HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-01-22, Page 7. I - 11 ,:�V' �'.. , I .11 . I I __ � � .fv ., . , - I ­ tt 0 W4 7- -_ I 'i I 4 �X1i1WT11W17WqR_ Ilpl[Flllloglplo,lilgjr4r�, oriill!�, I , I 1 MWOW117, 4R , ", ,..,� , 110-77 I?.W-' ­.Tq,N.!i , ... 7,17` X 4, � ,,qrp , * ; 191RITAR7T.P14 I 71 . � - 7` , ,,T#, 77 I 4. I %. . , 7 i 'N' , .1 �� I. Z I I I 7: . . 1 �4' 111`0 _11 1, , � 1. . 41 � . � . I, . , !� ; , . 141�.l - � �f ." ,r, � , :14i . . . . C � " � � .� . W. 714 � �,,�, . � .1 , , . - , ., � I � .. L­)'�'N' --�", - , , � .. ,,�. ,�,l i. I , P.- " " - .�*t - i , 1 7� . . 11, - __ -.— - - . ­ . - \ __ - . , i .1� , 1, '* I q !" �, � �-, �. i - - __ - - 11111 I 11 ___ � - - I � � 11 I - I I I �, � __ AWM IS I I "Incto A �! 12! "_ I - I - 1� . I I , � . ----I-- � - � -._=­&C_Z.%!.vIk;2 i i lop.ms 'I 1=100=1. I- 1101 10� I 11�209,mq, __ I � - . I t � � , . In , ;ffv . - - - Im! Ili .1, I- --.--. �. - . .­_ "_1i I I � � 11 I I I I N. W"44 M��r� ! I -:�" L :;'� "o 0 0 � I, I . . I - - en "Mot RAU a olklorva., 7 7�7 4 I ­ 7 "-_!7""',*7 , � -111-_ 0! I ­_ 11 I .*-. . I - ­ L "' . � � 11 , I � � I W, 11M . - WS ITE145 11 , ­� 1111I.:1.111 .. -11 I I . ­­'­ L'' - � , , . ftak.sbw an VW4% to 14 , , ** - , . , I ­ - I . -11 I i I , 0#10(sro NE 1. - i . .... I __ I .9, I % - . I . . *_ � "a I A* Vow VA" I .1 1. .. I . � -.1 ­ - , - . " I � - "Itv . ^ I , : , � I I 11 L # .i. 11 I I ft"-%= =*Wl 1 " " ". #,f LL - __ L � . . . I I � . , "tA :� I . W, I 0 � , at arolowlax Cralb, 11 V4 Irow Wow* Mox �"� LIC4, *41, 01114r.''.1, I . , - "" I— , 1 "11'"11,1go Fashion, � S , 'Not , L � , � 0 . ': ut" 00"" t4 , - * I �10 , LL . I .'' � . "A. I - U" 14 0 WW =,," I � TAV� I 1. , 1� , i 9,".' -, � L %*#O, ­ . 11 L I I 1i � I .t'L'' , � � I I . U*" *ill b#_0A ; 11 I � ...... � .. I 4vt 7 tiola,10M � L I A . � It ftt , I M" #J C$W Miarft T0%P*4;k%#VJ4* . . I I hi 11 t I � 10 I , . I 11 . I . ,� i . � , I , � &Prw am* , I ... * __ T",Q I _..0 , 14�lm "*"W W*" . . :, , I � � . ,U,m I .. , _ $10, � .�, , 0101,4t 00 " , I r% Qf#* "OMWAO " O*WA& it*16"J=**a&*$ 44" . 1. � I t. , . 1. Me I - - . L oft Okow to frwrito iQ#r to I , ��' i L 11 I .11 I f . I � � I . , �!v . I I � 1, , , I Cjw', 407 _ _ *04U."', rrilslis ow. ow* . I L � . 'L . I � I I ft""O 44 , T%,.'*, � w**'tho� "A piocoft *it* , I*— . . , ­­ A 10 I . I I � ."­­ ,, *,, _ . I - W,Q#0r,0 t*6 *1 , , *"***""J,J4_*"** 1 L : .AN Aklk�'4119 UNWALWAVOT L *' I I I , 1. I I I I . "" I- ILI ­­­', ­ -1 ­­ I .� I . I Alk"Puch Irmilt, arix" . I ,903* O" Au" , � In isill "Mr"* �.y sioret�arx of Ag. 6" . I .. ­4`I_r9L,4Arj%`W � - - 7 1. .1 .--- � I . " I I I . , , Y, Ckitt-1 I b4olk frm WAX L *a* * Vw** MR- � . OftItilira,wil"; Attho %tb *"4. _ ,-, ,*"Pk V�#* � I I _VAPWAXD� r0ol":, . � Ny� vwk up wks, a* .0 � "I . . * §joe4a , listed 44 . so'nrit'v t I � ? 01� . � I . I - polet lot 44y '44 . I stkimuo, 0A villmm � sea, who, T" b i W. � I 44106. , . . � I ..11-, ­_ , . , "'. , 4'* in I '�L L 4064 11>4 #9#14st. ni%kjqK,. (kI)t1._n 11 -0 �L­.­­ I _ _"U of'OW Aftericia'f , I . � I ­­*­­(� - - 4 , ---- � ''.. - - t ""; , , � .", __­ ---IWI-4--.��.,---"�11------tl,4,,N���.��--- 3.�.A .4-1__ I'lM,-O"N - � ­_­ �.. - Is the. W Axi-k-4-4m **4=*_ WVU ta%w* - -� - �Irj, 'L rx: � _# I . ,. 7-,- �-,s Itn. - " _m I I V � , ' #A - "J . A1111141 trfQA IiPrf QA 0 , . LT#AIO L %,ku I , Z*Uka ; " I _ -7 —*' I t%., - " - - - 0" .- --- V I -4, %- -r'-'. - - 0A - , I ... - Z4*44 - -7 ­ ­1ro"wei-ok-, 'y ' I I . I L I _ $t I 1% X #1 I 4. U0, P#rtj -W 909A - - N � � _"4,fJlQU4*#,*r0 I 4 , �116 %, 5j�"j M . I - ­ rand ,Tft k . I Tt" -a . - I avOL J L QUth%, I L*i - ot. I 04 "vo; " . linAuitioli 'Wout, �rolk W- 1P 4 olslitatltouli4 �4 .*_T_.�� U40. W -1111"t 41W. �M 6"t,otair otdaro,d tvti , IrAia"Ilv -bis.i fu . t W "r 040. P Apuk fqd *.* , wry 1A I r . he kia*iA9R'DeP#ftWe9t- ' And . at . I ­ L 1#9 L .3 , in' t 00.111011. tQ'is--for , - - , - . 14 17 14 iii, L arA, *hj� "NUX 4M, , $, ,Q* I I "Arc- , � I . i I . rs to oith,0 peoitc. L . , UX$d sw , S btlrueoi"� 84 $LIO.QW V* , Ovopf:I -4 Qhino 41 L I , rot"t 40' 43.1m in bti 41AV 10"A'Sirowthis setttu , . J10 (Ow mod. `tt, k* I - _ " -thatt V 1, &-aCrr" Apt, . I � I I I L fits I NW. 8it;I#,r*A- � .L. i Lr4torl "r"Ovory day, . . ,A14$ froft. "* lfiait4* flour, art' logo% ­ 04 � ,-, I I 4 'Alseat 0*4&, J6.1*6 04 LO)KIY­r6ascs ' ' t Pat, " tjiiii" L _1* gr# iiii. .OnMot,` J� , Toiooto, . O I I L, '. 4'1�4$ tb*, � "tili, "M *A- track, Tgroxito . , a "#, 4 -the , 0�wlu tot, -W*041) 9 1341to it 1, . L "4404 low * , U7U`(1Nl of � - ;f - , $$A 4#L.b , . I I 0 `* Ir in"11,01y "'! 01111in" "" ILI , , - , frlw,;� 44 4 41t, I Uro� A I 44, , 4%" , " 1119� I '*la - �rs`jii 'W*4 not "d $Wt0r4t#, "�,VJL an 1 0. " vo , growini., _ 4, %*�Ch, Wo 4_044ta. I :L L I , � rsou'll, , _ . W� ait h , -ppoil.it,od �spe,*�ev, 9t it w t" ovleQrt� 01,04�ittw�00,11ar4lemilltilta4itol�4t,016upz 41kal,Q , �V## 141000 140"t- *(, 04" ci� "Dq� net I ,,, � 4 U , , I vert 941'ro; 0 ' 1 �.:060 444 iA A 19 ' - X L ,A ,Xtro 0. 4%. .'r, L . OW MillAt4ill j 444W, "'Wot d'oUbo it *sj 4 1 ns, I= � ot'iAill, 1, I , I . I """ 0 1, � I 0 71,4.. 0! - 01 I � � � # ,1, � . At (Iowa - * . i I I I 0-0,0. � ' . 44, "make #04, wV0A., W%*4"Ort Uinburs.h Wrlostrotout'Ally-44410ted to flAr" �. I - "I'll . I , , 'at, gr`essj�' *�";ttliiupd .0 I Wj� " , ter iA 041uOtOn hospital,, too lg;t�fo�,,t,b4-*6444�'t.O.di*X'tba � Wh"t,.-X"jtQb4LL-11.wh# .� It I , PATRIAIMM � ' ­­_' ,_ard"biit 11"*�'L another, 4 _ 4� 4 to, Omplos. of �411(1' t W4 fo in , ip 4 for $;C� X'.IqQ, 4L r ' . 01.00 0_4�Muyl,. Ud,bill #f 00ciatelk, hav*iAlmay PL4L# *'t#. L I . . . . W COMPANY, .. I I . The juriw,. � I , *W!sh 09,M44., gr ,,,',O4 0a' *1, ,at. $1,.ro' Joi 1"blor 'b'j,.b' .04,14dlt%itrie#�. 4 . .*uJ* � ! I '. L .4 Qof t yot, I 11 L-4 Od uo W L I I ,, h$'S -, VRON,1.400, , �" 1, Mr, and Urs. 1. jt.. r"s. r I � ,rt ra, . _, 'no ,Koojoo, 14j4,thts'.1$ . � , , , rain WlrXQ , " - - . , ,r.'- ­ �, 1 16*� t Vottior , , - 4 04., .,r ".V,L At to rOV;(.Io_ 41; Lt. A,Pvkja� . 104 J',,',-T49XU0 XQDOl;g*Il, ej,Aii weavIs all"'botit at vlosely to Itho I -,, 44"004 to* " - ; 'M , , sie . ;%*, *;L% at ft. I ", 0OX4 TW*40, 0"t4 . r� Goorso 144ter I . .", 4 � No.' _a " .QTthe ' A � . .Q04erai 'Od At'Otts,v, .- h4it'. . , 1. I . . . , I T , � anC1r,hJ$,,*.J , L .so - 'Ja -'r.'W'' T4ZS"JQ .-, " , .4 1,10'.. Owt.I&A . 