HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-02-05, Page 1A,
"IT "114
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b T"H 001DERM" STAR fts 0
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MIT :Lqpoo -Vmoxmv, 34*vm
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-aomwaf oN DAI fEBRUARY, "IsAollaid, wslti*�v "w
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VA"Loom vs. %111III, 4OUTO WRON. 0ANOR 0011TU
. tiffli: 4%,gislis, #Vtoll"a
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1UWW,_* 0411414*004 4"pkift* of Ai Wit Atto"404" 0-0m;`)*00 holl bq#ft, toptU4 to
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UNQUESTIONABLti ts firistok. 0" A1111*04401`44'" tor:-� h**
kilt gjilltfajj� thly ;h
Tfliftilsit Ilia, quil—Wmi, at a I 'Ab -cot ruir, 400004 a sfiv*p Iio- '"to Im"Ir ilmd V Arl WitallOysr 904000, T�lttx J)L lot"" V'$"
W' 0-4)
trow- As, U � aklxksqtt� 419 Th;uiliffia r4stittloi.. u4ton. lustll p hili, Vj'h0fjQ and WAN 0:0400101b ott tho ONIX ult� A. 0 lslyne*
4M J$ iial . , "Tot
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1*44 for QAtilsojo 1.4 ill In Its t1its atiot t liflijax or lob
AtA .
��t;�Tkkfsfltsii It ,
o Men ffe4j, _ O0A_,*1'0, I% "A' 04t" 1300�1*94 Aftod'140, stillfiti
so�lt a
lanty at aostip"WO, 'R 'it
Wit folivuliq loth,
by spellftt less 044 they 29"0.4114 '04VWK, thil'. fo*uli 4;'V. tj�ed Wrs'� 4ttlo�ditPftlfkfpdtl"$LtLft *A* 11491111to q
OVE ka at k-0 ".0 A n= circle#, 40%4
0000, MOVIA.—tMA
Belk A. ls.444, it"
t� Itato."t VA 40tolitit W4 two 4
W, �Tig, 44 0.", t
oughuo� to e bilyerg. for.Li
*Ifej�, uitandaoistvfkfe0r'rjjrk W ' 111taiM, *nd b townithip At
1) AN. x�4 tv, It i otloods. and Titt S W t;W404 RZIC
Roll, tfirdo 000MC Who C011.1t to 140000. Wh
In Lbe� in. 111LI an ot Tak for villah,
to '14: the OIF;ts" of th, 9A, an
illflail. �T ZtWr Inal_ lop tioth. tat
ajln�113ej* the "Offfola oijankf 'TI
441%t bear, faj!pjrp "P 11trwit __ih___IT0Artr vo�qp s.tino
310 ;T atho 91 tit IRV
top-orts of', oAll taitilit Project ro
. 0
D, Nu i,
the ofmocers Ilroo(leps Of his be
fattlltQJ4 *lid lihowd ....... fir life the q 1101r,
to . for "W"101,11h:1110entr ffoo*
0 e at Oke,: r 4kilbetAnt id Wore t 0 b4ttOr IA- Of Huron. There
Walter and thong
every Qvioner or tock
the glkto r
Jot 3;0-0
, 4j MW sslittv� U?10 ut011A , low those Itup solu lit Invited to take. ii4val %for
4 M kJOIly, otarot. est 4 were' A
.4fi, .0 aIn cooneption with b,lt fr, get year by rea"Don tho largopscs- q the markets at wbich, buyers heACIQU b I in Clinton jolon
------ I—— :x lOuv0 and 11, briefly TQNRMAN. wiltunto, 1& 1 1 0 lie iL4 It
�Lodgo Its ti and, (Jay of
Tin e a at l(At it I th of 0 0 of Its most tullisrot, and ho so,
.1 and Oth6t, outside points hit r It
A Th
trile hisilt'jim We* 11, 00 Ware, exprm" some All - to attend.
".Pear -every highly cliteamed, QjtjZsq$r Urr, %T, (y 4
on it e, h all 100"k3raliter Davis rettred" ff!41 mgapil action at the large number of
0 Ah
Wlihsh Occurred on Sunday rizes offered In I; ohan- I! s'llell'y One will be looked after It
- — ------- W. to oil P.'O. U. j6hu Catlett oods rld met
aOWIIJS�� U, "UaM In "&At Ing Of hu go
toe' 4 d' the 0 t
........ 17 its
ilIll task becoming the lArRemi. j`OfORtQt'L that. tfkfl peliult be.lika, asliallowat Widel and favarslitilf kfidWri th_pOUgh* Will do 'Wel.4 In Cho Inuresta"of whop- ilk
47 1W R* IWit be, W. 0. U.. Wiltior Cosinsay. Likean. Lift Brlvf-UOWII T
Cut Ujig nativity, be RK proluAllent fit IllUttl9n. In Pristarlo. to ellvor to SIX
rChurch aud at I Islerovill movements. all far I%# possible make Opera k
........... A Ilk
to Iqlghts next wets
...... 0 p@.QpjR.w .06 obaphoth"Wid. r4mitio, reditow but, its tile Honsall Otkiot,vop ways, It: buttons,
otit 1 '10 itleethoill Th h- 16qb1or sly Watch last "I
0 OlUcere, were elected OTreasurer, d4m. Ostatelon, Robassaviliks. Held I lot vice P
church that life loss will be most
Presidentr UL A. VOW was 6�8 In favOr of St,
severelyfelt, litorit. ntin1t1i#rQfyj*ar8 �rsesl
TO I? r W A of C,. Goo.VAnderblargis. Porters Uill -, 2nd vice-prealdeal, Last week WAS, One of the beat
-RVRONI he bad been a morriber of of the quart. laafto a House -A Auld
Ne AWARTISIRMIENTS.. WgPT dent, John. Clark
tu .MoMorriky, ija$teld; 101113, MAY 603110, circuit stoward. pild trust -
at Vlatorlp, Opel
ktonorary dirootots,
0 X, W Q, P� Sgareptil$ Colborne 4nil'�gkkj'� sent it Strong delegation. to lilupday school sruperintendent, In Salk0la–, J. T. Gold. uuxcY' 9100 nas had a ad hint'–
Q IT 0 all ........... ll V Ore'" bowling `1110Y wits kept t
ice rrepreSentatiVeOL If'ont '0'odetjo ea boards. also for, about 19. years
6 James Connolly. Alex, Ulenn, Ro4ert
go n it.
