HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-12-25, Page 111 . I � -1 " .V .1 .1111111I - IT, V-- - -�V­Pisi - Ii - - � . I 41 - WrIW71, � 4 Wll,-��7- �. ", I I " . . . I I A �.,. , . I I . I . I . . 41 1 - . � 1- 14 , .* 1� ,!�. I 1 I, I" . 1:1 . , I . I . I - � . . �', . "': . . , , I " � . , I . � ,* V , . . , ­ I . � ,, I . , . I � I . � .___ - 't ;�.i . 0 � .?-k � - .P , I . � I .. - . . I., I . I I I . . � .. I . lm 1111111111 III I I ill -V ". I � I . I .� � I I - � . ,� -.1 I . , . . I I I I.A.- � .."i.A.,iiiii, 7" I'll , , - . T!, ­­!";­ -- 11,111 1 I!, . . I - ­ - Ass -1-0:1- . - - --1-- " 1 I ,!�::: ,,, ­­­ 1111''....1- �­ 0 tp!t ­­­ ___.." � � . I � fii W , - 11-4- -1" -i = , , ___ I I i AN"' . A� -. ol , "', I I . I , . "#I' I I I , ... . I . I I iii'I._17 "tiiiii ''Ill , I, 1 17-11i . �t;, . ., '. . � 1, 1"! I'm . . I , � , . , t I , . - ,*.,* . I , , , ., . . .." � 11 ,,Ild" , " . . I I � , , I At 4� .'I �, , . . � I . � .11, - . . . . I __ . I . I . I � I I . . 1 .44 * � , � � , I " , � I .1 I I 9 11 I 1 44, J . � ii 11 . . .. . . 11, .... ; I � � .1 I . " . , 11 I - -4- ��. I . 11- �� ie I , . � I . , I , I , 1. � , '; I 4 ... I , 11t; - .." . . , � � 11 I - . . I'll :, , . : , I I " � . I ­ 1 :141!, I , I 11 I %,. � ; I .. * I I , �' , , , , . , , Iran 000apoc"', sup, 1*0 41 � . It . � __ . - I _,�, ler - I I I � � I 1,. I �- . It, " , - - . , , ; , I , 4� , � I . . � I .. All , � I -_ : i" OramilAtwo, $". ,a, an otb ".. $1111ow I " I. 1,11:, . I . . I ­ I . , - .1 -1 I. �, . IN " � - __:;� , , 1W -iii, - . � ". '. . . .. I . , ,..'.' , 11 I'll I - -­�`­' ",�_Vdl W . . . . I I . I ly - ol , -_ - I A - , I . . I _. �. � .. 1--1 ,; . q_ - 4 , � '. I , T-, 'I I - ... , I � .. , . I , I . I I . . . .1 ', . � . 1. I I , � � �, I � ��, ­ 11 . 0 ; ., . I It . . .. � -, � 11 I.. � 1, ­­ � .1 . ­­­­ .... t . . , I I . I I ,� � - `� . U this swoon- 404ill ­ �� - " I r fl� , � r.-.-,. I—. 11 I . _ , , ­ ­ 901YA"W"P �. I '­ I. � I 1, . - . :,� . - _. I I . "", 4 - - . . 11 �. ­ . , ­�­­­ .- _­ .11". 11�. I—: _. ; I. -.7--.- `',�_ ---- I __ _. ,­­ - - � - ..: 1, ;Zll;g�,�� 1 ., �1 . I I � , I �� I - �, . , � I --r.o.,$ , --o"A.-,it- ---- � , , ���V!,, .1 " 11 -, __,,I I f, a I .., � I I I � 1�741 �, � -,Pr,w 71 1 .� of I __ X P, I I � ,I- �,_ � i`I` . --1 . I", I I I I , , �ii . . I ''I . I I '. ", , � _ _ 1� , . . . . , ,, 1, I ,��, I � �! ` . I . I 1I0'lrp'lzi';2 � , - ;;;.;;,.l;;I,:-"- ---- . , I I ­ �, - I '� 1� I I � �� , 1111 I ­ I i ,�_ �, , �, I I , 1 I .1 , 11 -11.. : , . 11� . .1. . 11 �- - I , I I I . . . 11 � . . �_ J . . . ,"'i I 1. � 1. - -1 ­��,,� ­_ �, . I 1 .177 . - . 1. ,____�_ I I li. I 11 I � _. kd�'- - - ­ I ilti . 1. - - M14. -,--i� ;.- - � . .. 1 .,;.3'. I-- �3 1 - i.., 4 1 1 . . I ,�. 11i ­ . - I I . 1 Q3P3rXC="l Mill, :W TIME! . , � ,_ ,�', I _. 1. �. I � I � I ­_., . . All . . I I I . --- � '"'"W' ,� , )'ll;rr j:po': � � - -e- , , " �', I I � r I . I I � ' . � ... . � 9 , , . IV I ll 11.1:," 1, .� I i`-` V _` J, . . . 1� I . I I I I �� I �''. -11 I.. , . I . � . 3 -MV ,til_ � , . I I .1 I . I . . . 11 '. � . I. I I -Ir ­_ . -3 -�,- �,�� , '' -, � . . I . N . 1, 1 11 11 - � � I - - . � �.-� -7- .. � ___�; o , 7 I .9 9======; i i lilisi-iiii" ­ . I � , . , "' 1� "Q4. - I I . �, � , , I ; . f- � "'...ii 1, 111��"` - � � � � � � I � I'll, I ., I . I I r . I I . - � � . .4 1 1 01=;,; :". P, I - ;I�l�;;Il�l;,4"11".I;."",;I;I; . " I ' � ill - � - ; I , I I `,:_ . . , I I - -_� P . - C_ 1-1 , � ECENDER-zo, 19W - .. l - , .,--- - ­:_,� � , `.� . �..'ZI;ll.,51ZI � - ., . .- - 11, _,_ ., ,W41IiW, 114tv M _ ty. _ .- - , -, _7 " ,-, . I , . - . - _ ____ " --: � :'1_1'_1.,.�_''1 ,. .r. . ­ - � . __ 11�.111. I - � I -01RIDAY,- D ____ I � - -V Ii . , . .11 � - � I I .1 . III ,;,,;;�� - 1, ,� r *, I . ­ � I . � L ,� 1. 71 1 " I �1:t .1 A ,_ , . 7� � -1 . I . __ 1- , �_,..:_��Iaobwm i- :, .."O'W4400 . or ' I I � � . , ­ i I . - ,;;:�, ; . ­ I 1 40 _1 1. . - 11, I .. ".. " A, ., I 1* Adva . 1.111110 lll� I'll I , � � . I I , � ' - . ....... , -*Wik,i�,10-"W"" I � _-, V_;�6�40,!- __ - - � I � - 11 '' ,. r'. , . I Ir � 1. I :,�;;". r� - I .� on" 'CAi , : !�, � . �, - , . .1, I I - - ­ . .".., 'I. Ir i 11 1- . r � .1 11 - __ r 11! ll ... ­;p�, ; '. "" i ,. . , I � I I � - 4-4 W . I ' , Il . . . M , , r M AM" ­.! I., . . ,� �, -�: �,� " � I I .,; ".: , . , . IA' ' ! 'r . . 1 r � . I "' "' ­ , 1� .... I I , -4. �, � � I � , . 4 �� , , - , ' 7' - - � � � % , 11", I " , ­ . _.. .. . �� I 1, - . , .1 �_ , . , 011W."". . ,.1 - "I ��. Britoil .1 own Top ,.; . i.;1.1, I � . , . I r I , " � - , , r - .� ' �: r',' . ' :' . - , . � , =0 041i Valk 1. I � � Ice. THR $TA11i I;t1R1#.T*0l4 ox C110kia"611USTAIA lum - ,; I I � I I , .."L .1, 1. " � I �� � I � , I . I " . 1. .�: , I , � . . . ,Isi I .. , ­ . . , S"." t . :.. ". � I , -UN, q I r 13VOK"Otim -IQ � . The shortest day of tile , , , - onfign from tile face 01, tile (1104 I I I I ': I I � �kl- I, - UE$710 "I . 11 Il r '. � �­ - 10 .­'­� ­,�,­­­­ .1 � -1:. � � - .. yeqr Inourlmstlli�*W,42'llval . . ! . . . , I .1 ii-- I'll - I—— " - j7j,lf4l�llll ­� 'V��, �111 ,, ,yw. , Ill t ChIc4tr � 40 1(poats, The many 00atly Al useful prounti , " 1.11, . , . I ,-, , .- , lioli � _, I I � � I ­ - -_ , _­_ - ,.. The 4 Atily, a I �_ 1 ".. I , , , *0 I -Im Ill - C 0-tia. Ah*w-. soi1awai x -a-- ;"on It all to tile I ... I - "'. .arm " 4 A . I I , . , 1, , I , , ft 111i - 'Ju Z . . , - tot . � , I � Too , 4�0 . . . . :: I . . -M4 0afy, OAP, itigill "Unk,peace a . I 1. , r1,111 0064VIA, Ily, whio � I I I , I WrIL, All , " Oysters verved In it styles "i &'00001110AhAWS I hq%rii taken of the high esteem in 1� I ., I ", , , 70* "r, It, r , I . '10,itow"l 1 A = belovo wilillivt Boirligmin 4. . �: ., I ___ . , KX8, 111VICK 01 I Ill - , � �, , i ofinimi0iiiiii I& convert IM4, "PAW410140VAl - ' which both bride and groom are hisid. 1. � I .. � , 11, , 'l - WMIJAII'AJA U* Wv� stivwx it. A. = - a 1`101(kt �P* 4W r*0 I* . . toile. qati fit., � ,.,lit � I I ,_ ­ I , . ­ 1-1. � " I - .0 - '_ . � �, , L. - 'I 11 IlZI w - 11 . .. I -vitif -term '04- - IWAl I , 44my,mo wili - rtill eiveryb.q FAMPAX014444' b " 1. - , . . ,e I I WMItAiI, Iti =k to A elf , , k Ill , siled tai =Urt,slat. � A ,.a,,, . " .. I , r 0 Al , by a vast circle of &leads, The � I .11 I ,Wt � , , - 1� I r. iii _11fut Wing *0 b I ­., "I �11 . I . 11.1 . . , 1111i -61& wt rm - � - T 4 Not4taff 45thycill Sh*.W.ito tr - News W%s received thile �wqek of t $10 11 b - groom's present to the br,144 wals a , :: ' " -*XC- ti]liri�.Jheyl .1 "**W -v - I I,!. , 1. ,� . I I b1i il " ,::: _ "i"li _..", Thilill N ook t1l L .. � I , _40ply of 01 K e;,Ga , , to irt I .u.: Ill is III th of the Ivilo of W, ( .. �� I in Il : .'' � �, P 04 � , , . J17 14141111im 1 . I I all STA it _ being a handsome a 4 _��­__ - - - � ' *" I I'�'.Z�.,-..