HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-01-15, Page 1IAttA _1111116l ---- — ------------ --------------- TM 03b� -$Il k tio WV4 T"Ho'DRlat STAR hw * *ovw O" "y ovw Now"WW Ull off "WO)" ot 00 Count I* Hamm" ---------- -------------- I__O:W _W;M4JJJJjM:P tONT,, 0,1611LIO 0*11114 V",w 1110 -PR 1)tR1C% DAYo. J&NUARY W# I W44 0. ll0 11 wtisist W W. 0 4ro44V4*4 ill "l 41044; L"t �W,riii"r ri %w KA W.t"*** got IWO , � r-il - NO 1, IDVSTRY* X J,%V JW J*rJog oPEMONABLE, At, "ri; 14 the" I tawl ­ — �. . . - I 0 illitupw I coito 40 allfillitt44-, JAMSON M O Air* OR %Q004'at, ot seal 014 Il io " V� . I . . )34tto 4 0,0401 011110 be olvareoll. Ro4, "IX r OPL-E vore wily . onall f itlo Org al, bol tot 41 A fl�ttf for tit" , tl, A, �4�� stirflitie jt� lluk'"'r took ** YArl. . t 411; W N' *4 vp0wirlitsm *01 sttA r'r " , i ' , I I T pie At this 4u4su* fWIAO, $ T t i4d Jr .40 A , atr.. Z : IFAC ORY INS EC is. RY T 1441 A , , lr�l , M4.e OAK tif 9mv PROPLE W11 KNOW. *,W Vast '141 odt,* of 0 114 OF by 4poiltidhilg It"11mix A , ag And Ro st I"441F be� becAino; 0 Miss Suot, voiturnold this woolt 1161004 litenk,014 4y,tho.;Ak4feu_ IN i*P4 r4el, hhP 11l'04t, company 2'. 76 83 "Xieso 001 Xong and ovoliting, wilts a Ior wyqrfix THE MN RD colm tpay 9," Wit* 411. 0A liindrod Vl�l rcgi� clikild loAd .0. JUIl iW non.y4v oudg and t a If peep Don At u left on. Monday on bin ratitro to Thu fid from 10, Auld.nothing but pleal 'surprisq'tk. Is000rlp.h., 1040.1 to lodt? all as they were Ishowl 114 r4pialty with which the work is turned out. Uvorything urroa. of Now York. were a;bat thoo he blikill III iOat experience can sugogqst and ingenuity devise to. ro4UC �nd Itlelghborligo MIa tile labor ....... a 60 tier It I 0 offil of .119 tiPar I &Q, al infereliso the comfort finci conVenionoo of the. employol boo been laa lKii program Tra e, He wee a menthol ot'% e iAir. sl "M J. 0. were Arod, b0C 441040o" Of atillo School board for,tiliii,q years, utlq provided. laleotric power generated on the promialls, runs &be a 10 to. 4114 foil i vis. U00 Oply .4, lowed for, one plocal, j itBlock, Vigil Avol left this wesk for ntoI3 Off A N-Actltph ro4ding br�Mrmr. TOW 'll 00 W 11 spoild th W, V Prosp,l of the town. aome twele I41 ital s wer ko A montli e....... if 00: a otuolf o mado for tt , Irk"Ital since he retired front business ArOZ Culegurd bill returned to.q%ptfol ofa5,75 to 476, 04ppert tO, take place on to liaasufi:%6� the- town -ate off . Pilit"0014. Alt. and ft Q 11,11 a Jit". rkship of N V& 2x low,' 15, to Will g0ll of"Whieh ria given 2* l3dro 017 notice will ro a 'The prooeela, t1ilpt-olt, jot 0 to 0 011 er, of VaIll It, was At-tho-buidest 'll,mildir, Ca .... TA � oil tibia p period of the year and wlille ioloselv 10 . or tile to to 60 lurnishin oar=ay. Olin oheatteilding to duties In th%t office that upwi Tollilibrod, .................... 004 Aspect, I eatt he wits called honjo. Depentied was a clulaw-Sonthiel; Ana a J. J. V. 11 T 12 t� V ti. of 00dartil ./::: to, I till at tile omis 01179 vi Gil g Ole no home r Ito Royal Arcli Mason, 01, a0 a a, I &clock, Allow El oil of Aloorcoluln. who spent tit% 13 0 10 AlthlUd 'Lodge, il relift%04 in town. taturned this to -luill. the W. Al. We -�Witl sell by, public) auction --crelte real ........ "mill I I No. U A. F, and A. M., conducted the wook 40 no roci% iLiclogno 311 -to -W-ATRIV ARLY LiGnT.-m,'�6 re�u ...... ..... .... 7 Q0 to., 31 E I 4blo Rears, fix On vukeda�., Jarkinil llfth,40010, Beat we Masonic services. The funeral took IaM etibg of tile W. a�q L. cQuWaslon DOI;; ovenin lace oil Monday, afternoon from de- ".And stain ib.4" Il �Gporfe'e Church, arid froto t stor for low, last Monday be 'cemedeiate realklen g6 vi ( ce,,Ohuveh street. it.'sQbulzo returned inst weak frout I book caso NEW A0VERTISFdENTS wellabers %veto present, all 40 9=01till%hoe flarightom I -ell age, gain ...... petition for wilt, nneotiba on hie- Br main #a regatfon 'lit 8 I�kltxoii�u 8 J- Pt Brow%Jurk.. and child, of Itaglool 4 cong well vill 'it kitchen "i6thluo Spotials-W. 0. Prldbami ....... -on road, from, Walnut o dining topin 5 the Rut ervico being conducted So e getbattont oliftirg 6,rooklog 0a re StockTakluir sitlo-D. Millir Co .......... 4 it4,u to 6,0 stoge or bllsitncss, the spot M I " a gunted a� for as Re chief at P01170 Sande Is Still very Ill and I 0 dabol women's Shicl M. Elliott ............. 6 he. Mali, ,kyho adttiertise4. It o. 10, pwned by Johnston. The ended. the procession sl i mily, but he recognizes, the in. A number Of pictures I lourtgo .9=10 With.olkeet of acturatife and roslitink. n ; . . . of Ja treesurer was asked to skippIV a list of reformed, in charge at. the Masonic 'Vo Curtain Pales I b4l conrlair nuary Olearago-Actiesion & Son ....... 