................... Willf. Warnook ; directors, the alp) pti being liberally
McLean j
let met on Thursday* 0mo,4r, nil after due consider. Which work he took satithoolatle inter- A it
itrfue social
4 PPI lCkM and -forifire a County I-oodge-- decided est. eth goo. A rows a
fid 1! TW
- ----------- --- 06
Aub will thig
ThONOTV. r QQ . ...... eince, organiziltion with th unitalmously to celehrute; qp coming tondav &,smoker to the
that, the r. 0. 0. F, took pla,466, an TesPrimus. Alex, Youff A G I vanin
pin A.: G
In baed, rst a Loglogt, 8410_�Aahasojk 5 01110bre 1"Presidefit, G. Mi 7 120 July In thot town. by t otpe, Hobert QUSJ Malcolm ffiubliolt# III, s' 61", . 1: frisker" of uouerloh. to whom
011 Silent W 41y afteripoon. The Mothod lot church
is4qh; vice-president Dr TIboto
...... KAY, J. L. Aitken, Dr. W. F. Clark fill invitation has been extended.
The, next annual. meeting will lie
pir '0 fiP11011001i tog 11,01,Act,sobItnilito this TIA p. was crowded to overflowing. The V.H., and at a subsequent meeting o? 01-0 will be R silcelal Impromptu
goo, Clinton; Secretary, M, W. Holyelt, held at Exeter, on the first, Tublidilv` in the board of directors, lit. E. Bingham program.
W 'Ads. cakt,l, "ILWA. -COA a GQ4erlob. Resolutions wotp passed February, 1910, and the Ontario West 11101W to the Sterling Th
I, ONTARtOWEST hiriv Ili JUAMTRIO 916dykO.Tables-Roeus Bres.. followingRev. gentlemen here teli
y1" VVANL Pork 8 asking the Ontario Governmoll character find worth as a citizen of tile
a re-eleated treasurer, and M. 0.
it.: certatst on ... .......... t to,pp- grand Lodge will hiect tit St.Thotuaa
104. tMilt Captain Lang and Licut. Black will
Or audLt;ug MITHousts for Sale-Goderlob Planing ills. Move the Lbree-fifths claki#6 1knd, %Ioso arted: Rev. Going, President of Johnston wits re-elected Secretary. lfdrewell,W in the Salvation
-Mrs. Scrub Steep ........ I, iippoitit as-,& license inspector,. and
wool any" London uunforellep,, Rev. rear, The usual resolutions authorizing 9a varracks. Sunday night, lib.
Who -xms ag"Oksk Pit I licQuSe Columisslonera, melt w1kowt)9ld toe director& Lo
Fessa tile fluid Vock I
an Wednesday, March loth, 19CO. op
sgtnra 'in ny 16t, Rev. W. n,
takskill' yr 0. tile r mar, ladmtany, chairman of the diatt make all and any 41 T'at
P On Tneadoy night
AnWwer for t�q, e Kerr of Clinton. Revs. Hart, Smith
Tooders for, Wood, suits .. ......... I have the license law strIdti AMONO THE CHURCHES. necessary changes In the'vules. regit. February 91lb, tlieve will Ile it fareweli
464 Approving ;%,lid eu� Application 0 Parliamont--Urst,, We t witbou.tfoarost.favor. Those redolfi. Doherty of town. find the pastor Rev. lations. prize lists, etc., and after a social In tile barracks, All tire wet.
S. Toll. The Internient, took place in general discussion on tile advisability come.
Shore Itaillway ....... I tions were forwarded to Hon. W, J. It was resolved to Is lit the church an. Bengali Union cemetery. f apt -Ing seed and stallion shows. and
go Certain Inderstiltris dlced Ift ...... At a meeting of the i%stae board,
Hativaj,Toroxitts, also. a copy o Mr.
0 ifere.wagaiittlogf be Div,
u. rth street Methodist Ire' �s r test IT, theAefeated on
`0: URN!P Two Andrew Porter, Goderic Standing field crope competition, these Court Tuesday tile only Intere
tit" to be los 0 A an churub.on March 2tst. MOLRAN.-The residents of Stilt nititters were referred to the board
'a Inosten'll Con versional) r
'Town candidate for the ford Of atilt being Jag, 1k
'11941d, A St disk, nPat QT.R� otittiol), Tula Colni6alils last week, holikson va. the 130
nounced in these Mr. J. R. Boardman, of Now York, and the many friends of Ilia fallilly directors as well. of Health and town the latter 0
the. cIft"t"Isalonere rare Me the. International secretary of county were startled by tile very sudden The following is a Summary of the joined in tile it AT Ing
Pated' I; n thlg�2hddayofpoo PBATE'S Naw . W
sailboir. WARDEN. -F or many 14610iier. in. Patters Y.U,O.A. *ol-k. will. address the allon. The all t wa,
_T. on tit- 430111. treasurer'a statement
death of Mr. Jame' oroug
8 MoLearsir which lit tot, damages to a ptarso.--when_ -
yeara!rjin 1jTAA half, perronAtly firkowar Iof-Fin VidtOrlft Oiierk House
4t_ o -6-ectipred on Wednesslay of last week. a train 100? .
klok ftourI4 with JR1.1 RILW_ Mr. bav�dManiaveeveof B annou ced that r. A. Asqu th Ining. tit tile time
lansbard, day evc .............. .... $ 504
He had been in trz-grant, ,
P 01, hkAlth for over w
illallf-e-s-belo-g cauged to the
all ifindeVe, daii,<efiforic -hi-expeatedAlixt-the-ehole- of St. =1 cat e dam-
ve pleastire but that day %vita feeling slonle. untalpal firtints
KA fit George's church will Ive a concert in TAR10ftoloircaltat allpersonit ovvr.�he In, oongritLulatihg bin) on being elected TABLE TAtA--Y0t% %vill' find that 19000
W111,1,k better than, usual, &fill had 011 W IsY Lue nquftl with which tile buildit
6 figs of thres, aloatIf"ca"tj be v",I
Prize Tusions retained for moinbarstitil Wits cleso listed -it Warden for 1909. He is it gentleman, a greab deal of character is imparted (it the or isA few njontil!
