HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-10-09, Page 14 11 It - I I I , , . " I I , . I I 7 00"111114"10*00"""to . - , Is #6"01110141# ' � I " olle " t,b0hW*ftt I ;. THE 000,14RIC" STAR Is 1, ft __ . ; 1111: Nowspapor In the co"aty, ot I � , . . 10 "ur"I'And - I I - I— .11, I . I , �1, . ., ,6114% -1, C I . . I lt�, Qualityle, Quoutit'y , I ... 1-1 ­ I I . I , . . . . . I . "100**Ooovoo"00000io"0.9,,*O000,*"Ooi,Rkoo"o 11 . .. .. .. ". - . . . . I I � I I . I . I � I- - I 11 � I.''....'�.Ilor.--,-��-,�l,"��,�".-�--"�,,�v-,�,i�,.�6j,o.. —_ I t. , 1. � " 1� . I . I .11, . . . I I - - . I I I I . I � . ''I I I � I I - I '4 F0jqX.jR1qy1K_TE&V, , I 4 . I :1 . E,�; qA1 � _� oiil1011"" * I F I � o. I � I % . I 114". ,'. . ...". . , I - :""" I 1. 1111140"01400000""0400"t : Mi 00MR0.101 STAR, boot i4tor I � . : � 0 ,circulation thou apy otb , !�` " * , ,or Newopaper 10 in this opection, of t : , �ho, County ot "Oron 0"40,0,",Ooo,000; I 1' . . . . ­ . - - - I . I � I r.Anizolf"e" hl . . � �, � .1.1111, - I .1, %W A oloe FRIuAII, Ut.ol`IIJOLK 9. 1908 PUbilabod WoOkLy 1GvS7,Wd ---lltift - I . .- ,,r 11firialre Advantime-61.50 crodlill, - - � I I.. . . � I 11 ­ ­­ I.. , 1. I .. - . I 1� I I . . I I &L Air I 1. . 1. . . ­ - - a Tolijo. riese or I ._�, - 10 � . . ­ �­­. ,.. , "44 MORTOATtIE SALE. ! I I I ­ 94421.1110. 14 . "I�'ll",�����",��l',�'ll"��llill'I'll'I'lli�I'll�'.1,��lI I "' , -, i � . '. I i I'll I . , x0rin T'viptics AMONG THE VHURC"ES., \ MUNICIPAL MATTERS . . I . . . I N O I 0 E, I 1, , . Our Ticket: . - I 11 I ''I JAQUESTIONABLE " - TO � I . Tile first sewing session of the W-4, The reportotappovinols,14sudyston. I . , ,P RSONS Of St. George'v will he beld In tilt, R TRRR.gT% eatup 'I I , licit M IN THE BVSI$R6$ 0014LECIR NOTES, - Af. a School room next Monday afternoon, lea Of town water, as submitted For Premier- R. L, Bolt'"N. . V The m Ilk no que,litiqu at 41 I R%D ISCHIBED I . - . I abou't Y , lay ^ in. fic, OW X OTIKL GODR. 1411A 04�iertln- of town, enrolled , ... . our uc,lA , All . . last . I . oil at -lug _. Whiteolturch, will conduct the services , I count , so. there is only ?lie �Surq Way Q seen 1 1 Rev. George P. Durecan, 1B. A., of to the Council last Friday evening by POr West Huroti-B. N. LLms. B.,vid tbat. Is �v saving jt�� A few, perteitussi, 'Juberit The Cqrjlqr.glj= . I I., ­ 1- ___ _ I -..,.,--. mod , — . Monday in the shorthokpill and tM. Dr, U01101', AL H- O., Is nelost gratify- For Past If uron ---DiL CHIrjHuLhL . , -, I __ _k - I .best of Xbo. Tawmat-Go 'iting c9arse. MISS. Valneron. -bag In Kim rAtirch next, sabbath. Rev. 1 . jjb;_*_bjTCj.'O l6fj� 0 _ .W1 lull. slid should- give a, feeling ot retter I _IT - j.jr I issidWtidef . _by", ,,, I _ f Aridole. - - but I el v- - , , , people Ill . 1. 1. et`y�tived ion notice that 14 domands F_ On taking tile commercial course in r- Anderson 9008 to Whitechurch to t10 anyone who relay have thought � I I IWIZI, Is _ , 306, * liiroko a lie " , - All - ]5or South fluron-JOHN SHEniti,rT. .. � by. il Ast majority of ke � , to a competence ment 0 tile SULU of Nine th9tisseed Five C-11, the Vollef late for over a year, but not conduct 41111niverital y services. I Mdjig.lm, tbau they in&, e atrod i drod dollors. prinvipa, Itaying �he gstophus. hotel -1 urn the mor,tro , .1 'IV � .1 ba 11"Itfir"forrart tio.hero ydeciaxodia, 'Ave being sat failed ,evith the progress nutdo Tbe flubJect for next Tuesday eve. that the Water Supply WAS the cause - . I I We pay MUR per cokit. Interest On deposits, And ason . Cattle due by reason at breach at the cc Lewis for West Huron. . -its to 'Stan- - yotl* Ili stenography she has deciall'to lisluor tit Worth t . W Of the tYPhnJd cases we have had from Im I � - I I I all reosqu,senut other provii a ree Pworth I.Am . I I therairt. contained I begin the study of uregg stiorthRold. 6. "Cow mending one Boo 11, ,.I � o can, be withdrawn at any, time. and telso the "'Am or a4yao letr by Ifille tituetOthile, As the report shows. and At the military banquet at Mane. . I , �', � � . 1111114ted Avid eighty three dollars and Shot S e has been - tills point Wall 01TETTAWN-md by Dr. ­ .. ... . 1. � I I.. I- - .- _. . . -, ­ ­­­__.­� '" S - - _ _ - - . ,- ­ I ..--.,.,.,.. ­ -- -- fout)�,lusw*vo---w'-uli-Wpatd-t�y,-Mq- y j - tak I gig Pityl ten in, lojualv-_ gmt -0 unittee. wos. � �! - It a -an III*. -Gd'llti-%V-I"W'ti)-l�-C(iiiiiell.'