HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-12-04, Page 3, -* "" t �1�1 IF % 1 ?'17C I —14 'A , � I . $1 � ­�, 1 ,�-7' "...'. . � 1 -so I. ,, I � ,4, -.... �, � , ; 7, al 101 � I I'-,--- -­ - - ,- M 407 434ma= 01 t, ,; 1 .77-- -- I . . -.00 � � % I . I . . I I I "' 4. 1'r - , � .., ". � � ,viv ,,, — � . . I 1; ,&11 ... I , .., - , " .... , t, , ,,,,. � .. � . q�# . . . . . . . . ` A, , - I W "Ant. iii. .. I - !2 -d- - ig — a '­-J",� - 11� , 9 I MENErVIR-1 1- -1 .. - I � I ­­­ -t!!-:!! �±­­ -- -- - I --- -T- V- �T. ­,­ ­ ­ :- " , - - I .­ � � - 1-1 . - 111 - , . - ­ ,- � ­ ­ ­ I . - ­ —.— I I 1. � - : . I I 0 � A J !� � ,, I) I'll 11 I III 11 I , 11' 'III "-i� I W W(IVOT '14 - * � � y �, -, 11 4 I I � 1�ii� .1 � 7 .�.,.1111 1`197704`111111V "' 11 . , 1711111IR V � ,;- I � , , � I I � I , , 74'�#, "I.F"W" ; ,,, � � '. ,, I r . 1, , I -i , ! 1 117. ''I . V I I -�- .1 .�, . . Is . .� , -8 I ., I -­ - - � - � 140 11,1 11 11 I I I 11 I - I -111---, I � I i AS � ,V ,,� - - I =- -. 11 I . -"Ipppo� A Man. - I Mug - ­ -, --- I . . I I , .i, I .! �, I , . , S. I I , - � ,I! � THIE & , � . - " '""" I , A - I I'll .1 I . - W I I . I I 4 DMAIVS slionam ** pow 44 M so am * V* *.� aw 1V$"*w^04W^ftm*W**"k04*A;W � . , 1 � -0 � , I a^ 04"Ilow OtIlliall, *4 *^ *110 04*W � A V010110 1101104 sior,maim, I . � I .. � I 2 tbiumk" , I . I "oft 11;100400, Ile **A* 00" be . . 4 .1 I � . I . . � ourlftw onito, 30, a*. It"ho - at * 3"Wo 09 0004, ad, IRAs I I I I xxvwm*�" Z"400 I � - I � I . � I I 1. I 2, - 14"Ut", *4 iki-i�%-4 ,, ­ 1� , I 1. �7 1 I 0 ON imit., tian. b* so "ieflok XX I to Am", " 00000 al" Vbo owbill *** Vtow'" Porwileds, J^ - . 1 I . il � I I � I . . tit* Raw ON it V" At 4144' 100VOW, "'A `1114W 0010 II0 4100AW 40# VVealso, Vlamft of ft - I 1 lltiotbo� � ";), .1 � .. I I I OVA to I , , ,, � I . 14 � $ � - ­., . - 40 I � I It - I 411 W . A I-, ., I � . lar It 40^ be 00, lk"40444 10*0 r" vkot wft *0 e, "marv, I wow I ^ 1 "" - 11 � , � . - ­- I 4"M *001 411"OK , 11 I I . . I . I - - , I' -1-1, . -- I V I 4*04" " " 1144 =14164�r "A that 40,1111100ow 11 I % 11 . I � . , -,*, V - -­�., "'. r. 40 *04 0000 stomilit, *uo ", V*, ** to~ swilemina, W0101014 1 � � I " .11 . I � . , I 1. - , - "'rZoew an t"A"w tim `04104, "41 We". ft **4 "Illow,0111,44444t- W9,114, aw 4 *40. *40%, a* sow VW, 40 I 1 WOO— Xt" 0,011molit 00om Vu., 14 ,, . , I -9* ~ *A04, *Oks** 404 4*0,4*04 1*4 U ^ O*w 0044 , , , I I . I , t . I I *WV *vorV **@*W 004 1"k- W 00 W I , , - � ,, � #004 .- - I �� I I � I - 33T, 4"ftror )Aowo. "ook"t so OAW liso'saiiii, Tbii� *0444 00444 '00tialit 4 10 0A 00004wl" *0 � I � � I � , , , . � . I � o W* 0"M0040A . rr I . I � I i I I . , .11 I - I I . 11 . � . . .. _ �r ­ 7 11" -*%­diA* *1011110% tor IF$* � I ftw, * - V, W ­ - I I 1 13 � � . . .1 , Tb ftr mt ".0"W � , . ; . � I . . �, . . : . I . _,- .1 "At 4law. ro" a" ml� timits,it llor WAWWW"414ft, 4% . at 00i"440.4 IZ = I"" . , , , � . � , I I C . I * I . I ��Tva V00 ooiow vomow lim, ke, 0 41440W )*0%*t*k*"am** obudiroo *60 "qW , .1. 11 I I I I , � , . . . , I . � � I ­ . . . I � � . , ***, I - � I I . I ; � ' � � , � * . . , * "A " A"r ."tal, '004, litiot 04 slia aty 44 a* awgi OR * 000*, wot-k - O" be le" T400 '4. 00#0,0* 11114111411" 1 11�$ : . � I � . 1i I I I "a a" 14111110"44100* I . I . . .. , �; , , . . : I . . . * jitt *0ofRq usiop, " - � . . o . . ,o. A '0� � I I I I 11 � It" I � --- , I . **",;Oak*** "M 4" 14"in Vo" on* "mille, *A 0* ovillao" ***itwit, woosw wsol 1% vmte, **tO0,'*r *t, � , . . .1. . . , qebol*. " *#k the J1J04WMk W—W, of - . . . . I I , "W I I I ­ , � ul#jib, whwk 1104 JJT*. 0g, 0Z pla"i I , . i , , m0w� tittkuy'v , , 0* .2 ." � .,� I . o , , � I .. I � I I Ip. to date, %%*** ot poiatist, AlAvu*04 W*V* WX wttx.#. 4 litint"'Io'k, 119 ,,a - � . . 11� . t . I ' A " A* "A A" I ., ;, I flortow"t. of %Joitin - . IT .. �r ­ ­ '.-�­ ­ -11 ­ -, - .� r - XT" sit � 4"os* 06 I - ,X I"* .,*a**#. ". *** **-J" � � 11 . , , �: I , �� 11 A*" , W*11100w, 4014"X, t4% 0"00 114114044.41000 "4014 t."'. go""" i'lit , � , ..", I I . 91 I I - , .06;$w ^ a6r* I � 11 . .. . � . ;,, �� I r'. , , - "! 40400044* 1440�01(0 ulm-,� wow,aft]: *0 00 xw,wlw 94 W*. * 004 atAikilke lkktt***, 4 A . ow Tio , � , 'I, - , - , " , Aor tizoil it wtllo. . , ''. , () . . - ­ , i, . : ,� � . , I .. ! . . � 'I I � I ,�,. W"'W'14040" Sol" "4 stylool. 044 lefft "Us" lt"_ A;J�")OM." Re ad - .., � � I , * of W 3-144*, . . - . 1� . . ..� ., �: Z . , I - r . 410 .34 Juat. 'A* , we A - _ 'My Jako"or X"ll, In, *44"Wr 4A.111lit,vt 1116014. , ., .. I 1. I I . I- I I I � � 11 Vat 1AT14 ql"­ J, 00,011,; opo, '01 0. .� ' . � , - . $r9pp,. W" - - -- i ,�� �­ ! I 11 I 1� 11 T it#-. two"Oto toti, isiotwi*% omma W- "W 04T viA W4, *04* 0 *ist"olooto Utwo, * ito- V '"M - , , , I f , , t4t#,4#,k,.$a00 "Ji", #1 � � ­ .p __ . � . . � , , It �'-. � . I I . , I -tot 4W Rmijamont, 4*4 � V00, ,VW oqt the 4"W0,09TIlL "-"# "I 414" WhAto, In* *I**. 1440t 1111104" , " (110,0400, * lanwo.o., w4k 400"'gooll'. . � . . I , ­ . .1 1 4X 40TAO 044ko, , : 0 11, - I . I - �' , I . I - aso . . ... . . 11, :. I , I , � I � , It . 11� , I I "Ok Oxw , 00."rlico, 04 4#61itwomirt 40'". 0-11"10tilf0r, V-Vaotl;14� llf*t. -".,w ab � le a," toothor *14� 4, tow"Ot b"A, .- . ,. � 11 - vi 44-0a toovotyr . I I - , ... . .. I I . 1 04, tuRoculit U Im "ry, A -"r* *** T"- Oak% low" 64'" at , k I .'044 "I 04, XW. 0 The ro*04 ' 0, . , 111& I I MR4110 I, W, 1410 , .1 ,W , - 1400 904 U4,0AW WILift vel"t, V , I .t. 01, of At stna '10r4opof V Wall Ow , , , ,, .1 , , ,. r ­Il%il" %0 . ,0 . . 0, I � I � 11 . * ,,, :, . i'.4 ..:�. . . ,� . . ; I Apw ".t� X*044at.44r, *a, apt #art- *%k- *4 o" O" Tomalor slook #*,I%* r" Tib" , * -W sit, thq 6 a , , .. - , I , I , � , 1. , ,;�' , �, , ,.� �' � '. 0*1114"m musta ta%#", ot 004,40 UK" *41014 VW" 14*13allo. ;"I I � I -*O: tbAo , "Ilk, " I � Is li, ward allotw 0� , X � � : '.. . , w - . I , ;I � I ,. , ,*q, . - :. : 1, ,,, , 1� - 040�)Ab;o� ,. , . . , , '041 - � "it 1. !