-,�fl-,.!,.�,-"-,�-" ­­ ­­­­­­­ . -ai ad * 21 � 9f - ­ ­­_�­.,. 1�', r_' z r = , - I :�' 1, ,U V,: to l 94. 'JI.C. 1VA), O.f Almighing Ic _ 1. , , � �� 14ft ,&Ad � Ilid Yet � i A ftrill *W . ible one, I". ki Ill Y11= , , W040 , tie at Al . ­ .- -:-, -,­ -,.-7 F ' � " . 4_1 I W - 11. -1, hicago; AM*, §ll Air 11 I " - � I 1A Other Mirc, fun, ahill-t-0 1116 Blide"m ... e_ "I I -a , - I I . - "V . I I - I �­ "" 7 _­,N�l - � I . I . I . . I '. ''"" W4,rMeW41(ft­-:-4­-, �­ - --- -XI-acki go a Ill tile Peril of PAII . " " 11 . I Vs, V& wardi I , - . I " � . aid he gave a , I I I I - . I , . , , , , :Pmv =)I= 41i r of Mrs. Will. Leo, of town, I Ili consumer with that li I � - 1. i_ I I I V4 . I L4 . . Ion ' haf. :� ,p*,.,,8h04r,%,ft- in , � , I I a be y.4t,li - , .y . I ... . ,#tawA-.4 40W I ar beautiful pearl brooch. I 1. I � - I, � j , � ,� Q � I .f;. , , ii .# * - - , ., tl0i -,M-A 1010an 'thilit as I , and to his I I _ � I . I N ' , 4'. f '' '_0 . I I � . � I LL . 1 , : T74 iiall! i � r1im-��1W-:04PP"i * .. Oran, Vh9 31111444WIlAvidtil 00h:, 111104 ho #Ater all beat in ,,, 1 � I �._ I I �, ',:,� - , ' � " � ' I , � , , 0:1*411=14 I- , wi� I I i ft, , , Tb 19 full W to olk I ortunations for illit,yor, reol I . "GOVO an % nice sot of cufflinks. We , 3 I � . I "I 1.1�, . ­ ., , I �� T I H. .1 � 1, 11 ., 4 ��U.Wft A,Xo,,G*#XRW IQ uncillors, water comilliss the Arm a papal, aigAASd,q4'%Qf,�4 ?thdW:AT natooly, "Baby, Bel believe the young couple intend goin � " - �11 ,�. 2 , 11 I I letters a , ., E� $T' NDA -'0 ,�4,ktislidol , ay,ilit � I - A l',R]),�`L � 4'a ,_ � � "' , �$'Mnd . 1U 11 ..'. , - , - ;=I,W)ol"uorAf roop jr6w "lia -4. _1� ,.4. dllw'14". "I'll, ,SchooI-TrusteAss­nQ0' Qu-H!"Mious-vajill -tcrm - -1 , " I— - � ` . "' a ­, p , , ­ - -il tho IbUdhown-this-week at4a.-thet .____ ____!� -- I �­ I �'.�, !ill! I , , .::.'_A, " _. , � mgo4h � . "I"' , ,- 1� _ I , . I 1 MR.WM4MO, IsTIAM r3i 1�,R-Rilloaffi** =% '"VIAl orr�,.her,fttrwif I . I'll , . st"110%*.� , spring O-m . 1:10U. -for, I ­.. I . � I - I � 'of ;I I " � I I � ­ I wArtatw.mr WDION � 1 you H to vening at As Town Hall at ward V11, requeeti - Prairie, where Thomas .. , 1. � i � - , , thil Angus cattle, 2oi butio on the � I , I I 1. 'Ily 1"... I � � � At I th ," . 'I` I . I . � X)IOVI,.",-" 0 P 40.31l 0 e . I "., .. . I . I ,:-,.,,. "I _11 ­, . - . " � " . I I " I M. on tl MOO twoultill bya I , � '' I. , , �, " .� I . .1 �, , &"d 07 I � ,L L , , , ,,, I " ,V �', � ', 4�� -, .� �'�, � , , R .at I dinner -in Ri IlAdled 4hy 4 teen, of Colborne 820 mores in all . , �� OP �; WA Z has 11, homestead and & pre-emption. -, Jj,w tm i I 11 W; *0 'a t I I ,. Ill f,A �r k � *#eet, ,8 � . I .1%1011 8,460 Ilia., bred . I I , 0 cjq,� l6m, , U ,A Ain ,i',V va �;efttelll . ovi % � . . , . . ' � I �.'L�l,­ , .'. "� 8 - " I '; I L : I L, L "" I - 41 - , not at 4, Christmas 1,114 I ­ ,A 'i . . moll; G� IL L� . I", W- I � L, 11W call1i � li ,.,AM � The Collegiate Instit , . Wherever they ". � 1� 4..11 ,�, I I I I � I "QUA -M I . L � I , I 1. 30=104% I'll" I :Q.r -of �Vlctorliit *Vre�q� 4A uto 01080d Oil Hall, but that they "enter anappoii,'k',�', lowAship; si pilii f beautiful white may be Ti STAR Wishes them z . I , " _ ''., I . �. . , ,,.,,-,,' 1, ; , , . Ila, rft - 1111111, " *11 ­M�Jil ­# I �' , , I . - ,,i ,�. I Ii JA U L 00. 4PW , -_ 04hA,, belpt, Ille, Q and the Public and Separate - � , . , , I .. tqoIll I , ,Lft Ill I iday, , ". L . I . , L, - , ` , I ­ , 11 11 ': � , � - " ­.­ : ��, W� -1 -woli"Who I , 4031100 h0,110N.;,219 months old, happiness and prosperity. I �. I . I .�,, gl gwgm * � � Z, 11 11 ... .. I - .0i , , tor, , I -t cult - arloo " etc., ell to answer P. chill - I—, 1, ", ';"­`: 4_:� " . . I .... � � I , - I I , "" er� aric.11 000As,eo,t,.tour b.r ILLIOIS Oil Tuesday. 7-ney mill 11 Wf $lit 51,1,41i in Z .".. �1_.'�­'�, , i� I I I'll I ... I o�d".4,,4AYlaq,�mk", , I - '* - I I PERSONAL. -We are pleased to 7-, ""� *opon oil of libel preterred by Qur eat$ ,4 ,: L � " -,'L ­ LZ�. I � " 47hilittli r ji to .1. 11 . Z-tov willigrei Of ffiount.Q�tljtril tile first Monday u . qm, p ,,:pred and fed by i _��Isl­ ,I 1,L� �� ­!! � , .1 " 11 .W ,;au��. � � -_ ' , Fritill ,0f Tororl Thill -. � Ws A;Ids,*,6rt4,,. I I I L, �,,' �'. �� � , . � -1 I nuar) . * - ill %xogerlen town- note that Hre. � .. I , J1 _', � " , �, �.. '� i-jpn��.sl on ... I visst - I I And � Mountain is reported , J '�, rbi , , � . .1 �1. brothers Alf The 8 ol, �Iiud th IWO; % tino Will I , � �'. . I ,. � . � I * i-ILAW. "114 wii Ili 1111041i fUllfritill -, a t"�.'b ' . 10 calf, 5 months somewhat better, but still far-froin, �, * "I" �. I " �­ :,�,-,', .:, , , 1� .. I J'arro, , : , ' ' - , IJAIL"Ind' aell otil Capt. John McDonald offilrs ir township,01ork of W ,N Ri Weill tilu Hill Orel I ,� ,_.,� �,,�:.;, ­, �� I . 11*e�l I ;1_ I Ol L' ' , .V�-�406,40, and fed by fully recovi . � � . I l I , _' ` %'PlArtf. , . .. __"_��_ _�. AP� , I 'L, � I , . 1, � 1 4, �*­ " �­� , %:' , bt-Ottlt.t�iit�t,i�iR,�-�,JgMe*'!'Uurk'tW 0 the aliok and spun sohr, Azoi to wit, W. S. Nei ,� ared.-Nowton 331soll of ..... - I , , , I 1, ,;$qrnjd­'# 'bo", ,Neil�il , �.�: �% , , �1, " L �, " Al _il jo . ''I I 1� N�, - 11 'I f�L,:l , rr. . , - sails are nent.aAld firm. and tile of course the Court ill, will be her Ane 091116,MT-bi t o firm wit; 1� � , , 7 � 1%, I i all F1 4 Grey, of Hullete townsh , also Wi hA1U,_j&-,spendIug a few day$ I p Ili i"', '14 1. kill ..., ., � t0wh�Wng,the iiallble0ers, . ing tile best, He will. give a A(k t - �11 I I'vilitiv011 here -Will Glenn, �1, " - I "'r , ," 7 10 I moolifti. B , oldest Son of Mr. alld MIV. Hall , _ L , - _ _- I ' ". �'. , . , ., I'll 6 ­ L ­ :. ,�: , _' i �.i,, � , I �� V ,4, _'­ ___ ­ I I 4*ncI$" , Ad", `rejR 0, �. "'r-, - ­ Ai __ 1-1 I , � _iJ ll�lqb4y,d, Ill i STi believes fiv ___ .9140"Very fine larabs __ �_L� �.�! l! . ­ �Alli' . tive-$, �'h 4 L PJAC rticulars as to price and terms. L 0-L L " ,� L� ,�! �,,��, r7l�Lv �*111 QRW 11 � . .1.1 k'9 611 ixxtiu&vj,uA;�ttwu and fed by Gican, is houl - ,. . . I � I OP, , , , Ii , - Irriblill �, ueceasedrs , . - f. -0 4 1-11i -Affi,AA116(W . , W ", L OF THE ,-4-'V,,,: �l ni �,,� � 1 I . " L�, L .: flar4l t w'Ori fulfilling Ole, raq I - for ,xrnas - Wo, am � L ,bi 4011A -chisholm, has liought --out -- - - � 1 , ndlE) - L ,-�--��--.-L.-----,.�---.T,----,---�-���-- , ". . . - - ___-­� I -. ih ". , 7_ -1 , L LN � 4T"�"_jbe 'AT, � U'. LAll, IAVIn 'it yery, - l vfo" "to - I � .. 'Ron ftl* _nlirc._*4 ,9�,Memoryj and 11"Jull DEeintrach's interest in the anti u; doll yeA - ­-- 11 I., - - Ain Ille�imA L �',�: , -.f".' ,q ",:7 - - of bb our - p �L ic,�� �­, .. ­­_­­­,,, ,,, -, L, � �L, ,. that Will has for the Li , ,� -� �,;, , , ­­ � , - ­ A. A . J0 l,,� , "': _ W t , _ ,f ­�'"', 1141unit)er of, friend§ - , '- � 'T �, -1 t I ,* MA.2 � L4� fleo4god; �.. . jand. , AaCqluilil ," liti 1hill rs' James Obiallow, A. McNeal past eight months been assisting to . ' ,��,�� ,,4 :, .11, "I _ � of' -we ", I "flo"I'MY �%�Afl;qQlli or, ., � , . 