The Goderich Star, 1908-10-16, Page 6EAT ITIM' WRITER " m"s OU. EVU." 4o FAIP DUD- WXAT 110 Is an �g offam "CAW sst" 10*�XAWC WAX, 100WATO IPOOX aYM Am"A at �X Go %%ow"* 6*44 -0 i. A , ., - xwo.. , I I - . .1 4"" to $ 400*01 47. -Vat, ve, V
a11. P 04 Isisx; r pfm.; 41AIA111,440" 011;0 IN* AOAU*Vd polffir :bm— U bogli who h0jo ooligrow of the X*V.7 64 4-W wai;
#9y4 th-, at, at Oil, toothMs in owa
ofto. �uvu sod WOWIA14 lot with, W,4 in 04 'ou X
W *WA -4y; r ,ve opog,gre, now, oupple It it VW b* tWbit d Usp 4_w do �04 t4 We PA!Ow4# 0400041; ,of 00, Pro. Ius 110 1100A:r4spent4y 4 44, Ia, 4 yoptAy mosoll U000MIAW4 in Of retire,$. for fbe Vgbt he little, �Vw opt lie it, marginal; 140toil t*rM*, 'is A Ad in Autrk+ two rm� it !a ItIQ to h*vo.4Q 04 Africa, 1A qgsi*, 4AU. 44410t, f4i that purpoxvi .4 Ov.*4
It d4wi.� po WN04 40" depro"tefl thP )X44 rhot 0 06boo A - 4 A. J, $_P11.#1a04 jut VJAU ' by muckli 0,tor mat0h, 91 in&. I6, & not 04 � %, those, vilitti 105 or dlotptintf. ta'Wb" _*14 *bjto. "Otpat votbba 40 Ant, now 14.014-otae, Foptor Is. iiii u:tWas pt Vent Aft#r 48 Yostri*%* r Oat," 04 0 ot. rs at Aige XJrPUrpa$Q#,, vlawa, MOX100 'A gote, on r mijitair I a- , otesmsoi# fl TTft A 'q',, I I,,
_*03, J;L 0AUX 1, Motor$, to, qktt bit shirt, ter Wqoa OK44U4 Pension, 91 on fr,44. r :It "VON aros4 C404, to: the CUP BirL .eloe' ljrjohtQgi� JJr of The number adaAwq0ts''by t 0 t st.#74.10,v, villi one lno-n of The 4 04 e4so �tf116 -sit
OA14LO * -time al"t, Cause the on) .1 is largo year in tmf Coto 4TO. been' Ita'44 oy
of otr'� If
I parodwith 9,40, i, 19* ^44, 0,,� art, VAut We 4 g 9 4 I ,pos, And drinitp
spentbol boJ4 and In Ac- 7$0 itt 190, li[otwoan 41— or t k. 0AX12107P f v. q, viol mis, AQ001UP1100a JA inoredi O oeslifyK The im WP9UA,.,;4,0 ,equyl or'# m*y wj.".0. joe r"'otly captured, a rAg*0*-.,* ch w ul 1,141; orto nave 4 10.0 qfxidloift' hap fall voce. 10,o tna� �4+0� lost. or �t 10 Pot. nhis tbousNtp als they tome in, arty R009A maxore" vointAi4, W dattgorous. rouid I 4 a w po. . . . . . . th is to sAid by-tWs loft J161td! All, na f pf're,.rl Over role4 OT 140 oXc
A Q . OU eA wbarn the Veil at as r , uAd # rumored Jis,W 001110w, 941-i X4 f t _JIh4 C W toll dooly i4 a , he grawat "Itial of ears in ectiv or,. or ora, 0 0 correspon plectricity, Thipt, At roAcbes the "O vfjth'th6,,YQU;lg.ast daughtpr a ritust. 407.Q U, 0 098 taken the of' 41V b., aZenith of pertection for the A iAN Do- W$9 _4T xftA T49 "IXL Dapper, Mimi in 7 rt�- 9 Ating-io-"nortedr4bere-bain" 0_ACW=T_ - 14173. 0 �p ItVtbo' old Ago, beitiod heat, sitioll, a make., wXyl dipt I it ordorod- t agy1jory �L#4-�
it 9 t X a Ahe,,, 06, An kJASt J6VG
a switch say rfee , .
