HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-12-04, Page 5-1 I Vr 1 IM917;,"!_ 1 .
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I - r4ft V* Ale **%;, a V"y Uq* "%tolsis of"PRoot rvmw arosia, ft"'MM-1w %_ om vw of 41wild apt. Thl* .tit% 0 "t mj,� *vIl*d a . wa at, I j .
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11 . � � 414.4w,wo I* WM. -- - . --- ,- ,fl,W,- - 0 _4 .. , h oil, th* I ,
T , �� , . #V41111OWK: ifitlailptao tolordr.kjoy, ,T4WV,qI"-rlA#t0r4 .tb*4 llher'1100 wii4ilw ,
� agatula-04 *VA,";.aTo4 ot 41tqrla , _ � .
, , r( It Moicoi lo I"-- d, suits $1310100 -
I , � - koft '�, ,4 "&�4xqoc". li000ptt ; or us Zrott"0111 tu Pont, victim 14 lit , �Qsk fia : .
j � . : - % _4 r W.. . ; t I h kd " 1* I I .
Ilk . � Y W , "liest * 0 ;, � Ith, Neiry Invo 100,14 ovio'y �m .
'T I I% ti,, 1 ". 44 -
I �,oilposto 1;lurtafnx, 004"- v6dolm . . AirianW" t% 4�.*,* - -witetf IW& A what , ba, toel* $22ifoo '8100 '404 elack Worde . �
j , � ; M* 1. ay$4l0idtQg-IT# i , , . he I U , t.44, 1 � I I I
uftvy Pt#PgorIsN.iW,We4.fkUd$91Q6Q *h". *140� lit afteli'lWhoWeatirc # � _, - 1. ... I _Wy 9 1. I � Arellanift CoIngairly 44 Suits cif worAteds, Serge* I
, , , rthe q4int, , �� �
- . , I .. a 9r 4*6 **Ckii. _ �. -to V#, , ur, In oui V,
- , . . . I vicuplas, w0A4Ao,ta1kt4kJ0 of lar � how a"" - - -_ --- ----I-
- XX"ft,*;*dbr"# AKxotK -, , � ," = .. 1. � __ �_ - _* ." ,. � - _ - 11 I -1%; it. ,#044 4104r.10,14 I . .
1. .1. . . j - I , , ____.__ - - �--�-"-.�l-;�""-�,-",.,.,�.1-i-11--l-�'-- " -_
I - , �*� I w"kyais"i,at1*rVstri,,. �, I . 11 , � , ��-_-,.- Wo* �00' *9.W04 who. 0044; *4 oc - . 1 7.1 � � vgo, did _ j go sixim, tty grt t P-11"
I I 11 1. . � . � I Ott I . b , We have t�Q,' alatly of tu ink 00 Out .5301day We; put
. � Are =140 to hoo too Of at you foal *Ave U440TO40 y6i And VoWN-04 j Or i , 40 lAlt 4400 44 0114 46 041Y, it lita f 'uItswolux
I I I 0 � 4 04 iii,p,*
. 1. I I 1A I'll I � I � , 0*41- h.."ot , r y I%alf 11.4co. h I I,
, 11 . � : * e4 NVOK-K, I sliouldet MenP 006 woold nwt= .144", vzpw on All. Ila ilun $a so'knd$z�a.s,o.-Qu$;kt'414,qy.,t.....",..,;..�..�'...*.14..00 .
, el 1 *4^� $8.00? $6.00, $7." o#4,$J0,00,, .
I I -_ . -0,
j � . I I I : I I .11 I I . Isrtbink so et t, 40sovorqP104--t-rowwwwwaliew , .
. I I U014.0twesi � - � I I I 1, I j I Oolook Ovor Altagoo, 40 , ,matt 4 4 eb - dis'plo" 4 CAW* *� *%"0q4kMA,0.40ii*;og*edW#"
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.. . , , ' . , . , " ., I 'if I � I j . . I I 41, 0 s'" . .1y %j amu*1 mix, , ,
, #*11odozo , A64A . l4rig'Atirow0itUdown", #11Y 'Cow - 4 Olt" of 00 I CAI
I, " I
, � � 4 jioe�j# I . -It Mwilp . cavid-411sp-, "t1gs- I . 'Moo' and - B U8, 0 1 . .1
_ , VC404404 WOMAWAVIAter Ullftwgiq�.xisark,044Q-ws ,�
C10010$rlbia We*. 40); . _. of0rotit . sllre*4 or glAnOW Au tile avorARQ ,MAIO il4t 44 *bat 14 ' XMIA , - 44T. what 14 Of 1a9W-A34,*P* 404,114 4�oliiiwr
, , V 4#10CIloq jj I � ,
, , C=pr � , � WtUlllitye�, o d Otylo in I I I I
- _ lots . very sizesa , alt :.. - �. I. . . I . I `4 . V441's *11101k 00,41114,11 0040 Qt the bxnw to Pb aga."t * , S 0 vorGodts
'l#gg4'"A1P4",!1 990r i1l11iIu!f!I1FPtA P*CW90 (P431111141.0). A� Ifix". ,. �4�4$,, _ j ,. . , j : , A'qrn0AbQlAVAoW00tV,, 11 - " , ,A , ., "all P M 'Oterf 0,0.0
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.. I . .. , �. " " � 1, I I . , of
t - I . . I A4 : , i wsi.1kiavilix 0 llf.W ortot � bl t - *,ve .
. I I I . ,, Moak m_sAOisafag, everillugs. you 4 .
I I— � ��:, -1 .. � it" w 0414-ofs, f.c.4.4'r, , ,�_ I . ,w . X�40*by ... ,- . !!!!! - . _ �
. � � , �; I , - I I ... � asa" , All 0 1 , m4b. _heiftox or spillpt-soys Tile riew Toric
,�', 1� , , . � . I X0011i, , 4 , I . . =ZIV4,, on*"#. "A""'Opy '000 ; I - "" ", 'y 'T 11 'fogot - .-
, ., , I � . ,, 06000, hoolmoolojoIls4a, it. ftit,
. I . I I'll I , � � it I to ,Q have ll't a w Ord T."; ouavol momaoscams. .
