HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-01-08, Page 561 " . - � T I . -1 714k. � " I , I - - 727�1 X!-� � I , I . �, A . , , 4 1 e I � . I%- -- � , , -�� - . , � -, %, I . - - 1, .W,i�� 1, � , , i It— ,.. . ,.-:T- -1-7. I ­ I i !. . r " , , i, .-- , _1 1. 4 , . , I . .1 . ��v'� t ... "I W I ".. I - ,1, I . wif-4 I �* , . 1, - - ,�' . ,.. I . � "" . , , , , I � 17 1 1 . 1 '411. ,� . . , ,�. I 1 ,I , � I .. I I I -1 .1 ,4`,�., 1 � 11 I I . .� � " . . I I ".. TT�: I 11. . ­__ " 1* , fl, ,, "7 , - - ­ . , . � 7"'7 , � ��._ .4_�'_f�,_�,__ ___....__ _1% - ­­­­ .. I I , V:,-'- , , r,7,,- 'r, * , , � � .- % N. , I I 1, I �, � � I I ; . q . . , . � , .. . 'k � I � . I 1� - � 11 I ': I ., . ., I . " i . . I : I . . 11 I I 11VI. " 1. . � I . ,­ , ". - I .. . . - I I ,� ,, , �� _., , , �­, �,.# ft Ak, � - I I I I 1, . , I 1. . , .1 _ , , . — 11. �, I . - !!! � - - — - -.- . I - I - �12� . �— __ lovio". !-"F.!.M ___-!!; . � . �'. k .�,. - - 1- ago " , I I -.: -_ -41-1 1 1 r T Woo— - ­-, I— ! Ila I II Xw= .�@ 114N_g_o__­1__ ___ - I -11 -11 iiiii I I illilqilll,lllllll:o!." =21 I I M�Z i _2 . I � 001110 I , I I , . , - "Onsaim ,!-' — � , -1 ­­­ -1. - I . - . � , I I - -".1 I M10111111!101�1:11111 Wool i:iioolNoilloolm I 6opollool III 1111"I I 1:1 11=0011 I N 1111 110: I �1� �, t .. I ­ . I _ - . a I ,, ­­ ! v ­­ .. .1.1-1-- law, all, alogai 41 a I � � . - . . � . - ��2 '.-. - I - - I _� 4 . -, - _1 . - � , "N"Wkwi" �1. �z ".4 - - - . 11. I I I , " I - I , I I I t "a it -AW ­ P - M111111111116 � � - T" GOM 1 22-11- " - PM________MRR,lw=_­__. _ - R1019 AA 1. 'I 1, "'t - I '211 ___­ I I I . 1. ____ Ax NX " E@F.wlw* i W_ '� �- vRq . _s ft-goot "ll111111 1:111��:�:l �: 110:::1111=: . I 5 I 1, I.". � '. I 04143i ;, __ A i oft 0.064 . . , . ! - .. .1 - ­ ­ r I �p ... - 1-1.1 i 0 , 414 . ,# . I, 44M 40"* to 11 I to = I I . , , : I , . I"- 4_90. P_.._ 1 12111!1!�11111, I � . 1.1--P I I 4:1111 �, 4 ­ -1 . 1, �. ­ ­ F ! I I I .S, � " � W, - I , . . gs 0 -or 11 � 000* VW 44" A YOVWJ MAN RO�- I* ,% 1149 I 140"IT sto ow asuum "I AAL 1111111,11.46 1-11 �-­-­­:_­r ­ _". " - -1 19 ­ 11 ­ ­ ­­ _.. � 71 I I � --..I--- 9 , I I ­*,�� , . I . . �­ %V I xroatxIllae'lia, fl� *W.'_.j__ _ I - - I V _ . �,*, I . .�O*o* ova*04ot gli 'w"Notat Nw*". wtst �. 1-1-4, __�_ i�_­-'-­ I I 1, ­ - - � -# " I, n � ,�. XAN" , � .1 I - , . "­­ I , , I . I . I i� I I � 4 M_ - 11 - - 04"'v"lawo W Vvoq� ­_ � 0 4jit *001), Imm­ � -1 . 9 � I . I . I W . S110*1itai" wilhowwu 9 * 4401,10400. I � . I I .1 � . 1, ' � . I , 4_^_,.� 1 ~ �..,. 0 %sised , of AU 'Mow-, 3447, 'y-witi'also. outti, .1 V" oll, , ** ft.t* - I � "a so r *- , f " 1 9 4"" -ft ­ .1 " I I 4 � r " '40" Alf MA � � . A#gok"_4'L lia Istin V 1, I. I .. , . � f 040aw , ou"I. I= Z1111 14'%'L . , , 0 0"llp . I I '"* W r"' A I I . . . Sri., Wiwi, t1so, " `N9, & Armllik. I , .AQL , a, Awtar tb* so 9 '" I "'. W2:1. =0%, W Ra.1114 11111tw, 11111t X - � ' Z", t. ml.� Aft a^ 110411i b"t, f4ftar 4" *4" "14scI441w, I ,:Ww �� W�: 'Womulfa lmdo�—Radvad - I _4$ft,ZlrM w4bat" %* "tt" tt� 11116(1004: 40"" 1 *rZtam"M 9. 11 U., lb ZA 'b""Il'* t�ko'**#*","*Omto;gtlt,ut*4vot, AL04#4T,l1aWWaJ#Ak,,r" 04,14. ..I,$$ "" `a4-"`4' " I I � . . . K I . . -4 ,4 I " Obs, wow I . - I 19 it* W* 9 _V0444004490,114 sillipt000llo, I I 41 It � t, 01 boo, =1 9, _ simoiripp-bagoo, , -� � . 1 9 1 " _. ,- I - = 01; L *A lrr� . " :, _- , � 'mill woo" w%al sivoittio hologow of t 21to 4144 11 Ur *OC,bw *19 Wy A b*".'* A"* . I IvApft . - -4 .. 49kop IYA. , *).r tar. - , . I I � I Big ,�lkvlttgs for Xteu Vu , , 1�� . ,., 001104k aft-Itooggaitile, 804hism", TAM or AV Utz,- 044i�w- vs�p - hailk Of 001. Y41 _ ottoqsuork ml=� 0 1 . I . . I I , � Awibosta, baloo"UM.T U_ ,; " F4 ;, Aquadm, 0,40tho-coorokostil'iew - - Yaw. , . lfoa& Q%slits,or J%r OW estwonly '111110144W V" AU Ku"I WItillm,rosoo"a. T** iw , 4164flte, , . .00000%WW&** I** � . � _ietlrL 44 only ...... � I -i*v to to 9 % TO* "y At , I I I 101,1114 Angst 9100 04 00 uism.r C"..- Tba 044ist 1* lialarR44% tholt otwo #0014tt, � Mi, after, I'llifAvoigola, this I . AwAtiAlitiogrollo""k 404%loiltio . F ="Wto $;A& I= 9 WW!L#A;"#k . It tuop"'th, (O- , I , 9 , _", b"-.# - , *Jam . , � - '311`11,041I vg#tl;r ,a , i ._ _*##* , ing 00 all. Wfafortilp,04 #Ad, x0fil"Vosoody ' , , I � . . - - - - M ­ .,"I. I 1 .$a" , , . lkullil* 060 40,Ofters pA Uio I 0 or so" mi � for . . � � .� I oiopmviiW; i�oto� 0orks, of a V91111 Olt- not 1, W4 raltay. to oloput, trowt, VA look va,.* , """ ZOTM4=04 ,N*Il,%.t*twipuktto4rbq$P"IAUIRY'�IrrW"k. 9 alt0ho, - . I 'IT1111 And *M 4*r Ot AWW00 I pt,0*440. new toutti. 4 1 - . Callosia . I I _ _ ott'j."I � � " Mft - e A . 4*0*0 ok � - _--OJ,-_, , I ' ' ' �._­­­­,_ I---- ­�, 1. . 1 14044 011ori � hO#k* I took . "11101%, I _ , ­­, I W . _ . I " "' - ,will: I *1 4� I�r , , I 0 " I � , � 9 . I I , I TO $ 19. 1 --pati-... Poop lak*_wah i lggnu - - . I , I . 00 isla,witic. 4, On, - it hai;444 P -milt "tilgrary, ft 44,01 4 Year)$ .- ,I -B� , 9 9 9 � I � � ! 9 1114- Wink, ` ] W,, t hw, Im � f , , f; aegku, W,ho. t*d atwo"V1111 , � ! "!* 464* 4* , , , I . I I I 9 OZWL - that *,he " 1�411;, kelliAtOg. ,apt " r � . .. . rov Iwo Put 00 Salo, - 11 - , . -­�..�, we 9 � ,. 00408 _,, mat � aew�� , , '. . . . . .�, 9 , L I � . I I W_ sl . � - 1414, V., 0 , ,a$ , Tu r"', I U . . I , .,. . , ;� .1 . I m , 109 b".4 ov� , rot I I � I 0 4bgiorhl� . ., RuArilwl. olluvw 1, wJ4 st, cbstiti � ,A Aw "aa I . I . if latorast atoo to be 141 Mo. 41#1.,W strobalt . tha'. It =1111000111144011t 1- 9 � � I I I I , , ' , , . I . � I . ­ ' tusur ad" :, I'l uroxmimt , -kttown� '0-3 -a, -* , .,** -_ 4- �AtOai� " ONIVN�') W 0.9 4114 0. 004 I �., " _. .Iilio�sl ' ' I ­ ­­ ' ' 'L - I a ,JK - �A%, , *k( 1:14 ;l, I 1, . �� , All, tho Ah4t, Sah tkgg�t I*stT*. I* - � *A, wigg"#44 .11*df - h - A"t y9n �0*4 to 0 VOtIt.6iii, V � . _ on _I ' I . . 1, I wuiattlAtIng lately oo 44H , . - - x4ti vvt oat -"I; arlhospsually r;ad." splwd� � 11 Aw . A . - 0'... 41 . ­ 1114 . Icio, * ift'": : 4 I two for I � � _. It 40",0-o" q roy, moscit ,und* har, � -- -,7 1, uti.0-4 Mir I*., "' '., Wtokl$1 8- . 