HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-02-26, Page 3-.31111 r ,;�F_ % — 111F,111111111171.1�_ .1-Iiiiiiii'llilli�� . WWI , _l;,T�� ,7m,w 1, . - - � � , '11i� If -W 1— 4M. F -W ' — , , — _ry lr--!�.P:1111 7. W R, 9 r, , '_ . �,, 71, , ., " li� ;� 777. W."'!-7, 7 - � 11 , i ­ ­ , , , , .",� -0 - 7­-iiW19 ?". I . I I - , — � �'.., I , , 4,14 , . , I Jim % " * , , , ZAr­ -�­,,, . 131Z 'r � 'i . 11 I 7 " 4 . � ! lr7. 1k " '% -" 'V� � -, " 'IV"' ..: . W , , 1, '. - jl� , , 4 I � I . I I - � , � I , , - . .1 . - . " , .. ,11 I li, I " ,, �� ! ., �4 L - , . 7 I .. ".,::, , '. " I . I .. . — ': , ; ­ . - .. 0 � I , I 1`1111­� �,�' I 11 . � � I ., 1� I , , . I ... I .... . '4 . . ,�.�. " I . . . I% ,� . � I I I - . . . I ­ � 's I ': ­ I., . ­ ; . � I I � I - --4— ---!.0! , , . I I . . .. . . .- __ � - , ­ - - ., I I . - I � . W. 1110 I . ­ -I _. � ­ I I , I L � � I . , , � , . _­ NO! III 11 111910111 I 10 . I 11 "'. 'A I . ­ - � --- . ­ - � == � �� 11 � .1 I— PAN _ P 11 I i _­­­ . - -I- �_ ? - _,_._�_ - , — I , 21'�;�_Lmw , 1. 2 ­ -"--I,- I I -,;; il� 11 . . ­, � ��4 P ­­., ­­_ . � 11. . 11111. � - � I .11. — — =­ Q,91;FW�-;4;W0_ - - - , , ,up- - __X, -.,.,- - - 4- 1 . . I .1 I - "..... � I I - . _.1l I", N , 11110" 01" ho I I I � , 0* "Mrmuwil ­­ 1. iiiv�ijkl(VAXAVAAMS* I " . I 04" "IMOL - ­ . TALE Of WOMEN, rig " I ."', � I = Mom, - -.-- I � _­­_ I �__,_____­-,__­__ _____��' _,_______ ­ - r ­ - - ORMS-1 WIMT EMT I I I 40A UZZ at =UM - TM I I I rooLo �'X**" .1 � 1***J �' � " - ift ­ -.1 ­­ I— $ 1 4 A�ftN I tko �, -C _­­_�­_'�­� . ........ -1", , -,- " ­___ ­­-, 1-1 -j :_�__ W" - ­ . .. N .I . , -01t 46" , � , � �,., - - .- � 11 � I I '' - " .. "WWW" ***" I swm 4too S"M r -""^ I , p 1 14 - , --- I — ; t*"*W@-1 I . . . I ""N't . I It I * I '" � I , , I W"I* 910 XOW4 ftwo* . " � "4007=114= � � NOR OXXTUCOA " OUM I 1, v � . .mt""IIMAIIXIM''tlt",*Auolom..00400,&V"I*. , el, Q,t x000twry. *'W** 044 I . � � , � XG wait 'U. is U& .0 . ip=*" tv '014M Ak " 4, A "i'll, TU ZA - , I I 1, aw =null" "A '"" 011 I I I . , " W44 voo I * -boxoslu lArT,0110 1K IPXMN- � - I - VOW= -4 V � to � � . I I A *%"y W 1. 'ALUU3 6445 *�* X"bow I MON " '. I I I � '#ft 4, Il"""sif - '.04 . 114409A of soilt . ; -, A" - . � L *01K I . I . * Auskr" Ti*J0WV44,th**,**k ,- . *A .1 "o, 1., . , npWA Of CANAAA. wit � 1W UITUMS, ; 4W I . . I I 4 pft"", I " , MOM . ,O 06,441AS#4114 44- ti" WQ1:14.' MW at thsa. *r* . � ­ ,. bk*"* ar, - I "O" , . "Ou" ilit , ,"OVAIt. I W � and, sou" , 'ilth bril- , . I � . I." 4 U011440** � ii oirt#0 . . . ,� � , I -1 I . a suov ii WAt 00"tri. rho *.*. .- .-,,, �,, . . I -wrillial to =*, , �. Aq *"*'W4* ,; I I � - I **Iw 14*w , vvraos% May *"- � *At Wuk rw 1 - � TkA , Wo ' f ,, 400"I � - 1: �, -- - I iAlAW 1. - I is somu's 40or "Pawo W4ft A.4 UUJ"" 40' U'A''*WOL '10 - '"a *** �so A quriom*14 � A*W A*q *A'# , . . - �"Wlt Uftk -1q*AW#*­" I , A -Au 40A Itl4io. 0* 4, 44". TII4 . t . t . _4104, fro* J;lijq Qir ,UW ** '44VA,WX W44 at 1)04 IrIA20 tho, 100- , , ' I . I , "ft",bN*J**, X%is 0.t.* W$*4t r"Orto, �"#h*r* jl�ioi W -f, X -Aq*4,v*rt0.,'A ICA$*�# 4*_A'T4.* 4 I X It' 4 will bk* p "', 01*arwly, . ,D, lspol�44:' ,* � I ro 100"041 001,034""A 10 U44 for ,""W" ur A# 11041"'o" , I aftle wif ftpo A84,14.0 : , avvmwi solit 0"s*4 , &4 06k iA I' _V. .,*, # "4 r"$W W" I , _' . . � . . � I � I . 4 - JKMS*t, &, *y"l qkt'1,V$aUAI0.1gJ** I 'With t1noo -1 I 11*1 - � I I � *% �r , � , M_* b1sick.bQ% %t*W04r. roy" '. I **I** ot)"WWkw ,ispvo,oay, Pat- 4114 paoifA vf' A%Wt4aA ,*"I* , #"t ,$(,,t% I _ $ 1=4 � � L� :Wall**," , L '*ra'-fcirJ0k;._L � . X"Cli. .1 I M IuA fAw-iolso., I I - .0d, f4 uo,"m ,r,�* 4wi*04% hiktodj*4 ta Oil, 401044t . .L . I . . . - (, isisk, oalfifor 11 W! it 00avoy 1yollt ADVA'S1"J$y` XW_)(ar,f' I I � � . � 'lIt .,* W A04a , . I of 6"fasAt, At* �� I . U, 04, 10oving oJP.r$nf th4.* BkItM _ .. 4'stsit"agoin Pitti , hilo, olwthioro, I . "a%X04va A*, . n, 'vow 4 *4 00r, aim" 00* f5P*I*,,, of*** IPA rmw *4 I . 04, ,, ort, , r 01.440w, voppwAt4d , With, q , ai� � I I Moo C44*4144, 001 prayod by, th4,0ov4t#or.Q4MX4 = Aftiroh,y -will mast i 1004r "- Ito � �410404 04 1pli4ilj 1014,kK llw� , WAO - t tho. upwish. $ , . for ,y#W, - , - Z, � � � . , laia� Act ii **A' ,004=4L - I � . Xlosd; 01, Weil t1w PjrP*U*tors- of *Ater*4 44,40004 WrA ,"WA4 ,4j4%rJkUfjoA iof jj#*J*1 fQtop$ 1# . all. barsab%�� $$I*. W go � . to , - ,_ ly I romis# . It I , I , - , nov in oporagow L 1, It A . I � J"*Ja94# bq $QLJ �. � - I # OtWU irk, boor ttuAk 00. .I* , *04 LAk* thot 00 , it" , '30 . 0"', - 'ObW*4 fro= 4 gr**Mr Lior 10"1! rit,lb . @0*44)4 Fo*. AhM tl L . I . . _"*, . MA)MAT1011. 'Which 1""'OvIl _ , , IT I. . 1, qcolraprjgql�, twouty .0 *04116041 ja mo,f0r. 0"'mp 4 'L ' ' I �. _. , , . - . 0, 04 . . - I , , stmefloi p1tad4d i1i*Wty­iA,0y-t6s%V- to A"% - WPW to X,U$.bAd howo w4torg. GetkorAl trNW01" 4440_41t 014,0t,40r.4tsotionivero COO Ob � 4,wr *1�4,WCV* gondion 440114,41, " 4#14� t9 #X*,e f pqptmasWrs tbrquShout, Cx*44%, , WQ4# 1046 044A 0, 4QU4441 ^04, Qft� W04 0,40A OA 4ho, r,440 Will; Wa, 4i: farm of oxtromiq a .. wat hoxiw , 140.1404r, its lost aW. , , _ , I I I , . . $0, Z441941 004U)3411904 19 W � III , 00 (10" 4� MAI 0 44U09m. hav, ft . . lim $011 bogs, 4 . , � Kett , I , F*;h4,h*MqL, " - tonoo, W or*04 i;to' . I expi"al; t1w,jormi "or v quixiia. � . I I I Rop* roV417Z sh, xoduiq 144not . Irl"t. 01W 10two s, * #V , _ 0*41A voilii*, 10, #170,QW. Tho 4*4 ition, #04, thoy 4W. r , I I . . � 4 the 1, ,fjA&4Jl994 ' -one$ � . *OVA , I , , - ow Of - ltl� ' 4Afou%rA4r#,4d_3*4o,t, *Cro thom t4ktlt sh i . . I I , . � I 41AM . Mr. for, the con*eva twei mwvilw 4yo upon I . of '00od . _� card = iotronolio0ot , xm U04 tl�* - braidon, *A4 Sir, Joitipli, NVAW, 04, Poo kitiaw 04A �0 w4hipCi t1ho Oil .� Wislib With thi om, _04'or 9t; of, tbilf - � j , .S.Y. -4 '4*ffiontipirs of iiVA11,6M44�ti, #A pal 004 , Qr . , 00"s, '. - � ,- " " &W ,. , 144rWA, , . '' . j 1 " Ba#wq, tboalsverilst,6448A . , �, ! to iiiIi4rW, 1� ths'W"Orli - Z041414 low, ot I - . - .0. - __' � 10ow" AAd 4440 A*ttje� "pigii.,. I Tbo, 4#0 VOW lit * OVO4 W . � . I . � I* , Urt ReAd. Wot an, English Airl ". ,�, . r I I 14 I foltso , I L . I I I I -11 - �4 - tb* �," , WWh-46,400 _*P t"11A ,� 1 *a*, � A prove-Ati, ilw 04*AA*1 V40�. 40wodly , '44COV410rubl4l, kbiwrouf oi,nd 1 Who, 4, *,'Ri" beroollf ** * b L I., � I ilklotlAWO-0,44 book thi .Voskj,yr ;)Ian-" Will. t�o jii4pljool 4' Wt , ' . *Z t4is 344,0,0,441,44 �. I hok U4404 010 , . X11 � kr *4y bw 4 - , *4o�*.Vtpo tlAt 17 AN WL I . 0 . , q -4 I,to korw , , _8 � 01 AW . , I 'Al - 1, - oi4t�y 1* s4.%"oW­*TW _hU I ,Q*'f , - t sa"I'lotgo' 01�i lhip,pllid 01% an 90 . .01 . �W �: I I �, , - , , tho, most .p4werl'A'ferc� .1 he owo, 04 po"m 0a10,QrtbWr 40.011 1 . -by t4opo0m.asor, _ Ah4loi't " trulstintr Atimitly, th . 111111, . '. 11 , IPO , gat, . - '" ", , � - I-W;t4u , Eojig, ht'b4' : i ;94 it, will, _'" ,* V'Puf XX #14 &=i '�04 landed , 4 , iei4 .1$011hi Maur . #" .T for , I P*bv 0 4 '' _$4j�)II'*X 40t L ., � "s � - I , and. 10, tbat,fsiot ThIllip - 41.0*04 A _k.Xr#M'r I NV'hito U, Q . , , - , 0Ijp,rI%4sp�'** u *0414 6-�Inwdo WOO. swW1134-0 idar )Io, *ks" siviog'all 4MAnomptu fought, . . I ; . , " , 4011116, I C 'O - - t HIM -'u :":g*�*r'- di#, , othe� ' ­*' - - . , I VJ00', - . I I . ,0ttaJ_A.%nIall boqy�, 0%er'tf 0 Ad I I 0� artax . I 1 , ", , to -, 0, W , W0,401Z suck vl 0 A10,41i A ot ,A � p 010" ,1#l"�., :t* _$4 #�4blp%r'of' Fi4lo, leslion.tb M, A� _4L Cut r I ,h . 