HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-11-9, Page 5THE ezeter gthrocatel Is published every Thursday Horning, at the duce, MAIN -STREET , EXETER. -By the--- ADVOCATE he-ADVOCATE PUtlt.ISH N0 COMPANY TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Adv+nce. $1450 if not so paid,. sdaorcixsg 1Zata)s O s ,applletp.., t: toza 1Io pa perdisoonti aued lentil adieus* ragge are paid, Advertisements without a ecifa directions will be published till forbid and ehargeaaocordingly, Liberal discountmado for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB t'I3INTING turned out in the fineststile* and at moderate rates. .Cheques, y o era, &e. for advertiaing,eubsi riptsons,etalet be made Pave ble to Guas.H. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP Professtonal Cards. li ?v D S.&15 ! L.A,It K. KINSMAN, , L KINSMAN, iA NL n . S., D .D. S F1 cn o- r graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any pain, or .any bad effects. Office in Fanson'S Block, west side Mean Street,Exeter. Z D S.,1 , ND£,ItS011; D xl»S , It.D ALTO: A ,( That* Lr_. o f the To. '[� Hors liradua t o h I,h0 ✓ sitv end Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without Floe. All modes of Dentistry up to Hato. Whoa over Elliot & Elliot's law efUee-opposite Central hotel -,Exeter. ,tett eal .T,'P. MchAUGIUIbT. MEMBER OF lE}. R - h C tl d ar ort ,�` .' s sit . ri4tra of � i ,. o v a 1'h. the g o raek%iiln'dxand c4ocouoh- u°Mevg%otOa l+ei',At, ICKSON & CARLIN(i, Theiteetter :R$ - 5olivitorl, Notaries. CenVe}a4Arere. C'ommieeemere. Solie1tore for the Mol.ows :•ei►at Bente ON'. Fa isto111.4e Montt, Meinnd per Exeter A member rat the farni will I.e at Heusall ,a Veers lay (+t'each as.•el; a- II. (At...i \1:, 8..A.. L. It. Atd'ta1:4 4ZLi.P)-. (}1.A t\. I3:tlttkiiS F.P.S, 69 Ete. 4anveyeev,'r'„ Anel :tiionev to Ltian. t# V. 1'~,1.1 I't'. P. LSA , (l :ones. «.r_ 4'E.:�arM....sw.n•ms.ax;�w'..+rw,a.�'r,aru.,•,,,. .4.41.0t Ottiter' p lr(Iit:1t1 1 •((Tana ll1'9:'l Letter- ^I tneaAl•'e•r torr ('<etint!. Mitre 41 prate 1„ell ae totaled to. alai 4'1&at1'. 1 ti.ieii•r. Ate 4t:r«'r- 1, la„tet ',il: rar,e'iRe, 4'1:4' at' iv',:.R'i 7 •awe. t 1.iu4•( e t L('a` e, i +r t. Vocal a•a 412 4 ,14 Aa '. a'. 315 t4tl4'v 4' • YA..• t.t ' ^9et:e41 •11.41:!., 'stet 4'r !.tai' a l.,jt•.. 4.,.tt.I terror, rror,' a* I a 14O11,.M tAa'•..irr.t , 1 at 1't4st el,'c•9 . t4"r9+ 7 i;➢rl.l' d'1' . t111r1r 1p: t.+• Lui %t 4.. .F,.,4: sit 777 1. \}4"I• 1S .4,oY • .. fee T,1 17,71141 the 144•; -.torte n4l- :111.' o'l4 4•Ili.+ f1 For whose 1;1,401 ate. we in 1"• the furniture bueinl','i - For y uui.s anti clue'.<. 1t ::'e are not ,y useful to you 'we e•a'.not ht' usee_ fill to ourselves. We have gut toe Carry y the goods you want at bi the pelves ori want or :We ('au - not remake tc $1ic eees of our haul fit - n(e4a,. Taut '>%t' have been (loin' th business right along for years, -which proves that we are the right kind of people with the right price::. (.'once and see for 'yourself .... S. GIDLEY & SON. Furniture, Undertaking, OPERA N®USE BLOCK. r --e - The Poisons Bank. (Chart area byParliament,1855. ) X Paid up Capital $2,000,000. Rest Fund 1,500,000 Head office Montreal F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MAN.&G.E• It. - Money advanced to good Farmers or their own notes with one or more enduroore at7 per cent. per annum. -EXETER BRANCH - Open every lawful day. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A general bankingbusinesstransactecl. CURRENT RATES allowed for monoy on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 87;. D1csson&CanLSL\o, N.D.Heel .:or; Solicitors, Manager. ti 01 We guarantee that. 'a,• Plasters will relieve, t. pai,-t c !...r film any ether, Put alp ee.19 kt S 2;ac, Vet M• 05145 atnd '4191% rel.`•R. i'i'?, Loire.: allow;1 you to cut the Pi*81*fCS' u -(l/ 4i1C. lever jr f,Yattl i° y 'gip ,s • sa.1i't14lel 'Ito or ..1': -1 {t fel, ,/i 4 ect'ly 1131 a:W si",rc""°...ttd.,4• A a ,' n c il�i4r1:1 Li lf4L>�1i i'.l Ji^ tl'n'vr. 4 tttiitD � r .4 v �� n ^•rita^ic ' ,L•'a9 as f.a. n.) • ,�...�.:�-,-.. „ , 1441 TO THE DEAF. -A rich lady, cured of her Deafness and Noises 0., the .Bead by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, has sent 1 1,000 to his In- stltute so that deaf people unable te ' the Ear r 1 heave procure t.z0 Drulns may them free. Apply to' Departlnent A. S. N, Tho Institute, "T 1 94eot1 ' U'ttnnersbu.IX'y, London, 'V.,' England; THEY BAITED DIYiS4 I CARBIDE EXPLOSION, ...ring of� he Egan, LumVer_ oterr'.s Case Heg'un. Defence Witnesses Attack the Detective's Character, ANDERSON SWORE DAVIS A LIAR, The Accused Molsons Dank Robber Testifies in iii.#/ Own Behalf, and Swore That Elie Ione- Nothing' et the Robl>!ei:y,•A3tderson Submits to Merciless Cross-Erniminult ion. Winnipeg, Nov. 7. --?1t: the Moistens Bank robbery trial ye terda;y Harry Carr,hank clerk, iei iNorth t Dakota, wais called. He said that in nose, color of eyes, height and voice, a matt who calve into his bank ou Pee. 31, 1898, resembled Detective I)aWf . The only difference was that the mean present had a heavier nuts* tache than the young roam 'who came into the hilum. This l►taut !riffle into the bunk on Dec, SI 1.84$. and stood. at the customers' counter on the op- posite side of the roof* from the teller's 1P➢n<le)iA. Later this Young J9 crone 1 ma am up tt•, the »9redoe. ,::Irl said 1419 wanted to get: a drait• Go- ing into details, the young olein satitl he wattled t► draft for $1,7011 Of; Itausas ('ity far Berry Cook. Iii; own MAIM* the euslouter said RPais Fred W. Maker. Ile got the draft 1a194i1e out; and the young man threw down sone' cOrtemey, and. .iello 7 e other things a ,5ei. tela 1 ,uiuiota of ratiatla bill. This et:taw-Teti the ' etieeee end d 1;- demurred to take the 1111tllt., lie tamed the WW1 %114•41.‘• he jig 69•.1 aud he said 494 Nita Y ort:. end alo.t' h " :t,: going to Chicago. IL. a ::•169,! .vii the hill c1i 'i4 411111 t0.41111 d,.l.`.cvj to give the Briar, I'1) .:11•. Howell. If 1F."'. e- ',ee iia 11it4:i e1!. US 1 t'ra Dee ::l + Result of a Fire in the Dominion Works Near Ottawa, FIFTEEN MEN WERE INJURED, President McRae Among the 1.0.111r- ea-Plying lnja1r-ed-Plying iPra mutents. Did Coni xldelrable havoc.. -Cause alcove Explosion, Was Water Get -- ting Into the Dot Car- bide Mixture. Ottawa, Nov...'7. A terrine eXliju- siert in the Doutinion Carbide Works at the Ci aud4 rcyesterdayr(aafternoon n wrecked the building and badly in- jured about fifteen men. Mr. J. W. McRae, one of the tire- priettsrs of the factory, WDS ,vise i„ 1 I injured. sllit4 e, r the list of those who suffered ,- 69(4 follows , J. W. Mclttu•. 