4 . _Y44 . I � , � W*gif*,'ouk Inst T0004 , J00494 , ., � I V, P SKI In, � R V�4_0� 1 i know 14", , � litisr,94ttl ., -0 10014,41,0111A ., : . _ - _,orim , I . , 'evoythivir heiri 4-00 ht.� - M.4 04 WQ* - k.....* .... 4.,-1 -NO 1. I.t. t - .A. 1�f�, 4*..4 al go� � , � . ��,*#-.91, ........... .. - ­­ 090'. - __._. __ , , 10 W. anklustm I *"k "'! �, � � ­ �L ­- -­­ -- "" - � � '� P � liMQd#AuWp0�1h*Av *04' W601 - , hait 4444 Took *A * 11(6�tiiagiort - f,!.U- - 0, , Q, " ` f4roweg t - .. *.,=�tiwkw 1: I . -_ , 11 ­8#00ful W*t*4U* lit *vrtr 9(", 6610111"Atoi, lillit I , � - gy �W, I* K"er_ � --- �� �9�t ,%;0A IAQkUA*k* otIo"�rAkilill . I . . . � � I I I I - g - us pmt.v - I I .!k�.*%,.,*�.,o..I.t"...�.q*,-.I,.ost ... Ili 040 . I ' . � . I � -, I . ­ I . . t, �, . 1. - . 11 . I t� . . , � , . pol .1 , , 441114 Vigo *111114� . . , . " , - "" . i ' faltivolum N90 � 044,1111'", of, #Tl! %--,. t , 1 � , I I . I , , , "40 ;1 f9et-s-o".1.0.11 .4, ....... �.,.,.�,4,%#,i-.*.k*,��..�"...�'t..44.1. -silt7f . � ,., . ,.. I I I t yogirplt . O!qo. 1 19. ­­ I -1 I � 'AttAr vol"a w4dii, . of. itro h1k " Ouvkooft - ne's" Voll'A'All 810#1140 11"00d Tw-3ed Salt*, In 040 , ­ - _*� � '' ., � ,� . 11� __ - . ., --- It- -- , -- - - , 6U ­ -wit ` OvAl"Orao,#004 Pat,* sox, ror...*.. " , . _"dA&A&v - � of, _ - T __ ___ � �- �� 'UMep600 1 ­­ . .. - - i , .0 , � , 99 , : �. , 9 � . , ;W, Q Wetigi'ala,ritftroR 14_ thiL frout, *0 = so' wgmi� .A , , , A 4 � I � -� , 04 ' Come isiolt)* t"'rs i�;i6ZWMI a0440M.mIUn4,Q1+ , - , , -1 -- 41 --,- ,-A'-Ag)--�j��ogth�---"fnolent,g�f __ -- ------- 5.:tT"P.�-hW-- ;-,11441044#w7��,,--*-O- " k __ .4 .k, 9 � '. Ngrop"14*40 'im , . . . , , *ehlow , � A, I � i M"go.' L * � , , , I , . I .11 . i _q*:40%ft - 9 1. I . I . , I I O" .000 Ati-M41144. ,The two, 11,00- f- Ilk my f4thei"I - * disow"o, is laaw illso AM - -_ to . 'e, kt k 'o -0i "PI warolug: Rot to folill , � - 4#tk twelld. well tollorea, $8,ft- I itim"lit lit -awx � tit, 4, t ;,04 "Jow-myloot ' .? - 1 go Also, � . —Ar ­- I 9 t, I . , I . ; -W , I. . . - " Idlattlit0i of Itho � later,00, """A' ; ! It, � ATKI0,11: PROA010STOM, '. "marooll"Ar 001fArs1rom-ul ww � "* 9*4 b" . .;.I I . .. � �, .'� , . , !, I 1=01. � - -I" 1 9 t4i 1104plog. 1 9 . . . �1 , Qr"nall'. i � . � ,-.9119 I..., � - I r " 0111111, ,) . . � 1 9 � . 9 1. -9 . �. - : , � , 1, � dj$$! ., . 1. 011 .4 U44 ror�* 01004, or 0oub.10 stepsl Tw"d " , , , �� �4 , 1, 9 , 9 � I ". " , . I ­ , ,�� . , Other memba* Or � 0# ,;00" I in � tot, anil�sk 114t "otkokf*& 40" u"'W" , tea I!Iqlt% rtgulo, 410;OQ and $19009 I � I 11 I I - I I .'' � I elude � How., H t4 9,�*L trom'p*bro CIA%IR ont, the' bocX . I I -1-�-����!�!?.!�-.141!k.,�-.�..4.��.,. 9.. - - - - " I-t4ist*41C . . _.­fu#i­,,,,� .;1W;,. ._�4_i­..' ... __'_­$ � ... � xw ,(Xtiep; - wTOolso *�q_ golta gg� , 0 "t I � . . #I - ,7'F$ ­ .%'---' � ''iT'� " . . - ... , _ waislittlaothow Ing ­ I I - � "I .... 1 9 - _­ ro',b"tAtyles.4ad - of ft� -, - I 1 P , , , �tllQr � I . L, � ,j;,4�: fttwe�qopttrta � �qiliqatioa;: "iO:'m r, omta�,�fi� JOA1.6 asiggistimt, mwticri 3 ­ ___ ', � , - - _ _ . � L , I , VaW 9 , 1. __ � - ­ .. W . . . .9 1 4 1 sttm*-Iraiti�"fgwa-o-iw�e-ai-oxii-iriF-cl,;7-4ii-d-o�R,I-lp;;�i�j'- .. I , � li , �; �:. _-� . I . I - , , _', , 0105 0ma. in awoislk , � ' C*nlogo Window %vith 4 'O" 1. * t's 6a a 4; re'sullilr*13,00 � _ � : . - `� , �-' -Bhdb*.IDJA�*!i�117�a",,)�W-1.�'-,�—� ____ I .... -�- _-0.0i, - -a . las, _ _'_1 t(--"�.ft�Qm,-.I;��,.",.-.;-..,-.;,-�V;-�-.�7,'.—...-,-,�7,*;7.�..�'�,'-'*f,QQ"-,tq.,;�I � - � . 041 _;­­�- -ov,444-too-stotion'-fookinw _4v *--4A . , - - � ,�, . .'", . . , I . W-Ilsont Iowa 9 . , 1 .99 � I � , , I � I 9 , '. . � I , , - 9 � 9 1 ­ . �, _. .4rill When Toram. t in R an I W, 'Two r 461 con to Ilm-00. for ...... I ................. ....kk - ,,.. I - I - 9 . � I 9k . .... . 1 9 � 11 � I 1. . I � I ­ �, .. .� Alk 13t, Bartliblomow"FO; _g9vitill. _. . ,_r A., ,3 bit,, fpmPQrtlN orpropolostorship. � I 1111i"'Vo , ) . .................. 10,78 �. 4 1 , Aly 'Torsaken the potlist of ligh - IR ,� it . - r WOO- 104 L ­—, " I ; � , , � 9 1 , I . I I ,datok-spleadidly'" After six toprithe-of travellth - � I Pm�-Ptnal-q-4t"td,.%Pwo-%ltsi-""Ilit�osoltna , l;�-fOV­.-..-,-...­.$ . - I , . % L I I .1". SAYNO" 10.1001 -80i �, , I 0.1 . ilia "Tba. *01i �aros, ,. 403a. origi finds, 4 ',))Via- ,"ail. I . � _, 4 ", . -, . . 1, I I . � I Is an � ldms�lfeitlwr KISW I 1 9 �­ , . , 14, Capt., Uakor�.Jo "bazaar - � - - ' _� _ . _Iwituii ylattlexr-1-1xiii 9 I)klfl* a . 41 orool 'Will U4 irost.1w . '.. . ,�­­�__. TA - _# J30 t�of-tbq�way town Oita, k a ' . 0 On , . L Valt _ 001,01-1 "I I r r , 4, � .. I ,­ ", 0 Infell,le 1ptt, �,Owr_at,.Iarul�,!t-�- 'or lhitri'o�arcoats .. regular #O.W and liin.$ " .... 1113.7i- ' . . - I - � �-,' " , ,� � , Jj , , . 4L . ., . . � L ' " 7'� , , , Z;" .. , � 1: .,�v ,q0 ­41W tall -a _14VTiA_01 Boys' Black .. .1 1 9 -v% - lolls ,#§:m'ki�k-o 4- - ,-$4;-1,-- CQTPO Sltuxd-�MQXP. he tosti P,bouk for aa. qg�, 114 0ftr, , . - . , L' , �'L inti'voil, , "r to go_, , ravo ri.-kiav . � I" 4-0 r4o0Fkff1WP1�1 - 999999 1 . Ths _0, for ....... . - �': � ; . , I rjbjO90JQ '.tn' iaetkj�- ,ort, urn Will 4'"Ims"I*Cbraex 14t,ge au,4`111110, epp 'It is so dlffl stall On t a ank offot �6)4111 99 ,T 7111burg, . i L , I � " lin UK W4, e4irly Ctookrotico NOIoi�- ful 16fco. T oti ,a, , cult to �hjt upoo like, .1 ... ­ r14 I 1� . _ � � J,4i"1;t.'9p0OO' 9.t . i, 4 tho',ch4rm of nove 9 . "ding 06 suit, _ , 4"li'Martlat 4,%,beI10;. " 3t��afl4a'#a 010 46100 fAilt"ll W,V of ono that, Ila big a a difficulty ift it :9L . L 1 9,11.1 - I . .1 ILI I � .,� I ­ � . 0 c - a pir pqogt, - I *oinat4d, oursoiLl iihQ 044" 400, Mar. The$t,ft,4ve 41 been used- halo ilty,. OuRe, "tit lifter' 0 060a tot 90041'Ye with a promte* of anoth r 11 0 PRIDHAM � ' ' . . , 1 I ' " � " ' I ': ' :' , 7 � .' .1 , L , .. 'giy� sort of CO L . 9 Is. roll . 