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. ,h
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I '. -1 , I V�,,
� � -^� ' , � , � , . t __ obliab'04,will 1. Ad, A . � " t, , -, 11 1:
I , . . ,, _.. '. 1, 1 4 - is-, con- , !O " , into -11% I -Va - " - "� 11 � �
_ � ,, .�, ".spodal invitation- When I
" : � �oti "Put., and -A 0,;"� p rtmerit . . I 11 nor I I I
- & San , - , I reotinox'e,44 ulo� -to 'ove
.�, .1 � 1 , n.. L,,,, � � - -,, 6 rtA*
_" �' ��
.. - - .'� "
,� - 4-,'L %I- �w � '_ C'�'h�el',' 4: 1 - . ,. IMOT .
� I
'', 1� ., � 'A so I , , . It 11110.
, L. s �Otml -
I I..'��:�� - � � - 101"A"It I 10 In 0 . . .
r, .11, , �_ - �Vboodl ADW A. 01muC4,00m. �Itl.' � L I
�, - , . I ,:, � . I � � , . _ ,,, ' � . otoor , 1, VAM It, Offer or"Ilygotte oelobritloc, ke cloth, the I ategir," a" "" I � I \
� I . .�,.r, 11; - I. I �.�i�: I' I- �.l �`. , , i 8 1'. 0 N, V.01 114 .::
,� I .11, . . I I... � ; 1.11. � ,�: , .1 .� : _. I, ., "�: ,� '_ ,,� I, .these W �:
I I , � - . ,
_, ,!" I'll I I __ I I .- - - ..., 0 . .:. L I '' , , - " , :1 . � I '_
: �, , , - Ot Rill -fkt-, lot",rs, for Instaenef-V410te- m, * - 0 Yvun4d , ''.4, I I " - , - __ - , . . - . - _�. i �i.. � .�t� .
., � ��,�, � �, � I .1 - , � , 4.. '. ., t ,10#4�-u 'fom All ot _ , �, gilike qomel. of Mp,, , Wilkioi_qolllas�s man d'plat- oor rotleats. I . . 1_ft. I , ..
* . ,'' �.. :�', " , � .0 _W . it$ of effet:lt, , N . _ I ': �'. \
i�,, . ,. ' ..", - I - - TooWNIZAk, th � exception I � , ross, goose, It, I I I
' -11 1-- 7=1_) , - '�-__ ��_- ,t�-% . . T � 11 - . hidl are' �, , slart .1 V W � - 11040 1101114.4ineeir tell the Wry Or - I 11 1. -, -� -�
� . I I I . I i , I I . .
� �Tl I "I'' . , q9tilerf ft,Tow . �� 111. .. -u - * -, � . . . , ��
_ ' ---:� -� lifxrl ""IV. Amninan, .r.i - A : ��."
,7�7_ _c�_�:�,L.'�', - .; - � !-I, �:- ��.`� -- -peatit%ta,�jo-opt gat.--AT476st to I)- current 'T ,
� �:�, �� ,�_: - _W I t_ V I I - r0l_ 1--- ___..., . � - I _. ,� :. _.
�� .,;- _e�. ,-.,.--- .11 _ 11 �. .. 9, .4,019. 1�. ,�'-4 afikoL.�,witk�_#�Lftn&llri - ,"S ' Pille -110"reotink, �-Wemorle#OJFIK alf I - ceds. - _ ______ . piraso Willi I
. I Old i -G, , ` , �,� - _ _ '. . . � .
. z1b" -, 0�0 in tpl .!#,m pa If .
I , do 0_7 A- I'll ,0_.p ,.. - - -
. I I , , 11 - - k %,r.g, "I thi I I
� I I . :� j, L �, � �, L, ''." L, , . '1� ' - , , ' , pleelln 01 he hollf got "a roast" and .1 *� .0, th hit Vr
, 1, ,
I � �1, � I." � .11,� 1. . :!,,Ii ,, , F,A,o � 1 VA_ 1 , K 4;nlod 411-thei otittallfts' MV ktimith, Eltler), Mt,. i4elimann, gil c Is 41 ill I the
:� '.' . I L' ' � �O wilrbo, qld,�rooeftv I They are heavy and u L \ _-1
� �. ". . " L . � *R9tQt _�Xllmooliir ,, .,�dth , ,
I Tto*ix In i t Oita, b1J-Ado-. A, : *116114ei earned lieullle,b.dth, as'd,Sir1t_ I
I , . � I O�4vllw �.,:', ,,�'. �� . yoop, -solk,troorl, silk. , 11% IdWon", rgent. mo,to foatill I it she sit I . ��*,
I � .. r�z,'j _ ,.., d 'T - - � a styles I 1,
_�:I:� ,,, � ,, I I I 111 .. :,�.. 'or and Atli 14 3; f4imytimes during th �. � . � . slid Keller alls. e Ill( anxious , i,
� �, � lefe, was brpugfet u A � - be� Apallese, Maiden that desires , I It
F'', I .. 1, , - 1� I L : L*Itftwldtf)� ow1lu" g,yell; w -a - �:O.aibroldoty-, " Ifi :044itiou. 4 I I 4;kl , I I
, held, at, 046;Avoldelleo, tiV." V., 000, ) Vite _ uk
,�,, '' � I �� ,,.�.',"�. t. . way';0voillip -, � 1 &V V7 t - q past twelia . , .�
.1.1 � im I I .10,0100 I 6, rojopt a suitor masely hands him , I
,��,,";.,, I T tric %awa;o" too,woon 10 beat- III -0 are- toll a ) 001 0 eil�(* for ber, _�
� � .� J:1. �' �.p.&IT'i; ..T " , , rpooe 0 orgai . , ay, of the, "
. 1, 2ndifor.''the lm - , "OM IfIl which M,a .
� , � t , lvi�0'4, , Mon . . I
�, , � . ..... ��'� , I "' . .-��$ .$�'Oltlb " alf l;11 A�ieik the � .
, I
�,`,',.�,� , �, 1. -.1 � 1. -.7 , k- a IL IP'. 3 � flowers he has thrown at tbs the question has pr6s;od Shoes. . I I :
I . Thl il .41*lmoiula OvalriuiRd'Air.�,*b h arti, 1% and Musical giants of h � ,
� 111111111� .... �,��,� .., . I 1. 1- .. .... _.Ri - AA,fapnot�s, 4e,1111. Ii " I I I . ` I " I
I. - I
- � ,
, .
I ,
'I ,
11' " ,
I �
, I., - � I'' I , '" , I. I, VIV101 W the, ap*jon hra qptellAlit , Vl',' 0#. erid'1,100. lhi� *a;, due, ctimpA i, ceutu a brought and hb r* 0-.-,— '� I .
�I�,-: _�,�: . . 1. � 14 ry go ,were 4
, , , , I�1',
; , - - ' , Q X liiiir foot. Thyoung man, lays In walt Itself upon the Trustees, 44 Can we . I � I .
, �, , " , - - - .., V R' meniii. thioll -, eleV a cailjq�,�Mony, Jkappr�_Uto lqdtiq�aq.L --OIL 91' __ .�
, I I ' 'UNCI).�,4` I_, , -4 - . . . I ;L I - - __ __ 1. � . I I __ �
, ri , Vtq(LtttAtton. '. � __ %. . ,14
1 , .� L �, 4",;;,' , �,' �.I�.066_, ,4hiat . �_d_ Irl,_ 1 %)6�_, tto, I . / . I " I
�_' , "' I L 1, o �1� �,` 1, 7-, ,. , " � - '' �7'1,vl��, �. I . , , D1i;X0,Vh4, " * , i0oWtiaxtbleilit.'' Ventileittolit is, W - - written lu�u,_'sort of serio-comic, ox� - Er end' ' It Every onth brought if I � 111 I
�,')'�-:: ,- 'T b _ — . �
� ,,,,I�, ,,�, .,�� , :, � �,` " , ' _T ' �; �,� �j�� ducta , from i Ii 0iii maid that has captured his contiouc thev. work ftirthor ? D -- - .