5 Our Classigifil 'i WAnt. A I-PrIt 30 -January Sale Nowit-Vaineron & Moore ... 8 411 tkyrearagoaL for water and Alght body. the Town Council. members. of will Mrs. (Rov Ill find da= of Ile. 0" or yiiki�t nel in tho time Wantodi . ....... 3,011L stove d urroill also a list of all I attending. Ania Wh ki, - mother.341al. thorut"an. ubalof' lk vbde moo roed licial rates tip to December $let, IMi - and the Board of Trade. and at hers also THEIR GODURICH AND CLINTON FACTORIES. lintel & Moore utensils Proer .'or Sala—Mrs, Burrow ........ u .,light of p.nblic.atbm0on.!i' vila bak.�e valid for Ilk the asons were I . 0 IIL V �roofoar WIWI, ngicitil . ne, r0ces-inseason. at --Q.ontll, many- llwhers. yoli* vd.nol �td 0"toly' lallit haVing been madd*df Infraotions lodge, and Clinton andplti(djnaw were machindiy, heats the sinopthing irous and propels the cutting in which 8: atil Alletion Bald rn it was present be Iet41116 tOWasmal N, D. Roullvie. of f th( era were Gie aelatr an cluillo personal friend, 0 a I, Brit - - a nA the i"Lle'"lant of fin pose you, : _- I .1 - 25 to 30 thicknesses of cloth are out irto patterns by one operation, lata -W. A. Il lil Wl t4 A P 4&bri, Also tit the Sam Underpriced Undarskirtir-Hoolken bylaw. the secretary was in- retirpenteli --Thp pal bear vft thli, property strixeted to notify all'plurobere. that brat at ons, Jud OL Holt Shortly I , Air, Tudor Mafko Of BaYflold,andith so on Kotlys oftreot w 11 Iiii'dilloired or said. no water conneqtIons or electric light Reynolds. E. L. Dfookfnaon, k, o F Buttonholes ate made arid buttons se*Vved on at it "rate that is maP_ ifuntis. at awn A ollpfOrsonlebod; _:TJ�Oaot% m3esurl I% y 134 pq in p. Ploult 0 ' , , , installations ol be. made without F. Lawrence, Jas.H. Tigert anti '6`0: vollous lit its rapidity and complotoness, and, in every department tile whololalo fruit 61shies t�arci, were, on a nlbi 611 x0pirso, flrat having rec#Med a pertnit there- Porter. At the conclusion of 'tile buldholis v sit to Gol ell yeack Al oherry an 'pqncb';' me millP part 2a by.30. kitchen 14 for ; both, two t;toiies high, flir. church and Masonic services many. wood shad'40'll 2e� Stncial cement ols- oystem " is the keynote by which tile Work is done. Chiltabi JAmes W, Url (it Port Huron to ------ torn, if A GOOD STEP. -The improill 61 beautiful floral tributes were placed Ilk town and Colboraw2wphip. the WANTRQ,-tiv�00110 Ad 8A.Vrc 26toNsy by 110 ing JuimE's CittimiNAr. CounT. The Company's object in this donionstration Was to allow the or ch, &toil his fiv14 nicely engaging -Oil on tile grave, among them being utility lived wany years 'buyl AMI; also i to iond pin nted tnAldd. school grounds is at present u- #O)r&.MoaRT*S 11111 anfrinds wore fileano to great him once )OWly ))[It all to outilldo,'titablo, 15 by Wednesday Joseph Sangster, of Step. from friendS and one each from the ' be CIM 11 Wits present With the aliitwinter 14 with Jol 0M -Opl is the EducaCion Departch Board of Trade, the Town Council and people of Goderich to see f6v themselves thitt the bonus given tile itions Lilt Bro. a 'Ole ed,� od'Qur.114a, neI" 'All tbgdpL ent and Chia Jten, %%,tie charged before His Honor funeral. OIn good1blial It. S situato on a nice I 101rable placo,031,vo. Would svpek t pamphlet was sent out to the St. Georgf-'a Guild. There wits it company when they located here, and the prorniso noconipanying it C%- Win, Crulf, the atinittl Proprietor of striat mak it a ill() lCi'On 1101100, as boon fill Ill for some �10- call 'bl find at, Judge Doyle with arstrin. The offence beautiful arch ith bible untler the were being rn�de good, and that the firin had lionorably kept i witil I n 119 Ahip a who has' trustees and principals all over, the I va do In""' . t -for sonicon sProv�pce ehowingbv, beautiful PJC. was setting tire to at barn. the burning arch front Dresden Royal Atch Chal u door"" to IldVO finprovil Alghtly. t Is 00113 PlItIZIMOUROOLInwhiollren- fr(om Now is the time to our citineria. him "et's 100" lifirlofto. and wo trust he Board on Y _t.h w all v d. W !T,f which, with it be, tn res will in at ould be done a,,contents, caused it ter, it grand and affect ionate tribute ccvdi., Oil property, Alting tit is line. In the letter press such iosq of about $700 to William Wicker, to a much Ill companion Ito had i_flVe cover lift old t4like, licialthnilkilke. FOR SALE'. A TO LET. subjectsare treatell the location OF of the same township. It seems that. Thirty TIMPIF "tal friends will rogrob one before. AtuOng _khQ tocturners hands tire employed 'now, and