11 _ L I '. L L L 'L , " ,, A 9 M to wcertf a found a house which visit soon � WALTER C ' . ' 1, - ,:�,L I_; .. . . I.L. �,%� ;L .1 !; " ,. tintry Would be of In" � Then there LIS the, teiaperimoi gly,%. e;ert 0 -_ I I . L � "I, 11 . , . _ , ,_ .. , I 11 I � 9 es.0 9 jd� I 'It QI was occupied by three splosterd, (i" I . I L '.. L �rpog $ �'­�, 9 , .: '.' . .9 - . L mOble. ilety 4 ". engagement, the commanding officer'to q I departed. L � ; I I , . %� .1� I �, � 1, ::. � '% - L ' � - " I A Xt fit aetL I . �usfder, . . ��: HOW ­� .. I I L � . 9 . I integgled. th In six The rl,Tlbt f,lalce for Alen's and no. - � I 1 919 9 I _ , I . I .1 2 the " Should a Clever ' Okey are called), who were willjot, to month$ 41-om thiot ,yal � . . I , I : _ - . I L, I I I L . , . ''. , CA a . L ; L .,a oprOciate L r , sgo; . L . 20'109gllak A�b ' , iltion.ettia .."Velit-V Y33001tjil , vface 'in to'radoa r $t� 4 � ,a a le y .1 tot wont or , - 1 1 .1 1. � L" , -1 , . be fully 0041104 Axtratia. T "air p - �. take my negro find 11or lin returned an 0 Oth OR and Furnishings. , . , I qotnatpr�� W k.lttlis,i� 4i'04 Aut te. other4, whp , 110,11, L.ro 4 visited them 11 1 1119, .. . � 4j�34�44��'bgi:, �j r , . .r AV ,14:'4-W the ,,, O Oty 011.quqati4a Is put so, Ili fact, they told me w1thigaRe :aotbar ,month, but this time an my �. , — - - ___ ­ __ I __ - . �L ','�, , _�_ . L : � , , r @#d"fin'fl -the 'q re 19". . 3x , J0414,440, �'Uogdlag *0th�:*w � to 110" � ­ " WqUa , hosel " I u4softhellead Itilightatio. nslong turn I took Something beside ____ I 'L a. apltal,ataff I L - t�rl follow the A L IAvQ Gunner $gal; Ph"It in I — L" " �: , " �, I ­� I �,­,-�,4 15� 0 0 P3919 'Tbey won Ali I chose if I behaved wall. y begro . . 6144i* -, 4 � t; 0.0 of ';'.�.:- . .94 �, � 41 t ��-% - '.. , , 0; 0 arritea, 1 81, negro travelling colutablon back 0 . I . L. .. . . Id Tbt� a � Ir I I . . , , " 9 , I .!�. , I , - I V, L 1 9 � hig.line , L 6yall eat M14 to answeri "Noth- 1% "I �." 4 1 1 I , , � I 11 I L _ - ., ."', L , I . L, 9 1 � as cl�;30lr " oagible. an do ing, it " 9. 1 . was horrified at the eight of say Itind- file. . . 1 41, � -,;; "`­'­��___.110_�__ ­ _�_ _','�L 1. _19 -.--::; . - 11 1:11111111111"', 11,, 111111:',��,, , r coulf! 14r-- be- an OLT . � 9- 1 _­ - 9 - " I., .­.�, , .; 1 9 ­ ,_­ - � . ­ ­­­ _�-��__, "__;-;;__. I-, - ­ L� L - _. I I _S . , I L , j ; . L I . 1_ . , .�_ . I , . . ,what thiii, F, -0--- '_-k th- 1. Ime," ladles. who, T � . 1, , � , - � ' � L' . . '. I ." . . . 0 Probably, his offence, or or may BaY. were fond of 9 1 � � I A: 4": � ": ' : L, - -­ 11 I . . I �1� I . . � spur of the -me ouridgil men As it is invariably designated In , the -19 lit a senki-clorcle AMONG THE CHURCHES. _ __.___� . L . � ': ,,, , , , " � I . I . . . Imput." W _ . �, I . 1. 9 I ,� '�,A: -1 " . � I �11 - I Oometil;ass have,r� , wolt hours before vim - is- A -W ,= little Clio HOCKEY * BOOT �:, � .1.1.�, , I I , I 11CF, I ,�eiiilic? "".". I I 11 , cit- headi and of having-0eir . I "I. I ULLd . LL � 9 1 _� r i, , -_ --and .- fter. . . , I W* -,E,: "I - . . -thami� halve been It -Should _ �, ­ ­� - I . _ . AWL-Uspitial---st . reach ittry' "nuo- He ears atlorned with enortuous gold pAr- At the "'eating of MaItImond Prosby. Get ready for. the Skating. r \ V, _V_9_0;� I . . . . . . ,17�1711­ � 11! L �, � 9 ^.!sk 9 .. � . . I . often -lives Could - . i barracks by. tattoo. n6t rh te - It Call w" Presented front St. We have the beat assortment of , L . - . L -1 ­. _. _., _'i � " ' " = � L " � _­_'!'� �-L - _' � �" � �. -AleatI(m U - 't , ht'_- ­ I - - -_ - ­_ ­ - ­1­1- � I �;,:' I * , being the proud posQeOsor of a, per. It. and after tile MIR Abo it -- - �_ � , - 1-1, _4JO ___oaL ___L__, . I 1, hovmver, silenced him with Wt as and East Aghflelt� in favor- or � - � 9- . � - . ,,, I - __ - I �, 9 " ­ . , I - 1 -7 9 , I --�" _-_ L �k%' _�ar,a_ OUR to-_ 9 -map -e -a a, - 10,9$o. C Was Air $- S. Moyer. rec t graduate of - - , ` - . . - - pass. i -maigage, over 110 got al,lug all lighX ____ _9 a "�. , ­... - 9 ­ I - 71, , � � EE � 't , a .... thwit; ,Td he did not it. on 1:; . I L , ­ ­ . � nurse's ka. I and made KW0x College. L� .#A-' � I to arrive unti midnight, - Perhaps. Iovo- to the Scullery . !'L:' , , , Ak 71, 1 MARINE SOCIAL They ri 0. ilde- S, a p. but they are , waill down -HOCKEY-Ah UAN160, , ,--,- , - -,- :. I I I %V � 1� � 31- i4w, 1 CILUB, ,able to me t an dismounk without I instead of coming In by the ate In kitchen. 1 The call w1os "na,rol. '' � � .. 11 ., _� 4, ": "L , , , , ,, . .g 'a 'be Mons and was atiotallied. Arrange. I TO 89 FOUNDa - ­.. � _�;, ., . ng a a Case one girl dis- he to were made to" Ilia coordination I - '11'11- ­ , � . Cbl e, 11`00f ; 11) C, warii I. �!. �, I— - . the Orthodox manner, he climbed the I Was very food of Nature and got 11 11 1 '91 , , 1. _1 � .11 . help, L A * t ' . . . ­ jogrXi Q'�&&�� ��!, :,. '� ' �' wall, and was detected in the so still Induction lit St. J , I , 1. �... Oi*9916izo',�4111'014 a $octal- 'Function 0 t. Helena Lon-iflat , , . I . . . _9 �­ � .t moulds, And t er. remaining. in to be more fond of It aPpArently Tuesday. Jan., 5th, conditional upon - 0- I herson s rl 1 9 . � , , � . ... . . .__,._,� �� -ad"Atc , -, � �, ", � -� 1, - , , ... , t a _. tl�e saddle, he a free horse. If. tattoo roll -call until rem when a pretty young niece of theag hie 1%cceptsacto of the call 1 91 1 . I .:L99 , _ � elve Pr#36utatiods. ' I He'will be charged with "Absent I The XoPh Lightn#g, E[itch ,. - FRI11kf�_14 _"� _ . ___.:.4__. - � L- . . altgr_ 12 y.m-" and ­ 9 ­�­ . LL I ­ - . — N.;, . ' , 9 . L In The M4, � , _8 _.- - ------- k its since done) fit 2 p. in. T a stipend 9 Ot- We have them In black slid tan, I I I I � .1 � able -to sit, on a horse, he is placed Cks. _. to take walks and rows together, and promised Air, Moyer it) $900 and a. $2.00, $2.30 atill $3.00. 1 , 91, ­. - . I ", I, - �ft - .