HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-01-29, Page 17,,:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 041401,611. I I ----------------------- I . I I I I .0 �T 4-4(to OURICU, AR c1tv Uoo than a"y otber Nowqwpooa� GOO.. In this mtlon o(tho County Q( ftm IGODORIPM PNT:loo. FRIDAY,, JANUAP 24ii, IM, POW11*4114 W*Okw 19q4`1rrX V "i TUR "AR189% At. AND JPO)Jr vetT flue itlokot ofiltriplea tholler Thoouvir, atti"A oc- Tas, Tomi 0actuxon,,-At specls.1 06,04. !or alght, 'has 1)"m rot .0rother. nCOUFL04,t balvil,pow 'UNqUESTONAILE, old 1A I4 tilt# weiizlF and on; J)ried loq- to.. be 400C.0 to deat Withr,t1b" Pro "Ipo,fed, 111101, XQ;kd4y!' It Toe the X&t.ItQ1 , 410ins of
1, qltvo"4 4004 go, dredge imhore. Thq were The SIg ek dovato a C014, 00 . Sing (
oOP. - tit Ingtoo4ed harbor age
wr wf;�&�Rvmgjl V, 4M. is at All abolit yo., Avooly � Met oqr� eyr laict, we'" oMnodistioll lift
.00141 VX Itk ta. tho V 0111mall to 01,11111:100A of the trade development Way
V 4 '0141 vuh 40, feet. long vkjlt� were cut not far plas Of, q tbAii, wilt
conlat. As, them is, -04gr or stputo r two rtmoo 1413"Ary 001100 over Its action in -re. bring obout lopg "ltbi, and t4ot U,I* 1,0W " t ot frianctlie hoiliti0iry between the Nile njrjhl� Millilicles 711potion and 10torls. istrielpt Metbodiliti ohq hod Auburn., lile robot Upustall jitch $Old 4ppolotios Mr. WA.A. Ciloplioll as. time far tile Op011ot of IDAvigittlon Itity of rople �COIAPOW, eft 6 ay I* voctfullov votistiag h "tot. it IIrWag, 'Wirts Wors, ilervic" bY, fill se4isor and collector, at, the salpry of hsAs reportelt to
4114� NA*g, t144, it ogA ;rd4y Idilkatlons," % klci.� The flow of ttlAluary. IQW, which. bet. " 6alloW The Ocurit. -$.Out" Evimilillistio Mity Ile Wit to have likete4k It y6ar, *0. gvery mem, ab 0 Or Its age last Week, the oto
Fowler, J$tr ogj T9. And froto ri. the provioll eCLI
I'M VAr otit,-- taorl s4evic'114 Tu AT- W 0041114�r- and day last to Monday, tuitife j rec14d, It bee of the Council was sontred. encept luterviOw with Me, Ohorne, of the 0. 'On tbe� Ak4 vOttt, ild. The action . 0 pt 04 T01A tobe �Ab]( 'Arill; is W ow* P OY, commencing at 7,45
foptuf# p4rc A that It the I%
lh�lo 01119 $10-t" 46bettl glvlu great but an eilpeitiloit a 4). 4, Reid litack P- R -t GhQvv# will The 04racwt rilln. The ritill wits much _w e it of the � .7
.& (JO.,plostvillri -necealizory -VI4- oiitp ill D -FIA tilotBaoilill, ipfilleg needed, " tile creeks were flat foil to ]a "lade on Ma;Vor Macklin sod Reove �ercA th ' olejoired it"
]DARI, L.0 Ir NY of, Torotir
lijuir railite _%teb t0r!0, the fall. so that In Maq ifteing, flip' & , Is 4 y.d UbA1rWAu_&.frcIKbtghed9 the rQmpjw.,y eoont. Atilt l4iiWimi Monday drRie'i 10119 the Special committee whose report theirtra "k-h-kidaud be prepared to alory aticl, expen. r 0 . al dI difttiances for water. The river broke QVVTC� _C40P,, XQPTIJ STPXAT i0 � t wits oclited to Pitt tile oor oil the appointment wits being.dealt tile handlLng of freight at the. begin. aSOX; Town Tro*s,. water V40 for 9, ouge and efolebroteft by aiijoglol 40 oil Satarday, when tile fee from $,22,0 on binary 15th, pjju,tIcIjlgrj;_ will evoltry nkoloont train , r� rt of It below Auburn gave with. The aultume of the Sigohl'o re- altig of May. As wits pointed out last on In, '7 ANDSOMM ==�, W. L."UORTON, UOR. ain, 00.1or Plumbing, eto., WAII, later. WAY arpl, rushed to Lake Huron. All tuarks leads one to ask, who did the Year, the amount of flour which would a D lee.. I "m vvwwo 0 III e to ittill; till next- as.-plitiett --,T-,-- viousyeir. The total municipal t It was decided to wk train the Oo na:,11 Ing and continuing sevet01%,11= ,von. tile rivet- and of 1114poied'amotAnte to, Amount, as a each Attrill'a flotta and about halt of the tile position instead of r, it Lake Michigan ports would eyecrdp§tbere�will be special 4 J'alloinq 8.89 pat, head. or 17 vix: $875.00. Having fixed it) t�bq Orth street no MARRA I AQe LICENSES4 fislandai Oil Saturday the river won. bell? and we are not I Ill tit aggregate at leitst 5,0(X) tons weekly, rL the 4ollar. The ext,prit.of sal,th datie of this annual Methodist e1rurch. In full flood, and all tile allow had opinion that, oulparl e I calls and OWPIOY from 60 to 70 hands dur. t next SuriciLly everilagi -t What jtk I titles meeting. the Board, ad petted. 1101010"bo -Ing '-Beat Hymns," it early all disappeared it lookett,aye, utterances tin c IrlHtlan fail Do d sume )a reulftr 8 Ing the season. The vatlinated cost, of Xr Sub ect for Sunday morning. and felt. like all April day. ' Tile wadii by those who consured Mr- tile bhudij is 8G,W), and the to ISMIJUR MARRIAGE In Ontario is shown from the tall that 'an OLD Bays -to
I _P 16O. -Recently In-191Wgitwor electric lighting plants , - , . for Jesus. weather Prophets have tilt(] n. hig thup Campbell at the council heard, there wn eaut aggregatlogin Vatle lill't510,010, were an organization Wit$ formed at have It rental of these %beds tit t 'VETERINARY. the past Week looklicut till dates of tile Ili good reason to believe that the ra a
The services all the Baptist churctio oPeraW by 12 oil lee, and Toronto of the veterans of the Fenian breaking tip (if the Maitland, and the edittar Wan not lignoraut of the attack Of live POr cOlit. 011 that ant tint, ------------- ants having an Aggregate Ral next Sunday will tie conducted by tile beautiful weather of the pmeent week. its kalatiarted and printed, and I now either from tile 0. P. It. or front pet- Nv- F. CLAAr%, ",, ff"oduate-of the ISM. tQ peserit it tdq�ltu to the pastor, Rev. 0. R. Jones via Valitoirthery ow DIROnto of" - Tile septim 7 tuvious becaunict It dial not wOr
