HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-11-9, Page 4THE.
WorkiugNitht and Day,
i The busiest and mightiest little
i ,eter rb:irate thing that ever was made is Dr, King's
New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar -
Chas, IT, Sanders, EditOe and'P>;op coated globule of health, that changes
weakness into strength, listlessness
into energy, brain -fag into. mental
FellFrom The Bridge.
Chatham, Ont. Nov, pi, -••-Mitchell
Lamb was found dead beneath the L.
& D. R. R. bridge over the river
Sunday morning. Lamb, who was
about 60 years of age, was a farmhand.
Some of the railway employers were
talking to him. .lust before he started
to go across tiro bridge. This was the
last seen of Lamb till he was pieked
up beneath the bridge with his neck
broken. It is thought be missed his
footing and fell to the ground below,
some 30 feet. Au inquest will be held..
power. They're wonderful in building
up the health, Only 25e per box.
Sold by all Druggists.
Fatal Runaway Accident.
Guelph, Nov. {l.-- S_ week ago Sunday
Mrs. Haines of Flat111)01.0', about three
miles from Cainpbeilville, was driving
tit ehureh. 3Ir. Baines neglected to
snap one of the lines in the bit of the
colt which he batd just hitched., He
jumped into the buggy, in which his
wife was sitting, and itttntediately the
e Olt bolted. Under the circumstances
Mr. Maines had no control over the
ituhues. He jumped out to try and
stop it, than it got Away,, tearing
down a hill art tremendous epee d. and
throwing, Mrs. Maines out against a
board ftlnre on astone pile. Her injur-
• iea ,were snide that she dried Wetlttes-
News From Canada's Troops
The question of keeping the people
• air tt about the= Canadian
e f t anada 1 1 1 a t
troop; has been solved by the I znnily
1ierailel and Weekly Star. of Montreal,
t n:ling; a Spee .1 war t orre potelent,
who eitzletl on the Sardinian anti ,whose
stpd link mess,: ill be to keep the Fetid-
ly 1I.resal ht tetielt ,t i) h the 1 imps in
:tenor,. 'Ile. Fetidly llel•cdd's t•tti•t•rs-
peaeten gee.; t ht•,)ughly etlr ppetl for
his work. Ile h is a Iii eft rephze out
„ iii easy
tit- n:lei on the tae sal :anti
will Mire as et reined orderly. The
I' int.`s; l' : 1' • •tet. sa) indict; got
rips• .)•-•Int eee 'a of 1)e. Mellen. Minister
x t "tla'iit 1 ;!h 31�"t'g '•Henri. p;••i1'1-
l4 _'tR^,; a . c:: i, -:CG ttt4la•, by tin's
'•'.R ..•? th.,•t6„ r.
Robbery at St. Thomas,
St. Thomas, Nov. 6,- Another bold
robbery occurred. last evening,. The
residence of Mr', E. A. Lewis, corner of
Centre and Hicks streets, was entered
while the family were at church. A
lady's sealskin simple, two diamond
rings, a black sack coat and a purse
containing 6 were taken. The police
have strong suspicions as to the guilty
parties, who they believe to be a no
toriousgang of burglars who have been
operatingin the city and surrounding
district uring the last two weeks,
This making the fifth robbery in that
time, There was considerable money
in the house, which the burglars failed
to locate.
When the Maples Turn to Gold.
This is the title of the design of what
is doubtless the handsomest and - most
artistic cover page ever issued in Can-
asta. Btinehes of maple leaves of sprat-
Inez• and autumn hues, amongst which
are mexed embossed gold. ,coins,:
a picture representing the -Spirit
of the Rain end the title, " Toronto •
Saturday Night's Christmas, 18'90,"
More beautiful symbols of ('anaclti's
•, •� not, >•, 5't. 1
prosperity tcnit.let alit., tl The
book itself eontaines sixty-four pages,
profusely ill nstt•ate(lby leading artists,
niti,tirallly printed, and containing
stories. by the most popular ('•ttnadian
writer hostileseket(hiesand short des
ri•i})tivtli:iz,t„Ittl)Ias. AmYoantlieautll-
ora who etaltt il,u t e etudes to this Nunn-
Iter are Grant .9.11e11 Pzutline Johnson,
I,lt•tl-dell Cameron, Mrs, 'i eigh, Ja ek,
t't at, f )ryas is 1 , Min'ppartl, ;Joel'. ("lark,
Phil,i7s Thoa'p i n and .many (th(rs.