- '.. attent=,, a wounded man is ctBroa Ing into barra Attliable old ladies appeared. We used. h ­ tz 1110h, 9boa- loan Ideal Skatini no _ - .9.1 , . ". ': . � One ingenious private, who Wag ac. � I I. L :, 119!" L �­ - , ' L O'Social 010, which prov. in the Murse's saddle, and the othe cused of these hideous crimes; caused "" very vexed when thei aunts manse, with four weeks holiday#. I L - �� . L .. I � , . L 99 ­ ##1#4 .;. � -_ ad, such- a gre . r I 11 11 �. it . .. . a just year, to iconducts him back, returning his C.O.'s hair to stand on end by . ­ . I wX , ,� pushed their company on till. ­ � .... 40-1 , . ,,, , . : tke efljoyment Of all our sailoes and 1=agros 0 her comrade." Theannual entertainment of Salt- BOYS' HOCKEY BOOTS $1.25 UP , . I . ,., .----------- - - - I ­ ,�� , N. , pleading that he was "afraid to wak. After a two inglutba' stay I saw I ford S. S. on Tuesday evening of test it � ------- 7-: � -,­-T-­�,". , th , �.� � �;.r;!ik�ii�i�g,)*QA.jRga,,IicLbem-orgiLuiz- � an the sentry." must necensarily SKATES PUT ON FREE. \� .. ­4� . . �'_ ,� " ad I *1f;h the following officers : I . T pkwi , , ,-­Ak_`tW_ . ... OR&Nd*, otpub-, unual I N gull myself &wRY, week was a record Lm . . Inecting of L. Q. I - ---. . cry tear- both In Point of afte - I . � , LBRE FAST Ih THE LORD& A dashing Hussar, whose offence and.after I folding t Con all a ve - arkIng succe"st I � L ". No" W-k-04-Tuea- .0 & Bedford, prols. "jure,as.-_ �- o nolance and lipan. ' ` . I 9 ,. -1 � __ - ­ - __ ..-- 9_ _ - .. was -a-mere -matter of having b6iiii I tity and quality of the program. Even ' " - -_ -7 --. day -eviahta*i"tTl-o:�PI( . 110611,Tif iice-Oresident. five minutes- late for parade, offered ble at 8 GODERICH . . 6*ii 'fffwai L . , n 61di ou�rgctlgin Which Has Had - Standing room was not avalla THIC SQUAftIC Vjp; LL McLeod, 2nd vice-preal-. Famous Devotees. o'clock. and yet, to their credit be It , g, I were elected, NV.N.., Jt;;i�­�UMcsob A. � 0i;k. " . the following defeneb: G. M, ELLIOTT . �iebbollrae* d . � f I. D.M., Thos,,'D. I . ,� t,h,,,I,i,,,. ent. L "Sir, I was passing the married .. :,L I I U. . ,*it The PHYSICIAN IRS AOVICE said, the Itudience could not have been I ,,9 Capt, Ed. Roblueson, recording seQro- the op 'Customary breakfast givim at iar — % 11 Oeo. W 6XII1,11.0.1 I., 110 11114- I - .Jors at three minutes to ten, Sir, more Patient under the uncomfortable — — __ I I 11 I *t'3ecre't'%ry,,,.AO*; M __ t ___ ----. I �.. . � ecording . exavill. tak-Y. � aning of the legal term by the ,',,'h somebody in the quarters start. Tells Why So Man -y Sager from crowding or appreciative of the variol.4 _�� _­ _____r .. � 1. I '. . . � financial- tiedretary-wo. R" Platter, , Norman McAuley, flnuncial secre- Lord Chancellor In the .House of ed n vramophone off, air. It played Catarrh augg! Rheumatism. I nuggibere. The children did, as -usual, . I .11, Lords to about 300 guests 113 an insti- 'God Save 'the King.' Sir, and I had remarkably well in t SHREWD BUSINESS MEN VALUE CIRCULATION and -- I treasurer; OAP.t. Uillcolm SlacDonfild tap", tution which goes back to the days of — heir efforts, the I ,; � : and Wei. Irvine, lot ttiterq., ­Wnii. 1%V .1 Babb afid Bert Picot, stewards. to stand to attention till it finished. . , 4 ugh three Mosses Through�_��� I � ,,�,11 I . a. tiall"Abell, outside gourd. the versatile 'Brougham. For the last A distinguished. physician, famous "Sunflower Gborus" being �'! Nivens, D. of 0,', Robert ISIV !� played the time,. thro, � especially that's the Reason They Talk to the , , ' 11 tel o. 13 urr forty years it has been held'in or his successful treatment of Wrett? unique. The young THE GODERICH STAR, Huron's Greatest Newspaper lamm"w .:. I David Wbile, Oloorls.iJbhuson, pping, Sir-, and con- rot Orchestra, Mr. %V. 811111AS ____ : , An ay, inside guard. . the times without sto J�arsaoogl . I go . to 11 Donald, J. M, Prondfoot. vow.; care-, A ex. (Suet) McIver, marshalf. House of Lords, but at an earlier date sequently I was late for para�e. And catarrh and rhosumagina, kidney and ventriloquial dialogues, anti lounibers — - I — �L taker, Th,9s..I),. Ttelthourne;Arpstees, * -it was given In the Lord Ohancellotr`ig - that's the honest truth. Sir I' bladder troubles, states as follows i- by choruses of voting u)en and n,! . . , �L .. . "'to rooms are on North streetit In risidence. It is a ratio of the times ' - - "Our climate being more or lead women added go uch to the enjOyy,0d,'-'n tbeMaoitA�. aditi-jaiuree, lostdillation &S last.Year. and the , �� �� . V al-ty" It thp vext regular Ile 'Ile" w an breakfast was a great social damp and changeable, is bad for The uqual distribution Of presents stint - ,&0 at , ays float in the breeze function. I WHERE IT IS CIOLD. catarrh and rheumatism, and cafe all away happy and contented. The � � , I .... �` meeting. �,�? - I ""' a", ! Nan Many othdr great men had what must be taken not to let these 1� ....tit "I 11 .I- ' �- 11 In at,-,; p to' - w - ltt� The �egulqr ' � HARD L17104 -The Seattle Xcitellig- ry rday 1uKht at me Dr. Mass Tells of Wax Candies Too Superinlondent, and tile teacher of I 21 . . , , a to Thys be termed the breakfast habit. troubles gain headway. In addition, the - �iggitopr,71-1.,,k,. .,,. u Bible Class, Mr. J. Hernigban, enter. of �Dt . �� � .. � V;1:4sr, rplers U'41011(Av Mr. Gladstone Was a regular giv- Cold to Burn. he states that a great many Can&- were each remembered with handsome — I . i I I a, rg�obher; e'�i�mktedi on . th , * There wits a gatbering of the luern- er of breakfasts afid a constan A person who has never been in dians are careless in their habits, fur collars. This school deserves to, — .1, a you"gfst ,bers of thq . t atten- "I . Club and friendson Wed- dant at them when given by others. a Polar regions can probably have and to this as much as climatic con- word of praise for its uniforla succqss . son of 'W.A.-�,Iultlig, OX .0lis -Mitchell liesdAy evening of labt week, and a tb The ASPER N16flOLSON �, I " I � . � I 'Advoeato, -anot- -br,ot,hai_�Of-krcd, Tom- "most r enjoyable . Of r6ce el"erthe break* no idea of what cold really is, but ditions is due a gTeat deal of the and prosperity, and for tile loyalty I ­_ il., . I trouble. Insufficient clothing and and exemplaly twhavior f It It , . �� J and NorViLl Davis, of 06darlelf,.:-Be. thne- was SPOhV'bY hist 'has fallen fiato�_ tude as a by reading the terrible experie�ce of .,� � abolit 14 people. There were program-. social function, except at the univer. 