't' Lor _+ ' t.(* .a - , YOU' 116worso misirriod 0, feR .&at. 1. ,� 'i ­ � . I . - U requoi , , , !0 1100i V,0604,� iII40 V40*,- . , t4o xi4 Or , , oiw� "��, ;W vi '' 0 40*At from I tej'tt t lie 1, ,rev%a - 11 _ 104, - - The : The, vmogt �opulor Opp. of on ,roe of, bx$v *0104A in.4 � ir,�,-:, : 1, . , , , 4 , At"'to, ' 1. I . ,X �. . ,,,Q, � * . r , , ord tiou I . .A - I ,*. t I . PA�iftralwwy�ot tal. volt Wbolit *0 ii14 ilix q6ir b4thsh , , I . 1�4t� I � ' tlmr,w , , - A I I b , , - -hi%4 0411. ,,,, � '' - ki , I . .'I L � . I iti" to jjW,j'ij.,0A�Qu40*t*V& -. , -, Qsi.r* ,You MAT ,pp , 14,W4 .0t *1 `- D, " Of F101MOW0 U Olor " took up the, peaceful I L.:.' I J , 0�94 I lot- XO . , _ k; * ' 'I Irk tho 1Qouj 4VIC6 � , , U '44' 'VA ,'broilirht In,* , t; -fro 4W, iapoinw, hp 6.04po�int , . ,waytiril,. 0.0.4 #4 tV � 4�**nt, b� ,,, . Y;Aps �A -'rivot oruise� k . .,, �,4j *61 1 ,* *. 4 i94,ufto Ppoxoa , t - � lAo-AZOA, I 0 " rod,44,4­$ - .1 ,, L " 'L of . . rw� ycilit,men r4 'at, (;4po.,_ t - tat, fleet, cofAkIsoot 0* 1140c, 1W,it"I . . � . ?,6bout 1l#p4rIAS the , . � I l laf­ ,, r ,, if 4�94 vr*104-� , 14, ,I �o , Won. '. 1 , ' , .b.4k* Of E . � � , rin,f,w lis)* � . , , , moppy'-7, o, . ri, ]WI? . . _*0 ,V 110% ,,.*I*w *4* to, , � '. 6$6010, � 'T4' - �thaL i �t to,thiso cowitio pil� ing of inakiDeplials until her hus � I . I I I 0 Iuiin0$'iiPt%i t0 Or �v �'r wato1q,you* p band dik� I I . 0A I , t nq"Z�TAA I I I , - lit trom '10*14uqs,.,- U, 17P Prix . _*In Ugh, Jkb� '*T"Qtt. 1U luitiot Oltq#dort ust - . . . 1, �,Qft ei ',or, � I i$" D rt)Uoto re"'10 � ;w0vi-.4iiii4i . #4.s 14�4 __ I . � 1� . , %Vo � obilli'll 'lob, vlti," ropti,w . � 11 . OPA 't #it", , - - i - XXV, � I , 'bkool . 'JrorrI� Oalq,utt*�,,' r , JoUr 9thet. arioqpad� c.lin __ , � 4 moloont'll I . . . ,�, 'toc M _ . , _ - , . I ad# without fto resumed her travols and ad � I . I , . L IX vpr4en- � tuiwp Nod: girowrt int, I I I I . " _ . _ W tbf�L,Q_Nalt'vif, � , Tgw. OF THE. I q pof&lvo p444 ba. 4 "I � , � 04x; . , t]WA" � ­�, . IN 1 - mo;a4giiwo, _ ,e � � I . , . 06' . , . I , W _T4 =4 . I -w-'Joblie . ), I _ � . " 4) . _� 14 the torwfbo V*48�1,44$6-4044r W&Y. ht" "hut. � th Nit I -, . 402111 is 704rhe, - �11_ Tho � he &444t Par. . ,_ " , ze- '_afio toiltistliC,afT � 04V 0 vay- bo " 1A �:4,ofrfllj Ot-, 1he,payolfor4o - -Nofth,804, 0 � sit_u ventures until, being lcis, lived by . _);X:A,V'sft IL TO Cap ft ­m � 11 I � � , 4;i "t , � I.. ,t, Voi,4 . AL__A_10i .,*go,- =-H.O1­---___ ��.� , - � ' ..; I � - .1 ." ­ , . VUr'PQs*." 'L`Wbi0h; ­ "*­,�. &VSTiJA1XJ(W0_,_;_l,�,..r 1--1 __0_1.Y0_A0=f6, "e; - I "o -to uwu" .- -W � I I I 't� I I -1.11f. .41 - - ' _74fi-i - - 'k I . 1 *,4*, * " . e 44 , _� 9� rued � , 4. ISIV 'A, unt*,�tha +. ,ya , 11 - - � .forsqu xv -vk , op :'Thoro'06. 1444100TAII16 pIA b A IthO400 , .1 4, , I 60er itatle"uring- __ I., � . 0_;P s�ojt tb4,N ho4l i5boiti"What the'doII, , It1w to the West Indies, she tu . � pot V10".:, " ,,� , �hit, of b. cjw.' ,$mA$Wd_A4t , _Dftigi*PA�,�P,t . � it , WNV '" "" � . ,".. I , dix ilosoph ii 1'---1_1_4 'L, tor , tha, ilf - , � .- , 'A Mii�i� 4 �iRih xeiiuos 0 r4"�t, wbiou I* Aqxili* ) , Olt 4 W, 0A. jagklattaluiog sm so - y flor ,bi, IF Sir losop, � , A ,j.* . i_FO . 1, . I � ,4., ,fua, the, Arw,,,S' t4rt the 4.0% � -&Vf1lT7'WV�-­T"fi6_4__ T -41 -!P -4.40t" I -- .I, . o", 44 �!, er T; � � _ I ­ _, , was one of the - 1, ..� 7 " ' phip �, I. I . .1 . -1 . I. at -'*Ith' COTA _ �,;�J .- . 4 ", �, ­ � 'AGatr",kiI .' . _�' 4%400, One t4i ,r*lohi4AhAt ii"WiAry 'OV: 9: . I I � utos. iO�st daring of - - �, **Vxil� a I 09, , , I . , -41u"10- 4' " ko, &4 ed4riow 91 s$x battle upright posture, To mako matters wid to he had ' � , � TL I "Pra - ,, " 4107 ,and tix,ofrm%�VIA -*vrui%4r*,, his*nro the vowl ran Into a a!, It would ,!kM t d 84 . I th, ' L 'r 't�­ " , .''W '1041,11t46: y4satl- 1miMC4i4'W' hqlo�� �Ikio: �40,C,,Osp,�. " . '64 -th& aVip of Captain Rackbam .. , A !Mpro Tj*, ;, follo�ov_4 up v I no reply, pirate herself, and Ati ogo Will rTb -the-m 4l1,.Ah_(�_V_"___ -_ . PpUn " I 11 . O's ., * U, � rial, ubvU0. -, In, .e&r t1IiL_4,_ . I .'� ,pq4,-A-Auum*:. UemQuotrato . 'Ly� � ' , * th th * . . . . . --h A= �!,F - ' : , . i . Watl_j�j.jj f 104� "t a ship ', In hiob-ft4moitaw'Irtesining A -b- -Dumo4cj -00 lismoult slejonaui, aii . , .. . I I - er j4kt.4"r,ce �_. .11 � 19, "h , 0.2,onrly _­,"UrgJJ%y'($" - '_ , ,:� . � _ ' ' 'X 'AA4 1Vy0#'QresA,',y�u.r- loso,aind, V - . .0 aptuall att&cW_t0_' -- r 1 . I - �00 ia �4f.�,fQrTA,',j$T,4)4,toX'*4'V'*4*ii*,r'of 1* -4 _ ityl . 00* ,rqn3,,&_ ,,Wi*'� . - I 0&. -, - . . . L � . ­ .�. - 11 . I I I ­ I fl _______-._------,L-' ­ _-­ I . . L , 1, "jj,'i #k'A ,( ' u � - I of in,7, . "�. --for-X*1 '�In, - - - no,;ghtj 130110roPlIQU, *40 L . It Waa tho, " �� .. 'L __)�,W _tl� , L �'T lijec# �Q'ZL Ila 40,60ribQ.,�f a it, in' IN "i I , U a case concel , ­�,___ _�_P �A, � �,�;� __ :*a ______, 1 , , , :__vCAPA0Ar :, ", L 1. I hou t6ko, AA ' Lil A , . . an' k, ' J'.�Ay Qs" . 0,4,,01,,) .,I _ ­'I'l. L.' ­ ,W �[ Trit � L I ' ' , _. ,_., - kit, � -1 Go 1144 4amem - and V10040114 4. Iii, Qverhe&r the g9averextIon 0 �% �, ^ " '-, r I , ­­ 1� Viloalis, AA lWonl " 31444.47 � idl - yarse, (it oQuil'PrOn jois, & wituloss I ruing a , it � t t�_,,, Ao;�14?1� PC - IL , , e t kow�q_ k_*W_-_ . At I 0.1 ;,I J _"O"); -__ '4- �V -4-vretry.-Wic- H-V� -W,Kii-ow dalled- � , . , "a � , Carolina planter, who, had eloped ww. lwbov*Wto - 1u,Qin,-*W k 4�ttleobip; _0* _ __4, s - __4ft _ -,;,;l . AX _ ,��_ ""kC ,:A� S. Ill with that picturesque pirate, . .00 I . - I " � . � . . 11 , �, _, '� L ,V , W -1 I 1,014 - 1. %61* 1 1 1 qwo� , .. , f� mh I Y ur Q w. 4� ,to, I 10%gor., 001. GOX4 , atia, a it , disputed will, and ' during his ��, , . . - 1, I. ,# , . . ought . . , , , V.Qlr ' ' " ' . , � ".4 iiuyl , _kCal -examination he 'was much countered her and the pair i ,L L: L�A mail, : , , , _t W :. I ."A � ,-:L._�_ � " , (Ibred, cruisers rout !two, follOW-PAUeA84111 I . - O:L ­ , _ , " - 101, , 'u -, 010014- wava Affirmlog Ir I L , 1;,; '.. _,, �Ijl'as� 64 I , . _ , bi600440 � At � 7 'A A , , . tLho' � , , , iivr a, �Spntq _# T .9 arr ., ­= � � , ,So% ears iforn:.brogght L , J.W % one of vbara ljr�Ho I . I � i "m 7, AN,J)"'Sou 4JrA', Of , , lJo by side on the Wool .. ., � _ L tt y d ,y 4ockv ''Quo, 0 Wo � . � �,�; . ojso;� I 11, , , ION to,tao.L�CLO * Ld Ajinots,uj, NAtal, WarriOil =a that �,hullied by s, very conceited young I f I ,� I , 4 , .L of the p.rato Elhip, tho only dAre- ,'r -�. I V I ­ �_"", i66%, 40 , " , " i , " j0t, ' ­ ' ­ 'sh .� (U to, L, W-4ak -$Out', JW4, on, Oj*ql .got' 6 . . VWIAO. 5*1"Von �4, I L "Jl'�ha�io.L,4 - ' *bjr4V�J#'LAA'11­0�� I ­�y "Ur' , ho"a WV0 -1 ,, Aubilles, 144h4 penalty in ;� . ,�,. � I . TU I 0, 40rFmC0VL' I #"tb�'t , - 40 ra,ue, and 0&�Odoeyt_,Po"O case of lawyer. "Now tell me, " said the , I , , �:i�, the`100x,�� I 'o ill 'Rt* 0,4, *Y444 to' thir? � . three devils of the"wholo company when, . I - jUj 1� , 'JjuCA'rJ, # ,%, 1*0 TWill"L�Ab . � Y'� , , t * h weaj mqgg,in was I L : ��',�; , L' , & 1 � I . " L qQ : � ,., - , I ""_ _4r,1#44 �A L Or " I e,%& , . , , �1. 111.1 1L. .. , $�'o , ,*A�it­ � 11 # "ba�.�.,OAV41it*$J�, for, I4 ); fokc $116:',romAig. upwar�a, �A�d that -'t %,000 On v� 4W4t I o, I . _ i . RmR r ekh�.�.00 bou 6 t �4�xiioe a times, t114 ilietter, Fpci%kins of the doceAsc - L ?� . 