HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-01-22, Page 3, I - 41711AGrW I " WIT I ____V�- -;. 7;- _)VT, 7V111�. -_ 7 "V _ Irv"
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_ 4* ugWW, polioi. Mfe** 44 � yi0eilita verfco. Thil4t. � 1y#Ar#j ** 4tw4L 041 ,(Ig � . iod" wi ,
:: . *6 ,of *b* 1ovA0,km, in 1a* F . T , .T . *, ,,, ,
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"I . .rd i# f4L h4*Qr, M-004 _.. I I 1. ou � Tk% 0400 "W *I; tbo morl%hw tat V#Por ba ro . �,olia*—A luvgh Mort 0 Itky. tx"ptiqrt of �Qhja* L I p I rop�jr App - tion' , t' . 1: tb##, i#-' �
.1 I .JP aw"rov- And = - t."_1 ' I - L* . - ,. . ,Q,V nisia 0 _ .
. . I .. . Tbi threel of t1w Urals akarp ofA r,00s,#. 04#r4oy ' - slAt
., I , " . 'r#wAra,ow, 4atiot, �iw000stwiovlx . �_ - I t*"# I *Ar , , VJW* X Well- Wbiq ,he b J'Atr4,arab �'qf Vo'it)AtIQ4$, *00 jatt'roiltluo ,in u, W*%, never r tbo 'oz 'foL or �-
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. 140tAl O*rw -4r 44Y - 140 the wo*ly , � � . , I r* Alw(* 144 sk I
Woo, not L, gli, . 4 t.0, b* *q0*1 Part
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. . , - tw*voit "rigist0q, H . In "o 4*00s to 46
". - t,44 *ft04 li"OlIs"no L . TWO ,wor* 11,04 4LOMWOU , - , All, X110ar Ntlor r.. fo"�,th#UL *,-Jtrn�Xl1)*d4JIF, � 1, P.1AX4l*'i'WdQU .4104, to oalov fo* tonsid V�d of A40h .Accouutv OL134 liowgve,jr, 40", agsil, �
. I . � Ir 04-wu tu'v.0iotivotr", I a Wakog, Usk � " 00 � _VJ***,)P . 1 V1410* 4U froM I .
. I I I , g ahoor. with- ;%, fieo#q tU4 wovil4j*.Q.1! Dr. � ftrt%rdo' 'Woo y W-*' OU f , 4it.4r's "., OUTf LoU, I ' , 04 , .. I I . , " .
. - _411 _ , .1*"04, his; ,� 310. 4410C 04"tw
'a$*L*10e#,ftr,a*�1"y,o* - L . " *%. Elonie, ,of 1�h*0m,*t0.*W4, even, � ArItish. �:ilxp�to. .bad Act L
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- 94140" Under tryla; 001"UtIoviiiiia bank — ' ' .
.:11 I I t9yO in�: xiiol�, of * AAW*fAs totial, VU4 g, to, dAtsl. WJ;4.Q�:$Wyorti i � - - ". ,�,
I '. L 11 � I I " ., , ls�lie � L6t - I I "', Aud $1414410", OUCJ� h0ari# f 14 an�w � A"'Os'lothoro �,Aro tkoiaty vU' ."Ally "0*444 - I I u - AA #0100v ifitt � ..
I . . Ali r.� 4JIT L . 400e* *4 #41,0 * �
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. . Not 04 1, rq*'104 or - , A I , 'tnjUt# 1 , ,. . '4 14 *44, go stitoot.AhAt oi;&.I"tVO4.4144�,-)x4i)fflrQ,,b44,4i,i�AK"AIA)Iio�ss 440 � 40mA44 ttim Inost, to� it did, 4,'Qt 4", 11 I � , 11:040, , I
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I,;, , 144POW4,' . ti*011414 , W.*Utiso turg o ; 4 , L A all on �gbow. at, _440h. I I I . iocludeln fit Ali, 40,04 -bit lRQ***$J ,and 6141 V%_ I
. t , ,*rofk
Up, V - so, 14Wr*l1ty.'. an;1 A'Q` '� '114 �� I o4gia evoitiO4., It ikp 44" Arkli*, Q*ULAoisj, XisV'Zol .4a . . I
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.. V. to I .
'hloL . " , , 'k�Aca1.tpUtLLtb*DiJ#1a W F ,* tod A14 r ,the Mor* I I
I bowulnooe *�A **Y" Xii, ! b*Irr, I " a'" , *44o in u4nolloa. 40 t4aught W9 - u g I , 0rQ1WQgV.'4'*6 1.1L
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� I '04 OZ . � .*aPwo§X*�,*A4W*g4*b4Vk*'V*r
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. � . ,01piqqj* . .. I . I I te%i4 P ,"a# ;0xj?r4qs6a poiselt, *0 ., All tt *Od, tbirty.-tiobt years ,c' , . OVL Q*goa tbo -
L .,- , li�,* I of ho�JQ$4jmltjtU#QAsQttb,4Lf 4'.Uotlik
L - kitoyr, I , " 'N , .. 11" "a I _ . PAYS - I,r* 'IQ he's tq out� 0 . I
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� I I 440 , ,4�i* Alformwxro , L ..,or Cit'Y' � - ,A(( contrive joLop-
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� a � i64, In L'to; igilto L , . Q11's 'W " .�,
� �, ., ; , �, ;IJF rep On e - ,,It- is 00 ,he's been; 0, W for widow- 0 .0 # &,h4% 4, c I aq� . , .b - Z'" 'mp siaito, for the, proilitoo, . . ..
� : 'Wjde.L',jsP � .a liot, K . ., - ,* ., * , W 11 fjoo � ar JU plu; dev to coutipan
�"_ t 0. , orj�., 1hipy � 0 " ob'' L� Plor fdr,44.0-o4e I , ,6. , L 44 , 014,04 , days, TQ$4 "g-'Whot W4 t. to - JNAt4urAnt - As the his �
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�� . . .. Is". 4Dk-.t t -4,41 r4-5.` � XI ' I , , k Owo, to Win, its 'AdrAi other couple of centuries, or avarl I
r . I ki! I I I _ VW9 i.- - nie L i LLLLL oRne idea, A re Ar *
I � .i I -11, �,�. � - : , - , : - - � , i
. � :,. "' -110"hish ok P14 ' , t ftttoe�# A" A, "Midland on -4driy4or UA- ", , � , AllitlAtor ilw*� A tit In
1. I . 4ja ft;',e� tilt I L ,ame , -, . I L - I I ot $1044; � , ,
1, ,.. � . = li� wo-old 740 . 4,V , ,y�q O;A , I �, ,, �1 - 7f $ 6 , 4PUJq6: Patri§robsit 0, PON* the 141 r, 15r which do� a much less space or tiine, my goo sPen(AAR 0 Cash, ISL g, USelUt 4Ad. . . " . .
. . , I into,"Nijo L it .
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_,� . '. -� -__ ". .-, , I , g,jarp available a
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. . I A 0� heavea��, , .kol , llu*bl�Li",�*h�bi$,�b.'At,�.no-, I � . no ben both pairtnots 1-1
-7 1 I . 0- y'_14')1&ir' .
� , ', 1- r , � I 'd, , `�'Tw '**', ,CO�IAOtA%!4-L",S.btd.-'*Jp��t4f,r)�Q � '. 't-Att'A I _ LLLL Z r9llilgatlo '!k4 ro'llp"me" t� . q .1y amazipir changes in the 10014 1
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I .. I ��%)OQI�kl:- oosily"� %Vb%y,'-*ro � _U01i Alid-, ,tih,4u,:� I ell * I., : WAW. Under the now NY-stsia A p..9f,* world. .� ..v
,� I , Pat J . _
,, "Prio4t .1 .., . 11 . tiLk-gl t,pf ��*§_ L' jil.� .1 � " .