�, , ::, , ; *,. � ,, �.�. �­ . � .V,Igr.,-T"*#-",*"Ooit.�o,,**.W*,,, own W plats Ikorhii ,400 *9tu 'or , 1. . . lk% , . , I M4d0-#VA�0oW1"k"­ - -.Tot 03041 ., I I' I 11 , "I I .1 �". . I * � �. I .1 %W*0**T Tho IaRpr,4w show 11A 041014 , I I I - - � 1, 01.1 - �', .., � . ., ; li"Rilt"ilil'A' 1010101 -44*� Akilll:ir r , , , l, , I . , . . - 01hootole" ary JR V*tw` 4*4k ftl! 1414A -4 . the tabernacle lisclIop't " I �. I "i �. :� , ., I '! � , : , ,� , - 44=- "l-A"Awh"'I"t 1, 0.904, whl* Ths. �� I I .. -W - '. � � I , ll 040i" 1104:111444114 . 0 -64 ­ #.,-a", � I '. , WOO aalo,rimgs�' *,Agh; lim, . � , . .1 . ,.,:1: .1 . I , . *A41r:0,040. 4-%* "RI A*gin *410 r" '49 V1,1A 4 #4 1 - N . fro or, 41. 40,14. it I , . :11 , ,. rio 0 ,. � : , . � �� ''I "', , . . W'Ve4r Iam �114 � . ,* , .. t 9VOr A' , 0 � , , .. � � I ­. I I k . � I Z 1. I i � Rvtol, dl� t, 44014 "I jrAirt'llot"tort" 04, J41601, 0 U10, 11000 AR *07 to N140* 0 ta;)go* *m I . , ­ ttr t I : ., ", - . I I . I . . 11.1 gkr*�, I . � I I . 11 . oiltruorlqu ot I I . I I � ,... � 1� . 1,,,I:�', 1. � , . . I .* I I � Ar I . 11 * .. -it wa* �11M.*�, T", " 90" Allk 0 , $ Q1 popoir . ib, I . . . .1. , I I. � ., XT047'romit4w1lor, ,tim itil, 19 440 01001W,10*1 , 0 11 I I � � ..­ I ilitt ;, r. 11 011ilif us*4 to* tkim, 44 t*"*%* i6i � . the I , " , , I . . �, � I polryotes, *b*)%A,,* tk,:4#40 11 . . � lit *40* of k I" a . I : . .1 . 'IIITh* do I I T A 4A . I 00411 *44r* Tha, av*a 410VA tka I I - :0 . I . - w ARY11glet"K I I , *14,11 'lot . ,� - .. 11 . ";;:: - ­', i "", �, lw ­:,� .� 14. .;, ,, 4:740li- oh 0411A, U I � . � . . . � � , , -1 Zr�, � ­.. ---, I.... 1. -1 I -- - P r f& -9* .4 � . - - I A . 4 - I I . 11 --- .r I --- ­ I . - , ­01iliel - - - - �, .11, � . �-­,,,,, , . I - - _ � I IT - . ­ - 11 1. I � .11 - - � ­­ " . 11 *­�01 ,------Aft ,.A 01�44-1?�** - - � '... - - -­ I � I — -.-.-- �� "I — '6-1111 - ­ ?­� , ,..TT -��I.�t-,!.T ........ V11 M, ­ I I I , - . , V LLL , �.4 -, 11 I I � , , �', i � � ­ 'I L� - , , "To Alift _t iii, , "I" "It 0o, ow I ly, 77— . I 'A 14 4"'I k I . 'dik 'Th I W ­ . Air. ; $1.1 W04; I I I �� #4� . . - -­ 6 ' *JAW e 11 ilk nitarltWit, marAP& Lot, 4% � k A $1,1`14114, 11100*44*1*441 ItIlo f" - of arsk Matra � tot* 49,90 00= ! 11111M 1. At VAI M0 Wftr 14 only ,"4WA tit* � lized ot , " .., . I I I ; t. , ,,; ,, �� . I W410 the, GoottillAW 04A I .0401414� %* *14904 will, a , V worship - , I . i�:. ��,��:��r �­,.,:, I �� 40rusalow. I \! . � , �, ." � ka;,qyWvo4It Ili* .. Aa.t'*fJbAX4,0a � .:, , mate W,6414, makS, *.lMaqt, SOWU419in. of. bor W , I � .:, 11 I I.- , , 0 it Tom 4" not . � ., . 1 . .1 I ,�� I- �. �. � Z -tour- 400004vib: - p1r000dl: sq tu* -4*040. Altir. OR tot that 01 mranitw. At wi. , , r '§ . '� r, . I I � . , *Tpolt It 449#14*q �0000mrr A0 , , - offerings � -�,�,.��-,.�,--�---��,4-,��.,,�,-. I - , , , � Urfa II bU a :� , . - - ,­,,­..­- -Toww'-maltortmaro" I -X,M-­­­ -, ­ I.- - 1. r olill' . I I— , ­U0uW-too0po0­f4,V- — - — ­'. troolilvo a -Thovomin*­ � I .4j;g­ lk"ne-44-w ­--­ . I 1� �,:.,., ", i I ­ � - .44 %% - -*1 . . I !I I'll. . 1. ". ,a, O"! 044 am . . I I #h ...... W. . , ., 11 1, . I - . .� I 1�, . . . ;::%, 0 I Irltist *0*14, ". tht" , - Y" 0* 11tA$,st.b. a 4110 i4o.fttiqvt %940y, to %comelin . 4404 of . tkl� � kl6loaq, - ,tim consumed upon the a a . ", , . � ! �, I I . *f'�WOdJrAm,; V44th`,guado. I A%4 J%Vk*A 'It SAWAYS-A 4611911t, r9i 7�44W*, And X " . 14 I I . : � I . .. . I ,�:, . . I � , taptro.Atylq 9"t gormalut. 14, �� � � I AYmbOlizcd the entire surreq $r . . . , .. . - I pk#VkW gII*t:*ll4a'�Itt.l4O 4ork Iwmotto hat we'J411�'TO fj;.Aw�w W-WIlld W , $q 4 :. ,. , � ., I � , , 14 1 1 � , '.. I , .., , I �141111`7 �� � God Of I 11 � I � . � 11 ''I I � dollYlht, 40 lull"In � aI lklo, uttet A- 9%qUi­.*W9u% 444, w0a - numi'VA "%*q 11111111 ,900dal t4quAroa -no Ilitla - I 16 individual or the go#, 1. ' , , .". . , if� . ,.; � j . ,, . .1 tt . I'll TAW,, . . --da I 11 t r , - .0%, V � atit 10-44V 1 11 I . - , , .,�,� to pelfe, 11to. 41raft at alult -kgrvd1ol w*,h*V#;:.-"motU4r-$msW �a . � . � . ,, r, ., ,�j 11 - �,�,� I It routy 'be MA0 0 hPIPW by Afty 44,- . "I I � ,,, , . , I . 11 � I tregatioill. for whom 14 was offoretl. I ; 1 . � . I I . I � , . 0-: 044- AIJ11444 W,arjtot. W40 79140 matt $104 11 I I ,� � . r .1 . tho, wiet, ot, anothor. To -, . *Aa, � � � , I . . , " � I I faitie 69 -the come mo.40L Tb* to 0 he aulmall; prescribed for this . � 1 dead MA00i 4OU14 orso cut to one Diego, and the R44#04 i sacrifice were -,f.; � � : ' I * , . I P I I : ,� 1, , '1� I 'Ir , 1, I., 1. 1. 11 !� - 1110314rili .0141horoglon, of �ttilliAcOm.tu;" be IFITOPI T4';qw JXIo raIrl, Wbjjo� t*J'04 Agge At$ t 9 upper par *A t . , � . . - � . , I � 'r � ­ L, , 'A 6* h Ili as" ly I 11 0 Young bullock, a � '. .. � I r . ,I � - i . 11 I I,— . . L, ., - ' , . � . A , it is reany ,,r,, ,,,, o rt'. , th, the VIKIII, front should go to b,qlr it you got tha proper huxt 10111*1 11; IA I I lamb, or goat a , � . - " �!! . , A � , f14: 00 ,t% ,,, *lr.t I 41 (always a mate). 0 I . I � . . . � '-- . -1. I . I , " , f �: r , � is circular "a e0*1d bo, 4aJi 411 IA 0*9 stout Alutor.' :Pottqd "I'm And 0464- OtIrw to At, ,Th 0 Ack4ta, can be OU40 1 in canes of poverty, turtle doves . I rr,:. . �, 1; , . . �. ..., , r . Oro�4 At As I � I I �. , � .. .,;. 11 � I : �r o6co, . The Vast to also Out , 932 94* rally an the Matorl4o 04* at VW material from 4alatT lowas to I �­, � ,� :, 11 . , .:. I � - � - . : . no Pigeons Lay. I. .3, 19, " �. . .. I ­ � , " �� -,Z- --- -: I., . � Piano. absolut�ly *Jih,q­tt saml �iotiaia ,.,.", I hatavy iftoom* i he rituat of t is anicrifice, in 11 . !. -1 � , ; ... �� I I � 11" 1; I It. Of 6U]'46 14 t�u y � I 0" �� . � I , , � , .. , I � ��, I w � Slug . I . Or) y T I . I � - . , "' ... I 1: .1 The trimmin't =46Y,40. nal:44 fro;* - I -, � Are extremely pretty. it requIr" about d,�,ribed in part In Lev. I. i4-17,; � - 11 "'t L -- ­ -, ­ I j, � "I � - ` 1� the Mug" mm�-!QR�i!54�- � . "'t , . . , AVOI-Tarda, *I- very narrow -milk to to . . I-— --- ­- I � � 1. I � and 7i ,'�-4. 