HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-01-08, Page 7.� - — q ` ?;r - ?,F' �' I. - � ` "- —T-,: �r�l % �_,t �4'421�1 _140591FOOPW � I �. - - III qw,x., 4-1.111, . � I I I I - I ., ,�:,. "I . . � . . 11 . I �' , - I I 11. , I 1',V.F-W*W 4 . ,- I - I I :. ff . . v I , , I I , A, ". , , b I "i , , , :'' . '' I . � 4., " , ji_o., * . I .11 I 'f,z- " -,I ."e " �'it, �' .1, 1 1 � , ;,* � � .� 101, _-11 " 4 , I I ;l, . � �' ? .11 . � - , -� 1-7 N , � I , ,�t: I "'; " � - � , t, 11, � - 11 4 ,� I . ,.�. , ...". .1 ... � �-fl .,.,rN. ,,, )rI, - I . . I � I I .,� � " ,% !,�, ";r, .� t �� � 1. , 4, ­ .­ __­ �� I * � — � , - . I , 0 A. I , , '. -� ,� " - - -1—' �__ —A - I .­­- I geirl elmoss PWO . . _� - .L.- 6- � ,. � ____�__._ __ , , vaImii"4mhMM-_r4 - � ;--Amapbpoi$- ­ " - __ __ - - , I il - I'll, ON — - -_ - -_ Is !_m__ _ 1%. - - -00o -I..i,.-.Ax-��-44.4.44%1-"-41-1.!�ONW,i I - -_ 0 R M 0 N. . - - q - .. lj";I�.�,�­ 1V______1`___ ­.— I . -- A, I I., ­ . . 11 . �. , - ".."A" t ". .1 . " I . .1 I . _ I . 4 .. ­ . . . . � I . ,. � # I I jdmmw-mdmmmib .� I - � I � ��� k 47,* .,�` , , - , T1T.WfZ7­ 4-7r,., � - ,I" ­ I .. . I , A . 1� ?I � - � t'��, . , , .. — l- I V, - I � , " — og P. . Is, . *1- ii� ow ��­_ I - � I ;� I � I , i . I I I I 11 I 1�1 i :­. ___ - , _� I . ... I- ­ � 11 - I � - -1. : - � I � . I , I I I . I I : 0--l'" � I ... I 1, . I I � I- . t n -am am,rda"Y''I'M MM"I"'111 I "M A . I I I �� . � ;,11 . . - I I : . i I � I '. 1 )0*7* u4ft ONoiSer 40*, *001olaw 11% .. � IXTUNATIONA34 000, " - I . � . . I'll I'll - . %0m,_dM_igjggggSWjAW a lomet .NOW . . � I I . .1 4AN. W I � I _U* I Stislois ** 1011ilair og "040 ba" 11110411 � I . . - �, I - : I .1 : - I . I I ., I . I . , I �. 140411ill Valk Siat WA#Ar*W -' . *sow VW0 JW , "004 a" "itow,l. 11 I . 1 o, � . I I *A#" , I I . , I I 11 I . , saim X4W adi *00-tisignoloill ** I .. %u wy ullmolisItit 0a, 04 **%. Avill I I 1 I � . I I . - . I I I JIK awm " 0* 11140W,4111110,0016 1 1 jWAjWo&*"*otAidv%0W" uy** . I I : , I . .. ) I == viiiisdo, on 4��� sit I , . I , 10004" it. "* 4*00 of 0_0� X* , - . . �, I oomwit **.. w4*4"Oor )Woo0lik ot 11 .. . I I � � , I 100W � 04luft'llil I I . ! I I . w0000low *doilift OR 0* *OOW I oloss" VAIXAM 440''Yoot "�, VW0 01 1 .; "I . 1 � I ."11S, .1 .1 _12111� I . 11 %%* 111"Plot lot WA"MOM %49q04.3)4%1%o. 1 yeir*# 0_0 � I . I , , I �, . 1 4M , .I . I , 04%w 0ovilvinit'giliKloida, " 4# 11, *V* IV, I 1, � I I I ". I . ". r .. . I" two, """ to "I No#"* 1W Vo . ., � I A0111A 14 14 17, . T I ,, .. . I losew -OW "Rkth 014% *t Oft jW "No I I . . , I.:.`V. . � I "A . . . 1 � 4011III, ot 04*0 11" Ukoo*o , I ': AVA IthAAW14"It"1190011 . i , � Vote* U, M. ., , I 1"111"', " � - I 40)W I t" , + . �� 11 .1 � . 9UNSSWOW � � 0 VW" , V* -OW ',p"WAr ,lk*W!- . . � - 1, 111 1 4.1 ,,, . I 1. . �� 1. 1 -1040ft 000011111014. � 4v" - 4014W a - I . . , 109*0 44 4 *0 - . I .0 , � . . % I . , IF , VA 016 � I , 11 I � tho"A - 00 Skut "Id W**" "� 1*00*41- . 1. I I ThIs, Up, A � 1forlitigiv Aw , I � . I'll'' � . . I I � 4W J110, W Spill *ieo, OPIWOMW two,$*- , , I . I ,, "t levitto", " 440IW, .4444 jet 11111111"t, ", : .11 . I . ''I .1, . ,dalp figill,94 00 AM004 0", Ok V , I I . , 0 I Low '111414 1011lillot ow"00 . . � . , - I - � � I 1. , . . . � � - 1. , �� I '. I . .., ow � I I 00"0011, oc IliaTAW "A 4voo lostols ipt I . , fllukow O" - I � .11 I '. - � I � � .11, I Iwo �",oqlrw F I :.'I. .1 I ftlorG U 4410"01 A . . I I . I - X 444. INIIIII, 00109AW --- I . I I I I . 11101149414111111, "doolly witle wl" 4X4 � . . , , I 11 Sitait % I I SRI I � t4w 1491. 414 *JL4 Of^ W41 0^4 _0111111" . . . 11. I ... I 11 � I � by- tho 9940" 14 04- Agglit trio ., . I I . I I � ''I I I '. . I . . . . I ..N I I 0*04�0,*obr foIrmatiko, *,0";omet4W I �, '04*140 *9 � 00 "or � ,� I . - . , 04 W4464 1A Ow Ifim ol' 4%* 11 I I . I � � � I I � . Mlslyp AS'WAX 1W � I : I � I , � - - .". � I I f .� . '. I- ­ . I I ,� . . . .1 . lior, x4ruov, O'k tm Soinsois, W40A od, I � I '. _r00"* -Vl� lwgiwie siso -0 00 , , � � �: I I , �/. _ , . . , - volva, 10ow" ig"dog from this 0* , I . � I I I , ) I ,� , . I . ". I ot"otiolt.q vook rimse Is. wo ftw, VAUT 4 I ­­" " 1_111 I I I I I . I � ,* - -it'", . . I - � . �' V111 � �, 11 , -,. �1 , W7- i"'W40 Is, oo "W, wqAn 04 �. I- , . - , I '. Allur'(4y" P., Ulf 1047). W -11-1111. '�� I � I I . . . I I il, I , I !:I 1 - — Iiiiani; wh tirlseqK .j* . or,, 0400i* , ... , ,�t , . - - — � " I . _v- - -1 , at, - 4051I,04 A-'W4�---­7- ­` - I � 0 0* ,hr , 04410"t #aA *A 9 ­�:e ­­­ ­­­.­ , ljout; osrolft. it I 4�y , . , r. . � -V - - I - �:e I I I . , � t #*,or vol,om lk** A* xror, � I'll . oviodiltIorvex, th*, � IV 11 I , �� . �, 0"o *1 . �, Vitt * jettI.10ho; "044 lItO4,0*04 "O � I I I � I � . "", , !, I � I . I I ... I i . , '.1 I I . �, I I I � I ; I by, this ust 01:04, . I . . I � . 11 I I I : ". "ll 44 14110 mko� � - ­ � , . . aptlystm . ��� 11 . �;�;, I ,'r I., I I . 10111", _%r0W4* 14 , It I �. �. - I .. I . OP . � 11� � . , -�� � , . : .;. , ,��, � , , , , 1. , �"_. 9ttk' TO011 014. ?Also of 11,003t "O"140Y I I I . I . ffoln's; to 1hor *410,*;t #Atk' alig, M 1 . �, . 1. , . �. I -1 �, Ver, X giliao, thin, *otu^_",A# ;% ok�la **, � . " I Allit'lin '46"iIwo 14� �"% "tt" *11111 I -I I I I I 11, d th JoUtift ro,)41il'9f TA , ff 1� I ­ - ,, , A. � I . I .1 I . *4AiA*a*VAtyA*g1 ", � ow, 0% , . . . I � '� r , _- . - , , , � � � I I " " , 1. � * "-to. a44 0400. t � , I . � �. I 10 " 0 1 . 11 . � I , Woly"Ap A tool.coxapolly, 4 .1 ,. 11 I 1: r', �, I I . . , . � I 1-01wir,or 0%%*'IW X*0404. *44i .troy ,, ,� , , i sow ,litay* a vow'. Qr, " . . L.. I I � 08 u 0 " . I 11, it, .1. I . 11 . %norviorl W#"* . � � � '. . I 9i, . . I . 11, li. 1. �% toli, Is, a V*""",*oO#aIP_�-:90P, V'Oialia at 1. dj$0iPje% 04 t it':' folStIVO q&)r W* - . . L L . I . L I . L -"..*, it"4;Ill T",-- 10114.1 040' '04 � . a ' 4 . ... I ,� , . , '' , , . I 1. - - , it" . . ptoot, L,of 44 In . I � , � , , . I 410-04:or *041"R,�,. : ,,, hL t : . � I i - **t*b*4.,,q*0L ^ 1409,* -*0440 b""r I , �y i -1 !, L " #* I ­­­ ,, � . , : ""Y'. 