,. I . I. I . ., lralllglii ' , 1, I I , it , ,� ';":_*A 6 _4 1
. LAI. 44 � more nrp �, , L "', -0 . pei,y 00�r 4 4 'tantitt , r " � � Oar U 3111; 40- 'an 11
� �. '', r . *t4 tb,.g ntIr . � I i Lomild'orablo , retluotio'llk Will be 6f a wish to go to war top Income with so. Ow to 9601i, oth"'a
.. *1 a 0 ., . " on,* I ".0 L
I I . kitiowor thio.,li,4iiiii- , cused I I
L I 7 � , , i., I r* *It4, th ,ox LA I I I P L aI, sit'A'ag "a; LVda I
'' � ,; a on-_bf _4.jU,Jl4o�a4Uk**of4 ji'le . W,L 007 1 : r,:
,�, � . VL.,q� 9, . _!!, I I L' It . � �'ftojn 'LL UOWQvarJ � the PAPAI, SooretAr,v of tino0e, but ou - do mutual advantage, But. partner- I . I I
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I , . T P i 1, .; rrr , 4 , �f,� , _ . - -, r bu,00,00% is not with the sake of now territory. To
: I . _', - ' _ _i% ot too I He ilp q �-�_ * nO* qrg4z for �t# ne, Oro "o , It,.' .
. , � F,# C . ti , ! ii0_",4tgi�:, , "A'optip
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4 �': �,, � , ', �:,. , " - , . . 4tAto jg� 4notia,
� � alwo Often, by 'tho 44tlsticak QnI,V with tho wesils, pro, the Kaiser And his subjects here ships 9f thin kinds are rate.
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. 1. � 11 I � . '% , I " � , , ", L I'M I L41. 0� qott4 . '* nifidit be I'll' wit. .to � Am 4 I 'Pope, "to give the DR04% a bit of Idde.4i- The raw materials which . � �
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. .." I., . '. ., "�', " :, _', ., L ' � �, I 0 t , justice it must be admitted that T a aims of g at Many a I I
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.10 .1 1. .. ' 4 ul . . � ., tr rod"to last ,gisace?, elude ixot want war for glory. bands is to keop'their wives' ox- . �
a _:q ; .1 US'LTat 0��.' at ,the .1
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10016iiii'l'. � Of I 1 at; lkold'e'el
I � �Jia ;'o, Ar%4,L,W L L � � lipe " 011. I parush . I ; f
I I . L, , X404 131 - In OOM6 f4t,ts of . S14P � 11 *ith;h1a sierveattA Sao hiinior '04 , I tar � I .
I . ", ,: - , __ia or: L , maq 'pbssibl , Afto is t�e DRom anid Oloytt, hay -Ave thousand, OqUars
li -l"111: -�., �,_ -�.- _�. M . 0,:- _
� : Isirlio.0 . �
I � f r 1rL:'& `04*fto I ' " " it 4A'ess - ' 0 4 i the Pope reads the great worth -tT meadow hay, corn and is already too big for the ailile figure,� .1 I . ,
� . � L " L 07,010-aP. �1'01111`40ro '� � _" J `thJj'(1mjif O!" 4 . I L h� population of the German peaditure, down to the lowest pQn
, :! L 4,0 , , I .
1.11 ,4!1',',L ... , 7 �. ". , .1 _ , - , '._ 11
toL.'p I
I I , , V* d ,!UP ,�: , V I air. , ,, I tia�ally atipiqjVi the '
I ;,:, 11 9 , A, `%fi- . . I I ".1, r , , L' . _ ,4.r,:: v� at'�14�.sbo , . : �
I ,, L �k � by., - t k _ wiolialb pon stodwritats, bran, maize, a u0b
...] 1, lo 0o 0*84eo to in Alle P.40 -14
�L , 40,Ad t6t thO aim of a great .
. _tso'jw�
11 ,!:. I , 11 I I ii" � 4 F _'I'' 4"", #61A L 6*b*V I L . INEcol dailies, which Are, ellbialt. Uutiai country. In a generation or so many wives is to spend a in
, L�L . , _ ' � - Empllrh�'o
, . -
.1. , 1. I . � I I � Lexpe, L .11 'J','e' ' tis I . . I
1. L .. J � L04
_Mt4 $ . .:�of�j� qdAuM I . _q§4 . �p - si- P�;p wll,F, '4) a.) I 11''
I � : , . �� I � . J P44,6Xtrk'VA0AAt. dod 1- .4 6 - t . . *I ilk, ci 211 1. - gh for money as they safely can without . , !
L.�� �,� L 'I, otth *� 11 il:�; I�ho�,,,isiwripo, _aL, t , �',�"' rX 0 -abitfit I d. ad they come from bisouit, in' fish (sea, and there will not be room colon . I I I
. I I I , , � �
L . I _xl, rr,�: r I 1."Wh6ft''ttley, '*ra , _ -0 L'--")4- _ . LA4D§11r_d,rA--AQ'."�4A'V# _QQl3e. - ' � - -allow- any _ sh -W'3tor�, 'L _� ", I. -I ' -
, , .1 I . - _4 I I " i
. �
, L .. ilt, L ' . , . 41. ley'%ro,ropI , o4i f' 4, Iva A , J , 14401,1�p � ad. � Ire ult, .1 vegetablow, the, people in the FatherlancL -a- sonous protest from their hus�, , '.
. I .
,11 , ____ ._W,X.L,__o L , 4 iso4r d� W411 not
L _r I 11 I: IV, 7 .
I . totgono"�Onq4. 04'..", r V46 knilest )44 re., Ily at Wed, arked, and tat boraos, and many in WHAT THE KAISER WANTS. bands. When a husband is natur- . L,
- -11 I 1, . 4 . I
. 1. a �mp _Jt:'� L' ld'��-ii . insidta on recely- go itior'
,.. :J __ _� s�ic�n IL, u
� - --1 I - . . 1. �� !
:", �,, , �, , -,., ,;r,' I �-�- , I � -_ I , : , _oyA . . Vh1ktki�§riJ'h*P_-_' - Abitt , , *ek(st , ,� .. % ' .'t�d& , ' With �v o 4 .
., ., I - i � - 11- - a.i-I...., ... '_ - ,-- %to- no, -Up. hi#. the ailies. 3 id ends far-re,ptiles, insects
W'*O� �L'h4 J;fi I 7 �L 11,c �-., I , I ' '
, . . 4", , �,.�!, , _j _J_ � , -1 I I 11. 111.111W. ` . �. ' � ptaia" .took as Publish L 11 -_ Aws�kk I M, It ist I '.
, : , , , , I a-, 0ona":- *,h0,JF,Wjg 1;1�7 1 quortare, At the hall, proceeding, gt� , t ,exception. � . -and those on special 41et.� - 4 . '
".'��'v tagi - I .
� -1 , , . I
- ;,�! " , I �11 . .L . I � ,� 01VAYA-414C - ':,,wif lo -� tale E 1111 d
, I
; "I - .L � of courm , .goo for "Irn
b �Uavok"Idok, A Thia, I why the Kaiser wishes to 'Ally pro
- I .,: X 1 found a now )verseae h in that'he
1 _:I I - jtal,rmaaoxi� s pire. 1L46 : 11
, , ,
:..L�,__. :L.�,, I,---,- LL habb "' lt:dow � _ ,.. auto t4 hiro,'Ab mu*or-cAr in Pator� ince, the tit I s I'll -#1 I ,.
��,:. �, , - 'L,.. I . 11 I'll, . � _ W" _,X tat '_J'__tPa4ns_r,�" __i _ - - . I— I .1
, I L , 1� � - . :::: ", , , Vilf4 jaa� is -.-,--- -----VAR 1) leh STU --- ,-. -_ - .. -_ would, nok, objectAct, St,pietion.. -of 'a! '" . 'L 4 .-
.,., ,_;!.,�.. I m -111O.AN,pri ,., � , _. * give' exteusiv or. - � - , �� . , 'T
* I _�� �.It,4��:,;� i ild open oroug I popare consumes Calls r l I , - 4
, i 1. �' I I -11 . . ;,I$=, �_ 4' :L I. . I � 1, or 44ge by- Ilia. mjlftsiry-� Alit I the British Linpire, provided it he to Ortunate enough to a- , ��-
. 1. ! ''I I 01 .
