HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-01-15, Page 3I I I -.4 z, - �0 , . I I , '... . .
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I 2 Kdar, , 0*A90ist r GA"4 T%* w1h *Ad � aw#*Or *9 I 00W Ali $4.10 M" ix = rX � 4U"t4. I 1 5 1 1 oxoudivoo. I'll U rissilly *Qiolt, to
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YrwQ*g.,,,^ To, 11 404y ^tV morry Will , , I - �
t -: IFINO TOM do b. "P(Wt, ,
__ V tk� Vro"446bg ktbar^" 11 U In "Ifiro t* 0**d,4QWsk tq, A , ,
11 Wks $or 3"ilfW1i,s,T4ri -.4 , #-;
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� hli ; 0 mw , .04, 00, tr**w , Colored hu" -
, T"a U 04 � 'hom aW hot - or~ " " �^ miud, A* 4 �PVIY to t4o iholo'Pr4yi* * 14"i going t4 =&rrwll T
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. W I# 40, utou I n )w WAV 004viusaa tbAt *" �oiow ,*"tti � , .
I'= vat,s*611,� #C I A". 4_1� iconsid4red by- 14w 00v9V4044,11. 4 1�t.lk ft�. - , "W,o
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=, = by, Mrs.' oai,W401, Ititat her �bas. U.00-4, for Noi,ItN , , ;'Id JA t** m4thiotls" kouox� lot *14%A 4 , I � - � - , .1 � ,
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I � I "iTowpOw, I 14 MATA 0 -ii""""". A 0,00mout � whoat - AM 00 to -a I t*, rroi,o"" for = �rai'A W40eIR4, W 1lA,-W0u0ur4 Tbwri W4 11� W041 ii I 1�p R M
I 1 With Part of 61111t to U* 0. I *oilking. wuitm., age 00L Polfii6, , - r.
. " I -1 .VortboAq AW A,& 0stotf ohlou vtalps, atls '640d r I ." I , � '0,!,, � 10 .1 , - . . I ,, � ,, , I -
" *_Zalorl ko. ---Th*.0 wil'jp ,
1, -.-:--*- �� .1�0 *ft*ft*" W I . 01 bilk4i's sisoot i�*t%44*&14 of , _j4k, $ 1, Z. X�, , hably *ith- W -
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I I �, t1s#J,.ol*Mqd�',-0f*_,JM . "norli lot at, #AA4 ." I * wost Virginiao r a Xortliisrix,04OX4�. "WAli, buail OffuT - ''. ' ;' (JraW ,� bJ)tf'r*�.6'f*Mr_:'XrAA, ' , truth -- - - , I 1-11.1.. 1-1 _,.�,, i � ! I . I . I I
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- - I toly 40"a -W *Zpwlt - 0140-7101f, tbO: h0ttibl#'m Jawilia iorm . 'ru'm , , to-mintiters-i 7;0 - I , � ,
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0. - s_ - Rr- Gnu = 16Z Wl,.Vo� i NqAho �, - The,� ompf'ro � t I "_ I _. �__
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L , --ig, *- a$a; 1 The Vkysiliitixor .. Ar Vo , - ,� . ., I
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, . I 'jjjha�j� at i'l.1% � *11 L3r!4., , � 1. 094, hiw rotaik- -to. itol xiqut, 11i '41� for'Amoi, , . .p."" q0 �. . � .
1. � - 'VOW4 U I*r ft - urost .Pf turos.. of the orlr* 0 the XulUrlr, tilif Ot" 0' #Ial,- �All k ' ' - 10 , , , xlts"A4490,ii- hotmo,with X B-t0iiii,44A voiol dq� I , �.L'
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� , X . I t , 4�. ,:Rghlo sorvitt . , I
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-, L '� , tOr,of-tho-lit4o-aure�4,-'*Iia,this , rn.�W--Avo, , A, new, i';pals. �u --a, 4 , a c -A Tatog t6 040 XQlAtA&I'.%A4 '� ' ;*iA41t'h.#r01A', lk�7 ";4 'AfkoVJIA�q ' I W , . � �: � Tiow*i Tho4sh -A1,040oh . .� , I ,
- OarmkbW of Ad*zrs ojjs� svispiclous - * , .Ktir,� , ' ' , . - r*, rillovs ot � I
, I __ I 1. �'. "Roy. Jhhli It. . . bout 'Mr4 ; ',O - 'ZiL A te, � 0, -4 .-,-t,,- 4-L,,a,.I-a�'*titlli�xai,-W--�.I y i - ove Ago I. it, roll"6*44a ,
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. , VA'' AW �. , , � 1. I . I -
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. I M44 wllor.lrai at Ord 4up tus, ,"Xq lWiW4*,4- X0,, �%, red Vih0r _.e " il ftt . Qsrxiiy*.L.� - � ., !, I L W0,04 Suomi 4.4*0 ois", . �
� ,. - poxod to cArmiollool , , also i4i'd t tfi I ' . . , � .04 'y� Vol �0 J;0 , . r
.1 ... llii**,I�� kU1o4Ai'sMA*bor;o4;AAd u4ballid ww 14094y.ina . I � �.'' . TA%� L . , � I . . orr � �.
�1. �', ,.� . this , �, '"'Wrei I 'us , " . � W ou4ido'- , .'I,,- � - Wo'-bit.r. ", 1, �: - e*pol � . 0 . 045 1 1 .1 I
� " * " - .0 I 0 uldL YlotA I,tk$, ', . B r I �. � Pa., ., . �
olt.044ut4idff�.j'0101�,, .Jidi�dgt liMc are r4aff* ),fit* Aov- ":04mit ^0 A440ty, U461104 '#'Aft , . , 1% LlaWltZer- A dpopato.tt frot'li I ttaburs, '. I
. , I � , I I , I I , r ldvoo't,ko golt' IJOXK '*IL�h M*: '�4%' ' A: 41spatoll 'from a
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40101 ff'op � chiffan " -
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A . , , - I .
I � I �A, �PIA q . Qvl!lrl . � .dolo - - ._ - * I
, I I , �, . . . , , 44: to: . Cape,,, ro. 441 ' ' , . W. Or% -f,; -.", 11 .
. I iles,4d;l, � ers 1% _. I'V, ;�j� *g*' p9pu 4L;,,,, r .; :' -114 1 A "A . 1, l!k _ .11'. 0 'ouroh A 1, h4a ,1A 0,44
. - - , arifl &pp.oiroW$'bvQ4dIA0 oV � to' , 'I , . - _ �48%x-4* 04c
. . I . n htir;;d: In, �w ,,, ofivj�;,� tw Aight'liefdro'bo � - xa�,` -1, wwhloo� 41torn'-043 I , laind sa, -Du n
-q., th � bi;ol � , , 00A-01044 .0 , t 0 � in 0i � Qla divine iferviolo 114Y
" ,�l , IF - - .)Auxdor , , , ,qkt I*, � �Nl ro8st, 11M �-, � !r -'I. �44Y#s,L "'I'd laxo_i4 . . . . . A- 7 4, ..
t, I .494 40 4 _ - 0(i Woo, 4A Ld*dd$.
. I ,Vr.., " ika 11 ,, * I -'� ., I io, � I ,,,, � "O"wr, 11
__,__;��,, I , 1-1.1-- 1�1. . X ug,'A* 4., "i'W - ___ "----- , , I.,-- 1.111.1 00"In , , if'-pat"�w , � ! , I " ur. -1 ,
- , o. 4 A m 'oTer 0, foot ta t ..'' , '. 4R.'' !' 0 Wohtfs!416� .4 'L., , I lurt#r 0 1 0411tvillo. )L **
�*-v N �4.in&� "�L' . I : , ��_MTOIJ*.;�AVA_9_ "., I - �, " .
� - L I 'S r - �� XW;Ri, ,ii,.tm",*,�-worol4w,!-Wq-.�--,It--N - L'" a I " An. Are, I u ... . -11 J J,P ". — I
" � -"-,i- r_,___tB*_ W tai � 10 A4-011ari coo- Ai -- .,. - �A t-�6ro 4� Wd 0 _� . - AMi, *A4"VWLXA W i"MA 101 . � I I
I I . 1_V__1Wr0`r0 I to. 1) I ,,,It 4 -ti k ,
, � . .. � A110 XRf4;R' tT 671 I .
. . weighwis""', ore, 1% 1 poum c - , A was 11 XW-1 , 0 T; R1 .it "-V4l1"4%0*-,*t, P o.t 14414V OOAUWIA� I AiI , 6ol: vorship Oro, 0, the r . rao- towns tit Ors -ford. - 0AMO'' 0 . �
I I . c 'too!' 4 "' 000s,'-patsp 41%* -.*A' _4�,%,-��,: ; , uth, r. 0 ,. "__ �%�
I iiaita pori� - L A , � 0. in � 14A sud- 000 11
. LXO, I _10041) 4�q I V_� Y.- - oouliti4 IcauNe Of the prolval ..
