HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-02-19, Page 1004, "T �1" 4L''V*"- 411111
04'. T.
ThIs #%"ns Is.110104S44,
A T.104 5�.. MARY$ mo 'Was JARN 'theirptembilarks
111111 410 40' hip VIA04ralf, wholl, wool?; ANI
Oita,* *0111I fl*RWIO Illat 'P I NT194110IN4
UNQUESTIONABLE 44*4144nft tonowinilt "M )4"toal j�&Vi for thoti RAII;,Rt�o . . . I
4dy Ski WORK.
7) J
pe'ri0malont PA io
GOP with t4o' 14towtioal Tbo
Pay ffvl�
Th�ro U�uo gotastittlix at At about. You; 111liedw If. .0, yollitakolita -
tre iff, only- failkil , Ora, WtLv 0 lieculilin thio ltittittif I il ve
CA nv jallo�f 'V9e$w0Ai Vallit' 01tutf.4 0, W' P"Ll .*kkk t(o tj'' Vy p9arit Of. ul
P" wout
L X. 00 �e
Otilit, *A R, b LUN0111 Tf
*aaacith 'O.Oa illuati.folf W i4o roolo"Cloo mail* as AfAils yi, 01:04,1111111", P140. lake 4nkI pliibleWortby, TOM of liholk P"t.yeakes,
by asoko%g J A f,4 _I w
owto even alud
M, 10. Youn so
Etoyjgimtocafl� rOk WhIOl
IV: 9,40r5olowlit 'Rali-041, 41,17 gifted; to
of i a A - 01,14T . . f
lock ople '1000M,lk 0% 1, F, and POIA4 Ths, public mpotlif
"�jgacq It
ul" 11 go hkig,. hla,� the vII,
"Llith W POT 0 Falre,13049.y Iagq of Bxoter litAt"Velflay to
ovinlK.ure, al."7 fard
W4U . It"'I The 4:
Naftet,' Her Id. Wltp,-Jt�g jtb* livilt The
Me pit Ilot �111%t putill
44 V)r Of tile Vittuglite" of the Volpfral
rt1ront the_ w
Jmv- 'r
rg-"1#4 PTI Ill eatern. A 0641 of tbe W111014 that .111110y be fitotf�
;O� tiitlo�' 4101 In order to �a
C411 -v4h4mwti,' 40fay toe llgrot,
bo, AAQx ilikf'r rk�y and the financial staterampt
on t At , t aft if allult, kit rtfra thosolt of
a wag QUV0ItfA0qq %Vbo Kee
ANL,.,C MPANY ileep, Int
X71TI. r 111*4
%WA*q"�tvwi#TOI)Tlw,—Qrtro"oo a "CO 0A.0; er
TRE' fd the P.O0.010 lWitialltrU; 0 lut o' were olayluga�ftlhsll the Rut- thloukh that aloodon e*t by all our Olkizeust,
YA1.4010, F0. W60 r K lob 0 it I botlevo 0134 And
free Jautitirn Ali& *f Aftei� ja 0 a, the IIIII04VOOPY K lleti�rtlt n,04 unavil"Icilla Ito o obarltg -Ili thli In Prekluntillf; this,. the elghth
oo.fat. t , � , I . - IV licu Ills
4.1" L $0, 1 f P'0Id.'st04k6' '001 Jiffilk "toe 0 .. W44 d the"'Iflooill'tht"k Iff An.
0" ito , L Ink fleadoloy night 0.1 -0, the wit be Q the twore necesoatily, tills "full renort of the Abuleek Chapter
'WATT -Wit OF M. g Mor, 10 V are Ive 04*t 'is to thb dec rc�sio in
C' ent4t
.4p" _y of tile 1). 0. u. 1. haig to state that the
his bylaw will carry with 6 big ;u4jorl( present Year aw
sattentlanco of menl1wroill fit the nind
Au they Oita latio"j; ftattojil, 4 r4t, J, OV41hallh 011 boahklt of the
"W tilt d1replot --tile-form-A%lalf —40it
9� , . 1. " tboprogeliit.�fit lellst�o 'To Vill the County gtal!
40t ud, - - ,a,
wittlOut express ng its
P t 6A
. :, , llroffaatk tbojitagiole u company. several '4'Xoter I)eOple
Y gratti'ving, each 0410, thus
tit Incite, In t I' , so, liquo(CIP4111:100 Vower Irthlo'llosselaslaou *5W,00 to hot that cotitituted oaflow"I", lice Intense Interest In tile,
it L h, cotatiolkinco in the effliffent, Lady
72'. � - � --.- I -- 11, 1 Goderlob team can beat Stratford 11?0000. The fteter lilaultieris FlAith, Min GrIalths. find
Lie" %0fWJa,aftT Lit V it Cold A GrAgO, $coil'
of Zito JJtrJ (ULY"t)f Ifit,
;T� ro.tag at, the War(, of proVistalan alp.
-With tho 14AP64 A, to r
Mf�!oo,f If -W I]L�ng imald. uptullutendent
J41A s,
Daily -q vice. Alasige at till r 14 Intly withdrew 'find tile schento tsilAtIQUOtIOU In tile wotk Florin by the tualle object of our
-4bli'Volvild Bee att� Alictaphoo IVAN continued bX the St. Harys luen, X". and eapitrago
orloh rattlon. the UhApter is
In O-VIlljoR ot varfQW. Q he Kedlous Intereso,taken by alld alwiliya vaoill be to
lif"008', Wbollave cattle the pro al
Jecit thr alikers Vilpated With tile "Patriatistivin, and we mount, bglp wit
ft RQUERT.$1 IV "ola, Itfluraill
*,: .'� , 'X . L : , h
4' U an
W V4 000f�,i, aaPlap; 041 X r� fill -In tile velghhorbood of $.w).kitlo convey to the nurses it Itti fiction e8saylon -Tha Halk,111,011 Wag Written
d '&h'otol)dWjooL)4,n4StU,4.plotglb.��ln())�10 Para, Q of gub� saffir. The Load tip to tile present has ltftl- "he BOfkrc alqo uishe& to Ile school children. Ou�jqy,�q
t4lovd cof Ootat 71P a 8
na, "is cost from St. Marys to 134 Vetter
with the wa In wit
a oral children 411 thc.�Pr0JIenCjv
It re
main meet very trylpf; dold Wit]) t Or oplittival
-a Rop -Wiltlip-cpa Lint (01, they have Ills. of tile
fatexiallicloalkou I hit, O01,11rat
"Fare PUN14110111 of til
8!ed the r, at tt
wavim, tig Oita. int,- . fin 8T44 14flarne i P IPAJ Old to the extent of $$0,000 liall School Inspector. % Tom, the
and London been vanoted file if pvlzo w
F A%lrjFjQrQ or AQ09"keaVo alkdalo� -at 11(teen, allies annual mee 'Ali it" etat Wise,
rangemen, sind citizens qf- u tling the
gradi ill (if he 0 Aerall 9, � L 'I MO Miles the last NO. 1. TO help ell
0 papersplertoo to tit
gerplioro I$Qldjo lb. I it Board half lost a very valuable Fiji,,,.
Vaspa"trou Butter Find Ing celebration I
r4d.. lill"I"es getting h oficorld Ouotr wo
at 6 M, owtiors: 'h help lit bottle
4OUM We or 041"A"'WRE 49.& flack r c 0. r. It. %Vito apt) bor, the late, mt..