0;04-pls I vot , , ", . , , ". III L � I , " , �, 1, on ­ I I I L . - �jct 'jRsin%A;k 'WItkamit,4" 4 harve4t# tp, Aplathot-4 0_1 , I � . .. , I L L 'N ,* , , 4,40 Sadito), " '' ,:�_ � , ­ I � r #Ij`*#r;P ,, N.'*- I 0 100s, � 'L r 4" 11 . a . I �� 11 , � � , , - #mal "t ­*0411ilm . I L I , . I — - , "" .10 * tit *"*a 0, no""Agnot, 0*4 * � I 11 in of W'h Olt jo 'o tilet Porpe" 4 I I '. - iimmirlrip� ft _$l'')%��JMI"o'_� ": i I I -% . . . , 0 , ,44* , M . ., , I 4, "", �api ,4 h I � . L . I -11-0-1-1- Wot%140.044jor .44,6,44111".10ft,'' I x5t roltivo of ililhi quou L , . - ... 1 �._ � �.�__�_ - - __ .- ,.,.I#,r,,__, Irens "ic# , I 0*0)psirptl . I I tOU I obigi�,tors,*,6 ,, I -­ -- ­ 1- I , __ . ­ I ' ' ., *%. I , ­ ... � . ,gt*r;--"liut A , Va# I -�* 11 .. , .­ 11 " :� � ' L ,, , �"*Ul*t� %hei L' I "!,k,- "Ir Which, the Pkitt"* 4.4 � �� . I I'll, . "­ L' I I , � I—— 1- -­!:, A . __ ,. . . — . , , , � ., �-�, - r'� i.;- 'L"�, - - - - ­.. .__ __ �: - - .. 1. -.--- -1 - --*r. � - - , . �LL I 11 _, t_*r _t" " Ift *I V -y'r, . "k�_ejt, . , , - 4400, , , . . _, , . I _tll i", T � vii, -W�"W%";, - 444"00 W. ,� . � 14 ; , ft: .., W � twotpliq " *04 . .44a Ill* �, ,�� ,* wjito tll!,jroitth�l;,,,�4i4"$,ILd,vioi � I . I I , , Irik, ,�v ' . I.. . . . -� Ilk . " - � ' tg�l* ~## I%Vrti ;,0414 Ili;% , 1098A 49kol a*4 1 1 11 .. .1 . L I I � , I I I 1*14- TO at - In: , , jir r0tUfa t ­ N;W� I iio,ater.00 ex tho � *010*4 h day sipeo tbo L - 'lf 1-__ -.1 - - I I - - 01104 141100,13r. Iftto-ths-, I -ese .. . ­ , Wolof liam'-TA 0% ­­ ­ "',­­ -11. - '4' '0 -'Ogiioi,07."A,;K,Tkl*V�'*"Ii�.�'�4',a � . � M,* �.- ­�, . V� . L azteV4r _Q-__ ___-'__- 1. I . , , _44W ' us in. the , th I_'. , LL � ­.� I " jL - - , iLAPjW ,to , L "I �L , ,� , LON ,h ­ t�*L , , � jerlissItm Ialtot I.I, � Qjj I I " &#Qu)t_ '0 , . .11 .., �1 rL .1 I , )* .�qamaa"s limic, :,� , 11 . ,too � , #X';!.k g!"pase' 1 � . '� . ,. I I'll 1 � ,!: L'U,4 mlJftg1!WIp,� , � I - - I I . j eatic "I , I : : ,! I .--1 � I ­ . , . , I 4qoa Otjb9h41oto,*adW,ea,4"W,I1, I �T , '. ;. "I , I 00m1h � ra,%tq#'jatLjj aXjifk'�jt xquat"' ILis 'Uarp All I , , , ;4044 ., i - Toot L , L . � ", 11 , , 11 av "', it CT '*' h0ooa "bir 40111.40ho, braid Aix , "04 , L � � ", � In can *01a", The supper , . � . I i ,'�, T I lhl�ad:: fht.ti�j ',J��r alitst �*, 041FIF YIP., IiI-A,X �T p4or.t - 1 � , , L, be on � �O I , ki 4604 Oracle, in, 97-m- , � WentI000d ilk our Islilt lesson. I I . . � I 014. it �� dram, � sAlbratilarad 5 , . Cial gasialleg fr., L, 1, L .'L . i I � I - . � 'anit _,ths;�..*bvro. tA4t 10- MY XUPA0411i, POT , , Ir -P 1. � I I � � ': , � I L - - " I 11 ­ I , 'It , 2, Sudilonly-Tho'gipe , , , I Ltst llni�, V4.4.L. Pill- - . .. . 00;4P& The uPpo ­ " . 11 . , I � � � I , i� "pb,ltI%*f,. *t,,,tbml.�*L( 11-1 I I � - — We's linjoed, *Ilk too, . ALh I - "."I I � , ___ _.., _­ r I _4 sholP44, 011 . preselto I - I , , �. .. .� *. r,' .. I r4o, 4,ftm -40t� 14#4 oh,9)4l4#Xo " I , � I., 1. I T"ri �,� L, ­1�' � _­ ,�, 111, _ th I . I " .V � tation of the, f3piriva L, � I * ' - lease As I Ali . - 4 ','itim uo,n# at broadcloth, each Ilpigbad . .L� �� . . , ,,, �, , 0057, .* W �, . . 'r': , ;I, lRoyjr " 19wor . I . . I broke upon t4em witilout, Priliviult I I 1, �. � , � L:, � �kpoth*r 900,104 at tbo, au;jy,9jq#, ,pigAy, ispld tt; XUAK. ' . .11 "I I I : - ,i , . _ hl;�Il A'*4i A"y braid Anti m. name cotell � I I ... i ,� �ioa.oa.jjl :tb§ �,gtitlnp�l T,Ok* L - _ ___ . - . - - '� Nikr4ina.. The� hour seems to lisiv, ao,��w,qal*�l . , he bizbl$'�'J&VO�410', L 0Og)At#jX itials --tin*. lower Par hQlar"', or aw4u, L I 1 I : , � 11 I I . . , tho I - --- � I . . I I , .. :1 t��'#A'4 ,tg%o L, W9m$jA 4C _*rAWC 1�iit 14- 717tur.- �4t -tbsiF*­IV, tip . , . I . . . . , , I ,, �.., been, ,,the third I 4 I or �-, V44_qC,j.t ­01wo " I 14 ' k LOK01i allon'siA !*_ ' - �Tx�� b . nine 1.0ruvits follow . 1 11 . .1 r I I wl 4he ,it al"4100role% ttoatifrifilti'vith 't % o'clock Ili the IT rrr I . �,r ., L jmjoadsr'� Pur L, - �Iv *44, - 0ftt .9." . 9** h L Of An* � �, I . :Ii' - �j , ItaL. , I I I jje,jpg*, A touch of the br&)A eirto . I .: L ,��", �� I . irmigion: ll."ic i,f*vlrv,� 6114440tat" 014,40V0 � ,:.: , . L #��* .4dortially bV� ins the evening oil which the 1040 � . L, , ,.,at t#y#�Drlayokd gull ra � � I I I I �. .. .. �'v - I., ." L ,�,� , *�iojois-� . : L o mIjjOW_arLbaa4, ,, The" OVjSgjr%l or thl# brajdory was also gnt6dui;44. AVoUTA . , � L L � _ L" �, , _ I I I � I � . , "� ?., , *a bt;h coller. I . . � , ;1 I I rikirgow"Ip nwos , day, according to Jewish reckon L, . 'L , , � , - ,-,. I . . ,; i­­� I . I . '4 4,00a . aidared Crops do chino, . . . �. .1. I , ,�. ' I': For Inawace, It 11*0 .'N"Altm 0, - pri, model was, a. lip.lotarls. �Ojor�a p"I"all" - '_r1VVtP 9fLAMOV . - � � Ing,, Wpm. , . --14-1 L - ,. - . - L .. -, -.-,.-,- -,�­,�: , --- jjjVj i ir*.L- -1 - UrmaIl -.with--*. tribrattlitt0d 4AIL71AID .: t I , , :1 � , I g 0 It" ! I .. ., , . 9, birpaA %d: t and laic* ia�whbh_ - 0 �fnkrlifesta -1 ... 11 - L � o,.�i � I I r _"p AgeVt Of,11011"Al"A -*lo,ta -all# AhIl"I 7 -j�r -not. bX-41ded -und - ­� __ , I . �­ . - �­11 , � � _ - - - . . 'LLL - , - � ­­ �� , � ; L . VIOM, coollimoro. q - A -4TW`Or ilNiit en I ila Ku 4W4XW ottid' A to -An audibl, . I . , ; � , � I .L. r ,"Y""UPPI0. , ,; 'L, I . I � . . . . . . . : .;, �,-, . 1,,� s., ", , I , torim, nq* Ipr.4Id or colored embroldox3l' It I I I ­ . bl� I , ,� .1 , I 11 - - ,-,,, ­ �, ­�r .. I 4*411.40"fou OWA iO4,41199IMalt from oetpor wistaria, braid. Who k0yol I tion, hard to desvribek� at resemb . I �., � . - I , , . . . " " �­ 717 OW� jptlroliucs4 can be used to hand this � . I I - � I I , - . , I dgpgjojr'Sgawii by laVrO4UQ* Yoke was Ot CrOILMY Asuroalluer- oil L ml which no I. , I , . I . -:�'.. rr �, ". ; !" I 1,�;., k,., ­� I I 1''. Sll;�mrIXUqn,. s: � the bolero. ling somewhat the still . � � . .. t . �- :' rr . , � , � c your After- in . I n of a mi I Tt.'-- - - - ____ - - . . , . !