-2 on gr it nouticeff fire t M16rce. Toronto, 1 $�005,901, wore -wed nd bominion,Gove, ,lot i -for t f call thol atrobt on of fortune -cowile" operated by jo es an tin orning- lie expected. k Out as Vale parties. Title seems'to make tile t2 my Apga"Ved u1nalan"I of oporatting all horses' d;*ljwP11- 16D acres each in the northwooli, In iMph.. In Ili Controlp" Evening- proposition a -The tkolknOwledq."Went tt era. I _all I :f vetsilloary fartadlolarna THE, COMING 12rI OF JULY. of their After Death -WI The Marine Club. Of Mr. Campbell, wo need only say PrOtty' Clefte line. no always on [land. virc (and dtablipte-Nevirgicatol' , . itiot P" A cordlol that business men would quickly set e a ces. The Ontario Government that, while lie list) his faults, more or tigetLie weleo!ne Is Assured to strangers and Any "on air fail "I -
I Clinton,' bu ine 9. men -tit ofr-IWAcreer _ per D_ lt!SBCD]Uinon tin 101-oroltuary me-w-tthp--as a soof-aad hl-aW-servlce�.- t, ni"Oula after 12 pau, Big
TONSORIAL. find citizens generally, are anxious to argued that go he At the fortnightly aleeting or tile or breaking Into stilt) room% tt Atl oat's editor lanot of tire ordinary for the town, And wo wish to em� have a monster celebration In that South African veterans received W 1 y ulass. and therefore lie lit not vulner- phasize tile fact tlll%t t 11, town the cc A.Y.P.A. in St. Georae's schoolroom hour, will Ile prosecuted I) tart Past attitude iming 12th of acres from the Dowlalbil Government on Tuesday evening, Rev. Mr. Gunne, perty comiliftlee air said clu ILblOY, he 18 R Must VAIlUlloble offielaol' for Outside the Or er do njottly6apw9utbee for what wag a service to the'Empire of tile town tuWads the development this town, and if till fill Interests and ovast amount of work in connection ot large, the men who fought for Of OlInton, addressed tile gathering A t happy surprise took place work wore its well Attended to aq tit f IlLko traffli, thrbugh this Port 111M e
swith such an undertaking, and its t Canada In 180 are deservink tot this on " Words and Meanings." The, rev. in th Social Club lent Tueudaky Allose of the asses In and callitiell* been Just about cis wide 3wake Its al, gentleman's clever explanations wero t rule suffiolent floaticial encourogement recognition for ibeir services. A ovent-ag. when a full set of six lau we room to C0111- would he that of it man sitting on the he 0 should, have 11 -petition on behalf of the veteranu nif xceedingly Interesting and all present it i"ot given focally. -T curtains weve installed in t e clubL plain. he -111, plerwithat, pole In his u no 3 O' he_U 143 Ilin 0. to wn , an this particular day Lhis section, bad a tilost enjoyable time. rootus. Many thanks to the donor. But we do protest against the at. prepared under the 6, not be reciladunible, foarany'dolit or debts warrants liberal financial encourage-' leadership of Mr. J. J. Wriglit was The annual meetini of 5nox church wndering a t tempt to lampoon and ridicule tile fiall 1111, �Yvuzr will cantor oted htow name. Oxonom went, and the people of Clinton know forwarded on Monday last to Mr. E. congregation was lie] last ednesdav otayor and reeve. Both theNea 'gentle. why be catches nothing. we hopJ Joan 22rd, well the handsome money return they N. Lewis, M. P., for presentation to evening with it fairly good attendanm IBrief Iowa Topics often, during their Incumbency fit the the Council will 91ANP t e t p rt afniembers. Areportoft ance rebeived in 1890 for the amtkil Invest- Ottawa authorities. he finances, 98PITAL MEETING. ' Ight of AblieWiliq ment they mode. Our sistiev town Is a metubersh ) and other matters will 11 styles. lee council board. hlkvo shown theillsOlve" thi criptly s. -The first of the a pear in hese coltuairis next week. Blackstone, Went St. Restaurant
11 bricks, confectionery, etc. crecic - AL injunual meeting of the �Uax&ndra Mar- good point for a successful celebration, Ew Copy Booy
P OU!14Va notlicitdL t ,�ysters served in a to be of it class altogether to in Opportunity and pro
f. t _ Ina and General Illospital will be held on Mon- eam munic Pak. service. What this town oulet Its requirements. ad , 4, a , but there. nay be otbilir places afte� It new copy books for the p Rie annual statement of the cc needs 9 more of Buch ability find zeal 11.1 day, Feb. 16th, kit the C eurt House all 8 pall ublic and ngre- Th meeting on Tuesday separate schools, issued by the Ontario 9"tion will be distributed Ili the pews gL rVort for thadpasit Year will i�; presentea at the Annual .Several -a in tire lkdj011litlg it, its halfbalf oil the part of its rulers, There have been inany cown endrt. be car$
an ellote for the comfullig torm. The nejrt� THE STAR would like to see educational department, are next Sunday. townships %vote ploughing lust week, 61id when njetubers of the council live pu lie are Inv toil to be present, being 11 distributed. Thereare five bo - Tire frarembers of the North streo�t ilously attacked of I IL E. HODGENS. Clinton get, the plum. it I and the' beginning of this, till unusual s unfairly find souri tions Of the arguments Control. n
1101L,111,1 Sony. ' ' 'n adult Billie class- held their 11 tbilig In 311,1111aVy. A SuccEss.-The ISLII anillial show the series and the paper, used is of tho eat busi- its In this case. they have it right to ex! tile lot tau, published it few weeks ng O' WAN7 S. ot the Huron Poultry. and Pet Stock "eat quality. The retall price of them ness itind social evening in the Parson- The Ladles' Aid of Knox church Peet that kill deCOnt itiid fair winded tin written by Air. Nell dKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR. Is fixed by age on Monday e Cameron. in ANCE CO. - Association at Clinton lat week was persons were present. The social do. high tetra oil Thursday evening, Pot). the Signal now deal" out. It is I M 0 veraing. Ab6titsixty purpose holdingous of their popular citizens
GARD AND MOMS can tile treat'luent "" AdvOcftcY of it market, 1hare Ls no
be had at cents per book t present a