I hi, 11 a �As--Ajl . 01,
Arompg"Ow-n It
of.71,11 Ile 1 In the W61.
it — re -
OtA01041141NO 0 JOKLWOULY-Ave, 1lnO;j"AT1i4 -Will be oloia of thebest yet. Thecom, IN ifted1le C0011)11 rid since 1005 done (olvlairthing' in
coo Items Vt.,Aqqx lord pejetis. With Our Hockey Boy% these affortgagor Issue tiny mall).
�'I7 kOn 146t O'VA �j'e mitteef. Nore ,determined that every and noti it) A power to' help bring about the
racted', a, fraroad. 0 0 an effolatti will boa� mWo to makeLthe gIath Illore second mortgages. Fut, tills loo " will i's seen by the report of the imintulk of tit licif0tal. a 11dariner and.
old,rdpalk.110:41or it will be necomeary for the (ioneral Hoapi r
With L ittone-Koundlt J; a $1 Fit
AP"',.rATION TO' PARLIANENT,, .100ir I I,, Pringluore Interesting and. 01trAQUvis reason tile company IN not ;asking its till. lit -0odarloh. just
But P-clor,'he
%'her to"' a ,it very near futuarty to ful-
0 J" also oil t ever khalleyer. Pe.oPIeWfio*aUtLtP large amounts froul the tit Finial pall t left Prove find thopoughl 'Years last December tit
-11) enjoly :Goderich Downs clinton—St ago
qT11 I% mple Stapp r 11 11turill this side of at, Mary& its t llev I, to, fr9l, atilig room Tills w 11 necessitate tile the litki was formally handed over too
may U1,VRN thookil all itip! they fk� .(to av at little expense obotiald Beats Oodericb. ro" equip the oper- boa )
�l 1;Ualit'd of trustees. V front Decivel.
palcolitim 411 or too" 014 D'rwo th
foadlo to thoLifig folaturp
lot ItIttnota of Va" 041A T-10111 SWOO tualiadioition. Th I or ep in I v thoile'ell"t Of St. Marys. Ile expects expenditurool'soverallaund
tarlic at thn'tato;Lt, 96killon, a 04) r �helr memory O'llnton,
thereof for rl"'Act ell rich altay-loam.
00"Uh Jul 12, red dollars. her 007 till October 1004 the hospital
THE .0rJTA1 to "g., S Q n eproper will be collared for sale, flubject If
UAIL AY COUPA e. n boys. -la%v is cnivied, before the next visit or tile �IuNpect
months after the by fall btl accomplished Ivan well self sustaining. Real( In tile
the road to be commenced withiti six It Is hoped t hill c
e a 0 !Th! Clint'go an,
V I, T1110 ONTARIO t0a, reserve b d Which Inks beat, fixed by the
Owl! ow IAXV "Aly COMPANY % 'act, to a hictto wtalbb, In the long history of 'Gederlith in and t or. Your 11M the treasurep of tilt, itipital
SHOAU, 111A . said Monitor
WUST q, $I gas and citizens will tr6,&4 I It. Life road Will Ile completed AtLthe afnijual meeting last, year IF
And fleckarlaaW Vallcl Or Certain ontrAct 449PIres On � 6 114 (LAY of April, 1910. A
a* 4 41 before eptember 1011, A draft of the
hand also all to illenlY FAPnrtS there DeVel- halt a tile coal (-find, Mrs. lorria. laid tilt, matter
a-, Company And' %, Illialt. Tift'lieff of Salo you well. been a
04 a Qtfflfoy, the did
'Itial' uVor p?,wor
WA Allift. 10 Qr cent. of the purchase better or cleaner hockey te-tom than proposed by-law was read, In which
far It thl I i; I name OfTH-0118 were elected by the of ralaliFF funds for coal before the
10 Ta"E TourN LoOsL Board aftbad hold FaCtiob the previous board o trustees aski
*till lt�'* where the Ili tilt. Compailly money ailual) thivald If owit Y uf the payalents of the $10,0W task it hat tile
110.4, agree safe find the balAnall shall be aid by' Polar -
How, Y to' the foll
ycia, tififf OwQr far Lha mar 0 t 11 lit, Intat Olittsorlwoln thirty daym.thertafton.,
fit in all Other respeoLit the terms and coolhitio a W
Poll th Pa.-Judgultent han the obe that bag created the sincet-e
thd-ft been delivered the appeal of to". a4'mlratiou of tenon Exeter'will Ile made as follo'kIon, Chapter a tolleveof Of tllt reSPOI161-
to On of Goderich against the trial Olean Worts throughout $2,6.00 oil tile ootrapiction of the survey Appended to the report will tit, rotted bIlftY- but a most earnest request Fin
or JUIY�A . and "'Priscov bar and Coll -
of hAllo 1 (30 the It an itiona, of judgment fit the suit brought by,
-too-ron no- 81 tg, the Dominion during Lite present sea, find tile acquIrIV, of, the right of way it statement or the receipts- find ox till' Part (11 tllB bodrd, that, the Alatueek
IFIRAI, 40VAin Indmiltiare, arred
P foloov
;�Pjalols - L%Q; o0ovena Tho, Outario lives'll Share, 141001t awl anN.nuh&tr tion. Ourown'people. as well as till to RxOter ; $2. X) when tlie ties arid I.)OI11cliturfis alming the tell months 011apter continim to assume fbit, (.X -
Fly. afifl, The Iroronito, oftherul Further loAfV11allar" call be had from L at I
are y tollerouts outsiders. regreC the r t
6oltiii k4 oos.;,� list . I - Sangster for injuries oil steel Ate purchased ; $2,500 When tile rig tile .30th September, 1008, And pendif,u)re for two year" tuore, fat lenet
r Ion, 4114 tho Flantits authorized E.banccY. 0 Ifator, tioderich, Solliviror for thti stepping Into a hole on th esult 0 grading Is (]onto find Ili(- remaining 'a "Ins"Ifled list of the patients
tied a borelavaltationed. $also wan preaviated.
Executors or train A. G. tiamerall, Esq., K.O., 1 aa or a London between Goderich and Strat. 102,5WoWholl tile road to 134�Ptor is IF) 001111nitte" wail
I Therefore after (tile
T 0 TARIO WE It, street in St. Andrew's a consideration a
-ST SHORN F"C- Qo4erid treated during tile period,
Tit C, ItAILWArcoitfpAigy. verdict was for ration. Theaniount of the bonus
FO. LIE Dated at t (Jo(Ilorich tills l3th day of February, MMOO and costs, rid ford on Wednesday night. One team 0 Dated February I,-)tll, Itio)(). �kl pointed to crinvas cllob ward. to see
D. 1'. DOYLE.L,
FOR OR TO LIST. Dated at Tor()r6 this 2�nd day of December, 190 the appeal will doubtless bring the had to will, and tile Indians were inle two hundred women of tile towl,
al 0 Ile apkencloicaver it period of 2() Respectfelly station
of t the' [tied
0fl.SA%0RTo pt%�` Whirs D aelt. total lip to the -.$1.000 mark. It cots victors 4-6. years. which will ruelan that $735.52 Vol"(' each Promise to contribute ono
Local Maqtor, seekn'to ill
japand,13owillith dolliq- a year towards tile coal fund.
