HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-11-9, Page 8EzthtsBriatathe Wale invited the old aunt to the 1 K
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C°41 °Hs
Aceording to the pew regulations is -I
`" Central ,g9 wedding, lhe eztrds were swell aintirs , seed by the Inland Revenue Departs
and in one corner bore the inscription; Revision et voters.- Liss meat regarding the inspection of cool
sChildrennot t.xpeeted." Atter selten- Judge Masson has completed the oil, all dealers at•e in future betel re
leg it closely over her specs the old work of revising the voters' lists sponsible for the quality or oil they
lady &tide ''That's all right, but they'll throughout the county. The number offer for saleunder a penalty of at
have them just the settee." of names added and struck oft in the leetst. no no one is allowed to offer for
Central nosieess college, Stratforee out. Quitsterly ineetihee services will be various xnunicipalities is ktS f011OwS; stele oil that is at a lower tempereture
Six American ennuess colleges axle teene held in Allies Street church next sate Added Struck off than 85 degrees emits a, vapor that will
ceeenien innitnnens bave rereatly, tl,ppneck days ne,,,,.. lent, Love feast at nee, steginott, 7 flash, or that at tv tempeor
rate of 62
t_et us forma greduates to teael: ut their -
sChools. It you want a,teitionai evidence of preaching service at 10.30, followed by Exeter . . ..... ,.... , 00 47 degrees weigebs more than 8.04 to the
, ear sueerionories you will Sud it lila our the Sttentment of the Lord'e Supper. Stephen '7 3 nallou. Any person Wishing to have
Fe sample tested can do so by leaving a
ate.g,w-the liae'a busisle" college In the evening a pec ti sermon to SMuley.
;ogee Tu Carta,ia. Write for eue. statems l 8
edmittea et any time. eesung people. The quarterly Board Seaforth .... ... - - 23 32 pint at the Inland Revenue of9ce.
we er, Einem nriennee veal meet on the Wednesday evening lillY 19 3 About the Witte,
Iontreel"Blessings on bbn who invented
seentsesneneneMnenntistasSOtegnOtslageoni 3.SMr hbunas good 13rnsstils 1sle
14 0 ep." Belt greater blessings fall on
enough to scsad us several mtips of the linnett 37 12 bel who inakes 4 bed. A charm that
L CA )0INGS. hatuewounasof south Aftsca. It is V011)Dd"
Bsyliln 9 17 lulls to sleep. The wav to untke sleep
the best map of the kind we have sem e 9 , a foretaste of beavea that le within us,
The home: itstal imq funny ways, up the various points of interest natter Hemedl
9 fully explained in. "Home Topics,"
and is Illl eXi:ellent medium. for tractile' 46 3$ /dying down to .pleasaut dreams, is
lie lies in wait for foolish. XS:.EaSt, WaAvanosh 13 11 the second of the four volomes, "'Bits
humus by the)resent endegnnent e
Ile nil:en' 111& 11 X's, owl their VS; ' ' • sd • ( ' b - kiNnot-li 1 of Common Sense Series," included in
W gt,otte. grate and gtoat,,t, Int t ween the British and the Boerte Any _ n ' 1 1.• '' ... ' . • • 115
the offer of The Weekly Globe, which
IN est Wawanosh,29 10
: ti, 8(01
" of tan•readers may ha 4-e one by calling. .Ashoeid
Mesonie meeting Monday night. 22
, Reports from the north show that Goderiele township-- 43 has been for over 55 years, and is now,
leen Sunday ve:1,4 tile eelt.101'ilt i011 til door are very plentiful alb; season. Goderich 23 Canada's leading family newspaper,
;53 31 and the AnvOcnerv,from POW to Jamt-
I be ""Pawder Plot. From the dennual for lietmses to shoot mon.;,,,
ary 1, 1901. for $1.75 and Marion Bar-
'rc:y- the Anvot'ATF. fur Wedding ' it looks as if there should be more 3
etat lottery. Lateet &signs huntstnen up in the wdds of Ontario lenneentenh 20 land's latest works, Sent free; postage
12 8 prepaid.
