HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-10-30, Page 2W ofaisas WUM wo 0 Wo vest" "THAT 'NEGLECT fire, 90 W94 .000, 004 0-04 'I our 010rit hosiffokoK boulk- 'IL'IL N we, to 4"o *144 04�y# 4"s, uot, �Vwp at. 04, -- III , - 10, F OR O" a 564' the sumft* )W" umos -ow ow, stiti.04tiot bo not 004ow I i1i v Kcalls ost, -so 01tep the' a%"-' mAxt isuroltzo to � W go fox vi�#h lk lrtka' R -to s'alt" ha* 4o, falth iu Uom, r 00011 ehaPooplo, Wei*" aewm- 04 uciiiiiii 4,y lover U041 XON I r � TO F .01 $ Fother.1 elt. rid%' ut to uro-thrQ" lit VAU , :44 -blifort 40tilro, vitiide, M am, Pont. fol It' 010 of'+41* otliior C A* bad $to Inum Ila a . , I , Ilk A TX110,0fL*" AM W14 it *0 4#0 V111110 , I 0 tho. #f4to tbAt vii. sun 1* Xour li* - it 'com" 049tigh atio AR4 80camle *'Well, 1944, Toter. low "VX ;6 pol W i I4 14 'Whighi Is' so, for "ioll roiloviptioj;i. Our b",40, of Ow x0stat oii;lr. life, bedntho spri044'JA 7, 004ily 14A bolby asa it pleased i Athiibas-va Lifia& Are aupreA Aussr*IJ6, Whq bXA L .1 Ili to 4AV6 ioporat aTh b t4r, our ours.0. "Th.0 Th# lxt.# Prima' Ula 0 hisr 0 0%rgyoco. thilik �that4fif­ lir,61orted in its earlier st#g4 load* N6oW,04i a W lookout fox bis,84 oo 90* tAftor bigow�n heart. tent 4104Y,1113d tP M) -most errible auxorf --hu Vop"Aflon X01 ou:14a 'beg 040100 at , 04 wo-W Iscrt-44, wom, - - TOO* 't V, not death itfie to.. : 'Irr otod � tho th r 'is a tremen.- hat'llor f4go fwpho,d liqUy 4% lit, sure cure for it in, -0.11 0040 14 ja jb�, Thor*'& Ono, Wing git;bf Ux Aur ow* dar� at* p lier lips, to hAx, ­Podws ill1014 L'i the i, 0"I've broustit ou be wad 'Al gofof aeIgo] meoor re$jding seat here. u "That b eXf think, od it on to acBut X 00, aOwe, *113 Xidgpy, PA we 4004 0 A 6t4$ fthe t Oseat ral%tio dol ." WtW JPetj�on �of the -W .4 --frornk,o, rin, and like boats of Qtb 14 quiet UpArless. aIgo reatiZe My, go oteo. 41 Cue . "fA prov. a a jo y.�4 Iri*X, 4'ke your amile, o negle Vommq 6 wmt,-, t pressing,,,. Od U. . ca rgiviger's 10 4. This- room is 41� "I -Part �bfsfdly on $treat * timue fo a, 6.4s I r own titne'-for 11 a&way 'too U"ty 'Solby W as a mom At 1, t it or deArest. What is there in in ve i9�pt graduaily grq;�01,0$ ij* 'Ar , � d But it nI to cOmittisfid your lo he asked nceOftelby. worse, till after thirty Ye&r$L a,' .Jn� if 04*404.i cabinet. Hot too, MOAS oonA thiies4l eminent paiI,oflotters, an TaWit) to,, wing the olimWv. egrAO d it was #gj)o lou,,J.eally wish, me to tell creasing sufft fibollot Im'. 1 Am very F ftltb$ tile ptiblio that Providence "Nonsense IVA t9 was' a�blnet er C that at times he could not V.010 0 speech I" -4 6 VetaOU, -Who could fitly write Ackroyd"s filistmQvil Wsks to so, to op w rk he said orAnastly. "I Led, ad for two weeks it a time not w -tile biogrAp world v V a illy Jor which the the bank to cmill the gbvt�p which our sex. MY it Was impossible for hira Wrist Acai&� ' "h' Thelfo,�* the jingle of kno impatiently thial he had received, autt very little of . much alone. from a chair without putting he, m. was been lived very -'4f , I -10, th most life h $4109, 3 his p0olcos 1 mwl­ handa-au -his -knecs. t YJ sIn front of him lay threp open the 00014016 It iigs.out all, he jh0kr- "That'doPendil UPOM the wOl iubled with ike w odo A He tould not button his closos� tH L '11 � 11.11 letters and dooliments. Now isno cab to the am He, was. -trc gelle, ! re bor- -Rut, f6v '-fayself AOr* -honor, cloaii 11 Backache, Who, frolil Would take up-&-paer-- e4 . aidential 0 amb .404 natu, Iil of them `rOWL IS ultimoIi an Who keeps his word; one Gr&VOI and 10 the Upon Whom Wo can rely, not for a medicines for each and a;, a vovx Unpo tbrough it -and throw to rioter friend tihK t_A'o; "V `e� to do, mento b t f lifetime. And without __Keliefr :ilotigh of: 4epooCt. Cok With te Others e At once started wart 4r, I lltoo ­15abor movoni6t he di, I the YOA will 'a -ad nothing. Q.f t FWIr 7 stban 414 an! 