w=I"aenb at tw Farm &lid Isolated Town Property Insured, dlflfe�renco of opinion as to tile benefits
B"0100botbrace". 'West streat,, five doors a deelded success, and much intereat book with the same quality of partmaut is in charge of Alias Brown. IS (Valentine week). Full particulars filittery to say that the town has lie el(k) 4 frombovtling rink. Board firsf-cla4a. MR& Value of Property Insured up to JainuarY, was manifested lay the many who at- paper would cost 8 to 12 cefits. Tbe president Mi-, Patilin presided. later. v received betier or more unaelflall Eler. Of a Property established niaorket, and 1901, $3.048,975.00. tended. The exhibits were wore nurn. Hitherto no exclitsively authorized The class, vyhich was organi*Pd In Win. Marlton has started it tug to vice from its reprementativils than its necesHlty If We are to) maintain OFbICER8 AND DIRECTORS -J, P, Me- be shipped to anitoba. Tilt) ves"el FOR SALE OPe TO LET. Lecanar,,Pricaldinar seaforth P,O. : 1'. Frasor, Goderich it" theChiefcommerelal point erous than usual, , And the qualVv copy book has been used. In the November, It" fiad a steady 'holerease wit t has been givon lay both Mayor
such as it) place'the'Hurod breeders lit separate schools both the vertical and In membership and Interest, Dr. wili be shaped -tract flLted, find then izooklin aReove OILItow, an% their Vice-procalloont, Brueetleld P.O. PT* 11. t 0
T0 RENT. -A two starrity brick house with Secre�ary-l'reastff Seaforth .O.;.J. the first rank. Officers were elected the slant systems tire taught. In the Do igall Is the teacher. An effort is taken I tire county. Tile toclating and
all modern convenience. on East streoL nq Goadericili P 0. ; G. Dale. Clinton P,O.: to phices and shipped to (he course in the matter which has Apply to Moir WILLIA31 RHY"14, East street. X I as follows - H. Hilber, M. P. P.. South public schools a semi -slant, or semi- now about to'he intode to double tile Pritil'i Pruvineklf to) W Put LogPLher. t v building of a inarket house are not Vott. HILIVIOCk P.O. �fzi 1 vans. Beech wood e roused tile Signal's lro fault been In III t� E Huron,. Holt, Pros.; H. H. Rorke, vertical system is taught, this having membership, The class meets at ill 'tile Ontario Gaze' highest degree' congititent and I J. G. Gr ev �. W rop . P.O.-, if-. -Bonne. reu.; M. 0. Kauffman, Clin- been agreed dn after it conference of o'clock in the body of the chu ree tie of Saturday jolt.. rhey will, wt. vell,ure t(innot- difficult flonno,lal ques'donsf, and we SALE.-Glat Off. Huron 6and. wifis, Seechwifood P.O. ; IV. Chesney, Sti.flarth Clinton. P tilt, It FAGRoNder10c1RTownRhIp,5 miles from ode. P.O.4 catch the Traspoetor of fires nearest to I on, See. itilast announceJ Life following 811y- believe tin energe
-Treae. Directors - J. F. all the principals so as to make a uni. is open to any who may desire to cattle 'its ret!elvp, an in tile past, tho highent tie and cripable
rich. -V eared pod cla loom, franall bonsai wh1oh they occur. newl appointed License Gonno Nation. 1 clesci to sphool and 11 handling of the matter Ili all that is Inurn 40 by 60, winter hant:13 Daly, J. W. Brown, Sealortb; C. formity. The new authorized copy as visitors. ho present lescins, whic era 70L. Centro Huron : Adam Ilny�, PrIllso front every well thinking citi- I; AGENTS -J. IV. Yen, licadmosville: J Reid, J.- S. Howrie, Goderich; John book sets As a Standard the semi -slant "late to the beginnings of the Chris* Seafortb; John 11. Hoover, 01 , ititon; Zell. nolied"(1 to succOssfullY accolutill8b it. eburoh. ftly to Mrs. AMUBL onsf8TON, Cumming. Egriaticadville; 111. Rhachley."N.1o�1 Gadiarliall P. forth; R. Smith, Rearloick. Durst, Benmiller; J. W. Ortwein, Mr. or setui-vertical, The first three i� tian church, are exceedingly interest- Win. Patterson, Auburn. We will uphold the 81 nal. as- w(, In till" -clifIllecli'll, It jolletiebant RUM Hogarth, Hensalh Arislapho enior, T. Ing. X taii,the-eatatoo, - -Polley-0 Holders can pay assampments and get blie-sepies have graded modeler jet the F.f wdo.c. h.nnon. M.D.. his late their cards receilited at IV. Coats, Clinton or Carling Exeter;;F. Bowers, G. Head- top of the pages, and type exercises, For tile year ending Dec. 31, WiN wish to lie upheld ourselveli, lit makes the auggeoLlon to '1�"" STAR residenceJo uo%vfo)r sale. IEIA In very fair con. at McLean Bros. Volatile Clothing store. Wdo. el.son, �Vi lighant; Messrs. Lowryand movements and pictures showing the HURON PRESBYTERT. the foliowing %iLitl titaLlaties Avele AnY reaSOILLIA0 and Wt- oriticlsto of that an offort ahould Ile made to have dition. boa arroaderis conveniences. Carl be in- rich. Tile Preshtery of Huron met in registered forthe town of h )uncil ott, an), IndividUld inciniber
i"I�ojdlirzny time. Far further pact. Baliantyne, Brussele. Auditors -D. correct position df pupils at the deski; Willis Goderich ; t e (:( y went mat e inside covers. The last two Of IOLh lust. beyond fairnems I this install a
y Chritelon and A. J. Grigg, Clinton. on th church. Clinton, on Tuesday, Bit-Lbq, 92; marriages, .18; deathe , -ket dayti-one It week -es tabi I shed Procadfoot. Buys Blair. - J. , (I. thereof, tint our contounporar After a motion was fornually carried the series have no headline models'. Of those who died six wore Ili) yea, so W. E. KELII 'Is f n " and In neighboring towns ,also, I that city on ICNT SALFL-A desirable It WATCHMAKER selecting Clinton for the location of The husinees transacted wits mainly age, 10 each over 70 and 80 years, and t bore is roonk rot- Lhe ltelief that It 18 Purchasers of falui produce could R OR leading In It and-�Ielfber- have their rep' roQmea house no Arthufi Cre8cent, can- next show. the president closed the, WA13 IT AN ACT op UoD ?-Brussels routine examinations of PreRhytel-y One over 00.