. " tronitouit offort# to, U or, da�lf 44s:.�A eforo, 1 the � mot . - 1r, 4' "11671r_ � �, !7 winflibo taWtuty-threerA4 04,fro.th $0)qr"A,��Cothprr (14 ucklArr"slix9a V.40Uors of%TVQOA� .
� , , ov", . , �r.,,:�b __# I �ib , i
. �. IM - . 46 , " Ili -, . lie, j�od_ " �-AJthj4i#a fisole a* 040 .. ..
, , ipotifo, for the 14104010A, 0 [r., pprWohad 0 , .70'a L 4 N � iali, Owes, al" I:Arov �
., J;iko,�'Port.sc' - - '' ,
l , , , � , 10* � � 3,194 9019 . #461100 , � killed Oi lujurell. I
" -, . # i 001 " - - ;, , Qrvlq,,� , - He,' did not, iotiqlo tho, aloud 41ikt, rqgAti "I
, tha jc*04tar br (hQ.,L PA414 I Ir -� .; I , V 'Mory, 00, in I ,at; Were ., I
. I � . . * -sq.-, if 00totLik,'t, 'OW .-� . . � tlo,u 9f fo do. � - - - , I of hydioph4biw in the wostoru Part 11
, . ; , '. tar�,,*ffiri Poo , . . i , I 1, ' - of -flis 04to.;Al I L
. Ir , I... � 11 D co ..... �..Jrx, Aqw, � I'd L - ", '' , � , , ' .. 1'�'.� ," 1, ,, �Iy. �4flklt, -4 "I I , , Mr 'T 0, "441144QU ug bio. pait , � over , hewildicift p#xiio prevailed those wo*Aq �1'1
I -91 ol, �', , '-with, I. raided' topll,' . id, tha� P $ at , I �
. .j JIMS I ,,� �,:.R -9, 1"qr . � 41pior B � " " .!: I 'is ,� 4 � and.priiit k . ., 0 1 ap. '040,004 Pork t4o table Aud ton f9 4 4 lijbiffer'tatough the
I ", %TAX , michnal '.4". � 4jifeiv. - I . . �
4114S �h Ii . a i , I " I I . _ka,�, "if '"I.(j'. turtoide l.X4. -pliptu V'J.44'444 - . r � with . I
-1 ." -1 -baii, , _ F � -1 ' _ _ . ., � �_tp! toint,64"frain agent-vt thel. 0 rh ; W (V 4 * .1 �
�,:� ,,� "I I I , ._,lA. . ho, t , - - I .. dogo, ovel 'to. he . aftocte .
I tro I 1$t�-�Olai I-, � : �� * A - - a . I I ap on earthquake . ; I
. ,r ' On. I I , . .
'a. � , "! ,: � on ��� L 0 4. , t
': � .. - . 3 <tra� atr 4,3Q iiidl_$�'.' 410''410 , , I w -wV-,0t*-#F0,Or"v4-- - " to ,ZontrOJl.tJf4._tM rstilem'. Doak Ate b0og, Atqt�,
� , .. i "' 0 , �, " ol4th U41i , 4 , __ :: . "
'; r �: 40 ho� oar 4 , . � I " i* . :,� , of --,F -V, ,h64&-%ke#---wh151r1% d---_---_�.,
I , P POL41i � 11 11 ,. I P.; : I .. 11 .11 .1 , - I - .1 , 04rtiAOAII 'AINO - a -Jb",I1*ga_AL1tUM .
� �.. .;. � __ .: .�. r',
, "" . 04jAde- - Kliak!"oolors.4 .% , - f ,,a vil 0 1),Y� , � : ",
-, I " . � 1. I � - - I.., O.Alp 4547.0 �10. ,It'. I 111. . I f.., � 11 11 I—. 0 uaw� the wvmitora'prop, Z , , " - In tl�i�.-guwttnfwtho - _is";15�n -, ,:
I � . . � . . . . . I'll � .... 1.11 L . - y,04
I ,,, ��,,. �_�, ,__ __ , , I.. , , 'd ' " utkei sog
I tu joined him
; , I , .he hall, 11 4 w
.,� � L " �!� ___ , "I — _'", . as 'coor - or, v4lkinK, ifuxtis.� � , �Rep0doi , i� join c ip tbt outcry and every otkosution is being Q�o, , � ..
. 7. , — � I 'N . 2 quoto, �%10 '664- 1,
. ,�� . I I T i, #-'� Q. - I L
I I . , �, r , I .. .: I I I I . . , , I I ., 0 Dmixis of Uck �Wou, 4cou thoo goWballs'.1 loft in we ult$ calmed, After 11 . I
� ... . - � I . %. ., ,., t. . , .�_,�,",� _ , - ... * ty to,
- ... _, r , 1. i. q a., !� � "', '' , � � %lWiiX sho , � , a z . , ( the cQvitaurii � ,;,�
- 1� 4 1 ... �� . 1U. , ,1, .0. '' � L ,, ",", A , ", ', , ' '�Aai k;hiah *,e.rQly; �- -critic zoo Rey, A the sattes drawer hotel'?, " an hqurlfi� *X,;lXtieA1 t A '
� :.�,
, , , , 62LA., , :, _�� , - _`_'_ 0. pe"I .. - 4. to. �: ,d ,X '. " , . ,
. �7,w. wX ,Vp Al Ass� q, . oJ%. �, '.ara,' the rosid6rits o
. I I , I 711", ' , � wfisitor, . �. , ,4 he � to COM-,
. 1, I , , :-�,,`; -,.I.;:', �,,, � t - I L I " 4-4 diffoose from oproadin 'i , � ";�
-1 1, _:., 64,r,�,_t�', W4�rjq#p, -
L I l�, �L, . � , I �, I . . '. � " .11 i", � � I Over, ,14hoUldor, ox. I I atOunq- �l . , .Tdllow� untit 'A4, resemble boota;;- " - FrOPOW4, metliql1v -Ok $5 I, 4, Xes 14t,78am - '11*UW. - � I t a laco extria4titid 411 pmllor`0911�1111iql -ilieg I 1. -.1 I.:
�, �. . I I 1. . � I , I _. �1� I . � I 1, � rr �'t4L_, .Q ., hfigs. .1 � itska pi,n
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, . ! T, 'i , L ,,A
� "�', , , , I ..',T'' " n�` L: 'L � - " I , _0Q,, 01) trOck1k goolls d, b01 corpses, out jy� is believed that there ii� , 4y, has. One �
, 1. I L�� pievint 44,01no Vowlq� Aga , AA1 At 01 , ,. I evil in t at city. ...
I , , I I - � , ., , , '-' Vr6oks d L44NOt0ou'Wa, their � $hsm,"' Jimmy *-*a * lia v I
, Ll 11 alk -,�.,� � � 9WA. - 444,44.0. 9. - , -, ap d �� ,,, .
, ! I., ,
L 4 ,� -11�' , 1, 4. . ... .
,� , . � - Ir I jl� , 0 NX90O.'o �-�, . - - I .1 '_" , - . The Xitk�ip , is stilt 4 niAmbt (11.40% tits 4'r Js oeogir"d. " .
. " I , " ft .-?.. 91 . �i it I i "
? I .., � - QrOjito""14i*" 1 6; ;i 'Xallow' 'kt '6Q0 " ' Ir
, I 0� , .I,- UU , I I . � to � 400' W 0,46 9f Ale AV ON "IN ,, � 1. ,. I � ouncil let I, fla,
� '' 1. , I ;`�, I - . ,' t ootilex *Vqts, . , About 06 house; who 010A Aotpel ir under thetinilmro, 4 1 .
�11 I 1� ' the itt o I astotir Institute at
. � I ��.:', ,�", � � 1�'., ". 1 . . "lk .tii't , The, ii].�'iu,44)iat i's iotod,:In good -, ,�_ *.
, , � ,,,,, � the"OrnAtism, .-Of''t.ho -Avm'�'0'- contro.to amo Atiq '.
�, . -1 : I � r , ,. . W 21 f9 $19 $9- 10, , t 4 ' '11104 as icaddy,for him ' Sixty persons Were badly i , iire,4� Fittoburg is overcrowded with'six- -1
, , �� � .11, , "; � 0.4�, *4 � - � -4 � I 'n Of A Ill slipl:
"� � � �, , , � : � � ", bu ,,, b�t - , . employer. ,,
, " I � _� .1 - - . I I . - blunt-- _____ -to- - illo'cli �__
_ . _� � i i �7� _ti� " , or, bthee _,6@4 ... , � . - , r the con tr WO iii.sle. he t ,�, Tho Ve X jl�%
, �. ��- , �_ ,=.-.:,!- __ I - -- _bol - 1,4#4- W - ., - #ockfi�' I . --- -or _ , _()ok th", ov - coltAlise .pt .
