HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-01-22, Page 5oo� " W4��17 ­­ - I I ,� Z , i -1 . � 11 � 1� , Til , � . �� I 004,1_ I " , � . . 41 , I � . . � A r - )I . I . , . . . " I , � . f \ , r, - - �?",I"",",�I'T"Z'�"*17.-�,� - , I , . , . � . I I .,, � ., 1. �. .;­" 1�', . I , I . - I � . _.A_� �J , I .; . I t �" - - I - . M . M I . . . M - I . � I � 1116-1 If 11040 I , , I � � I , I 1, 0 � 1, , , - - � ===__ I I I I p. I tooll 11!A111111 1111111:01002� . I I I =-.= I I - mm - , - - ol ., , I � M I lo , � � � � I' I I' 1:��l 11 ".''!Ipl!l"llt!!:!,O,�!N"i,***,*,O,o - i ! ! !1 i i i M M , I . I I __�___ - �: !I!!: ! . --opmooloil.op.) .... loot 0000iop~. I 11 IJAMW , 9% � , I I I M " , M -, - ­_ �­_ !*.*. M i �; ! !: � ! M i !I � !I i !"! �i ! h i � -i - M � at I -_ -,, - M - I 7�77_77r=== -- I I 11 - L I � - " o 10oo ---- 1� I I b A - _i A nN, � .-,A 4 o'. so _44.�� 111111111111:11 1111.q. .. .-10- 11 ­ -­­ '11"Et'01101 GOMM OR STAR, I ? I 1; . . I I I - - - . � III: : : :1 - __=V===-_1 � I I **==== A � I . I � Is 11 - m. . 6 o,oi,s i_- w-0 'A .- ­ 'PEW .its - it _­ 11 A "P"-qq"qq " I � 1. .1 IW21-pr4l:11� 11!1��I:'�!l .8 . � -1 15 . 1. I I - - I ,q� ,­ .� � - � Isb` 1111111111 I I _ .:� � , , I ", , � I . I . I - 1% J*" I I I - 7Z_ ­� ,- � ' ." LL 11 I ­ � �" 4*1 . 1 ',4 It- r : : : 1: :: :I, "I'll" I � ..... -111- 4" - I . -M L - -io.,ILAQNI&al6o 11111tift � At W*41= Wftt &II1,11i "WAY31, � 004W fV VA " - I ­ .. .1. -1 _. I , - ,�­_­­­ ­_­ ­__ , . , - ­ I- -1 11 � - � ; ,. , O" - - � I _.­ - . , - " , � - . . � .. I I dt *"A* ttsoo 0-9- t1so, v , ____ "W" - I t,.opr f) � . L, . �� WIV ft B"'wow1% 404. islo % , f; I ;. i * """ ALTER, , S §1 � - . 11 � I "". . I'— A I L, I I � � ot libot VINNA IstA W4 A. Zppptit;;, � , :W �, e, is-, o - . r , M. I 2"40. look, 441W , . At v h' n.'& So...,, DWAS 3XIMUR: J"po ow"" ppowsisoplitift - #40wilpis 0 l%% W" okuplilitt ot 4, ij;; �!:r. "Cls" imt ,,*"4* Asissio, k# J %ppf,� RID"" N. I n 11 I I I , 6"V 111IMM . , . I .. - , I , , . 11 I - , . I I I I Vrwl , . I I I �� L � 1. I I ; '.I I I - '"" `Hlspp� "pippos ,kreppAps" " I I � , �W - .� I � I I I ft.,. �� , 04 pvw*y 'IyAwne uatt, luu,y � 'xisappit �,-_­M*.", � .1 . �i " I . , , - * I 1, , , , "I" �V_�_���L_ �_­ " Tb*1 w -g;191�14 * I . I iL,,� I - *Ioot. � omamr. P" titipma w -eigisulo4w I woripples of pit WW1 0 '04411101 I I IN I to I . ISPOWAIS for the� wook, in , " I I I k ,' ' 44'. 1: =* , 1'8' RN08, I,.,. I : . � . . I I . I .. , A1311- Cie � r Pup* � I . 4 " IM10-M AXWO); . sptt�or- r sell 414, 1 1 amosivzouvoax iti;so" ia,vi%*un post -_ - ;iiiz motboo;c-arsovow . � , IS � a "t disomptsiptastwo"titj I � . .1 , , ri i o , � law,by the weq-to-, ***Wq -,.Iptp� filo" ly , I , , , , I - I � I 1, . � I L -4.04 tt, �_ 1, � , 0 1 ,8 � I . � - 11 Wo. 0ottittili'l. aa ,*, _ fur. I., I ,vooll " g; "o"O" LAX " � MM � � I 0 , 9, _� furft 0 � , I. - � . (Qr, iiii,ii.j. 6' -11-. . I pq�rV,14'Sl ­'�'., I . I . oprA. ' - Wol, pipa"a Who stailid vtpll,�lsofwep tollo, pu L � I . - 1. Tb# 04. � 014e.4 subioatt , �. . *--l"p-_� I . � - I I n ,�� , , � , , , , S . I � . � ' I I I I , It bjkve m*404 pow to Oftrilit WOO- ArOuilid thA th"oollsowir wo to be iso uptoots I; I* 4 0411, � I% A wr ,wrltplsoa k . ,� I Wait 104 to. ro, . �Wlsai - . h,10 , . 1; - W. tit W , _ � . , , , I I 1, � I I � I tO "ad W A"Wiliv Ut' Nibw To" piwi, .*,,all** ot rt 141143 � I -0 -, h �� . ,a , I , . . I 'Mttl* iltoc"k Of r*ro tar Uft allia ' I . tho ;q_0 y .��; ! t4 tpi!t . , 1. 11 - t , " . � I � .1ortio , , nae_ � � 444, MW 4.04:11* )& I" A � . , , I , '. , I . . . lima ,u , , O . to i .. , 441% to Is wipplit-kiloW I , . . _� . . I I I . . # ,6. , illookof . 0 � *;*o OQ 1*k)CNk4t,ofr m%4W d,**PJ4t4 gios at)islulr �Vviisap,00 t I, 'WO . who xv , � t�"#" I I r ri'loppip. I . . - I Maki, . M � , , ., 4 1*),?*Wq -Ansis Irsoot pusit brappich ILI;* lift -, j . I � guilty for* 4110- ro.11 � = t4*7.'1.!LX!'**, o I � I % . I I" I , . . A poll" Allegiii . pox 41440W. astiockoelp plut � I li,ra yorr. auxiot , . � . -1 I . " , . , Thiiitw, luoklo, ptpowa ilW44 .fur "' . C 040 44 Hollitwo, 'ti Igisposilliw1ar `tkw"� - � . . DQXOI* of 0 'ta,for'M , go'. and I 'IV I . - ft �Iwbo 4wo, it l*L ? 0 , , oa I - , 44 4 ot �, I 1041101 ro 00%11:14 %bit, % , . I . .. "I - I , �QspppopsL 10 plxpAj 0, b0i;44 uodet*igo, f I . I I Itt OP wed -400 &Y 0104 to the lowwe96 . ,, . ., . I ,, ,� ,I%- th. 4N.1tiltij ton, fh* 044404'. *W; 4411111*AX �Koppwl_ 1*4t* klip, myto I."' , 11 q - I � . I portonco, I b* Possiltilia "Otob biii(AVV IsIgelp,tolittrig. and so dollig go the 1 411,0" �ppoopsal I � -, ' - r . . , . 1'�­ - - I _ "'� . %fitioliect "" * I If * W w-0 K I " i r, A sid unco coltiploto fit . ... � , I . � , I I , .,::: 1, I "**Ipit kiliplik Of T40,10106. but of'oo . loos. U4114,011111o'"POIR1.0; ft mean I .... - � 1, �;�� , , . O" 14 UT40A. 7114 In, till vfto, 014,1110. 0041i 40il about 11out' ' �(Ar# #&� XL tirltd. I . i ! �.. � , , ; Outlets OX1.11110 1400 jr. ZTOI-Iocniop Viso ropooiitly. a , Iva. big saving 14 -�,,, 1 a its* Wo"ITAW Otiato, *.. � t.... ... �:�' " 1110$ fop� ylill. . , 't . ' , . � ,�:,ii j�; "tmt,yv'6m.,*,A,*!I,Ptytarl-#,ut,e4l�s Ili.' � Ald' ,"AMM0414t ity"y llor,voampli As -a I . prileept, *W.aT9OVvP ,. - . ;�� ,� " , a armin, W11 04,4rotatka 144W 40, it: ftstol of W, In* W144412 4"M " tpop'tra I - i. to 111*144 like 11:11illf ��:..,ir"N .7, :Oz . -, . ­ �;�� I . I .� ._-.1 . ��, " I'll , , � _4 **. tbay w biti, troiihL Jowd hvioa,,.. 1. , . . ! , ! ��._irlu`�� I " .� .. , , 4, � I ,it _ "i"IM11", �,�, " I 1411111:10,41 viipioa, 9,coelleb, I .4 0 . . . I �l :: ,� �,,,�.t�;��"��"-��" Men"win Black Do ()Qoo�.-.�-... ...',,.Six a jv'' � rf U at, inotolit rolitfo, � I � ... . . .- , , A roWip; J#XItyl plig S,4 f#'#A r"rWoll4yorl"Ilpt , I I 11 '. i " %, : It 'g_aJ;gV0'qP - � klcxe$u * , � . . � . , f .... ,,� . - .*, I � I , aglpt# lops Po boo, b4tilitit the, It 1 -N4�, - .., �" - . Men's; -0, , . 'in, Cjitigloi� . Op � _ ,. , topetlishil � tot , , . . ! ,I,uk GwOwAy ( -, pil � mili �rjivrst � _L', � 9 ,IN aw,a,w,wi*-'4.04,.F.uxi,allumiw, QW4 go, . _. " . 'i .1 ,.­,.,��, ­',,�_";.:-:-: - ` , A, L Clothing j �., , a!, , ,la of 0closs, Vb0.,1WV4k .O;k JAM orp, Attileas Illpipi" mused, I . ., mew* 40 41f. ,.�.l,_;011 , 11" , T 0401PRILAtirrief 04140 7011 4 .ro . : � .- 1111. )(10,111001114st" ­.. .,­'. -.,W 440. woliv * Ax* -41i 4144gry'Allwitof Vio,tIMS I gNisto men's Fu . t . wbin r _ TQ,4&,r if � fis'�'VAIIIA I 2". ..". 1, . . _ pnWWAS � . � "I . _%;'_F" ., r.��'. :' lovorhoen's; W Alft"WAAA, Lorpoth voot.9'. �418 _* , 't , Lt Mr. Vorsis wil , '" . , . I . 1. " �' I I lovivopor rolitticilapt V.U.Wso. V10-0 'A-4. 1 1MLQRe tip 04"Issoppod,$w''.. hilitsto I , �. �� , man , .,Ipktlt,40tbroo6l,�t�olklilel,o Sox forwo c , . . I ,,;,.., _ . �­.'