11 . � t� 11 tlrl:�-Ilziv .-,--,, .%- -�it IiOffio Tol .. -- "It .11- -1 - -­­­-.­'­ I a. . -- -- I - I 11 � I �-77­ 17":", � .." I ­ ;­�, ,� - � ­ � I r this garin"t- tour VArdA &A4 Q, QU%ftW - -, ­ _ 1. I I , " ." L A-11 Ohil4ima Aovw 04 v94 ,wool � I Or finabol. . I I � 0. As he walked before thee in ,4 , " ­.; , - . I ,:.. -.1 ­ Mato that � tio dear - : I truth, and in rightegueneeig-8010- 1. -1 .�` ,,- ,, 4 (I �. at A tloar,� -- , It any of my reader$ would ilitw Pat. ,�.,----- - I - ,� .� , . � I 11 I I little.dollio= ----- � �brt""­VW1-fg*-S-%­4-4 cmr-ut.- . I --.-,------- RMA-Ai"Ot- ­ +­ --Lb -­P�--- 3 I irl -- � ... I r -a ,4 1 . . I I : . I ,i�,­ , , I I � . I " "I ,�, P I are wticularI7 opotw4sts, for 1, Ail AtY of his father, David, to the I . �, . , , , ­ I I 11 . I *mail boys 14 tb , I . at" gifts. I will gladly tell them 0 . 1, I , " .1 � . i ".. � I I . a' where they may be procured upon re. I . fact that the latter- had been a � 'L` r'. !'­.!;� , � I , 'i L . :: 't I . I ., :. ., Brown 4oX and , faithful servant of Jehovah. ; �, �, � . :', I I . 11 1, � - I � - I - I . colpt at stamped And molt-addressloq %X. ,�,:r ­" , %;: I bror newer -than this W#44r Abottir. ,The . 1. , . I . .'. ,r, 111 I . I � 11 ,� I I . , . i , I - "' . . . � "ii�,, �.,(" , , . I I I . 1, ... � ­ � I I 1, I I Cw�t should bo,motAs of,virbluolosh or I � vilope. 33st write at once. for romens. I A 104 to sit on his throne -The I ... .. �� �1, V , I 11 I 1. . I I ., b r It takes many days to get an . - perpetuation of the Davidic dynas- .:,�� � � 'If . ... I � �, � I ' r�,­, ; " . I 11, I ! , � ,� whIte 11T*44Y bete*�*144 vOltich will . anower, and I cannot reply to all in. I t was accounted the greaterit of . I �� 1� I. I . I - .- -­ I --- - -- ----.-- i . ­ - � ­ . 1. �m be found In, all op""Ipt"t." rt�kk -- 1� - - -- - 1. -11 - - -- - - - � :�,-'�,-p I . ... It , . -- - -- -------4 -C ­V� -quirlest-tr "turn MAIL . all blessings. - -- 11. - , . , k 1. � " . . I ; this Involves too ran h expense, thou � . . " ! I � , � ! 1-1 . : �,,.'; - 1 I colt V ftUUOI 10 gr0y, WhItil Or Y01- I . But a little child -Young and I !� � ',. . . 1"."", I i r I i� � low Will answer the Purpose. if the . , 4rqw , 0 inexperienced in statecraft, Solo- I , , � ,i,4 I I � I �� ,1� I Child IS TOVY YOUnk, Whitib OUlY RhOU14- man Appeared himself as a mere :,-,��" I : " P 1�-: I . t . I I . I . I " �. � 1 � . � — eL wk",I�r 41112---l"16V ) � - child in view of the varied groat :",�N�i . - . - I * � I -1 - -- ­ � - --- - . . . 1. - - -1­.!­-TM­­­.,­.r!. - 'I- . . ". . - I . � .1. I � - .---- .---- -----1 � - ­ I . . i.. . I I I � rpaponailities-w-hich-his �uew- posi­ - --------- , ` J:� 7 - -� - � , . ,:711� - ­ - - i%, . -11 �1' I I I tion as a ruler placed upon Wall. r�,*� , . � . . . . . I � ,­­ I , .. . 1, I , I - � 1.� � `:,4 1 ... Up -le -late Triflefln The Shops HOT PUDD;NGS FOR COLD I Go out or come,in-The Hebrew . I 1'�­ , . , 1. 4' -1 I �. , '41., * rr FI wrinkle In Shoes In I way of referrin to the general ­ Ail" '.1 . . � a :f sued -,? - 'r, comportment or �� �, , r �, � , - I � ,-, � A I I �� 0 h,MzfiJAtt:mtt . $ to match I MAWR DiNNrRi - RMPI Ito ACTIDT . son. tehavior of a per- I I,, P, �, � ,� ,, L" I . I I - I . . . I : r ". �� I ;. i 1, : 11 � the gown. PRACTICAL OUTDOOR aZT9 PEACH DJUJIGHT.-Buttor the hot- -- . I o. A great people that cannot be � �, 3i: , I � � � In clippers. black patent lostaor Ora a d sides of &.shallow baking 41,,, � ". I . � . . � . . - �� I . 1� - I I. a � . . I � . I I . . I . . . � ,­�, , - , I , - � ! 11 P, with pink; blucF. III** Qr.whillo, suede. ,Sligo, simile broad rather thin. on, no* � atimbered-No accurate or iroliable ' 1, ,� 4e 1 a quarter at an Inch deep outlining L I in & round ghave with a tin .Utt,.r_ cion -tis of the Jewish nation at this ,� . 11 I . ­­.. I - thm-10P.- - ­ - , . - r the bottom of the dish with Young Men and Social S u CArCe time is available. SolQmon's state- , I ; I �'­- - - ,. ­ �­ � - ... COV* 1, I . V . I In Automobile, Tells, dull crays, � theta, open a ,=a of pe&cbem, and an ,, .SS ment, however, was that of an in- �;;l .. I . .. - . browns and yellows of chiffon cloth . I . top Of Oach Piece of broad lay half . R "" Of Inquiry from a laws 60 woman to proottio him Iota experienced ruler who would, no- r I ,P,�� . � : with two -Inch borders. the latter open- Young matt rather datters the the car. helping her on by ,, ." " � . I rind with gold or slINVr,paillottem. IPQ&ch-th* aid* from which the pit has Support. tUrallY exaggerate the extent of : .";: �] I - ..--.-..- -- . - --U -not . . - I � e, . Thwart removed uppermost. pill each as writer of this department. and log her "der the elbow. OR leaving duties and cares which he had not I -�', - ­­­ ---. ­- - . -1-—-------.- ­­-­-­ - vollm. *lAto mesh with black � - Cavity With a Spoonful of brown sugar rtisinly It Is a hopeful alga. The theree'll" the Main goes nmt and agora yet encountered. . � DOLVS OUTFIT . L 4 Spain. gathered under the- chin Into . .Am, and a 6=111 Place of butter. Put In Ameri6sim youth has been made so non. & gupp6rtlag, hm,04�as it* WemAA steps 9. Understanding - -�1"'i,:k black vattim ruch, which holds It &bout � 1W the OVO1a And bake slowly. occasional, ca f tile powers by down. If ,be Lev is 0 Hebrew, . ­ ,, ,,� LIF-- - the throat. . svwd*4 As a "Hearing." The sense of he clause IL : �, L' � . . . I I I adding more sugar, Y girls that he In very apt to scarn good Stranger offers a a g to the a U. t . -posts Lad think that, like the bar "sort aekbetriedggs ... ,we" is, "A readiness to bear complaints I I..C-1 L I . In trimmings and bAmIdings, cloth of Just before they for -rim sign met �,"r��) , , I . . Are quit$ cooked Add a teaspoonful Of king. he can -to no wrong. "'y and wiscloni to judgo ��', r W014 strips embroldered ' In Persian IS any kind of sweet jam to each p by raising his hat. the people �,­ f y The confidence or a rightly." P �1, olor.. - � each, ­�:, J - Serve -tim 60 Pudding dish vary hot. really Wants to know what la�tho rIgh& rA many cities young moo Would not :. - �eaUt tion - . In bond bmign, tooJed L and embossed - . . ­ . ­ . .Won," r . _ � . I �� . I." . .