I I - 1-1 ,. . I . P414141;10*04441 hootle . r 1, , 4"ad, . r Wo are proud of our great fshowlag of Overcoats. They are
� , 400,4 ovotoilts,�i0d galocoaf.44111ii., 11 _, 040to *nd,, lNed: *'th. lilgh.;Iiii: #Ad yf�- gop�'M , .. . a � rw 0'ltowli w,lf b#r,1kWJ,oi*9d put tROA "WiMof moor.' so" not Woobt from che
,, .-A , " - 4x I
-;AtIo:,(oJI,$IW e -, , , . . _ to 1114 lye 0 givu ver44914 thlMh 1-!� dra; Ken.plodei. in r a
. 42 , proct , Ic. groys,iofI 0.14* 1w,ocif. c4 X r, A . , ,wm . 1 IT houses where clivolp waterialo arid
Ott$, , 44�4 splendid , g. "ogL and t as the 41109,Q I
ReAular �iq 4po s . j 1, 1 e#14 -I . '" Sawhill!" 0014; llu!vr, IM, lit fl yi�ung '' In, y,our heart, Illundiates your Cbtlkt) WOMIR file twed all tuake a person fecl cheap after wear-
� , * fku . I �, . stestly 0olibloil,with to to , "" -,hij , PAIlf ,
� . I I I . I?� A*41. f - . � � I . *ntosk-4 wax' , 10 ifts ll"6�44 ayoraig rilleta TIMAIT, or, Ttalm flig them 0 few times. QTJAL.ITV I.% what we emphasize, and
., I '. 1, .., _ , . , , I . IS, w "A it 0 were very t1rod" Npo_ h.�,�if .0 - 4 40 scling on Waldo
I 1. I I. I j �,_4", 1� � W.'"410. $9,90iI t - : - lantlilw. koingravirA14400M . ' I it'i tug! Overcoat$ with quality of material anti workman-
. " . , .1 I 11 � � 1 4. .1 � .11 � j , �4i;sss� , w �11 ,4di g 1. the mi at NX83 to tAtis amm'sX,
I . ". . , I I �� no, As 4449- Be � wimllin WN xg 01sp4014 ; silu;4o � ,her t4 0 A (I
. . at , . - , . 31043 rdo* ship that find a place 10:2 store. Buy one of our p
. j IIII dq�:Reayor, ,))rWCIQtlx and Vj I 4111 J 4(r6t.4, fro . f guests rocking with ,clailty
I - � : -1 -.-.. Its . . . . . I .. j . W 1 ... I ulk It 141babolost � ��U_ _IqLb.&e1rftgC tit,
� - , 404 -'. -, le. . . ..... ., .- , � " lip � _1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ Overcoats i you will feel good In it.
40ii!l Coal*, (pil V leti tu, b;�14 t V,P140W=.IPR--1t CAN ISI ., in 04, that OtaWd o
, elntrucd,' and X11 it. Bit .
. I
. � I— - lip .1 ... isf6rt a - w-eakn --Iaugbt6r�wel1`, 1L�iq An f, an4 all throstiond liam troobloo. U14 ,
- . 1. � of � , � a Cie 1;" � . -1111 1, I I r -It ( *10.V!'* L-pla "!4- _ _A_M�_2_ .
_, 4 Me- -111TO,-As 'ji 'As. 10 , ow lLLikWC1_1W6rp*1n_-A-y_ owwroppor"4104-- Price M3 and up to $.2z. '
-_ — , ..._._1-1-______._ ----��..-,-,---..---�—.---j-�.-..-j-� .... � _ _.__-_1_-._.____ — .— - - -_ --.-- ______.__.
. -1 4�7%M , " I � " , , �, .. . - 0, I I.. I fools, .- v 0 ,04014 e a i, - 1�� W will sotit'ji 4044 # Itross
. . , L 0.9, - - . I _ _iW__11"__
11 � 4 , 4 . , gria. oulan '
. 0, to * tO.-00i - I 01 �._ -,__==._,_ , . - when'ttatt-ftelgal the body 'Poe _ to valn, titoad 4Z . -
, I I � ��:�, � - , % � � , ,,, ,,, ''.. .., . .,v I . t� Vit trado ma* slid. the price go outs.
� I 2 j I . �' � - . 4riverouttborotins that se4y no do A, vo,ty� Is not a thing that one ,
� 11 I . I , ,, 11 :� � I " , . _.�."__ I . � -7-_ - � - I _._ I—- - . . 11. I not let. w tot � liti. cot;gh 'will � 4- to to ble upon una-spectiodly, _
. I j .�,� ", .1 -, - " I ,., � I '. . I 1� , b4mas, YD
j . ,., �. � � j � . I I I � . I .1 "I 11 , ""' ,
. � ___1� Ilw._�_. : 4'. . ... . I THE P,EART, And keep, t ArOOPITAtory, "t'g4lis in: 4 at I ' & 1101) 0011*0!4,
,_; " 11 00 , ( .r Lou - j 4 arty Ili, your own ..., , .
.. I... . -4.4 j,7- : 1-11 1--__r.- . . . . . . I-- Aff: 0_4 OAT --- - -, Z-- ---- - - - gQ9.4 liVAlthy ,ondition, Tblo T,ott can - lot ' L'one I 11 14"0 . - �
I I I , I � ��� . 11
j , . � 1, , . � . ,� quiet; above all, ii,ppr r. ,T. L. rtlay, J11AT440, 1�.S. lterC Prid-ham ,
j j ! L 1111% 4�0;.;. , I '' 0.,j . " F, I 11see where you'
. . t " ,. . What Happens to %his Pattilrtt Orgart in by using I)r.T4OIAAA*'LlK6IQ'C F4100'th to, 0; (140, t I W; a a
�� . � �,, - � J ..., I .1 . " . y 0
� I j di"� � .1 � j j - L. � I :. W4046 it 'IS 4py Poyentlolila this,%ilsesti cotI006 " unwilling'centre. wrltec-111 have been trouM#d *.0 a ' - .
� � 1 *� . � . j 1. �, I - ��. r ,-: . , �, , 11. L 1. "I I �_.. 1. - j 11 1.11'. � I orstriellivild. - � � , . Of 'I y . . .
� I � � � , - ` ". . t, . L I I . ."r ,7;.c440Iah4Qr,"1d'boo allowed to' -_ - ---
�� W,, 104-OWO UAr Ila, ig�d for,ty M I .. hard, ov, gough foriii long Ono elp". I 1 IN, I I 111go-o"I" ___
I L . Port Albor � . who heart is 4 long suffering and pa tot these things. to grapple With I '011, j I - __ __—, , __1 ------
I 11 1�'� I �. � - years, dle4i At the filklily real e4clet ly sli night, but otter having used Dr. '_
� . I I . Sell)., � no. and fortunate it - is 0 ttario Aventlej Niagara, Falls. . Y.,, �4 J � of them, digest It, recover j I
.. I � I . I . t , - t O-rga sit, ok. aftet, tin , � I j I PHYSIGIN GIVES AIIVICE
, Ube, �lcr ,%tar- i , T, I t ..
. . OL 0
11 lk j .0100014, too late flit 144 w at en _401l,
I i.,. I I zwwkom 0ArA U.. 0141olQO", 'QPTJ6X;-Aa 'tile tisno Is �alt this il� i for'even the gentlest on Tuesday- of likat w ' I Om. It, so that when tho night for Wood's Z;QtWV Pill* S.WQP, for 0 few
, __ 13 L
-11-1 _, 1: . I or t —
IAF��j � L - . I- . arawing Hear woon the iowna,b.lp of j he lawe person puts burdens . r illness of Wito weeks SIVI was /it Ann.117 nrriviia the (bought of the weeks, Ifludittlyoclughlivaldballa. To
j� � on it that any less obliging o � .
. io�4,, 'FRID.&T, 1i haart, disease: J),. ifirquia rty Will be a' thing you are well a vile eft
, .11 , ".. . 0111, 4 10 I I q g I did, t can say Talls Why So Many Suffer frem,
I ,� , I , I 4 "' 'AillifloRl Wit be Called On to; vot# for would rese t to the extent of quitrtgi n '"'od by 1 4, UP1119 ()at a part of your daily .� j
.1 I .� I I . I .8 4106t Joel � I n here for twelve year to, in .113 se The Catarrh and Rheumatism.
