HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-11-20, Page 6ROWN, BONNIE SGOTLA -E ZT X& RM GWJ ou W14 RM, REAUIX R HOERR FIX010% Thlip, hot A, $A14* cmur" loa $OT T.4 00 �peateat 044. to 04 ax. rAg to VAN g .o 00 r wxp, mid U.01A NEWS` $tNA, po it 68prom a sit'Nexv. 0 , sva 41, 4t tho Z adibor no4ppo" eyAU11*4 W -their Otwoeos, Von* L. 41 "414WIAOd's 04t t 071 Why ge,0441y; hot MOO is I Aor#. XW H4110340, "Axoga A 7404 _k Awlq* 4,dooxti,k s"M out, of'"ON w4khho, found t ty. CA Is T V41% 00 '" Up Locat (;a 11tro, Oro x0io, -that 44 4 ha4840 -ore emp rotk Jilit ' " T' Oir tho Age$ sinei gdoushts, vrers". K got All' it.obor ift-ogglo. fo '01 Which la what, lity , r The; timip, ox avtimatC4 - OtO4 4 *4111 IMQ Ba4o, Junk. f 00, 4 to spend $1,250;00 h X 14 ovoIrt".W., rick "IV 0 of 44, for Lurga, O' t* JJrial AIt I# plositont to IQ* . 'Inintod 67 ku� tha Way put. X44ely 3194r,"Oo Ail VX04" 440% Q4 #Ad, OX - . I And the broitt The goodi, Ott 00 think tb,#t wbevp tit* t'06viu it. "NIT tbinsis is 4stonlibing. mostly OV4 'At 'I- 14 Ordett -W: 110 kO41kP#,,, y,bkyo #02,00 q, year is t e !iy9080 400 baby,'p.14s Way St*iQA 94tA f", Pot, ni *,,Qrk4t,SO1gtAgrh qoq*,� 'Whish tThofy lrix'- th .,- dit An ­­ ­­ ..- 'the oriii -powor per lowalativ* "s O,nd a 494gh oenqo iihiiv 04' .0 hou O)p;eg4t.4d the spread, (�l 04 t W$* t9t,4q1$,dor, uS 41irt) stroyod, by A gy;, 0004,4_ ths A* mlimi, 004 footing �Itlh tho4o a Mar! hleyvu oxen weio roasted who.l. t*44t, *tJK*iK. Olf. he0000t; evor"Alora, in fact. tho, Ap sii� Oil *r tqq'r Qf.. f J100 109ko, 11Y4'of jp.10.0t,li At the. a I hop fair at 15tr#4or4r.t. 4D it -00 , nova 4a, AiAunts"I'lAft, of t -h kodo, . . "' ' 'With, bag -4 ' 0 0 lisrtot, In W fler -tho ed 0 of forie 444 ft , 0 biriatutairko, - oboro, 1044it � .a� �r "it iinital, "I goo. sk,mothfug glistening Ult- F0004 Th t(**Prie' .,Vgr :a And I pick Th ZlOirl "bold ia- Mott re, up", n Wit anot sidoco. liove !it the week. COW I inp . ]lot baby �iu to At toon. y,gs_ 04,"A It is agreed that there have npY4 Outly, ter " , '4� sA04, 0 4i th 4 104, carved, and 4 that; at A Cost of An 0, wQkl,$ oiror" Chil, im been Lon, Of "too Oypt, 43 q" W sQr Many visitors in, Jilk It . . A ittoir poll 8 w a The *be X, K &ud' t0rilijgP� stand, 'th - �4 Ning.big a are have been tb abot, Irite.outly but *rth nothing. 0041 Id?n , 48 t 0 Th , go, QVIlIttiult Own. Another a -ft d the 3poli aw And mA r tw X_ian't$ Which, r recte aof the 81're : I equi "Sometimes the pins I find thus Patrick Order or Of Uo-,r Gia, Pit t a0 git' oConarvon borough in pirrio# r ""o ; io, all, r litisht, sometimes old -wt r have di gkill, provept bos atto our vt= a -4v O'k-uaw. Fras 40&;' atterad; at always they are at Ilia- .41�rl Of -�Awo#Y-Ayo 'lit tiiiuk toiol, uai-iig their c 4*44 -hot, Wtv A �l � u tity Ill' � " a bt*� ka, The law at Buckingham P4 see r jou listiq- a 014t t ilk C worthless so far as actual value is at a mootuig of al- After the Ops 4,eii or re'r, forolorly concerili akal ociaii.olt "44i at xgq enough to allow iting 0 aiWhy do I never find V. over 2,000 me tilit ee0. toagod'int t4q, ir bV, of -skill is to ice ;wh in atai Hoiot pariah is so, sparsely popu. a, gold baby gin I I did And one once wring aiid�, It to in&, Perry,* W'sa 'O roOiA for at '? a* t6�� t14ted 00 'it is d4cult for the par. that, .4 owe said was ton karat 14041 wero, heo. AttkWatda A4, 40 e. .11. I , , - An oyster from the River Fall A -A* !2E , 4 .W. . MCI ivh minister to got 41ders for his a01)94140 6 num, DE OiLti'V7 ripm AIQ nearest I have ever como AIP17 Iran 0 d. him. "ago, 14o t t .......... MI) 04t was of no 111011 hiiyviffi�� 0. .. I Wl Of ol _4 with.mice is grinly fixed in was returned in the o w9m.an 0. jo, 4 JK 041 During the - months ending Y psq .01 J�m'es the bo �01101 X glop. Is -0. six slue* whose jf� ipti FQ I all a Pabruary over 3,00.0 articles were "W494 I Why, yes; I've found an, $0, body W40! viO4 sP4,464( orto of trinkets, so aracfrom the Rlior, Z O -0414 4,44 ?Konoy Th6. in; ]Oft by pas 001 in the tramoars rings, too, Sapphire covered 040 W1J; r er. a thou a be_ "it _rno it in *jQi sand trees are t Jukox ZX( Irings and tur, t g emeralds. and _,tb a ted I Hammersmit s And show ,Qoursq. n W'. '4A OXtan oa -of--the, QXk" X found ng ul. t At O tj 0 y I Ther -Earl- a 41�4. is, tb unemploved I&- ir - -4, atiod ut Belleck. ii -Would NA, TRI, diamond i4ut _Q sao09 1".111t1t op UA, A0JJ Stildotits, Union at Glasgow Uni_ report that the A. 49 Ur$0. extent ig the tboj� would -tl ;i" us stoues in t eve eye is , and, 11 I WAS bar. As". 