0044 oa - O'hitio, 3100004, for0t " , -1, �IA �� -_ - ; � $e 4iid 06roou L No V � I altor - I _ I T$XV,g , ' , , F id , #­ -, - - � a r " .QA ,Paris it li 1. I I.. .: � r r 4I I L'... I I I I ! : I 1. WIN,Fpoor ."If ,#� lit- � r ,utt,noiv, d'#,p#W _I� ­ I � I r �4, ,�t I � I Ars. Taitter Ili ,Vk � Vo �aot,_k4. � ' ' _"rtC *�, 1 Worth or# : "�-Vox- , 4, ia rk *$� ,.Still, holding 0,44 for'.014 ,­ ­­ �, " r ­­ I '' L, 1". -_ 1? 11- _11 I #d ­,OAlJV - a 10 I 11'1.�&L'* , , Q.1 11 10 , I On. , � Qt . Ott tbe' rail,'_ and, Wo,,g X ,--_, u,at . , 1 �� 11 . 1=411-:1itat, k . I . I I r . -r I:f)t , r_,,4,,,,L . X . o0groax, .What," "a . 11�'­ ­ , I L11:1111� , , utes" � The ,,pitl : � .1 I'Var., OaxrtQ.4 Of Halifox'sLAYA C4 , � .r ,.�,_�' L _ I I .. � W I loo, Xguch QA'X 1. . '.--_.1__ I 7-11­�_ � 1, .. , : live a - 1*9:4040 '' 00111110,004I t4o, ,"Ura' all rAll ' " � �­ L]�, " ­­�­­� I I I �.. . �, " 'W44t, J# r I ' - . , h , X , . r Quo *­ ­ L 1, ­ IL JL' ' I ­ oili " of J�hb � 44 P' niteIdek a .14% 1 A rt r , . . - ` ' ? L � 11 1 �04 . lu#4 � , . , ,14.0 - _ �4'.�'*.;II14t, r� , I - _'* . rg1piro t � M'Oi %11 40:01 roiltor or pear it - L .1 � - r r. r. I ? I',-" , � f rt4 - .11 � . L 0.4utry A tho'*, rater -4f, Q0e*'­40hAC*1 education, . I , I - , . 1. I I I XFAXV;S,�:, )if'114 , Q ­., , , . ra, . roioaiiaw but, I , ': �6"�;&VAII to, 42Y, jo r ., 1AR L , k . r * , 11 , Ill WeLsici I . . . I _ , _, , , ­ . eoxr�4 , , _ L I I L r t- 'L ' I x4o g L I . �11 " � . . PA 1 *,- T6,64 r I �,,,: �� Arti 'tAlkiol ini; 41400� - I I , .., I , 4-44b4ank tha , " L,$,A 44 -4: �-wiq, , i� , iwio , -Z . *tritl ,,,I ovol .TonlltQ 0 tolbtik I oqal- fil I � " , 'lit y " , , ­�, , 0,*rt,y,Ahara',b0i#1g, but W64,10 the , , �#u � O , tAOI &I QVSW 14.4 io.44blo., , � � , A�� � 'VS *eigh, . ofoul!�, 9 I I rvi'Voril''bein 400:001W.,044" A* AI VP - - - . I. Vis " 3%0�, qu*rkor -9C Ilk, � W-, 0111cu 6oh: uOuiro . te&o L ' � I � ­ 1. L I � � Tooterir Jjj� toll tl*'.4tOty of flio'd , 7�,QA� y .& . :1 - I'A' a a 00. � . L - , �. :*gto 'it L " t js.� I& _1,1, , j- _,­! I __'�­- � I , liy*r IR ' " . . . - L$ Of Vt4r, llvl� is 819 , Ut � Ows ' � ,act I. of or, 11V'i, the 144W , 4 .0 � 1 116 L�) ' .r .L ': � - qadA,oaf#, 4 ,� 4' .kno); 4ock'OL i44 4 1 ,IESCAPE I'll , , g i J §, baoi,r'04 , , tan- b# e6a ;*_y$ X e". klioVq�. *A# �r " '� . . r goot "I itind muffe Are forcing.1 ­ '' r , _ 6#�:' � � ' _ j.'_ 0 _4 , rj�j.S�yir�* *, 4;"jj�46W . I . I Q rgii� ;( I . . . I I I I T , , � ,j - It - I ITAXOT-09 11RO'D 11 4 , . lu � fj''otod,lite, ' L Xe.", A L , A 4$4 ke,p , I . ,: lL Q , ,�­Xisfi' UU86 Barnett W I IV I . to the fore. . - I _ ei..W" L V�q S. ,',WbQ14C1 `vioiii _ �.,W �,;P,, r", . �$i' " ' , Ort.rc , ' thr t " - _ ,,�� JII.shkk�"*,ujt�' , it,V,: is 411,04 ' itli, . . ... ,On I _. ' "i �,:. #$;O��Xo _': " � _� : ---r'; ,�L 4 r '..., � I "im �6i, �r�'11, _f . I I �. I ... ; . . . . . r 11fr., 4' pt JC��, 0, . L . ­ _. '. A - I - ,r of th ­ bQuw ' ", " _�� r JP � . ��, r W W I �W S c : a ft%Wworu. .1 � I q6tdo _ I "t I A ried—V I I - 'SD r- 'd Hi Life ' in ' * I " � � , �� or - , 1�rle___ ­ -_1 Iralffiffl-, I , - . . � . -7474 I -1 - 0VQAt";:-­ VV4 Child , Wer , I _44—i "it- .1 ,.4*1-0 -4r_A_,%1VA_fff6 I _ILAF Tor I . -b. . st __­ 'L '_�f ,I , , , �L,,1%-*y2%*,outqid0-; �_­_:_ __�_'­ r��,%­­�w 9 .0, , the -thought.-to, 0 _0 ), , , �J ,_ 1 4- �. % �.. , 0&ii��' telegraph . . e 111111161 w.l. I _ _10, W IX A . , - e " � tii'WQ0tLO,XA � A ,%r" _ , � I � ... fa -WHIT, en is PsF 'n 1!,)1U1WW_XA - � "�.W _.*00 ­ot $1" r , . wi wa - -Mu � .""IW , . _ripje , . . �, _$ � London rd . � 11 ". rpcoyet. , I I' , - , ­ - �'940de; ,NO, 4, ext'r., at, 44�, ' L 0"Jk1NJ% :1,4rt Axiby'rodt"On Ukurday. There. ,never w I . r 1, " �, To Admilton It 0 4,0L $1 e4IFT;, "afid, 4ri, Tbetor :I%uT,yfyL##� ',1A Apell XrQ _SJ$t 520., . . ., L A 11. . I I � 14tArio architects 001214iii of as before a winter � I . . i I L I � I I . .� , ,_ . _ fr�,OJAL� OttaW es"OUstom Whereby Uill �) i ��', . � " Olin .. it r 4 re.: e wc. addition to ,, he!, kvbg girt ,Who WAft ,. , I- A 44�QAP.atohl , 46 lays -, til it with- x0cli - a 6r*zo for � : - , * .r. 1 4 L" " . ''of w''Ith t1ho, ivartyi� 4;44 ;Qsoapeck �,*I.wxatiou iA thir; Iteots are AlLo,�eA. I _ 1. , .- , . , . , , - d* '* , , I � I I 1.4ed litot" i in I W4 _ '8ta�c`i` raxisiisn . women are wearing I . � . � : , - - 09 t 044"CAT-461, to.� Asep ,O4.tsiofe� , f�ra. Insane Aulum. , '. " . , . , , , ,,��N 4hi linpo 'pt, PA. ­ '' r . '� * IR I �-_ --11-1- -_-.__11_. t-11 -1. 1_-_.1.1__.0._._W.__- r L- � -F_ . 'PA 'an 11 r I # r f')� ­­­ "'. ' r L . L ' -c"Adivo­64'al 1-1 - -�e�-, V � '- ­- - ­ ­­ L " L ­ ­ . - . , �� 1111� I- ; ,,M04 . Q, gqxiotea, ati,88 t(V Sol 4;, arph is . 1. - ­ _.__-==!t; - ­­ ­­ 11 _..______._.._____�- _­, r Akt_wild�xii� I 1�_,.tli , I li4bt"-,b-o�0#0,��,-.,�-,,-,-�,,."-.";,!� vlatiftict-�­i-, -­­ � _ _t9_d9__hL,L. huj,s�.Iih,awl -like-tbow of iftty ye -ars - (I' h I r . I 1. .,.. '100 '0, ­ ,.'�. L '' ' f "' 0 quarwiiiiist iel 0" 4000,10 , &na a. . ",r,"' ' ' . " ­ , , i London, Out- - in 411firlY reoxcifiable--manner ani - ,. t ty " .. . � �� '. L � , %-,� 'N, . L � ", r.,, T _," L' go� _ - I A 4apmeh, rom , , I I L -_,,L ", -L] _r . Z11 Q , q Ipontrr&oit . L ., Pc,'recei in L , ", " I I t .; �, . 't'R )jkJ& - " "" 'r I -, z or rq :Iaticui hall, been f L . * Pte 'r . 1. �� car , & h.. 1� 0 A 'W-' WILSONS- , 4V,.'P- , 10 , . r;oan, yellow ., Z L ,� - 0, �. g,. , , , h : L ��, L r ... � , ; r. � , I � _ V 'uL made. in favo for, Montreol's Ice a Vit4 the block tailored cQ*t1a 34YO - - Moir, who shot and kill. utQl kuow nothing of what he wap . ,, , -:r . . I p�o: Q rQ34107 orges for' eXportL from the, Unitq 0144-cz lids been let to Charles 410.11 I .d . r , I I �, , . I I , ''o to, �lita-W, (Wer the iftulotlQu I haick g cis CL .. � , aN.WIgo _ pf. I 4,0s"' ,� � . 'I I I. �' _ , ,� ed Be t. Lloyd in 00 Nvulffeley �� g V. _ " #OiWAR At 07 ' III , , - , - , , ' fo'�r skitol W . T ;1!L " 9 , , .. 'I 'L D"L ' , � , . � 11 � , tTrsck" , I4 1 , r. .. �, ,. , - , � ci.�':f� ye �, , go d embroidery is in ""' ' I :� 'I, 'AL!t r,,, S �s 4, , , . " kt 'L .. is ;ry & Co. The building will Coided silk ur ,,favor. lia 4,42i . 'L . ­ " - 110,� ,at - of the V a are 14 r -e, was on Thured P 02, I I � r'�!: � r' , , T Out _ ppeno _ gr - , �Of thq W r0utq_;:,CAu&qJ4�, oy AY -01 .