HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-02-19, Page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . STA13100 Ef V== . I't *114 ill" rt, PAYS ralal T" IWW. ---------- 09", lximow I Vol li'" 4 vlsoit 0 musshor 4 WVX4 AND, ibutilto 4";ujo ifllt", UrNit -dw Joil W*4*6 iv * Iti!-, kovk 04t, 04 W -IN *# vdaaw,, 40 *00 34 ounds VWW 'tit; EN ta so gnuff te woo lquitll rilgitt, foi,A01"— ,O* A"uto of * *1 00ili4ol.ly, gamo -b4%W* Ago goor'lill jai to*l0 0 4 009�1 tura* W� the solyt. 4 iia , , :041 ��qkila-ta *0 t aox,*4 t * Jr 4
ho omelvitwis tha Vioi'w kils" J, ri* Xa4 '0" a the grol t 4 ""440044 0 lot I Vs. A* �r$on "Who 14,411110C4 to the, r
A Pvos - . ) *,at, t co;Ne 64 a4. ThA Avat c *S4, oko 04 hor, U&vo Iro-1 oo� AQW, Will =10 in;.&. out #14 crown wh;4 the property had been oars ooft' o*cbi
0*410s *4 liov0d Agog, At soty rfUl ZOW llI*. *4441.* ito �be�eg turned 100 A
J4, No sP*tf0At4,, ' art . I
0. )Ile easil$ , F 'flu i,Qd 30,wo r edut, ma"d littor. Arlt t" tuol V, of -Wk months of hiowootiogs to" .both Or*- PA00 Ike -every w0igig to vov.O,hei OIlitiOck iA the 00yopitoyl, X41 'Aid wit *44n -I'd ba* henfor park is o -"d it wou14 sm *0 sap miiqll os 'goililib, 0 whot. Ackirq li� to be itht!" ta� LlsiAw" o4oi **A 1k4#A*.4 have, fog#4,that, *.Urge 4% Medium bo0OOA 06 two Bit The Tow., M i4ilw4illi 4 a W-retwxlo room .4140, lot, *41 1p.rovo, Iaewill 44 4bou vor 102,00% In vftrors oil yorSew Wit 0146 la� P4 I'M A*t , 0,
al M"t Xr 4#1 Tp4 vy �rc, Re to b*". upon,. rX414
41 lrqriml� plolity ot. 4.
It io hex, 40tr tho libravy por k xw�ap, ba, 4pany!g hares ore sold borilelf 1441 to er family, 1pr air A' dAy *A vi-x4irc. W -Apt fool 09ut 0. -Aw us hot viow bottoor %ball: 'or' pp
t� Aaok&Z she wis fbeiro, ki I 14 * I- . r share, upon It $.004 aioi� chance. man. 004 t4lf il�w lettwivwb.4� J)ad, ;t4;44t$ fp e first 04 bad. 1,064 au-px. Plot corl1loomo cal To w4 cotIAPIP asshaIshown into- thii, I! rar� WIIII0101, for 'this it out hat litire, 0004uaf� jtor�,;,tod turns cut 5041 as$. blood oeAQ1,4g1h 444 1441011141 it-, e*n tnare, il
father kntAifid aho hod *04 to 100 00 411140 must 'be, kept dWe fthc it be, wa's 40 Ae (lone put*. XoAbor intiliclue doos thip o 6 fox, his *4 waselliu$ vor"o four c ailn$ O'�', 0 0040ro I?OrA god it ri's 04ulit b� 4 ''hot, hot * WAIddi 4 III; heomptAon ever d1scovered OU *;�* ixerici*4 I , '. ow 0 w well *Ak Dx. Williams, pink Pills what 4 0 heard 1* 011W tA At 'got'" 01 vent, "t turA outwell and should sho bQund. Little 4141' tho' othot, 40inond, in* ia�,l eh for Vale This madicitIo, 40. tuo, o"irsouill; te � `40at* , ; . ��L ,
-Ori for 0 0�4 mmbers. The 11) red blood, eavqatiroppinir tr9iihlil h hot �'t` as rlying"' 44flaut five 040 44.414 the, i4lit. If they . T x"44 it. 07101mout pX044. to the 041 aach. The" was listening to Vow* thio,�hur at*. VArt 0 4 ar 0 Actually miskes now, t WoRld, .44turolli ta 0 -be nerve 1L, �t kAA a s4lto -too, ,divid ih"00 of 400 4 t a, restores rely, 11111A 0 Ill too for 0� mants Of V111,11114F W. 0 , ed ilato,100r
not,, -that p A -xod� an �cjgb jklid four turther Pay it if 401 into her heart. She could 4,04 , she twolvo hours, I - , I I *, - 4�� �,00pg N", - JM V., Q 01 � ti th'.0. up ry argon i the 0040 vilot $W ,gtedIA04 -P, bol: jo,00 will paid for the Pro
.otj�oapd keeps, eye cred t her senses that 011t Wo have t
boalt Ily toned, up. Women can" was unfolded, "You *not toll '41 T�u win And; y, ba, aT 41 er at plem iltlt W, 40royd said A'oroe blailt 4 fox n�A$ c40� 41wil rest when they should, 't VrQV44 for W Afl her doubts were dio we1140 im �stvt, 0. 0,446"a, f tj-onvf--a--10'D=p 0 -401"" %tio and bob they cap kop thm capitali*-
to r I jams' Pink wait being fore 40 A --We eop 00 . 'ntitled to 15,00 by tier ,41, ioo
casiqual 'Use ol,pr� W 11 ate, will be, 4,
t1down, so to. 00 ll ol 4 0�g; :. � � 01W *.. 0 �; .1 Ir �J XA