.ifiei,e IS &boo- O 110forin . . " I arms of the Wit MI of 'taut ilubJeel� and it large attesed. . � � UA 'NY 91190, find also like alor�W ­ r, SPOttoll visited this collele ove lutelY no bacteriological contarnina. candidate for West Ifuroll o 11 I . - - -- TfM_,­STA.N REFL:0AN-U0M'FA Corpmor-Ation Under t 1, _ . (*li­kto­f5_r'6v_`iru, Year, POTI 80tU09 Pdirk lust June,' ill-, . . I I 1-1 . ­ Of Onolurfidecoll %it . r ance is rilquiested. aid dis ' r I � - -on h a WRY The Sermon topics ,it tile an that lie would not commit . I . � . n1miteen dollars ands"Mirty Six cente. otant,lut Friday of last week, while I tion of any kind. and tile anaiyflis tinctly WEST HURON I I . � -1 . - I .- ruled by he said Corporation lei repairing 1, I I . I home from ptist decides the water to be Inuch Pierce' hi I I the 9 loscialuilso under the terms at the Schoolq. visits Willi tile other church services next Lord's 111801f as to whether Goderioll was I I � Gcemkim Orvicii.—COR. NORTH ST"]�T tht airt . king In all the atilin of Ton announced As-fGll0w - "ITY tire that' call be found in almost any other a "o...- .­ _-1 1, � _... ... . jl� , ... ..--. ... A.-- .-Iil-�."Ti�..-..-,�q�,.�,Njalming..'!Th .w.vion, at-ol4y, - . - � - .1 Dr-was.ssottlio best -place -for urper,.-E ...- N . . . . . . - '­_, " - . . � . _­­ __ __ _­­­_ _­_ - ... ' r- U 'Aml-WO-4011ario-and- ___FOA THR BA -IN D Tile bej�l S­na -Or' I e mes ; ev�!nlug. "I * a x n . 1; Vr Willi I t oil the - tiners' 1. -,The � I r � _io � - I . . AND SQUARB =--;:t� W.,L. HORTON, MGR. d it I �Een from Iliho. .iapective class in blind Playing, orgatil second 0onflng of Chriss.' Tile pastor — 1114tient military Dump, because the .1." . :1 . L An t tire f, I ely. I It I zed under %Vill preach. Brief and bright services. The Water and Light Commission, Tories would make political capital 1: - I oil I he I It I" end I'll IP Of M r. Hein okel,t to � I �­ 11 -­­ - - , .1 . ­ lwj; ­ -.00're"Her.t. Istil (lay 91 ScpkQERhTEr..leElru "'! , . 11 . , Cat -dial greeting to all, . - . as shown by the report of their meet- Out of it� Neither wo lei lie commit � 4 a LE ­'. . � ugl� � "it fee U WIS � 11,� . -;z_--- - ____.. On $08-00 from the 17tie day at April. LW& novP'nussibers 22 in e trusivent Playing. Rev. Air. Lawrence and Rev. Air, lug last Monday evening, are evidently himself " 1� .i. '* L". as to tile advantages or neces. The 1-iberal-Coliservativc Candidate Oft $N Oil front the 16th day of F abruary. I ,00"Pbect of Sufficient North street Methodist 0 own 11 ( I � L . 901. awsxfl,��-ff tit ['liters, with snore Cooper, of Blyth. %Vill both be fit the annoyed a U Sities, of Godorioh harbor, or tile for West Huron, . ' 1 LOST.- 7- j.z.=.;.,,NOTIC19 TO CREDITORS. On P8.00 from it ___ a t the actio of th T will open his . . . . Wet n 11, ' 'to 3rd day at May,, 1001. - Inetrifnient, I; , Pulpit next Council lit granting the petition for amount of money tile 1. the continued as an Amateur band, , ,., T 0ST.-On FrIdat evoninigast. betwee � ­ ------ On #37-00 front the 3rd day or Uji,rch, 1110, t. This will be Sunday morning. In the evening Mr. Government CAMPAIGN MEETINGS . . ., I _NOTICIC TO CREDITOR& On $111.OD from the 4�h day of April. i9w. the Coupe,. %Vill in.e,R:h. vote by I he electors oil the should spend on it, because tile . , _IL.j roslolence of t a late ov. Dr. Vreeland The gervice Ill it question ., 1 -ho Square a Black Astrachan stole D Ili the Surroil4te Court in the county of Inenthershi to [)I- entitled to pronio- j1pprAl pal.tIculal.ly to w - of !,-Qp Tories would niake political capital AT " , . Young ernen. �talipa th law tinder which .. leftnifir kinaly leave At Tisic STAR QMQQ. on. the E9tatO Of JOHN BRACOM. 00 $311-00 from 'be loth day of June, 1901), 1,1011 into III. ReglinenLal band when Chair composed of Ili w I ,� ,� � I I'llro . 00 IN.09 front the tat day of March. 19 6. , So Only - - 066 -k -O' _tTj_ t of it. , I I q i _� D ... L11-3111 Judged as qualified. A tintaber Of &rid hear IN * e ctis"I'llssi(in" was established, oil AUE§URN ..t!, , Oil 4811.00 trot iern sing, and sing yourself. %%,blie � FOUNI). Notice isherelly,alveg that all Persons hav, II the 16th day of April, filoo. instruments have been ordered on no one ivould expect the nicure- Today the story is different: Coti- - , ------------------ � I'll, Claims alloolust the state of John Beacom, On V 00 train the 7th day of May. 190(L behalf of be I je 1 43:, .100 IRE L 1,0. IkU.t Abase -,-In _ N_QrLb : t " O.LOTalcti FOUND.