4groproper eating will cause rheumatic A record of from ono 0 , UP �11 , . L , tween 9 ti'dlok und 12 (Mdek '93atur- blve euchre tables il"d the firlialis were sities, where young men are still found Arctic travelers in that 'icy region &no catarrhal troubles in any cit- to flv.`yea,.,� ',­� . day night -theronin of J. & Davis, at . awarded ia: Ladies"class-MrA. Gen 0 some notion can be formed of the ex, without gols"Ifill fl, Sun ey ill@ become .- Z , I P, I thr's treme cold that prevails there. When mate- No common as to excite no comment. " �,�1'11 , The Marlbol-Qugh, Wil Jeitergion -street Higkinsto ,; ge I who are Capable of cons d I am- we have the temperature below .1� ," was entered Joy jL sneak thief, who -Davis; and tile booby Prize we This eminent authority gives the and on not a few occasions I he school I , . . a ittlettien's chimp -Norval or four cours6 and the !rhinleg In freez- Bankpupt / �i � , t carried away pt -act ,,., nt. to taiaing a genial flow of elegant con- following as the simplest and best has gi ven genel-L1119 aid to other r � :�?,� value except the furnitut was a versation. bit- / " -a. The thief -good programme. in which Mr. Colib terly cold, and, if our .. , le(MY every I hing of Mr. 1),onald'Alallintion. Th ing-point out of doors we think it treatment known to science, and to ious and worthy causes. . '' I leetedagond ledtbCr 6ulitill,setintO Uelvor. of Cleveland, took part, and houses o`v-e � �; � Be Recently an attempt has been madw not as warm as, say, 60 degrees awe it he gives credit largely for his � —_ __ , . / ' i': . which he pAckeil the .Plunder. - He oil r 0 to revive the breakfast. Thus the zero, we should begin to talk o success:- A C11118 POR COSTIVENKSO _CoptlVe. I ., . . wn Poet' Miss Sk"'ll"higs; sang a, Xing in 1907, tot Newmarket, issued I freez- , � . , took a Bill, -g,, an Overcoat, & m0lo- Short addresses, Obairrilan several ere tfic Yluid Extract Cascara ....... I I �_ . L Of cloths I - Colic � C Ing. Think, then, of living wh % OL 'nese comes froill live refusal of the I - I I I � gold chain andlopkat, wiliamond and Cottupbell and . invitations to broal fast par- thermometer goes down to 35 degrees Carrinua Compound ........ i - oz. excretory orgitna to perforin tlieli � 21.1 7 W. Cralgie ties To our ancestors the Stock Sale ' , _� ruby pin, it lion's head pin set with a brou-11it the programme to a qlose, of a S* meal was below zero 'in the house, in spite of Syrup Sarsaparilla .......... 6 oz. duties regulevIv frog, contl.ibutillg 11 ' �0. , diAgnond, at g6ld-beaded Qlalbrellil., an Wthe Presentation of a memorial olid, one, of many dishes of meat, the' stove. Of couitgd, in such a case �"",Directioxks: -One teasAnfilil after O'Ltises, usually disordered digestion. . I I . - 111­11,11..� several itrtl6lbs of . j4welry' 6t lesser 6 Ilia departed sailors Ify Chairman qualified - by sack posseta or small tile fur ga. " I . I.... value. L .. beer, thn ancient equivalent of soda ,�Teiits are Piled on until jeach meal and at bedtime. fretable, i""g`ulc:ce's Vegetable Pills, Prepared . �L_ -_ - v— .�. 1. , , 1 Campbell was -one of, the tnost soleran cof a man to likoi a great bundle of The' ingredients are all ve on Scientific Principles, are so com- Has proven the greatest bargain maker . in Hardware t lat Pu . . I 1� . , I .�: I 'I, 1# DEsHnV9D PILAXOE,�Mr. Fred. T, and hoforesqIve features. water. Tea,was not known, and _ . u ,� 0 I I fee was on) king. and have a direct and ape po uded that certain Ingredients Ili I ,W , ) , y to be found in the me- 8 ' cific action I e .. ': , . " 4 11 Dr. Moss, of th English Polar ex- on the liver kidneys, and bowels, them pass through tile stoinach anti rhaps ever hacl� ,� " � nd 187 , among oth Egener, orga 4 0 ,esbyterian Presentations were mado to the.C1111, - �Iiaeval analogue of the modern mu- ' 6 this district have pe , �`ilof , f Zion Pr i . �, toy GOO. Johnston, hat rack; Martin seum. poolitinn of 1875 at - eliminating act upon the bowels -too am to remove " I � � et 6'rol, Is giving- the peow I t ail Poisonous matter from " �,'� � � . Bros.. rocking chair; Richard Black, I or odd things, ell$ of the effect of the system. Any druggist"ca, tit,- t�lielr torpor and arouse them to . ._-11 ...... — / I 7 . pie of that city a serleatif high eli�ss rocking chair aud cushion I Miss Bella cold on a wax -candle ,which he burn- the in. proper artion. I - . - 11 musical reditals," ia which lie is triw Railway Train as p Law Court. Pense this or you can bu Many thousands are - --,,, .. � . - - - --- - .11 ping great pthise. 1111o; many friends Baker beautiful Hower; Miss May- Judge Sir Horatio Llp ed. Tho temperature was 35 degrees TIP41011-ts - .,'separately- - and- 7 -mix- at -prppared to hear testliki6by to their � .. I ,, . . .1� � ,1-1_1, _..to bell jWeDouald, sofa ous t�d_ _ whp!. rem. , Aw-low -zomro. a -ad the-dortor- inn t7linva -tome by shaking in a bottle, I �i, in With plans ...... .. . _____ - hion - M 1�. And. - cently- -celubmU 'power Ili this respect. .1, I the followtog'firogii,tho Brantford H . 11.1o. .t.11,1141,11a lie , &it Ow, -. av"gia is not6d for his practical. if uncon- upon looking at his candle, / � . 1,11 . .- ­% 00 . x Cigars and daint! __ S - . - I - d'bis_'T0t birthday, been considerably discouraged when, Many of our readers should benefit ----- T I he "owell Har'dware,eo. (Limited) I L�, '0 , , - I I - � I w 14 # I ?I � I"," TO I "t, "I" 140 0 1 � 4 �=! 1 14� , 11"I"140 -I , I - - I 11 � I - , � . , , 4 1 He OR_ 19M 1 004 v,q&!