.F loolo 0 lay Mind that the town, will have to 110 raised annuall
1;t , f7ld ill. PRILIJ, HoLq% President.
annorl. A guail 0 ortuo for a good our Goderich be Of twenty years for that; pur- Y"" will heft" front tile trvasurer's
NOTICE TO CREDITj)R�. has been too severely dealt with. The lives were period y for the
Apply to at ags Via. Tyumv- aODERICH MARKETS factans rehearsed around the Council ,,,at Why 0 go outside the district we pose..
IL le.
P rasa
u 119" URSIJANT to a judgmicat of the High Ito'clol �rm report how lianch 'Wits contributed In
Wheat, board give no JhAit ground for an but the .. ... .... $ 451 00 Iffich Ward.
ourt of J t tee OUIL(lb In ilia matter (it kAts and Porisatill I)o.d up I price It Wits a work Which
1191111 �. . ."epitt to explain, 1:0Washirt of Colborn
71OR tile Atato 1:11' NIVIIIllfaul ionce, decoastiff the ills home demand for MO two former such blarno worthiness. but law Lak y " StailOPS," Its t eY fire Called, are aI C'n-Artrofor"I'l N fiti: 4"i"I �a�.*&j 1 *1 .... .... lee (9)
8 Camik for old door 13M In
E.- Frown Recall flow octal pled credit,) being -eady to obey the command, no THE ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL Govorroolint grant all ght have been nuide linuill efolialer
R.R.Satillb,Colbortatl fit 041VII)IFLia Janis. late or the Tolown, steady. or surprising turn scpsietimes, avid this wava a 14"13 t it great deal Of lljho� Laid -wb1ch
effIll Part �6"r for slilp?,f olbDrile.irithocotInLyofRoTon,tv)to matter how turbulent the waves may
Is one of the instances apparently. 217, tin for tile collectors. Notion %%,Oman gave
Apply a- IL d oil rcor about the month of Dcoomber 190:1 4 -togs have dropped a quarter, but there don't % hills Griffith", front 11o.piI4L1r0o1flI)LN,
prove. pation
on or before the Itit (lay or livica-ch, EW, t; 'do6in to Int any great rumh downward lit price HORSH SHow.-Never In the history At Onell. Of here very kinally sealt their
4lond by poNt proinaid, to LoftuB* E. ltan%r, of A special train to Annual Report of the Trustee Board RUCOIVCII roll] JoILLICOLH 11, addifil,
Iii FOR RIDNT.-NI, wits cllart�rejl
T-1 0118 btroomed hous6o Oddericro. Otto a 001110 Solloitor for the leave Goderich at three o'clock ...... 1407 Fit colleclorm.
c9offAirta -1. . I If modern tot
J-& ward and %a Butter find eggs are itualtoridd in forico of Goderich was there such a surprise I tf]i 6ontriblittinam its they prottilsed, to tile
In'; [Laid for 1908. Otherfo had to kit- called oil
of thd said deocrited, their Clipist'", though both those lines are being Offortot as on Tuesday. It had the Grand Trunk managed to Pa several times after Promising t
Or, freely.
find Sit cav)l a 4(0%0)avfhikO" too 04r ends finuaciti and sornatrulm, addresses and desevip. been said by 11 out, fii?�,fri Nil
Stat-afft Of ol ve
t1bulfurtiot I tat, Tom 'Pot' tions, the full P-trUculars of their clailual the croakers that G�dosrich c 'A acco till(
TA aloolit all hour la'ter. Tile band Balance 30th N9voinbor 111,17.. 1 (?()laid not be found
a4, occur . as faigi partied Umbig-crowd u"tatwj IL )nine. Uo
T�A,Ziyo q1torey look with . rT M -6i . _& em 'Ell collectors mad -ti A Vol Y thorough call-
IVION on louse, at -Ta thu -, Or cattle to Toronto oil Saturday. and will ship 6. get up a spring allow, but the crowd zens, 1) it b T, ore wits it discourAgingif, mill,11
---Tall tgoodern convenience#, 11 Zt streovN' at ult a ca"th Y will be porfimpt" t t a e was not seating r000l 81 Vito.
In a eflob of the said jUJIlY Ox- car for export to Glasgow to -morrow on Tuesday, in si�Iite of the hig stort", and the musicians -41lauting of
Apply to Man W%LlAAf RUYXAS, fast ittrooL 179114 the 6 n golent. attendanceaLthe annizia.1 AssErrm
S r total, holding any security is to pro. icurrerof wholesate pric" cqyTo showed that under proper 111111,1111gO. were comPolled to liftlaRCA an hand 30j,ll Sel.cernhol., lfgig. In June, ItIdgO Holt, on behale of
air Close U ) Lila estate of g4a ill �ake Life bagg age cdv 'all tile way to the trustee boavd, hold in tbo court Ito Ito Itig antl contents vA tied at $aJoic (X) ti'Ustees, hooked Lhu co-operation of tilt,
arknon, ill )it a
Monday eva-rallig last, wheat lalanco va little oil 0141 dulim,rititition Il't
c- carat any exhibition of' Tirettir Of6wLif London. At Clinton tile excuraloulats house on I
ot the rl oil the 4LI, day of arch. iew, at i9v to notion of Thursday.) or farm stock will bring Huro - 'lot) fro"' PRIL101114 0811-lon(till fit, Ili) (No Alitneek
re ide 1 0 3r It to., It fit In .,or lake an - ' fees art Fit" forenoon. being the time Wheat. � .................. . 7 nN yeo- were side-trackpof and had to wult the the r !?I getting Supplies
1 0V It 11 !or adJudicationion the c Its men and their wives and sweethearta fallowing interest.ing report fol, to bu,li lair refill for speel t Ile plot till dut-ing
- a daims. z
"Volition ctL h,bol f 'a I
e, or fur or - a Cal Dated than 13th day of Febritary. i0i. brIlourr, per owt., fatally.. -3 cot' vellit"Icis Of the northern express as goody 0 1 ate of tile 01 [It- I
lair" 2,115 to 265
3 Star Flour ...... Id imagi Instead Ofurriving at London lit 5.jk,) 'OP ]WHON Wit" tilt) talked tio look
9 r. Fly Was well its it freight train facto, Godevich.
- per owt�, patent 3 lie to 10 to the �Oircular town. The it I c2N')) ef I if RtmY Of soldlei a In town, find to lie
oply to 13. L. DOYJAC, 2 75 to 2 g toostilifolvhrableaft -fine Coil tile PaR year wits presented: its of fly, thern If needed. A Control lice
AAIrMLT a Star 3 00 to -foi- Ili the country, a fe%v inilei oneto a
IMOR SALE' OR 9KCHA14G Local Waster, .... 3 it was 7.20, fibcoul 11.8 long its it would To the menubet-4 or the TIOSPItal kl7731) con of tilt
13ran, per Eon .............. :::.,:"::23 00 to 2.3 Trust and the citizens of ilia Tt)w MeNwon Bros., eon) aet.t., told 11011110. litter the Intrehatle, or HlIppli,s.