'a, thQ vine if you Ta(UAQ t% Qho an 0 An Y #tq­VQiQo 'CoMpany Pills. I . I Ot nobip- f everyday outr" ccatents. he replied pas- Dodd's Kidney Pills startad at sluder Sewiad Machloo A Y at 111go Id C�Uked piarie *fi4, Mart, Tb,or, AuArAllaq F Oka .Wl W he muttered Up orry- AL, wil 114 throw himself back into an gold mine," "You way trust me with' the cause of his troubles av 8 . fft�40 tv, tool Ing over eir crowaspVe gx$ Q01 jai "Isin street ely. "Let me recapitulate the 4iortatoly. ay eseTradO 814 --cro$964 his legs, and nour$ 4jur life. I cannot put my feelings hit Kidneys. With cured Kidnoys Lahor inairm-4hair )ubles. speedily. disap- in the:bpad"f facts, and I sb&ll know what cards t)k L 0 his 4load seemed to - sink into big Into -words, but I loya YOU, worship his other 04 &im is �bioliitfi: !ad 0 one -Aoi of the I hold. urit, the peared, and to -day he is 0. well Eviar one knows thct,l -cap that had been im.- .,Some thirty years ago the Earl you- Your beauty, your p olue esthe Imperial Qover t 170 sermon th0t man. elloW f Wolverholme Was seat to St^ flushed, and a -ou morta,lizaJ ty Pouch, 0 rerfect you, has won my heart he If you Cure your Kidneys with tiOU Of- PXXV040 OutorP e, p)teacllor t6kos a iato Her pate f4ce --,-A i cis He was interrupted by the on- reto tloxi--Or-orl n s Paersburg by the British,Govern their o;wn ar ON Coo, I think you would be very un- have Lumbago, Rheumatism, Heart work Q T . od, it is ez�4y, trance 69 a servant. ivate4reaw, of A"a I r. royd to see you air," Ussia. ve .1 with' it. He an oyed the ab. ba I -t - TT TOR''ON fi.irgiving," he said reflectively. Disease, Dropsy or Bright's, Dis- i J� r � e_ sco he Paid in th $&live, smooth voice oolilto confide - that Prime 60(,ig,004 IT.' Whiz. in tet' istetice of the Qr Ch Brokersi and %I *%Gnts ONot unforgiving, but I could be ease. ht. -offected by the w4l-traincd o3r- Minister Wla was given plenar�l if 1 -found that my trust tor, marriage,, Ackroyd-AcIcroyd," Mr. Selby Barl wa contomplati misplaced powers. It appears that the worthy I but I have 'no ug4t Aod $0d on ng SQGIALISM INAUSTRALA. ivir 4-wlw�ft- myro- m A AL i slon. CorrespondenCe Invit- repeated to 'Recollecti -e ired at, our, exp He amiled gravely. -f ense, himself! -n hilt that Ilia affairs 1% to heavily in� fear lux. -wore can- Itpp — �cnuaugbt is toil rdes way -eared to come to him, for -he volved. The nexotiatiom 41 �g to unclorstand you, The Dilker Of I am tryin rose briskly from his chair, eluded and very successfully tusi�g story ok,ws recon l9 Woadorful Resler ana "Ask him in. lamos� from the Russian point of view. As ,the]. You must tozi-h me." BECOMING A MENACE TO THE On !tu An affeetion6to smile was her re- of inspection to Vgyp -oward for his corn) -f SU"FRIfflEalro V61J AND 1.91�V The door opened, and there op- a i placency, and 6* . 4 "I )ly IlL MAA -.-A o, O JorL lb'fl-Sate- *f-hiS- 'cauntry.'a int9f.- 4 ­ ZNTOI I "P red I am going to Wolverholine C&B- one"Xilorgin$, and on his way'back -roM in' SM e YOU SISTER Vao He was eil Ito Earl received a heavy ago. e ts in tho'morning. I want to toil to his qUi�ithrLg, - h3o,,t, And:horo,N the evidence of tie tributi3g, from groomed, and his clothes were nea4 ring I know a woman's &ufrbrings. he news. He was in town Color Party Its T witti, an, old Blih places 43 has Zam- ere was a tolf- it " Ackroyd cried triumphantly the Bar] t 001 - Solue As- Pe lo' in high ly pressed but tit the ribbon ofthe ridian AJU�lay on SU� I have found 4 Cure. to -day, but waa rather upset, so I mr, R940 F. Fare , Justice tale sha"Iness at the , seams thatl He gathered from the pap�rs pects of tile Recent State bib breast.' The Dpke� stopped and of the Iwill mail, free of charge. my home treat- �etokeaed much wear. that the raceipt Of this bribe bad thought it better tn wait until to Mitu.