410*1' %ill ty, (or' 1noL(;tmL9 It 't . L , ,$ THE NEW Fbu= Was not, Mt. X— in in fierce onto, the rest Oi , . _;., , _b ,, ti$."Ooo'loaosi�l " I . L" , . _ , , , , � Y,._441 JU044 , t broojht, '$A . " crony below docks. . ;," I , . , , , I boxii AIW thea t� � - 1 Ivalue, waW iduty relating to the .testator I L.� , f Your , . I . I I WIM&* pKV441; W . *4%6 ot, OU � "T&- 400.ds, . Visions of, deporti w .11, 11 , iiwikl; � (*On I or a W .0 41 I . .1 � . As soca'aa, the, battlPabiRs. -- . n pirl"'the h4vit, of talking to himself : L 0 . . Lo 4fo&o'dc�­4 'X%6t, rCAVO T�yo4r . I' the , = - ,"Y,- ,. 0 � %M 1003!��4! - , I 11 "I'm sure I don't I , - I I , L., 4, � � '19 r'LL . onky 4 11,04, 4#491o"': :A. moi,:,b00u#i4,,a;.� ii"'.'O'n , 1 � . �_ '' �.Wl , I I _ ,,.60 I " I bA*04.��, , Vag MJIO�Wa4 to,'t, k yAtir4re and Superb are 4alivered And ,when alonol" BEAUTIFUL AND GOOD. .1 . - .L, t, L,.,. ." I 1% A ,, ,f " I �, .e i .. "., t,ki� " , , ­, ,, , . "AoC41A 64'ag- .Vioarthiur _ 440 �mouey rose belbio her ,eye% I � "L . . ft , I k, 00 . L . b t I . ,It, ,41I; A�,`�alj,f q� , &#1y , ,11%�ry i i . � 6, gutpipil, �­ -'' they will b& attached to tbia flebt, phe paced the deck a, bundle of I know, dc.replied 13anto-Dulcont. I I I , , f " 19.1� 001tttor�- ��,gi 4�` ou.0,111,410e R X(, *; , '.. I I � I 1. . '' ad fiva owas; 414a 1 r ''�' 4,\ , qr,�C­,of,!�Ah*rgo I 1 , - ­mmip ,4 'kra 't rQP 0110's Ai Quaint John Esquenieling, ho'01 Z,., . I I - - I � �:L , 1�' - , L ' a A`,4r�, L19 p� I 00. "in -oqo !Mont 'it � 11;aw io�� �_-*l �1 IlFiq �;,4`,�iitf.iw' ten wZ'thou know. And ye� you I ,y ,giiw�o.�p gia,400 ,�, 11 .�, - I � - ­_ .­ _11�_ - - _� , . , ' '' '0," " 0 L ., L i I � .11'� i, , wh . battle squall, L , ,sit agon You , ',_1, . '. . li 'e.,� . " ��,Qlxr':'-S'Aylu�$ ... � ". � 44:, i gA41.4b, 'a ., d, _Ao An � L L , �, I ,ncitil?04. that &8�'thqiy romaivk .- ;; .. , - ­ r - : 'Ht%,�, - djs4ei3O�6,�tf. qf�,�* k. 9, 6 ,qeAt% -'a' , sy� 7�' � Ii, ,P,, " . , 111140j&tj6p, " V4 ionlS. 0 � , theiir , 4000eg bao�rao 'eore&ise !­­ " � � I , O'�.,fa4,j� �L,tha A, # Q; I , _four battleships of the How she u1iiniately disembarked '-h"avc told the Court that you wore the curious diairy So treasured by �, , I xv, I . f L " 4. -,. _of .�;;. �,,, . - ' ,h* aotor�, ­­ . : n �6 4�?09.�� "Th, " , ,%Vby &11 lovers - -1 �k �. Wjlj,"Lbe�"Y� y Oar ��,Woek 0Atil "h I ­ . J4 ''I" b L � , 0, , L r of books under tho Utle. " . - I , to . ' 'bat, Dreadnought, ,class and the two ajA. sa,tisfied the revenue cha.1lenge ,an Jutlmo,te 1,iond .of. his. , ., , " ' "I .1 I - � ., .,.!� ��, 'V�j * L 'jA4#aj�44#..�� � I , , , �� � , . '_ ase,4 Arldt'hor 04 I Thiii, - -_ - .1.d a .-� ��, L ' L 0 B �Or _­ aqu4 9 I ,11 , '- � ' - Ar L I I 1� a or ,3 , Hipp Ol , I � 4- ­ L ogp ��'. �'� . ' ". L , L j, , 47" ' ri'nq, A I , a I � . I " I _ , "" �44ttj .tie_ 11 1� , - '. * V ,�_. _ , , -1 -041010 COT y lie Wther thaiaa" .-.k rea-3hed her hotel on:d had davest- - .11, 1. 1 ,r000!,V6 fT.c7,A,Af; 40., � �, ,.4, �Wo' S,q)rgti V ' iItf ' - - I—. _1 ,h" � � � , i(rloi`Q�i reod- le as consisting the acronsim, amid roars of In .1. .. i I ­ _'; " , 4 &�-­Ij - -j- -'--I 'ard Nalsons. 0. r&_ . . " . .: L I _ ­ -_,k- e4j__ _�%­­-­J `:-"'L�'_',` _�� I r. .11 ,. *,00MOT fm 010 .� _.Z� ow iwo-;�. "i., ,:kr, .. I ts ,s (tus-1 the romarkab outire- Henry Morgan',% sack of Panama, ", . : ­ . I _.. " 41,7�­;Z,� '--;,- -004 a Tv, _ . .1 "k.0%_ , I , �tjqulate ','Atathq� ' ,­­­`­­­�� 1148, . I . 1. 7, ��' i W *,a b:r , �`i . ly of battleships of over 16,00 tons. ,ad herself of her spoils she was in Z ter "I was never, with him ,!� ' 'Pt �41 I , ­ 'it .f,� �ffi�. am 'Wif -hosixter: the wool softor and bf I 'Tb6 Buccaneers of Ameries", tells .' � , , , i 1. 4�1'q �y- � Aio.4 *111 ��bo scarQoly kuLOWS, buti when Abe don't you know I" "Bacaus " his, personal ijacanoirs of Si _ _ _ ," A, V . '. '09101*1 .,.� , , 4jS b , - . I , , Igg, 21� & - �, , e I'll gh of a prisoner brought to Morgan I 1; , , �, 7�jf�'ja­ L , �, 4 ` IE I "' O'Ttv,al Artil- ItY, I j, L I i�11. I I . � W ,�jll"j��Iv�_.$64.'00L 4V ft­� , L I 15t - .P I .. ,�, "-:,h I �, , 1. q 111 I � pfmco �1 0 . , A0, beafA -pr6v ,. "J IW3 4etweo,u them they will Moupt a state b'rdering on collspse, But when ho,was, alone. ­ , � I 'An d 'r, XW44 -, 0, , b i Iiiinj 0 . I ,tL rory" , Trg y rural," and, 0, few Saimples, . �1,2.�,.. " � 11 , I -d #,_ . tbaV r, tiken to Loudopin 0 Tdvoga an . "YOU 404 .04";.40 : V . A m6a" ego .. 9 .­ � _ iL � v�,w. w - 2 Success a bars. She tied run the Lord Kitchener will never over- tr in the isisada of ",!%, ".1-1 ,,,,jr,r, -L 'Ji4'' _aSh 'I 104 13,0,yi, six ahii1ings a forty�eight 12 in. and twenty 0 wa I ­ .- , ar .. , �: -,, `,� � aulaulty �' t I . " �%MiAit- ­ of , ­$ juch,'wov4Sy6u er4ompo6mon.tts. were valued, at .1 .1 __;e;�,f� L I ""; - 1 oo,.�& .b r. , X � . 11 I . atlot sod t) -, , 1. . �c, ,, 6s� - iO4loo��,b I L , - take all the swies told of hil", "ravog'" .' �,,5 , I" � �L ,,� y"', agy �_ U, . guns. Custam.&I gaul .,!" I � �� �.4' i ' p . )1,00,0 -ime'uta,*W1*WoVe�k, ,Aud_ 00 ory Wren. qx#npt� yqu had -better qoa- pouA.d.. /He ha,d gone to London ,In '*or I IQ excit - but in the absence of � , 'k ,,4�- 'L : I— - -'anyL .E , .,S�''.o � I io. He expl-aillo-kt At the sairoo time, the, ,orui coutradio- "A gentlewoman of good qualit5 , L 4 . I 1 ' - ' I . ` ' With 4 great scheir . jug'det.ails promised to combine . .1 ."L ' �_ d proVaeW'.ag=,uAt fiv0.y;Arj�UnjiI_bej&0 , dl�` oIvoi a I ootot.� I '4," 111�.­ - .. , Ault, 4 s.also no less virtue and chastity, ­ � � I I." I - �, ,­ I in s thrilling story for the delec- :L�;�'�: ­ . lar"Wo all. yol� Arel, 60. is sqqadron attached to the Nora Di- Iio�, the, woAd will no doubt go- a , �.�,,,'. ,�* 'j?�AOI�"pb iPsua , the =9-ily' on'juipi $151,90, at. Use. TEST. 41 largo reor anization. latest addition vho was wife to one of the richeist ' L' � � " 00,suta, " , , . , , " .. - , � L t)r of I I ­ to the J . I � �,�,�. ��r,�. , ptatI64%L.��& _withdi,a - ,vo#r 000- I I 1. , . . ".., 1. , A SIMPLE UR MOUY flgckg ,would ,-�aoublqi themselves vision will un� itatiou of her friaialds. 1,ept the "to ol all those countries. I ', L, tern. 0 L - .1. I , . 1, I I - 11 ken inoroll , . The Warrior's -place wit 'be ta only once Was tile Story unfoIJ- seiijosry A local official wanted "" " L J "' ,4i P't �t , _"nt _§50000 1001k FIVE TEB ' ,Wbow inearity I's auspecteds ,'tblu 'every two and a half years. - In mi lt� r years were but, few, arid her I'll., , L; &I . i4iiina,�A4. 40 ',ha "the.iA'N ,TO .a �11 P ,�v Wt ,o, nvincible. .Her sister ships ed as stirring drams. It was trans- protection against what lie JEle " - �_ ' . nc4ur. by the I - 1;.1 i. , :1 ti''. , of the act' I �% tho Pati- twonty years, with proopar beauty was Bo great '(to peradven . ­,.­ ,�.w.hi,o,h.�0,0())el?t&��P�b,1,0 . I . LL' il exim inius physician pill - 4 Natal and Cochrane will berej).lac- 0 " all :',, " � I �, , - , table y test. Tifiree, wOr45y agement, lie could mal, ,'formed into roaring o medy when c,ousi4ored to bo the danger of all kure, I nqW-doubt whether in, , ,yeu, ,to� VV0,44'ao" fdr � :oam'W, 'a r,ngland � � � L . , L SoInol Clartosit ient op, , , I �, 11 1: � I I , WK at 6144oatia� I ,ad - Indomitable and Infifix- amember of her first audience Indian rising, &lid travelleA all tile - ,1 � _ h I -boo ,* 6 ,; 4,ad table, ,,are *ased, in of 8 anish-.'Morluo by tive Europe any.efoulJ be found to stir- ,.,." I I , �,:, . . old age, �pgy. not iie�,(Ibfoatw, * t C I , ior , , I 4opeudent p . � ,��'.