HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-01-08, Page 3F I I` . " . � ,- I , .... 11 I � . I "P -c-,, ' * , I - . 7 : - 11 . I,! � �- 4 �� 11 .,.. , 1, ! 7,,. - , , , , , � � i , E��.. I I . � I ,� I _5 I ­ M- ­-------­ I . - - 111�1 � - , - — . -- , . I I , I , , , I �w , _i.zijw� -- I -- -- �LJJL - . , , , ."M ,." I 1. I � :1 WORLYS I . All V - .. .. '........ I 'i �,� �', .. - I ' "X�4 , , , . . , it, .11 . ..� � I � , . I L I I J , I i ... 0 W.I.-* I. . ,V, I I - i Z I 4 . , . . ,,, . . . I . I t �, , 0, I -, , I � 4 xs"m ft" =1 ""=" "I I , � I -tv- "" ,;0lillollow a-' �- J , FJMtS 11 ""S 01131""w I � .1 � �, , I . I I I 'The, Qio*s*­'Tfts , 11 ��. I ----6481#001111141110 11 I .".*. . I : 1 4.1 114- '&4; ,' I = Xa"U 10= rtu", of Ottail, ;; 0$* V4000 O" I 1� 11 . . I BeWea te 0knistilm WorK i 19010111 I 1301 * , * f"t woou W*v Q** 00ky r"40" 0 -&k I � � I I , % � . I . 'U 1100Y44 b"t for' I I , KAft-41114 A�­ ­ ­ I - . . � ,U, f0*4 IIIIIIIIIII` W -q.. =w I I I - ­ I -.�, � I I , bA* U 40A = f.w � jlmx�m I . �. 'W�,�:` U I .i I . A dospAtA b�tlw saftei swz `21olit, wwhm XWW411i, 44, V*11-katiW9.4"aw iss tadcllww, '010 . � . � ho", 10 vaov . - 4 I A"ro, at " soeoftt , yr ji 4, lt� : - 'I , Okj�� Ot *0 U104", DW - - Il`io . . I I � JWW: r * I 4"� TorQute, .ovl, c-rlolkr-�-torit,L . 1 *M4 b" ww'440414a M =., Xxili ;#u WAS, Ord". Irm .��4400 WU4 bo, - *At U*o ,Whj�(�Vqpet"oq)a j.'i P4teitt * IliOttid , t pow I lak 'UTO 0-41 14 boy" ks . . - � "q warli 4*4,06 yo 10 losumilab- M, �69: d4volat" 4*4*64 0 futiay utti*, I t ,� : , - od., U is k" , awwroa torfas M , ittipli , a , ,lor e '. - wo W ,O� at V40w, VNOA" '. ruot4d 4, r 36 [00 - 'Xi - t I 00, *70 Of 4% -po"I*U04 of IITA%. U uloorapili %4J0Ilow*,-.11 , X be 44 putoillo . X040. � xxoit& r0our, � 1 $010" tU 4'r1V0V*y,,, it.' r*w VIX , ;AVPDs* first p*Wtos #0;I% 00 ttiwk, T,QrQA- I I. � of 1wr ' Ilk * mt'riat 1AR $044 W it, ,ond, tl"n up acrots,tho Isl wi�; t0i . W- innd f uts. 4k I ! .1 � . * ii Owl A0V"t*W an* T* I 3* I 4- A, oty. rot - - 04*4 � 00" "a� � - 0 *A MW wilow, I �wlatiixdod,, oftor a Peat Uttltk, T1114 %Ad,*** Xr. 'Xillik9rk I".kild, A it strong bakon * '4640''tw $01*0 4tossait P1 '0*0 A I � 1. - I �­ ­.­ 1. 164"."loo- latioQ41* Qr!J r * t lhO q'4*Y$l OM tiQ`wd- )io, wondered wby, .6 - -, ogo should, . *bA, whoot lx;,jili.� I I ­ - I " "Ou's, ­*tc�o'. W*l't-to'go . b "� I q 1k,- ik I AL. -$ 4h. � " or isk-40"M .4', � 11 I '­� I I ,yh t"R%Wto I , I - I., I I to*i;ii fi"i iiha a :VwN, 1A 4* I there, " I ", -f4i-!�*�`I-Jforthvru , . , , � oritro, ortbi 44- *1 , "'" , , � � I � �, ,titr.hA40 w1lino no *Ord Us ";I**: IAXU;r ot, ­Whq;;TT , "Wmei, Udelivith wo oftorg. As, to V444s',*, -b,* , , , A4ough -1 Qr ITO ­ , , I �� , .. ­ . ,, . - - , , 911" ,­ st $1 01, ral , , .$c Xtirthortko, #;4 , 1- - J *n44-which-Ovvp -Is- qn�y.-Xood iok-- liroil cgua, viiii�-,xil ortiriinp. ho 0`9044`- ­­­ --- �­­-- �,;-­-!- '--.- ­ , , � ., , -it -j-�,:W.j -- -X�­-th`,- ��--Qopx-*! . . " ' " � (4 �, ­ kh 'ej.L W07 ; or .003 0 . I , Ron t4), Isit . '' "I '' IWA­ ' ' ehodtha$6.94sho p4o, Ila� por . - X i4tru � r thero *i* uQ oUTViV,0X0` , riciims� a*, *�AX arrivt. ­ t' , w I " � � tlg­he,�'roa, A, - No. I , Ott .- ,be, tb,eir fxte. ,The dot, ' ilmator tskri- ,Ambu1*0�ait' *04 - tivoko to -savola''Aulf:44960' I , - . ,i ., I to .461(04 � I � # " 11 , ilio�t , 444tpd, At sla3y#, Xortli, AV, I . I , .1 . I lep,Auot.l�,o�oglitt,.otphoiti,11!4,rry�bip4ghtlxipt;a,itt , "T " frolights" 414 X0, I . I. � 0.04044A * lwop"� � I , it. . on rA44t�!t�,�ct,,I�4i'd�.:.tb�'ha�� "8 4 "Rortutsm itt ,, I � -**, at BAD "Francir,91 for 11 . . I - I . t ,ageoit*d, by,001410", �4 047 Pass bit,of.'sQ1 b0k alitt'forkh *00011, 'joy , I I , * - � �2 I . .:, I . ,�� - =, 4,40, U*i#" the t*Q. pi'n`-� o� f�,tbti OXQA�- I h At - 4t .0:04#h -t At- W I . -�L' ''. � , � V* &Apotlii �o. , I the'144A �, ., *yjL ow''agars"Ildho 1. 04tarle, whaat�-Xo;. 51� wbite�.*A . . . 6"pal. pitien AestroyA wore ,vot lZedi f as of meAj!,.wc.mo4 A . , , � I I I - I 0,� , Ad`,Lt,bi1�-'1A0a, "'It 'w0rA`*W^ , , , . .9* ,ad Win,# . . . . I � � . J.,' , ­­ - . _ , y ,tbo, :Orsis* , _4y,o oo#i�ie; I;Q. g, x X � 66Nn1­1 , I- . - -. � to, W� .:�J", I . I oteopt'Iram, *, xneol�,- id, " hini, *to, tha *ouuo "' . . . . . ". ­ � � !, rAc or M490 ' Ten QA.- 0. 0 . r I , ­ . ­ __Wrg and, d --1 ­ .. - _ I I I -V on 0 . � - �. -1I. - . - : .V614r_ , *,W�_,Arw X � - ­ -II . . v ilk _" --- -r- 0TO W -", -`--a-, u� , . . IL* - I 1-1 ".. I , , 9f7 , , ­ �t WIEr"Be QmcrAWW, wx 1.�x- - - R K; 10`0 , I �. , woV r,.,*thiJ[ '�, $,LC -_"h'cs1b* e� lot 04a 0 tot , , I . . , 'a it 'I ­ .� '64ftr � ,,blik4bea,l aqll6ol�,#4nd , Q Jawn at. t n 60 o.- %--wWter'-* t4 �., ., ; .1$ow �of itatlives 'ho: - , .1 W, � . I � - ,,I 1 4, . .,. '2 1-� �- .a ­�.�.�:Ar � #­ 61 1 . -1 , 16 �- ­,�, " 1, ". ­­ ,�­­ , V ­ , , , - VW - , -W- . �,.Ijp !W , , �,r* L I , 11 I �. I I I '. - I My" I", . . immo Am MM � I = T.Tff � I'll 11001111111 . . '49 Al 4.11"0066 MON AW0,10 , 4, q I " , ,� 11 . I %" stom - 1, . I , I . 0�0;000"* , I . I . . . . I I ��� -"*" I I I . 1* . I , I I -PIMIAX0, WATYA. - . IT0411"00111 Arkk 1"44 -000ft-iii - , � I I � 0146­14,so� ""t 04, vor"o, oy- 00 4", 0""" or, . 0a, * fritt � I � 1, I 11% t4k iq 'A .V, *Vqa 334 � � I I It""t XT"U. I . '. I IJ,Qur4A1 �bout'V'­ ' I ".. I ­ 1, � , , W . - I I . " 11" I _#iL * f -r- o , a* m � . . V.WW41, , .1 0 distilled waxqii ou* Ai I I At it, owtho. bost, low; PuTaw . I . I, . It' UL�o "' I ot"th* oauriq Ar . to dri4ki ayo'A' I . � X��ItO4 'tU 'I-* . . 10 �� pottint. oursitivi" �prop-ort rA`eJi1iJIiti'6^" Will VAIiiii. "'XII i'A V*4- L .- ' ", I I I , , , I I , t ist, tht -mmis klmti i'loworti ANAVY., ., . I . ' -­ ­ TorQisto'S birt'h rA%� jolt. I squ, to; thii�**Ils ot,thp st I I , , 11'M L L :" , `4 , - I �t it is. tho ptivogt W*'Or out �mA ehoi,o�� wX 14.q,tow Ovet,thlitpro- � . ,. QkA it 4y, purq ii: UR ''llsolut . Qodiiis V.64r,., 11� I I I I � I I I � � . � t ­ OkAk 0 441 1 1 11 �� , f:.ft ,'not 041y fTQi4.bA0�6r1**I4A It Is, rolgatil in moutral, th , . -1 . 'it , . , I , I .Z.3 tboO.V-, � �. �illl'build all1wit � , 1� O&i!!�.�pr�,l�40tw,j)loll�iio!,#�j� --v-- -­ Z; -- "I . -0 -- `­ � , U - wh OV61A . , -­­, � ��'ft� thl� 0*1W - � k4h, 4 Ili $444;iir,�*al qW'44444-1 ­ . ..... L, At ­Xkkt� fft,�OA Tor * oyk, X, 041t*4 ''­ ­ ­­­ L ,. -.Noltoat, nAtuvik W � ev* Votit*ink 60.011. 