HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1909-01-09, Page 111, - IIf0I 7 II("GOOMt ONT,# f PDAYI, J &NUARY, All Powilsoissw wooliow 11*AXW-04 40 4k, *ftgra ok" "O" we -X"W� 'Thowl6sith, sw� tho "Mae WhIsil Th4ut" el I� N' - , vrmom" (or, *0 A� Xilifir 1% TIII Wat u0s, tileilow, *Risol 4A Atift we ot this V_", A V_ IL moothia. UK 044' met -W, N, CAMP-RON 19 Na V10ill V44t sJWO Til in uhlispossia 440 =14 kW44 AD 411ftr Of , W*kM"Ad 4st 99hoo X(Rift. ill"OX of oor ral Q4tb# WhIck 'wout tv *4 *04,q OA SAWroar tAw 000hil too .110 .P9106413,11 1110 , A," JK w lill '"llism Pit*00,tio to*p I ils pA Irx0tirvIsnii It . VAO., _4 " NOXRD, LOAN C- OM --Ny: 41W.— M #4 CAM _:r 'e, 104 that intAfty isoft'lot, t*,O 40L 'M4 I IliltI_V III Fillr. Aod F, IIII AND PQ' A" or Wqt;" iollM WATOR- AND isitt, Wit y 0j, Tb* owl Wiv WIAL rQUU*Fkl: MI'll 11 0 . OJIQr W4 "Via" ailira" —'7 Up'" , L rev, 10 Wo 41 j lu 0 viol do hii1110141 l2d, WII WAX IIII 0A WW*l IfalRyip.t Ike III 14015r� IAll muR! T, �Ajll VAHOW, liSo' A . of ItionettiIii 'W01 ill ietA.Tor 'Agap,V. Irt ... ;ks' *W;A;r to" #;sk itleriif, Orr V", akeaWW Wpl III itx_urio W, Ile Islip 4.Turn' LAO ll will Moll illM lit loft to r AS R nit siffairl WIllob All 64 IIfwyllilitil"" Jun Moll an i1:14111t I I" , 4, .4, otto 0 10 free I Itl ). It a , TO lit XOTI lip untles; -14 elL 0 AM "I Ill LiAll A "hot Ali clall littaw% IIONW, at 1W $0 bert $A tf$]D(IiPdto fQg I An orlortslila� '%1.4 tAbolu., 94OUP.16"Ol pep. 'which, tuillt'vor, -------------- Canal 1I for", 066, It" nPill v4ship the hill ft'll tO kilto 4.1, th e-, G, 10 title fop ttle, A, o0rotoo. o, It 'a Ilowill Ow:p V nt, -1[,* -for, nwpg-wo�i tit an enif ,dVu"Ce Q44= �k i "I -hobo f (11 _q 9 11% OW4 Atifitt4 oess' Iano interl sive no battil %V.be4 tO-for. i, it 4P0.4i six `ojlla U tllMew X VAIr #40 augo to the Twilft AA;era Rao r to UIR arstarld argfAlle rOAUltLo"t#,;i)f a, have not only 60, .1 it o eL 44 PI year, in th ryed the,' very properly orl *if beJogly ait OeVorsI4 'or, the oundhistal Ill a callsom phashit011 ll asitiiOAkuwil eXPIO84011 vt tit rt# 11=1 IUD, To 11, or Ig. tilft Year; --h , or,;. �iiv P IQ and CrOVISlatIlfl WorrsThe earn la,no doubt that proper to. 414i R My ja W,%Inl 10 the ork. tiler 4al dooQ.. here rollout Thai tt&t*ltti Who Us bon Spool I... . .. .... lorl 0 number 11 r if,will Ott if of letter a EJ]tl __ V.qrl C Aft Over - new for F* togqher,o Nally by n ltthe, ow i144 Is shape. Their helonold showing mail" �w r 7;a_M1t3"1 tho TO "FOR 11Q 1 Out otithow I Will receive W. 91 Vill 9.114r4litoodt wit'' WOO, d tw 1URSOI YO r I Tor d Aft $Vogl No sm1114wit" Ib JW the rain t sarvoll ''A rI'll OPA it. 0 you to Via Volulb 1, I% 1110414 k RAI, w(tralil p. Vogt. R pot I oto V Corporal 11 Owe rOWPIOgOlkand. "a TION or i% t, Ill RcIditiou to having install I tic er; I this, user -my il later. , ut Allu to I 'PgWVA *J i AI - I Pu�lltgelnent` and top the interest Tar$ blI owa A it I A J!''6114 Is the tot$ A � Igl4iltion of 010341114,04, by, Jitiferstard.p tt6k,. a I debenture debts" the general one or L 8 to OM oaliJVar 'to O�4bat Polar' ItteaL'� 0glIcAft Churches of Canada an the within the past yeay. ,it, that it k forl al The Epiphany appeal for 'foreign Pnyslc&l and mechanical condition 01 Will virit 0 a 101 