I�,�:�,'�i � "., �' . ,,, , I ,� OW"
, I . N I ��, 7'. ,a _,dat " U60t. e trles10 catiplehor, if Poo,
I � , , . . I . 1. IV ou4o�qp WZ ... 1111"r - Wilkie Collins, whose' letters wore .
", .1 � I �. � - , ,.� , � . . t gre ,61A .. * I
_ ": �,�I� � , , , ,.,,v. " I . . ", ", . - I I sible, while on the way, to a fri ts quota of - .1 % "
, ddt in
. I I_ "'. ��" �, .''. I . � —.� ; ". �', # " , li a 0 " '0:0.4"IN Otimovel-wodil 4ordpa_Jil 1he'Laame voy,�,and tb4: Mr. tr6vagant, vivacious. stylq�, abo ,1. -As she passes, lie reverent- I I _- . I . 11 _
: , � � ; I , I P� , . - " Ii cola 1 � , A , w'; ui� , �� " � �,
, 1.
� .; :-.� � i I , :�:.,;� ., At the sdifioned. me fiao,of, tuo I lty);'Aloll 1) ", Mr. 11old, xvs.,.., . liuding 46�04nts for salaries and wages of . I I . ... I
�: : �: 11, , �:4:_�. % L 11 , � - � I I ". frOrri.the, roof venulators, is extracted in rofireshipi; fun and good spirits, ' ly,tosses-ill bunch of pale plum:flower - .. 4 , ,I"..
, 1� 1 . A._� L , � �." lij ' 'te ,,U6'� d' L' _' MOV4,01414711ne .1dev. 4'en 1 � I . . 11.,
L . I `L 0 6ii'171'd
" , , " ��,Oh'ri I � �?_Imollel Of � 0
., � cjl,�Old. 0 , , , . , 15ttill I stop I ,Staff, bills of' butcher, milkman, W I 'Oft) the beat makers let Ounrida, Shoes that tire absolutely Vor- - ,
,___.,, . , V#31' out) ,T_ � 0.11 166tric, ekkaustota.: It she fastens'
Ul_"li diti6fi to
b � , , I" L, . - �,':�,�; I � � . , __r0.AYev0,%k_Tb* -0 marri , 4 Lthe li is his begin. �btxds Into. her. liftqr. 0
'. . "'Il , I � _.. ey, lVel e4L,lo Hlbhort�`Itowal L saloon for his ning to one lett" thom. vOlehOes ft . Ili% Z �.�� L'
. .J III. 11944 likst week, *11, 'the , I lr�pl - In .her kimono girdle, he is lie" eggs, groceries, heav-y coal bi . made troll, tile be,ge, of "�,;,L "�
�,.,� 4,��'! ' ': ' ', Illetntior ohipOn.'Jan. xstb� -1%0,aug,�% "Don't for 0,64's 60t Ilk every point Of Correct Shoo building; Shoes .,I�, ,,',�
, _
L L I � nr��,#A onoo � - da, 4 '
, �� ,�',�.i,:�L,lk _ ' �,L_r. I 11, - L L 'd, b,'',- o b0i , , , at R Ila- r
. 7 ,of (ohr. . I, XJJ04ty thw"King.,twei'speol doona sake, 'go �* to' the- pantomine at the � pepted- , she tosses them baQ4 to , that's. In choice models foi,stroot or drega, a I - .
:, �,�_�� , L" � " _�6,,Oreiio _. , I
. , ,nil Ir Jtfirj6"h ' 4.1461d _ ugb�� . .
,�x�.,. - .111" ,,!��`, a JJcrq_IlF�%j'.iIdL Vt�yowhn,�.4)lf,$Ij,,� Ili -
"'p. ,a _ , ".", � , . , I . klui, 00119an t real
-, .i�� 6,!'P, 4I ��, qonst*tea'%Or His M*6� Royal Alfre42hicatte before Sati.rday., .11106 I
�'I, 1"!.'�� , il.ii,:. .11 .1-. ii� Aeve, "booA L 1�4' As -rejected. � a Serious Item -and other uncon, ell ""�j��L�.
- IWO UPVuP ..' _M ' � .N�.
�4 " ,
`�!��, �.,,*�`,, , , , -to .4od'frxend4,*hfch ate. vesti� I want td take you theie." , , . _', �
�' , I . t9lo sul. L' . — I,
I t' ' tPiit'�lf"'Lt I . . We sell the MispL Caunan, shall for Women In ail poptilarfityles. Pricev$3.60, . _ -1,
' ' '� r 11 I �- , - .1.1. " elt olip jobnl,�Lou,tho� Joct 4 , , . . . , ,
,�, I "' ' ' -'� �'� . I i is " L AacyLj "'I'Le7gon I trollable expenses so long 4a the $3,80 and $4.00. There to DO bettef Shoo Matta at the an �4. ,
. II:I��11� I _1��L",`. "'�O,tt ',� ' it, votb4 I I � - . It W,"d'Expit,fence. 1
'4�, I a.. 3 , ior, �ox 11 i 116 h -r,qysa-4aIoort- Thqse - -At another'Alme-be:writka I V
.`�'4_.., " " '. . _ 1�h .. � fb%. ' , . 'Alolppg U L 4 - .
7 ; _X00013L or I .. 1 I i,- .1 file price.
. 0 , of ' ,jL � .
- . - _. ;� '..'I a' , _ , iial'��.71we-gji�y.,-Iiw--Nvl-t--,--"-'� -1364W ,buled-.OA Ao I a to Mr. Lehmann's mother. whq woo - .. The late Maio Dill 'd ' . I
, 1�1'....";.", t , , saloons pre carhed ,,on lour-wheoled oors were kept.open. . . . . . . . . �, 1,
.. I` . - , I , pilrip-bi Votroit: And Nelson� cto tap - ; ! .3 4 Ul. ,#A- *-4 r Pond managed
, 4v i. I . ro . a _ 11 I I
I 1�� ., � 111. .
,1� ,I ,�,, ':' * . 1. gott, :1 ,
L c "following e L
� %'. �.�.."'.I�� ��L ' I bugles of spec at as gn.. ., the daughter of Ro A Chamberii: , Nye for several lecture o . but
. In . _10 ;6 , le'duleareAd ; the,dauglit6re 4,�' 4pry L hag
- - L '
, . ,
%�';,, . ""T"":4�" :I.i�,��;34. otioti. , L�: I . L'. �, _%. jac,a""whoL Inallie8�1li?ir bolus in TA I 0 'base. he vehicles are ty- Miss Chambers Rent MeL .4 very their 4rst. meeting was =At infnr.
, , �,L�,� I ,?"�,�'_ L ', . � . . : . . � 1.�, �� Iteglux. noiv Al . . 'eig � "feet six inches tort ' d are sharp letter, I Mal'. 'Nye was one day,walking down
'e.",L. -,h. �"� be,LpinanCe on ist, " �; ra, J, Yeo. ,of = . .
L �,�.,:tl ,`,:� , L wil easy, . and 1 ehes �
T. , 48 colninlitt, SL J.'o art L I Ltike'...�NtanitobA". field' Itive Alinnit, I With. a gift of som's 'Toffy (I never Fourth ovenuti with n tHend when he,
�,,,L , - �� , ".:, ��,��':�J,,:.joA4,. re�C_O.Menond. ' - L " t L ,f , , lid ba, , I .