't'lle titian p1a ia'1•iatl s11pp1t•tment is 0
roily, in its original i )It'l•' !af that. cl.t -
st('t)r nu111natl paintings 1)y Rosa Pou-
lton: entitled the 14or.e Fair. , "`The
laltrel,.as.of thi-. pit•Iuie for ; .trt..;J t by
('. re.t•litts V'aetttlerbiit. its reties atuation
,. 'i ,•Ne„ • V'.t•k Met iViten-�lustlun
I rt, kind tit a ert-'st death of Shia
ii°.enhetir alai Mee -Vanderbilt,- all. lend
iia:,,,•- tri.3't-t,"rant• who his even (:r•
ipi ie tin.•. Even the
1.I•I4.,:tt i4tatt•ls'E. u'.by the g;ra'at ti -t
faithfully t•epit)(inet'd by einbosa-
ia(t,;., and nowhere In an art -1(v' i•ould
he+ pier ere he bought fee ti e tinge.+
11" ¢trice of this° superb ('hristnuts
Canada's. Contingent,
They are sailing away o'er the • ocean's.
To a laud they never have seen,
They are going to fight in Freedom's
As "Soldiers of the Queen."
We have wished theirs God. speed and
' ' " bon voyage,"
And we cheered when we saav them
depart; -
But, alas, there was many a smothered
From woman's tender heart.
s, •the bullets' hissand roll of
Midst lie ,
• And deafening cannon's roar,
Sonne may:nreet death, a hero's death
Those will this land deplore. •
But no matter whatever befall our men
Whether they live or die,
They are aiding the best way the Ern-
pire s cause -
Wltich leads to Liberty.
Olx, weep' not mother, your son has
Twas ordered by his decree,
Who rules all nations and guides their
He knows "hat has to be."
He May bring back safe to his home
and friends;
If not, in Fame's scroll will be
The nine of your loved one who
• foitgitt and diets
For the• land of the Maple Ti ee,
T. Dyer Hut•don, Exeter -
tt a. h
twho o was I r
at,a ai, "' of wen ;`lair
here, on e
a ere tenet: t)oi It l'.id
, t, 1 ! * x>. tars; :lt \, tats the
„e.'• p 1< Itt ,!1
td Ts* nrel *le•e•a• r.'l w:
t1 ,014 ° ' e,•:;1!! :tit 1 tit !liY• flat''
n 1 t• llwee a tt1 71; rift the wa-
ten t1' t ;'t- the. tier Atli 111 •.leat
int '1t a Lie heleeee etel 1'•ll in
tr,a:tt ,)a 1st•" i.te,1n', t, bi'''le. The 01'•a
who , 1 int t ti (I:etl i at enc' abet
ill. l.,tty a,h'.'1•; oaeeed over the
yeung eutn ., body anti t•t'u:.lti.l. his lire
) t ,
)• t. tt t:'i „t i summoned, but
i. 1
nothing t osd,tt
da, :hew, , :ilia he t e )ii•.d
in at tlnitxttt"., , tt-,t•1' tin mll'hat ).
Svc,: '•e -di 22 years aiud ran 1
f =,. ,
1 , ( 11t' remains were
IIx .t I,. 3 a. 1 I u a
• •r,
token to tl,•ce needles iu,oat' ill lis ellen.
field up a Family.