11„rn street. president" Ottawa Electric Co.; J. Pa(luet. St. Andrew street, linemen, burned about the h4e,itcl; Ed. 14ironche•, 111eleax.s stables, face burned; Geccfge Faulkner. Gilchrist street. 11irat0 - l ur h hurt about rt the t114a. J. U. TQ 9rkere Ilint(inI►t2rfih- flare ,hour the eyes: N. Prevost. Hull. driver. 1;atjl} hurt; Wil hent Baldwin. 1 (1 slrtee1, badly hurt. Fred Otani "410..12'7 Mur- ray r'44.J9 Streel ; Joseph . 1r11Njlleltr. face. hands tout head I ,lrll , burned: 1?tl. Mc(3inni*. New I:dinraeli•)gj4, lialrl::114 Iron Works. face .11,41 ee 1.11 hurled: ('harks 14 • Iatrh4.ocal (t~ , 1, It , •4 tr rt, tee 0,s hunted; .111wet l4: 4.101. Ii•.eel street, face telt. Pat mita 14;445 t7 !4.741- 1F hurt that in. was almost atllr.'a'4.19 - Pleat4)1(e, and its not -liist•It: to 1•"44.4'11,4':-. (:!lief 14revu5t, 11'4'11'8 14n04'i,,'tl enyt James, lfat141RPto, 1.k.'w 41 4r rt••, hurt. 1M'ill1e9u 1111 l.ag*o. , 1 'alt, 1;' hurt: •L i11i:atel 4111,4 ie- 44i tlitlte ,t® tat• a• cart. Tours • 1114: c4.1.14: 1.02 19. '.' • : 1 i.,ae?.,i 4*alti.a'41 (/t? le 414 1 Bal. • illii!(174aa, 4•.1x1 ;i,•R 6'Il'.4P 1,41 119t 4r.j�(IXtt r1) 1184 14114.1: l',L1 9., '.!,'.i tare' t l7.":4, .4 4141: %: ,;..w A , lrrr .ratio. tr. e en. %t 1144!''t' 114445 r 4.:,:; j A *'4'^4f to t.., Iasi 1.441, 441^,•r., 1&,4 4 .a 4,69.-, §•-, .. a'. 4$1! 1444445 is ➢'�1 11111,41x'4 * r v ia4.. , t L„• 9 r`;'1 tae^ • ja u491 '*4 Su=•. '',.t,^, !4 , , , :41 161'.: Q,a' ,t. ... . G• 4,. ;_A.1 bele 1 ,Y :{ 814 4 e .1! 4 'S e, ,• 114,14, 1.1 air. • .,..e -1 l ttii',., eatdt. ,1..4 .• ` tl'' .0 S- 2' Ali.e: F4144.4'77.4 t'G `7.•341 4, st ^ 444^ 1.1). a A ,• t l 1j;t8* Jo R, a 69'9! 4 t ,^. haitAi ;e'.i v 9 ,, 1.,,. :,„. .4 4'9 ., 1. ia;, • ^1 • o,el Iv,,, A' .1tl a i t e 4A la' . 6 ,. ,..:a'G . .': a 4- -t 1' as IY 44 1 .. fl II, 4.4. %till. 1',11 a'-, ,,»rt*a , 1.'44q•.'. 1440:1`4.. i{° , 0.p u ➢ :a+• .,. 44-33.". 14.1.11.. ,5 464 4. 1.11 •'tt . n P. „ . a 14' - 4 . .y. ".44 . , • a. : fur..',';',,g,..„„.,...1 �4'.,a 1 _ 1' r• al R, 4'..4 . 7' 9.. I'''„'14-4",4at;1S t,.a(1 4;`111"'i". 19.'i4 r 4 (Pr Y 69;.,1#, I .t.: t-,. 1, :•'18 140714 '• .. ,. ;ele.'4. .. el•.a =9... # ( tj 1 +e. # 1 14'1 414•41; 4r,:. a+,etx .,0;14; ,r:4•, 'tee 4 al,' •• tea A '.h•44 r ell 11.4• .'.'.l' 47.""74« .441, 1 44 t 9', sl t, a , ,,ca'- j• . bil, r .c„ .:1.. 1 @,..,..t,:, ai A 16914E . :144':9^ '!`. h1a 1..4" ,u r.v #'., ;r•)1' "4,.1'.,9:$ "11441997 1914'.. ,.e @. •469 .44.11"; 1 ';'',-"i• 9i:. Y 114. a Y,P 1919 1`1.4• t#.4 .1 . hla 4 '.. ::1!14 !' Ria,. „ t.r,. 41.444 .'tout :0( CL ti",8 4124' 4... ! t:'1- .,oa,4, h 9;••,114 4 ,. ^;no- .. .41 11: rt`Ye4 , . r 11 it,'" 1 i:,` le''.:. :44'..,81 .4.1:!16 .:9;,i 1.40:'9,4! +it''i9, :'' •.9694:°': ,^ I`'4' :t'.. e. 419'. i4',;• 11rt•:. le I t- 1e, v. 414.*154. ('.Y>a e• 454 '.11141; . 1,8't:' 1e. a ..a 1 111eh, 86'..'144• •691 11:14 G(:_., IN til ! t 1t,. - ;Q Toronto., Nov. 7. -Before Mr. Jus- tice Street yesterday, at Osgaode Il;aiJ1, the case of the lliichigan: lune, hernaen against the Ontario 'Govern- ment :WAS bogu'n, The '9Zz*1 nufactur- 144 c'_1).