-abbut the mili- Peace for Zrithh mentwith full lnstruction� to. any sufferer front. s. Nvaifttfo te) all women He will be delighted at Tramway Strlke� spoke to the- tested this fArablis balm,_ afl&*ir. "How do do, Ackroyd? A I& come to the knowledge of tho-Prfmil morrow a you told any one tary , vic"Or some -little,gme� Is -W'hat'he about the reader, for yourself, YOU a long time tiloo I have aeon YOU." Minister. A saandal,wnildr have MY choice- H&V The London, Eng, Evehing Globe PreBool`C the man aid, not know- 'The Pavilion, ada it 6 -end n.0 -your daughter, �our*mother, or your i�l Sh-61by; b I I bavil't bqen very inzOvii&W, so the ir f "r agarrient I" ster. I - ". u h �% to whom he 'was Goldfields, B. 0. want to tell you'how to cure yourself tit krund, ,only Cicely Stanton. We are as the following from, its Sydney ing, of cour� without the helpofAoctor. Mencannot-un. o worry you with my tr-ai- 14d been hushed up, and the Earl k in the army I'ToL the Zum�Buk Co'., eared t old friends, you know. You correspondent:- speaking, "Are yot, bles." had, been permitted to retire, And Such I' The Duke 'After a very derstand women% sufferings. W�at we women "Troublosl I am sorry to ear now every , one that knew of his don't mind, do you 7" "Sball Labor be King?" is, the ycurse hen, ir kno)v from experience,, we know better than that. Ltt ma -see -you are writing, tieachery was dead, and these let- (To be Continued.) question of the hour in the Corn. Smiled, and admitted that he wa%. �Ve&Zim-Buk emin- trial I �avejpri , it �ny docter I kho,w thbit my home treatment tcrs contained the only, evidence of monwealth, where, as in New Zea- "Getting on all rightl" wa ently satisfgctcli�. In- ray case isaufe andLsure cure forall female weak' u notl qticition. The cured a skin ri�sb . of tive Year nesses peculiar to'Our sex. have not fou d it his perfidy. land, the various labor unions opvp- ffeX� L Duke a i abd, Belo that he haqr I want to send ou a complete i o days' ly set at defiance all d6cisions, of again, Ostanding,wich."no doctor bad been tiery profitable. Bat your tiatu is Th r enjoyed universal re V grumble at treatment entirely free to prove to you that you Arbitration Courts, Wages Boarlip, very much t qsod"tci. valuable, I know, so I will at once ipect,.and wall amongst the gayest" LIKE TRORNS dealing whole, though perhaps he wa 4blb to can cure yourself at botne, easily, quickly and a not "I wot -�ndiiurage any ray visit. Cr the wittiest, and most popular of d other tribunals for ld oerl emb ttliLt"itLkVilleoSt'YOU'Ootbirlg to give the teeatment a Complete trial, r. I 1, . I 1. Z' 4 1 rcome to the object of 0 with industrial disputes, which are doing, 11111 a r Bo well as 110 oal OSon "in thei el ind I 0 the social leaders of the world. IN THE FLESH a" will* ( ou 9 uld wish, to,coatirint!y it you prily, abouL 12 cents a week, -or you find me a billet of any k The steadily in rby_, own Part bkus A A a y. J- 'broke., I thought Here in the -hands of an. unsor U- not in their favor. wish. o, and you, nevok �Me�r-'Ii-tiAly�066BL�*'On,more�tbgj) i will not interfere with your work or occupation. - just be frank, I am - tons man rested a weapon U (it creasing arrogaaeer- of the Austra- tarbmy,­11 was-the-auTykising-r or flatheand address, tell me how you suffer, if you wish, nd I will send 'You 61aim for it For of our "Var t.9 hat you