04P 1 1. , no( - ot, pvtolk roinfe# A3104, of 14 Six- � . , '144tioriAll)$; 440ft qif,a , . , tilrika, watort 0000010yl � ilk, pofigr (�.10,urt1n,UWo4*ki giii#iot, , . " id, frow , 7'' XrI, 0. D. " Afton, 11aid- the ulsxt 004,,w4ter) TAlsy 0o4in . ­ ' . I 1 .4 �64 ot'tho,-L'Auadia� Northern ?reciable. , thieA of I I I I quall I X W .line fror4 Vort Arthur to 64,4- . , gonsium salts Autt �hlqri ,, I - . imono the mfAdicluAl Vitt ,for, hill f ,t!90. .1 :. TL ow sothod,w I'll #I,:- . . I I - - .. . � isatqn -- 'ad �to 4116 �4 10-4- rl attributad to -4-4,0116 lul- - mpndr-��-WA ---- -- I - f igpl, it ­­ of Indian out . . ­ I .. . . ?: , �n ... --7jWd-.- , lot Wit, were : .. I e I ­*­ '? , , ­7�� 1 i.. , .� � I - . , ­ -, , '­�* , �w �.. , . I :1 , I , ! �-y . I ,. . . -k.'' 1.Z ,-i (i , I I I � I � F =- -- � . , -1 . - . . I I . , &.I. I I "M � . , 1� Y,,� , . 011 , *"!ii., -Or ral .war,JT) ., .. , � �,� --J--- 1. . . . ,a atr0to4l 004'','1041490 V. . . � "-,�'.' - . I .. ­�11 . � I X d Ate or typhoid As Kepa., I � %, , , ", I 11bYARA; phertomol:ioO. o4lood'Atwis, 04. �#riyoo ho 001* . - 141i — - - � , as, t5i a 31 ­ I �;�%V- .O."m or rt- 1 ,.soo. --.#do :1 , I , i : I .411"i�l—.4;1-0;—��--l�"-J!i;ld 4. 4X sf.v- v ; ZAA � MW Awer-1; ,. 0 P 1 ��7­ -1.1 - I I . " �. , , , �sllkl�ti �� "I'ArT 0. S Nvos"rn va- vViriuld, ottoo , - ­ , . - - 1 I a, 1p 1110 940 � spit� a I I" I �:� -f,-- ----hi-,-- ­ zre:�q -` 11 .. I 11 t "I'll, , Mna e Thle; 4whbI6'fltg6 of. tlhe� country alld� � - - .. I M-1 Fitz - Ii,h. ..p . -110011�­ ­­- . . -W , Vkh- -- . I ­­�­­ , Ails 0 lirnt& to ris0give, the $line I S&L - a . M,P t" I ,-,--- ­turViUT-AwA.7-PAt1aAt* -- I I �­ �p t U at,4110, lak 4011 ­ ­ -- I , " .. I - - -­­ - Va.,., . !, AV . ': I. . . ---.I. �A ,P. 'L I. , I'-- I '111- ' 1,110411b 111101 - P . As I axid - ,I to . , 410 14 '� � 0 1 . � -� -R -­ " I �iF-6ro-4-* I � I 1; , t go Admission. ,- . ­ . :� I .1 , .. A text, Al ,� . t 1� �P,940, line ji; 'fluner-Al''Pro iira* : even the ; lea . �' r , . . , ., , r.: il lken . wbe - 0 �, 1. �, 4v0A J$oyllo. ".4n,$ �Qhftv I � f.1 Boom, A'C 4, 0W. oir 9* ,, its jodin, tailed. This. elie, wots '"boacendants of Sir Isaac Brock . I I I � .­ . 1 I .. . 71idij t stiraptu0i, ritual, oftlhb,Aom oirab�e 0. 2 Qte at - I :: , , � 1�� htiy. 00640W' -0 ,449 00 .,, buV be said no more Until ,, .R to 70o I I I - , I L �c . A, _ ,tliogo VAu happoll, ,outside, - . 11 #-I" . . . _rCla, _$w th , - J� - L,Ak�� �, p, �f qw, 0 a IM -bb � � a. corollapy of the theor. t at gY4 )nting to Canada tile coat . t*'* I , ''. 1. .. �� 11,�,.,.. � . . chatige.(� the Pos�tion I . � Ay I � are presi ­ . - . 17, ­,V,yo, " , , t , "lio.- 'Three, , � *0­894ih And 116" Barley -No. 2i 54c outside; No. ter was, due to the dirin in of li, a- he were at the time lie was mortal- -. , I " - I , " . , er, *beA Iii , * t�iih,040 l4ondit'' ,.� 60,464,xirloi,�btiily tQ .44-- -L Ace I I , I y�go- , Ad. tq)?Ais that I ... I I I ­ I I "I �. ­ � I �, -4 ­ � - � I I I I q. 11. ! X XAPI � , t PA 4.4. �44441 . , , - I dY Ar, WtA6 Path' allowed extra at 62c, and Xo� a- at OW. impregnated water. . I ... . . . N. a hm,4� sj`i4 , iat, ihe, 1,1 ly wounded. 11 � 1 .. ..; ! . , '' ,�� , - " - " -0 . � . 11 :i -I MRS. Hom meirp"b" Out. I, J . � , ., ': .i , ., ", .I ­ rive, ;`-',4A4J1,�%.Vo!'9 IPS ate-AQW` Aill ­ .. I ; , t, � . , 1, h I , P14inly t. - ,t, � � �N - %TX ever, It 100k0tl Bu'ok*heat-56 56YO outside- - A,more neral belief, and one kglish . I . ,� :iftm " An Z.F , ' "il c . I f ., 1, � � I h to Ura. Phybors,- wife of an Ev . I .,& 4 9 tell � on� ", xipt A I �. A'vail worn gm . ,� , I I . � l.f , . I , . 7"In opokui , Nas�xq- q qnoted At 0% to that is hel y many to -day; i that , was fatally burned at E . I I t", " " �� " I � , � 1, , ­ In" . I ­ .11 1� 4 1 � 0 derful born, . . , � I . * '4401 4 - �s apv- - _' .' 'iAi apin, "Children, are you. .860 otside. distilled water exerts a wons man. t while lighting a fire :',�� . . , Ca " .1, - 0ay �,�; 6h4rging-thoir-p*r qas 0. ;4114 -� oothor, So 0 settler Ilk- , ,'� I �o kAb* � ­ I A T V011 ` Ve � 7#ao� 04 imcoArTAO:'he, , )�, �JaGox��,� �­X � Epl errible "'ect of La GTAPI f 1.10. A I ,,, � ��,� e 3 40 �� I , I . , ,)i ... I � horroa I I ­ . ,r &OW064 cat0s�' - & .despatch ro . onto 04,170; Qt tolakil'IS that path �Corn-Xo. 2 American yellow gQlVent action in the body* remov- N� ith coal o 1. How viony expocktoo ft evills . 1. ��� . I o , tro Jiti�p '04 � . �- . .1 l e _ � � . I � 11 .0,4th t � ,I lit 01, , . -felt 4n the ' r, I - people there are who know hatn"NOW I . 11 .m, I- - .­ .. 1. P ­­� . ;h;tir.'w.�'je, slig looks, . . 1korogs tho, lAWn, 11 . Isn't thore some nominal at 68o on track, To into; ing the excess of lima salts Which The test well sunk on Horton whicil, foliow in the train of La Grippe I The wit yoldlials two down, -.�, ­. - , , - I , , " - utlllegaly.,i�� . q ,P ­ - Onto -thai I I . I' ,�� ' - Ell V- eotnb- - -4 of � ­­­- .. ., �'tai'tliqVdka,:'1600, 4Trid.AY-,-- � f" -play-there whi;h:,W 3:1 : , the . .Ili . .: ow No, 3 yellow quoted at 65Y20, tend to accumulate in person's of street, London,- Ont.1 for a civic appetite entirely YAIN thers Is a 46411nuAl twin porfliowwalow" . ", " san s , f , 11 a I : 014 §;, , ", t ., pigting 3 o r . Ill ,the v . . motattocliods , , , � I . ; I . -1. rum 1. � a 9 . bligg on may have jorgotten. about I" Toronto. advancing years, and to lead to - aAd lice seems scarcely wortb living. In moor C008011011ituft I ,�� � % . . , , � or 4 , , id , P I --! . radutill ' Off bY the ��� ffil a 16 ... , . lings�� , C B sure they had not * ,water supply is yielding two huu 11.1 . I " I . �' .�, 1. - � .oulic . 1, egle sh6oks, arO, cap o, t 6y war � Bran -Cars, $19 in bulk outside. calcification of the Arteries, and lie drea thousanO 0, LII dcclines, olitill PfI&SWC0111''(01TV . ''� , ­ : �! . I and the Oritita � - ­ . I , f the 4), Ore At . dreaded 41whKo p ill - -i I . . ,� . - , .obt 1p t i keeping.,up, -of. T104", - . 1 4..� � L- . I un , ­, -` '' �� , � - --gallona dailY. 01431JUEremm -of some . I "I i.` �� rant wit,; � 'O., e ory h . 