ad JEWELER AND -ouncil oil purely E.%dir locate Apply t J. . Hawkins, St, p to plan to w( rk I tin a rus0coltiLtIveo attend ck OPTICIAN meeting.by exorting all to endeavor Post: At the 4th Division Court, held records, aYment of Pi-esbytery dues, On Mocift evening last Messrs. " those markets Ili rotation. thus Having
joliticallintis. Thialintinotheondline diting of treasurer's books and con- Unalerou & oore euLVrULined their lit tilt) FAHt, and should tint be lit expense and time. 'a street. to make the l4th annual, a 1000 -bird here on Wednesday' before Judge do
Issuer of Marriage Licenses show. sideration of rerfults front the goneral emplovea to it Lhentre party which Of course thin OR SALE OIL EXCHANGE FOR PRO1 Holt, an unusual case ano. one that assembly, FPERTY in or can, G al I I th H I numbered 14 peran-ans. rhey half front teoll"Le" flow if tile town'$ best i"Let_ Would Illean "01"Pat1ti )ft 4 the Goderich. Ont. HE HAS MADE GooD.-Tile present aroutied no small interest was on the c"ta corn to Ile sprvoil final the progress land farm on the 3rdosi. at Zhiloffol, ..tit. During the afternoon. in connection sents find enjoyed the e% Ding vely ocal inairchant, wishing to buy W(ndd Ing 100 acrew. nearly all in grass. Good buirltL week'Hanjusearent at Victotin Opera docket. A. 0. Dames, of Brussels, with a hanquer. attended by represen- much. Needless Lo bay I be ()tit' JWenent, ollpfirt till! LIPH Fine larclatard. which will pay interest loaded a car of export caLtle at. Walton 4 Newspaper gull It lot wormwood be past oil iris lijetlie aa against tile tLIUL-111ralightfill wi I I not help 1)"Yer. but tile result wiluld be too maivia, -toitte it tolt!L Apply to ji.�fl -4emleanstrates that Manager O.P.R. Tard rot- shipment to 8*U._J6W-n7e u nolur the jurisdiction of this Presby. flostR. nfit, whole intreetment. Reastan for gell HALSEV PARK, 3r ,r Thomas has made good, 4nd the Pee- on the understanding that the trains tery, very line addresses were deliver- it gall) rot- (lie fitrinel a atilt thetir llpirvzr, - A, On It) Perdue v '�t Goderich should be gratilled Lo were infortinning order. A snow block- a. Elliott, tried tile Jobjefer, opticlaq ed by PrInCiPAI G%ndler, and John A, History of Canadian Journalism. wilt) fire selling, kind tile Increase of ARM FOR SALE. -Part block D., know that, they can visit this place of ade prevented the conveyance of th December Sessions, His liorml, jl',(Ig(,
South Side of'the Square, atimsenient with ease and erfect ear for 11 days and Mr. Dolores claimed -volle Who is ittler-psted it) the ""I"Ply wDklltl lint'llaily follow. Think
F orld ca4t. Colbwoo towns V, 2 Patterso&, K. U., of,T. onto, on the Doyle has handed ralit tile foil()'
barn Wx67 wil from Niidearlob. 150 " a good clay�ftuz. Laymen't; MIN Ion. ry Movement. judgment: direct, Wat Judgal"),ent himirory off Canada will it i.tfw this ovpr, hou'so wall tb water In buildingl. Spr ng creek. loaded after 60, k lli,tol-v ff (!fttl,t join j
% cement stablinF. a comfort. Every show has been re- $70.00forcare and keep of shipment These were follo"wedl lay a discussion beentered for the PlItIntill'I'm Mr. Oodorich Business man.
IGODERICIT. ONT. filled ana high class, Hulled to the its the cattle hand to be on arino d ()no-- and lot its hecor ypill- views. 2 1A YbUnig o1rchaird. and 2 acres standin tastes of our most pak-tienlar people. ng the laymen present, terrnina,L- with fail] County Court costs, including whi(Ill bits jil L hetin iRsticatf
61 McNEn. Dunlop P. 0. CARD OF THANKS. Jodeti,�h a better everal days wait and fed at it farmees In Lhe history of G -Ling the thecostsof exauinationti fail. dim(.(iv- ltirnitihc4 in APPIY to C. C. Ing tit a resolution Stippoil NT., - 11loarn. The C.P.R. put Ili this plea that nev�er-beem.. part on , thao-lbe a -A -chief an� allow 1-4 t-hestOrm wits an act of -Grid-and eon- ory and transcribing the evidence." nintiont for lit the first. Mayor Macklin -Pliplained to the ARD 'A' 441 NK, St tie a Mee al ... r"an sequently they were not respor Ancient JN a one tbis, week, and the Joe Malchan isihie Capt. John McDonald has himlory of life presm Ili Cafludii, Council tile substance uf ft Proposal ma, Rancer, In I he evening Dr. Gandlear and r.
mo,V'cof Chief
mlim f Court Maitland, No. Oumpittly are plaving the six Ilight@ to A PatLermou addiemsed a ineeting to) refit the Rehm-nov Azov, )in(] ham of grotind atilt denIt. with which is likel OTICE TO INVESTORs. order of Foreters. Worts fall me to a y was called and the case oceil.