Tlii]T- tht, reodeki a ;�, '14 I d becim, w4a !��t vqry, Well, bt,%we eed Af W., 44RIA00 * -the ablAP ton W_ III to "It in really w the Ing *qrd that bi"a )Otric kettie can be b astguishing ho 4 pblitir. 04 boil in from Ave to oi t M- nute4, n t87! to L ght M ror asp;Ao, the amount of A pung.1fta'A lip A chop in an exceeding y ahprttim war 0 to gob tit Is walk Ala 0, V W Ifor rrabli
Iry Ale, L;'p Ii It hAw 3t"dara eIt rough, fnds so PArrw-PA h
-, , k , It . brail d to, perfection in on his 4rt for -to carry -oxtensi VAtA A= It is very ut; received U th6. oleo rIo fryi, n, Willie the "ale Privii,to correspondence. 000YAO)y age
ttin nvnr- , ! a . , , Trofestar, Owitoodpli. that A wodd aotbe, 4411y atiliquat f P0.6tdia 01 41- wbidh wore pro.po" t, Ofteral Anettassail A we .6
TRONAB aux"'r- Ice --- rare that he ever breaks off a let- in �64,ut
ithout any small or annoyat OucQ begun, xior is he A Iq H43011101 atesellao4orick Ing Orbits his paaao *44 brod fo burning , (J�' Btl�, � .4 *,Vop k, the be. 0011tank� like te fast' In therporsou QVXr J It rIre. _)�oafpotilod' b - " Oand vigor As, 61A -- --- -- wtitton by,ra, pr 4W� -half thotpgard-_ Mr -NV-m. Valet madf- eyai7n,bere sod sil allorte intide KING EDWARD RESPONSIB Joa0ph, for instance, to have 'his ivatie, seore- IOU inside an electric t1i A of"o caVitality 'dud et- kn6wn In sexamrs' maknot"dwo"AlO64 Each shelf 4 a Ilk ,I fy according, to his instructions, bad way, owing C rarkgO Can be heated separately, but -writes porsouoy "roy-might almost'lIq measured by ham is W". WWII hbium is veiy .class Ir �vor3t line gnon eirsoldon, Wwo iWar, !a- flesh an IcjI Are now gai t which,makes it possible to bake two that ha0vot an offichu an% VXTIMUTARY different kinds of cake requiring "I have seen lettert, of raoto. maoms. of of A ais
two 'different temperatures at the or on a Emper- ng or us rAcoll t 0 Orll' Intp diet, oa r'iepot f h akil6wit toAe uq*4VAp0 ink'noguai will e of.the old re- h i, a 0 same time. For qrill work or rapi- twelve to,aighteen ps, int ro , A �A -,a With thi 413partu I . re Ift-W.F.C.LAUK V.K. . F , topipo of history or art, ah4� mannoo, 44, gilhe in i e pro ibitiov s not y raltuate at the long. 'It re erred at) tibe An batilig 1601I bacVII0011 swept, neAt'i -I sVVt0intry Will t M 01111 -_ gas 4 411PA vVitIre, 'Anti: Tvipan th hi
li "OW11141 -4ikv. of beating the most intense is well kA6wAA that'th oil Whs-Wo at the, I y n the vailm, of%r a in bra to R4�VAX� and coincident with the ra� toy MLIll"VC4 1114111 many y1ars ago. 0 wo Inch a a�f 0p:JJatJn#o:XJ0T,a,A I -out can be obtained instantly by save fte, always makes his notes he I&;0 r. spr o, a our DIU" Cout In% S Of-Upawarmowthe%uAtious, oaffico awdatab19i_NowpJJ%&e 0 saying 0 V, LOX Ta. JKQ 'W'AXAA 'Age an tit, . InL7 out 14 acre�., as at n the end of ue the mere switching- on of more in sh te-Ae-d-Top-mu -re- power at a given point. vowels tus.. 'lligar AdIr' for ja iRiAr qr,a� tb 010. Nd been a vastly-jAcea
Ia- , q, 4 480k,ok, two 4"Ofx, secured co,na Red me or a owner of race 00 III eold by'publio auction fQr'L& EAU C04 When the cooking As over, another O ruest- Was' p.,ttorl taptoundod wk v-yetice, or. ve, .4isgiption.6f aAJU1AI-f9qd$y the estate vit ued at over residence qf Tba.Anglloan -Alliance. he alwa The death is unon eel gender Adldrl etc. in letters, ow- U,200 it) the viciihi L104049 M6 -On 044440 eay in per- th 4B 14llf, oteswitch is turned and the range in- ever,' he a ye, tr' t rtot, artantly becomes cold. lways, tries to ab on Count Cork, r,t,ab, V ki Ilaw-tYpified by the popularity Gen. Little, 0; 0 am 0 this 0, chiefly becaus a iss &illy 0 v f DWUS- R hoof steak - with mustard and King Edwaid started the range withe pcit'a _A"r