... . 1� I � . � I I �I ottlontj lwou 4'11ko work. � . resided, t I ,tied on thy all worth a trial. t
I - ( thAtt. lxot'� oink Ila sympaky Ile leaves a w dew slid two children life. not a blinding light till Z 4 w —
" a
� ,, 0 , pe; IS
11 .. .� , BARR�jls_Tslt, Onomem", Wgjifl.- The '� it � hew The digestive organs - " ;' - the bouse."
,. j.. �_ foil .. I .1 . wit - , ovQ � 40 this Wine . td not 4 wy I Paddora' A distinguished physician, famous
. tie Is well knowo as a former. Htit-nn. ,Adth such- suddenness that It leaves Would Ithouli-lb In
; A 0 VO I n 0 fromitlib Xf0j Ari I a e. RIiiia r t Iment, 1 oforl't thlol"hat tinive.. and the result is much suffe"T _!�n. k*1P.gA_!Lr_oth"__9f �WPAIAV M . _yo4__b11nk_Wg.ft1L.tNo rest cf,the -.,..-. .,..-.w —
. 'be � usftk%�-Ot, - - . I — � _ � - _____ -(OP- -bill, -4'A'Z4Ce6lgfUt-----tleatMei)t-----of-----------
__ -�--�i.j--M-�--..�jk---r,.,--.—.—,."I-�--��l- ft -will- f j A*-forat-the- . ing--torth6--ttad being -.-Blit WhAill - id son of Mr. John Matinufa, of Ing That Is not the sort of thing a 0 ..
, ) it e
. �. i o awtvvee telera,to.agoripeman lq4oi, (if PrOVIOC j , 4 13- . catarrh and rheumatism, kidney and
� Or 4 uld at
I � � j 11 4 go,04 the quarrel is patched up and the aderich. I , friend allows to Ila pan to you- _ ---
11�1 i � 101 well kniiiwl to it; Cloderld 400000 1140$ Ic . 3 , Q �c .,,I a- � Will bladder tr Ilows -.-
. � "( , . I - � . Cables, states as fo
.", � eo IP. -A itulet din I ook place carrietl'? tot offender ceases to abuse these useful 6CUI.A. f, . "Our climate being mom - or less
� , g" .�4 0 the It . To THo natviridly not, It is a hhIg an enemy I
- �, . -1 __ .. ..-,.I,l
'1�1 I - --.T--*-- ;�, -and necess4r arts -of the body life I. a -- - -Vad-for - ___.______
, - - - . . UM-Mon-ArA sed tftry--oc, , 9 , he proud of ______.. — - � - --- ------- ---- damv cuanceaM, is
I ... , VOW I , Or, Ocal 0 1 - -- - goes on as before. �- of I . catarrh an
I ': � T" , 148111 Alr,l, AUI,1211t V4 u"Orge, PlArrilster I , , i6i". I;klC;Qlne;4!lwIII . The heart cannot stop work for a oups,thins, which depriv , beef 1. Atake- of rheumatism, and care
� kesley�'nkid4l,lsa Morya 0. %ni, - fresh air -and exercise, Fizhin I I
... , leroon say, disregaid LItelleense act-itod-Itis are, tpore - in5 must be taken not to let these
nited �beir iprt�ee, �,�'#" 0 - i, t ml ute, for if it Should life would to discirdem of the liver fknd ron
� if , , - I" kignay'o Uid Across tho'country one day, troubles gain headway, In addition,
11, � � � 'ting their Qwn f4tAlt It loca"OP"On -Ptx Litt at on.e, and so ,human nature than those who lead active out4onr .Dr. 131hilk noticed an bid negro who he tates that a great many Cana -
Clergyman wao� Her.,I), V� Vatt-Horne, In force by 4 vote of the people. Obe You a
I ': be were 4
" of the Cecil Ste Church of 00181', Of thifiK'I believe would ep *at) presumbs upon its knowledge of this lives. The former will Had In Parme. had beezi for quite n while parched dia'
I I ns are careless in their habits,
whi6hch�ycb 1bo'bri0el.it grandfather advantage � is this, try and - and puts all sorts of difficult, tasks Ne's Vegetable Pills ,'a, restorative motionless upon a little bridge, fiah- and to this as much as climatic con-
. _ - _ , r .9top, treat .
" wits 4 noted plotleev tlllnlsl��r in ()an- Ing, Impulie a-iflue. good and,h6avy. Oil upon the heart. without aquestion the most efficacious Ing silqntly from tile stroam beneath. I ... I Better ditions is due at great deal of tile
I ___..____ada. Mr.and Mg,a.Georp-willreside aitytmei#ho-off�rst�tz,ea�lp -hotel, There is a limit. how6ver, that oil- the ftlarket, Th! N'r -scoine- time lie watched him from trouble. Insufficient clothing and' �
I a ,� i%T,e eASIIV pro. ___1 - ----------- -
__ _ ----. " __., - � -
11 in Qhesleyo - . " there is not One man in. a hundred I 'bt expediti- a distance, but finally, overcome by I Improper eating will cause rheumatic �
, cannot be exceeded, especially by curable. easily tuk n. a
( A QunER .Mix 'Up. -This is at topsy who would stand u,t A bar till he for� those who have passed the fortieth ously, and they are sui prisingly cheap the old fellow's unmoved patience, , Cook. and catarrhal troubles in any cil. I
� turvy worla. 1;0 one seems to he . . If Plopeg Ould - rante. .
got what lie iyaa d ng by loeingMs milepost, without risk. if not instant considering their excellence. be rode up and accosted him.
coldmonsense throug%i,liquipp; or Wake death, at least of chronic invalidism. When we say that so-and.so is "no "Hello. Wash I What are you do- I This eminent authority gives the
i .� satisfied. One man is struggling to the first offence be t a Ineauskif 1Q,jing The heart is a muscular bag, di- at shakw..",'we fire really quotirip ing up there?" , 4 PERHAPS, in tho opinion lollowing 119 Ila Simplest and bc*t
- - tho __fdPTy___ � . I I
LW , 6stlori-i-t -vided- into,- fQuy -compartmentsi -the- -tra., P AM6 . -
� - -
--IN -got JusticeiratI&Anothet- io-flying- fro -thoit--Iloenae��W"quorr-Lqu rittmenrof averse, corwitch,111--, ., --rialiur, 'ilav_ C , __ . _. � . of your friends, you treatment known to science and -to
-B �_ no ,man la�saoltlug'up, to -buy it- . naidoubt. &,hard thing--to,,bottomf its function of which is to pump the last if is: , j . .
� lie -r- 11 , udge of a f riend- by - 'Whit getting many, are you?" BU Sight—.1110, are the be t co < in
Ih a. and 'another Ili trying"bard to both parties pat up a good arguruen to blood to all parts of the body. which obe shake.tof his -blind." And the 'No sah." I Is ol it he gives credit larfraly I for his
� . '"' , ' succc$5:—
Sell his dwellitig,for 14ge thati it uost, for or agalast, as the ctwo may be..As it does ,by the regular contraction of phrase, ,'To Pitt bumblo pie,." origin , .W�11, it seems to me you'd get People who have for years the neighborhood. Fluid Extract Cascara ........ Y. a&
, to get rid of tf. 'One man Is spending I have Stated, I am ..opposed to ,local its walls. In health and under nor- tted Ili the fact that during feudal tired fishing so long without a bitc."