rev facilitators of gratitude I have. tow large and appreciative, audiences. It pi illp Van- In IlibieCLS ILkin to that of the after. contracted for LIM u(-C(`8SA:y honvy in I1flY0tlIPVPXlAfIL puldit-10lon. N rxdp Is -9A I'd all afternoon. Barrister Y to) Ile advanced lay Thoexecutorscalf the Into George Achasain's Brethren of this Lodge for Hendipg so%eanthtl. cosLa it lot, of money to put on good stone, of Wingbam, Ably conducted noon. Limbers atilt it -on, till titiLt %v( ric will i,4, ivittlev. flat he iLm is an. partles who are vaintprnplating tile ful a wartiath for my late ivifol. I a.mure toil ,how's care N Estate have decided to offer the whole estate bar helart would Wit with tridne Ili pray , yen get lit touch with thearn. the plaintiff"s aide and Barrister Will- THE LAVIIIFN'S MEETINO. proceede(I with in title mpanon and the .4LA1111v MI' Ll- 111111 in It hiLb'e'rui e-tablimlimaill, of a vold Rtora for ala tate b d" do- or t all GodWip-froatotbi in 1414,wol twel ker. of I hing nvest- Ive u part 60- Act t At eY contention ivicialt -vigor. Numerous juen evo,r�. MeOncialarl will haivo, -to. consisting of r I arichwill'appr I e.t _,,ondon, upheld the company'4 wasnn inspiring success. Alitint *X: I)eaQr thin, al racittlactisame reprotienthig-ItIl t Ile VieAb0pi-lall alinfilla. kvvll� Ion well its "T.11 v"t simple arilial %vi[I we t ijilln, the following: do not need to go Itto Toronto or any witnesses were called and the jury churches in Huron P I tery, !ither city to get the bestthat is go- charged by both lawyers and Judge too good foal' 1111n. mll, glent, J"Ill"i"IlliSt"a final MW grPnI 1�/, k lie will. Mits. XcructioN, Executrix. W ,(I noth rig Lut the best, and it i.4 find Mail, Intuit infot nlatt it'll I .1 down lit it bunqnet Ili church '"gly r(ifit "I"d if rho e(unpany .1s
J. P. BROWN, Ing. Manager Thomas is to he con- and about 6 p. m. finding.was given rot, it It, tilt I Immis T14t; Acumostj Executors. gottvii cap in I be intprests of tile 1,,Iy- 'I'll(- proposed mnlai of tile Slintille, it, I, fill Illo,l ,,, It 11 a 1, gratulated and certainly deFerves a Mr. Dtnes for amount asked. It is Miaq Ooderich. Due. 5. 1907. tuost liberal patronage. The best of ionary Movernent.. 'rhe H0LcI fil the (,lillrof-il t.1111fil, ihimtollual works Ifwool Ili be it great The SterliDg Bank said the C.P.R. way appeal. I'lifikil' wILA Ocrulvied lay tile Rev. N. Al. lust. wedriewIny lh iell lilts aplit'al fell ill ("a Indio. tit Ill this Riction, cannot Ile order in insirted on, everything is Le(:kiq,, of Londesbarfaro, it) his right Hitt ttinct much of an aii(lienepand 11111v Not only k 1111. fro'll litill it; clean and comfortable, find pations J. A. K.C., of Tiorimto, and a few hids were Ttladv fill I Ill. I "ik: fig letemling ?%till impia IIII'l %vI- hope the prolnoters
LEGAL CARD. OF CANADA Are reminded tlint nothing will Ile THE COUNTY COUNCIL. fe A, y It. and grounds, hi i at h'-st. . Lo him it -rt t lie Rev, Dr. Glindier, piinel I , I. (Illito Will -1101' � If" it' It oROUDFOOT. MAYS & BLAIR, BartiFters, allowed tca,niar Life feelings of the The JanuarY Session of tire new pill of tire Knox cullege, tile gtl(.ets of being rearlied, tile pilopelty wHA wilh rhi-a win I)(. whPn oleflni,it, 'Llifl-Incement. Lev tile 11 IP Solicitors, Notaries Pulalle. Etc. Office- READ OFFIGE - TORONTO inost, fastid our,. It is not on the Square. 2nd door front Hamilton treat, k necessary County Council opened on Tuesday the president. After partaking of (tie drawn and ihe Ctoijtir-ii will 11()W it I. btatvil that I he c(.111 I Godefliati. too say that Mr. Thomas nows his W- Private fundq to loan at lowiost rates. business. last, Mr. Peter Lamont, the popular exue 11ont repast provided by tire lartiom with it in sorne (1thei wny. f-hule (ifddivin Sciiiih, Ili,. A. It. 1'. _ reeve of Hay, being elected Warden. of Willis church, two excellent, thrill- At fit- ln-t. rvutilfir mewing (if uml. Dopilly ink(pt. .if Kohl. PEOPLE WP KNOW. W. PROUDPOOT. C. HA�9, G. F� BLAIR Incorporated by Special Act of the Liquort IN OANTxmNs.' A court Ce Ing and Inaitrucitive addrealsel; wvre Nil. 1-7,7, afail. ()TItal I" ; F It Dominion Parliament to rooeive V., NI"ritro-al Onzvltv ; Arthit* Ili, r., OFTUS E. DANCEY. Ibirrister, Solicitor. Deposits. clsion wa4 given in London, on Tues. The following are the committees for &lIvered toy The 9011LIelloen ff*(jtji oithe F' Etc, Procwr In Maritime Court.. tbe-year, andla full report of the pro. Toronto, demerlptive of tire itinis of I lie Yom- ]!$,'I). viz: Pal , Pitt' : iill.1. le. It. d%, k �Moaney to Loan at loweit rates, Office- day, upholding the license Inspector ceedings will be given in THK STAR Lnymen'a Missionary Movement, and Chief linizal-It,
corner Hamilton street and Square, Ociderich. who seized liquor iL a sergants iness- especially Rotting forth tile al'ire (of vivedo: U. IV. 011,11dint) : S. 1'. \Vinlli r. ICKINSOX & GARROW,Br.Lrrlmtorq,8o- Highest current rate of interest rootri, on tire ground Lhat it was not a next week Lit(- work expected front Preabvterinu if. o. ilut(ly, jlmmi�(nrll a lieg : Sollm, flunting.l(m land Square, Goderich. Out 1111 of licensed. 0ornmenring, on this the rch Rod particularly the financlitt Lf lD ]letters, Etc. Carrier North Atrant, paid in our ExEcuwiv E, -Messrs. Leckie, Rinit 'I ner ; .1. K. R. L. DTicionisoN. . roronto Star said, That proseentinins Milne. Anderson, Stothers. aid expented from Huron Pieshytery. Geoige t(.1 , lei' - 'I , IV , florigough, Toronto, and M r A Ih.. CIIAnLr,sGAjsnow.LL.D. It. to, (ioHnPII, VILractitivi-r. - Savings Book Department of military clube-and messes will fol- The amount alloted to LbiR Prest'sytery Ren,,, Warden; III Ili; hill, � Iallo- low Ili Tairainto for breaches of the SPECIAL. - Messrs. Shearer, fill]. is $25, (W for general wot k, hotone and It. Oka-, senf.tv; Dim. fill (If tilt- boaf'k ran '%I'. Lary. iLnd'C -9. foreign, exclusive off thitt j'afted by affection, vx'' P, cnks. �smAoEn. Barrister. Solicitor on deposits of $I and upwards, License I Act similar to tile one in Lain- Holes, Glenn, Park cravoyatictir, office -in the Vt .1 difigiylinletellting hi.toarviif i1q. t don Relents likely according to.., the the Women's Missionary Societies. Carindian 'reHai Ira hoTit.t. I Jour House, Gioaderich. Money to lend or. PiANcic.-Messric Watson, Fraser, After the speeches there wasn, general] f, o;1 lift la,11) k,r(hilay k
-lowest Interest. Drafts boughi and sold. opinion of all official of the Provincial Duilng Ptidny flight t -11 k.