iffilistiVillt Ott ii006�, we of the turno ft did -9" ego 0 go to ofther of the two meeting C tq D, lit its, which is to be read in 411 the the town's'plant I$ vastly in Pr mop the hilportance-and t T. even ita ty Oto k a aw i111t OfJanudry thefirstSandaysifter would appear to be gTaA!y1r In he landward aide. The r trade from the P our holtuvAr VXOTO$o, for energetic fiction to develo aboa ftR,*O�Viv Ithe 21PIleftl Just boon leaned. Antereble; bf all concerned to oresit t is allosIll fur L home for . ..... A 0I I bhvisboor, The sholls., In the CoUrl of their bylaw. I alsoL I I ll Vtjtsil 1101%vtoltil returned to Xlen . ilk V 0 a L ,�j 4gvn I one Orthotow.a. Otter. eap�-"'Tfliuk how our �'burch Commission proceeding, tb I th Al r� �;,J� 0 note ft -on, report of Inil up to date ularket Tit need of it now ft :0 and the elal of al griet will an DR 0 llLW"it" 0 a ll�y grain w0rebil"110 lot farmers' trade Irt ra will 3111110 itIis"ll or off swept Past the, ideals of ten Years propose to reduce 1,116 IlOusetiold wter RM well &nil fully shown Mr. Noli 0 Ir 10 Gqllg not Tit Atents find at tile ago in giving, a ll .III 'We are no, a rising rato this Coaling year i: Beofl TroleovI AT)X0.ALn Intel@ t be ill"M UQI Be WOO lhol u4issi ,"n! via% Of IV 4 assist JU Placing ine service within the :0 'Au ir It(, to still �od whioll 111 moron, of Cil d O'nol Arlits' d, loolaxat, away we think hie views as expressed at t T401L vg 1,1414 on I tho An Bank, spent XII at rt of, baFi),is -hant, 14. Yet, ;he wit Its forty or nfty tholls.4ind dollar reaCts or all Who desire it, Thankin "On) Uth-41r, and ?4ra. III, 'Isitontloo egeneral, Kpprov. mr, iAq, Ill I Ali mosini,svit in Xnut sarp oil) I set n; Vtfto SMOStS Of Jr. it these days Only -die eartening fil 0,7,: standard, would stell out for, us in You in anticipation for space afford ford tilt ALI. 74 An extended ilotter to The Stu Clu 0, a ford t I I'Al r Soco in. be J900 usrow. a [is repeated alld enlaryed oil bot'll ha NO 'I XL- ­,1%.l it4 It r In Yours t ruly. hquestions" but tile hour fit Which gueritIs of Mrs. :KO; 11040490 OT the Past are Etta doings Ofto_dAI We TEPA 411�e 14 110, 110"Vible disgrace. The droatol of and re. Kolith. of qTAWSLT RA YRR. r6celved and tile press already referred kee .Alsill 1,1101.91780 PAR)Kir "Olmotiville. . e9, ctI y resources, new ptandillrds, to cotupels holding I his Over till [text A14S have now it; I 61. To the IC41tor of Tom SAlt, win. IRV044 at O. At new eptiviational, NOTES.—N. 11—Poster and' liv, Upff week. I'llese are needs which hLAI Locust -Hill, -is tottirvir "'I'm On li 10igg beelf alf, new accoreplialtilabotol We DEAR 81%—PerbapS eXplaneltion I0 le and to -the guestsl h1s) e, slid It unur) often been urged in this journal %nil f W all I P#4- fell holidays.—Alp, IOU tOsulte4 Irl 8011tb'Sidd of the -Square, &save Trot merely been dreaming 111top. Of my appearance In tile sun Fornity we are Justified in expressing pli4lisure F, fit in the fill Is due that the question has oon on 08 loft (or hie home laet week.— lot %t It Was 40mew lit ran drOame; we have launobod our ves. Contest "at the eleventh bill,,, Bel; we have funded On'OUV share. we to the electors. As you know, It wag 0 M fikil Out 46016 good sh6ja fIllethOr Sins4dance, '600 ' hi RRIC11, Our. well advocated, And by 8, PrOCLICal find '51fillbuillInd left for OhIcalle, sit have begun to build. his so And wire.