.�*.!,' %';4:.� �_ Wosiapiln`s� 00'Astrat;baur TA#l'hjQ,oAtsf._-V6 * 1 .. � t ro, " 9 W.g#11IIA ars, 044 is e I 11� I ; ��,- I � I . � Or 0,4MIA . . Illpo , - . I I � W:,WUA-ILuW,WJ-4` fA Isipaw " , ,. V i4r#osl114q - . _ . I I... pan ov�pl, -Upgolckv $lz to . I 11 ��;_ "I *W � �'.4�,V* - . �a= " _,T0eWg W , �, . .1 . � � '. �, , . L , . 40`,�,Or,9110 has meitlito and sk �­"� , 0 tt,Q4.344 $W. 0r.,L oatit - . ` 0 40�,� " '6 . tbor - - - I "k 'gaiter Woo � , ��.�. ­* _ I - � "' - � , i at Jim, Uou I've, WJ Its NIT- , .W1 �� ! _'�"', ",',7 .*- -!�" micin L � $00 . . � ,, ,_.�!--"��_�7.,i! I - Wouiewit -4 1390homil, xilub"Poot I 1 iii, litto,wo, t'l-AVA VO* . ines aware = I � I I orlotta k We. A t ........... 150 . �K .I.I............ .l....'" - "­ . , ._.. . I I . An� 1104ty , r, � . of! it, .4 Th peter ,,r,e *ertippoes $1 and'Iiii'M , _______._. ��­ , ... I . . �.,., . 4010 18 WWII lApga-lolvor xws. 4 wil 04 Shirto -_ ".... .. � k 000 R I . ....... - , � " , , . . , I— V. , rwr*40"mokoi , lipiwokp,r "".��, , '01, 0reAtenins lotitirs otrit, 040t out'. 4, olgr No too 4 .- 'o- egu Air , . :�% ofurawarowaso" Allen'" Black Overcoat I I . I - - ., , 'r," let .. SgIsle', Isabella; , I. . "' ., '4110 "Party JOVIK Ill w give$ , to I o'4184P I lkipt Work. I . - we IKOQ. Tor _... � ..... ....-.. .... lill�w �; I .. ­;��; r �, t I I ;.-­!!; - 4. 1-11 � ' � "s, . J,W vintols, On, littolso lehosonillover luso, whorsvol" !i Wit *4 . 41 sJokeQ4114'.'. 1. - 1. .... ­ ­ � ...."'.­ 11 'r ': .., '. VQX, JAllglit k to ' r'. ­'tl I -1 , i .."',;­.. I. ,;_�O. I " I " , .,.. - it . W - oppomlisity, 404 I oovo� that if, at all � i� ;­ -.1 1111 � .. ... I L I ;110 _ , ;, Min �Ikl Olt 0 , . 1 14, �' 'Aicl,4� 'MIA, Ifumbw "W'41i := tn ". mm,lat #,. lo ourgo: . - I. Its, FW Vat , . . `:*,.'1.,-. � 0pocept,44AX . ­­­ "' , ! i'.,.'.,,�.V!` ,*--'.',- - ." , �.,* I I , I " , � _X - rl 0 . -40,Vt to .0 .. wcf to �. meta oy Black Chavititovorcostits-RogttlAr "I. . , ;�� _...1.:.,.* ;'11, .. .. . - �,"..`-. ­ , _ I I � - ,, - , - . . ­ 1.0. - ' Intiskmeasipstime, I'Alat the wo� rills. A will u 0, civibmeris SOX, .. ­..., 35o . . 11 "g`w,l Z,;.'-,.'� - "". ", . Mule- 444 I1ddr041o,AFPe*r. iAl %A - �, � 4 It 11 11111, . � L 'T �. ., " 1Z , :, p I Vim -0X0�uoh1Xguri,7`,W1 -R,1404011,104 - il it thing &.4 persoltioll I TrOku it . 0.7-enMorsted Stockin i, 1, , , � L � I j�;%k� ' I � � :L ­� , 0, neva 1111% for ...... ; ...... ... ...... #0.00 -,t-' '..4" 1 ,.� I jn.�, _,�,; _ ., _. _ ­� _�7 4 � , � � A � -, +, � - . uAgo n9t ]Vgitr Lof there is sopn* . Igo ....... Igo � .. .�j 5; - .""." Potion. xititumay, *0 Intel 25-callital Wo I . �' I a IKJO 9 , ­' . jL " -,� ploil Aw,w , , '� ' 090' AUMbOir 41 � 0 o I -tim v a nod 70o Cappil plituall sizes,. _$2, �, I Z ". _� , �Povpxo W, h is: I � , ,4.4 , .. , ''. - . � - 11. � . . - ­SAW,of: - owe oil any ar, var IIIIIII, Dark -grey 1JornesDqg,pgPtp,, 'fli,stp. `�,-1 11 I I 0 t � � , i *, - , �, wea#u .goal I � . lost at, a Nala. tn. a] cut _4ugog�, RA�Kqlltr _'� .::,;."-;v._.-.;." ..;�.14zi; I I � � �AIUW'Wx h -'.VIP,44-� PrOV104ts 4 0 M , - . . ­ r -. _ 25o "I,--- � � ., I'll, ­ it oil 411 _ _______Z_.-- - I , , -,, � _____­____ _V.%e"a _W_ a- * ,,, r -, * I" . F-'.. � ...... 40o . , .­­­ � . �� ., -_ -, I I - VIOUIVIM10'afty-44 J.-&-iiii 4mo"..00"-t�.b�bt.alptmviou"=*-,)� , .. .W=St ; I -, -:::,�'. wll__.�; A%r �,-, " - � 6'7*7*To P4140 14geort. 4publwbot ­14,�Ivar,,t mfjS ' ' : tv a 9 ­ � . A W -4-4 -;�, bw____ H074'11to uvorcoalis hakiced to #3.73 L' . '', I ­­ .,�, 4. 1,� r4imp, wool, - 't ' L -151, MOAM punish .. 1 --, th . .Foek.-Jobn Pletoll asipa � . I � I 4 .1 , . 1, 4 o8opir 4 ,iy mtq,pty Jow ,0 . at_ , .P s ", to, at.. o' - Atch's Tweed 8tilts-Regulisr, $8 -for_ . . �',� "I I I newsp"re thpoppinegial t4oge oblarg, WT H. - I .p,g _ 'Ireiliedy -is, to probibit,print4slIg In the, hAV4W In 7 tiotire ina the fatoll .1 Bien's Tweed Still ti-fteltular $10 and . ,.z. -:115 ,- ltulco(s, pgrq�Wpcs Iliedit- 9)oo4o,by .r 1, _ ,Miller cu ,:split kind �Pllod 7 cords 0 an .... �t r ..... 1 '111111­7� '�, .1 - , . I , tl�nd . �a,, 4�:iVo - �* ­­­ ;-- _ , I . I �q rts bw .... $5.30 goi'.t ay , ��.,, '. . � .. .... 1_1�11_z -1 I I PA40,6f..OtiL*IpoagLkulljo,,�rotul�p.,VAI i � '. � �:. . . _ ---�. 1, . �i.,4 ,­;'.%­,Lt�'­' � ,� a of � iii-ior'.... $7.75 .,RLt'rC � , 140 noso'savirl. , i4. , " . i . � .. ", , , , .� 44'*j OYM �, .1 I ;"�.'. , 7()� "P � - t'�%.,,� 0 p .,� .7'... ter' PAIr,fQP %p4 � .pIlly Miscottzbecin, Otb line. Mo - I f . , rq&y t , , ,.�..� ,% r ,�" . . 'Ir - , � � .... l j 0. NYlilh, trAltakirelising, the 3ritpral 1410 . �- 11 � 1. -1 I , -f-- . '. ,.,*'�r, r ,"rA0a-tVX%y­Auq-M-VVo-tWh4AV --limmi ........ .. 41�... - - - ---X1-kr&f"-i.---- - -- ------ , , . .1 v��', . 1 ,Q --4p,�piv�i)itlt�,�-�r.,k-'��t*w�il4��;-.r,-;,,, -.,�,--Vr -41au'rM.1%1­4 , - - � I I - - - I " . � � � , � I I . ., I I -- . .. ­ I ,­ :_ :L , � , . , i aittoi Dow b 00DES, w ere thcl�l;igbljo wogld �o 6X- - ____ - ---WAL"`1[q1�­­C*-1M1 - - ­ I I I , . , ��, , r4a , _­ DUAM - .�j,g' 9 , 11 - , -:!i,­--�:,%,,,,, 4Z", ;1.1-., Ag ,vA_, w.!� )j00QSE0LQV .I . , , ' ALSEPRETE ' I .��._,_­­. I �' - _ , � - , � i , , ­ itr�'Inf�'-lir"oyQ16" . Wan ex. mom- -1,88solut. ­� Gilbert Darksiail, Of - .:. � , , I . � - . , , ­ '. 1.1-1 , I ,,, : . I - . � . - " . . d0d7iilmedst, - - . - . elt� - I , . I ,i . Dees$ 000d, ided. This, Would put I I .111, ..", _ ..... ... I 11 � S: �.� 1 .1711;­�'..,'.1'..- :t*tja", - ofprmaosh,4� , , a stop to - Loochalsts, Is assisting Joe. Webster in, , I ." .. � V ­­,,'�",:, I . � � ,,, � !'.�.�, ',,�­ , , * "'; . , f I "I - I . 4�t, ij!tij , I'll". .---,. , .' "�. 'v.- I . . , , , : 1­.-,;�i . , be 411, yps, -, �Ipr;l Rlishloodato Onto Warmod, lm,k U- flail's busb,-511911 M. Hasty vt ited 19bt Place fop� Men's and Boys* -1, , I zJ!,.t; - *, !:_-, . , _ , , ,. � ­­ - 4, -. � 7, �.: . . I , .,,� �, , , ;� . , _ ., wd� 'b4ickmall. 1 4'�J' -'2 .. - , ;�, ­, , r ;_ ­­N,'�'� , . _W ,,,,,,�. r I it, 1 ., Tito v I ­ 1 . . - � ., 1" .. k � , ...'. � , , riiltil-, 44; go: -,�-,, pqta It. k IL , '1116 blackupailef,r when ,ho. starts -portant intgry w Out q Pit 0 ! , . - " 4.1 ' ,� � , . - r ,ettle' tn Tell, ! . I � I , , ; , ; , i- Pilot I I( 1, ill- I":' , .'. 1. " 18, ., I .; � � . A , 1 SW ardwwjo�h. 1prets � ,,, lot f f0eall1i; here last week. -Mr. and Mrs, Olothing and Furnishings. I I I I I I , I , 1 I I . . , 11 I �. , .. . � . . - I . 1%cso_ 0 -_ �� , .L � I -nip P,'�gor;.i,'414url-o.�ya"jQra%o, I'll lot 1; ­ .1 - ­ � - � , . . �0 0. sit `6 .� , 1 after his victim should be treated � There J4 I Stil"i-tArt, -041111116Y visited frIends In - 1: � "I.-".- I - , ".;,� , lif, -, Su -'- �� I rg At. 11clicing ­­ 7 �� "I . ­ , , A its soasndii, L" , a- . ,. I A, ... , - I* , I vitts coritol .1 I. _%V.Ing ­_ I I I . 