L nee,. me. ! e,,,,.. 1111,1, leee, ,„„,,,_ this dill than any previous settson. Ar- ,_ _ _ r te
ieee, 1. : .,- .- / • 4, t , 1, 1 .4- ienten l'4111gellleTIVS: have lwen Illade by the nvneel Boai4 einem s,
.... t somanok.e. 4 1 _ .., 4.1 L s• , s
a pint form. tonne Waultst's Department for the A meeting was held in the Town
mr. w. ykivz,z.„,...5 i„, 0.„.6.tille, a 11,..,.w express vomit:tales to keep tab 00 the Ile% Wednesday, Nov.. 2nd. Absent
,titait,..,, 1,1 t,tli.,, tit.. p: t.,„ 0 110 osoue Id. number of tite.r shipp..d by sportsmen. IL Huston and W., J. eztrlin.., The
..VIatly burned. (4111-. who :ire so addicted to the foldowillg is he torder of business duly
0 ,40,wing gem habit that they eannos , simulated and approvedn-Per Chttir-
0.‘e..-.7viset„.41,14.11 11,.,t,.zirpe,,;‘.4.1L,r1.,..;:10‘_: -refrain from 111. '1 ell t 114, event and num. minutes of previous meeting.
1 -
:XS-. Sold by C. 1,v1-4. " ` darns. eltureli sev14,0, shottia take per J. Senior tind R, N. Rowe, that the
witrorog from OW rate 4,1 a yotmg l'i pin:inlet* of a suitable wire mat for the
The steettol 8i:. :;:r: llop 447 the 7,a,:z...4,41 woman al Goshen; Indiana, Ili,. Main Entrance be left in the luntne of
11111:44.. pla.e, irt Uldley'e Oimt Hesse. young '.% 4)411 Who is 3 stuattqat bi t lu. the SUpplieS Committee.- Per Pt int
O`inorrove I, riney . et 4* uss. tittgh nenene was, tm on t..terate phew.
Insnennts Bellerd, of Ileatilltens re- er of ennuis :toil a few days :me, noticed
Is i1. that nen tel. 7.esst v.-2We seised that the n•ft side of her nunolt was
luipil.. 11" 41 -,11442 13 thawing un toward the ear, The
Mr. Perey (stun inel Fre 1 t ",itt *HMV . t 1 i inbie glew and a physivi an lute IWO-
IA ho itztv e 1„.,.” in enneeeha ene. „,„en nonneed it a ease or 14 13 of the
oetee•les 01 the mouth dee, to eontintud
ti4mtlettneeel hone. tot Teeselay.
tleation Now &Ile ou if yeheS
n..•, S.: ../theo, ..: 1 ll'r.4.1.010. ii3"4 1411114 -mi i t14.3::11022„.10 ,,
1„, ,,,..;
,""' ' '
.." *44' j48(14'-
' I .' r - 41.• ; • eel lee 1 ' . - ' '" '
A SC:ROM, Wail A FIND it,Ecoap.
Mani_ snf.t..a.a.BEISMARELCIE14.11S
pal the thenke of the staff tor the
satisfactory light »ow -enjoyed through
the late intreltase of blindsee-Per
ISowe and W. Trevethieln tliat ;t std.
table alpbabet tablet he seemed by
t he Supplies Committee, and that t he
platform require.' by Miss I4ringle, be
left in tile hande of the Prineipel.-
Per 4. Senior and R. -N. Rowe that the
followlog aceotants
11" b
trr-n .1. Nor If a foolieh nem wants *14 1)142 men, hardware stun ries. $5.40 t
'si"" 142vi'jt''" '
sl,iio:n);t!''• 3plNeVd• • „KS"kn• "z.d.47t4 "1'.;"11":11 i11” *,'11 iaV1 hnsn's •1dhioe"h
Fo1l"l.ilt. Imul.r 2101 labrSl.d0JA
Of I,0at „.1101/.11 r11111%1ridesatwer tetitintrv ill 71St.twittewattenv $23.8sePer
Thanehtv n1uLingentio,.molly111t Itttoodt41.11111a4441 .