—jaloor, #14 Till -day single understood all atonq that Mr.. obert =rlonced business man. As ent, U4 froveralflopiones Ott. Div. on" &to the And congregatiblis ate giving Loan intended to he ft candidate, .*our neglect of onRay, more to Me area well said Wife, 0 Harnioll sent, MUSIC CLASSES. 9 t* J� ROBWUT ELUOft Ittloul eiV, Ity bel lady'" here=1 Wowataost 44couisnodation bast sort, Stanley, Ws"In inigillunsthan wbole dfaces�a twenty and under these circumstances I did il tod single towhe morerthats hot c011sider It advisable to allow Illy. years a r most detrimental effect upon few OITOto, a in Ill Province. Larger field na IELLI' Of opportu. Half to be placed In tile Held. although the best interests of every fingliteall, LOoft, Sys with $tin � .&T T silty have open of Guelp her Parents.— tollitch between too two townships. a I Qtd ad ir Peepall to,real guPlIs for leagonalin ad tip before its, and I believed I had Sall clairris on tile man and ratepstirel, in Goderfols.11 a hit at sol when 10 moil will be 'I Is a slid Thpor a glaked1folk" it -4,tll 'Ma_ tot" 'so JJy 'T ril Peg hil. VO4 _r;� III t 0 ll niare imperativoobligationg,have been Posiflo%wnd fifty fi-lenda'wanted mi to haps in every detall big views use, hot, irrows Mulkleal Rludergartess Method guest of his slstob"W& for '70 w rth ung children. acer! 0 To= and othl InfornI it con be lellrdoll po�yer an Hl 0 MOTION Aft to bo tho, iptod by us. It is the day of il stand. 'r. MOLOAft Was Dominated Ile onatilt"OuSlY approved. bu we %V1fearldeffild, 610 guests of friend 61I the It xto ilft 9 eOP 0 have beconle a at Alles, Craig for a few de k aOday, that* %vote t -son of VAllsOck.,will %ad notice. Not a go Sit or . .... ' tbe-Auspie tordal I then decided to' hie argunlents hold good. and It acted 0: --"Jdate ate their Chrilitiouse turkey Wit And again; a " , upon by our Town Council find Board lady's Parents.—Monday wast norains, VIO00podoreilb '190-9. nil$ *46 * Vill- ieITto I.etil.e think till w Ill agree that In the "rain I.fTl sV,II I ud,did not roake tip life filind in'-Y'611ro Ill of '1:rade, we may reasonably hope to Elan day and they bad Another lively Tavin T'votts. something, or anythin or what Ile arrive at 96 successful solution of the Hiliott and at, as we I W. F. 011 11 Ft _ must e a- 0 orich, 1008. whole question. We Will nutura "ll J, Jobnoott have a A BAD FIRE.—A dlinto 4 bandoned. and God's plan of giving oil 0. SoLb, time of it The two in Lite field for rivals Chile, Billott'a oor Itot �the'alqoa or DopUty. n badn 11 A a0 norrI ex t Mr. Cameron to 'Y Reeve &"a N. Sturdy and the old With the score 0 I In ej pea , a Of 89i 08 Vill St. 80. of Ot ottybost Aildically adopted, Push his. Ideas Heave, H. L. SaJkeld. and there are on't forg eImls" t n Ova for of-Tbak8day, sal If Ile I chosen to the new pounall, Ilind Several at the annuftl meatin at the 41110tt'll HAII On the evening of we express the hope that the advent; Now Year to all. 00,0�Ades,durirtg A i WbW MrF� Intl nize eta dard ofgIv1 will A WORD FROM THIR COMMISSION far Councillors.