boia tO b,ar _cA4tQq. an ining 5oo,000 all have 4 the of itto -* the 0*4#y, O" -'On'y too.: When one bii,o 44,�&Aa tio,q 4"Up , for future developments, dared With loathing at the P04440A al�y -and all -be. lan ib� 00 Treasury, he des red 'would not liontitlitelltll Qf 04LU Or barley thsti, Or4iiii od -W I �A,�'. llghtOyx the''c's-res Of W04 women in which, she had heou 01060, AW j4 ' t III ood speculation- �or " t6% �jtro 4Q. - Ri , 4 bo.,tM,0e4 1p thia 0 g aill, . her woropure,o ` 4 .,ta A if Ay ig allij other medicine. rA , 4d the 4hoVe as
the 1`411r1l in which $)to hSA b014 of a fr x Ike J vant4im. f :)#have numbor that; Ill, a ve is 'SIM --"Abouti two I 10 noloosity for 9X . , .. I ot pilat 4 -
James, U. Ward, Lord's at 0, —X4 . # �Y- her was tora froM her in t4iiis* ad 'the, desired The P1004L he'ri"011 A" her fooli 0,110, T11a; V40 b ep�—Pli T 1pr says. Shreds. Not t com .opj. n"I �14, W plailat of a 10 OOMPANY, "-JWLtbft - *hialk - I much from at might hoot Moon's of, ufferod so, castle, I or she ATRIM OR'
_As& ... 1 --WA& poun4ed by any he 414. fh04 kooesa fo an: op anxiously, for be 110 ever %iAtor it iNhtt,�bol that h ao11.0 tile '=V* -Fitter than p helpless wre him. er lov have morthin to'ou fit,okio, 'Pont,, vi % can . 0. $h I ek, been before 1h oto t 'thom; P -to to �ba i1301140d, to `54- W, 10 did Uot se -em OW wo rQ 0 so -his - urn, :r, sal 16 p4wal she Ar Urod from headache$ and & him welled to her heart. T 44kao VWO, but At, t 0 '40=0 time wThe Ov. soob o t iihe had IpLever,,;ive� go win$ pigs, I .$to staut. tooling of dizi was of him shol thought, for a To no�dillicillty, sure- As to feeding the' take,plont oE QX1 0 i i4T)iero oo 7014" plOW 4MOV them to it easunusual Move w old startle ad him devotedly. lyll, a Ill visit it liorl, vot. Siso; kow '� . . you 80 0 co tionad eagerly; grain'l believe in making foripom prclo And rocolvo feb", "'What roe and xot my beart palpitating i's 6 make The marriage could' not take howril b.whalo of ollp converes- be loved her, but was big Aktio at. "The tech; violently. I had little or no ILP- t, I 3k Atop and, a'(14matomi4g -them-to Hlace, of that she was determined, 10 At'odala III 'Va , IA4'grow so weak that I vlas tion, You badly waAt'tha moncyr. such A 04 asked the boy's pare j1JtIJ;;,oAt by-ille timethq Aq.Alh because I coul -w on %h48 me ayself &I>out3 Talce it an 'give me -the Phalf�, -4eitire and T'�*-OAIY. our w6oko 914., They will SO.Qn &Q, JUST, ThO A6w`tt04Qr helPIA Wving er kopt me of Eui,� - v ^tile to drag r d mate happiq.-IISO. of tho n OF find Mosco; housework. for Obt was bell'urlil to UU or- f h a the. habit,, and the food CQA� wild replied Johnny -and could not do my I loved? lumq thq - g %&;e you the money with YOU IP -11 be Made Use : , . - -!Nqk�-thj I.. , In,,evory, way I was in i 0 V4 Il W.A uh t. would lie, sure to awhkon Ou couldn't find % deplorable stand her father's un ending Ilia $he feared Act, oIrl.0, su 300 ealr y Moscow -ears ago. It's, I,, I had ture when he had once made up hol Apiked caluall4. conditto As the medi %4eir iatrlst 16 was burned down y heir-pupose --tha, ig�h childteu," oetIl 'After Sn outiage to treat a, child in that b I taking seemed to dQ me no I is mi tx IM had never *U�cmm Ali %- . - I 7,1 1. ',. w got a jupply of She-wo -uttorly cOnflIA04 And - il -meal -i book ` the replied in-rulostlY- itho, supply, -of ---godd-111 band ii, , , .. 0. - The I Morm - , rt . . I .11. 0 Dr, WJTj� =. -pink Pills. I bad her mind wao-in a. -whirl, -oils %4-7/0u, keep P, large balance, at of anything sWA Id shortg mg:f--bp A As.. jai tall me t a ba -at wai ip shoot the It jar Paso, of the man she loved overpowered Va- riage. Full of P&ins.