�Fouud. near, in pre- Intent thQ-tGwn of Qodlcrlcfi� Tommetbr. do On from-the2 -day6f-VeFFUjr-j.-jjj6f. O'b " of -6 urt -bers of the commission to be pleased gevatives are elkilvttssed porsonally On'the Rvenhig of m, t ,e � Club of tj ar . %_/ raises. Cot" r of Elf In slid * WaLioloo Iceased. are required to file the Same with the th ge street Methodist .11 had an anti- I " � I on arge question would Ile , ,, r n ir ca undersigned "Ifeltor, for Jacob Stok sa�.00 from the Ath day of April. 1907. Piclous beginning last Stmd�y. The with the propoeraj, it is not unfair to by the double-dealing (It -it Larefflola 2 ., Rtieets, a suite mewo.cottles. ow e 0 09 and gind to recolve any help, financially or 0 to . Pay, rg?,71'd , I have same by proving jr.oporty and na (too Itams. the 9xeoutora named In the On $U.QQ from low. otberwhie, f rom our citizens. ro in was well filled and I he discussion the", to say, and we Imply 111, ,,iti. Witt, tire declaration that u Friday, October 9th 1908 �1 , I asedi,pi or before th loth Ila "' I d:, 11110st intoresting -end bellpfuA. The . 1! X isionso of tb14 notice T7VMTrHfCW BAT98 j�k "I ld .0 . y On 131.40 train th: 2 I y of ­ - - -_ __­ - _... . o money - - ­_ '----- 1, I - " � , .t" W1.11 �.J. ­ tics- - o'.. On 461.80 train �4e 4th " April. jqoos� ng ap.' subject for nextlAund­ " - - _______­ I � "71 _ r �� - — -kame- � m- � I peared -in- ego — ; , ­ ' 42� c V"11-9-7 __ �' __ . - And notice is further given that after the all orilltuolit-r-0-iii-thoSt'llidalrof May.1003, ELI Ille-legal news reportsof relatioulobtersiness." The discusision - 1- her Rmu w -1 -Th time Congo[-- . .11 is th Ith d , or =' 9 ,__ � 01114-3- -Liso ' IT 1- ratio*, C.Ill Of'=, Worst To (it) ail [hat t to ary Pub 01� _- I � - - ­ _._ _ _. _y -Q( fly Is "Praver In .no,, not w ' 11 �; - 7L.1 ii- ,--- well tit) otherwIre lie works unless these fe - I �. . of which is due to tile maid Corporation titan grant the request for a votte VVERVI]ODY 1,ojpx0,%tl,, 'L "" said ditto the Executors I proceed to dis- secured by a cortain Intlenture of Me fond Is This vittives Vote for him. This bid for .1". � ANTED.-Furnlished House for winter trlqut43 the ( Wednesday's Toronto pre will be opened by Air. M. A. Robert- was the opinion quoted In the Co'uncll t is 0110 of tile ulost brazen RonitRT 1101.1%IHS, tile L ... � 11 ,-- L W IWIX deceased among- ,due, Pere : "'I'lije 80111 suppor � L by business mail. Near Square latato at thb, sal executed by one William H. Smith. rEU , M.A. Any laid" welcome. Hour, its given jjV the town Solicitor, find if Reform CaudidatL, 'L pre-, a Ike p t entitled that and by Appeals front the ruling of the Chan- io o,clock. forred. Apply Box 82, Goderich. _Vto; having reTrd Nollie it Smith. who Joined Lhoroln to bar bar It lie Shown by tit do and reckless over inade by ally I t is nivite(i. 'j" ..- - . L only tile tells of which notice Shall On Dower, to the said Corporation of the Town of cellor In Chambers In the cases of 0 yoto (Which we )oMy -, have been -NOR BOARDER8. liable for t a On. and at t 0 will not be Godorich. and dated the thirty . Notwithsti,reding the nupt-opitiorls not think it will) that tile People want I , i�ho � of, 411oub day of Nuft"I v PI`oct1;r. MeVittie v. Brown, w candidate, and if we Islistako not ti'le 1% L. IN I U 't p a a OrIj= tared to the Heitistry ollice toy the County of �.,rll. ,ular St.. Lawren I they all I not n have had notice. It Tlik KINC,, . L - N_0 w ago March, IW2. and which sit Age _wam rcgju� and Whitely v. Melsherson, were AN- last Thur8day evening tit the so'clal gient. the commission "lust of cour e ,�:',! — lk&qot4 or any Pat 2.0 � _CrW eatber. tberewaa it good attendance a return to the old systein of ,Iran,, e- (to. - KIvIng returned tothe-Dop Huron on the Sed day of April. missed by tire Divisional C urt yester- I g 0101 is will assert their lillellilloott (-Oil SAV I I wi I. it sufficient app lea loam are receiv Zo' as n I , house for winter be orders. App` M. 0. JOHNSTON, XXIII for the Town of Goderichilm, It' Book day of ternoon, and the applicationg -to eld In Life basement of Knox clith-ch, ac4litlesep. " usid repel Ruch glaringly corrupt � ".� .