+.se" of the act, :vherchy it. was provided that timber licenses after April SO. 18es. must xnaaaatfac- turn logs in Ontario, Vas what the. lumbermen objected to. S. H. Blake, Q.r✓., and J. R. Cartwright, appeared for the Ontario Government; 11. .1. S Cott, ,Q-4'., and Christopher Robin- son, (.C., for the petitioners. H. J. Scott, Q.C., in his argument. gave a chronological resume of lum- ber legislation 121 Canada and the United .itatcs, Aubrey White, Commissioner of Crown i t Lands, was being e iexamined t, when the court arose. `('lir 10.1X01 RECORD, D. **Willie praxes at Cottons, Ftir(p- !4 a c e andI! Ira o) a } 4Se 4i_. Essex, Nov. 7. - -Sunday morning at 4 o'clock lire broke out at ('ottaln, a village tree lades front here. The fire started in the hotel. which is owned. by .1 1i Andersons Weikel., of Essex Ind occupied f.Ql t (tt' a by )• •dDavid d.A Id II SS who O h lost all the contents. The heaviest loser was William B. IPelletts. a gen- eral inercl►aatt. .who luso*. his brick' store and dwelling and all contents''; of both. Two frame dwellings were also burned• The origin of the lire is iinioio VI,. Mr. genet IS' loss is es- tI1 4atv41 tl Sii;;rIIO, 114th tet:,„ lilt► 134- '11 1ct b 149414 :less" loss 1S e rot ( i u 1 11 P. ' ' .,U(r(i 41). a!«4t et• Curet age 119E .ash• Duro ell, \Tatj4,e1.8'.'. X44-. 7.-'-4V4'1„ter z1 1192 r 4arr-ooi f.Q4•1.9r,;' was 4li`'t'945'o•r;'d to 14• ••rt fire .8i,n 49 ;i 4:ae141('4 (41441:1; 094440- 1249.'. 'l i .:re 1 441 .a.l.ete t' 4'14'h .14e44c1 1.t•8.,re• :14%,, 4iR+•t',, a484.t 21.4 build- ing uild- in ! ;61nl .>3!44t•ralr 9','t•ra+ 1'94144R,914411A 414'- .tr(%ge4l 1 5.91491248! 1,11.14: Ices 1144$' about l'r4".244 tertntil a.'1,Itrl.1( 194(14 teat. iililfa'., t,1 4 j r 1s . tt'ritltd A ',it. it :4944,1 a„�^C'4'.:.. 1;4113` •4 ":"'o4.'ai9 145 X44- 691(@a44t t:%.16961,62 .-. 16: 94 444' 9;;1, ,t. 19;14''4. tel. 474,1:4 t7-40).".• .1 169.;. ..1. n,.• 4449 1#4, S T14445 1 °;)4• *.%;tv Ott 1.14t4.S94 . St . t 4)13 1 1:A443.447! 9t"!a4' n•ti'll 8 944;8 Ad. ."4 111444,, 1,4•'' 53'.41414 4• (Oa 344 . EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wadz<eeday) Wh r-p(e0rbu I*ei 05 Lo 11) Pl.aur per ewe Barley. ........... ,,.,_...,. , Sa to 4t) Oats „ 8844 t4': 8a(i '',),131:404,04 upa tg 08) Bntt.4;.. .... 84 to 15 E t0 Hl1.Y,'718Ztan Drie Apples per }A u 6444 l7iukt)n Dtnoks tieesa 09144( Wool ggs..... Rotyt9es pa; bag 6144 7tOS 444. .., ;4, Ib, 4'tods .43 to 14 I;Iv 4 ttr•.ae r ,.. alt ,,rte. a , wort. X1;1 414 1. 4'9. proelee,ti. i.'•:. �wetc1l Chief •'., a Itiultl,' \I4Btrth;' lulrll t4u,alta• 4'•t Mee it stated le. .'..97(044 47x4 Atele! •1'1) 1':;..•4,'44 two t:f thee. rel aive11'' ".''41 4a per- fect ' L 1.: 1.1 wyer Venire's 1i➢.7c'!. l,rief I i In the 2'11 A l.•Y:t :) la (Al.'. ,:4,; 1. re- tied to Shill I1,terti4e Dot is al the disiri-('t Meer 04(174t;a :tats fn1 eel in ,Milne, dohrlt\aUi si441r'rl that, no man could come 9.494 of 111*' holtre ort t1449 lnoruing 1):t%is4 4 401 ler and Anderson chin(' buck from dllggi,lg. J. 1V. 1irivenll. 11n4nag('r for 0t'- C1al} where Anderson worked; ,14)4119 A. Davidson, PPrineil/uI 01 Nur4:oa(1, reptaance 510ceil' et Ont., r 1 (rat.. II4r,h `, .1001,. and others 11:vJ1- e 1 'i'+,"#. fled 1.o r1nc1 t.s(14n•s good character. 011444ta, NOV. 7. -•-- Al 1 o'cln'k Ford. .(oft t: newspaper man, sato, yesterday afternoon the Government Mavis 1o1d 1«1)'1 that the missing 21:22,- had received tic: reply from the iljtt•- 000 :lould 114,4 ,r he found, OS Ander- ria! (lowernnacnt t4) the cabled had Mold - son 1.4 ) a •lel( :: n" 4t. 1414 regarding the -necessity for a 'sec - About. 