1� . 'L I
, � 'L �.L, ' - � 4. 09OVSVP at - Vsol,�'Ciff,: An*;,qftltiexl� .. � do 'to, , ox, I w b girafflo,is vae of the guests
, _', . - � X , . Nri as, . I The A 9 . , ,'�o
", �, ,�'. , , � , L' I .. ; � ". , , 7 P-_ . A - , rIF - SW ots, tra Osman, , �
�� . A work,ise"sl4c;�1" , 0 1-1 ina - dulp, -, 4t5w"L� "VA; 04Q'4ii . . , , he a is able and w, in
" L." , _k �, , L ", , ", . '. Old 0 of t1i ! distance ; 40boalig. � . the a 4 must be 00 w could got it. But his 1pou idea is to soss a wife %vh
L. r 7. � �" to . 11 the 1"Capt , " I d t he as a nice taste. He is strictr �
.�z , .�'* ,�,':�, �t..L_, . �4 , $10, v ''L JobaMillol"Who bas just been 4111 P SYP tracts from the reat 9f the Italian, , " " � "
*.", �_;, '' "' . ihi�i--� ro�, .,ill; ,,�� :.1 , , � On'e, Of the; f J11. his, �pgkrt may bo,Xdged froni tap establish a big, now Uarman Ein- to do so. , , I
I IQ - a ----,,
. , I -As � I I I Ila .dailies, weeklies and mouthlicis,. I- Y ad his. chief dish . I _1,
" ��' %IJ � , ." f- 1 . � � -4 - � -V- ". � -, �, - ;r`e ulli-on, 0 AAFAWO , son- Uwpetltroro-ats, bran and phaff - piro in South and Central AmOrt- Tn'such & Case tho wito should be . -, If
, . , ., 11 is" , ViJ&,wAkers,,.w,41 ttl=goaic� ine!g 11alided�,',from: Itli - �
�,!, �7,: . ,". , 0464cb I am.. D U 11=014PA P , , 4ot that not the � slightest' Wept- a 9i
, ��,�!, -�7�,:., 11 .,,�" L I I 11 0.1n.*1 ur,0 L g t 0! .60 Dr, Jacob Orselli is the Pontiff�s, ,. L
. 1. 1�1 , , , nis 1. $4,44ca �tofcuitoewdsiy!p -harl'la6o on, starting with Venezuela, and the predominant partner as te- 1� 1: � 1
I I I �. , '40 �_64,' the I I a- tit,4 ". ,.a -L . �
,�_!��!, L, 1�1�' �, LL 'ti. � � J 11,4140 It , ;4_� - im ad.. tot,40�oa 'cion of bis, bon& fidea was aroused. exchange editor, and it it 1is duty �ut he is also very fond of clever: L . ...... �;. L
�';L��,�, , I .. I �'_ -.1 , � - - - L -t- lag ,, co r , a it* - On MoodAy, morning, howevor,* tncl clever [a go good for giraffes taking in Chili and Peru, and She should I I .�
, I - , ".. I_ ._ � Ja' � �B fol)410,�'Peo -
� , , I I.:. ,�. � I I ., 'L. , sqT to, "AWFProver, '19 L. A14, , garde the exchooluer. 1.
.. .
,!!,:_ ", 1, , . , - I . I 1-1 11 n LL I ,11 !)a � V ,uAter. . 1 (144! L . . � I , ,, Alderman $,, MuoWit, ,of Co�,- SignifiesintL ,"to out everything, favorable'or not,. �',
� �', ". . 0 1. �� u4 11. : , .� ".., . 1 L' � . 'dent oeburrei*., one spreading out to the limitless paw- point out to her . I
� ,
��;�,o, �,�, " �. a adapt Of the� "Araft,"',, " ,a4ti.t, ��b6 hao . ing� that lit in the leait iuterc�st, the that several bales of it were sent
,, �"L . t & . 0. to - 4' , "' Iiied aaiiil' - � . . ,. . ORE 'Just. Celebrated his .1 ��, ,�
. aother, XAL A " i , ,
, �� 11. i '' , , , UST IT 11 I . sstWbirthday � it fathtr, of the town - je'L -
�,."" "'�.�,�,�,�.� , Ot
��,��,` " � , . I , OWA 4iii a of tue Argentina. The ropub
.1 I 1 I � 41 � I., W of the daughters of the housci; pass- -Holy 1, ingg tire out to food Khanka's specimen some
� � �j, 4 a. , THOM '', Migther.', The c ipp. TOO OPEN-HANDED SPOUSE
,�`111'1111 .� M _L,, " , Fit . ffill's themselves are not stroug
,, ' "" ,"',, , 11 . PQOV'4 SOWIU$ I I I . lal bedroom, saw the captain Q11"pasted on large sheets Of foolocaip years ago. on the voyage which end- ,., ".
. � ��,
. , . , I 6'4,blind,aio�, , ,�
I 1, ,� ILI. I, "_� 0, I , . .. "" 0 , � �' C, L � - threshold. He excused him" - the advisability and necessity of ... I
,� ,�,_' , � Ori who �'So-guppor _ I � oollaeg, 6.U*hich he has served for the enough to effectively rosist a pow
, ,, �, , L ' � If
.,, ,�, , ". � Jiter , a ' L" , , , I , , . . heL'b&d At the h,sad is the name ad so disastrously. Some of ' the
� . � � J, ��,:! t' a sin aproned and belavrolled 748 years. erfui invasion. his allowing her to have the dim- I �,�'.
.- L. - ,
I V�,,,: j' C 11 . ., - . min ,. ftehlo' bzotbor'- by'. herdii , 0 'a. J igay be dePk9d in The Wshop'of Ripon says Ono politely, explaining that Pfllptohr� pournal and date of publi- onions the giraffes, as pick- . ,�, Ir I
, ", L - .1- a is given . :rrl ,
I . 0 - gold.lsiea Whiph'ba'soAloe-gr' the ohilol'ia every five born in I a deer; but so 'R. iluty is the' tiquoaL in South America is the, � . ".� A �'. I
". - .��'_'_,":, � . r4iX M IO to oil k * *
� , '��,_,,,; A . 40,PA cation. All the olippin ar.Q plac- me -up, just .8 thq All that prevents the Kaiser's osal of the fatnil� furds. This Can
." �;�� �, �,, . I .1 10 �,W.' I'lai I � *
� lasiry"�Ud 0.�ilf�d it' I * , 'VKQ' A"d Man- MADE A MISTAKE cc Cc urged on the ground of mutual
� j��,��o: I �-.- " L . �
, ., .�, , a a 6, 0 ,uniform 61.1iii * ' ,� -..� r
� '�'L `� , " � bad t k ' ;,manarch. � , .obepter, Liverpool and Birmingham ad in a strong linen eav,*561 pe, mark- I to th strung Objection of the United' prosont"and future benefit, and the I :
�;,�4'��..' ,'� �- � L .t a livolilicaid by'c4r not knowing the house VO* well, ed with l taste of these creatures that of one �;�,
' ' ' . 1.
". 71'�., �; I � � .'�', ' rying ,P ', early, in r' the in . %0� clotfi-of these discarded uni- is killed before'reaciting the age of - the date. Beneath that is btabeti that lie should do anything benefit of the children, if any. . !,". �.�.
I L , apers and nothing more was thoight, of a summary, stating the contents of of them, it is said that though she
" - ?�; ._ , , oinius . . . 4 4��
.. -,!,,4 ,.�." -A nionths I . . of the Bart. -
I - �� .