� a It- as another holder tbo'itillapteeft (If the Christian till -eats. Tile inconji,114 Iti),tion (1()N,orIlIIIvtlt i I 'i e made only till October Ifitl Solicitor for Executors, 7318. for securfirg, the repayment of the sum of — I ,! =mthay III - set aside tile bail bonds failed, the Endeavor Society. Anexcollentultni- There is anothei* point t1lat n,list will IIRVO tho F411) as to) whother tho , 1� ! . . L Dated this 17th day of September. 190& Tion 'Thousand DO1111,17m, 11 I'd the said Insurance MRS. 0. BECK, — ... =Iultus. and the performance of the condl- Court holding that it should not inter- ic I programine was rendered. Read- . The propo4al for the estal 01 Ish [lien t . _F_1OAHD AND ROOMS can be - therein mentioned, and all costs and ex- fere with tile 0hancellor's judgment a . held at V0 ponse I heroundoir, Rel __ WAML , Is . _­­ , "nett '�_daoro` -'-'-- , nallidIS'"w -All-Th6sto iierta. if Parcels or tracts a ___�4_1 _ .tichfollikiwing..proporty _ " '*C , beetime.. MRs. TRU! LIST -COURT. - I And. the -bull boods-stand2l Thealvare JU t a -were given by Aim. K Clark find QX a gas Plant- In G-Otlerleh, its reported not Ile lost sigb� of - Thore is every military cainp %%.ill ()r N�ill Toot . INJ - I I - -h6iiffleg riniZ.'. aortrldo`� -alt I cases whieb arose out of 'the purchase, IS POssibilitY of it change of gu%-tirtilljont, held in Godorich. L , , , . , 140 LIM . COLUN&ON. O'ERRS' LIST COURT OF APk%'AL. '� orAisQjbJtufttO,.IYIng and being-jo -, I - in . I I I I�n I, I M ms Eleanor Walker, and Dr. Mining In Lhe Town COlincil proceedings. " I- . V — the of Stock by iiisople in gave A 1110st intey'estlug and IIINLroilel- one that Will revIV,1 intereNt In I 8 and E. N, Ljiwis car, 1) ) t I :�­_ I � - uOdar Ob In the County of Huron this section in a ive t-T,Ik on his recent visit to El Ill 0 Ila[ 0 ulod - . . - .� 0� 0. ',-: I TOWN OF GODEFLIC,li. IMP moch desired Rildition to our public .0 4 FOR SALE OR TO LET. nounberisal sm, 3M-380-397, 38S, 389and3fic, nit proving to he a failure. were Served it t (lie � Tilt) rionjillittion Too I .; : I ­�, and being composed of Town lots ruunia� St- Marys stone quarry, the venture Refreshments Upon to attr% tile whole peoplo. lei the said Town The defen- 'i . tO, TIN ITT 9 It JUSt il - NOTIclit Is ulansiml, GivrN. that a Con rt win AND TAKF I�Wrl di�.r bonds in � . . - Mr. ­ rPO RENT.-Furntshed House, modern in in hold, tur lint's earned are all Tilt close. utilities, Tilt- bylaw prop!ispll toy "OdOrich IIIII-bor is of national con- its Nvoll llavo I)o'en ill Lift) court 11"Jilso, . i,'� I , %ant LO.The-Ontarial Voterl,'-Lists timsaid-Mortgage alley. InLero"t, cosid and which uill be tile menibers of 8 8 the franchise for as. . ,.L,,Ov,Dr to � 0 "A', tieAt unless Paymcat -f connection *jtll's,116 On Moiiday evening - Glasi., who � k dorn, atid, tile 'great � wort, -that - t �� , .of'. ,,, ". I , N.- October. loco at ton O'clock in the forenoon, to will proceed, ion hereof, the Haiti Corporation to) C()Illtl to) tit d haver 1, � !i, Ow- with or without nay consent Go. . Reuss In Goderich. on Tuesday, the 20tb day of of the publicat Month from the time assizes, reh pald T, surprise vi I 10 thO favorable to himsolf, find We faney It (lovel"11110"t "Vill not Ile it bill for been plonge(I G coil � lity ,� , . ITft=aTermWMOW to Illotta Is Ack bV 1`8 Color tile Judge of the County expenses be made to the d CorporaLion or he Philathea be (10110 by tho., inconling - Borden vativo 'y 'I 'OLII' )ITS oil I, STAR Office. Court at the Courty of Rural), at Lhe Court Its 801 tried here, prubablYs t Elitist at1lodorich. ()ul. it(,fot.11l an,l (, - - loltors within one So" at the coming Billie Class Of I lie Blip. tablishing it plant be,.e. is one of eourse XCELLEN't DRIVER FOR SAL list ch -i si (101.1110 ft 0ndH NN houle I � Efaultleas, Inare, 5 years; half-price. hear and defNinine the several Gomplaint-i of of Rev. 0. R. Jones, Inaking it %vill be considered too title h so by nearly Votes- town. � ner no further a4c. C91borrib StAtblem. Friday errors and orabisiona lit the Votera'Llse; of tile concurrence on your part and without any BRANCHING OUT.