a t ? the 80hool-house, unsfer the direction written to Ills 01(lest, soft telling lilin of
thAt-parent Pro liable to &.1blaialid, conviction 93 65 since tile Town
reald ris aof -broad views find will serve the gan'st' Als" Cogswell, on kilo Improvement. The last call cause A I Too@ tot' sell
V14, rot' fallis and received at the table. It nil -81"n Ten ...... ... 1031 73
ditio in0 nice to I&IR County, of Perth excepti6nal parents Tuesd y evening. loth [list. Further IA to fix libit,1011 Beat tile plaIntiff $5
The Mod at, r , or urolift ., Fitalla. isto ....... ..... 115 00 LO Settle the niatter. but mi.
fly At a, f r or poetic with Startling suddenneso, for lie toar
Oil the fjf`A� Satotriluty'a k -w men are,fitte4 for such a this. find ther W TO considering that sum did lot cover
�60 often forget 611 particulars next week. passed quietly av%ay with. but It untr fee" ..... ... .... .. ........ ... Thomson
rnsioniat each ousitith abilitV. F, 110re
AM! at2o"Odels: for tile free itcosinatAgn or pev�ssum it of swallowing Ititereat ........... ......
Masa Meeting for, men In The Court moments warning. 111be late Mr. Me. il' 14 1`5 the loss Like case was allow it t go to
attending liskasioll purpose. neighbor county year fo in Advortisrestiontsin prize i ot all ulj�
it of I)rq I
Wag_ e, na'LlVe of I
posit' 0 IV -a' in t leirjud ement. = silence; Instell House Sunday, sit 4.15 p, to Air Lean Oty WWI! L AIVITen. the asidit ........ 13 SO A, 0. ij�f TItItj 'eland; &till
T",rojt LR�A. dedralAer, 8 er star oatleor ob.
team Itionso On rthur �Qrdtscont, con, odorloh, Feb. 4tb. IOW- our uaine! el Boardman is
G tenllereJ. ar ovep'y 39; Iii-efead -of i-eli- y f N. Y. and Mr. Cup and, a man of quiet manner, and Total recelptt ............ vv,840 mi Oction was taken -to the action, be-
q1tini ju(
'Apply Let, W HhWkITT4. rh. 1. on stu net. at respected
LjossAtK fibers at Stratfor on fi� cause It had
i0 his follow met a talking about others. let thie coliversa. of Toronto, will lie the speaker by all who knew him, and bill sorrow. Fxpenditurars 'tot been conitnenced
PUBLIC'NRiCE. Thursday evenink last. anti we regret tibn at the table be genial, kind Every nian In Uoderich nd vicinity Ing widow and fattilly liave Life sincere Prigue pall ....... ... .. .... ......... I
Patr litus"t.
"Itintlis. and the objection
should bear tbpse men. Good lively syllill"tthY Of tile community. The lilou"y Pat - pro
g, ---- -------- ------- that the invitation extended.to TEm cial and cheering. Don't bring dis for pruas awaraed was fatal to the Claim, His H
OIL 8 tTy WGF, FOR PR07 Mi dab ir debt u it onor
i'l, !�,o STXR a not he complied i0itts, lie. greeiable things to the table in your singing led by a male chorus. 1110111bera of the fam Y, begidpa th Vionti TOR08 ...... ...... . ........ l2oo Judge Holt directing it non-sult.
F ZftT I 10 . God4ribb,-the. Hot- aftert is it
0 A to I dn not be responsible 0 pecial at ractionA, including tril of
land (it 1P. February Atli. IOOIT. Ing our night of priblication. Of the conversation in
of mhaotd, octal.. cat. more t an you Victoria aLreet Aletbodist, church, widow, tire: Win. J,. oy Lindsey, and evistal, races and rull"to ..... ..... au 25
Ing 100: .1 all"In WrW�' Geed Ibffit- lid in your it es. For this reason, servicel), 10 a. fit., Love Feast. I I a. tit., Expense go ground.4 itiict till Ilding# ...
new Wa don the Mitchell Advocate wOl Albert J. arid Roy at floor NOTIT to I if
Avbjc will pit t PUBLIC DIRL-Froory this do Dd company yo Suarotavy A valary. . .. ................. 51) Local Social Events,
k, Interert is -and two 31
says -. -'Mr. David Bords, reeve of too, the itiore go, end Lot-d'a Supps.r. 104vening, daughters. lit 1'renou rot's salary ... ....... 40 ITO Thisfollowing jrom tile ()ttowa
on ie�wbolss,lnyols t. I wait -for Polllff,, uoDbe re8prinsiblo for auk dab arid Alice, also 00
oor dolow Blausbard, was elected warden' tit, tile have at your table.. (he better for a young inan's,eervice. Young Men'd house. Tile funeral took place on W It, Journal of
too tot Awhytoattonlo to M Apply. to contoji?todinin name.' lattortou a it at
Balsoncere ),ndo� . ............. ....... 061 ill
GOLIT71iopPj�k SITIVOW00t, 23ra, 1 0? _932,erlab your children. Every onvereatibn -ess by Y.M.O.A. re. Saturday afternoon, to Colborne
Jan. loixogural mieting' of the County w choir arid an addi ... I ... ........... fast Wil be read ,till local Interest,
-it at tratford on Tuesday last, tabj� an edu presentative, 70 here' Churl- Young unpirtalnoil at it RX Wit, SALE. e is
till Company at Lbe Evangelistic services cemetery, under this auaPICQs of the doligilthil 611 Yostor -datio., to the family. Hence the in- every night next week. There TotAil expoodituriat ..... j2 40 32 Hattie Saults, of Go orich Cat,
P�Trt �bicAIU D.. Lake 1411Y, for lier vast� M. *a
r 6 pubhs, uci4 defeating Mn. John McLaren, reeve of sire Orange order. bein5 an honorary lout danito
0 0 It too 'The at USA 1 109 of the Alexanda MAr. Hibbert, by a vote of7 to 0. Mr. te walt bossouslogir
11m asepti Ilikence and the refinement and Tip- good meetings going on -a deepening member of E. 0. L. IW,, tile pall hearel-s ollor
Ire owl) at
it11 jksb,and VlenerAt Hv90IW will be lieldv4 Mo* Boole will make It good executive offl. Pro I
Q tit re Ab'8L P'sa Hymeneal. Itsk Nikko WIT, I 1`IIvbr AL111 11, lack flu arid
pplate behavior of it family which Interest [a matsifest. being Messrs: A. At. Todd NV It.