" all the mot*ey'bq tan earn ill taking a Option and 4ever was the worse- of inal conditions this pumping action da.vo %be Ilumbles" (laferfor part of neglected to consult a coni- Still., everyone will admit Carriana Compound ........ I a&
'�' gi!l to a concert, or show gral sending liquor and ho' "I doesn't want no bit, cap'n " �cten I o p I I c I a if wou III . I
, � pe I lieveiI shall be. But goes on regularly and quietly. But deal-) we I III Syrup Sarsaparilla .t ......... 6 oz.� I
I " re baked in pies for the poor "well, that's funny. Wily do'n't gladly pay any price fcr there Is a chance for the best
i or valuable presents in hopes that he one is cAllecr upon, no doubt, to wit- whon all impediment is offered to the followers of the feudal lords. y Directions; One teaspoonful after
may eventivally ukake4idr his wife. and ness many things in his life that he on want a bite, Wash?" good sight again, and of us to go on improving. each meal and at bedtime.
.- I --hiw toeighbole-ia,.ppendin would not have to it the hotel in I flow of blood in the arteries, such as The Tecawn'ter News says; Mer- "Hit's this a -way, cap'n; When I there ate sonte caaes fit The ingredients are all vegetable,
I I .g all the gold. ell re- occiirs during active exercise or un- chants are inakIng I git" a lots a' bites, hit takes all inch which the optician cannot
he h is glaved-tiy,ing �to get a dlv6pco. 8, land have a direct and specific action
p4,rdod WhattbeyoughLCO. OnlylaSt der the stress of some I )itter complaints And the 1, Pandora " Range-
One'man keeps a pistol to protect Child , within a Stones throw of it . strong mental atoolaft, the cond tion in which many time to git the fish off'n inch line, Rive tile vision lie would �6n the liver, kidn I eys, and bowels,
llr,� I emotion, such no grief, anger or great rarmers bring their fowl to market. an' w
himself agartist while his _11� Some pien-of a certain psace joy, the muscular wall must con- I doesn't have no time foh like to with lenses, because Ill make tile best cook still eliminating all, poisonous matter from
hurg'ars, These are freq the eyes )lave been con -
neighbor doesn't keep ,,no for fear. of showed nut only disrespect for the L uendy fed before -kill fishin'." better. the System. Xey druggist can dis-
shooting himself or some member of Sabbath, but, a thousand times more, tract more forcibly. r I Ing, He tbat the Crop is full of fee. r I stantly strained arid con -
the family. One man pays tot- his disregarde& themselves. Suchoffences '. If the opposing force continues b pense this, or you can buy the in.
. I �- inetiled Seeds. Perhapia,, those who Polite Children. ' tinually neglected. -irately and mix at
ilyo;-4vance, beeituse he can read ought not to be in I& country like this, r,nd a eprtain time the heart gets t It's the " Pakidora " Oven- irredients , sep.
market their poultry in a condition It is said that when Macaulay, 4 GLASSIRS Ili little save worry. ventilating, system tha home by shaking In.a battle.
I Ft,%veit'll, a greater relish, ,while another where we 4re blessed with go. much tired, and its cavities dilate a little, io not know that they tire liable to 'boy of six, was asked to have Some t does Many of our readers should benefit
I I takes it fcair ., five years without good. In conclusiou, it is simply the while its action grows more r0itid. proseention for this (;ffeuce against more pudding lie politely replied, CONSULTATION 11RIUC AT it. by this article. Sava the recipo.
". Eaving Ono cent for it arid enjoys it fault of the, hotel men, Who ALL -421 the The sign of this is shortness of laws find decency, "Thank you, I have enjoyed an am-
ly itIl the while. Surely a queer means of having local option asked breath. Young athletes, by a, course There can be a differentia of opinion ple sufficiency." - - ______ - .
. I inluloorld this I& - for in this country, by disrespecting of judicious training, gradually on most subjects. tout there Is only one MA W. E. KELLY'S .. — .
�,_L� � .. . - - - - _- L - I—. .o_jsag_e reply Is matched by a. .
li� �, that which tbe�r old cloise � 11 ,CANARA'S POOR GLON.
, .. - '_
,ence was t ,cording to law, the License Act It is fered. a second frosted eake showed , �� � - -.-
ought to h --strengthen the heart`muselga so that opinion as to the reliability of M Alielo- - little Cleveland girl who, when of- JEWELRY STORE
, DRATEX op H. OAun.-Refei it is able to meet the Strain and over- Graves' WcA,ni Exterminator. c - - L - - _ 11
, 0 of
1�i A made last week by TAE STAtt to the come -- " - - _
I ,)11 I of Ontario. it by more forcible contractions. safeo_anrQanAeffscLUaL_ _ _ L "her btfie-Ilent-Trai-riffig b7y aiis-we'ring-, -Store t_5 - _ - _ I SUMPTIVES,
� I ,,� serious illness of rdv. H. Carr of -In--youtli also, the, organ- - is olastlt,_ _ . 3-PITONrS-Re.q. i85 I
- � - - -- -- - --- - - _ - - HYMMM&L.- Wedding - -bells--weTe- and readily returns to its norm . at Lucknow Sentinel. -Mr. Wm. Hot- "Mamma has directed me to always ---------- rz------. ____ — , I . I
I - Wirighini, vifiri. "Ile on a visit, to chinfeing on Wednesday tit. the manse . wig and Miss Etta Thorniiscin were 'refrain from taking a second piece I -_ zl�_ I �
',' ' Clinton, was laid up with witat,was in Dungannon, when Miss Marthi nize, even In the abserice of training, My married in Wingham on Fri- of anything." I — , A Story more Touching than an Ing
=ad to be a stoppage of the Green became the bride of George I soon aa the strain' is reduced. N,Y�a I.St. The Sentinel joins ibeir It is gratifying to know, however, __ 7o 20
� .
I He was taken 0 this Hoa- RiebardSOD. both of'thia place. Rev In later- life, however, the elastic- miLayfriends In congratulations and that the childish nature . --.----. — _. __ '. - from the Pon of the gifte
wi promptly , Ian Maclareo.
MIt I and an operation; performed as a Mr. Rutherford tied the knot. Mts� ity disappears, and a severe tax on best Shea to Mr. and Mrs. Helwig. reasserted Itself when the little'Wiaid .
,t"resort. when It.was found that a Jessie McMillan assisted the bride, the organ, such as bicycling uphill, . . I �
� . cancerous growth had affected th�e while David Martin, Goderich, looked .running or even a strenuous game of Are you a suffarer with rorns? If added: '� SUMMER SCHOOL .. . A I I .
bowels. _Th but, it titter the groom, thnnis when one is "soft," may re- You are. get a bottle of Holloway's "But you can lay it on my . .plate, J_4_"r� 1�_ad,a .,, r In the current Isaille of the DOOR olf
sinterests. A14 J'_ 9 - . .11 you.please," I . J .a .
, , , , � y the4- I . 1. � - - 4,,` �
'� - , . lweqr� 10 41� "_ 'A�U'. 09,4 -W '!'to 1&11.. . J
, , 91AW, &* *n A .,hjJ* _' net_rC 'r opri a I
II --%.a%4s- __ . ,.? ,Q,;JJ-8,. 44�*_A 9 ver'boan-Ir'"piro � a o , ,�RdAIA�jrubyxhad-ihy 4410 N to'ni%I N n I
- _ qrt�� *seW.t(l�Kt'd;!:1As 1.0110 ,Rt- , - - I , .