a to e Sguito-ple avo, out Ame Can 6 ount'y teultyi -ad 4a -he mokwr U- 6 a a ing an tunes An 46ti --T-enxoTfst-*r%, fever- Mrl__k1_kt_ (4 'he new t ob on on t a. arri I. Atont I t t, (;odarleb, estar he ebbro=1 AA%t Ver" -A X, con 6e ais- t was blear that anittiq 0.14& GIAL lit jAWre spolic t ic hISR90ra tin YoWxl-- p90 Ifood h a� ffou.tier of India.. Imi A 148 now Yee and &IL the -same_,_TJAe,Em Aelectric stove I teens as ro I� W. ul�=Ilte . - peror- even +tn i -th _f. florre, repue Ave part in human ttmt, U6 und ato Ma tion &I d lution, and that the craving for Captain of to r and agilgI&A, (>no InAAis train. Rumors as to the dddressea his letters bimself nearly Omord examination. JJeA r d the on evo WIL excellence of the food prepared on always, and absolutely in full; the The Limerick busi'aervicel, started Sul is, asired to,. a to the Gavet- it hfi,d.lirgely coiltri4ttied to the as 'The browu,fi� a, P�Lcf nclon Fire. Bri d
theme stoves sooti were -broadcast, addreso6o never wants a t beinouse-clAd a or term sur- recently died, age 78. itle. U9, exters, and SENEVOL.ENT SOCIETIES. with the result that many hotels, over a year ago, ceased 111' indix�4i.nllad )reply, son advance of civilization. 'the ou "One might say that, spart -from Aug. 29. an . 0 Isi,hours ltu�o leg amputated ton years al short *1 we.Woolor§d;� briaj ploo' I t ' those catetift to the bettor class of family �corrqopondence and "Air t CL � t to, Notice has boon VU33.411h! out a or, �af jyLx�l other I' I )Wibuls. &at December. (;ova ed in the local newspapers th _got a f I th6'QVOoka` not 'loss thou the COU- the at the� tack'_ kie i I V!I.C-'cf#" PeOJPIe, Put tilim in. their kitchens. q6tes to 0a generals of his suite, company has gone I �4ayl
Oro nto liquidation. All' asolqie . . nourished. on a diet into which aui- Fs a a l ,7,11 -ra, 1w I Isto d cotton broker of Birkdalp; munth. partloo lowed the lead, and 844 � he, as av a- flie. to entered 114brally.4 "I In now electric are addressed to professorar ind' Do 0 in 99 the let and Small estabbellmonts gradually fol- the majority of the Xalser's lette Th ton Ait a the Coolree 6s- w44 ' vJA cc. . . I 'O' r, twice, but finally 0 from In can got full Particulate t4t,, C. "Wexford, who i re rein- estate is valued at $2"sI40, Aafli_ � 1 I 'but, no a �TIMETES $500 each to ten charitable itistitu_ in LL4 %parou, Archie Hadditit. stovos are to be found in even Abe architects, altists, sculptors, or we Qkori. 'L Rd a li,,pOc6ad. Oil Tho smallest homes in England. the Jsonteu�o: y a.. Rhru , . . BECORD, , EAKI90 A narrows. jam stated to their former holdings a The value, -4hich the United The convi fig at vivitins, musicians. his in not'surprising few months ago, are making good Slates, Government placed
Sea 8. An tions in Liverpool and
lea IL 1gil � in view of all the predominant re. , ictiob that eating was mill A STATLING PROPHECY. progress with the work of building T'h 'L uPOA Ono 'Of the 'chief pleasures of life The death has taken place !00,tl1tL cy: talked Of rk and of that serv'ide is measured by ai two had led to gluch-too close. sh Rev. Thes. 'Lord, who wag in his terest, His Majesty takes in- their houses. of Ifu , avin
RU , a apd trod dollar chr9nometar, which ig 10 �l ALL-AUTHETIO. QUESTIONS. After serving seven years in the, , bufi� in that in the application �of plin let year,- and was probabl tal Organs of Low- tok&i bunting, 8 I- '. . , ain Holtbimi. received, through tive moaaltroa.,: oldest ininister of religion livIllit'll.- Irish Guards, a County Wexford fishing. The guest tAn & 1BROPHEY & SON Incapacitate 0 a Of course, Prisoners must be
