The Goderich Star, 1909-01-15, Page 5I WX".. r -- I - __ ­Z�,,­� '"140"7I, 11 . - '1111�13� 7 .I I t I r 7vigsism- ­. " - � J �� �� - .­ ­ ,4 'J"Plirw"111171IN'tr , . 'T'R -V 1,� I � '­� ". _. __.: 11 - . I — . , �, , '77 - ,VgX7 . , FA11FRAII!,7� STV : ... - -, ,, ,,,.,- , - - .0, I � � I 1 �4 ,_', ... , I . . I , _1� , � M, 0; � I , I . ?, 11 � I . I , � �- I , - I , ,� , �* so " '. , . ; I I :. � i. z - - .11. ­� . ilo . i . . . 1 6 . -- .:?j,- �- - -, , � :, , - Tl� � , � .� yj - 'I, , � � � . �, " , , "] , .5 I I 11 11 I ,,� , ., I I G . . - �_ , 0 . I . I r_ S, 1. 1, , " - 0 . . � , � ­ M , � , J�� Pk� q I lk." 1� ... -,f . . � i� � -- - - -- ,-�, ,;�_k, �. i;�. , - . � i, , " 0 . I ! , . 11 . X - � - - I -_ � - I _­_ __ - - - J* � -.1 . � A I I . I . � - I I ,_ , , - .!a - - —_ - I M I IN 'llinipillotpow ` I - - __� -, - , - a- I . go! I III Poll , , , 4g T , - 7 � , ,� ,� , - _­­ — 410100 11 1 1 iii III 1: 4,hR? i I , - — I I I I , � J"Uh - � �� �. , I . T - - ' 1 6 !! t, ! � ! ! i � 11 Jill 1!11� Is gi ON PMOWON"Oft It - I , - -*, , 110, J .1 . _. � I I ­ ­ ­ 24 I � � , �� . , W � . 6600 I I . lh� . .. ­ __ - _�_ -1 , �, "', , � , " 1: L ".- .�, : I'� ,. I I. . TOR ISTApt I _ I ".1 ., ­.­_ - �- - .. - . I - will � 11 14 A - ,- will III - pa -11 I I I � I � *Fl��,,�- ___ ft- 11 —POPINOWO� ­ oo-,40wwm�mm "� 4#" - I 111111111111 111111::1�111o:olggl imoopilill:lll"141:=:Il .J111g1g�1g11gP11111"1t 0,111, $ ., v :. -, , ,- - "-,. '. . . -k , - , . . 6 it:111i'l I 't "I 1. . = I- _. I ­ I I . "..­ry , - V ; �4, . ig, I 11 _. I ­ - , _ . , . ' , %� & �,, . - � ­ . I: llillillill�:40011:: , 1, �:.' 4 P Clogilaw ""A 8 " I I 0 � 11 �, .11 an"" %*1XWW*T,%* "W" , ,-, I . . I 0 .� - 11 _.1.. - , I , � , i�".11 "; , �, I * �.. v"awks, A-460io. 0"aft* , � 0 , . ' � " ` ' � " " ) � I . , , I � I - � ".4 I I " . I r �, � � WALTER Coos PR1DH,AM"S.,, , �, 0 I � ; , , mooft Tbitis wom to " "W 11.4ww'-Kolittlift Ap% 1100 cou Iff GOP W I . fiil� , , ''', .& %,, � ,W'. ,A ; " "Wmr7ow , " I iw #ftbow,ftf 4"04— ­ i . I . IORK " - ­_ - - - I—— . I ­ ­­ I . . . I � I I . %*14" 1 � 111 - ,. �- , � ­ -.1.1--1-- ­ _. ­ i I ­­ _­ - ,% - �, -_ , . , " 0111011140111*11111111. . " - 61,111111110i, = . I T"4101101 ot QN111114", . � .1 '-411�l­ p-, � I* a"" ` ` I � " ;� I 4= **,104011104 Ist . � 11 1. , 1. - , — 111111411 AN 4,6. A 4"$*t* to this, Irokolao,wotrid BACK WAS'N WE�AK, I SP401410 for the wo* to . "I .1 I Tbo% *^W%w a at tisis, To" ; =- 4: I it L I%* . � I " " 11 I r,_11 , , , I . on" w0i k4A 00 )64wilow 104 #A illad 4 00sor disy,� toll* YAQV tiso !Awlit As4koloolitmoos,pi I � . . , . . *%**of Ud" ggga­� � Ali *0" , ,,y .0% , L I ., I I - I I � - - I I � I q4*W?44 . UWAI *"AIq. wim is, *440&% WWWArAwlalit thoilr''WatorvAtipplyr, 4"toth"W11.1111, . 1: 90"yo *ori, - , , , I " . I 11 I � 1 SAW ispilsillya"Josis"llsilo *WW " "wit th"T."llige" , " X,4 1 . am:w tbot "A" "A AM "wow ,it "'"t"Itu"t'rimtholustwoll qv�, � * - ato will^"I ". � 40 -Is"it%* - , - . , � 11 - � � I .. . - I red 04' opg" 0( "i QkWill4,d..f;ia`t..1%r 1. . I" I . � I _1 il I 2*4 , I* 00twu4io - I ,w% A*, . � , _0� I . _*A tloot ___- .1 � 11 ov" A W - "Ou'" k ig SiAti"Ir., cv. ot. Qt#u"*g.,#hcvW,�rsg Alp tm*W-' wlillooft %W0Ig"k*A"oX ho� I mrs pro, " 14 ",mod ,ior . � . W.Learaxkm W4 ww ** �:o ra 4 0" 6 "!, *04 14 Ilts, Waaotis=i 0o,AkI 't J=Uary "60 . - WhO44 "O"W"t voilth the "wil Of lbo �,610 I !1flail. `60'19.� fur,01�010110S � , L M & iR. _ I ... I _" Qf *WM W lsir,oili, bottit "#, Is", 4, 4iWIlIW0V4,r *"w . � I � �,. � - I I - """ W. A=41 . I I ". I ,� . � I , 11 � I C I I , 11 I It at =41: We T!r im- .b4 w400raliood ,,, I this towilptoonclil titutst-Ion., Tho A4,1404. 4' lb, sitious. 4M - I I ... , " I . � 8 . I Wb"*Ukhkl"" to 111olol, d1litio 9"r$ dq 4lasto 1�000,W. ' V Y" Oft 0 .4,4 1441tiono, "11111 I I I I , 0 AloI4 4*4 V" - k - to I, I .,i in -Y '4000 toy $11took to 014-low"t � . 7 � , L ..� I - . . a W"M a Lot. huAw in tbai $ior of tho "ilit'Oult coollwit"y I* 6' YW,t 44 0 4040 14.04 t4t rioll-tkins yQ4 � ., , oty'.4lixtoolit io"To I . "�, . I I , I *1 "as"y *ft* ig"W"i Ili# wiltins W istounch texilorioncogovocato auutkq poll I 1, �ayp Umppy', Ahilhoot" 10 - _ro. *teek.tpkilit, si #0 d4wo 1 . I � ip" kywAy W posviblo. n()tt,h,bj.N � I , _ I . I I I 19 I % . 0 �b�rliooillilso& H* "oke 4140,01 ibit #Wsakou, xzd witIt *0 viwuloir till" tied wobirlwwroplillogworkht, f4t% jklifus. 1)100*�r thir pricm is*�j, now . I . . I I � ' I ; I I � . olir mot 0944,kr 1 04 1:41T400110 10, , ok t 1. I I , , � 1. � .1 VA"i fOr WAW IMPY'Ovattorat-'rA ox. ft, 14, Ito, be--, "Voyod, Food. U *4 *11 b* %v ,Z foxvioteirIcIdw 4*,. 1 1 1 );kAI;$IInvsr.' Ussairinvoll0iiiii , � . I . t.b.14 r*04-ty,yroia recelj�iuf; its wtlf,e� 1 , � I ;: . " IL Pli=r ' 0 Istp I L I a .., I . it , -- 1ItuoA,h1% , - I , , I . � &** il 0011111. 'XO It"ptha JJA a r lift Softil; � haat,,X.8 Ot VA ney" top yJaRk , , , . i 1. -dog'', a%skoarotinho. 0411 loillooliI #qpartw CLU40tion, with Q$04 - 4mw one of tl,6,� "Rolv: 'whilills Ur. ilIlwo" Ilrysist, Atle . . ��-.,;, , 14 off", W1,01' Wit I MU rb, 41 . uk . , o4tor th , V"r, wii .01 . y, ftIn .,. *A* lq, I ­ � . ,,* __ ., "" I - I - � � I ­ I- I , 4h ; - .- . I ­ . I - _ ., A_ _. kafti,pp,upilt wplutt luxt-latitotbusloplas, ,4rwbIp.4.,,witfv-!A, ­ �� , I I I �., I 0. " I � ,111. .".11.�7! ; �� I I- 11,10.1111 119tel MAII! hl� at - , . I I 11 ,:.­..4;.;,;;�., . 1114 , on's Isib.11" : , In'T., -, I � . ' 0 . W, . � 'A�,� t -,,v I . . "`aIW 91ta"I't tO 01'W0141 I f Gtwern- VICT Must get it aAmohow- TbV mulp . took It 04 a 19 X llo.k 90' U04 Xl* I I I . . I , '... - R00t tholt - 1900100WAY f(W hoirbolle 114- 041v# -Atw. � . . Aa*$ rilIs"ho. iftites.'�"I ciolutotL .� ' , , .� I . -.;..7; A,atimploe'llst,of tbe totatietlaills in f6ma, peovol"Ontio-: , ,,.­-___­_ _.�_____,� r- wc, (iir: , 9-"% btkt,btl.411$'t%#.L%L�L�ZIIXLIIltt'�'61111�, t(KOlklUakAbOUtL.t4o"it'#k.l,tte,�6�V�14 - .;;;; M * Ft,lro, gs , : . - - 004h . � . I ? . I � � � �":­. . _-.'A' � , � - � .. railoolt, . , tow � - I' - - 'I bem, litivo Jilorcos L .11 . � I ." . ZN ';�-Avatlltl-1*14A -grigo #pL&m, buo'lluaft *4pr4o- ., I I -W- 040 I MAtIl(iWoOf llave, to lookels*� U1409, WV44 41004, 0 P(WAgoi Nidne,rXiiiii, � ��' I , �, I . � � L , L . '­­ �`.,: ""..." I Aa%igIk'Il4*t,o4lInIt(4j, ramp4wj'of * ,X0000 #"tbs. Tawohopit'JAWYO� . art�lroo(b,lt%,okoapllmCtO$Qi't()%'MC, Fgy4y-ov,*)re(�att.;Itool,i.t-psrto- . 11 $ _ . . . I syntatIvelvAlu""WilLgiv" (oil 0010� V" qf -the art i"i'mi6emor too, OLA W100-- Acqulim Alnfum,go 214ift$ *44 A" uk, 'Ir :' '�I_o *Ili"'�'ii $"�Wo"'­ - ." ' ­�'. Jr* Wa %T --"%*%k..1- ..... ..... 100161� I I I 4-4. - .1'"k to t I LL � J W Or# Ttik'WAtq. The latteedlill )�u I WAsV'fAUy 4*AbMnWI%IXT44Aq4JIJ 41, I � I I , . , , �:­7.1' ..4,�� . this .Ar ' VOW okeO irt, vain, lu; 11 A44,411CIAlk VK wyb000il� I A -*u AQr,. I � ,. - �, Lj��i, . ­, 4'*V off�t th" 'a "- , " 7 �k n 'IV I , � � . M40ii - 0"llow � Oralkle in l4tle, . � L I I - , , 4 . I . . iiTokk L 444, "y Wit W", '40"Wit 41, ikild. $1,24 ftleto - 1 :f_ � I .. I'll *.!'Ili�� `­­ -,"._..