secretary's De artment this niorning. Moir, Reed, Garavenlock. discussion on the part of tile laymen tharmigh a vvindow tIs KILLORAN. Bararl-ir. Solicitor, Not- A �Ueveral Banking Business .. t 1, wit It lit bel. I1111.t till
The Act says I at every unincorporot- present. A resolution was unnnini- Nforr(,w & (!,it it a, )I ly m .1, Nll� J* P . a. 9 I P, vial 1 if) the prpmsi Ili unch off tile I"I -,at t
transacted. ed club or organizati(in must obtain a ously passed fly and tilade off with t rmuil,,i ,r teLa a EDUCATION. -Messrs. Irw:n, 'Mccal- "I
on North tract, near Re6isLay hl' -f office: license from the Department before turn, AlcHwan, Moffatt, 011) Angs. which' tilt; lilylrlf.rl tint] pievem of Al ... ig Tho lwaak* Irarlin1vii 2flm pnga�;t, it, can sell or keep liquor for sale, preHerat endoirsvil the scheirle and life rond trav,-Iled to flat- 1111lef with ving i,, llI0. JOHNSTON ROADS AND BRID014s.-Messra. 0ei. whilst not pledging their congrega- z,vel. h Barrister, Soliciter, That twgulations of tiny neilitary till- Lions, which they had not nuthoiltv thieves, at imniffer (if (I lip balvi,ino Tuartraitm off Cominalmloner, R ry Public. Gardorich h "Ofte;o11amiltrana GODERICH BRANCH: thority Can supersede the authority of gar. Grant. cKay, Hunter, Hein- to do, engaged to) do what they could, Dent Jimunt-alIN1.4. I 1114'. Out. I haefin were pl,k#�d up and Yp Wo, P: n. Vill.
the Department is considered very fill- stock. in their -everal congregat ioram towardit Io thOir owneim, Ivn% itig tit(- tit-( I(is% ,r hook 1� very" I'l W Lit 114 FLIKI' tit., too.l. l- A� G. GAMBLE, Manager. probAhle, although hit-, Hudo Saunders COUNTY PROPERTY. -Mess'.s (;al. recollaing the full anionint.. (.xpprt*.(, tit(- Ibeft, 1vto bri ;trial f,,Ill. y Ileavy I with 1-ough nifel All-, 'art vt,r. ENGINEERING. - I .- of a rise Officer, did not wish to fl'(Iln Harrill) Prea;llytpf-y. Th(� hanquet literaliffist Inti -nn. Sto far ,am Ili,,, if r Chief Lice I and gilt tot), atilt It. harld.(11114. B.1
AUGHAN Mi, RdnEttT.9, Civil and Hy discuss the case till tire court of appeal, ow. Taylor, Medd, Willort, 81turdy. wits pronounced by nil, it go eat RunW110 known. the Ira vest ig at i0o h,t, )finding, in V dta -it I pf itN. it. Mugloreap, Ontario Land Surveyor. r has I en its decisinn. Should the' EqUALIZATION.-The whole Coun 'I 1, and wait taken as it unanifetit p -(I if to J located t he( Pres� Acifineiation. lian a,
Officat an Mee i,m.ner Montreal Street, i I 1.