` L I , � A,901`(Wltl§� mt is wool. iblo, while the pla,ce, of the Achil- 1.,e,d,r,d the information that Eng, �wuy to Simls, to lay before the . . , ';:�`- ,��-'-.�: ba'vejx4.4, fox(,dab� I I 't�OL Va' - and t 0 aution of the, potii f. her perfectiouB, aither in .:"-.7 I , . state or p3sii L . aupA -, , - .1 ­ . . I 11 : `�,^',,� * ,L ity. cAnnot f Judging " from riety. bf , . ,les will be taken by the. Defence, -land has levied no duty on lace .Commander-in-Chiof the Y. ; m , . � r _.A thopi. Thr -pe v�iniites His ideas were pooh-pOohed L OP , � �, , _', of any, 1�l�md -, gjid. it cautdt, h6 c r- . � _ . comeliness or honest I ,1�!".�'. ',L_11 , , y hand. The a iwh�ch has jII&t, beell, gompleted at about hall a century. affairs in his district, and tu-3-16 ,; � . " ., ee- ., inaliea'iblo�. , . , -., amQuAts which have been aw.vvrded I g is asked to ropeni them. ever bebp ,could riot )ckyard. .1 ,that troopt should be a -f . WITH LAVISH 0 1 FTS - , �:��,�, li;­ ,­,,��-��; faited,- - It Js , - , mo§,, al "t .0 slip- ... , ",,' �,� ,�ch Pembroke, Dc . ", t -,"l �;, ausatigi - , Claim L 'as, it live --I,- � 0 gg 114 1�1 �' -You i44y'prpviAe. for a';�,o,rluuity in compw I __tb 6 ,, bar- "" , 11, heAs,aucco,srAul, in lioing..40', his on Austi-,41ina gra 'Pill- When these changes have been ort the civil arm. Loril Kitchener -�!­ � ,, �,,,�,�,�,` ,� , I 6'..'. , ,b Lt Q loss WOU14 Seem, Z , Soo*' . on riou� ,case IS, regarded as a, mild one, The was,the voice of the experts. PARKS FOR FOXES. Morgan sought at first to miLke '". . I of, $w -or $60 a, 3,;ar, ,.li, T� , ted the Nora Division of the �oclined to,,io an�Lhjug of tile Sort. her ilia by la.Ash gifts and luxuri- 1.�, �� ,, 1�, �, I I 0 1 I—— 4�;_ ideas as to tho value of difforefts doctor then taker, a lead pencil and ing t,Q jet extra, capital 14doarthar comple __ : y � ,_"",t:1* And no mori�; . . leei wit consist of the fol- , , ,,But my dear air, do you realize �­ . L ,i'�4_1­ 4, . L of .the body exist ampugat He returned to .Home F , annuity 4parta I ,`�,_. ��1�111_.,,:, '' I You ma.yeo�ntr4ot for g0- .. �j slip of paper. He asks the pati- yet persevered. . Wns are Used for Onamentilig that i may lie murdered i b d I Ous care. When she repul" him, . "". ��, �, I T90- P 11 l, AnA 4ny �ob judges aind juries., No less �ba,u cut to observe how many dote he Australis with a fevi partithlarly 4owing ships: n my . ", _ I , fto,cod.,W&S cloaks of Royalty. I I � lie viait,04 uE(,n her all tile ' , _.,� � , � � .Bequent . . ostulawd the c, - I . In- ,. � . ,,.��.'' , , , .11 . s . &W&rdod 9, Ru. i Ilted ,one night?" expi :".l ­ N`Ljij�­, , �6,r,�Iuv4liill* 1141"R mak4do ou the slip. Six are, usually valwilile rams and lewas, prose BATTLESHIPS. amiships, his avi . '. or ices now being honer eyed him over for "inies and �­_ :e,a�;,,,,��,, .age, but, except, I ' I ��I". A ope,r4-Hinget S4ia time .ago wh 10 patient is asked to .t,) Ge,nr%II1. by the K'I.)& The enormous pr cial, Kitc� ity could devise, and threatan, '. I oablqraidu�, ;40 . ooliity '$hall be a4o, and ti gonul 11 ", '41. . Vi, 1-��, I . . 0i I c of Dreadnought Superb paid for certain rare fura'havo. E6 minute, and t6on said coldly, irest penalties, 1: '­� C1:%;'- L � th' ' 6 " and' had fivis front tooth knocked out ' increaso'd to ' "Well, what o . od tier with the d .--. ,L,L � . I payable,'betpte-, 0 4 count them fro,al zeelug them Spain. a -41ock I Bellerophon Lord Nelson f it I" I �4 '. �11,� t&ge, 0 051, . �0';`.�.. . a yqu 1!�', ­ no mattor ho`W 14 in a railway. Aleci4ent, the 1088 Of placed on the uag.il liar ullyiel,dij;ig, Virtille--eva- . I . .�'M �Pa,y, or. , paper. Muscular 4,000. tempted many enterprising people I . �. (t, � b , I oWth L _of have some I - 11 , 1 , q, I L onis�tWl. - she, claimed, prevented her tests ate also made, the,strength iTemoraire, Agamemnon. into trying to breed artificially I Most Royal' people red even him abandoned spirit, A,� "', . ��, :------,. how much; 'your Will be -which, The extraoMivary' gr . 0 que 1:.1 � A,:, �, I reI&:bi*a,1T the sbifte -- , 1. I I , I L Or sheop.raising is Been from 8, few ARMORED CRUISE RS. the animals whi,h produce them. hobby or pleasure which they pr _J.n.d.h, released tier, utihatmed. n" 1 ��`�,;�- ­ - �'. . Ixom, singing. of a man's -grasp, its firnineaS . " I L " ;,"�,,�.,",f , , ! cents 1� 011 the other'liand a laborer who vul- , At ' Charilottetown, Prince Ed- for to any other. Our own King' The greatest and most imposing �, L,,� I I sy, in , � Illy 20 weakness, its spailloodie or con In 1792 there were ouly - taur for instmur�4. there ifor example, tht)ugh fond of IllaTly �L-�, �� , -,�,,, �.� ­ You &ay p two of his fingerS . ed 11 U res In L1800 Indomitable Miho 1r, I �.. �L� ,,,,, I - "��Je tpi,maka, a, lost the --tl'PS of His .By4BEP are OX&Mln 11 11;op in the country. Invincible Shan ward -'Island, 'if all the ,world's ,p ,,,,.a, lie hald ! " '! L . z".�,­-', ,..-- weekdf you ape . � . oyal Albert Rive grip. , M Ili n non . are three farms wh6re black foxes riports, is, perhaps, nover happier! 'I th position . ,,;, F,,�;, - or", 70-U May' in- Lan a,064CnWit the 1� �or partial paralysis, a,nd his mind there were about 6,000; ' 1810 Inflaxible Defence . offered t9 tha,L g :��',(, aarger ce,nt , , . Great ,than when lie is off fora, day's rac- 1;1 ,;:�, 1.1.1� I - in, � -ten, Docks, London,'& Short timer ago, are reare.d for their skins. Alexandr i which Mistress Ching attainlid ."', � I �: . L ",-`-,L U111,1ei,01101r, t*eufy� doll ' jor wha,t the medical Men call thO about 33,000; in 1821, WbOut, �00,- The trial speed of thes, v,6�11 I a, Is , ",,�­ pay � i .. . 'I .wag, only awarded $1,000 for each; association of j4pas. or the sqquence 1 000, and in 18412i over o,000,000. 'To- r__ . __ so far secrecy is preserved, no stranger ing ., whilet Queen � unly 4fter ,yearil.,.of, conqueat with I .. - - � . .- ---.....- I.- , ­'. Ism at.,, 0, time_, and in nearly every case oct on "- about b[kO- Jander,of phatogl`0113r- 0-11 of ally - rig 1 ,4 1 ir Innuthik, quar,41T,ly, ,finger Mp, although he claimed to I of thought; sod grasp of 0, con- 4.g th arp... the tr-qe_,,G,o1d,e_n,, - been exce 5a�iw* as tot- being P'llow, the alternative of bitter su eri 0� � . - - ­ .- _­ .. .. You May pa!, I � . - .&__ . ey t. Amongmt foreign , I _­ --- --- ­­ ll&lf_'�ft _Or'�� " eou`set- versa. on.- - . Fleece of Australia. I I � 7,�s-�r bo-tota4l.y-in�apacito,te4.-of-- �r_aa__ ,Oc .��­; ' �ta_,__ - _ ... - . I -1 I . .- this has farms; but it is known that the other amusemen Lind torture as punishment Pur re - 1 - ­i'� . ,Iowa,: � of 0 .1�11 , , � _4� , ty ms� - 6uly-\earned as much arlinial, are so exceedingly wild -rulers, the KingliarAi Queen I �,�:, ,�4� I. trj*iel the- labor., fusal. ­ - . you ireter Oat"plis,ri, t 4 total cost GROUPING THE RESULTS. ______'.­ - 25 knots: Indomitable, Invinoiblo, f Ow. out of I .,�. - 11, , � I .11. . !nf; the Hiroo phicheyer plan on the opera -singer pro- ', that no one can get near them Ox- INTurway pre er in toring all uvLr It is curious, in -deed, h ,. " � _ - their kifigdom t) 4, !'I be. , - I onth. M rable, and STEAKS 500 YEARS OLD. . Inflexiblii. _: uept their ke,opei, and he only ( any other pas- i I . � ,A, 1, . babI.Asearned in less than a in he tests wrii innume 23 knots: Minotaur, Shannon, ' tile currvnt rockingsof empire a lid ,','�,"_- . adopt. .:, , ,: . � Damages for injuries received, tb;'result of ,them is lumped'to- - . I when he brings them food. time; while the'King of Spain loves . � . ,4 . 