� I I 11 , ,,, �L ija�jg %;I, ikliforoviv vultops, I . it a � dad, 4alor ps%torn, aud In I �. L� , I 17- - -- ­ I I" � f, 11 L , , - �Xxk Figure III you find the reverse of coippanim Ahe -rush", Alm I I 11� - I 11 , - 0--Op,taak -Iftev.-dys --to- -glegift-of. eadib, dal4jr-was-sawed- A, -Ilya n . - - . . - I � . aw � � I . I ! , I - ---- -nqo a. ----- -fiii - wind. A eL are not to tit nk, now , ... - " .1 'crinio" , a . I __ - - to tit I --- - � I ,. .A ,A � tho treatment art in kictirs, 15 � I � ' I .L lzI*tOb Wo, f4b"o, with high P61utOd boa,il. . the over -d ­ i , ever, of any atmospheric motion, ''I . ,, L . , I I allAr gajk�-,,jolkg peounquotaire sleeves, The same .iritidel, would develop har* ravery in at a0lin or I . - � I . 11 I . .. I . �'. " .., C 4.01re oth4r- dapple fabric. while the I . but simply of the Round. j, "I I L'; . � L , L " I Jl� 1, sA to tot Alunor qk ffuirtaffid, oharmlieglY Catawba ,cQjL9rod silk or I , , '! � . I .j , l;iptltu P1,LIA riet spangled bVald. einbrold*ry or lace apposirs in I � L I , I . --Was audibl4 L , �� 'L,, . 11,�.j I I - . , ,,A a& ; htts OV It, OVId gaugs. ts4L undorgartitent or lOw-cut yoke. . filled all tile house ,!" . I . 1� . `� I . e III670i""'k lac � 1 ,ivory part of the building. I I I 11 :_ � L , . , ,� i, , '00ru not. "ampt Willi tirviLdelath *IthL a I . - I ; ,'� �",- L Qrtolorsil aratrold- with one cold bead eye . , , ­ r;u 0 , . - blousb in made In two sectibilm. .1 - u 1, , � . I I 'LL , .�, . � . 4 w,kth gold or Oliver 'The Introduction Of an interlining of T, he 3. Apparent unto them -Wert I , . I I I :,... I � ­ I �i I . .ty,� , I 1. I - . I 1% pligin foundation And An, itivor-fir a - .1 . . - - , - - __ - - - -, ­_ — ­-, .�_ ­­ � . - ­ - - - , 14 tit - _­ t . I - ,�.. - _ .... ap _rX . ___ , - . � , . . . . . . OW-abov � slightly Th . c under -garment may be at I . . I ..�� 4 'I., . , ., ,r.i' i. � I.L . 0 li, I # 11 I ;iorcallrlo .. fer� seen by them. <-d. �' ­ . ... I r I I . . .. - � . � � L 11 I 6 but in "Dotch" fashion, , . or milk lining. with upper section and . . . TQnFues Parting &4XIII(let' - ur, I - I �; . ., [ &nd'L -ba Mou'l4list4ire alsay.ko may be k IF - or - 4'dij, �� ... - . � � . . I . 11.1 L � . I � among them" . I . ','� I �_ z, I "k .1 I Xong . 611 Sh e qQl- ­ ilatirl, while the drgppry by- contrAst I _'� "S= ., , . I I L . ,V- � 11 . sleeves of lace. not, braided chiffon or rib --- - -_ A' vlsua� . , - . . I , . �111 I I - � .. - 1. I .. . . . L .. ... . I ­`� �� �, 11 . I ­­ , 1*01 -fr9p4_24. 40!lqlaevex are Worn this , � will be plain but very supple The as jestation. accompanied the Su- . : l I I I . � , - - _ _.___ _ al __ I __ ­ . L. L . . , o 11�i _:�__ ,.� _.. _: - � 7 - - - _� .204 -'sucularp tar the - I - . - - -plojives may be Plain at, shtrr;4, I � �� 101 . - I - . dible. I 1. .I � . . ­ . � - .. _­ . . �-_ .1 - , ­ �,__ ., L, I � this! � sop, itho CX I but . L, I . � . I � , � , '. I I I L 'Conventions Insist that elbow stoeves the model complete IN most Artistic. Like aq of firo-Not "01,11rill," but . L "I I I . I I 11 ,­ �� LL '..'' , I . of, shorter should accompany the very i Tho. over-draporY and Sith Ill the orlal. 1 1 1 . ILI I . . I 11 ­ . � � . . .��:-.,,�� �. 1. . nal.Were of crosifty WbIte In I I I bling subdividing tongues Iii �, ,. . I , ,� L I . reSism I L , low ,neck. I Somalia* ! I . ,. .11 . I .1 . ,�. � It, add Witimper a- to be used. they von and yoke were .i I n anything. elia. �:,: . . -, �, . . _1 , j � I' "_ end the I aide - �.­ t , . . should be A,ttlad perfectly on a lining � . , cream-oo, ored not braided and' studded 11 Sat upon each ga's of thent-AP, � '. � _�:, I . �,'� . I . ... . ! A Which -runs to the waist line and then bove the ! , I . - I - with gold beads. The Bleoves: were hold ! 1, r I �,, i 1. L I . 1� . fastened to th - . � . I a ,� I I . I . I . a blouse proper by In I In place by ,straps of the satin. finished �� ,:rod to hover about or a : I I m . - " I d of each. .111, . . I 1 .7 1: � . � aurp9rable ,stapill hooks and milk eyes -. I with rosettes of not. mat oft by gold ,rld. Z-CREANI COLORED. MESSALINZ WIT DID AND IIZADED NXT They were all filled -The. a0%. � - I I ... .1 L. . . to prevent ,even the tiniest gaps. I I , . 4 a. . ­ - . ... I . I .1 . , � , We P., pho.Wing this week a Oplon- - \ 11 1. .1 and pearl ornaments. I YOR E --- of the Holy Spirit was at once Cal 'L� . � _1� " 1, I -I 94 guinaps, patiorn. t' " Wlth.blousaa such an these. a plain --- — - ��, I . 6141Y 91111 n which - I - le tive and individual, as the sbo ,� I . �, )i . . * 1. tared lEirt. either regulation length I nomenon reported in the prece 10j, I I I'll ­ .... the lace or net Can be used for the . I I 1, I � .. I '. � . I . i I . sleeves &ndL Tor a yoke of any depth ,% ,% I pr mounted to give the short Waisted orao was intended to symbolize. � L . ., Vs. It is especially suited to I . 1. . I affect can be used. ., .. , I � . . . '91 , . WOMANdapper-THE HOSTESS �v Other tongue& -Other langyagell. '' . � WITH . davelopiru,'the Popular keystone relies . , � I 7j0-;-�V--;A1rTE1t1iNOOX, lmoti$z 04 LONDON -SMOKE BRQADCLOTH a the fronts of 11 . 1. 0, When this sound was heard, ''I 1. � I . . I BRAIDED XIOLERQ. . Which run half way dow 11 � i �ft I . TH 0 woman. happitILItty directly she rettivas from the bOn*y* the multitude came together -This . . ,: . - . : L - r . I . Mousse. i . th �.� I r .1 - . . . L ' ' I '' 11 _.�., ' " ab"Lar L . should be and generally Is a fifte moon. - Statement implies that the 11011111d I I � . L4 - - . -- . . I �._ . .. - - I I Here. In Figure A. the sleavem are ! a - I . ', . . . I I - I � I . I . . § I I . 41'aft No matter what h*r,estatt. in. Siving these Afternoons at home d In verse 2 reached b** I - �: I . . I 1, . I mentione ". L - I I L --.1.4 ­,..�­_��:__;�'___. _'. � . =�.r. . � -1 I I L a Ild the walls of the house whetill , , L ,;..:��. . buw large or small her Income. the she Invites members at her wodiline . I - - I'll, I matron honestly asp grea to stAcCond A . 5 . p4q If to resolve with her.goor. It she YO disciples w,ero, assembled,. Ssad _.k , . 