, - _,Z,Z. - ,� ____ A -the chute i vA ab�ouit
.. 7�� ,� a��`�,��. � " , I L I I itiss"12VAW . k . .1th tailored 00-W too.n dan$eraus- patilontsi- and- -
" , #0 -
r ' � 1, t � L I . L , _. " T, .e . I � �j !�;',' I L� ' " L , , 1. j� '' I � �, � .- ! , utittiorio eoutinuo. to 6rbo,m,ent oncy will'ba ib. * I told him to mo.0 q4ulled by the tivio4worgillors in twouty are waitin to come in. - I 1;; �
1,�;, _.� I ", I � . t . I . :.." I . . . � . � araqutif links.." � I
1. I
. 4.,M)A - . Z I _.� � � I. I'll, . . i.4 - W. I ,I I .L ,:1 I -1 .�. I �L gow , � t . � I Or v4ment to t o, 4 or . . I I . I
� _ � .; ;� . A 11 � 11; , � � L , LL e r '.1 . 'r; a t with h! th'suntierOVOurid"PtOW08 way" More ths 9 �
:",.. � Ir :,. :�- �,`�- �&;Qw , lions 4 li ,;, 1.
" � * , , : . I , � . 11
,�M�11 ?.Ii 4 ;, �: 1'. , �, , I �,., - " . . X . Qr . " � e 40-04 i's of Dbiffou virod, ,a ha a
, , �� 1411 . as . 77 � 4-Upw 4. 1 tho L S erior corporii ion the doo iaji�oted coti le .
wll . . . . . . - � ,r� I - I 611�' -.1111.1, , � - L � _,��,-.,. �to.,� ,the boe., I a __; ___-Ai__ 04 4 . , , , , � ! : 71i
�__. _ � ..... -11, .1 h ei Over I 64 , *4 is , t di; Man
", - , fl.'Sa * - I _____ been Ultton,UL tbo, last ton 9ya,
��:.� -�� � I I -z f - 4 -7_..,:'T'L'.- -g,7,.': . '..., , .L -Xji �VVAAJI W-valu � .
" " -� � , "A " I . 0 j. I '. _7_:, 1 .... ;, � �_�� " �s I - . �p&;31%7- 'd , soo, ' I d At. -Cle - . . � � 11.� -
- 00 -,., olqq$., gi ,1yl:v -'-&- I � . -PLAK Pul
_1:�.��,�� " �e .11 I , '943". arg�, r ;,J�Ai.*g'.4"Iargo� -4_ 1, f"t I , -_ . I X � - _" I ed.
1, - I I , y I. I I I �� .!? I #" ,,_' �% . � rry R]i . .)or K4 I 5.� Irene Wsua',�, a Wellaii ", � . s ro whili I ktryei. in three counties haviii been 1;1. '.
�,, . :, I V ,V 1, � c ,
,�,� ,, - ,, 'r *'gove .,411 - �nq of%fkv;TA&y-!0o0411 .0 $2, to' $2 59 at'. , griattop uad, I i I 901 was I to 0 My,' Rai . _.� �' i
'' , - . .1 - , . , ,Be&As,:P4rn �wiu girls are wonting. prin�. r* Brantford Dentist Takeo It is said that many persons are , - , .
,� ." -�,� �,:,-, ." ., . , I � I VV ...
- � � � , - affio'. 44
,. � � , "I., - - � J tst,Aor, "o :kTo ft Prim tiaved from drowning ,
r.- - I 3 I J, $h , to � t � �. I act i 0 . Brc Boo, ihey to t a
. �
� ,,� �,�: ..;'. '. "�� t a theJumper order.. . _ ..
, ft 9 OTAM _n'$htLH I Donald U( . ..
, I I -0. l 1;1 All 090(X antf, so �1'' ,4,lid hona I. " � ,J.011&nt, manner by, X Iv, I . developing rabies through halving � �. ,
1, I r � 4'', ", , . .00ke . 11 _00 to 1111.� T a 11 ored - skirts have, ride, after she 10I him *a wi I I., �,,
. . , � � '. I - had broken thr, I , �,,
,:,,'_'!'.'. "',.".- .- 00�4k,14110, _tt 40 ... . kiosed one who was affected. , �,,
,�,144Y..DO,�,?Ai%40,�",t)y�,gavil1g, A , f-�-'bft4h , ', ' - -,, .1. narrow Aii =41 Ougk1 ss, how eart white xhis, saw Mr. A despatobL-Irom-Br&nAf-OLr-�.6,&YL'.-- __......__...__ -_
.. -_ 'Ji#�-'44014 - . - , ' '240 r - the im while - Rkating. ,- , I - -1- -T
�11:.�Ilrl � --- , - i - . .,tl. 11 _ �� __ �_ ��,. -wido h#Vk_F
11. . . -�X. - AICQA�PIVXJ; "r oml�j � - -��- �$ _0,� � IJF� -
-:;��, 08 A i Ali , V�aty' V 116 L '_ _� 4on a ;_ . �.
_ . . , Aw W - ,�.. "�pra q . r" W,XW'y_'104 42 . pa 8 are made to uwatip The Board of _'_Rroviii 1111,11 I Ong U, I
,-�s,�, �,,�. ""4 �i, so f; . �,4 w"?9W -I , r i ," Dr. -W, F. Templar, VrOr,QlnOi!` ATTACKL,D W11,11 ER.
,��`!,��al, r, - All�., ex. , , Ad� . , �, ��.�.
� _ ., :�;P,VQ La, Trade of Vane'
t VA.43011,.' 7�1 dqzau,� pAq iued� 10 to. per auver tion on the lin s. ,
_ � , itrA
. - " ,'7,';i-- , 11 , , I . -1 coffee beans in platinirm and gold. estate holder, is __ ,
1:7 ", ,_� 111. � , I . �
:' �, �< .1 I- :1 - . I has Befit a protest to Sit Wilfrid
I �'jr, ) , t �'l . �, , :11. , dentist And real
� ,11. - 4 � I
- L , 04'.Moltv 4#t,,doVrW14Ur -04, il ptiAnd I �, "Miss Althea," said Jimmy a �'', I
1. , . I a - Wite of 11114altolia Farmer Victim zl ,11
" L,.'- ., P � " ; - W . 0 -,
, �,'i, , 4 .'' I , 1� I urier
, ,�: '. . 0 AID �
.1 - ,�: pov.4pr� oitpi. - � ;.,.�
'ij, '4 I iinafilli ,i"Ct -�` '600'14,04 0 1 .-)of- , "' I . rose, and palatal blu La against the poaching of moment �",_
an, a I - 't-�:Tk.c��,�okam � Concha velvets ar lovisly , in dead her' 'uiiddr peculiar eircum
� - , - - 7� Moss; Aloot"t -goxo. I timo4b 0, 16 to $10- , mauve, old 08. later, "Mr. Brownscm
, .1, 111 , -lit -t An stances. He walked from his office
ii.q., I . .
0, ir*iii�t - �41� L, 0. _ I "I
i a . " I . ,,,, - 4041'. hl#�d embroiderieo are 1,11m 1
.1 0 � . _ , 011; - 4 ' . 4 Queen Charlotte Island. .
" _, 111�1' Nl. . �Y�l , 1, , - 'i *C'L�-Iqut�hff� _r4off, on track eve, and No. letican fisherman in the waters says to tell you to please exouko
; � t "O, , �04) ,'tq �0 p�e ot,Hlred Man.
I" 44c �l
'IF ,� I � metallic across the street to his residence
*L1 I 1,- , 14.0h d' ' 1) 0 14,00 wox', 2 lit $7 to $8.,, 1 him; that he will not trouble yqu an Dalhousie street on Friday at- A despatch from Brandon, Man- � I �.
� :��". , , th � ,s��'l . , th
, lin .4 ; ey are used 'on *every�laroun
",.,� � � -`�,,� , - ik'Oe' -01"A � 4i�is,'��t4��,,,ihii��,.r,'09-�i�', J"llert, 'X - pfe-06! of� * 0104 in 'Strav-$7 to $7.50 on track. logiou It was stated at the aniiiiial mTet- to go over the course with him to. ternoon staggered to his room n �" ' -
, I . - - -
lt�7�',�,,' - �` `i I , . , Ar"�stririg 1 4 ,
I , - 114 --ft. �,16oth-.. it"It , � .. I � 'I - , , iv, *Icki - "'Whie-A usi- . thing. a d itoba, says: Mrs. Hunter Cooper, " " .:
�, , , . , ,, L or iug of the Eastern Ontario Dairy- ,day, and he sa7s for you to return went i;'to convulsions. Four doc- wife of a well known farmer liv- �.'111 I
, , � ", " -
.. �, .. " d I v . , I . , I -
, . ., Nkatoss:. Onta.rios ow por ling.