r Animals to Alan. ]AA, these Jettore the Kaiser is wont the - dellce Sept r I)epartment fouriyeurs af- M r. Lord was born an #Pril 2211 man destitute and 'd, *of putting qut%Lt' host ter. Accord to. express in. short, pregnant P"- 1808, at Olne 7,' Bucks. ing to, - Professor Simon and 'With a wife and two children to UutoL hut there is. ple, t of pun- LEADINC UNDERTAKERS F net-, of the Rockefeller Inati. words' bill views OW some topic of ored o'e auutions. , He At the time of his death Tho lox ptesent-da interest. support, is getting sixpence a day blared th 6' d upior rotura` ishment without in iti . and 'UteZ-for Medical--Rosearreb, - New- Aftion-m on wo-u-TS, Wts ywA;d" 119 not hi , -the _E 8 views, aspe the cots solve the P tectural'. questions, -aje illustrated clelly in a Yhaiie`iQt steamer f civilize It. whichhe was married 42'ylearo a --ANO-Enn-MERF AVIMYT- land,. *iyas w6�xiiAg
York, medical science soon is to rehi run the risk of permanently dames
roblem of tran ferrin pan, which went ashore near Da- HOW Ouc,�Xn'04rriqs His Majcis- Ang ouk-rimigals *40 were 4u dur- GOD* - ONT. Round vital organs H He, had worn thetniever� Sund y RIOH anoe vile for a time. It wal; level. coast, last 'Miles. h broken -up.. since J$66, and also on linnie hn i
ling -up outsi& prison and not level- he "'a' technical *Walotar, revealing. at A -1, has at lengt The longest, lou days, and they had only been gilled from t with marginal sketches of a highly kar, on the African 1? HOLDS ME Wout Strett. a6imals to Mau. 'he. a * simply., as the other swuAig This prophecy was made in a pa- ovary oint the writeroo intimate ,Pirlut by Workman & Clark,,hor to., It" -. If, oil to 4is camel an depart� halardous *Ii6sb, , and 'most ling down within it that ris int- i -per by Profees6r Flextier, read by knowledge of the subjeci. tal loss is, estimated, at 04MAQ0, R ar"lling at , the vagaries of postal I delivery in the ad - (Hear; bear.) , Economy not, wo Id be D61Aden Hall, Essex, the new resi� Dr. Ludwig Hektoen before the 'lApart from letters, the Rinpier- most of the cargo having eon .,a I'd. r' 'thin �he'bouuds of the less Oan bipmanitY and jujitiga de� o',a, & the tar north of ItAkilidlid that CoKILLOP B, pi hell dence -of Lord Stratheons, has bech physiological section of the Ameti f quently sends some artist ad. . . . I every priso or tan Association for th� Advance- friend of his a book which he has a. few years ago -a captain in & an,&r During the winter be placed in 10pulid � gionic coudir ittensivoly i1aproved. It belon944, Dr. Minnott, the resident med' I we I -known regimenp stationed in went of Science, ukarked with marginal notes, and is to say, between tions -,and sufficiently ad �o that he Fire InoUranue 00 officer of the Nenagh Unitin, e pt� 6.ue of.the North-West Provinces of to Ralph Poveffl during The technical surgical opera. this. is especially the case with October and May—the Qf WIMam. the Conqueror, Form afti'k 1601ated �ToWu ipraper� I, ad at a recent meeting, %be t4dia. became infatuated with a ostal *u- iniplit do some'useful,wofil: while in here tion 8 i n vol ved in this kind of experi- orks on naval topics. His versa- thorities wilt -hot PrIso -not, when set at The wicked mass soon take -bu ky paoka Dn, and ht o4t city on adith . is was an aged inmate in th -handli6ine L hill ots,'eten if paid 14 at I -otter rate, Londor� For splisubl. sip,,.aud ftrr libertyi. Swell 6 Isresit, army of -de- mentatiOn, OR account of the ne- WAY is simply marvellous. I have N1 Value of Property Insured up t* hospital who had been, dA d6U. lost it� attriotion for -him, and vo places in the Yukon district be- genisrat6 and itidaables'who hae selfigliness and individualism, no d 7 can compe ce:!itbi Been sketches done by the Empdrot, for 35 years-ana never at 4 dose adoielty of the uucivilized maiden youd the railway which termin ih Y Of maintaining unimpaired