tile following figures 0 hIN cluutinued ifluotis. ----------------- Wm. Aft;Dkitsoll 0 10 Now Eral, Alt. and Mrs. Goo., %Volt- NJLO ocifillect houso. pril Proprietor. -buildings, grading the grounds, the Salloster. w1i n94 of very strong front outside were deceased's three show how the busines is growing, They inade in 1907, 38,000 roacir had clum a lanill, all 0 making of lacking, *alks, 'and drives. inlet eat, asked the prosecutor to giv brothers John P., Daniel J_ aarid e ours. an ILI er Zr and n rt daft n, 4 ly.,lboutd 7fid IV t n 5 minutes, MORTO %&A,Ltlit (Y)�. VALUABLE PIA"Lint Robert J., of Caledon, hie alst cliors; and in 1909 they ostilliato inaking tWont lial mm V V - trees, ornaiMmlial shrubs. hint lodging, but wits *refused, and th knickers in 1908, '72,000 kn�l will n0ah-old-buAl - part- a I ill ot (]it A ad: oaItvines and climbers. -Theme follow a: fire -is Supposed- try -have, -been CaUS Lher linshand, Mr. ffirld"Mra. � Wfffil 100,000. In 1908 they used 1,500,000- huttblis, 4,990,060 yal-ils of all a 2, I&V 11 ucuwxii h hie preinfiles A Ply to 01, M ;o A, ee Hull score of full page cuts showing the through that refusal.' The prisonflit, Morrison, of Brampton, and his wlf row V"(1 wild, it iss Karr, or Under and by Virtue of Powers of Sale con right and Lhe Wrong fly. A special was in a House of Refuga some ye mug thread, and cut 83,000 yards of cloth, tin V". 11, I tallied In,if all niortgago wthtelf will be are father and mother, Mr. and 118. 01, Mr� Illauker. [it at 1. J$ALE.-In order to close u &a estate traduced at tile time of sale, there will be sold officer, Mr. if to Of their Own lot Jr. H. L. Ii professor of since, but was allowed to leave ; but Luscornbe, of St. Thomas. Tile late Ole n ra If ran ware rimoom tile no bl FoRof �I*Afl Shannon. M. ill, him late y Public Aticition by Thomas Gnodyll. Ana- HorLiculture in the Agrictiltural Cot- hie appearance and conduct leads to town Clark will ha niurb tnislIed, its The firin say, Our oniploycos aro saLisficid -wo are satisfiel a ventilation IS new tot sale. ICA lit ver fair con. tioneer, tit the Town Hkk!I In the , own of lege, Guelph, has been designated to the belief that his release was it mis- every citizen of Ooderi, Jill l --If could call, tile boys Who Wear what we titake are Awo O'elocill tbisnf�rnoon. the county find, modern voriVenivall Can be Inz Godarlub. on Wed negolay, To Vtfi day of Pool, d time. r6,r/urthbr particultim ary. 1909. Alt tki�ist the board and inspectors who take. He gave evidence In bills own hint friend. and through the satisfied - and we Ill every- Meeting Calendar to, Prit= An it I& ! lumble Sufather Ho 01 PIOPOMY desire al information on the beal the wits well and widely knorn. MI -B. if w1r. J. following v u lit Hotel Goderich.arideont -behalf, but his testimony did not Cle body else is qatisflel And we think tile vordiet'ol' ill wilotaw tile R Ltil Rl or. t Frniuremootina of the Town Council this, �4t, . I . numbers, 3M. SNIEr13806f flying of the school grounds. him from the charge. His Honor McKint and deceased's relatives have factory last Monday will be, Carriod fly ov nina. OR SAL11 odrabl 8 oin the said wn of found (he prisonerwitilty, find re- thol svnlpatlly of a wide Atu.V!a�orucfoung of Huron Chapter, N�. 30.' �q and hur Cr circle of F X SE for juanded him I till efluesday, 27th friends find acquaintances in their ---------------- U n tleent, can Qcld.;iL�h INSTALLATION, - The officers pyly. J, B. 11 wkins, SL Upon tto lialol Jarl til Is erected a largo Huron todge. No. 62, I O.O.R, for the inst., fu�v sentence, ---- The Daughtom of tile Empire will me with I to great and unelpected bereavement. 3storoy Veit vomoosed, Hotel butiolln Court House on mondav aftoruciall it A it along fron and THE Fll�iT BOX SOCIAL. AMONG THE C"URCHES. .1ook. o4mmodlit a varied bia.- elurent term were inot,alled into OfficlB Hocs:Ey. - On Thursday of lasift SA oft F PRO. The hatelhail 0 rooms lholudluip,lif both rooms P a r ne.ar cidel tile Ilpi. and lavatories.. find has also largo rutundol On Monday evening loy-D.D.U.M. Bro. Legiii Notes. By tile Popular Marine Club a Great The Neiman tOP11CH at tiae services of week a Goderich seven visited Sea, Ian 41tting roomml, tagethor ith 2 incoh rayloi­4 of Clinton Lodge, assist- 0 r c!'". X G , conEam. aming room an forth toplay, a game with a f LYNN vs. CANADA FOUNDRY 0O.