1.17i valises were brought in- 041(1 Canadian contingent. Hon. F. W. to court and I ti were opened by the Borden is in the city 44(1 has all in key found on ,Anderson. readiness for a second mobilization if The 1t. Sb + r then entered er the 1t- such would be I eluirrd, ness box and declared he knew no. - thing about the robbery and tlescrih- Can. Marry in as Ye ed Davis as a liar. IIe wve1 4:4'44 aa. Davis' eviclenCe, denying it. He said the key found on him was that of valise a ase. des r1) cd , This was corrobo- rated by a boarding house keeper. Anderson was very nervous in cross examination. Once, when he said counsel was trying to pin him (limn to an hour 1 10 he was not certain of some in the audience applauded, and the judge cleared that part of the court. Counsel will address the jury early this morning,. 7111. :111 tn,1. 11, eel:41lh•te1.. %%e1•. tentiunn9e.1 '1'h'• 4:o4n;e1• d be r',•. , ly tu4.e11 to 1114• Tit;. ht a 4411 ir. 111"." 1414. 4',45'10Si.144 11.1•111 "1"1441 1iP' 74,9• •. felt fall 48400 the Che mike.. 4..tt t,.» men in the bier n(/lis end 945!''1.4:41 ;84 intro rail out t*.' doors tet 4545' i. 0.,44' the tlo44e (,mete front The 0,t1'14i(1,' 1'4('44lrc ::as 5411)44 snrr17uteletl and the tin Ail eelfects of the ets.i 1. 444('11- 1..14.' observed. T1I.AT SECOND 4'()N'7`IN(aENT. No Word of Aiceptati4cc or Non-,Ap., TiOUI'C} SCHOOL T.ILI,CIIER SIIOT. An Accidental DIsebarge Wan 19 ol.. lois', d by Death.. Comber.Ont.; Nov. -7.--F. C'harlsin of Tilbury, North Township, a young man of about 20 years of age, a11(1 a. school teacher by profession, met wiLll a fatal accident Saturday after- noon, 1 e, will. two other young young even, were in the woods for a day's sport.- One of them was ie the act of loading his gut:, when the hammer slipped and the: weapon dis- charged. The contents entered the leg of Charwin above the levee. On Sunday the leg eras amputated, but the young marl died ~while under the operation, The bone of the leg was badly shattered. h[a„n,laug, as Strum' Town, Taken. Manila, Noe.' 7. -. Magalang,the town. taken yesterday by two col- umns of (1(.ncraa1 MacArthur's divi- sion, under Col. Smith and Major O'Brien, is a strong town, situated midway7 we t)c L (,en r).t) cies and Ara ' � at. a Seven Amerleane were wounded, Mee Athericane almost o ,u Llpllyded the in- surgents, resisted-stubbornly, but LLecie Hamilton's artillery cut then. up. Lieut. Slavin's troops cap- tured a. -company of. the enemy, with their arms, during the advance. Count Von Moltre. Freed. .13,erlin, Nov. 7. - A divorce has been granted: to 'Count Von Iltoltke, the Emperor's aide-de-camp. The de- cree places the entire guilt on the wife. 7'he. decree has caused a: sensa- tion in Court, circles for a year past. Vienna, Nov. 7. -- It is reported here that Emperor F 4 ani 1.; Joseph has consented to a ?11oiganaatic. mar- riage between the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, son of the late Archduke Charles Louis, -and heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary, and the Countess, Sophia. 