1. - I & 'haj 'jild 'hoicis bar huN4 the-, -11� I I 11 I . ho.t.... Wh.thar she pours to& at & moves 'ftani a M f a I I . RWAkdo - " " 0'' t -1-' '' U --ids- - -- "---,--- - ------ -­ - -- Se a arently throughout !: . U AeArog"s and. R , , . en-b'and Out deal table covered with a red and white bead's town. She molests a a 9 fim w 8 heard PP �11. �, . - __ - - — _=_= -17-,�---.----.�..�------�,--�'''--��.' L, ' - ,��. - .. I - q, . at her, -provided of tile city. . - - 11 t _LL _' " "'t , 7 _411h The Possibillfles of a . . I L � I ShopS Chocked cloth or at Ptillabod mabd#411Y old friends to deal S13VITO a - "Past6.nuffl. . 9*ked with lace and roadc she does her c.,Arso that they have been prompt to Confounded -C . I : � � �' r th fact ,,b*+ long *Itb this liquid to rnaks�o It . -- L of the onfused, puzzled. 11 I I ,D_i)4�e* h9vi- 6000 ,Into vague- cleat to .cover the growth* of hair Calkeof Chocolate . d-YOTTON prints In imitation of the level beat to Impress her gunat'wIth call upon her And show bar seeW at- and. astonished, I .11�. � ,t 4 Lay ' ' . When dry -the . U real Eant Indian fabrics are now her ability to entertain gracefully And tontions. - . ,� 1� � jl� " " times whari a to desired to remove v , , to are rat _ I a away with the paste. good . lit re- Every .uun heard them speaking ,�; long, bony� or HE store room of every ]Par these afternoon &Malra. 119 in his own language -This' exact us- ,ra anh,thin band are A hair will com Igreat eimiliatroks at to the Owner. The girl who feelo,t1na-her arm Is housekeeper should contain a Ta.me f unit in all department stores. graciously. provided, to&. chocolate. .11, Porfactly'.'41luildn' ly beyofte redemption Lahould a4opt mako,overy ,effective hanginglL "I have Just marritil and moved to froshments Are tpre of the miracle here recorded � �.,�' � X krmp are seldom lie long ginevem which reach. goodly supply Of chocolate- It Their are not xpon ive, they wash well, � where my husband has provided de, . Inty sandwiches. cakes anil boubOns. it is, of course, impossible, to at- I iL' -unu4us6I -09 sty'* of , , v -night 00 4* or Punch may be sub- � . Jason. :rid g4rUcularlY In It 09wever a 0 of nutriment. fattening in qual- ,Lad hey of a to an otherwise plain , very attractive home. I Want to-hvtpr at fr .1 L I to me jm,�Pmjioct. forearm.- to th wrist These sloovex are worn Sty and can be 'deVeloPe& Into all sorts a& and chocolate. For a certain. I MESSA. bedroo a =m and cheerful affect at him In buninoss by entertaining his otitutod for t �" . are nimple. home - treatments *von with d'ecdIlettg gowns. FIG. C-TAT-LORED BLOUSE OF . 011 ,I! � . it tire reception at night the bride done Ithere the of dishes tomptina to the eye and� tile IRA, friends In the right way. Will you Is eradicate a great many 00le Cauntant cure will keep, LINE WITH SCALLOPED BOUND ' very 'r, 7. They were all amazed and mat- 4 � _. jWh1ch w1fI.Ott9a palato &like. " ���� �111111111111 Ill . - _ VW. ,u,'but for the after '. i�11,1��111111' III 1151111 .1. js good he we nig Slow - -that something marvelous, ,. " illl'!Il�l,:,Illlllllllli I! _qW,R_!yjfof9!�Iona for . ten- hands in good condition during the hiWon should be at- IN -BRAID. 0 1 1§071 .14 �� ��11 � � , , " , - - , ----,, ... velled . �blarnlshe4. A_ � � L _;,.�. ;� � I "Z - I I . ,� - I I "e passing human . �': juicei,, which Phou . a � ' ir'hMA4 Omelets In - � "One at the grop6tast whi -A.'Q­--j&jn. 0 1 - ... . I . �. 0 , t'j j- , llm`�Mlh.a,v : I _!�, *i � do should never let them 10 'Od t6'-aW all the Chocolate they I . 11 11 . .. 1� ,� ,., I ;, ;-,.- -,in;, - 1( I I - Id winter montbi, ind the lrtrt�wbo wants - 4 04134 , . :­­, _. � ;.�Ir"!Ioty house understanding, took fare Is pars, larrion , I ! I DIDOW ,wx L' i�i ro- early -biavo u . I . _1� b ad treaty by thO girl who had a mOft; white ban at_kld�ggiovmg �Waa�t_ In _aaakrug Chocolate to drink, I . to during V14*0tetueon, be ,,,,,,,place, Luko.vould­lcl �, , .1 I - th . metali,u i6seze in one of the features broiderred In I conventional designs In character, suggested to.day'w article cot '.. I , � , I � . Y -igia, of -69 atfia. . ,lifet, biTilled. -Asmembar Lt 'or for the nursery on otique derstand. I i.. � I allow tint to the' our ounces of the Unsweetened Ea- for the living room tie. How should the young grey trounors, black fro& *sat. toney un , , a r* tight, about 9 Win Parthision and Modes and El lkzrtf Very thin and. scrawny arms should ,,to cold, particularly It theYe Chocolate should be Allowed for each of the mid. at fashion season. be emb roidered with n Ureary matron entertain? WeListcoat, and silk tie. but at night he 9. '. I . i 0 Us flosh food. And ,rid many girls of tile - sweet- peciAlly Is it effective under artificial it can Motho mites -The inhabitants of these re- . ,be massaged With Is . rt not have adopted 19 wearing a quart of milk, and it Abould be then light, therefore popular ior dinner, rhymes and r Goose melodies. In h:rthusba d's estimation. perhaps puts on evening clothes. 1, 'physical culture exorcisms should be area glove with woolen gloves ened with brown sugar rather n teas are at- f the Persian ... L practictd.� 'Massage Of tile Aral* Is ftc- Those kid - dencin ad afternoon reception gowns. These gather hot At a imPartar.t gift as a hostage These general afternoon - speo.tive portions o . . ona�lllow covers Are laced to I . by grampinw- on# arm IV a ieniber seems to hold white. Boll down until it has the con 9 a moved and wasbod at frequent Inter- At this function she will &hills before ins for ill* newcomer or bridt who has . Vitt, ,over ti�dm. Tb - But it must be burns in mind that the at and no that. they can be re- ties Ili bar ability to give a good dinner. ways the ma*st Inethod of entertain pIre district between L' icompliallid v I ... ILI� 1�nd sistencY of cream, and just before re so 0 IT -A . _,�6Vftjg rf6mLfrWjl"_,ffaVCr,Wj; , -tol-h is to.be introduolad-li-ClAm . � I - . I . I . - ­­_ - - ­_ , h,__,bpVosjgo__&=__-&nd. Allft-AleturAl _ _f;kr,mtl _�Ae_ "Rq_ - I th vmn� m4staillp V 8 ­ - . mentrionds: He takes little --In- not y6t learned whalw tv draw bar e li� an -4. . . 