L�*%$MJF.;ll:i� ,* %1� - ��,.. -, ! '' I _-_� "A"ow44,"QlJ. iK4 lag
I ' """ � ,
I . Which fna�L: . tl� ' _� �
- 0 -,L'#V— . ,�, 4., , 'I .?'
.tw,4,10 � I,,
Z,T4i si�
a ., , .'Q'?1qgratt!j,Vtj 1'#iI"k6aAjjj "oor .
. toUL' L) :!ov ." � , ......4 r '.
,.�.1,0-t;&!velvis;life4-�-autt-4iwam Am 4nity . QAO ifrom t,hd��`Crt; ' . even, ,. I .. gt, �',K--,�� -4=- - , ---' � , - an- �tb)reaftfnit4ebr-`ftnV_f 1. -, � I ; 3 at ,
ay 0 ffie� , , - _.:� _raha. tirri. to, I& page is given Over to
. d f last woAk, Tills.'rentaina wet"e Lacri persist as a crippled heart,. making Wro. Aberbart, of Rgmon,fviI1,.e,,h-J Weat� Tor6n'
I t . ' � The banana is said to have thirty- New Catalogue free. Write Al letters received front tile inany pero,)lla
aken to Wingliam for interment 1n PZKS0XALj=Harry' Bennett. Ob,4 its owner more or less of a permanent purchased the Cumming tariff Qn the for it today, �
1,11 his ypauger days. he resided on the _I- invalid, 7th concession of Turkeramith, at roo-e. four times the nutritive value of tile . front till toof Lliv Dominion Deeking
,�, � a go, visited 'his lim,ant 4 week.- 0 ad iniss
base line; 'And for a time lived in jot f CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE r.4.r to tile Aluskoki Proo
" do. MeLeod left for zrolt iagain
�'; I at Every person over fifty should sent occupied by Mr. McGee. The potato and twenty-five times that
�� Clinton, where be learned the busi- this week. -Mr. and Mrs. George Clark avoid severe physical , Strains of all fal in contains; 100 acres and was pur. bread. In the West Indies the na- TORONTO. Hos Ital for Consumptives.
I ,,�` new, oI a car,pLifter, and dontractor, and fatally. Ocilbarnotownship.-viulted kinds. He should exercise re Tile " Pandora " ,, v a n Ila% a S.Yd'can have wo rond anything woro '
I gularly chased for $4.M). tives out the fruit into strips called The largest, inost reliable athetic. Ilare, for exainp!e, 1 --if, letter
. He afterwards moved to. Wingham. friends in the Village on Sunday. -walking is the beat kind of a ercise Mitchell Advocate --A clergyman " pegs," dry these in the sun and of its kind. RFAI,aystein.uf ventilation -not froin a physician it, c!ceo,.,l1(1r,. ()lot.,
i. where he has since resided. Ile was NOTES.-IltIf Hawkins has put \ a for, the heart -but lie shouldxavuid in town purchased a turkey the other grind them into flour, out of which W. 11. SHAW, Principal. a " make-believe." king for tile adinission of a, padt tit
11 a member, of the C.O.F. and A.O.U. W- unusual feats of running. biyn h many excellent dishes are made, No 4"
: He -was o-mi-m-olf-libuor -tedut to work on the railway. --Hum- � W an almut, to have it drawn cheaper food grows in the tropics. Yonge anti Gerrard Sts., Toronto. bythenamonfAtordRon. llerays-'_.
.. societies.' d 0 I— --- lit the " PauOori " oven,-NLW -
a d )rIniblinfe. and enjoyed' the con- 'meH& Hable, of Goderielf, have their or even horseback riding if he would ,ame to tile erincluslon that It Ill n t The plant begins bearing fourteen - - .-- - "I would like to urge f.tr0tigly 111),on
fin I a, keep his heart in condition to last as took As good as it might, and at once — — air is continually enterng, anti tile tile great claims (Pr this liatic,nt-
dence of the community. He leaves a nant mixer &I the river,ready to long as the other organs -up to 80 or took it to the office of Dr. Sbillinglaw months after being planted. It re-
� start the cement work at once for the _� cooking fullics deporting W.Uhaan(whokiie--iii,)tiit,rtitititt fath,r
�i A wife, three .daughterp -and, one Son. In, 100 years, which is the natural limit tot- examination. The'dootor saia it quires no cultivation and produces - - the nil
�, He wits a brother of Mrs. GlaAer, or.. m Idge which crosada the river.-Jaccri) of a- well spent life. had been affected with tuborcalorosis, harvests uninterruptedly for eleven inside of even never having a woi-kiuRttsafitrtjilttt)t,,,t.,-. ,l,ht.b(,yil.,.l
� , I of Oiintoo, and was well and favorably cOpe has ripened out a butcher shoo a. A few feet of ground nour- Winter Tox-in Opens Jan. 4th. chance to becurne 11 st-de " beef, living With all unnino-ried mi(!4, -
. In the Port village, where all till 0 and was the worst case lie had ever Y" no housekeeper- wmk, cooking, etv-
1, known to a number of Uiderich r�si- 9 ishes a plant, and the space I
meats are kept in stock, with rices Snelling at St. Andrews. seen. Other fowl may he affected In 1, " :I,, i r. A 1� / / Will; (toile by the illicle. Th" N.), 11-1.4
�� dents. � all Just is, according to the familiar like manner, So that it would Ile well dooryard will grow plants enou@of ta " ,)l / absolutely w) place to Fri) where lie
-_ right. -Fall ploughing is About r" b, . J� No tilixilig an 41 Tenlix1ug of
1/' _�
R I . maintain a large family. � / !/// ,� - dors; therefore, no chance of Que might be givvu tiny rmisoonld�, care.
,� - A GREAT Wonx.- tie ofang a pro- dotkp in this neighborhood. saying, the shoernaker's wife often in keep it close watch on those being �/ L ,' , -1 / -, o
� I // J11K1,z'1, " _4( 1/;
, gramme of the'SOth ,annual meeting ' " goes the worst Stood, so it would ap- offered for sale. rll , , _1L 'X� / _0 arricle to "Catch" tile flavor of art hocan get notic whvio, liel,4:1
I I 6 T R A TF Q R [). C' N T, - ---- I .
of the Ontario Agricultural and Ex. pear that in Serifs of our university . Do& Must Not Work. . This So hool is one of the largest -Ili another, Another caria Iq 1`111111 ThOlUM.
rimenta.1 Union, to be held .at the . Gerrie. towns proficiency in the eleme4tary How to Remove Warts. Some ,misguided person returning thellrovince. Itianotedforthetho- Johnston Weldon writv.�: -
'PACRSONAL.- Miss McL&ughl �, of from a continental holiday has won- Instead, tile natural flavor of "laiyittyc)lltigiiizt"-i�-iiiii;tn,t,�r,-ntv.