61 1 1"'�. L _,"... _�­, ., .1 � I ". �` L,;,, ;,,,(FIAT , ­ , ­ ., I I' , '', _­sent',At�th�Ljil I ast street ii and is now tile pill go ­ -Will, with 'avnQ- Y01109i ii Bros., 4nd build that wonderful city of Gary, Ott , . * ,� �',, ; - 1 '.4- ". � `� . , �', I. I O'n'Alli )Taylor , ,,, , . . . i") WA In I , �, , , 40i will Z.L,j 1, I . �-, ­,�i " 7 � I "i, "v� _ 11 I -, � , I ,� ,, XP " - 4NOUCTI'MM Awl � � 41,ces�we,,#, Pb�, leto see. The new proprietor proposes friendly interest the fai ' , chill Dustow M -40olborne town- tile south Point of lailke Michigan, I , "k, .� . '' ' t " � " , '� ,"eat Tith, vomns bi - � � .. � - " � I . . � I , �, , i� 3"LKItu%bl'�Nt. kp "Rff�,L I- ftl.,4­_�­ . '.!t.", , �A ItIlI;7 ttf(Aijarot Alll,tji�, ,r ber��'dt Ahe family., l "m - ), " .1' 'AA, I I , , . , 1, li . I 411 41 ��L"�." :�'�� �', , "' ` L ­�� 11. . "!1AN, ll, �.' I . 11 NI. - Al rl hOr proceed, , �, 4 'ne" , - " .---o, iii�. -4'�LPAg;#;i i 0 a . , 7" i I � j� �. .V,f.P,�, 1 -�e rs. yr, Put ice in after the Now Uix. iial in tile ease, . bit); Tiloill 'i I dl .)r-` " 1 , �� ', . W.'Untli I I , as Nil' Bert Orr Chas. the State of Indiana. A blil gtroti . , 11 11 L ' � , �� ! 'L I I 1,t� � 1z LL, ITA-SliMAR-W lox;$! - -_ . , 41(idi�g�deceas.L-,4!S,�'Si�tee�A Mrs, I . - . - . ---" . . 11� 'i ' �, - L ' 6olil " , "? _", ", "' _ il�,; Ill . , i STAR has it on pretty good It wit � � .�, ". li',� , , ", 0, , I i pi 11 - ­ e "i ,,:Pop; ) i _,­ -, . L, 1 � , N, Ili, �, ,�-. Ili , a Insi frvd�,,154�vard, Q Whitel N't 'Tholl. 1114009i of Go'derich of sand dunos and S%VJLMLP bills in the i, I -11 I food At, i , I-odai ' INA. 1 till ,.ill I not be out of place to repegit, -Jhw. 1� , I FW71111 Irelil "I ii 000atio,indiFoil5to nil ­ -1. . ­' , ill ,, , , Tqwtwarll 1:4, A'Aii that the military eal of POA -4 the proper type course of a few months been - -_ - * I _� ,� L 4 � I 11. AE -�s�plrfcii i;,ii J! 1) I , I � , Min , , 'a- U -ii 11-avitt"An ��,,W,,lrii , . L ,g;nq -4 . " 4, n 11 11 c I .1 ' - =110111111100t, . . III3444141 , here our �Aosition with ' gi ooilivert. - . Ity I'M � r . :'� '!� Q _� ' , V tar " , regarif'to, thi �� '011 also be seer,"o ,or 01 0 ­ 10, . 19 Lot .--i��uLilb--Al�Roi�,-,of-�'toro,� , Is )e hold at � a 104, deep aides ed into an up-to-date city, The . �Pl: , "I -4 I I- - � c I . - _�, ; u1n,06%,A]i , ) ' ,Lpir � "*"Alt . , e _ ,�aQ11i � 4 -,-,�.� - I �Iivo - "''L, I _'&t'#,td­ I CLOW Il , "W''T'IM Present,,Ati­t66.fuqer�. I * I the same locition a, in matter, 00tuplaint was made "And gooll, back, fou lay the folio * I ,� e l� I �'' �_ " ' ""L' li� A ll' � *At � � t '111; -,,-T_4_ JIM I 11" , , I 0 r ldfr truction for 1909 will I L , , , , - , k"'- , , 11, ' 0$ lod.. . I ��944p,*,;Kll, , L, , . Ii . - " L , L 1 0- . ,.," �� , _ - � Will "Jo -i 'L - 11 111*11­1_1 ; . � . tll W4 -:'i i,ii !09nIeS*, � Gr�at�'S LJ$:_,e of wing greatest steel works of tile world are ,;". I. - I I 4 WN't,"Plefluar, , 1. � "ll " 4, MO r i�. ,L - , 10 PC, 'i, R ,It 0 pressed4djl bo'"', 1,1� ., � - `, - - 1. '1171710 .3 � 11 � .-- ­;il�l , L'. .. -.0111 0 �4 �� ITILIM a a ltei,_ 04 old �,, I., .1 � I I 1, , 0 . , ­­.,�­' , �, ILMR4,4A 4414., 0 . , L�� I til of Colborne, anti ill Of the greatilese when we road that, ,,� " ��,L"l�,.­�; i!l, "i s, 1144100.Q.; 11i .io �l *% , , �, , _ 'L� I � w__ l � I , ,Vmptkilil� '� e Ill _�V, 4iii � I Ridgewood Park -Varm. irregularities with regard to cortain Will� � ,'�,�, .4 , VV � " ' L;pS.- - ifirilloli Samuel Gardner, A. A. being located there. , , ii , , � wjarrl ' ' �L I �b Ir " , 14. 1 - , We may judge Iii; W , .. 11 �. L , '­ 1- , L 6 , ­ LL "', . I , �i`�,� I V i'"ItIt"ll -,­_,%��,pi ,,, ­ ." 4W � %; - , 1 R - , 91-Y �, #, I . ., � t I The members of A. F. and A, -M. ballots at tire St. Hoi division in Solinsil , � 'IV ill , , �:, �, J .1.1 ,� ."; " , . I. ",P� � Alittiva R(kill Johnst of Go4ei township. ' .. , , "il`L.� 1 I., ,,� � 'J� - L 1. �, '. 'L�A,T,TQ� , gfcfl�qis , " .. " `� �� - , _ J�Q L _. . A " ­ -1 L, Lt ' ' '-, " L' 11 . 4 1 1 ,,�, � 01 , ,_ _ �",;�,L" I . Ic' __. - 11 . , . ,_ 1� 7VA;j-VIle-oll tar Lodge, - No. SM, at, C I _ I . __ , 9 I 'It' rki i I ....... - - l� ,�! - , , , "�, _"Ql --mlou. spIolIdI4 -,--- it � ,, , ,'�,�c.,�4'A.��K�i . r.,__ � I ­. I" -'L *. ", ­��jcA�se - ar ow, oil ­.",�_""A 1 �,�,4 �� ��L­,.,7- 77���=�Z�� election, and it letter was pubUslied front tit 50,000 nion. N . e,llibg't�h, it� 6 purchuised ploy some I - � .; , I �. I., ,*ill, by invitation, attend Morning West Huron in tile plant Whell completed-AlLill -l I VV - - - '. 'I - :4,� , =46 � , "O"i 1 ,�Q4 �. 4-1, . - A I I !, - - - dvelid -Q- '' , P , , ..", I ­­ " L ' ' - -, .d, file'. iiv III. Olorm . _,��4 � In .. ,ii. �R� 4;44�1"RK , uesday. to hold a joint celebration . I sera in tits will return next week to resumb his -1..1_;._J ii 11, !� 1eJr1qK71,01=_ 11 .4 �7 Mst, ��,� L,il'.�_� - '. I I 9 41,; t. � -,T; oftlwtlallt 'r �:' . TS. .. " , L ' _ , f ' 'L ' ' "' ' �' district, mention. , _�,;, Z ­,­" I - Ali � - I tile Festival Of St. John the In these columns giving what was too U4 duties of OlOotrician, and incidentally "Ill' ; �� rr0i 11 --fill- L ­ . -1 I '--i " �. - ll� Amd � , , I U11"Iflull 9.,14!� ii,vp6it'i I aptist. understood io be a statement of th , , I I- ,It ",��,,; �i", I .1 V to. �00 � ,�. 1444 "P 11.1.11 . , f ,, ��',, , . ' , L . , . ,� �,, -4 44 Al . ,:*&6� P k:811ght ebatl iiii,tile, . ��',�,".'� � , L-, �. '11, , 4, ": VAM . . . , I- " - I - __ .. , . J�,,'_ . ... �1­ .� .. ;,:� If; upo "'Ila . .§ ,0;ll I i fe, t 9 . �,Qjg Ity ­ Ve4TW . 0 - to drmw "is $120 Q Monfh. He '.. '" ' ' ' � ��."L�.,jl , 11 � , ,1 11M.., 11 -, i , ' ii'At ial meeting �of the Public . . ��..�,. IDUnIIIIA411110111. couldn't have done TrAuqh- better if he ' I ­4L.,Ci;-,a1est .,; TAr k1lip. ,Ihe,4paot:,WeokL�,thz,t�6tilli� ,", , �S L,. eIrAll ;, I � _ .. 41, �� �, sRA&W ­­ .4XOat�e - we I , , , ,� ff t . , facts, A solicitor's letter complained " I . A W"4 "I � . n'ToAIJO 0 1 ii'� �� L .1 ­.- ­ _. ". '3�1� 1i � ( k -_.,P9fidV4,'4lght decline in oit c nilLs"'W's W`ed�`;a, ',sIlor',t,"il!ll ellool ,; Docombeir 23rd, low. had stopped at home and worked ,.,�, ill't . � " � , , . - ,, '4?�Pq*r I J '. ­ " , I I efeglo ( Ill � . �A� , " L , '' ;,If board on Monday evening, of these statements as inoorreo 4 . I , ­ % _ "�� inte"6", L I - I 'noi 1:1 itil 104 ­ De- iss Jean Toni was appointed to Tull STAR took the trouble at the , , , , -�-�-�,, L & 11 �atonr"JTAW " L " , .­ .. ­; .. Obs , -11 , �. llagez ..� �.,� �x . ______ -1 t, and . ­ , `..-.I� 'i L ­. . I .,IW, r, I I , , 'Jr I I., f4 - -0. A. jk . � _ ,_ �, j�: �W­ - .0.