7 -, I tit. -inand-o" Let. W kjAg up- the -ool.tends to keep out the cold. ly, deftly and In homeopathic quanti-I Mli- - � his � th Eu�phtr'atOis d the Ttgkl ", beginning, at the Wr .or The wine girl will tub cold orearn ill&. For afternoon tea for grown-ups The smartly made gown does not All the new long coats are slashed torest in her teas or luncheons, and In a6ciLl lines. Later, she can give a Cappadocia -At that time a Ro- . ward with. a twisting and wringing ot smaller affairs, luncheons. . . Ider Into the flesh of tile hands every time it in well to add a liberal dash of port U88- up at both sides. This Is necessary to frankly bored with the idea of a to- motion .Motion. Them begin tr4m the shou flavoring. The Chocolate display bullion fringe. drops or heavy I musicale@. dinners. card parties. *to., Tan province. I on the black . and work down 'in,,the name manner. Shia 9deS Out In the alr---�be.,It ton times wine as a bands, but bullion gauze or cloth- or give ease end comfort in walking. caption. .h should "'Auf-'OV& tooll- ­-.P-%atus-BordoAfijf , all tile';t1ma W Acting Into the flesh 4, day. And she rubs it into the flesh should not boll after flavoring has been bandirim, under net or lace or embrot- Old-fashioned coral breaches are the ' But the dinner party in by far t a but at first she - Sen. . . .some good food , . 9 It the Arm to apt to --does not dab, It on careIessI7---,m1WftY ill kill it- dered ch fron cloth . etc. I latest fad for fastening the trILIs Of most Important ,�nd the most delicate of choose her guests too fIn4lY , din -1 Asia -The Roman province bear- , I down towards the cuticle Chocolate Pancakes.-Thl ' makes R , Figure C allows A Very gbod model lace worn at the throat. The rose Pat- all entergaltiments. Here oil* must ,as- In giving,& dinner, the averego ,be blotchy and'the Circulation tip poor. rilbbinc It 0 n and one for a men5aline or antin shirt waist to tern Is the leader, bUtLthe other flower oretse exquisite care in majacting guests. Ins room will not accommodate more ing this name. the fr000 . of gitish, should be gripped Of the nails., if the arcane 13 well delicious dessert for Junction bar of guests 10. Phrygia-A district in Asia . . between the fingers and the thumb in -�rked Into the Alesh it will not *oll that is quickly prepared, Mix together match a tallored suit. The scalloped 'designs and pendants are seen fro- so that ill* atmosphere around their than ton. and a larger num . . . I I a firm Cramp, and moved: up and, 4OWn the leather of the ijIOV6s. It the hands go, yolks and whites, with tw'O edges are, bound In flat vilk braid of quently. . table will be congenial, Brown and LLke from the genial air which men Mino . r, not at Wig time a ROMOU .. .L . . do -get chilled deeptio muff and 400ves, two eg of sweetened The she* departments of the smart Jones may be friends down town when like around the dinner table. A lunch- Ice. I heaping tablespoons * covers In &lee provit . '. : . Upon thi.undetlying bonds. � at Un- shops ate exhibiting rubber -soled and their wives are social rivals and at eon of more than twetv I LL.� . . '. '0 " )% ,bolt;, thjp over the fire when Pamphylia-Also in Asia Minur. . ftltjf-'tcrlmd�that-�.tbe 40 at � ,a chQaalato. thll�t. has , , I pt a b cumbersom , idaviy -*6&leki­ . ­ been gr ed (it I- I -4, , Wherefore she will not CL t 0 a. but a card . � i 'i ' " coming In. Wash in�'tepld'*Ator an is used, then thb rnbt� I .1 . lifte,I94 �h.qos for,tqe Ijirls who live out aword's point. Libya -A ,,uumu appli6d to all I sweetened brand a This Ilaviii Mr, and Mrs. Jones and Mr. and partyAs limited only by the also Of I dash'. upon the, upper Arm IN very rough. of doors and walk a Apiklit deal. , land thjs Is very unbecoming with even- throw Just a little; glycerine into the ture must be sweetened to taSts) halt I. - . addition of rubber is said to save the Mrs. Brown at her initial dinner. roorne and the number of tabloo which Af lea. : . i i Ing dress. it In 'Often caused .by basin to $often the water -about a tea. cup of 'Milk. half cup of flour. Bmt . dinner can be arranged. Rout Cyreno - In northern � - property drying the apoonful to "Very pint of water -and ail together well. Fr,y like ordinary ( '. I I spine a great deal of irritation and to It V& never #lite to give a 'a social privileged Africa. , .: ,carelessness In The young matron . L clent use Of then rub the hands vigorously until the make walking easier In Qvg'ry way. party, dea- bride, until you know Your . ., ,arm@ and, from th* tusufft pancakes. brawn on both aides, and roll � Sojonrners from Rorue-Roman I � the settilibing brijilb. A, very stiff natural heat had returned to theRL them, lay on a hot Platter, sprinkle 'What Is known an the "Wetilt-End new town. Its social idtooyncracies. Its are many. If tier husband desires to ppbr When It is desired to whiten &ad Bag'. has made its appearance. This Is oltques, its affiliations, ate. Your bus- ontertain a number of his bachelor Jews temporarily sojourning at . �, � . brush r should be used On this u with powdered sugar and serve Imme- ! � n t Jerusalem. I - $Often the hands with the least possible . it mintaturo traveling bair just IarK4 band may be very proud of his bride, friend@, she may be the one worn*' a. . �, part of the arms. but 'even such UP paste is diately. . enough to hold a night dream and a tow his newly furnished home and lite wqd- the table or she may strong* for that Jews and Froselyteli-To which I 1� '\ plic&tlon!l *Ili no% Always relieve that 401ELY the following Cosmetic for Vanilla lee -7 �& 0 so t U clamseq al the , preceding be- 1 � very beneficial: Hot Chocolate Series toilet articles. ding gittx. but be not led from the entertainment and than turn the It u 11 rough condition.. Go to� any islialble .