. - , qua _
. ,,, - ,'� , , :�j,;'�-, , to the �ios , � "ag for �, generally finds i4 way t(i the the matter. . I �, 'glippings in a ,f6w well chosen would enjoy an apple bestowed'uj�- Having Como to a perfectly ", ,� "
. ,"'V4, . ,11,-- .. . Ii ' . Many. quite level-headed Amcki- friendly understanding on the mat- I , �. �', L
1, N-' . ' ! '111 somo�ex --nig t,,A _"Us' 4 ' - 13 ,
,'��,��t , 4 41461iy�'pltttigg , of'-somo,"of-the 'a Wille x Hospit 1 received, 9, ,A ttle 4ter t4e t on, her by some 1raclous
I— ' . J I , . , h - ' ' bo#ago'S ' - '4 � -XiAg Xitir� ' X1 Be a visitor, if
. 1�t,.'; !,;� 1. ,,,, � OaUuta,.At I OaP gin Verde. - a consider it certain that the ter, the wife might easily allow her .;n�
, i, - . ' . fter I 'I I'. lonc�ra$L and," �uador:, 'the 0hrisfinail, giftL, Of toys from the called his mato;-Carl"eut,ered it thii visitor were rat to take a bite can ��."
1, � ��121� ..�.��',? , I the long4ai4ii jl�aworkshop. A deft han4s And .busy- needle of the Princess ,of Wales, her Royal and dro, KEEP CLIPPINGS. . out of j day will dawn whOu tJ14O btat" lord.a certain fixed, agreed-upou ;",L ,
". -t ;,-', ;�,�, . I � . 1, . * off, stating that lie woula it she would re bet it with
, ��4, � third is An old farrhorIg servant, A ,diligent housewife, undergg.ps some VP Will join witu Canada, and then �-.,''
�.' ��:,', . I Highness's children, and the chil- raiurn in the course of the clay. Pope Pius reads the clippinCs scorn. sum weekly for pocket-nioney, and I..
,��,o,,�,,,, ,."I,, �_11 he" 'a , L L
., - - ;� � � . -
_,L,t_'�� . tiorphoses, ' � drej at'LIKew. . ,
.�',L'.; , Women 4�14ry, of $12 When some distance along the road after dinner and frequently marks Some of the guests have to be the purchase of unimportant re- � �:`.
� , 1.1,. strgneL� �p
. I ,.,., � 11. - � , 0 & 4,0, ,,eta' , , ' - either conquar'or peacefully an,,, ? I
. ,'�,`N; yoar,, ha�, brought up the farmer's , - I Xing's, uldformal L I There are, of course, . .
. _,��.,'11 Via'. bf .4the # Or the purpose of experiment' to Peterbdrough he stopped the car, them in blue pencil. The 'marked deceived as to their food, The all houth and Central America- quirements.
.L'111'�,�.Tl ", � .., IF lr
- I , ,.; " �poeiallyL those wqra� when -he has *ith .full-sized flying machines tZe . and without asking the permission a of oases in which ��,
�,,�. E� , , , , 'I � al a6strai U ,
-, 1�,L;,, .. �,_ � . , got out, told the chauffe;r lid had CC, go to the Papal Secretary worm -eating birds cannot always of the kaiser, 401tfter' tnafiy thousand � "
- , "�_ , family, prevented, him I' reat Bri- p9tiV9.8. h be sup6liel with their favorite this is already done, and the ar- LL
:."il.1.1"� row waut, ris nover � eronanticid Society of G
'� - .,� _;,�:;, , I . a
� "L' L, " , - �, I %,, . . made 1istory, a A . -, 40me, oa I . X!
"'$'.';`L; " .;" 1-�_ 9 . PCs $time 1:."
"� ", ��,�, ' � .
� , :11i� � � "�', L, ., in hiii.ni(iney�.9u.driiiL-,aiid*'�oll* but' It ey titin has. acquired a ground at Do;- him. to meet him at -BbstoU.. ,The with them, they are placed in a cor- daintics, and yet they must be fed. ig E.tupirot lit Africa, rangement works admirably. 11 1%,
. . � Ila to make, And or4exed of When he gets throug!
� i areL jealously gaard9d. for , I Franco he day to Congo-
, �. '? ,� . -,� ��,�-,'.,�, . ver0d :the -household iuto� a model interest -of posterity. Then clothes, enhaiii, near Barking. chauffeur was at the Appointed tain department of the archives, So pieces ,uf meat have been Carved L The man who hands his income '�',
�, I . - unich will include Algeria, Tunis,
" �.�,�"!,,��' ","�:'�LL. � _ . �". ...
I , '�, � ' L establishment. There is no . doubt include ,the King' a coronation' ani � � While washing% a. dog in a bath place, but no captain appear6d, arranged like a newspaper refe'r- into the,semblance of worms, and over to his wife is generally saved ' ,
� ..
:. ,,�..�:, , " � isife court cosCumcii before the'kitchen fire Mrs. Hamp- and Morocco. If site succeeded Oil,
,,, -,�,,� . . form; tha exqu I .
%" 'L��" *�,'� ';�,:, �, - . whatever that soch -virtue a t is and after waiting, gowe titne he re. ence department.' the birds don't at . ,; I.,
,!4.,� . 1. I .which has-been imm Alized ay to question - ' , great deal of worry, time, waste- I 4:'
.11-4 L" -by-thet.. . "k
�'-,�,44 , I - the house. -_ ' ' For the foreign press the Pope them. In this way t a apteryx, the ful expense, slid temptation. The �
, _,4,�� _,�_-,;_ , ,� , -i" ' -art ,shiref-of Wh6ldale--Lane- Castle-- turned to she would dominate the Moditer
- " ��.%-,, - I I .�L-.'
I ,, ,:1, I I prl7,es � k!eat Fretdch ',poiftter, Banisraill ford had a seizure and ".,
, . . L,
,� is its o3,w___A,_,reward, *`Tj�e; iall head In the meantime the startlin has no time. However, the Papal wingless bird, has 11 boon tricked The great ambition of Russia is pocket -money which:he retains may , � I
, , ,,�,�!', 1.,�" , ,: I . ,,..2- . I 9 . ratlean. , ��d
%11 ,' "I * " * ��rt� nothing,- save in a financiAl way, toqAtant, in his magnificent par- first into the bath and was diacoypry had, beajR. gxizyLet sub- I time after time, But deception has . k".
I .1 , 11� �� t',.,�,:,. _ . - .1 �, . . Sit_of Ir _ . � hat becretary of State is a regular I I
!,- �r; L ,:�,6&6 IX_MaJ6ot3r, anii_t - _. . � . . . - ki
,�,L � . , . L OL:P . I * . ";,
11 "L. I .,* for iuch-j- h0TQbO4-*qwned.--- � quantity of .jewelliLry had On i6riber'te all important newspapers, its limits. to acquire a great port, which will vary front twistety-five cents a week
I "
j, V,�,�, I . ang when he opened . be It is impossible to per- b p 11 t y r r u d I . ,:,
- , t '' 'i *. saic existence worti.,4y the .�, The Rome Secretary has inform- I 0 0 an a lie a& 0 U , At up to'any much higher figure. lit I ';,�
, I , , !", "f � ��` . I ' . p * but* it is': good -for ent. Thes6, it is stolen from the bedroom in which the world over. Cardinal Merry del. suado an ostrich that s, bandfu of ,,!ran would, , ; �:�
�4'', 1 i�,�,;L���, his f&st parlIAM, ad a ;d6kiespondont ' that persons present 411 the chief Russian ports such circumstances a NvQ . I
" ,
I . society to apprqcia,tesuoh qualities timately' find the guest was seen. Val, too, employs a reader besides I rusty nails is a good substitute for require no 6��ry, as' in L _,!,
, - �, "� L ,
'. .�3 ,:L," pTpbsLble, will ul A under the age of 21, and over the a number of translators. Every'a, dinner. ar blo ked with ice for months of course, � I � ��I,
I I "I . . , u14 n of good 0 �
I .� ,,` ��: �1'11�";.. - and to, induce ., eta . IQ' He is not omnivorous; 0 0 million en a " L'
, �,, L �, , I place in the National Museum. Age of 60i are entitled to claim ex- during each year. The Russian her direction of the cc) I d ,�,
� I , . 11 �. ";. ��, , �, .. . . LMOSt of th,4 I B Ingle 'I' . thing of value in the foreign papers I some of his race will only cat green - i��,
. 1�. LI -12 'Ili. , examples. . Ki ordinary empition for serving on coroners' INDIAN CRIMES�10T. is trariBlated into Italian and type- droam is thp,t the Tsar will even- her own necessities would be pro I
, . I I . -hb fortunate juries, .1 . tually capture Constantinople and vided for. 11�-�
- �,,�,,, - . ; food; others will swallow meat and ,
'.. iL,� � r�,� ' _ , L I Bs are given to t
.'� ."; �.Ir. , � I I. cloth, ti L .— written. The foreign clippings are 1 ship's biscuits. I The flamingo, 'i�l
I "�-�, _� * * serviints who look"after the immedi- Tifty London firms -have in annex a large part of the bultan's Domestic trouble over money mat- .. I -
, t, " F,
L�,_ �.,�', _, , L , I ma,,- intended to Facilitate Maintenance filed away like those from -the Itali- however, has been induced to cul- . I .11
.. I ,- 111ORSEFLE8,11 AS, MEDICINE'- ate n`eeds,of We Maj�sty. There ,ad their willingness to give their . l . .. I I dominions. I ters, however, ugually
I . .;� , �1, � , , , � occurs in ;�,,�
,,�� , -.� I . dition uttaeb�d to isiliployes, three weeks' holiday on- of Order. ' ' an press'. As a consequence ethe tivate quite a south -and paABioa 1. il�
.I N: �, 1 - 16 only one con I 1. If -the-British Empire became too cases where the hu5bADd controls V I " t" �
� " PeOpI � ' ' Vatican reference department is for. shrimps, and the Polar bear, I � 1','.V.�;,Y, 7
".,.� , Talutible .tie , full pay, provided one fortnight is The text of the Indian crimes forever requiring additional room. who is parthal to whale's blubber I weak to interfere, and Uermany tho finances, merely making his N
�� "., �; - a,' In, a Doli6jte the gift.-in.disposilig of them, strict . .