if blue,
i Ftr &to - congratulate to given to hospitality.. -Wever feel Pirider T D. Tichbornp, D)w1d Wells, Al ITCYIELI.-PATTISON. with lccv k II ort fort a parst yoarwI11 be prationte e Thespeakernithe morning se i -Tile follow. riod yo 0 Of - Meant noL and Iriosr.
Geo. McMillan and Writ, Nivins. - friture. I
and a cars electd for the Ing trm. The hint oil his election." Any- In the Baptist church oil Sunday wii IT, of rool" wno tavtOttilly dano In Pill
14 if al"ON 'on that intelligent visitors can be 1,111118 or Iftoo arid milvin
public arainvited to be PrOsenL Ile Ing from I.he Saskatoon Phoen a drawing
&lid whitw
thing tint a blessing to you and yours, (D.V.) be Mr. 0. M. Copeland: of To. carried Insura:nce in the orange of. cr� Dec. 10th, will be read tullps, tile library entirely lit rest, aud the tow
BURNS' BiRTHDAT.-The St. Marys HOW few have gotten with Interest roorn
Jultait I hold of Lh" onto, the provincial
,:i.T IL 110POENS.
NO R a as soity. Arg 'to with ft"and rartol. find Air".
------- conversation Y.M.O.A. work In Ontario find Quebec. tell t able, Air".
4L 11 its guys of the celebration of the fact that company and secretary of here I v frmer f I londft of the Ili- lr-lli�llverdlrl tile bonord at the
JoNbEEW t150Lh b WILL RECHIv irthday of the Scottish poet, at the table are no small part of edu- 0. R. Jones, will 0 waa sit one time it wall known Chnintrurso of
X.X tLO Brief I own Topics. wh t2e Cords of P MUTUAL PME INSUR� he r. Rev reach tit y
Col that the day Was ttingly celebrated cat . resident -of QtnIerirh1A ijiffe eItt is to b it If p tile evening service. Tile Be sure and hour our ow -n 1-1-tithri0ecil McO�jo, Mis MaLA"on lies,
rarTon andL Isolated Town Property I ur?d. Interesting wedding wa MOcistu). A fris aryperitip pro -
In I is owu.t!10,Z,` the sWech of t! s soleninfired fit obatto. Mi" C. Parosm Ali- who, fred young
cLoria, Opera Hous
inpiD - e tonight
ilg and that he evening GODERICH VS. STRATFORD.- The Bill) ect. 11 A Gmsshopper'sr, `Vtjaj(jjj;- Lyfin at -Vii -
r by, April tat Clafnteronvl[K�- 0-.- aii-aildreas to young often find women. (Friday). high noon lit the residence of Mr. aiid MI�A Rdith L'urrur. Amongst theme present
eeiW e me between Goiter
Chni-les (Jerhart, when llits Roliena, were: Stro IL L 110111on, Mrs, W_ bA;,411), ided to th� -will be observed hL W. L. Lindsey ling been appointed lotieloun Mitchell and Mr. 'I'leflothy Aiadai�q LOulled1s, 511- Carl wriFtit,
1901, 03,018.975. of Goderich, wo respoi The Lord'o suppei
Dated Feb. Sid, 19A fork OFI!ICICRS AND DIRECT0118-1 D. Me. toast "Memory of Burns." This toast a
P, AT". (last MI -14 Lowi.
nil Stratford came off on Monday the close of the morning Nervice. The Financial Smo'y- of Ooartt Gosivrich 'attleors were united in rings of) Mrit. Pon odor ob).
Mr.. Fr
Vlost.-prestdont, Brucefteld P.O.; T. R Hayeq, No. 32. 0, 0. F.
Lean, President. Seafortli P,G. : T. Fraser, had been proposed by Mr. R. S. Brix evening in the West Street Rink. find Beiraca. and Philai hea classes 'I'vet, lit Ilial
INVESTMERT. for the battle 1'neadny, Dec. 8th, I", V. Mrit, Harold Plubsty, a N W. N%.
by Rev W. ('prY. Mr#. AyIwjtj, Air,,
Secretary-Treatturer. Sonforill, P. In it well prepared speech, and Mr. proved a brilliant win 3 o'clock in tile jifternoon. A cordial itA. I,o Wrlear V01'rett, Mrs. Piwet.
Don't tulas the great vaudeville It. Confining, It A. The bride'lli - Ki-- U, A Bow, A rs.
noV, Goderloh P.O. ; 0. ])tile. C?1_1 lonj* PCOon: Oatueron raplied most effectively. team by, 13 to S. There was it big greeLing to all Strangers and 4 Coattail, �
OTICE fd iii�RTOR th. mi tyne 5
1. L114P editor of ItobortsAltall, lins U
60 Blanche litaitro"
J. att.-Harlock P.O.; J, Etants, Bisechwood Says the Argus: "He enthused fie tten ance, and much excitement Cards distributed about town 4- Victoria.0pera Ouse. Ooderich Star. Mi.. flatt,
it attractionsipvelnight next week sit sister of Mr. Alitclic,]
P.O. ; J. G. Grieve Winthrop P 0 * J. Bonne. t1froughout, as the garne was alwavo ING" IS one of Mugh Putthrio, Mrs.
xec gathering from the outside and proved nounce evangelistic Services now.in armrfMrs. Unlacko,
qtopq of the 106 George Aphe 11 %vote, Beachwood P.O. ; W. Gbokirl;;--Seafarth;
or, 111TO wbole istato P.g. - eacp the Inspector of tires nearest to an orator of splendid Ability. He was fast and often too close to-) suit the Oysters served In toll stylea. Ice Targarid suecesuful
bitva'� Ide4 to air. , r,, A 010*wQrth. lm L,,Ilor Mrs. 5tRilif,
gress In North street Methodist �%l
ItQrAaaf f0tatok W) 44 they 'occur., eBirsiview, SaHW. ),he Ila Pot)", Mrs,
full - su.Nect.-, as.. befitted a klek1da salsarly at is herintr passe& -tan
f the Huron'o,parAle _U -ej tit bi icks, confec ppy couple gir uQu. 13, Aay. Mrs_Butio'.