1�'. , -730 44age to hi I 1-4, ` . " ­­­_­-1�1.14 , . � n I- 'Tile one thing the 04' �N, no Plirk�iiear Clit a e, 7j�7 � - , I , .. I 4: .1 41, I , ,t!, ,-, ­�, . �._., :�, . L , W4 last week.- Ongler(vil and . ,,� .1� � 14 �11;1�1­­_ I ,�. Its! ­ -t �' 7- 1 1 ye 8111160,411,041, not do Is to pay moner; C oro . is o I ;= I , r � "� , , . . , I � I " ; � , � oxialitio,'Itt th � "Y , , 'j." , yo pi,)*� 4P � in, but I for, the coming -of -al Itiothore Spent $tIndity isit holue. � �, �� 1, . L . I : .. , IN , �. -, '. *", I .1 . � . . I . 1� ��_ � . That would be fatal sind would not , 9 , rle � '. I 1:�,, . I I a op. 0, MISS L. Blakti * . I , !47 �� ..... .. ­­"�-oi-,Lo.*.�.-",--­,,-­ __ N�, ,� 1 ......... � , rle -1 I ; ,� '.. ,� . _" ","I'll, ,w ---- 1, - - - � . . I musewt " 4b it in", "� I I Fbecuto Police. for demand htter de, liter, son of Lord bleadale. upolblo Is visiting at he a " ' � .:'' , 4 , , , , , It . , , , I r, .., , I neat' Oungantion- Mine A . I . � '.I ��, 1. ��­ � , . , . �1., ,, ; -� , .; . . le to I :�, , �a i. ') I , ,�� � , ­�� I �. , - - � i, � � Aldu�tnib, Dliiwa beoutin sgddeoltl� mand would be made " -long list the, e future baron r Ribble a Webiter is visiting tier states, A116,4 a . . � �', .� _ ' � , , , u � indicl 41L, . 'Ile , W� Af.i I r1clini had, _A" 4xioney -Jefc- Re- Sonleat in' - I . . � . . - C_L,'_,��­�, ­­­ ­ - - merailly tmardg(d Itil, Qptlp�_Qf I I I W.O MEN'S SH'"'It"ms ______ �­ �­' - - �., - � - I ­­ __ ,:711 � w in-!- -Hlake�- k-01-ci , � I �,:".;_ � I �: �,,- '1111111,011111 I * . 1 94 1 1 ­ 1 . ., pasit! AV- - 4hoold either cons �he lice or, an en in the peerage. . I - , . ��: , -, I 'S� ista" I I I SPAO' tell -one or two rellu �' We as the unique distinction of hav Y had 14 borsp, � I.- 7 , , � . , - 'd ­ I I;., .) A A00 'or see I NOTES.- Anson Finla . _ ., " " . 1 7. . ( a. , been 'ked, lasL week. . . I 0 I I itte.. 10 .., - . I 1, 4.1*, . - leltd, . r- a lawver. The blacktakiler is alwaya numed "the A a I � 1 -A,,& -C , , 5 b Illy kic - I i , S rn � 1. , _� ,�. � , , . , , ' r,.:.,,. ., . : , '� . . ,. 11 . " began pou neestor" by I a . 0 .. - I ' �__ __1 , , � . I . , I - . I .1 �_ . �.. . " on at ­ I , -,­-�L' �_ . � - - : �_ ��,,L . , - .1 % �': , , � q ill� Out lia it . ., 0VA'r 070 -table, -u Toward. He rung whe never the vic" I I I acount of his dignified op. PaRsUNTATION. - M Ing Ray S tot her,,, . . "' � r :� ' , 0 . � �, "I , . � � , - I �� 0 . . � .1 . ". id air of belonging to the Who In leaving f,.,. 't I.h..... ­­­, I 11 6 � 1. . .� I 4, -1 � I I 0 -ii, time resents Ili , T -TA 1. 1.1h . pss�n" at __ ___ __ - _. - _. . � I - ___ � . . ': ; . . hv 0,,&--. , . . -_ --- - -_ - - ______ .1 L. ''L ; I I .. I . ! ;; m ; a ---- I � " ovIli-e- past. . r so list ,r ay evening. . il I 1, , , I I ILI e �1 ,run dti � I moot contain tible of nimirpata�� " .1 ,." ". I r tkl� L.~ With the, ,vopartnt,en t -to see � i� (to 1 I I �heh*,bpks. - . to sports an; was Mast r of the he . - _* . �, I , I , - � be knows ir Renee 4 little display , n her friends called oil her anti ,� �-�. 41_� -_ �', 1, , "'174."I". L tar., .czwois lhiiblo� - �'. �, L' asids resented hev,witil a ulljtL with tbe� � ; _�­:_' �Ll . L � I,", � be (50be V. . 1, " ]boputy Rave cud of fortitude will' get, rid of him." UC 0 for three years, and has � The hardell it woman Is to please With � '-I,- . . * . � I . I , _ � :��' 4� . . � . a , '."11-1- - 1.11.1 - 44, - RP-Bakor, it patios . T.- ­:,,r 1. _' :dc;40� s0h . . I an t eating book on oBta Ft - I � ­ � Shotial ill harder Is to fit; the � 1, , �� I 1 �1'17�., ­ - � - ... lt front .� I , and, .1k-,U(Aong6r, an'1LrIsin!j,Ised : . � I ",L I " �.. . I I �L , . - ,� , � I I � ., :. ijn,eor��,n :, " 4' h " '- ' tin a served in the Rifle I Dn;otit VIIIINSID,-naving learned of worefustiolloutishe a 1. I . � I �W_ - . ri. , 011owing address. ttl tegitrds styles ". .", " '..; rjch- tp,1*rpshJp, charged ligalust�,04 I , . , s Ye aro A bunch of vurbs- WORST'WRITE.R IN EUROPE Some years. but never saw your Intention to leave our cculgion. I and general dotnils, the more Allitlous, :, " 1, I . �.:, , , �, . __ L - �1, *� � "I FRIPAY", �,A. , . town during, 1900 07, that tile aCceiftist 7 � e I' ' ' 'I Ll '- efective," I � �;,: � - o1wilo. I Aritiron, WTZ , , .V�, lrr�p sot'lIn'd _--41 , av 4; �� . -qn I.- '.­. &_ n;-3., I borge � I -OA. - ". ___ __ , -1 I active service. he house in GIs ItY to attend the college In Witigham, we are to have lick come Iscre fov her r� I ; �,� ,I- - �r__ Wi � WA, " Vu tol"In, At Uor taVP -SUff­e"0U- Cunninghame-Graham Has Reputation d we have � Shiles. , 1� 11 ,�� - towtpshi� Is als, 0A an , coin � ,,, - i, ====!= - - r W � I k was built over three hundre to tonight -to ftilress our � . I 1. . I Via" equest*for 4 refund o clonomille'thelDconsatp. ago of Stone from the Yorkshire - ____._ --- _ - --- ;�'rli": j . � ',i,n,�," itud r �f aintitint 4ue6 an' ec' of Writing Worst Copy on Record. good wishes. We know you Will be : I tft, , . 1- I 6 re r. �C.,�` , ThE . N -CQUNCIJ��" from file township. � . Sqz Aldsirmin Sallows: to I' IN,.. A curious story is told concern. sovely missed feel,, yout. home, but we .. 11 ,1 %�,�, � , . . - , , 1� in no ' Mr Curiningliame-Grallume, who An' the decoration of the build g. In shall Idso miss you from th church, In .. . ',.�,:, "I ,� , " . . . _ I; I . , . � , - 1, 5. T Iveluped," an' he unsuo'ceSsfully advocated the caudida- tile early art of tile eighfeen con- the woric Of which you lilt I— .1 � . ,;. �- - -__ , bat William Campbell be ap- negative'; . rin do I so 1 �," .- - . � nted aflReSS01- and collector at a pro,sadod to enamul th' Grand Ould Lure of Mr- Xeir , Hardie far the L4141 a p tt '. a,,,,1e,v;l;"., I I - , : , . . - - The- courpolt fisti-w(a Ifela lis fitsc r, * hewn a kindly interest, and %,.,here 7,1111 � ,, . I "sc . - flZ�Ly of French plasterers �1. k , � . y of $5,QO and be 'r," regular wee ght, a unlat, � , nd. ASsessur, tskin'.1itim - if be is Paris to Gisborne 0 r* (a I � "I I tinix is�st priday pal Y34 00116 wud sub. ATotorship of Glasgow University- tn �.'r'k, "you helped eftlejently in the 6hoh., ", , . l : �,; I � ,, � t bps own re- Scp�ibe to tb' followia'rul�g nixt year: lie described him as being ton times U0 they iyorked for a year or so league and Sabbath school. yorlhave We've Shang from the best Inaki,ra Ili Onpinda, Rhona that tire absolutely col, i 1, .1 I . b -tor Canbell, al whZerde 1 .,�,-i ;��' � the large crowd Of 6Pc6tdtOr4 ,were'.' quest was bdar its repl'y to the pro- I more i " - . ­ amusetil, if not,edi ' videly-known and one hund)%d on the adortathent of the house, And seived faithfully and willingly, Al rect Ili every point of correct Shoe building, Shone nidde front tile best of V, ikk , I., 0 . You will rec Iva your (I d , , I . �d, ls� ocinies of the Posit] with riaterence to his Wary, end 'Mina his own businuss, an' kape on times mdre respected 'than L60 Our. they left permanent evidence of their we know P il I leathei a, In choice models for street at, dress. � " I ,_:,`.:� . procev,dlags.'