� . -.­­..gl�;", . utags, Illisel" ovorcoatill..'a I I . �, ,� . , �4 , ' x0lint)[40 atilix. A#4 A ben' '141j, tlurlo,kiilo� to�Vrl .t'lilunt: Work it votooltdc"i,- Itwolillagpit"y 41, $01tilev'rx ................... glo *,!Wt 11 Ak.1 L 11 . Uumber" L -1 I - , t ul, lit" 4bis Uctopy"Itaill.o ohlit down. 10 t , :� 4W .� � %.�i �,� . th"A x.qW"'o 10 Imike it, vvorilslt�-tfw, inutaber 61 , R r� , , _ .... I 11 1 '4 j�-.��".!; . �� �*:, 01 ))top$ � L sp , ,y�"t 11 got � for -gr%. - ­AA.,.,+� � ..l.4 . I , , . "';, ';",- 400'sal� -crowill -#=. xw— � - 10 4, wltat,% AM I ­ � � , _ . _ ; Remairk , ­ .. 's'Afteram ig ator * !AW alivit 0-1) t ­ ulls I - - - I , , _ptroI,4J#tI f� nonkinioltsig.still"alil$t 00111, m knisreltj�otf And *.et I ir . A�Iit to. , 0% 1`4116 Jilal* iihoviot:overc.oltto A u'll . I - ... . . , �Ii�,�'�.',":, .,:�. .,-,. .! .... , � - � , . t . - 0 their e1i P,*VlARW lft�tAs P � � ... — , I . . , I I �,:.�`; ­_ ­ 1. , wm 11 h*" . 49%1$t�b't�`Il e'WQC� yea"b"Itiroilsox- -4 1 . "k .". . .,. 0ow , . , _ 1014hNaTorthellt oilitiAl"itoterviti,tilitIg. '1444flindik of', truss, , - w. , . , , jqig� 04 tipoiltL th erl , L ?AIF . I � `7"a ..' , ItIttailletit, 'Ttleir 0frortil. At llrt�k were as Bo�egLW, , , ,-, ,a ... _,.-.�', ., 's ,- 'L " . V�,I_ , I " 11 I r I : t , ,k" ., � I , � �� . I I.. tiloy, preisoroted, tbaJ9I ov �, Old thois, 'lloteX $III - J*11 of Lit, I t4,1$ J, , 0 Dr4ted Stokingit loo, 0"t for .... ,#,44 ..... .... ..... � I �; , 1;.,.�.1:?1?;, ._��;,,;,­ ;_"',­ ,�'L�" ,� ­ . It" . I . _ �f,4tilgj btlt. �kbi$ ,;� I'll . M11441$ i� i � . . - �, , , '' �baoen �LkVIt4Qu%L,Wor1t#'� k;cono igol, L � �0 -11 I PJAnL - " - ­ ­ . ­�­ I � ,. -;.;, - y "#, L,L Vt* I � 'i _fVftl founilrea tildjo "Portt, ­­­ ,,�;��, 1, InkVtJ Par - r 0 fie �' � , , " . :L .% LL 11 � � ,r:,, �. , .. ., -And footgIvItig! olkspoLozlItoil, X 3 We altil tgp� .ta . . r . L '. :1% -W Of ft0*4,W #, � . . . ': *!.:,3�� , ;�b , " 4t,41A ': ........ t! l 150 Cape, Imall ze '. " 11 --..I.-. - r . . I 1. , H, � ...... 4 top e I I I -.-:- _,___:_. � ­ --_7!- - ""Lk'41"" ' ' ' ,�4-4-�t4f".r-�*pj,a"hex-muw-ML�gt*t*- To "L"`41r-Af(,fT0 ­ 44417,01 --0-0,Vr,-SM*11,9Ize%-.-.-. � .. .... .. _zU$Q__ , 11L , _,� __,� _�. _� _ :­ - ­�_ :��_ �­�­ � _10A :0"M -1 I . -7 '�" - , , , _ I W 7 _f " " ' ii �� - RL17" uC#4 to #%% .. L ." sllw 1-�f'i�,_V,117 r' : .Vt .40# "-, 'W"11a, OU'altogethar lilio,4 I ,�. 11417.0 , I- "'. , ". *4o,,WQoi^nrJaa'Jr.AtI4a t21D1­=" - .XIL. , Ay Wbort they"Wove I IK c t I . .. 1. yore . " . - � 4'04� _-Rin0her, I 1! t.�..: , , I ., . ' tbe, il e pr f .Y, � , 'i... Z��-'1*4-_ -b% I I .. pl�*110"frl:k'r"'1?04X%'46d'V;4 to L wlitoralb tbe, pulitl aRn n toip, of pielot . W, . , _ ooj Rill Alon'q Tweed � .0" -1) , , tepl, 0 k0ow tilts Regularlil$-for"t, ............ $5,40 .. - , is� �tlr�l ,pirtobr,qa VU,kr ' , I .. . - - I reno Twq"44 "Ing , I#AV* I'll I , pra,�T* W #11011111 viot -ZAW4� , " � - I I � , 1� I 1,�R �.111�1.1_,,.*%`,�: . i,e'ftofAlt,,tbl4,"400n,,4,1)"VM�tel;io�.,,, r, � ftliltl[Q WORIM, -0, A. RP14.' piatuot M � .- , . , " � , 7 ,, L" , .' , OPPI)II I t. a coone 4 . . t - , . : � I Ate - , I _ I . L � .. I "*";�` " 7 I I I. A L 09� .I itai Wuk: Zia d 'L , lnits�-Ategtilar 419 and 11I19-f0r....*?,15 � '�L't , I � I '1,-:n,- ""..'!`.'�1 ?4 , thtituRb o � 00ity, W to 14 ­!�v­_­,­ _-_---7%__1 — _­­_- I 'L I . t I ` ,;�,,, � 'ticeo,vireto-from, 50IN-104*4, ;! ­ I 11 I -sbiaptiiilao.. 4, Viiiti�L so , I.Q. Q1 9 ", i0io ,r.. � ill uttival.- I . I I I . I ."'. . -1: 1"k, fflunlalpo"V�k!r� ."Otakit Il% lt-,§iillk�woit ��.1940_- Qove �� i.,.'? .';,*-4. .','..'k ritoi, - X,A40tdAq, , � I "., I � I I L --- r 11 ­ y . 1. :*I'- �, At,piw , - % ii. , , ,.. . . - L � , I L :. �, � L : ,3, �, "' '*�.�,�.".��L�, I . � 11 .,i,.: I . . . . . 1�1 , . L . I I I Vilt ,J*;,&,U0" ­_—.0-�_ Imml .. * I _j?�. . 10"'W:r I .. .1.1% - '..'.', ,-t W=Cmcm 9 . . , - '' . "' , , lavil rq stivIIIIJIL111i ` 11 I _ "' `oJeAt1nk4OW' O4,t6.Loft I ,' . %A,C4,.,�. 'A V _�_ U�L 11, .e]C' al , O'nlieAnx pr otb I : , . , , , L . . , ­� I .':'. , . , I ieg*rarw , ,& L L . � �,,� �1;. � I L , � cAtlnJf'1Qr,tb%'U4 . � L �' :" � :' . .ltimplp�,44,, . .�.. � t" . 1, I � � �` 'I., L� � A, #L41nbqr,J,l1-.JOXdAb,i4,4 allow's., Aile IWUQXk­ !lie;# Awyo. �-qm , , . � 4 11 , I . i'V4,56 I W . I pet., " �­­ . ., �� . -0. ".,00d 10 � _� .!'' - `TL,"'$' � , " , i , Qo04T Mine: Roci I . I WAL.,L . R, Cos PRIDH � .. . Air_ I " ' ,,,$ M J QV . r L. . I I . , . ., , � . I Jqt , " -----,--" _ _41, . — . � q0J_dAjl_­Qgr , .. . I I . -1 11 , �L _.,�m , ,­ ,. ,� � 'j_ " 'I , I� akjl� ,=ete�a_ - �,,��,OL-t�uati"k�r-pl�escript4t)o- igh"MAW �:--�------.-.--.--,-...-.-,-..-,.�--, _ &M- __-______�_ .,� ., � " ­­­ -1--w-, - , __."L, ­­�­­­-'��-,,,��", 4.4 -": -41 -W 1404 L.'�#�'�Ql ,r lidl�l - . 1 1 ­­�-f­�- I . - L . 4A1$k I&V - ' � -_ �",L . " . I I , f7:, - ", . ­yr#r tig #41141%� ,-- I f� L , . " Itsit4riii. L mkiiiia- one Ilillow ng 4 TIJQTI It f4ACOL fou Uen,$ * - .1 I ", .V,I,. _*; , " , I , I ,� oliny -0 L , '­­' L r'. . i I � , -ii ` . . I " I it - � - -, . Inches mildie"g Wu ling , V the Upit;T"�Rlinedoni,,' -A I I a 82 e, iF."I'Altw, 11 I'� 1, , . � eir 11% I roliftow 6 I � rr .. .. . -.1. '... �",�� ;,,.. ,r' ' L I 1FrtRt$r andL L'boulaoi, tliolo , . RA,T, , _: r ��,Vllljd .1 - I 11 lid ]ROYtt'i, I . " 1-1 . "I �; �".1,X-t*i. 16. ' ' .:L - rs WAt"'' ­ -L P= .Ili '14ro" 0 i)r"lt'14itf�l"llLq;("I,�'forLt ­_ ..". f, 1 4 ;,, " , �. I 1, �"L L I ; ,A -.i 1� . T?141111� a . � "I . '_ � .64, I UMA(lt DAndellotla doc.bnlf I I . othing and ri tirnlob togs. . - , i4.".'.�.,j��;� . ,:- . . I . ,Atafjo� r �,;, , OVYA AM , bla 'J4, d4l,lo "Oolupound.LIC4or �. , " . - ,.�.i�,�,.%!- ,_� , _. , P_ , " - ri'OkIt 1, ,;i� .".... 114 .11 ; , I � old 4, 4, t ;0i L ' g'r LpDrii,� .11, eti� Are. � An � ''L: , , , de I I I , L � Knollier... A'. V., Vic ' ___ ,. , . 9#114LWV� ;_,Lr,_ L - 4, 1 �,,� - __7�L' 1. I I.. . - I I _ "" 1)' 'Q 11!# I � "I" L 11 ? - "liss tj�_i%'�,, Joo' ' `�' JL", y . '0� I 4�os , L, : _* 11 , I "", ­ I t; " , v i � It! . & , , . 0; 01). one 0 11 ,�. ­ . ,� 1_ . L ov -$ t aind Retu"n ... . � ! -, "'. : , -I,i ,." "pivy IIWA�V,ob - � o4li -Wjtilig�, - .--- - .­­­� '-`�"` ',Qomptlqbd� ftriop 9 , . L ­ � - ". L _ _L,�_ �,�� a. Iibk6s, I - It 11�11 '. , - ' ---:!--11-;' . It 1- . 11 . I Ve,06' . . V-", '' ­ ounces, I , At J pkkNk1ltlg � �r�.""' ' ­ L, - . ,_ . __ _ _ I I li . I 1:1 - W 'r _. li , , -, ,- " �". - - I ..: .1 Risid , i . , I L . — ­-­­_"� ­ L'. ,. ­ 1 . . 11 L I �. L . I 11 I ; . Of - 1.4 S 0, I L , � L ',��. - , I ,., Wes- a bottle anti take a ' ' 4"qH0]@0"%6L' ' f� , I 1, 1, � L , 0 . I I , A ;4 tU"144.i*'sfJ..1 I �L L'M � '1044, ,lip GelierAI, * ' ' ' �- .. � I V. 1 4 � - . M m - I , , I . , 'Q.,:Ka: 9l -A3 ited oatit��anian , W - I I . IMU 14YOP � � , '� ,;,.' ,111111. ill" 1 1, " I" . kl.L - � .., , ."I'44-is'lo At'pt 2 , _aat6bip!