�:,�,.-,,�," , , \ is I . L . "I'Mel � � I$ . . . Ametl�Ysts . surtouneled with tiny , �,,,�;-,'
. d ,� 41�144 ..... , 1, W, 4 *41441 zot I i �, &I '11A k, i I ,014�Wator� Delawarep men At Prescott that a dow could home. at once. " tars were summoned, but the doctor ing near Bradwardine, while driv-
I OU will have A 0 a - -.-- - - ------I-- -
1', 11 I'll, . W, a " . 11,114 tra'k.__ - �, ,�
.,_,��,�L L, � h .1=FPFAJ W - ,
!�.'�"�-�:'- '"' 7- , * I �_ ". cc. 'At'aol li.� "�
�'.",.. ..' I W . . . . . . . .2a �ib`. ". .10 , 0 "I . & ,, 74 'to 006 'per b4g,---91 -pearlii-make-.1iflautiful hro,op-hog, be kapt---thrOuR.h tho wintlar-At & , Althea, waptlprv4 the. rqitd,homa was -b ond human ai& BafQrq.-4e_ inA ho tie on Wodnesd4 was, at- . I "I
, , I Plain matet*ls, are combined - . - __ __
, " � ... - 0 , '_JWX1-,1� jj�*' ',Ly4j.'�4Jkj_4V_,1 ,��'O . ii1e, a .;,Jiglit,_,_A-4o I . -Yealtry, � -'emlir p - mcd . -,-,'
* '� I 19 11 -1W_ 11", a -ailid- , -Ohickensi dressed,10to Wit' we,iia cost, of two dollars a itianth. isorable little girl. expijuead he made the statement that t ed' I . -
� %--1 ,and 0 pv� 0" 10;4� ,0�, ktal
., ,�.j,L,�,,. " " _1
L 'r' ti§L �' . I I .L . , *-L L-, "f I ,,, . �1� 1. lit, pound, . a
.... Ni � - � I - I I � I rm4td ,- .,�i L" t. � , , I lgb p , , fowl, 7 6 9c; ducks, velvets.. . - he had taken r, soidlitz powder'. Harry Saari-, an Engliahma is - -�-1'4-
�,�_,. __ ... � _ - . . r�. . , ` 11 h brocades and I in ,a by 1ho hired man, na
" ., har' ., �`&roil - 1, . P L, . �� -1 L 1. ..., '' , � , 11 :, ", Th C. N. R. is said to have madip 'a'AvIetreyr two weeks of distan't Po - I �:�,,,-,-,,�i,7
. roaa6a! *f'' T L . sq agreement to build five hundred liteness from Mr. Brownson, and 'Armed with a in- .1
": 'k�". . 'Ii!"��
,,,,�,-,`-�!, � , L ", "'."'. " lt�-, . .1 10 to 19c; geoffe, to, to lie per
. �. ,;,� �,,�.'. L ? ill 0 UX I -0 , oi �4 , � I ', 4,L 'o . - L - — Coroner, Aahton, who was called years of age. % . 11� �'..
''. , ), .fta p , 1. 1301 A 0 I IT AJ�D ,f . pOu6cl; tu keys, 16 to 18c per I
��.��W.._ . , 'at ,6t�t � L L. r , 4r on es of now railway in Alberta, at unresponsiveness from her " .
i:�- �"r' i . . .. 'a . �1 ... :, ..'? . . stated that the sym� I
1, iii*'U4Ji*;W',d".,,P .� I ....l.'' " pp.prid. ' . � under Provincial bond guarantee of )toma pointea mar, Soarr struck Mrs. Copper a ,,,,r
� 11 . � . -, S. = to all her ,�littlo hints for to strychnine poieouing. A search number of times over the head,
,j;;," ' Q _,� P.r a ; ,,,ii L' I 11 -, . I .. I
#.�,,�, - 1. . " ", , I . , SCHOOL GROUND TO
, ,4L . 661*6134: 06'rteath. ,�, 0 . ." , I
. , " 11 '. . �,': , ..a- . , ,r.. ,
" , . " * I - --- — . fifteen thousand dollars a mile, . I I
., _ I , �
" 11 . �":�
'L e ,,
I I I , 1'r � ' ' L , THE PAIRY MARKETS. Booklet on Their Improvement Is- Four persons were drowned while Brownsoji's ,library. one morning ,,, �! ,,�
-, ,", , ,
� ffodi�_.�cglp r al ' 13 4 `0 - iathit�iduo, . I papers of tht powder. The do, to Bradwardine, and meeting Mr. �
,."�;," ' , to � �
�, �_.. " prasg�ibii'sirid 4gq t " , ,Take 'P�ri In PW Xicht, it Ste. sympathy, Althea went to Mr. of the dentiat's office revealed the fracturing her skull. He then went
',� -h.. I I 'of , o6ra ty ", ugiUs, An . : L : A I 0 .. I . skating on Saturday and Sunday. and knocked timidly at the open " i
,.,]�, , . , I _ .4, . � ;�] , ,?$
"" % I . Butter-Poun'd prints. 25 to 27c; sued by Education 1116partment. - occupied a Cooper informed him of what he L 1.
. � I I ,sta - x4j, , � , M L L A- ddipatob froin"A " At Parry Sound, Mr. Eli Gibson coamad had recently �- ,
�"Vt"',,,. ,,. _ 4Lpi��q if,'p1lo-wed to. rli, sin butreal: flays: 1! ...
" . , "' . � *
'14��. , e� t* - "LL
, "a ,6,� with 'th . 0 j -go " L
14 , 644, 'th 't�:upl A. jeointiliffal �t�oTy'LWrepiirf palatial new residence he created had done. Scarr was keff iinder ,:�,�,
" ,�,
,�� ", ��, �: � � ,, . I 11 . o' � '& L. . " �'h act here tubs, 22 to 24o; iliferior, 20 to �Jc. the Ontario Department, of Edu- ,ad Miss Jessie Robertson' skated door. ea. May 1 J . .
, .1 an acIff Jaime 'j&tj ' I I . "Come in, Miss Alth
_ u AiL. ifrin&`�w 10h Creampry rolls, 28 to 29c. and -sol- cation has recently issued a� neat next to the )3rantford fostoffice. %surveillance for a low hours and ,� ',7, ,
"� , �� L�. om".8t. Aggthe:'a small town in . . . into a -C�p in the ice. At 0"Men be of'any service to youl" . L �'I�
�fj��, . ithe :Widuria; -Which-, �,aro 'V�Oduplsd . 11 I 27c. . little.bookle't on thli� "Improvement Bound Mr. Robt. Hammond broke "Ob, daddy, please don't call n financi- then arrested anct placed in & box "'�,,�'� . .
j:L�::` . . 1, . tile Laur6ritillingi o short distance ,g I It is stated that he was . 1, r4 -
, ,
� I't", , , � litel t1he". gg-Case, lots -of cold st6rage, of School Gro , me � Ii.,
;42"'.,"-L �. . t0loth;-fir'it ,(srth -of t116 city., � While the trial unda," which -should' through the ice with a young lady, miss., please love me again 11) &I ' diffi ulties. The* authorities -car awaiting transportation to jail I ,�`, �.
, " . I
� . I 11
, ,\ . ,eatint-gl0ay�khe'eliA vAnd"Whou. - of A64cirts 4as 4n 26 to 27c per dozen; selections, 30 prove &'time would not pronounce the case a sui- hero. . . �'- -;,
, � �1� "I - . t 1. �, - �, � 'V - ,� 11 Man' 'naiiied ly aid in bringinq and in rescuing her became ex- she cried, t �J,,�'�i�
t� 1� 1. t . "Jofio,;'��u ! . n into 'd-' . ------ 4. . �� �,�Ijl
,� I 1at R , ,� . � ess Jailer Loiseau entered and to 31c, and new lai 40o per doz- about abetter condition Of school h,,,Wd ,ad shed. At Ado]- "I do love you, but I can't feel cide. .,�
:�� �, - - . A ; L of the ublication is DROWNED AT W&TERFORD.L . 1
"'. "`
", , , ed several wituesees'to refuse ,4 1.� , A ". -,
,. 11 th4 L 1. "I I , r r 011. . I phustown a lari named McGee very informal with you, miss Al- __* I
� e A : � P,,dlt surroundings, The p
, . ; 't .6-V -4a_$jV_,e_eVidb�a6�' ;,�.Tbo�_ 'r -6, _d ad t*il,s, 13y .. . � - � - - ____,__�_��,�,�,�,_
. � ..'�, �:
, * ei� " : . I -, Cheese -Large cheese, 13Ygo per beautifully illustrated and fumiah� Lroke through and was drowned. thea. I never msociate any more — .1 �� �� ,
L-- too I I �,MA
. .1 , , - I-
... 1 4 ;f 01:"od L
L , .11. I
Teich t a -11 . . . . . A!"