-In A porcelain saucep4n boil . I - atralght and narrow path of social din- over to them 11he may give. With her w . � . I , �� Myrrh, I ounce,. honey, 4 ounces; Cream f There Is a strong revival of colored longed. druggist sind silk for a cake Of Pumice 2 ounces; rosewaiter. 6 together one cup of water and half A . embroidery on linen toweling. Dull crotion by his immediate request Car a husband. a channK dlsh party Of the c stcrim-not powdered Pumice. but Ili One YcIlOw `7ax- p of granulat . ad sugar. Let it boil I a owns, pink and failea green a dinner party. Have his most inti- most Informal character and entertain I 1. Cr tans -From the laic - of IS Of ounces. blue, soft br C rote. ; I . solid cake. . Apply t6 the rough part MagA the yellow wax In A double ctor five minutes. and then stir In slow- 3 kv- initlalx are now seen on handsome Mat* friends to inuncr Informally, a all Young people. She May entertain V, � 1" . - the arm bvsr,r day. 'hen wash Olt 'in boiler and then add the myrrh, Which ly five tablespoons of grated Chocolate , ') ,:t�, y- �'-a , towels. Those letters are worked In couple at a time, until you know your any number of girls and woman friends 14. But Ileter-The spokesman of � � warm watir and 631P. owdered, while the wax is that hem been dibsolved in a gill at rich I � ,., I .. the middle of the end of the towel and town. then give the formal dinner. And at a metinee. followed by tea at A tile apostolic group. I 11 Pumice stone, will Also rimove super- should be p . can easily be done at home by even the Incidentally remomber that dinner In- smart is& room, but If she elves a tho- - 1.10 I duding Matthias, , ltb men guests as but , vell- 2 P.1.1, . I - unless they still hot. Beat these two ingredients milk or thin cream Stir until thick I 11 , Tht.l. i.cludiff fluous Kiir� an the arras - thoroughly together. then stir In the and smooth, remove from the fire, add I , . beginner In embroidery. vitations go out In thejoint names Of stre party at night. w are very stubborn. it the frequent Use .. I %_ Women. the invitations Are I . Irritates the 110"ll. honey, which should bo' stralned, then vanilla flavoring to taste. beat that- .� � The newest engaeoment bracelets are your husband snA yourself; also that well yo met% ' of Judaes -- Lil,1 -1. I of pumi6ji $tone you find It too thick. Oughly and'serV6. unbend leads the way to the issued In her humband'a name and hsTL 4, men, Jews," equivalent �erhllps apply 6%Id6 of line Ointment and it the rosewater. If , " studded with stones which spell "dear- your b '%Vllltw Whe, I*' above ail things the . ,add enough glycerine to make a spread- . opt." Moot of these bracelets are sat atains, rolath With the Woman guest 01; to the expression "follow Jews", ,,,, , will quickly rallev* 1hat itching men- I — . with a diamond. emerald. anquamarine. hotior, highest social standing or age mistress of her home, she will not on- � - _ - _ fdr-Othr-eintalitlif 11111- *bIN Pasta- and spoken no doubt in a tone of . .. I natiOle. rpra-hr came ' Apply at night ATid *6&r a pair of ruby. ornerald, sapphire and topaz, Now on him arm. while YOU bring up the roar tortsin guests of whom bar husband. 1, . boon kiven so ofteit In these 001 z6vatil olues too large. Do that the imitation stones are made 00 of the procession with the leading man for good and sufficient reasons, does respect. � ,that I - *fIg 116t :r0est! It, ,bilt I -w1ir aid gl6ves not approve. Before Inviting out -ch- 16. Spoken through tile prophet I � a cure In one night. Itellgat I am ,giving. This food should not be . cleverly. the bracelet con be purchased rusat. I ladly send It _to� any r6a4ar 000h r6- not expect . a face If the skin to inclined I , d t stamped ,%ad, *#It "dressed ill& prodess every night for a week used an th at little cost art with what In known As a rule. the bride Is kept quite busy town guests to visit her. she will Con. joel - Joel ,2. 24 312. 11 go, 0 1 or two. I to be hairy. but It 18 Quite Rate to use as the merni-pt*eclous stones. at first repaying calls slid accepting the suit hot husband. an a mitter at court. 17. tj*pun all iltiah--Thifi expres- �11.' .. -Pa. I Where the akin I qiun in the original prophecy means � cot". In ,your quest �Or pretty arms and frosty On the hands Suit cases especially made for women bospitalitled of )let humbm,nd'o old any and consideration. Upon Wtkfth, Mar- A I 1 . I Hair on the drans 11 " ftfilidtibn hat lacing will to carry are extretriely light In weight friends. Iti, pidoltion to this. she Ironer- tied happiness Is built. "all Israel" Lim distinguished from . � I ��, . ' I to using d#pji. hands do not fOrZOt t at 'a flao' ' a for four much as pru- Mon to milky wothtn' . tory give You rod arms find 6WO11611 fingers. ' '9 n .In ­' - ......... " 1 .2 gramme and are lined with milk and fitted with ally sends out her own card favored individuals " 1� stories, remember tillit 170, deptla I .1, little more afternoons at ham*. a fortnight spart, - � boo Yet boon discovered that Will to- Tight groves will also make the arms Lian ne, _:-_.--:: ........... 30 grammes silk pockets. These weigh husband Is food of society, ..JIA-.�" phets still priests. shall prophesy- � ,; , � Belldvit- trio It Is farlog, :,Ita- I..,Ll-ond ....... 20 gr.m..- than an ordinary shopping bag, but will or it her Your daught,erm i :� Anove-tha �h%lr an4 prevent Ifs coming r6d and mottled. M ,:e, back, The- follo*fne for6tv1s. 16 IL better ,to have the waist line one Inch aline and oft In a double not stand any rougtr handling and they are both at home on (our evenings Thus did tile daughters of Philip. � � , . , d pretty white arms, rather I boiler w little, heat as possible. should never be chocked when travel- at the gains interval. In the latter case, ., . simple oaf and d*ft be Used With a I&tgdt' an Remove It" so the tire and beat In the the joint cards are sent out, When tb0 Gold Alippers and yellow milk stock- referred to in Acts 21. 