- Success. file B�tpliot 0bureb next Sunday are AN In it ao On nea a 0 ulld- card rooms kitchen. pantily find anthill n, ed by Past Grands and Bros. froin the tcant, a 10 aia WHEK. I it is lighto and suppi act wark water by no foli'll flklo, me Ur I re same lodge. The till ge hall of No. 62 that burg. and after a very cleverly The defendant madehn application to n in tmyn oleo latightana sterol Marchingorclors." evolling "A Sub- on In I W or 90 Oil Wednesday evening of thin week a ttractiongat Victoria to far. a an a ol pp Y wits crowded, the attendance being played game, our boys el away be allowed to appeal to the Supreme tile first bux soolol in its hisLory Wns ject' I'lion Whiph Your Oplulf)n if, 0 be largest seen at afiv installatio Sought." The Bible Classes meet fit Opera tiouse. The lintel If, b i upfully situated on thesbor T 0 ral lon,o � of fin iof ke ell knowil summer t n of with 4 win, the score being 5 to 4 in (iourt from the judgment of the Court tendered by I lie' (4oderich Ali "ll A IhVitati011 to 1. A. -Johnston, versatiete 'A �F SALE.-Parb hill D Lako roKort. officers of Huron Lodge. After the their favor. Goderich had had no of Appeal direeting a new trial; leave Social Club, Theve %veto botit, 150 9 I e I Road L Colborne Town IV, 2 wit I Month v into r, magician, athlete, vtrntril( n e;. Terms of Salit-Ten Pat- ocR6. cash. Balance installation the brethren adjou�ned practice, so the win wak most was refused. A settlement was then persons present. find the ev a t provi-d qir from Goderich4 acres good olay learn, bria In one made, with the iticirtgageo to ell Rev Joiles tins fleet) in hall I arnsoxo7wit emontrtatillit ort , tuition mo"ts way be vithout Interest, or arrange- to tho dining hall, whera over one c,,ed Itable to the plaTerg.L-On Friday arrived sa wher I y th paid tt decided succems. The intellocto'd Conduct- h'! iftrist, also Punch and Judy, has a -4111) ------- asty oyster sit p- 2 I, Youn or bil2- -per-. - DuriwK th­ cio*(led 16 wiliness Lblri &if Of -U0 to- -it inent and lunch after. Second mate le lit LIitlowul tilis week, a I ext week. lie offers $too reword to leave a partial) f purchase molley upon hundred partook of a t the e I e coin thl WeSt street rink was fairly well _W_wj0oat_cQsts. in the_=difctrd proigr&ln came Ill and ,he exelte_ Nerviall lit the Bapt-ist IqtlgLlZqld r9f Victoria Opera H-11-il n' ill estate came, an appeal has been tai PP. Tfie trop tire or.. Apply t B rty will be sold Anblect to a to- team, of Huron lodge initiated four tertnedlate O.H.A. games of the series' to the Supretue Oourt, leave was not Will. 0anipbell oc-upied the ol anyone that can deftl hint in his a eehigh . . . . . . . candidaLes and put Lhern through in a for this district for the Season. Olin, required, its tbe amount. Of the verdict acceptably, find resented the follow. Nowrij ST MICTI-10I)IS11 (11tUI&II Thevurchaser can allomakiiarrargerneutil kill LF act arid at tier athlete feats. Miss a A SNAP,FOR SOMEBODY for tile purchase of the hotel furniture and manner that could noCL Ile improved ton bad, it was said,sk strong Want, 80 allaws an appeal as it matter of entirsp. Ing Erograni: song, Holly SVNI)AY E' Rose lion, thellandcuff queen. defies VS-41N(l, CHEAP PROPVLT�Jr7ok SALE ON KAYq contonts with'tho owner thereof' On. The newly installed Noble Grand, there vias much interest in the can)- Theresoltor thqt;e two) Cases iliows SuAt ; Rollo, Colin Melvor; solo, little' ACCOUNT 11 locks and bandcuft, and will ivie $so STREET�GODER10? For further particulars and fignoliti,l of W. L. Yule, was chairman during the Ing together, bnt the play had not the beautiful uncertainty ofsk I)tw suit Reggie King and al4ter' 1,1111l SC to any church or charitable iustitut on if OtCh RU4DR 0 I)OLLA Vj FOR THIRTEEN me "fiftli degree. and performed the duties proceeded f�r, when it was seen thil AN inatters stand oft present, the plain- dance, Miss Agnes McDonald: ll 0. 8011P, Servirl Ill Ing McCoornhm, lot apply to DICKINSON site cannot ninke good her escnpe out of wall bag, tiffs have foul- jtldg in their favor Mnlrry:.addi-eas by .J. 14G. Jottinn, w1o, Book. TW6. LOTU, f4easuril 120ft, by 134ft. In all Vow Satisfactorily, , The-officeraof Hurcra the vilsiti-ira wtte entirely -out-classpd it trauk barrel, packing case, lodge for 1069 are: N. G., W. L. Yule; olai had no chance to win, the score find the defendantKallve. What may comes front hinvo sallor Illicage. Sh*b1d, III 14- angeline 25 fruit trees, til pluni, bbil and, peach, or b,%x in So seconds; Baby Frame house,, ma n -part 22 by .80. kitiolien 14 b P. G., 0. Dunlop ; V. G.) W. Mcl being 18 to 2. The game.was without the Jildges of tile Supreme do? which was much appreciated, ftlbo a Pli NOTICE. is a sweet little athger arid never fails to 20, both 2-stfiroli,11kh. Wood shed 10 by Lein , Rm Seev., C. A. Reid ; Per. kicks or penalties. so Referee Woi h It is quite ll that the law should tie plano solo; bag pipe Hot(), it. 11. please and ainuse, With such strong mtond cellar, cement clirtarn.,wilill with spring WILST 19URON AGRICULTURAL SO. Sevy., W. P, Clark : Treat,, 0. C' Victoria St. Mothodist Chnrell, BPI" cards tile Bert Johnston k.'o. should water. House Is ol parprod-and f Clinton, had an easy jot). The at- ntoellded, Fit tiny rate at) fs,r at datuilge Craigie; arid a timMy addrest; Ill I lie I _ painted 0 not inelde. also pair vde, fist Summer with WbItely ; Chaplplh, F. F. Lawrence lowing were the players tPall ; I I il - three col wh to peifilt� Stable 15 by 24M vitly a Annual Mocting'af this Society will be Warden. 