- - 11 founda I s -4 -Maternal Duty - thluk Of f4itW"Alajr matted to a moo . , - with Whipped cream or a r1rim tognal, thing to do le..thorefors, the sincerest Car when, Great people -Literal, "heavy," " � , .�L �. I ­ I - . ­ -- -- -- - . --- -- ­ � -.-., ­.. ­­ - ­ - - - ­­­­ . � I ­ L ­­ I- I—— ­­ - L - I - . . leather with Ellyptiont colorings and , L sauce. WOMOD Worn $Loading. b:', rof i I ; ;1 i 1110HAT miperfect dearl" exclaims that site lot baby form this ugly habit doilgiii, inade -Into lbrilf boCff6w -b-" _ . _ ­ .. - -1 . ­ .1 --- I- . -PlYbDINO. . ­ .- torm-of.-amtory 4 writer an etiquette 110:T� t4ittI.MAU Wq!w*A b erring, Rot to greatness in our �,..,��,� ' , ­ _p � - - ­. I Involvill I ��:,--'�,, Q`UXXN Takq one Dint of can r000lv*. and why I am el" vqjRyod Be an admiring ear as the balilY bid&Uo4f - ­nA _ nee, but to immensity ' I L I igon ingly heavyV It - " . -4&y is or oars a corres - Qrdozi 6 - -�,-- � girl t a tiabir that sucks its thumb on cold frames. broad crumbs. one quart of milk, a learn that the young man of to it i6i bunine" w- Ij and orawA the di ' - . lit brad t forth� for In- lip Always good n&turedl In bureau and sideboard gearts, Eng- Ll WAIST ACCESMORMS . 'corroo cup during rumb hours. they Are otgoo respona '"' , . eggs and the KrAted rind of one large Improved by a little creaming In man. forced to share the discomforts &a well `j.,�, . .11poration. A third baby 147 asleep 012 Its back. lish eyelet work.on yikry heavy white . e o f tour beginning to realize that he can be ility. .�,,,,'.�, "Yet, ther 4gaJo says.ber top,turem WA Ik Jim moqth,.W,44* apilim, its Act& none linen. with Insets of Irish are 10, The Speech Pleased the Lord . , .� chat .4 lemon- Boat together the yolks at the nor*. AN law ftau@W ret usiness . 06 �afiilait 06irfooll-I replies the earn- up above Its has& This child must Irish edging to.mzttojt� finished with 0994, the augur and the )Oman until The college boy has r server *V*sk to standing ia oars while -The element in Solonion's choice -to ,'.L':"�`�'11.11 � V;Aeent mamnms6 as she hinds Miss have F Moo* its first birthday by toy- t"201B. . . . . -- I I . .. ,.�,: 1- ': ,a I thoroughly blended. then add the broad of lard of all anked as a sort Men all Amid read. However. n* well- which makes it leasing to God is YL�� . Rabir back to the nor". "You know oril t4 i It. survey* and despair. brOd men ever Formulae tom, , . ,amthP­YGt obviously the mother In neck chains, roves of pearl, jade, Bake Until & Coition lug matrons located at danalog men portantle of wisdom and discretion . L MY aMosit-grandmother.wan -a famous NiW na, barm fit her, *looping jr, 7 this corstl and turquoise bead In graduated r # , �, Crumbs and mill, tod when an his pbreeption of the supreme im- I V I r their cotufloria, have forgiven rude- or little child, . beauty and my, grait(Amother was a unhyalointo position And with the mouth sizes. finished with loop toxemia of tiny brown- When the Pudding In done beat to bitterly woman or a Woman With a baby : , i� , I In , alm. th3 Whites of the four eggs with an I I a . an %ontra ' , . � V,i , � ��-- , ­ . � motathtrin bell*, so,baby comes by her wide open. Perli&P2 by merely turn- beads. . I I four nose ivitich would have mad* vAr- �lI 9 , - �Itad ,�� -�. - .. --- - t ' - ,,�, . . . ­ . . ... I 1.11 .% -sum How ,4,0* . "AIM VPf*-JV wrotatatractuoro Plaas the. 0*91clipaut . Alt-;4us-t-tw4k .. ­ I - I ".-� I � � _I � h ­- � -1 - Havifig,4ftw Ther-a#ty T)v pro;vlattir t4a If�W"*f*,"the mouth might blitye' hat OUPPIAnted the horseshoe, design. . I ibl;'09, of the Dud-' upon their black list. Jjut we Itnern-to up tho sdv&nts&o by trytor " C"Wover, the . � , JO.- ;Z,;,�R*1144 �: beauty naturdidly." '­--�!­! -!Cw4row" , in -rhk" , P�C" - tzbIA'SVoo-4*4<--- - ,;*ojtbar.4r , it i" - � - — Id4-Z - J�T, ,­.­ : - I k .02 Il* psis 4 .. . . ­ , low th't 'Child do it*_#, - itime, -, 1� "I. �w , I I �z !i % ­­­'py, !; L, I � ,. " 'lli -, ­­ ,� .., -a- � - ...j -I- V. a 'r - . at, - � it Sir I � 'or little daughtsi - With beautiful, Ru- be . � �. iti",ti a 0 IQ 1"I " - " , -, . b I . dint spread a thick laror at current be finding our mocial level or ItiAtese bar. to dirt w Ing Oat big simplicity of purpose ia CIORJ4. -If n, thfin tile child .113 hair ornarnwri ChOUX of tulle Or I --- IaIlY or a tart raspberry jam, And and purity of aspiration, becomin Castors, the pretty mother ismurnes bar no:ded the ni,ttentiol, of it.Vhysialan. Mellon, powdered with rhinestone coca More. and Moo are Waking Up to "When waiking on the ottoot with . I ,re f I over this ob"Ad the whites at the eggs. A Mlllzatlon that -the right thing" enamored with the glory'af outwar social lit* and leave$ Bat,bylitlas me Overm-motith br,oathlue frequently Jodi- beads. and antshad with matchlins , , Set In oven train lung Oftough to brown expected of Meet as well am of th two girls. does Ike Mac in taim, . I or leas t6 the, mercies of a nurme. to aLtem the pretence of adenoids In- the Alffrett4L It a walk � V I I the top. :or Middle or an 00 outaidor, display. Iment 12. An understanding heart -Per - what* she pays a liberal walary. threat. or catarrh. or In embroidered robes. pantled offocts 417 I .1 . STEAbMD CUOCOLATM pUDD dancing -partners. on the outside always. And JR . I And right thaii�o mtar,ta the endarkiter- Which sh4uld be oraidl 601nIvILI . . ING. noted while the Animhod with trings. -Cream A Young man malts: "At 4 haunt Carting a young woman :v' haps better, "a discerning mind." . together ono cup of sugar where I visit Quen,glanally Ing of Miss 114by's beau " ty. Tha baby child Is young. In fancy collars, what Is known as with hAlt a cup of butter, the older after night he allows her to tal , at 13, There nbs e-Hobrow, , Sig it Ito .'The- Devil . Collar.!! - -made- of � blacki . - .. ! . . -ftatglraa.