-h Were mardo/a �'o ' $ 'tr ' .1% , tinsel agreed to dispoup-a with r r " IQ � i , glij, jUR '114 ,,, r '' , X , , t 4w . t1vo.,obilor0ii , '41hou fai* ,r , .Out $7,000. her - L.,' - oc,, _ Il jr,Dtaii,�,V&,S ' waists for atree [Al ..' *.�r , _ he�' trko�oid 11 h � . � liq� . : Whio t the time t 9 up afternoon acquitted of murder, 4 - 44dressea and Sir IVJIlir i, , , A I �1 � - rfM Ily, ard:ileft, 4i r .01 vpiir"�*ro '' k .0)Xt, 9 t coat -and skirt ter 15 minutes' deli -m. A � I � 'Th " -d _ ,:" - M 6ite, in. . I .." ,4110-00 in bill: , , T4o Winnipeg City Council will suits, Iteration by the .su�umed up 1� ''I" :� :, . _j", , 11 - Pit �r L -4 �Mcred',I, , .. . 00,V.,"o Lothet'ltw oh�, , * , ut.hf Q4k of the LfQo& and Mouth dia, - . J%,I, . I -4 . ,$,I ,,r,2, ,,, briefl�. pointia4 out � L- !,! ,:I . 4 40. expresg_ a : Ik . re" the' Ixomo ,in 13�,Irnsb�.�, - 134': ,,, $Worti �- 1 , J,44n- L ' l# "�J) L � - *11ile:, I r ' '041 "I . 11 I JUXF, on the -ground vf insanity. He th;&t tile evidence went all 'bile xv r, r' , t ) 0 1 in Illinois,' Xierbigan, New pyq�,#bly buy the street railway Embroidery in "heav%, worsted or r 'j, � _40 , o �,s 91 an ' rL r X1)&"AV hi jt� peo'd,�,. 9�11"� eirf 641k 'ease ',,,,,,,, 4xii, . r r: , ol was Aimilioni � "Oriog 0 P � York . :�,�I, L � �'j . ,, . ._ . ­ - I O'L I oy It was pro- 404'p4wor plant from the company 4% .. .. t I � I I � , Will be sent to the itisatio Asylutu to ind - \ r ,, �. _ , , I . �11 i 114� . :W- I � , , . "10* A* '� atk­j - Dp4r4 , I Oro$ '� L. I L gowns. r � , , stated b 159mo 'to, �jjiq �IIIXt,Y,L , � T ke " % lil. , . r 1. n �. . i, ', I I Lip carrying ]ROU 4p6rating them. silk is employed on miny now cloth at 114miltaq. . 1, . ic,sto Moir's irrespousibilit) I . y h ms ��,;, ,. L, ' _ *X u In.' "I'll, , , �t s4url I 'COU livo stook from. an American -por In You could have reached no uttitur . ­, r � . , . � � . � ,1, llour�, The jr;i�k . � I I 1. I � �', �', L, � , iii, str$j# . 'thia Na . I Mit"t PRolmo.E. Tle .' QLhinamen were found con, Four doctors, Dr. W. J. Rolsin- Nwdiet," he said, h ___ r L �r %�Ll _ftt�'At I _. -, . _­ . L- - -1 r ­ -1 . r L The populari 11, ,_ ,.r-, Out, L 4 Lit tho . 'fit u.4,14,01 __ .. _.Pl � - .- 04. could call at a. Cgund ... ort co -9 Irx at car loaded with theatri- ty of suede a waning son, superintendent of the London returned it. I r w ep the Inry , r. 11 I I . . 464 . . liay.0, L . are 11 11 L L, Q,� 11 . ... .� erl.q r .1 -, Jt6. -rag'Y'L . 0, - k rbt for, good qualities b .1 "L'' IV It _ _QA� , Ila � [ ;b " I L' qt4�F'-­8tdPk - $3,50 to and .richer col ,,:, :: I ri g- Ouse '90003A i . , 0. I � 'L ' r take onioArgo. The di 4 av 041 ner at Montreal, on Sunday, ors are in evi � dence. Asylum; Dr. C� X. Clark, head of pr1ilimer wi Joide tile verdi-t tiit- .1 :'L 11 , �, � ­ dau,�$he vle,W, oi-,the,,app�,64�Q " .. - . Jet butterfly buckles are t AV lat- It be kept in vlose cot) I � , ,� � , , I � ��, --W not, 09 19-11144 I . kin r . e t . 444� ,:. , I I . a echeme far fie Toronto Asylum, Dr. Bruce :r,' ' L(itically stam a t, it an it is thought r eat arid daintiest thing for slip m fluerA . ­ . 'r I ; - � po - Smith, iA - ­ 11, " �­,- _' . �X, T,!,.DEA , r , r 44",E'T� to ,'!�, an't now 'been decided ha, SteA j - . � ... - . ,op 000_ 1; %ples- , , �,_,��,r'�­`raljl frQM thQ;driV6r.4f:t4CI,s,Iejgh� ' L ed tin t corit till the pleasure % f tl,- P ,� ;,40 9P FR!� , ,=, � !, , 4044i-44 4 ma.v -tak - -_ hese people into the Wgine - . , , .- I � . LL, I , 'ILL .", . I I ...... f- 1M_.4%-__ 1!11 _1TrT_ of" f -a h . I . 1�, young pm4_9.1,4, are wear sifftOr Of.asylums, and Crown is known, which meaub I Fore - F____r *I]* " ­ , 'r , � -­ I 1-'M4-& W&AJA%�AV,Vf 44 %,,,,,,,,,r -, . . I � , . I.. L-, T,71L4,_­1­ . .to=, t-00- tie& 3, to wl -!it' Air .. I ­'."' slueer. ,kui�, th)6�ougtiimki_� ...' � ..." - !!, I ---- ­­_ -D . �.. ., QVII14fit)ZA, al I I T , , I �W �IIIL ­.66iiiiii-I - ____L:�4_:�, 7 , van is �4­ . �Q�# Fur- land: or ify other American port - ing jer, jewelry With gowns b AQ ed .) . . ­. I, . �� - I .., I A 11 .. 110 PeATQ�,L�t4Q N I— -_ and' white. tifie'd, and all agreed, I . _. - ,!� " �, 1. " er ' i Lost lRiA1116 e4r b end afterwards call at St. John or . Moir asylum for life. This trial tillows . I " , .0111illigi the 00tin crew, clatim � 8 RsP,4ei-�0,Qmb3, ��12 'to ft -75 per I GREAT BRITAIN. It seems to be tile aim this -vin- will an epileptic, end r� . . - , -h ' L ; ibUt . that When the public -vi I L _ L A, 6 4, , � ­ . . �,`��'��Ahb'yl.wire u Al! " Or" r - Cterous, 8 ars.k. ­ any other Canadian port for eat- - are in danger fru,it L 1. ',�'_:. � e' . r I as, leptics a Uebt as the unfortULI,08 I -r.- . ,,, . L . I .1 Varrje�Nation was arrested dur, ter to haiyo all clothes as dark as the murder wa's committed lie . "L. . � - ­ ' . I I , - d0g'01-1� �and,'4001404ir 40 -to Ile per tle at Oth�6r freight.- possible. in a befogged., semi-consoious w . �1� ,, �: -1 - ­� �.r�� .'.'1Ak 4 ve" 4 ell from WatqrOus, 8&jlk., Lila d ., , � Y, Jor the, 1006m4tl n ,I ., I � '. '' �.L ,I.' h . . ­­_ L A.deepa , rL ' �` -z .., ", �, I Is 4310 43'it wa' atruV littlo'girl L, go 41-ULAnd �,�";4"T, , ­,, 0 ,aimo*b aqVia . I r .ifi� 4 aid on 4 saloon in NeWCaBtl4Q- , Coll, solaer. Stich people ma� :1 i . ". . . . . ��,L�, � ��, '. . . � L I I '� �*' L , 1. I I 1� h I . says -., William HyAngs an Ea4liqh, � XY-No." I timothy, .sjo.r)d to . . The of to -day may ,wear Idition and knew absolutely nothing without having knowleage of tlic,i j�. �­ 'L t er'r,all r . I. .71-11— on -Tyne. - I �" L , L 'I $ - - -homestead A-1,1100.9nicli Wei, - - ---- " just As-nittoll- 4UT'L. QO-llerL­mLcther__jrr Q1-WhaCL_waa._takiug�,pIaoe..- -It­w­aL8- 'Itild- Weir liotn-16diil 11,1111 Its 1� r-",044 Arair uOu0ition � �"_";_' L - - .... au11I__X1Q_ % STA -11S. -- - -Sir,-eunam Doyle was operated on ,proportion to her size. , quite possible that Moir raiglib act ­ . RD _ t I �;�­_­ .-,--- ,, , I �. I __ " r,,,, 4fhWAst,, O : this: 2, 07 a : I — , �i�* , , %�­�T-'Ii'i _XW�'APWAtAhA&a_ 1* _$-8. 1 1`1`�. . - L -A V'a ,- �- I , ,.��,`T --I':- I— .. . ­ ,.- � an -Sunday for an intestinal affee- - may develop at any time. �t' I., iown on S40r6 . __ I I � ., . '� 4rrified cry froxll�" t_4'iaso_� W4_ - , I Hamiltonj Ohio, Man Attacked t!04. Re is recovering. . �" '� _rTb la� � last qpdoi What Straw -017 to $7.5o ou track. The old-fashioned, prunelle and J t", 1, �1. .saw tlie.' 0� s0elll peculiar cirClumitkiaces. ,He r Votatoes.