1�. 0. Kink ; cge-gare concerned. Lfirge curtil Chairman. ()"l fail to crowd the Opera House every Vi T Confluetor, H. Itevivah" 7 1). fit., fheolbur'eh'A tted an fill in the Town Hall, Godoriall, on Thuiliday. Godorkh. Clinton. Lions don't eare shoot tile ex "A feature of the evening was tile go-liNtle, Rpril u I g it next we,. -k. Admission to cents. Oint0h)(18141169. AlIthn-provday3sinl,tood January 21st, 190.9. commencing at One o'clock 0. Sturdy ; Inside guard, Wm. Abell ; MoLood ............ goal .... ..... Dowzor ond Ihns a worill of- his farni y are luneh arid Its disposal. Each Intly and Thurmilay repair, so if You are looking for a; home till a In p.m.. tot- receiving the annual rencirt,, electing Outside guard, Geo.,Willialrloi ; R. S. a nice, I n 6 In. or it yon, havb mou Ia oiricp encing lit 8 1). ol. Colborne Riflemen. 0 th sour while to cS, officers. and transacting any general blIfil"l N G H D. Reed ; L. S. N G. Jobn D. McDonald ...... covet point... Bert John,,ton heing prolonged iint they "c" which each Contained IL ctird with i lie At it luncheon - r rvs(,ntative4 (if I)uulop,,Jau. it, 1909. Maivor ............ point .... ..... W. Johnston deprived Of Justice, tile litigation lirmighta terupting box of Pil evening. Coinint an 10 t I a of members is specially r J. McKinnon ....rover .......... McKenzie to has a bright to- 3d. If you have ally coin plaints to mat IL Magill ...... contra ........ Itumball driven into a stl nt a ol name of one mariner. hest, vve,.11, tile tur the time '111,11 :% S �rafion *; R. S. V. G., C. Doty L. me it the Iow or uggestions to offer for the coming Fall V. Q., R. Bisaett ; It. S. S.t J n ,at pla= riessideric.. 72 a7s; 0 y nllsox. U. McDonald ..... right wing IFdir, pleaso be on )land. Ta t : J. Wiggins ........ left wing... .,Finner pany's terms. work in l(I)Wfle week it was To Titic STAR.—The Colborne Rifle L. S. S., H. Smith. .... Shopbard sold to the highest pa-leed purchaser, At ILI ed t hat tile de'luand for III bles is so W. F. CLARK. President. LoNDON AND WEBTRIIN'TRUSTS CO. M centiI beitiw the limit. Capt. ],,(I. bit, t lint, t b prease" of i it � U tion, held their annual shoot for a C r Can- no pper oil Thursday. Jan, MI-, M. 0. JOHNSTON, Sooty. OIIItISTl Timp. — The annual To HELP ARTISAI;S.—The encour- VS MCOONNHLL, of Brucefleld, two Robinmon ptoved it empalife salemiTlail, all Bible stociety Could notpreep up and had a 4NV99T,MENT. Goderich, Jan. ]I, t9D9. Christmas tree and entertainment of agement of technical education among cases. These actions were broulght, to nd*wIttimit-h-a. worthy )issistnt am with it good turn out, as you will see by the If thev wer i unning NNUAL MEETING. Pilf"i 4coreto heiaw. We also tied two visitors St. George's Sunday school was held the adult artisal the Province will recover $541 alleged to be owing hy Capt. P. cCarthy, evei-Vthing wits ni ht a lily. Rev, .Il= Oib%oll All. AnnuaNisithigot the Weld, woovewil In the schoolroom on Thursday even. sborLly be undertaken by the Minister defendant to the estate of the late sold, and file nionev accootited for to amtl foo apaktance to) the VfLuSe, and front Dutigntincir, and two from Goderich Theoxecutol of the litte George Aebason-o Doncan McTavish, of Tuckerminith, tho malisfaction Or expelt Tp,Chlb,anil intbeeveuingwe badour Mutual flro Insurance Company will behold ingi the 7th linst. The sobill in a Ed c tion characterized Toronto am thp weak Sit pper ail(] prograin, which was coal- Estate have decided oftior the Whole estate OO Ir b a and legislation introduc. and were tried on the 8th find Oth Of The It fly inlicop WILN ))fill, iout;ial I)ot in Bible Society work. Rev. for sale.,conmilptititXii collat. bonds, il at Dungannon on Wednesday, the 20th day of was crowded, tfie hall nicely decorat- ad at the Corning session. The work W. lanuary, A.D. 190, 18 the Agricultural Hall. I I benturexnd f0tob attlos wighin invel I Hour of moill lie o'clock, sharp p ed, and the following programme will be carried out through the public OvA, v ., y ti, n. Y. told of I he oped Of I I wing IaIqxkt:-- Chair- December by His Honor Judge Doy e, an (I er"T file find plen.svd e ie Bi hip pose'l oft"llbe follo oport arid the e Ju gment. Judgment `ry ISO F when the Direatars' annual r formed the first part of the entertain. libraries. Libraries In in has boten"handed out fill- plaintiff for geieckifill by4lylrebetotp.. 