9 FOR PRO2 0 , par oon. '00 buggies alone could be used. Tile take three changes of good horses ' 0
A' PER 25 00 to 26 30 f Goolovich, find of the 0ounty final autit Tile
oderlob, the Holl- as T pot . . Ing travel tile whole distance. The s?,ecl to Ifurou: if to Bank of ontro,t ..... ... 41,123 UhaPtet' was aloo anked hy tile trrlsteeo,
Tr it, or new G PUBLIC VACCINATAQN, I " 18 00 to 1800 snow fell so heavily its to snake th 6 tit' 41AI 13 to upriloge to got Capable belp for
land farm action ard deal. Of Aeliflold, contain- lite
Ing 100 - rn oil U - I it
logo. Fine orchard. wl)td Ill pla. rdst 'T . ............. 12 IN)
next at train for the game at Clinton on `1 buirso.* The Board of Trustees, in presenting e i
i acraq., unfairly all in joy ........ **,,*. 11 do to 0 j2 unCOmfol-Lable for the fair day of last wee Cridglo lit -ON . ...........
inVoto nools,01 9
P)UBLIC HEALTH AG OF ON. 0 45 LO 0 50 the journey to towit and home agai 9k Played the same Its -second annual report, deeal it ad- to, August
Oil the lv�bolfp, THT&RIO requires tbfod� 4111 puroons over tile am .... ..... I ....... 0 82 to 0 B3 Fro, -a Lh tills local , Wh all they did.
morl . Ye ................... I ......... 0 48 to 0 a not a pleasstrit',prospect., Navel..
ro too star away wat 14 A- 1 0 .. . 310"'ll"cumentan'tailsu no vaccluatext and trick. ItWastschedulad toleaveoo(l. tile Illoniberm fit the
Pa I Ate It J fliANNIQ fuld COnXiotion .... ....... 3 WP flitter took chargerif tht. manage -
I 1 -11 a I tagjKles, tp%h al�7. 11), bu t, did 'lot leave tilt 7 v1stable to 8"I'll"It ILs rePort for (on 5 c IF
J Buckwheat, per toushel........ 0 45 to 02
'thela�,ag there' were lvk.m morathp only, that I fell, tile t
'61" , it d6nsLqnontIj mixed tip tile caleu. 'Milt* 87-41,
block D,. Lake e Cal ............ .40, Su 11 cancrot' off 'a bazaar. find acamo of
01 kt Saturday go, par dozog .................... to ri ', lit
a afternoon of each niontla. MOO., to 2, the Great Northwestern . Fair find NOveralber, 1907, (tile dn.fe Of litat fail. %,cry kindly gave
at, will be in Ills effice
OR a t olborno township, 2 miles 2volock forthe I L ITO Vaccillattoll of pence.; Par Cora ..................... 6 50 Lo 6 00 the way those buggies nual report.), to tile 301h Septellilitl. 241 M thei" assloftanvoo Its
laLions of the passenger". (,no I . ... .. 'M too)
derld , 'facreggood clay loam. brick a n in for such purpose. Cattle, Ott art ........... .......... 4 75 Lo at 111WIT-1, Olt notto Bank of At Hourly WILYN In
barn 67,w t I wiled was a glorious feature of "" c - Tile ganie at L,)ndon was one of ill 1008. the latter date being file "till Of I dry nuounot. f bottling it) initke it it succous. Tile
5 00 c
be. Cattle, or huary and butchers' 'ro tile t inn untront
A. C. HTJNTEIt.ALII.O. Rambs, Npring . ................... a ou to 550 N`2 if 101.4ol'Ar's Rtaternent will &,flow flank,
I .... 3 00 to 4 00 initiatory spring show. cof find lam-defit, fought in the ,e. the Government Year, So . . ill
Vol Ith r I uIldintra. ok area Godericlo, rob. 4th, 1909. One feature that in the 11titmor's itient . L L ... 1. "I'l A 1
.2 A you dra and 2 rN K it in heep tat (Cwtl ............ I ...... 3 00 to ;123 was evident, namely, that Lbe ries. There were lifibliaps And tills. years to cOtIlo OlAr year unit the Ut"tOr 'it'll Xg 1)az'ltil� %vita it 9"flepas financially,
OF, I I ...
thoo or. I flogs 'li show Victor, brenot jond meal ..... . Tit
vs weight.. takes but the game was fast and clean government year valley correspond, Milk 41 it, flood quite a nice telin Of money w a
PUBLIC NOTICE. liams. yor lb,. 6 35 to 0 LM had� been well advertised, for por- on tb
0 Is to 0 17 baps at no show irest of Toronto have can personal of)- The Board is pleame(I t 8" Lhuq lidded to) our funds for hospital
0 115 1:10 0 00 o state that ('Off.n.
louse Coke. (14"'Latoo. flood of hor 21 W
T. ORE. COKE. -Try our Gold ........ 7000 7 o1o) so many horse buy6rs of a sorvation TtW. STAR thinks referee the Hospital is, day fly day and mont 11 rucerlu� nnd ntiwr: is z I purpoaps.
-T h � . heaters and rand, 9 ff"Partial. At half- =t.h,,FrcavIg4
ee range t ........... 0 50 to 0 Ott present. And the animals were �L
C Fine for fartmot I of' 6o"O'cor"'. Landing beopn Whitta,old wit
INVESTMaN 0 . ...... . whole, and fr
-grftftw, tuore-hofwantv.v Cacao 0 05 to 0 00 J,q cGraLlained uite- knowiL irlaire-
otkww-000tl��Aloc they-woore runner itimd"toes 71 IKI
...... -31110- - and titifl,"ll -pplioomoo 11111 o
Per ton calitic. 'Phone i27 -D. F. HANLINIC. lit, - - It 40 Te�F thirty a,. 6 Unity, and as its
Ow; re -
anu o
8 0j breeds, and though the omow-tovereid o"I no a not �jjll needing replen-
The executors of Mo late Otiorgo lit ... 7 W to -it. I I.. . 8 (4) 8 Ing in lineal closet", dining ra)(1111,
Achasmal'i n Door 41WK)'" morno filing
Beef I fe 'In I the score was 2-A and on restain- benefits are hCe0olillng better known, Bodifinwir, trencoral holl- for,,I0,J,.1o. 11,114 ;All
Estate have decided to, offer the Whole estate Ir E A RN DRESSAIAKINO IN T W 0 ... it 00 to 9 W the tin tuals, it could not hide their, rngl Goderich quickly made It 2-4, prejudices wliiell formerIv existed IlonoWal. kitchen find pantry Ili the regUlal. e
for sale,congletin of real estate. bonds, dq- JU , WEEKS. -I teach evervibing from points, for they w6re admired fly a] fall; he Stratfuld Indians seerned to afainst at, institution of Lhe kind tire ,it I elt, not
beratures and stpow I . .. 1111 81 it
a. Parties *,jrbt g -inyest, the plainest shirt waist to. the most I � ki.. in ILI) hospital there I,,
a - k Ing rippl1w)(10 . ........ .