9. " i � 'It Will r4iliadviii t.be thin too arms And I small waist line. fr-m Ing. ants . . . handmaidetin -- . degree of "f6tY. . the 0011L Women with short necks who do not bride receives in like afternoon. either Ing$ are now being worn by the girls id. Sery I that 1,10f. tile Woman who has in so t a mixture c I , JIILir tompotattly. but further than a I In Ian a tann - the announcement of her days at home I the smart not. They have supplanted Tho dispensation of divine favor . � . I promlab IlOthlrzft,�,_Djsmql*9 three with large veins showing .ad When like to West high fur ruffo, are Invent white $Upper and stocking In VORA- shall know no liplitatiunq either Of � I 11 lbongly over the bones Of rRO- Ing In the new shawl collars made of accompany the wadding announcement Ilia �,� ounces of 40610butj I t of rioirtUrn in tWelv.o, flesh bang FIG. A-TtlE POPULAR GVINIP7 IV, card& or she sends them out separately laritY. sex, or social condi- � ouncei of *&tar said ttittl& Vviielk �8. i�o fintors. I recommend that she mass- ___ Asa DUCED IN MANY BLOUSES. lynx. - _ nationalit) I ... li di lite everk day ,algh Lite fiesh food which tioll - R � , They Shall pr,;phP8y a1r*dL for Us* 'we% *nout � I . ��% efO"ilDg I .., - .­__.__._.. �. I L I . - - I �, 1. . .1 � __ - . -1 ­ - 1. . -1 � . ­ - - - -1. - ____ to inspitod 1`011(itlum` atterapetc or — ��­ - - .. - - __ - � . � --- __­ ­­_ -_ ­ - - -I---- �, . ­.. I __.— ------------- - ______ -- - - - - _ _________ -------- tpaching in general rathe than it) I ; . � � I - 1kiss of Judas. CoMpromiaers are God's hire in exceeding great ._._'1rXt'CA'T10NEIIS ,11,14 SURGEONS to Anders Fircimut, executioner ofiLieliktivelit, tho CupenhagPn Cxc- I ins; here- I " Cop . enhagen, granting him the right cutioner, %an Ili Hitch re-pute for the gift of pro heiry in tile rruwer . I , Judases, every one of them, and I here freedom and not Chit I --- � ' setillp of a Foretelling a future 0 thp malediction of their prototype after a compensation which eye Reasons for Exemp(lon of Doctors to set bones and treat old woundn; 'hill treatment (if djacast- that ' . he eventit .1, is 11T , . G OB - OR RNION ? Living, they are hath not seen nor board, not Mind i From 3ury Dullest. he was expressly furbidden to med- %Wrote it book on the subject I n arne of f e L4)rd -, it, on them all. I 1 21 ('11,11 1) . I traitors to built masters. Dying, conceived. With this Master no, I tile with recent wounds. In 16M it. th(. liarne of tho Holy and ever -Anvoke tile nam#. of Jes . a,; Ro- . I . � . . they confound and betray them- panic, no failure, no bankruptcy. � When our statute book was still , is recorded in the jillinicipal at B14-slied Trinit� " In 17:12 Bergen, deemer and Saviour . selves, Living honestly is letter He will not leave Hill servant nak- I in the I)raconian state from which jehi%eq of Copenhagen thiat, (Jasper: I an executionpr in 14orway, was I . There Are ,Those' Who Serve One I than truckling, and even the honor ed to his enemies. Surely God is a it was redeemed by tn.r Sarflue the hangman, had reef-ivpd four authorized by royal decroo to prac. #. _4-_ I � I I I that is found among thieves is bon- better master than Mammon. I Itomilly, antl the. penalty of deati � rigsdalers for the cure of two sick tice surger) I-'A%en up to tile early . L�l � was inflicted for the Most trivial the -' 817NDAY SCHOOL. I �r '00 - th,e Other. or of a kind, whereas knavery ill REV. P. A. HALPIN. offences, surgeons were exempted Ichildren in the infirmary, yearn of nineteenth century AT TH E , ., . _ 0 or . I always degradation. While angry — .—,P — i In 1638 Christian IV. summoned this extraordinary association of Scene: A Hunday-school - boys' .. . , , 'i I , , 11 . I . with your brother tile sacrifice you from serving on jurieg in capital the executioner of Gluekstadt, in gurger.s with the last penalty or I n- )oung lady ill command. . I I . I 1 4-- � . place upon the siltar is insult, and INEFFECTUAL CURE. cases, says the British Medical Holatein, to examine tile diseased the law continued Krik Peteisen, c �"Now, my boys,*' said she, "I 1� I ya cannot gtolr*� dod, And UAW- he has infinite PitY. For the last 13ornal. It must not be supposed, , - r .." 0, � , ,. � . I . Ilia acorn- it almost at boundless as the widow's Mite Counts More with it is not everyone who proven the foot of the Crown Prince. in a let- who wan appointed ptiblic execut- w ant each of you to subscribe some- � , . 11non.-MOL vil I I . God than the MarnmOn bequests to ineffectualness of insomnia cures I however, that this was bmause � t#r addressed to Ole Worm, a lead- ioner at Trondhjem in 1700, served thing towards tile Mission tO the .� ", � , "I ,'I � 0briStitti' leWbil.. qs�� In '. .4il , - tom. his, maidy. They itft rurfibrOUR, h -ch and to cho6rity extended by at Seven years of age. their profession was believed to I ing I)anjsh physician of the day, as a surgeon to an inf try regi- ('ariboon. I shall hand round Lite I I I i ti, . what, c ul . to XV444d itOlUfA I& ' Llk� theso wastrbis of humanity- ' nted by the op make them too humane for ouch an box and an each of )-on contributes � prehefts' . I Ir . � I ., hands tai � The father of the lad, who was I work an was then imposed on jury- Henry Koster, physician in ordin- ment in the war with Sweden and . %1.j - . 11 its foaiiaer*� it, (ill 4i , s n '- 'Wi-' their ilambo the laborer find the orp Sri. about seven years old, was a phy- I ary to the King, complains bitterly retired in 1814 with thf, rarik of ffl I hopt., a,ay some approp. , I 44uiyo640:*4L,-' 'tareticid, 1''it , OOD: AILOINP, MOWS Let, thon, every man unmask. an, and when the child found, men. We are sorry to say it wait of the Pliglit thus pill upon him. lie Surgeon Major. Frederick 1. (of You wl ' appeals 6:,-I;t,Wti, 'Awl' � expo.rielice. I � I . getting for the opposite reason. They were riate text No citir Must give Mort' I , , Who in to be' the master I 'I" ,ulty in to sleop was A - Ilia favorite hatiftman, a penny Now, Charlie, You ., rfacticAlly, it U,is li 6 iiii '0411's I I 16h, $"in$ tliel'r dl exempted on the same ground A.