5 ., operthe eountry ,for him, w„hi"le h.e itTprrs. labor, N'1 0
11: StP:haenket o
,art nntolowing 122'. p1200221'. eertnied
42 tbhytowspaio,o„mod14,11;thtap41aii bJnnneein vss theear`411'44444.11-eck*.11
d:osrs44*thes1roirorg64 Os„ tO1 p p$ 3.60
11 1241i4 Whenevor any man has ""„,ta;,Hn„
r'oW oillorse 144 ..141, there some
4 41,t ..Vit 44114.1" Ulan S444444'22l242i' %%IP, Waiting' gl.00r destasd Rseert,
to boy the thittgteat the'. *wo paten 1114111 A. -114.04e (liegory, 111*'-*11
seenes,/ might travel a 124 1'. whined finding Fit tynts Laura deekill Edna AleCalioni
1,12144 ether. Stelvernieing brings them equal. Knelt IL -Perry liendle. Cora
• et -1 It 4" had lidgld Ile" l* Rh Lorraine lloopt-r,
toting Those who e tik,..iy-'s• 11) 161, ness,s, averttge
sea4 grain ee1:e4:141 pitenotoena will 1424'I''Zink „r ;„ ,
nee,. ,,i,pertenety. ennta
,, t eene /1. .14.1111.11',Ae ar
t4 lli.JWItity.144VIOSAM,
eohn 1te,1 1 esients424F WPM htt.t• h. /eventide, In the 12111 and What'll' 'Carling. dismtle Taylor, Win -
We Ts:14 kentned lte 2,, • tete.' thee en lint it 444 November. 112.1 w be the nieiltovartl. Beatriee Luker. Jr, IV -
lee, eetatly Itteene +el .tteenrenee. little for the greet 41.4011;41, 41.4 so.eallea diary thersons, „divin Ileintnell, Clara
es. mt. by a ,11f fallites smrs. Aluen the Illth 411 IS1711. ROSS. Elti9O1 FilrOlOrs JOSSIO 4. *1111
r' -'14441‘'s nit :1414" fan (11'(11'11114. meteore, but hisultillee 35
1 .
rseeney for C. ettn)'. .4)1144 114 ..1101 42412 ‚2t 42-. tlzt die,nay is wooden. St. 111JohnGardiner, litn.by llor-
..11:1;.• troubles. Sold by t 1.11 .11"-0 folly grand. In 1,44 ihtseem. as wit, rell Edna Follick. Edna Dow, Melvin
s 41. agent for 1 )IN-. 1„ung Syrup. ne ,s421 here w;ts very heitutifult one Southcott. Roy Farmer equal. Hazel
Mr• 1,,Waillsr of 'tin' Allid et. liee meteor seemed tu the naked eye near- Browning. Jr.iii-Frea Trevi.thiek,
,,,,c4.11442. eight men employtel putting ly as large ns the moon, in 1833 ou 011y tiould Fratikie Knight, e(4ual, 1e0-
1 hieki 1...
• '1:14.4).
I13" to11„1- 1.1
:VP ;-::".24";
t L.,
Vilttilitle 1.2 t•PV Year 1 11.14. ie an Into -eta! :khan* "1*( 11 Noon roll 10average att
The Ladiea' Aid Society of the,hunes
street Methodist (dumb have every
reason to feel .greatly elated over the
success of their Recital on Monday
night last, The weather was all that
could be desired and the attendance
large. The pastor, Rev, Brown, pre-
sided in his -usual happy Manlier and a
Outlets musical and literary program
was rendered, Tho entertainment
W2142 0110004 With prayer by Rev. S.