--Outarios,-60c per bag, prune colored cloth has made its ' ===,=-_ — ­ r,: � �';"�­ train at the last inomout L Wife With a Penknife. ;British shipbuilders expect to ae- . --- ___ . . �j bad Ob died r _ " - the Pelawares, 75 to I eararic 800 LOAN GUARANTEE. Moll BURNED CARS. I . .., — % �'.. ':',r,.,'�L ,. � 800 per.. bag on . ou'reAhe contracts for the construe r!"Wlack hats are, as always, good _ ­ , �. a*ay�beforo tfiei, sleigh left town W' 'hoI46' .eLrly in I e in directoire suits. " , but a�a 'he Was not - I I tb, - W,,t'�fi_ foreno4rit seen track. I . . - ( L ',L` - ,� was dashed against A -despatch from Hamilton, Obirf, tioii 9f two 20,000 -ton battleships Ontario Is Now Relieved of all Re- Drastic Action In Rio Janeiro to I " * I , .1! I .. 'r, .1. altor, ar PgLulfr;_�_C11i L , , I pl �� �`�,'�_, rkigp's shanty and � demolisbed..r W, CIO search W413 -itilitituted I ckens, dress'ed, 11 to says.: Rudolph Wirtz, Secretary of tor-tho Argentine Republic. style, and most striking and site- ­ ` ! , ' -PC - , , the:twinklinf of srn_e�e three of Uie au& his body -was-76und.ou a bluff 130 ir poulid', fowl, 8,to 9e; ducks, the Wirtz Transfer 06., a proulin- cossful hats of black all([ white are sponsibility. Settle Fare IIIIIpute. '0, , 1:� I -L. , . ,een taken to- seen. Aw ._,,� party wer - -out halt &�mile Beydnd his shack. ll to 130; 9,Beae 11 to 120; turkeys * ent business man, went" i 'a As 'a" Ii , a ,rit r I 11 I , z,, _,��, ts crushed to ,death, arid ab , . , sane oil The a t at P n e na- A despatch from Toronto says: A despatch from Rio Janeiro � '. .., . footsteps wer " a am I -injur- - , , , : " " `� 19 red ;as to"sUccumb Hi e followed right 11 to 18c per pound, Wednesday and ran c ti. . ". , � k fourth so inju s . . & j.i f. , . d uits of chil- The -Province of Ontario has been says: Twelve car '�. �L ., , � , ,� ,� . a his own do`�r, and his mitts —_ I Ing six persons, including i n the dren there is no more satisfactory reliesed ' 8 of the American- I �:. ,L' 1. I �:L� ' soon after. Both horses weiie in- up t 8 wifei the of all responsibility in con- Canadian Cout any, operating tile _ �. "I ll� farm � I - , a 8 p n.r. hi .- s . ­ k, ere found there. Whether THE, DAIRY MARKETS. who will probably die. irtz as- w' r'l� titl__ and material than dark blue wool serge. ,_, ., t ,. , ' is very f his. 'y . red !�'ti �an of col.r. necti011 Witt) what is cuturtionly city ,street rai viray uvttei I were I ,, � , stantly killed. The oceiijanta, Vf and in a ill a I fr g t . . rges . 1, is ,I t % In , ,i h It S 4 At . I ­ �J� � the sleigh weremot 'ihrbw' ar h ndw, were frozen and he was Butter-Po�lndf prints, 25, to 26c; sailed his wife with a Pa nife atL � There is now an absolute ban up- ktiuwii as "the Soo loan guaran- burned by a mob oil 'Munday be- . 1111� I 'L � �. � e- tubs,and large rolls, 22 to 23c; in. man forty tinies in the face, It reast, %,, , �NITED STATES. must be tight, neat, and closely nesday night, received from Hurt. r9utes %%-ere considered unsatisfav- 11 - � "I', - on aZcoi,tnt of the prese=6',bf L th Unable to unlock the door Lean only home. He out and stabbed the Wo- , . I . on loose and wrinkled gloves; they tee," Bit, James Whitney. on Wed. cause the company's new fares arid .. 'L", L � 'shanty, being simply jolted ti;ot.' I be surinized, but it is evident he ferior, 20 to gic. Creamery rolls, neck and head. He out out her left buttoned. Mr. Matheson. tile Provincial tory. Tire police %ierts unable to 1� i ,IL" I PICKED UP THJ�-DEAJ .- . "k.. �, , , h ed to go to the house of 28 to 29c, and solids, 280. N`e4rly four hundred automobiles L�, � , � L, � I , �)... a neighbor and -hodL. perished by Eggs-Caae lots of cold storage, eye and severed her right thumb. we're" clestroAed in a fire in a Boston ,,Bracele.t� are being worn again Treasurer, who went to New York cope with the rioters. The et-inpany, . ,�'t eas we Hi , quantities, and �this year they ew a3 I ,; ;:il I , 1� "' The expr Is at once stOpped, thek way , a' feet had evidently 26 to 26c per dozen; selections, 29 Wirtz was beaten almost insensible garage on unday, I I d "" ' " connection with thruugli tile press, then s-.gnified its :.: � I. �"..,, L - . I 8 I ` and kindly hands carried the. dead 'been frozen, as he had Milan ire- td'3oc and new laid 33 to 35c per Julius, t rtz - A 'bill ,ilas passed the Tenes�ee I a " Me f -Ill -wing telegram : willingxtk-Ba to submit to any reform I , '� .. Load injured into th�. station build . I before being disarmed. Wi need not match in desigii ize, or the matter � - !�, � , , . Vag, close by. Dr, Mor;is smd'Dr. quently in the $now. . dozen.' . slashed hie brother, ivelve Senate prohibiting the sale of Ii- material. ' ' The Can�dian Improvement Co. tile Mayo r might deem necessary �� ... ,­ " � �� � I Old bill,- is one of the latest dyes a ,,, ;. �.. . . . I + i Cheese -Large cheese, timeVin the face, arid injured Chas. quoiik, within four miles of an it is 1) id in *1',000,000, and the Morton and quiet hati-been restored. �;� , . -Smith ,were s ' and . '3y- to Martin, President of the Mart' y for afternoon toilettes, arid U � , " . oov-, on the icefie, ' � 13Y,ze per pound, and twins, . in scho,olhouLib in the State, Trust C ave it certificate that all I . 1, o ', did what they coWd fo� tbQee..wbo A new canala from Lake E e I ,,, I , . ' l3y4c' Transfer Co., Harry Summerton, made effective with black embroi- __ _4� — I. . Were suffering. A tl'Ailleil, 111irse Lake Ontario is projected. ri to _ Prof. A. L. Lowel has been chosen dery. guaruntu-eil certificates are cart- �; i e ' , . I I ,. �Who was on lie -way to New York HOG PRODUCTS.. Win. Hirachner and George Long, by thp carporation of Harvard Uni- velled arid the matter closed.'' The A 14"I'TLER ASPHYXIAT1111. .1 , !�,� . .t , r ' Aid. Lesperance of Monireal is 'but they will recover. versity to succeed President Eliot It is a pretty fashion to add a guarantee of tile Province was giv- — . F �'..., ? � gave most timely aid to Miss Teet- accused of holding up a,dontract Bacon -Long clear, 10%. to lie . - � .�� .1 � 1 _+__7� - ,. lyllo-'atires in May. ' frill of soft satin or closely plait- eu ill 1904 oil a 1$2,000,Cgo loan to Body Las lit fflianty Tvios, Wo-oks Ile. . I . - I _� —, eal� Dr, MoTris7--wen�-to,-�HimiltDu-,-foy-fKe- city istaill j. nil t co Per-POund-i'a ewe 10ts0ifes& pork, d chiffon to the lower edge of for,ti , 11 6 u I lie if- - I i,, -,!