-'th&--hAbJn�­aXK4X -4_1 __,The b�Owi�jSggO4_C12114rOIL_-1_,eoua1od- . ' wind add to son always Pull* out him mothstem chair arm. never takes be g Ili " 11 not b I in"lle, that untittelfigiobteiro can mar that afternoon made, my heart ache, satin. lined with red. These calls" . f -A '��t - ' -214 the -yolks ot-twa eggs -vrltl4"&v* and- "Age- bar -at -UM table. - Wh-yr-filh# ' ..If & yo --r-or".. . Ther�ft­hath . not. been" as it itbe -.w I Oen beaten 11 ht: than our 'Can Is very busy. is precedinq verse. The sense of the the beauttgUA uric. of, tire. Creator. Ono woman With whom I chatted act- are cut In many gores. daring at the I i i I I 9 , add One CUP IS perfectly triall." it pealUvel; 0--W&rY ter hire to Way clause Even MOthoj,C`I:jho pride themselves tUR3IY Said It did not make much air- toi mad showing touch** Of the red I / 1. of milk. met Ono *or's ' 0 ,at chocolate A W4II-LTO4 Man AlWayX dr& thus becomes, "There has *it their do4otiolis to their children end forence, with a girl -her sklrtx would about the throat To be worn only blr . . I I over a dish of hot Witter. And add thin the Chair for his homiest br WO cut a dinner 011,111" not been Any among the kingli as r . to the batter. the Worn" It 4141tainlY to. It be a" tea, him. - Act t at';,imd Ignorant tri maid cover the crooked legal Just as If the the girl with the long neck. , Slft two cuPs Of ftur who Otto next him at table. uni Salt away train business 1*86 ou*uS prosperous an thou shalt -be for all � . And Add to It two ts&BVOOns of baking plenty or servants are in h thy days." ey6rJaV ex the sacred predincts,of the finest skirt created by Parixtan modiste In severe Wtored hats. ble black . Powder, and beat into the mixture un. this purPose. Wnithilla for to break broad with l4q bottom &ad 14. Walk in my ways, to keep my . . � J . I uurmprY.-.6IIOW their chiltiron-to form could Make a bo*-learged woman walk boavers, trimmed only with a bunch of Ill Perfectly momooth. Whip the whites the woman IS, ,��t matters Dot whether bor other guests. be nee and "a" we . 0 his own family or an another &VINjoill or @0300 So statutes and my commandments - b bits which.'failany mar what nftht grgeeiully! - peacock feathers. mewed on the left of the two cigIrs to & Irtiff froth and outsider. he PAYS bar this compilitiment Utility Arter. 1b: an,agtraqTtivo, It. not It besiptilul face. Title shockinlif defect often comes side of the hat. and it large button add lelutly- Put - heaping tablespoon. and a Y, no" Withith It tortaight to OWXL X* C0111pe,re-'the similar charge in I . . For luxtancs., " lho�other afternoon an from allowing - child to Walk too soon, mold covered with cloth of raid tacked ful of thin mIxturg into & smell cup, is,,. ourtem Not does he sit �down at deviation from Jbjs rule is pormloulfillie. Kings 2. 2-4. until hit hoatoss and &H woman "When Ilona a man red. . Wear White AS thy father did -David's life Arlovets?" ,, had 6o't* been faultleiv, but the gon- - disease for which a child should have leather@ have been sown on with heavy Steam for thr"'Quart0ru of an hour in ..Wb:U you ontarts4n, a girl or a row- After 6 P. IL with Ovaning ollethelt, d walked throuffhAlme'Pa.irk when it Was It Is also Caused by ricketa, 'a bons on to cover up the place whire, tile PRrNCEZS APTtONS flat the cupe in Q Pon If hit water. Lad Lre a ; Ilooded with sunshine, I was fairly imp pillod at the things more babies were Inimedlato treatment in this are of tbread. doing. slow Oven. Serve with the following tALUrthk who taken her wrap eral attitude of his heart and mind endowed clinics, excellently Managed In odd blouses to wear with tailored sauce: Cream tog A. the man Gray cloves are worn to of& Her* was A dear little tot of a year hOlflittals and expert Surgery. there Is suits, colored not, tucked all over and I Cz�.N dared surer &nil at her one cup of pow. or the waiterr- � functions. 4b^Malg gloves erosion toward the commandments of Je- lying face upward with the sun pour- absolut0ly no excuse for allowing a made over a white linling. dinimb - hair It Cup of butter, There If no hard and fast rUIS, but brown gloves with ,.,,,,,, or 10"'t hovah had been right, and, on the ad off " !`0` . add one t01xPOOU of vanilla, and cradu. the man does the courtsouA I ole, he had sought conscienti- Ing straight into Its unprotected eyes. child to.remain deformed. The excuse with collar, cuffs and lapel on left side �M. Its. . No doubt, It - 11 %. A, . . &IIY add hO,lf a alai) of rich milk or the girl Is quick to lCip air r wrap, the girl ir her parents arm%? ruoam I' I hQ the strength to rou which some parents offer that 'they do of 'pompadour I III. , ,,thing. It "Dome a man state tile Lat so to W over. but'it, did not know enough' to .not Ilk' s k in harmonious * thin Cream. UUSlY to obey the statutes and car* to subject the child t6 the shadow. I Place the bowl In . be.,. . waiter MAY got to bar side and take Hart in Amorles, Young people at* inandmouto of his God. � " do no. 90, WKIIS, the nursemaid was Pala otean Operation or wearing braces, MARY DEAN. ,,( ". - I& . of hot ' water, and cO1U1t&ntlY stir this the wrap first. It #be amov4s with do- given touch llqgngo ,a ,*&June Affairs 16. Behold, it, was a dream -The . chatting about A bell 11be had attended is futile. The blow to the pride of that 0 .J I . "One until It IN 5mucth mad Cream,- liberation, her escort generally &insists of the heart ThO Main PrO111,0000 to the dream in this case, however, had the night before, ]3abbyklns lay there boy or girl when grown up will be it 11 . no longer. her with in* wrap and turns It over girl Mrst And then asks bar head Of the same influence over Solomon ats , with her little face screwed up, her eyes thousandfold worse than a few weeks CHESTNUT DRESSING.