8010 by Miss wants wilt receive full Particulars a the same who res 4 , d unfl friddreliq by Capt. C. A. Roblettsou, On Calling an, the following., Audit-oriff'reportsof all reneWlt and disburse. dubtrial can- Artil ionch i lie earpets wel ,. l-plijov. ill tit(- ofthwent, Territot-Jes, anti a Aopliggotq, Executrix. went,; of the company a ng the Pamt year merit: tree will he required to expend not legs ed and [top l enjoycil foul it it seasol tirg"d Ille ellillina of the will All.. full amount of clw:;Z and Costs. wells gran ophI010,4-lell ltitt by . P, Bucirol will be laid before the I present. I—Carol by Sunday School than $100 it year to purchasing text able hour. ,Vito holders Flifli HIM, the buslopnis ian evange. ExecutOm There wifl also be an 0 act an of three dirco- 2—Song— Flora arid Fann� Sorpth 0 % 0 sM 1.4 q instrutnen. vet,—Misscl 1". loh oks concerning the prine I trades Brief I own Aniong thif were III Lie tots 6 h'i lining Goderich. Doc. 5. IW torn to 11.1ho_Vacancies fit the board by the 8—Planct it bourne find be Walter and 4,rP1 rotift a it of ;to. John Radical. of Ithicar- Alwa Sturd of the district. To these tipa Educa. opics. live Years Of age, its well ni I lift child- An atternfit IN 1wing ninde by ill(. tal by Mr. Syl , Spell fill 0 n ries", of Astifield. and James 4—flecitatllon—' Note togantaClans­—Haml tion Department will Capt -Mr. Bisne, selection by OXV.Itatra. loan similar UmAtesl Victoria Opera House ran of five fathol-P, an(l Choteh tit Ottawa, to AtOP a little full front Mr. Sylib arid tw& --------- I .,oft east awanifith, whose term of Hartwell hookstothevalue ot$100. TheNeare 'all next week. grandfathers find Lhe'sale of fininoral literature. 'I'lley ImIlies, tlet bV Misses Waft r u - ------- to too 0 tat nk of e Oil Tyn. LF_GA:L CARD. 0 e 11 n all Ire, all of whom are eligible "Ong--- Childhood I'— Bernice Bill to be loitned in turn to the thechania Bert Johnston Co. all next week at M Bert Pill plaZed Life violi' Itaking fitepHtLitrough the 41all, gratnophone selection. pecch by idpofor the transticti 6—Carol by the School U ki la c it, Solicitor. Not- ail t for 6' [ill a buslipellif in behalf, of the I—Plano &olo—MI-ol Lewin without charge. Arrangements will Victoria Opera House. accompanied by Hiigli Nil lurn L Of JUNO !P 4) in4litute iininedinte Ion rteadIg by IJ. a motio to anti, lowfligtenarent IV liar* on iterasta of the Company. I &tit the New Year --clairo Harm also be made to hold examinations for iOg Capt. Mr. McManus, 4 all near liagistry Ion—WillIoSturds, pipe iby 60 N e J. M. ROBERTS. those who complete Courses of toch- Victoria Opera House every the delight Ili till. PCrifong it) 119,of liar rv*,�vnjoudn, God Save our King, Dungannon, Doe. 218t, 19M. l0—%9—"Sttfko up the band"—Mailter and queen at n t it t OMIMC811,174l 'i " I "t,il rate rVA"'. Miss Rnse Callon, the handcuff (JI -191t, With tile bag pronvou I Ion "t"ler tit" Cl It �r I oll Of Mr S ,lib, Orchestra, ree twill be prescribed I fit(- kind. Cori I Ing night next week. Ig nical reading tha aWerbiter Solicitor, EXTING Or, COUNTY I have Santa Claus Iand certificates will be Issued to those The 010) desh P to I hank Mi -A. Otto. 500 rdw 200 rds. Total am Mond a .Ublia, Godal COUNI, ll BURG held with #ill 1-01 'us ti I,. 15 M. It n Sr P al�yortcfr The DARV Ell Ine Works Allipped BlsFl for a rughlon food bookill nod I n Oft it 4. iu­fti Ont. (511068— ft its Gertrude Sanger obtaining a certain percepts eak- ada, asking fog- .Per? to w it I (I I, 15 .1. M tThe Council of tile 661'POl Of tile 18—Carol by the Sollool lee; of this proposal, Mr. H two Cars It inachInery to Toronto and Miss Skinimings for eniondar ml(l Eetillotling tire Clovernment for the 1'. Nit, le wan lit L31, County of Huron will meet Ili the Council 1"Ong Cookburn Havil L n lb Fenelon rialla this week. tunifie, ito vveil an tho young litilles for (Jolittliorpe. if) 21 37 vitt, provincial lnqpector of I lon oFilt more adetionto re.n. 111--t 8 Charribil haTown of Goderich. on Tues- 15—sonf—l' LulhiV "—Laum Watson - "Libraries day, the 26th trialt. at 8 o'dlook Il too rarles, said helping the 01xib previomily and (Inrin 17 33. 