-AIr. F. J. Ptid- the occasion of'a farewell to Miss . I Lod Saturday, f c _. - , -_ !,. _ A Municipality of Goderlah, forIMS. turther notice to You, to enter 4n possession of barn infornits 'is that in order to in. Deuilla Jones, who leaves for England 0 A thirty-year ri-itil. � -FOIt SALK Dated at Goderleb. tills 29th day of Septem. t he said mortgaged pretniqod und receive and If our citizens, l�L;' FARM -Part, Lots 12 and 13 bar, 19M. ake the rents and profits thereof. and whether crease his now well known and long this , . "'4 'I Huron Itund. Godurich Townutilp, 3 mile; ead by . I � the siseretaly of t a pre- let Town —ropics �;;.j from the town of OoderIch. About 80 acres W. A, McKlIgbod ]close or leases of the itarce. a, it shall see at; 'ing business, he has lie elass, and during that limp, a rate of $1.50 In,r �,,'i In or out of posjxeo�sjon of the eume, I,O make any established tAllOt TV ek. An address was I. chise, no ,-light of purchase by the town Charged With Libel. Br . vortnill" poli- 1. -1 "';: L arly all lei at -ass, con. , -- Auction or PrivArA Sale or partly by'Auction order in C tile party, which consisted of o e I CO 'illiCt.iddyimns, roferred I . . � ", � ,Clark of erich tAhNDSjdO ,SULL AND ABSOLUTELY DISPOSE of 'diss Jones, who I,) 1000 feet, and IL loonopoly ot potting tics and Nl(!(- "'Ile Sower to Ile licit in On tile (lueforent � rich son partly underibralued with tile, in , ­ � -1 _. - � 0 &ads Secured the agency from one of tile sentation made to I Tho Signal's "sinall Eood state of cultivation. ham been btea4ily �_________�_ - - and premises. either by I'llbile best firms of tailor-made clothes to it ulember of tile class, after which . will be "tat -ted next week,' I R TIM no for 18 yeam. no. Detections froul the street title it THE 8,rAR 1-01hirter has it) thank Mr. �,',�j '. 1. ��l Tolerable timber. OrchardilappleA. posters and PUBLIC NOTICE. and partly by Private �Eoele, a" it "illy deem overcoats lamida, and can sell suits, a in n t td by Tim STARjast, ),vook, lithl il- Thom. linckmiep for' A basket (if very , , Other(ruilm, mhade trees, h rubs and bushes. l _ proper, for Clostj or upon Ruch terms of Credit I or trousers runde by this' twenty - li've olembe"d find friends, thirty cents per foot, are poisibly , coil frame house with stone foundation, kW "A"' lUaV think PPOP017, and TO convey and ad. firiniat Lheprice Inany,peoplp are pay.1 pleasant evening In inumie luniined I)y tile foll()%Villg fl.()Ill .N.Om . 17, 0 UMBER, Spent it _ line pears, ,, plealiall bealiv." "I 'I , I,i.en ail(] wood%lked. Frame burl), stables slid L sure Lho marine. when so �old, unto like purchaser Ing of I necessary factors from tile pronjotproo, tortlay's dailit'K, which rt,egils till.) 'Khe "'Tiny friends of Ail.. need Mrs � d iving house tit good repair. Spring creek '111'armars and others wanting bomber, Shin- thereof, as it shall direct or appoint. - "hand-rone-dowi s.1' We tinote gaines and Social intei-cotirse. 'I', Mining well near buildingh. 5j acres of I e are trot until harvest thanksgiving Ill be tontiv , I i w eat. **Front, of Lee'� bar, A. D. )SEES. -services V'trol lien Unit WILS Wont to Ijoj,j D&Ve Iteld, intir., will be Sorry to hear '­� � 1 � I I uuArtr.r 1�rlok!u;,a "for them. where tereems gor, at f t1le d9ath of Lhair hift"It dauPtes-, - - - . '1 , Apoly on premises or address- on the Commercial Dock, - satisfied to d I lie products of any were helli in St. Geol.ge,s who ,.Vill think that these conditions forth ill tile columns (of our North A00116 who Pass"d RwItY last Priday , � -,Ili glemorCodar Posts call have Rame delivered Dated at UoderIch this Aeventh day of octo the firm's guartiontee: -W Tile an ' 4view point, but there w ,sJ,SV"cX,Godarich P.O.. Ont. ,t . .( I . never failing spring, with a pipe to the house ICE TO G OWNERS. -The lines DICKINSON & UARROW. garments tire allowed it) leave nut, I . f pa lug dog.tax has been extended to . The lawn bowlers closet] their seas, In .'i� � tged by that - V TV, apple trees and all artier k1fids of Wilts: Oat. orl5t . ,,, ore G dog ,lot LaA I r lees. Instead of skimping here ated with frklit, flowers tend grain, riodH of live proprIeLor of tile U,yo (),)Qllel,, today (in tile last (Illy Of September, lint Terms W. or $100. down, rest Lei monthly Aywill 0 P i7n tile Ine I �1, - lxoyment�. I ,,,� I r the owner fined. it would looking Li . However, laid Information ligninfot r)4111 McoliIIII. Mondav Red Tuesd y of this lv,ek ., date .,I there where [lot Ile whole or ten Years of thitt fir I tea _ I; , MATFJ) firm in one, ' In '11kirch on Sunday, wholl there WPIle "Illy Ile too Oxtrefile In it thirty yette street contornporary : lei- ' EGODERIctifLuminefteo, ca,ji THE Coul-011.1-l-loij OF T TOWN or btsminesti We xcel there,. c �� IIOR SALE. -In the villo,fe of Salt,ford. 2i --- —,----- Goorealcif By I'I'S'SULF)IC"ITURS, Every detail must,be petifect befol-O very large cong"t-91ttiOns at looth ser- Period. find Should he possible 11 el short Illness. -I.