411, and thct know Shorts, $E!2.50 in bulk outsiqla. bring about the degenerative illiert oeiniorcan, a teamster, I U40IN bror give to know 47 . , -- .1 , � -60 Wtistwonld no tile awl' , , , �� , --- ''I - �, - , I - V4 fit, q . atjqq� . Oglp quite , I goo . )I 41 , at , A44 ,. - mmlk .othitis, - le -PAt,b �- A wt� ­ ­ -.----. ­------­--- ­.­­­..­- Atmiigoo- -olia-moweristio--of. old. Age_ -,WVl,y,d.A.b-B,6oth1s. mi1I-^at4DttA.w.%, . ­ medicine that we d- not oill"Mot-11 "F- -b" IMU,-"�ltk*.W*ato& . I I - -­�-�---�,- - , , YXo.$,L, 26, I I N�, 1 ., I. Of IV- , _I ro 'Pa I -,,w - felt, At' 60, after tkoir issith had 45poken to I W, b4a", I , , � � � , , - . . 2 , � .. I 011 ftolb.. egs, sovaro� alip'%A, I 0 - This would be very comforting if, drove his team over a twenty-fivo a $tern, and restore permanautly the too' lievilth and st"n It, In a word, I.,� 1� I. . the xuiioi�,,,aud, ,", -*ca .1, 111.:Aia: morillog ind.anotlier at- 0. them �he second t i 0 they went out COUNTRY PRODUCE. , it wore true, for all could attain feet embankment, on Friday, and g1re, now lite and hope V 51,1t;IIIAT01,1101 myCHIM. � - 1� 'I, 0 to I L - are-,, , 11'1� h I I . . "I � 14 .. I confido 40r, egpi. Fires are still, burning, althoi4gh te see what it was that he meant. ng were require _ IV. 11 my too wore In a . . . I 41 ­, I crowd- Apples -Winter stock, ,$3 to $4 long life if rinthi d both man and horses were killed. Mrs. hope. fri" Cattle)* ol Marl . . ", I L V. "' I "I fallen,, �Tho­lqteat had settled on my Catio. I k . I ­ �i'�� " I.." L I ." , ,� t :, p , 'L l" muoll �,raixi has , They found a curious little track, drink plenty of pure Joseph Jacks and a man believed terrible Mate, I h44 had La Grip * . li�,;;' � 1, � OPP, 6 , F.6,"llo"' ecolluedtoted.andcoud : ; ; �� � iii'V00#60iQua 0 if the or trail, about A xir of life is not � o be named Matuk were killed and could , I .6 I and except to ard � ad " I , � , - lint -ks I per barrel for good qualities, L I a . i � , : 0 a 4 7 r, i �. 'd- lit, th sJidts 0 � s wide Jarold's at $2 to12.§0 for cooking apples. water. But the eli t st44dily getting worries slid 90 90 ow vOlit A Was 11a ivshlo '�­ I I - - - certain. that mdhy lot oven sit up. I cousulteas"erall doctors but Ili Id , 11 , -­h-Jf'th­ -- -.1-01-1 1141[t straits make 'it I ,"� , ", -�4 1 ­ I I... ­­.. -... 4� 61&ada, running rjght� up Across f �, " 3 iug- r � ­ 1. I . . . r�tho,� a a a popu A Iola of t- Bean4-1?rime, $1.70 to 4P.76, and an simple. The arterial changes of Nakolag Maga, badly hurt 113, the be done for me. Then I started taking -PSYCHINS old bA&=tt$O Y 401114 I ... 1�­ .,�� � , � the lawA, And disappearing in the age consist first in a fib- irl'ot a cake of frozen o4rtli ;F�",��!?E y stakticsse *4 �,z!­� � L hand-pick I '0V V0�0 Z I hard'� beyond. They could fol- bush. ol, $1.80 to $1.85 per advancing in a 1 0- I , , CENTRE ' � AN wonders. I sm now as Btroi so, I . d can truly .- - ,X0`ZQX#- . ,the co,Aat'to*ns and villages have ore rolls thickening of the walls of the Fav trench at the C. N. It. shops. Itte." 'QMUU ,"timony as this Is convinclux. I .1 . , " I I . L been 'killed. . ,AProfessor Iticco, di� low it easily until they got up . say thot PSYCH I MR saved my Y ,*14 , " � Those who, have eXport'li:iii 'VIodge L Honey-Com9s, $2 to 02.75 per hlood-vessels, and it is only after at Winnipeg. it y'06q ara 4� erimil in a similar way. and have almost despaired Of 11 .1 1 on the 00japt sgial. � , T I rector of the observatory at. Mc(Ant ng the apple -trees, but there efitablinhed that D. MCIIJuham, a coal oil dealer ever recovering the health you 0=0 oftloy0d, wily not Bond tot 1, I "'� . L s 4'a'"' 0 con- Etna, estiriiates that the viotims'of "' I dozen, and stradned, 10 to lie per these have become k sample I , ' ' tra t . . , � tre OE the 444� @ waa the I they lost it. the lime deposits occur. I at Alexander, Man., is being pro- bortlaolPSYCHINEandtmktoryourso;f? ThorcisnorC4110OW111yalk , I I I ­ pound. ". : , - the, earthquake ikeead 200,000. "Let's too if there is any other Hay -No. I timothy, $10-60 to - --G;— PSTCHI ME has proved the sovereign remedy to :; � ,,, �, of Messina, wbi , .010''is the Atro ; . . Tile buttermilk theory of Match lted by the Inland Revenue Do- should not relitorod � . - I ::: Hundreols, of d,tyerous,crimilxals end to it," said Jessie. And so - So" ,t . Ili - 11'�,'� � �, j of the VcQtic Z"LL :0� 'the' IgSoit. 3--V'--b-- 'arres L -n-11d, 1 $11 a ton on track here, and No. nikoff is TiLore plausible, for drink f 1� Be nR coal oil that hundreds of other cases, Vby n9t in yourit P ra TILM INS to sold bw oil l, -1 -- I . -,Are under . - -l---1- ­�.I- ­ - ­ -- ­ I � - . Vartmel - - 11 -- . . -- A I . _71 . �,�" 'k o P 2 at $7 to $8. n loded and caused the death of druggists and dWers at SO@. and .00 a . '. .:1 pea which,, X,dunt A -A, is � � May toilovvecl Line 1*1511 , i g this does und6not0ply regur-116111 i I bottle. IMM EVERTDOSE- I ,� 1. I I close vard. . . they reached tile drivewar. Here, . f in. exp . ,�, - � -Weii - 44se' tlle� � ; A despatch from RoM6 ;06ya f Straw -$7 to $7.50 on track. it) a measure the formation 0 J. Raymond's daughter. M-ATT . . �� now- t" - �"QM� this : o course, th- -he -- - Potatoe§,�Ontarios, 60c: per bag. testinal poisons which are believed ,:", telluric .disturbance 6xtended, ab&t- , . showed I PRONOUNCED - tl '' ThOL correspondent of the Corriere! no signs except t marks of wheels, TRIAL BOTT16C 1PRICt . ,;,,�`!�- ing littlo4y little, portherlyas fAr 1),Ital,a, Delawares, 75, to 800 per bag on to play an important Tole in the I �, L , , , I - to, I I .�.� I,. \ As Cape �it, - GREAT BRITAIN. I FV.'.A.0'4' =..M�DVIIM- . .111, T .A leano ind'aoutherly. a�s now at Messina, has SuO but Harold suddenly gaxe a little track. fibrous thickening of the arteries. T . , "L L � . far as i4le BlaY.�of -04tRilia, ravaging cea'ded in sending via Naples a shout of delight, and pointed to the Poultry=Chickens, dressed, 10 to The other view, that dist4lled ehiuo wl Vour ­"� � I . theweStern ragiop, of Calabyis and grapho description of the Pathe- bank at the other side of the drive- � The first old -age pensions were $04"Z4. ..