ments will arecolvo full particulars 6� tile 0 me elaborate tolltapte tbat Can be found tit NEW ADVEkTISP-MENTS. dgesof borseflesh.. The exitibiLion Put tin thelt Wit[' Paint find feathers d sappearing, anil consequently 'um,re ()it and candlo. 17 IM even native wenr or)
I toach you how to ent. Ito led the greater part of the after- g �.nhule.ftnd 912 2.1 I'll(, Datiglaters of the Eniplare
on calling on the-followinir: the fashion bOOk4 - . Pago 11,11.1 and made four sm-cessivo, gotals, be patients are demJr-ous of 8tibillittlf everything Ili
Ai[:a%-A011lc6ox, Executrix. and,put together, not only tile into of but till Great Bargralng-Iforigens Brog ............. a none, and the success of the first score remaining 4-0 it) favor of SLritt. themselves to it;N treatment unit flat, "N"d tit replace fronything
the outer Irrods i"Icitat- Fliflit,, wabits, sleeves, Hair Goods -Prof. Doronwend ............ a spring horse market in Goderich clam. fled, so,thut Goderich is clown find unceasing care of the staff. Ifalatwe on 11111111 flimi they I V it eJ tied "Pot' lit counee-
children's io�scs, ate, Why spend your time The Grout Fire Salfs-Canacron and Moore 8 onatratep the fact that the directorate to ... .. ilia w1a I"
Executors. dressonalong label), where You do nothing The total rallinhor of patients treated Ito
Godlericb, Dec. 5. 1007.' Mo lit, spital.
litntahchoo, Overcast, Pew on [looks and eyes art SPrIng GOOdN-J- H. Colborne . ...... .... 4 known )low to bring the horse ownert; All is customary, Olerso were some during like t eta montfam mentioned lit October n nufn Of two blinded
then after You loavo,�ervca months therpt Now Spring Goad4-Aellepon and Soon .... 6 M
What do you ktjowk�tbfjut cutting I Allaoltitca of fluron. to Goderich
I to meet the Inix-nits. flut alone of then, seriotis. arnotinted to severity.volife. 'I'lle total dollars w.t. placed it, tile hnnk its it
nothing. You will -noow no rouvro howto b
out a drd cuf Very soociais-L). Milifor Find ('a ...... 4 buyers of 0anada. Quite a number of Whell It Stratford 11 Indian 1, wolild tionibelli of ho itAl (lays det itig that. Brief I own Topic,;. ftind, whiell would forru 1%
-a at the avid or a Year than You did Auction Solo-Jongs vs. Jones ............ I nationals were sell], Mr. Rundle. Fit litig I lie i('C. be ill Variably took on t lie period wits 1111, , an average (of tw Illy
11 DI 0 �i'�l BLAIA. BarristerN, the flarst, day you went vicre. 114 P Additional loval newo oil 111Lgi-H
Pa Solieltdra, N4)tArjl Pabllc� Rio. Office- youi t 80 %%'lay Nr.end Notion to Croditors-liletato Win. ionaN., I Wingham, having bought 11, find it). Hpider IIALIIM arid PInYed dead fin(] threo days. I)ul.l 5 f` t4t""" 141)"'itle Objet -t which
fill the Square. 2nd diflor froto fl4riliton mtreet, Ime there wheat k can tench 1,01, In troo arg the tell Mouth' I%Ud S' lvt)lll(l he determine(I )If it, tile flat,, A4
charge, and it studenta Ill it not all I delay Of Martial gave him a c ance o X MitoR Itilby Veolland (of Dun 1111flon history of Lhe ho4pital.
Q weelca. A few dave tilgi are given f Q rd of Thant;p-inFoph Brophey .......... I IfOge-ther some 24 , chag,R lintisla. I tit, I
oduribla. ed 11 covered by this eepol,k, there wpl.e I
.A 1 1: reo Hursebuyear Archibald c;f Reaforth to) get his wind When el .1 : A .1.
llo� VAV 6- �' nly Coke for Saila-1). F. Harrialink I ,
W 0 One 4 4OW081; rates. USeL, It to be. they have the Privilege to otol, ... .......... I I It 0 Of Cal Lo 8 11 tile Hospital. I
P. uplarty ior Sale-Wayl. Thompson ....... I one of the beat known b n woll tilt, lZold pie(�e In tho cuntest. jt� NVO regreL very if ... t At vs.
W; PROUDIrbtit,:K�,Oo, J� (1 UA-fti.G. F. TILMA a's obero Is no pay in ad vaueb, taryers in West. and We saw One The H Itaf 19 Proving to be will(-. Berkett's Auetion House, Alma is hold to give iip her wall to nation
course, Is only $10, including O2J1'6tf1'goteforvifofj, Learn Dress Making-Mlas L. Paul .... evil Ontario. said that f them Rilde Ora h reaclain,9011F., its service to silfTering Afalvolin NIcLettil had tilt, ll)iNf(ll,t 11ne 1114, Owing it) Illnems. wo have 11118se
nx S1. li.torrfatep, Soll-olto 't fltt'tlg bhort'o In line, which I give free. tile allow of o is back twelve feet,
�DA-N anotber Notrike tile end of the rink humanity, am, In addition to liaLlevalm to fall (,if the sliplo,tV mide walk, her ninch,-bet. wh(ol, Wall in tile
Hilton horses on Life l6th was one oi'
4604rin b htitfino Et,.r. 11 teach at; Godartch from March 4th to tile best he had seen for a long tittle bodily and the hump resounded to tile front call- own rutinfelpality, c,vellol (if
WL"Wait; lowdoft- ardtow. OM Marc 17th. All wiNhing to learn can Rup me
Ice- 'y At, Lbe oLber end,
ltda,�troobftbcl 8qU1irO,:GodcrIch6 Rothe Hotel Bodfol'd Val Wildneody. Illarch gltllel
3rd, between 10 and 5 a cloolt. MISS Torou 'Tuptics. unit others tile Hii-Joilling inunichutlitiem have, OyAlers mery(41 in ill styles. ell-itra our Iff-gf-Ilt very unuch
Saturday, and break till work and slit, gave Ill, toet vIrort,.
PAUL. whoreceived ter"ific falls, and the fit. We
ICKINSOZ-t GA.1ftJkOW,. Parrbotem so - flh0Wn Lheir mpproelation (of Jim Rid- %vlivn ohe wato CAlled"No ft
AMONG TffE CHURCHES., variable Procedure was to rise quickly vantagps CIT11,111 bricks, confectionery, et.c., (118titnt. cicy
D Ilettori4 9tc. C or North , attract oKILLOP MUTUAL PIRIC DASTARDLY AcTs.-While train No. without assistance find go lit it again. hy Rending in patien i's for Blacksloiie, loVent 1 1. lie'nalant.
o Al Sermons at Victoria St. Math treatirien . I
MP ('- by tile illnesm and dent I (of it deal.
and Square, Oddistleb.1 n I INSUR.
-R. 1j. 010109so"t. ANO& CO. 7, of the G. T. R., due here jkt 7.03 p. odist The deveptive acting of the " Indians Next TUemday %vill lie .4111-Ov, wit If Its again.