—The 6Wy boon taking the Pills for & your bank, you sia led. ible,'to 'iIielw t 0 1 1), W94T Doov's Klonx PIMS ilCauck The World is her, but she endeavored to turn lise Josophs�,, he remarked )lot hor great 01�uilty was txI when I seemed to too fill couple of weeks feel somewhat better and this dn- her mind to the peril of his POO I man, uut I am afraid I de�rise & reason that Vila, 40-414'sivia a piga aeFQ1t THQUA 1-4. The,, children lookoO, ,PUPZlQd� aches and pains that kafltict humexL- 0 of the ilower powth a 11010,; l4tex (.)n1y for a niomet, tlio;igh, for the ity are many and constant, - aris- le- girl - atv the bottom of the ing from a, multitude of indiatinsu- tiou. Should this man carry out 'could not apc!�pt your chaqu even bim for the rea,kigs' 0 couraged. me to C032613116 the treat- This* must be. watclied, ii-ii,4,t 0Y his threat, an avoilanche of pain It I were to 40 as Xou ask.' marriaga. 8.40 red to -te 4 be fed to ii main waout, From thal 100e '910 06�4 ea A�t -miss '�hia ishable causes, but in on my strength hold wto looep'tilqM X Ily the - 4 t%'nQ t'� 6o nvolop are!. CA I . b -q r q tore Could Not and 'm thealthy And stro and suffering Woud e Sitrely there � 1) ho Ito ques. %he truth, And lift 4 aild in straight man's neglignce in.tak! gradually but surely returned, castle. He 'had collsouted to mar- tion, An hour ago You ware only 'toll him a, lie.' Dropsy 'Witaloy pillo hence, ing t o6nditiou. They will wJgh 00m I Ing care Dr.' in the course of a few more weeks She thought ohO would say 1hat, 14� up -wont 11"r hand to the high " of his ry heir only to ollIv his.4ther, nd too anxiouq to get this moneiY, i1r) to 2oo pou4de at six�niah$hs, �jear,ait it 01(t Comiljjol�,. ;0st p6asiblo Altitude it, could as- lrhomras' Eclectric Oil was the out- I was once more & well woman Di feeliggs and every ondeavor What is the reason of the all& 71, she had miotikerl Ill jbcr� need b46 lic. and she WOU111 Make We to do my own housework, would speedily, re- ityou remember how your f'&%,r that he did %tat 10AMir IO`Vg Uri And If thay do come of a universal feeling better than I bad done for to accomplish the object of his $40 red 44fapletely. said the-teacber. oca,tio. But he, woul( nds,by tba� time tbey-are 'Ou specific which I have sinoe retuained wet) rifice. It not bew- IdiffiOultY in bringing.-themii Dodd, nlils,`,5116 411119St gaGP7 lieve pain, and it -has filled its mis- vrosity ia raturial" lieve ).)or. for h s V -nine, or at the latest, ten months t and I fool that I owe my Ood a,.so eager was's'lle -to ge it Ou ; ijon to,r, remarkable degre. Dr. 'Wait till treated me. Do you"exPect 1116 to Her t
She listened to.,tho words that show..you gov ko .1104 seen her, t9d, -or* 300 Pau pllll�
beialth to the he were pa�iisiug and was aptalled that he said canatIcally. evident rejoicing --old. Thomas., Moon, a, ame; perversi. y 11 !er W* to Save'' "at lies just finished -by isling power o? bar father could -be so age. -Did By ati , a 'his nature L 4 Mart Pink Pills�' - from her Another re the 411110V4 not "lobking." It takes an exoeptionally smooth
he waa stle as known I
he imagine -that �bo was forward. b inning to njoy the situ- much as, possible hat if this place
0 'a akilling hig.,.,hogs and 'tells us,t Absende doesn't make the heart confidence man to sell mining stock Every ther weak, sickly, worn ing liar happineria. Did he think erd with out woman should follow the ex- All scruples had vanished, father's wrath, and to do th6 all his lite Ray Pic iveraged o4e, who for two yara suff Accept a husband and 116 was on Drop�PIQAI.Bwellings broIlight-on. by to a miner. ly t4o &A to jum irnuat be prepared to take the whole -hundred and thir, y potinds dress- simple of Mrs. Word and qive Dr that she W his chance of saving hinissir of tit* blame on hat shoulders. sed Xidne Williams' Pink Pills & fair tria 1: upon auoh termol She: had di4l- t t . They ran in a rape patch uu- diiea yal f my grow fonder of E6 rival.' 