;," I . . � -
-1 L." ", , Lb ,
&, - .',�_-, �
, . 1.! � .
1� I a meat&"" id as to spent in camp with the Territorial act, under which a number of prom- ancf young seals when free, to in- , _
i � state oftlrealtlt. secrecy has were busily engaged in Aweric&, wife a, probably, not over e4equato �
W,.",:,:�, 17� the idoutlW of thex'Voriginal,wear- --Army. I I I . inent agitators, have been arrested P, -------.+ � the Tsar's grey -coated soldiers allowanco for houBekoeping. Under ,_:-, 11
I E - .�Plilo�h� 1. `Ijjg�'Jy used . ,!,�,
, 11
r " �,,�,,, '. lorsefleahi I . P d11lgcL his "Lates at home, Will ila- . , `� .
. . ,� . ,,, , �
Sri .'' L-
__ atorg jjj'_t�o L ,, 06d"19 or This gift 'is a handsome per cidly wilach a dish of dead horse, 11 40 " , :�
1;,"', 1� ��'. L by P sian do , A new sect'llas been established has been ingion public. THEIR SLU might march into such conditions the wife hag Of itol-__,4�.tr- , I I
�,.; L I' '.L,:�. , L Is, now qui- in W&ksop under the title of The act extends to the p�ovinces , _ and smack his lips over a vencrable T11E CAPITAL OF THE TURKS. cossity to stint the living, at the I � �.,,!,
11 ., .of ialVali&,_ .1.11
1'�:,� . being recom- ,, it - "The ,Watch, Tower Society." The' �,:�,,!,.,
."� I I I - 11.1. , .;� ��
1.-: � �, ! . mended by. s-numb6r "of piondfient at a, fox? the excellence of the fa of Bengal and Eastern Bengal and — flounder. The seals and the sea- go little friends and present risk of daily grumbling, or to ask I ,,�;, L,
."�, ,,;,, .L ".. . il, English medical man. . 1, birib aid the perfection of make in- members believe that the world id Assam, but the ,Governor-General hons appear to prefer whiting, bui i allies, tbe Japak.eue, are in the her husband for every cent she - i L., . 1� -
,�� t6oeipt . V� � '' I .
I ,-,, 1: ,I I ,:� ,"11! . Up to the' present, however, it .of a good price to come Ito an and in 1914, and are in Council may at any time, by no- FAIIOUS MEN T::LL OF THE the fish -eaters are not dainty, sarno pobition, as the Germans. wants to spend, This is what - .1 . �j
L I 1, � -:u'�;,,
L ...
11,`." , I -.-- has rk"!Y,--Qt.-,xi-ov,p.r,.-been.,pT.e-- from the better class dealers. preparing accordingly. tifioation in The Gazette of India, . AROUNTIREY XEFkD. though they are voraciouR. Their uouuCry is not large enough causes the irritation which is so \, "
_. . - ,�f� ��" -PRINCE-17OLLOWS -PRECEDENT -- -Mr-.'-,Xohn Rogers-, -a "tired Tew- -ex'tend the whole or -any, part of -it L .,
I ��,,,� sciiled-iii England, owing to the . . fur An the population. statesine �
. , ;-, ,�� . .. 1�; I
I I ts of King Edward, kesibury tradesman, who claims -de- to any other province. Its object, THE TORTOISES - a often felt. 1:',�",', , ":
I , ,�', l � . strong Preitiolice which exists Other garmen . — - and travell to k 'ow It does not Much -matter whether -- - �'.J L ,
. . . 01*8 who ought ll '. , ,
. L. � - - . K .'� .,�
'! -scent from the Baron Rogers who as indicated in the preamble, is to I . grant and small, get ca,bbage And i -,'p,,, t,
I ,r,,�'�. , against it; Wit this.feeling Will be notably his shooting and Norfolk 1 4 t�
4�1,� .1 � I lived in the time of the Czusader's. provide for the more ready tFial of Sir W. Ramsay . allege that the Japanese hope to requests for money by the wife are �,�,",, .1
".. overcome when opoet.the public rea� suits, are divided among his pobrer has Finds Three or vegetable marrow. It is delight- btain possession ot AubLralia some cheerfully and readily Complied �.' � � Ilk I I
16AII, 01'1.��,'�
L: . , . i ,&, ��,
. 'L'! . recently Celebrated the 100th Certain offences under various sea- I I ful to see a tortoise, making pre- day, and found b. now Empire (if with or not. The point is that vives , �:". ��
'L, '' . I lize how valuable it mig)ft bd -to tenantry, who contest keenly for I '' ,;.
1. I .- r. ��,
. - , . ' I '
. �,�� , 1, people in a delicate state of health. their possession, One scarcely ex- anniversary of his- Ayirthday. tio-ns of the Indian penal code andl Four Enough When in terice to life, tear off a cabbage the Chrytioluthenium under the do not like having to ask for, an a - 1. �,L.', .;�
- ,
, ,
I � I 1; �,� ��i
I, � ; "No animal that b,ad been used Peets to sea the. costume - 'which An experiment in penny dinners any Offence under the explosive' sub Good Health. leaf, and doze away into sleep i Southern Cruss. . favor, that which they consider is L ; .. 1. I "
t . ".14 for the poor in -being made at South stances act, 1908. 1. . r " �,�i ",
: � r;L.' as a beast,of buxiden would, he,*- ra'aad a Scottish moor -or. a.. Nor- again, w;th the green stuff still re- There nuilit be a now Empire in �, 1�
. .