( , 11 Positor reg44ding - the second recital I . , , ", ____ - - . � - 1:1 . lib dig' by this article. Save the recipe. Hard C01101111148 Quickly Cured. have proven to the Many people who hav'e already been buying that It I ventional, methods of dealing out the covered that th(, flame had all it could I I recently held :' "-Of Mr. Egener's ---------- d1- law. A few years ago, at th6 end of do to k-ep warm. It was, Flo cold — :� Soak the feet In hot water And then .1 . numbers thengdailaudatory references OBITUARY. a tiring day at Mold, he had to try that the flames could not, melt all the — _____ rpply Putnam's Painless Corn Ex. Pays 1 .1 . tire merited. Thby,q'ompribed Lit I . to o look ahead a e's probable wants, as bargains like those Rellaise, Andante, l4v4n Paradisum." . .1 . ,I Mar- an important case, which had to be wax of the candle, but was forced ractor - it removes the callouses offered are not picked up very ofton. . . FORTUNID.-One Of t66 Oldest of decided that day, It was, however, eat its wav down the candle., to. Ing �'CANADIAN J quickly. lie atit,e yet, got ,,putnftll1,",, I - I I., 1: �, I I � . I . � . . � � � , , , , , , � , � Tocatta in 0 Major. That, Angelus " Turnberry pioneers. John Fortune, quite as important, if Dot EQQre so. a sort of Skeleton of the candle savand- I PAPLC I F J C on y. , � ' ft � . 1 , from the Suite; tkSeenes Pitto a- Passed away on Wednesday, Dec. Ahat his honor should not fAil to Ing. There. was heat enough, however. . -4--� L, �� I ia," Gavottk frogin " Mignon," V19va- 23rS, after.a, residehee of over catch the next train to Cheater, where to inelt oddly-sbaped holes in thd thin � - I � . �,�"L " 2 a FROM GODERICH - tll'il Mon, E "Major, Funeral Murqh avid half he was expected for further legal wgib, of wax. and the result was In . tr v a , t. 113 1 . " " �. century in the township. Hewasborn I I ,ymnso Biagi S, Jr.- I 01 Olt . A Flat, and the Grand 91irch Queen, of Sheba. All of th�se Were r6ndered In BerwicliBbire, Scotland, in 1822, and ,,,,, to Oahada about the year 1850. nosiness. The train left in- ten min- utes, but the judge made up his mind in fewer "Come bpautiful lace-like cylinder of white with it tonvue of yellow flame burnin I TORONTO with to inastery (if interpretive insight After a few yea rat residence in the southern part of Ontario. Ile cdrne in seconds. with me." he said to the counsel on either aide. inside of it iind sending out into thee darl�!ness many Streaks of light. I which was not less notable than the plendid oxeakltiVa, ,j,'OrOgranguie so 111leavy afforded a 'WI b.,rah$e 'fur B 0 1855 to Turnberry, titan a ship just new town. opening forgot tiettlent. Mrs. A rush was made for the station, an empty first-elass Compartment was me- A Democratic Countess. and TURN ;�W_ ' skilled an or . . anifil, Anil the result was . highly plea%�,, k to the re�resentative � Fortune died four years ago, thr .find a" scas and two daughters Survive. . cured. and as the train rattled along the arguments were duly set forth. As the train f4eamed into Cheater Tile name of the Countess of Aber- dean, who has been so assiduous in 1 5 INCLUDINO ADMISSION $4 I audience, w licit thoroughly enjoyed NICHOL.-An ' aged und respected lodge Lloyd delivered judgment. the carp of her -brother, Lord Tweed- ;�outh, 0 TO THE the recital. On account of numerous resident of Wingham passed away in is Rynonymous with charitable re( tieste th Or r Wine, will be r- -1 work. Indeed it would be difficult Nve will l(eep open the -'.t. , . 1, . , ­ - ', . I - , , I � " �� " .:: I'll, . , � West St. Store �­.��,,,�;,�'. , :-; . _L,.�.� / I ..:,� �.�,?;.J , for the balance of this njorith. I ., "'.. ,,, I .1 � I _ % . 11 . !�F:�A . , I I ;if 11 Is Person Ot ijurothv Marshall, reliet Lord Pirrie, K.P. OnLarto — - � : , �, I I . peated an T tire ay evening next.' to find another lady, either inside or Every day the stock is getting less, and each day tile public are finding L �� , 1F I I . of the late James Nichol. She was Lord Pirrie, whom King Edward has outside the peerage, who was engniged Horse Breederb" Exhibition . �!rl,. �, INSTALLATION.-On-Tu6solay, about horn in Scotland, in 1832, coming to created a Knight of St. fttrick, is in more charitab . le enterprises than I I I . �, . " - - out that we are doing what we say when we state that we are selling at � i,. . I ��. I ; .90 members .of MARAand Lodge, No Galt with her parents when very the first baron of a creation that is her Indyship, Her great object in life Tickets 000 Gola January I , 13, \ practically wholesale �rices, and often less than wholesale. . r , I � : , ' oung. In 1854 she married her late two years old, and the chairman of is the betterment of her sisters' less �; � 33, A. P. and A. Mt. arove to Carlow Kusband. residing In, Blenheigg) for a the great shipbuilding and engineer- Olucky fate, although for yenia She Return Limit n. 16 . . . It � � " , I bv invitation of M6o,ning4fab. Lodge, number,of years. In 1870, they remov- Ing establishment of Messrs. Hailand hits been working to establish attrac- ! t 11 _4'.�...".1 I., 1, � , . No. 809. to join In a Joint Installation ad to Turnberry, where Mr. Nichol , and Wolff, in -Belfast. Ireland. Born tive tea -houses for workmen In order JOS- WD, / . I , I _1-.-_.10--__ / ,,Z' - . I �� I.. epreinogiv., Although tborg�"wtu; no (tied in 1875. . �1� - I . t� . �',.-, .� h, . I aleighlrok the roads W&e not� bad and Nichol Eight years Ago Mrs. in Quebec in 1847, and educated at the to draw them ay from the tempta- Agent. / . . We offd your choice in Rex, Mic- . - , � .Us removed to Wingliang. ' A Belfast Royal Academic Institution. tion of publica-1w ea. Latterly she ; . . .4. OanCY Lamps -, ,, ir - the Journey -eacb� VMY wArsiptich-pit- falfilh Of eleven were given to Air. Lord Pirric Is to -day a deput has devoted her attention tp I 'J I I ". joved. At thd 1.04.k - _ the tub- - I Mac, SalyxW.ts Spezia] and Spauld- ..-. _ I- I- - � 'y Jan Regular $1.25, specIaLg5c. . . @,,WAft"4Lga amd 14-SiObOl, Of whan, six Survive tenant for the County and of the Cit ,,ronilosis exhibitions which are being . �11 � -1 i!1 I Ing Hockey Sticks, regularly sold at .1 , 4 ' I were present. Luckp.oV4, Illyth, and Mrs. Nichol was d Presbyterian. Of Belfast. and he has been Hig held periodically. The countess, like, - . Regular $2.50, special $1.75, Dungannon- furrilshOvd, viaitoo. and ONLY -.1. 