8speat it:-'Thiloh,srurswillalwatle suppressing a sob of grief H looked 44dmiringly at his via- -1ter eyes alighted'on the pack- ed s in the 0 oba '�l had Pain Cure My Couglin aLnd colds. These Pills will send new blood 0 It I rtil the middle -of Oct t withqut back," Mr. Mocin clatitililtlils, Ill 40, a and at the thought that sfic'401111d he tim and determined to prolog the &$as in her r"m, 444 she "and n coursing through the vein ghter of such a man. interview andlay, with her as Joel deeply, far they. were W Ag a pound of grain or meal. In 00- across the loins. The awalling,1' Atbottle of Bickle's Anti tabor green corn was fed sparingly taken According he, rl�an who -is Always- bring brightallis and onrgy tot eg n um Syrup, BwareQf Q vvcsents� she idly a no and I Ptve 'a and after the' corn was buskled 1020Y commeiriped first in my .' �
But 0.1 CIM was driven from -her had played with him -.% a d weak and despondent. Sold by all d kth, his and read. tht'nanto of t el FOth' ot. to my,b;dy.1 tried to gulldu-a"O�gh boasting of his faalily tr6e. It a read mind but the danger which was His answer, couple 4d'pushed... grdually. iliji. were put in the pen a in A Bhoit,tim*, This assertion ioine dealers or by mail at 50 liar to fear that erston, She romembe do"Otois b tlie. She manner, a sed li was not experienced in thq ways of for some unknown reason, he had tation fqy the. ,narrow and! she de- conis a box from The De, Williams' threatening Lord Harecas 0 every diy until't was -swol- can be verified by hun4yeds who Medicine -Co., Brockville, Ont. )t16 it, 114iro ried it and are pltavod to By aribing the Nor -40o with opium IOU Ma man, and loare4 that Ackroyd altered his mind, tormined to po 'IOU up to,an awful size. I ora = I Then e horralf, thought' a � bear jostilria'ay, to its merits, so stop a cough, bat the la-mmatiou goes r
is noi enough ib 16 truck', WHAT COULD YOU'EXPECT. -I lone doctor heilt we to the, Us- - t a splendid ty worse. 'Alton's Lung 3419-ul, COUtAlldhS QQ would carty Out h'S threat. Could If tile money I ..o aa v,. y n the could give you more," she oried bar. What if the rumor of Lord dp that all,tna,Y lc�Ow wha egvt�e %,t -i the roat,,ftho tr,.ubl9aa"c L4% �Rya" . IT ATIuwfl;
FROM' BONNIE SGOTLAND "WiloA becae of thai, pital where I got a little 'benefit, d Uffeddon arthroaru,
Hareonstla's engagamen6 to Ethel Ulan she loved7 dos, stately. lut—the- -a 25 cents to join the ranks of the 11
father give the wil eyes—sleamed covetpusly, that she lady. visitor of the hmall bo "ok. been bonefited by "Let me kiss those tars away V2 by - 1 not he..r I, de- blushed for shame t4 14Then I ised Dodd's Midney many *hO have. -Mm -asklado-alffrd but -V46- Rupproaslz any tugn he begged, tenderly. his better nature might have eeme, between. them, "Why, haven't you h6aX' She fell in Suddenly. wileid V� Pills and, as I 'said before, they don with it I inhered Ethel% an. IIX6; was it draw and he was busy for tbe HER BANKS AND was a But she rolno, cured Ans completely his arms, And DRABS. yet the A deiiire seized her to brerk III assertod'iboolf, for the man. adour 0 her at their recent mott- what sister next few minutes, "Can nothing Swellings are caused !,You, can't 91308s oli them and offer to pay it. her- 'have "Lostil" ical just before You tears flowed on. it Kidneys flailing tatake� said about yoi
'No. . I aked for five thousand ng, and 'rely she livoill not a :1 I
self, but she knew that liar father ' ' a had �'No lar, )� said lit- stop -them?" he asked, breathless- ace,pto "U or b dis's
What Is Going Od In the Highlands d h4 invitation if thi ivetr out of the blood. came, in, MrHighcol would not permit her to interfere , pounds �And I will stick to it," he been true "Poisond Vr tle surplus lY sli. "No," she murmured; "it besides she was loth that he shoulJ RaId &� last. He felt quite virtu- she fell into a troubled 01 No. Cure the Klarteyp ith "d's t10 Johnnie. "I 11mvzli's an icl. and Lowfands ot,Auld "That's is hay fever, you know. But -go On At lag' dill -.rated his ails at his decision, for he saw that ver did become of Kidney Pills and the Dropsy natur- in the world, Johnnie t.11