��.:!,� . With Nelson on the �rvgular West- tractor would pay him $1,000. $19 to $19.50; short, cut, $22.50 FIRE -DAMP AND DUST,. . The suit of the United States 0 1 6. Lake Superior Corporation fore It Was Discovered. 11�� , , ,.e.,,. ­ �. � , :�,,� I . G diiiing the crisis of 1904, The cor- A detip,tch Now Davidson, Sask., 11, � . bound train at, seven o'clock. ' Hams -Light to niedium, overnment to dissolve the Stand- muffe, . I . 11 — ara.Oil Company has already cost While white fox is the especial oration has immense industries at , � :::",,,', . 1, Professor Trince has been ap- 13 to Double Explosion In a Hungarian favorite of the winter, tile biackl,� says : Another lonely 1witiesteader V� pointed,by the Domini 15%c; do., heavy, 12c; rolls. io , , PARTY WERE HEAVILY MU ion Govern- to 10%c; shoulders, to to joy, %, I � Mine. , the litigants $10,000,000. atilt Ste. Marie, Ont., un(( tile Lie- �', �:��, � FLED. - ment to* confer with the Provincial - C; Owin to the disorganization and the po.inted fox furs are also tion of the then Government lit tile has itiet a molanchuiy fate. The . `­ . Governments regarding the fisher- backs, 16 to 16Y2e; breakfast bacon quite fashionable. victim was, Edward Marinuy, whu � �,� � -;?":�,, , . , , - The ill-fated rig was being driven i4w. i4% to 15c. , A despatch from Veszprim, Hun- caused%y the earthquake the pric- year named in guaranteeing the lived eighteen Milos west of here, I ,,, :11, ,. . . . . .� I , I I . . -Tierces, 12c; gary, says: Two explosions in the es of lemons have advanced 75 One of tile most popiflar colors�luan gave the udikstrieN %� ., . I . ,;� . � I ,c; Auka. coal mine here on Thursday cents,io a dollar a box in New York. .with fashionable women this winter lease uf life, and was indircea new Be had been asphyxiaLed by cual ,. Lard tubs, 12V i a , . , I - --- pails, 12%c. entombed two hundred and forty Cardeno F. King, ii former B 'ecres to be purple i tly all gas, arid tile body lay in his shack 1. , I n its almost immense, boon to tile town, SUMP � 'A:�, .: I I as- innumerable shades. for two weeks before it was dis. �,, , : , ,�A The first explosion was of toll roker, ,was sentenced to not time ago the Province was relieved I .�:4 .1; . . coveret. o , ,� �' . . I � . AT MONTREAL. fire -damp; the second was a d st less 1han ten years in prison for —* (if $1,000,000 of the guarantee, arid I ___+_ I . I ­ :. " � a . , - men, ,�, , u .1.� , � ;q, �,�,­ eal, Jan,' 19.-Graia-- The explosion and was followed by fire, larceny and mbezzlement. tile step outlined in Hun, M. Mathe- I �, . I _ '1ORTHERN - ITALY MAKE1 ., X130u0sriNEss e I � . . In ket. for' Oats is stronger amd The flames have eb far been confin.- The HAIIiA 'trial, at Flushing. N. HOLD DOWN THFs CLAIM. suit , s telegram relievep, it of the QUAKE AT JOHANN E,SBURG. . � - . . ­­ I � I mar I � ­ " I. � ­ , . . . - ,,�, ­ .. . . . � I prices were advanced Yuc ed to. one section of the mine, and Y., ended in the acquittal, on Fri - 's t . — , . V,-iq/- .**-' s..", 1 1 , , ( ­ I per bush- - Air --"The Little Old Log Cabin in " —.;.-- . ,; & , � . ". el to -day, Peas, go. 2, 94 to 95c- rescue parties are working. tireless- day, of the accused, who was charg- h '� Oats, -Can the Lane." I Several Other Shocks Felt lit sout ,� aodian Western No. 4 !�. fighting back tile flames and us- ed with aiding hi's brother to inur- [The following was written by '' 'rHE DEADLY COAL GA S. African Points. Vt ,�arthquake Shoio�s "Felt in Milan,, Venice white, 463/,c; No. I extra feed, 46c; Mr Jae. Roy Hanna, of Traynor, it — 1, I I I .1� ing every effort to reach the im- der Win. E ' Annis. I A ,de,41-Int6if from Cape Town � , , I 1, . No. I feed, 45y2c; Optario No. 2 prisoned men. Already -sixteen � J. B. F. Rinehart, Wrecker of s % rince E,dward County Family I . 'k � 1: -and - Florence. � white, 44y, -to 45y,c; Ontario No living miners and forty-five dead the Farmers' and Provers' Nation- as ., alormer Smithfield boy.) Says : Se�cral cartfiquakeH have oc- .!", 11 . . r 1. � � � I I Nearly Asphyxiated. urred rpeently lit Various parts of I . � /I I ;I . I . . . . � . . . . . 3, 44 to 44%2c; Ontario No. 4 white: bodies have been brought up out - al Bank, at Waynesburg, Pa., has I am looking radier shabby now A despatch front Kingston a-iyg I South Afriea� -0tte was felt on Fri, �r _7� -_ ' - - __­ " - 43W. BaTley-No. k, 103 to 04ye. of the pit. It is expected that the been -sentenced to fifteen years in , ' of 2 I while holding down the claini The family of Mr. Dulmage, Mount- ddy at Johannesburg, but no darij- ,,'I, ; I I A despatch f;om Venice sayi': siderable alarm A nui-niter peo- Manitoba feed barley, 57 to r)8,. remainder of the men will be saved prison. . 1".., ,1 , I . Irwil, earth shocks were experienced ph� rushed from their houses and buckwheat, 69 to 6oc. Flour -Ma' if the flatnes can be held in check. . __ . - My victuals are not always served field, narrowly escaped asphyxia- age was done. . ­ '1-1,. : , �',l . . 6, congrigated in the uatbedral I nitoba. Spring wheat p tile best, tion nit I-'riday morning. The fa- ".." , here oil Wednesday plorning. !il atents, firsts, .I.— - __+ 1, s��, , ,'� square. GENERAL. Tile mice play Rhyly round me as ther am-91to from a,piArtial stupor "'( "I ,�! .(7,, �, ,: " r hou PRINCE RUPERT LOTS. The Duke of Connaught visited I nestle down to rest rind routoed the household I people rushed out from thei, There was no repetition;so; Manitoba Spring wheat Pat- 4 I 4� , , s- of the' quake, and calm 'was subse- , ents, teconds, $5.50; strong bak�l — nl,, There are at least 235,UOO dogs in 4�1 ,,, ,,:� . es and gathered in the Place Of St- quently restored. No damage was'ers', $5.30; Winter wlieat patents, Arrange he ruins of Messina on' Tuesday. Ill my little old sod shanty on the lid of ttie coal stolve had been left CImstantinoplo, �, I , Mar , k and other open squarm done. t "v", . - . uieuts for Laying out the W telephbne exchange has been elgim. off and the house had filled with -_ - "; U 1. I . f�p �y 1 $5 to $5.25; straight rollers, $4.60 Townsite. installed at Lyous, France, by a noxious gn.q. A boy, of NA and a It has been vatculated that a Rer- , , 7'1�4.i There was much excited comment X despatch from ,Florence. says:lto $4.70; straight rollers, in bags, and quisationing, b�ul calm in gen- Several earth shocks were record-) $2.15 'a $2 25' extras, in bags, $I.