_�, i ,� ,-- �f�fhcl: t 4011,* " to.;!�, " magistrate Ordered a p.11liq , eman to P un I a p ry, Aged Eleven, . L -1.
. paiding ,
It. :,' 1,1"fi , � L - - , . , Y � "a. . ed ,With 'lans showifiq how, grounds __ I intimately than I have to with ADULTERATED PEPPER. Gordon Hello - , �,� - ��i �,:;11
. I - I 6,10LO I
�-,� -xibld i66A: 46 -4" .,LoLifnbe�'t 4 fatt, alr�eiif,,th� jail e 'xbftised. I — . of various -sizeB a4d shapes may GREAT BRITAIN. people who don't tell—" — Skated on Thin lee. . -,,�,,�'�LL L
.", 'L � , , , , , . ' . . . "�,'�_ L,
- . VA red caupos Alliad a ihort tried to make ,,-But-1,m always going to tall One of the Worst Articles of Food _ , ���
._., Thero�.aro' `tA , � e , agis ra I HOG PRODUCTS. be laid out to the beat advantage. ' , "
` � � ,all Qi,�L frpubfe'- , -`iMproper" food o,arreat, lit , . 11it'follow- Bagon-Long cle4r, .10Y4 to i1c Concise, practical directions are It is expected that the new treaty ' A despatch from Waterford says: . �Lt�,�'�.
c I
�,� " . wrong I W,h I f �ating. qiialiii,* 0i -4 free fi I . You the truth now. I'm sorry I Sold In Canada. I On Thursday afternoon while a � I �j�� L
, y�; k I I � ,,�
" , , ad. udgle t an con' gnined the per pQund*.in case lots; mess pork given for the making of lawns, between Britain and the Uaiited _., .
, , , , I didn't before, and that I took your number of skattre rare on the ,1 "'i �
- .. v- jailer for,�coii ft of,dogrt, and $19 to ��, � 111�
,�,,-, , i 0. ' walks and drives, and \for the States will be signed in a few d A despatch from Ottawa says: Pand ,�,
�': � 'hill, 0J.g0a 6 pt-adr, $19.50-, sh"t cut, $22.5 aye.
:� L . mw . � ' golf balls and lost them playing , Gordon McGary, about old- � -111�,_.
, �, anT.W6, .4h, ve're06ked" sof0boo " 'to A&ms-Light to ,planting of trr il, shrulM_ YdRA.4. Gambling is said to be o A bulletin has been issued by tile ,, :,� ",
I . . � _ I . A , atetwt take c '-A- with Dandy." von years old, skated on thin ice I 'I .
11,11. � .11 judla�pt *6'�trpu- Or or women of Ire-
, is rl r L I
or in r L , I , ,. charge of the jailer. Another fight I�Y5c; do., heavy, 12c; rolls, 1(1y� and flower bor-ers. The booklet crease among the w ,�'.,L; ' 11
I . I "It wasn't your taking the balls I Inland Revenue Department 9'v- and although planks were throw � . ..... ,:t #
�� ,� ble, i�d this is just, as true for tit- followed in which .the 'jailer came to 10y,c; shouldtirs, 10 to 10%0; has been prepared by Prof. H. L. land. 98 L �r",�
tle cillit ' " -for a4ulto � apka, 16 L to' JOY2c -, breakfast 'bd- Hutt, of the Ontario Agricultural Mr. Henniker Heaton says Mr. that hurt my feelings. I was hurt � ing he results of liz.allysin of * 2 to him he went down in about . ;�,,'L;",�'
"' -, 11 ' " �;�. area 401t is ,. The out best. ., Thq,MgS1fl,tr&t0, hall 'de- . Y because IN of ground 1?eppor sold . . ',;,i'�:,L,
I- I nIPE �'tljo doij, L 14Y 150. -eger, ' - Schoot: Lemieux's visit to England has giv- ou- didn't tell me. You sump as ,,'� �
�,, _11�, 11.`,�= v,Qu -us 't46 bite, ,with -if u � to 1. � y eleven feet of water an . d - was ,, !�`,"� 1�
- __1 -
',,�, _.%� N ljteleth,vere, �,! clarod tbat he will re gif Coll - Guelph, and must always tell me the truth dear' throughout the 1) I., �. ��. ,,, I ,, ",
. , omiuion. Of A(l dr,wnod. The bod4 I I
'� �_ jailer L . i a 1 !/20 ; 1 on the movement for penny -a -word 32 . .-was. .r�wwf^;�'- . I �.14& ".
r IL . .S diir4igaed., . L z�
Glefl 11 - � 1\ . . Lard-Tiereek, L12y,c; tubs, i2 - samples sold all white pepper, eu in about twentf minutes, oi%nd , :*., ;-� I ": _.
"WW I �, And to Ohe*. �4thl" �'Jin4. if they � 0 Boards and Inspectors desiring I I
_ I child, if we are to be friQs. I I *t�
� muellid'of t1leir natural .war further -assistance on the subject cables a decided impetus. � .. ,, L I '.
. 1. I pails, 12y,c. . I . Or 22 er cent,, were adulteratedi -
I W. . . . - wanted so much to be real friends althoiligh" Dr. 096d worked river . A .,,-
' tbe3� becibioii linheidth * - y — � .
171- . I , , y � C. P. R.. WESTERN. LINIS;, S of �School Ground Improvement ate � . With you that I wouldn't even let and ,if 152 samples gold an black . ..,4 .
'', ,
I �. I In Ai:1440n. to'��is,cloirtiiin ar- .. I hini for somp,timb life was extinct. '� , ,.;' ,,
. asked to communicate with him. ,� L,' '
. - or cent., were ....". , -
I �f f;oof. L. — . . BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. I UNITED STATES. ,the little mother help us. I told pepper 3,, or 24 V, --9.— , L V�� i 11;
I A It is hoped that this may result .V"".: I '�!��,
,� . �.
tides � qch�,&i taw apples Thirt"g Million Dollars Required Montreal, Jan. 12 -Grain -C U I the results I "; 1 � ,
I I ' ' 'b . cid - fOT, Iflastiop. - - I 'a- ,in a marked improvement in the ,.L,�'111` ,
, .1, 111", � , I
" I` I
.1 11,
an iob � , I , The New York State Chamber of her we must fix things up ourselves. � adulterated. ific RILLED DY BROTHER. . ; T,
1: d nut)s,.,'VL - show - considerable improvement . . 4 ,!�
., I This Ye4r. nadian Western No. 2 white oats f,,. We can be real friends, can't we . I.. - :. t � - 1, 1 �i;,! -
1, tion befor4 swallowing, are -abso- I ; condition and appearance of school' Commerce passed a resolution I I � N,� 'L;_4 '
I. I . lute oloansing,iti" their' effect ,ir.p-' A despatch rom Winnipeg says:. at 46Y2o; extra No. I feed oats at grounds all over the country. The oring reciprocity with Canada. Alth-eat" pver t4a analyses mi%de ill pr,,,- Shot Aimed f at Rabbit Entered ' .. , �L, " - , . I
"e, , . 453/,c; and No. 2 feed at 45c per oints out L�', �,J , �� e
,,,, . ly Uc6hifiiieally, ley Thirtymillion dollarii was mention- Dr. J. H, Bute of Houston, Tex., ,"Oh, yes, daddf; y6s; I will be ous years, the bul!ctin p I . i � � "� ,,�, , ,�
I L. on , the teeth school is next to tber home in its that ground peppers still remain I Man's Leg. .,:� . 1 I .
. � t' Thursday*at bho local offices �, I �
�, I I . , .. I - remove tassoi; of ,oft,delcorap.),sing ed on, bushel, in car lots, ex store. Flour influence on, the rising generation, has succeeded in , making paper truthful if you on will be friends ono of the most badly adulterated A' deso , atch from Petrolea says: ' . I ,. .'� ,�, ,,,
-.1. 3bis$L -t7,LW&d-,i;,--r6�,-,fi,--,�--thb j-,-,---M"ritoiba_Sprin#_wIieat �ia,tentg,. --- 6d-___,)r.er_ bbautyfiff--school-sur- pulp frauxsugar�_citnc_ with me I" I I !