, $3,048#975 -OCL olllutio4L of the blood, is the sheet simply covered in all di- of medicine during al t -prefeta,ble t that of the at to with the, Mitro- rootions with ships' parts, designs as to be � maintained out of. pq lie W. K. G. in Young OVI)TUIWL's a,nd great, +ut not impossible of 0 t white Horse; but.posteards, let- funds. I polls, says ucl�ean, !'resident. x1lips-AA 11. r the mechanism of automoJiIiies, nor had she out station ladioa, with their latest ond6i mul, Paris 'fashions. sin Asa — no one- Ther6 was a tendency in these ex- an.., V., IV. ac vemout, and no effort. should 0 - The Nations 'at a in flihn He exa, an a, cop Vlc64N*3ldekzt, 11rucalield P: 1-0 are to re&dh this gosl,,,-says and plans for the interiors andex- the st . O''Jan even U 2401ed hii packet to weigh 6vbr,an ounee--of perimental.days to be a little short- Oil an average each Englishmen teriora (faced as, etc.� of buildings. out one with TW I dusky di
ayes, ro asor I nor. "The function newspapers ato *rekularly carried ighted In our physiological views. writes forty letterp' a year, each nit "If ever the Emperor's letters are copulQ11. , transplanted a &1IR oe as, h Irishman, -URE, IV cointemed _tlf�mvWtAstl� meetingi were tly, one at '!Wont under. Q Ao over all the�,Jrbst-bound expanse -otsmgu thirty, end a
average a I&D ivip a O.;-;nd-easy Ii a 7 I . 1
posth six, �and the American twen- Evans, 0 J 0 ence, it on the 9.4skatchawau Riv� strenuous physfeel exercise. ut � a -Wilo-oted-and -ubli-shad -th6y will d, W -F any to the beneficial effects of ion, P. 04 J talned br t met! erva- other, nea Newc_J ha, The xfO 9 r6ifi 6 an. The 0.1 Astle y atick, h6nd af-bo- airol torelorn to the trammels I than any personal characterization J. tion of the-diroul 0 give a far better picture of'him Count arl a t PlAce son or ove. Witthrop V. tt.� IDOW becomes POW e�to- rt 3W'Phorson-, on tho'Maa- how many of these athletes lived to 'ty"Ogd, J. llealks. faction of the League came to 9X society.. a all could do, for his thirst for know- The Man in, charge of the a green old age, and how manyhe
id impoFta viscera under In Japan,there ire many Eurdw P. O.. IV. Chusney 8itiv I . . n*941 blow it6d had to Be separat6d by O.: each the Inpector oi raw experimental conditions, which ledge revealed therein I* only, equal- du peansi who, fusuinated mail has to travel 1,964 dreary bad undergone r ..a olice. by th; led by the number of fruitful sus miles in each dire6tion. Act is a made records h2 one way or another THE OZARS DAY. Gres DOMMIlt to which tht�y occur. may ram, to resemble or produce AqVN" � - , chainis of the East, have Put the, named Corbwall, who J.W.-Yedi. 11olaiesvill" th - -I- Ireawws, he himqAlf makes, West for succumb prematurely 6 heart 00111MIAN. Rguiond"Jle; I.]. Mon 'Patholo I io , . W-001 � SW TO PLEASE RIM. ever,behitild them. With- gas had a Io4 experience as a fur- troubls. go could -not, help fear- iwe;w His state in man amJ AIANY. A 310XUMESTAe WOR in a few'milesoof Tqkio:there lives Majesty of Russia $Pon", rlar� to Observe t a effects over a I trader and intrepid adventurer ih inp that the' broakinq 'He had asked her to be "his'n of records His TI' porlud of time. in Germany owes its construe on and she had p a man who wad once a fdruiliarr fig-' lub-ArCtic, regional might sometimes and.211 me, VOIloY Uold4ra 'csin pay assess, _ We lip her mihd tiat pre in,8t. James' Street and 'Pall 1 02 to him in reality, although onor �he had 4$ worked out" long eno The' first. 100, miles, is covered by ing of he Uneasy lies the head that wears Outti abd"ffet their cards recalp%. is matter of no small signi- and fame were accorded to to art- , Wall. In the autumn of IN2 lie arts. We- must not* con- a dular energy with constitu- he we -at Out to "Po'n on yachting dog -train. From Edmonton t "easy is that of UzarXioholaa II. ad at W. Ccats, clintan or at Me. ficance thAt Arteries tan be trans- ist wh6"carried out 6 any way. So she him. bovies, the. rest of the long way by fuse mus wown," and Perhaps the most; X�ftu'-,Vros. Palace clotKi;c Star, Planted Successfully frm dog to as perf 0 Atha- twnai -vigor.