AGHNTS�J, W. Yen, li? Illa
men .0ca James; Oatiadian Scofc tuan; and with force. the on of the first hair, when the lbft� their ftitlive -fi�ffilo, altild
will I h ckat(ine, West St.
tuft, pOr tidwars or the Cumming. Ejonondvl sentence fogpd on �hese cards : No
on ling an t a topilwhig im B- HinchiGy- sea- rut tint beautiful language paid tribute score was 4 to 3 for Stratford. showers of rice and hearty good wishes
forth; R, Smith. Harlock. In the litipleasunt; SILUIttions." The sentence The 0. 1-1. 0. hockey match, Olintm, for 14, ong and happy IlfPj,, Meeting Calendar
PsilloyLVidderi can pay nar8stroantg-and got to the memory of Scotia e, e.,,,t second half GodeTIch flayed perfectly, aluiply means thrat . lisilq1tions al.0 vR. 8l.ratford. did not come oil it
',ktB Clinton. or POOL in a -Way that I find the score gradual y rose, to 13-8 asked which people might ennsider at; Clinton oil Wednesday night IL14 HAWLRY--HICND9Iu;0N. -The follow- nt in favor of the hotiie team. As the Iacheduled, Tile reason is not known
their cards reecipted'at W. ho;7led' h lit"flills' U100tina of the Ton C,ouncil thl,
"W.. at McLean. Bros, Palace 010 hing Store, Quite, asselobled. He told the story of the an tinfa r dv nlago Over their,
Goderiob. Dec. 6. 1%7, rich. Ing lit front tile Detroit Fl-ee Preso of IteXular "168firlif Of l'tillarol Larign A. F.
poet:9 life, and quoted with fine effect boys began toolimballead theaudience present-(-, and which henceforth -tile here.
f big poems. It Was t y
y froru several o cheered them on, and when It wits determine to avoid, No. those coming Clinton New Bra: John I Pit Sunday, Jan. 3lut A quiet but oM. No 33, next 'I'oje,,d%y evenjolz:
vrelty weddIng tunk pIAcPHatnrddV 1103[t Monday evening,
------- - ----- LEGAL 'CARD. masterly elogj, if. Splendid addresp, seen they the lead fov keeps once will -ly noon When >ties Maud N. Hawley, r"res'a of T.. oil onday
flosonlar inuotiolf or tbo Ptiblic School board
Whalt u= in flnd themselves fait treat,- 00 years, (lied al, (he hotise
------ a been ex- Ibeont was great, find West ed. Sunday morning servives will off Sat tarday. Ile wars froin (Ioderl nhut only as to hav
& 101kik:ii WATCHMAXER pected from the son of M. 0. Oamerspin, Street rink fairly shook with the beg at ton o'clock in the leettitc The rernain" were Interred if, I lie It. C. Tk!'g
pasub too
allot tars.Notavlos Pillillo.'Etc. omco- In ell- III 6ter (it Airs. John J1. Ifawley,
on the Ssidare.1pil. doo
ri-frosta Hokmilton street, wits ritarried to Mr. Thomas Whistni,
IRWELICR AND It brilliant Scotchman who made hearty cheering of A; u orters of room. At the regular eleven o'clock cemetery, 1-fullett.
OPTICIAN a a a I Henderson, The ceremony. way, per-
Goderldlo. history't;n the Hurons in earlier days." our boyp. I a a rand p nPI and service there vvill lie the reception a Meullf" seeing U) have formM by Rev, L4, S. Mirl'tillfs, BIRTHS.
aM' Private funds to loan at lowest rateft, Issuer of Marriage Mcenses Y.M.O.A. DoxNus.-Next Sabbath the play on Mo Ill y Im new ineinbers and the afterankent of 11,1010tigh TIIP1 STAR, httit the house of the roml, roronto
ITAVIT, G. F- BLAIR a higher pmaosle t It hits been this the Lord's Supper. Seliject, for 1.11A any joill(.1al notice of Ilia lilotlier, MI ilDANONY, -trister. Solicitor. Godetich.DrIL the work of the Y.M.C.A. will be pre. winter. Jno. Nixon, of Toronto, was Levelling service, "The Three Orouses.11 Wake tip, Mr. Ifl4hruan. John R. street, which IV 1P a -on
AS "to Prettily �;harlo- flonry Araj'.trun
Elo, ft In. Motittibe, court, Etal. sented In the churches by John R. the referee, and the I &ins lined up as tile decorated with rosea and pallnu. The Anair,raot). 16 (;o,!Qrjh all jall,la,y .2�)th
rgjj� L 6 10 e:tAtes. Office- Boardman, N.Y., and MI. 0. At. Cope- follows, viz- NiRtors your death bride, acharmingly all.ractivo young Am,
I'll Layman a Mlasinnary NIOVC- SCOtChInAll May I
corne Square, Ooderlish, lisentellita been taken up by the Seubion notice appearing n Till& TAR. land, Toronto. Monday itissiTuesday GOD111110111. SIUATIFORD. find board of managers' of Knox wourian, w ol'e 11 beautiful traveling MAIIAIIAIA� in (Jorletlob. oft j,". [till—
IOXINSON St OARPAW. Barriabbint. Little Cecil Lynn, Ills fit-F4t pilzo, gown of r. and Mm if. J. D IICltdf# 0 th ' second annual convention will be McLeod, Goal Rankin laterla cloth with hat to
at. at Wingbam, A strong Molstan Point cNichol 'cluer Nor I th' Fltr'e* 184jele i . M chtirch in a wav thrift ought, to bring Goderich bov, will recito no(i #Ing in match.
r, Opticiaq held pro- After the ceremony I% fired.
and are. addorlob. 06t, - Belabor Cover Point Forbes good results. Hitherto contributions VictolilL Opera tl)tli It.
grainme has been prepared and noted it fie ding breakfast wits served for the Ins. Special Notices.