. At tinlos Lisere. Wele .for quite it tfaill the proceedings were mindful his own businuss. zon and Mr.. Lloyd -George - glories vtsit in some singular figures on tha reward . ,�',�� 1� � * � � 11 .1111.1 In that, day. But we would Ili ", I , � I � I . ,�, InautfObtat.1tips 4f tells charges and"corinter more in having in his day been hailed Wall of the principal staircase. These t ke t Ili Ave sell tile Miss Canada Shoo for Women ill ,ill popular tyles. price $3.00to 11� ,;�. . ­ , obarges, Oops�ns. Dou'b 6pake to any wan goiug or . a a Opportunity of thanking you C � �, �*� 11 per got opticlu- Hurtiberj Joidan and Sallows all�lglug as "comrade" by blacksm. s a 11�� ,- �: iths, miners, figures are in half relief, life size, and for the services you have rendered its $3.40 and $4,00. There is no better Shoo niatio (It tit. game price. , , ;" :i � ! , �, cive to ha.Vi"ny, and.'the rAPOb't,'of this too great.interference by Mr. 'Capap. quinift, from his iffus, d in all le 1 � ., i - � the heritage they tire represented as reading, writ- and for the good you have done. . � . �7� 11 I Special committee on the Assesisorand he!Qyvith eleirtions, which he vigorous- Cast his, eyes on th' ground wbin he of learning and fine Scots blood which Ing. training flowers, and Ili other You fire going out Into a now life to � 4 .., .4 1 1 �.� I I I collector proposition bropight forth ly denied,.: Pinally. the Proposal of rilates at lady. has, come down to him from the 4 such occupations. The great hall is repaieyotll'st�Iffui.otilei-%voik. We -ttIE ,. 1. I , I �,� �, I Some Plain talk ft ." 0ouns. Sallows and Jordan th Mr- Take to his 6sterincior at sivin-thirty of 'his ancestor, Rpbert Bruce.. W. Among them is loin in wishing You eveiy success SQUARE --- I'll , J �:; 1 qr'ltlel�'afpl of that Campbell should give some prainle to inglianW-Grahant has been a caU - 'etures' Peter Lely G. M. ELLIOTTOODERICH I � : ' I Which be,4�a.4 ilvith his Ief *11 to the fulture Was seceded � to, Lie rancher, and on his return home hung 'with p I, painted th� good Providence of God your �--______ �____ � . . official, but \every noight. , Conn. eart could desire, and trust that I � '�, " cons bittiviegelto, and gnally ani a resolption. Offered by Coons. Never go out noights without so one of Cromwell. 4 8 I. ou'.h 11.r:�., � Well known on the clarivii. of wh ,�h In t 11. I I'll, ", ', Munningsaii'd D guar- bewildered his friends with his facil- word "Now," possibly in allusion to future days it I D bright and happy - __ __ ___ - - - _' __­__ ­_ - '-- ___ - - � _= ' . I . If . the immediate execution of tile III- is [� gind to know thut ,. I ,,��,'�,,,, � , a truce wits -agreed on ulider pro- eptity Reid that Mr. . din. . " ity with a well-known trick learned Once. Ave allatIN . ,, "_ 'see of good behaviour .4ampliell I)P reappointed at his old Give his1ouguis a long holiatty. in Mexico. Standing a' man' -against fated King. Lord Ribblesdale is not, , :�,,�.,�, nit Which have not lost ilitill-ret in tile work Rox a Cold Winter Term I I 4taii' tl;ula -�­ I �l Y Of 1116W. wag agreed to. Ooun. Only use his Is' of a yfl"(1) 1, i . Parentlysatisfiedall,'but Caull. ni- ,let' -ting play. Clause 4 of the the trunk -large tree, he would , ad for having . 'Int"'I church but that though 1,k: l - . ' I . ranes whin atin', accomplished an ex- bt , ,�', � -round the tree at full speed on a tremely. difficult task. He once inter. ousy you will still ',4�1 .­' L ber. . - . . report, Willi reft-rence-to the police- An' th' Gmund Ould, Man, that's ride your days pony Ile t 108 In One- Day Opened Jan. 4th... I'� I i , . � 1. - The proceedings opened With reading ["An's clock, wits Re fiery Mexican mustang, throwing viewed Parnell. They happened to Hnd little to'devnte it) 'lie w,,tk ,if - . -_ . I � Ii. . � I . tit back to the coin- bin ffi'pridoof Goderiob this inany knives -with such extraordinary dex- travel by chance in the same coin- Ing of His kingdoill. Tito- ir. ".., , i - �­� ruittee till obtain and report best of reatest Lung Healil liledicirle MORE YOLTNU P1;,1hPLIo; tlal`�ed by I .1, I of . "I tile (!()Iu we 19 : , -, repairs, u7nd U0101 these amendments a day, kovor towed, an' sod woll , terity that one by one they formed an. partment from London to Holyhead, "' oing out an,l will initku kno to scielice, A guaranteed cure for I , ,� : is 1'i�t`plls ln'� - OMCElits' RBPQ,RTS, . dine on the trunk round the living and the first efforts of the peer to new fried'ilks', but Ile assoled y(,, ` , the report *aaadopted. '$B i 1. Dan ovur, on th*' all , . I olit. Inatillgoillent tball tiny other Ill _'L.: ,.sets, montil. - . e-iapers, sez k- , - ,Mr_ Cunningharne4rallarn draw the Irish lender into converge-, tritrodd here will alwny,t Ile rently witir fill Lu of Troolli)le, cough,,. (:ulda,. Asiluon, I - _r_� which in,cluded1be-treasor i _ Ootnrioi (4reittdqrrmTiTtf(�l,t)uc,gI.Iltill- '�.! .&---r--o-p-,Jsa-ltli-Y--()6t,�Niiiiiiiii-g4ihi:i WAY hTj&'io,_­th' Ruve dast--hav'o ix-- m&r is Branch its, SoreThroat suit Constollptioll tile, ton Bit ", -*-;4�1'­ Y stateule"t for Dgeoullber. and tlic has been spoken of as the worst writer Lion were'snat by very brief replies. "It'le0ol"whenevel, yolk Illay return Fvery bottle go)(I under a gunriouto, - ,. IV . millions College Teachers, X ` 1, ', � � W. f ToWersey bd given I be market picted a wake,, as he sat there with in Europe, and lie attributes it to an In time, however, Pa:rriell thawed, and r Offlev Assistants, , ,'� , � , , , 1, staLementirdso Lhel3ank of Montreal , to Youl. home. NVe shall f011o -e. Tile Privitt,, See etarles. � . .", ' w You Mlly CoUglilliediciliectidorsed hydectorio, etc. The etobudio,out, ,of �. \. , 1�, �. sbowin clerkship this Year f6r a noininal riont, fase as long as tit' penal laws av ould accident in South America. A young talked at some length upon the Irish will, kind solicitude and tiliall rt'julve 2 r, tile most . I , ,"',-, ! , . I .... I 9 I)alanct�Rot,.tovKOfxtnd'out8let.he pitying the full tender In yoursoecetis. c. Bottles. 1,xpert. Modern SYsipins know in I I . � � �, - Dec.agforill6wa: Currepth0dount,de. litst yo�ltr. will he considet nf $50 r`ar Ireland, an' as duns . b -as a coc-le." horse lie was riding crushed him 'tenants' Arrears Bill, which was then -.1" :�,� ( As' a little remvol bra lice of nlll. 11 , �� bit, $10,222.89: Woo, -ed by Mar. .1", ,�� � �- ter afid ligbt:,.�ceedit, . We invite "Om- '. I ,, � ilr9l; Account, $3533.45 ; Manuscript of his has defied a whole and many other matteral, besides. Th� .1friendaillp and as a token of out. ginti. 