—A Happy F�, 00 9k ounall'.'all also o no alleauta or. allance, t veil Rars`08101I working at his ac On 0 1 ' e out- work lop esus of tile now electric road and the ed. Vol, IL )Wreb cuis t n A bqsIg n I 1��a is opening of a new market will be simul- There for tering bils ll,,dme and,sett Ing fli-a to it. te 80,- wheollobVefilo. ?I" I t4dante--ot-Mtepa , '1, are requesity The house is a tot,ul loss; and Mr.. p, or Dec. h. IM4. S rs -------- To -Tun RATZPAVIC Ill 4A a ur Al rs Id Tioull an fester its In the hospitsti. jUp. povreg- its or GOORTI nations and thil C4 to I NOTHS—Tho Christmas tree entail Meotil Proved qeBrief lown Topics. SPI nevy tiI lived just outirldb the corporation L,Ablgil AND GENTLIMlitaN.—Owin eeIVe er matters Suggest them- todnalonts In the Presbyterian church, �bera bOlng TIPPANZAIV notblo Of Several otts aand had a splendid residence equip- The size of Tum STAR thin w (lthe existence Of the bylaw whir; an worthy Of comment, but we Rippers. on Tuesday night, 22nd Inat., of nask importance to oreftialze. in the wo pod as a model'farns If I tcannot touch upon them flow. and In the Methodist church on Wed. nes, rind yaloed accounts for Its lateness. h Yenr in being placed hifiore the IM council. Reeve Stat 0081 Tau to repeal the bylaw appoint. hore was TO TOE. ELECTORS at about sik th ind dollaI The THIM STI "lost" and 11tound" Col. 11PI night, 23M, were very enjoy. re-elected by Acclamation sit was All 4. d explosion raised - tile Hear of the kit, unto Is a winifei in almost every case. Pg Witter and Light oonjikulsaloq we JADvilaTteiattiollil-.1- able rind Were well at,tonded­ Depully-Reel Aurr 6 land Ififtilarl Only fair tillAst this ROMAN CATHOJ,UC TESTIMONV. PIMSONAL.—Mr., Icy '%tilt rJOhOellhals of the ol& h9jild Clean Who'-& Mile, Forrester and a ter, Vour volt Is solicite PYSters served In all a I matter 19 Achesone a �Ofr6sl O'Wrollivils t. coed with slight injuries, Blackstone, West St, Restaurant. given. but Snob reaRnfoli 1.� or by Rev. Father azw we k with that lady 9 parents. h. h.,1 A ITr a daughtor were working, but they as- Crania bricks, call aJae should be considered. In the petition find Mrs- rlml are candidatir for the council, Cott fectionery, eta. 0. asking for this bylaw it rearion was Extract from Lett— to umbits, are !,Pending a 13111or Stiles at British Col a a Adsi do- I A ROOICHY. — A nominated,- FACRY, add .4iltrisill - -If- ew am I 00 felt. Vol VOW a', it Clinton; Jn y'%I0,0011100 0 Hchool Trsrqt�d 12th, Stratfq and Connell Moor, .* job ill 8 u"y �Ie -&f.rtb January eal Will Material Ociveral 0, varied of GO th, Seaforth lit Clinton January I OURING TOO tdoerve tot*? ob)loil Not- lvetwr than Over. li a y 15th, Stratford at New "amburg OnA -jh! January loth, Clinton At Stratford IT etit Xafthfulliftyearg. and ew ambUrgatSeaforth,Jants- ill 4try o1rol of the Wholo lvOOPI Ily- W. OhAlOnc., $try Stratford $It Clinton and Tan lor4l;� To I r �Olts OF, QOQRR Seaforth. at ew Hamburg, janu&l.y or AN Ablit rg at M u th 0- An it I aim' tot, yonr Still ri; a Clinton all, ow r V nox elooted. I will, on eSI VOTYWtor,rdylloully. lab. TIM LIST—, SO va" Gin HEAD Ia the g Ufff, INK, UROBREER ad Hy Is I a rain neel Qn no cToNI1%6!t(s 0kath3upsn"I'll- shipments from POtt Arthur and,ll n ritir 0yor. 08. '30LICOTORIa '16F ion Season of William for the navigat 'To- IM. *are 48,9l bushels of which WIOS ho a