hibited In public notices. In that ored why dogs are not used in Eng -
I art of Spelling is not invariably It is really a simple matter to re' d . 1,
I V A. College. EGuelph, 6ti Dec. 7 to 9. if , ex- roughness of its work and tile success three YeAw" of age. I ,or savf'ral � "'Ll
i � 11 Prof. Zitvitz, the Secretary writes, Salem, _Spent Sunday last with friends . move Warts and callonlies if Von apply I of its students. Three departments- L, every article is accentuated to the I have been &it -k. t 111%Na
A here. -Mrs. Howson, ,of Wingbam nncient Scottish seat of learning and as beasts of burden. Tile rea- .o�4 ahjo. t.b
1-411 -Even it you bannot, attend the � l I Putnam's0orn find NArart. Extractor. COMMERCIAL, SHORTHASO, TELEGRAPHY. fullest degree. keep nly feet. N, I I "; I
I accompanied by her Wother, Mrs. Col' and th,R Mecca of golf, St. Andrews, (),re. is certain-fail6re impossible -if son why is nothing less simple than � v I lave f..wo t'.
pl meeting, w6believe that you are dei5p. " tho tillia wlifli I (11111lot wflil_ and
)yinterimtedfn theprogressive work vIn-o1T0bSWa6er,w)6re visitorR with the writer of this paragraph observ- you -use "Putrilkni'a." a statute. As long ago as 1839 an Ill Our graduntea are in dernand as Von Should 11161 tilsic tile I)ccf cannot get nis-dicirw %%ilh, ,�t im-all'.
of the Experimetital Union. Tber Mrs, H. Perkins. -Miss Alberta Evans (,(I the other day a notice affiked to .act was passed making it a punisb- Lisilleas College teachers its well as roasted Ili tile WARM, 11111"Sil
Ali e office nasistants. G ,at out ill kgni ficent 4 Nfyliing-iii-f�itiTo,t-t,(),Ill,,I 1.';'�.rVr,til�V,
were nut 8,000 fdriner§, fruit grow- returned to.ber home titter a lengthy ono .of the Churches intimating that able offence for any person within th
a I' AIR of tile " Pandorn " even. now t"I'oeir ywl, olon L�,-t im, I l" .1-
r I potillrytiti . sere, lay Ili Tclronto.--�-W. J. Johnston re. services were held every "Sabbath" IN taMPS metropolitan area to "use any (log �utaloixlie ; it is free. .
e 8, vegetable growers Muskokik Pre,. llo,pi! �� I r.., (, , ,illw
lbee keepers, etc., actually engagg'd turned to Torcloto on Monday last. at such and such hours, and on the illo,ohristmas S for the purpose of drawing or ill 0 Ip- I ELLIOTT & McLACIIIAN, Prine's. I The flavor is mij,,1,11 ,111,cri) , lives. 51y y"tifig wirl. I.i 1-l'.. .., :1,
An conducting these co-oporative ex- haming spent from Thankaglying until historic links there is an excellently � Ing to draw tiny cart, carrilige. ru �K hor parelaff hip't, Mold", "noll, 1 01I...-
riments throughout Ontario in 1908 no,w with his'famfly.-Oacar Spence paintold notice board which reads or barrow." Fifteen years later, in - � - __ - - ___ -7 - � - - - -r A flavor inore ie-itfuliv enjov doors too her if I fr.) n vs ,.� " I
hr., output of Ontario farins has, of the. Bank- of Hamilton staff, has thus: "The Public Are Requested to A MIRIon to be Sold Before 1854, an act, passed in "the more ahle, that pills ri ket-ner edge on Jtlijtorl'.Itl,)I.o(,ftli,,i,,�ttiv%A.� ltligllt�
been under the weather for Rome time Keep of the Gfass." We had often Christmas. I ell I
4oubled In AftPen years. The Expert- , effectual prevention of cru y your appetite thoon brof doue other. u0te. Thi-, I,] I'l-oll it 1,!,.N �. �,%,i Ilk
imental Union has had -a marked In- with a e0ere attack of tauscular heard of tile Spell of 'St. Andrews, - animals," extended tile prohibition Knlltiellrm-d, Ont. 11 I e wrio _
fluence In bringing this about as well rheumatism. He made the attetupt but acarcPly expected to find it in to all parts of the kingdorn, to Night.. wise, 1,
, ucation � I Every penny from " I have it ni inf twff, , o , 'rom
� ARSP.Saisting ireatly in the ea* to get to work on .Monday, but was ,his particular form, ______ — __ = Yen, insleed, t h I- I,awlota " rillilloll'try filh ...... llo�; 1, %� 11" i. 1 !'.., it
If It has alto developed a the stamps, after aid ,)IT woric for 'll'out three ).ntll�
Ofthe forced to lay oft until niore folly re. . __ Pianist's Ingenious Revenge ke voti it better cook. r
I deep t q the Agricultural Col- covered. -T. H. McLaughlin went to Stones end Glass Houses. paying for printing The proprietor of a Paris caft; no- will "" now w" Ill -l".4 11,11-1 "t thill 1;o-, brt
11 lege. Which is shown by tile fact that Toronto last week on heAring of his , The origin of the saying, "Those and distribution, ticed that after he had refused to give And it's ,)I)lv a inatter (if thne latterly 1,4011 hi, I "l- ,Iwl if wl. .1nillin
I son,14elson's illness, who Is reported to . Classes bay(, kept, d ... % Fi',wl hi, %v, ;� i , ,.jr)�,
" gabon t 1,(M students attend. and 40.000 who live in glass houses should not will be used for the the nist an increase (71 -milary the I before you'll see that voil c:11111lot I
I 11 armers visit thq College annual] " !likile typhoid fever. He held a posi. throw stones," Is as follows: At the maintanancoof nor u r of his customers dwindled — z fill)
1;11, Ila, 114 ill,, ooly .,IT.!, " � I , 1I..4
� Theprogramme isone that Zo;ild tion with John CatLO& Co. Hismany time of the union of England and p nigibly trut along witholl he y mother, c?il- I'd I*'ll.'r, 112A
.. draw a Very large attendance from patients at the rapidly. It was only when all but Poll- linibitions voting people Pandora," Troiingerbrother,but i,,w1vIi:,Irqr,i,- ,
': friends here will be pleased to bear of ,c3cotland, London was inundated with one diner had deserted him that tie 1i
.. I all parta of the province, and THIC his speedy r6covery. Scotchmen, and London rou MUSICOXA F n82 discovered the Pillnist had been in- who wish to lighten their These reasonable prices alioul(i ying to rid-, a Fimidi ritnoviit ,,V
HOSPITAL FOR fliating Chopin's "Funeral March" prot We havo 1-111 boullTht t"I�l it
,. labor and I ncrease thei r earn - money to holp lihn."