9040406 uI a Mr. Richard Peter, of Launoos� ilit o dearakio tr9use verAi Moro opened recently by 11, al the "me Material, u ely, ;a be, quarried;....�Toate.id �w�arO f 44a TbiA,W44,3,6PA144 tQ4,* the oldei asnlike-4ho ringo in 140 say only a small 41, "I' ;" " I., I I , , Athlet,i %to 441so much i4dulge.d ii magistrate in"the it i0s, warthloio Far. tQ7 A, In'. 'Out difiicult test is to walk out At lailit Her.- t county, has entered upon his 100th Durtag'Aitgust 4,340 passengers they wbro set, of no value, at- left the Qlydo for plaaos out of Eu_ evor� The death of not,ce to hO hand$, the legs being outside rPA0*A0 01��04'9. (4 the Arma and held straight out rope, making 20,ao4 since the be- "Allil it has always been just the "on, J,P., List any larther in front, parallel with the ground. The Great Western Railway has 0#1% itl*h4gr a ; gir and exce t, *411 loft"*d''to the ftkothff tar 2,879 miles; Londdn and North- ORK 41401440"f6 various other miscel- 8: f4 Q, 'M as Are frequent, but ining of this your, same with, the V`6V%*4 their . : wfi�_ _sVIA ut- food or as- Ike 1rU The city water engineer of 01 laucaus items of jewelry I have yory few' itativop are As atro Aaaw" wit4a western, 1,947 miles, and the Great outaiission, to ift- lis ao gow recommends an expenditure of found, The good things appear till ok IACe Northern, $47 miles. Pl koioO ofuco �he average white Juan. Hurling At the funeral of Mr. deorge all ancru ma4s $11,496,940 oti� additional pumping to hav, been picked lip before I The 14 Rt� r&, ' "A I - . 1. �� A DUVOROX eImachinery, mains, ete. OOMO-Jkloug and all the brass goods g of the -d Post is also practised; and Baxter Smith, the squire of Lax- a* ided by goose a vellum eart dowi'l Aniall, darts gu fea,. The Right Ron. John Sin a, and I certainly do find lot, lie 'a field', the coffin was conveyed to the clair, left, for in �. t to urn, to therg are thrown with great aceur- Royal Humane Suci us0rj�p A h Of At the 0A ;no Secretary )or Scotland, opened on them; r vl� a �0 Acy", so that they often hit a mark ohurch�yard an a fa,rm waggon. -1 _� 4 -submit I 'Ot the 8th' inst. the h 'An try, to Austen Farrel arpt,_ 40. BlUglarjj an -E&OC-- a a Icomes 4,45 -it -f-ord. 45 Ham all and got away with a' Will, er-ectod at a cost of I 'z just the same. Some. t Th�j Mr. William Mitrrimart, h for onlo . 0 ut''Wia, 40qt�itied- it Forie to innate in every boy lit 0 Out, ft'��Ordor th number watphes left a note stat- ars to find all the t e w'l oaps� was'takott; fur 000. bodi else appe h iha da.v in be fact, the small boy is the same the K. fradvate at Otis ik f A roach I)JR *W, P OLAft over a quarter of & COO"ry ing, "We are unemployed and iA ;lfly 22 pounds was caught Woiley,'; Dan t you know how you world'o r%q.4 " I I .1. . _%, " , .04 the Coilit, where 31orr r or Iker.9 QWA,t* / AT1`4114169*11YVAII ths it"Ati t In the pwors how omebody C9 hinvot Al, To.'be V4404, Horn'.Wiis 404 -Girls 134i with dolls carved out th on the Delvine water reset statiournastar at Miltowsimmilabay,, starving, Mott unty 01 0, & was in mat. I tK of atioroitipses, harses he recently, A sea trout found,* popkiiliqok containing sev- at ad *Ad, in Of,ivory" which they dress up, after Clergy,and ministers of all deno- I u*h as' ote4rAad,,, -oras 0 In"I h Ong was in the pike's en huAdred and eighty-two dollars classes looally� died In the septoacq J4 in by all M, I In sprioglin- ations in Willesden have issued teemed for. sixty " J'OAK,� _bou their own