�,,�:, . the eastern coast of Sici I ly fc . )r a dis- tic sights'seen on the'streeta there. way. There the little path began lie per pound; fowl, 8 to 9c;ducks, watilr dissolves zho lining of the Fri- IIE of 14 ,�, ,riy, loo alillee, It is im- Four carabinears, with a hand- 11 to 12c; geese, 10 to lie per stomach, in even less tenable, for paid by British postmasters on ,,� ­ 0 , :'­"',"� tance of nep I 1. � again, and showed even more plain- d turkeys, 17 to i8c per the mouth and stomach always con- da ­ .1� � 1�,:, the cuffed man, -whom they had evi- ly. It went right up over 6ne side poun ; I possible to iccurately%nacertain pound. - tain mucus and other fluids upon & British Labor party will - . 11 . ­­ ­­­­­ �,'�vl�l - ' —.-- .,­ ;11 ' ovement east And dently arrested during -the night, of the bank and dow-i the other, which the water %vould act, and c;is- meet at Portsmouth an Jan. 27th . , �, '' ,�.', ­ ' """ . . . . . . . . **"- , � - but". it -ore 611 killed while returning to rus ENTOMBED 100 HOURS v I L Xli west in' the inland iagiong, and the children, following 'it, , -that the,boilaty of one their barracks. A Seanan� and two I to nd that it led down to the edge THE DAIRY MARKETS. � solve out enough salts to prevent Lind will discuss a number of d - A 2 � ", I is cart i I , - it working injury to the coats of tic proposals, incIvAing t' -o fixing I . : ,�, -,,�j 1 of the arh%s'V'cblsriiiTlg secti6ns of oxon were smashe into a' 4hape- ofuthe brook and ended there. of the old -age pension Umit at bb. — ' Fashion ` ' I 1.,�4� . . Butter -Pound prints, 25 to 27c; the stomach. + I � .11 "I "' ", L southern Italy has +been irrevocab- less heap. Hi,1h up in the window The more they thought about it tubs, 22 to 24c ; inferior, 20 to 21c. We know little of the action of . . J RESUED - :",�j, ly despoiled. ' . , . of a house, on y one wall of which I the stranger it seemed. Who could Creamery rolls, 28 to 29c, and solids distill,ol water in the system. All GJCIIH�N 'COLLIER,E "", I waving was standing, was a boy hangingi and who could 27c. that can be affirmed is that it is UNITED STATES. BY BRAVE COMRADES. +1 Hints I .. �;�,��,.. Vineyards are no! more; lhave made the pa,th 0 lvlr', YL ows of lemon orange and olive head down, being held by the legs be using it now 7 - $ , . A,:, � r L kor it was easy Eggs -Case lots of cold storage, not injurious, and may be recom Purglars at Now York looted the — t . I - .1-1 I ­ . ­ .w' trees- -ha,ye- -boe"" i,alidthls - a. -1allen. mftex­ Sitting on a tb- see that whoever or Whatever 25 to 26c' per dozen; selections, 28 mend,ed as it drink because of its * the Criminal � boast"pa, with its soft doorstep was a lady cuddling poli6e station , in Set III .....,.,t".4.1..I-I.l�H.,I-k,&.+7i.k.l." ­A�- 1'1�4, ench"Iting & h&d.made it was still passing back to 30c, and new laid 35 to 40c per f reedolm froln disease -producing Courts building. After Several L: . . and fragrant foliage, ha� been con- headless baby, calling it endear- and forth over it every day. dozen. bacteria. -Youth's Companion. Thirteen persons w Pre shot, none 1.11''. verted'into a hideous desert. Reg- ing names And kissing it. Her face They talked it over, with their Cheese -Large cheese. 13Y,c per Passage to Imprisoned FADS AND FANCIES. . I �`. I , I of them dan��rocltAy, on Now "';', A' gio, � whose gay' Aspect 'set- off -the was �ed with ' the child's blood. father and mother, but neither pound, and twins, 13%c. Heil Was D11f; Out. A little more witith is being al- .�. ,: severity of the - mountains, and Four Russian sailars strove to per- could give them any help. Then NEURALGIC -HEADACHE. Year's Eve, in Now York. . I ,,, �, L . , Sir Horace Plunkett, upeakLng at Two colliers, Martin Hoilatein and lowed in skirts. . I 11 I: � Balmi perched jauntily amid sudde her to 4)low them to bury they went ofit to the stable and , L I "'. .� i . .. ROG PRODUCTS. Among women the increasing fre- New� York, prophesied the di in a coal Everything high ii'ruled out in I 1��', ! 'BaP- John Nowaek, employed ", orang� and olive trees,- have be- -the child and co'nvey her to one of told Eben, the hired man, about . - 11 "L 1�� blots.' , I the 8hipsi but she indignantly re- it. joy to lie quency of neuralgic headache must pearance uf landlordism in Ireland. - 0 lit 11L,rdel, uour Bochun, I . � ", inin poiffure sty ca I'll, �­ J L . I . . 1, come mqe I When he had finished oiling Baccn--:Long clear, 4 have a cau se. There is one ,)f sim- Abraham Rout, formerly b f had a . . ..L t �. �� fus d, saying she would not be - per pound in case lots; mass pork, on" " Westphalia, Uormany, have Paris declares i,hat huge head- - e� ­ OVFgRRUN WITH T, UGITIVES a ,the harness, hb *ent with the chil can overlooked, ,v�alj FranciseQ, has been sentenced horrible ", �, parted from box onW child all plicity which has b wirautilous escape frum a Ian had its day. , ��.. " " 1�� dren and looked the little path $19 to $19.50; short cut, $22 to . . I - geaz� I A�`. Catania the laigest bity nearest that was left to her,'in the �ida I and one, to which it it, worth while to f0f,'rtee all% in Prison. death, after being buried alivt) to, I(Vos are worn to ex- � .,�,t� " I is lover carefully. Then he said, quite $22.50. ' a a tentio-n. The pain ex- The Unirtleg"Statos Treasury D - I 2 Evening I , 1� ". to tife scene of the ,disaster, an officer, I . medium, 13 to to dr w t . . .. rid just-101ve ttff-elhow. I . ,, ". world. , Her husband, seriously, 1!1 th k I know the fel- Ilams-Light to 00 hourg� '#;*-.A lllugtIlog - ��11& tr I -- -reftigoes; -and- 'the bad bco�h- killed, the saW; bui abd low tha- ---- - is path -or rather 1-3y,c; do., heavy, 12c; rolls, IOY,c; gencralk -located in 'partment has transferred $22511. Thoyi wore employed in . . I erdwileot'with . I perienced is - t . dep,h .1 I Reseda green 11111*614-16tria I I � -N %-, �, , continuous stream of fugitives insisted that the child was alive. the followe, or more of the branches of the 000,000 in gold voin from San Frail o . I IOU teet I . , , for there must be sev- Shoulders, 10 to IOXc; backs, 16 to One - ciLco to Denver. per t ona a . evening (rooks this winter. , . ", Y."it,' , I , coming, the sight of the wounded The sailors perr.isted in their re- , becond cervical nerve, very c0m . oil Sunda find were . I A . ,er�al of them. How would you like i6,1/.,c; breakfast bacon, 14!