Godarich. When the Kaiser is volli ectlY satisfied with her cruise.with s�m� friends, He-b�- . (Cheers.) he J�v at% the Athabasca cat and vioa. versa, and from man f sea Landing, a-.', Russia. place,, but she wanted to ha;ve a came. ona'moured with a piduoh-aad;- River, consists -simply.of 100 miles Me Majesty -is said� to possess
uses the telegraph at do , 0 house of her own. So they werQ mar- cleam corublexioUed native, *ooed, t,,� dog, and that keeping extirpat- ten sending the I long ne- ried. of wqon.r9ad`, which . Cornwall 4ry strongly developed English d arteries under'aterilo conditions ts of big a res in that It wasn't long afterward aud nlarrie&.hor, and disappeared coverer iwthreo or four days if the -SMART -.DEFINITIONS. tast4q. Here in a typical day in �he. coun
ttoniporiture 'for that site from the world'that had known him. A smart, pithy, or humorous do- life of Russia's monarch, when the A L L UP' 'WelitY or tidutt d4ya or even long-, "ray' . Such pri lott . era natural- came back to rice' her former mis. A wealthy Fronehmait, whon on roads -ore, good, ei does not int , are g . n At.Athabascs L%udin% Wamhossea stilts' of transplantation. 0, do ly never go th ugh"the post, but tress about something, and the )at- a Visit W'L 'he' Far East, ]hot lustrati
crf0e with the re- ' Pr9r fillitiOn Often flAraishes a happy ill, Court is at,one of t4o many coun-
ran to t Foreign Office tour- ter noticed that she was wearilig charming, d4ughter of Japan. He vision g- food, and t 6 prec 9a of the Proverbial br6vity try residences. And yarils There'I's something extremely- e,r ,n Ger ny (a lieutenant Of the mourning" Of coarse -she was sor- (W ,ith hero and � wNch is the goul of wit. t 6abka, bf mail the on6 man and. the Tife Czar rises at 6 a.m., and par- 11, inadly in love vi To hit�, off 6 jury, as "a body of takes of on 11;n nf the Gvard), to be can- Wd! little team oi "huskiet" begin the glish breukf4st, con- UccoE the conditions underlying ry for her, and was rather surpris- us or to become his wife. Thi man organized -to find but which alsting of to or eyed. tq,"tha� capital with 'the dip- ks 3 isful transplatitatiolt Witilit V I that she made no mention of 'her she c6nsonted to do on* dondition long jqorite� north. The first stop a) bread-and-butter, rmin- V'iev- that he agreed, t6 live in. the land at Fort is bacon and eggs, all up *n no r since it may be date I.M0W corrodpondence. bf-ftavement, 'It is indobd a, I,% M'Murray which is side has the siaitrfaM lawyer tit - d marnialade,
such minor factors as environ- �IdEinperor is verT fond of pio- 6 sa Irma Mabl by -an English -cook. V 'Pat St. e by (us, thing when a honeymoon lo'cut of, the Mikado. It, was a; torrible, somewhat more than haft.wgy down , ti r Of our "intelligent prepared Both oft --show this 4h-ac*.,,J, andihgj,�'aud the 09ar and the Czarina It k Py on a tumor which F Yii4 at lghii Re ]&st year 6 A is loclinatio
i 1 14,
in Danish white X 'Ah yeVinnilly Paris but he felt that it XOrt powa,yan, on Lake Atha- n towards- English. ciatom, When YOU Want the beat mice lbay fall eTO nXIII-kerotra rocipionts of such 6r the former Aniattess, loVed . busca he rapids at Fort MlMur- mud *ith the juice squeezed out." particularly in the keAritig df theA u14.) grov.- Ought up the subjeet herself, , . Atould have been a stillgreatet sue- . I ggib it, Afteo to give kip the girl who'had ray o vaid- to be had in Berlin w1ifte mice, ind oop w1i h MiA�ItR of rmperi4l cousideration tiyou are in mourning, Ma 140,. We 181`0 * from another ja- childre. grows iti I16plin white mice all among- Beelin society. In Mir study. PlAe suggested. win 'I, mail-cartler, for'bis routo is 1`01110 86111`06� i4i A'& thing to brush At seven o'clock his duties com- won his heart. He now lives in- a warmth Off with" 1; a monkey, "a Anence for, the day. go raadt a IPrince Ritlow has a iiiiimber of pit- replied Mizsgic, complac-, collidedand be ovot a lundsoopo 61 unbroken vhit�;. City to row in top and NiTs= is almost Giving t a Pei trad- nts, orwagla mica, autiful house near small b -ay with
�plo, within the A tAil'? 'salt "What very large number of docume niav tone Its 0apa taire postcards Which his Imperial ently, and with no show Of feeling Rib makes your ppliatooft tests bad every morning. - The Czar is a real;
Rokin mico trallspoir to: 0 i master sent him train Italy upon at all. IlAgWlbat' I Ohi ipeweyan their a I hate A L 'able to grow 'I' ` "I thought it was the. 144it aving'jwhen ybu don't put any on"; and devotee to tobacco, and in 4 .9 Tsi which the Ent oror has scribbled in I could d ld ajosty" pita of d 1- " ther 0 & Porto( pencil such 1111larnoteristic remarks t he SoVaTfil, Woll�kuo J tiania anti 'kePt tit for Am. A s mail, AndId take' AtltabaseIi, behlid,'tbil- poit, ic&, lugs of his ph �,siolau in- inooviation." "water that atay�d out late i6 the watu, -OAL U mell pushOs on - duo, uorthi follow- the cold end woo to sleep."' dtilgea'Ju smoking all dX long. pather," etc. 'T lendid Per respect, of course. stances qf Suropeand turning All kinds of C al, "Otorioxis view"- is allowing no more we Ift
Wtkys 00, hand. he le�isor a note- Sorl. It must have be h A.03 one of,tlto most notalito being that his the slave Rier, to VO4 Smith, , A.4ohoolboy, sWid -to' define the Lunch, again, an English meal, is- paper, which is White, it sartnoillit- a a M Oat t ' *Ord "gob whithpored out; "it served at midday. It is aw . id that' V RN� 6 P. A Ni shoe . " (f Jrohu Dunp, who w4� knoti'aa illiner Ad ail don d by -a nelill sold crown with the "Great shooki" exclaimed etowayO4 Wititti Men, Thipush f4iltif of boffig wafittfalls inli,ke ]Aetna when A,follar don't walit to English only I& spokqn at this. moslo' hurdow Bt ll io cand. it burqfflaut its .11 off so that the servants may not be
is striUngly gie, in surpri4a. Irilej, 4,6 re Mp travqy§ Mith soon "a4l ldwt Kills '10111`4 WoJ1111119 Ono aiiii Nrge in shape, of stout Jaxtj %on' the AM Cott 10*110#4 an the maut the.ldeti, she-want,O6 .1,10h "dart fit thii Zulu Xingi and- ho glith �,hok6 uo�yj the'ana, iound.ift , 0 , ad d6fiftitibIl 09-4 "Pharisee" dble to follow the eftvarsati".