-Salect Aftl 0 . 0 23ARED ORANGE PUT)r)IN(;.--On. to the attendant in waiting, then ro- . - I mquintlak,borribly,-all .her features dis- at' physical suff*rIng 'now be ter, t a eggs and Ono and a halt cup& In turn to the waiter. ume� Ile "so a elYerionce 0 torted. NOW, of coUrSo Ono experience One thing In the moth* enter .hall, throw them Into a deep . I W 01 but- moves his own overcoat And hands this may be the head of the he import w u ( have had. large plump chestnuts. Take off t *UP of ousair. large tablespoon of bar father, OF the Mother, or whowreir an actu I f the game or of t..d., , ( ilk- two cup$ of flour and two %he father bow died. The ALMAPICS4 Mau. I � - — "Who orders the Meal at a hotel or however. who In wooing The ark of the covenant -This had - to loosen the jvkln. It should slip off BUST311 BROWN Doa Waspoono at b&kJnar Powder, I!Iavar restaurant?" girl like this In not harmful, but a nurne which I have never been able to under owl and pour boiling water over them . of in 6 Who to careloom one day will be care- Stand is thi boiler that all babies are Oten fam"Y Will to batter to a Of t*F­ been brought by David to Jerusa- less another. She rimay never have been, more or less suWect to diseases of to a beet Deal down, between thumb and with the Wrated rind of two largo or- The man defers to the woman. Ask. Mission of Lbo p&PRat &it per. warned agalitint alldwing the sun to ,calp. This Me& belongs a to primpase 1i I. Rhino directly into Mine Baby'm tonde, ,gas of motherhood. Awlted bolting water --- enough to cover - the dAughter. esting place on Mount Zion. the ,,,,*r, Drop the blanched nuts Into . antes. 4ke until golden brown in a Ing her whether she hQo any prefer )am and had found a por&anent In the dark brisk oven. Serve with the following since an to dishes. it *be ozprgzwz, a If a baby'a Scalp theTn--.&nd simmer until tender, Drain sauce: Four large Offered up burnt offeri A eyelle. - 4t least, She, Itaw into IL rag, a diseased it means thin hair, and In tablespoon@ of preference, be builds the menu around *In - from two bones, cut ,wery Ana and mix . Cream theme three Ingredients together which will not tlash. and Invariably h 'be case Of it girl the Ions of her crown and chop very One. Remove the ma.rrow I P sugar. two of butter and one or flour. that one dish. &*looting .other dishes n r."in-, \ I spoke tb hot about it In & moo, at Uibeon, so at Jerusk th: Clurteaus Way. I I .ng giOrY. luxuriant )Oaks. It d&ndruir with the nuts. Add salt end popper until perfedtly smooth. 0".,114p�-A-11" king offers up sacrifices indicative Tmotherm talking Soled drammings while try i1rat Moisten $lightly with sweet of Ono 09ff to a froth and add It. Pour that. A clever girl will often Leave th"el' . tile high office of ruler over the JPurthar down the line I found two )r scaleat appear on the baby's head, to test*. 14 119,14 the ,hire taking her whether she likes this of the consecration 'of himself to of all pure olive off, Rub the ,e&m or new milk and fill the turkey over the Mixture half s, cup of boll, amattoi,ir entirely to her *@tort. who th P"IN IIZRB Dxtmsvz*Q6--C*uAmb a little girl Of twelve months lay in scalp gently with this. and allow it to cl people. bar cab mucking two fingers In a most stay on over night. When bathing the by the aid of &'big spoon. Do nq�t pack 4) I"M �V . - Ing water, stirring the mixture until keeps the order within his flitianal'a0l stAlo broad to the Peace offerings -These differed In I amount of two quartz peculiar position. The baek of the baby next day loosen the dandruff or the drowsing with your hand. I V It to creamy, and allowing nu lumps limitations and yet shows good to 0 and tons It into a bowl. Add two table- frorn the burnt offerings in that hand was tc%,k&4 the .1to.by'g chin, the, scaloo'bY rently massaging the scalp, . I '� . .A. to form. Uavo prepared two large or- In soiectIng dishes. It to a real artl�lo spaces of Gait. In* toltapooa of pepper, only certain portions of the animal , r palm turned 9tAtW&rd kind the tIP* Of Make & good lather with pure white -- — I --i angeo, from which All the POil and mkin order an toonomleel lunch or Supper two tablespoons powdered Summer toy. 11 � h the first two Angers thrust undor the sO&V, work this well into the scalp It fine tooth CoMb./..d If the scalp . 01 lit Il, &To been removed, also tb* Pit&, and and have It worthy the "onliost Sacrificed were burned upon the &I- . tepid suit a skirt specialist. 0 � that childra Upper Jaw Aild tooth will water, and Pat the scalp dry ty the . from the Are and add theme street carol" . . Allm J chop them In smal] places. Remove "What to expected Of a main on the parilay. Otto tablespoon of VgWdo&04 given to the officiating priest, while Upper gums- Can YOU Imagine how rinne �czrofully many times with ant vrlll not 71614 to OIIY* oil eon- . girl." cry. two tablespoons finaly OdSO" ter. A portion of the meat Was . � t protrude whole the Is older?_ Even Sol- aid of soft old linen which has been � othleg'ouace Serve -the pudding piping hot . nag*. Do not use the coarse hufts, the other portion was returned tu . . r9bry may not cUre.tht wormed. . I � This Is a oomproboutive question in. Have name butter W&rM but W" M"144 the poison bringing the offering, L ni dental a%) in the pudding dIxh.,)bav*.S&uQo in sap. dead, and air* which to dis,Iuseed O*n- to the point Where It runs. MIS this ,, Aitbat. Abd yo � t - the indther,.13iialsted DO Slot dlit at the baby'm scalp With . &rate dish And pour It . goodig log ever ot&ptly In the daily proem, On TAT a. lightly through and woe used by him in the aeor%- ILI .1 , � I 11 - . . --­� %ftzl- , QRXT TA13BY CAT each portion. . the crumbs and gLU UW � 11, — escort duty Is concerned, the man &I-,Lc&vLty of the turkey, ficial feast which usually accom- , 4 — - ­ ­­ ---- - - - - -'---- - - ­ --- - - - -- - - --- — l,anied the ceremony. So in Con- . which cost us dear to open our fin- it not; finally the spiritual senility money at the nection with the peace offering here I A gers in mere phenomenal rate of concessions in San Domingo, involv. PRACTICALLY PENNILESS, mentioned tire king Made & feast to I Summer wantonness and swift �blivion. This is the $10,000,000 per annum. ing over $10,000,000. Servants. . 