�-:`o, . Ing ,.Ii4ylell�#Q " ...0 ....A. W 4 Aklel(l lievy in Tacoma fcir a J P Is red in cen tai�pes I I be sucked better t). _� - or a modest sign in a
�, �_,I,', j(hTL CO . � ged that each =:Tf mtha.j Everett 0.
�V �i Z � . ,Accounta�loftfro' � Tis plain, from her note. she would
, , '�'i, , ,I - �-, ��,�!�4ii,60'wi,ot, $,I, ry6dow.;. e6upte of Toar.a.. - 'rile wn uple , p done, are four I
, .
. ,
,7 ,��, �,�,, "'i"'. IL:�j "'%, d .f , . .. .... 1� a .bQ alle * `MeWa the man that incites, the
"' . I I. . have. the good, wishes L of a host'of Of the saloons � me infe'r
; "'�`,'� �;'. �,; �', �� `��` � " - " OA'L Olt el 01v Of tl _I�� 'e I should I
,�: " I _L: . � bedrooms. have first sent the Toffy
I . . 111:�1'1: . �, !it seint....Nlotlt " filcodeand' eclifie4tulatIonLe; on lecturers," said Nye- "let's go in and
. ,
�.4-.�.el': � '%", 1, - 4_.__Wb, h . , Op e .� , , . _� their ' I - T ,if Lw�
. - , I;�..._ to -was ad 6 d" I . L
.1 r , ",."'.. � �I. ,; 1� h4pok wedded )I r. , Pee taWt in&�*e hien to lead a
�.'L :,';' � L;. ,,, I " . pro % f, , . '' . I 1�. . � ' , I
'. .,.:, � �, � -� �, . 'better lift.
::�L� ",," '%'� L'�,:,& I I" . �, r will only observe On the present
!' .. ' '' J)"a' roui, VJ,,' IN' �Sni th ,to Curious Deceptioni.
� ,L,; �� I I rtj��f6r *L 116 , L k . ,,,
,", -1 I , '101 r Is, ", 1 Xb4yd'iJRICU4MnT0,NcI-1% �Tha , roli. .
1'1�'�111` . undinstaleleoivl�lv�b I tb4i '16 Our senses,deceive us curiousl� at occasion .'L L Enteiinf, �Ye removed his hat and
.��L, �.,I,_' ",,I; . I "" '" Ill of -tho ,0ourb'_V1t,..e cl, .1; 0 It revse,q, -preserifst.1 to Mt. 4 -
I L,. �',�'�L" �k Ile '. I. U4 ?.� I' 41. 'Thft� ,A,m,4 .." it .- 1,4� - #h� h...)
1� I � .7
THE SQUARE I .. '':".
G.'M."'ELLIOTTGODERIC" - . - 1.�-
. I .!�
. 111
. __ �- - . � ,,,'.
- .- - I �. I
I :;�
10 Loose lent led. % I . . � I,
Nox a GoIdAdding g.f. bill and I I , i.
-1 �
, I
charge. card $yet- I �_� �, , 11 ,
1081it one Day M loin. and all :� , � ., mi
achine m?dern de. , ,�_ -
l vices I. , 1-,�,
zlk ,�., I I . g 9 is Up is ,g a o sweew so mu .luc Greatnat Lung Healing IvIedicint to bu nown %�,
-.., " ""' .". I �r ., And kilta, will. naacke, last Friday . Woes- A uusu 04 u -4 '-- These had to be paid Somehow. aluwa science are at divieosal of 1. .
. �--,, , -,`,� spell and 41i0iv, referAw. the ground for -one -millionth of a see- sugar'd temptation) Parise of his head, and. after Btaring known to science. .A guaranteed cur our students. 001isequentiv hut.1 41
I j,",_ '4 .4 � ., - I _,� , to cve n9t, 1171111clOotly explain. theni. v for I .
.,�,;,ye ��': A, ��n V Ligli't qomilllttvo�to. Vow, salves, and It" a well , I ,ill LungTrouble, Coughs, Colds, Alithelin, lions I
I I 2.,, , "
. ��,I I
, , I . A
, '�,-- , ',.!,.i,,,;�.*,:jl V if report. � I . 1, merited re.cogni- end, yet it seems to us to last ever That in tempting of all kinds I still about, for a Moment. said: 1. Contributions - especially after 11011808 of leading 0anadian und.Ainei- I I 'L.1'r�.
� I -couple : 0 leve. Bronchitle, SoreThroat ' . .
I �' �r�_.,,:' � lu'' , " �'. . I I. �1� , _ , , tion of -the worthy . so much longer, must believe 4'.Tbla is Major Pond, I b Ii tile turn of the year when tile finan. 'ill(' Cousnult'litill lclktl cities are calling loudly for our . ,�,
, " ,. I—, ,�
,�, � I-
. �,'.�. �
I " _'. inanee col"Mittei#� '.� I . What, lt�ppens Is that the impres. The men act like Adam, the women "Yes, air. What can I do for youP" Every bottle sold tinder a guarantee. The graduate . t?
��',�, � i'��,��: 11,�_ . ,were in 'bud rich, Jan. Mal, 1009. . a .
_ , I I
I. t sk.foroifer� i I _ �
_451'.11 1
1 " , r e R ___ --- — - V0,,-W,11AA0TCF,� -7 �e �- - - - * I like Eve. "I -plat- cial depression was felt at iXs keen. tlulY COughbledichaccadorsed hydoctors. Individual In$truallon, �'_'_
��':. ,�,".,;i-I _,4-,14` -, - -- sljmlll"Ur� 4 ". sion. to amaArt the eye or the retina From mere rao,,al fra,,,, . I , ,Ia* to Ryt a job on the .
, *
I *' 1. '. . T _ , . ,
I I .� . 0 1; ,0040emuti (:�- -��,.,'i
,��,,'�' �::��,,�- -a Vdie�( " W6. the member4 Of Zion efiletch, have gath. t . I
1;� , �'; ��, �,,,, . _ for all:t. one-eighth of a seciind, or es I don't fotm, return Nye. 2Sc. Bottles. I
., m6idf��iha w;q6,4,u(� _ tbi4ovenim; thoxprosa our spofc� 124;,000 times as long as. the flash stn'rid exempted, - "Abe -yes," said the major, slowly. as -rell off to such an extent, that Alail 0ouvaes, I
� ,-�:,�:�. ; rt 6 ten roveent - crod beiM . t 11"�, I
, �!,',,'��,,,�:, ' � - tor,aliV Oily. . �il��. . ."
_� I -�, ,,.,� �, I, *# b So I -waited, like Adam, by, Eve to 'Mime you had experience?" each month the burden became Fig pills Norio Remedy. 8`ccd postal for parliculars. . I
"'? ,'', � 'I',�', � " ! If a is If U
, , , . bl; Aysterrid, find ,604 ,,t , con � idl ��tlol"bt')709'r$L'n�'e'g-%Intl'OP'wt, NVON009- I a , o a dark night a train
�, ,, '�, �_ ,�, . I 11.11 I "'ItIo, tile hict, that thbro'W's.. wiloh solf-tiscrifice . I
'�r",, �1 -�;.;'6Jp 'i, , , � "W611, I've been with Barnum for
- 'I 1'0� 1,1. I1.1 I... ok'up the question df 4. tosery be tempted; . heavier. I . I,L
"I . jbe�`Selafljle 1, I I - Olt Your P&I-tin'ALrijoing to tpu various tioj#ice speeding along at 60 miles an hour is I �
I, �11111 I I �� , fi I �.:� '. ,,�,
1'-1. i 1%,.'s- ��,�;.', �`Jm the saiii of L 'I. Of sour Pdsittifill, I!, s impoatbIQ for u,; ro- lit up by a lightning,'flasle it appeals But. more tted than he with "the 0, couple Of years." GODERICH � ,L' I
_ , " ,,, I �
_k ,pric ,was -agree 1'� DR.