fashion, in clothing of t1la, h ttrer fhaj throat. and ton cartel And how somebody severil wit� of it'Ife'to to the ladies Of their k no ng I -her skins. One recently red. ermine, nuee� or ot Major-General Boswell, o.b., else found a pocketbook containing In prosecution in Bel- to bi aedU 'Was ;lngregations, urging them uot to cornlu Cile, wQ, �Ot In *47A 06d to the Bag their gamanis to kick a ball of ice or ff 0 p lee, Melrose. eleven thousand dollars, and things fast, con 9 the Ovecrowding ten Ya e6inothinj -of the 'St�;�k �Iii O� seball, TONSORIAL. of a house, it was stated that 10 I y orie Doecaseii, who had been consider- like thatl But nothing like that pal, must hi usnow About. the. size of a ba 20Q,00o persons have paid S ' Ian. spirit In h ta ng. kt�e object being to, keep it in the NearI3 able serrvice in the Indian army, ever happened to —somebody persons lived In a three roomed - 0 .1 on, peans were me he w6, d�,nqt ticalhoe game air all the time without touching or admission to the famous maze me- -to -At--g-elrose, about 20 finds --the one -OL -which. - waiilth,W�t- it -With -th-6if abig sums 4 .0 40 at--Ilamptoii Aur chen. K�F Th hen, years ago. money. oto, W-11 ­ The death has occurred at -The isthe season. The receipts amount to Itim%is as rosi4i 'Wig to- Mrs-. #,phie Soutar Hardie, For. "I KOV6i found any mobey 'but gAP. Tbi�', of course, more than 84 sidence, 11, then ootaa.tbo� fully, some being able to keep six twice in my life, and once it was o�ck House, Portstawart, Make a Llsi of the Differ. or . seven in the air at a,tinI6 with roe, has Just died in her loothear. The f6undazon Atone of Britain's Means th first sky scraper has just been laid She leaves a itunterous body,of sur- a dent, alsd once a dollar. The Derry, of Mr. James McKnight, a -laot one throe hours, onehand They frequently wear BENEVOL14NT socleTl viving dosqatidants, Warner, who was inspector of n6- bef ore slic, may nally out ]Kinds, at Liverpool. The -buildiag will be viz.: 2 sons, cent the dollar I was cry go to.jaetl, Perstipally I think ths, -of sinew, on which are lokoelt tional schools, and hod retired. b bracelets E.;xports at tho,'United States D 300 feet high, and is being erdeted gqandakildrAn, 40 glad ibla,to.give Up within sloop -do iu�r- for - strung bits of iron, brass, or any- -gi pi�itmaut of Agriculture have been thing that Will jingle., Stones are D� CUAT GODIM10311, No� Ita. great randchillrea; and 1 great- two minutes after I found it, Edward Doyle, of Martiitown, their lo� a than. all this tubbing and an site overlooking the Meriiy. great-graudobild. "I was walking aleas a street wait, at the Curraigh Sessions, son- r. Greenwood, medical officerof vNeotingo tbo let sma Ord so inclaths imprison- somewhat technical, ing each other between the tosses tehced to thr pounoifj, �wbfcb, though, excellent �t w-* sigal and the ienit is an tossed. iii, the air, the hands arose - T 1%, A rultamoy Mphland heifer caus. when I found this dollar. I spied Blackburn, says of 20,000 houses or I*dnth,. Parties sty In Asia I, is fiat4ly 'to be recant- join all gilt tull pa� icuiars ed a )sensation in the central and it 4 went for assisting Private James dissertation on choosea, how they jingling the bracelets, keeping tim", ape 0,6131 cially visited in the town rec" ubtalk Cameron. Archie gaddea head of in' lying on the alde- Wilson, Third Dragoon Guards, to mended At suchlunearthly hours, Thee. Burrovis, western parts of Dundee on the walk, and when I had come to it are made, what th-ey "a made qf, and accompanying the play'with a ently, 16,000 contained only two 481 r4 W desert. "Peauty -ttleop is so rsreLv as- 4 4croatil. vinitlar oth inst. A young -lad was knock- and picked it up found that it was and 411 the'details conn6ciad-,with hodrooms, only 16 were to let, to *0300141k. X933. About i5o head of O&ttle, the pro- Oille to the. -society, woman tKat, sort qf chant. ed down ad a chimuey-sweep was a really and truly good 41ollar bill ailing this, she,falls, back