to he 10I were delivered at 11 S. ports for 190 Aft'll- 27,G40A'W­t;,­Can4dIan'r of 'this I do so vitlittu'libliOt that there Is a lot of hard worI lone. IPM Fookfuroilleiv, not Q&ntltv', 8,019,M buhels ca, t too to Q. Tor tile) 11000I to JIM Al On WIT I the good Sle Ooderldh Hicivator and 1,50O.OI to Work which I knew spbUld be Ig lit. I the Western Canada. Plant Mills Co, t6wolls Intel&& $tie,. toy I G rit will be seen that this port received W I4k4godel Mal arkb% t1di all I thulk'thill, If"Opet that! A fourth of the total ship. livilty,of suente to Canadian ports. The wave. Gball loOk1l thisloffassr; tv moot of so large a quaUtItY'all grain to it Ii offi In aGod -fob Shows t lit We have one of Ali Is Cf.. atotstalooll M086 easily ieliched and best A lot in VAL tit 111140t t4l* Rot 914dotrostith 1'r"IS il to Managed elevators on the inkes and Is"'d 0, 0, 011tiA to tend& il look f tl�110 Iftlekest, Mills eastof'Fort .4 Ova it frood �Vn `ll1Q,, 'Col' tarstfirt, In geditelailef, With ajoh let, arriSti, thill; T WIN bletAttintill"g-tairry cord like this our Awn 40tw Ot6tho lhitlastruilo,41rd W tnobusloerratilenAnd civid Tulare should Itav, paI see tball every attention Is pld to our s s C y u4n IPTO _To billsl4fr W, _pLnt or, lit Sll M'NG WORDAl reor t Overy brigg, ury oratua it to ", 0 Mill log atil I Will Ili, sraised slify to t,he longest sent a tow. Aw, In t t " I Tnee, ever Written has led to a search tar the longest word. The 4onora In English ap Our to refit between " eptidisestal I 0110111ANAINIS01 and It'llsonoriflost. Ithe formal, word scoring tWetity'I lottOlea and ten syllables! a beld elf). tAN, agalbot ll,wentv-two letters and ye t r wbrilp, and in thus tosint to th, a AV to W611 " 11 9 rot, inay !)a com, YO aloodeld'to plid&fte" nOInrZaTt I Ot Whi fresh t011ibli wordly ill of p in 1I oil" "tirol4w".l Will tb *ton it" -no OoAtold6bl li orelmo-no o I�dgt, Wh la "fou is othirten ityllstbled t follow Ofttftb#. I pwo#p*t1kioJYtJhg,n thl$ Itatillh for 11 0,011 to Ift bolil till t, . . . . . . IW r litial to: usis 44 -7 liP'ART iii, WY" tot) effifli'"I tweastly 0 It, i#44 =6 Abith" ots lite I*k, Of* ill You, olm'"'oplaIxtiow thio fil ittsAill A SAW 41 tik*" A, 9 WMPIOI, = In 4,104* h014 wolliAlod hol ow h"ft W011`0 1I Atv bol atol, b"llart ainto'bill L *I ft6ill *Ok$ *M, Wat ftt fts, vrogia" 901001#ft 111141016 thill tAb% j" to 4b# W ft%ol that Tk**l Wo*k *"o 111010ifid- by %*tk *b6 il I4111 op- 1111 W t ra forthe resent class for instruction in tfie standpipe.. and too I is Ineafts -of latrict. Ike .. are Spending As branch f the Militia, Scanting revenge, , Local Option an he an at. tile win- one ho, as a Intl I4) I a onsallesiOn experts tell, er visiting nicipai ;at. parted that applications to do Dot believe In he rinel 10 of 3ce with the IS, Le of r" frion 11). Mrs. - relatives and old pi Ilt to veto on t a All have already been re. givingoontiac tunate. I o ant an p yea 00 r red, of Ken. by a art) ption ro to tin one but those under the Cott to " toill an., is &ISO down here. . it is it sly tile Vote on dence, ll do —The will be a recor one.