ron. wt 1 1) ILonclon' magistrate's decision be the interest on the Pitt t vf tile holly In On Ptiday twehe Iill lalprire Ili $2 01) it Poll, totge iGoaderlich Tbleplituff GODERICH MARKETS. sustal tied It is considered very WARDEN'S CohluirrEiq. - Meluors. the cause of missions, V, � It I ra too. 1. t Wheat Is riciir 92. but other cereals are tin probable that cases may be pre- Fraser, Leckie. Stothers, Milne, Gib- ('1111tou -Id PInYed tile L, ents vactin. MIUSIC CLASSES. Iarnes,
changed to value. off Hour 11-li, calming lifotie ow wit, on .1.1 Wit. pared against military Fnezo;eo in this bingo. nern by DIA The flogghaveadvanced to 6.40. but other ant. city where If or It; kept or male The Boart of Trade. If Auction Sale Regis(er. Nl, .1 . ..... � I ,c,wo 1, ho I .... I ..... 'it malp are tit the old prices. niZu.le of thoe clubs h do members. .1 Housic op REFUGE. -Messrs. W&tzr, w"re lhvii rintioeq: II -it .... in the
rion Pee Butter nod aptirp ate unchanged. A well attended meeting nf tile Garwillcil �lf, imr
p9red 'o italixtive gillA for blm. sno-sift a ,.a Burrows Vans 11 J 'F Xh4rrwHT4 all] lifnig two,car leads 117 if. I, ndA. licenses front the Provincial G son, 1%toll-ters. Fraser, Moir. .PI r of Council of the Bontd or was Tender tit a tot, oning clittalreara, e " Ifurnber 11 a 2-t A I I %1,, to an I. oil fill catlith an be learn ad tit ea4lol'to Life old land. spent. as the Act declares they 7- held last Afranday Pioening, Premi(fell Z�I: .1 :T!1I , The nooh'i; trade torre, A number of box" of 6zg4 were Abipped cast Y. 51. 0. A. COXVENTION.-The Legal Notes. t I , 11 .... ... ..... 1 2',; Rumball In thp chair. wL r r T I IS M A i)REWS. Ocidbrich. this wit0k aotectate pricea eorreafed Annual County Work Convention of (Mail and Empire Legal Volumn). -eply from an outside ninnnfarttir fwfurrent iiii, uio to noon of Thursdarm A I t2l ron County, I the Y. Al. 0. A. of Hu P. M., Br issels.-Qa.-I bought a Ing concern which was ldcling AUCTIONBERING Wheat .............................. In to W will he held in Wingham. ill on Monday stove fi-om all agent for $70, Onebalf Oil 0 1 1 ..... .. W_ ----- per awt., -1 `0 tot 3 I andTuoaqdav, February 8th at.d Oth. wivi to lie paid in cash, and The npw lairittlaran, rtvo its P of oa % I.Ir
per owt., . .......... 2 45 to 2 CA of her TH '"n, ...... 2 M 1. 2 sion will begin In the half to he taken out In board nd In -friling in I Live Stock and Goneral Auctforinetar. 3 Star Mee ..... ........ IS., ses elf,anditione fair r Iffittilltoilw strbilti. Gilderioli. 3 OD to 3 10 afternoon at 2o'clockeand will he held tijv do, Ing him &found 2, nullifier ifal Ions fnr stork to tit*- al nolint, W per '�Van' er 'a ...... 23 00 to 23 00 in tire Y. M. U. A. rooms. Oil Monday day, livg.v. of $15,09). hut the opinion waA reat-hod 11VA .................... " , Ile )0 my note for the'uhole efloinvIs Trade ton ................ is pil to vo evening at O.Wa banquet will he glvpn aluou 11 tit. Can the earimpriany compel af or disteussion that It would tip difil- sale" madait d#Atinywhotid &lid n I ......... . lidde notes dlifloatunted. Berle 0 W to 0 ,m in St. Andrew's Presbvterlan Cburch- me to pay the full amount P cult to got tile amount of attack taken. Im. pem .... ........................ 0 4 :ILO 0 115 After it, there ill be an evening Ana. -You should not have A letter of enquiry for certain Thor e waq a very I.. .... * ................. 0 so to 010) given :01, Matur(Inv, at 2 o'dirark. cottilif ttendod. ... 1.14 ....... ............... itj 11, CIC SAI,&9 wheat, per bushel ........... Q 4$ to 0 So sessinti intho auditoriudVaLif the same your note for the 'whole Amount No particulmore regarding the hoarhor front at tilt, weekly given fly I lie On Tuesday there will he two doubt the agent hit@ handed tbp note the Marine and Pioberips Deft,irt men I, Mni-inera; off ich tit I livir cup- church. Furnitilie ali foll(lwA A.Alf ESTAT.9 all ATMICHAND189 ............ I .................. 8 6Q tzz 0 hesRions, one In tile forenoon and one Into the company. and prohblv it has wall left in hands If Mr. 3 W. FraHer North -treet, tin IVP(
h6to. writol-robaffilotia-zer , per Ili .............. Tt Inpaiday ev(.nIr,u. board, 3 stands, I funall tablew, dining IIV with, Glen. mxr -::::;:: it ' ta ' ' I. the in the Y. .H. 0. A. hoon diffdoutiated #It the bank Where milled tile night elifilm. tockero, 2 oM 1clunge-, 2 lain tocall per lonlen ............. 0 23 tot 024 to Obtain tile InforniaLion it nil forward. and till porf-Re-tit nd 11, . ho, 6dortfoll, (111116 per card ..... roams. Some If those who will lie a third party acquires a plomissory A letter and eireullar front (lie won a "I"'It P glo hpdu, unaltrpsne� nn(I alpthigm. 1 (.0"I
-: ........... 690 to 6 2i COT) J" I I - 'In", Ile plataq .0 arY an .. SOO to 4 "Ja it ............ tb,, .1) 4 76 to 4 L4 there to take part In the mention, ure ('011111ilpf), ,ov h lot tilt 1 vaiiii ve b*u' ta*h'er,s' note before its maturity he can site for Australian Dept. of Toad" tint] Color- tocot gtfter wato- awj-ce, wt It reference to proposed toy at -balining n IIspring ................ 3 50 to 1 23 are Mr. John PAnnian, Paris, Ont., the whole amount thet g,,o,l kitchen rnphonfid, I irot, I t in itfirratittl at 'tit, ...... loll lhtjr%. Sheep, fat (owt) .. . .............. 8 00 to 3 V# ebatirman of the Provincial Committee Ity You can sue the agazin't for your eprt, tot ill(- clogo of whi,h oil, rippvtIz and caparing. IC. AL, M. C. live weight.
VT.0� oat 'et : ................ 6 40 6 40 of Ontario siond Quebec. Mr. 0 M chariFen In water wnyo ship Ing
A I T Ili ..... .......... .. ... 0 is regular Ions, was okpprnved and wt I hart
iKisli 0 1 Copeland, Provincial mecretarl ' fat'- claim allic"not hiW- 0 Ft Ing supper witao tit -illy I or Wan molodeon, ental range, 2 wrazz4hing lain :8trebt. Impressed n the Department a nifter labidnight wheat daril-ing obinpa, 2 wringoo-Q, 2 %etR (if single har Aleeling Calendar
Oreille d . ............... to 18 ttoo 04 Ontario #Lod Quebec. Mr. stylor H. D., Goderich. - qu. - I have OttAwn. t Menced, and It laat,.tl wl tile ,vk
811003) Skills .... ................... 0 50 to 0 StAtten. Bor's Work Secretary of rented a place by the year and poky my neAq. and other artirleR thAt may ronlo' Tlio F,I;rllnry ulomint- tif rho (j,aderteli
litit,rch. to 10 1). tri., on6r,- 111t, rende 0 W to 0 r ronto Central Y. M. 0. A., Mr. J. rent bV the year, but have nothing in Unropbell rent] I he add a eaa� lient to i hi. In lipfore aturday. Ali in,fort not flip -JI be haf,I 0 00 The action of Life Town Caitm(M In el( wed. EArly Ili rho evening ee.............. . . 12 to lit granting track rights kiting tire dock a rein I I VPR all I Ile lit LP CA.pl. W on. Cra iflar. fni-ninirp iq ionlil, wp will at -11 bigh llumov. lon Thur.