111111's Remedg '"'lot'"s T'4b't7`ec1e)' - $1211.59, sav " Shure, " sez Con agkinst a tree, and injured hit; hand. the subject 9f great political interest �, �. ket uommitto'e. abrod, "twas - Earimilin. " ::: 'r�: , epartinents, manned �11 illi_ !�., I I under discount, $IQ,000,. ., .. The rearrangement all(] improve- tit' iloquince av it)' bunch .that rin- newspaper- staff, from editor to office interview duly appeared in a , maga- tude fill' 1.110 He"viVe Yot, have rendered y ski.1led himtru.,Lols. . '. �� - �, Both wei - ment of the plerk's offlee will lie con- dared him 9pacheless." boy, to decipher. Otte of the most un- zine, and Parnell never questioned it Ili the various dePaltoiCT114 (if the Fig Pills 1 14 I., M I -a preferred to knAn . For GonsfipEJI�00, . . fl'� �', wittee. and the montit ce com� uideredbytlifs P.W. committ.ee,- and 11 I 11 expected, yet pleasant accidents in accuracy, merely saying it was a church and et,pocinliv ,,a organist, . I 1�i . I 1, , I ly and hAlf- Billy Lane- w,us sittin' nixt me - get b we - COMMERCIAL � `�',, � which "C. -G." has figured occurred false pretences: . "; 11 opAe needed, reliatirs to tile fire hose sez Billy beyant, " an'" sez, I a, " 'tis 1, 1, ,� ,_'�� Yearly reports of 1116't-extola to the a I v beg you tO liccept, thin ilitilf. W e Fig Pills will core Rheuniatis% alld all I I � I � I , 11 V __ A'.10.114 '61 1�1 , 13. 1 1 L404014 I : � I A JAr . A- � ,Iroa S. 11111 11� I', !1�1 � 1i ��, - -I. - .7,a,ouea,,*o to be carried out by. the - I Blood Diseases. � I ,,," ; �, (Jemetbry coInsimittee.' . . ', n pit n. t""'t t1lat GOd'S richest blessing Ilim i � . �,� I �,, � I . , i S I A train b which-.1io--was Pies and Iflotelies I ", o:. , dk" * . e,��, rest uP011 Vtou continually. oved in afew days toy talciaii roig Pals. 11 I ,,.'w�� � , le, while the Special h( I ravenng was, delaye for, a wholq ai- 'Chr 4 . ,--X - I ... r .1* _- V_ 14. MULL tinderin' fur a town cleric t I �y are It y thay rent TELEGRAPHY, , , , . ,10milis", and Christnutill IstAn . I - One' tak en at so ih, tit ti role %%,it I Ill, to e yet, f eel Mail , , %, . - � � .... ,poniourin 1 L t ve - nie t Co IfeO that t Ile hall is an' not -wishin' to spake hvpurbolli- ,terriddh 'Zwin§� to' a 'diellision.' W -Tej-�- . ­.' , Signed on befialf of Blake's c r.� * . 1.7 I � 0-di-imr -ultli t properly and re The first. memorable experience at 1. . ho"t' Coorsem Ill till Business College , I , 1 Dec. 3 . Of I bat number 0.4iec -1 ,. �,�� 11 t", i f voyn 1-11 . ulaily cleaned tip. _. -and community. better iii.the Illdrfling. Large bdxes, 25c, 4� � , 1, . �. . Admiral Sir William May, who next � . �,r �-, -4 .. � 1, ,�. Ill solne form, 214ifig 'be mayor 'called attention to wile nwav the tin , of course, - , � t".. - ; , I (31111Y. if that's *tli� condunitints they low passenger offerdd to -p ay -a violin and High School subject,,, tuberculosis . O"the are afthur, 'tia wan av tit' oyr . � 3 - � __ Folk SAI.F, lly ..,:;�. *,_ If. . " - appointmetApf auditors, and 8 � Aliur * h d Lord Charles - -l- infants. Three deaths war's from I y- a lie was thanked for his kindness. The �. sing, brade they nads, an' we'q. violinist was Sarasate. So it can �,.�, " lq t . � Craigie and Humberi ,wouiptly moved wate th, Beresford in command of the Channel Rheumatism Recipe. Dunloposs [)pug Stope. , j, phoid Or iLs complications. The aver- ., 11 Fleet was with the famous Arctic Goderich, I I . . �. - age age, excluding tha I that H. W. 8411 and It. Robertson results with bathed breth. Yurse, eastly be imakined how -the time went A well-known authority on Hollis. =� ! 1i � , i I grants, wits 60 . ex��ition of 187". He entered the 11111tti'llo gilrell the followilig valuable, .,!, I( years. 'There werl no calses of c1l lie apliointed. C011sis. Munnings and MESILF. --only too quickly. Mr. Cunning* navy, in 1863, became a lieutenant in lbouch 1,, Pkh- Dealt Wi Business . eria or scarlet fever Two i -A - mpited to.appoint, Andrew Pot-- ligme-Grahame once had to act as -in- I Siolroleand harmless i . I I . ; . va en 9 1871, commander Ili 1881, a , preavr 1). 1 . were admitted to thu.bospital und Let- as one auditor. and after some dis- CURES IND109STION. 'Plain tion, �vliich anyrille enis pabily Prepare ­ I er cussion coupled AV. R. Robertson's I Wrpreter and mediator, between a ,887, rear -admiral 1901, vice -admiral at home: L . nt. � . name AV - , " shipload of Basque emigrants n to many by the - --- ---- - -_ -_ - - -_ ­_ - . I the conditions of the town gi-ii, ith hi -i, -Init Ott avote found no - drunken Scotch crew. and a i905 He was know Fluid Extract Daridelloo , � A letter from the Ministe . , one.half 1- . r of Pol)lic suisporters and the first nomination$ All Distresses from Stomach and [a. nickname of "Christmas," and the Ounce; (Imupound Kargoo, ono ounce: ' � Works, in reply to tho maybr,.tead its were approv�d. - origin of the appellation is worth, tell- Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ,. . direption Vanish in Five Minutes. Governor Narrowly EscalIes Drowning Ing. In 1888, lie waa in command of �� follows; . . , . il � I Sarpuaryj4th. 109. M r. J. H. Colborne, as retiring . - a ounces. . I . Sir Al. Nathan. the Governor of e Chin station. Mix toy allakilig well in a battle. tin(] I . DEAn Spit.- member (if the Collegiate Institute Takeyoursour stonsuch-.-or Tuaybe Natal, who, at I)urban, has unveiled It was an ambition of Sir William's take ft te,,Rpo()Ilrlll efter each useal ; I run in,reoqipt of your Onard, wnq reappointed for three VOU call it indigestion, d e slot to add to the'territorial possessions and at bedtime. "I favor of tile Oth- last, and baveread lid Air John Kem,ighqu to YsP P , , gas. a statue of Sir Jelin Robinson, 'the . * Yeat's a � _the trills or catarrh of Btom.:h , it doesn't of the British Empire, and the oppor- I . � with much interest your, statemen, Public Llbl.