'EX., BRAUN— HAS FLED and let it slip from 118 while tile Course of unronscious deterioration. But even MrS. Oelrichs has a for- with aii infant, daughter. Making all his . -- - - 4 ­ .Years bind US again in the old bond- her way to the Californian gold STOPS AND V00TS. A , - , - Rev. Charles F. Aked. D: D. midable rival of her own sex in MRS. HETTY GREFS Ifields ,the began proapecting; and, V , I I . age to fOlIN' or Sin, while strangers Mrs. Ella Rawls Reader, who has ' — 0�t,�r i ", I -4 1;'t, entire , devour' ou� strength, though we A— although ly withotit, Skill, was know it not, and earned the right to he cont(ideredl haq, of course, long been recogniz- i Punctuation Originated In the Third Preacher lines grav hair% are . one of the. qmartest business women ed as one of the Shrewdest of Amer- so succesotful that within six months Century. I I— . the -Course of Uncoil- here and there sprinkled upon us icau financiers, with a kna,k of I she had $40,000 in the bank and I I " , g01,0118 Deterioration. and we cannot Fee theml WOMEN AS FINANCIERS IN THE WHOLE WORLD. I piling up the millions such its few owned several valuable mines. Punctuation by means of steps I y- I 1 I , I . MORAL DETERIORATION. � men have eirbibited Starting with So phenomena] was her luck in and points, so as to indicate the I I I ,� . The ioet telIq us of hair groWin -- A dozen year; ago Mrs. Reader a capital of about half a million, he finding gold that tile Mexican min. meaning of sentencoa and assist the I , was addressing envelopes in a Now iA to -day worth, at a moderik Lsen- orn called her ' Oro MAdro" (moth- reader to a proper entinciatiorlI is I , 1 , 0 OrAY hairs arp here, and there Upr, riloral deterioration and awaken us white In a single ni tit from guy MRS- HERMAN 0CLUICTIS .14ADE York newspaper offl", and four !11 I gin hilib and ll� knoweth it not. - to 'the no dOn fears. It May beg tiMate, twenty times that gum. Fnr or of gold). To -day Mrs. Rickert iq a,icribotd originally to ArintOphaneg, . Rome& viii., 9. 1 cessity of - so. But this . 0 �'Ii moral deterioration is slow, Frradu- $10,000,000 A YEAR. years later - site was head of the Many years past she has added at said to bo �ior 11 many millions of a grammarian of Alexandria, Egypt, I � - APINEVIXG OUR YOUTH 0), silent. No man beeomen desper- — laIrgest reporting agency ,n 11 least $2,500,0oo yearly to bpr cap- I pounds; -and her latest feat hait who lived in the third century D.C. I Thib comic paragraphists-gentle ting upon the Lord, by When I lien it was tho thiS r.m. " city' I . - by wai tah-. ately wickell all at ft�ce. ek.ble ital. And yet so thrifty ig this been to ennstruct it railroad, at a Wbatever his system may have I . 10611 ,whose tIOVAtilig trade is to �ibg in great ,re-info=p ents of discovery# scandal and prosecution Has Been Proved That Men Are woman, who is Htill in the early I lady of many millions that she is coRt, (if 01,000,000 to connect her been. it was subsaqv�,ntly neglect- I I I .. � take All I 66 digaitY di4fofjointitholit- nic,lal gn thirties, and who iq described as ! said to live on less than $20 a week, various properties ed and forgotten, b A was reintro- . I I --are In "very pretty, with . 11, soid ill nobility out of""f# I enorgy t6 repair The waste at the hands of the law present to No Longer to Have the Mon. 4fid decay Of Moral tissue. you a Spectacle of one *ho has bold a fascinating I Spending it, a year legs than she To give but unt, tirrore example of duced by Charlarri the various �, the hwbit of jiOlheL"full .6*dt thial The Shoe opoly of million -making. smile, charming man'ne�rs, ., and a I carni,t every four hours, these ' 611�111ng' women, Mine. stop,,; and'symbuls, being designed I - . . - IrAb gr&V hair. Sweet and gentle %oice deter Mrs . Richard King, another AV(de%ka, a Rusninin lady, whone for- by Warnefried and; Alcuill. discovery of tile ii k' in the nature of things, an honored position, a betrapar, an could net 6 pleasant. Tho awaken.outlaw and a castaway, the real One of the most daring and sue mined to Rhow what a woman could I . The present a�stero of punctuation I . There it Mthbig kdny about it. Ing niqlit be rude and painful. But tragedy is not that which You see ; Cessful of lady finftneiers is M ' ,American lady whn has been the tune is eqtanated at $10,(*0,00) ,- W11611 Soffib P6191141lt exporicirco it woo -d 1116 5111titary. It Would be and the very tears are for the long, ro. do in the realm (if finance. And !architect of her own fortunes, it; ownq timusands I)[ Aqtlaro aliles (If wa,a introduced in t1ke latter part of 11ol'06"Ildtl Us t1Iid­t0AI!2Xtf0I1 Of pheathoing.- And it for the moment slowatrocess which no eyes ITWHorman OcIrichs, who is hold in how far she has succeeded is proved 'to -day owner of tin P�itate two tin(] � her nati% I, countiry Stores of vil- the fifteenth centu by Aldus ­ 604or Whit -if tile V Itilit c011' it'*0 hillbling it% the providence God' ave seen. How the high rd. . considerable awe by het masculine by tile following, among Many Bifa- a half times as largo as WIL10A, ,Iage;i and �rnnll t,)wnq are in her 11anutiuG, a Venetia inter, who . � tkitionally itA-nds ,, 410A *6 1`041iZO of Gjodli�,Wght he permanently up- solves mpst have dropped and died, rivalS in Wall Street, Now York. ilar genedtional coups which have which she manages heritelf with "kingdf,m , her ti,nantq and em- wa% responsible for o r full stop. , � � I *ith A 1khock that 04 1�toutll h,%,x AM, iiftfljg.