want' efrhaps in memor of the Votefan. "AV r be, thout it ill wt * treatment for your case, entirely -free, inL plain-writpper, by return mail. haft Labor party is largely a re- f I would"not �npv -a ty" dais, �yw maht— -W hurl him f rofil, his* roud, po- gou p is either brains hbouftfi%, Ivill: Igo send ou (fee. of cost my book--IIWOMAN'S OW11- MEDICAL ADVISER," with Ire the MUD Twinges and Ter- sult of the growing strength 6f.t4e, in the army to -day truly, �'Quit a xJ *1 tory ill tratip 9 showing why suffer, and bow they can easily cure Pet e right, Ackroyd; I am glad siti6n. )unt 61 I a women In fact you are Aokroyd went to a small club of its reinkS., kr v, tremendous am( ry woman.ihouill have it, and learn to thin for h '7611- tues of Allen IN r ly the elves at a 6. Eve ,60U came to me. - -m ence behind you. You take my IV I 'Justice. "of thi; Peace for 1'-�. th octin says-,, Von must �hava an operation," yo, dZIM for Socialit. element i.. :%Whom I am seek ydneY the Tra<R4 110 Court Than -when th the very man fol which he wall a member, and busied + and chuck it I" from ordinary, really be doing himself with works -of roforence. William' Pink PRIB a cil, which claims to r6preseat the old chari zzya44 ,diftersv yoors0f, Th san a of womeA 'have curedthemselves with my hom remedy, It ifig, and you g some work oil He found that the Earl had L long whole of tlia trade unions in Now .13alvas an& emildcatibno, for while cur"Jtll� bid or younW To Mothers of Dauhters, I will explain a simple, home Ivie A favor by takin and that there -was Gerwil Gua. Solith Wales, virtually diapute -these mostly' animal oils tre2�1ment,which-sp6edily and-difedivally *cuiis-Vainful ond Irrogolar Menstruation my hanA-." beans widower, A commercial traveller was brag- -�ys result from its use. 111- ve*r- good at Ow to -pLut it iFaue of the marriago, numty Ono with L the - State. Gavernmeint t �'tfie I and fats, Zam,Buk isifurely herbal. inyodrigLadies. Phimpnessand health a1w. ging about the magnitude -of sore SLWberev.er you live I can I to ladiesfof your own locality who know and I It Soothes and heals cuts, Treatment roilly cures all worrinn's dis in that,way­4f you early knew what son, Lord Harecastle, who was up- The twinges and the tortures of management of the State tramays. ented, "l suppose a'. tavy sufferer ti, firni he reP�es S' il-me at the prosent.tilaO, proaching his thirtieth birthday. rheumatism are not due to cold� Declining to refer a i Cars, eruptions.' boils edzem dispute be a pretty big estab- plump -and robust. Just sood me your address, it means to Your house is said Ackmyd. At the time that Ackroyd was damp' weather as so many people tween the tr mway autboritio Z1 druggists. you may, �j 0 1) ohafing soresir -eto. - liglftent,t said tlfg custordlut� Rheumatisaiomes from employes'to a legally -consti uted ,Bi and stores Bell at 60 cents a box, sor, Out. We AIXbave our upB and dawns! gathering this information the Earl imagine, 4L I You can't have any ides, of m-Buk Co., Toronto, you are poisonous acid in the blood. The court, it called out the whole Of surprised that was at his club, impatientl &wait- its dimensions. Last week we took or from the Z5 In i of ro- pains fnay be started b*,cold wes,- -the-tramway hands in the State at price, S-bo�K,60 But' I a Ve� All g h a son'd arrival. TaIr an inventory of the employb not st the top of the tree� at fl, and o years ex- her damp weather or by keen a moment's notice, and arranged'to prophogled a great futurA-for you figure he carried lightly his t found, out for the first time that ada. The nty oda years in1a; There is only one way to follow up this tyrannical, action by were -Abe man of promise of our