South Side of the Square, up III 7erner for the schemes of the church have
MZ1.1w She
uu. eakers have been secured. A fill sure and go and &ep and be,ji
Oode. mediate r0adves.- Arnong the guentli On Thtirriday Venil1g. fileb. loth tllll*
ca. 6NT, report of the work in Huron County NeDonald ut-wing 11. 1
Solicitoi, No- elyor Rig L -Wing Easson being or. Helronlyal'ouryear-olA, test. of parenta, Mr. and Nir
OoDult t jSorP1(11w1 been collected by Indies of the ell I.fell*m HION I)nl)tllRl' RulAtPOS' frorai out of town were the
-lit the iven by Ilia chairman. Mir gregation, about $600 per year f Oonl'S Iadlcs'Ald of l(tiox ollarell will Lrfvo,%
OftVa ',a , OfflOo will lie ? ised, but the a"otinent 'I'll linen firlislisr. it noTou and for wj�jch all attractive
1114froy to land at t is the pan of -At a meet. ' Non, Olevpland ; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. proparvol, *1'111� will
t made
lourt Blair. Houxicy LHAGUE. to 010 remarkable ability.
the countj A Horon Presbyt r of $25.000 would re- I
10*0 1 lid eommittee to raise the whole budget Ing tit the Meneatung ounce The itig designed and Iwintr rilt ander Winton, Cleveland , Mr. and luaaire about 3. as the Share of Auctioneer flecket.t says be as close
tot tile year IWO in One day. We Club's raising, Robert Or ody for Mrm 0. ent.loon. Lansins;i, Mrs.
j L6 XILLOPANo Not� does- algie presid- Wox church. n rich. Two meet. ptiLling tn�vther loy builder Thou. ()a 2M
airs. 94a, 1donor-to, loan ab I cot CuITnt; dAV chosen for arltoll, will lie pac V I by next Wed- IlCeidfl .13th Lrotirournainodowltbeforts
The Sterlinglank da. Town Hockey League was 11199 rn -I IT, MCI
0 thy the loth. is the 1). Hawley, Chicitgo. Mr. Tied
Ofllcd rut North street-, Of. have been ell by tile 8ession find
ar Regis ry a
ar Regis ry campaign and In- all the pri�Qlpal Ing, managers. nesdav find on the ItIolld it) Lotfigan, liendet loft for tin varou to ti,at. Tit
tow at whi a weekly envelope
OF CANADA: not In the county business men will formed, to be known as the (4oderich votens, with vo rotary pledge carde bifteltOba, On tile Qanadn, Northern tint] after March lot will Ile at house fit n fine pleco of Hil.
O� jOhRS *Irrhrtsssr� 8'allolthr give some of their time to this work. Amateur Hockey AsRociation, tile R. R., where It will Ila used on the 122, Hast Forest avenue.
cc Oita has been ddop It Ili proposed to red
lot -mar that- any one. be,,au.e it v,111 lq a tire.
Godarleg ver"'are (I vern of the 4anto are rpoioratw
ont, ami St. ToRoNTID Goderiell gave very liberally lastlyear following teame being rel.t.esented- hold a Inkrujubt I r all the men of the lake. little Ywalway.hinvis it)
0 HEAD OFFIGE and we trust when you beat cs tile Iroquois. Y. M. 0. A., 0. 0. Marine congregation, a l^st week Goderich and Iftillett, PEOPLE WELNO va
Itin in a siourt
grogreas of the work you will be antle- Oluk), me time early in W. to YOU Ily Auction.
North . Street Metti. Church, March. which ill be addreospil try tps had it howling contest in Clint on. Mrs Robert McLean. we reirrot to, learn. I"
'6AINg oil
Tile 06ffiflAttoo have apoointed Victoria Street Meth. Church, Clark's John A. Patterson. of Toronto, or nil Goderich veornert won 011t.
eight business trien to repi-esent then, 'IT tp.
AV Civil Arid Ift on the Square, Organ Factory, Manes. Some other well informed laymall T;).morrroW (.4a *d
grat agetal Act of the
Bam tit to reatolve, Oil that day. and with the assistance Also uy) tile %vs to%% IT- It. J. 1). Contra barriotor. of Ilenoall. was in
"fin I oil 11111511fteyor. _Ljjng.,GSnoe Club, Aherdeens. W. H, Tile pledge Cards; anc: ilivitiIi to allipt; will plar again, and It ill esrljci�t- town on Tua^daj.
0 . 0 it PC car On Street, Dolsouita. of Mr. Boardman they should finvivido Kelly being istpikointed Honorary Pres- by tile ed I Mra. James lin)wo N spending this �oa000
or 1 0110 the banquet will be circulated the mate I will (]raw tile bigRe.t
difficulty In securing your share tit
ident; Charles Black. President; elders, and -the expense of the ban(jeet crewd seen lit it howling niatrb Ili Ili o"I'McAlowoll the budget. Already there are Organi- Lionel Persons, Mr% P. Pennefatlinr, of 11rinert Albert. 9"k..
Vice -President; and paid by the congregation. Fuller Huriso- to viAlting bar brother.Mr. I'ho, Moberawn
Highest current rate of, Interest zations at live Points, with a member- H. H. Polley, Seev-Treasurer. The particularR will be given later. Crown Attorney Reager wall fit
0 0 OUR then are b ' Mr. Italf. 0oldthorpo antj nintor Itystgot
-took-, a chair andL the 'The fact that next Sunday will Ile Exeter. lits -t Toeslesty. ituending sto
e var
ti� reac 1lons were then the 60th anniversary of I lie prudiied inquest beld over the death of onp Toronto, am viomno thott relativeo oil
I still firdr lespool; in ous sides 11 -r on sreeIrbot to SaVinfiftl Bank flepeftenj the ves. Rememtk
plants all woft_y�, 1140, UITO Mu 1 r. and M rw Isbist,or are twnci i I) t e I
Title' ol' 59 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday anti Wed- f lited That the executive consist of that famous children'to by[])". Millank Taylor, ho died (,it Oct. Nil eon delegate from eacheluband the "There Is a Hn tOr In town at the to-idence of -Mr. and Nlrm. Hat Ill -day, ji'All, fit 1), Fit 2 (,',-Io(-k 2
Mks Asian L Ohl' ten, I me for Little Children ' or Afit Vear. It wan iIi ed sit, Lit(- Lennard.