�, 41 'A few yeArs Ago Mrs. Oeirichs de- p, ; � . l , t,,W6 could really see this and ]low the man has Juggled with made. such financial giants as Mr. 11"r ent -�--� . � ,,forever and that i Ci I ronsummato Skill atr i ployes.4 are an army of many th()110- colon, semicolon, comnlal� marks f R90 18 "OVInk 6ili" WIll i1bAtt`6yiDg process at Work, words, played fast and looRe with ded to take tho mariagement of Pierpont Mo�gan gasp with wonder. botunded b%, forty i V ,ther,466d bf fidw:i6robtlon tnityi�,Lyl. 10441fig .d0Vn`wArd, to something I a on. pXr- I 1J tampered with tile Sacted t hus- She haFi organized a $10.000,000 and is giraled Inland by 3do mile thin 1-ftAt entate nhe Conducts her- enthin and dash, ) "U% �' , apos- I I , . . -better, her business affnirq out of Ile Miles If Coast. andr4 ant] the entire business ()I iciterrogation and ex I . i � , ily� Cart.V Ift' A . I a c!Ain out�, feet. I band's Manda int, ht3r own. 1, . , A i . � ypono thitt a aticond ehildhood, realities of conneience, Do you think wet- railway in opposition to Mr. Mor- of bubed u1ire fence. Sbe ig mis. Self, uith,,ut any asilistotnee from trOphe and quotati marks. � It thfs 'it, lidi tA'ii tolt. �you IWO lettlifig 0 It hebo,nd slothfulnest,, he has deliberately lied to his own urally, all her friefidS were aThaqt gan himitell'; induced the. House of I tregfi of 2oollori cattle; e mploya 3oo mere, inaignifican't trian, � #1 linoli. b6ft It t ihose use 1,200 ponies I Jiligil llot hi�ll, Am YMI'Ard 611thow ulit6itsibbabliness, barbarism, back Soul* lied in church, lied to his God I at such audaeify, and, prediete that Lordo to adopt the Sprague sys- I courboys for ,V 11 These were Subsequently copied by ) ., _ef. ,b � AV. �*6 ihio old timpiritual, unaspiri,ng lndoe�, but you are, Wrong. Ite has She would �,(;ou make "dUckS and teal on tit ---4------ other printers, until their use be- .1 IL , ,it e Central Lond0T1 I are pre,VI&Id� and when she wishea came universal. I fktiggopt harmwity. � zitho"You'1114V6 lifttIf0ift *htidli We lave emergotd, lost his foul od before arakes of he't i6rtano. But Mro. '.tube;" wrested from powerfid I to leave hel' idomain, of which she MADE 919 DIAGNOSIS � Most ancient languages were in- . L ' I Alfewy. gkowo ubth6ughtfal, ithAll, 0004 04 that be .good for us I he comes to high-handed, litaten. oelfichs only smiled -the smile of rivals, a concession for a railway is a Neritablo\(iueen, she hit* to) ,,What diagnosin did the doctor nocent of any System of punetua- 1. I 14V 4#4 itillots, q 1b)" Y6fl: hik"r 4IW1th­9k*A`b pfi*" Said the ,DM- cheAbill, doliberato lying. the donfident, oft0ablol Woman.. She through thb ,dominionq nf the Sol. drivo thiTteen 'I f tier door 11 , , io.Attoftgo gl,oltt 'trit"Utioil th& UV-. C%r t6 fi . Wili, 'q I -no* b6tter Re I' I JIL'of islitlita , ri.111tes;,,roln teak" of ur wife's illness?" tion. In many early manuscripts j lA*tJh8 t6ilitiet 6 400f .1% . ' to hot "fron _r e Sa if] $IV was Suffering , , 11% I tilth, great prite, WoM, platioik I Pitlit th'6 11116till niftsel title t6tAmehced I,,: n e I mft";,hut 4"i purefilgied this froe. Virst,'the filibibg, flIgn. the OX. k 11-1110 itan ',of Jahore; settled & South '' from the letterg are placed rt equal dLA,. � life. Aft& it *Q'illd fig #0oid ('LL 0 � ofin in Wad American revolution at )ter break. An eqt!all a) 0 Woman is overwork.'' tancoo apart, with nn connecting " V 1 y0itil 1114 6 611tilatd, witifelt,ii from the gro n fixb4y, then the helpless Street vith a cr - of 64 r -M 000, fait-tallite -, entered into COMPeti- rd, Ann, �i iccer , president of "Is that Sol" link between, even in the matter of , it *06 witi i0jok ph gh *fA i0d tlebilliKing *bit ,I; � ' ' t 'I I M (R L'tofX*ji" Ift ' - L JhPlfik littldhost " Linesit b0f0to tOmptation. Vitat, and by dlovitr .. illation th fbit ' Von with Wall Street to control the Stoolt nd Tuolumne Rail- "Yen, he looked at her t spacing, an arrangement vhif-h . . I , Udl to, 4* - Arid no* the �rtay hairs here afid tberefroid shares s�a b" ... _ I ,ngue i ow inireaged herfthO Copper interests of Peril, and roadi Who Itt A -00011 WAS left 8 and reached that decision mmedi- must have rendered reading at sight . alkht WA, ; 6i "tot 11 " 0'frtedo)ill Win 11141 Upon hift &IJ4 he kn6ws fortune fivefo " si"Year, making fought President Roosevelt for widow, I t _ I 104 Wft, 4=01 of *)t* L. I (I . I ,i), . , . " L , I " # � , I I � I W16, t?��Xfitfitllrllllih A . , I somewhat difficult. � 11 .1. I - - �Iit -1 I . I . I I 1� ­ " * . 11 I I I , � � � I. � . . . . 1�. ately." I I r I I :, � I I I I I . I , I . :, 1 I I . , " . I I - I , I � I -, . 1 1i . I . I o - t � I" � - 1, . �., - , ,� I L , I 1) I . � . I , I i I I I . ,. I . I 1. I k , ,�,,:, I . I I, 1, L" .. I I .. .. ,� \� . I . I .1 . L � 11 - I I �, � . ^ - I , . I . I .. 1�, I " 0 �111 a, , � I fw 11 - . I I It I 11 I -- � � / . I . . I I � 1. r, ;&&", tj.., I ­� � � . I I 4. V H I . � ­ I . � r I . " . 1. " I . 11 I , "L, I . ,,,, 1, . � , ;, , , , " ; --1 -, : ., � I . . , ) .,) I.' 11 I , . . V , � L or I , k, -- '-:�--'k%� � Y `*�J I- , 1� �, � , . I � , � ) I I 'a (- , , ' ' ' - -:W=-IT.7� -7 . V)al . �� '-�J '% � ­­:­ ' ' ".' � I , � I ---. -- . -AL- -'/VL-. -- A*,- --------!Bmmr--.--�- .-- , 7' I'll 7-7=- -- " � 1. . L, ­ _ , . ,. -­ -1 ------- moo-*,--- - 11 I.-,-, . . I 11"ll ­ _ ­ - � - , -11��-11­ -----.-r-- , � I 7M ­ ­ I ( "I I V�10,AH0- T, L I i 31C-;lNN3(1 . "? � ", ­­7-io - "' . - � I 1, I - - - 1016� - - -1 !§� �-----��!-­I­ --- , - ­'� �, ----, - I ­%.- 1 !�_7 L--- ­­-- X � I . ­:.- - � �7 � —­­ ­.. 11"". ­ �7 , I QWQ.6Q,—­--- .. - -11 I , ­�'. 1-.- I -�,,, 11 ... I m���� . 1, I ­ ­­­ � " - -­ � ­­'­ - ' ' ' 1-1. - "'I., � ­ - - I 1, - � - -11, ,