rave but his Jace did w three dashiers and four, bookkeepers said the warder to the ton stroot, prqclaiming a general strike, in- the, Other c ne ng over ninot wear its customary genial smile. cure rheumatism. It must be treat li 0 so k- he din. dd through the blood. All the lini- eluding the whole f the railway were missing. That will give you forger, who hod just arrived at the horse." P appeared on Ac At last he rose and went to t itter amill -and -called some idea of the magnitude of our ,we,ii set to work, A 4 thereby para prison You 0 S ine, room, but he bad only just t IYZWS the roiydls face, but'OD13 Lin the world .m.Pm'0eye."iI treatment apd industrial intereatk if yp th hi seat at a table, 'when he was electrical -RASTMLJ r for a moj�,qont# ak. monts rubbing, and so business." give me a reek's practice It is. an Officer of,, the Law of mind he tUrAfid. to the Other �16 d inflicting segious U'll .1 to Attend by -11W will -not-cure rheumatism. The, ivoid 6f th i State, an i ur signature, I'll sipz BOW FUR MANUFACTURERS 287L Y gur of- iffealth.-When called in uvonience on thou- Lid the v, disturbance it searches out 1,110 Ever�hi�g in Ladies' and Furs. Special OcA promise that ways not to fruc- ,,Good evoning--father, an. unex- that causes the disease must be loss and inco I INDISPERSIBLE TO 'MOTHERS, -ficial papers for You, driven put of the blood and the sands of innocent victims. pain, and. prices to doulara, Wel)"ter;061 catalog is happens"ia so many cas'a pleoted visit. aid satisfied,that Baby's-olon prisoner. of like a 61d quietly. n-, 'Yes, OyrII'L alld an Unpleasant blood enriched and purified. It is t 59 diad of the peace, las hands RAW FUft8 and GEN SENG l!!Y But what ca, guar for you 11, cue nk Pillh N Tablets ate indispensibIq to moth. But Bit down. We will dine. because Dr. Williams'. Pi sBays-Mrs. Abrahafix ftiohar, Do Not Del Wh n through 11pon it O'ba says "'I arrest you - Write for price list, executor of the I bave not much time to spare, for makd now, red blood that,they have Subsequent everlts,.-haret midde 11; -1 -'-'e "I am the literary "lle ills, Quo., 'and, she d i oripas, poison Rdaistance is useless, %a the law of Od 0- SADTIMO to-, 77 King #t test, yGrOntS late P. Those three I am going to the Castle to-vight." cured thousands of casqp of rheu- perfectly clear that the tkafriwq pierrevi M debilitated i oblood the hi3alth imposes a. sentence of pen time, wilistor adds:-"Bekire using the, Tablets nto the id all other -treatment strike, which %,,as largely,# conigi d 00d boxox,�Cataln a qu4 To-nisht I", Harecastlo repeated, matiam after Ishfijont n pain, an ,a o ge t e e ua an 600 'Wan 4) kutity of Waco, �h T ­ I , �L � pon huy MY a Y P In- e home i -hadMalled. - AS -a prdbf­6f WhU'Vil.' -have - - clictric Oil was orl- comfortatil ca,rof lly road,' and the yell. he I%ollso a the thriving well; but the Tablets Olson oult as rapidly- and as thor- Dr. Thomas' E e n Toron- will do even actual grievances, wa result of p &ted to enforce that sentence. to; must be thoroughly clean and them b ougl� tobe worked a great change ind "my as is full, you Williams' Pink Pills a conspiracy having for its object . possible.' Delay Ay mean Bill systematic about her work, and un. Important - on on one side. know,V I And why aren't you down �n the robot severe tiaaes of rheum& * -his-ir diga-ster. Parmelee's Cetable 'Jau will understand that It is Aortic- there he asked irritably. tism, the case '3f Mr. David Car- the commencement of a litige.00 - Re U If 411 mothers who have pills will be found a most valuable When a mark is'working for wages derstand good plain cooking. Small I the verdict c , hat L d0%cAto)L $9 the grivate been