/4 to) 13C. y mc�rnl ng, - � and repetition of -real and ima in- �, monly those terminating in the Andrew Carn gie in A magazine I of tile forPulalll Man capes art) worn ove one '. ,, � . quests, whereupon the er in- night I" Lard- Tierces, 12c; tubs, 12�.c; 0 await:ng the arrival Yr like the Roman to . I , ;1;,,r alarmcd Rore to watch for them to, . operatioms, when tile ruof h . �, � ary earth shoolks, has so sisted they leave her. The sa, "O lovely!" cried the children, pails, 12%,c. scalp at the occiput. or back of the article tells that profit rharing will to begin ti oulde . the population that -thoy. are be- were so affeeittl that they wept. until head. .Tbe nerves of the scalp are bring about tile final oolution of Lit the gallery where th'6'y were Soine of the, hatidknit bedroom . . ��, � .., ` �and they could hardly wait I . ev 11�1'�,� coming uncontrollable, There is -�- darkness fell ani Eben was ready BUSINESS AT MONTREALL irritated by the hait being drawn I tile labor question. standing suddenly llap,wd witik a slippers have lamb"Wool Holes. I ­ 'L, no longer Place there Where .the - , ------4"- Idown tightly back and put un the Burglars in New York cracked torritIc cratih. Mally tons of earth Fur hats have never been more � . t. 1. f ugee"a ,­ -I---- - * II O -Z E U 01V',',Z A X D SEE. I - to take them out. - Eben made Mu,ntrea-1, Jan, 5.-Grain-(� - strain, not as a whole, ill whichithe safe in a Third avenue jewel- and rock fell,- ell L -"11-g tilt -ill off f -rum. in fn"r than they-aTe to-daY, ­ � ­ - . -- .. ­­ . 145y2c ' I feed- at 45c per but by small bundles of hair which 000. i -1 I 7- ------' .a Franciia N=.. di7 Bontiflo, Arch- --- - — Before they started ian Wes -tern No. 2 iNhite o case the strain would be spread llery swre and carried off $6,000 in ess to the shaft und deprivitig , I ;at 46',2'e, extra No. I feed oats at over, a, farge ,area of the surtacv, .cash and jewellery valued at $25,- a" Crossbar muslin is one of the bishop of ' Cataniai has employed rron6h Scientist Suggests Dr them promise to keep perfectly l3till nad ats . newest wateriaIR for underwear. all the money in his p9asesBion to ilifug hile they watched, and neither to them of the fugitives, to Earth's Centre. move nor to !speak so much as a , and No. ovider bread for- I ibushel, in car lots. ex store. Floi:r art- pulled back and held in place W, L. Mathews, former Statel THE ONLY MEANS OFJ',XIT In tile latest models, the Waist - 1� ,"", t the people of Cantania, also, a,re A despatch from Paris- says: M. g Manitoba Spring wheat patents, ! by hadrilins. Relief ill experienc- Treasurpir of Pennsylvania. who had They were in complete darknos I �, 1� r -r 1wingle, word, even in a whisper. 8 4hows signs of lengthening. I I --- , ­ in great noeti, as the ordinary bu- C I Then he took down the big lantern I firsts at $0, seconds at $5.50, Win -'ed by removing the hairpins, but been sentenced to prigon for his I and immediately reall/ed Illeir ter R.1,1i olive green makes up some '�,' � famous with a reflector, which was always tif Lhe most becurning street suits, :,�� ' ,�" amille , Flammarion, the - ! ter wheat patents, $5 to $5.25; thig gives only a temporary and connection with the coopitu'l frauds, I e "I"a"o'n i'lle) L'o"ll aticer. keg arld aleeve 0 inu, 1� I,— ��Z . . ,, siness-pursuitI3 have been entirely 0. the stable door, to light *ib' � . . I . Btronomer, who attributes the dis ' blim ei�. I interru . Italy to volcanic action, 1 placed by ittraiglit rollers, $4.60 to $4.70; do. I partial effect. The injury done is is dead. tai.ill d by f,,Iing ily around! Lace yo a C use � aster in ill t llot."Illy vl,zL'i tllt,�r.. ' )pular in spite of their . � .� .. pted. the dr veway. This he placed in a 0, no inean4l P( - - ,',� , FATE oir rioRmisiNnns. suggests again as he did forty years i i in bags, $2.15 to $2,25; extra, $I-! lasLinu:, if not permanent, in its Silas 11. Pearson of Peterbor ulasAolm (If I Cloth ri old 6trip wilth rill - ..; ­­. ", " large wooden box, over which he, . '.. , Feed -Manitoba bran, I Poinsequences. The present style of O",,, ,�c,n,o,,R,d ,,,, ll�tt�burg 11.1 c,I escape, but. 1hal gre-1 s , , " ag that an attempt be made to 75 to $1.85. I b" Jery make beautiful , ". - threw a blanket. He wrapped til,,o from, otherlan ein ro .� � The governmentis finding difficul c � $21 ; shorts, $24 ; Ontario bran, ; dressing the hair should be discon- he had sll(),. .Ja,rob Kntwdler (If Wil k geparated . -V find out with certainty the internal I ' , ­ ty in ascertaining the fate of many Jessie and Harold in two other T The Lwy Tricill trimming. ', , � . �omposition of the terrestrial , $21 to $21.50; middlings, $24.50 to I tinued, as it in part accounts for lock Station while wtLempting to I po',L: ,',f the mine �,�,.� � foreigners who were in the earth- blankets, and then they all went I n of suffer- rob Knocoller's store. wore witilout foud or drw'.' [Arid The redingoL! uf the hour is close ! ��s, I , The only means of doing i f $25.50; shorts, $24.50 to $25 per the prevalence of a fori belted, and in walking - I" � quake zone .at the titne -of the ca- I globe. out and lay down in. the edge o , . I c � fitting, . . . including bags; Fure grain - which is both intractable and their mignais 1)�' hammering -�n th 1 concerning this would be to bore a� gigantic: the orchard, some distance from ton, , .814,11-c fruitillength, , I tastrophe, enquiries. Well geveral kilometres deep. Such $32; mil ed grad 1'rl' s.ing. If it vvere the fashion rocks inet wilh no I't I Y:)un g are wearing light � whom ate coming from all parts the little path, and prepared for a'mouille, $30 to ell, diRtre ' ('hoese---The wome GENERAL. comrades outmille �, $25 to $28 per ton. for n to wear their hair short ,,,, r g bon or silver or gold 1, of the globe. The commander of a work would not her beyond .the long wait. I and tied up, there ssed! 1( ed ritri ­ I ­ - POkIver of Present day engineering. � It was dark and Very still' local market is quiet and steady, 1 instoad of long Yuan Shi Kai, Conimand,pr in. Holstein and Nowack %;cre rill bands in the hair. ., the battleshi Makharoff, which ar This well would be a source of in- very . ' with westerns quoted at 42Y. to 12c 1 would be less headache than there at