St. Thomas, Nov. 2. -.Lost c• ening
three masked burglars entered the
t d sidellcc of Mrs. Thnnnas Humphrey,
who resides on the Tablet road about
audit end a half west of Middle-
ma i eh. They held revolvers a b the
heads of the inmates of the house and
ordered theta to tmake no outcry.
They secured very little plunder. Ab-
out 0 o'clock Mrs. Humphrey, Join)
Sharon, who lives at the place: Mrs.
Hunlphrey's two daughters, firs.
Payne, of Payne's Mills, and Mrs.
Kelly of Lenbeth, were sitting around
the stove when they were suddenly
startled by three men walking into the
house. They were masked, and two
of the number had revolvers. The
ring leader told them to keep quiet
and they would not be hammed. He
requested that the curtains be- drawn,
and ordered his companions to close
the shutters and then guard the doors.
• He asked Miss Humphrey for a light,
and was told that there was a lighted
lamp upstairs. He then started up-
stairs, and informed Mr. Sharon and
the others that if ethey moved he
would " pepper them." After the
burglar had been upstairs a short
time he told Miss Hutnphrey to ac-
company hien upstairs and show him
where the. jewelleryand money were
kept. Miss Humphrey did so, but as
they did not come across much plund-
er the burglar remarked that be had
never been in a house. where there
were .such good things and such little
money. After ransacking the whole
place the buzglars secured two g.ild
watches, a gold chain, 52 in money
belonging to Mr. Sharon, some Sun-
day school collection, 40 cents which
was in Mrs. Kelly's purse, and 40 cents
in another purse. After the men had
been in the house an hour they "asked
for something to eat. They were told
to go into the cellar and help then,-
selves. They did so, and consumed a
number of pies, bread, etc.,. washing it.
down with milk.
• One of the burglars ordered Miss
Humphrey to remove the rings from
her fingers. She complied ,with the
r lcguest, but after looking at them he
• slid. they wereno,ggoad, and gave them
.back again.
� +14 1t hu. t l lent. I t
e =l7ti a.t'.ia"t1
,a,t .,p , e•iot'i s
uti 11-ined W111.
115 four t,iltei' ttIll)leIne1t-
t di•y plat- cSono. of lilt• stories are
very t mly and all of them 811' good,
the illli..t .artier,, ,tl;. by lloward,
Sten k3tant:'r. Carl A11hens, W. Goode,
1i1P ;•�, l\ilvt't1 (Laden and (httllent.e.
• .
.,oil,Ia aid f,'t-1 suflze:t nt :ntetest
1the "'t-.aa1 en1t-t'i9 k shown by the
t•e melee t ie nolle t 1.)n Of
tv.et WI -•..i: the it.:Ire a1. news agent is
t„• ftlei1 one ,7t.. tla, boy t g t t•.•. •1' .
lht• ltttl)lt -ta' .t ht. Mhepptr I pull.
a .hitt„ t , 1. uit.t',l Srgtittil,Y Night
taluiel,l.,,;, 'f,t. t.nto,:aril tilt' pejo,, is ti
reel- it''r t , 11';
i,nlnlev: :MI•. Jautat (trans hu:; die -
pep(' of skis fern) of 200 acres, tai his
brother, John, of Hibbert.
Grand Bond: Another happy I1-
tv tt enc.
tot`tk plate. here on Tuesdn} , when Mr -
Theodore Divine and Miss C. Clermont
were joined in the holy bonds of mat-
, t
rimony. The many `friends join in
wishing them a long and happy .mar-
ried life.
11 inggbam: A quiet but interesting
wedding took place at the residence
of Dr, A. 3. Irwin Tuesday evening,.
Rev.1). Perrie performed the marriage
ceremony between Mr. Richard 11Tc-
lvhinney, of Ashfield, and Miss Eliza
Watson, of li'inghanl, ,Hiss .Watson
has been Dr. Irwin's assistant in bis
dental rooms for the past three years.
The newly married couple left for
their home in Ashfield. Wednesday.