- A despatch from Montreal says: Toronto company. . 0lorus : 14-yeat old datighter were uncon- min's c3cliti's uperl,ana shut 4,000,- �, 1_, I orning at . * ie , Arrangements for placing Prince A rev, I!;:. ,1� , , ." . eral -was maintained.. No damiLge ed here,oii, Wednesday in to $1.88. ed -Manitoba. bran, _1, . 7b olt, threatening the e:kist- The hinges are of leather, ious f(jr hourti. ., o0o times in a year. . � .,! ,� . was done, and this is thought to be intervals of two seconds. The peo- 1 $21 ; Manitoba shorts, $24; Ontario Rupert townsite on the market! ence of the, monarclij, is believed d,,wm have no glass, - ------- --- -_ ­ - ­ ­ ­ -_ — ,�,, ,,� due to the fact that the houses of ple rushed out from their houses bran, $21 to $21.60; Ontario shorts, next May are going forward stead- ­ - --,------ � ". r ,, "! to be immine4t in Portugal. l of lets tile howl- ," ".": I � I I Vonice are built elf pilers. The peo- in considerable confusion, fearing $24 to $24:50; Ontario middlings, ily. No less than 1,675 acres have A man was resened alive from ing blizzard in. I " ' ,I 10 ... . pie congratulated themselves on a repetition of the Messina and $24.50 to $25; pure grain mouille, been plotted and will be put intolthe ,uin, of Messina after having I can hear the hungry coyote &a he I �,�,�, 11 been a fortnight entombed. .� I I � . k, � I this sXstem of constructioll Calabria disasters. Wo damage $28 to $30; mixed mouille, $25 to lots for the business section. This sneaks up through tile grass, CAR P N BAKN - i� �� ­ ­ , . A despatch from Milan Says. An was done, and as the trembling $27, Cheese -Finest western 12 provides 10,739 lots. In the rest- Prof. Paterno, an eminent lUdian Round my little old sod shanty o.i, 11 . . 1 X4 dential district, scientist, declares Messina can nev- th, claim. ', �. I' � earth shack was felt here o5b Wed- soon eeasbd calm was restored and to l2!.,!',Lc; easterns, 11% to 12.�,,ic. .. which reaches � . Jesday morning and- 6aused con- the work of the day resumed. Butter -Finest creamery, 26y, Cc around the curving shore of thel-r be rebuilt upon its former site. �4 " . , �, ' I . 1� . � - I I 11 - , . - 27c; fresh . receipts, 25y. to 26c. beautiful harbor, 242 acres have A child of five was rescued at t rather like the novelty of living Two Engineers Were Killed Near Yal e I, L�. �'. . ,. - I Eggit-New laid, ,35 to 40c; selected !)een divided up, making 1,500 lots, Reggio, after having been nineteen in this way, h , � , stock, 27% to 28c; No. I stock, 24y2 in this district. All provision has days in the ruins. Though my bill uf fare is always I I �. . to 25c. been made for streets, alleys, A number of German reaction- rather tame, British Columbia. � . , . I . aries are . I I . � parks, public buildings, cemetery trying to bring about the I'm as happy Alto call be in this hap- ...... - ___ ___ __ -, �; , I - A CIONP1,11CIIIIIED , BUS' INESS UNITED STATES MARKETS. waterfront and terminal facilities �Iownfall of Chancellor Von Buclow. py land of liberty, A debpatch from I�aml()LiP4, 13. i nutis and the pas- � , for railways and water shippin The schooner inpiries are so, . Minneapolis, Jap. 19. g* John's. Nfld., was wrecked off the claim. 1.3 Fvnr,,c-r4 art- being madt, c-anforta 1A? I I 0 -Wheat - Swallow of St- 1, my little old sod shanty (in the C , says : At oil#- u'vlock �,n Fri .. . May, $1.07Y. ; July, $1.08%. ; cas I -1 _* Long Island shore and her crew of afternoon tr In tile sleeping cars, whic) , , - re .. airy 11 De�endos on the No. I 'hard, $1.09%,; No. 1 Nort" _41n No 97 was derailed 11 " � Stioce3s of D I g It- MAN BADLY LACERATED. five OrV-Q�!,'_.1rlq11-t9<sri8he� not (irrailpfl. Tit(- tr%TI4 ,q--rrp,, __ 41 ern, $1.08%; No. 2 Northern, $I.- 1 --- . -, �­ And %'hen I left ni.v western home by LL Hnuw shole about -,,'j n,Ile 4 ed, to have I'vell 1.11111111ig Lit a speed I ­ rozi 06Y, to $1.06%; No. 3 N,orthern, Another Accident at Cobalt Due to Venezuela, .. II Castro, the deposed President Of a hachel,)r yt,uug and ga). east uf Yale, ,m account (if rucvia ,If Olkl� M(1�1'11 11111II-4 pel' 11,,111' Ut tbc 1 6 , . Par has announced that lie, To ti , mers, Intelli.,110e. $1.03% to $1.05. Bran -$19.50 to -y and %%ill rn�- way to health heavy sno\kfall,i in this doitrict tinie afid it is stated that -mly I fie ;1 � I . tp *5:60; 60cOnd Patents, 45.25 to Striking Old Charge. intends returniun to his native land and fame, The train was being handled bv two volutimi \Nith %hiell tram,o art, " 1) , -, I �, I I $19.75. Flour -First patents, $6.40 as Boon a,s his health ill permit. I little thought that I'd conic duwu Pngine4, and thetiv, tugt,ther ' N%i(h'vrat4,d over thi�i 4ectitio tif tl�e 1-Ilad. . A despatch frow Cobalt says: On deneral Stoessel aw . A despatch from Brantford says: had iiricreased by Cloi tons. The $5.45; fir t clears, $4 Tuesday another blasting accident, lid Admiral to) burning twimted hay The forty-seven 8 .00 to $4.10; Nebogatoff have appealed for a baggage, inail,expremtiand colim I tit � part ivularl) during the ­LAS"ll th annuo.1 conven- point was emphasized that increas- second clears, $2.95 to $3.o5. which may add another fatality, oc- pardon Or the commutation of their in lily little old s"d shant.3 oil tile ears, ,Aent d(,%Nri the batik ,if the %%Iwn mmm slide,i ina� be iuuk�d men's Association was held in this caw was the object to be attained in the dinpetion tif Lorraine town- sentences. I . , tion of the Western Ontario Dairy- ed production from -the individual Milwaukee, Jan, 19.-Whent - ourred about six iiales from Cobalt, I claim. Fraser Riser Three ,,t�irr vars'f,,r, pre%f-tited tit#, accident, turi) ( - No. I Northerriv ' %sere al�o derailed Engineers ('nr Ing mit omrc qcrmul.,13 A relief �i Ontario, particularly, Northern, $1,07 -to $1.09; May, ship through a milsed hole being manded the. Russian fle�t at the dis- seaddril arid l'')4tVr w'ery killed aod train %%as at orice olv�spatthvd fr,,uj ; � city on Wednesday, and provedthe In western $1.10; No. 2 . I Admiral Rojestvensky, who eorn- My cluthes are plastered plowing, moot successful lKAtheringlin the the production of cheese and but- �/c plck�d into. As a result BotiostiC, I ain art awful sight, Itbree trainnien arid a number -if North Bend and zinuther %ith flu, . 