% oven harder th n he doeer-Ur an 1� � L -1 I t. - , *,11, i -iri,V I C " 4;, �, �"_ I . � ',� . � 1, " � ,too. Vairti4t. Lucknow a - d - ", . , I .a A! ov,,Fam ,7,� ,:, �­'�,?t 11 ,, L' 1, 0 $ . hint. Geo. Ryan and their two gons ,; ., . . .. re ,; .- � .t, .. r,:, �, 1, �PP`-­' a (hf 6. wl��I;:'�'L,�be`fQf� __i�W'i��s� � cceed Alias Don by ( signed) in carliest day to par�pnally investigate, MUTVI.12010 4= ring. st, ulatarial A find two daughters Al spending a i I cy, 46 "c6ti , 911 ,* 06 "Ain argo ofti ran � W ". I - ',III -Xndat,:;z�*416 there are p4� � lite _:,4i �, 09 I: �� 4fi � 1W ,A - .,;fl:,", --At I �, ,e '' 11 - I , unior division of St. 1)avids --- ----- tgoth. : I , � , Vi "I ._*�,Wiii­ ­­ ­ �­ " If. naL'Witil�tIll ' i '14 e .... . ,, ­.­-jj.,i.__ � - I . _ . 0 tared �p ,�!�!�,LK4LPstl K"grA& Jdnoy prices Were, pti 50,�OAL.4'jil Vvitl g fie .1rd School. with the result that tile statement of T. 0. 114% Dungannon, Issuer ot few wil with their relatives in ' .. ;.,,, , � , I _ ' , .1 . " .1 � ,1,� %woodiiIiii , . I", I 10­*4'Iked­Jfcn)le,� he"'$ajA�Ai,�I!i A4111111,13 1000000 lAN.Jonvolancer. 1,11tJ and this vicinity. We are all pleased to ': f ", _- - A04"TrU."", .., ` I 1&4404" Rp,o " - facts contained in oar issuo of Dot). 4 all"40- � thr.111friniquise find Rol . L'l" , 4'r 1: I ,;l* L: f ," I I "", , � , , 11 :: - ""i - "'m A. �; . ""'Lt."' , I � , -and Trunk freight depots " I 'L _ _ . IL ' � The (it : �. "L."', , g6g. �;`q 11M."Mild; 1'11�ii y,were vqry_,'ujJj6tttea �' -L 'i- ­ ��-Wa$ a,P W 11 " 1'a"r' welcome -them and to know they are , , - li *".,_,'", _", ; ­* 'a L '' .1111 ,: ,-" ""', , - . 1 i T- - L ,,tq,'.IU I I I .1 ,,­ � 17 , M.R4 , '"lli 'tg I l�eylof 4 re"i ' ,, IA the entire By9tera Will be ,1,,od was verified by sworn declarations. .. T. To 5 lug Machines. 'OsPering PA tioir prairie horri viy ., , , 10 *464 tile , ' I xv May ig,froi I - ty , Ind 1 t may be 'r, , '10 A . A .I lj6 �tq.!�Zti '�alci�to"Illis�qrpll I.. -istritis and Now Years day, and ' We have repoatedly said that wq Allen "I, `­"'�� ,ii�'Fuxr T _&�Po L. lit P PI i 0. - - %I �1 t Ali0lrilq�nbi, dr - All "' $0TICH.-Mil'. Thoo. 0. � , ii I , ' 04 I? I '. y I , , , Al I I L ..� J: .1 ��' - A, 0 '104 , , , , '-c�rlf stlllag��'AS high �� � his" attend�n�e,,,�'at . pubita, jq I" I - '' , , is L. I 1, � d %%,h%,,%,tb4�. regular corremp 1. k: " ,,, �:� I d ter. Lr I freigirt trains annulled I , loutiont to Benson Cali aad Ed. ;! 1, � �i ..4 lip T, 11 ji�� , 11 . � (I -pojf. I t 6harge wilful or arimin *� �- lb�', li .`­­i� Ia 19, .. , '1, j-601fiff I _.._�, � 's i thicketith,�;ootigilt WaS, PL,Anoz,li AitbfullyT -with the do no &I V. Anagild neighborhood, ill ronto univult- Al of TO- ..., ;'L'��, i�� ir W5 ( , , Xceptioll of those transporting live t, ru A"0111 I.- - . -L 0 . li . r If II IVUO" al to It .- �,jq t, ors I'll �.:,. I . of. on . 4,; 94 t ­ ,.;� .1 it _176111 l4i 120. 1 L . duty', �' ThO',latQ , Mil J- 4.8ulAir. '. for L, i , ll � I . I 1, onotj . _ Yj d',`.!`u.`lnftnui,i X.Ans.-Mr ul Y-' . ,,",r��tLL,� 1% W .!0 , L �d 1, . , V, , *n tock and other Perishable freight. t Olt the part of anyone in Ili" 9. "i wilAar and . I -1�1 - , - �;tj3um J� lit �4" ,4011 : J,� V_A n re ws,n I ilippol a cark I ' ll - . I ,IQ , , D r _ ­.­- I .. ", ­ �Aw­llji I* bil it .c.0,,0&ty,t;0 " _ '. - 'i L7", N , ,* '' " " ­ o"Pf 1bi . _ _ , _4 _ - ,Io�,rla iAM _ r 0 4,uv_ ;,� K A 4 , I "'Jorik":'t L' 0 w1fa'ativivad"llI, ti I'll tboir ------ - - '- " 7;,1P*_1%AW� f lo or. . ., I , ,�� I" !�;, ,,� AvIii 'i "_ ,L':, Ad I -Fiqll,lp 011,,�Vlbttl . I ;�, L Wortiolls' made a record acurrence Of these irregularitiost all -P !��,;�*M:6w,_Totlos is y ' L .. . .... ­ I . ;P.- ":',�A_�,!!! �4 , I . �., � .. �4'10.0t',­li EDO (14)ul".w 4I I lt�, vear8,.,a.'­pfttjpiJ� � or in sales " I lit'll I, going parents, Mr. ft;17b 1111.11,4 1120, Cile'.. I I, .. � . I �, -, , 11 ­ � I ,, , W _1 a ,. , .1heAristi,potli , 9 1,Fy I— � ­.* .l'. �� �. cytw I ,1H ' t, , "' - �, , 1. ­ � .1 sit Saturday, when they we do not think that either ono,' al*wl 11','�,* head till pretty high '. -*,,,�7: , qn p Y ­��,, , � Ouryent,wholu��I'l;ioic,oI car".;*, � ,.ft ,,,. . sold two . . of Miul , ,1� " 11 ... .. 11 .. I I 'L 1. . I ,�,,�', , � "L�' ( , "," Up L' If _ ,_ P , ,. %y 1, llgef; and heati miaQ not , ".,L ', of Ashfield.-Roberil, Ott i3prang All, . I a ,� .,,,4 , I Tip " � .. , ,,, ag stoves irt., domandi4our atten- ­ ". ,,".,?,�Z�, � -to -Abo" -1, A 44,U7,3(Za,V,r1. ,I I to 1111,; -t0r:�11h4f,_%,VIi.J - A , surprise o . I ��. " �,!"" �, � r I "., ". . I-1.1 11 , , I I .ri '��.. "4, � ". L ' ' . ' �:,-,4'., � two the Parties now ho his old friends any . I .1 pl,�., L In his folk --�'42­12,-, - ' ' " " �,: _ ��Orripbsej­."cf':,�'StarlW y"tTI, at 1 ' ' i -1 �.,�,,T_ 1*­� Afl ' I T Their ai danco 'at court axe justi4ad in. dw y? , , .,,:,r�...,", - I �Y�" � 4� �, I `�, .7''.. 1 their near Crowe � . ,o. '" A �­",­­,'­'�'­; ....... ­,�­�,, ;�­ It, ,r,,,�, 7 ininuites tim;. 10.00 f"41"Youbotl An _"'It , ­^ 0 U;'JPPK'qWr�IPILL',',',.,,..,.-..,,,,L,,,-,....,,.,,,-,,,,, ,440 , , vae Ilia will .WbOVA lie dropped in on hem Tuesday, . . � , ift , 1 �4� OP, , __1 __� I I -1 C . 11 Ill 11 '10shmerl , ,',Thd­funq�#l.,t took pity W44V , - - ­. r. TRE STAR had something to do claim that will have llbeI4.4 t)f9­M-- _ CYPIling. Robert is located � i 0 , .1r, 1��15` � Mi A " , I � 2 is, ". ffcm"OeC611�e � ate�:� in] J" . , 4 ­­Q"V­ � I M, & )I U. jtlqo, - L - , 4 1 I J " _i _ ,� ', , ,:l(I L I ,, 'P" ., _ . - 1. �Zl W, � I gur. � _ �­ ,.,. � ­ I _ �,;.` ,f ith this, they gay, mild we think ? � I Vsent h a hoinestead In Saskatchewan I. ­.. M .. .. '. A 'Ll" � 0, o , ed,him wit on Ill �L, I I we had no such in I .� '14 . 11W.1"Wri 11- torition, JxqW,arl Ot 11 and . ,­, ,��'! i�l:,�,, ,I ' ft o help Ill I - _ _ , . desiro to wrong them b4t ' ' Acti - __ . , -- bt - - ,� lkff­_� . ,!, W! , ,;; Aci 0=1311-, . I i __�"i`I`-'4"_ . I . Lu I �_'-1 � � .1 I -, I. :Z'c I � �. . I ., �,, . 11 . - I L �'­­­­ - _ . I 117�'I� - . r.A.aii _:w __ �__ _,.:� , ­ `817-itiout rk car --tviliefill ,81A`arA­GUrI`I4ei1�ietZion of iQk0.d,At0 . ; iie " , '. �, �641 Wit . I - , . WqTio Al, arrived (gom,84skiii Tj�: inted on thel G. S. R. some o1i public journal 4i , re '. but it's 01401, . il, I . - it 9howan 91i . 1. _,;., , 10., '? To"Osday to Ar4it, la4 � :.4, - r . . 011,40ill 0 M1, rell I I . lf'. Pleased to �ill " . :1'. ; undorwen4jan otiftiltion. in to :..'such 1700�)a%,ltio4,:,-,i#�-.'�����",, , xt tivas hotel. �� ,, a - . .,..; ­ ­. I , Itu i�]i 'L ,e,� , foeiioi,&�, -1. , I , . ., .. j� I �� id . bot . otlil Alex. i4 il I .., Andrei. .110SPI ILIA# Nveleu, - ls �, I 4 ho*% _ , , __ , ,.. � rtordst� sIlA416- crit " - - �"Jl # ) , I , - 11 . ­ hill, , - 74 Vill plefti �. 