�Iry board. DP-'.' "Gallow rnattet-takg yiyur stomach trotdile tunity seemed to offer itself in the be Obtained from tiny goo(I preiterip- . first Premier of Natal, has seen a I'lestateN that tile ingierliptiLs coin 11� - with regard to 1.1se development of and Robet-t McUan were repla�ed'on right -ILls You to your pharmacist good deal of rough service in histime. � business tit God6rials, and also asto I form of a little desolate speck of land Lion pharmacy tit SO11111 ('list. and. . the further requirements of the port. tile Huard of Health by Messrs. G. M. and ask him to open it 50 cent case of He joined the Royal Engineers in known.as Christmas Island. Sir Wil- being of vegetable extraction, are . I am very glad that the breakwater is Elliott and A. D. MeLtlan, the genial Papa's Diallepain and let you eat tine 1880, and five years later took part Hain made as . . � proving of so much benefit, e x-watden claiming -his -age entitled 22 -grain triangule and see if within in th.e Nile expedition. He is the v6ral representations to harnilesa to take, ' . the Admiralty, and at length he wag Thl8plensant, mixtuie. if taken reg. I hills to Ile relleved from such all live minutes there- is left ny trace Of first Jew to be appointed a Colonial authorized to annex the land, hich arly rot. a few (lily%, is solid to over. !. .1 -y. 44 -nor, and when sworn in for the he did by going oil shore and h wisting come almost any ease of I licurnal Into. . With regard to undert^klng further Office. . Your stomach misei Govei 0 ill , I improvements Fit the ptesent time, I Oct suggestion of Reeve Gallow. tte The rorriFet rtaine for your it ouble is Government of Hong Kong, conform' the British flag. Sir William, who The pain and sivolliog, ir tiny, dimir. . 11 am afraid that 1 cannot hold out much . It . matterof ft -eight sheds tit the harbor food fermentation -food souring; tit ed the rites of his faith. by gol 9 Aas invented- Improvements in the dis- ishes with e4trh enpouragement. because it has become d b k, there" through tl>e ceremony ad charge of torpedoes, commanaed the results file Obtained, fill(] I was referred to Special committee, inig 8"vo 0 with his lie dose, lintil permanent 10rstPQne A F I c g0klftie Jule covers(]. One day Sir Matthew. while necessary ,IoL _;teat many .ek or Williollt, ill- , , putilie.wotka )ver Canada. many of the mayor saying the failure of the ol I es ; yosir food,is naval contingent in the Diamond juring the 8tronittvil. I I sly half digested, and YOU become af While there nit, ;7111ch are imPortxnt# C.P.R. to make any definite promise - Orilhis way home from Hong Kong, Jubilee procession, and was given the inanyso-caiie(l thellooltiNotretnedies, . atfd,wouW be w(Juld necessitate beginning the work fected with Iona of oppo�jite, pressure fol into a harbor when entering a Red Eagle for his services in attend- patent medivilifla, (.14-_ tiouio of wbirh undertaken at Once if circumitances allover agairs. - find fullness after eating, vomiting. .sampan from a P. and 0. steamer, once on the Kaiser during his visit do give relief, feiv really give 7 . were ollifferent;o but,in view of-tho voty nausea, heartburn griping in bowels but was rescued, after some diffl- permit - to England nine years Ago. Sir Wil- nent. restilts, and ill(. aliOlp will, no l . great decline in the revenues durlug Itr was agreed the council should tenderness in the W of stomach, bati clolty, none the worse for his un. liam is 59 years of age, arld married doubt, begreallv oir)pppeil.ted fly many � . the Past Yeat', U1014overh went re#lizes meet, at 10 a.m. on Monday to examine taste fit month, constipation, pain pleasant experience. . , 1 the Jimperative necessity for cartalling tile Sri miner Hotel In view of neces- in limbs, sleeplessness, belching of In,IJ.!8, . 14111yel-ert; hole at, this little. expenditure as much as possible. sary preparations for the auction sale gas, biliousness, sick headache, ner. I In(Iii)(Iry tit the drug stores, of LhI9 i I . I Yours very trilly. On Janullry 276, and to meet agaill volsonesq, dizziness and many 61her Paid Not to Sing. Mounted Nurses. neigh rhood elicits tile hill, nottlion . 11 WILLIAM PILTORILEY. for general business on INIday even- similar symptoms. Although Mine. Nordiess is one of Ce1kral London was treated to an that these (11,194 aril harailess and eliti � Ing Jan. 22ad. m nne in the world-"' attractIV spectacle the other day be 11011il'I'll, API)MI-Mlely, Or p4le (It-ligliINI's A. H. Macklin, Esq., It -your appetite is Hckltr. and noth- ft is said that bar annual -income- when a 4e body of uniformed Ama- here vo Ill roix I Its prescription for coor 0 blaynr, qoderleb.Ont. The mayor said suggestions bad been Ing tempts yell. or you betch gns, Or it . readers if ni-k ed to ,to so. A petition for an are 'Ifilit 'at ,Iunc_ made that now when so many men you feel bloatpd afferleating, or your amounts to nearly $76,000 --it is in- zone came\ cantering down frdfln Re- . - - . . Lion of Market',� street and h,girt were Out of work would be a good food lies like a lumo of lead on your tereating to note -Abut )tar first fee gents' Park along Oxford street and avenue was sen't to W. and t,. e' was paid to her not �for singh go but Holboorn toward the city. They were Oln- time to commence the work of build. sLomauh, you can make upyour inind The Wol,e ,.pelis I't ,,b(,,,(,,, t,ecallw I � I mittee, and an Account for nit adver. Ing the new main sewer, and the P.W. that at the bottom of all this there Is for consenting not to sing. Even as not militant Suffragettes in a now tile -u- is ll()t o(leded. [lilt w a Out I a little girl she used to love to it, .�Co )nOAI tisement Of the town in Heatable collinliticle were asked to consider but one cause-fernientation of on. her tsek.but a section of the Girls' First the -h-? %%,toy ,lot sp,.11 ? . � voice at all times and in -all t7 Tuid raing Yeomanry Corps. This I Handbook of Called&, and -a., second this atill report with plans to the Conn. digested food. p tsees, . - - publication, "OpPoPtunitles "to Can, el I , Prove to yotirself, after your next and, much to the annoyande of her was the first time they showed them- � ad meal, that your stomach is as good as Older sisters, she would persist in! selves to the Oliblic, and their object I Railway Time Table. � . [&,"'was sent to Sliscild cOlkilgitteip. Reeve Gallow, do chairman -of the pl� ; that tbL,re joining in with them whene ____ :, i . there being some atroalg 61,jecki is nothing really ang ducts together, ver they was to'Pay an official visit to the big '711 to ftecialcommittoe, reported that the a s. older to CANADIAN I-A(*IL*[('. ? � paying the accoun ' wrong. Stop this fermentation and So, in St. Bartholomew Hospital at the in- . : -­Tlio- pub [Alleo Ottawa nit thorl ties had kgreect to see begin eating what you want without silprine the future diva, they resorted vitation of the hospital a WICSTROUVII. I sts(ed that of his t1009,editI6n,2D,00o to tile deportation Of - P-li * a tan. 'The . . � 11� 1, I , College I � 4 . ��.,�,� � - ,�� _�:. � I—, - . . � GF0. 81-01-17ON, PUINbIPAL, . . � ,�:, i �1 . .� '1� . 'i, � 'j 11 __ i ­!� , 'f I - I, �, ,�'. t"'! � __ i�:.' ,,;. �, I _-__________1 I , ". �, � I.." . I I � .. - .\, �A, - I , �: � 1: , I . I , ,� " ..�, � � �� " 11 I , . � ; I 1 4 . � ... � ; � li! i ; , , � 1. . . , , I I ,� .1, 1, I � I 11� , �1 I . ,;1; - .1 . ,�`, ; I -, � ,',,� ��� , . I ,, �,i ,�i . �,z , il " ��� I . �,,�-�,,; ________ .--.--- ____ 1�' , "O I I , I_. ! , A. .1 - I ,�,�;" . .- . .., 4,�i .., - .11 _ X - P ".. . .Ill d" - 1. . I . , I . ? , . , .1 , .