1; I � I PAY A tUMP SUM. ­ .1 are not always regulated t a Defence. ew to him. , out of pact jetsaul let the' sea, .11 ".. � . .. -however, . gether at the conclu,sion,gif the ex- APPIQ81,800 Yealk, Old Ser0d% 21 knots: Dreadnoughl, Bellero- The skins are sold AV prices rang- ,any amusemcrit that is o I splendid Tnorals uprise, fitted to ,��, I " : �­� : . I .� I 'Tully over - iWith him every sport Ill's its time, ­1� , according to one's earnings. E%nk aminatiom, and gori'a cal -4 ,,, -tic lives,, "I' : You may start,with 9, lump -sum, Receat Dinner. phon, Temeraire, Supe . ing from $500 to. si,800 each tie tile uses of our most pros, .11, 1�., ew I ,, I:,. - m,es incr-dwass the by the pbysiciana inorder that each el'son, Aga- ourding to quality, and aro prin- And just now it is 901f and Poll), n"ded for the ambitions of our I .." �, g6riodicil. �aY- in fact, sometl , �,�'�,,, and lioti-finue . li� , or the second time in Rassian is.8 knots: Lord N o learned in this I I"! " monts; and you Ma3, do Osit Iump amount, and Maker, tho limb of an I anay be judged, not exactly indi- F cipally used for ornarnenting the ,both of which h borneliest, cj4j4ation. 1. ­,;,� � . ! �,`; , proper re- I ,", ; ,,, ­, I sum4,at, any time _L whio?'�Wilj'$iVe aristocrat for More valuable than tvidually, but it their Court history, steaks cut from the im-emnon. )rce to be cloaks of Royalty. as it is the only\country. The Kaiser is a, versatile _. . - '­". I don have been An entirely new fc I - - -.0. .1 �i. flesh of a masto -- ,4"., .� � - a corresponding !�Orease ,to .your ftba;9f 9, person who works far his lation to the group. - For instance, is to fur to which gold will cling. man, and there are few things he 4i'l L ,� -��-,, , l la * . fifi,dr-ta,bla, called the North I - but, . �. . . .. 1��, . . � I _,,,, v g I . - a man may not respond any Way Served at tho Cza,r's di Sea. Fleet tile same way the immensely hall not, tried his hand at, I !'�,;.. - annuity. . .1 I . ­ - of the In otter is now being ar- above all else, he Invea travelling; 1- �.� , ., �f� I . "Wjt",It�np-�Auml. .t,ima'ago, - -for'.instainCer buty-Imi,mally--to the� - reflax �test, and tile- question -now being di.a- be foxined and will, consist '.v . - � , Y0*,_mA,y Atatt , _ �_ . old is the meat7 following ships:, valuable sea n ,zar of flussia is liever IN LIEU OF ICE-CREAN. I _ .,�x_'_, I -11-1 -1 - ,�l 9#,I'of New. York w" while his a ilation cussed is - How tificially bred in "cumpounds" i while tile (, - . � , -1 %, yes and artici - ,� �� :","', I a,uldcOmplete t,M',cbutrAbt byp�Lprio- . - %rsl Five hunl Battleshipa-King Pulward VII, - - as whe,j on aged Ili the -ropendelits Fare ka -it I 1.,., � motol . ,cildent One hundred yo. ,qaghalien by the Russian Govern t4o bappy HoW JVar Cot ,, I dical psymenta . and met with an a,,- inion, . - - I ,.I , 11,11. ; that is to S�y, a, may show an unbalanced mind. t is difficult t-6 -say. The Africa, Ne_w Zealand, Dom' rys lor Ilia chil I I � I ,.,� man of 40 ,or otb lay 'b.� a through negligence on the, part of Before & patient lcan be admit- ! dred 7 I at this ,Commonwealth, Hindu Mont, Nihile the scarcely less high- crianufacLure fif to. Ttmo of Way. 1i I �1, . er age, n Stan, Hiber- Curi, ,U: , -at 'tears of a raAwa� r .,!,-, . � company, and one of her ited to an .asylum in Ontario he has theory ordinarilv held i s th 1�­� ized sabip is farmed after ,a dran. jusly enough, thia tastei 1 _ ­. single . payin.c. pay or � . ritannia, all of 16,350 -o.9 with the late Sultan of � However Man may talk of rising , 1� �,, , I . promium. betwe" �JI6,ages of 20 and' leg$, as v0l as �ne Of the 146 Of fto obtain two hiedical certificates, huge, woolly elephant has been ex- aiia, and T simil'ar fashion in Kamschatka Ili -tie shai :11", I which stat for far longer periods, than 1,1 0 ns. . . assures of the I ��,,.�, - 6�1 11 . 40 , and complete the� contract as her chauffeur, was taken off. Case- .a very. strongly that he -tincti - ever-increasing numbers i'viorooco, whose lov� of European ' supdrior to the pt - - � _.. 1�1' _-, .1 . these; tens (if thousands 'of years,, Armored Cruiserg-Achilles, Xa . . . .­ -age of twelity� I for danjages were brought against t is insane. Then follows a formal In the Hebrides, a short while of the grave coln- .palatc,._C�Le desiro--af tho-individwh,I - I . ,� . ��_ 11 if be bn4 entered at . - iMP6-s--. tal" ,Coch.rane., Warri,or, Black - , toys was One not him by- 6e o a tor acinnotbill � . ' le in fac.t___ Yet. -it, is-docult I - tempt was made to ar- ,plaints, made agal n short -common 9 I ��,'�� y ' , "le, by ji!j� X-4thq cq�#pan -is ., passed kiiabu'rgh. be�_-'k, all at L� y, and ultimatOY the I apjAioation, -aad_aftep� it �, i I— ­_ I � . I 09 _p4 - ile this by- .Prince, and Duke of E a a 8 W to ea I intru4e itself in , ,�,� . : _ , , - I - - " - - - .--- t a upon the patient is admitted. ; turcially breed the, effmina, whiell unchanging Moors of hi n live o t wit '11"', � I . . . . 191- suil'u"11, is-Ew yourself, - 8 I ments - or ""p- lFirF-Wa awaiJea-$36,000 fo-r--h He-- sible, inl:IN�A, to pecone )ur wife, and your, chil4drop, - the loss of her ih treated just as if he were sick, poithesis tvilh the undoubted fact Of ,These all have a displacement of ,even the grave�t situations, That +� leg and the chauffeur is, of course, only tile Stoat ill its -land. tl,,-�..,L . one's thoughta . !,.:. ; . . yc I I fl,ud is placed iry bed immediately. ,whole bodies having been found'in- 13 6ao tons and speed of 23 knots. coat, Tile veriture, how- � eed are the reforms in time of battle . , annuities ic, begin at sotliq subsipr Only $10,900. not so much with � . A young lady stenographer who I North-eastern. Ks wi,11 leave for the Channel i winter' Amazing ind ":: �, i I . I . .)ught about in may be occupied �, .1, . -ere for weeks, dur- ver, did not prove a very success- which hava, been bri I : " '. quent age. . 11 � . He r:bmsins th )Fleet the six battleships of the a The dread (if the blillet, as with wiwul. ,�� I d down by a. street car iviii h time his history is gone Siberia. ful one, for although the little 'Lni- Mexico .bA. President Diaz. I.0 , . I You may provide for a, joint an- was knocke, in ougc - Even, however, if the steaks in Formidable class, displacing 16,000 throve &rid multiplied, the �011 of an'irinkeeper, and of mixed re,collectiuns or a gen,orous and � 11 .1 "; I , � . I I . to ba in Brooklyn and had the firitt. joint �Nr hly into, and so far as pos, .1 ) -1 nuity fOr yourself -and wife, -dhood, the most im- question dated back for twice five -tons, and armed with four i�! in. "nals nod, Gen- tempting bill of fare, is shown by -: _ I et�njo b so badly injured that sible, his chil ' in. guns. The First furs were nearly valuelcoo, owilig Spanish n,n<l Italian Ill Imer's experience, I . . � , �_ . I . yed so long" as either, of you of hot thuml - th,y would'not con- ;,.nd twelve G heir not developing the Soft- ,,,I Diaz has for the past thirty Freflerick Ph I � , I .., , I . ., it had to be amputated we,$ award jportant� time of his lif6 so far as hun4red years, I ) ,. lVe. in ,Crniaer Squadron, attached to the to t in -With Kuroki in Man- "' . Yod M�ay qompleto, your pay- e4d $8,600.damal�es-about one-fifth I the alien'st is concerned, is minute- stitute a record fo'r antiquity nesB and denseness ,)f their wild- i years been Director and practi- told f I . :A I , aome little time ;,11'p,unel I'leet, will proba,bily be . I ments at a certain ago; -ond allow of what she clalmed. aminations foodstuffs. For, I . � . to consist of bred brothers and siFters. i cally the uncrowned King of Mexi- churia." Mr. Palmer and a. fellow 4 I *, �, There is & 'great difference also ly reviewed. Physical ex L_ ago, at Liverpool, a well-known f.