1. $1.06 as;ked. Rye -No. 1, 76 2 astrous battle of tile Sea of Japall Arid everything is scatLervol round ,� , I history of the 9seociation. P,rCIJ'd0nt ter has more than Ifeen maintained CornMa d. Bar: Lanally, aged about 40, with a wife in 1905, is dead. pati4engers inpired. Nome of theltoirs arid itur%e,t front Vall('Utl�vr � Ontario A- . ; Creelwan of the I .gtidul- during the past year. ley-Sta,ndard, 06c; samples, oay and family residing at Perkinsville, The British arid United I the rourn, ___ __ I LA. . � �) _ - - - �, � L, tural College. and Deputy Minister C. F. Whitley delivered an ad- to 66c; No. 3, 62 to 630; No. is,,1yi)ng in the Red Crogit Ministerto at Pekin have asked the L � of Agriculture C. ,C. Jam4j ' 4, a, States But I - uld not give the freedom * ' - ' I � 4 a '6liv- dress on the beriefits derived from ej y,c, . wt e, P, ee,, I a 8 t at death's door, Chinese.Foreign Board to ' that, I have out in tile West P ered addresses, in whith was tttgid ke6ping the records of inilk-produc. Duluth, Jan. 19.-Whent-No. I with bu t It jaws brokerr, his, hands sons for tbb dismissal of .Five rea- FI)r 014' bubble of the city's st3lish . I 1: closer study and application tosoil tion from each cow, by weighing hard, $1.061"; No. I Northern, and body badly liseerated and weak Kai. Yuan Shi Ilume' ,� 1�, '. , tultivation, which /N 11 � ... *" the' "Sfo the eaMo three times a week. The $1.07,% ; No. 2 Northerp . from hemorrhages. Lanaby had MINY INJURED IN WRECK L�41 ��,;r­,element- t,�-stiect,os--in-tife--fJ&-iyTitig directaTt-alkaill-dedda _4 K3I'-o5,7/,,j. bC,0Tf'C0JJt,rnCting With tLw;u Partners - .. I 4L— . 11 I w6h that, sonic kind hearted girl �L - . d -tv pf'ordate Mdf.---8I-.,W7";-T11Iy; 141.00. . � , trade. Increased earnings a$, a te. a, dairy hosrd'competf�ion, for which Buialo, Jan. 19. -Wheat - Firm, in a shaft contract which was just TWENTY-ONE KILLED. I-Puld pit.%- on me take, � L I I , id Mr,. medals and cash prizes were offer- No, I Northern, carloads, And relieve me of the mesa that I ' suit of tile -drained fields, oit . $1.13' being finished when the accident I ; happened. I :,% in three years, accotdipg.to Iirae. teady. —.10-- -_ Broken Tire Threw Railway,Coach Into I � Creelman, 'paid foi the CXPMORUTO gd. The prineip&I winners last Winter, steady. Corn -S Terrible Wreck on the Denver and arn i n ; year were as follows; -John W. Oats-rirm.' Itio Grande Railroad. 0, the angel, flow I'd bless tier if . I I I tical. expei,ictices. He-Miio addue. Cornish, Harrietaville, 8 Holstein, I STARVED FOR TEN' DAYS. A despateh f rom Glenwood I with me her home she'd make, I '.1 1, ed statistics.to AO�v tht i6creaKo 7,234 potinds oCmilk arld 11168.1so LIVE STOCK MARKET. ­ n the little uld sod shant% on tile the Ditch Near Guelph. 'LL, 11 in productivity train PfOPOrCr V#riaA * g the season of 6 Inontrst Springs. ( - 'olorado, says: Twenty- claim. I " .1 . . .1 "a"' 'u"I ; Toronto, Jan. 19.-Beitt butcher Party of Three Men Lost on Lake one pers,mit were killed and more. I tion of crops. I ,Oey,w Cuthbbrt, Sweaburg, 14 frmn (;1­Ir,I1, 0tit ,11-1. in -t -I -ill- , Deputy Minister Jahlo Jyj his �re4 101 our 1,�00 ',pounds and $67.58 lVinalpegogi.q. than fort 'l despat( It .q ("(11'111, 111J ! i I 'P. ' toim, cattle were source, and only a mod. y injured' geriously be. And when %Ne've made mir fortunrisay. A Reri-m� ac,ident f.,ruinat, low,wi, ' Nl.iik�. lininifi-rd. aiii. Jusrks pointed out thaj� 46,iioyi Prate supply of export cattle offer- A despatch from Win i ' - tween 9 and 10 o'clock Friolay night ) "L Pr ill; P61' 0W ; W. V . Thomson, Wood- n1pegosis, on the prairie of -the Wput. 01, [I r,.kei t,b, 4 tu-Iwd, Ltml ,,�%,,r-- I , I I ,Oved the most d0%QtJJLt ofi)bJeW in stock, I I Aolsteins,- 1,000 pounds ing, which were in brisk demand Man., says: T. Walker and two when a wpst-hound pas"riger train We're just as happy Cut a 1% iwt ntten(l--(l %%iih 1.,Ni ,If life. I. vi,, f-�11,,"mg -1,,tattird it, � I .' Manufacture In this atinfibWoft'ho ' and an PARtbound t on the dream, I` f I ' - (-%(-it I, . ch-ek "It 1, 'L ... �j �anced the various 11t4ge1k: Of the left the wood camp of J. D(!nver & 'Rio ( 'rog,'il,ay cu,' We'll forget the trials arid troubl­ pineq It. if lirk(i n, (;,wl ( I I ,), , i I I I � L . and, 1110.44 .Per c9w. . at firm prices, $5.00 to 85.50 being Galicians, S. Mowacza, and 10. An. 4, ,iirred simi-0, ,irt,I ,-i t I � '. I I ioi ' QUJtJV4tj6iJ ,0L . STIBURIA'S BUTTER, paid for the bost. There wait a toniuk, .de ',,o Tlmr,dis% !,i,.rnmg (,it the % III H .%If (* rim. k. i;;I'.Ipi, lis ustry, from tlk# I f An adarem Isy fairly ho4vy run to-olay, including Parker lided head-on between Doteori arid "Lt I , . boti&,� J. A, Ruddift, at Long Point two weeks Spruce Creek. that w.(% endured at fir,4t !In, .4 III(, Graild ,rrunk liail"Ilo. W%1111. (;or!;,�I. I \t (;­11,lmor ... , I r the soil, through Plant per) Cold Stolragb Commissioner of f . he a large number of poorly finished aFo to willk in here, a distance of It is 4W,Pected that 1, the little old sod shanty (in the L-., � rwl­ fi­m (;kielllh Junett ' 111iffilh, llrnl,.�ma I 10-arr" Nit lift,br aL,06 , _*",*1,oKCt �D 0 ull ­, . , 'O - At least a dozen of the injured will - - . 1, nl , "Dairy Industry the bitter I ­ -', " f4p'the Animate ki on cattle, with a good demand for eighty miles, through I ,\�hvn ill(. hen%ilv ladro oio,rnj'ot9 Lind Nlr`o Lt br) '%Ir� f'[I'.Ij)!� \1 -, �' , Ilk -producing 4oalitibs de a arid heavy feeders. cold. They got lost after they'had 11 ( rfllg if I? \1"1, , i tot 0�0ld Win the ,Canadian Standpoint." choice stocker die of their wound.q. The wreck is c aim' _.,.-- � - 1piL.q%eogs,r trolin %hwh leave% �� , I er I� .\ I- " f " 1'. .1 I , � � ,On the former cotAditjoha, -it ,iji$, 1 rolod One of the c.losifig featur,ps Sheep and lambg-blarket firm and been out only one day, and Walker said in he due to a miriuniferstand- LA, 11, III ,,-, ,,, ,I,, ,winit% -f "I- -ti, ll,irmit-,ii k .1.,a�l­r, (;ii, lo� 11 a obruplicitted husilihmsL devitintling the A-011yontio The Siberian hip,her. Ho-gs-Prices firm at som became separated front Ili% compan- ing I,( orders by Gustave Oleson, WANVE,I) HER DOLL SH OT. r,,ck the rear ­a,h left tho, rr;tclo. 1,1 \1 liftl'�Ilsz ( ,I'!-.1I,1.Ir �\;41t,t I I .1 "'. the highest intelligL"Ilte. , 116 Urged O', .. Ott �b , __ r, 0 said, Wail now corta nly per. thongh ()IP --- due I,, it hr,-keri tire, and ment I � !Wi for nelecto-d, f0d and watered. But- ions and has almost I engine, -r of 4he passenger train, � _13on In ,.I.