rather busy 11 Hare. rol 11 known furniture dealer fliot between State rule and, 61 ikes to speak of their za- family; good wages. gor- 441 It a I the hir, wife I House maid W avel Tablets. Arid -better ,und effective medicine to assui k inolilied, but of castle replied with a Slight flush. of iIl'town, X. S., miy be cited,. Mr. alist rule, in which the whol. of used these kept. Addiess, stating experience bet Carroll says -"I have been a most the Commonwealth 'would be 0 Otilf, motherd bave the. Uarantee of itj�dor vAtli. They ;never fail. come'.' Riltiliblah I You had tor,tome ieat of 'the and give references, Mrs. Wilson, 5 course* I trust you* Ackroycl," t.p$ A,gol hat Baby's They go at once to the i ftn AIRM ALL. AXILtAn Ith Wish dn�vn toJ severe Sufferer from rheumatism, involved. r, t"o Dale Aven "Think You. When do you absolutely safe �-- trouble and work a� permanent cure. deep ,,arII& bourk, 1ttl ca led "at no, Rosedale, Toronto, Ifte ,8orry,,put I cannot. To -mor. and in the hope that some other PREMIE R 'REFUSED, Own Tablets..are rtlbl'e ,Lkg Atlen% Lung to begin I" 'find relief from Chat they contain.not One pa a rarno Y. for pulmonury tr 'This sooner the bettor. As for row, it you like.. Who in there. at poor sufferer may ng's body- la t1tr.1 A I gladIS write you Fortunately for the, State and tot. -of opiate or poisonous soothing The Befeaters, the Ki blo,, highly 1,110211W.O."dt p= my experience slug" tht, finiiiiiinial part of it�J)"ASP3 V's the Castle f" i)f the dilloine-dewilars guard on State ocOss' as, consist Of bouefit, I have received frora Australia &too, thb , Xew South �Otuff. Sold by all m 10 PIANOS had: better settle that when the Josephs and his -dausl tolt.' And six other officers, �uud Lady 'Dr. Williams' Pink -Pills. The Wales Premier and the State Chief' Or by Mail at 26 cents'A box'from a captain, Wayward Hbbs-"l used to be vork is the %later, Mrs. Goldbers r. Williams 14Y yeoman. -three others, 664ble settled in my shoulders and Railway Commissioner were Mart, he D lady; utter.that I was Ila hat down at his desk ad Hasty and,two or sides and at times I was aff strong resolution,* whom neithe a milkman, -116itite ARE *0 Z QhoqUa. 46t yo lot Die know r Brockville, Ont. Mr�. Handout, "Why did n 'Tert,11104 dowh. my Ono Peet Is Isetter tions. quite "unable to raise my atm. rthxXT= evence, of " word H.bbb-' ANAD 8 will de, to go 4 way. along 'with, earlier that you wtore ttilrftiri I mob clamor nor political factio 3, rhil' hovemarked with a mile, as town was att�ndod- by 6 doctor, but as i could intimidate. By inatit A ST"If'#T, Tkp I don't know. �;Lve­ did not, .4pear -to be getting any proce6diogs agi�lnst Ad at� the he handed him tile ifilip of paper, djULd'ecisiob was sudden, I I 'd or. my first vya�, wai a ST ity better .1 sont, for a so-called 0140- t11163ftbiwak it G; th6 ev* S mistifess-111 (In't Want you to- 44Mrs, Blimber ii. very, nrvois pumps most df the time," 'been soo Lockyor." for which I paid $4o.00. It Wales Premi-or has taken thb -bull', have t�b much uomparly. Y U'.hAvo AND EVOTIODY nipeol. trio belt n%eJQa6* 10,41 a Lookyor, 1le hefo being thirteen at table KNouisivisAysTo SO ily therd,s, gothifig the did not do roe tiny sod and then I by the horns, but whether it will mre callers in a iloy--thanot h4ve about t . ; �he think some., !1to ded all one of the most po-, vrikit tie, Tbore is a room that I filifit f auto to -night." gar V, but with6ut, tend to bring &boat an early te-ymi- i1 ill 't rit., cola can 13 ever ttroduced 13LIV dispotal, and yow matter u, , father it 4ried another reme Well, Ilinth, trhipa thigg �Uzlpleasant will hapep e1i -THS d -asked atiou of the struggle, or trepart, Domoitio'-f" to combat ul Summer ver the table and any better results. 