,.., , L , , , ,,,'.1,1- , ,� PaY son adticluately, fot.,-yo,3r faithful work. ststiorea� . , .'Yea,P May I ask in what cap- During all this period there was . ,-
e �reed on, an CIO, , Woman" to &apple, For Goostipail
1 �,-";5 -I'.., � ' �", lihord Is no Question that, V , yet in the. eighth of a � , , " �.]
" .
11 �,, -, V lavvq greatly = ,
I _ -�,;: 1- O' I return he ityr"
� , - , seen 'to see only one thing to do, and that was Fig Pills will cure Rheutuatisill aild all . ,
' .
, L. L nj v hi�h we a, Apple. ,h ' er (in Toffy) my bibe o "I've been with Barnum. Sat con- , .1 , li,
t " do to the latero,it, of oLr 1,ba-,h,wrVjccA . . ,
-�t�� ., � 8�tllcte4to band -sheiiii to. i ' . -oil il % second Uri _0 f..t BUSINESS COLLEGE .
1. �, . 0
11 , " i,:,,Z- ,*,�'. �.,:4�, 'in a sealed en voldpe* ��, . , I I L,', , An4, 'o�thi$iveat*dO(IPIY'.,gtatotul. A � revels 111eell. Blood OEO. SPOTTON, , ".
,.,., ,:�'; ... L ,;,, � , " *` it the ttainC I PIUNVIJP�AL. . " I
, j'j'w�'wol�' ' :' s,ra leciV �OtLtllng in r Di&easos. Viniplea and Blotches ,'
. _',�� j': ,:�, The following by S tour k'aw houlo. wit 'Iny'lotUe When W. H. Wills was acting as' Vonled ill the bottom of a cabinet to lean on our banker -swelling the ' . �� 1.
. I �_ �,,.� , , But We'L reall only ace it du I renjoved ill it few dai's by tultin Figpills, - �--- � - - `-` - -- �-- - � , j�,,�:
,, thowre44'. to prosput theso art elas Of furniture, not tba( thli
_�_'Il"�p�r,� �� I� ��::Aliree times each and'flneilly,-p -millionth ci�- second. and in .1 assistant editor to Charles Dickens I and exhibited my head as the largest . �
;_ s�: �,,�� �: . � zelidea , we r them In A47 Wav cominentatrate to Ill ,.�
. VillIng Got-Vical, but U'l all -6,jork,liside, of 1. , .1
I , !�4,po- I to ilIppoint-Wili; il.Cahio,belt A� - yew I - , -hundredth of connection with "Household WoreW- o#flch egg in captivity." bank overdraft. Ouetakeu Lit night I ine,villIna eyou fee, , 41
�04, d one I
. I .. .... ';.�11; .��- 'A, tim BENEFIT '.. ,��
.1 I , . . , 9 . _� p a it travels only one better in the morning. Large boxes, 25c. I
�!� I boardelt t hattkA 16 V I and 'IAII the Year Round," Wilkie, The trial was the severest in the
, '.;' , �� " ',%i,;#61hQOr And collector ; Nv..%4o, 46ptiffit; 0"" �`l it. %V0 hope that lit .
,,I� ,.�'tl`,�i�l �O;Voars to collie thiitagitts will recall an Inch. I .. . : 1!
0*0 Boo As Ap"itto 0i'lekitindli4i�t;t,116111119t000ntinue When a � ...I. I
� � �';
� ", U -� f, contin, 0 "' , "';
2�,� � - , . ,_ . Aaall and W. X ,R6b' t' 11 in as mania leg is cut off, if the Collins, whose great novel, "The Wo- . 11 Arbitration. history of these Muskoka Homes, 1)Ur,10 rOR'SALH, By � I',,
,4,,,!�It� ,��;,_,Ncrs or I9%,A - � ,t�, ,'X �-g , ic� sour ragam-and hOlP for Lila church and to- man 11,White," first appgared in the He w ace 8 in which nearly 3,000 PIG. Drug S ; �,,,
.",�� , . , O., - � rininel,' 0- 1. � ��,_-
�,��,.b;�:��:',' �1. . , Vgf,cf Lbeg��ro;�Wtral'tiXrdth,,t:'OUI! hea, 'stump, be irritated- he' feob. tile phin ,:ia member of the Pik topia. aoderioA V. X. 0. # .
"I . , ..,4, agpoint John. XernIg1t.%n�4v..n)ekdb6r. of � I the latter periodical, thus ciiety I . persons, ;
'%',�,.�,,,;,� I '11, -VOhlk Fiftbor ha,; titronus �1 ito to ,tow all th� -in -his toes.. TW.tI bittious. deception p . he came ilp9n two youthd . �.,., �
- �:,"j', "t 0 - No, - 4' to c=818,A#A a letter to him: 0 , .� - .. __� ��. , -,�"�:, �'
_�',-,��I!;:,�,',�, , , " Public Library imaid -. fiffthfainnahvingedr,atiL is the same as anyored can practice 't in a back street fightine.' According- stricken by the dread white plagu , =__ . .
, �,
1. I ',,� - il�,� 49,14good,on bU-A..L �f I he memoort, of the con. on himself by striking his elbow on I '. 1
�, , �,I��,�,� I::,*,- I Appoint J. A. (;OIhl*ii6:,oIl- tfid'�,O. 0, utto Will you come here (Broadstairs) ly he pushed through the crowd and have been cared for. 9 i
.""' ,,�� � , ��I,� , � No.. 0; 1. -, .
. I
r ',�.�. 1. L' # ate Institute boaNd , to, I . and tell me about Dumfries? One of oersuadid the eomillatailta to desist. I ODD FELLOWS, HALL, .
. �,� " _� I Pill- . I _____._ ___________ � . i " "
.. �, � D� Mol-Aan, .. . J04. w . - _. I
r'�I. � I J. srultriv the,table, when he feels the pain in my' servants was kicked Out Yester- --Let me beg of you, my good fel- �.
4. �, , , � "" � �";,�r, oblat, - 1. Hillott and A. l AIlTiLY his fingers. Of cottrr*, In both cases day, and the other is goin . . I � .
-, ,, -� ,,�, , . , Friday I:vaninx, January 29tb, ,og
,2 �, -,,;-, � ��:, it t e Wayor, aq, mptirteers of the � the pain is felt in the brmin. 9 tO-mOrrOw; lows," earnestly besought the e �
, , " else '
,, ,.I 11. , OR, eal I I . 'ch. Jan. w. but if- you don't mind waiting on maker, "to settle your dispute gy eir: . � —_ ,. �
_� 1. , th alid ,No. % to allow 11 Goder. ,act, ill a. We do not, actually perceive differ- 1. . .
� , ,� �,.. I . I
, � V :,
'. �y;�:,!. �, �"`� �i" 4 le 0 I 9 Oi (lialley for current �To Aftlat, W. I-LA.%cras, - . yoorself, I'll I ots. bitraViou. Each of you choose half- , SUPPER AND CONCERT �� .11
ent distdn� .A.,,nek your bo
t �, b Charle 'k , . ..
I 1R., 1.1�' , tien a iiII,-0itVtneAV: of tax,W' %V'O- tile inember - a Di( . w 11 �!_ .