1. 309 turned nut in f011'itrength M0L9,i,x.-:-AIexander McLean, Can- Sheriff of County Antrim and of Coun- bpr husband, is a firm believer in I I 1. . ; 5oc and 75c, your choice 35c. 11 . I .. J.* i " . Regular $2.oci, special $1 � 11 ,� R.W. ty Down. In 1897 he was sworn in as children being taught some useful oc- :. �� -40- Bro. E. L. Dickinson, of Maitlind, wa�s. adian trade Corti missloner to China, 4 ... . a Privy Councillor, and one year later c(ipation, no matter what their sta. I I I DIRECT 1.,olk 11; __: . . Installed ofileft, kfid Wlt.h tlitv�ftsoilet- died in Shanghai'. and his body, is being became the first h norary freeman of tion in life may be, and that is the . 1� � , "�'- Boys' Sticks, regular 10c, special Horse Blankets : I I I "I �, � . - , . -anceof Past Masbirs, of both lodgen brought to Ottaws, for Interment, He the City of Belfasto , - .;* 1;..... 7c, �... ... , ��, was brought up to be it practical , (J" -.�-. " , Skates Good, large Binnkets, well made, . reason why her abn, Lord Haddo. installed tile follOW(Okoffiedrotfor 100- was the only surviving brother or A... __ - : � SERVICE " , , . "' � � MAITLAND . 6VF &A 'MO94�014%`Ax Al. Y. McLean, of the Seafortb Ex . , 1 , "". , . ; W Turnbull, XD. WT, - - � Romance of an "Agony." farmer. while her daughters are train- A.- .:.. - - � - I 1 .16 . 11 A. Jackototo . .. ,:,:: . . - . -� .. : . Pgr.on, . - ThioN."Apir o9ittor In a review of bila nowspap ed housekeepers who could dispense TO , � with hold -on strap. .� G. h. . I I P?J, The following "agdby" X, Hockey Club ;0c, special 40C. Regular $1.75, for $1-40- T. H. KnacohmW , H,*, j4%,mallotigh rup In hitchell, where he was first ,Sr advertise- w r Rot tocott J.W. - %). Hattiefligartan , lt*r of the Reformer in the ment appeared In an English news- ith ot servatit if necessary. or evp,n . .1 H. BokerQ�regular $i.25, spec. $I. Regular $3 00, for $2.5o. , �, H. Nott Cbaplala ,A. Gllugu� 60's, the paper recently: "Chesilton.-I sang at fee,,. the rough life of a colonist with- . 11 Advocate, thils speaks of deceased: concert with succe THE HEAD OP OUR LADIES'SHOE H. Bolter Perfect, nickel plated, Regular $3,40, �E-H. Tigert ace3f. Col, varebe las "Love Me and out any sense. of grievance. WINNIPEG' for S2.00. L . It G. Raytiolold Tre". J" 1ADeceasted, although a strong Party the 'World is Mine"; It was to you m I I . 6 Aung t I Horse Covering, regular $2.00, . - sals � SDA IL Mir MR -11: Waa the soul of honcor, of a 0 tj Q� B. Shaw Converted. All fibints in Ninnitoba, depattment has gathered a realarkab, reg. $1.75, special $1.40. a y special $t.6o. IN. Dualiop .I D J Jo hma Sahib, I sang, for I turned Snskntch a Alberta. fine collection of foot wear for your 11 J(WO. Stratton 1:0:- %pimmor Sottlable nature and although a hard east and thought of Kipling's last George Bernard Shaw -A Christian. British ewoluligbia and inspection. Nickel -plated Crescent, reg, $1.cico, , Ed. C. Bmk as. '13, Lstfilongsin hitter'nevae held, spite. His brotherm, line in "Without the Aid of i lergy " That iq the latest London story that to lbs. Nails 25c john S. Platt i.s. V. 1201 who piedeceased him. were Donald. iind waf It to You. The encore'T hag gained ptiblIefty. thoursh a yn special 75c. H. C. Dantor, Ot of 0. . Wt . goidio ' 111 no Shipr romen ' T111t N09T-CORRIlICT STVI,HS . . -(dnty -1 lot , i _ . do -a. To the only Gurviv- - gave was .'When that o PACIFIC! COAST Nickel -plated Advance, reg, $1.00, change around). .11, . to jet,,* and Alit. undisenaved in the public press. But ctigiorywr to no�ty J"A'All "m -­7y1et­'43M liging' ­ " tfiff1Jg66fh&_g1'8ei%f6r1b. who hall been back to me," Why did they, cry? I It Beems a fact. For years the great- are fully represented in shoes of evetv s q At the condlualba of 04 CeremOny. an Ohl friend of the Advocate., we ei a I saw The §hip, and eat modPrn playright *hag ]FiughPd to Through grade except tile infe ior, which we d,, thanks wAire ,Vot,ed,thitInAtallfagailf. - did not. becaus No change of ears or delays, 1, Pecial 75c. 1 tend Out heartfelt Sympathy.- U coming back to the Love of 0.1, scorn the relicious orthodoxy which sleeping carR leave toronto Large GaOnized Pails a c and � car and Other lgftthi6iig� and Wli'en the . not handle at all. If you are in search Nickel -plated Peerless, reg. S1.25, 30C each' reg lodge closed down. tile,litiathe6n kid. HOURIMILLE.-T p -4a It a or n a (,map.) he, fouwht Ili his plays. He has boast- daily at lo.i5 p.m. of a Christmas gift that will be Useful SaL I - 4oc and 45 - joiirved to Dcm Milloits'�hot*l,, whom Tfities of Dec. 10: -On Monday morn. Taught I'hree Generationk ad of Panthpism. defended it in pub- Full InrorMstolon from well as 114,11olletive, You will find this sboe special $ 1.00. �� 1, bout to now comes the. news of a complete 0-MIRC-11-FOATER.D. A..C.P.R..'Vomtoto W ha v e a Ord e a sso ent of � a Well served AIA'6kc61I1sA&-40V01Ot *as lug. Dec, 14th. at'ah early hour, tile ', Air. Win. Harvey, who to a 116 and by his bitter writings. And jos. Kii-p,,rirkot Agont, Goderielt. store a decitiedly economical Place at Dominion $2.25, special $i.90. We 1. I I beartilyienJO � .1-Afttioatiplit,,ritnist. death oditured at the residence, Broad. retire from the headmaste I t,urnover. Tile man who has worked hich to do yobr purchasing. , 1 I of All Varnishes L S ts I d House , A, � tractive intisFaVal.pr6goatmut Saints* Scho = Trimmings, all at special prices. I gof e liad short W�y aud Perrie av gla, Crickle . Eng, the miracle Is Rev. R. J. Campbell, - Regal $4.00, special $3.40. P` addresa6i, 'd tilatiLkil t0tbL*-p,0641ding ola"JerSoug6rVilie,e' Treherne, of Mrs. Ian4 has acholare in his school wh the Fio-called _=Trn__ . K:, , , Now The.olosrian. and left, for haind-M the, clock, attltek.tino, Ity Temple, London, 2 I offleer.,fl. L, V1kk1h*6O� th6 io,tethire The deceased lady, are 'the gruallohildren of his firsot Automobile $5.00, special $4.00. Ready -mixed Paints at $11- 5 per t I a vithiii, INfom bet marriage Was Alias pupils. pastor of the 0 WA S"ARMAN I �, � I., I __�­ ", , " I 1 116110, .1108i4de, of Godailah, Ont. . To add tile last rivet to the truth STURDY & W. 9 OODERICH gallon, regular $i.6o. 1 . I I . I oft . 