on some the business, pays Tka.Omaba Bee. and only 182 had bath -rooms. �d by the infuliated animal, I laughed to myself gleefull ; I rerty of Mr. Tbomas Crowds, D. Tha'expbrts announcei in an intro- ------- The president of the Board of y such unsatisfactor, substitute. which was ultimately shot. couldn't help it; I had finally found L., Dromore, and bo sheop, the 'ductory note, that the' TRAGEDY ON AN ISLAND. sented to receive BLMF 'D HE to are 299 Lochmabon has a something of the value actual good property of Colatiol Tottedham, known varieties of claim -to dis- SELF. choese'and that at an early date a deputation from 11.2 not niquay. - 1p- are, Lat a -Aad then- I- wofidered L., - wore, driven, from their lawk o"' two Of th011 11 An Evicted Tenant's Last Terrible the National Union of Teachers on AIROPHE MW known outside its bountlaries, for where the dollar came from, recently. my notice in which a wornatt'had Revenge. Y. &S that they have'inilk in- some, there still lingers in"the four "Walking on along the sidewalk The main drainage works jil Clod- form as the basis, Milk is the foun- uncertificatell teacher -Hitne ugrt-LEAD100- UNDENTAKERS - Back Ahead of -ma was a little girl c -- tart and Dollymuut- are--mearly -at extraordinary affair is report- Im the -grounds of &try- constant, use of belladonna, w ich Lt� e sup - Earl's Courb and Grenhiell-a unique syLtoni of ing a pitcher, and of course all 1 completed. About fburteen miles structure may ba.made ofanytitbig 'ad from Whiddy Island, off theL Exhibition the Emprqss Hall is be- he dropped nto them ih order to AND EMBALMI"M which, prior to the Re- could see of her was bar back, but enlarge their pupils-.' She is now and tenure cf now sewerage havo been con- from sage to soapstone, depending coast of Kerry, Ireland. A young ing turned into a roller skatin structed and three ejector stations man named John Groggin, who formation, .. obtained largely she snomed to me a pleasant little a *Oman of f;rty�-with, resumab- upon the whim of the cheese but - rink, which, when completed, Wd ONT. are providp.d. I with his family, was evicted from have one of the largest maple skat- throughout Scotland. i der and the taste of the,consumer. g rl and she seemed to be walking ly,'many years of life b.Xre "her-- his farm on the island A Tear aggo ing floors known. The death is ropprted from New- and is totally blind, ------ alouir cheerfully, and then all of a Cheese making is oA6 of the old- BUNGARIAN JUDG:N T#APPE. suddau'she stopped,short and town Butler, cou ty Fermanagh, of It boon said that the Instinct waylaid the present occupiers of has eera- T eat arts, or tradeff or itblta� un, The offer of three branch librar- ed to got sort of stiff all over right Mrs., Xierans, I aland's oldest 'in- for martyrdom is innate in'tho fair' der whichever It wits the farm, who ate paternal cousins ies for Bolton by Mr. Andrew Car- Convicted of Accepting Bribe and it) a �iffy habitant, who,had, attained the re- an article 'of diet back intho hazy of his, as they were returning from negle, at a cost of 25,000 each, sex Certainly many madorix go- arkable age of L f L a neighbor's. He fired several shots providing the sites be fo Fled. aroun and started back toward in' 113 years, 80 f ciet, Yv,omen, i peranal.suffering, times of iiiptoTy, u*d liaaueveilost 0 which she spoat on a lonely island out with changing fashions, from a -revolver, but only one took the library rate be increased from CKILL' P lere I was, and now she Was cry- in e quest for beauty could qua- It !a . Lough Erne.' effect, shattering the arm of Chris- 00 Sup ng and about as distressed a little on found in the �lains of 8;htli Africa, ly2d. to 2d., has been accepted. t M. Latcoczy,, vice-president of the lify for citionization,', bay -A - well Administrative' a u r t, girl 111 On the -,shores of thiff-MieditetraWL topher. Goggin. Zr one 'coultil bvtr expeo t As a result of the splendid in�ii- 6arnbd the paliiiayfti� O' aint, A Macclesfield- wedding has bad solated Town Prop Bti"PbAt, IiiiuiarY saccused of 0 f. a then want to tbe farm, and arly In. having received $1 Fe and of'courso I knew whM gural mebting of the Belfast Irish ban, Ili the. Pease& of the, Alps, on, to be postponed owing to the bride- as Collogs reoentl sured. 