—In .;nner. trusts vaca Ion left In whorn they have con at and t r Ito following young pea fears home for ties eat in Bruce was Married (,a Elio work In Is SittlafaCtoly nil reppal because it was trial e Life Ohrls cove stilia IS Ing 0 PO r by Rev James Hamilton. F101298 they lite entitled to use their But Toy experience Of tile filitilure of Murdock, of Toronto Normal Be Orel ouncillor Q , and tot, t 0 council. se, to Miss Sarab, daughter riguient. a have served you tile hool I for,, t are I Owl' Scott Act does not hinder tire front H. IF. Johnston, of Via via Unlvep. Odabolice a 01) t Irrit Morrison, - Both are as. far tilil to-Ilowl andidatell, '408. Mail u Ill STAR Wishes tion, n pant Year Wltho"t refoUnOTI thoroughly approving of Local option. sity, III L, Whiteman, druit tilt, Tor. W1 Of' have we or do we ask it, The Scott Act introduced local Probf. onto; W. 0 Toronto F34 &loan, Mr. 11rilingto SN ailing satisfied to give our services free bition. No person could got fernislated University- Affso Z1. Thouirson, Mr. a i?x A Mrs. Bruce long life and N. McQueen, )f and without stint, in the Interests ,if 11 Ida Dinsdale. steno. MifiTay (&nil V . . Wihro�bl III fr'Jul it store except oil it doo- aphor, Off London; R. Alair, if. 1`4 tar's Order. LOCRI Option attiroks Elie opeat City Business ()011e I lantern iforvice will be (519derlers. and while We would not R of Ebel 1100 %It thesic next Year. and the Salyation Army barracks wilift to ttuPOSO out- services on the bar room only, If a man wants to buy uleirg, of the Medical Selina , question is whop Loday rifflit, January Otb, LOW11 sigAltrot; their Ps moved wislies. liquor and take it home. tiler, to no &nil the following, nil F London, SODOOL perhaps ' the Y Capta I we certainly object to 91eing retired -At o6staole to put In,the way (if ilia doing students tto of whom are largelit chool meeting on record for a Bunton, the G. the Instance of Tiding the Soaforth Col. Dungannon school was held today. for West Ontario The corninunity, wh a 81"All section of the so. Such a one cannot Ray that his a late I'mititute, M111088 Etta Jarrett, entitled, his gr,tifleatioll of ti act is the eraorral liberty Is interfered par some time there him bef,ts much Y age sole of with. 20910 Molfls, and Mary Johnston, dissension in tile Section. due -to the I are welcome. leir d"te to get WIllat is attacked is big liberty to go ,'nil Oordon and Harvey Unuld, W. I evenge, and oome of who", are will. Into a bar roons, Witt' a couiliant of Alkenhead and A . W. Xiihnston. dismissal Of Miflo Core, Roberta And careful In choosing your Ing to gaill Ilia Ofat � Y misrepresou. choice spirits, regale himself and E Vill the engaging lot a successor. Person. Bo Just as careful In � the tLUhLtJeAq____Uv Are quite satisfied ae well as the loafers who congregate Ally we never did and do not know Wropticials. ConsultS.L. I when the ratepayers understand there. with round after round of 11. Gorrie. the Ins and onto of the matter le,dift i rilop's drugstore, on Tues. tile position they will unquestionably uor, and then meander In corkscrew 0111T.