- at land, a goal frame house. a v lees . The church WAN nicely depor. modification at least ill pe f (�1119111,17- 0MOber 7-11t, U. Edwards, I noticed, we keep crowding snore and 'I'llel-0 Wel-e extra [like i0al notribers r SRI is lig ��!,,. W. A. MeRtsi, (1cork. , 8 It relay he that whell the p opo cudd(, of the Cal'yary NewN, chILrgi being grand days for howling till-vo I k _ WALTICR SILLIH, Ooderich, Ont. I order. t, ( Curtail. , GODERICH MARKETS. P311i(tilarly preLty. a .r'ah, So, , Inore (111illity into onr el'othing the whole proge-filljole being jjpppnp,i' I or, h, So, .r'ah, S., ader,ch. Sop 1. , . disetimsed 1,11 committee with Mr. Ulass of. ARM FOR SALE.-Soutb hall( Lot 11, Con. God 1908. Wheat IN a little stronger, I-eng a litilt sonslo 1111 real IIII01- N cGilliendolv write fir. were lively guesses each (foxy. ,�# W. Wolowanotoll, containing too acres, , ---- -­ - - ___ __ weaker,and other cereal. are ticellauged- initke it, of tbe highest possible gra e A�e and musically rendered. The Ner- en i louted 8 .111,1� I F 4. d tills afternoon and litter relea Oil Tilt) oil .I inure or less. 85 acres cleared and 16 of bush, throughont." - . vlceS wet'0 choral, and Rev. callon "N'derable Changes Deny he agree( Well lit Lockhalmh is not I ,!0DRisting of good hardwood timber; sort I In $1,0(ml hall. , I ng Electric Light Notice. HOAS have dropped to $11,15, oLher meet Dann, of London, preacheo, on, going down Ebs fast am orlp ponl(I W1.411, .11 treek. Good brick house, collar full size. wit arelmalm are [It last week's prices. Ttir W. ANT) I lit ]loth Tho action ap[meq O,It Of all a as It IN only do%vn ;jEX)fppt. So far stone partitions; barn 6Ox48 toot, horse stable . — ortit-le , I- COMAIISSION.-At set'% ipf's, delivering two admill.ble mer- Tile renewal or tile proposell tills Well UpPeRT-ed Oil thro front pregO of Signs Of Oil have not ))evil .4een. bot tit(- '01 , the village of Dungannon. and School house ..I,! with shed 48x24. slid driving Filled 21XI8; near Blotter and eggs are at old prices, and fruit the regular meeting of the commission ,,tons. again raised tile question (if municipal w bot"Ing machine lilt$ not yet Penetrated � � Owing to the non -arrival of a large and veg0tablils show no ch(nigo. last Monday evening. it was resolved -_ The Nows yestorday, which All, Ed 'r,� -oil, rich clay loam, with Ir gravel pit . ownership by the town I * , - oil rock.,,�, 0cfe f I Of such It wards chn .get, rellects on hill po - 11 .- lortuffinjor In $160 a year. - 006 orchard 0 casting, the E16ctrie Lights were not J. F. Andrews shipped a car of boge from that "the Town Council be requested OBITUARY. rf.�. 1. ­,,,��, I)ej ,r8, photons, and earIV an late Uplog. plant, liked we have hPardli,quito it ality and oribis morals, Tire lot oil West mtj.ee,t 11(ijoilling .. ��,� rc�ZH at sale reasonable). APpitOW. ILIJ­ cut off as intended and advertised McKaw yesterday. and A. J. Coop�r shlroped to State fully their' reasons for deei(0 �' RATTENHURY.- Will. 11. (I. Ilatt number of expregslons %vorabliI 1� � GAN, owner, oil Life Promimes, last week, -but it is expe two Cars of wheat, eel' ,,her to. The article in (I Hole rharges that Harper'" Plul"bing 01011'1�jts offered ,., �', , , � . cted the Ing to Port a I)YIRW to Lhe people to beery. eldest son of Mr. Joseph ltai-'�.�,.�,',' The splendid Showing niade rov sale I ,�,r,�, - OU',4h AND TWO LOTS FOR SALE, 16 work will be ready for shutting down "' h Mcl,eftn last, week bought 30 head of abolish the C0411mission, if Said 0 t 10 City Of (Alielph, with a junnicl. Mr. Hilwastilm is ­E`.",;,fiI, for huntilln sool. Aot . . 