, STAR hopes that our Huron- countil" LUGAL.- Division court was held to go about fit night breaking their a
I I farmers. truit.growerg and oth , ers will here an Tuesday of last week, his windows, Buckingham being con- CONOUMPTIVus, and forextending oil the audience nightly, The plan- Ing power. 1,I)t ),oil to see 4is fight away. " t i" I"t I
I I be well represented In this "lost I F�l- honor Judge Holt presiding, The sidered the chief instigator of the the light against the dread White iRt pleaded at the court that he play- fall folit"LiLl-I'll. %V11., lv��l ori%en t" " . I h.,
portatit gathering. ,� only calse was that of Shire ya. Shai p- mischief, ,a party of Sootchmen Plague. ad according to the mood 110 felt IT)' CILI] for particulat a. character of Ili-, %1,4'1o;o� iy�t.. mt%,,
'' 1 $33 tO $( )O to.(] that Ill 1, tt'.E." oillch n.- th ,v- III,
�, in, and arose out of the sale of the Smashed the windows of the duke's after his request had been rvfup�ed, ivol-71of Hod fl1:Ll"l'J,iI foil' a I ....... 1""lo'
I nouse, -
'*�hAng up a child In the way lie Vidette. Mr. Shire deals in real mansion, known as the glass I This Christmas Stamp idea wits but he was fined $10. GODERICH f,melling alld yll It. I iv In niany I"trIA
traV91 that way youlrSelf. eathte and bad a contract with Mr- The court favorite appealed to the started in Denmark a4outfour yean BUSINEGS (ban Ilk Tlmiril 11, i'Ar TI -11.
I it wiAtil at A mbth6k-'s knee Sharpin to sell the Vidette. Mr. S. king, who replied, "Steenie, Steenie, ago, where the cash returns have Earthquake Carpenters.
'wholly forgottefl; a little claillned the limit of the contract was COLLEGE Tho Howell It Is I'll 1101.0r'.1' ( ... llk,� ill. (" 4
,�Ueverdrtea uppil a journey for I(X) days, while Mr, Shire produced those who live in glass houses should built and financed a Consumptive The term "earthquake carpenter" wl, 101 1h,re n .... ,,-r,- or ...... h,,,,,, I 1,,,
lchihg years./ The sooner the cont,ralet,which specified 200 days. be careful how they fling stones!" Hospital. A year ago, the ltdd,Orogs .t first glance might give tha Ion- GKo. SPOTToN, Plindpal. 44-ro,tiiny ed tho- s;%r,atmm,,) --v
,hl ' Society of Denmark sold over 400,000
? 14 io be a ImLw unto him. Mr. Sharpin claimed tile figures bid Malacep Belles. pression of a person capable of doing Hardware Co. w, -#-k, thal t1w lhj,k,�kot Flo,, li-., tA
I -oner you mWe a rasa of him been changed, but as there was no Eastern standards of beauty with the co-operation a job in fast time, regularly Blial,ing — (Limited � for Cmi�ooqoiv noaki-4 it,, �,1,1:,l
c�-d models lure than critf- evidence of this and he had disposed of I ffer of stores, the work U) Rather, To some per to -day fin, rllljd�.
I �, 1� ' ThIq in-titoin-m hiv, vot at;,,- ;-,,,,,
Cat_��jevo /eleek what Is In of the property himself within the 20u like the customs, from those of the churches, clubs, and boys and girls. sons It might convey the idea of a' SPrIng and SUMMOP Styles Goderich.
il �*uleiil Ve cherish Whatie days. judgment wits given in favor oi w0st. In Malacca, we are told, the In fact, everybody helped In this pop. man whose work was Flo floor that it Iiinre it" d,r�, w-t.- flr.t ,,;.'' .1 ill
It', , . " I he plaintiff. .'all waist and velvet eyes � not ulsor movement, and this year their was likely to drop toi pleces at any a April. w6_ t.r,,-,,,l [% sil,lo- 1,ol,nt
e �11- For 1908 J)"Callfie (,f ill" 111.1�!i",Lot h-1,,,
11 , 1. '' I . count, but instead the lengnApthe National Red Cross Society Is selling moment. Actually it Is a JarnAican too my. , WV011"
-a ( , � I" . Nisifisking neck Is the criterion of beauty. The the stamps all over the States. term and really means a man whose Tile Choicest Pabrics —.-- - ____ - �,Ontrlhot;pyi. ninv besen I t., Mr. IV.
. longer it is the more perfect the work is in wrecking, a man who tak S The Correct Cut J. (it ,:: KI SrI)aIlifla A vi", Chalim."I .f
"411111111, TELL'S Hot HE NOTES -miss Io. Blake visited rela- 4eanty. The airl of Malacca at a very apart the fallen houses and sorts oupt The [tent Worlitz life rllflv,� ( ...... mitf,. or t".I. ,9.
� . I , r r � es nbar Dungannon over Sunday. - 6arly age is fitted with a metal collar t4A timbers.
. a . I tiv A STAMP FOR CANADA IfinfollipSTURDY & CO. W,
. . Ernest Make was, assisting I lloberl�on, Hi -n -far v ,rwe,mi-f-f- (if thn
US OR ATIC Toni which compels liar to Ueep her head The neat little stamp in red and Nati,mal f4anitrui .... i A,,riati.,n,
I , . , I Motility In the bush with his team last erect, find as she grows the collar Is white, like above cut. and selling at .. - .-- And fill at Nlofletate Prices at .1147
// I PATH . Week. -Clarence Shackleton ii laid up increased in size, and by this means one cent each, It published by the . - THE GROCERS King Street West, Toronto, Ontario.
11 . tifis week, -May SAundera bits been Oil -_ —
� . — , tile Alck Ilat for the past week or I we. the neck is gradually elon filed. A National Sanitarium Association in 10191211, Ill 11111M -wam, I . G F 11.1 "
. Paris contemporary, with Ine pres- 1kVzVd-%lU*LT1M ";
A bistillif&l6bed Specialist 01"o �Wstelr Tor full pattle"bir's Of the grotp6que will M, Seen in European the interests of the Muskokis Free fluGh WOWS I -.1i
,,Valu*blb I AdVICA. . t)"list'W"s tl" OntOrtalnWellt Lo) lie cities. Hospital. The stamp does not pay L1,* WAS WEA'.." A '41 0 TH411
I , A - Millmhant
,in the Arst jilloe t xlways ImIrregg Ing, DecernWr Isth. PC : R J . ONLY WEIGHED 73 POIJUDS.
. r , . hisId in Vii3lay's school, . Friday even- - stage, but may be put on letters, ., nlafioTrProvincial Feir Talloorinig
ItAnct of - Soll t RAP0 for NoVoYnbor, it has been said that the Scottish Headquarters q NOW WEIGHS 113 POUNDS.
t ,liven my paticlag the Ift - Shopping In Scotland. packages and Christmas cards of all .0 .�
-careful livitik"'4114 fterar hAbitil, S �S. 0. 0 Aft" kind% avid will bear the happy Sen.
� hfield- In Ordlet of I
. __
Moderatiolit i4 eating, ket-Olitt tho' ftletit * V. 2- Walter 'Alton, Lei I& dialect Is peculidtly powerful in its son's Greetings everywhere. $2,45' WF�ST .';Ta ro;T. (lormiticit ONT. I
feet dry"Ati'd *e�aying pletiti of wttw Make. WiII16 Alton, Wallace Twam- use of vowels, and the following dia- Willing Workers mill over the Domin- Had Heart Trouble and Shortnt
clothing !kf* t6nIt lot the OtOkAttidne, loy -, IV. sr�-Alsry U1114ers, Ernest logile b2tween a s,hopman and a 03116- __ -- --- - -, —
NO, amotilit, of.thedichia will cure. Hall't IV, 3 I f, � Mile Johnston I terrier he been given as a specimen. Ion are organizing little handle for TO GUELPH �!T - _____ _ __ _ _ of Breath for Six Yearia.
or tvieft helgi tnleft 4ttO , ntleo It paj3 IlL St.-91diti Twamig. 1*481019toth. The coullreation relates to a plaid stamp oeftitig. The hosp(W bo&M is - I I...
to these few tiMple, rules. at$, Edith Johnston, Iforn Glen , Ill. hangin,t at the shop door: hoping that over & million stamps , I MILBURN'S �JEART AHD NERVE PILLS
. I have NO offftill, - results where 1r, -Lf, Alton; Ida Glegior. 11 - Custo-nor (inquiring the matetial) Will bill sold before Christmas, And the AndlRetupn]] DAILV I cur.] Ni". K. V. I',, lo, I:w 1�,, Oat.