Salton, of -Centralia. Mrs, Jean Blewett
%S'2*S the principal attraction and her
renditions were. narticularly faecitint-
big end Pitted:ming, thus fully justi-
fying the high opinions formed of her,
Everyselection was rendered with ease,
skill and wonderful elfeet, and elle has
only to he heard to be apply -elated.
The violin selections by Judson David.
son wero exceedingly ine. and were
heartily etahored, es 'wee also the
Clarlonet, selection by Geo. Enerett.
The voeal selection,: by Miss Davidson.
Mrs. (Rev.) Brown and M. \Invent i
were admirably rendered. The able!
address by Rees R. Millyeard was lis- 1
tened to with intuit littered. The af-
fair was brought to a close shortly an
ter ten tneloeit, th4, nenediei ion being
pronounced hy Rev. Vd. M. Martin.
'The proceeds amounted to alunit 81S. i
Mre. I% Tait is visiting relatives
in consultat ion.
Dr. Flollins was in London Saturday
Mrs, Time. Snell, of Brueelleld, i
visiting friends in tuwn.
Fred Treble, of St. Marys, spent
Sunday at his home here.
Mrs. A. Maxis, of Port, Union, is the
guest of Mx's. P. W. Collins.
Mr. W. J. Merritt. of Clinton, event 1
Sunday with Mends in town.
Air. J. O. Sutherland, of Hensel!,
called on 'friends here Monday.
114 hotel into first claes shepe, Witte: rho night of the 13th of November 112 T4171(0t '/Itnnt° Ba1831141* Qiin linall" OPOrge Pellbaitt. 'Ake 120/1d. iS et/11-
Itatishtal it, win hp :....i-011ti 1,2 11.11W.". theStt htldit'S MI 04 01' North .'211t0242';),el'.Elmore Semen Nee 4m roll 51. av- fined to the house throngli iiitteSS.
Sir:dim:el 11) i-.13.1 and far out on the Atlantie 0,4,1114.
PrrItt-Eclith Moneur, 011ie Q UMW, Me. ;late Martin, of Constance, paid
We are in 114'1'114 'If l't e'"IlY 111* tilt' House and Lot Fee Sale. veva, Rowe, may wood, Aaoh, 1.31,0wil, friends •in •town •a ViSit 011 Tnesilety.
premium list of t he (2.. 11' annual That desirable brit,k boost* and lot Annie Reid. Je. iii_cimrik. Long. Mr. Chas. Coates is again behind the
Xnets nli: stm.k. anti Poaltry Show; situated on Alle‘rt Street, owned by Garnet welsh, estrum nnen, Hazel comett‘r with Messrs. 11. Bisbop
%Well tO the world, to be held in Out.lith .iames Martin, This prolu'rtY Win n'' Digital*, Herbert Southeott, Noon john Delhridge, of Winchelsea, has
on Deeember this Ttlx end 8th. sold elteap. Apply to H. Oke, Exeter. ron si. Ityprtlert. 46. two children very ill of typhoid fever.
4114 of the larnirinee of pin; e glass
Fur Remodelling. Sr. II -Milne 1)1'11,* t( Bertie Snell, Mrs. Tremaine, who bas been visit.
in front of J. W. canna.: hardware Et tie Ctibblediek. Jr. II ---(tlet. HO-
The1111derSigfled WiS11PS V) state that ingin Toronto, returned home Monday
-neul*. 4,2144(11 ill some
manner beeame eratektelurtesteieaotuyn, taWbRleS sentl.c0..