9,500 as a bribe the matter with )ter no�, 'she had y, nearly 140 stu- -the hanks of the Rhine aad' the fired a number of shots tiough the groom forgetting the time' of the influence to 'a lost &'dollar, to use his doors and windows, killing'a horse oming aession It Rhona, on the stees of Siboria" ceremony. While the bride was deati; for- the c tOperty Insured up to cense to ptautige as 2ve SERPENT SAVED BOY'S LIVE. in a stable., after which he set fire a -6homis pea- stAnt Astited. -wait. I"Ititr to her,,"What's i laceif of princep�, fZ4 RM fyc A "When the came along alyeady beam enrolled, many of and in the cottages of the ready at the church, the bridegroom A901* $3,048,975-00- to "where them coming from districts upwards India I he w a leisurely washing at- home. clilp4ot, sants"'in the. a s *id Ix. K Village schiiiii Sit 'D 90-botweOn'14 &11090d to matt6i, ray dear7' Lf 40 miles distant. ory Ilite and on lunch touhtera of the civil- - The flames were call on board 1",rcoldont mppell . have been the wits of,.U, and, she Answer:" Oriental 14 Details. ized and asini-�qivilisied wot1d. A ttleship BrItAn a very tearfully aud the b and an of - herself a coitsicif, ___and,.__tw andect,- -and- asu a once- In. scribe euc�eedad in extinguishing them af- one iniater of Finance, 'Well, don't �.You worry, any DOGS ILL AID PGLICE.' r of a r a SRI hav, the infinite vaxie4y of choose. There FLEAS.CARRY PLAGUE. er it under. hapPoxed'in a J"b a) are cheetitis in existence and grow- ter great damage had been done. ol IP rd, ( , In the -darkness one of the sailors Important Discovery by U. S. Dalo. Q all"163 ore over that, said di Ing stronger ivory, day tat Are arlocic . .; took to secure the li 9nee. by ne' to her) 'bore it in. Bloodhounds Wi—lbe introduced Iii village 8-4'h-0-0-1 '��qaya e an li� missed his footing, and fell into it xt Government Ofileers. kwood, P' 0- J- - February at lates . "And I handed it over' to her English County. but. older thaft any oxistift Govern- Agirlovo;'Wi . nioat running round an adjacent rep P, ; J. lionne. anti niy gracious I I've,ijeen a fow'- A few days ago one of the teach- ment. One partic'ulir ' cheese is lit: 4 ;b *ad r W. chasnily, 13 WAs trapped by a trick. T�o The Police authoriiies in Engltud batter being killed instantly. h ben discovered r wath the 1; c quick.changes, but I never did 8 a h e d intintioned as 4 O4. av �wo bun- Y, given Ithn in tho form shadow succeeded by_ " ushine,q e ave at last decided to follow In r. wear., dred years *1410- and- reflecting Sreat oggin out nwhile Chrisi6ph to be the agent f6r the spread of, -to which ed iiotei. D*t6qtivb6,'jvbo uit.e.. some, dogroe the custatna of, the gasses Mea Or G Aren grvok, ey occur. �,f tuark au 4, after.- school hours, credit.an the family that pot and -his 1),rothor had notified the po- bubonic plague, conveying it from V �� 0 to suddenly as it was nbw. on this Continent. and he,wouldi'lidt be.allow- 401meoviliq wom in. waiting at is -home, saig, little girl's face;.And I knew that hounds as a per ao& Od to gO home till lie la lice on the mainland, whereupon a Fat a to rat, and thus to human be- reftnize bl' Puulttkiiig 4*0ndville, 'k� f -d the mone' it. Over in Switzerland they have Iv iind confronted film I got -more fun out of �ivjng the lit, detect manout agaut in the his day's lesson. Wit' pleasant custam' of, makin I g a strong arty, under Head ConL 1 -ng ) is one of the most important wfilt the mari On the rest a _a on tile note,,, ion of crime. tho btude%U bad con ease at the birth of k.,hild and stable Looney, Obtained a boat. and tle girl back lipi, dollar than I ever Maj a away ch statements dontained in the report eating it ot his funeral feast or at -went out to the island. They reach- or Richardson, who has fee tber6 was none to wa, f Dr. WAlt6r Wyman, chief of the M. Latkoozy has been oblige4 to aid gut of au�'little thing in my life, tch the a Bureau of Public Health and Ma- ay 0.8sess. resign his position, hia- pension as "Bub really, now, why is it,.,dO ye�ra been breeding -wholly with Inaster shut thia.boy up the funeral of his son 'grandson. 