4, ... print WIs In her fk(ty$burth year. She - Ill I ft- �. of the rumor. Shaw has publicly avow- .1 :,� I ') � � L % 0 Your choice of Granite Tea and Farm Tools and Implements and 1 � . 9w,19*111 . in Sury o#d 6y -her husband Mr. � li� ed himself an notherent, of Christian- __.________ ____� I ? L�� .": .. LO.L —The otifitluittmosoltag'�f`Woll 11hud6 Scotnerl.111e; two eons, iihaties � Ity. I . THE GROCERS Coffee Pots, reg. 35c. 40C and Scoc, articles too numerous to mention � �, . , 00 xeiibilit,aft 'Ed. of Teeborn" avid . � wanosit Di6t,rktiL.O11o'*,ll'J Iii, hold in ona doolughtiar, Attibeiv alt horn(,, to Iot, special 25C. 11. �$4_�XL..ft� . the Orangd *1414,0lifigah'ab" , , I lfirk6 Princess's Unique Present. 14 I here, at special prices. I ... ��� I - , ", �, -iii ;,,;; of *beat thb, tympathy tif 4 CONSTIPATION Princess Alexander of Teak recogiv- nuffiberrof 11 I . , da 411.� 14�11t,­C66illit!bbin , I , friends In extended. Mrs ed what is probably a unique gift 11 CAMLUP 1. .I,Jt . Ole o0k, Wo;*141)mft:"Bftt,lotlibllaotot* Soffio"Ille had been in poor health to' _­_­%~­�� i� , olatv. 4avitig Won e6filmled fivi, I . block of clasn-rogims at - - " \. t� . , I will meab ht, *41fib, PIAC", tiff ftuk-VWAy,# Some Y. IRREGULARITY whon she recently opened thii new - _ rr . � I , ; Jan. 14th, fit 1.30:,p,10. Oeae-rsibjpkl� tiliot4t,raturn & ye r go,, 6 ifeybury 15 TELEPHONES 24 Electric Light 8"Ibs, 25c, jo and 16 C. p., assorted, $2.00 per doze �11 , ,� I ness and eloottola 'of 61111160ft. All th 4 a it C � " : � t Agil OF THE BOWELS Collego,- It took the form"Alf a gold Warehouse* anti Uptown Office, cor. - n. . �,L�, L" ' ' 11 . a frOtht 0WAI-110A Where to �6 Atid r. . key, part of which can be worn as a yalds at dock. I dOtnp11nI6ak*%lrt4d6",bi httliUlit, Som,6#11le III& - � . 11,40 two y,cars . I A est st. 'out] Square � -A Al , . - - Ally Itragultrity of the bowels Is gotwit brooch, and was hnnoled to her by tile \ 11-_.__1._1_____ � . 9012004 ultpotw. 6i t" I Prolloato ,Nteit hAvirig llvtd tot st diingorous; thol should be at ofice ortt,anda head boy,, whilat the oungont boy In . when You want the hest to be had in �� __ the month bV0006M *111#1 6� . . ,. 1l"mVer Or . %. 'The 90 and doilrotted, the school presented Kor with a b6u- We are- offering good prices on several stock Ranges and Heaters to No. 17, Alib"84 atid. eat Atwort h end, � cars in Trehertic , I I Ap- '" k;. . 1 0*400 - *46 tituth Mote sudden qnot. I I . . 02: St'. IV. R04 f1tol Orthith thittfliall'tWei OXPOLW, atid *m oftie In honor of the ptineess,ol visit, and I . clear out our regular stock assortment. . , *48 lit fdUdV*J St', . 40116ft to htaa tietAl MILBURN% 11 COAL I I , I thit*.' ThO 14 took . at her request. the boys are to have # I ; U,f k*_ 140, K oil L I Ar.t. KunrM OV COAt, ALWAVS ON HAND. L, I Xleke, 70i `001ttil It* . , Oarkte tvwoedifay attefutidtf, to. Pn extra week's holiday. Y�e have I boamid, $U-80 Rtkk Ili, W 1, 90tat"Tt0he &C'noater 7,v, Z, � 1.0 . - , . I ,.­� t f - It , PILL13 , -*011 . , , Jr. HE fi;�w , � _Y,, r(h& og6pV1g*zo LAX. *uvob, " , '.1 1, �a v,Qf izoods sui�able for gifts in out store on the Square. . A 149%, .., , . 1, i ,, . , _ -- (wef m V � 111110 � , , � ... nV - f I . I , - #X:cAnroual 00st of AlSoldier, I I - ll� -the -1 -4 � ��--W'V -" -- - , Iflowl Stothitif'Ot go" 0l#A)**' I I *UK— 'I I I . - ,:� , All Coig * on f. _11-K I ,, 7t, HuRneot � ***k 66 the botwillai.ifttly wl Olitumily r. Riddane 1111fohnod Mr. Wilfri . - where you get 2,ow d for a too. The Bankrupt Sale is on tile north side of West Street. � r . . ,05*4 i , " 8"i _11�11__+41_ WIthictit w4okent ?� tW, lot4A bUk poull - Ildstle Soto A . � &., , Od the Ashley In tho British HOUS48 of CO .. . I � ­ r * go;. P& 1* rft MUM*" ot ft 11OW04 VAig Ill X. �ftX*#*j��_JJAI ja Lohing . to""' 0. Th:o" lolit" ifistift irS, lot, ri s '" - is $wr. Mons teeently thl tht) avora,%oe sn.' (I ROCRIkies that Wilke lift worth ­­­� LLL I � proto%t,61 n"uW og'Ati =Iedt of 116=4'"llem . i I "' *tw, I I living a ad house. I imatked thiolor (gol'follit" O" (* *ft%r I 4"girsti"dAllbol nuAl t6st Of 9 ftft Ofth Is $31 , and �� Of Ilto "' , , I ollu W keeping a pleogi*j WM. IRIP I , . Itho M"Wo.1-9, It. IlAftuv, rfAralas the phyaw, ftodltlol�ol T a.m.'asoiWo Xf, ott*W, 6a ymcei. "W'Ift—L."l—All are always in stock at I Im wft * 0 toall"t I " ot&k lit U that #i*,6P0FX0!�!r And . wit *44 I'wl � " a left .6 6 ri 90 - -P-!, 010b Woo � %. � .'' '''' ��., or. Haffilitoili"Alt Oki# tot (Pintilles. ST nvotz Ofder4* - - � - , - _ " � ItAkisklib 11A hbmd� hi, A -t%-,fiw tio,,,Z 11 stib"Ift ANt "laitth 61 , Thek ^1LANAft'll I'll poly-of�aw4kowpopw-----,-,,------ - -11 I 11� " i". I . . � - ­ iLa� 0, � -,,_ 1; I I , 141" %� . , ilih&AAA I,.,, � 4 , ---kA--%46W*­_ I wt Ilia U*ft# whitii, 16 �, I boitO lkill $41 , � I � I . , 1 -.-k,0_ 1 i - , . -- I . 0 0 010M. ittalt ties We blitt tvelythibit ,(.* etide of, Squilke, promptly attended to, id* and AWsys vata 04 1110"goold .. gk* the igengild t,oiu,- � L .- . , , _ -, , �! �! ! ! � !! I lock blogaddh .bt I � . I I ___ re- , thin WAUTV, VIAWO, ,T*0UVTNy45S, i *kb, ' * to . 0"A Autw �fld got , W11. NIVINS illottu . diffl. . lu,*40*44104, . , I kith, 11 . � 11 I � & t�o_ .� r 00 Stu— - "' , so. % r i , W. . 1phoo $ti lsu.,W­_.�­�;,�*��-. — ."# P.0PAIR94 , `-7 ­TW" *C 0,11140hill. , I � 1 17M 0 1. I , I I . ,4 �, , . T'"" — All".. ,,, J � ��� I'll . ." "" ' a,rd , I'L , I F C, _1 I I I .1, I.,- , I � . . I " H L L �, I I , . 11 . �i r�: I t � I 11011il" -'r. ­­ " .-d'. ,V I I . I I 1, I I I I I I , ,; , , j � ., � . li� I _ . �- %. I . I �