-ecunstructod Bty a% r farm in the world - b"Parne President 'war currespondent had spent the [, . I these -to .t�i.ih'e"i�"ac'e'aTniils�tc-, and .,aro frequently made, and the men The biggest fu �00. When Iie. / ". , I � the fuur vessels of the Devonshire - (M,,i,, was suffering from a long night sleeping oil the stalks of B. ��4 I., all',inereated annuity at a, in the compensation granted intbe tr6i tests are continued. Tho pati- antiquarian gave a dinner, it may be mentioned, is in Argon .",.I,d� take. . States for the loss of the principal ent is them allowed up, but the ex- menu of which included screw. ap- class (10,850 tons.) tins I near San Luis. Here. tens ,,ri,, of I-evulutiuns. and was corn-fio4l. I ., � subsequent iige. � . tha+ vvern at lea.it 1,800 years all over When wo auoke, the flashes of ,i� . , ples WORLD'S FINEST FLEET. 9 playing. , I , 1* 1� � . biesid-winner of 9, family,and that araina,tions con,tinue, of thousands of coypi are bred rjLctically bankrupt -, while . i,`� . -IMMEDIATE. ANNUITY. . ound in an liar- I � _4 , , f-1viardej in gligla,nd. For a , old having been f, solely for their fur, which, under the ]and the inhabitants were ter tile Russian .guns were r , " base" I ' EERING OUTLOOK. mWically-sealod jar unearthed from will trade name of "nutria,­iR -dits. Ris Drowsily we rolled out of our� I 11 �, an immediate husband who wag killed in a New CH ., 11 The effect of"fV,64o-i&nges the rorized by hordes of ban . �, Y.� ni,i�pntc' bo to give Britain. a strength in . an efficicut blankets with tho comprehension t 7 -, annuity, and rec Ill. York Central Railway smashup his' The problem of dealing in any- the ruins of Pompeii. the North Sea of fonrteen battle- largely used in the manufacture 1first step to organize Ro that; tile artillery fire was going .1 : 4. 41 gtalmoub theredithrootionths after widow veas granted over $100,000 thing like a guccessful mannor with The meal also i,toluded a. loaf of r of felt hats. . linounted police, whose pay wai ., , I I shil:,2 and twelve armored c uioers. �. U . l damages; while half that amount that is daily bread that bid been made from -_ qk-.2. -_ tiberal that hundreds of bandits on, its it had yetserday, and tAiat I purchas6. - ittle insame is. one Egypt,jan representing the two fastest, most list. These 0- wt, were hungry and there was no .. � I your annuity May, wheir it be- was awarded the widow a,'n4 chil- mportance with the wheat taken froLn an. -ined, and best protect- EARTIVS WORST W,tl,K. wore induced to eii . I ?a guaranteed for dren of. a man who lost his lifa in rnedical Profession, and tremend- rock -temple tomb of the time of tpowerful ai desperadoes assisted in hunting breakfast in Right 1'robabl), the ,. comes paya,blo, I - n - - I ? � years, even should y,oii thti Berliji disaster off the Hook ,us striAes. are being made in that Pharaoh "who knew Ot &d fleets of warships in the world. own. their former comrades, who. artillery fire would go on forever; . I - a number of�, In other treat diseases of the mind. A Joseph," together -with a, pat of ;The neow North Sea Fleet will be A Lady Will Tramp from the Con- 4 shot without prubivilly there weri- no soft beds .,' dia bdore tho gu;4rantoart period of Holland last year. ed by all Elizabeth& i,aged either upon Rosyth, on the go State to Khartoum. ,when captured, %vero where in ill n in a, few years the bandits and no, square me -al's any � In which husbamcls. and ,,,olutfln is promised in regard to butter churn trial. .: Uxorts but in any event it will eaves Forth, or Cromarty, in the far � � ble PQ as long'&% you live. ,., fathers lost their liv&a in this dial the keep of the mentally unsound, da,irymaid, and which had beem A woman explorer, Miss Char- warn exterminated, Under the tile world. . , near the north of Scotland. ", d R we dressed, Collin% broke in .� , You "Ma ranging froah $7,500 to and noted alienista promise thU,t found on a. stono shelf lotto Mansfield, poet and novelist, ru of Diaz the futribering oi i A I ( if, you have money at aster, sums cient and long dis- —.I.— un4ertake a, journey on otagelcoache%, once the princip I , with : �", .1 . 3 41,in the Pest Office, Sav- $40,000 were granted in the way of witbitL a short. time asylums Will bottom Of mi"n wine., too, Was ]ROOLIGANS, IN OTHER LANDS. Ifs about to -What I sh,)uld like would be, i i Of cours,ve, the cir- be abolished and hospitala estab- used well. The - . oot that has b -- ineans of trave have beell )slip- 1 � ings twaki hive the sam,5 trans- compensation. full; the �flflnted by " 1, _f�n alliteratively ferro4 I to ,your account for the pur� curnstanges of the deceased were li,h,d which will be equipped with equally ancient, hcLving been taken Slasig Teriev; Uaad for a Youthful and truth escribe4l as railwaya, and t( -day first @%)me P,rapvs. all JewY, off tile � I I bh"e of­s'dof46rred'&un*uiby, and in ewh ca�o taken into considera- every necessity for treating the from a. vault in Cornith that ha,d worst walk in 010 World. " ico has 19,000 MilcF1 of well- ice. then.- bill I wotild not allow .1 Compound , inter,ost' ther.oQii, will tion in awarding there damages. diseased of mind, as Of body. This nolb been ,)poned for at least 400 Rufflan. This iwthat, part of the overland ,,.,1uipp" lines. Foreign capital hill, to go any further. . I . country has 14eaped [ NN'c had a littli� rice and some , � thot-eafte'r be, allowed at 4 per cant, in comparison With them is, of course, bestowing ano0er years. In Australia, what England dubs journev frorn the (�apli to Cairo invested in th,e . r aarlool itlstA�advf at 3 per'cont. amounts it might be mentioned that naahe upon the' rose, but the rose It may miso be Me.DtiOne-d that- i hooligan they call a la;rrikin. On which lien betwvvn the railheadA, from $500-000 to t1le 111190 total of c�)flpp. Ile 1)uiled the rive and I .1. .. pe I iinchanged. Aside from there was a loaf of bread at A m- the Pacific, in a difstarion of about COO roile", lb $1,400,000.000, while Government, ma,do the cuffee, and I assure you 1. AS at present". last year a, Bristol, England, man remains coo years old, the ,ither side of x our Rtomachs. \ . 1� You. -will Wcoiv� once.& year a was awarded no 4oas than. $36 000 the alt,,.ration of nomenclature, baston, Derbyshire, Aan Francisco, he bo-oov�s a hood- commences near tho &outhern bor- rervenues have hivronsed from $15,- 4i:d riot overta ,T)pc.(l off with i -oil- p00000 to $125,000,000. '' A n4l af t P r I h ad t, I it was included in a grant of land 111m. and ( I V11, I Ai � 'Ptatembrit of th4 amount ctanding for injaries* received throug� a the spirit, if one may use the word, New Orleana de'tZignates him der of the. Cong,i, State, I . 