% ay% that for two whole months the Prussia chosf I . than I 1 _4 it L, '. 1, . [In this blindotim *h` to be his physician in or allo . .. . 410.%Utige 46�*;'*Ot Atif thet0suld ho-od. GOD OR MAMMON? neady with ndviev�. hangman, I I who is an fit 14) treat the Cablenz., ul ( ow (I good exaMpip " I olit *bSit '10 lit " � , I . butchers, whose occupation, it was I sh . :: hood. It U far lut . i .� 416r� witik!-Ood ' nd ad- "I'll W11 YOU golnething that will thought, tended to make them Wo Cast, an an Itan in to play the lyre," dinary. Whereupon a rilddy-faced ur(�bln I 4 , di om , ild a put you to aleop," he said, had the catse in ban(], and the - Rtf.pped forward, dropped ;n his � I I � 10hrlift to"'rants fbitin Lot each one be tn"echary it I � weaklitiltifo , I -1 *ftli t, gnit, I%& h they ,dabObt to the employer who gives the 800 bloodthirsty I This ought not, per- doe It might be suspected that this , � That Jaw"tuan'. o"Apis, 21 M "Ou , tfj� thoy twonot here "You begin slid count slowly UP to tor wais not asked for advice, and I 1. wx ovv� poll ma � 1. .1 A. , ; got# the 'better witget. her hhpa, to SUrprIf6e US, since two or peculiar combination of functions coln, and obrttr%ed : . III itli r6noo Ustim6it I ifrOduble Infa t0i'V40, '40 t must tomi Irom iiii. bi Mat stipend does Millium0b off,or one hundred, and then anot thrj4l centuries tLgo executionern &1though tile case weing, steadily had its origin in a satirical view ''It is better to give than to ro- from thik'Aitsdt �PriOiPli that sko disr to*6tif,%fill dMIM' thothot'I'Ves. hundrM. and So on, and br fore yoll from bad to worse tile PXeentioner of thp art of blPaling, but in the reire I I Iitt, faj ,h,,,,r ,, do Is to and what is thei sedutityl kjow it you'll lie sleepin Try it not infrequently performed surgic- ceived a fen of 21)n rigAdaltirg and ri-cords me ha%re quoted wk) (-an 1, I � %Wd WiAkh. 16 Ali that 1 , . , , . ­ I %hat MAU jbilld Ili, " &I operatiobs. This seems to have " . __ .. ... _� man 601, kl�rvl ." 41� gn$lgg. 0 ' )U6 'bil"t1i'16, Oth6lr Whittet, T,bib ,dallaterait is,tineettitin tild td.' let,w "towards ­ � T %*f"'!',_, 1"Mr".14.11** "V-, , - - -1 I implitt Ve- , # A . to -night -witert �m go to I or jlrr4,% I I . - ; . � � I . 6 theiu - Advistleb, fiv the opep nud tjj6 eIld Sjnv6fy,, not Ircedorn, and that boon partiettlarly the case in Den- "'bich, %� , I , trace nothing of Lite kind. F ,!lapa I 14�11 I ter, that thom -106,btit two. tn0torif C Everthing; r6alned quiet qayg the dirictor plainth-0y. eutioner drove a trade in hit- "Waste not, woolt not." . 'fijljj�,tbjV0'0ajment to 66 Vinds. t6kvituOO the 063L U tlwtib a hu. indrk-, at, toy rate, W(3 have more , tile exe I ,� night Until t,IIJS ftither �vent to re t1put anionig us would act I -�, --god *04 10**64f-Isha that. ho� �. 4 thin point in regar'd tile ,grqa j Man I � , I I , � , CIL0116C.46146''Uth. UAW00*06 *01 , protkii6l AWAY, with Man b6ils -to Wofie, lmtho 41AV6 of tA,". AS he posaed the boy'a bed krio*ledge 'Ott fat and other things, Suppiqed Thi% wan I rillod i(timewhat otkt of I I A ,I gio poinj hav . reWived had he succeeded in to porAsens alarvell(kAls healing , rop order. but as fairly capped by I I I I , I' 1, ': AW4 'With WOO, fig the Prince according to he tor, who evide-fitly I . NoWif 'Ity 1, walth, and of 011 that it intipireg . to that colintry than any other. t thus hav& 61 I race hfitt, tht6if 410141100� , 1. and" P�Outeq Ifit this *Ay �of plem'dre a littlo voi0e pip6d i- III "Janall" volde tinge ago Dr cun ortlen; lie may P it) a third There sft� W" WhO ISK*t- joil, Thill 114-thoit btlit; 6dir'0111YA41ACO doell it do IgILgainAt "Poill, ., r rules of the art." � 11)4- credited with skill fit iling, pa ny with extravio . Ir I ( , I . . gIttl eflao) 1, Whit , r K. vayflo 61 Copegiliagen publi%hedl , 0 Pon . I . 6;lij*01, ive tofiiib from 'do- Mew _ I I I I . tholte-OU 'I#"* X0&Ui*(M 14hit' of 0101T. " , , mid bialligi ISAd heitti­Lbrifig- "Tos, rdy boy.", a he 4ropp � , t ill 4, ,* joidilittli, , lita IlWhA$ tojlfei§�. t-kft#r tr I 'r , h murthurid olit .. -- . I . *ho #40%vor 66 06tvill " IM . illiona I a number of doetingitilts be ?I 9' ' Again, in J(L41, ('firigitian V. gave though iho CLAsociAtion Xll _ I t - r , ed it ini 0 � . so, , vo i I ditc-a" , wX I a fee of 200 rigsdaler I resionta the lowest do rm I and MAM*044 it 4111 t *10A � 1 lidilant, igiltill titin. TN� ilik ' . tut the _V ,,,,, the sttbioot. The movit --------- 0 . , Iiltwt I it Christ lorttelty t �' WAkila.1 Young 4A hesio hears 4ato July 21. 1570 4114 lenhagen hangtilatt for curing tile tile gurg0on hall Over AL" A ,,VIA 'his mlio'by *to Sloca , " � . . ­­ 44&1� 4"46:1 UZ;1;; wbo flidely sffiti aher V I 1,� I . � ". I p-. I- , *".. � � . U A did not ItIM4 is, tithil 1� W,h# 'zo-mixell'ittift. dobl it ,60nl MytIl'y L"t nl6b ittlit"It"I ' his' if cebK46 iittled by Vfd(j6fj;j4%!1�, leg ,of a pago. In 1093 Andreas lie esteem and 800istal ' ' I I :� I I 11, I � wa ei IAVA I Or Aftwe 401all I k-itaw Into hik 4b*a bedrooc, it a li I 1" � � : I . I ,� , .11 ,614h. folio-Wod' t1st 091*00 W, f4a 4 4 I I I � I 1, I I � � I I . � " 10 . I .00. .. � ) . I . , " I I * "I - I * 1,� I i, . I— 1. I I 1'r I . 1. . . � 7k, I � , *W - = , , it 0 , r ,I , , 0 � , , Lt. atml000. , I If;---Iq r I , - - I I ,,,, I . I 1 .( � , I , I I I � I I . . I � I ,> I I � ­ I 1� I I I I . � -1 I 1 4 11 I I I �� * . . . . � � r, I . .1 I � � i I . .1 . I .1� . 01 I I 11 � I 11 - . I I , L ,� - I � � I . I I I . .1 I 1. I I , I 1 I , I I " . I I I " . ,f � I I I I I 1, . r , � . I % I I �,' �. . � I 1, I 11 . � � � I . I I . I � , I - . . 11 I . I , I � , . 4 . , I . I � (] . 0; . I r ,$,f �, � I . I . . ,� - I ., I .. � . . ; I I 1, � I I , . - I I � I , � � 11 I � I . 11 I � 1. I � .11­WAW,- I � , . 1�% %, -,Id #:#I , 11��, ­ I I � , i 1. I , . I 11 . �� �il .. I L- ­_ I I I r I I I 11 . . . a � *I I.` " ,� ,4", 1 . � . I ., I IL - �� - . "AAAA16. — , 1 .4 "I'll - '&"� "s"A' - iip��A. . I � I - �21 ,_ i