1 tf."', ;'*-L'Al 0 0 Ali" " A' n Y, 0 4Lq., � re r t I - L , � 0 1. W 1,4WAP I r .1��i 1.,1M.,.1 � I , ­ '. ",',"�"j'�'.'��"`�" , , - &to 141- ­ . - il , vlil�&, L''; ", Ai I 414,11160all .. .r . *61�. , . *,h,,. �_,L, ., I . .. Mi All ,. ' .1 ­ _ y "". L, '��Jj,j";i�`,,�:� - 44N,Fmn ". ' A . - ��� � r ,,�,, , � ,,�ip � , ,, � , , , t, -If " �_ ,��'L ' `4 " 311 Ili '. , V ` ­ ' , -il I I '_­: r;�,,,., ,C., ,�' '�,;, 7,�, ,_ 0 '�'j,!, ,. 1144160 "' , 0 1; , �, , ." ; iMa"I'la 1, a�,., �,-t�'_.��ll , ,� ,��,�,'*,"!-�'��,,,,���,,,�.-.I,Lo-,�.-L "L .� ? i�i I IV. I . " ��J..:,. I. I. �_, , ­ I - =0iFt4V** I ' , , I ­ �, �= ,; , ,;;�*r,., �� �, . , ,li�, , , ,,, � . � � , _,, , , , . ". , ". - �.-. ,7 ."VIN , A , �­ . r;..,,,,.., , ,� �C�., ;��'.', C�,,��, � � �% 1�1' -- . I , _ I , "I ,t,L' � ,�`,! 'j' a " , ,a � ;6*i l .. � ., _,�";A � '. I I il ".., I am I , J ,1 ii �t" ... .'s, I , :: . . , IL; I . 5-1 -1. . Z . � .11 , I . ;0 I 511"I'Ll"Nitlop,lil 4, - , ", 1,L""' ' ,::!!, 0 , ,*%40'W i 6�,, 11 ; , ";, .. � I�Zlm."ZMAW=41,09%' till . 5r:Mn. "i,, pt"I'MU'r- " 6, I � . ,; 1`.,4f� - 1.3 V#..4..r*. , .i prq.u� ,,:I ��, ,, . . L:l:1 * I . ., " "-,LV,Y.,- t , � Ritk., 0 All , , , *da"Q W I I ;­ , �-­ i i-l�, ,-Ugeli Egna, ,.) '. lt.;,,, I , _ .,,:1 ��,11 . :1� . I ]_� 11, . . . `�lll - - I -, 1 7- 1 � _ 11i 'N,44- 4,­,�o 04;0 t, , itVaeath came., .. ,�,-,�. ll 1,611d , I illoi, , � Iti ""." _ .1; I I f1ii Ill ­ 0, , voi blot , wi" AA ,%f�;mvav I � . . . ­ 11-0 a I.... I .. i- � ill. . ! 4 ... '..� I'll ,6 , fo 11 I- L I '�i ,,, $ , , Ain RR'E , .1 a that the datorls, I *tlorki AIC �1,1�� L 11 , . " n it : t, - '^ A _ # * . �, . 7 . t 'L ­ .. 0 " , _ , 1611 -4-----"-- ea I - , _ 11 � _1 .1 --Ali . 4-'J. .- )1J. I . ­ .20 lov� I . . . . . !��n__F­__l , : I -1� .1 V ... �� - . . I , , � __ _.. 1. , outside ill -tin - -df- the I W I ., ­ . - iflu,_­ . � L --'- - ' I - -11, I'll, 111i � ­ �, - "�, -P to , W,J tp L., WE I emi ...... ­.. ..... 1% IA A _iliRW_THE_CIIi`URIl 1. 11 Wat good sized , . m_ � 11.1 � � rid 1?i Q �, pichow ,two AD to To t . The fast , I i I I. JNVESTM, T-1.1, L ii�­fxjvm_ ­­_ m4 ,11'i_ I . 4 U ..., , ... es �, I � . , . 11 . it) .:��,:.,::�­ .1 ........ I .... 8 to In .. . .:: ".. 0 leads and will , g he'w after. weren't -good onougi , I L. At'rarworavo IF-ritil P ), : 10 I even now mi �% G . I .- I I., _'be 6: � It I b .1 : - � - �1 ' 0 _­ W ' L . u 6 ...... ... 1. " , il a the ,plectorts'at & mee I - §TQJM , A =1 ., " Rev. J. G, .'. 0 lA,.,uqlecl easily. I, th, '. 19 dill, l"g. ..' 7voRb al-VIT"l HE , , W 0 .8 r - - -il ,,a reene, Of Cl, , publish such. Surilly tills Is in Will terest of local option' to be Dungannon, I I ' __ 0 anti an" I 11 " waAI,,;o;; inton will , . '' �. �1' L: .. fed ................ ( r Thoaxectiforaoi tbel,d '"Ai Achation'd 4' Oull"kthlili 01168110 i I td4:t . a I. ............................ A 128 to 0 11 jol (D.V.) preach in the Baptist cl�lurch i At be -11 I " � ricti tti I so he left them I - hill,CberalioTga.1.014, 0 hold1l" , . I 1-111 hall, Dungannon, are. ii tures tbe P , 't This SaItford brewery will again be malicious nor libellous on out'lilart. . tate. hava decided to a br file whole astate .LW MA, o on* 6 30 10 ,O ,4u on Sunday. Mr. Greene is well " ` . ,� . lial Beet rare Alartar ...... ..... .... 7 00 to 0 % , I for sale, conmilli r IN - �aawc ad no : ttOTaterifillo p '�a,thql hin as, r ................ sun La , , ion tf 'ffi'velling of I estate, bonds, do rOP% " aid ,I)e0d, the property , . " I bouturatt and aboa .. .to ____ _ . having been But we filliduld be open to a worse .., Tuesday, Decent- SCHOOL REP'011T.-The following Lies WIN Ing invest. f 'God ittill the suarl at Ill ,6,q. for 1.1, it (to known in i5oderich. A cordial we]- btirobased by Mr. 110LIther, tire big It mentR will roceii-A I I i ticulars of the same purpose of paying tile 9 mount It a ' --------==-_z,-�:��=--- , . boi- If. Thero aro so niany i tile standing of Ill inapils of th , � l 01% calling oil the 61 nit: r& ­ ­ A I . -1 'i . Mlim Actuil Executrix. Pact Of thd -said debt railw., 9 wilting f -t,ors o Dungannon a � , . the Raid years tar Principal and 11,1,01iiii o'f _ L come to all visitors and strangers. 'P ti chAl'96-that of unfaithfWnes to i6e 6i (!liar t � a I 4ftst 111, re- , . � 0 breiver. I 8 also said he has a '­ . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tile annual entertainnit & �ll have control of tile building Public interesti and Lite sacredness . .�, 1� � ��� � , IQ & This ByLaw nhal� A ill t:,, �T - public school for Decent. . * ,� ­ � , f � � L '. ,, - . i "'Oui Executors. the final "Ing thei an I ect II a ent and *I 'Victoria street, Goderich, recently of our franchise, if we allowed to Dille' I . , ., non that it's becoming terious. bar. Sr. V --Bert Wiggirla ,rOne . . � I Ia. " :06 day of IPI I4.'A,n.. N 4 . Seapon*� Grectinga-W. L. Lindiffly ....... " Christmas tree of the Baptist Sul- - oil C. P It. being firtilt in, but . ., ,,, Goiderich, Dec. fi. 1907. 1 fl, That the vote of the cloot,ni the said , Oliver, Vora Durkiin, E tile] Glonn, , ) .. .... led as boarding un(I fored stable,;. tile �­ I have t,i do gowe litli ing. p I I �� Town of Uoderich will lie I CaltladaN and Diaries -000. Purtar ...... 8 dgy school was I teld on T'Llesi P Pass without question or protest the -1 MeKonxio, Ethel Case, Clara . ,t. I �1' -aken oi JsBV_Law E 8 I - . I at tits Santa hourA, on t1i ... a day, fit tile Yell - ' eat il . Ill --Ta ube and Son .................... 4 evening. It was a successful all� � Dr. Clark ill 0111JOILVOI-ing to at-. 7% Doirnin',4 family ri �111 CARD. same Places and by rile sit 4t.lIg.tFrOturning Seartinable liar" ii worgens .......... . At, happy gathering, the little ones Il kange the establisaililent Of a 111011th- ha�_o arill as her lifj�lu�t %%,,(.I( JAN. I I * I . . LEGAL oflieeroam.t,��,,".N eloctio"le Occurrence of such irregul "i SP`oIII, li().N' Medd, Poad Ili . Council foi:11W 1) for I f�lunlcipai NitilloNon BanJcruptSU)ok_HowelI Hard- lUlMittodly . "'I " 19 t') :; Ili Jr V Corib Allen, ll too. Ca e, I, � � T L K11,LORAN. BnrrIs-er. 8ollattor, Not- 7. (,a. .. ...................... .... � . nishing a large part of the program 1� occur , 141 N%lihout 1111t4ll lt A Jo 8 ,Iv I ,:, . Ill It ary,kc. MoneYtolloolif atioNye,ticutront t on tile Second It ­� 5 � . Horso MaT-ket day, to Ile held , red in this it n1a6 it y Of ary A.D. waine 40 111114i 1,orue Astry the rown ingtance, warniu$ t,, ,,I i,t,i- III,% ifw, Yi Melville ratim Office air Noith Atract, near has low, at Ills offieff In the TO a I Ai rs - The Scotah SLoro ...... ...... 4 With recitations and choruses. Mr, I(Yoderich about tile 15th I I f elu,J", 11 010till. Sr. IN'-- 1411fly A at : _ ____0_ - - - Bradford 4 cities. of Uoderich, at the hour of I lock in the New Year Al -w. u. Pridbam .... ..... r, and Miss Heinicke rendered violin month. Vi liol)( all entoritrising ORItll A I � N fittiv Ivii Llint, til(i Mary NfeCoIll t - - forenoon, the Ain hall Opp i - yor I& 171 I . Advance Hint, -J- H. Collborno..L.. . 