;1 Ina niii an in . ,,,�'.� '
� - , . . firats at $6, seconds at $5.50; Wi -T--big--aTms -were -opened wi(.IeLiarticlell of food in Canada., Some JamosAiu I lock was shot and'killed L 11 , 'A ' LL -
-l".. __ prQmot*r, the flow of'saliva, Nvhi�h which Second 'Vice,Prdsident Whytie ,n- roundings will have its reflex in- Six Tennessee night -riders, con- .. I I I
I . , . . ter wheat patents, $rj to $525, 1 . in the first degree, and then a small figure.was lost of the adulterated bamples don- oil Viu'rsday by- hill bkotbeir 11ort, "I ,""', " .1,
1! " in its V rn-helps, the gr6wth,of the will ask froin the treasury of the ' I ,ftence in the irftp�ovemcnt of the victed of murder i '. �, �ic , �1` I , 1,4,
7- 1. tl� ; ,,,
00 gIrmal-W ' I have been sentenced to death. I 'I ,
W ah�. jiL,
", e straight roller, $4.60 to $4.70; do., home. I to view. -Kilbourne Cowel in the tainLd Band, cocoanut shells azid wl�o'aimed ut a lunning rabbit and �,
, n'ee(;zd . to company to be expended on West- , �;;,
, ,
!2 g d —1 various forms of dirt. The chief bif, James in the leg. The accident 17L� � �.�., " "'11.
I 'L, I ,�r. I
� ";I ... : " �
?"'; - in bags, $2.15 to $2.�5; .extra, $I.- — Four eattle rustlers were killed January Delineator. controls of adulteration are in and took place on the farm of John , 1, - ;
. fight tWi, �b�d _on,ea,.for it sh.,Wd ern lines during the season of 1� �'.,
I .. iti, . V -.4 lur . I- 1. . 11 , �
Z�!L 1- " _1�1
1�, "",
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V,C.7, 7, 1_'6. --
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,@=0fu �-E,O- . - a - an a a ran, in �, pitched battle with members I r % 4' . '. I . . .. V,- �".,��,�
� , ,,, , I ��%: �,
'y .. . 1.0 .1 a � �,�,%�, , L"
". _�,Th "' �, . , L",
+1 - - .LbLaroo-"N . I about 'Montreal and Winnipeg. ' Doyle, -near Oil Springs.
� ,h `t'i '. ��R09' Mr. L byte *iII'lleavisjottht .
L 1. I—— 'I JhLe * —, I , ,_"�
�;, _q'y - "_ ,V, �,tj " 'lina" -'Oritarto bran, FELL'ON XNOTHER 31AN. �,%� "� "
-� 0 - . , �4 � " Ay -wilt'sJillind $24, "
. V,6. $21 �; aborts
. foo -3FU W, &A'aw , Frid o I l, of a"vigilance committee near San I
the: itith I L - M 0 1 . He $21 to -$21.50; mi;tdli.g., $2,L.5a to — EDISON'S I.ATEST. i - ' �'" , i
teria� that' the L good �germa are I. wing week in Montreal. $95,50; ,aliorts, $24.50 to $25 per Peter Peterson Ki)1led In Mind at Diego, Cal. . � - ''. L
making wbrayt"ftlit there a3 well will be acoompanied by the chief ton, including bags; pure grain, Giroux Lake. to allow Attorney -Gone ed y Which Will Drive " �' � 1, � , ' '� ' -
all cverywhere� -else in (ho,.bb,:I,r. engineer for Western lines, J. E. I ral Bona- - � ��":�11'1
. President Roosevelt has refus Storage Batter -
1 L
Finally— i-tooth-brutth shooll] be Schwitzer, who for several weeks mouille, $30 to $32; milled grades, A despatch from Cobalt says: parte to answer a question asked a Car 100 Miles. . '. .1,
'i, . 11�
the fiat birth-dali piesent-,"ani its past has been dovbtitg his entire $25 to $28 per ton. Chleese--West- On Wednesday night another fatal him by the Senate. MANY QUAKES YET 10 COME .r ";
erns, 12% to 123/2c, and E"terns A despatch from Now York says: . , I .:,�,
'. .
regular add perpist.dikt-,,usai shr-uld time,to a consider4fibli of the work accident took place at the Davis Five boys, whose ages run from Thomas A. Edison, in his -labora- ... I �e .. ,
be,malt�%4 =68,t I � luipqrtant pa,4 of --to be done next "ar in connee- at 11 12c. Butter -25% to mirte, Giroux Lake. Four men eight to thirteen years, have been tory in West Orange, N. J., on —_ I .1 "',',�...�P�
26c, aLtoSeptember make at 26% were engaged in a shaft down six- arrested at St. Louis, L 1�� ;_ �-,,� � "
,Q� �," .
the. child.',is &vly tiaining. A si,Lpla Ition With the buildifig-,of addition- Me-, on a Wednesday expressed confidence in Tikely to Occur in Sicily for Two Years ,
., alkalino todthwaiih,or'lattam should at track and betterment and main- to 27c. Eggs -New -laid at 3r:)c, se- ty-five feet; three had gone down charge of murdering a peddl,-r. the success of his latest invention, .0 . 7" " " L,
Ile used,16xic6 it 44y, � and' 64? dpn- I tc�nance of existing, lines. lected stuck at 27Y2 to 28c, and No. the ladderway. Peter Peterson, a Eight nig�t-riders accused at a practical storage battery for - I . I '111'�,
I f,stock at 24Y2 to 25c per dozen. Finiander, single, aged 32, called Union City, Tenn., of lynching power -propelled cars, which is de- . L�' I
� ",
tist abduX0 be cohaulted at regii-I - __ — Says Observatory Director' . .� �
lar intd!-Vilo, 41pause there is no�IPGILL PROFIAISIii HiSSINIG. down to1is partners below that Capt. Rankin were convicted Of stined to solve the traffic problem . L .., %��!,�
. , , I ,W 10L . I � . — %",:., �,,�
matt n- h' H' o�rovorition, i's" i,u _w_� UNITED, STATES MARKETS- he was coming down a rope used murder,' six in the first degree, in large cities. Hill scheme is to
sure�'�%'�'ttsr tfah .cuts as iii. the Mr. 'avd Mrs- HaYwillrd May Have Buffalo, Jan. 12. -Wheat -Spring on the whim for hoisting. Peter- two in the second, place these batteries under the A despatch from Rome says: dow all orphanage for i0o children J'�,.�L .
' ," I I ::
care of,tho' tqoth.'L7outWs 'Coal PerlshedAli E thquake. wheat, higher; No. I Northern, son started down the rope, which I — -_ - I '1�
� . dr seats of cars, and he says they can tTpe People Of Messina mourn more whose parents were killed in the � �, -t
panion. �, - , I . I I- carloads, store, $1.14%; Winter, gave way, precipitating him to the GENERAL. be sufficiently charged at the ex- Jan ,ny thing else the destruction recent earthquake ' 1") 1,
- � , A despatch from Montreal says: I their rted a land -
_1k firm. Corn -Strong. Oats -Firm bottom of the shaft sixty-five feet of cathedral, the g!ory of �
14 , ALT11',11INTS. Among firiends of Professor and The Shah of Persia has issued isting power house to run an on- � An earthquake sta �,`)' ,x-
. i 70� and killing hint instantly. Peter- tire day continuously, "No ,ddi- Messina, which imd been famous elide on ,the nioplitain above lee&- 1"' ,�
".1-,. � Mrs. Hayward of McGill there is Barley -Feed tp malting, 62 tc a manifesto revoking the conatitu. ; ,
1. Minneapolis, Jan. 12. -Wheat- son fell upon Mat Nearmee below. for centuries, defying all fornier t, Sicily, r4a W-ellineliday. Several I �"
For the comforlb,of an invalid, fear that - they perished in the tion. tional tracks, poles or power . - 11, I , s
. I may, $1.o9% ,.a $1.o9% ,. July, $1,� Nearmee is in the Red Cross Hos- , earthquakes, with its be � I
i remove the logg,,froni an old rhair;'eartliquakis in Sicily. On Decembdr - The Kaiser has decided to travel ho,lieg,,will be retrira#," added cyclop,c L autiful houses wer6 dern0ghoO and four 1.
'No. 1 hard, sl'ii to pital. His injuries are not con- less and to live more simply thi, Mr. Edison "a d monolith column and persons were killed. .