()fit" 1,111 %%,1- al -A. hapily 10 have her
at both services.' called fok-th groans, while tile s to tender Its
Lt,,D. Farm and Isolated Town protiorty Insured, tit., Wits running from $eaforth't l4aaft. "A Slid 11 thanks to litany of day, ( Rtneake Day i ritail till,
01TAULUA QA9401y, church fly the pastor The BOILIA wishe
:4� C11AS.: SUAQER. IlittrIatkar, 'Sollcitor No- Value f rrgerty insured up to January, Utterance. 7 pall oral' uterited-and reoelved the tip- t wit and of othe thecicizelIN of tile day Anti Wednesday, fill, corn love al-lill folt'llitat, to havo Willa
Court mass - Gedoric, I, Mollay, : to lend -at OPPICEIM AND DIREOT011.9-J. D. Mo. er bullet crashed tbrnngh the rear it'll- Ine"t of Lent. rl(:44
o , . Clinton last Frid iuY 0�Venirjg`,`&- revo'lv-' "TheJudgment. Special6vangellstic Plause and kindly coin fneradmition of o 1114 - 11", a" 11114-1-6J91-11 in the work ns
triff, Ahd CohVC1cjocor, Cffidi,�Iy'l the 10111. $3,018,916. 1 r places for if
t , , I services. even those who werit friendly to St ,t. kind, generotis find ve Itegen(, Nil.. Id.
loweA� Lean, President, Soafortli 1),o. F vf. . ford. and donations, and wit7y Vv�-Ivorlio giftm Vvet , )if 1, 1), 3
I rasof passenger coach, close to the smoking The-Fiermon topics at the B ptist 14141 alt'llid'. Ow lilll' -111111(lm IiIII(owin, barrister. hnq itild an I had (lie pleaNtl!1(- (if w -ting to
Vice-priollolont,13rucetleliI.P.0 - T B.Hayo-1, masons of the town, who off g' -net osiply o"'en appointed rarpreiventntivo lot t lit. Sowrotary 1 a
14 for-ei. Solicit at. Sepretary-Toreamurer. Soafortit� 'P Z; ; J church services next y Ire There tills door fig till f tittle wil.-Ii tll.o
Con. comptartmetat. "Itie bullet struck tile Sinitic. been entimiderahle Cliff. geve of their time it) 111111fling till- '4"Flirattl HP110111 110111A oil tilt- IlllJoII(- ClI11I)t,-1 wam'tryin
etwotirnjoe the
no, Beachwood earning ei9fil Of Llf)Yd- a Goderich Player who C t walk ff,orn tile Street Lo Life "I )IarY 1`10ard. "fal-ting (of tile
Grieve, Win * J. Donne I ioP and (leneral
0 f� aniat a f natty. Godertch P.O. ; U. Dale. Clinton P.O. opposite aide of tile coach, narrowly Living Faith;" Evening, "The Foil)' originally played with Stratford. lle Vinton
sat if eitilito .8 announced on follows: Al
roll: . �IRO. mt a. watL juarlOOK V.U. J. Evil
office. P.O. ; J..G. roll P.O. . missing the heads of two flospiLf 1. The forte Igh I ly flipet I Fog of I. [if- A. Y, -art sliv that if it
wels, Ddechwood P.O. (ilia asseligers, ruo Life." A hearty welcome eggere recognized its a gond hockey Player, had not
0. 309149TO lorl I Hnoyn Seafortle Unfl)rtlinaLely consiCermobrl� Hospital, I
F. P 0 * each the lospector of Poorest to j in t there tire others just Am It
It'llm e distance to all strangers t9. Al ro. Alinor, it lady born in Oiwdeilgh. I:veillfor Ills Im-fNistelit (10 1-F noinat lot]
Confordi l600ld i ULIA06Y occur. had been' covered before the tvalt, 'in(] ViOlLors. P.A. next Tilestilly %V111 lie il, (,I)V11 (),I,
. 1_ 11 fieeram strange that It ban shown fly hot, I
'011u- crefiv became aware of the shooting, The evangelistic services In North a about(] prove ifeent. girt ill, $,y), lit Which Ilov, Nil'. liet'ry Will lov (tilt, , f NI q. Alned"Ilotid ill getting 4)jher,
AQk,,NTS-j. w. Yen, Holmesville: JITIoll t. and former gift," Io the Ill, it. Intere"ted we wmil'i It'll now have land
al Into, 13910toradville ; E. Muchloy. ea. Or till attempt might have been reticle 8 Methodist church ended on Wed. (leficia"It h0riallse he did n9t have Ills 'If tile tol,roakims.
Z Cum
W .41 Tattoo
'no �op Policy Holdelars can pay oupoolngents and Arab evebing
till ; H. -Smith! 11farlock. town tinkle Ropporto I find It N 90111rare done,and tile Board I (oakem this orea.li,ri (I"deft('11. tin([ None, or fifty foUr
to Capture tire perpoltrator.-The saffie nesdayleverving, Nextweek the work _ ntinuedinterestil life work being Countil noditors, Nleint", 0 f oil) hospital.
'of the 6hurch will assume I tit jig that he should not lie on the ice to t I e Wllwarv, ' h, Thel past yon, we hilv, b,ld
their cards' Ilectipted at W. Cents, Clinton, someone entered the Flat i's
to ar station offlees here, ar to tban k bar a till I o plave (),, record I t4 vointlit.liepil tilell. dilt I(.. ill the coll j I
at McLean Brost Palatto Clothing Store. Go a. title dome -. form- Fliday evening of tills e second. .,Vita London Free Press of it , y )all- of wh0lif WR4 al)II11intd
e Id did conaldo, we k �,Iefqterdav says Lloyd did to pprociation of bear -thoughtf Of week. too viAlt I lit- hrmlif t IF 1. 11 ill %
rich. go to various parts off, the sees the initiation of the Laymen's talnet,4 biflldN on AffintIny. ell
MUSIC L Ili own skaLes L have aind gem-rostity.
office and, furnl�bings. apparently Movement. There will toe a gi.antl or), and this was onr (if Moth OF water tim Joe tile t)rjeel well worth mlinniiing tile tifl,f. in ni
66111 maridl-O-US, -mot- banquet in ehe lecture room, to wiliell the ar a. on of wi The Mayor find klouncil of the town t hing. Not not fill, d(mlest Iv pill p"meR. viNit if, 111to hiripital to) lope how well
es I , f r " 9 a 13 is ()if cot(),-. not In Fa
nothing of any wolth )to Firth ov working condition. This Goderich are to lit-, c(ing,atellitej Let,
W. E. KFILIX =s o er 220 men have been invited. This Is not cor. tile Moray trifle owill, in (111, take. everything 14 kept Under, lite "lipp'.
tte Orem I The cuTprit will serve a long terni if includes ministers of Godericb.and rent,bPeallsis Tnx SrAn was con the
a an I I I WATMMAK:lxlt I/ . poll tile generosity they []five ,Il"w,i It'll It, nm ill talking Witter end rnoal.. vi"ioll (or illims Oriffittm it' folme of
OWS' ag app slit -rounding colitattv, and represeratol. in making It grant Of $111K) inward the The Toronto 1) pers give 1, 1 title to .4 (or the town Intl rountry
Kind !fdr -Y till IUWELICR AND rehended. ground and known that Lloyd had Ills thp India
9, thildtica
a b 11marjoe'llueold' tivoolaTmen. Tbespeakers will be Mar ownskatenon. The Free Perm al,,I [left Afrtl!reath R if)" of 'to- I k %volild vNit Ille Im.101111 on vittiling
A bnARX1N&SIy0 68. Thc ladles Belcher Is "a Freat Point." n it , have In tills manner hiown their in Eiiii-ka A 'I"Y", 1111-1 wollid learot ron j4.