—Ors Wednesday of last to the action of the truste salon. week ority of the rate ea. but the dneliday, January 5th and endorse tile fiction of the Commi 2ashlon along the Sidewalks or ob. Afro. Will. McKee, who hall been all- -11 Payer,& have token Ob the benefit of over 37 the, The sedimentation basin is workin Struct the Ru tters. I have seen enough Ina for Rome time from the effects of can %upstion deepi to heart, All we cat experience. erfell and flithy, dirty water, L-ItS and received sufficient al stroker passed very sure a Is that we Appear F. tiler years, is It thing of the past, annoyance of thel great beyond It have two teachers Jet the junior ilemens Will (D. V.) -he " 0 rf"o'ni disciples that In hot frevantY-fOurt year. She was 0 The actioll of the content on the water school of freedom to make me a do. a very rivetwIllarY woman and much room (a begin the New V'O&r With, t the Pastor, Rev. 0, R. has caused It to be very hard. This is termIned astern and )low long this State of affair$ Inay D ifervices In the Baptlet improving find In a short time will of Elie bar room. Lo. rervirected by all Who knew her. The continue we don't know. It 16 very Sunday. Morning-1-0an . Col 0 On Wl8e y corillnes itself to the funeral was hold on Christauts day, Aesua Christ endorse the have disappeared. Tile reation for In. of the bar room #%nil the Interment taking place at [*I touch to be regrot ted th t thl olesworth thitiff ',))')old occur. and Sylitain. creall cost of structure Is that after eliminl Ion Of thAt moot vionseless And cometery. The service" were con- cerely hope to hear- at All r lot, of alistafts#. ths treating duated by ev,,H W, MbTavlah general sub MortheGatess Haven, the engineer, allyhle a arI% Brenitir — 11 The 41kifft of Mot Wells Mr M 0 It lill Widicoe assured 110 plans PICHHON I and Visitoris. 66 'strengthened- by furthR Whilat In my opinion the Scott Act Bank of AL.—H. V. Holmes, of the 4 additions of cement and at Hamilton, spent 0bristroas was 010allet] .&I Option earn. external Water Pressure as ahead Of Public opinion Local OP- with big parents at Litaknow.—R. gins whose term i bruf 0 floe W g. lots In Loo eel to realst. w I trilatee 10 a, Wh1ch were ClOn Is Mining for what Industrial. Haniftsiso Xplf,04, Atill fired in the Metboolot found to exist by reason of the nature Poolal and religious lite Is demanding Obirlistar, S., Of Brussels spent It. 13. J. Young wag appointed oell b Sunday eienink. T40 of the onIV local Ion available. with Ilia Parente here.— tPOAll-Ofthenewboard. Yoftrcooreg.� hrOW Upon canvas by the with ever increasing force. namely the Mr. And Mrs. fl, L. Marren. who have pendent was not present, but *A*. ITh&gtneral repair hill of (110 plant abolition of a system as Indefengiblo be '(,Option pictures .vbfh Will Slow be much an in Durbarn for some time. to. rop,�sed for the trusto"1110. W& rough the eye convir lighter. its lit other I" Perniefoulf—this treptin Sys- turned to their home In GarrIes to Alone years Son t want the positiou at Arly tittle ligdodo and heart. ) the cdogtht sand C61111119 Ifto tem. for Which and by which tee bar celebrate Christrans.—Thoo. and *Mrs. and especially not tinder prol"bil con." ( 01130 the pulthill ket till out in bad room exist"- Service at Bradnock *are Luaknow visitorn lasit ditfORl but we want to cotretill jIfol RIARIM., %no RISO, isince, the puroping of Yours most respectfully, week.