'A frielft be a litt 0 more .yes;. she only has 4, dozen knives, wit VA4 wmaienec, As soon An you like," Cyril = 0 me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, the A ­ybuld try to complaints NudD.r for its extension t, rougli- if� Jollamation of the aldisni Ackro7d, was alone, With lcokod saxi6tislY'at him. its Wetly ana forks." -601 ))y the time out the Commoliwealtho r6muiria"to, Ybil"d hav6 Kellogg's Dyson- 13and for car Ira* and I got three boxes, , t bowels, Dr� "'pota. Tworo was no le of ,I, m. sorry to Say thero !a, hilt lrie114 As 1.1lave", a won,for -itself re- face, althopoh order. -Ai the first tt Cordial ba I bad used them all I found the tie seen. 't'ritiAettion on Wo I Want you to keep it quiet. Ito INA p no other corditil for :t�is employluout had come to hftn dosoribes it as temporary heart eiffness and pain less. several and A large number of non-unioni'sta symptoms 6f interital,disoider, Pat' titaitin, that For I '101600 Co., 110.1 ON h, got onjent that be bad rcacb�o f&1I"j,5, I have had one or 6so I got another half dozen boxes. are now working on the 8 difiby In t o Autilma $0 purpose can P�Vjro to. 0ff#h'0l*nai*,' Isil Organs into 'ut th,6 Y4, "tn Iring from those AU Mbi* flayalrillith" Bubouts lately, and I '*a& g*ttiitg heWin it .. I . - -, I had taken these every tratriways, and the Sydney qladeg -that all Out '�01&61,11 Vegetable Pills he e end of hill redouriles. resorted to in nedlatilly, Two or )'ollnj and old tuffo medicine is not the fitht time that Ilb hAJ Of the trouble had Hall insists that the dismilgaul Of wyrole lid to h,,, of theAd sialutu pollets, t&k- comP 6111tS it 4 the beat nervolls"I 'these constitutes �an indiapont&41� a� to pwrad and In the fto yearn that a tui can be pfoOlited s it options -a had no re� 'ietiminary (it the restoration f a 311'edloit& O� 1,00tille HE Xxtm Tim JUDGE, Th bav6 since pasted I bav p iilIA'for'tWo'8r doses of one Or two V o tail stalled whimal �urrf of the trouble. I believoth peaWill relations botwean Wo, he to I It h. woman would reform hot bus - i re throe nlghUi in. succqmion� will A la�vyer Came iOto court drunk, %e doos. not diolnaL equM tb 9r, I to -day. band'sbe;ghould b It , ra*� the outset his bad been gay that I am goift , �fgib by Boloeting when t 0 1090 Said to him - "Sir, lfed,�V I n�, other Ab reventive of'40006 Of r. t. Ah the OTO eusity of Spend, to dio aLt once, but I Iinust take tar& WilHams' Pink but on this Pills for this Unionist' Ilia taild I am sorry to Sao you in a gitua Ion -h koffiaglon to w 04V ?gpepiio, �fll; laore vivAq bob he ba�tn kind of life La all most painful trot I have point the State 0overnmerit, and A t6o d� Lead 4 riat fill the discomfotts -�ble, and 1g, tfaitt, 6t that which is a dim$raco to yourself and sibip -�-1 ool Content to UV64dlet- that kit of t1lifig. It Wi I be a ded the' Pills to othOrs large h1broft of the State Pirlfx� ko opoto rai o it for your own w11111 ollow be gotloed in tho'Singgr family, and fh� p high 1t4 ugoft tt t -by their mtit &to flrfti-.�, The- '*hblt, of tht., h goird6r. The ixitkh J3i a apat meat hat; b6#14 h ade to tuake, It buster, (kfid We are you belong." ewould who have been btaefitted twl I gbl�: Ave *Aw Ilia writing, 4e6ply zorry, fatlibit but lu'aullionlats, 'who ha ptoath olieft4d the follow. his juu& 'The use." NondfLy indi'DWR &UA see whae 1. This to you 'Will take earo of oul I Dr. Williams' Pink 1?illa ook obts compotiint., will li�-, rotitined at .all 18411 we invite D Nevot got ther like of It a ing lited of wonoy dkoyo Mai to tile still Bad lito pleasant, 4,0 * N '06tt. 