10 --Roc tartion­ kilenhone to Santa CIRU- ' - heretofore Oysters served in all styles. tee or"hip of theatrical productions, Ird lift 14 aw r all against tile County requirl" - Ernest Leo have been conducted for the benefit Orearn bricko confectionery, etc. tile evpning, 8 led must be placed with the Clark befort'oo 17 movingpicLuin Allows, ate., to (,,in. won %V'"011 d to I be soft I 1jecitation—MrArion Leo and amusement of two clasees, profes- Blackstone, *eat St. Restauran LittleltegRie Klnf and AlAter Lillian ada. J i thisato. EntOr Santa Claus it 0* oil 11FRION, ll t. 1� I He On sional men and others desirous (if be. and Agnes McDonn. d alLs to be ftDotted Jan. Wit IIN. W' "A"04'.1'rk. Santa OlAus appeared in tile person of Ing Instructed and saine time Norman Lewis read an excellent The reelar inid-winter,rileptin Of er on how Ill 14 13 "Canadol at the A. Y. P. A. 1111101 appreciated nppearance, arid fill (, lintoll next Toesday, and 11) t. lyll at the grainlated oil their muceem-iful tIll.lout, . , N 11 0. 0. Lee, who broufht a large ever- amused. The machnnic has been lq- Pap anti Fluron I rpAbylery will op 1 ]kL -es,mts, and noted or brerlooked, him , us 18 'elil 164445d w Lit pt n 0 "L A (A] so faras books in St. George's school room, on Tues. preNent, wriuld Ila delighted to have lit IT day evening, Connection it innAii niveling t W. E. ELLY with thettelp of assistants commenced relating to his trade or calling are con- thern again. 11,11dr, If I no y In 1= will be held to I a101krth" y mn'" A Muiltord 1) [l ebers anif favored ones. The distribu- Ply His Honor Judge Hol hold "I or Division 0ourti next week an followp: 1441"nary Mnvmn f,no *6 Thdoj_'I.JkI"O M65DISUIT OWN MUSICAL Ilinom Trm Il N. W.—Under date At' Got -tie. on Tit ad of Knox Collpge, JEWELRR AND I ion of the presents was Clip most In Auction Sale Register. PrinCIPILI (litntlipr, 413 14ndibikart6ill Mofficid tot yount childpon, Drum els oil Al Ad t all CA Lit, "L., on alt'hurs. , I I I Mi- .1. A. it I, hill .... I J. To OPTICIAN in er tl Jan 1W Dr. J. M. ]Vurnbull, a former Wednesday, anti W ng 1061 0 Itderichite, now of Prince Albert, day. s that at Ivagi tiff) I)prq1,o4 will Alt dowil, 1, issuer of Marriage Licenses or it ".a on yed as hOartillpab;' mthe Go ' i 'I And thol is ll promp'tet of a tiloRt b th en, Sank., writea thus kindly Goderiab metals Seaforth In hockey A 11o'l --it e children. ThL in-tifil gathering t.,!t!,t, 'it ". V Goderich. Out. through at an early on the West street Rink tonig L. to help forward I hp gro-at wilt if. (L IA t, I , ."L 'I' I " I am reminded by the advent of The light will Ile a good Bi NO h It. t J leill"llt 1.1 21 3A ------- hour and' closed with the national I 3 *106fol, httel anthem, another year that I am Indebted to in tit to cheer in -ese out, oys oil to it LICK. % you for another ilinnual subscription victory. County Council. IIts VW lid ERCIIANDISN BOWLING,—OrrTuesday twelve Olin. to Tan STAII, find you will Intense find (i t.1 11 SAL fer.416to" or A conference of tomppril work Tllp (i::niy Cotineil will lie rorn. I call ed twelve citizens of the game enclosed. It seems like a t* JeWoler, ton citizens play' -G. U9021tTr. 10816148ker, ell a gtil three rounds on wAekly )letter from the old town, era front Centro Huron will lie hold i� f llown thiH year: 1 ts South Side of,the Square, tile Council Chamber at the Town 15 19 Goderi though I have been away train It so H41, Clinton, on Thursday, Jan. 21st 7 Goderich Howling Alley, the result Anliftel'i L . ........ T 4t,otherN goplatico, ONT. being a win for Goderich by 245 points. long via* that many of the names I see commencing at 10 o'clock. W, Ill i ynd.11 mentioned are lint famillar, t Tire previous week, GiodArIch Jour. hough 410 MEDICAL nded to to Clinton to plAy it game and ' ev Anti I &in alway PC This Friday will be Society NI le- th le Sirlb M&nY Itithig of- inter. �on by thr,o pointa. s glad to have It "The Girl -arid tile Burgifirl t Blyth . . .... Dr. Alilne h got !.downed, so We contest Is igyen tortAL opefal House. B Aufation Sale of 1000 A of r AD goods 01 I in ton and 0. and the next match fivill settle tll� at -rive arid It does not long remain un- arret & Gill . . ....... l ed. Have had a comparatively More hAvid made good, and delighted in Lail jackett. and!("olholue ..... .... Ooderich Township. 