� -
� __ __ _
I . ,.�; , "� ��, .. It ,0 yol . its wit foni475T ogd. an _ in a a etter ate � I - _W_ t 1, a I � , .1
I I't -,�,� . . . . . . I'll. �,,,'�.Would begin -h1QrartI1VV_ZdWffq-r11 t-hein-Irout--vdyioiii�--IndicationEr-When PAII-81-01111telY -a-dozen, frietidgi, to arbitrate." � - - .1
1, ,� . - . "I is tit n . . I
ul, I , . 4Athitit -been diT.uru a t On it our judgment is at fault. we are, de- "Murrah!" yelled the crowd. "Do 0 111111K� I � ('01, a ,the Gridellch , , I
�� '� ,�,,;�*,' November, IBM, sent Mt. le n's Blunch onto
I ,� , -�,�,
I , 71" - " '; �`� : Vhe latter'bylaw suggested a dia'- YoXituatcomed tiq ma lot ello, ceiVed. If you gee a person in a fog, as the gentleman, says, boys.- 9 Institute.
. ,
;,�,��`�` �- _1,:`.'c4bsioh` or the payment of; t, ram out reatet for i father the following recipe I r a be � I - I . . -r , t_�,,.,;�'-
: � ',, -'t, �,�;, - likes in: f for instance.' he seems to be much .. Having seen the twelve arbitrators .1. . ___ - _.. . Ad-looldik'21go. .. � 1,., - ! , , : . ! �
� �� .�
;-,.,.-" :, � `��_`,twofnstalments, instead. of-near,,tho- Pe i - -- -----'- - dog's- dinner: I selected to the satisfaction 0 1 will Ile picased to Illeet Come and help a good cause, I � t.
.� ,I;`��, 1,e_ . � If both -
ell ormancti of on uc ,ur I I i, bigger ,%an usual. The same thing "Two pints oatmeal, I Pint arley a -
" ", � �� L end ok the Year, and the Finance oom'�- hen sides, the 'man of pence went on hi = A � ,:;
'_�, : �." �, " Ill tiosition; An cou I 01 0 1 were happen you gee men or' cattle 4 ; , 11 ,fly old cusloonera as
, -
I �, larViqlythedinso of 0 - us ay, rejoicing in the thought of hav- = - 11 IN 1�'
.�; " � , " inittee were asked' to - consider it D no meal. I pound mangel-wurzel, Ile - 11 ,; 11
11 1, 1�, � ._ , __ I IICT ,.!!King our work Is. I (in roll Ia. on_th6 top of a hill against thB horl- together and then mixed with ot Ii w well as new out& to silow — .
. r I .�� � op0l; dii the propon I = .11
,�;,,- I I " L I I I tug once a in prevailed upon brute ,-,.a ,.,- � I; 4L `1 - ____________�___ , .
��,:�, , . , � I (air very large au(i weli . �
li, r I . V1 e cortai lly wl tul6s vo fro or zq,hJn twilight. Iii both cases YOU quor, which Is poured over It. I I t .
�.. I . WeI gar,tatleas an to 1:1 no force to yi d Shack Life at Mu.kaka Free Hospital for Selected _ , — . ., , 1
4 L:r� .- �:' � L�, ,The construction 4 ,file; . :rd to peaceful argument. . --- __ ..
I , I lo - obt pbe,46, our 'ab ath' Kervicag ot song. , 0 el� judge them to be farther away than b- no t liquor in the house, CO"U.PtivCV. . -'- ____ ___ . � , -
- , ' ,
". " �,'�'.",",�� ;7�, �4;,,r, and the extension of"Q.P.R, trijokil. At sitil.,by'lhaso gifts that we prationt to you, tW really a ently &ep's Z -'-d will make it very well. HdI an hourlater he returned that BRITISH , , , �
11 11� 1�1 ',� , the"hitrboi�neceositti%ilnk.Lotonion* use as a choir to bxeiross Our love and esto and was borrified t� find the But never for a single hour did .
� �'��:, , I',, .I I I)6 t a or they appear uncommonly OrTequ ' '
.. . �,� ,. h th railways af. t isAbck,3" it, I -VOP 44 oil As we have OV of. I rg.. Aqy bones that may happen to ..be way CANADIAN
. " I %orgardst. a n .. .hoie street lighting, while in the dis- REST
I I �L , I I I _ yels. ,, I -Al I BUSINESS
" P)Cbtbbr t ,3 hweet rt *
I . ' 1, 4 Ided Chat the dolleittit be - a4ked to wo lions th it ill that choir . *
, songlt Of Zion her about may be put into the mixture for the doors of the Free Hospital fail
'! . � �,, �, da . I tance police whistles could be heard IMSINKS8
.11. '. ��,', , -m' - I b 1. " vIJ wl r 01 0 - A Man' the'Army Wanted. the exercise of the dog's teeth. I b Jewelry COLLEGE TRAINING .
tepara a Us ors3parations everv., � 1�:wij
1 "�..�,%;��,�, i;� W Vlaw to,reneal by]&* 140. . liand police rushing to the spot to swirig open, and give a welcome TORONTO
It , out Voices
1 . Q.Tk . -were, the Lau, c togetht r in the s ir f os ar ill' Genisial. Xuropatkin, who is giving bave my dogs fed once a day, always quarteri. -.-I',-
,I� d ,,, re .......... bit, price.,
,�,'� ��, 1�', � . � r;Ij of 1898, by which the . 11 � , - -theworld a,S9od deal of interesting at the same hour." gracious I What I . "�;.,
, ': r, ' "�� _ ItIven righti to lay, traeksk along the � - I . ,,to , "Good is the ,net- to suffering ones without money Cor. Vonge S,tart any titne.' _
�� ::'��""' .� 43igned on betait or the meeIliil&et of matter cancer Ing the late Russo- Sir John Millais was very fond Of ter nowP" ask6d the peacemaker Of and without price, ' . & BlOor sts. Addle.. � , "
� 1, 1 �:,; " , � - , . ' choir, thol a I 1:11 �',
11, �, ��-dodk, and the clerk wis the led, to ,% . ., `;�
I Japanese war, as the reputation of writing letters in rhyme. R FARQUHARSON, B.A., Prnl
� , 1,'�,,,.�, :-'i,'�i,!,: bot1tv the'G.T.A. of rbtleA. reo I . � IRPNE CLARV, LYDA Hero Is 'a an onlooker. r%\ - A.
�, L - . . I ;g�,WA,L,TS-
, I ' -1 L ;, , ' . 1��ell ST u,".. being t1le Most persevering man in quotation from one which he sent to Stock --L.--.---.L-__—"L-,-_-..---,---, 111�
., _ I �t� . the dierk wits instructed,,to order Ati-m-Hicic. Li -effilure, sor," was he reply, "the The good news has gone forth of _.J I !�:�!
". ; , � I ; I.,
" , " ,,'� L the Russian arbly. When he was an Mr. Lehmann's father, clamoring for " J�l
� �o: LL ' , �:, � : '.4oples'of rho MtkeliclPelk-World. for ,_ . obscure lieutenant he once went with the return of hiFt daughter Carrie, who arbitrators we at work." a ri I ch harvest the wide Dominion ;�
, J�, � ' 6�h member ot the doiindll, Voll will ll(,t Ile urged Io , ; ��
"', 1 . I , 1� . L., MCKIIIOP some comradeg to the colonel to Pak waR staying with -the Lehmanns. ovcr. , ��
, - (h- * L - � tmy but Co it r t c it u. I y ..",
; L, A Witty French Aeronaut
�:� ��_ V e PIfItSONAL. - asion to join a certain expedi- My dear MailLebmann, Why this I
, �;3�.� ,,�, , - bun.Jordarkbrooghtlip quee, . The' Misses -Rynd, of Perm' " Friendq, we I ireated when luolting -1. I .