�h I ; , "a trAA08m4tv who uses 'long 0
goo",, *kett you att !1000 Iba.;tor k tis 46 t O', still 4*r hang the calt OfAha is dead," With the -ovailtually. became. a chief, likivot h%jrJyii1X his dogs. 6*6f, barthr Jra) _OhOrt ' fiffli bar y d nubr, U0. V
site It rfIr"%na Vft --Of L 0
Hftlt AND THLzRE., humbug anat I : A fataouk Xmudati. Journalist, who has eroated 4' gftt impres. h "'Titts; Uete(I'M Wfir oottdbpoli On "A Cattle and sheop Will not fatten aven't lost 11, �4 mo$ -ev r b that set Maggie shook her ho4d 1;, the Grout- lavo Like dr
t'9404 01*0161`0 is *;th ov. are uoustv Playedi'th.0 0gar"i; fov- sit. d t in 44ya, for rott'96861%itiou must b6, , I
in lion, wharo t: 0 y 40 'Of: aiirant' "the orlta' gAT66 'being"'t.hit ftp"n h 11 a4d llbso 6490rly-looked5k ot at vers'On a' a"OhOdy'li �Orc` at which- he stikkes large, A hunts. The ,iDourt todres bout -
t a d I 11st4 the f6. silmt; st�o .41 Coto,, or
lelt * ff, I i�,r oovninoll� . 110110; they must foe in to lipani. en Wlty"ard 1�0,,w
Ill ar r Y61% 46613 W
i4me Itts eav *ay, in the Q sit. 44 d I rfktsquile Turl, Avlko IS man to got in the thp Wfi tOr thd $I Otd4ft 16ft at .C. 0. YJ 3adioant, A , a Water 1;oveo 01'elock a ess, 44 WAS 0*ploytd y goiltlemith itt k�vift elaisa it At# to ploi w4r� qocis -*ikad on there, iff no
omii of 'S1lAU"#X* he's oil the. down so tho ji�otir lisa" i 'an I rlulll,lbo ke- it jrji%to -function SWOVO4 -6 *qfjld 'do It tlic, ZIAUS, si ft ""all to, Catania) was vhat h ink, foi them withib fift W418 y -prooge 0 to way, a ,10 won on, w en, the' -A'A 60 11 ... L .. - , I( . - _ - the, 1 4666filly, *bav hbr 6( tile little fell6wg" ut�- (&tfgh , "IlAt lubli. Of defiditiois of bachelor, U. At' or Itwom 9dgiollon. Are, 41100d blfld,� !"A AiftgOttr bdih would frequo w0vougo. lie brat. attvk,44 and WILOOS are moro'blvodthlr�ty dftiifed to tell the stovy, _r 11 a that he *bbld "ll ho e ltdo it� the czarina shot his formpr oulplo ok's litothov. lions. VM w4a Married t thit ow1ko )Plo# wil utly; fentl alovd to help
tolul�t, M6 Awl, ih-Ir wio, 4 Wah wamilig io' lift , $116 "What *avi #u - Miu. thaitt a tf� *406 Airb oitly i1olvitik Nswffidw "O "A4 tgLkg6t for, a W111 tWO Apt husband: aii, tu nov ft 'is reto mly"told . b .1 . I �. : I I - . A' go Ji a 'sign orden, Wall of, Meat, GoOrgis 11100ir AVOU Met hAd,,ibW he, b �bwt -then meil""01ot tis to lako h, ttatto fromEngiAll n6wapi;Tarb, billonta W Olot at t 0011111 ) to 60i My1hat as may bo'ba04mvy to atdommo*' u n iMo,, of III& Atst victim, 'but 41k Aft At*ot you$ darliao W, J.iRfiij. I-Avd,4440f h in 10 'he tbaIr -sti-110#10 for _11bsAyfl, WAR, it *tilt fi#n YOU bUt to ill Put on wurni
411 Iter *At I iti- lovor and Va Ight;, pe'a - Woft o'DO TRE UARD' Muk get, tkwing t the *0 Oi teak Out ilitin date" thox" tott eirii ha, mey�� 6 V I%