014h1' a Chot.ek. on the condition that there is a } tear's delay. The Countess was formerly a maid of honor of the Archduchese Isabella. Lawyers hold that the mar- riage will not affect the Archduke's succession to t1• throne, but that his children, by the marriage, are tee - eluded, A. Hitch flat, Occurred. Paris, Nov. T. -A, despatch has been received here from Vice -Admiral Courrejolles, the French commander in Chinese :alters. announcing the neeoliations for the delimitation of the K:vang-Chaowan territory, which had been proceeding satisfactorily for some time with the Chinese Admiral, Sou, have been ruptured, owing to the hostility of the Viceroy of the Canton: The French Minister of Ma- rine. M. de L anossan, announces tliat he has taken measures to strengthen 1.0: French force in occupation. Walked Into the Fly Wheel. Brandon, Bran,, Nov: r. -Last even- ing; while William Shaw Was show- ing a friend through the Brandon electric light works, he walked into a large .fly -wheel revolving many hun- dred tinges a minute. He was hit with great force and knocked some distance. The engineer pulled h1411 out of the machinery. `5 4'r.. � h•a:v was for- merly 1)r manager r of 14111 a )auk at P, Portage ., o a„( 'la i.'rairie, and resided at one time in Winnipeg, I!4' is .about 45 years of age. ratnl Fan Down Elevator Shaft. Hamilton. Nov, 7.-=4,954. (WOOirg John 1lumeyset. fell air,5 n tbo (eve tor shaft in 1 rein 691±1 , e..rLl la ft:j Works and fractured his' 4•1.(311. k:,4 •died, a feiv ini:itttett later, ';'ll t,1 fortunate mats was about, X45 year: .of ag;e and leaves a Widow and 1a• milt'. ills. , ld as `4I 9414 t a• ; '.' , e', 117 4.47: 97 16 11.,, 0,' 4!.0. Yw 1!7,4, ,Ya . 4.41 II-A:aevl; ^01 A'.;:at:l) L"66nt4SC:43, �Stt 1,46 ..;.50411 VI. 1.144; £;: •..41 :he 1•roe, 184 0.. ' nate:4 1,444'', ('toa'9,", 3;49, Non , 7.' .v,.1 .; .S 14,.'44 1809'r.. ,9. ,., , 4.0: 9,44 1 t1 t. j 4 1•4•14:4 t1.117..44-,'.'. 4:('_ 1.19411 •°4':!1411: 'E': 1.%:4}a. 9%. ;. E' +'12411- 161.�t.a 1441. eroi 4.94 1.1t,t`i,,n 'I 114• tug :at . (.t 1'*,, ', .\ 4'•:,t l nna9(1 hay, 44..1 in 14,5:` 14:0 10.9(1)4.' .1. ie 4' •@. ll9_ t Nellie 11.41 and l•11r 4 1 11..L / 1ut4n)t1. 1141' 1Ott:4 41. 4.•14.• 1..69 1'\4444., .„e• ‚4,j4'.,1It-t 11444. 314. 18.1. 41(.,(1 444 45.4 /etre,. .1 1►, r41t4 :lit .4 Ito' I 1.:a. tit: iro.g lair iu flu• 14aR1 2t1',n, the :laairl'litte. ('%flit. .St, 1)'ht.i' 45(11, li.;,- J)te'f _ 1(1 le.• ('0114l)444t Ali' 'he for' 14:1 fbtt•,;;st10' ha telt at 1110. 8444,(', 1411:1 the f(4•,•,• of the collision 411.4ne the hatch 1.4 4'i her With St1e11 (4.r1y• 9'1219 ;ht. wing Mali ::its in4.i191rt l\• h..1;:r(1, the 11041 being. almost out 41) 1'.kn. The 110111, Wlailh is badly iittio.teed, W4445 hear'Itte(1, and nc.14 Iles ;I -grimed neer the seei( of the neck0nte '141110 11iXI.fS' tT'i'1 ,A7 They Want the .Alien Labor Law Enforced In the Moran. Vancouver, Nov. 7. -The fo111111 ing is a cojn of a telegra in Sent by the Sandals Miners Union to Sit• Wilfrid haurior : "one thousand! Canadian miner, of the Sleeen, a, n Ith their wives awl families, are being d11nett out of Canada by the imp,t tem of foreign. laborfrom the 117ttr:t 1- States. The mine owners of the ',loran are importing men to take our places. Our wives and families, anti a It others dependent on our lair .l•, ars well as we ourselves, appeal to y4.i to :4selet us in securing the enforcement of the alien labor law. - As British s h eets u 1 we nat- urally resent the circumstances which are driving us from our native laud. Will you, as First Minister of the (crown, secure for asthe; protection which the anon labor faw -provides? Please assure es by an Immediate reply that w ewill leave your c4' -operation." ROT POLITICAL FIG7-1T. - Twelve States Vote for Minor 0(I4- vials To -Ray -An "O(re' Tear. Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 7. - Elections are to be held to -day in 12 states. It is what is called an ''off year," that is to -say, in the majority of cases the offices to be filled are of minor importance. In only two of the states, Ohio and Kentucky, is the result liable to be looked upon as indicating the probable result in the nest presidential campaign. Golden 'Wedding at Arnherstburg. AInherstburg, Ont., Nov. 7. -. George Gott, collector of customs here for the past 3.5 years, celebrat- ed his golden wedding yesterday. Ho received many handsome presents, from members of his family, and a magnificent gold watch from his many friends who have conte in con- tact with him in business, as a slight recognition of the esteem in which he is held. The presentali on was luali'e by John A. Auld, M.P.P.1i Mr. Gott:is considered 1)e h ,-•< 0 of L aids • e oldest u.(unbl e,, of the Masonic order in Western On- tario, and is now in his 76th year iiis good WHO is. in her 7410 year. notal Deficit in the ll. 5. 1Weshington,; Nov. 7. ---According to the report Of the .Auditor for the teos11ellee: ttieartenene, the postal re- comics Lics for the year arc shown to he 15,0::1 7544 , and the expenditures 3101 18 5 260, leaving ii; deficit of :*6.413,''•e5.' During the, past year the revenues increased. 56,008,765; and the expenditures $3,778,752, i a Gra Rove is this? nights Perhaps sleepless caused it, or grief, or stoic. perhaps or B aps it was care. No matter what the cause, pa canno( wish to leek old at thirty, Dray hair is starved hair. The emir bulbs have beta deprived of proper rood or proper nerve force, SNS 1,'4«t'sA➢1iQa clircutzzion L t1k 4411 3 F '.n 481 . t4 4t*1 t:Ta'.:?,174„e', 13.1 oll,t.-ztu it,, 1 ( .Mer MM. W 4xa;t A 4M Lirw 44'^ 1;41r1rly 10 ,, A. �, ,it,ll ., 4,• a'''i,\" iniM'i Y7.('L w,. 1049 .,ui-' 4r mL .tlty 1'ua ,F +_', •411: :y'„"' £'» (r:,id"*a° IxrY ::t»t,31^. 3,1 ^t.i 1'1 44111' n 11 u'' :lair? a,; t ,.:al;lad:y ,e:}.a it IJ you. " 9 Pe,,,47,1.13 i4 / : t you (:4) 1101 ('l`t.a: a f.l l the 1'4.14" 4145 you exp.,.' i'.ed from ti e 4 4 y $e rtlw' tial, ``'k t 0. 114 t,:^ :441-1; t(1 °'t 8hetllaf: i 7. t 441141.8) t i g,;11. :,444rR:5« , 1""r, J. C. Aya.r Co., Ltierdli4 Mat:. o 1 d i• :'� .1 4•,1,..59 q .3: ,.'�?. »i i4,. i ,41 )'1 z:4' 1 fwc:... ,4441:t 144 41 . i 6214 $44n1.4n, oM:J :.1141 .^�:r:e:',: Cum fur 14911,-: mP,h, 1:C:: r , 2417 r si.-:rt.,3.`:4 4 pa'i s:warto oc „r'; tit U�::..r.F., liZ:tti i1 DON'T D- NOT RUN. from a uestion that must interest est vola'. iwe you your New Suit if If not, drop in and bee els at the first opp'.ntnnity and let' to show you tt few priees of the Fane", Woresteds and Scotch Twe('tls, Have you eeeen the new Stop es anti 'i'helz•iugbbne patterns. They are beauties. A big range of 131nes and B1ae12. Irish Serge. at the old prices. you want a black we have what you want 119 Twills, Venetians rand Clays, OVERCOATS ' (:vereo:tts ail ilea vex 3101 outs, ('991415, Nap, ;(t!(1 31(411tanitets. All V0114. t10311* lit rile 1nt4•.t ,t a le 8118(1 at minx:411tep'). T. til. 'GRIEVE 0ppte.htt' P,. -t (lfili'e EXETaR 01IER r„ 10 wore. APr. yours Phos ijloli1i e, The Great English Y lish llcmed . Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to core all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One will please, siawili curt. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. IrWood's Phospllodine is sold in Exeter by C. t utz, (iruagt4t. The skeleton of an unknown woman has been found in lie river meadow swamp, East ljlaulboro'-about three miles from the village of TFreeiton. v Michael uLambe of Har- The hod„ of , wick was found lying beneath t•he (.''.i'. R. bridge on tile bank of the McGreg- or c('Ire g - 0r1 Creek. The neck was dislocated.. DIAMOND BYES are Hol -11e Protectors. imitation Dyes Are Vile Deceptions. The thousands of women in cru Canadian cities, towns and farming: districts stand in need of the protec tion afforded by the nevei:'failing Diw mond Dyes. These marvellous 00101 .ng agents have been before the pub 410 for over twenty years, and hart always been true to mime and pro. .nises made. The magnificient color( rad shades pr041004.d by Dianlont .../yes axe everywhere extolled, and the rotors have iv every case proved fas. *ude'i' the action of sunlight and soap The plain and simple. directions 0, � • rra 9-ery package of the :t)iai.lond Dye: enable a child to use them' with per feet success. ' ibele are imitations of Mamorul ) somedealers f)r e aki lyes sold l roti.c the s s l long profits. 'T 4C t imitations are Fe e tions, and oh re 4'r used the, aluS4annoyance, ill temper and loss . )I al;oney and 1x114111410 materials. Th( 10101 S are muddy and dull, and the 'ilnt.ut stand washing with ordinnr;, '3'u insure perfect protection 910 at:et11ity, ladies should cask for the )+atemed Dyes and tike the truubl, see that .the name " Diamond " i. u each package.. .A little cafe ie thi, ill'eC.tien. will Slave a vast amount hi L o title. . Cook's Catton Eoot Coupon!, le , 69-4 , f lei; urea vett/it/Ay by eve. 1 @,teweed4L )':: t•<:eittt :(1, L...3.('.411 i: your/Inv.:61 for 41190, $ 411toe fleet Cote. ;ouad late. not 4,%tures. 1,11N unn nate tions ere den%e ;.0.411e Price, No...1. +LI:: lelx „NO. 2,34)14( e' .. 1) - .�' per c,.. tor � naile.lon reit,-',t,.449:. met 999014947.11) s? aril 3 1140 Cool:. iornpatty \444t41410",(inr, i tr Nut. L and 5 reed lens revenaneuda,d by a: responaib'e Drt .,_tats is 0aastle. - Nee 1 4 : , 184 1'7\' AGENTS • n D iiia e'.p'.'ri.'nt a a(14-sallarr•. Petra anet@t a.oa..i• •4"12, 1.11,vral t t11r.. 1'1)! vis -1o:. 4,4,.35. '4141 4'ir•tt' eche i Ca" 111:r.n j, it 444 4146, 4);, 011.94114 044 91 1W1,7 rat, Curt„ 19,.ate c•+. 8.', C,1"r FIT FREE. te curt, terri'tere now Write. 40(7'4N il34,00. CO., \ur-t'rGil:lt. 1lrselRil`, 112rserit's P.t1. out. The ilitracilon of Ali Ekes... . Just at present the object of attraction to he ••n the .t 144' of 6166 • 1.ti to r an(l.ti1n•rou surround- ing >:, iib colnitl3 is OUR � GREAT LINES ---OF--� FL'RNI1'[i1tH', To see is to (9X1U1line a111d to . examine 0111' Stock is to buy. Prices are so astounding when the .. .quality isconsidered. , . R. N. Rowe. BER WANTED Highest Cash Price paid for Black 1sh, White Ash, Red and White )ask, Hard and Solt, Maple, Il:einlock :Loft and Rock Elan. Either stumpage m delivered in yard. For further particulars apply to GUS. 'WAGNER, %Tanager for the S. 1. Co. Exeter. 1414. ,7 (' juyPtora1Y k, 7 F('i f ..RE 4' I A (�lsicr Cl lir phi'. rSs COUGHS AND COLDS S Very valuable Remedy in all ( affections of the 0) ;;9 all,. •THROAT or LUNGS 'S - t Large Bottles, 254'4 (& .�DAVIS 5IAWREN ; co. Limited '4) Prop's. of Perry Davis' Pain -Killer .gin , e .e e