11�.,;!:�,� "', tionortbepropl-Irof all"OvVin 111P Blankhard, have been visilting rellt- tion that was tben.being organized. delay. man? Nelething can be Dlainer, It would appear that M. Santos- come to you at this over our goods. 1. - A
,,, " to be, p,��o tiopq fivIls it, this section- fut, some 'rhe colonel refused. t 11
,�:,��, lay of I - The D ev 9' heir request, You maurra marry My sonsy-Carrie, Dumont, the famous aeronaut. has a time, when the clouds of depression � �
.,_ I, n time .,!Z.-"-,: -'. F�
:� ,'--,�, "', �� "'. V. � the Opera' house, as ad vortike Wherefore then detain herP pridity wit. He was once' called w a are being lifted, asking that It -.1 ,
M " _ I:1,". know it hat I IM back.-Measrs. W-. 04wford -and and Kdropatkin's .friends dep4rted I ken I . I
, , �
�',.,�� , ,ts _; i � :, A been forbidden InVoo.. Albert Boyd are [lack from Westqrn but , the future general remfitine� oughtor With Knither daughter Rest witness in a awe concerning a dis- you . ' I ;, .
.� . _:�, :,�4:_ �� � I ,,,
" '', 4 Atietal, though allowed In 410ronto Phil- Uuna,da, oil a visit. attending at the bottom of the steps and be satisfied, But somohow she On puted will, and during his cross- 'now -in the direness � , I " ii... .
? �,�_,l I "� �: 'I,, , he khouglitsomethinKsboteld bedone the piano feirtee I'm wanting by iny exanatuation. he was much bullied by L_ I r�.�-.�-
� � ,� , L, . I '. NOTa8 -A brealc in the en where the colonel had left him. Eigh. lawyer. tremity - help to lift the burden I ". I .
, 16ere. Some banter wao ind I d i I conceited youn oi. ;;;;
"� � I no it teen houm afterwards the colonel seed (side). So send me my bairnie, a very g - ,7 - J _�
,. �o,� I , . amongst 'thd cout it --l'u" U 511w 'Dill nas caused t e,inill My bovelleain Carrie, To gratifee my "Now tell me," said the Ia . .1 ::7
"": , � , �.." tell, And,, 7h"iltly. "' TI came downstairs and found the lieu. tter, speak- being carried -not for any personal We Le Ke ' a%- . " - __,_� �
,��:'S,-,'� . �,.,.,� - :1
, " to bill Ogatn shut down.�A thunder. ' e deceased testator "was I � ;,. 14.
�',' . .
11 �� , "I " .1 I ,�� was agrepel the SpoclAl 4olumJttdtJL storm passed over UcKlflop-oln 141 *d tenant still wafting, patiently there lutues (III98) Wi' Rubinstein find Auld Ing 01 th . Ei.,11, but solely, alone, only oil % ,
��11_1 . � . should look into the question and act 17-iMl-7 to speak to himr, 4'Very well, you LAng Syne." not Mr. X— In the habit of talking 1.
11 ",L,:11,.'%. , 1, ', it tbOt1#htAdVIsabIe, . I night last, the. T wn it behalf of suffering sisters am I I...
, ,, . , rain Corning ffio I 1 I
�:;!7-4 . Robert Srowning was dining with to himself when aloneP" "I'm sure T --J,
I ,,, , I lorteInts.- Da.vid can ).Pin the exp6dition." he said; I ... ... .1
� ". I McClItcheon bad a ,, . ..- . :
:, �, � Onult. I ti0b bdb hauling pressed hay, to Walton brothers. - . I...".. - :
i�� , I- I )riedgle gave� notico of to you re the sort of man tile army the Lehmanns one night, and after. don't know," replied Santos -Dumont. , .
L , to repeat the (fog tax bylloiiv its a ,pro� , �
�, ,:Ii� � ;� I P, - station one day last week. - Sciclal wants." From that daT his success wards in the drawing -room wrote the, 'tYou don't knowP And yet you have Our Plea Is on behiaf of tha " Store t5.1 -PIioNF,s_Req -, '. " I
: , ��, I , tI, so road. 'and the Ai[lbititution i6f. the was assured. following In an extraordinarily minutla toia the court that you were an �ntl- .. 3-45 '.. ..
, I '. I tit _'.. . ... - ...
11 �,`.11�1:1" - , ' .1 attles at the hollies of J. Dundas and Why don't you .. . I
, .1pftor coniditioris. , , 1. . � . . mato friend of his, ones. - 1.".".
, I . 1. R AlcOutelleolf and a supper party al . but perfectly legible hand, in order � � I ---.--.- "" " .'.,.,.,*
, ..1., ,,� . _ - .. , .. : , � % �'. .,
� � � �. �� I, �, �� , , I- , The, absence of Are e"carial hippli. the hollio of J. J. Irvine Wet I Gold Sweats. to Prove that his eyesight then was know?" "Because," replied the aero- What will you give V ;:!; � 1:1:7.'...,..� .i �.:,-. �*.;
,7 1. I , e events as good as ever it was: , react, amid roars of laughter,- "I was , A .. Z .- I I
� i� ,. I , *0660 In ell"her the Central School or Of the last week or two. � Gold in transit by sea ,laweata- never with him when he was alone." Do not say'nay. . I I ., 7 .
"" , ,, . : k �OollegiaLe li*atitate, - bulteliqlga' W4g , , I . . however tightly it in - . ,.
, � , - ------- 40-- AY be packeA, Shall we all die? Help generously. . *, ,
. .,%;I *.., " Milted out. and what should -heei ,don,6 Y, I T'l .,
� ,
I :, I " . ,. ill klid Watt or by tho 6ounell *ab� th� lingo, It is, usually sent in stout kegs, and We shall die all; Help all you ean. I THE HEAD OF OUR LADIES'SHOF I �
I I et, Many fnh*it weak I and' its straw Boxes.
� I I ., 11 , squ'efte in as i tly as spittle; but Die all shall we; . li ,� 1�*
'I', . f, .1 419easo Ilatiany assails the weakest a Help Rome. i i.,
.. .. 11 problem discussed, but fixi*Ify it *M there a ro lar silo ' de for Icrsg The Australian dairy industry will I BROPHEY fop PORTRAITS .1"Paittne"t has gathered n rettiarksibly �Ll
I 'I, � I . , r . � POint, Chose persons are continuailly Die all we shall. ' 11
1'._.. agreed on Ilintion of' 06611k Cridgrei � by httrition u re the voyage, and in be slived about 940,000 annually by 1101P now ' . . fine collection of foot wear for your . -I.." I
. W064 to attat : . IA,t:,, ,
1. "_.'r,�'ii"&,Au'ihheo thiit tbe�.bvehqll ob itil-d CkS of Cold and pul. , the use- of straw boxes Instead of those Contribute .
. ,� � , I , � -0 W course of years this loss Amongst some reminiscences of the - On9 may be I I
11 t R , A -'e -do _16f `0 Woculy 06 erclal world amounts to it large ts have We have 6onie entirely new .
1, 1. . I , ItAl-t the-11-tt-ofiflon, '61-1k, h, W, ,- 1"Put -didtfit-banceg, -Thi .- - ' to the witty, James Payn, Mr. Lehmann men- of Wood in which shipmen W. J. GAGIC, 7mft:nl�& intrTmetlon.
. .