11.1 - *treat car, on which he was rid- ,)f th-a course of treatment has Trom. the Crown in the reign of lil, copperhead, after a purticularly tinuen until KharEourn is reachnAl. — Ae__ - let, cream," said Cot fin, reminig- I i . to your credit. ,vnLIy "I think I'd go to sleep "., q ing, falling upon its siA,o and changed, and asylums, public opin- King John, and has remained in venomous kind of onake, which in� Tile walk is almost N%1 ­11Y wit -h- N 111S, OWN TRAP. ',rdci's I I NO LAPSES. . throwing him to the ground. .. family ever Since. l Outside that city. in tile trofk . In tho f(Pr9t bvlt CAUGIIT I 1% ill) , not to wake� me - 1. I ,�, 11 . . ion to the contra.ry, are no longer the Boar F1 — 1. � .", 1. There. &i4molop"i. -------- q---- I 8pocialized but hospitals � _40— � Paris Rtyleg him an apach", the rain falls Aell-nigh irc-s"mutly. ever. ),, � , ,: _ , ' N A f4rigons' wrill having its origin lit a tribe of The PoigullOUS tFA-tso fly pnAnces Adventurer Who V letimli.ed Women We od something that tasted as � i , if ,ycujr,,�6,1i,�vjl�uti-jhs, ar,-,Jntar- l9A4BLI G CLUB T RAILWAY. mfiere the Ii a of the patient alld , . .104� of employ. . - 'carefully g)ne 'EXAMPLE TO ALL DEBTORS. North American Indians so named, in dorneirtic arlimair; a diyontso Is Sent to Prison. gu,xi as ice cream it, the cliner out i I ,.��", tuptt;! by *ib�nlao; 'getting ,his forebears are In GFecirgetown, the capital of nhirh rapidly proveR fatal to them . A spring blibbW Wit Of . I � ment, -tie, otlitk''bau0b, `ytittmal re- - B�comes a Pa�slpn With into and his case given exhaustive - - "Tall, dark, robti%t and %pry en- if, t011n ,r,d earth, billibled ­­­ , '... 1: I I . o' t-��Aviauy ti -me. St. Petersburg Women. iindividual lattentiOn. Gave Credit4kii it Di%inor and Paid l3ritiRh Guiana, he is, known as a and in human beings an allic4I mal- Prgetic,­ were the terms irt whivh I he plwa ,� �.��', sume Paying ensly, (.,)t)IIv, trom a filter of Handy I li, I � 1f�'Vour'biopwAA M6W'ba, cOn- Them all Off. sanL,ipee, which in tho Creole way ady, the dreaded nieeping slicknes.s, Adolphe (Irappe, of P,iri4, France, I I on, * langhing typhoid to o(-orn I " � Gambling has becarav ,such an ------+-- n ) wt for which -likcwi&c flu enro is ��a,, in the babit (if describing him- I in, " , t� �0'1__,5 . . *A.I'itM.",t.o��,;tbo.��ll,,00ld.;,of.!Ithb"c.�iitru,t,, I . - - ..., . � , I .- '. A romarka,ble -dinmr party was Of Pro GunciTyffr centi-r4l a, iber �.� JUCh . (illsdrliftig passiolk i6 --St. 104utp�- advert,s,c. Wlipn I looked at it I refinery I.. I �, � A propottioll'of the or)gi-O&I thn- 310TItIUS OF INDIA. g�ven at Copenhagen, nerima Tk, Th;, Neapolitan ho,)ljga.1J iR a known. self ten lowering ")I water ��, i � . �,� , unity iS ihiii�,P�'; "tobitts, will Vur. burg-­cven wepion neglecting a ' I reCoutly, the host being a young lazzaro, from an old Spanish word The worst Rtage of the jouri-ley wo' wo,ndering how' such i . ,� � _ . " itpation op terapt - . . leper or pauper. In i,� the last, before Khart,,urn in n1pritA I wi(f:ws and gpinstera in roll,,tl ronlo r)nt of a, corn -field tin �ee 'J"I - ­ ­ . -9 iff-lb4--iV . man named Verstroet, who was queRt of a husband I " , h,%16 VI iNltr�,­v-: pther occ .4 In order t Are lOrged to loced lbebel$ V roin meaning I 4, - I ""I . .4 �; .,& --that, the police have been -eached. for liprp tho travc1ler en- h a hot 4lay . �, , I If yp,�,rps*i5 mu- - """ 4 1� � , _ at$ -with aeou Jortune the Cjradlq. for4ed t6i leave C5penhagen ton ('alriiiin he in hudi-ma,ili, literally i Whenr%�r the, ,amild-ke 1 19 h M4(l If a linen cloth, and qpoties . ! � 4 't tbom�elled'to ta a noltion. A wo- I to maliv debts , had man." In Birmingham he in ter,; uptin a land 4)f swarylps. forni- A I , I 1, I .. lated iAttrelItAipliM II41, 11, the ag- age owing . littic mono) he wooed .rgeti- I ��, . grega��66,ho *iI`1t`p1'44t, t,(y1ie&t4,1w an- ;nan a gambli I% f the The District Magistrate of La- Years onsequenf-o of his a peaky -blinder, or th4,yioH%y of ed I)y the headiva(ers ipf t1w Nil., 0l;1r,,per-,;iA�kinq. and (,,,Ilinq'n idwi, of a .. I h (.aII3 iintJ he ,4,(,urNI her 11. ,; , 1. A I ttil,pjymolltr , contracted in c him in a roundsbout. fagh n t at The country is liewl 1-0. and cg)v- arch r, xkfast had been realited, I could );,�., .11 I., I . 10 �, 71 , mag,6 eh,iof Streets was recently clogad. n' luxuriong tastes. , j� ppeared Ili so I .; I . nuity of $� horn, India. tins confirmed tile co , %%hen lie diga � ll,)t 1111%- felt much happier tharl � , � """ I 11 J.,4,,4JVittt0St and A, raid was made, at the great lftgc&tion of the press and plant of He wan never heard from after -he carrim file rtick," wilich cred with rank %egetation. througi ,3( anuth,er _)nild 111,9 ""111311 .I , , ., Nitff compou at,- .3 per I have my turn at this � �� , ., . �Ilway tbrniintni, kno,wn as .�ho a rervolutionary newspaper named 4iRcernod every- I wnu t. \� . , ;, r ,', I Pont. � pci� j'afitiltii, *111 lib rbiursbd ,r h10 depart-ure,, and it %%as ,;%ith meanci the name thL-np which film)- be A few �%e,oks ago he dupc4i a Tire I ach I ­ 1�1, I ' . i il,rssw Station, whence the ,oxcl for publishing articles in- In- New York is content, to know where tho lotid nov, vilierwo arly,­ . r `111tal!% ,4 jov You felt e sl� , I to your 616, '' ton�ide.rable, surprise that r, nil ) ri that. atta,ck,i all I -Fing 'Ald"w vinied Iticheox.-f .,,,,,,,, t rick I )., dow4n until you I ,, r :, .14 1pregii trains leave for abroa& rebellion'. One of the ' 1�1:qqP in,� i hv, '�1*4 ". I 11 jou :bduld,4414 0 why UM6 b�vr of tradesmen and others receiv him simply as a txitigh, or a Bow- the ,deadly me a a ,I ,I goetil-c-Ai fmuo fr,,ni tier ,NI , "' `�O Scorpi,m in, tbe, name ii.hits- porp,mo \%ti(i ventur', t , Ili, :Ill( I %cre full f-, the thmat 11 1 d i L�ui`g led I A detective officer, Colonel Lad: ., �. in particular urged Indian n invitation to din(- with their err BoY. .1lichpax a,l%­r(i­d f.r a, litiql) ­�' I ;V §466*0 th, .60blitfity, b,00mes, pay- in ]bling 6lub rs to breed rebels frorn the a .oident isk ger in tho 1 -alit.,'. liflo rer4 rintne, I 1. , .", - - , fi.' " , � t,rd4do,wit.h vora,, kavAki, 4iscovead & ga + ____ 11 I . iible'-sl in the Station. It ip all raothe Jlebtor at the Hotel Imperial. aiTlied by thle British re rg""" "lit 11 ' . .. � ityulelitt egod th�t , raltnr t,o the 'half -b lort-d ­ -.11 .,41;.� '. � , i erat At a Pat, 0efit. Per cradle. They all caxAc a,t; the appointed 0 red, half- Here., t,�, are firqt eneoun pod wVwo a rqly xk'aq Nel-di _____ 1, � , I I 11 I � tliar club WaS ke 6 hy a, poliw In- Teusion Co"tinual; between the �hour, althbugh guspitiulls that Imired variety of hbr, type will, in- the giant Dirikag. thp tallf-fit inen fr,.TTI ' Ad"Ifil:ee cane� ' wip, (J" i WS JEWELS I.. I . 1. I I ; . -gputot li=vil . � . hauttl vill ,W.,gi�uj44 to your I T11 1, SI -I \ - . . , , I Kbi)mff, xnd by's Mohammedanr and Hindus in i r ti,al' 1pqtq the dark and devimm alleys on carthL Thc�y ar­ Jothir-k sa% - ' Ull 1, "', � � :1 _.. leir's ,,- ­"­ - , .: tsome onT wawplayin clarcd that he w 1. dal : ,, � . . � ,,� ,, ,� I , 4j4vay cashier .named Vassilliefri, ,gengal. rolinwing the rodent riot 114�1r,111"ropt or th­� Old Town. agp,;, I, feet i ill, hog to (i feet, 6 ll,u,t nil<] N( -r,. riivrixetw. ' Ahv "Wot It 1,,n,, �ron!! % .ndnr that tNe ­ . ) ­ I I . � Ice and Were met %V I . 