*16446 4loob 11"Thio*� -16^' sit ly'
vint 4110 V41,08 Ibre*'d SO Woman *916.1 sayt 40ra. � twayj e.4t, 1�06ij joittilAo 06til, 'this, of Poisonous ru)ra . hoirt 1W to� 'ur Atmil, on 4 1100 6 tho icbaiiw� � a- -- I aAkIV toattet WASAU be'tween tbat,wli X. kin 'toffilit, ftff trits or h0p and 'Sht fol t T010 I-0. s �u will W M6 famor iti, th6 WoOd, o Xf yott, have hitto"At oilipli
It. t0abod to her'A'14, whote, t* I ' ild *tdded booti 1*hi14hJ"r1*ft A -at You. Vill- h 46 it lwipe� iAbtibi-
so 101 I , h JIM in 14''e$4 tells; a f th to- opportutilty in liftl� say* to him I dolt, Alailt.hik tT �T V"r mourn U, rb of An -lost t.lal AMC itattett tot *JeAl to '�"JUOA ot 06 t%g. Whontt, I% 010h AVA-011116 161 f, Well a4y"ups 66gttio W '4 bib. airtaceil or � the ed iii owh hooio Moro, thaiA *h dty* p1pti'41ft b f;rqu 611�* U, 4400 III, V116 by btrikifi* )let eyst aud' 660 -to it Thi, unowd tabu, Too eto No ou yoot Ito '400 of Alisoullirls, �R "tho t1i4ott-he Us t6,4 WOWAis 0041A4 hG toll lot AvAbsixt it so it" rtow, pyll , 106% **wo ttlot w6s * *,,I,- to it 6 Afta-thed blili rkists''you up Afid. isa Iartielt"You vid WU t#r'L XAtJI t, ib 01640 01 1:0*411, Cut ;71t% a G046 bbelit * ore**. belts $64t, 16twarall Motboverf oll tl= I A I r . aA 101 *b6 sir, I 'Ad *it tit*. Sys %116*0 vskrll� 1, Ublir 01' 8gol. ,but wil A ffit. ableft I WAAMIAti U04it0ho, Whot 61ito Ir to that th#, uppilAxat Jow tUIW;;VZ I a Ailllidns t 0 11
avW41AC OfeU 44kiWi 4: kd"* 1po 1Z boa 466,& bi*%1A *�O,ytkutlt. 14 *ftig, to und him, Tho *64t it of 44ti t atit Ittotusis: the W-04 V00 * th At he J46 'Aad f0ow U'W *I* gow, -*r%O .. I. I I I I ar y %ft
oil h1g, , JeJA%#L'U*W' or ii#* What% lima. akiso "or -4 of( tivens. el mt h4 that b.y, it JlUft J*L#*J&*J . it 06 %*U*d #owhots e '461 bit, 41111id, "411 A fr6% A09-1 41iteeill iiot 'r�vad Ybu ''as, 0*404"i - hu tb* do# bout oioft JFJF WA a 00 I0 *1114111 Mid', ftAthed kihr 1w 107A $Ott think yft,#i 40.61 Ifit, 'I 00112-1;j. bfto woo iaisklk oRussian hi
to 44 4 wilt iprblt* 6'* Walle. not it shis Ao phould *,it it" 614$t 11 bet"VO4 4 obi" r4WII,� and, kkil''401411t, altything 41 far$ , phoitld bri go *9 *A 443t� i . ri - "Now 44* ��Wkjkbli*kt�l A%A0tJ4%4o99n#*iry ift km :0"*L VOUINd *11d, aft it, you: I;kv# Jillbytilog-
I Frat V, F t6ar 41" 1 sfttbiltw b4ty. about lis litting tht ul9taj*fit fAik& -Therel, row. '0* of *w ittitoof ift )YA ii� '01000 In M01511108tAikoftj y6it.*111 Jt#d "gi, A%Xftoif f
t4*0 U INS, h1w filitl "W, ,,4b, T!". 144 A10444 **ft" oohtt�btX*W poiAr, 4f 11*44i" oil Kom, 10* "", A601,
sk W6 IL a*$ tot If tust V , U000 tol U11,011 11VIO IV* *Aft *0 Ito nt av 4
�Kof his
#* 4 ITbo *%W*11 t
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