�.7...­ '._ I . 11 Oniton it J140, 44 tii L, $h - well In , _: '' 0 i , gi '' 4�,_, - _ . _ - ,�, , , V'�L $C � � , of , :� : ": � ­ �" �. � ", 04;i�,-;�-.'.'i�.,._. , �1 I.10419U ings" - iati�A , V, I I I I I � . L L., - I - , �, � ,,, ., �, , I L L';.', " " L,j L ,� -j " '. I , :1 . , . , , I I 'I', J, � :;.-., � - . I L . . _ . overtil `Q - 01" vtt *� 'L , ;1 . I . . , I � I."' ' ` �' �'... �, ", . I 111. . - �t! . I I ,eve 0 , I . 4tim"'" , tl-AfIteii eitob inelt) aq I . 'l, tS I . . -, I I � , " . III �, " 4(11W�, -64't, is '�` �� "` . I ­ . L .1 -1. L V '1414, AND TAQ� T,4 -,V. �'T..','Piphrk d . � :I . , I . . , 0,60 0: V I , *_ "''. 1, . . -, . ' ' '. '�'. '_ , - � '71 . %, � I i be - 1 " L' . �;�L, _ , IF, .. sli'­ ,P0bj"L_-Q46d - --i - � � __ ­ L . ­ -1 - , ., : . ,e I I � �r!iq . , , , � , �­ . . . Sac I ;5 g . . L � - I ,-- * ., _i �', !, . � �� � , " ,'�� ,,, ,; � . � , I � 'VI . I I _*L ,%�,'Tltold6rs�� WATF, biattil dos , , I R 400, , $q �_ WOMENS , _ . I � ­ � I li. ,__�­,­ I I I ,. , "'-I L, � ­ - "L .1, � "' " ­; �,j'r­ ­. - � -L �': ;,LL . - �z .; �. , ��_" � 1 1-i �90ow"A'_0-- �."-Iga­ � - - IR I_ ,.." . - lib"b6lW19- . 0 . , � L , , 'fal" pros 'outlidered-A e, - � '. I ­ P1. , tick" eve wri 1�11 - f "�; I � " �ft -00�A)t*,i4t'()�,r-,�-,Iti:ft,.�$ 11 � ,of,( L r � . ' f � , I � . 'L ` I L � I i 0800 .112,90, S414 ";:.��-� J'L ,� 4*', 4,� ' jo,W`�� ' ,.� ', �:': �' '-�� ' "�" , alkilw64" 1� � I 4 " t' rri .. -_ ep ch , ­ . " ' P , , � , I ,X1fn)PJbg0�'Q t ., t LL . P tte to ". - - - , . '� -, ;�, "� . �, c. 0 � , lilt L , , , . I ' 1. L � - , love vaoxftc4e. kido r1lZo L� L�.' � � ' "j$oo� , L - . " 7 1. � 14 ,� r 4W, e us I ilbor L a � " � Q (a) . ' ,� . I _0 A.LfeJo.ri �44� I , � % , 1, � � �', 'r I . . . , Q0 , � � , , " , . �0,"#Ilq, W'�Jr� � . . Adder find 4.11 kill,1617( III leg with ; ­ . I . I ,;1 - . . I . . � 1 410 1 1 jL , rX ... 4 ;, Z" .L , � " , , ,,, y �. , Q4 '64�'­t�41100' 't I 1, A I I . ,. � 1, ., � J. , ,Ilo"W, L '� 'L , .1 P , ;,4z',,�"4. , , 1 11441�1 f ,,, . L , � �,, "�,�, 1, � . 6 1" '' ,0,� 41�,­�., � , I I I . L I ­;i� La i 2 . I I L fd,� 25 cents aildo,d tot, ad"'Atislon to , I ,­ " . . I �, '�04'i�i$lo�o�L441O..4�����.,�",� 471.1v r , . I alobit I I , LL '. I*$; 44, . '. , . 13,11 to � ,�_ be � report as i rrrr , Nllo ThelonixtureactsprO10 t- I I '.1 � 1� . " A -L I ti,.v ' LL, � �. �', � � . I 0p t o.. ... . I . , "Ll; I W"k 1!�m__`­��, . I I Ul "LL __ ---+,, — LL . th. _1C_J­1­ �. I I . , -, ' I I � I I I i_- LL' , 1%"it , " -­,;",�_"4t%Al-e��-��.-� �L _Awnt�-Ati�tA4eA-,,#e�rIV440414, , I I I � I ____ .. . I I . __4i_1 ; 0*4 ____ - . _..._.__._QNTARIQ ---- ___ ___. _ __ - --- ,..-.- _ . ..... ___._ -_ _'. --- - ­- - � - I .. 11 'L' 'L F N I 11 : � - � 1. , . � w,,__'., , �,.,$� o'.6iflowalvO , r , ". lerk*ato-oc isl t , Isep , I ,.'old * , ii1duor.". I con to toil An - I . � ' -- - " le Lb ad: Blial pq - . I . � , 0 I 044 , Lh A- cab , , - � 1�1 - ", rollo^ . ,* , I , . - -4 tkml?_,WL".'�io -6 ' '- �­ ' ��-, , OT -oltie "Irfi, tba-, - HORSE BREEDERS .��', - �, - ­1_..�'. Z Ratio _". -.,. --,-4dIo4`_,M-tr46h tr (�";Iil". J _�.'T._$WW­"_'_ ��'t� _ !!, , , . I ,�.­", . ." ill L I . . g4 L . I g L , ,., " 7�. ', i, � I , big,ri PplIcA_ I It. Is in the -big a bat 8 I ; - ". . I . .. 4, �4'46,4 , . - ,'..",�� Wove, 04low, "I hut�- al , W. Ch, 9 e uric Acid,and other. tk:t . The harder it woman Is to please with I L 'I.; , , "; I ft�ti L, -A "' ' - �� 1 - f'; JoCal i, '14 'felt Allodt. London and ,the blood (O a u ee . I �,, , I ! 1, , to �'�,4101X'0�41,6,0 'a,' ,�,�.'r �,�. !� ,�L , �� , 'I �,'_ � . - . , L. _, . , �J n , ". "I" aboos, I L " " . - 11 ,, ,:L, ", " , ,�r. - 'dYs'410 �,�, Glogo L , A ter r I 'note fastidious she Ill as regards styles I : � , � . �a ,_,tt *gS , Q 4 ,,, f tjV (ho , , � . %41101:$30 W4 $,4Q;:: ,;OQ (Qrw­loft,�A the harder she to to fit; the , . � , . - � , ,;'L�' ,. , ­, ,'�', '�' 1��" ,.,;" "..., � ;�.,L , loa�j EXHIBITION ' L , � 'il,� � ,:, ,., , ­ . " , I!. 1?; ; , � L �,� " �"" L " ".:.. , I � ,;,, L, " rels '_ I k ; w , a �, JsIrge (vota$ Lof �bn coma loon. , 1: �_ L�� .L' . ­ . JA44iapt.iL L . ,� . ,;r,, ,t, Q , " ­ , " , '­ , ;, ­' :,�­�..'' � , , , , 11 � CIO _ omploe". kind general details. the more anxious. I , � � . - , , .. , 't . ­ b , , -, .,�� " , .. ,��,�,;� ,:�,-, , ,� , tonoll w , I , ' ,, ,,, '$lII,r]Pt'r0,j'..LB � 40 ; - . , I I '. , is who stiffer with Ole ,Gnbd gn L � 0,09�11" , �#%,_ $C4 _�Ajoffirj'�.;L�PQ�,' 0:�' , I I L L .. � �� . tL, MleVr �.,' . I I2tb and l8th, Rc� ' � !� � I ve her come here for bee r;,.,�',. 1�1 L �:` I I 11 , , �. ., �, I �i .�. �, - I , ­ 0 1 tu!,"n ." .. ffs _ Li 0 , "I , I �1 L tbQdb tukles. . 451 Jan � � "I _ Q, '�, � I 'I . ". "I .. " I �, �, I - : _e L,", 7, st, """ t , �,__­ . ; � 1 �% �, . - ;., �'._ ,_ ;' �L '� j�"' '4', .: _�', . 1'1� %_�:� r , �,_ ­ , 6 ­ , " "' -i I - ,.. I 11 ,�� "I aller--citle" I,- � lotions rnlo:�F not feet inoline& to we are to ha . L r' � 1 '50 L - 1, I" ."­,:,!�,,�..';, "�' ,� .1 '' I �,� , .1, : � .,� "_ " - , 084, otilv I'll Init You. IOL11, I". �, � IC IL.- � I " ,,, �Ill LLLL ,,, I c itch doines -lw- thio-st it . . .. - - - - ------- - .- - - - - - I - - . � .,:� _811000. - � ,, I .�; I 9 ­. 1-1 ­',�­,"'_�'j"­.",': '.';­._,��"N'�, , - I' ­_� Ll!"�_,,.',,;�._-, � , , . . . I � � . I . � 1. 1 , e ,, L.�;� . � " ' "; - 'L. I 1. �'-`. ­�­� ��`� ."!-T' '': . I L: �, � tire, ,ell . I � o arity. a he itow t t se wbo halve t I .� �,.,;,,� I I - i�""��'�.*,��-'-,�'..�-,"�'-"�" L'� L I I ­ , ,�:.�,., lie 1,. . hand * ... I . _"�_ 11: _W. - 9-o - . � . :1 I 11 , I -, , .. I - _­ _­ , -it. I -� r _� I ; " 1� 'I� - � , .�W'l 1;$� 1XIF � ­.; L 11 � . . �. 11 " I )9 the thiv . . ' , , , ,�:­ �;,�­!, . , - . 'T " Ott - - . , 0 Round -Trip Tourist Tickets I , , , ' ' 6 I 'T lark"Ost 011010, '164"R, 'California, Mexico, Florida , � 4� .-1.-_1-_1-_. ,..,.._ _'_.r _�,_.',,�­'_ ' . ' ' .1 � I '.byl ineighbors, ,butin t e. lair AA a Its I % I L I , - . ­­_ ­�L "�"k:" '_ -'L y Bur ! , - � 00",:01 'A , ' QMS,- atid L .' ,ivi � � U0100� I un. = :,", ,�­ I - in t'N: � -,.,;, ". 11 -, � , '� , � -' , '"' , .,� . . I t the swulach OI, '�', �L� , " . "' "; L " ­,', '. " � . � I.L;l I ., , , ­ -gans. . ,�' �_. L, I ' 'L, 4 -0 � , F ' ' '­ �.�',,, , , , . l . , I . , * �'�L . e."Co., 14t . F 11 other ot L. 'k� ,"', . .1.11, I ) .� ��. , ,. , I � . .L C_V, � 0 1 tanizations are doing their utmost, � . . on $alo to all principal Win- I � , . , � ,. �. ­ � �.­; � . , . . - - ­i�:,,�., . _ . L.� "­',��'­ - , " ,., , , . " � r hole , � ­ , . �., I I . � u . �,.,�,��t . _�L . , . I I It I . Ortehoir cofiies highly recoultneuded. I I � . 1. , : : ,� , 1", �'. . ", I J,:, �,; .'