—Ohas. Williams and wife of rroneous Impression, via., Clean WAWI has been Possible we have 113litned) L. MillintIAN. l4tratford are spending tile holidays fire Opposed to NJ INS Robert#, "low Office tir eonoting found a risving of coal on one We pletifly equtliped without Alone of 1,M) lbs. per ump with the termer a parents hero._Nfr. will try never to sign a potitlott to the Harding. *he retired from farming dark, his we Would cerWnly hovo� boa P4iitvdi&tk Almanac, pub� holders Who bel forniorly had Anglican Synd 90 fare Ago, Is Vert Ill from heart to do ft) this case fraM Il knoing Pit Clark Co. of Tor. trouble I" their piping find lankly will he fallo lnp,f,,, with but olig t hopes of to, the cause of the trouble b#t*ooq #at! I troub Wortnill book to �And & grea @'It Ing effected under wine Is from the report of covery. oft4thetrustorlbooled. regarded. eta a. most vain. -Pteroill poodhiiisfifir, In the two Years the Committee b? Temporrince of the And alival has beett, toilt,';�itle, 100010fit Autbority rind the bulinfisk of this depattituout boa 0oneralSynodo theAuRlIcAnChurch ORNIIIIIIIAL XoTVA,_Tbo Methodist qualified And 10104 169lilitst published will be been bloodied bill, oftiallsillort th; In Canada, lately Prevented at Ottawa, entertainment held on Ohrist- teacher In the to pit tin Ott irt Ititsod too fl)WetoosatiI - proved very successful J#, iff 6 L Ir 0, auto talk* oaming and re. ft rofits bolve hel 08,6414, find this In glancing over thil several PrOv in&@ night was largely attended and good for th 11 00I Ifttifirest ll "t -2W00 to inces of the Dominion, it is anifest showing In their ps I the children non school. 4b "Iniets �lftistior of lit. at Vintorfal fund on rrormances the froln 15 years Irwill edhesdifty. Dec. Isht. eta, In the that'there is a rest conse gull effects of Patient, careful trallbillig. school teachor, Ill V .. 0 after Offttiltholons and Addition to Opinion concorI tire The Proceeds 107o.—The anyone to 4bligo. hllr V1,I Ilit 0ifir 441! 109I tl been on. bair 'under sol over iftftftmeof iftere this" PlIfil Account, the I'sitepas ers have our present licensing system, nomination top reeve and cosintillove frolon loo nall for 04Y be I r calved fr6sia the Cornmr, looked for. Cloth nth vatu# for evol dollar expended lY, that it is a PUBLIC the township Of Howick were AvAtileds FAittley moot Orepor to Show th MENACE, largely attended. The Old Council The I and Your COffirnittm would urge up. Were teledied by acelarelItion, only Wed0#04I nbo. At not Wrot fattilah, Od by the 6004011$itOf this PeOplolor money hike on the Synod that it is the duty of Ofte Ile* name being put forward for dgw) to I'll boon Wofft#d 'I ft Ill *111111vo fillil lilla fire every man to endeavor to fluthOt councilinifter. that Of, J. W' 1E NAI D". 23fd t'" off#, Witt liff"ll to Il tott. tile Who, IrAther than cause A of by Rev. If 0. It nI owerlab 4 lo obtfroust latsitmation to any �#oft to sill the bar. I'l b&V rethredt, and although, Many were not tedifilittiIIII Ifialift Who honestly desireir vill vatiolled to Agibill, Until such time 68 tile bar is abol, irlith the "Ay thimr, it LL the soilitiff, itihod it been done. orb appVAI IOUN to under ke # to annoulocod %&i otoogwwo fillod th*t full wavilm eshould W takil TOCO `= % Pfuttill W4 III Ofillfillitilfri for Gortlo 11140 1Pftd16,sb1*,14h tim 1%64 ItO his 1404 tesfir,—The T oystilog, and *Ao w till Aw "W -d thol, 1wil lsi*� pla kifistfiss J. P of -Illitoft, 1W II A*61rat ae