once, and tile work of n -cue "a.4 ' I ­� rived with Fugitives at Naples on -haustible heat for humanitv. "If The katyclioll; .n the maples over- and.easterng at 11% to 12. Butter,ia. Chief of the ('1hinelle Arni). has pushed forward %%ith dv�pej'attl on rhe latest dainty notion is toper- '' .. . " been dif4missed. I , After twenty f(mr I)our,, Nine the hat with tile acent of the .,�, Wednesds�,,eoufirms the report of ey head kept answering back and forth _Creamery quoted' at 25,,,c, and � I ,.1 . n consul the various Governments would and now and then a frog croaked Father ,John of Cronstadt. tho ,ergy ' 11,,,vers used on it, ,I, the death of the America September make tit 26'/Ic. Eggs continuous boring and blasting, I at Mes'ina, Arthiir.S. Cheney, and agree to direct toward this object CURE PNEUMONIA. famous RuAlLian priest %ho so bit- -r to those , Liberty volveteens are particular- I by tb? brook,. but for the most part _ NS ' B, Europe, each New laid at 35c, selected sto ck ONION cad. conducted at great daug( 1� soft and becom,rig, and are pro - his wit., %�ho wore buried in the all the soldiers of ii, �vas so quiet that Harold could ' to 28c, and No. 'I stock at terly assailed Tolstoi, in d ,ung-alged in the rescue ,Aurk, wore t I 1, he num- employccf in accordance with h at 27 �/, to a s ruins of -the consulate. T . is hea,r his own heart beat. ]Hot onions, according Twenty men were killed in ft bat- gloriuus color - I trade or occupation, they, 9 to 24c per dozen. I are said to be a tie between adherents of Castro!oreat masses of rt,,ek fell, obstruct� (It'"'d in the "Los Americans in Siciiy-und llpecia Suddenly, when it seemed as if 23V French physician I e of the rescuer% Lind � ,%.;h(,pg _pro showing rilighteaps � bar of would win. a victory superior to, - — onia. 'rho re- ' g the paosag � i southern Italy is believed to be they had been there for hours, Jes- Fure cure for prieum I And men on a Veaezuelan gunboat cring I hu reucuv of I Made yyf 1�nitted sllk in tile claintiest I � ast and future wars of exter-'s egiv a shadow slip- UNITED STATES MARKETS. I inedy is as follows: -Take six or on tile Venezuelan coast a Pa. ently rend . os. . Of ptifiks, and blues,* Alid lavenders. �, and several 8f th-em arb Te- 8,11 P ic thought she I I inteirrentoulbed camradeg an on), I illation by bringing to light the ns, according to Bize, and Tho Indian National ('ongregs, There are black pateno I-ather I to have , been st�ying,et 'm ing along ,tile little path. She Buffalo, N. Y., Jan, 5. -- Fibilltv. I ­ I I � P, Wheat to" onio . 7,r,tr,�ina,, *hl h ' ia on the cast mystery which is hidden beneath I atched it closely and was sure it ,-Spring stronger; No. I Northern, 1 VIICIP fine, put in a large pan over which opened at Madras on Mon- the apparent hopo- I'lipper'l w ith a tiny border of p nk. . "' t " " ing. Winter a fire then add the . . und -, coaa about So d al; while This work w .omething alive and movi I bame quantity (lay approved the plan of reform Untieterred by c I blut, white, ur $Ina. ilea southwest of our surface, all uted tile habit of was �arloads .store, $1.35!/.;, . I leasnegs of the task. tile hief ca I , " Meg � Allcol r t the latest vras being expe 'it would go along a little way and No 3 of rvr nival and vinogar enough 1r) advitneed by J,ord Morley. I tile t,�p 11, . ­ " ' firmcr; No. 2 red, $1.07!,, . - gineer began to boro all .1 ii t-- , . 1%e suffdr.d ,. ,fighting would he lost, humanity .then stop, and then go a little Way I A1.06; N`o. 2 white, sl..-malie a thick paite In tilt! mean Tilt- Australian Parliament halt I ('ontrary to expectations, white .1 ' reports, would have gained by it a double t el . ugill,,q, letling it LNTIRELY NEW PAS8 .X G V, have gone out of fashion, !,."� " harm frofik the earthquake. farther and stop agaiii. 100,Xl:,,ra N,.., 2 mixed, $1.004, (',,rn while stir it thory pa,,wd an act imponing a firw ,of I %vatit,; " . process, both scientific and social." d her ar simmer for five or tell minutes. litint. galiery, but are being worn almost as much �1, H Then Eben pinche In -Higher ; No. 3 yellow, G3,'!; NO. XIO0 on tile owners of every ship I I, that part of Lhe 11 it I ;',�,, gefitly and touched Harold on the 4 yellow, 61!��c � No. 3 corn. c,,2 to Then put in a cotton bag large bringing in Asiatic passe.ngeru ur %;lherL it was FuPP­;cd 01 L I ol ;oii e v 9 r. - I.! The minilitor of war, in detpat�-h- —4. shoul�er, and both children cQllld 62�,,,c; No. 4 corn, (31�,, to Lkl2c; �No enoligh to cover the lungs and apply ntovraways. atein arid Nowack might lie inrpns, , M llfTs ,of every description will be '11 1, , orders jo-the military authorl- -BEHEADED HIS MOTHER. see him point at the inoving sha- i Z White. 641/4r. Oats - Strong. Ba r- � to chest as hot as patient can bear. oned, k Icarrind Ows neamon except the ", I , Ing I Ultb ptswtilca apply an. --q---- partil- --r ,,ne, which has quite gone I tili who Ily taken . — dow ; but they remembered thpir Icy --Feed to malting. (12 to 70c. � In about ten in,nutes Again th,, rcqcne ' roll n (I . I � . _ lother, and thus continue by reheat jog in mi,oai Oiift-, bored find blast o,It t,f fashion 1 over the absolute, power through' floprible Crime of it Demented New �romisc not to inove or speak, and Rye --No. 2 on track, Ric. ALABAMA A DRY RTITE. out the zone of thoearthquake, ex- Toik - N an. rpt perfectly still. They watched Milwaukee, Jan. 5-WhPat-No. , Ing the poultices, and in a few — ed hour after hour, tintil lit 139t (*harroing for women with fresh " ,I plained" - � I . and seemed to scarcely breathe. I Northern, 81.10V�; No 2 N'nrth hours the patient will be ("It (If Probillition Upeomps Eff"tive wltil they werI­ fired with new enthusi- ' faof-s and fair lokinq P.rp tire nevr I . � "This'diaaftt& has'resulted'in a' A despatch from Ne'w York says: Not until the shadow had disap. � at,m by ill,, di%lant soiandi of amethyst hat,4, which have just I , ern, $1.09; May, $1.0,4% a ked, , ol-in-�cr. Th;s simple remedy has t U f) . great6i loss .jyf, life- than any of dur In a fit of insanity on Wednesday, peared in the deeper shade of the I Rye -No. 1, 74,"Ic. Corn ---May. never failed to vure this too oftell will,it irldit ated thaL (,no tuall collip Into. tho mode X � Ill nr �, wars f0i independence. Indeed, Arthur Trotter killed his aged mo-lorch,rd, trees did Eben make ,any 1 61%c; early standard, G6c; sam- fatal motlarly. Usnally three or A despatch from idobdo, Ala I n 'e'a-;t ,Aas all- No, Users ,f pearl, jad ' d,o al .; il 1 " �` the 9'tU46io:d is thuch worse, Ann Trotter, by be -,move. n all at once he drew I PIC, 5s!,3 to 66c; Nov., 6A'/2 to , fuur applications; will be sufficient ,, - tile rescuproz broke hI`nd4 ill 9r. A , as tbtr, Mrs. The s, ayr : With the palu,ing of the mid "hen finall *� and tnr,1IlI,lQ4' ill) 100 while W*Xr AlWayA it, preqedOd by h6a&,--t';-6T With an axe and a tbe blanket from the front of the eo�,,C. night hour on Thursday night pro through the I a vt (cA �ar,I,I F1 ,I , t.' � (111 sizq�q ar,� ftni�lle(l w p I. -4 .. . petiod, ­( . I ii,oll,i-at-biwsh" iitiic,-1a he, �aPllrtnlqPttl AQn .1Vo6t box,­and..s. wide.spa" under thol Minneapolis, Jan. B. -Wheat -- *--- NoI%ack . 0 h, I I . ltvibition became effective thrmigh and had been itopri, I to of th'. tmwst heads lf-livdw 17", - wi' , FVP�r r, -- ,' ,1 I I .. - happened mithbi, 40 alic;rj 8. 10 E carly sweet -apple tree was lighted De a TIIE OKLATIOMA STYLE. ont Alabama. A nri,mher of s ctly wprr Tic �, Nig1hri�(oonth street, Trotter Jump- ,e., 8i.os",1;I ; M y, $1.11 ; cauh. C,ial pv a 101 11,11IR 11,0i , I Tlw .jwinglod t %.Iniuri whose - war dnl� Affl�as, 3he young and 3m a second story window as by the rays of the big lantern with No, I hard, $1.12-, No, I N'orthern. --- - clubs have been opened and (�iar -aeak Oat they could l,aldly Apeak, MI -At kirroming to all strong atlft6id9't6-;P0oPIo, the Pre- the police broke in the door, but its brilliant reflector: And in this $1.11 ; No. 2 Northern, $1.08% to ters for these places will now bo. a,,(i both dernlinded v,ator Aft" arnj4 aro well .1 iped, and the 11 sent dal,%rh - mowed down we- was; foirnd outside practically un- space, sitting up uke a little'edu- $1.09; No. 3 Ndrthprn, $1.04/1,' I (I Robbers Built Barbed Wire Fence g,ving fl,em it owr,�ol of nourish � w ill ,ut lining. 1 4 About Bank. in great demand In theRr clubs; sl.-veq are inado.,, n the witside 41'. I It', 1118g; old men and: inittre,cl and tifen did not resist ar- cated do&, or a squirrel, ant a big $1.ofia% - Bran -$19 to $19 25- drinks will be diApensed to "mem ment, more rl,-t lo -Ing allowpil by, lititt,,ri fink,fle.R (113 I '� ': man mid' ohiltlr� ere 1 KI.t 'hICOVeI4 are one . Youth's"'," , , . rest. He declared tk;Lt the end of gray muskrat, holding a yellow`aP- Flour-Firolt patentso $5.10 to 85 - A despatch from M"alcogeo' here nnly." Before tho doorq of tho doctor'q ,-rder%, 11-v Iv .)f tilt, 1,ng, it �11) I , h world Was coming, and that he ple in his forepaws, and gnawing 6r d patents, $5.10 to $5 20; OkI a. says: Five robbers dynatoit ;J,aaged 6roligh tilt, hIlle and con ', ol the rit-we,it r:,hefs from tile unti- 'r , �L, fl 14 IV EA #1 k L , B Y X P A T " .' t 0 ); secon to 84. 10 -, second ed tiip bank at Weligt,in Okla I the Raloons were closed on Thurli %eyed 1,, the quilace. Tioth ruen are ally, I b,f­llllo , line � , , ad Ifeen divinely .inspired to corn- first clears, $4 5 ' clav night whiskey and beer w.�,rc "I F,ri�d innuRneline or I ..'� away at it. N�a 'It I All th'd A60fogdA Wad the libmitis Trotter is said to early on Wednesday and escaped and r euvering. I . Mit the crime. The light of tile lantern came so clears, $2.9D to $3.0 1 given awav in large quantitien, i " 8 v of 'etwo bf ,,the foreign govern- have quarrelled frequbititly with his suddenly and was Ao bright that ------- * — with $5,000. The robbers erectet during the day drinlog of all kir,,dq I rhiffc)n, I:nfed'"with gold or il er . I . - _ �J­-­,,­-­-,��- rer - - -- +­ - - . -ueqt accompani- . -11-0,ie ,a - -, c Jolt of I- � ;�� b mes � I elluk.'eX mother, who was a w6man of sav- for a moment the muskrat was daz- it barbed-wire barricade around the were sold at nominal prices. UA,ue. are the no 'I . ­ y - 't%,JVoVC*, , IWANDERING IN THE WILDS bank, and while some memb e rs of 7 1*11 I inents of coat and qkirt guits. . I ,; witibriotrt �*q J — NOT 8() Wi)NDERF I i M044ywild ;dej�bst,.&tt V46hilr'lkly'd X11 r1,'Prd!1cd--TieX1l3i cod &Tla tdo-Intich �irrprriiied ----+-- Pretty hair ,rnament,t are made I. doIl6Ji46,,.' VrA00o"s ,inessA$8 Was 2n7v'nly on Tuesday, the Police but then_41-opping his apple as it the gang went to work on the bank I I I iotpoiiiillly wormf 'Alld" .8"ho' 46 At' ,y# tie finished a six months' term he had suiWonly decided tha,t he NardshiPs rudured by Aged Mexi. safe others stood guard. ThA pick ulle ,,r ilialitic, and r—dered . 1 41 � . I 11 tipoteh%4 4*6,,#&�sbi . can Woman and Child. FIREMEN'S -MiNy RISKS. I'Mv grandfall-r." said the tlpw (If I we%tuno iwac!4 mild finished , I ,� I , ?A� Item .T'bu-, .�ilr b`qatjog ,her. like -apples, aftywaly, he eta for two bourn kopt the townn. %ith rh � .1 . did not .---. - neighbor, wim -414 MR1,1119 n' d"t)'' ' . -J I 011%, whklis,.�­a,UL4 4K wag a great portrait pa titer wit � . I ­' t ," lin, 6 '110� , I I as'i down the littla path, A despatch from Win n ipeg I 9 a3 R: porpTe at bay while their ronfod I I, LL dainty aigrette to match. 1;,� � - A t " o u, of lovitrom , A NiAtor rxoo� - uit, and Four Were ','early %Fphyxfated at call. I . .. I . 46 and plop I tbet heard him go head Wandering about in the wi & of orates worked on the va M*lt1l one Qtl-,Iw If h.q I -rush li'l . \ "I It; Iiihiliter ,-of matifte dil Wed.- D'VAT118 11Y VIOLIONCE. first into the rook. the north, aTndng the hauntq ,If in- when finally the robbPrq socreed Vancouver. � ell 11 1, I thang,� n, .!nding late int-, a! ---- + -- : �p iiag4oii.t " lit 'reebiv64 *,Dtd thAt I � f ('r l"I'lini it the fellow that made th"I numerable timber wolves, Margar- ed in getting tile moneY it containu A dpppatrh frwn Vanconvor, 11 ,R(I one " I NIrg De Flat: 'Can you show \"� , . , 41 ' rr� rinything llpy.r in folding hedal" � , th6! 