.,,' � �, ,. W , ,, � I i. ,��­ . .- they are, unable to cope with a, . r , . I I I ', 1. :r,�,,,,�,.�" , M01110.11414'VitItOWi . ik 04f,Vootq, I; qitality,g and wi li' , , _ � LL - : . ee. It . 'D - his magnitude. I iX elible and give it a trial' it ter Resorts. ' , t � _r; , , i * re . Situation of .t L Mt?�O Shoes front the beat makers in Causida, ; ,; 'L! " L I 1 'Aro , 'Alisteqohat� , , �� � . � L._j,,. M On ,4p. -&,t next ,; ftoes that are absolutely cor. I— - I., I � � . I L�g�4"4*`V3a,0Q'-for i�­ "'L�',� . ­ ­ I . � . " _.L _ , tion Ill ao.grried, I � !� 4 " � - g. !t '', . , L I lamb Co'lhor, �V -�,�. .. .. ." 0000 Men Oe coin tting crimes to got 44t I'to tile P sorillitlon of ,an eullnent rect In every point Of correct Shoo building, Babes mada (coin the best of .. 'L ',!: I J, �, � % �­' , . UL i "L ... I � 'L';. "`-`�r_" ��,�.`1'1' ";', ' I L I '� ", ' ,� %_.; * 11 �bority, whose entire reputation, it ,Forturtherinforgallationanit leltetsapplyto leathers, in choice models for strect, or dreati. _�'. -,, � L _��,,�,1�11, 11.1 1-1 , � ��' �L " - �,, L - I �1 Rqe*d,.QaIJqW ning, into Jail and W. fed at* publicir eX- L ", �� , , , '�_ .; r6..,,,, "Jiticati'6di" fln .L -�Mulu I . .1 ,_ � � .. I NI's 0Ir,0.Tzj-V- , - -,: - � I � �, - 142 11 I it . � . I 310 11; . - I .1 � palls is , -� -!.'_��L­"� - ...Ov�bitt,Coftt,,O�k..egt;lar$WA or 74 Ad" 16 117414i All rhe nation's w6al . - ..:7 '' .1 ,� L ... , " "I .� , ,_ ,. - , , "' ' L . . .. ji,f ., ,�;,; .�"­.o­ � ;, 4 .v pense. . thy inewhAle aid, was established by it, 'L . �� ; �, N11 -1 I ­ 4 1 , - 1�,4 , ,�! 10 ., rft.004 i . _tA__4,ruggi. I I _. , - J 't'C'.!, ,- 1� . . . F F. LAWRENOE WeLaollL tile A11438 Ofthadu Shoe for Women in utt -popular �tyles. ppic 'L� , M 1� � 11 ____ - __ - ­.If*lWfli.._.1_­ _" -�'� -------- - -Bl -7�­ ,. - wher - - 1. - . , L, . ' - ' - -, "'. " - .. : . I - . � .. I Up Ag i e. n as _ - _,"'' . . �L ',�!)P. . - - k__.�, , � ..7 I - r6eid'tbat, - -1i - �,'----- �beeir�libergl-contributbw.-I�ut,-thV-d . at, berit at bottle, , � �� L , Aferi'li d , " . . _!! , " .�I�" :L� .�40 . - * , $3.30 and $4.00. There Is, no -better Shoo made at the same price. e@ "00" , �,::: , li6 k � 1,'�� 4 L , , 4 11 . . - lok6r sup- ,� ; :77L %� � , � I A".Z'To 11 - ._401 191, , ed, stated that he could TOWN MIENT . , , ,;, ,,, �- I 'a jq�;!�,�"jji., . I I of tolebting 4boUI4 be the same as ,Ply -nts . I ��,!-, I- Alen ­ , . here! zinands are so v ' t that they d(innot Ask I ' �� ;1 .,. �,, L * 10,00siis, �p -wo 4aillog, fbr."...,. i. :� ... ...... :,_$20.0l) t0fore, 'fit'st and third FrIdA and he met. � the ingredit or 'nix' the pre- Office Hours during Exatiusigal Wook-6 a.m. � L � 4 4�,'h�,� L � ' " I ' " lye, - cription for out, 11 . 1. � . ' ­ I 1, . readers, lie also unt, 19 p.1n. 1, ':�,."�L "I 1; , 1-. - " '­-" . ­ ''I to . I I 1. � ";,; L Me"'a'doxI6,boo '­�,' ,I eki�j � '�' , ., - I 001thei T 6 I . .1 , : � � �, � ' 'IL � $0,06 , . , ,, -P thii -,;adjourned. . ,Jhe most pitiful sights of -Londbu redommends it as harmless. I . - .1, I , 11" I '. oi,, . 60;.$lpt.09� for....- _...%_ ...... �_..._..,_ I , are the constant bread lines. Xen, THE S �rl 1'51�, ,� . I", -"'.11 L. I . - ��,.,_ L , . . I. D. MCDONALD, D. P. A. . QVIRE . i , _ , . ., �. " : ". ,� I ��-� , , " . i I a .. .. . , women and children will stand in, line. _.. . .G. M. ELLIOTTGODERICH ;, , :7�; ,": : L ", " � I L .. ., -. ,�, ___ �,,, " � ". "' - ' " I "� �' L ._4 1 1 1 1 F . - Union Station, Toronto .�� 't , , " 1'�,' . ____�"" , . ,jequ�rtt for he-- to get a bit of,stale�- bread' .Out. I ,� �, - ��, � W!" ''t, ,� Ilt'''', Headaches' L "It, I I �_,. ­ � �, �, 4__� , ­­_ , ,71�111171 . . � . — "I !�!ll! ; I 1, ,��­ - , , -, I I , - I ., 'L . 1� I i", " 1, ", �%,-, ;-;' . , ,. � . .1, I ,J I . L, . T. from the bakeries. � Thousands are , �� . Tn!!T!�__ �1�1� "�,.�,L�""� I . . . L ., 1,.�.,�, L' . ­ .. I ., � -, $ � I .1 . — , ON L)( I lr - 1,;, � -, L � 4. . , , 1 : � "-: � � . , - : - , "J-', ,�,IL�, ' ." ,"., .. , � , , 9- wrn�d, away 'disappointed and force$ ; f�,. � , 'L, I - I . " � , �t_ . . I I I 'to salvage among garbage heaps foir L ' . I `1', !�, ; �, , ,,��:!,� I � , " 1, - ., , I ., �. I ,�� . "_A- 7; i I - 3 , ' L I I I , scraps and remnants of food scorned' ' ­ " %� , I � , , t I . I . le . — I �. ,�� -�,-�,,',��­; . 1� � ­ I , ;� I . . .1 ' I a . DIRECT ' .1, . 'A � �­ ��,,;�_­', � * ­� I , � I . . 44 �. ��11 . , I I - - , " '00W � L " " DO, THEY AFFLICT YOU ? I , I I . , ., 'i ;t,�,'�_,,` - .­ I - .1 You flud life a miserable affair Winter Term .1-r',:,. , , en So � ­��-Oln be- even by dogs. . �, . , "11.1,1' W�Ikl, I'*. 11 & . Th I I.% , '. 1. , . I __1 . ',�­` . - ' :, ' , ". L - , � ., t, Before one of the big bakeries ulghto 1� L ' . , _ a 1'-�, � � , I � � I -P' 7�7 7 , " , headaches, but Tot' . � . SERVICE ' - , I .. . 1�1, " , I .1 'it ' ' � I I , . ., � 1� " an'se, � - �, : �, . .� . .., I ,ti, , 1� . ' ' L'��"�' " ' � * . - '. oil have i� � " L ,11 . _ , � I - _ I �� . 01. !,�. . " I I I., --- "'",',�L 0 - � ,1.1.�., . , % ..,� l, , ; � . , , , . , , ''. � , . . tave DO ther, natises, nor tipp YC)u weak ly may be seen hundreds of persons 11 I Opened Janig 4th. -JASPER NIGROL80,N* I 1"T L�� . .''; ".;. : L I ! ! ! I . _ I . I . I . 1. .1 y preVent so faint with hunger as to be barely , I - � I:, L." ,, ':I"',- I I I . - I - �, 11.,,�­- I . ; : - �, I-- 1�7rydio� J�UOLW if volt could oni 14:1� "I'. 1, : � '. L:'.'�. , — - ! _,,� ,it 1. . 'i ,._', I . . . hom have I TO , * . � "."d _Cb I - � I . � headkolles you would enjo shmoth� , , _� 61 �.;� . I L '. I 1. 1, I.;, . I . , . M04E YOUNU P1101-1, , ". I 1, ­ L . I _11n. �..., ' ` I ,,, 11 - L, _ 11�� . . ­ " rit"g-9 l'; - - i ,P - If , . Onttv ). Greatc!"nonindfrW I grad _­� . . ' L , , iw'g"uet)t it""' 1 . . ��' , ­ , . . .1 ;L , _. -11 I nly, W,gc Ao,�, W roart I I '48JAPIL adaches-ludichte &.general - RIP-ceii with the better protiliket, 9f.ge. . � -11ptiii " '�u L Wd ., � " . � . 4; L , wal .. 1. I., 41­� :_,"', L I W" -' An ould t6iL' . -- � , lbOered, ofidition, because they arise . line food. t � (A'L.� ..'' 1 . , 0 � . � . I - 11 ` WINNIPEG ol't`ti"s,ual�,s Business (),tIli-go ,1,q..uCIleVs. LS Pup I ." i . .1 . . .� - , . 61hold tlle�thoiice 1 :4,�,��"� - i_ i perfect hble Jo stand, many of w � - - ,- .. - raphlosense, an!_rry -healthT ....... ­'. - - . , , _ been there -all day t . - -­ , 11:11 n ­ :� e__ , I . , ". !1111 111, IVIc 114" oill U- . 1,4�:,� I , - ­ I mi�otrtt asks W113A� ft6in a genecUl decay of the nervous The situation is such as to make for I ank t 1- �,`­ ?�7 - I t iey' , - t'riv4t- Seerelaties. olnt'e A44kinuts, . � , �,L :I 1L.',,4,! I ' I I: - had SYXWM. I . - I � . etc, The vni I)otl i nieo t. of ()to lno,t -_ --- I �1' L, ,� "", . - xxx V �Wi,'�. 'i i. 390911 dhion), an' why they 'ga.4 thim This depressed condition of, tile ri red the people to such art extent that Oberta, Expert, Modern Sy--iii-4 known it, I -, � --,,,�'.