OPTICIAN iman Inaintainance of tha I
Thorhad 16 1 6., tot l W. 1. Ivergumon, of St 8 11 f
.1 1 $1 pla,leron Ill.,
6K Pafford, and Air, rertainIV is, heft a lylairlwind. The terestandsympathyin this boolan,. dereLted Orangeville JUnloors tl;(, (of lifir J119t what has hown a not j,
rssuer of Marriage Licenses and choir of at, GeorVe's 036ch gave 0. B. Keenleyside, of Lordon. rquale
Godeflelf, Oil*. an time Paper guys McDonald is " a fin, meritorloun and Ini'llortrant work anit even living done.
the, by Mr. Roy Adantsand maic altiftirtette rig.
proceeds to be devoted to the purposes Mr. Keenle-faide will occups, North St. abot," and this Is true. Bait nur Loam In th atakIng thern for (film lit )(.Vol t lRexpertt'd that tile Irl. harvest ora, rcF
W-�,13ECRZTZ, Tho pulpit filorning and even have several weak points, and if tbese donation Liao Boned trusts that tbeV w
of the choir. The achoof room had day. Everyofie interest to on Staff- flat ,,,at find 4114 a Very large ratimber for tearnit at wore
G. ill hestoki-ted oil 'Nil'ti'lly fro"1111flir, Dro, - for lfo.otai. :it -,,4
HALSEY ed In tills new w ere Attengthened, Ooderleh ban the 'innot cenmal in well doing,
PuKt been.' nicely decorated, hoof tables were and distinctive moveme ine material to beat all njillef.m. they. on I lie con ti and pach Hill.. will lie engnoted hatifing, it. will Ile 1*"nV- for Oj11,ur It
ALTiBRAli 1 11) 7n
D. FARM $A ES, 1, V);A110 K I , tit should seize ge'll It 11.11 -ml lin-kt,'. , ,-,
RICAL ESTINTN', Arid,, Mki Tportunity of hearing Mo. Keen. The London r an"il, 4"F!"Poat, the grant houtied lit two weeks, t,jlt�f
lot L I ism PlUced for the sale of plain And fancy till, 0 free Press reporter in ceeding Cot 1 :4
SALEO Alto . IR loyal e. iinfair when lie says yesterday that fly a like or porhapti larger (trip. From tit(, fm-tt thiat life ligill 21 it)
4 A mar goods, candies, etc., and a nice ilterar -1 Is
talk"16 orhar, vv
Hiltaltonati; darl I .....
coill 5 t D Off elvor. an t-i5,bt wing, resorted to The County Council wits walked ill). 111,111t. loam been ill,pnoved out (felt- lwmln for I -r�
tft, of P,- In Toronto r- itlir
South Side* lab Square, and musical progearn y The Philathea Bible 01rass. Of tile and, At the PNP( falilinyem, %xv-n to, Fon'l-.
WAS pretented Baptist church are to I dirty tactics, ' 110eftlise tile statement is meeting lit JoLollary, 1011). fly
Of Wit 0ODURIC11. ONT. Tb6, opokling piece was a well played too con attill"ted tile
OF at I 1 2.11
frorn tile Wingliani, (iode
their is To Qw'ty-o 1,nlonar�
upon the success of IN not correct, Melvor was am clean , deptitatto PlIve fit efillifornerto haq I'ven ip 1,
See allentine
IV Onvi 'k KXI r" 201 lot
i 'L a ' , ",4 ' ' . I . I selection fly tile Diaekstone orchestra. Social, held Mondit, player as ever appeared In the i3rin. rich find n0mlinton tIosPItalm. asking dijeeti ont, third, and the reventip I(' %lorri. and 33.111
41- r I. . I ". - , I then followed a duet, 11 Tile 11kiloat"t fly They I evening. coins rink at London, and the liumpunp that IMP tile town is greater 111"" eg *lw,, I I of
"�LIVOSW 'Ah cratooAlm I' were favored with a line evening ortant hody for it grant Lot flow 4,% lindif" Ill".
111stmiltou #W6r ar %, Mellot-0. F. Sturdy and It. BlAckstorel 'And al largo attendance, ernfvd there wilt endorse what Too each of those HosPitalm of $11)(11 for the abOuta redurlhin father than'
The occasion I lit) Ill. !01
F, -v- to To-nion for i.am. (,.1 11,1 y-r 1:1 -
A;r 00119. "11OWL-, bettrie .11onve," fly wag tile opening* Of till? schoolroom HTA R may 6. Year IM9, they having gonprotonflylvreflime In liod-irl', will, improve(
ffng 'Bank Miss RibustridAel* A, violin jfelaodtio� by which the Haraca, Bible clnsq bav�' The Learns lined lip &if follow hinery '?
V6 you hat 10
t; giteltioni 11 1 - L given thittatuount In JOIN. Thp Boar(I ... r,, .% I lotn,.
i it a
11i off in�otftd0000bfq of Miss Heinike; a comic, so"g by Harold Undertake gret to day that the 0ounLv Connell Tile firift carnival of the -eanon wall To F, 'Ind. 50
jKFIDk0,L 'rinlinir
4 -a -L. III to OqUilitete, The Work R,rnATFORD re n,)t see Its way held FrIlla eilltht ;at if)(, Went, street
Blackgtone-,quattette, "The,01dOaken they b%ve so file 00DR1111:111 in Its Wisdom could rink . The y fee wall not in tilt. Iwat
ItAnkin goal McLeod to make the grant called for, I'lit,f Itank. '2.v) of
C49ADA 1300ket"' by 41428§11. R,, 0. and H. cost $100. The ratom WAS decorated F arbes point Bel and In. condItIon, heneo,
9 BliteklItODO and 19. Sturdy, and it with evergVebu, Ubndbg-&n it gs, chor stead granted $100 to (*rich of these the aft-rodanve was
' ' - . ' 1* 0. T coverpoint AleLean threo Hospitals. Tbe Board degireof 'lot an large 114 It f1houlf! have been, ell- Ft"it, TO IfIf4l,
P. and M ORONto tableau, oThe ChildrAn'a Elo.Vr," with The flivicy bodth w48,draped In yellow, Varner
rover Lloyd to express its tll%nki; to a Ile W although tile hand Moo fin attraetlon. lialarim on hand
9. Hit so tile wboI6 find the eftridy booth in white, The ardell There were come nive firpoeqetl anti gf,(,(l St, All-froWo 0 13 m
heir ty received ty the audi. program consisted of he"'Sicat Ile lee cehLre AfrGlaw And County Uhnfinell for art,
t- tile grant of
right wing Melvor Mr.. ( fork .. ...
1111146 16hei#"'The Children's Hour or sperolosil long by Mt*. flullirtgo, MIAN Heiniclod *100"and may they �xprrmm tile Rk:ttln and I till nlee progo-linarne of %Irw. (;mnlhlo
tile Ranson hope of v,
WhI66 rtmvd .11 .