-.,. - . .11 i. 't . ­ . � 4 . I .1 . � ­ , 1131111 . . . � '... I . -4. <1, I 11 _. . � I I /1. ; . I _.�,, . I :_.. . . . �o4. � r, . -,�.,. . : . . ', I 11 I q.. �� . - , _* - - . . �... . - . , . -, -, -�. , . - . ..... -.-.�,..- ,4 . , . I �alo! I --- -� i I I - "I""," 7�, 1 . THE IlEAD OF OUR LADI �, S'SHOF 11 department 11:14 Rathered a remarkably file ­11-il,", of foot wear for iour I Inspection, � 11 ,r I 1. ,( . y 0 '�'e (eat- of discomfort or initial y. t� briberv. anti gave her some money girls wore smart, tiglit-fitting scarlet ,,,a,.,, No. tit No. 07 1 P, ,10SI C014RItCl STV%Fj,,; , . T , . lee bad been purchated-hy the Do- persona named Jarman, who were re- Almost Instant relief 19 waltin Taranto ... H.Wa.1n, ilJol P,Vtl. � tire fitliv ropre%eweti it, .%ll ­.4 ill evelv 'th white, flat MAW111OUNn. . , . =ion Government and *oke Ott their calving town charity, and Mr. J. p. you. Ifor an "ndition that she promised to tunics, with white facings. skirts Of Arrim (lodurfeli . i42iiii,iii, 8.30 to. too __­ ____ ______ ­_ ------- - . It -Ili merely a matter of ow keep quiet. . blue serge braided wi grit It- elieept tile iefLnor, tviiivii we tI.o 1: .� - way for distribtitido-thtdag�cput the Attile6ws bill been Inati,timorlital tin soon you take a little Diapepsin. military cops of scarlet and white No. 10) . ,� � I old world. ,� _, I I " . littving ,another Person removed', or J -4,�. - t nil If voll are ill search , . 0-- a . riding boots and gauntlets. The� r,loave (3coliarleh ,.. .. R (lit a.irt. of a cllrl�ttllnq gift that will Ile 11'efill an " The council doollspied a reiltiest A Huge Forest. . � -,4"i'll. BROPHEY for PORTRAITS ""b"""'" � to given it chance tn go back to his home !.., . I ,Nsubscribe for at least five copies of the country, without expense, for which The question is often asked, I'do The British Colonial Office recently wll horsed ' and A,H,aTorolnill. , .12.10a.in. IL30 p. sit. I well its attractive, Nil,, will flood tlo� n1we I All thrilumb tra1,n,NbA:ltorlinto. i . rode with the ereetp4trimwable, -,seat - Atilre a decide,liv econoinical piace at , 'L 1. . I I ­Uatiadian Muntailpat'jototial tit $5, A vote Of tip . anks was passed to Mr.' hens pay and which kind pays beat?" '401lit out an eVert to report on the of the trained 'eirvalryman. The� OILAND TRU141C HYSTRM. We have 000nie entirely tiew which it) till tour purchasitig. %. 11 � andaletterfrii .the A'devroalia. , 11 town. % In conversation with Mni. John Jervis Kania fareall in the East Africa pro- "J, 1­� �, Woo, with an aeCo - If Stanic. teetoritte. He found , trotted into the square of the boa- I -rive Oodo,riclp, 7.10 a oll 2-10 P,Til- 4 'A) 1) Ill. 11101irot creatiollo; sirriviry t I . � I Is hyln 11 ,"001litiOn 'Reference being made to theLdestil y. she iiald that they stslprt�d the forest to be ital. reined up In lind that would Arrivo 1, 35- A0p.no.7r* -1 .Mpe, 1. 11 .1-r-- ­ _ �., he.- 'Wished r , ell. olk'sle * . - nt�,M , , lual vent -'with neventv pocks. They 287 miles long by eight -broad, and t40r SoIrictiling real chic an'l . . . � clerk, W. A. Al c I - "IL, ': Special coin Ittid, - to 6041 19 t_ se 1.000.OM ticreA of timber tave done credit to a crack euvally Pylor ( ar Lol,rrorloro(n on'l, it in. train and CIO for Xmiloo rerm-ni WX SHARMAN !,:"� g a et r ;;�J .1 vote. 1) , cc". I =1W.1_1W11`Lp;'pxa_qed orderits I ' -liekan to kill off the old ones in Sep Butiot ("it oil 2.40 tiraitl to I'Al t V ? : - that the Pro'silod"' overo Ofit 0' condolence to Ile prIsp , slier to inakerooin for the pulle = at $115,000,000 for the rills, and at command leaped lightly 00DERICII . I . slat in=!,ng oft a at) , letis-.6yeten, aired an r. it to. to the ground. The tour of inspection - - . 1� r . wissfdwl to his widow, and After till the eggs they needed for . over, the nursing troopers sprang 9. flow about inur q0ting, - c I � . ,f sew be ,Wis. An ­41[fti Willi t 18 homAae. thf alone. Let 11% denlotistrate for %-(,it. I � . .,v sold *01,60 worth of Wilighnin linot ono editor tin the � .1 theProvince. b ti Sea 'Of council adjourned. gracefully into-thejr saddles, and coin- ,,bcOI The 11 I n it petal, on ot, - I eggs, raised 55 chickens, sold 25 roost- Not to Be Told. ' � trustee board and another Ili - -_ WTI. NIVINSPeliable I 11, SAY $I.000.0W0 W ilob# I I ' kpoitides, to 20 i�rs for $10, making it a total of - I placently received the plaudits of sof the town council. . 1, . I years would trioatt bob , ,000 er, She Is iloilifte as a Ghost. .) T see You've got a new fountain admiring crowd. An. .$10660.andthirty pallets to add to , en. What (to you think of itrl SHOEMAKER I" I . ritim, The resolutitioll skyj5, itt the flock. I ____,____ --- . - -_ - ,I BROPHEY fop PORTRAITS OLI I I I -0k#IhlWb6,cwi36-,sL0. Alt 61 It , Is it it inattor of pride tn be pale is� . . "Hugh I The minister is sitting ovw Monument to Wildil. i " sary to the vdity, life iind #*10flet hoOea* 4, IfIV.-certainly not. V1 , I . "Werage syst .. .,.6..,.-."" ,, ___..1___- t=n - -, __- there. and he'll bear us." � . . 1�6-nr Woman Wants Is strength, Color, vigoi. - __ Twenty thousand pounds h I and RUPAIRER � ;� -1 .. I roads have liodoint In � I gi en for MAK-AT-HUME --am - 7- � -- ---- - - - -- - --' ., ocalp Urban musplolti"t"' I'* 90bd 040y4friny and health ar� iW right of v the creation of a monument I ood . ) - Hamilton St., Oriderith. [ . I 01 tit th every Woman. And t1heso.she need not to Oscar Wilde in Pere In Chaise . � tawnihips and econtlosi,of 0of#jIo;A3 � 1-11 . ,,,��.,a " iiftjid r&-elt"6VbiOixii4t�#d66�tl�44,�., I v! . At1*9-,Y#,rro24-I#,, It, I I eemetqy. PatA.1y it dopor who de, 10,10-6 11121,911114,F" - ­ L ''. L � �, ''., * 4 Atite' ­. VOC11,A)ANGER BE. 19 Ir A Ft A e- IS-11it' sires to reldsilitt ationy'snous. An an- � __ �, -T -W-. . . I creates poittkpn �I- Rif(IMATIC-TAWMENT 4. � I a . A A ,1116.04111, - I I , I ffient, 60 Atill OnAbolips 6 . ill - On , I e'T vIgor td tile nerves, 4 nouncement to this effect was made : : I i' - " , � , mfide 111111als"t"1114 islikii litopooklors to t t PC eaks and hilghtness to GINS WHIEN YOUR . 11 .1 .. I � . . at tile recent complitnentairy dinner $00a Simple Precautions Whict, The Attractive Route to ' a is .. 11 r, .1 thegbodta.1 61461r. rui6obLfs. , t:, of" lo I ' .. at the Ritz Hotq Will Prevent a Recurrence of SUMMER SCHOOL , I , L 1. , � �d th 08 zone In at,.Oncta con- 11 . . _I to Robert Ross in ,, A numbet, Of'(pld6OIILfita,jvrrIS4 rQ vo ri 16"Intor"011Aalth, beauty, find 'his I T � I to Fintsince bd0t0Il40'e.. aita i I 6pse nolo itirength. Tbert� Is, power Iiii BACK ACHE,�. , recognition of publication of Attacks. , Manitoba '. I i these brou94', out it _Petmj-6. .. .. . I 1� Wide's works in the face of consider- - Itim., Jt1lv l"d %,1W,'w lea,14 " , , ollitiors I , *6110,-tky it, and know, VAAL Yot able difficulty owing to the nuthoes lilt,, -ir 1',.Il 1. ,11, �,, i .... it I , Jy IL .1 1. ". I I , Oct, by K I . , A prominent citizen, who � . 