-� �� , - PRIDAY. blarilk - baltuts (the -oma- ' anaroh�. Radical speakers have stir- All points in Manitoba, , . . � , _ I Saskatchewan, I � _ . . ,;iL � 1. i I I... I - 1L. . � L �­ , . . I � - ,�, I 5, ,,n , � ," , - , only to TQ.rys. Stiur6 'tis only vallIasysteiriallastita oviltill in the re. there is danger of an uprisin British Columbia anti A!11111g� 09 ,�,,� � ", 1 ,,, �;".; ,, .. ­ - 'L I - :. '� L .41.11 11 .1 � , .1, I . � . �OtictionoOtheqtialityitnd,qtiantii�,yof 'These speeches have had Lf, .I. 13"sill-8 Science. Wo invite coni- '. " ,��o,,, - THE IRIS" _]�&$ DI$JiLU" 1'arys-that , wu& know ljo - pitrisoll. 'Pill Pe Depart tilents, inallne'l ' � L", 1, I :' � L", ��,' - .::, . . . 1. $'L , " W'to`use file blopil., . 1. I �, feet in Individual crimes and in out- P A C I F I C COAST by skillet] inst, tiott),,4. I I '';� I � , I , 1 , ��, �",�""�� L; I I Q 1 . L ., � AfiJrri. Be lh� Powers av, Mulc6oh 'The blood is thin -its red coloring is breaks by small mobs. The anger of . I I tock Sale - , , I ,��,'; ,.L,�­' 014�-;BUIIT - I I I , Y, �� L ,'. . I 11 . ,��,�� ":;, L . � 1, . '1,;�. �.­, , . I Wye kave a- blank ballut tco .a Grit I,edured-it crintains o6 tablirlshitient, the people is growing, however, and No.clitinge of cars or delays. Througli (fOMMERCIAL . I r'_ ,b�,, ,��,,.. '�"_, � " L, '� , I I , ",:, �, . ,-Mesiff'-164 U16%c6mrados arb 116,Mite"aie it, an, �'they ire bad fur " '.Ch. digestive organs are not slip- it would not be well for the Govern- sleeild,ug care lenve Toronto I I ". "'. � I . I I I 61ying it with sto,fticient nu ritive wait. ment to delay relief measures much y at 10. 15 p.oll. 5 !, , �.11� ,: '. I � L `�� " .14W. . �� � L - - I �, o . ,.o , . � _r,� . .. � 11 I n Hdrd�vare that the public of . 1�11 1111��, r 0 .1 1-41F,rk � . % . . � ­ I - 0 i I 4 I I s districl have perhaps ever had. xg� . '_, 1.-,i'. I , ". � 11 - J , .�� - 11 Obse " ilint-�44sib's. ." .. .disgesthion. .1 . It It � ,I ' ' � � , `4 ; " . - . ' � � -�, ; I . . 'ter.. - 1, , N longer. ' , Has proven th greate t bargain maker i .7 �,��., i,'Weg`,�- sei3O% :-it i ; now 12 The itesnit-nerve weakness, nerve . , Full. Informiation from � � . " EAR EDITHOR: I o'clock an, I am off. 3QS: glign, 11401tet Agent, Godu�lcb, . . & I � - �, , _, I., i ­ "'' . � P . I Here's to th, dobilitY, ill -health, I oueen Wilhelrallrials Daily Lifoo, or W1711143C. 11. FOPITUL. D.P.A..O.P.R.Turinitil Mail Colirses it, all 'Bnkine-b oollvg,� � L1�11*1,111 " 7 'I ­,_ : �'­ ­:" � ." I - , �, ­ ��,,',M: - . ' ' ' - " I If you had used 10vrrozone you Q con Wilhelmina rises at 7 a,m. 4� Und 111911 8'ChOld '1tll'j--VLtH. . . ,�;,�.�"",L"",,,'�L�'�",��f , `,:, ,, _ Mild, toim ill a � ". �, I �:.', � 1��, � e .�.', �­,�z Billy beyan�,` , ell�rit.11., to ,-� wouldkom� how powerfullV all . . , �'L , .,,6 Pop ovu,t, an me- on Sundays and weekdays, takes her ;1 11"_",� ,,,� J-, �­ An', they all yelled " Shlantha ! 11 CigesLive and aaSiUllIaLiVe f notions of eau -do -Cologne bath, and makes a I �,� , I I _4 - - �WL�yeargg,Cdj "I 'L� . � : . ,­ . I �� . P . ­,­ 'L_L. - I � 'L silf made a,,N - oil Dan , —_ Goderich - ,,,� ,.:'_� �171 , . , ,, i �, ,�� -, , ,,�J; ,,- , , as they dhrained-their last glasses. the body tire stimulated.' hasty toilet. She then goes Into her, I ,%'_:""',!,�, . I , 1 I . I 1�­_�,'�- .. abroaA, thdthbil-foine �VO!rfo, wilin . I Forrozono does 'nore The Howell Hardware Co. (Limited ,. "'L 0. :�,�. I � " "I, � -it supplies writing -room, looks over her letters, STURDY & My Business � i . . ,,�� ;.: '': - . we essential to t . I L, " I ,tile elements that to . I , th' tempUrAiliure-Wilis . ME81I.F. Vt., -and takes up the chief ne apers ". JL' , , stfirugglin' to w I ,�L' , � '�' L, �: , P - rebuilding.."of the body-supiffles tile of her own country and of th"T %ill 1'� ,.,� " L , , , "' ; .11, � I Ll�` I � kape out a'v,"tha �tllb sfim6ldn' ,, , � . reconstructive 'forces Lhat contitibute tals of L - THEAROCERS C, ol lege linve proven to the many people who have I'lleady been btiying tha it ' I '] ' �L � : .. " � ,�� ,� 0 _ Europe, the main features of I � ",'� ','�, ; F, REVIVE OUR MARKET. to the formation of He b, fed blood .which havii been previously marked , pays to look allead as if) One's probable wants, as bargains like *1 Ose �,,',: . �11 - I ., rl I;- 1� PiODe OV pace*, itAlkjrlo�'­Aw, spa kin I - . ' T�011 see, FArrozone doestill, tr��t It by a secietary. At 12.30 o'clock- she GR 0R0%,*!y'T0N, l"Iti,wil.m.. I I 0 . 11 I , ", , 4�! ,1 . .1 I I r" 0 , .� ,,� " ' . . -,t - � - ", I I I � � ' ': "'! L , . I nin-it, remedies a eittiae,and takes breakfast with her husband. and . . __ __ __" I . , ... � . ethlrog Every Person In - Odde. I �, ", - . .� `,"11'�Ii" � �� to wun anuthuri,whiti th,,.quest iun so. 1111'"p, 0�le;Vll Me 110t lliCl�ed lip VeTV OftLo. �, , ,I ,!� t , - I . that, by 11, luilaith't; tre. . —.-----.. ­_ -.-- . ­ . . . ,:, 4, I 'i L 0 'All 0 -,-Our ' ttrinent will t1le . : ,� " " �, : .01104". ` t , rich Is' ln�ier, "' i'�� ,',,� �,,� , �� " �av lible stites!'Otop absolu chief membc�rs of her household. I 1J 'Lk1*1i -, I - L, .. I I 11 . "ted In. � " � L'L' " , ", I . 1. . . — ,r�L , . . : �: r,�, - moinds I I � . S. ., ;, I te"V reollove eve" vestige of re'. Front two o'clock on she -is at home It � ­- I - - ___ -.- _­ ' LL ! . �'%i]"", "",A, 1,� . �. I � , � . f . . . . . cin -ring nervints beaduChe,14.' for the Ministers of State, with Whom . BRITIS" I , ",�,�': ,j; �� 1� r� : . 11'r ' ' . N-oliling like Ferrozone in build, L I 1� . ,�,,� . �,L�� " � . I " Faith," §ez baft "I 'waden't Reference was onatle J Tau she does not hesitate to engage in We oil- , I , "A', , . 6 � �%Llll I(eep J)Petl file i ! -,,�­ , �, ".. . � , . . . STAR you it[), to�jglvo tile reseive of forct� I. I , CANADIAN Ill 1:! �T I ; . '' lk i, ". , � - . , L.- ' _ , , , ��. I '2 )tJr two- -weeks floor to' I lotti ihatlialipT beall.1) . . Ile y arguments if a proposal does � I3tJSINu1;S I , � be morthually sur ised . if afkl M r. NL -I-. receivIttl . . , IWI.,INVS�; � t�Nk, ,�� 1. , pri - rr'Lin . l 11,i, �� "4,:. , Ir . , � t��,.- I - I .I] 6all) � Lhat contributes -1-F TIUI­N'IN(',, , .' I L - I � ,,?....., , ��`� :, �.� .� , " I - - 0 0 oroll, not pleatie -her. -Rinnor .takes, place, .- , . 