know that she had wag at able be could bleed this girl of every ate t of her "Then vilate ep, and it was & ghoff it. you guessed it the very first with the treatmen wicked act, for she said the lady. ally curw� itself. I I 1, C 11 time' Scarled fever has caused coptinu. penny that she had available. real self that faced liar when she it to throw off years of love and at- HRVA MD. I cannot accept �our' ohequa. rose in the morning. ed'Lup into a cat," was Mild in Their Action,—Parale-L dclosing f Arbroath schools, ftation At a moment. She know her_ rcaol, eply. -a very mild but if you will bring the* money She had breakfast bgotable Pills, at Streetill in Dundee ate to be Im- that he could hay.6 but one object, "What we you licine; it the A�'Vo M'an's S�wpatoy lee's V1 mornin in their action. They do not cduse
_g I will give and leaving a -message for her aunt Te n for her the bet in' tht an aA: hour for Lou- time of, your arrestl" said the Are you discouraged? is your d6clbr'n
Proved 4t, costl $504". atil that wayi,to obtai u Hto— rap ba in exchange she left at isit was to this It your pain griping in tile stomach or cause Tbore is $11,424,500 at themiredit min she loved, but huw'he must Tor iti,, he sai5 with a smile that dert. Her firsb V',' Arp"te. bill a hea0y, linanotal. load? d: sturbances there as so many,p Is lied %betVA4p.y2Leai burden? I RUOW I savings have misunderstood her nature to 11111 't I
of depositors in, undee I P, Lt O$e ean to. delicate women -1 have Therefore the most 4elic&to;
�a intended to be Ingratiating. Bank, where she Itr4ow in* notes the end are was waiting, to the want to rellove can take them ithout fear of n -
banks. think that she could have AccePt- W8 at,'but there are the five thousand 1p�unds. Thdu she restless -during sleep, colililod, prisoner. bediscourATd. too; but rearpe'd how to "I will do tb 0r bur iThe new R, 0. school at Green- ed such a bargain. The more she he atated� for she ro- hastened to Ackroyd's chambers, when awake, With a 1088 of appe- -:'Whom were you waitizi deni, b1pot N4 thei pg!g an atop the pleasant results. They can, too, thought, the more bar pity fair ? I can do Ili for -Von 4114! Oak will accommodate 1,000 chil just % to
he lut found that she wag too 444Y tite, Palo countenunce, picking :of' ;Xobody; I- was �%Jf Voll will assist Inc. be administered children with- it., She would dpend 'Whatwre Waiting for I" d, in to �-rrlte for a free-' I - which dizen, and will cost 00,00D. Hareassile Increases for the 8, poilltment, no,kovet, thli nose, ate., jou way d �,a peaa-Ities,
In December 141 patients were love himq 'Pill her life, for she could !�U?l Vk I
Raid at the interview. rhce4 aut imposing tj ,�4
awa Jollow tile use Of lit, Ups Jsephs. They lt�pon it'that 0V
T mai a I pills not so cute- she would -be his �Qujte r* Ae enUre hit; chambers -and do- 1�'primaky cause of ."For my man KOU—It . . I
Jnod to await him. this one bout will cure treated in the Hospitil for Sick never change, Ittr are hore." tho- - worma;— -Z-0ther all 'fully prepared. dear, friend it he would accept . 10TLU Wo L' If 86. I -6-RaTa B -i continil, Exterminar ef- "The. man I :was waiting to." for. others. 04 Gra,Ves' rM 60 ol, 20 (the cost of � 0, -the.—TAr footu "W for V 10sia�Lo stara`)- d i v Ireo (Wt- it 3-olAL will be cqrc4,,1 at4-di4'he owe our 1pttord� held ,;4nfL-
athese Posts, at
_Tbp_ "tr -a" 11ow many people do you -know she was astonished, as she heard the Us W Is only 6,370, in- 4,P a V. . a little sufferers. "For waiting," said the prisdill- oritia rtt to- I�Vrn tsee, I will dostr6y theill, now," ULINO SWIN STRA1611T. once relieving th MIS, V.1 CU WLildsors Ont, —including yourself—who can re.