. !k .. I � I � I i I R4Zi, to, the neocsolty.'Jor piolviatak tickle's Anti 0onsitemptive Sy. sum. tions his great hearty laugh. "That been made to England. White pine ESQ., Chairman rilount c reatimis artiving. - "
!,, � � 'no will THE MOST CORRECT STN'1.1,.,,;
; � I � I." I p0por I .. . I - � be foand a preventative and a "laughs . ecutive Committee, 84 Spadina q I
�, -I -:,. . i and adequate,laini-Ap i , man," said Bernal Osborn has be;en favored for this. purpose, Something real chic and nre fully rpprerentetl in shoeq of every
. . es� - I , — ,
� , A :" , , 1, . Wfilitabout IL fire, 'Would.011-, # . , - �--- like a cannibal." If but the export,lof butter has grown ven chispy for Xvilas fealletn. . grade excePt the inferior, whiril we (1,, I I- , . r . - '
: ; I I I 000001300, strengthenl6l the organs - allh came A tee, Toronto; orJ. S. Ronxirr_ I , "
� ,.. , "I ", - ` _Wd 6 the retort, "At 7 rate, Mr. Osborne, to such an extent that the great de. SON, Sec. -Treasurer National Seal. brances. uOt 11.11ndle at all. If Vol] tire Ill 'earch I
l, 'Ofti, A �Abtltthhy.ara iloteli table to M61161V Tentative.
1. I . Aa*b�IjIieelttan. anelLtIlli we" iviii, titogaillent. an �
..: ., , �!! �- 11tht de. ,'Thought you add you held plowed rive never been able to swallow you.,-
. . r , .. .1 I fr *xPostire or a �
'' . ,lioido, that thia mea of � tb(-, to.,jnpao I t dspberic chitDo , -Ajpkl.--- b'"Pt that ton-acTe 1161dit" said the first mand for pine has had the effect of tarium Association, 347 Kin_w Str#0 I 11 flow 11 hout yong Filling? of n Christmas gift that will be, useful so _ I --
1, . .. I.. , lels _-_1-_---- �11. � . .. -
I 11�111;� L,.,, I I ��' . _:'VAht4_*-0haage_ �-Ah6h. , .�' 6 -Rildgoo . 1. In -'at re "steert' �Wi:sip Toronto, Canada __ Let life lautionatente nor y6n. wom fw' (IttrAcilve you will field thig "h�,e � . .
��_ ,quo,at04, t,d- . -eyv�up''-faTmer,".--,,.-��1.1�--.,-,-,..---.--�.11.1..I . -send 9 -the-lirl""Pward . I L .
, � . :�; � I . jbit" Wet& et O.- 6& 61 . ................ � . - .i "Xo. I oftly said I was thinking A Good Joke. Ung rate. A composition board made litore it decidedly' economical piaire at � i", 1,
I . , thooltitation and teport w 0 a It. ,jl� I about plowing it,"' said the second Mr. Edward Lloyd, the famous ten. of a mixture of straw and kaolin, of - vvl,ich to do your purchasing.
� I , .11 . 'W � *. �
, :_ 101ri'thl- mattlor of 'P *1 . 6 . . . .1. Sliarpin, formerly editor and farmer. I or, Inice song in a friend's house. At which boxes can be made at _____�
, _
11 1 .1 _ a very P.� . ,� " I
, - I intor of the 0orde Vidette. hag ,10h, I sec. 'roulve merely turned it the conclusion of' the song a clergy. much reduced cost, are found to be I I
, .. . isht vose'this hint,'hor. , , �� PtOPthe BROPHEYfop PORTRAITS WM. SHARMAN (,,��,
, I I : '7000'� Jotclarl esgelifi brdJUght L �111� thl& ''Oftelfed d, P081t(011e On it newspaper , over in your millw." man, who was evidently unaware of just as satisfactory and will be gener. [ ".
, utltrblo (Or aft mij. light at tb6, 06t,6f..'eaq*fTqr46t,to, and left lor his field, I I the Identity of the sin r. ap rosched ally adopted by the exriorten. PHISIPA I
� I 61106r. last week, Before I# ar ' _____ ---.---,— � ,
d - - , .
.ivieig !�L I "Really, Or," e sad " _ :, I I I
I . I � . Arkeo street and Itob tbo seildmit", I I ,�s �!! -1 t!t! him. T --- I E I TELLS HOW HE GOD13RICH � I
' , I � ket W� "A , fifli., foot Al6ne foe,', i 6 t 0, bun Mon Preoented him _ � -!L-± _! _!_ U -_ I —_ 1 11 I
should not waste your voice Iii, ta'. - � 1,
. � AtiNta 606 'it a . I 11 ATS RHEUMATIC � . t
L I .
, " ,
14� " I Its.;f4#6ni Orl'i b]Mk -dyin d0kja t, . , 'IbeAutifu � t0h foh. After the . LL I 11 1. . . . . 11 11 .. We need another tenor ih . . * - . �
Ift 4, but fbe tho, A116gea I 1112111ul "T, - I I
� 1. I , 1 V"110140 f I 9,011* 1911 r Wag serve 11VVfl"t�wV I and I hball be happy to givo you I " I'LIA k a -mmm I �, .
: 6; . 906, fil, vbry ple"An"i le"1211: Q a year, Think It over Ill a UVER COMPLAINT PATIENTS . 1
.�, ..
1 10446, 4 tight* . (Itirlog life Atitivibot I :, 9 a . ALL 9OP9 OF __ -'- __ - - - ' '--- - - - __ , ,�� ,
� . � 11b ... " J t. ,
, 1. 060941, A$ 00 W.Atid; U. 0 I
-,-. ,P �, , ,,, �,Mw , 1_1.; .. - �� , . -.1 , '.. -':1 , , . � , 11 ..� I ,irnhAlef OlIkAOf tho litrer to Ahe zzzm� A f)istluffulsh — . . � , The.Attrac,Mve Rpute_to I -SILfiI I .
� "ail �hitN-441* I JGL � . .;�;. on4 e
, . "1111- " I � , * ' ; * � Talkirlig'blijU. ' � 04 Of bile. which is the natural replateir . I . (:. ,
. I . , 10(b *itlf thilldf still to I 09966t 4�6014 11 - , , , 1"' 0. " 'Valuable If Specialist Gives MEN SCHOOL , " "
I I �,�� ,for t0or" I I I . . I .1 I mmnt 40 lbrCOONITIOX.- Wfariort I HOAK TrOU blo OU"d by n 6witzerland they are of the bOW614. Advice. Manitoba ,.
I ` 11 h do not need bPa2t5V Wfibilover the liver becolves deraged — June, July and Augu9t leads , ,
: L "'001111 19 c 4 ,. �
, to *ard,10w, ithl; -td '""In PdrArd'bf Tlade 106TCL and the bito doe , 0
k Oth0 Matte V"b6 li, MILIMIN-8 0901" AND ObVi PILLS exes. The. olock morely stands in ta clogged, liver com Sint In the first Place I always impress into ur Frill Term without
. I . - I . I he beill, add on press a buttim In I 11
r Per, *14k &j4, It% A C
I �
t , �- I tIM4, litdilght Intky lifftilinlifoli , , but. 4AV 0*6aI'b9MRd1s` A RrAllt, Of $' to - U, Is proddoad, end is ft%�,Westod by the re Upon my Patients the im ortance of Saskatchewan rinv break. Enter anv titne. 'r , '%
all"111,410uraK, . ill I '1& - d11** Ikft- &MISA' �Jo-' Is stiliftelkell w en by mestins, of the,
I nitill 111110100 - isschot thislobitt"Papets, for. thel " WIRMIN 1001441f dinstipittion, pain udd6t the Xhi �� f �
I.. I I 0 4014 th .60,40 . AWY11411F W I *� a ( g careful living and regel ar babita. N�w Catalogue free. Write . .