- Mlassi o9ye ; cash ' 9 ,_ n 0 neade of In- �
pad b444'ad�arms- .This seat can 94th they wrote from $1.11%; No. I .10 to Bldered fa -
, .
ly fi , 0 hlippLed' hrilder the pati-, friends in Montreal-, gtati 9 thst Northern, $1 tal unless complications. year. ture transit facilities can be eco glorious Norman, Angevin and Tile Bishop (it Tropea, CaWilria, I
easi $i.ioy4; No. 2 Northern. $1.071, set in. Aragoneso, towlis of kings of Ltaly. roports that. 500.churcheg in his I '.
who .-Anus "tho iiifiAblding back they were le4ying ffiere thnat d,,,,, Sixteen Britigh sailors were nomically cared for by the new If
- a r, 'j,hii1j, . WILL COST TWO LIVES. their iiiiinace was sunk, in a col- . n _?�� "I
ent, . -11.08; No. 3 Northern, $1.04 4 - V_ — hattvr� They will run one All are ruined, -Tile, condition of diocese alone were destroyed by
DatfUlL r4oItiif,','7qspoeWIy when On the . 28th. ace9rding to a drowned at Sydney, N.S.W.,'when y cars.
to si.00%.' Bran -$19,00. Flour hundred miles without rechar i I the Calabarse Pruvinvog is most the earthc1nalto. .
%sting. - Such * L;L. also is handy -, postcarld received in the city on First patents, $5.40 to $5.05; sea- . gl g' desolate. They are an immense ,
r the' Ord a is. 4 Priday morning, they were at — lision. and will even utilize the machinery TO REBUILD RUINED CITY, �
t 16 LL I L I i ond patents, $5.30 to $5.40; first Dynamite ExPlosion In Tratiscon- Australia will probably ilend , which brings the car to a sto � silent necrupolls, stretching from ��
Co f a 8, - When, i Ainalfi, a small town on the Cam- , f fo� the Ionian to ilic Tyrrhonian Sea. A despatch from Rome saysi A 111,
win t, ' a its A I , 6en dige-lird- panian coast about, 03 miles south- clears, $4.00 to $4.10; second tindiltal Railway Camli. . representative to the conference the rechar. ing. The cars wil run ,fipecial session (if the Chamber of I
, 't 0 1 j L hem at U]Ii clears, $2.96 to $�.ro. car .
ed out . 40 _ Vogt of XaploH. Since then there of the Governments interested in on any rail, the present street ' Father Alfari, director of tile , Doputif,s, called to adopt men . 1,
., I I o Milwaukee, Jan. 12 --Wheat - A despatch fi-om Kenora, says: Florence Obs&vator), is of the
per at � I oo�i6qes of has been no word iron! them. the all -red route. s ls, and if they o nures for the alleviation of tile d- ' I 11
.11,111) , � .. ��'. 1. ,,� , - L , � - . ... . No. I ,Northern, $1.11,1�; No. 2 -Another tragedy involving the It is,understood that the Sultan jump the tracks can got back on pinion that (arthquakes will con- . Calabria and Messina, , ,' I
.... �� I _. � . tuation in I r
- =t=___ - Northern, si.09 to $1.1o; May, $1., death of on�_man and the fatal in- I tinup two or tjarce years, being .
� 07% askedt . Rye -No. 1, 74y, to jury of another from an explosi of Turkey will use his influence to the rails with their own power." violent at the beginning and gradu- ,� met on Fridn,i, night. Over 400 ', , �L
' I 'on keep the Mohninmedans of India L -4. ally decreasing, During the follow- meruberg were present and the gal,
t5c. Colln-May, 61%c. Barley- of dynamite occurred in McCrea loyal to British rule. I . l,ri,, ,ere crowded with vNitiors
I Standard, 66y!. to 67c; samples, & Courtmey's construction camp The ,French elections have re- FOUNDRIES HIRING AIEN. ing three months shocks will be ,
.L . I f 'rho seenc was a Inol,t so emn anfN"'N, �,
I , T.E'D'r,.. , .P ,O.1JC E ' MISSING. ; No., 3, ft, to 63c; No. on the National Transcontinental — felt at Messina and Roggio. -, ,
, L '
. ..
. 'L, ,", - I last Monday. The dead man was Me Radical -Socialist bloc making a Rush of Orders for Iron Goods of f oqu ont7occurrenew they wirl lie pathetic one. 'ijgti,,r Maeora p"t ,
ODI[ , '.'', suited in a Government victory, r /
. ,�. , " � . � . L. 4, 60yj to 620, P Chamber, in 'd ' , 11,
I 11 �! �'L , ' , Hendrickson, a Swede, and the i L ilight. if infrequent they will he' Fodent of th a %,� .-'�,r �
-..-.- - I L .. I , I i I . . I . I I .. . I .L in- net gain of f1ftcen "ats. Sign of Good Times. I a I
. � � ' ' riclent. Hefice Father Alfari speech vuuunvnwratin� those %4n-) �.
It Is, L LIVE STOCK MARKET. jured man is naiped Anderson. Kang Yu Wei, the Chinese re- A despatch from Toronto says: warns the rescuers at Messina and lost their li%t,,q thri-tigh the (-�rth
'r -'Ir I ; a
, . eare' , T hey;� Rave Boa Drowned Toronto, Jan. 12.-'Busincss was They were spooning ()lit a hold form leader, has declared that The big foundries and factories Reggio to be cautioUHL : quake, to wh0i the DvPllti 11% . . 1: ') 11 j
, r, 1� I'� � . brisk, prices good'and steady, with I which had been sprung a few days Yuan 'Shi Kai bribed a physician are increasing their pay rolls in N S itened, -itanding ill religi,iiiq ,illenve ". 11,
., , , . . , previously, when the iron struck . , ., �
L , b Ibids6a's -Bav- practically no change. Everything. part of an unexploded cartridge to poison the late Emperor. consequence of the rush of orders RESCUED ALIVE FROM RUI Sign,,r Mactirn waa ofteii interrup ,�,�:
� � I V German na6-.a4&vtuTers are coin 'i 1 I
. 11", :' I Iwas olearedout before the marketland a terrific explosion followed. 11. , "!
11 I . � I L for iron goods. Managers of every Earthquakes cohi,anue at Messina I tell bv his Own and tho Del,utlem
'L, . . . 1. . I - I closed. A few extra choice cattle The injured man is in the hospital plaining that the surtax of 20 rver important concern in the city all- Most of the shocks are %Light but 1 F0h4 and We(-Pillg- "PP"1111Y the lk�� ,
A desp4ohlrobif Winuiliq ,tays-z Anspeotor.. Peltier. Both ,patties I sold at good ri�ei, but the expprt here. cent. levied on their goods has ticipate a very busy season, and aliveral have be,rn rather vit;lent,, Sivilian and (�almt)rian Delluti-, I
Mee ro��,,A , , , U" k4p, Z Potlarsl,. Anii were to ekdrn to, Churchill by trade was onfly moderate, owing to ______q- ruined their trade with 'Vana,+L. ,�xpcct to have their shops run. (ausing the collapse (if several all Of wholl] had I ... a relatiles ami �11 , I
Ei ;'16t1*`K1 Itiltye.yoft, who. li40 $optembek 1, but at yet have not the limited.apace available on Vag- THIRTY -POUR DROWNED, The, Queen of Italy hall organized ning to the fullest capacity in a houses that remai.ied standing af friefid,; ih tile diqa-tpr He %poice ;;
I I it, I. sale gailing. next week. Good steers I . a Sewing Society- 4n the Quirinal to,* weeks. ! foAhngl) ,if tile fributo,, ,-f ssill- ;
�1411 . I I
been wot : agi 4t. roil, Ohut6hill 'shown ap, ,Serg't, Dotkaldabb Was — The relationg between ter tile shock of Doe. 24, .
� -Business it noble ladies and the iron. workers and moulders un- Tell persons were rescued alive: pathy Olown . - entire world. � I
for ,AQrA'"6W,0iV4ths;, the,, kttb�� tiM, hi eliarge of' a,'squad'of1dur, Cot- told at $6.35, Butchers' vision Steamer Sunk in Collis- at Rome, and � h,, thf I ��`
activ �nd Queem ,�
, c - pyipiss .4tooy at, ]a t week' wprkirids toi`I,i,-tif��'mT there,, mak , .R n ,�
, 4 A4 "%� 144"t. -A.4 fid, UeT&1v6,..A,A: Init:,rprAtr taid � a I - I - , find the �employors in most frem,11-9 rww on Tuaidry. 8OI41,� apd pratsfl till J�lll I �� .11 , -
I Heir*, 06g4o ,; Jona 11 I ...
� I 1 $4 to 4.50 G f6li�Ohly P610k SAVe4- ' ' ing cloiliee for earthquake stiffer- - n ativ,rig till'
qf�iik�iioni, viz., ; firqt to ill to
tdwftljt�, theip It n Iwo ts,quithos. They travelled in 0 cordial, which makes the outlook ere are burying the bodies found f,,r h ing �
� � 40Adt 1ho
of tho� P6ifli�*i6.br,-06*0.p�li,h[t64,t� r ar. one of the small toast steamers good cattle, and,44.50 to $4.8 for A despatch from Odessa says: ers. Italy pr). for the men exceedingly briglit. On the nurface of the ruing 1, vi, till, Ktrichen doltri,t,4 lie express- 1� .