17 alletion on Satill(lay, hot , 11 - -0 known to fig roes its . ., . ,V I k� , of Kings. NODS RI ?tier on Tifer,dily . es, warrants lip ., H Agorl"Iturni Var flne �u' tier cattle front JanIcK Fole3 r R. beery. of Ulinton, (lied rather Suddenly al ety" field in vouvilied Ili much to twinging tile reserved X11(1V.,WILS .11 I 'I'll boupois Ili (sit- repair, and tile lot� Ile tit midnight oil Sunday, October 11, brid,c,tc creditable a lot as ha,i been sold find I ight Commission deelo it mani of last week' 'I'lit- proolim- well ,is ()tile,- ,)Iap fti-e if fill) Istakab wit drawn, I'llepe ivere I ree flols, "I,. Millon street, near thern. The %V I Owl)(41 field Rianaged plant, IT wooil Ntocked with fruit, trees and bushes. aA and all users of - * 9 Voting gentleallan kited been afflieL. ill I(, I. 10 'IN tit what Is Ineant ., , I" -gullielit , rid for whoin it is Intl $149), $414h), field $701), ., tile light should hereabouts for a long �vjjlle. . festly'linfair to resort Lo .steel) a ineit 11' 1,1311.11 Oodet h sholild ad(I R -nded. I i . I , I , desirable home. Apply On the promises to . - I With 1-h-unatiNn, ro, sollic jillie, thim jo tile other. pliblic litilftips (If 41111 _____ ___ The, Plertriv it. It. IN going allead, . r,, . :1 MRS._McSWAIV.-- govern themselves accordingly. Wurrfutt 10hollesnole prices car t a qtlt-e, Iit-god on by it senall petition, trot ,0L`nd in conse(Illptivel-pli;Itsed hisposition I let- find liflit mystent. I I", I itiod Vol Ave tinder.. EDITORIAL COMMENT. NORIO Seventy Inell heiog eloploVed Go %, , — up to nobn of Thurs,jap"e" e properly presented to tile council Rio teller Ili the Alo sons Bank six tit(- work of const,rkiction. - I Ott SALE OR TO RENT. -Comfortable W. T. MURNEY, .1 W, conLain , . Stand that ill desired Information its T;iesday F hou�owlthmodflrn conveniences. (,,elk- Wheat ......................... .... fo,,irT no causets for Such alstep.,, snolltisligo. B.ewer I Chairman of W. & L. Coin. Flour MI to The . I a in his 24th ypar, to cost of instItilalion and manage. " Let Lewis Pinish Ills Wotlo." was .04 ... tvallylocated. Apply tCJ-B.HAWKkNS.St. . PUI'ClVt., PaI43111, ............ 2 85 to 3 ,pay day, whiph Ineitill, tilt- cir. . I 1, FI D) In 9 accounts were o'dered and Popular with ,ill 111IL86iPS of people. Illent, rates find other I "I I 4111 of it Vollsidt-rablp None, of , Patrick st,reeL Goderloh, Oct. 8, 1908. per cwt., family ............ 2 R) to 2 75 paid: John Robson, ftctors to Ile ,.- . I it - ­ __ tour' inSpecting boilers, Mi.. slid Nil -R. liattenhory have tile considered, are available'In it V 'It Porj Albert and the potinty. — 3 Star lelollr� ......... . ......... . . 2 85 bo 2 v.-, $(10.jen; 11, T. Wilson, (-oal for, jilly, Ilion # P� 5 Star Flour ............... bf�lltip Romolobol ()"Lohor 214h. Lo w n. 1�1 I OR SALE- Three desirable properties an . ...... 3 IS to 3 111 sympathy of a very large Circle of form, find wo hole(' the vo.1111untloe ­ FE"t, 'trecL One soloare piano. Apply __ Bran, per Loll ............... I ...... V M to '&I To.", $913 (RI: Garlock Ilolocking (�O., $IS 93; friends, not It few of Wbool ,Lefojdj� in 'W4Lr to J. E. BHvr) Eit. Shorts, per wit. . I..:: ......... w-, ou w 2s Tot lSheardown Bros., $:1.j,(y); 4 Ifyinhody 8olue (if theme In thplor . A gentleman lootori 9 along the 11".; I . I _ ____ ___ ,-..------ I __ Screening.. per ti)'ri:, ... - Jasper Nip- (;odeti(:11, The floral trilnitem wel-O I-pport to the ("Ooncil. No that the ILVI.I.- Tho Godorich ltT(Itl,4tj-ijtI , -oad wits Nto"ped IVY thl. " Cambridge and Oxford streets ; well Fill Barley .... ............... -4) r , still I,Nt.,4. Baylleld I I �1� OaW .................. . I)OtY Engine Works, v(il,y ext .nsive lint] te4tifled tilt, feeling age citizen fully have Floole rellithl F -A house and three loW. earlier .... ........ 11 X3 to 031 $.' 50; UAIInda 'evestilighouse Coj�1�14; for' the living and dead. 'P811CIII41.10DR OR SALE. W. E. KELLY : .... ** " 18 00 to 18 not holson, $3,15 I 11 F p- A to 0 .,*):) e If two per,ionm ill It d wiLh choice apploand peach Lroes. Prom- WATCHMAKFR Peas .... ..... � ....... : - - .. .. ... ,(: '80 TO 0 81 I Packard Flectrilt (�o., $ t1j.26; (jo( I jel, facts on whiph to base his opinion. It . '�, t, I To . 1 ' ',-'*ij9W`nLIC1t'A40 . W .'. ". " * " 11- 48 W, 0 is I'lanijig MjIIo;.$Ir.,tj). , is, Probably ant" t( Ra ow that,we , lorcullants ,,, � � .�' 0. All In good candlitiqn., Five; bedrooms. RYP_,---c.......�­. , , I'l-VAIMNII-After. 22 yea ,,( n It 400llis It6o tiggy. and when the buggy. got IIV it's .1 " I'miltd.o.orn hitchevand prontry. Terms tea- Hupkwhea ; pat' ughol .......... : To, 55 to TIT 3� rm of. c ih- . pi its lint lou tho On- laoghe( heartily ,ql -Lha �l! .. HERNE ie, on the prom Hay .................... __....'