0111ce and 1'dttoot. code. clul pion ship. The following shows Irsolit le"ll rl r"119 winter until tile first of this their patrons every night this week. sk P. incus shirts, bed blankets, towelp, Exoter If. eCallum STOCK. - r. 0. Lithwaite on h , Him it. in to 10 in. Pbotieft— the names of the players and their tablet lathe. IS boyA overenata, tnpil ... ... I 4. Sinrily aeGODEnICIL es OtM The Midland Queen. one of the fleet week, when It turned quito cold, and oft 0 Thurmdny of last week. rpeelved & MI till Had 6 Cog M. curtainil tib4ong, butitl g)ARq wilre (loderich Ig oirriorty blill Hansom Fox. & till norn ng whonaSoiningo down to wintering here discharged the tnotihnee YOM glitter fifty low ze of ber cargo tit tile elevator. A. field granflHon of the hying Fox which 1 2 3 Total — to, Tho 1L W,'N. B.. AL C. 1% and A. 0, th eo re ranite ware, small root heater etc. ySATILYRDAV JAN. i6th nt 2 o'cloottz In Orey .. ...... A. R, McLean 1193 I this 10*est temperature reskohed him Olenallith and Agawa, contalnkng the afternoon, Ond 7 ill tile evening M wan sold for S5,(XX) ; his dana Is of tbg I a 11t, td 0 lot.. till. phonctio— 0. C. Whitel 12R I Humber 1128 32 tick"'Iltoll St. Volt cannot tionatill .......... Vt "911 I year, Already aevoral of odr citizens 300,0W buthelol. remain to be discharg. B,,kett's, .1. (4rant Hil ntraln. This young alro voill b(" Are talking . rtibill or&ting buidness ed belfore spring, afford to miss it, an the goods will lie [lily . ..... ILamont hert id St. Ann At raings which will ill nialto it good eross with his St. JAm. el in I blol In thly Coftl tiumnier, and the Nit, G. W. Beckett whoso advr. Pl ld absolutely at your own price. No Howirk . ......... T. Shparcir give blin in his berd the foue be t It A i 4 at 58 DRS- sm"W" To"'N""LL prospoetsfor quito a lot of building galrdin? his Auction house appears op such sale since Goderill wan r, hl .1. Ilaimtoct, strains of Jersey blood In Anterle#6 31, Butland 131 IM IM MR during IOW are firl brightl psge of THE STAR, Wil 8 every article put tip must go. (,,Ito. 11olletr. 111r,blist gisifritak liof 16ti 8 To"Ont I . a Saults; 102 W Aid, In 0108 Wet we bolle that the year opening remarks thereon on 8 tutdAY l3nexitrit, Aactioneer. venlock r �44 1 1 T, . ... I ... W41thd% 'Phone tin teN 155 .14. atmppon 121 171 J2s 410 Uplan *1i wo fuLvejust ontered Will Pfterndn at 2 O'clock. And It Thil fire the woo I)r,. tuiliftitol y1twilill 11 112 4211 W st Vo y h$& he thoulit Auction Sale of four CUtt4l T top lor -0 out Ratty, sAld, chit one DdaVIS In 12D "I PY, ft)%Id P1`611015rolls and have a Isitgo audience to hel lihn. tie obook hLillifead - AA he arl - 4ll`tM - buggy I cuttlng�box. I root pulper I Reaforth Ja . 1t;atoon I ral wit much lka4prl IW L"It' 11 14-0 At rny Iteoveablipor The cold sell of Tuesday night coati I'll robe, I got akin robe, 1 astra. Stanlev ....... W. 44)tqw 99itYli, its 14 td 2 1) ell? ci,tocm _4.�t — — 1104"ItIo", Iaff coVered the lit e With fee for nearly A chan robes, to borne blankets. Act of Stephen . ......... I 4. W Illert' tillif Out frOM the harbor. and the single harot It. McKay y . om "Vfti� X ijfA 21 Tell As, and I coal cook stove Turnberry . ....... RL A. Z MOXIM, M.'% Jr. Itablit 04 Au"ION SALd. cold south irind off Wtilnesday Ack. M01WDAV, JAN. Iflth. at 2 o'clock at 1). I I. MAT"& vwkik Vaborne . � - - - - - .. .. .1. Moir --in Grodoh %tol all 01khtloft 16 W. J66664 N It TueAst' 141ty. 26. Auctioli sale of So have lIorbilt strid hobtring fishiii 31 a ed"lli NOT well. So that We 8 ould: iltork St. This will' be VrI *it opt)Ottunity to bay at Volur Owil price "All 11111i. John t 140A 91 on Itain ftittd;I � gM 8t Ail 1 _ IdIng I Wnwan J. I'lil Motto SWAM t tut* 0 K 0 met H�, #4 01 51 mwit and sevetal Poll , r J.) TtAil J g., ItJ B"~ Moittrotal.04 U, Itliwo i14 Atli "400" h6tstil I'll 4 to 6 thM, ith the le6 In a flow J&yg. witivoillooh W. iontt^ A1116 1111IONn tog. T llI g I�66:410110&tor loaded 45 cars of Winghain ........ .. Dr. Irwin will till P110,1ol tfifffi ths VeMitifft 130, _i old. .V 1Y,611 Mr. 1,6bb. Milli. tol)" lit, #21 011fid., 010h Tp,# about * nillitto ter this 0ittlit, onfuesafty. The GY0, UNCRUTT, Auctioneer. Wroxeter ............ U. Ril �,UOtIttleft Tpl, ato U At 9 116 I H *1111� 116 IWO for 1 314 a top Iftwotli olloteiri, t riptwqli; Ing YAW IWO I to illfe, THON. GtINDXV, pit of obtilf t ont Wall of Mother oraves, worm I ke al gqod article and I. UrAhAtit IN 10 15 00 W. mccohooll iff to JW 317 I I 911t0fillfiditor will convince you thatFi pea of Ito ltbodness and I il beft 40we t If 6 ton, W .to to to, to ;VMAr r I Ah 0 Th 440 W V 14N., 4f day It. M Poll SIA 14 Ry*. liti*Aeo to Upto to to two tle was a large George's the a by the rectoi The serVice A. G. if74t *11 a this CA "Alt'ity 1` It: it has no ifillaill jig & wopin niedicine. I wil 10 It ol continue o b $1*111 1 , doettisto Ili Tnr watowalti 04111 In r MY & bottlil and 066 if It dooli not Tile I....... OU �1000, itAll than *6 d6. likto" folN. by t Okloida' T� 01** you, of A