i:s Oliwlsde.,f.na..ts,h11Nio•tno tri.-r.a. ,r mfrodrct.1 122 13 e•1 1 enInatro, wmafirrrd, R0Iont, hidevt leBronwn51.1
HarrBuckingham is 41412)1022211..,rep1aed 1)201ie22. one Wdnesday1)4(44'.(1 ollI1agthotomiapuma andexpected to be (int around agam
,e, subscription has been opened at eaperines or Other desired sisies, 'Heideman, Hugh McKay. Jr. He .
the Molsone 13anle 114 44 in vonneetion th.nt's fur coats repaired at resonable Norallatton, Albert Lang, Illtunut Hall, Mtt 11 obt. Karr, of Dashn-ood, spoilt
with the \Vint.; Cros.e movement to retes. Residence 3 11001s.1e7orth of the No, on roll (116 aVerage 59. a, few days in town the beginning; of
n the Canadian contingteit in South reSr. IT -Gertie Sheere, Florence Ain the week
Afriett. el. Bennwnen Serson, Harry Relate. Mid. IT- Vio- Mrs. Win, Batman, of Ilsborne, and
The team driven by Wm. Delve :Ind let Woods, Edna Trevethick, Olive Men T. Oke visited friends itt Biddtilph
II 13, by Mrs. John &mild mane a severe cut. ageterW
untnag.r of tl illis. No. on roll 58 averade 48.
Z.7 laSt week.W, e ' '. I
Inesly run up through Main styd le00
Sutherland -Innis Co's. works 11(21 111(1. Pretty Wedding.
Fr May night htst, but luckily ne dam -
with a painful accident on SA-tu1d:14, It is always a pleasure to note the
age was done.
last. He was about to split some wood advent of our young men from bo he -
It ie reported that the Canadian con- at his home and in sodomg the axe lorhood into Hymen's paradise. The
tingent of 1,000 men is composed of 600 went easily through the stick and following from the Bxstntford Exposi-
English (.1 44114.11 men,300 Presbyterians' came in contort With his foot, cutting tor of the 1st inst., has referen.xe to a
50 Roman Catholics, and 50 of the ten- 41. severe gash M the instep. He is able former young num of Exeter and ttll
ious Protestant denominations. to do the office work but will he a estimable yMmg lady of Brantford,
Dix Kidney Pills will relieve Lame cripple for some tim*s who have. entered the blissful ranks of
Book, Lumbago, Muscular Rhouren Coal Will Go Up. matrimony, viz: -A quiet but one of
tism 621113 1111 complications arising from
The price of coal is on the raise and the prettiest weddings of the season
ordientry disean>s of kidney :tnd 111113- seas that which took place at one
before the winter is over it will be very
cler. Price 95 and 50e. Sold by C. hio'clock this aftexesoon, when Miss gh. Dealers have been notified to
Lutz. Mabel Norma Northcote was 'united to
the effect that the price V.111 go up 50e
. "Mr. Wm. .ierthm. Gregory, of Schultz
A shooting match at live pigeons a ton. The raise is due to another
took place on the lacrosse grounds xstise by mine owners, lack of trans-
Bros. The ceremony took place at the
idf Al. d M. A. L. V -
Tuesday afternoon between Thos. portation fzicilities and an increase in resence oranrsan
, 1-10
Oke, of the Central Hotel, and A. J. 'miners wages. The pricehas not been stoneGeorge street, in the pres-
Snell. Each shotg at fourteen birds, raised here, but when the present sup-
ence of only the immediateriends and
relatives. Miss Northcote is well
killineight a piece. ply 1.11ns out, up goes the price.
known in this city, having for the past
The vacancy in the customs office at improving. four years acted as organist in the
Clinton, caused by the death of W. T. The Wingham Advance comes to us Wellington sangtonstreet Methodist chinch.