1, Co't . (JU111 L ", � I - , � I � . , . I Ap � W A logiolio, "asig t dt" `?: to ritte-l'onlil-it-l"i't.s. _*t L .,�"L ��' , 'i� � . . -, � - ,,, 11 11 i .. . . ", �1. th' blackgardin on, Local, P'hUri'L'&Mo9re Ul'gillgd,tin,'LQ��i.t)cY,Vigoroiis I�erroznne will ninks y -on feel lik affair. Like a true Hollapder, her '"" I I g S1.111, nily t mv. i � . ,�_ e , 7r ,�-�4", l tb' mashinury ayi,h ,4ffoliff&V�fiftl�t, effO ' - - new, try it-6old i,y all driogglists in " . M -M W&W, . I �, " �: , , I . � �, 11 � , , '. be turning 'sum )�# � I , I �� At!diess - - 4QP 1420 0 "'. �, I . rt to dovelo�6; in' 1-ket I a% Gode. 50c. boxes. I 'y I � '. j� , ' ' of Datneron "Well it) Illippiness' and e6tt" in� a -rp, and ia an elaborate 4'u�'�� I I I "" 0 - N L . I ,�,� ­ rich' for . it 0 I naiesty goes to bed at 10.30 eve) is �'-�'I"--11 � 1 q1i.;F , % 0 Store , I � : . _ � , farmers' 'produce to 9'0111e- 11 night. I [I'! R. A. FARIA hAlt!;OV, 11 A Pral I ,;, .1, ,� I . . - � � ,�t' L L I I I ____ I I . . _ I - I 4 . ­ �� ,�.. I LL 11 Spakin' llibout fible"46tes " t6z think like what it, shodial 110. Mr. 0am- ' ill, I _ ,I ­ ,� I will rentember Q 11111111111111 �;",. . ,,l !;,�� , � ,ell. W. I "Thorou,-h." I I - I . . �.� , Cot), I I I L'S th, � 061d 4 ', ' t9lme.,.-Grif In eroo,pilinted obt,,-wbat 1,3 *611 known 1111111%ro enaployee of the 0. P. it. I 1111 � I . � ' - 1-1 _,.. . . � ii, tbatL far' mers wh i 11 That has been tile motto which Sir I., I — _.__ __ - , - ___ - � — ­ __ ,_!'� . . tL , A", Z �, , hyk�tir business irien, who was' hadiv injured fly it derailed for the balan ' ,; .�, - car ft cc Of 1his month. �1;11 'J, I . th STHA'R thlit'll ,be 446$iiQ ��a foine - Donald Currie,, who has just aadded 1 4 . .- I � � , I I .. " iss � I I . 4111 061,1 a 'from *here were t the Winghain Salt Works over 6 lz .I,- _ I ��, � �;, . , 'i I ' AsW ' it YleAr ago, and was lanother to his good works by restor- 0 .., , I �,'z­ t, , s,men' effrunt- tog tifig t 'few nil' in Winglignin .. �"�. L � :" ,, �L � llv'; Ing Dunkeld Cathedral, England has � ) Every day the stock is getting less, and cach day the public are finding '' . I 1.� 11 .Iroi§h jig fur hl ' �' ,m. ke h 1" go'-! n and other,'pro- Hospital for IL long thne. L,tst'10rid stuck to all Ilia life, and servi;, to GROCERIES tb.t tuake life worth : " _. L . S� ... ,,, ­ �, " , . "Ill I � 1. ce9t min go, thl Signal' do.. I. tow 2 �a da 'a Jotirney 1h, Y. explain Ilia success In business "I .,. - e say whell we state that we ate selling at . I ,;, A LL I .� ary on th' da n6 half y he was killed by un engine ilin t living and house. ., wit that w( are dmng �vhat W � 'V.1� affus ; two daciintur iniq'iflan I;hirri firtatu'liere, an I d be 8ayq t � ' ""'" "' roronto itinction. He had keeping a pleasure, are always Ill siock at . L I "I ,�� .1 - ' I �1. , 11. r I . b2, . ,,,'it . over -time and wits on did eve'rything I was bid as welf as I .. . I � practically whulc%alc priccs�, and often less than wholesale. tf - 1. � ain,t to be fbU6a_'.6i[it$Jd could," he said one dar whoelattalking . " - � , '. �." - '-.'� e, rs,t r I 1; - t'., . I - I , . ,' � I I I I LLL I e , I I . ��' 6 to 11 r f - 0P It . �`..... " 4 : - I � , e,, ,`W4Y:8hOulat this he, 'with ou� ihil) his road homeg about elotenat night. of his early days. S D d was STURDV'S I . th � h.. , "I ,,,, , , , .. L .� it MG, tAnadia can. %tlegf, two P144itayb and I ships. and at school We have eterythitig for tile Household, . . 4 .1 �� I ghallery av 1VIq , A�4 nogfok6litleS that very (6W40vOns in and it is supposed Ite tried to board always fond o 17., .1 _111­1._­� I ... _:, _ I the pilot of an elngthe or a ride. It r .. I .1 1,�.. t� �, � I I Crustie, he�'hQdg a tesaxvid[,,��t6: A *At0PVv-Y- 681 e9 101 6100t0to .road being abla-k; was the proud possessor of a larger i .. � � - ,�, : . , , coming I.? Should Wer-latif be !allve 0 be Ituav have slipped and I c , 61lection of toy boats than any other and flIw23's zuarantee the splendid cout- I .. ­� . I We offer your clioice ill Rex, Mic- I . , i � .'' '.. - mia,h. , . fell,on the tvadlig, the engine pasting _ 'L Fancy Lamps �.,, I on th' :fruni 'i,6w,1".niXt.­J&e �oy. When he left t;cbqoI at the age ,,, ..; � I '1� . . 1� . nebest I bination of "I � . I L:�, � : Jo L uterdoter Is dl.tliensi�ftlld Ja'DPL ovei his bodf. forightfully mangling it, I ... ;::. Mac, Salyard's �pecial and Spauld- � A . . � ,,, 1 7_� 0� ,4 '111 Faix It's not.'kt&kd­gibJq­` Me to the front and sto cistantanectus. He leaves of fourteen lie at once went Into the .. ­ Regular $ 1. 2 5, s pec ia 1�j 5�. I �­ tid "4r, , I L L � � . , the leak ? It 4eath being 1 QUALITY, PRICE, PROMPTNESS. - . . . I ' ' _: : � a dry .there were a sullal ; OL,10, yoO,pock(k d widow and four children. shipping business. and after fouir. Good Butter and Eggi; k ,.., . illg Hickey Sticks, regularly sold at Regular $ 2. 50, speeiaT S i.'7�. �_*,, 11 why. 9 - . � � PAPill"WO-41d be Kerb all your o -oban e was l9ak. . I 1�. ... ,. , � '. L tollilb, L, tit' . kink oflj�,J tLiollik you I - y9ara ,with the Canard Co., started' always wautoii:� _-7- - - . - 1, .. . . 1. � ­ letting thim ould � , J,j ' IL - inw. Atopg1t, very, L � . . . ­-Wc 411d 75c, YOLI'� CflOiL:e 35c. Regular $2,cocl, special $1.4o. .7, 1 , s woul� his own Castle pailing-ship service I.' , ­ L 'i '. L, �� I . � 1. ", ; J J - �, I , - I .quickly. . STOMACH DISTRESS. .. �.:.. ". "". I. . : I '�- .. I ,. ., --�, . � .. - " , 1� . 1, their confi4ericiet, . 4 I I between LiVerpool, London and the I �, Boys' Sticks, regular ioc, special �� . t L", . .6', , . ,� '' 'r I ", I lest, we want a ukatket . wIlvo far- � East Indlea. . C40 " . --;-� J . ..'al.. �� 's 1, I r .all their Sturdy & Co., qN Horse Blankets ,* f .", �� '6. d scran t AhiM,"t lure 16uld, Moto can bUng produce tb And all Misery fr I 7c. �� � .... I , I � om Indigestion � � , . �. . . . to Ba I 't i rk'g 6'Y'' , "e" � I Voll )of, f tho week, and Davidson's Mishap. - I . .L I . ime Grft'cdti gl I - Wh` ceirtafirl-dayiI,n Vanishes Five Minutes Later. Dr. 'Phone 9r. The Square, Ooder!ch 'THE HEAD OF OUR LADIES' siior. Skates GooU, large Blankets, well made, ill .,', cip�t Parlimint in , L , �WeSf' Hdron ,�,'�-IgeZ w,herie the houlidliviveb. can' go and - - I I The Archbishop of Canterbury met - with hold -on strap. ' .; !" IL ,,, . , . I dialect the beat b . h an accident at the h -- � . . I r ­�,-,, 11 utefiv, freAtOggg"Pota- Wit department Ims gathered n rewntkahlN Hockey Club 50c, Special 40c. Regular $ 1.7 5. for $ (.40. 1 . L Billy. g L ", � - ,;'r; �,.. 1, toes', vegetablbo. and eve Ouse of the - fine collection uf foot 3L .r �, � , 4 , L" , ,gy0fibig they Every family here ought to keep Bishop of Kensington a few days age. wear for I I 1, �dX LZ " I It uur H. Bol(er . . some a . I ;, � - 11 Be. JapOM'ill. . � O'h"' gi.ti require Without; tb�fntorNrdtlbe of the WIntop Top to Opionso itian. 4th Inspection, I " "I . . I k. � t ww pepsin in the house, as jitiv He was descending a flight of steps , regular $t.25, spec. $I. Regular $3 00, for $2.50. , I I . . . , " enuff to give� k 'ma,6,�WL"Anthari grocers' or -merchants' rofit, which, one qf you. may have an attack of h;. Whill. leaving . Regular L -;. '. , ad L ed on. for Lambeth Palace, li ill I 11 ." /", . TitIF MOST CORRECT STYLES H. Boker Perfect, $3.40, for $2.9co. 1't I phecthorus to ,se�l ih would naturally be X This disteation or stomach troultolle at any and apparently thought that he had ,/ bta . I nickel plated, i Horse Covering, regular $2,00, 1 . I I . . , �l I ' 600WS AV' May take Away sonle trade frool the I , I .