0. JOHNSTO Barrister, solicitor. igned by lihn.el . twn On am , final summing or) of the ra M-0 Conimb-slaner,111401tary PAK )to, Goderich It . E t Our 01700tings-Hodgena Bros .......... ... 8 1 illneati ,%, 1(,.I" -rt EAlis, roportod Fanny Fill Verna McNally: I :, t. t. 0 0 0 0 0, 0, 4, Ont Office-Bunalton st, and oile per -on to nuend at bid ..... 4 duets, and pastor C. R. Jones tol.1 citizens will help till? Ilchenle Ii A Correction. ,,,, Mostyn Sands' - , 0 : ,, 0 11h. or, Many Thanks the story of Dickens, Clixistma� as it would Ile it goo(I tIIiIlg. To tile 101tor of Tits STAR. it) IZSt�k%,,pk A 1-11p, pll(lefl IT, h.q. (111ii Silli10%., �', - I on behalf at title vori,,onfi intet, i -John Stead . ... .......... it 11, I . � �, � � --- - strains of proluoting tile pa�jnp ,, . pit'. Ara Our Patroing-Cameron & Moore ...... R Carol. Santa Claus was not pre- 11 , I'atirm Smitt" . Y ENGINEERING. and a like number art behalf or I 0 y-J'aw, Invitations have Ile(,,, isqilt)(I for DRAIL SIR­-Tha roniiii slid deatl Viidi Ilml-11111g. The 110 ,N1 � rt III li I,awroiiee I . t , ortifing In. sent in person, put Mr. Bert Vii jiiiF Xmas Alas Smiley, " .Z- terosted In and dosirong of oppo .0111hly t() he bell, Ceasealn,41% lt-i-li,,Itf,ll(�,itlit�lt(l%.Itllq.(.(I kilvIla 14,1111111y, Stephen Metl(l. ill I dravilic Xnaineer, Ontario ll Surveyor. & Tire Clark of thol Ai Mol , ' "I I., AUGHAN M, ROBERTS.-CIvIl and Hy of thi,; By -Law, .. ., ppa,,sing , kins made a good substitute in the it, criticifull by ourold townsman, Call ago Of 6,1 N P.i ILII.I for' S,,IlIe lillile .�. �, ill � ce 0 corner Montreal street, I ounall V. M. C. A, NOTES. �the Odd Followm Ifitil oil Tue-Any Trethoway, lit tile hanquell toridered past "'Ilia" I'VI"Itland. Arthur Itoach. , 't ll I G torte 'F4.'1'.`AA'h.'0.'J.'i 37. Of the TOMI Of Oodoriell Rhal At avitill distribution of the presents upon thc evening, Dec. 29th, Ii prolli, had III-, if Ili l lipaitil, nrill knurn F,i Lorr McKenzie, 4� nice in tile Town 141LIJ at, t r f 0 O �0,1 L-L_� �M�;�=n= '�__­: ­ N- __ O'clock in Lho forenoon on tire r 18 11 tit(, 1111trillorm of tile towil, I Atli, a- there -19 If,, ,i,miol tint I,(.,. 11(,atli: 1.,(Iltll I-qo, ,If,,. , . . �%ti, 0 The County committee of tile Christmas tree. The fluron Pi 'to be tile social event of tilt) (!or 14 MurVI .. _Y,�, AUCTIONEERING A1). IUM, to sent up ttlei a of ain Young Men's Christian AssocilLti f)Il ess, Miss E. Skimings, contributed fling , ::,Durnin, Itne ' . ,,, �A though it ,wi 1,1,)%% I,) III-,- (I lt�il(l . ,J , �`,'ii - .U11117t; for and awall th it. BY -Li or f votcs of Iluron County, field their TiLlar- a quidrain to tile pastor, waek. The music, will be flit. nifflied I I'llid will riot only do thit; imi'll harm, ' 4. ig Stothei-4, ula � N till, snII(14 I Ralph I : 1: �;,;, a great pi t., ll,,Igelf. The flinend Dislier Hazel Curr, Fr I . 'r�­ ' 90RUN BECKETT, General Auctfori mt, tile town [IS well. lip broullit Ill I-Irrington . try At Tickets and* Catalogue day of ]ill) I I "I, � . - _,�., P J t .::, :.i��.Aw,',ll� � May the Christmas Tree J4 Gibli Nuinher ;)if roll 37. . , 0Q.11ne-W-81412-ellto . 0. Box 1113. ko'kill It third time.and pashed if, terly ineeting in the roonis of the as follow.' by the Blackstone 01-choli I took p1li ,,,, s1o,,,,I,,% fl,)Ill till, I.e- 1,4i ' _. Mayor. . Y.M.C.A. in Clinton, Tuesday even- The tearri on Bi4set's Ilis boat her e from Harnin, Or I oint sidened ,If I ,,I 4,,,, ,n la%%, Ill% Tllll� 11 it. 11 N6. Principal, ��"��`�`�,L Clark. Bring good fruit to thee ; nr)rt, If ri Edward . anti Nvo are ILI "-, " lk �, - ing, Dec. l5th, Messrs. Iflair, Mi delivery wagon ran awity yvstfwda� have him r0I)ITI. Sr. I I Eli r �'�11'4 Ill DICA L NOTICE. May thou, the New Year, . 1 Ploal" to Stothoh, %%it), %%I,,,,,, iiif- ii.L,l 1,,,41.1e,l 4) the above I I and S. 0. which ban �,:-��,�- � r couldderatfirin by the Municiinfil . � Take notlee that Calluni, Scott, Hill, " Cul arld Many forld hearts cheer. ado it rallid circilit .r ..f Noarq, 114.1 11'I'l Brown 11 rl ll 1,1111"ifivid Arider. �,`,',,'.'�-:',,T� BENSON W ITICLY, M. D- C- M-, M. C. a Provo I! copy of morning, &it(] n Its well all the others for a nuinh, ,ll wintering in (;odn ,�'.' ".1, Office and Surgery- Kingston *8treei Cradle- Town qf Godarloh tin -i( ('11 I X. P. -ad Bv-Law it Into Flerning being prosent. Crescent fill(] several A -h- It was 'Tot havinil slime ti%f. \t-itr I ., .-."",�,:,, . It which be tinally �.. I , The treasurer's -v at , ;1.1�11 \ ,I'll, Willio Fitzgerald. . 1-ftPof tile The entertainment Ila(] not bee of St-Georgeq . I 11,101hdas � her streots. ,rhe rnilk bottloAt ll tile fault (if Godorich or thig harbor Marion 1),.4l . that 110 d,rAohe5,0(l tile . , ", " I passed tity the said Cauffell (in I report showed advertised, but the cl All r n lial velry large lititlibf-I ,If fl Ivl�d, , 11 to 10 il on. 1IhonoA_ M-001111; or tile oleo a boin ob I . IL 1!,: , I I 011100 in R-IdAlle.p. Bit I ones and ornpil Inul It great Rhakc � Honm-9 a. in. �'hoir's,',','a )H had been received since Sell. done their part wel I d e ititivernti 1"" I Jarvi-4 Andomon, Se()tt . v . $480.r . .� . artar one month lit I. a blicattall 1,5th, 1 and the atil ordorn in arriviiiiii after night, acquaint aireq "iti Ali I SleNally. �� ... I thereof fit Tits 4 it" I.,; . F. GA -1l M . the 4 which, added to the balance of, ance was excellent. up but except tile in, Air after M% rile olivel., Ilaxel ., 11:4tinp. - ft, M. V. 1'. and 8. : Publication mi jid Toy of hich first ss of a quftntit.v ment It, Dnr,qan,,.,t, I.wl,ell 11 'li .� r. Offloo and Surgery--jordan Block, C ill the hour, day it places t r, and thdt hand at that time, totaled $746.10. -as little loss. "lill (:Ierill. Fred Mmlol-. �%�,11, � bT.. Street. 0 it of milk, there vi till' I!IORO of rinvigation. Tilt) ('1`40 though the daN %%:I, %vl� ...dd N, "� 'i � Office Hgum takin the VOLOR a a al r Pulated for tit(, Errinkitmi. Ilani River". Middlo , -9 a. in. to 10 P. ill. Phone I P.�0111V`i Of thig suni $il hali beer, ,)aid tile temperance and moral reforil eptubpr. hitit was I A Rev. Dr. Chown, s'ecretary 0" (if naVigatiOn WILA ii - I 211100 121, ­Idoinen 1496 � be hold. olit, leaving a balance in thn'troasury department of the Methodist church. Most of our sailor boys are hi Hot of Do 2il an(] Capt. . , extondet RiPLI N 1.1% -, X111,i IA"% Will 11 1\11, Carr, 1,',,Ijtli "n.1141 -ii, Ruth �_ - --­ W. A. . for the ChriFttillas fe,itivitio's. alli It tO tile I "y witness A ki-,-i; cmit'.'t 110we'lit \,I] I-NNIor. f1ii �';ll Eflith Antler. RS. N11MERBON ft TURNBULL of $102.85. D - "Millerk. Trothow a *T. Rifolinins"i M. . I '. The niatter of will - preach in the North stre( t i8'NPloasing duty for Tm., STAR to arril., 011 Or' ill(! 