Whitely, has been filled by the ap- this week enlarged and much improen She 1 greatfavorite, and has sur-
pointent of John Wiseman, for ed, a, new power press and new dress round ec hersel f with a host of friends.
many yeare a prominent business man of body type having been added to the The very t
grea number of presents are
of Clinton, but latterly of Winnipeg. plant by its able editor. TheAdvance a token of the esteem in which she was
niessrs. nfelville & Morrison last is a good paper and. is a credit to the held. The nuptial knot was tied by
town in which it is published. The Rev. John Pickering. MissNorthcote
Week installed one a their up-to-date Times bas also been enlarged and WaS ably assisted by her cousin, Miss
acetylene gas machines •in Seller's also brightened nes by a new dress of Florencem
Tilley, of Bowanville, and
Hotel, Clande.boye. This is one of the
best machines on the market and the body type. We wish our go-ahead Miss Loretta Gregory, of Exeter, sis-
contemporaries that measure of suc- ter of the groom. Little Gertrude
proprietors are meeting with ready
sales all over the country. cess that their enterprise so deservedly Winona Vaustone, the daughter of
An exchange says: "An old citizen merits.
maid of honor. The groom was sup -
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Vanstone, acted as
renxinds us that thirty years ago Sun- A Timely Suggestion.
The Stratford Herald sayst-Appate Ported by Messrs. Frank and Norman
day night- eves the sodden com-
Northcote, twin brothers of the bride.
ently the Crossley and Hunter meet-
mencemen t of one of the severest win- The bride. was very prettily attired in a,
ters Canada has ever had. Severe ings are doing considerable good in this
white silk faille tritismed with chiffon.
frost set in on Oct. 29th and continued city. A number of young men have
She carried white roses. Miss Tilley
This is oflate been doing their utmost to break
unabated till Christmas day. was gowned in a white silk, and Miss
off the habit of swearing. A novel
a striking contrast." way has been employed by one yonug Gregory wore a white organdie. Both
WANTED2 iDried
. Apples man, who decided to count to twenty- bridestintids carried bouquets of pink
e and white. roses. The maid of honor
.Butter, Eags and all kinds of
1 . 1 five on every titterance of profane or
, improper language. The method prov- was daintily dressed in white silk. The
farm produce for which WIII ed very satisfactory, and might offer bride's going -away gown was a grey
. nomespun. The ceremony took place
be paid the -top market- price 121 218 much as if it did not cheek them
a good suggestion to other young men,
ltt the drawing room, which was very
at STD/11A 8T8' OA 811 STORE. of profanity, they might learn to count. beautifully decorated with palms and
ferns and ehrysantheniums. Master
A horse owned by Mr. Wm. Somer- Council Proceedings. Wilfrid Vanstone, cousin of the bride,
ville of the Ith concession of Usborne, Council met pursuant to adjourn- played Mendlessohn's wedding march.
got avray ft.= Mrs. Somerville Sat- ment at Town Hall, Nov. 3. All ores- .e. very
tasty dejeuner was served :im-
urday night neat., their home and kept mt. Minutes of previous meeting read mediately after the ceremony, about
up a lively run till it reached here. It and confirmed. Ellans-Armstrong, eighteen guests sitting down. Among
was captured near Dignan's black- that the following accounts be passed the presents were a mohogany cable
smith shop pretty well exhausted. No and ,orders antwn on Treasurer for net from the Choir of Wellington street
damage was done. same: Thos. Welsh, labor, $10; J. W. church, a blass table front the Sei ' '
We mentioned two weeks ago that Creech, do., $4; Walter Westcott, do., League, and an urn front the Junior
shippers of :-Ippels to the British Mar- $S.50; Chris. Smith, do., 63e; Ja.rnes League. The groom's gift to the bride
ket were losing heavy this year. ' This Creeeh, part salary, $90; G. H. Bissett, Was. Rvery handsome sable and sell
week. Mr. Writ. yan received returns do., $2n; Electrie Light Co., oCcount
f 14.6 barrels- sent to Liverpool and to Nov. 1, $80.88, less redection of $5,
the receipts very little. more than coy- for nonfulfilnient of co:Ain-en-Car-
ers the cost of the empty barrels. Oth- lied. Aluir-A.rmstrong, that tenders
er shippers haee also been heavy losers be asked for purehase ef granolithie
the cause being the high prices paid pavement debentures; tenders received
for the fruit, and the immense quentn Op to Nov. 23rd, 7 o'clock pna.,--a-tr-
tv shipped from the States which Coin- teed. Taylor-tEvans, that council inn
pletely gutted the European masket.-• keine to Nov. 10th.-Cessied.