--. . ^ , , I ; � 7, 1 ? ( ,�;, ­ th' STAR antit , special $i.6o. ., ... , glude except the inferior, whil:13 we (1, I 1111A t" "'re' 'e. tatir,glii4fits and butcher / � '*�' not handle at all, . �, ed"Q,f crow grOcel time day or night. 1; ,� are fully reprerenteft tit bitorn ot eve, V reg. $1.75, special $1,40, , V461 *, ft . reached the bottom ate when there / ,� � , p , 11 _,r ,,,,, , so but .Thia harmless preparation wili'di. was still-_*nother. He made a false r - � , ... , . I at this festiVe �§e��Ojj,4 � b 4' 011.0 "lust oal*"Yao keep fro� 'nallid' tbs gest HillYthirlit You Pat and over . step, and fell, receiving It ST'RATPORD ,"T., . I . if vou are fit sparch, Nickel -plated Crescent, reg. $1.00, 11 ey"Vio �, Ome it a, so ere I I i I av us had Welk godso , 4vii heot,intorestis of out town gebefally, -soup st6lylach to lbs. Nails 25C. �� I I I I y, - , ' I 'and I ddot`� think those handilog bi five lillpatisal afterot'vArds. wrench to tile left leg. it has not Thib School is one of the lar;Wat in of R Christ'n-'Is gift that %kill Ile useftil ns special 75C. J �', I I I 11 Itter , oil, or tile Province. well as attractive, you will finfl tills sll(,e I ... "I, ashamed a V � 111110103" th' S1941' R04 69kos Would IlaVe any k1ok, for sat If ,vourmealls dont teolpt, V yet been diagnosed whether the tetk- It is noted for the tho- 8 (only I lot, customer to not . � 11 , � . . ' ' - I It '01Y being Incittlicastomers It you. . . I what little you do eitt seems to-il don has been broken or only gtrained. roughness of its work and the success tore n decide y eco"otpical place at Nickel -plated Advance, reg. Si.cici, cliange arouod). IF, � shud be, an' they"Ve I6.9t1'h"`Jl,4tegt would Out , r purchasoug, f� I �' - I I , fgii'A-AV th"Co, to t6tvn. naturally they or lays like A lump, tof lead in Vour ofitsatudents, Thteedeptirtntents- which to (10 �0,!l 11-1.7 11 sympathertic , . mmor0ty, h -Bah, � special 75c, Y ir k . - - would sell stomach, or If you bav�!_kmr0t3rP-,- - - , , ... , ... I ... . . . . C01IMERCIAL.,11109THAND, TELEGRAPHY, - Large Galvanized Pails at 2Sc and ... - �,,,, - � I , .��41�� -- k , .. 11 I , I it I I � ialiri­ ,bad" � I - r43VUT-it��!-�--,�,�'�-.,.:,L�;er�-1"�"-,t,.��,',-��.-,;:�-.",:�,"�� ,.PAOm,ito'g.ft,.Ptl3er-,iv,iso�-,.,�,-,.---,,--,,titnt,iyj,."Ign,vhffdlkYatrort.- Glin Rut Ii. i � , WM. SHARIIAN Nic el -plated Peerless, regy. $1,25, 30C each, , , , 1: ", .. . , "". ;� ' io one o t o delegates Our graduate-; are in det . .. :,tent to the Sbuth African conferencer which College teachers an well as special Si.cio. , 11 , �` Beg-orfA., ,,Y,Ut X . 'Tito nott thing too list have 18, A Ask your plint (taist. for n nuttiness 11and as 1. reg. 40C and 45c. ! 11 I , , 11 recently sat at Durban, is the e ass stnnts. Get our sit 4gri ricent OODERICH ; , ,I "', , , case bf"Pape's DI pepsin Aad ta k one Poch. offic I q .�'orl r T ,Vt We have a good assortment of , " ra, f�rfaetis, grist mill. Sri Whili its haVd , , : ain't yet" SeZ tiari;,t:,,((-��fiy �dld - the'Proluilite,of Ono in UV "" (attire, tt4&ngille After Sup r tooll � Bull of -ELouth African politics. Ile I ( atalogue; it is free. DOMilli0o $2.25, special � I .t)o. - Varnishes, Lock Sets and House . I i, 1- I , I � .1 ye up th" W4 I . -8 ­ t I I I ��' ; . 09,alv at ey , 30t rest on -our otril until we will be no sour Ing f was one OT the "bitter -enders" Auring -_ - I - I I � I � I )6and4tions starting. I tYndIge9Ledloo&tfilXett Avith 0,6i 0 the late war, fighting to the lait, and 'A . -1 �, , I I � I 1. 13r ta . Iteot Itts riskgs, no 0614 There - Frqmings, all it special prices. I , i ( adyt - guse iflat' . V6 ��stftolel. iu� 6 � . d,,no ELLIOTT & Mc , LACHLAN, Prine's. I I . th im � . wer inult '408 to. it Oat no grain sto . � - "-IS R Th e I W9,11 $4 00, s;TC Ill $ 3.40. I!, , 1� I " ris ooa�e� :�riiti rnabiliges or heartburn, fulIllbigs or. has now become Attorhey-Genera), __ - WIT NIVII'kN ellable I Automobile $5.00, SPe,'i3l $4,00. Ready -mixed Paints at Si.25 per �, I 1, I . I . At this prisint minit'Vit k, tb4t il" b0ft Is 90169-th have a monopoly of heavy feeling in tile stomach, bruises, Minister of Education and acting __ , � . I � ould1the Arain trade here, ____��­­_­ I gallon, regular St.(5co. , .:, :.. "I' - - � - .t� ,�,, v, � L" � I . 4 . , , I V ft is, how,detri. debilltatidg headaches, diziflnoss o; mmmis8foifter of police in the Orange 41s.—SHOEMAKER I . , ; , , ­ . taime %041L Vt& NISIZ.11, 114toubo:-.1 , � "Ilboattit to tbe-towns he t filtefietittI, In't8stimild g0phig. Thli will all.go, River Colony, �� I I . I ' .' L ,0 I ,or ,h(�ice (,f Granite 1 va and Farm Tools and Implements and I I I , � �, , SeZ CQn ; L" 00 ,tfi, r 0 an4untUtfilkis4rttliedled we cantiot nridl, hosidell; the e, Ill be � Iii I ,,, Yo : *,� �/ , I I , Wee,$ av hcipdf,jreal� gi�e tresultb,� li IV 0 g 1) andREPAIRER (,offee Pots, reg. - I I I � ur I i�� . " I � , �st patriek t1d, Wit 1110 grA86 400t stv 4 . food left1b "It Ili the litutuAch to polacin I SUM L 35c, 40C and 50C, art'Lles t00 111.1merow; ft) mention I I I . . Whitt 18 this vatiall; at tb6 statowev b y6hr lifeat-twith h0algens odors. ;;; L I ,. ,.7 'that ould Zitit",61,dir,cal,s�,�Ahl't'se,if th': i'#4ot`fdIty9A0 tOW5 ftA16§1 We fifid June 1111Y end Augusi leade Hhrnllton St.. Goderich. 1 SpeCial 25C. here, at special prices. I I V I . I _4 " I ' � , 1. 1*4 618 flilhpopgift tit it certain ctif,6 ' into -our Fall Term with' ==1�==___!___ __ -­ - -­ I ' - ut . . � ', . ,,� . Iskrd tu pay that tolitt,. L'� �. ' I biirb � Vital , tbd req!04_,.ha�vo htillen, f6tvalitch oulsory, heeittlee.it will 4 ;[(IV breatilt. Enter ntiv Ii 0 e. I .1 ., �L'­ � _� 'I LIVER COMPLAIM" - I -, I I thing L�'difll,'a,ivlty�'g #0 I " �� I 1 .11 OU I I ­ . 1111s 1`61w ��.VO,Wud'bb 4110 It is )illboiit, hets.eatuttly 1A hold of, Your food and digest it The chief office of the liver is the sticre. Niiw CAtillogue fre'd Wan , . % �. " I - -- . I I rl'� 100 to; keep aurad tholid to Iti6k aftok, _ ' i� i Zell , I ". I , *�-slltjre 'tit orl!'v4partim,01 Y4 for tfib town to �hy� but of t1leir owif L Jim t1le AR1110 as It Your Stomach tion of bilp. which in 4a itiolturill r6golator for it tod�y. rite ANALYTICAL CHEMIST TELLS Of 1 "� L . I I , L L rA I it WAtin't there. I of the bo*ala. - sit 6L ! Eloctii, Light Bllk',;, 25,, 10 afl,l I _. p.. ;lsy)tti­J,'$2 C.) per J() . " ' . V ,. ' obt Illy 001d 461fille Grlts,' 1i ils, thfifi. -ft 'alue 111hi-ko-t,w4w riglxf-# thb � WhiShever tho Ilidr lobcom d - ' :, 11 I �4 . I I I 11 , �fbnlpf ritillef int, nil �Iaour " PATENT MEDICINES I 4 . � 0din',Ain't Wey kindrud 0,1Athjafj§ t0_*n'W6JItd bei enjoyl �1� Aolurdv'p 'it CENTRAL BOOM COLLEGE L I , , le I- , . I I . , , . I fig it it v it jr,91", - tind the bile ducts clogged, livbr ofirnprint, TonoNTo. I — , I I I 1, tfi' WhaIC! ?o , � I I ag� OttlInit0h tri fit at yoft phararaclat. � I � I " ' ".; L", tu . 