13th. It itif true the field anti WIVA41101,11 S'll""11119 "Ill ,,,,, Jr if till [if -,)%,i Harold . I . yLlutafflitil.L. M, t. incorporation of Methodist church on Sunday, 27t'l join with their many frionfis in wel. range lill were off I i I . . cint. I Infito cornmerve lit �l :31) it Ali , III'l -'i 11m., I 11 - . -ed inst., at 11 a. ill.. and in the ever. Willing them in undiminished nurn. l It had alldaytillall %khollit-44,11t thl,111-11c, 1 rv!�,,,4 Disher, Margaret iNfedd, offl At SL Iftono 102 PUBLIC NOTH; tile County committee wits deferi arl" IIIO 6,411 \1 Itill'N. k1loll, .111,1.4,)Il 13011, Dr. Etnerson'm Residenci I, ,, l site St. GoorgdVeriftira . bano isil, l ('11i Ite(I%*0r'4 \1191ii,ttine, J; tbtI#A,oi I)i rr CitivenA Local o ti nifinittoo in Winghani on tire 8th and WIT of church. In the afternoon, It 4 Ord winter'A rest after it goagorl'. forfeits ll %-;,1111.1, ,.I l'"'.1- ragX 11 HE i , 1, . till the ftnnual� convention to be hoirl Ing will Occupy the Pulpit of Knot bers to tile old il for a well 0111.11_ v runIovoll. 1)(1.11 ,..Z have Al T1101 -V :LW 11 I 1-i 1-1 � . wit" '" ar"I "'i I -t with Rafety be � - JL Wishes to I At b _ allovii to remain (,lit, I telegraph- 1,41%% Elliott. I",dgilt' Carr. Frank Dr. Turnbull's Roaltionoo.-Mantreal Street, car. Part' ta the a At PlAO Ilia be ess %\ " appalling any on At I a Ttu I! that lly to- February. o'clock, he will addr ., battle WitIT the 'troul waters ,of fill if,(, Marine departinctit at Will Rhof,t il I, -,t,,,,. Ill.. 1-4, I GIVIIII. J'r ­ _­ - -1 .. ", n r a . r Waterloo, rear Public Libm - r , y. , r - .,In she coming, t or Apt cloal hanoril . A" a meetinjt ,our I - , - - , ­­ ­ -1- Vbone�lf;i - foundation. con n , I , AV111lidlit MI'- I'. C. Morning, County secre- for men in Itle tempe'rance hal , Aitken. . and re ived promptord Ottawa Pay Chi Illltlliof� 1`1 al, tllf' ll If willi Thwiii,ii Jr. Pit. . . .. i (79 ern to remove I . )IIAIw 11 Irvirm ll GIndvLt Errington, r - - - - --.--- I re . . . . holl an, tairy, reported that five placca hd,l All male voters are invited to l 'Santa Claus' parade fron, tile (,,,I, t to Hill)"(' lit Onee. After waitiing Ing sroire 111.0'. t.dli It %h-,I.A at ];,,, A Si-th. Sadle M-intain. Frvitith t STIFTELD NOMINA-ill - been organized Airice Sept. *III viz present - none excluded. Ever� Station to Cameron & Moore's . 200 N 41-tl*', " ('no' P"'tz" "ll I %%':' Sand,. flemN ,Ste--vart, Georgle ply,811011an and Surciti. SaW attentign to .. R. throo days for favorabla weatfier, fie rcar, nose and t taut. A Winghatri Goderich, Clinton, 1,,xc wi n. 1. MeNti :i7, 11 I,',,,,g,L,, (;jI.III, All idea and gisirldence I one Should hear this able speaker, store oil Tuesday last waq witt Bank of Mai gmto post office, I ter. tlIg ll()I*toh %%ik,4 ll Put in com- to . . at - A in - �- 109soll -Il I Lih, ErV­ al War - Wept street, Godarle . Ttionifermitio.1 atepayft he I*OWIIRhip %rid Blyth, with a total lyiernhol-Rhip ' � _­ 62 .geting of tile r held ill ai Saw Services in Victoria street churcil by hundreda, and for- it Onto %-,-I) militsion anti till, lltll)%- and anchor . -a I I I I;. - I - - -7'r- ": __ - -'-- - - * - ' - __ of A. fell will he 11 41, T 14ii 1). ( I It ­l,',. 17. yvii I\,,iq. .\I,Lri,, iiii.e. Wit1hur _ . 1101140 (14a ill on M In. . . h. itift ill OR at P"e"ent 14 130 younp Arlon. A on Sat,bath, conducted by the pa�;. he distributed progentq it) tile (!hill' %%oro towed in between lil Viorm for 11. Shrltber,t .1!1. 1) (i J7, T '-;ti \w1i .NI-TKfvi/w It e las,4 oll of litilev d- safety, and thum qnve(I it., MUSIC CLASSES. dollook noon. to abon for the boy9' department hall been organized ter, will be of a very sp'ecial char. ren in front of tile store Il W WIren thill III, r, - % I ! I i, l. I t, 11ort 11radford, . 0 0 and Then Allen 45, (; l l"?"I 16, i .1--l-Il in USICCLASSES. Councillora for 0 "'I 0 r tit Poll be ro- at Winghain also, and all things con- acter. The morning a' a TA('I1Mi arrived fi distance out Stan 61 Ili Its'.. " I . - 7oured voting w, e I 0), Taiday. 3A subject w,ll noiayand lively Renne, ,%4 $I - , I - 'I ('-]"I"' :"4' StAflli RI%VI;, IIVIN C,ill'. (;.,I-,I()Ii I ,.Iv th, I&J. train 0 , . n., sidered, the work accon)plishool 111) to be, " The ily Gatherer." ]'I Ie to trip w.v4 a ,.I "leee Aide iii 4ounded many lianger whin .M.gAn prepared to I, tile Ai d - uplis pill follin%places ft .1 � L of advertising t I C. Ellill l .1 )ll VI 11, 1"lln III ...... Oluk It f"(wi-At'lls'Telti a an Thadry; atisin t'L',. no,= A ..Aleal AtAkIng the date, an ( I the Prospects Ill - � Kindergarten Atathod Ott 0 vo �� Deputy lie. . for the full evening subject w Ill be, I, Laqt One. LIP4, alld tilt) govornment fog horn I .! ston 48 .1 1"111114.% A.,P, 11". .1'.1111 forrint and Rtbor information car, ejearn It turnin 'arso . I , . - -_ . Thontson's topic stopp * t t off?a TH09. 0. A weroquiteencouriLging. Ifereported Thing.,;. " Both of thil subjecLI __ - �_ - answered prornptl% 'rile tug Iforton ston 9 1' C''.11I I7 -11­t�, .�;. (, 41. : , lifield. that there 'iol,.t&�,,I, to $tAliall I ell. --.----,. ____._,__ : 0 Wa. John I.,, _,.'). li- 'I Jl - MISS EMMA A. AkDREVVA. oodol.1 were now lit the cotmtv, are appropriate for the church and, t, �� .- - I � - rninent, to aRmIst incon, ing boats Johnill .'. 1. .1 I:lli.,it :j2 'I'll,, S -.11()()I, RF.v()Rr-rl tollo". 22 young men hall been followed by tile year. '" ( till ()it gove annual I'll -l"19 -f 1114- --ii Ing I% the De(entil in-intilly report 1N8T()14!Pn1,�,1TVIl lbr IAS R 20C]l , Tuesday, Steele anti Sullivan, the 1)"t at' tile ROaROII waR closod she was 12 corremponding Arnernhers, anti that the day, being the last Sabbath 'It JM)OIl CRIMINAL ( I 9 sul"1109041 to bf, erriployod by the . Notice ll harobs, . .-sri lotters anti looked after in the places two men who InAt week pleiule(l The Sterling Bank gr * ii of ­1111nifin;ion anti riot in shape will be I vld it, (`tid 1:111-Itt � Ill for S S. No. 14, Stanlev. Names oonntA or - a told ,�thrf b back so, The Salvatif n Army,are havir g, 00 on N041,1'. -I I� - . Ia I nil, to which they liful gone, by Y.M.C.A. their Christmas tree on Christmall WaS , handAtor action Ia I 11 PO Il to a charge of att.eirlplei high to got IlP All Tire TeouniFifell .1-111a, % 61 h, al I it) of tilt- three hili in eacl, cla,% light. btit after tile dinitreas trignalFt Iii to. I-- 111-- ai %%md it, aprear ill i (It merit, Senior .., Raid estate are WTI tot a b Al to officials ; .and Rome of these halt he- night, at 8 O'clock. There Is a li the old " vm - 11,11"i \ 1,111 At filith- Al Stephenson,Morray M. OV CAXADA to An I Pi I, to way robbery, came beforn Ifig flonor tho lug Two Nfaellf; steamed lip and MO. %I" come members of tire ARIrsociation program to be given by the childreill Judge DOYIO for ftentolitiae The Ile HERD l - TORONTO oodartah. me I IL 0. REV,\% I Ignoo. in the places to which they had of dilalogues, recitations, solos, qua Als, wont imt promptly and toll hisr into tondail i� ,­lri Foill-Ter, Rvina McBratil. -It' L4, lini foridants having receivoi Fitr(-h llii inior C . W� - 60. - , gone. tile harbor, although (!apil Troltheway WE) ,1,.,. It "'I\ I]LIIII\ I'll Ill fifth -John Kehl, Heri,ert Jone%. . 