............. .. I ............ :: 8 to 10 R., Boardman, New -1rork, ThteP- writing except the recelpt tin the rpnt. GALLOW4 YA. B ife"a al 0. ........ ... $10, 10 nAtlonal Secretary (it county to anK nod all railways was roppar,ovell, a-1 W4 ........ work, Am I a yearly tenant Y (2) Can My d It man a Worthing eulligluni lit tire tie. girmie vloth morne (if Ili(, very hesat Ina Recridar co,orilhil- r,ltl"u tit the pubila
b4it n"laccarniI,ard chicks, per lb 8 to to and Mr. Archibald Collenn. Londen, landlord raise this rent, or compel me An t e Board will assist the Council "as ftecito vriatia fed. - .......... a 12 to 013 pa-wal, find this tender roncluded hy pt),tetl 4%.tilvh tweedo; in Atilt tell th OM66 Jldor*-$ 16, M. to M.. Phonals.- ra enlarging And enforcli W.Ni .". n the pr vi. , ,
....... :::: .......... 30 to 040 Provincial secretary of county work. to pay by the mouth F I I 'foriolig it' tile Plollfeaaftion of tho Qea and (ovpr,soalt Inch In lengthoa. laoy:� Nq 11. I (all will n,"t f(IT0.0attiot ...... ..... .... I W to 8 Oar All,men in Hfiron County Intereatted lege. It was allso dee ed t iat a -Irilar I
4, at"r ................. 8 00 to 9 W in the welfare c at Yon are & committoile should be appointed )thing so tin, overconotti,
nfhdqn if outig men And boys. case, I have no doubt ill 1" Inent nien in our town who beat nil. cold pronts, cadd von . tol, 411 -he-, qla.. D" ft�u I I Ant.-Ptamyttlur statement of the no ft grand tint-, and niont lonod lit out - and inen'la vice I �74 0 fk e cordially, Inv Led to this convell. ypott�ly lienint. A landlord cannot compile statistics regarding the harbor 9wed the naililor's -The lit -at tit izi. warp, raney #,it.. tie- DIRTICS.
NWL�,W B: N n any case without tho t gln-q vano, won the Role Ili tile ev,�nlng fit 7�
11%0"102 n
8W ADVERTISEMENTS. Mon. Pastors, S. to be forwarded tin members of PWTIV f itatPagae and pi*s1dentjs fla' ralff"lje "e"t 1 ment and others for their information. WWII, At tilt,
tie crion put an by MrA. Thornton; 4wattol. tint] rho poll. arelloaliling off till deReripticl4o- fl -F .1 '. follow
end to thol Wand by fillying a �roplor The Bectetary, was Inittrueted to ond it fountain ppti, won by Neil M different people. And it In (4 TV el,, it alcolon Akta ler to the banquet. 0 rittlon. of the tl� s d1r, 1, DFATHS. 11taladlAn Wo -a R It. .. . ........ 4 quested to attend, All defegates find Ighl notice to qu t. and after I foil tin If, have I has rn
consent of tbae tellaft
Sil*o still CAticott--Wicamen * lnitltutaa� I Church siticletles. are eillpeetally Ntm K&N low Adoliog gaebui, "-azderfeb Du4. cciletica.. a 10AI men tire Invited ?t write the Dept. of Public Worka tit Ivor,
tr o he can rnt the Otttt*& All to the much tiepoled Im- urf- Th" P, '016cifft Parldlifiltal ....... .... 15 111610gAties will he Ontertained while Ili xaltlicard. on Wedne-ably. join.
iii&i twifictrog 9414-c� C. Lm .......... s Wiflotham. will b# linantroll rom. 51 retalsesi%tAblother rental It be can PPOIrementill In the Post Office for bargain hinigo, It lot nocrismar I. r 9 *111111lif to pay. In your whiell a f(raint of $4,M0 hill been nicide Special Notices, 8 00h 9# iroilli It. C.,01bloccria ...... ....... taked at the ovelling Im"Taff Ill the (, unove Viruir grandia its anon nozi cAria 1pati grel entitIM to six months' 1% ear ago, and also the Dept. of to initiate roloilocin for goads that c, clan- TJ PI �111 rkii place fmnl the family A. 14VACKU4, ku Moffett, a church# to defray f(spenvift. All who �otlde al"ti td ylian lit I'ast 01% mi'liftlit as to the Military Camp (if Auetioneer Flealkett sayn Otero are tinually canning In. High el Irwk �, f "I.Atifird..r after.con, row is We6-1tiodscm atba . . ... 9 Atpirict to attle-tid. 6houtol notify L 0. of to Auction -;oir-ne eurnotary.
oa�hoc r6atiltr at rho aw "Ifiank 10 fy-u�oj- porter ......... 00thoW rilhoteltininationot -pot I t 3 1plet"Ing, Clinton, chat Ixter than yftt, Jol'o'bi, aft trid to your tenancy The Rein carpet and stair eat a al IlOtthlff-ff.'L, ftlidg012A Viebianary Spd,, AtAilting lilicbetbtf tha I I Sed-leetAry *111 rilsol write the 8tocktriking Bargain*. Our lartrallin come Ili t the Auction House. timn iris AM ykitle libitwild eilinnot compel YOU Jq01"11161`11 NAv. CO. regarding their pair every Satut-day. blifilt,ft na, 1:4 Piy Iftnt b� tbaill Itionth. tiosita cAlling bore too 19M. ........ .... Wish tht0ftfiffitactit ov r, etiout" Ia, inter"ting ju*t new any I In THE STAn
lbotba on it for one dollar. G.M.tI.I.107r. an we do. tW-4 ftL r..
seL Aso'