I ', Ik cover till ' ' , - � . : �,'�,: I
... r! � I ing the fields in the Shields,' and th4b intention is to For trial under the act an,oz%dqr --�Politidians, artists, men of let- pooing in his mouth. The eggs go I the Balkans some day, if 8,3rvia, THEIRS . BY RIGHT. . . . I , I',, 1.i;� ,
. I`, �,�l % ever, be suitable for the purpose In f Sandringham, but provide meals for,6,000 people. The by the Governor-General in Conn.' teril, and actors reply in The Re- t of' the nionkeys, and the I Bulgaria,-Rutimelia., and Moutene- In such circumstances the diffl- - -- : , 1: L'' I . ."
of food,"' a physician said. "it neighborhood o I I I 0 some , �. 1
L. �" � : ?L , ' I would be so tough that no man i the King's generous. hand has made menu Will include mutton broth, cil or by the local �overnmeat with viv.w of Reviews to Mr. 8tead s in- 1 rest to the birds, who like thein L;ro were to combine. Then, in- culty may, of course, be met by & . .11 .1
LL . " L
. ,
� ""I, I'll, . I . could get his teeth through� it. !.this curious contrast possible' rabbit; 'pie, ,potato hot -&t, Irish the,previous sanction of the Gov- quiry as to the amount of sleep hard-builed; the cats, some of the stead (A being petty btaWS of no generously dispoacd husband mak- - 11� -,;4
i�l ,�_,. What I advocate sio horso,farms, The Quean's discarded clothes, af- stew and hot pies. ernor-General in Council is neceb- they find necessary to maintain monkeys, and the young mammals account, they would becouic 'a ing his wife such a liberal allow- ' 1. M
. .. ; " . L like those in parts ,of the� South of 'ter they ba7e been stripped of their ....... I ....... ... .... I'-- . sary, upon reeeipt of which the their mental power at the highest got the milk, and the cat houses . I �, ��
" . ,d wilh, ., J� L'
,,,.L�_ ... . ance for housekeeping p.rp that
. France. Here the atillual'i are'valuable trimmings, In Ow sairit- way, if Denmark, it will c )vor also her expenses for . I
. magisterial inquiry will proceed.'If � pitch. , pow,,, ,,, le reclo,,t o5ca , .
r�', mostly in the are filled with piercing shrieks (if t:"
I �11 ;�.,� - WITCHCRAYT IN iNGLAND. Sir W. Ramsay finds three or '( I
1� ially prepared -for market. They. shape.of ieal laiCa -and jewelled but- the magistrate is satisfied. that the gladness when the keeper appears Sweden and Norway were to join dr ai�d all ottier personal ie- I � .1
"' � -
L,.�, t'��11 1_ sl�ocabsoldt4y sedentary lives, and tons, generally find their' way to Ogg . % � 1,
, � ji J I h a evidence is sufficient, he will frame four hours' sleep abundant when beating his can. The inonkey will, together, there might be 'ail Fm- ,�-��
.., ,
, , Instances Which Show That Super- quiromentn. This plan, however, is �
I. f ,
� - 0 ��
'_ .1 ara fed with thhe greatest care on some of the many charitable insti , a charge and send � the accused for I in good health anof with wild men- ,at many things, but he gets most; pire of Scandiiiavig, in th tture. oil, and may be the I .
::�,, open to objecti I
� - I I special fodder. I tutions of which she is the bonefi- atition is Not Dead. trial before a special Bench of three � tal exertion. Ahen engage -d in I of the fruit and lite pats, and some John Bull appe4rs to be ' ause of misunderstanding. I
_,` 1i , ;,� I �
" �i .
,, , , � . "The flash of a horse contains cent patron. But her gift is;usu- That the belief in witches and Judges of the High Court. He may higher intellectnai work he can do orf the rice. Ttie writor once had a the only Grt at Power oil earth I
I "
� , , , -1� *ugmented by parcels of new witchcraft is not yet quitoi dead in I Occasional gifts of pocket -money I
", also frame a charge for any offence just as many hottra' work as he �
, � . more carbohydratotf than that A ail ally A cat which ate onions but he was satisfied with things as they are. are also a far from satisfactory .0 .i
'. �: ill ox, and will cbAsequently help to garments as well as the treasured parts of irural EiAgland was made net under the act of which the ac- else ' ,)a. a depraved beast, and came to a He does not want any mong terri- a wife's won- � ,
� 1��;;.� 11 "I . , ' I Method of keeping .� I
1, . a greater extent in. the jormation old ones. There are many poor stfikingly plain recently by th cused may be charged At the same Lord Onslow always wakes of his bad and. There are cats h tory, but merely purposes to keep
" ' 'L �.. 4' 1 � a Oro, I' d The beat i
� 1� .1 � � ... � of sound (ate and muscle. . And, children resplendent in thei'finery hearing of an assault Cage in Essex. trial. No triaJ ;-- to be by jury, and own accord after bis.seven hourr' however, who cat carrots ; the birds what he has got. etary wants an p 10 . -
1. 11
� .
, , I. �1, It that oitr own- which at � one. time 6lothed the Curiously enouO that county - ay to �
,�� ',I after all, What is I the decision is to lie in accordance sleep, and begins work in bed be are fond of the melons and grapes; It was the fixed opinion (if Na- w F. happiness, in
'': . I
I � _I, .... r dwellers lack hat sound musoI3 and Queen.4 has long shared with Norfolk and with the Opinion of the majority for and the parrots demand oranges. poleon that the great Ein ire of dependence, and her husband's
1. �� � , a getting up.
1. , I � r � ; -,� I . . I 8 p ace, is for him to give her a rog- �� � I �1�
!�," - .�� .. "I �. tat? I � I The precedent of t90 King and Cambridge the'doubtfut cTistinctiou of the Judges. The evidence taken ir.Charles Wyndham has maAe The bears will eat lettuce greedily, the future would be foundeN in the e . " ,
. :4 �, " &in, the flebl� 01 the hor.e is Queen is closely followed by the of being the principal home of this before the magistrate of a witness a rule that he is never to be called, -though tlie wolves will have none ],'&st. His own great ambition at ular weekly aalar� in r4olition. to . -'e", "
1. 1 �4 � . � "A 0 In the latter who is dead or cannot be . of it; ,and the snakes have many t�o outset of his career wag to have urd' 0 1* k., u ackeeping. I
1. , ,,, I
.. , 0 I 1-iz more tender than th-it of Prince and Princess of Wales,, but w ird superstition. produced leaving nature to decide the settled a
, _r.1 ".;, . other animals. Therefore, it'im of they generally prefer to wait until ,shire, the "witch's bottle" is still may be put in. tastes, though the horrors of their Among the Other reasons may be I
, . :,:;: I HE LENGTH OF SLEEP. act an Ea tern ti:mpiro, which
1�' �' , .� . I the greatest VUlUA, to pbople of' Christmastide before lightening made by the villaTge blacksmith. It It is also rovided by the act I feast have been much exaggerated, wou,!T have ingluded Egypt, byria, montioned the fact that a �weekly
�; ,� I � I �; I , �, .. 'weak digegi�itn. - -Sun-dry'tbe flesh, -their sasoriaf burden. iE_roally a,hollov� iron bomb, ,her- that the Sovernor-General in Sir Theodore Martin used to go There are many dt;range dishLs in, India, Perois, and a few ( ther wage for the wife would be n, n . �i
� I I
I.". , n . . ;
, � 4."'�', I., and grind it up to a powder, .ana I The' ultimate and of the kinf) metically sealed and filled with Council may in the Official Gazette to bed at I o'clock, but now, in his the cook-shup at the Zoo; and, as tTiflC3. His gigantic vision' W as businesslike arrangement tha t %Ilzz�� �, I
; I 9 .�11
I,. �, �r'," on will- find that �Ovep the wo wide field ,� I water instead of gunpowder or dy- declare any agsociatiofi to be ille- eightieth yeari he does hot,stop up in other walk's of iife, one animal's never realized. But a new Co pregent haphazard style which in
, ".", tg! wirdrobe opens tip a - .11
,.,i 11, y . n_
1. �.` � an enjoy it VVi later than eleven. Lord Ripon re- meat is another's poison. queror of the future might make . � .
, , , � delicate People i speculation, for, when discarded by nalmite. Paver, when gal which interferes with the ad-
1� ;�', P;1 � , 't second Its eff act, hou - _ . nPivally adopted, and would Congo- I I
11c � ns64ttencRi. As those who We - -hand, it placed in a fire, is much the same; — quently often save misunderstand-
" ;- 1 ,,� .. I out fear of the an ir "min-istration of'juitice or the main- tires at 10.30. I
�,,r, � . ,�,! I I I � tenance of law and order' or which Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir 0. Lewis, -p- it a fact. ____ ing. �,
I I � ; ��
I .
- I 1 . .. I - ."�'(b'o.�'�",".".'n"t"wan44brinqA. Whether to steam, which, finding no outlet, a danger -_�� it would also save thi wiia the .