Ilibbert: The death of Elizabeth,
beloved wife of Mr, Albert Colquhoun,
took place on Friday, at the age of 87
years, from consumption, from which
no cure seems to be had. Mr. Colqu-
houn is pastor of the Friends' church
here, the members of which will sym-
pathize with hint in his affliction, be-
sides a large number of friends who
know him so well. The funeral took
place on Monday afternoon to the
Friends' cemetery.
Tuckersneith: The church of the
Most Holy Redeemer, Detroit, Mich.;
was the scene of a pretty wedding., on
Oct. 25th, when Mr. Alexander Ken-
nedy, of this place, was united in the
holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Ella
Long, of Detroit. Rev. Father Cros-
by, conducted the ceremony. The
bride looked charming in a blue broad
cloth travelling suit, and carried a
white morocca prayer book, a gift of
the bridesmaid. Miss Annie Long,
sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid
and was also. attired in blue. The
groom was supported by his brother
Roland. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy left
on the noon train for their future
McKillop: Some five or six years
ago Mr. Solomon Shannon, jr., of the
5th con., misusing a jackknife, when a
small piece of the blade broke off and
striking hire in the eye injured it sev-
erely that the sight of the eye was de-
stroyed. A few months ago he felt
the eye give a crack and after which
he was able to see with it. The sight
con tin aed until a few weeks ago, when
he. felt it give another snap and -this
time the pain suddenly beearne most
intense. He applied to a doctor who
made search for the piece of steel which
is supposed to be still in the eye, but
was nnable, to detect, it, ;wince then he
has been confined in a dark room and
is suffering seich intense pain as to ser-
iously affect his physical condition hi
other respects. The supposition is
that the piece of steel is still Yu the eye,
and the doctor is now using remedies
to remove it, and it is fear he will not
be match relieved until the obstruction
is x:enioved•
The body of Vent. Tighe, who has
been missing since August 24th, was
found in the Thames River beneath the
I�:lt7: & 1) R:R. bridge at Chatham
BraveMen Fall,
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel.
the results in loss of appetite, poisons
in the blood, backache, nervousness,
headache and tired, listless run-down
feeling. But there's •no need to feel
like that. Listen to 7. W. Gardner,
Tdaville, Ind. He says: " Electric
Bitters ere just the thing for a: man
when he is all run down, end don't
care whether he liver or dies. It did
more to give me new strength and
good appetite than anything I could
ti dee. I can now eat e ything and
have a, new lease on life,." Only 50
cents, at any Ding Store. Eeetry
bottle guaranteed.
Children Cry for
Clinton. The other day while llrs
'4 wcoinhe* was returning from
Kincardine, she had the misfortune to
have her pocket picked, losing between
eight and ten dollars, At Londesboro
she tookhertieke tfromherpoeket-boos:
tuhandit to the conductor, and then re -
platted the purse in her poel:e't. • As
there was ()elitear crowd getting .off at
("lin ton, site supposes that the theft VMS
(OiilI i,ttd at the station. A. couple
of days aft.tm•at'(h the po('ket book
was trunci at one of the hotels, where
tie thief had evidently discarded it,
tmitana the money, but still leaving the
trunk checks, ete,, in it,
What is Paine's C:elei'y Compound ?
It deans Lite,from Disease. Health,. Strength and Freedom
Pains Celery Compound, so popu-
lar with the people, is the one remedy
that earn be trusted to make a person
it stops the chain on the nervous
system, dispels the harmful humors
from the blood, and increases •its vol-
ume and its nourishing capacity,
Its Ability to relieve those :diluents
that seen to be peculiarly the niisfor-
tune of women is overwhelmingly
proved by the many testimonials front
Women. of the highest standing in the
communities where they live,
Its regulating power does away
with "dishartened and east -down feel`-
The aggravated causes of disordered
liver and kidneys, mental depression,
hysteria and kindred troubles, are
recognized and dealt with by Paine's
Celery Compound in a - radical and
scientiffe manner that embodies the
most advanced medical ideas of this
latter part of the century.