. a Wax I toida lie suir ilitintigraphle Internal arrangeraftis., ceping the
I I .1 I . 11 40 1, shoid or, glillow, complexion Moderation in and Alberta for it today. I
I 11 il '*Io& tit xdpdrt I tMbla Wea with lithay-elleteld boteguaind It he. boars- feet dry, and wearing glenty of CENTRAL 1108INESS COLLEGE .
, I � I 11�,�, 011- . ., . . 111g.thele pt&e#dlag* len",int see, hex1low eyes, eating, k
I . I , 4utifilt Ob year. , a tIMt.* .t& ite,k* heorla"ill0000 a t calls out ,Valf.vest Aft" or "T*44.1
. , I a y-th Minutog t& *%"reiti# a& jj� burne jaundi6e, sour stomach, we r I
I � . b that mirn: r" warm
I , "i Wit 9tomach Towifiloi ,�, I 4 dat .lot" Mltilld I e lifecatitions.
I fo fall, it, " � to braste, clothing are some of I
I ��. I 11., 06*10goonea, liatl6d Of th6.#Iff, 06 *411 102 Wit thTP oftl I oatarth of the starasell, inte, to via (;hlcngo and Rt. Paul, Alinno TORONTO.
LJttlkk##�rnOfi0y- ' '"s 'bay be' No amount of medicine will cure ,Tolls at- Duluth. Through tit, Clair ,
. Whan y6ti *Ake V� * h tortirl a ne,*spAP#r", ,9*NX`*t@4Vft'.*#*k6 oWdIliodly# I #Av4w 061"Plaint My be or even help, unless attention is paij lunnel hv electricity.
11 , , IiIj I wakho , If cared by 'file largest. Most reliable
the orbi-oltbolloor. th" Wo. bat **M so eggs". koep.
"I , 1116fith, sonel,601allf ftAL'Jb#' 110$tif , reek no-wr 1# wo W % - - __ 4 to of its kind. .
aa4blld tmt 11h . 6 a", boutiviii, how king the mitts. . — I
. t0OW111 It OinO Ot T.Adoi botiq � 66m# 'L these few simple rWes. .
I Ad# 'Thiiii, I have had perfect results where W. It. SHAW, Princi 31,,J,, . I
hilootheintc," tb- r,#,,* f e,04b WAV " , anla,r Tifixas V*IX tn%A ver� too , I
. . too 4 em inaft. kito i f 115 ," I . - Poo at "'I'lls
1 Vililtill mffit be trfttW,* (R*'i% itilift r chtf� "Oki tow.1i A Mibedirlynal "lliuni W1 Ile aW afolft�* 0MYSItS 011toW.-lb take# *eky 11till 'errard r _ . .
460, betty 6wifix z I of Imah iffil I W It"It Obb"OV51:18i V94:lta later, PlAtients followed these instructions, California, Mexico, Florida ��t, ,I%r
0 0 . . " yonge and I, _I
1 VIA � _1 I . I "I. I " wt 6 . . .
I oitet,*)wd Oum *1111fiv,0641ricilele ti*ffIg 01*61061S "A to 410fame the sfon�r"h. Th.& oenrle . assisted by tile following blood tonic — I
i tbo1*At"ht;ibOZ1*0,) AH" I IA I _WiRt T DE:1, rid --yine a an% 1"Cold. eftablo .**tft ..
I� Ir., le4a lift, I *rptilltin t L__ - Z_��l
10"iftiff, ,do" of 'X of, M1 Ao,wti id I � and rheumatic specific:- Round Trip Tourlat Ticketa ' - -_ --- L- � -1 .
,or R the Actit tbKt t I tx*r .4", 0064 rot It 111 Fluid ElIttact Ctesrara....;.. 4 og. 11CIPai !_-��,__&__ 1. ._�_
I - -T-777-111
, t or, drunic, ahxletV, Wo ;- --,. --a . I . � 1 ,a
0 X X�Ilv to, 116 abill 060 of - . I I V: , "M . . . now on f3itle to nil fG I 1,_,,�t,e4g& -k�r
all, 'ClIefriante Compound ...... _ t j;J, Wintistoltotivtg, , PV , I ,.; �1, , '�� I
flaw Ott Voty __. �e a - I I . � -, t' 11 , .
,�,,��l,-tl!O�4�ll!�--.1l'!'Il�4L' - P"t Ifilst tvi # .M "I .A:—-- I A_ I E_:, V�� _! Com-ound 0 - O- 1 �90. 11 A � , ,%
tto top to A &* witiotZ , A .
* (111itir W60*dlo 0% a , . 9 othorsimplevaude, 116ttif
. q 0 , I I A 4zll _, --t,;d-;-Vr,
*" tonoo; : __ , -_ bef hoEL LJAJjAjh� fhj" JV.#dA.A I 0 -
1 ---7- ,:- .- , - �i - ----- -, . . =Wl= I , Vat,
-w.4. --*�� IL I I bliulsko'heIrtuilliod" , m4wo *4
I � � I OcAt ': , tavolt"Alp ftleiitet&tb0l� " - or �W�
. I 40 , M L $0 ,�, I t _0_4000 � I t ..
. A 44it At',V*k"4*. - ,, I 6od! ,*Ill Ana fAltue" . Im. *it , ul*
. I , :, I _�,� 161, 'Ll" I>Vllifir 16ifidient(Oft to _ a I I..
1. I
1466 "rk*#fttyt.*"" Vd, � . t.. . . I r
aw wtu 0911& Die ooft *", 0" . 1 4 1 1 '
I leoloo,opoft. Itittiloo*.. raily 1. � . I . .11 L
I -�':_- koftfoo "d *1"j**ft%W, 0. tt JIL " , . L
10"W I �� , , $0 M&A4 1,
" I* Ntowil'to %. Y" a th , i I I , 11 , . I
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— ��L � _ _ I. � y - -,".&Z I." WMA11111111ad"
- i,r
01611% wd�oj��
UV9* *""*#IV.
an. Fa*o* rfiliellik* ont.,*dt",
5 -40M *Ith Vrov 66*pWas for
ta &q 'XIIAM', 1^*a*1Aver PIU
Gy. VAt Aftw Ukfq two Vials of
feel 4*140 41, aft W"i and din
, ItsoneWsPoil th6ft $6, wqofto#
to of WO d(tW bt t Thi T.
a, T40111614 X6
I d /
J � I
y P rsaparolan Olt,
onqe! One teaspoonful after nlell's
- __
&ad at bedtime.
Through Pullman sleeper ,1,oranto to
receive all fill It oil from
It is advisable to drink plenty of
OttAWA dally, leaving Toronto
uq an if It wer lit anti
water during the troatment.
10. 15 P. Ill.
. -
PcrR ally t efi"R.
A prominent local merchant who
Me tried thii tftllitnleret states that
it relieves backelithe, bladder trouble,
po, rur1b6r Information and tiettatit, rLelply to
W* tire at i it beadquarterg for
and urinary troubles almost imme.
diately Sad bri9k a but
#entIL a that.
Outh action on the Wile 8,
We sdviiit all our retwors to keep,
Town A0914T
offlao Mum &Ia ILM. to 0 et.m�
*4 1 us with an order. I
thig Prelittiotion, This isitructioft
are wukhle� I I
1. 1). MCDONAI,V. D. P, A I
Union station. *�Otoato.ioht.
.W. Lit Lindsay,
: The ftioptie's Gra"m *-
11 I
�. " : . .
I 11
. . 0 � I T, to" - I ,,� 1,
I . . �0 � cA 11 � 1 16 1,
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