,1 a food for iiival�ds it stands 46one impossibility to trace its for the beat converts the water in, I
;,�,.` I - J.��#* , I it considered to constitute Sir E, R. Lankester Dr Cliff ord, TWO-POWEA ST Zk It D. .I.-- -
1�� I . it ever � goes the. i of a Raw- presently rands in pieces its metal to the public pea". Members of a and Mr. — VELLOW FOR HATE. -a inseparable ,�
?, " � o.� e ntetior ' Lord Esher, lit. E. 6ros'
"''. �� I 8 E x T R 1� dt s t t: ; ( Ci X,4. such associations and persons as- F. Harrison all r1quire eight hours Britain's Navy Is Now Fourteen , tinge of annoynn, I I
. �:. . I "I I 11. I ton House or reposes on & park or envelope with explosive ,violence. Ard , - from having to ask for money. The
-1. , 'lillaw takes seven
�,;�,� ". I ,��,� I . No man 616r,vviatshootts his own embankment, Vonob'will r-6ver be The fragments are, of course, Seat, aisting in its operations are ronder- daily. Born Blue cau8(qi a Peaceful kind Rett- ,
- , . . ad liable to imprisonment. or eight. Miss Ellen Terry gets P Ships Behind. annnyanre of having to refuse or �'
. ,,�, 10 moral aim., � ' � 1� - - , known. tered in all directions, thouFh more fill Feeling. grant requests for cash would &I- i.
I % I �- " � .1111. nr__.,__,__ --------------- 1.—. 1. ., -1 I - in some than in others, and, wher- .1 along with four to six. , The way in which Great ,Britain
� �� �, C: All. -worthy, �eclocadoai-isbraini , . — I.— "The effect of colors ' so b i
1, .��',� I - of the -will. . e.. . I *ITH A BRAIN! ever they are most numerous, there Manyl �uggestiohs are made for has fallen below the twi:1-Power upon the e saved some husbands. � 11-1 �, � I
. ; �1.1 PLANT OONCRETE 2,000 YEARS OLD. Many men would much prefer to -
�, �: � �; . " . the conquest of insomnia. Sir standard in regard to the Navy is temperament of hnnian beings is 11�
- . The dogmatic Are al r
r,' or thereabouts lives.the witch. -_ , Frederick Troveg puts his faith in illustrated in figures supplied i)y enormous," remarked an eye sywpi- pay out a regular surn will, a Com -
1 '._ � ,� *141 1 4. - , , .1 Captain S. Musgravo, who was H It waa a Canibrid of tho full oxtent I . .
,,1'1��,, : % , oil barkiy1g., / , gothire farmer, CMent In Rome Pantheon Shows 1. nowle
_ the First Lord of the Admiralty in alist who has made a stud of the plote k o1go
, I
��, � L' .i � Countingyout-blessiql1discou to . a sir4le diet, fresh air at night, y -�en if in the I ,.
. _ ,;,a a go of Lord Robert's Armored too, that, a little wfiile back, earn- . No Sign of Decay. a nd outdoor exercise in the day." answer to a queation put in the subi t of their liabilitiec, e -
, �p ,t:g
I "'111, ,�;',� 11 your burdens - ' - �- '- -"- ,in Sonth_ Africa,: Auii.pg the ad for hirfiself 9, sentence of three ")�c . m.nrim thnis the "
,", , � i V�1' No bnb,�Nij.o * Oct. - Lord Esher recommends, reading. f
, : � - '" ,_, _v,sr:Ieft fi�� e,V. ,,ad. War, has r4turtadd, td Ens months' Impris6timotit'Ity adminig- The Pantheon at Rome �vii; eon- House of Commons. Speaking generally, I should end it cost them -cted I .
� ..�� , 1. . 'Ll , , , r" L; . ,. by after a twenty months' mule I The queslion asked for a rettiril, say that green inducen joy; white, usual spasm, -lie, unexpi dis I
,,, 1. �, 1, ing happ 1167 #wb`� ' - - L - -, tering to a horab that had the structed from cement concrete by Sir Francis Burnand both walking I r
,,, , f, P 9 �1
, I of the battleships built, buildiag, activit.v; red, anger; blue, peave; 1) u r,.4 rn n t
. , � � to Joat* mark& - the . .,
. I I . ., trip. through Colotaibiv. Besides glanders -but whith, he belio . ved, Agrippa, 27 years B. C., nearly 2,_ and readinq, Mr. 'Alfred Sutro a �4 I''
. I The ,� , �, . , iulladrous spet � . and projected tinder the 1908 pr,, and yellow, [late. Thon. again. a regidar weekk in .
1� : , I &riiing of plants, in. to have lt�.en bowitched-a "witch's 000 years ago. This great strue- , game of billiards or golf, while Mr. I
'I, I limits of ktual fivhig,.,'� " , L I, I
., , , I I � , 11[ti . "The last-oamed color will bring enme, howf-ver 4mall. w'ould 6- it
I I 1- f , "'�." �, '
_ �.�, d., " & son metA and, skins of animals the cap- potipn,'� 66 principal ingredients ture was built in a circular shape, H. W. M"sidgltam favoris count- gramme for Great Britain, the J
, L - - a ing numbers ana "t4llingAtorieo to United States, and Germany. lit,- out all a man's inalign paqiiiontl; little molid rerogrtition of a wife'y I .
� , � ! :'L L Too witay.,pe* Jvt'� t�ajll hrought h9wo i& live tirt-eater, of Witte appbir to have been iron the walls being about 2o feet in I
�, : � - . heart the f4UItA Or- 6, ioff'hoad;,�, , which during the voyap to 'Eag- nails, and bent,pins. thickness, and the roof is a hemis- ,one.ell, generally some kind of im, "sure, given in ,lie answer Were as and, ,,, conIrm.lion oI ,I,s tleory qnrviem,, and in ,,,,, ,,age 0 I 11 ,
. Yen tantiot ImIii,dvo 4 N: .,.
,� I . the lirt6a , , , , ,
I , I '', land, *arj fed on batianaa, r' -'a, * and Suspected petraons have evea pharical or dome shape, and was aginative picture." . follows: - I Tuav nient.vm that the Chillene bandst who never think it vi,,rd of I
r ,,�i ' polishing, ilid brass OUA6 he,60A .
. '. " ,. . I It's no. ute. .. payin �, If f*' t0k. Captain Musgrave "ayg that beeti put to death in England for also const'kilated of cement con- SIR HIRAM MAXIM Pro- rpgar'd yellow as ail embhf,m. of praise is needed. thig Rh"Illd b- n �
1 1, T i I ,he ,ows I Y'ojiL"�a, $' fip,Utty 1-A tfi�, Ito bad heart 6n Wmblogidal expodi, allpited witchcraft within compars- Crate. It has a 30 -foot, opening in Built. Luilding. jeeted evfl This explains their adoption rfmsidpration of some imjrtanr� I
1, I �� ' '' .� 1p I 11 I *'it tive!� recent years. At Castle the top, and spanning over belives iii the cold bath, and Dr. Great Britain .44 6 1 of it as the Aign of inournitig, f,,r An(,0�,-r reason why a %vife jaiwild '. I �
Lt I .1
.1, Pu it ! .- �, - Owi and find boon ou6cessfal 1 all is - * i
, ,,� .. , . : No �Iaji 10,411116tef of, llft.s�olf ��'61 9' w6tal fino spedinlims. It'a Hodingham, Essex, for instance, in -142 feet 6 inches across. This ano-1- --(I) Germany . . . . 30 4 ., deal!), they believe, is due to the have a %alary is (hat it wmild of, � .