0 the old pier at nuidnight. got thaill 141da roceipt- Od tit W. '0.04:ts, C413Ltou, o't &t NC,. tin ox-Seorotary of -Statb, -his title a view to perfection of scent_crogi- in a a A Hospital Service, Washing- You suppose, that I find to roav and demihdiTO all his vrja4_ imoat fitmediately Afterwards rine Ztau Oro �A!4100 Clothing Store, ton, sued recently. ,f Privy Councillorj�atrd Ilia mem- Much bred bloodhounds, the other day one of the officers heard a man ap- is In the discus. bership- of various ;Iubs. ci that stuff that my brother Claude received a formal notice that his A CUL QVtENIS TACT, proaching him. He went towards Bion of the efforts being made by calls tht junk nything dogs arc to be r On - the - latter's reflutal the mas- him, bit as he did so. the man the Government to' stamp the bu- Police OfilciAls allege that M, Lat. of ufordshire police, Major Riohard� 4 tit knife. who proved to be John G Who koozy was, in the habit of under� otainod by the Xcrt� g gave hits. several uts with a 16W the Late (licolk Vfctoila Put 991111 pa 'honic plague out of San Francisco, 44— 4 As the knife, was too U. S. Surgeon -General Wyman taking similar manipulations. It he son w`11 keep 'the dank and train Ud-to, kill the boy and the. bo y, brinkJng. a, revolver to his mouth Oand fired, ALL UP 'Was successful he kept the money them but they *ill be'sent for by ay Also falling dead ffito the constable's - says: 0 1ANX NOTES IS A DUST BIN. an End to Regv I . I I . — "ani axotuciating When queen Victoria ascended Artist. "A case of fatal plague was re- tut in the event- 0 the fisilure oi th Wartfordshire autho, the 'HOW They We rit4sa. Ott thol rtiqueAed bW teacher to the throne it wis considered no' to- bia intervention, returned to Discovered 4nd occurrence of any crime in the do. Goggin lost his wife and baby a ported in San Francisco in awaft%ooffas by 4 stona lying,in the proach for men to drink themselves bribes.' Returned to Their Owner. 2 'tection of Which they raz b aweek ago, and the fact that the cou- 1907� but no other case was report- Tal and yardip &t 1110110,01' compound. W6,0oller i4i'd senseless after dinner. Noblemen a wounded was to have 40CL A letter purporting. to be sioned ful� ed until August 8. Text 1,000 fr& than, the minter agreed to it aid of �the highest rahk joining Ain whom It Up to date of by Count Julius Audratsy lod,to 11 bank notes, to- , A,great number of the ther the been married, and 6 have lived on the report (,November 19, 1907) there the belief that: �ovlerul prordinant -prosenti went to bring the static. I The mas- ladies after -dinner III,& state of -he had been had been 96 cases, and 60 de ths. Up town lim*& wha live I hNean"teilr1gres Of * Woman county authorities Are discussing ter had hardly lifted the storka When. SOMWIltoxication - app.aroAtly - dg att the, farm, from which A n riour Paris, the employment. of dogs, and the OfOat" evicted is, said to have preyed on AR yet it has been impossible to COM64, %vest St. erso a were implicutef! I'D thO were hidden by hot Ili an old -en- idea has Jartioularly appealed a black aor�ojit r�se upplid c0i'led ad no ' dlilgust, and the, habit of 'his mi�'d. discover the origin f the present fatkocty affrThe-letter, how- velope, which wAs to Itself round his, *rIns. heavy drinkiiig coniinued. Frank outbreak. oVer, provat -to be it forg placed In a 601110 -ill Scotland. It is probable Y, 0001" drawer In a moutent of forgetful. that in & short time this special hi The se6ing that Bird' in "Victoria, the WorAan ((By request of the local and \Whon-*OU want th,at best Initted, it 'is alleged,,iliyar, eubas