peat, the ten commandmentsi of the 1%267 wanted. her ather's repeated refusals to he Nit and he t.>ok out his -nife 6 er a - the money for which -Direct- A bank said, the- ml�gis� lit. 49 -ordered tive Aokrod and an '( 0nO Psi I v Corporat . as bas C 4 to ocrapfiL off the film. Keep Course With Great employe says a $10,hill tr , at( Moment,L)p Reppat it.--sh I tioweaurawalalwa" 01 dwelling houses and 4 shops to . a axk^-d. To her it seemed such I am trusting you, . Min— lasta ten or -twelve years. He mutt 5,; "Just let my head stop spin- 'Occasionally a thin girl worries 4 small thing compared with the nees, - Guided by Soulild- ping first. N 0 L ure my coughs and colds." Ow� What is your pro- be4nde the hd�sn't a br ader be-cloxed Ili May as uninhabitable. beliving-.wItIA his wit's,folks. out- a taking vital interests that Vero at stakt. 09OP65 professlohal'singers `�A scheme is On foc Ij that the only opy that oz- Just as some - look. But whit could e with magnificelit voice's never learn the -jatovs at the , FArA And other ly made up her mind and only ists V she asked widdefily. Re it, Shiloh' urb will al*astis ill am V, Waiter, said the man, 11olso Th�m Without milk. rfeat tunal, soA !. .
a the VrIn alvir%;* CALVES uslo arlso 8844 Co., U4 Tozontl for a aupoly to Womyss and quick to sing in pe waited to hear the termination of - "It is," be replied swiftly. of really fi-46 trainers the intorviow,, for perchance her ,Will toll give we our.word of -find it impossible t1init men --now so&e wom9n can.ovon- pro. CHAPPED FROM IPINGERS TO The rilikfall over Greenock dur� a little over fill,thdr -might weaken and so ran- honor that �nothor print I no not often o10JIL jljo$ atnounted to her part Unnee With every quality for X tend to be proud of their husbands or action upon been -t%kon JL Some ondjdatiia axe so used to FRUIT LAND. -0 0 o)ii wbich d therwise car, be made or taught is* a mystaryto other worIell. k being 61e&ted Ifiss Josephs. Will -Bi that they,odon't Vivo g.es, olosq to.rsu an is the Same 'Yes I qui- to swim oven in an av� in h parting swear it it you like," he said toly gey's &goal Relieved by Zam seent to mind it. PrIve Si , torins. Adso cW
as 1001. She heard Ackroy,d' Louiloff�' Tit- end %creage. 4 bronze panel it to be erected in flist hei etlyo llittAight lite, says MIkka bipo aft"Mat txkt If. you Are �auftofing from badly- k. IMXDALI� Poslat In 84al throat when his & L " Mmitcotibt will de Md" t a 0 lot d at him steadily, but -tits. I o bsok. lualbato 06pped hands yotr will be abl Thilto kfter a storm Is the did Hastings fit, W., vancotivor, tm walowo, as at Ayr Aipvaoux, o; the iiiiamory at *to would wait-twolity-four -hours ba. .Sh9 loolkA is wourawlt�= 0 'T I
Aid, not tall , before her m&uy, a splendid oimmor . ,,o,bloo t aulOthilrPill It, It d' little'of tike agony pitiless cough hasbeend i cc to am Not