MitchelfAdvocate. G. H. BISSETT, Clerk after thed .22nof this month. '
License Inspector Ballantyne, of
Seaforth, WaS in town on offieial duty
Andrew Hicks and wife, of Centralia.
are both suffering front an attack of
typhoid fever.
Warren Lang, accompanied by Mr.
Dunn, left Tuesday for his home in
Winnipeg, Man.
Mr. W. Mitchell, who has been con-
fined to bed through. illness is able to
be around again.
Miss L. Robinson, after a pleasant
visit with friends in Michigan, return-
ed home Friday.
Mr. Rich. Young, who we reported
as being quite ill at his home here, is
slowly improving.
Hrs. Geo. Merton was taken sudden-
ly ill last week and is at present in a
low state of,health.
Geo. Knox, who has been in Blyth
and Shakespeare for some time, re-
turned here Thursday.
Miss Ethel Caldwell, of Hensall,
spent a few days here last week, the
guest of Miss Cora Prior.
Mr. ;T. R. Labatt, returned Wednes-
day, after spending a week's holidays
in Toronto and other places.
Woldo Greenway, of Crystal City,
son of Premier Greenway, is visiting
his aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins here.
Mr. E. C. West, Inspector for the
Sutherland -Innis Co., of Chathaxn, in-
spected the works her Friday.
Mrs. 'W. IL Parsons received a tele-
gram Saturday of the death of her
father, who resides near Guelph. She
left Monday to attend the funeral.
Messrs. M. Vincent, john Spackman
and Miss Edith Beer took part in the
program given at Bethesda on Tnesclay
Mr. Wallace Hicks, of. Brantford,
formerly of Exeter, Is renewing ac-
cluaintences in town, the guest of R.
N. Creech.
Miss Laura Gregory, who assisted at
the marriage of ben brother, William
Arthur, and Miss Nerthcote, of Brant-
ford, returned home on Monday.
Miss Lille liardy left Tuesday. for
Toronto; where she will take another
course at the Conservatory of Music.
Miss Hardy has a recognized ability
as a musician and teacher of music,
2i,nd .01 her retern she will be better
cape, and to the bridesmaids ann neeid' of her calliu„e.
fitted than ever to discharge the duties
abundance -of handsome out flowers
pearl. pins. An
of honor opal and
enri ..e DTeW. W LI 111$ *teen
were received from a cousin in Pont*- visiting hen sister au'd other relatives
ac. Mich. The lisppy couple net' on hese, received 24. telegram from her
the a10 train for Detroit, Exenir :BA home in New Ontavio, Cali:Covina, on
other places. and on their renter) win Tuesday, stet ting that her mother is
reside at 100n Clerence street. Mrsseriously ill and ld4l8iflg her imme-
Gregory will be at home to her friends diate retutm. She leaves for her home
this morning (Thursday.)
sazellesateglesseees4a-merlis efle ...4e1s.bee -.ten"; elSeefir ear tfle netteeekerezetlazlie
e have the most complete range of Ladies' and
Children's winter underwear that we have
4 ever shown, For quality, for value, for assort -
4 ment we can please you. Come and see,
1 _
12c, for Ladies' long, sleeve union vest, good medium weight.
18e. for Ladies' long sleeve union vests, ribbed throughout,
tle. for Ladies' long sleeve union vests, ribbed throughout.
Mc, for Lull& full fashioned long sleeve vest, our gtestt lead..r. The
best value in the trade.