Paine's Celery Compound strength-
ens the stotztaeh when it is irritable
and inclined to indigestion, and pre-
vents dyspepsia; it relieves palpitation
of the heart that results front Irregu-
lar nerve supply to that ritals organ,
and puts new life into the entire ner-
vous system,
Persons in sound health are not
continually reminded of their heart,
stomach or liver by distress of these
organs. W';'ltenever languor or pain
attack the body there is no question
as to the urgent need Of strengthening
the health byPaine'sOelery Cotupound.
Women in trying occupations, not
only 'housewives, but saleswoiueu,
teachers, book-keepers and others
penned up for Jong hours behind desks
and counters, will find their health
kind strength greatly unproved by the
use of Patiue's Celery 0ontpotind,
A soundly nourished ne;•votis system
Emulsion Of Cod Liver 011 is a great
builder. It gives weight, aids stealthy
flesh, and overcomes any downward
tendency of health. Davis 4.; Lar, vetted)
Co., Ltd, makers.
The general store of Mr. W. 8. Gales
of Fairground, County of Norfolk, was
robbed. o ti,,;)t) worth o c 1'yg;oo(s, gra
cedes, bouts and shoes, (01 Tttesdaly,
and a rich, pure blood. supply brought
about by Paine's Celery Compound
are the best bulwark against such, dis-
eases of debility and irnpoverishreent
as rheumatism, neuralgia, headache,
and sleeplessness.. Tins great invig,
orator, in addition to curing these dis-
eases, builds up the system and pre-
vents the disease from gaining a lodg-
ment in the body, ..x
When one bears it confidently de-
clared by so many well-known and
a'epresentative teen and women every-.
where that Paine's Celery Compound
positively and permanently cures dis-
eases that at first glance seem to re-
mote front each other as chronic con-
stipation, hysteria and nervousness,
inquiry into these diseases shows that
their common origin isa rundown,
exhausted nervous system and vitiated
blood, and Paine's Celery Compound
builds up the one :Ind purifies and
strengthens the other.
Four burglars blew up the safe of
3, ix.11icletp,vn's eottfectionec•y store..
in Montreal, Three policemen heart.'
the explosion and went after the
thieves, who shot one officer i u the arm
and got away.
R`lA1W W.11[=4',iP.'•1,1> w'R-,ruse„•' ,. 0
f 3 tl f 1 1 1; t� f
Pr•ivalx. Simon Dower of the •12nd bi-
fantl•y, l'nited States ti olnntetrs, was
fatally shot at Fort Niagara while at
tempting tU eseepe from the
The Sun Oil Refinery at Hamilton
way burned Friday night.
:lies. William Wells of Rot ii-aty them-
h op -.ted dead while talking to at neig111aor,
11i'. ,Tta11I1'Milton, of London. Out,
is deed, as the reeult of Wavle,. z'eceiv-
etl 10 : runaway neoidt :it.
,t man 1181111(1 I3o.le.x•t• wes found
purity of l!'
nutleling, \Viii. Hen -kens al
Port. �ll,ipe tt St. Joseph, :tiles'.
'Watt et. tips . aged frau i. en } t 81:5.
was killed near Hamilton ,tt at tempt-
ing tt) board ,1 Radial Rafiw- carr,
The Leading ne„ sirtp('g of (idrttlatly
express the (apiili(all that the nal lceu'5
int reet Samoa will he eedfe1 to
The Conservatives of sat do arab
Niagara have nominated nt. E.
l.•itltaster. of St. t athiuin. ,, i.e. tier
Mouth heaven- ( hastier,'t!t•t-s barye
noitthett,'dl 311. T. W. 3IeGal ey to op-
pose 11,111, Mr. tett t lined foe ! he :Avis -
la t ivy ' S-( nibiy.