th� onvtlopo found its Way ju� 'St hoczy. breed of dogs -whose heredity is. ad s master did ftoiogaUQk about.' '808 that the queen herself endo'd A PEW HODRES. to it dust bin. Aby ate %uthoritioa, the President di- It IN stated that the Acouadd udgo ot a secret -will be gnerally. re. od and 80�ftb passer , Oam,o thor%' it, at least as far as the, court wall There are 481 systems of short- . rected the Surgeon -General, In the morning tht tAgpicktim St bas 664 to America. pogaize s al, urrA of the deteo 'ping tho boy in Witt state, they concerned. hand. through the Secretary of the Tres- the bift., but tossed aside informed the palico� *,ho reAdhod Girl though she was, Victori& act sury, to take charge of the situa- the �%#Orod� otiVelope without in- motor car, specially built for he best ostrich feathers bring live service, as in Berlin, whoreit there. immediately., The unfdttu- hot face againat the practise the ' NEW ,*try- $20 44 pound. - tion. The disease is reported as sA L Ispeotique Some )OArters happeri*d Ing a dozen at rilord 'bloodhounds e becom a diminishing, evidently due to.the turo,3d out tht Way. - They picked. up 0 Autft 11141%tOtVAO $till- I became Own Uganda UP# to pass i police 'tlI6 Act- treat, and'ex�,rossed di,,,pp,,- X_ oved In he Blob in the 'is kept -always in readinss. _�_A , _X. tinct in Englaitd. measures enforced by the large All kinds of COAL al. �Pr Ithe now piece of ps- Some of Major d , pebt left oh(Lthe -rasa. bation with great tact and sW�1, corps of 9flicera assigned to that The world's annual coffae crop is kkig to the -,othdr 3 have alreirly do".- When she went to the drawing-- w Pert One' rblu$ " goo 0 tOr was. arrested. � I � � t 0(),()do t by hfr.��CoatoA, t�e G,ov.! 9'Perhapa . there, fortune ii- no, service W YOOM A A repor' tons'. dirty, but the Surgeon-Goaaral as. tbrl=04 Colo iAt, itt the Tilrkey I beh0f, of that Sillt4n, With the ladies after dinner,' twelve. marriages in every bun- 86fts-thst it will of necessity flequire sidel" Thoy dtow. out the'llates. remained aria authorities, -th6 dred each include 4 widow or ia thb, atOng time for complete oradica- Ugand, cis aniett "Thiii iskovia io-ol�s pleAsgutr�,`l porteil i-ome VhO h val STUDENT A$l A'LAMPLIGHTEA. gentl fixen Canis into the room. The tio 0. usita In. V.,61664 Ott the %tdrkot sedit, - Irl-LOY-1-aAd a The sweepings of London's chim- "This is better understood by rea. Intho to itor West 6f t oy t Ogg ;know edge. -that-&-+ AjW$W-*" 40�4,VOY of rOvJ600119 d much,foote, fsithfu 11 k4 auZA bag been found In the unkuo I ' k ships endured by 6tu.. athill any variety yet pt uee(l, detts Attbaditij uflivorohy st"dIh$ until"ho ltft eys make annually 50000 to son of the fact that the disease pre - c you got "'000 lb'O' far Xikloi esor col., the table ive tind nor'bollevifir the notes, Wets ooin ift"saililb Nt no of etotalu t 0 toe'thent, to pieces Irota, t soot, which galls sig fertilizei foj� vails. among rate, and that the, fleas Olin At them to stay behind 1099dir than 60 eitho. to afew minutes kecdiiiary lot the drink- In India, in $200,000, on therats.c6tiey tho disegse, from the Ady. o.gold Wo W4 ONS A. studistit, of h- livg vt tho healthl niigh�.l one rat to IRELANO WINS 't 4Ao that and to human, v1sttitils medical , 06111S Lb t6mO. This quiet but sigtifimilt t%cf1hit 6rhood, of XogApat4m,'1iV!ng..is so beings." nolat 4614* *k inlAss they to. �* - 01164 the. titles of) throo. 4 Ut, bo,ea loiihd iu,; oo spioudus 4u�ahtJ4 shArtly Aftdo*&r(l, With thi, kob Disiliketly fli� Ilost orold reith goo, ful chono'thdt beef obatt only tf�dara 106 'it 01 0. XXV% gjk� tie rattla At ,of thol 16thpliglitor dtir of this girl queen 1ad'& in' at, beno- ,at. largo dy o arts, t 11410 ut 60uitto t" wtatt*tod pieces of relistuAs itag h's, m Ore. hours -asult and Cents a p6uhd, mutton tWQ C team" Ob 'i ficitl i etj tociot. chickens from two tht t4mo she lower course a i papor and' gathozod tbom up *ti4 The British �P n3161ghbori W. ,)lit#. 