35e. for Ladies' full fashioned long sleeve vests, very nice, soft finish.
40e. for Ladies' full fashioned long sleeve vest, good close snit*, and a
I. great seller.
45c. for Ladies' full fashioned long sleeve vest, A beauty and a great
1 wearer.,
Mc, for Ladies' full fashioned long sleeve vest, This is the line that is
talked about. Some Ladies' say that our 500, vest is equal to mos1 dollar
vests. Cash and one price is what does it,
60e. for Ladies' fan fashioned long sleeve vest, nice soft lofty %VA,
very comfortable.
Tie. for Ladies,' full fashioned long sleeve veste. This is a very swede].
OW. for LadtW Black, Ribbed Pt.:metes 'very special value.
$1,-35 and $1,50 for Lndies" full fashioned eonibination suite. .
.50e, ;nal 75e. fOr Ladies' very large full fashioned vests. • These are.large
sizes and very lunch in sleznand.
$1,01) for Ladies' full fashioned long elm'5't4 VPSts, 1n145. • lamb 11,1)
libaj that is •Warill and guaranteed not to shrink.'
30d. 35e., 40e„ 50e, and 73e, for Ladies' ribbed and tleveed lined Drawers,
he largest assortment lulu 24454. velues we have ever shown.
1000,J. A. STEWART.
Taa-Nriva-Arlqr7GIrslr'W•rr.e 7erVrz,""r74£FIU"tar Aar Nctentr
uns revived big shipur.nt s Millinery from illasg.e.v and NOV.- Ir"4/1`li.
The SiyleS of tint rotate 41 hate ere inumeente, dolmas varitm end temlit
In Rough Riders UV haVe /11111411reil•4. All are the Lapel le hand io ('441
8(18. WO display the Amine., Bennington, Boreneee, Anittrita,
Tropie, Aberdeen. ,Jaunty, Was..., 'Nein:int, and dt :setts
of ot hers; thus giving 4.411' best clink. in 1141' vicinity.
Our Trimmed Hats are up -to -the -style in every partieular, and ore
produetions of the very newest ideas in designs aud trimmings,
Our Millinery Rooms contain any az•tiele yott want in is ealegetre 1'1
will bc• pleased to serve you in this department.
Hundreds of Ladies' Jnekets at prier's and values as 1.nv t, •tny.
have dierman, English, Amerienn makes and can lit pm in every pet ;len-
Headquarters for W. E. Sandford's Clothing.
4%1: • .
thnt you should call and inspect ,
the lines of
that we have place(1 in our stor
You will find in this new stock
Quality and Price....
to suit you.
This is what we always accomplish
when we make a suit for you.
Prices that Please.
Bert. Knight.
Misty Vision
Comes with advancing year
but can be cleared
by properly fitted glasses.
Spectacles are our specialty.
When we fit them,
they give satisfaction.
Eyes examined free.
S. Fitton,
: AT . . .
T. Fitton's Jewelry Stare
-mr. win, Zinger, who has been de-
tained for some time owing to the de-
lay in tronsferring the license of the
Metropolit.to lo Mr. Canleloli, 1Pft, last
week, forBerlin where he will take
charge of the hotel he recently our -
Manufacturers and Installers
One door South Central Hotel
First-class Rigs and Horses
Orders left at Hawkshaw's
Hotel, or at the Livery '
Stable, Christie's old Stahd
will receive prompt at-
tention. . . . . .
L Courteetior.
1 arms Reasonable
We wish to impress on the minds of
everybody that we don't sell sole
leather, neither do we sell meat as
tough as sole leather.
Are of the eery' best quality. Try our
big brown SirloinRoast. It is aS
toothsome and appetizing as the
famous noactoOk's roast ot' Kingly
times. We know l•o,w to fix it up all
nice tor the oyen.
Try us once,
Youli try us twice;
You'll find 01.11.
Are choice and nice,
, John Manning,