AT16J!" 40 Vilitiillej.', oii W04404y ffrom Fort Chutehill, and it 'is extra thoilcle Sheep-Firme'r- The Russian steamer Sviato�lav The Government of thousand were entrenched ill deep c(I gratitudo f. r the holp given by . "I
, ,
trilfit: it for, & ,,,, td 1� _t� � --StoaW %logs -Firm and with a, crew of 38 collided near Poses to meet tile financial coni,- Fo 'd i-4 till, vew-114 lie Ove f,,reian navies, 11- ,
I � - ---- '-
Pine , ,, , f * 711 a U0010 - TAII 11W thtiqht ttf-tit-this ve-0961 'May have LambA 25 KILLED IN MINE. ditrheq on Wednesday. , 11 .. 11
by 46f?, t�Aiki �' A 11 t1tres, iv6jo, 016tho ,Capsized, on, the 11flogon Bay, A unchanged. .. Novorossisk with the Greek steam- quonces of the earthquake by lev..F- plentiful. The evacuation of ,%lrq t�,,, men 4 %hich performed works .1, I
led. In, 6,;g .2 ,uimii4 turb of r4n. �iifty was sent out from Part .go— -or Poseidon on Wedlid � aday. The Ing a special land tax of five per - 4 . hastened. in, still haJ united with �, , 11
_ 0 cent at$ Spark From Trolley Pole Ignited 'ins, is being Sorvivur,i .if heroiq
t- fil oriiXtivembbr 29 b - cent., and al tax of no -ry I It,dian soldierg and ,,ailors te) aid ."?, �
dear okh*�'. *Nj ii.t1h# t6 ,stAt Chlifelti y Ma- THIEVES BUST AT,SINCOE. SviatostAv sank within three min are arriving at Naples (in ovt I
ling, intilligiuct thAt two lsiittoU )6rV,qpdy to otitth for the miss- — utes. Four of her crow Managed each 'railway ticket sold. [locket of Gas. train Five hundred arrived at suffering humanit% file concluded . Al
Of thtifintrila �OO)Xdb �h*#4o l)4!�afl ,1096 Ilig, men, They, are ti,avelling Ilk Pollee Iroted to In Jail Xtid Public to get -sboar& the Poseidon and . 4#__ A despatch from Duquorn, Illin- Rome on Tuoqday. A majority of. hol ,peech bv drelaring that thr I ;1
- wor Ols, 8
f fturchill.'And 4oit trAlbli,, Wid will - go north to . o saved, The thirty-four other . �'. �,
in tho vieiafty� -b Can't Find clae. FIVE MEN FROZEN TO ays: A disahcrous gas explo- them were forwarded to ht,lan and ruiro-d ritieq wonid rise again. The '. 'i
I ,
Vollextoli., NO � of' the W461041 Vullortoft. "nudwit .% is al. A cio�p , members of the crew were lost. .. I — or, ATH. , fiivo,n, in which 28 men lost their Genoa I n I �' t ' the %ilence %%as broken i, I I
. ..
tfiekwat"lli thivae at its'do., WON o6h,ll 'IlAid"Ut. otilar, Atch from Simeod says- — - r1__ , - ", a iq in ,;uprem, -
Report Ifteceiv@d at Ellmordon From occurred on Sunday in Joseph Gon Mazia, who ,17n the"rl'oor,w of the speech was
J)J tha'ArN ,il, & of LiT. V. Jackson, coal KIANG "I'MWAMD'S HEALTH. Beyond Pembina River. itho King and Queen and tho fore- I ,
ot"., 'Xielobt, . ,,'-VW . 06,4 4ikta a dub $14vigatiotl bit The dffiA Lditer's famous colliery at Ze ler. command in the earthquaks, area. when 9ignor Macora rplorred to � "
r . ,
. 'Ifirlth . t)j th,o gji� ,A -t, �t UtIrchilf the, ice efil dealer, was lenterod oil Tllwday
'$. ,AA1 , . . _. . .1
AW"the 01hir *41 � . I A spark frpm a trol.ley pole I an han telographed to Preimer (11i
86re" D6041don. `Ih%p�c .. tor " otK, July '160 wx,j, it f6se Ovir again flight. Th4s sido h b of tile ign warshipq, at which the Deputies
7S'fi�$ . Qk;',d'PVd1n BruMOY9 Nfle0riling Bin Poor Con. Ad spatch from Fdmonton, Alta. ,Vlfttkic motor coining in contact letta that the Ftecuritivs I
0 1 heorpri. � I ,., . I
- f J , ,,� ": , - , of 66-SoVembo j). Tht Radtfin Ba' � in'li 'take . ,
titi, oopitipainW, by * �iir awl about $n �n -0��v.�_ "b`f ' " ' dition Set at Iftest. says: A r6port has been received vith & pocket of gas to given all the Hamen, di Italia, the Hanel Com
I , ,� g frozen to �
diatlei, left, �A 14a Ing, attatri-tv, xwfelsn W116 at Charchif, Thera, have bo,o I petty' hero of 00 men bein osulO, of the explosion. right bad. mercialle, the Navigazic Ie 1'rernier Giolitti propented a pro- , I
. robborI&A lato,ly, jAnd us the whole A debtWelf trAm London nayn, d6atli.150 miles West of here and - � to'yotromain in the mine, but th,Ay a',e Italana a" �the -4tX0k*- - vOl� i 'ob I-- .rPei,lkafing tile situation. .
tly,this, r il 1, 4*4 Me , Aqutf. X�, Jill; *6 - tited up I I _d_N%
rT4W% � , tjll*J f, �, I I 'tr 146f) :York. 'W.40jo�t'V for t*lftI,Vkl dtys, pollee f0td4g I i Jail there is no Ning EAWArd'll appearance at vari. file end I'milina, Riter. Meagre will " wovered before mornin oce, have been r� v0rwu-i)MM'v0l- -"(WrllP%nK_ 0 nationg OF T."O . I
%�" htk I L .1 .j - to L tornpetent � 9 . �
� , I . 'fee ift the mouth of 01114 to t 08 the 04- Is thought. Joseph Leither per-
. . L 1M. a ious, shootift pattiet during tile past Inierniation to hand EL ruing of the bmIdingn occupied by �,A orld for aid thoy had given. 110
. ,
"ft , filogim 4 4toe'Afit, I � ' - 10*11, , - ,
.1 . I � L . . I tollea, ptoto i It 8 eon ptiovided wook has qW004 the lever-preva- timm ikqq, all Frenchmen, who left V condoet6d the first relief those concerns. He juilds that rJelp alqo declared that R-eqgio and W�pa
. . '14* is ri'mi, - only p1ted 00m L . L
�. I � I A y tho to it sell 10f16 WAS 4011- Joilit,f'UM .1 a ind sina. would ho rebuilt, � 11''
11 . I'll Drollh& ., 61 L titlout. oti, , I 0 i be neonut. . . . 11 � owooneorni!�� hia enfeeb- 19tony Plain three djty% it '0, laond-' t th t d filded into the mine in being given to other bank , :,
, . , , I :. tit W, - , -thkt� "" h"'e"bodies. The Ion@ commercial firms in a
%�� V%J#M 1, ed' ft�JL SW. 4 to"dition,, H,h hAA rAveral times Ing to tfilivel to Alselool" and rto %ocovtor te carching for sliph, oart�quakc,a �Outin%16."�hd
� ,
L 1- ... i*, A oft" I I , . 6'""t" . I I ,,--- :L�i ,l�,=�-�� � f6fiftdii6d oot for �pilrp hours iii they WI-giot their molantholy aft iii4ftlVor Jef Lthe 0XPIORion Was r4n their. nocuritiet;. i � W, -
. , t� ilio ". '111, 1�', ti lrp.-M o6urred it ltogrq-to, I I .
k"t"UU., �, � 1 no if I lq& . . � 1.
I 1 I 11, � k t6_, r � i1b I VOW' thisit lives thitk%how %Ad then tidd6n ,home iallust' a Ahort diatan03 beoroad, ' 1,% M.1 Do*dkl�r QUeen 111t9hetits fill I it 11, ;%X .;� I
I � 4 � U I Id I 61*4 oh't6h664f4661 ., 6 J*MA'S 1159t . Hsu putb who,ioseaped uni r I .
40ib"ii ��i 1�� � - ,
I . I . _�J I . ill �, 016, , , I � 10,40ods in:'Votta We*. , I Ith-4 0614 .sit, i6oth 1406 house, . 4 11 I donate $200,000 to btfild ,anji -if Irk- I I
,, ''I I. I I I., ) � , . � , ", ... . I I 1, . L . i � i .,. � . . � I, I - . . . . L
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