1, Deptlity-reevo, Aelit, wom postitio, havo pialsood. too. sit all dealersi, estate being In bankrupthy. The lair a had for I Saskatchewan ,-,:,,,l­.k.', Flo" ­� ti'll'.. I I � � It to thes Vint and tho Sure $Ign of I . Ye2rS Suffered from rheumatism and � A. old ill"'e �'­ \\ rite 11, 10014111 that no k6t,pbrIttlots -offilw tio __ company present included Sir =In rheumatic goul, 4hhabeen giving his I , 11 I allowed to p0*64" kojrtlifilk, O.Vot 14 146 Xftinq Dinue. �� I . Conw�y. the Duchess of Sutherland, .. . and Alber�ta f -I it 1,.I,\ I � .0no of thogo iav-otita wilich liplike friepirl- �-��4 I . 11 11 LMOM Wiffidut fiftt 11111100* ,art 6wiilil 91114001104ft Of sop, Imbister and fit# � .C. I Lord Howard Do Wililden. who Is sew ancr 1."T.4,12114 .. , a , g 11' - l,t ,i,, clo-sv, nod .41 I'Riii, lolirtn,, CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE � from The Igfi�dfl, dlerk, 60,glippoltilitisjor i6f Wife, .11 I erally supposed to be the anog , Z hr .7 "It"I"', a � committee. : ,, � odefirretforp Monday ti, t6thoon, . I I ,,o,, pre . � ,� I I I When ft 0660gif6d'or lexills -S Doan's Kidut, Pills donor or the monument; mund actiption which was material sit. , 1),,It. ,it I)iilwli. ,rilt,,,igh 14t. Ullooll J.'t ,,, r,0111111`0 I . e0o . Goose, William Archer and H. 0. in effecting a cure. 'I t ,� I I � I I axpouftoi tVALliftmr, to tile than" a P . VY sistan 6 I' lotel hy 0--til"lli. L:, � t l", , lid -le I � t 11loovil" gild � Wells. . . In fho first place, he found that ' 1. i : - Reeve 0&6*.�,",thttl* Wtist itho presented *Ith ov I * 0111"i the selling be& by cars , tile 40111A . I I " I " " k "" ,.--1 -, I . kidnby# betionth-for it is tili ly tute ki . - Sit M. P-01vil 1 41,11. 1 blibliels h ritifolo Atid,Afm " I Ili I pe" time he par -took freely of acid . � ,;,, 1. followitilit ttPot'l par tbes . X Well filU _ . (V I 1.06W ftWts his old trouble returned ; and, - I 140:111"11t,111 -11h: , mys pitching and not the back. Penisionsp to Pat California, Mexico, Florida� N-,,,Nv if pidittee t � 0 I purse, by 50. Sm. [if t 0 Wha nommi " X04 Do 6. secotidlyt he leanted that it was abso. AIV . "I'Att iterrald siq ''I"lro"to. t Al b Government grants $50 � % I 1, %&��,�- I They act directly opi tile -� o � - . 14 Th -AL the ooiiltia oor,tltt� , ot kidnisoyit &lid The Britlab I . b6 Itd- Nn ,,B146 In' tlib hisdid of W49 Ade�Wjl� WAh Round Till, T."I''.1 Tif ___ . We 1, IA,;t At tr �-� ?,ot 1. _1k, It .* each 4. t.1- TS. -IA lutpily tells0tillil to keep the kidneys 1 � I P tore . - a I-ra locrong spin IlealtIty, tnereDy son and A ,,It H�.I� I-, lilt J.''l.''J."I � . t6rused ILI' 1001intoo litto thAt APIP,11-'A" Site gi tsi Josto toslipfep cAttItting urt bloott,to dresslate, thtotighotit Afft Watson in consideration of to pitink plentIr of water. 59, � . I I h ,l&J#jy.. itnt. to iviiii actilso% To do this it wag nece irr � I I t(ofts lie todol" they*rorllo�td TiON-4. Intlibli, fi,j� th-gifi 10titifl6lb #610e. to for th tsoyAtelth . Occa- k I , 4 day, Yan. Mt,h*, . I Ft 'Burdock BloW Bitten. ' � ,%'zi.11-1, Ren"tt., i ' . I , , TO '1111*11411Y he Would dissolva a lithia 1'Phong Oi,deps fop Gpoceples ,. i I � � -11 i I thoAlotfiot.thkt,ot;6(6ptathokio. Wyo. Ilr& 'Frank rckle Wo6doide, N.B., Ott 046 tt bW *1 i;b Itisidschie, do 110111 enry AtMilb U is granted UbUt In the water to assist its TbI � I 11 r a "in reco 'Lion Of AttiOn on the kidneys. am I'll I :1- Tht'it Cipt*"**`dIp 1* ptlki*4 tO � ifid Nil�'%Veot *Optb tAkis'll,go-16tely WrItol,*_1 I Ist . as,lk It Is so W prd� -11. ­ _011gll 1,11,11 d tho atiors# bo,kil0% jor, 6*0 4, ywasis, Atod oc" get I et If , nd of his milietift as to poet.- I- thre frolu � , f6tAlkli big P6,01tiond :16r 4116 is, 4 . 'I WAA &,"t ito,fr6tof with . As dim 1129tilob Wary attainments The trestinotit is its follows I To. Volvo sleepel Toronto Ill to-, oive a% careful atteolitill ir � � I ft8ftVii IT *1000ise Arid tbankti 4 11h tallipist, ut hoo " I Olim"a doiliv. leaving T"rolit') t.� o, If v, it wvTV Pro Fell slid , . I 06on. otallis to pliall *Ad *041i 'bliet I tall'""'P�J( "r* y0ist *fid & nothisig to tollem psto twil I tisok t*6 ft , A . I without dislilry. thig, e1wit"ali Airsd *tAltif . an eitab. il Ili 1:10 1, ol. I poiti-nal , I � , 40otl tit I 1 �1610 low. I I . - Voillip &64 aw t do � . 60111111.0 MW woft Ausitin t6mitoo as pftt liturelit* yopr druNgist:_ 1v rder4ng. I I th#*ppr tin ithitittbell"* t11141111" I I . - , .. botit6h a Daft's,xidposey, malA � M utiftel * $1.0m it year. " f- ENO ktv � C OL I I ills old hootipi #r 1: P.W.,60.1 cm. -, , '00 �_ mt tebt apy omit *W**l* "d,cm 04 *1ik"UkftJ(.9.*fltMt YIV&I,R Alical a"A ticketa, apoly to 'NZ.- po� � - , I __ ' I I ot , I weli *.,11;,#0*ethfr* 1*4W 6" OZ 40 I'll Wi* rum k % Im" fleod- - --- tviVerg for . I I 1 That th* -110kOWAVII, *16ek T* � � I& MW" -Par a to; . , � 31 , Z za MEM a - For farther inform , - ______ � trekitod pitA4 tiot 'Ak4o #pp"*jd'AZMv �, * 1*11 � It 0,111, $6 - y topoisth;o 2"Ung .m6wMOM Itil dipipUth Opi6k, 140111POUnd up rZaparills 5 4, _, I rpsti I L -7 mr" was spon"41.1111 silly We N I I I . 'JAL " " wilotictl �6-i Tho eitiftititi" 66*WjW of jh16 ttit. . at. I F. F. LAWRENOE F %A ., posifidill -.1 I . V -% lot 141ft 11hiplUltely"t),*� be lula 'reopps ;;; , I I 1. 21A "Veft . I . nod � NVArt, 150tatt0ir, . I Sovitit tietoppro fell ftli%a Le r4lad'(1111A ), -TA6 Otte isispeoptifial ifter each TOWN? AO7.VT � .)*Y4 k oil 4 41e NNW 1W OlZr 46i r V4LN , , I* we land. hiw 4 r W. A , Re to fAll, lu: lil"m yott " awa I � W. ompto Roam 4 90 ft, glut 0 0 plan. _ 4. W XUA I ,I+, ot#40opolit h Ib# il I , I* 1111% AA . Is, I , Iftell Atid it dilrde. AqW10, that tippop dftkl". 40 ,. I � , M .Xogr I for e"i . T h I Is, I * v -s b16 Ififftistiltiom Thit I I I , * jj'SkAotlepik ': . . . 9 . M - *6" 1 � ,� � "' *Wb*W * 4"' 156 Wit ' it hotk. Site tka I. D. MCDONAtis. 11 P. A.. N I 11 Z;$1iI= � , l . , * 1111 t =1 It III, I I , ­ I I 11 . %; , 11 " I I I 1� 11 .1 .1 , 111, 10" 'r - 9WALUWA AW -441 4,,.. t . . �, I V,�� I , , . -4 i Uslibu Statift. Totottio.0tit. I t . 11 . 1. ., , I . lu w :i, , -1 0*114, OtIM . � � �, I I 11 �f �'L r , � , I �. L " � , . I I , I I , . . � I � � � it - llk� - I'll "I" 11 I . I �. I , I . . '4 1 � � - 1, r . I � I I I � , . " '. 41" � i I ;, , 1. I � � I � ,; , I I . I _. � .- - I , I . - � L ,-) . I I I I , I , , I ,�, � . I . I I , * . .- 4i �- I - �a I �. I .- 'k ­ - - ,,A � - i ­ �11 � I I ,�, . I 1, I I , As ,� � "I . 411111111111111111.4616111141,11,111 . - ­ �'i ' . I � I -, .. , I - i ___­Aho� Z� __ Ir- 1.1 �, .."I I I .. , __1 - , - - - - I I Li_;Z�_ 2 = ki..,