�W,dtott 1011dwied thae Ingtritaititis, T . I
Mittle Wilikor, Now alazier ift4ft -00 (wrol)p Work for the Consumptive poor from " ' I ' I f"r
i imigted '0 thtjollftin* blo6d' t6nk I # - 114 Johostone. johrilly Shopm-tri-Aye. on (yes, of wool). _. S)e wrlteq� ' I nl% gr,arly tr,,. 'I.A
1, . . Pt. Q? I
;11 and theumattavowifict- � foly o I.-Ifthe Moriq I Jr Custom,or-A no (all we am tosels, will be groestly strengthened -TJ , FROM GODERICHIpm R I it , TOURIST �6 4 it). rg, �t,lh T-1 ll.-I't an -I -1,t".Rq ,,(
. . '
�017' L0%
t1W.- 1:
mg the 9
*� 4 Pdo or W.
I loutwuler Pal
t o .-- 1611 JohnAtove. j. o: ShopmW A�-A a' Oo (7oa. all wool). Othet, lnt*rfttlng Informition inaly Ifs I'm% I h. I , . ,� , 1. I , . , " , Ik ,,�� ,. .. I.Am with
. to tobettio , ,u t rpo fmir,,r fivii tin)i-q i, -i th.%t sti-rt
IPluld tkiratt, CAUAft..*.o.. 14,6t. ., _ o obtained by vii,ritlag Mr. J. S. V Good going Dec. 5tbi�;_Oec. It CAR GROCERIES �,h" make hle vI ill
catfimatit otift6tind w..#..,* f bA: krta Tome6r, Cas Ayl�e 00 (all same wool) ting
I I Return limit Dec. 14th. JIM. i"ing nil d hIll'il.
: . C�ompo�Adl sy"p, SAfthogfillit 6 '64 Shopman-Aye, )k' itis no (yea, all oft, 8fty.4tua. of the Assoclations FROM TOPONTO keeping a pleasure, are alwas.,; In .to, 4 it timcanio. I f,,,,t a,, waah awl th,n I mily
I MIMI Ob4i te"060ftftil ditt tilibilif A SO" fthlill Pblit IfItAbActir.- "' **")* 10MON Obe"t V1102% Tbrontoo. Thp Attractive Route to AtanitAba, .N . w",1411_1 re. -lay th�oo 1--m.h. I dpmde'
" 0*1 at wilib& I Stilloos bodmitt-, to, whith women Nothing Doing. - . Saskatchewan find Albertit , is via (311i. To Winnipeg, the Northwest 41d Pacific STURM'S at Irlat to Lik-, -m-, , -f Mill,orn'a Heart at,:,,
- Rk 311 o4visebro, to, 'arfnk 01.6lity, 'a art tOOMAuhPoe thith; itibut I*Wnits .I've walked litany miles to fee The nine year old son of J06hus ell, and St. Paul, Minvempolls or Coast. We have evervOling for tll� 1111orbo: 1, a ... I ahor tilitw, oight limen I
40"dW to sotdip'subj"1604 Cook, of Clinton, fell from a, Iddder and Do 111111.
I 4fraw Iduillak tht tit'hiffitlit. , IV K'", 1"11"
, Ot 'ittlivi filet a�e you. sit," began the ttamp, "bee Alwa bright and clean, well' lighted, anti alway I
A A. oll#ihint 14toll � metell"t 4hio I . � Otmtiatllld�,, T" fitlifin,x6rt r& dusio heollit and 41sloemed his arin. venti ad and liested, will ]ell all I f(l1Ar3l)tCP tile 4J't'-1I-!l-I c ,11, I ,!ueed ,,I or -,,,Z01 Aral w0g%t, and n.w
" #.4" 44 t"AttwAilt littf" itgo; I : OA thd1btft i's wmiiiliZi, -A NoPle told the You was very kind to r'.4t d hillation 0" I I I I .
I . ^ 1130ftwity norse ficArly entered the w, ig �,na wit mi am thirtroon pound%. �
allitkiiiiiistdi'llKiot to redo the ttomAth Poor Chill* like md", Pet tuttlialf InfOrfastlon and tiellota apply to modern cotivenfen"i. nertil e roonly .
11 Wkto 41AItt,mil, I)Wdft (ftuc , * littckno* Sentinel office,wFindaw 11, th,, mo -4t I -v-r wo,,,jh�l in my life, I'feel
. Z, bwl of frof4riliNe iNfil6k his, b6Ctliil Indoedt" said the lfAnisl white (e.qsilv secoulmollstis two), it fortabie. QPTALITV. PRICE, PROMPTNVS.�;, I
A,t4 1166% 001A, , 111113#41ft 11*mklii� Will IttherdAY. A t16004 proyeat F. F. LAWRENOE dirdiv so . vr-11 and etin unrit an welt as ever I did,
I ka, * fktnt)*L %t JW; 111606111dAIII&C Qbm I b4ifed old Min. "And YOU ate go,� tititt.r. i,pplied whit fresh Ilin . Stuart (;ood flatter and ltgtr,�
. '. � - & IA I , t 4k 1 iy 41(4rA(Iv# jib L Ili ring bat1k this istilt ftlyP' TOWN AORMT P07ter . charge. I alwayn wanted and ean heartily thank Milburn'lli Ifeart anti I a , ,
, k Wift 61ft ," , I �k" 11 , U h , ,� I ' Nervo Pillol for it all." �
f bI 4 11 I Obbift to t 6 'Ah, **Il, J11184 OfttftdlCt that ird"ut J. STRAITON. Depol Agent. Tile best people" go Ton I
ill# Or. Co. 9 , Pri",80,epnto par box iir 3 borea for
61, &W-tw4k TW rbW**a4 presented with 11, Arot days. Von are sure of conge" . Sturdy & 01 ZI a al dealora, or inai" direettri t
1 4" v"I", I . I , I 1� tao" t14 6Ral�b*- r111061 " Y01111 90, *W YoUt - 000d thill4t WO know vg for I. D. MCDONALD. 1). P. A.. pally: going Tourist paysi. too I roiceipt of prim by The T. hfilburn CO., . .
� _/ -1 . � I . likoh I ,1411po I I
I � . "'r . , I I _ . ') , L � ; . . . a retount. I Union Station. Toronto.Ont. rates are very Moderate, * '1_11"It'l- 'Phone 91. Tha S4uaro, (loderich I I
t, A ConoilrVolitl k I 'I tiomea Hom &M #Lm to &30 P.M.
, =
I 're *44". *6 6% ,'�, "to - Wd4i*art tfi�,` in ti . ,'tem. Alt." election I flo.oft, list
I I I . ,�, . 11 11 I , I � I I � '. . I Limited, Torouto.Ont. � -
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