6 -ItAd no, to five cents WOULDN'T IIAVE BABY 1JISSgD Alit! Riers the grAv6ls �64 them to the i0ibco,, eggs four cents a doen, that tille total b UM4 UY ]FAW Pebodr, of claims eoalycct by Ati,,old. ait*o- bttlo,, - , , L J�r Jilld Xb�, Aidorable amoti-At of lit 11ifto pbuttili - -]tubs Igaed kl tot lightitig ox fruit's tftil ve$0tobled an the titmo ther Njilies Visittirs Thin There they w 1k,gs lip to th inguls 1 it,41% 0 004,19 _-Or layers, nd indieAt. A'ottho p1tood togttho.r -this N6 aid, VW on -as* MObAbI13 DX18ten ei of 34y i d It *as, found thAt milia.vis, i*4. Anivillitod to $40L I" bf rt fOr 'M ooll� #O,.foaft *00' kep%, OTON CARS ItiOIN'190. stan, t*n o6tits 4 -dot, Living With his paronft 10trad- into' the 'Strop orouaL Strata. T 6 0htitr th" 1totm 1464- 81*1414, I em, 'U hh on,, AW-tiew-foUtoes, Ave cents a ford England, is a nine-tuoutbit. *am Al to ourlaus' *hVis fo* ItisdW ftolu - Irblad, 40,017 11 11 � f I Old haby bdy'wbo hat hoVt kbd Waltit, - p led. to "t"'X b *AKt petk" r at SPUO. hort" 4ored to thtir oiwati,4. JKft *' ii &I t& led� tiat&", t 6L hua. ]ftsftglug fn, conspicuous ploW$ firk . 1 Lt. A It - been kissed A� 00h forta$ husbsj)d,�� IsIn, ir W itig tV_' � L to '' , I t136. iruj�plo �oa � 10ifto of thb � 40169 touls ked to this vl� 611� A Xt _ -!h, I 'Wfa f4�L alt A� y6jilion #tk, abl6. W. .8wo". 1164. -,-A- -Avw 16M 61, flee to, the ho" � a *td I ,44' i 4 4y)�Solff, 11AROM9 ' ttlt� at inside W( i6titir us U-0 '141t V! iit, titovoil. Oo O' like Lt, I -lit tfutift the, atfehti6t� of' th% Paris, Thos w6 litia, W-1 $ , , peiviijons in th _­ r crime, As now At. .6 oxistb0o of gold, p 6,00stak wars�, n 4 It at ru a addrea,6d to, V.#* 'to wroub L h It. 4 1C be th up $0�40,othi§r ,too '.41)0" isaayso&Vo L bo6lt tojd� thAt. the tAjV41f� th'at A#Uft bu YA'611t, rl*ftcv� Police. 'Withift t46, 40 tehL �MAY try tho thoa, of 'tot$ ad '6191164 by thtw father %nd ob'ISWO &it off g ji�t mothor. The fd1low1bg &to bXttaots, aeyoy, li� -tit tilue, 4 'front the tit istiso Od'inFr1knob. telIMvely nuid ))bhlt kWi-- eb4by. tot ''on tho� field 01"Itsittlo"* 0 wl be, 01,66tod on heoSh(l �Jot t Ott. wals of o4d V:011te6da tot Ahoto'thkt froth fewd, ize(I y6ut I rprifilb ioulbiaw, 2 #f*th* aL hds t6ro �very, very loan, If"i*g *heft ths 1.* 4maged bY �bftbAIV6, 0ids 7& Igg. Wt6 teigolfty$ L0f'*1J*fY.&$, Yeitt$ Of le 'Odya, iho"IntAw. Don't aoo't o1or UgNT 11,D -g 1k Att Ittita lit 0ioWAA*tr. Wirt, bY IM, diandIte. i1i 60,$rwnis� of, illtolioll, ptit 96 to, hot, 604, I 1. � � 0 your tkLn� Of kho�� r li* nyour 4*n i5t t ia�n tU,*. jgstte * 4111, est tor,, is U'll, 1*01" Itit �4%ittnlh4 Ift J�jeo es$16 A'o JAJ�tjiijk elo$jd', �Xt �thti D6w`t -allow baby to touell, to PC r lufqhmn flrm� Tho new *t tl) 'With a *,aft# V08hod wo. ; 0oftuil . *4_ 100,5,61 face Jhly fo''Ad. Dotilt, tlk, broith;;', ol, tho� 14DA0 Of r joyefl)w portion, p 'th 6ing A pitt4 ftkp L ) W this , Conftovtal 44 0, OR bt tAl* work *Olr �;rr�dod*f thW leather Ittit Whoo: rain ik t6ming or ou"O'CO tho t4fAl , , - I I if 4 VL* it4l, is the cosdititt ma will'teud triwit, 'blowt ough ot ftill lin *I 0 I !0116*1 , 1, ei�et " Tiv* yodot bUdel N 10 11"o I 00. 'Atli. 661101 stry. tO tlOntf Ittt,16 414t A T On knowit A-, tho,� thet- to littlOt 44 , d;ln't ilk jt$�.#Ijd Iti 4k in 06 liqUidy Which, o vitic-h f.g ohlt ualb yotit 6si, In Ov tit _or t`610* I *W think (A thofith, , O*t. Otf L 6 0 winds t* 6 40#41y& liquid *it J this liqUi A'"" foti't bf th6 ttilefi it "my 4ughtr 'to, y r'".. I I L these yuji Ilm *t #so tho 4b,ro*,h from Aotdo flikko at- since 'Fed 141fai"g, �Iate tA*d ftc*m w1kroby walk -'44% 0*4ft 0311 0* Or'* 'P$i- It Mtn Of '461M 00tcleg (&*�J ot' 00 IMMieikll or, StOxd, but; th3 W#v ftv, 0ft the I wt Th* Wt *,"W of,old Nm t 'P ,a, n, ito , 1*1 - 1, I The "10*16, havoi IM *t0k4;; -dilIring' ftif **'�oko; out thaaw. 100id it ift%#601ble to It), the, liquid VillL 06Aft to 6( the 01* t $in -ft, -al" B*- *n tho to 4"14r. street 14% the "toolsit *01, r bot '*Ad thoift will 4 for *ft it's I �t" I% 64*4 oil 10 dito LO rut on