04" At Iftr" at �011 deposits of $I and Opwairds, neAday tire Y.M.C.'A. days. above officerm. that no man can play will call to rutt"I", I ligtit sleigril. 2 isets single
till] 113 look to Life mind of many �f time of dentlithat these might have
Dinits bought and sold. PUBLIC Sonoot. AoARD.-The regn- on more than one team, that ano grand byrn a l t Mi— Margaret f'rasor. Rant mtroct. lima ro harnesn, glaAu o"APlootild, kitchen
S. 06derlob. TIP our readers tile lob been P044on adminimtore( nil ifftes, is Timor] front notion mono'm rrssid��,jco it, No%v R= -
lar monthly triveting of the Publis; holding an 0. H. A. certificate for I will they used to hear Hung In the r Infant postmortem, certain of the or ns York ('try. board, bedrooln allitp with plate
I I f -on bed, inattrotort an(] opt Ing; of
A General 11anking nottellifess School board was held on, Monday be bArAd from the league. The daya. It is proposed to a ng ill(, were sent to Toronto f $r it I Mra Ifarnee Iforton and Mra. jItev,j of. IIIII it
orit nalo
,, bell, mat I rea% anti oil, frig. g,)t)tI it 11 1
executive decided that a team failing I Ot Only government otliclal Thn are.Poofil"a a week with relative- lit tire
trans famous hvmn next, Sunday, .1 ry lot (411can T #%nil trustees, R. 11. Outt, tit fr(fm MIA- Rapbonnin, rafflaron. of Cameron P. -.tvashing
pr6irent, the chairman, A to?lay on the night advertised moot In the Sunday Schools, but chi robes of Teefiday gave It verd coal rallgore,tervoir U do ault to their opponents; that din- all denominations. Tile Blind natural eatimes. Moore,., tin roal hriam, son" I orgarl, lotinges.
ithd E� dgehat A. D. McLean. JJ&s. to her home, table., istarldis
girend a mhort ollday.
toll Talt, and G. F. Blair. A communica- not nettled by the referee ShAll School Cillon Is (organizing theyr Mr. R. R. Sallows learro on I %V,- will -II tht. for.
idt,oftrts Insilb GODUkICH 13RA-NCII Town Council tied by the ixedutivet, and that jubilee celebration. Fortunately 1,1ib. next for a two weeks trip if,'"' 'r, Sim E 11--k.r. who hadribron vi-ItInEr in rilture anti hiflky article,; tlr%t, strid
es IvIsborhooll. to for her hottel, then tile lighter gooti.. leel, nil filaug.
t Iva Alan from the about referees shall Ile chosen from the 7th falliv on Sunday, atilt it if, @I g- Western Ontario, I a v
fireeseapbofor the school was read, e peclally In )()fig . B.C. Vatarday. ware, lainlin. rtirn. cj()tbiljg for "Ten
take I?, ro ect lon r. Oarwin Prang hall coca to
Manager. and the secretary directed to intorm ober, Roy Uo it. A. Melvo.t a"IPI till Life schools of toll s1pnominntlons on of viee for a uyn where lie will talco a courao to the hortha.,j tint vOYR, am 1,11 wr goods that inay
OA J. W1991RS. Harr; Bel- gested that the livnin shall he Pong In the lumber catups, toil 1;
full Site dsw, the 06nnoll that the Ward bad been diento of American
t V that day, and as far as possible In till magazines anti illnotrated papprs, an(,
FA R c6irvesponding McDonitidtArt up NOTAS, Me w I dopartniont of tire central flu.lnes� writing. Patrons;
Nit 113N churches and places of worphip. Police Mrsal-trntl"Invi-, sollitor of the lifft 1(indly h4s,vu 9004IN, it, fly Wednesday
d. about the Matter fol' Pletcher find Murdwk MoTAod.
a tL Mold, k some Onfe. 'Thd seeretarV's lepofL, At P, algo for the I'llotog rophic I n on o chell Advocate. wa- in (looloriett conorlay the or ThurAilay each week.
n erfillturet forJanuary temit batiote divided Into (2) divisions Alliert, Alilklane, the author, who in an Great. Britain. Thin in if, Ilig corittriet, younp of ikiA non. vred linviA. of I a lintel iled.
It -tall' Ttm'L* Table. and schedutitil to play as follows: mumigor. Is still living t Newport. but It. R. can (111 It. find inei(lentally NoTivr, - That
Of $11*04. w4a filed. After a discuss. ire there will Ile a RoNo. I Y.M.C.A. late f Wight, tit Lhe age of flot,ween bring farne to finderleb, and we hope Rentlnel: Mr. and fr. j, j here. tit tile Alletinn Ifouke. Saturday
alon, Cho ifficis in the pApers condeeted 4n, so, menestmax V 0 t6 Feb 4, have rw ornett to Ood-rlch after a she
, I Iry 80andOO. He Is still conxttruly writ. profit to himpelf. ftel-noon. tit 2 Weltick, boot not in tile
with the school 110 egrape, tile poetre- . switto vs# blerifttith A, 0 1.. is, Oran fult with Airs. fa4d f rt a
. !;us Facto a I ". evening, this we�k� (if Pelf #till. We
tAry was dire0tvidt6 06ftsulb with the Factor slit. IX Y. 0. Is Ortall ligivinq consifinsited 200 loyonfin in On Ttieudsly night of thin week tile Won Armotrona.
BIP;NOGN KIM Ing(A. find altogether lie lit" written Froquols bo(!key club met I he Hoteebsior Aim (Iola wIll again be at Mm find btYpirs; for stvilerA, private or -,it
aFeand published I.00(s or 1,2oo. Otersholme. '(cpt. on Tharttly next.. for
Pipers In care. MIT , N
anif - i�- I, hatfill that 6111c6r tb n out s.