11 , --- .2.- tVt ­ 4 1 AtOgoont of Al hhb tettes, music, and a Christmas song charactem from a number of wit (filled to girp any evisdit for thin, and toresti i wi� III(, %%t,,I,I,f,v ,,( Senior to -mirth -Arnold I'Vill fill . IT he - f the (?Oro All) t 4 In- . by Bift i of AL NOTICE tl I tj fa the The financial budget for the year entitled of Looking Out for San(A net""l at tile 10,14 court. llim Honor 7 In 1) fto � a Nritnumn roftive � It b a th orich all OlArt Lt, allowed thorn to go on FmAppil o ell wa,lit tho onIN mariner at tile hanquet HIS" Lotl l and Th,,, .1 McBevi Sarah kilthwell and Han- I ZpAW doldite 1909 was estimated at $1800. Claus." Twenty pieces in all. All 4 Deposits. n 101"to ali el r . ist I . �il lit011M The committee is arranging an ex. are welcome. sentence, and bound them ov to F'aV a word againat tile best and Patill it: the v-,�ido-nve, of ill(, bridt, 4 ned, DInsdale. Jitnior fourth -Allan I nk, aarfunfe" I All , �� appear again on tire 22nd or to Fiall harbor or) thig shors of Lake rnotlidi \1, , %%'I I I Pierre. near Fits -her, Herbert Kehl, Walter Mc- (( . � . . N, LildrAl eallent programme for the conven- New 'Year's Sunday In Norfli 1909. March, I I ti roll. I realk, think we allould Crewe, ,,,I \\ ... It ... qdn,%, Derewher Beath. � Senior third - J. mes Cot . , Highest current ==;=:t__ ,l , tAtY.TronA. tion in Wiqghaln on', February Sth Steele and III Mr Goo. Steele I - rate of Interest _.=___ - - .1� r, street Methodistt church. It - . ­ � I lenog: he morning, Rev. Dt, Y . suitable for the occasion at both and 'Sullivan anti Williarn Ill anti frionda. brid4ilos 11�11.:L,, \11-9 Miami l'i-wee. .1tinint third Alec. McMurtrie and paid in our and 9th, and are looking fomard to a I Muqk were each bound in 1he sum of $5oo, exPeet better front Our own citizens ,16th. It, th-, aitiottillml hmir the ]in%, Willie McBeath, Anna Hood. savinge Book Deparlbso-fl-I W. E. IKI@ Iyattanded andmost sitwessful services, ill per y ention in every rospi . were each bound in the gurn of $200. DONALD McKAY, (%pi strudlill the - '...I,],; �,f ill,, %Nfldihi 1,�itrrti Wa%ri rqtml, Nelson r I Olt dell"011ifts Alf P fitid upwiltdo, WATMUA*Aq - -..--"-- Chown, Toronto, secretary of teiii� Crown Attorney Spager proganuted Harbor Master, I Ingrob, Mall - I " I - 011 TAI'l 11lg IfIrtli iio(xl. Second Jessie Collins, Tuteftst p*td kifid bblinpoiLrided * I . 1MV11i AN Metildt C1111116111dar perance and moral reform, will and J. L. Killoran defended. Goderich, Don, 24. took t)"i ll If!, Ii a honlitill Anna Fisher. Second part -Gracie . . FOIA Tnt98 A VUAlt. I . opVTICIAN' preach. He Is one of the stroll - ,-*�- __ - .4. ofell, %xiiere tilt, Ile% \V It Sniall. Rnqq, .N. All Johnston, W. R. . . . . IvAner of Alliftmliage I U Lill Ito 182 Will $111l fiftl Tuerri men in the Dominion In his depart. First PlIft-Elmer Mak- � DmIfis bought - . two , doth, Nolvilifoltion slid 0ectibb of Officers of D*,!allnon' tle-I the III\qtle JIttiot. C:ool and "bla. . � li, � Coderleb. on � *rid gooftelthing ofit, of tile AtAlidinary will ment, and should be heArd concerti. Next Tuesday evening the annual Vi arp alreftil In chnnalrill your while'Al Vl%m Bell Ili .\Ir will ings M39gle Cooper. The best 11 ; A Ottilieft! Hanking Austrinem, , -Plail�__.­­ - flilikerilriet. All &eArthell,I)e present.- Ing Local Option. In the evening, Christmas tree and entertainment Phy"Icil 90 Just an eareful In thill Hems perforined it,,, plol.ing dutieq "lPelli in tile monthly qpelling ,� tricamted., L T"04. Illyltitill AVi � a splendid song SerVice. Thellyrillis of Salliford S. S. will be given, and choice of Your optician. 0onalilt a. L Of b Plfth, John Kehl ,, I "f,ideumaidollitand gi-m),unan Are matches were . . _____-ft-_ and responsive reading§ printedallid sua I Tatilins at Dunlop*v drust storo, on Tues. apft Do, % I ,or r, to 1AZA-fittit lat ions senior fourth, Arnold Petrie ; junior F , bi , OUSEY , X0 IV a Ara y bumper holl and excellent pro. , he fourth, Allan Fisher L I I,; I t _%0K6A`"41iA4`�ii`ii` I Our grAbIni lifill P Vision placed In the handt of the the indicatioll are that the u dav and Wedneedrity, January 5th and ftill t 10ODPRIC11 DRAMill 4 I ellirthillt011 as *11 thloll do. ofortil S. lle�ye. gram will f1th. and Fret thin hpnpnt Of over a, f ii and roi I % *-of present, senior third. . wit " Ia Come and close thd year W* h it 02lik tile event. � I 01111I, 001 10184 L- TA1111101, It nurillopi dnig littire, on Ing. Dr. Dougall . I 9 all #AJnIlTTIe.I t'N the dilling room. Anna Hao,l ; junior ihird, taurence; A A. 6. GAM - MUt urkhrilig,ill 864101 tide d ItAe are. Toeiiiii and Wedripliffiday, iltnuary 5th section of his will read tite rears praetical expeirlence. 10biltill fill] moire waq (toile ill fin Wasman; second, Anna Hood . I , I. -­ I . ­ L I L- ---.1i olitb&ri v%ed-hog ilinner The ro-;t -L I - - -- --- . ll .11-111-I.-L.I. - __ I 061"ItIon. 0 and ii Con . of story, "MY Pri it cu datn't advartise In THU RTAn Til f4TAR'g "lost" and "tound" call. of tl* evening flow tIvi hv with , I a I . I % 11 I Ton ose more inonpy than we do. limn Is a winner In almost "Al CA". Mill gamei &O., �.() dra_ 6110 8 It You are not a oubscriber In Tali "! . . at- TAR Von lose more than we do. � qF ' , , , , t-� 0, ill " * � A � lr� 4 LCW1'J 1, I I I . I � !C I , . � . I I ! . , i� . I I " "I " I I I C I . I � . I I � \. , 11 " I 11. . I � , - " , ,�. � . . ., , ­ ­­ ­ I � - � I . .1 .. , . I ... . , 1, , � I . "I � ....... _� 1, I . . � I . .., I , 'I - ,�'­� 'C!, L - --'L ­ L __=,-__,���_,_,___ .- :.i---..*. ` . ... L � , . 1, I ­ . . r - ­­ I- I � . " , . , I , ., . ---,. ­ .. ,� . �, . it -i, ­�- -­ 1� L . .. 1. %,,� � �� - .. .-T __­.",� . ,�A . I 'L L I - " I I , ­ - i__Z'Z I.-, _L - I . - _­-_Z__.�� . I , .. : . . ,It - �L �_ I . ­* =1 ��_,= _­1__­____t1=_-_A_l - I 'y - IZIA : _." ­ y , . - - ,----. - . . ,,:i- ����---,�-,t.,��'-I�l---'4-'.t.,----,.-=,�.., ' I L- L .. , " - , . 4111- - I. - I - 1 ­�--4­ ,ii �___ -_:,.i_ , � . ___ -_ - -1�ft 41 - .!�4:." ��, L -_ ­ .1. . ,4 _ , . I I ­­ ... � I - �! . . . . . . - I . I I � -L_�­ �",�­ -,-,, �-- -" -; , - - . , . . � . . . .... .. � ­ . ---..., .________.._ - -...�.-�-.�.�-�-,-191UI;4!i#O'���, - �_­ _,=1-,__._ .:--�,e.s,�.1IIaI,_J:;2__ .. ........ __. .11 ­­_­.­.,___