I . . Atfit'g, SL . Clifford's prescription is: 1lq at
1 4 ', ljad,ho.wald, ditteovered a qqdi- 18hut out the light. (2) Relax the United States .26 4 .! e%,l Ppirit- mblo her to he morp gerero I,
.. ! . I J� cannot oohikol. thb 'ju�sis In hii 1863, a poor old paralyzed French- cut edifice proves to the world to- . 4 The eff1% of b1tic are parti- �
, I L , ", 1:�, I , �. 1, I", �, ,N_;� . .. , tdisu 'of a Carnivorous plant which muscles 'of the face. (3) Let the The totals therefore of the bat her �,n expen-� it w.,uld in
I 1, � ;, �: . h4bart. , ' ,stivo 6'rgaus, And man was drov�nqdtts a wizard by day in a remarkable way, the I I
,., 1, 1.,� I.." The worlit-1ailtit'a Ati Obso- Ink t had'a, brain, dike . A JUbh of villagerb. " strength, durability and parman- last meal be at least one or two tleshipB built, building and pro 1-11larly toowoable ,,ti ocean pag- rrea,w her joy in giving; (-%peciallY L I I
,, ; I ''. I � I I 0earea tI4t"hJ,V,0 �eoitj at'Lth# I doco' ',s� Advolis system like & huthan -be Bat by far the worst case of the ence of a coperet4o structure. It has hours before retiring. (4) Dismiss jected may he get out Z 1011(jWg 7-- ! ,-ermer.q With blue skies above a� rt,gartlq her pre.ertn to )ter .1,
I .� % * ' I �L , , i0g. , � � - , the wnrk of the d&yj and leave the Great Britain .... .. .... .. w and blue Peas beneath, they experi hupliand. %1w %N,oild also moro I �'. �4,
11 4 of the SoUl'' � - : " _ : 4tud happened Ili Ireland, where withstood the storms and destrue.
I � I
#� . . I I 'tau 4, , � '', L _#*.._.44_-__-_� 66 Welitly as r895, a young mar- tive elements of 10 centuries, and . .
.. , hill, � marrow tn Care for itself. Nover Two Powers .... .... ...... 75 enre a peao,eful, restful feeling, not foliv appi-peiW the qJL4 1,f 169 "
I � -do, iioi�wour� AP,61,ma by -1
.p(,Ipqe than he doe,; now iinder the li
f�� I , . , for youfttlf. I bj.'Wittiak 06 test , WOR IIADV XN A W AB. � - kied. woman, named Bridget Cleary does not show a single sign of de worry. (6) If something very im., alt,,gpther to bo iwcounted I, 'r 1, re 1IR'lal sy-tem
. .
, " -, I '. �. I � Peal, xtaftleky *4 hKV6 illetails Wag bUrnt alive by & crowd of ore- cay or a break of any description �
� .., , I." 1. portant has to be done on the next Great Britain's shortage . 1�1 the in�igorating air and t1w
I of hunilkylity, - I day, fix your plan of actioil defi. If Britain is to attain the on board Rhip in general i
L I , Therouiveiiafi4e�js , pttlr.' �U4 oti'dinitis', 1,%Mb,,iw whith,tbb ,dalouft peasantg. She had been ae- It has lijtely been suggested, and nitely;' WOW it down, and cease to strength of ten per r-nt greater I flave %,,u ever notirod hou rr9t __Io_ t.
I "t life, t6o pri. ptitei ,vis * bob$,. ,A. widow -Wa6 4uste'aoj witcheraft; by hot huAband, perhaps true, that those huge I
. lie virtues In' to"I"AlivAlet if;
.�, .
vate, V] 10K , " ;, , I " I �, I I . � fib poor that, sh6 wilshAd someone to Who stood by� at her 116xtotion,", stones I ,und Ili the pyramids, once think 86cut it. than the two -Power O.Andard, sh, leftg a Tvi�n becoroeq if lit, reynnin ()I,' Molil: IMPORTANCE "
� - ". I W116tbe!f tJ6rrth"gb4IJ h� lik I 0 ho*_ :Adb cial. peoploot. irt,V. He got twen- thought to be quarriia�l from the I - 1* Must, add twenty-two more ships t. inartj%e in a' redLpa,rered r,mm I I lind now that %-1 are of age,- �
. t her baby, 136v a, consenting, pi
I '' *fiethot'hoAven IN Mit t# 4opt W& obildo And the t,V y4ettb' POUSLI ViarVittl4e tittin. w 0 her Nav The eolo� Becuis ti, mage him angry ,; "I want 1,
I visn' depthAti,t)t I ,gyV , hiell I She (indi nantly�-"You had n aid the anxwug father, �
I I � 'L , and five grouad by the t . DIt2a of the ago of the ,.at with him*elf and r%er3one r,,und I
I 16� in out, h4ftt. I , ", , L , . " ,� itiost silf.*aggestibol id the motrier otheirli of those imfiest6d also went seemed te; -be 1tupossible, are nQ- business tottiss Mel" flo-"Butit t,, qi%t. v(.,, a f,.w pointers on ho�*
. . 1, I 1P tleships owned by Germatir and trip him . I
" -7', � ( Thor 6 *ft hittiv thinKis ,W6 -Osolftot , Xing it the, Aull"joet, '61 a .ra%6 to giol for lengf, y perfords, thing but -molded cement concrete. wasn't business; it was pleasure, United States given by Mr. 9, - ' Oreen appParg to ha%e all.the to 1k Pep Money I
.... I Atotof td,�6�$0'44041! fhole full -and pr4fi , tifig-1hetbby. This WAS, ,, 401 I 1 4 The cement oted by the ancients L Hay. da(l,'' rejoined the Roll (I
" I , .1 . I .! 'S. ", rL " L - . was & comb.'nation, of slaked lime, In some parts of Texas the people X' DrW show that forty nine wp -- rvlvantag�en ,-f b1lie, but. Contalnl,g hiq fat.her. hridn't you better be -
"N 4 PAW. , , , I , elily doile, AM tho� vilIble to*% olnmrea live to be very old. An old man leesa than eighteen years old. f-,rtv an it dooA rav,; ,.f red i li'l yellow, �
LLI I I ' ' '%b*1 I , .
. , *pa$ if jUtLo J "'Oftit bfLtho thing, 2#M0 - ,0aik &I �*'geatlduiaq Was dining VOICatlid dust, sabol and ,brokpn of rl,ifiety, livffig, qnJ1% IL djqt4nee fbigi Than thirteen years old nod A, mure p,ymiu, foll of �,,) feeling 'I", 1,y giving ine a few pointer% on - �
I � - sotho U*wft , . , g � tickotrat, *,J**tg i4th being,*61d'i "jgtL 4. fj'1'61f$'s house With big little stone' Alth I this formation of frbi6' dfib f1leitrest town, toitoiiiing tWorltyLthree logs t n, It 'Yol le� 4$ ,.,�,;l
, 61 ,�% ..4 " 19'
. _ .
. �_ . , Preto � toarxt-a ?b il 0.4 ," ,i,q kjW,Nr,q,1t Atl(l willtel W'fle how to get it "' .r
11 I �',_�, , , J Winging thoii motlfitt 41 b0i A lvdti�g to gis. efterete in not hit eig t 11 - I .. 4
I the f0te. � "- ,� ! , th yfou, ifib 1AWY, (gn&A 8 960d as thd% wn Oomlo faiVily' grocari6s, sc4t, his Old, can you find nmr� netive ppof--o --11 _4�__
.". . . .-,.,, A ' f , . d6.
0 44ull)" i 't - Is r nitified, Atitt *og thd MIN. 4040F I tfib X11061ti of I.MA96r -&mtiy mtdo to� kyl from Portland I toot -JS *Xa of sj4vtont iDdd yen,rii I I than thoqe who dwelI in the latid, >
Wjfft JJ Y4*A t*tJ I' � % wl h ,0. ��. - , y _ _____14_1__1_ OWNERSHIP. 1�, . ,
it, VoIntitit _61 age. WLIX40 failed to, L
L his rotaikiftc* .*a* may Ve suite his W.'afitt Is a bstholof, but 66 1 Dread, At Ust� 16 P*tf- " * n 4 4 "`�' "'at Cannot 'a n his ton �!Wrjla Did you ever study ol anim and ive. 'in itpite of the fpet 1�
- . - bobs,, , me 4 1' I 11 t.,
ap. ttlin lite Ilitaty, *ith th-6 6 b466'4U1tJ5 t#XhAb8tdd,, JhO; t 46, ftl. 0 tistru .8 w 1. I
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