(. liftifilwall. \ 1) Vl­ \11 11 . dsji, 0 16 ii, 1:3611mo to I cher-Active, demand for rnediam- ished, The Galician el,aime that lip 1111 Bab Near Arcola. Nar4k.. killed it,, tile fht(l, TI- (,,,n,h ,,%ert-iit- g,.,,,,,. H. -III at"I \11" \V1--, 11, '', � 1. the clearing of A,*k1bPAe0 * s 00 ,I he Danish, A ,were found joy I I .\I ., I 1(61cotion of the b0t, itood�, the *cedm � And i r6sttehed to onter into seri. class of ttetor§; heifers and good by aevident on the ice of 4he lake, derittood his insfruetioni; perfect: 11pr Five-y-ar-old Broiller , I n meoc , f teirilde (.o,f,, fl-1 ­11.1 T,- foh-tolilIQ 11,1110-. � :Ing hut, of Old cows� �'Wh'vor butcher cows. Cpmthon and can- where they had fall ly, but rnigread his watch. thus en� " $ 01.111 Competition With the Canadian _ ell helpless on A despatch front Arcola. 8.�k J,�'.'�'nnc'nqtwd ar1­ng%I tit,' 11:1-%o't, ,,I tl­ B�.tritf,-rd lit,4I.­ nn� I— ., I . Y - at once is ,- croachivto oil tile time of the freight sayn: Tho two and a half )mr ,-ld,ger-, am"TIR %h, -In mete -%.,1411 " 1'.11" ­',- , ­ ",vir,-tl' ' �� nierely pensionct-Ak oft tllb tikkiiist & trAde., The ntw tram-SiberIkin ners stearly. Veal oftiveq-Steady Thursdai. anti uen ill 11 I prope� study of ffi#,64W1nfLq1A0r$. resil*ay had opeubd up an enoirm- at late priocs. Stockeirs--Firmer ried to the hoa,,rit6l in Dauphin. . train dangriter of Mr.' Ti. Elliott, %h,,1()uelrhoe-. the iiwvil­r� 'If I::,1',',klark-. r ii-ti,,ii %� ,,I,,,,.!, :1� ,� , itory, '*16% pCio. at $3 to $3.74, -good beavIy1tedera, where. it has been found nocesnar 11811 a farm mouth of her'e, %va.s alwt I llrantf,,rd pr,.fP,t%I,,II:kl I .... ke% I i I slil/R. a ... I .1 lilllklle� !;" i fion, ilind the 6recti " , '04dip.. Ous dairying terd ------*-I-- , p,ed fartories. Thd�o tbifigii *041 84 to $4.00. . . Y . . . 4 ple 11vorl itt �ritnitivi!i sur,rdirAdings to amputate ;,no man's foot arid 0TIAWA'S FIRE LOSS. dead a (o* days ago. 0ne ,if thel%%hirh pla%ed hert, ,,ri �N,,,Irwqdn) �, Yh_06 ditirying it WZAdortully . .. 1�, 10.41� .041. � . t., , fith and where butter could,46 prodtic. -.-----*-- parts of bot'i handilf, while kist a). — members of the, famiIN had l,,a(l"1 n1W ­ - -I - � ,.%,., - i_�w 't - - k,_ �ith� fho' nlft'k6f L,I. stirl tt,v lial,1111.,,, T"i-0 A;r# , 1,14 , , bt,tho :Vtl I$tL_% jXte tuituius to Cablidian Henry Ding1do a South African !"OdAkq"all,�' unfortunate compall- Only A71.476 J,niij Year. Compared 11. gull to Rhoot, r.abbit*q and le!t it �curhng teano, ft.-ing. li,�nw ft,.rn I ie ­ , _ - ,_,i i 1� al� ; *K �.,", 1 142 __ 1A - - �', _ ,�, .: , . .FC -1 . - V . 11 11 -tandinR nt in tile ,tin I-e?rztiq lmii,piel I rie " -, - � t , ,ta �' (Til. p:&,-Piw ;�� I � , 'flat, ell to Ayiauhtii, Iti, which th0fle Witt Mitch veteraj�, sold his land grant, and 1100 ' "'I 104"�t foot. They hird 6een 11illit Half Million In 1907. . for a moriie � � - 4 - � , '10 cdWiLdiAll's., "r �" .., �. Z. � �., � v pi 1, .VIL THR 1.11V D U, 8 I h4bbro%0418 tit� IM119. ThO thief was robb-od Of tho VW lie received ,without food fw� ten days when Ing�room until lie relarned. The A large mirnber ,,f 11,-e i, -,,i% 't..neli 1� 1, I-y­IIpbI,;rl1,IrN t�, ­ . � � , JV or , + . "" hopp, ,6f CAh'itdith'a, Jay in, litihAing for it in &a 0tj&W& "tel, 0 pri i k d top by it part:y of hillormen. -spatch from Ottawa s I 1; . . ), " n _ le e A do Itys : little girl, iseeing it there. a;;k#,(r Pot more -,r Ivot"I -erimi% inlut,(,,� rnan% it - - - ,, I1,,1 ne,ident i Lt I lie I , , car dy of Walker In (L , � , Presirl,ont Bl'OdIf",reVifted fh6 J(t,a*jry ,6p#,,rXt�OuA t1le AdVAhtAges dayr 9 ell for the bod 111P total 1065 from fir0s ill Ottawa her five-Yf`ar-old I)r(,tli#gr top shoot it too ii,.t %el hr,,,An if ay,k ,,f it,':"' � I-, I � � I I Ime -,r, Tbt-i-tia% r � I I ogiry inoinstr.1, tot th4: P"t �'�* 01'0100t the tftult Of & ftka Ad- NritibP 0,�' P. ft, Agent Tully of pro$reasing, but t,iet, , is during flip litnt rear waR much her doll, ht'efttllio she had taken a art, likok to pn,ve Wit! I� 4 . 1.0'.T1 e it no hope The ri ; nim Aim. e--nelwided I I hItAti6b. Therd wits"s; 'to merson, Man., hAs be or finding him r I .- . lei, kurill la, I 'i- , * ) there iq rait Y.tdt'i - VrOm 100 10 IM %h# -W� ArAtj�dd, 63 bn sentene- live, 110191ler 01ah it hit# b#Pn for many diRlike to it, lle.irli ked tip Oregun I. 11 4 I.V i n j k i r P (I a re It le x an'p( i � . dlxdtl�ll Of 0116086 6d follen,oft by wttej ti thin gftettl- od to it lboAth in jail'16r overcharg- . _*__ years. The total loga in 190,3 %va8 and fired OlAt 61 nk tit the doll Stewart. (hielpli. I­th legs cieriomR. 11 -the .1 I It, I t . I , i'm torls, but,0* ptlo* Lit"atoot. '066 11 Snd pookieting tile prufigis Will 11AVe a defia,t,of R44). ont,,,, ,O_ Point 61 Nhat a ire ) -i 'Outigeinelit ing $or Ockot as of aver half a mi *r. hurt . Haruld I'l4irtinan. T,,ber lon t III. %��la.ni f, I ,, 15 b'S1J`�VM11N141`y ly *71.'l-6-88, At colnPared oxitil in fpont of hoper. e elintge went h � '14 11tro,f b*" � J1 "I I hw. beeb greater. 11stitwk prigitotion , _ . , I , ftIhi . I . � V Ilion through tho baby -i -Pd -ld,,L,ff all'i ui� , I .. I . . . I . .211, 1. ( ­ . Z lop Rutplus. I . ow,oW thia year. I . - the previous year. . her initAntly. ;r hodyj kiRift inon, back %ei -)uAI.% inlirt 4- 01 . . .1 � I . _ I 0 11 I r I � . I I ,. I - I hatoirnal injuri#­i � Ueorge U�lh�,,'p -�lea%mb . I I � " I I I , I I � L " I .1 * � , , 'III I I I I'' * .� �1. t I 4, . I I L %, I "11\ , . . I * ; "' i I , I " I - I . , 1. L I , 1( . I I ­� I'm . _ ) , � ,,r. "'X:, . . I I � . I 11 I I k I swo , - - . i I n" . I .t I I IV* *1 .� 11 - 1, T. I 1� , fo , , 11 - 0joy 11 I AN, 0, 'I I XQ�� 1� I t " 44 -1 __tot it alid I 1� . � ,� , , L, � 11 I 1. . � I . I ( !k I � �, � , . � - 1 I � I , r 1: -11, -1 I I 11 I L �, I � I I ,�. _ L � I L I . . & . � I .1 I I � I � � . f _1 _10I,. � � , " . L I , I I I . I r . I �. I . I . 11 �, L # I . . I L '. . I I I I t I . I . % -1 I I I .11 I � I I . ' , � , 1J I I " L , ,, I L .. . r , , 1 4 ff. L' lifl� - - I 1_-L _ I I 1� ­ I � 11 . _ ., 1 . -I ­ L . 1. I ,�­ I I .L I . V 1* _J . '% L j ­ ­ ' _ , ­ � I � ____ fi&AAM*-..,­,�,u..l11,"_� .1 - __ __ - . 0 I looldi -7 .11 I- -1 -, . 1. 11 . __ � -, -, A _­­ i "I I , � " - , ­ , yiililiiiiro, � --Okfo.�, - 11 . -1. I - ___ I 1_ .,.�_,�_11 � __ � --- ��� �