UP116 'Who. a orvod in iliti lillst.Boor fore iakinK Action. Thou she 'his 'eyes it , f at it 115 IA. id, to" All tiftlilsto. of lit Menu- awayby Allon"I Uns awt Vuw In It -UR VERCOATS beaten on this apeoum vhi nr 4fiaol, luts. a a bottIll Ora* WIG YO 0 moved to the door of liar room gaze. ag off his believe you &Vo YeltdrAtti habit of gottil too rarets tr 6 ontreal, on- ton to do. "I tr at yCll. ku huodieds of sheop �ore'lost which W to the hall. She watched A40 ,in a would c6itro iiiLtur0yr jive� 'him a "And how did You and 9V& lur efb -111111: ga-va fil d tfulga Bulls wota lfme beit" griC ad , 9, 114 �flil "Wntyu L I*, the eitt snowstorm. thafa out of sight'and then rushed not AO Nd 44 Your Action at. journey,' But the -re- got alonil" inquired the ting t r, tejli the "Good-makning, ma'am," as, tit *we is to -At to-Va. T to dtocat ouW - 1!at 154 -T las,ke, you 'appear. You must hate routidao i relief. is 13g of hO 10ii on *ton* is Ott- to bar bedroom here she put on I piecotious fiei aoffin �his cap. "W SINIT1111114 A41091604 OVIK$kd.,00-
w t remains thii, boon driver this-,' mark4bla 'fee b blind mamms. of tho cast to a a representative, V her motoring costumo. ri to twith' his shirt ed Miso paga&3 MY A. is P O'By pavoitty I don't re4lly uu- B,61mmoraof whom there are ill �'He as Pleasant as pastry)" sWhit a polite ittloboy", s*phord, rdin. . Iter determination *as 010,116V but pranilio you thil country *& considerable nam- plied the h ' Ill, lleai`l�t a 1111[t�ry orks r. "Do jr�u al ATTISOP4 & 001-
11 "tot residing in Akroyrd tal London end orideuvar tlewiiil. of like - th 14hosto,
age Or i bbr In connection with vatious it- pa.stry-l' mai,AZ At to I
hi 4phwo t sleeves roiled up above his 'elb6v;a, 'take off your ca 139315 $Coln
tooth ffit 1,1N1m; only t to obtain 0 P%pors from him, she and druifty. a old Dow. -proceeded to the garago, which Alad' passing from -4 warm room to ladies 11 mook arokofs finanolill A9606 bl L *�a'oftl Now oar a 4hiV6kAslIy "d without. ex0optiou �tho Giting dold,� 'as he, wao.61194 and 606111065 W43 close to the bousel sixd was -with maivellout diroatntils Nothing looks more ugly tliku to 3 find to dol hig, got the worst case of �6ada known to the fortunate enough to $lit'#. see, ar: Votson wfiolie haiwa, 6, and arm$ 1 1106 They are 0, pow and OtIll _yS1iR4fk Jk#,tJ%d4 waow, it, 6,a pdrfactly, stiel' 'h war od hands. , erful Nervino. #t htoiftk boliklit Ikud dolit gn,�6lasil4i
Ito year was 181 t614, 6i ftly lino as is bumanly Possible,, 4) tovor6d ov,br wit otw hip finger# to his Dyspepsia 0=0 volrolilond*w* r
happ . , Of LIA I toover 8106114: Fir tntog tne J)r too, I L % W, # to disc b1bowoL W*k.one n&g%, of. y -Byste* Vetroyd had but a low minu when the distance covered it 'Very -a iguremelAg 6A aw flesh,, the nervous In. and nel�vous tw"9409L lead, And there wall attack 6f hen a sure - - I I .1 . "odild or 4tea. ld be little dif� temoor o aereAin(l there, dbbiliti 'Once engglidemd s -di%- tionsiderliblo, with r distAlit Inspec. 'Aculty In overtaking him.* rhom I so luuoh is this the 4M tho i0sitair catas, etl�, tan: Ild foul* wilb6voit, he wm%gheid, it brought. evit to 4al Wi j�std� Votir &0te$ �h. There ari many tot -of sthotI ilt, 4t Ito- chmpball" -of 0 'he Palti, WKS so uAtilno)iials at to the effiedey of 'kiiii
