw, tht FU tors Wed.— XuXi I Pa", L lfawith tile addition The outatiandbi.tip1turo of bla vrKski- tit tile el�tjlstj% I a meet every requitment taste in dur large and Llp'-& 'afia we �`ih 1% RD att a" app, ck.of th - an Ve jho� osost OIP'L stage, iondor the a, 004 or, bet,( iN. RW, A I -tthe Governotent In order t LdLyln,g tie allispoi 0 AROMARKAPLE CASa' atit%t6eaado' 0%dl$L4#AtlOft'a4LNI'iuPi1al -001 nN(NV, a. frosts 0100 stoc all a Profitable o0aueetion With It, , ROCKSkS AND ASY' RS in variety and q ality'. Sklchlk$ - it � City housd9I, - Artistic,, oods ils In Chicago Oow that establi tits 00 00th eocts you, hardly exOftt WOW MO b, TbLe.s* to ri6tting, else bette X4 It the 1) th Out jita frolo the .uhlki I feel it my dutt" OrA nit 64Y Prices. i�striiili into IN, ife at cellist r 01 I lViii Poln'tthontilltl&iL-*nxptoOodct- N. 'Oil to, let, Cot down Ad, ve non yot 4YINiltr Ullit lreft,of. 0 r ,y,,ifia ilegradati, rich and lad 4etsured- A br09kw4tar foA� 404 I I 010e4y CHINAind FANOY COMM, band- pile, talihoolp *111 d1giiat Alt 6, l$i OAVENPORT Ihit. 15.060 Orle doderlub, And several lr%v poistoillwo ,*f Trae lost, I'log "W-1thoUt'L Atim. aIsk 4 1 . thesis stidoR bt f0r, 100, 40 bill I s4me in design eSt in'qualityi and Moderate In price, j,j4. Volisid alitme o4 hi CA , at'tllb b &0404 4tia or t fty re 91r. 11141meq I lip 46ts, NVIth thii lotiati blin%l stuti., or tXp4aca to listelvalst i 0 P.Je4sqre in sh 0. 001100no to tftiga, Ili rid s Ww It tak Omni yO'U thro the gtoc'k, Nis: syte"tieficy tAtt thVOWD A0 tbAl" - tOLIX'StAlild All Afterafts., �call a `�a ugh i � jjp6n * . At 0ttatiI poets of entry- n bro Dialseisolis ftPir be *AiN doteatea, hotei: 'eawOm us j boa a� tself13re a LOOL tnewspull"t it r' tile aOf Thli 'it - ; It r. 46� I wnitOiet"'O t, w(roto th I NY e AT. sod, Ull sletttlijokeO in tailn. 661115 In 16 V� Jotariiia Doi Aboolow The up -to- Store all vat 'Pate West, 8 tr : e I et tAn7 well to say that a G a oviii look'ji btfri dfobiia bot A 011wid ij, 9 aklipii* I AlUti toil *Ott 0. 160(th us to a i10404 %a Ao l.UkI tit to Illels" fient'od ILY tits 010091doo. L 01100146 ib bbg tIitiqj�jt 104 0 lot It 1106 114k IX0014AIA -so: '*04 oub tha.tointlob be *", bo fidt, i,0064 to tto Vila 'dlft4uj� t tv L, I , t eaot on It, iss i11W . r 'IN#�j� letit, thO MAU09 alt%h4ler, pmv Kod' tO tkki A o, 0. Nf. b§ WA ts art) 106no tliodAn I *4 thlo, tit tbMe w 6 sit0a AII4 dk-fA the h0sklotl$ itud, It bomuso ot"Attat C7 A .044 Wols"AY4 on to Ila thoto; ftlto' . tho fof Ohio If" A ove for will this allt. ittly 4vt U tot itt. *Oil Sq S� T "'O'N AWk %$ W 401,044 ttod to tb� Qovi�ta t 4#00,4%ifty WIt tierefe- ;t. k1trolt-14 ;ovatiot, witfthbotos A VA V )4.� LAI, 'N 11�" 4" gv, colis 0 ,'Yo *a N )W A-44 %% ' estot is, lA GEO J W, ji so be bsO WtOsill ft to no MC. VO do Tiid'to aubil for AvoAva "04V a Pt 4t44fie btight*004 t *I* "In A* C01 IsO.. At *60160id 'ttigitiXy IiAVA ge 11A 4 "X*� ols"Rumtr*4 -ton; you� W9 ht When hoUS6 -clattiolog Vlti'e to 0 .1 not* � ow 0 Ab# W& 61,41ftil. svid bvkWitisitlog sj, tive A 6ff tI 160i ftWRk X63 001iil ilesWAVO too toy I" silt *-At 10 DS Alt spown -000' totkx 004* K. OAT'"" at. UY j�lk"t'jKT414 it Irk TW ItoWUN t4 6kW4 hAtKAOM *a it t".utitt V*fti, thilt would Your bom lwk: titt ro"9101% 4 00" uwut t* .t Ilitil A*UW tAM&4ft 4 It a time !to I 'tt W463" 16, " 4' 401100ool es tMY AM,, MR, Ll 0 bkft M too *"40t a A" MIN$ 10 "661woow by immwx. ostttl I m1n;* 11100*1 I 410# *J11I **A - 4 1 L !Ell�# wl 04111t 'WOW ri*# " Sft� r#"' :jtoh "at" tA llift a *oft %*VW*#fU*A0ft I � "P. � NS, TON I KA so" w4j*wIft tb# *A I%* **f lsUt. X **she* ft I" Jos** at At 'Ask", AW al,