'K, ODIC -blit olt the other baztrds in tile sorvest ot th� $tite,� '* Bigfoo to tho M ::I)id your Hohov apeak to uy hbro �ba, igsiged In lid. woeth the living. t dolt W*nt blood, ON' MONOAV a I habottor O SOCIALUT A ;"Put I 414 941� I said; Air, th t Upon -I*- $pr t.o worry aboot It, OYIil, but I ellmew"s due t(l poor "tot sra ucsnatmia, so absout.., idisgrscad yours,64 t..aalons thbro bid teeo ev tfidusht'it bettor that, you Aftld Ono i0sult of the troWiNvvill lfx­� Ito, ans vitutil, d family, the court and, th f 'a4d, Invitably be, 20OA6r Or lotor�1-14 bad. ehairgd It ot tj,lo !IV W6,pat ba 8410 JIM Of tbo West As, j) and 6 allintts ild, by of conduct", _01), �of brid, 1401,_ lt�aja pormA,;,11 Or &d thm you -told d2fact, ersl orgifinhation of thctrsitjij��o hu, gets through with ood, with Sfaf a.. iiiii througli life, alid Ito V d worni t8, With tilt &V , A4111 14, mil r� 6 biw,�tl iti,fta tdAtto o6ns. ttorn6y% ev�ith i took of rf pirlhood sm ut� for sp 114 WINA no hilf eTo. -0, allow i na 4 vul, iiii I ifo With 'It will drive il to tile *St*ticili� * t.. If.'r, , U 11f, e.- & +1 a oltijoritias in A 600*1 *nd f it. your c Aar re tolou d- it the g,tiftiling, Pills tail 46.0 hift to fllkys :ydi* R01ilot, thut tbi& it"thir, but totx� this ear voll hould Re6 thAtt thti f)AII lhiTAN 11fAt 46fret OpibiOb I ever kb6* n0116111111$ 4 vd� th ot e to giy ror-iat J)wJI t So Th" roahisd attioiN ia,good pobole", is On tb' OU6 hali oulytC, ursut th6 t6lu*ft Corti 01A U i and lib litood 111tt the 1040W t ho 0 tt U 11"bor 10vulild pub.� W ub� tho, ttps'toda, %64,�d Hallod irlitho coundboW041th t6 liw$t* 404 obli,y6ur *0.� aldtohi ulicial body S 6t Ox �hltlii iivatq it, this', lakoi tofthed b th A for Tho r� '61, six X be dowlx,W til. go6 pt*p*41is orLL 0 0 -to- turn "06if �1 Woia X44 03ft *Oi6gti, tht, P%1*r%. Voik *0 Aot co'd, aoiifl, ovt4a, I tfi*v hoft tgoft. roum In, of thtst, Isitkoa o. oxi wid ),or I110 )DOW at lot toI, �$0-4,, ��Y#s *lid takei It vil)lithod SAdi d Wi - 00 I I - - nW6 4-�— ilbt-losAi egg took tilt. laft orkoOi, W tot, but *010 r4ord blotol Irtt. ' Hoittitrpttl to, 'hig 04,0d +4 Tilt villist t4W to to to, tit, AdiltbAll *0 100-01111W Vot -Wit" -ad w itdt, VA)UNlot. 4*4 Oak* 16094111 skod t6bk hill r, N1101by 41,10 0 lu W64 5 ovis. Hb 6, it go'd fit ot 'hilt UlUni . too, wholk it, I**%, to*- tor, tho %Outia of Mot,' rethii., tW6 iqhw in K IDNEY '�A t'l*St tit �,Ofiwie 0% ojij. *too to *hoX6 hif,h4A botift 09*9W fleted- oA Vill rt'"X04 tho bi 4400 16% wMift hb ilm to*" t "You 'i % "' I '­ to 0" willio t4 -"*.to R, *aat t4d ' 106k t,'r . , 'j* follOWL I to onds I . (- , . i halt thei'44 Itrei 4 TIRs %M ukotult "tka dtw� Y -1, it " bu � t / "Wtiften ill dphor. Thiff �oujht gopSinbrit, bisdL not b"o Inath'"n *llit Ito -not# tito 4 ack P I 1-15 o bt onfudbins and It hid b46 �11 ktontiob 6 toll 01*nin, Th* 44Y *011: �h# Aff4v m4a,urging 1A 46rt kxte W now,, , why, u ltho 00% Mt ills. h6we cl%r n1fig's Rp W& U, 144 0 biUKA* t V id, 86 kit!" fft Ott* wte 0TVA X1141VAIM TMA -1 A*- Ilk, , im 6 A 'Awai it i V d lifi, illow upilot AIA4 itodimi, **I,* tlmght to d6fo tbl-' f4suditil"Ilt 1), % bit orowil. my %'Alts but.10 A, ha'01 idtt-, for Joblit #006160 Thou ho r44. 10y. jorioli *hp, dt-# Wild 70% slit, bad 4 'JU lim *Ad ptoo it*ill kiftv Vt *toot Pant i taw�. - , , 1 1, �� !4. tva or At" MOO*. 4,04 dt** %:!tp it hold vowr hill, Wi 110 lvbat bo A I tA A ropill, *Ntlire. a fol this �1) 'at t I 00*4 *mid tw* 'Utsk0or. tw A im t r1ft ter, ipltilhAtio ft U W 04 &k", And 66 hotlitodl ilva tw; r1iiiiiiinti whk Will A 04, " 0 A-0441 00"- Iffrar t 00 6t �h' V60 flat so* It M , I od" $a twil ilt, hi atooit mot*. hit �% li� votkiAlW U00 00"Molo, to r.1 040 4110 00 4tt T) b 40 V 111014 eto and ILI