OtOotat . so. At tile end of Lt)fltt Ofie'refetki violin. and r left wing McDonald that In givin tile full 5larine Brand made an 4111"U'LiVe Mi-Skinarnitur�
� 0 4 Special Act Of tile dl" ,
U16 fe#4 Cook, Meat. 1. tte.1, further con
16 MebtAllikittivitifterved.atid 9 veryplem, 8. Jordan,, rend6teili, t,w alderation tF. will at some future, hill Of fare f(ir tile first earnival. "Ist Word
An� , Up opaut.
can t4bles Andl- Pronlenading aink. 180- Moo, 0 &d a short ried soventl coacilas Colborne. 7a
I vileatil- A special train with 2 5f)
or -ttadings, Tfitc CLFNTON GAME. M Relly
lolk ahslvat-, mulvic, thilt Work itrAl Meta Andt6*0 ageolh loa th meeting of Xe , horamraltip body this St Patriek . wnrl
car- year Increase Life grant it) 8,100. Nl rif. 4 hr, te a tilt ?,,
Miles n t
p I �,l Iff (lie hand
lie, of f ef"1111101iftALS to 11-Ayflold (tteld
log A" ibxcellent number. In Part tw" Address On " tied#11-0, Tbe 'pAStrar. ulinton on Thuroula n The Board cannot fully exprerna it, 0111T.- -Ilro. Thotoon Ut Nlr,. Halk I'l
om tile G.T.R. there vromal Jul. olhorne towtiollip dip,l at
'tsm, Highest ctirmit lite of luttr,*# y. And IrliVII. f,,rni.
t1ledhOleal Rev, 0. rt. Alkle'iff, OebuilI4 'the chair, religion fv tile big Pro' deep sense of gratitude to that noble early of 0 St. th'Il . Ward
-IAI4 Int -,but #Lily Wells 19.9 Wellia pleased the patuill LIg4t 0#pVjk1 tinting pri6i Army of workers tin behalf of Ills Ailtaineiott. Nfalift.)I)n. fall
Mr. �Inek rand Mr. llay,f
#Ag Bait 1--nl enco With a vaiteal atilat tile fillstokittotte it ekothill hour folloolorig the lit og and enthnsloalitic, luftn3r Clinton Hospital, Friday, Feb. MrN. vilot. 41
-bgram. admirera flecorting the crowd. 111HE er" of tile 5th, after an il)neqq of a yeat'
(lie DAughl
orchobtra Aye it OlUffet selection Men p -, Hit,. Kanto Intormt
Hillihilk6o, T.Holdikie arid Uff-latilea STAR conversed with many leading tit Ire, who have rendered rand who wall a allover (if Mr. innien jollp. f I (%oq tWrorn I I or Min on
Illy. r"Erender @file A
'Isr of "$t Still vp*hardo, Andrew# I�Jtal
#it 44 The Blatinerlif had s eftizens, among them officers of tile It Valuable assistance I thi LOW1111hip, who visited lipt, la.1
helping to maintain tile ,,',p,,,,,n fill 1.
A. chatminsr trio on hok atraclat on lit* and tile verdict wits that a more I )"I .... AIL%.1on,o A.
pixub -lit 111111DIf"I Iloftrd. to, Z-nd
b6itof antl sold, Lift 1I.Awt, too, 1) ToleAdaff their aid the Board wollld FiRIP. On For lit latit rock
of 41AW , . . V10
North f4trootl lit Wblbh th0ker Wriall a never visited our sister t,6wu. Th h to carry, matflay of Atral, "Inv 11
o �01 Ive I'VelftWoll nig Impovirrible A m",
46** 1 111 Without I he ill Tv*
trerillemaouily and well behaved cro'llood
A Otftst StAffig Sao on ifill Work. jifft_We fully reall r1l.ry Vlatte'la hounti
intiod wifftleg of �30146d," 6; mk"lw 7o that hold. Maitland con ,
....... AfldL 'a , 0. VOLI, 90(ad Pr6ftitstalvp RAIIIIIIII, *11110 clean, was rather 0111.0 I.,,11Ilv submitted,
04 farm), file old Itnani A. K rmi,y.
J Sth-jAV'. eae fros *fte the fitift rAff Of t JO pro. of d4 tile score beffig 4-14 In favor of were it not tor tile Ve?r necessary help Were atVakened by fIre, avid lit
fifil" , VC
$44 sultil..'atid 11 V 0 schilool DAY'S grArklinist aftil, then, the, b6100 worn Goderiell. rend too barely time to ego -ape, and e1jr
JML aired fly hill dovp ed and generous
0 Web IM* of fif, fAbleju wlih to.
1W Auctioned 'Off, A Moo 21 out 8eeretofiry (pro. venal.
[aft the work of tile Hospital li-fival things ore tile whole haild ng w
I%* egth bot wita The line�up tvas, I I --- -
y Alif"fiftip Wo rhot 111tvit been its valitisfact'jarr as In flames.
Q it ele,06t kit p"ba to �h6m uld
flow It carightateit 19 n
oudifix tat Art admifthfil �per Alp two, bere Was
ad 61 li'AARCIt, J10 "ktalo, Tha? thillort6aboyffif MA10flod-thriatly ctINTog It hAS b6oll. Darlux tile year om kna*n. r Itaret, Special Noticmi.
C With [lite, 11. solidatien wif an Iraw
call ii 'diomed I Mettror lidal this PrOeletY has given tow.%rd tile $2,400 in the Howtek Mutual ()o , it, Dr. �worvti, London. Hurgeon. OZ -11.
of this. tiomialwoot: botlill'if NitUod point pitfall Aundrielk in the wtty of fecefl, of Which, 1110WOV01', wilt, till 'lie Ila
MOILIM, bitit0dialt, the, ft"OldeoAlate Arouse.
i 611tawiff t1*.Atf*et* , 101ft, -
WAJ 4 trilafffe'th the sibilityof tl* W -Ake the Belcher J. mexiantle, flary fdatnialiblogs !r thd value of $M,Xi; and Ou"t"Onts, witich vitere %let Injuri, i ?4ro% a AL -e- Dromov fwed.
lost 0 datinillot#0 hftt* *tfdh an ell. MOGAW rdVer n, itumh oloof filet A pp
'this 61ioning, � 61d' 0. coop
a" In Cash $16 , Tills latter gain I fSt yesof Ale$. White RVL
all car in , tile rdeelpta, ia� ent coujaid
of AS it A 1748 Mbille Knox Chnarath ebrair ariol Y. P. 8,
W "Otte M. Jolibston wAs reel Vetl 414to the IjUth Sep,tionihate. will 01vo, ro. 'Iflivertand 'artal is tile ter-onoi
11 ii, V 111I *0111j, *bo ade,06W imnolde 01111 U111111111 tho Tilt tot V6r fifIfIA00iff tbolaroptr' . I,
Kpiff, lidthop"r . lord roli'der(Itkil thoallill . i6M&fthe oh%ereh an Aloratiar
1*0 Ititloft 6y th# ell h'syn it A -f *0 #ktly. llliou t [gift *169 IOCS bat of ebal,46 lit Will filplijear in the jainera "1 0. tind sialvoli evolning tile
W# r Ili""" it to., 1with Aliothu. MoViOnald lift wing W. White ame of It - V414 1110, at Mark to whIc I the w1ahof 113
017 01 "s" 0 0#0 ju� *ft bly. -ie�t(All)(11114 lit addition to thfit the urnfilf Cordially Invited. ilfjoj, the motti1c.11 trid lit.
willim- $1 ftlotitit 06dfirlih, JtD tl#b rotu the front Ilphift Of 11
f6till Of diskAll ftbih re
z "t V'oi
;� 11-, -- . 1 1,