1, sez 0 vl, L . 0*ptoft fruln'tWl" luites,a) be � Vvelting for $Lou. ft produod, and lid tolanitsitsd b:ir the pris'. rnt lar Ceti, t1loiM rellAble A graduate in organic chemistry � � , L L . . . , , , ., I . vso Japutt, 1, 21­00,co' let-, gin't inopey Out ot' the, riji(epa$eleg , 40ieent Onset ed I rotain 96604 91,430tistipation * n under tbs right a� ita kind. a ma& a study of many ol ) L'' . , I I I I - " " ,$Xim 2V "ekete f,jtI,r(tr &J.fiasii, , , 'Theae .larko O t1doit I I W. .it,- oflerin,,, g,io,l pr),t-i on ,,everal stock Ranges InA ficaters to �-� ! I'ffi can O'kit 9tilite swollum. share sovit, thit � w4,tbitli stifildiefit to 0-11110 it case of -, stiollbw "4 r.116", ytillow eyegolo Wt IT. att, tile best-known patent I I 'd hav�Z,6166tfld voad 401koefol, el"algeatiou. MrAy.6"W'toriguostild Ilibidroolle, lit"ift. AW, Principal, . , on . I t1i � med' ines . w - t, states that in-fil I ( Ivar out o ir rovolar %toi. k ;issortment. ,� I 1, M 0 burn, tLandt Y -Pat 010 (I lerrard Ste , Toronto. , the marke y eve I L elitifti, "'­ I SUPPd*tfitV,190r.ted� ttof,Aktht;Q� i0*0'anif verltig up, �tgsa sitir Atatoachl-wout bmil. virtue, but as a ruie people h . , , # �. . -.*-- oaitottt of t , — ., __ � -, _ . , � . thl Signal Wlith'Uii Wu,%,ffljI6e iivthl .AN It, wl��oywlw toollotra. lie* pub. Clinton ifew Era- tnl It he itortul6h) glota. L . -- -,,,,�- -- . ". - 1 � I . . I � tomor$r *I,lk, b# Aur6 toLfthnj Iu# if *,� - i6 1�lvsp dc"I plaaft rmw koctitod by tT ..,t L ! I a �Qt of unnitc9lisary e fien.!,. I . ,lf.lni' I p,gifolq p 4 ___ , — - '--"'-- Same st(ifft, Jkli, shm lltl$ yolmg liftive 4 fillatkot grilln 'I ­� ".77- __ __ � PrIll" "foorilowitig is the rtripe oil a wel'i We 113Vc 3 I'lle of �1, )oJs suit.lHe for Ilitts in our store on the Square. . I UP $40) in Ilia New Tork, foot ftee, vh6sb3v6*yo6hU60 64tfo# _ - I . , ' Gfits they, Are that 'Wilkllt s o doe thelft. J%"d ftholitr I , lose k flown secret pteparation, aw ; I . I .1 walhlw 'It #111L be; boindr liodefa ?610* the filop. Iffifientif 16villo'Aft ng '#bls fr6a, ". : Awakwif tm i as. L � Rat r a ,�. at, in L 11 � I 1 RIV4 . 1, , Wintep Styleg Inowti by authority .A I ftit fa,�eoi lot I J ' "elything Witf"t_' ll(t*rd1rkg`:'L itg hielii' *1fd§ to �kiki rig '&Wn I h4l ba tier � ilish litat *it r h thiii; - Rivai Fell and li to be one ol Tht, B.inkirtipt Sit](, is ill, the n.,rth,%ide (it West Street. .1 N468tL11V Shilft� I *1W#yS hepa. ift Aff,10ft9bit, tht omlooefrl� ime" jAy 20 � 11 I J Ora , e t 181i rofiroltig .r . L �. - 11 . beat stomach and ver tonics. - I I 1: � ibUld t1)im0L�Gljt$ *'US*Vtf t Mllftf aftddibW".'of,1b6 uffl,#, In . AkO fop Of ell t1tift , I ., It on t", � r I I � ,frdp ijS)O8 a prestribed by many of the beat — � I , # 1. 7 L 11� , .1 4;;� .yf,ArK3ft Can . ni - . � IMA111i _1114 _­Ar� , -, "', 4*e0iAtOm". aud­jtfurft I" �l a— � .P-., 2i 1, $ v 41 . , ilrali)�O� , hill 141 . % . 41 is b4ttire cures constipation and I . � ,� . I I �� ng dlititto veoidv, I %Wltovd thkt . 'h6L,"IrlL Thilit IS 0#1#. . The Cildicat Vabrtes ec I 1 jftl . 9, ifig -Agyp � �L, a thiki - fw*, eloottlo I . � The Correct Cuk 1� I ,=s I I ,MU*N";W'� W104,66 cot"I'fig offlic biliousaigs, Tito mipe:- I 1� , "th, - 4 w0da woketi, wi� will tw# - , " _ ,ya"goillip Fluid 1?*ftatt o 1, 'i " jofi�jb Wilg�'Wjft�­*A I �#*V�S'11 foad Abd slid to fodaii e4 Ulf qAten lit tillo Tho 11109t Workn � % whalt-oderilt teunt"hitit. to , teh R664 farililift, to *V,olty Awioolweb 46*p',1wb,k-*§0 111100401 110111116fifilitnt, I ­7!1111PI1111111111114111111� . , Syrup Rblibarb ............. I oz. The Howell I . ,� I 61116 i6ifilltr UjItS Wey hW 10 W0% 0()*. NOW, I'# Itr �not ftrth ji . hilli, Itfoi#g t1cliet 1,,16, , J. . , laid all at sf�ffroob, Prictio at C"Imatlit compbuild � ..... *. I 02. I I . � , I (161 th4ltisf st*,ek40,t, , *1* 6116L Wre thiiiif alf Villft "MftAtNV.#* I - I , I " �h,f 11e#J*�.F0troy4tIN rleoilL It be. 1 4 CoMP6,404 sykup sarsapatilla. 5 02. I . I _ I , 11, *A!,!GIl4NAftb, that , th*.,cfty (koftr1oh to, **V -to *�" "' * ftniot' It 11049A Wek,ths, oerylo #b Ath OM, 1PAW646, JNs*4tA,. 0#t9*rfWl ft 1� if hoi-gy, -0 � 111%,00,10plig Tale AftellOPtionful after eicli'meal N WO bottii% 01' W *04 I ft' now wt M* on Ih , - ' III& twwd*ro*h oina itna,y, batti, I'Viving Awmitatl ,*Itk Rioge "C' t I .. diiiiie. ..At- L I I "01be I . ill k top" t, otifty * , OZ ft 40 d thit. I I I I Ire dosthr 411 ON oyn STimit, 14to It. . id#r;od t otitm & '11% P 1101A authority, who has �� �r. , , Y,0*ft Aid td#d a foltio, I I I I �� .� At thig 'eX'fiA061#IL n*,0011*110*190A , to 0y, )"6fis ' �%",J'­ , " I � 4 � "'a 1 14 U9111144 "r , � , , .1 t1loy t", $ft L 4 414 it, 4.1 . 0 . 1) hiA _ H ' .. " L I � -00gatifftitfilit rnL Lit I a 0 t a a �IrdWP 1,� : L .10" W 1V to 41eh , . � 110*WA600,. TWi idelloil of 'Mar4*1kht, Nos of dinigi hav- 0 ��� I *I. , ill'00111f And b "to ftltdo h illreful, and' scientific study _P , I - V -� � for '14tor '" '"t�so' """t' -L'"', , C, 11 I . " .i 11--4-4 � I #uftieM to, " M4 , I tj= . I of the -ItiVkl V,l . I I - ��, 'ft - ,�,,,,r ,,,,,, ,Witb,. TolWo it 0 AIJ*lJRth'#,6M' At#JL *%Ail. st" 11 I 1r4#69,119 I . � I 1, . .1 I i I T _ � I I - 5z .. I _ .� ly �01. � (W a isow iiii,il, In . JIM 4,101.11 an the kidneys, , , ' rA�Ms, flon"t . . , ,� 'i�__­_ g-l"I W � -, . . ­ - li"Nwl . - 41*,L ft *!!".'! , In ftrtlt *hit# 041"jit per )OVIS � It buld ad IiVtt, Ptonoulloces this I 411 I 4I voft� Coro I It Is _rl" 1 0111111111111,111 po I 81 dill, at, r I " III Joildi"',* tbs , � I M 411 al 1, aftists i* L. VWI 111111! # 114""0410% 'k Isn't Combination. I I � 1. , h" �4 , *b#n it 11(iftlY404 #6 ,'Wp6h,� rii *W,44 � I Ir. * 0 . (_�I:t - 0 1 14 f L I I I . , � . I 64*0 In: 5W baw . . � I . 't t, Lily tite I gliediants to-po C 1, . " . I I I . . I 11 " ` , I , N 11 "�!= i"-`�i__ , L _�_ *4 . ni I 11 f ! , I I - - I 11 11 I � I I r - I .. - . I'll' I ;11A - I 11 I - M I ; 1; I. I � . , � I il 1, I I J I 11 I l I �1 " , � , , � 1; (I I I . 1. _A , r . � � � , ,. 9 � ) 1 ' � 0 0'' , , 4 1 wito "Alto" :, 'r,obutm astv. tit I , & I - . I . " I . . . . I 11 - I 1. "I _ � , I � . I . . . . I "' " I . I * I I I I -��' 4i A ". , I � I L .. � , " , , � . 11 I , . I I I I � � . I . , . 11 i6mokot "a SlIt" k, , � I I '1� - I � . .1 � 4, .,�, " � , I I 'I. I 11 r.- - .. -1 ­ I I 1. L . . . I ;, I � , I , " I � , . L , I I - I � 11 1, I �� i I . .k-'111` `-I- I � I I � I . . I �� . -:7 � - �L I �, Il.. It . , ., . . 11 I . I 11 - - I ­ �. L, . '. i .1 - . ,� . " -A-L . I , I 11 . I *1 � � I I : � - , & ,� .,#**- - - 1. #1�1 , I , - - L � I - � I ' r I � I . I %­__ i, #1 s. _ �,, ___ - _____� .-� 'i" ,-_.� I ,� 1,�� , , 11 — _.. 11 I ------ *VT— -_ ­ .- - , I % I __1 I A&LJ�L 71mls;p �2 IMIK�_ . .. I -.A— — __.