1)oN T Rues Cnemites Icy taking;
whiskey of broad, to settle the sttln-
ats'lt or stop a ('hill. Pain Killer in hot
water V ttttIdd will do you more
good Avoid. sn1t titrate there's but
one Faits -rill, a•, Perry Davis'. enc. and
John Honey sett, an employee at
Freeman's Fertilizer rtilizer• Woe ks.lInrnilton,
fell down an elevator shaft and reeeiv-
ed injuries from which he died shortly
after t, keds.
Mr. William. Cliff night watchman
for the Norton Manufacturing Com-
pany, died probably from eating can-
ned herring. An inquest was ordered
by Coroner Bane, and there is suspic-
ion of foul play.
TheFermers, I;inderTwine Company
of Brantford has just declared a divi-
dend of 100 percent. on its paid tip cap-
ital stock for the last year. The last
dividend was 60 per cent.
SLEEPLESS 1\ 1GiITS, caused by a per-
sistent rasping cough. Pyny-Pectoral
quickly cures the most severe coughs.
It soothes, heals, never fails to cure.
Manufactured by the proprietors of
Perry Davis' Pain -Killer.
Peter Smnck, of Sarnia, brakeman
on a through freight, fell off the train
about hall a mile west of Watford
Thursday night and was instantlykili
ed, his head and both legs being, cur:
Geo. A. Goitin, a well-known young
man of Oalgary, was shotby an unknown
party or himself while in his room.
Mr. Harris, a par•tnor of Go gain,'an dlirs.
Harris, a .pride of but a few months.
are helcl for examination in connection
with the shooting.
Dr. Sinclair, one of the leading play-
sheens of Paris, met with a serious bi-
cycle occident Tuesday afternoon on
the Paris road. He was riding home-
ward from a visit to Brantford when
he waS violently thrown from his
wheel on the roadside stista.ining a se-
vere concussion of the brain.
Chas. Teetzel, a farmer, aged about
60 years, who rosides in Fingal, was
seriously inju'ed Thursday evening.
He was engaged in the morning, tit
Fulton's mill, front Orwell to Fingal.
He was driving a Wagon, loaded with
heavy timber, and while descending
Blackwood's Hill he fell off the wagon.
The wheels passed over his body, in-
juring hien paternally. His shoulder
Was also badly cut.
A farmer named Smiths living in
London township,. met with a fatal ac-
cident Friday afternoon while work-
ing on the farug of 'Reginald lobsou;
lot :',, con 6 Smith was in a Well,from
which the bricks were being httulecl in
a bucket, when a brick fell front the
vessel, striking Slnith on the head and
injuring him so severely that he died
shortly afterwards. The unfortunate
man was about 35 years olcl, and had
been niarried a year or so ago. 1lis
wife and one child survive, foe•' whom
the greatest sympathy is felt.
the most, largely sold in Canada.. For
backache and all muscular pains there's
nothing equal to it. Each plaster in
kat air -tight tin,25cr Davis 4Lawrence.
Co., Ltd., makers.
Children Cry for
You may have hazard i)
andhave .. ..4.,z;.- • a
h41Wu.31 t7a��y'.3:! ,te,....•uii (j
that it l
c,d•!he,. oil with
its bad' taste and sTreal ^c'd�
p ..
ail its otherreo�lg,t4i'�'. aw.:.i°
tuns. it ta (a-.pg3C:,oil, ,.9,.
;a; ➢ the
1 A
J �'1.•, ,a t 1,
1 t
..,tCa., '..aC: ,.,oma bat la at,!: 'i
t world, 1.' ;at,&1 t: 11 ,1et11-
0ile " •1., ja;ist evefy,;c
y 7 '
can a.sabtV lite
al ,,a)
0 ebbe t iii lit a it aril ask co:.