0. Cps TAtirmfox And; Owl- I 31ont"ttili; gotrowftil ttoord h and big family," "Aid et Romaro, it Alexican Woman. old ed tile five men rode off, covering C . nnyq Tht Sinith ('ornpa,iy'a -1111h, , exrlaimr,l ,mall J,,hnn%. ­ 11 protila� *,,, ii, ,,,,b,dg, And a. ljrgo I t - a heavy fire -ille alreet who, happon,-d to) be in tilt. parlor,, Dealer - ' Only thin, inadam-and C'�to I 114911 Vol. R , IT thought an, Munkratit and frail, together with hor dangh their departure with a (urniture ttoro ,.n (;ran% sijpply, tif pro�islons,'Aboli,A 1114' fond of gWeet aPPIes-"-e-1 ter, a child of thirteen, have hern No (,no wag injured. I in re%llY in quit(' a �tnccrsls. On I , $1 caught fire on Snoirday night -1 � our fea,her enn do tbat '' . � i ldft, �.G�Jlo* bo%iud`.�fof� JKeJsi4A. A despittdh from Uontroal'wa: ar4rs very oil touch I youth't; Companion. . found by Indians in a starving con- - -4-- Soudrn, Frank ­ - � arining it the Trivning y , I , %(,qtltjfqAJ1j 'morpe' 11fatistics for dition, 141moBt frozen and de�per- Pegraveq. R-hort Who Rav noth . Is, d it turnir into a wash- 11. � r, I � ., 000 , tlfe�aers ulso boujitiftilly, SUICIDE AT OTTAWA. Oiirnpv and ('riptain Mitchell, firo- t1ut few mon ing;a .spring n 10%, forta tather & graitomp re- ---L-+-- ' Rtand and bath -tub. After �,our . :t�cke$­*te oti, 'Aheir War t4, 60, . N late from [longer. The place where — men, were ov(--ore bv ,;m,,k(, and have it,( moodqawinft habit I I eitjls� ft,6ft V4�, - , ,. 6, jS 06T,4d, tit %11, So �iolo,lit it ths r I t S <1 a a RIX MINE SOLD. another lipring and I . . tilacni, littir P V - 01111t . . the two were lImind was at (*alling Mr 1111mer Shoots Himself Near narrowly (.4caped noph,I Ria mn- Many it man in imable to) crLrry'!)at'h you, touch The, t kaths, ut&t M14*10% eireAlm- — I becomert a drelrsing-tablo with a , �111 , &sl*tdhes,04iA flit Atmk&l . � Lake sovenfy-five miles w,,qt nf ' ' Gott Groundo. Gurnev and Solid- qre in the hoq hln hea(l high ht-,aus;o of the short � It � " d,.� Of thott twenty- . . r. It yoti break I ., I French plato mirro . . tdxtel toy thikii A lue Arky, *0'014 stAlleiok 006tifte ten� yl6pblrt Thnt 'W19118h C`640117 1111A Athabasca 4:411ding. The pitifill A despatch from Pita] (*aptain Duncan fell down RA of lliII lVaN ," � .h, -PIA and story calnitt ti) the immigration offi- Ottawa qay,% , " nV)lp to, nr fast in �'our t`00111, a %light pressure I bib r6411irta to COVI *1th"o,vo the throe dittl ittim foul -, an elevator Allaft I . , . ptouing , be&dA; ,bf 'trit, onr.)rtijn4t6l��y lf,Aijai %til0tots., Ttmire Were ' Paid, $9,000,w of Mr. J, 113ruee Wa!lcer on K. A. f, Hilmer, 11 draughtsman ,% a I hilt wl fined Th C To ., probablY noff:,a rnoro Zil transfori'a it into an ektensioll ,.k I �t*ojj�y.gift6 Saitijoso 4ift6tetu from 1j, despatch from montrtal sayn. eco lk home. Tile fire %a% con r # It 'Who hie tom6ifig 0160 _ ,lif t6VJ!hty�niAJ5 Weftl NVedtoiday. Tilt, place in uninhabi- in the City Erigioper'o departmont. soment And first floor . effectivA than tile attennj%t of a fulkAY tahle Affia.* brealtlant,you preel I 1L. � I gas ifthillitti I I Me wolveg ,nrl bip. game Committed atticido on Saturdav of tr) the, ba woman to he dipagreeal one a,t ' onco. aild . 1, EAW R*td. I and *ArT11ft,9l 186M, dtow,bliia J� thi .St. L%*fonee, fifty hAs can A6 to Ali 'm '16 erim. ud, Arid otil I . ,,Lady, I'm �""Irl"hin' for thege' thfft titt - That's r. , tib bligh and g-1,v.-jmpq, teftloon b3� shooting himself v ith a . ­ - -­ ,1, - Atto *Aggiat, I Tramp - , yon llav� tol 01wight Piano. I r Ilk t *twles R 'el ,9 abound JbL I '­ a . gwbikw�ring wilait, t(V to. wt,45 )Mlf lit allwayno twatity- rikIl ft)f �# . 116 to ort im Vinte are buricd in revolvar noar tim grouildw -o file a drinh. ' woman � - rhere,q the ap it, otfq , 0, cucf,pt that �Vllerl �(Wa . I frota the TA it CL 11 -4 Ott V - firtun 611 I , th in tie b2t Whie'li i1t. t " Nfinister-­­1 rnAde Anven Irpartg , 1. be eaanged fish t1wine'llot ltrom, i . . mr(Attg two by tho tttebt f4w'sf., 4) itiluto t I-661intailix ,of AlTow. Evidently the Ottr.w& Golf,cluli, ]Jt� lirli not rnp " Tramp: �Iidt a drink, d I itito a ros%:- I . i b Parishioner - 1111 11 I �, *Iykik � Vrribl" L *axoring � it . i1C, by e*010siou'l tt# '61 whith *drb aftiv,40 11 , 6 4 fto.. Cfb . vietims have endurod ur(known been 4t hia ofIlen for,gov*.ri to -day. " IN -- I . I � ,�l ,!,i %a, hirp,py y -not a batil. " wood mMn." . .. J 10*10tIti, I , ,14ow was thrit?" "Narried three I . , *, lJoth but 116 temon OjVen,fot �j� ,nd. . 111 ­ , 16 Ponot owdident, * � A 1, I 1`lNfdtJJJ#* TOL)t ,1% I ng time'. " �/ i'l a Man Au9tr4'1MK PlItMl% i4 PrAP"itti"'a I eeltslik ,tht Aucli I I . � . - - tilf'o J"a jb# L I . Canadw ift, ing Ili#. 100. I 6 wm *46ul r, rt% Couples. " "ThAt inakon only rlix-" Our idea of a/viartYr . . .Tt , 11TORP.10red t4tl- I '' to vvii;� Off illaaet,404th* ro. 11, � . . ri��tf tut Xr6m, I � " ftj� , 1)a,v1rJ 1$4%1&y�� * �&*Ir-tkabpvr, witil hvo bioti, drivou from � ges (to (I. 1�,,U'j example in to its 2c Ott , , ,r), . rd6f , I I r I '1, L, -Well, you don't, r, I othir tovttiuv4t. , L 1.4 to,,ilw I nothing 71' I 11W , ' I to fh6 VMW, States, and from the yei%r� 6f too oxidl towet A, *, -d k4 ifty,teveft I think I did it for Who P0 - . 'bter rt U%1400�''04t.o " 11 small town., f IWO Aln &UP , . . I I L J � I . I I . 0A -40*� . . I L . I I ; , I '00alm n ,nno �h. L' 0LJke �46,V$ft trAft StMt I ; I I I . , / , . killtill. , , : ,3 intoL (IjoAdt Again - two thil t4A I �` A 41000" V"'J L 1� " r I . I I : Lf . . . . . ". I . � � I fil I . � IL , I . I I .,; . "' � 1, " I ; r 11 I " 1. .L I . I I I f * " L '' . � 11 . , L I I , I L I I , � ? r 1, . I I . . I , I � I ,�� � I- I I 'r � L . � L 'L � r ", I , I .1 I ; � L ��, � I - " , w, I I I L 1. 1. � I I I I . . I I 1�1 , , :1 I . I . L I . . L 1. )� . I I . I [� � I I �., . L " ':�­ 2, . . " 11 I'll � ., ­ I ­ � ­� I . I I I I I . ­ LL I I �, J ­ - . � - I ­ " ` � ,\, , I - , I 1. L � - ­­-­ -- ­­,­ I -- - ­ I � ­ ­ � . - r, ­ , I- I �f, .- v --�-- -­­­� ,�V­­.. ­� I - - , � - . 1;11111,�, ------- ­ - ­ -- , -- I.. - 1. .1 , . I I - ­*­ - - , � i I . , � ---T'-- - - , .11 Lad I IL . . I %� L' I �, I I ­�`­7 L ;i* I " I I 1. " I � �. ­­, � I I I .1, 11 ".� .�, �­,,, � I'L I .�, � . I ! I . I I L I .� 1� . l , 11 I .. � . 1, . 11 .1 ."­�- I I.. A I I I . I I i I � I - ,, �1 . , � :, P I � . - I 11 � 1� ; . I , 1. " , ,111 I . . I , (. . . . I L I'll �, � I I . I � � " L. ..h-l I - `s`­1""`e--&AA',As81sJ . .-.I- -. ­11.&�IOL i N ­��% , ". - L do' _ I- ;"&&� L ­ - I -,.A& - --- - -''-- -