.Jnptcfi� She gave tile thauffoUt histruc- WhIth I the 4061126 I a his. V ilia iii, J1611oway's or g �04ro, t6s,s f itiona to thut at and,they statb- Otit blind At XT]ppor Noto uOuter . *to t d __$,a Oala- d oz, thill'r journey. She hod do- tV hinisol jO,j�ft Id'L.it. vala- -tjotilat"�y il" -, dool I 0006to relientls" left 14 _yoatii t ITI salvefil, but Ilotbin voliev6di 'him this A4kra$d 011 or0116, 00or t*04 Sffo� I .. think% 'Va wo ThU thht the3r IIOVL�f fail to produce olded notto speak to 1 h! It, Stk to, By, giving -proper 24 doo. . � A -oft edlitiAt, iciv of the blind iwd Wwo b " gablue really until he tkied ZAMqBuk. A,� V fever is Raw him to his ep route,but to fo oti notiood this ouribuill falbtw WOV14-fathous had bo loqAted, 111'4 bAlm somea to �tako &Vay the bilrA. koo4 teiul 'eatiVe Oig$TIS, they tio, the a Aberdeen. lad ralluembored '�6 ieommonds, that a*iTAWoVii'*h0 At, 0 e�oidotojc tinttion, She I Jog Abd 'Sniattlftg�, tbe ll$l� us too. tont� e its to raids n ,T Ad there has and she was thankful far the aistofttly%, foul each lhb cystoks'b to - h4l, a estor it larlol; her, ah"1116-book with h fto the nerve ivamtbok a* tho totitsis, khould pri4ttsa th� balm our�A ciintrali. tinit that her father was MOTO 6A 4 1100 6 I is 14"iA **i4 0 1 hod, V 0 bi 10"cases per in money L nbliiwfoiaw� hiolor AP -4-0 than generous while a, *a all In e , I." *Wimmor te" , And' 1(oft ilsoidirection not sustain .001 3 tho AtIsolfbils. bove led to be whore shb was ctioorntd� ob ilsid get hat that actually loks I Ito stood IheAtrbight t Cum, mlak sthAbles the M ti to, �16 nshe pbstoss6d, for *Qula, it .fi6t �6 A. *hot h of Soo L 600, *91 lawis" *0419-otbWm .0 OIAW' ra )fropoly of. thti —R� rocotdo-, ba-*U41A left 'to' itiff, 000k i Aoisll, I � '0* liasittor Ilail bou ant, to Poreblim ietut JsAt ty tat tho'4VA&II 11110 WaVsbJp*41 up tli4 tb' hu1614iv onibugh site **4 w4a. tiow "otoon, Ilock uilt 1�r ut effetts I nervous of the coming in 'rLtjjeVhUfAh alorhor '0 4 11181808 A. 0XIL, milp illotdil bl ro t* 0 io, * ' , U. 4 YtIas 1* Some, dormant fighting a Irit'iteelit od to hivo 'bee Into soresi 011�6" purall anct Drutse Wild to ido oIll billishlro 'tbt Wt Of 40t)00111" and tile toto 4 Itf.fatt, slJOL *`As 'Dill st6rds, 011 ik ptopatis. aillitimt hoi MJW from rfrom "Zilitk-t of t A# , W004 Polo# otonviobiq setiie of )llot lose u got 01*0 an' over hit, L W" 0 At t L ketst(on :, , . I , : AUr,0,&%�<j# L llhittlim bison di*W44, 4115pidt'M 'D� 1114' keois 4110 thtottd' his -foom, hot ftftlj& thill womeA *h6 tiiko' L W tofttk of,*,L this ullitoklo, aothat aw. %it, Ito t we . � 6, fW4ar4xi0 Ailaht aftbrAltIs t0'hoVel,L -jai her s U�Ajghk OilltUr oil; flo.littlo to lmdtherx *4 10#14 nof , 'Viiii 4 ji'L' Ito *'isid 'ifio j44W�$A j%Jftt4 tot tt*' sl000k.# hoft4 ititoffilt-ow. strX it e140 "ittallit nou V401144 W I& 4 it #kfkh4 ft bioOd4,tdAlt 40 10bitbr is * 16 % - two s"of *01Ntt At t,61*%%ttt*4 lipAthloftly., i46vo , ,ut* tolilt L 1#4 -*k* t fix tot o* oomlh 040k tat alk, Iiiisir 22" QAi* Urt. Uiftxo Itost, T-Ako T41ok a% VORT&I -Y, Quo" Abyxt-111, too s*0*6001 tight, AM to our ffjr not!* w tw VANJ eit $out iold, % ii",fy Moo] i 1400, A�= I**,"A 10 &Ah hit tb* 406tof 4r M W '1qM1
haim fobt. I% lidy f vor VOW46i"
a104141ikf 61 till *e Aro 7' Ito-, 16. a 'box —A 0 fk*16 JklAW: *ha" to
*rs or hv� *0 at to C** ho artliluilrod VA Oj� A", UZ Ott. h A, I b
d 'd Ihad