4 .. T r., „u.r+
rt "i"=fid 4
,,„ v
t��t .1 4i Eli✓
••• r+
,s7Y AF.,
y�yry, ' � i ��Cj,
u7 L. sJ dn'�'t.�' as•-•., �.iy ori',
0 looks like e cream; it lour-
ishes the wasLu•d body o6'
the baby, child or adult
better than cream or any ',,,4
other food in existence. It
tia bears about the same rela-
tion to other emulsions that
cream does to inn,. if you
have had any experience
with other so-called "just as
good" preparations, you
will find that this 'ss a tact. ii
The hypophosphites that are
combined with the cod-liver oil
additionalgive value to it because 46
they tone up the nervous system ,
and impart strength to the whole '
5oc, and$i.00, all dru_gisas.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto.
Repair Shop.
Now is the time to get your wheel
cleaned to store away for the Winter..
Gun Repairs
We make gun repairing a specialty
in all its branches.
We have a large stock of keys in all
B;orse Clappers
Ground and Tilade as good as new.
Everything Repaired Hue.
Can at
The Family Butcher Shop.
One do orNortof .Picl:asd'sstore.
¢i ;^,b s1a M't41,'t and
c art 11.K'Sti &AItsu.tsrs,...
t eneritltl(; er haaarc'<ra,
ter eercrstetf,
1)t Litt t ,
ft:" heeereeof iii:.,, ;1;11,0 ,4
erre e-10:13 ;:aneAt,nt.
By the 011 ct Ti*e ;wee
gottenrldofshaclt eco! tbi aa1€ ,i d
meferovrra y,..a, hc.i i._,4y.ap:3 carw.,.r
ably let e,igxi.
SO., t::s - 1 per It .t.0
)?F.v?a (+ :,•fit. ,..; :. Gt „ ..,:a3,
t', «tie-' ,• t
.,,t t
Thursday afternoon, Brakeman Tom
Bryce, of St. Thomas, fell froth, the
caboose while shunting cats on the 31,
(=,i1, at Hagersville. Four ears passed
over Itis leg and left shoulder, erttelt-
ing in his ribs,
For Infants and Children.
elk e:.re
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The Cardi^,nn 0verelt,ie Ce , S:ec:fc-s:,
By virtue of warrant, under the hand of the 'Warden and Seal of the Cor-
poration of the Yount: ' of Htiron, August, C S H tx n, dated the Lst day of August, 1890, com-
manding the to levy upon the lands hereinafter described, for the arrears o1'
taxes respectively due thereon, together with costs, notice is hereby given
that unless soch taxes and cots are sooner paid, I shall in compliance with
the Consoli.datedAssessment Act. chapter 224, R.S. 0. 1897, proceed to sell by
public auction the said lands or So much thereof as may be necessary to dis-
charge -the saute, at the Cotut douse, in the Town of Gixlerich, on
at, 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
No. of Con. or No. of Patented. or
Desnription No. of Lot Street. Acre,i, Dnpatentera. Taxes. Costs. etc. Tutsis
N. a. S..t 4 4 E. D. 50 Patentecj. 521.20 52,78 l23.tisa
f5 E. D. 74 Patented 26.78 2.07 29.40 •
10 Maitland 70 13.49 2.81 148()
18 B. 8 Patented 94 2.25
9 Maitland 45 " 11.45 2.30 13.75
Part of 25 6 50 Patented 3.11 2.50 5•Q
McConnell Survey. 9 Block B. 1 Patented 5.43 2,25 7.08
3 Main St., S.
County Treasurer's office,
Goderich, Aug. 29, 1899.
Part of 1(1
Part of
South part
Part of
17 Patented
8.76 2.25 11.01:.
Co. Treasurer.
_ - t Geau • ' .ta, w r> a sw•x.:.lYA 7t'y:F
11 ,_ 1•
/0 Waltham,
Any young lady can earn a Gold
Waltham W atch, or a Dinner Set,
Wtiting Desk, 'Lounge or Chair,
eta For selling among; tier friends a fete
boxes of highly perfumed TOILET SOAP
Send us a post -card for premium list and
instructions. Young ladies having order
forms can fill them ou.t, and send them in.
G Tri "tai 1.1414.. ,ZION O. i.A�% rj=ti. i d��fFL�fJ tvk c,.� f91 4