*407 0 I Squil - to ni rosirsolor vol Bible the Went street if it. hvgionic treatment of Tile fare &Do, scalp, nlrllll
poadshloil of f - for the fle"t gartid in the series of (lie outinw, ote Tornia morterats. he Public Sstboal Ward 160� F46b. I. fico. Ret
_49018, Feb
004W ftz;tak to ph 'tki, ;Quaia Vil rice om Eli to. 0. C. 1. v4
..... Tho istincip om Ah6*1fjg; I( town league. There who starred for Police airlOrnto Better ha" lican poinewhat,
sia's " Sales every Slatividay at the Auction
fr Mon 1,011_ 21 bdyl%*,Id 275
J % r, PhotatApher Brophy this week the Iroquois were: Swartz, (r,. w), Ill during the past two woeh,,, hat Ilia olcony
MOA Atr[0 11130 PILA &od, to 'the division were not finished a series of photo views of tile w.), Wpb, te.) %nd Dean, frionaw will 4 picoxmi to know that he waA
played for Wall of fee. anti in his official capacitv V" or,
Alt thr6dilth tWh*'U tdrarkM WAbovs:ana 0' kiris.-was ret-elvoil, Mactian Opera Co., who were here last 'goal). Ilip feature to, Corns Cured For 23 CoWts.
I Of the evening Ito c I
oaltAgo ravxir s3lrnm Ths 1100ftitors Ire week. The periess includes tile cc arty was the dazzling ruabog made try A iftlaratitpe of Painlests, cure goeg
Chars, 30nmA. Of DI)III214%, Mon, who h, Won
In 11110111) Of their repertoire an
Ii *#* fjj6O Je nip me visiting hill fild battle. onmanle, To
Man.. Out. find it tile Punch for Exceisslors. The ga r with every tvottle (of putnaul,9 (,Orn
tied to the Pral 4
R"t* plethlotly. w6t.k will attract attntion wherever ended with a score of 7 to 0 in rave 0 vt yf o' lCitt'lletfit I*— Plitnarn'tr and your
1-05 1 W Of"' till At-` I A Mad h0hool r t the pant month. retur
21befoltoilirth Atebt!"th At 04joll 04011 of the year a gre 6116*11. It fit it credit to our Goderlell ntor thin week. Ito ban been ovPr yeara
to 6W OhTl the Indiana. r rna go. Bpware of culiatituteA.
fiat Woostantl Biselt the country. where he
6 ll�ft tfafft ithol wo fKlOtfs to Tm* STA It a pporina.
wets "Adi Ahd,(jjjngL lbettiffm numbet sob" , arusti 4 l3rackvilledenpal ell tolthe Tormito
Wv det*a, jWdrt eitpitstiluld the" Unbetosvilgh to fin_ A meeting of the Collegiate inatitut.0 N®wq of gayo: W. It. CAptaln �eatbarptanhn b, of MIdIAna virs'
K*tk0jyAt6jt r6polturef Wedn ada 11
i'A '00, J. tkjPU*'pd, $14 '0 , tt� rt- in town on vcolna;�day atilfwa" welcorajoil by loQ(inAN( U 114 A CIIRRQ KnOW
"A IM pros# if' 0614kribeft the necessity bMM Was held Wedn"day after- 1�oblffand Caletsewirron. of Clinton, boilt" Of fr lent ','be captilts. who IA Ittritely od rAtimatiltion,
siltk 156� Relod;j tillitly. Owing to notio, and organized by efectin§ loft bete thin flIfternoon on it toor of
*X0Osau;d to vainj $10 bQkhdarill of felt ot IWO Myself " lit a go'
60. ! fhti3r
the hiftIS' fjkfftilef fjIL the priee a$ issitt.4 In t le Mldlarul avilmUdin VA - L" whether referring to one's phyniral
111(tift to x4tithillift, Jadges Doyle fill chkirmon Ito the, surrounding country, the objeet (In Of tavotito in 00(lortch. On lit* olls,
eltol! 11"tweirltCal With the toll,ftfit ghl OR
*U(A ',of. light, dotbintf Goo. the almo e6mmitte" Isol for 19M. tieing Alto purchase of inifells cow . in PoNsto TTThe
we tbatsulisdrib (41nainted with hirilself
A tcaod -of Comilliuld tbe,petit phitiltis M A Affifibelt Of Account" were or- They stAth that the far CVisten Vow T. : (%a many �Istma ot to net when any dia.
Sabiserflo- dt"d to bd topre, of tile
pot vince hir ........ twootto to #""* lit millik Od" *4*4 M77 t, vit"R*ah, paid. A diteussion "eatern Alan of tile Pro 1, r "Out 11111000 IV
eti fit fbilli Wkilit Ak*d 6ifitt outside .1r.. e k1h.11 in his condition mant-
toil* the w4hy � iltolng in for onto tog an a oscAle while) eeftilhe4ir In
fikiidl� V tOOk 04,10A 411ser the letter froul tile ill rolzrot that a 14
is at' lk* 441W V.A. 00ifititirO *q6Wt4'fo seild renewals Towh (701knell reattaching fire ese In time a "C"wra t
rents tself. Dr. Thomas, Relecitic Oil
ail. to tbt, thitituto. tm4 a onmifittee. wll e And t cream II(A ton$. t, butjo ortfitivt IWO R It 9"
Airtr lift ofileborder, ex- stilly heap and simple romedy for the
apog, It,19 hoped wit
fass' 'r, Ontarl'o bete it of ab a to #Akd rat pia(g its I -,,It oradileation of pain from the syglein
=Z00 no of the Eastern 11
01111100 Von 6 slotilsIA, U49 010hey order or 60110111ted to Iftefist the the Putilre 01, 6 They will a Catload of trKTV NO folaOt'll, and for tile urQ of W1 bronchIaI
)M10it TOY IbAnd b6 V , 'r ol, L, V00=12 buy 11
W 4 in wallf
Mw it%wittod law. stlidd bolted ikhd talk oys�r the matter. eAtt1A it ther. ettj okured. ttrouble&
8 -It" tto