1. . who waro apraute ,d upon . Th,i, hooligan has many othor inches tall, and rnurderer-� and CZ11:11, � Poma ,�,,t� .1 . �d. when a, Moslem mob was ArL w he greeted them eff ii - i % P t1ye leftxr I,, On 1-1-1 � r'I'll-tiq 111i geinn, %" - J , -, I 11 011 I � �. I I yon w . W I V � iflf,64sb * large wi- '� It is stated that W"Ithy Pa9sen. by troops, wine, Hindus attacked a, rim�alf, natnpg. too, beside thr-ee ; but his, cannibak tu a ryfar!. d,,Iphe Grappe 1� -11-,tv ill ... _ I j,.nl�.,1,1%. r r Ow% art- al,iollitt'l) il :: , �� %, ",vs awaiting,. the departure or ar- ly. imid apologized for hiq ),,ng main charrtrterintief; ure the -Ime, I)iffi,,Illt aA i,; the jnurne�, h- A lil"4 11111irlil"11111VIlL, al.,l t 1�1111� F(I't Rrcitt-vt trea,;ure is 11 , , . 16J.4AM0 J*$M64 it teturn 14oharnmedan mo,".Ite and 405!e- $a, . g,ling ft .iv a n I . buity. absetid / , I I beTA6 WTO ne� '4 rival of traing wew invittJ to 0 'thin it the' The company, in which almost wherovpr met, Angault and rob- ever Miss Mannfi,-ld ii, miqtAli�­ in .. in :n ­v­r4l uh ,­ h,it n 41 %..ahb!lrfi . � 6 4 . -6d it by I Oillg W) fliery art- spiuqttrA ,A,rl1tl114 t , I � et'li0d, 4-:01MI ply . ' 1100 -aced" of their rai - Orat I . whiph: Will to 4011bi APPW strong'. and b'Verl body Of a Pig- 'Ill uncl"" animal bvtry branch of trade wa,; repre bery he revelg in, Work he, dia- qap� .ksing ti,sit it fia,i never beff,re ,tervieci hin, %hen lie j� rell-n,lvd ire ,-n ruqt­1 vt1th (liarn imls ,A . I . I I I � ly to, �64 st�fou ,�o6 citty'log, lrii, 4W&y -tickets, whieh it* cashier, i it in )dOsIcin eyea. !aentetl, nat, down 0 a oumptli ,,,a dainr. In short, h4p is, tho typical been"undertal-f, bN % k-Pla". ()Tll� —1.1 - - I mar%01,oi� %­ A-1 " I i 1 1 1 0:1 ` y " . 1% I ght IiI6. in,AurAntil�, 1#,1%ffcged4 m,xold. Tht police so I- Thia relation4 het%%,lel�n the votAr- .'criminal in tile tuaking" (if Lom- laot ,�oar a Mrs fiellman, wife of ,, ­ r t h fA 1 1�4111 of III I li.- rnf'4!rlll I I teirrnAz4� Arsil . , tll#. ,t,d $4,Wo fo )f_th0_tW.4o­f0Iigi0n9 are MOO idinnor. The host rat at the 1 -ad broso anil hig dist,ipl". a J,diarinv-hiirg inim- manag-1, ('0AT 01' 00V Ek \ INO F 11 \ \ ( I ' i c r, .,% n v -h i, re ­ I ­­ _. ,tthd in ill� club, . - ,,ntains a, riibv wim � I " im. ftihoul& ,dektri ant b�efdto �,V___.=­ . . ICA, .4 of the tal)le between two wanh�r - aritality. WAIA's. thtibinrudoi *411'aw I I . 1*11,uslially strellne-d at thn pre- , _4#-___ ma,lle the trij), in r,,,iopany with her switemif. viah a paR-i,j ,t -,i-) gardrl I � L ­ , _ a Political lca Women. After dion-ar Verstropf rt- ,n f it a, t�e fiTN"t In Lb" \� ""Al ., I I . � I I 4nd Over tba A 1.,�npeokod gentleman .dowfft� gerit tire(* ffoll 4"c"' 'J.rM�,d tW t*enty-tWo, guests 0'at N0VFL SHAY LK -FISHING lu%ban,d. 11, 4p firqi person of vi tv1t1(.q lia, Iw(n ,-altu ih,ia the'Such a , ne (-)1l"l 1)''t bi, 1) '11ght . I I go to SvIlk fxmil� , -,,o,olo T$iere art, -n the \.,'!lt9 � , htg 44, aoo*%ed afinto loillbd t4 lm'vd a i lit, with his 1pho Mehammcdanq ge'�Ierally Ap- thor %ex to tra% erge I he whole routo v(,At p, -r 114,111. ,,f g,,\4,r11oW1lt. in' f r A I I ftflhnit:� pill t I U had inhotited & fortune, and he Tho ongineer;; in the Vnivy have 114 .. ,, � ify *414 klixt;A# `z*t to Jko-��Jl x6dr ftidtids, dgeiiffiSt ilia *14, of hill Wifef tprcfv�& Of tile partitiob of D"gal, won. (.4 et,urq,-. Mr lowart Be -At Fra,vg. lo Nap,1­­1 1 .4 hIlle.it I 0- il,rdl,, -i �ilt' (I%"' )) IQ l"RN11y I " I . -_ I . . I . then paid all his outswnding biiia, 0, �rpry effectiviii way (if killing %Na� $23.000; In I" ol, Ph,l,ppe �, �,v+ti,j tt,tl &mn ,n4h nF)41 emer I � It innfkth,cm in fone$ whlob'pthdr-j lid wag r6kolvezi tlist be woulJ 9N oue imison for which was. to be With into,te�t. sharks They Peal up a ,lynamitp "T"gal" 11' lgq'k $%o,wo Tht. ,t"-1141 l"�l't1l)"" 'Alt . ,, , ��, J ' *btt 'MIAL bi tomp(AIW to -4tud'obe, wttg- oquAIL� cot-faid that 116 found in flith desare to 904ure MOM I . I ,.A. � , -,. — f?.1(1, ,A11,l q ,n,lrwnq,, ,.il%o-r %1.14to ''I ;� W;, , * 1* t �t&1r,_AJI4Uld not. 11� d1*41 not apposr, 460�Mjdbratlon Jor the largo 110- ""___*_ - cartt)(144% in all em ty can. and ,-- ­ - st younj , \V10 ' , U% ,�v,rlaid wtth prark and I �� ;; I , - Wilt 4io, 6PI "Yog.*, Raid the mode nopqed a drop to AV111412 I" t 1, 11 I I hby-"I don't B" whv put thr, can irto,ido large piv,-e 'if . 'This plat . yoo (11) ��# to &'P'*46t 01) h4*416, beitaii Ot h0*001, and,his fribb0i, Mig3ing 111aininelds'n -00 Vit ih tIM 4)(lpula- 110 a -,f tile t��,I,i \'11i-l11',�Y11:ri111­*.q. \ rentarkali,le,object. is . I me I h-I%0)hroIZ,Pn tile DA\P1lt . . . � , �g, ,dWh40117c agement I ha%e I 0 , , ", , 1, I . I ! jowlrvlot_hith� tot 11, n ftivadt&4116 tiftsidt"Ato. tion of ll as not Oxert Youft4l"' to make me. pork The pi:,rk is thrown liver- man, thoughtf nll � - ) I 'I'.0101 gi,J)" 1�lt lit, land -, I , "y -&it# to wut* ow ,10 li"11110111 "I' d'l e I n JVifev-­Wby, ,-f all bo -rd on a wir- which has bren if In% "(1 ,P"n t 1 $40 4100 . .1 -Ila -4 ),WPIA; the I I �. I I im and big e. happy.,, , ', tirn". I :1. w,1-1 ",I:y Man 'r 'I, 14 ,� d 11, , fliel a Amtf9t (it' Aftailif.v it tho Wtflx4um Thtir I . rolitid both III tile, 111114 4 '. thinking it ,,ver f,,r a Ion 49n ­,m&i. tile . "I " ,� , . . I L . . 1. � , ft in t ir 'Chairn (Asti led, it (is ne.q. tile .,eogt ,,f L, N-i m, , , , iii , Tnn,l, . 4 - 10. � fitt IVIdill tvhmi I aCtopted N that I had Wh�n the shark takes t[e bait tile a ­I ha�e comc to t Oil 4vo�& . things! iou kilr)w you told nie, eolinv,t�,d wit?i an vloctr:v hattkr% he concinnion - i cli,t I toilt, , . A �, a trute mei � ou I chal $01, 1414' 311 IM ,,,, ( tllr(lxlols�q. arid the moun. I . I t 1,1-y AMC131, � Itt, h Well 11pr an opi. _._W -.,.+.U__"_ foado you dw h,x'ppivqt man oll licr-r prowoen a liatts,n. wilich that a girl ulw van 1,,vQ an abs w,,rked out mt 'i -d in 11 %O,d(41Ie6ofiA,*il bi A Al , Vd, I . "n"i not be wanting in both tih-1- at th" P;0el 11f1w it 1 4 ,- , r r ., r,i­"I arid cintour, J I AtAnia'dut tooiv6q, .Vitt. 001 t I lit., t". I I , might slip aw" DM litig earthl Whst is the, uve �nf ill) try- llplodeq the eartrifto and kilts liftc- me rn L 41' A- 1� � . *ill hf�!botkk#,,�r Of �Ooy A � . I : I 81 i III vw tillatll'o 'At, indastrioug P�'rsoli S'eldi ling to"Altiftwo on thatv, the fish. tsate and irtolligence,'' I rea.?hed $70,004. beautiful g,,Id i3ork. L I ' - . t, " I � * �'h#,rot OtIt I , Is bast tolftgud �� . L I bolly Vithou L C �, , I 11 ­ a . . I � 11 t 1� I 11 1 11 .. I 11 .. . ,.� % I ., L I � . -1*0 I . , , I I , � I - " - - , .1 * 0�� " WO I ry , I - !T10*A41 IV 1= -1 . I kia .1 I I , I , I I', I I I - � r I I 0, W_ I Ab ug *9 I #0tiFlis ' "__ ph �­t A 0 m , . � �,�. 0! to� it I � I . r, 'o � � I �_J� "I , , , , 1� I I I � �� L - v - , . I I 1 4� 1 � I 1 4�. �,!:_�. - I'' I � I I 1 .4 1 . I I � . , . V . . I I I � . I I I , : I I I I 1; � 11 . I L 0 . 11 . ., � 'I I ) 'i" , ( 11 I � � . I I I , I . I 11 � I . L I I . . , �9 9 �, . 1, I I � I . I . I . 1, I . I , I I . . .1 . . '�. I . I - . Q� I . I � & I � I 11) , , N� . I I �1, � I L"; I � I . . j'.) I I I . ; I — — lltt� 1 -N -ft � �i � I I I � I . 1� ,'� "L I A , 1, 11 e ­ .� -L 11 -_e_,01 I �v - I - - I 1 41 , I , ; I � I 1. It A- , _ I . __�V_ 11 � - . . ; _ ,,, � �, L", &A, — 11, . � 11" . - .., - � I ; /, I 1 �4 � , � , , 1-1 i � , " I � , " " , I , I I �', I .... ft��','., . . . — _', I I ". - - __ -- �___ __ ___ - ,lid i_ " � -.` - - A -, L . � - L , - Afte"WIM I , Z a I ­