. ) , 11 desire the estaitl a I or lent (of it goes till to oloctionsi Inst .1 tfn(�. 141, its ill . (.IV I Iorse was used to . '14 Nona Xpply Lo - I OPTICIAN 8 TIT to 8 Got motor I '. , j,' "notes Illness, (lentil ("I'llo- as it relief iL I a.. . Butter, pet, Ill ...... ........ 11 0 Is TO To *10 COPY 130OK14 AT Irwo Ctc,wirs.--The plant in (4oderich, felotol N. � " . ___ ____ - __ _________ __ Issuer of Marriage Licenses as, per dozon....: :'*: .... 0 17 to 0 is Ontat-i4i 0overnment t"JaIlP, wife of Air. 8, (). 111111111111,111 - - � I- 1'� T, coil, per cord....,.'.'*..,.."..,.*..,.... 6 (K) , NV. It. Urallaill polled front it 01yuga 0 RENY-House and Three Lots. carrier 011 announces that Q11eell HLI-vet, Clinton, on [lilt' Tot Oxford and Regent streets. near Wheel Goderich, Ont. Cattle, "yort ...... to '5 2�1 a new contract has been roild Wednesday It oillo. lol -,I :I 1*1110)go ()f 37 redWrvakitppI,-tiee(,o his CoIllortli, � " IG ... * 4 75 to 4 75 (I for (if Inst, week. It is upwiti(IN of tll,tL A Word for tile Freight Sheds. N01014 Too hI111g It ChAllg(l 4)f gt)%tllll Fitt'Ill arl apple- bi , .ighm 1 � Rigs Factory ; good stable and fruit tirdom: a Cattle, or Inary an4b, "eils' .... 2 Mi Lo 4 No printing Rnd publishing the new series ..... n ,Rr ,,I ...... ,h-Ceft-ed had jeen I't) tile Editor of TFIRSTAR. ­ . __ Lambm, spring ...... u m %v 11 W, �, de.Rirablo=y and alljin good repair. ThIR ---- -- --- - -- - - ___ ............. ­ 4 L41 Lo 4 50 I he �', ill 01111CPH Voperty to MRS. OHN KIRKPATRICK. Sheep. fat (owt) ................... 3 5o W .,I 5f) of ropy books for I he province. I�uu lie. , 1, need olenstims I 11 i:)VhPN dilLojejel' en,11 ". I I Hogs, live welerhe, ....... Books R POI tion (if I lie I OW if. F A I - Sir. - It IN lonch to I o h Till", - wily. The entile "rop of 111i � 9 irther particulars oil applicotion to W. J. . - - .. (I 15 to (I 15 hitherto 1,osting thol gh Illness dept I%'( I ,b.t - I - , I ret wnq . . WILSON, Goderich Towmilip. Hams, per lb ............... �' �.*.. tile children seven 'd her of pertain I 0 11 � . . : ,a 0 OTT I Ow apirEthy w h ,(-If seeins' 01:11111.111 -ter. of largo- "1z", itild he woold like To ho-ap . __ I Bile it, long clear .... ............ ju� 11(5; tw U 17 hentm will bp sojol for. two cell,", plea ' LIT It stil-es ill "re Nllp W114 (If 'I b"1111Y ize most of the ions (if till. IRtnji,i_ TIM "cM0 rul" (iril, 1119;LHIZI01,111 01 It NA11111141 Wilipil Wotlitl hPILL Ibis. : FPERTOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR PRO- Hides ............................... 4 le t,o A rAl ggregating an eatiloated saving to (lisposition. Deceased, who wits f(;p"1- pill conneil willnentot cause tile projept, W11,4 111,4emered tit ('1111t,,Il hN Sir Robert NIvI.e;tjj will ljoilll two sloles Y In or near Goderich, the Hot. 1�1111, Sklas .....: ................. - 0 03 to 'o TIT) I , _.,._, rendered ....... ....... 0 50 T'o 0 31) �tp Pl'"vill('O Of seven I hotisand dollarm el ly Mrs. Jn4p. NV,klli., WIts A (11111A tier i land farm on the 3rd con. of Atilifield, contain illalchiqaker, Jeweler, Optioiaq ill Piecting coinnel, lal "heds oil tile Wilfrid hittiliel. of] Kin too street, ill Ilip end ol''flip � Id- � W Chickens- barn)- ard clkjo�j'm' IT ing 100 acre-�Tnear 11 In grass. Good but .1 porile 8 to 8 'IY- The silf-e-fill tenderers, tile of thelikle Will. Htllbbm, (if PeO Uo. po"Inivi-rial d ek to top oroppegil, ,,led � IN a tell will phy later t, -orate fed ............ \ 1. Ifareotirt Clornpany, of Toronto. Besides her stilviving hilsband, mile I . OPProl, III— hlork, 'I'll,- ,toop fo,,,,- , Tags. Fine chard. who 0 14) to 0 11 '. All I oN : ... : 30 tAc TIT 40 L W department says, were the best am �Paves t%v0 (Intighterm and one mon front O"r port lose- illp opportilflitV of ,,,,I dallon will In- roinpletpil [)Jim wt.f.k. , nit the whole Investment. ReAsim for -olill, South Side of the Square, Potatoes ............. ........ ... Z6 to 11 �&3 erfigaids qualltv and price, rind have leV fit-st nnion, njI(I (wile mon front (Ili- ()Illy Addiniz to her p0pointilln. but also N,mmutti,ms at, 01111),'ILIHIMI im )lei([ too far away to attend to It. Apply to J. Tofnutoo� .... ..................... GOLDTHORPIC, SaItford Ont. OODRRICH. ONT. 11 .... f ( (01"Eloolart,er ...... .... ... 7 (Te to 8 T.I the hilckwoik will bo- fini,olit-d - __ ________________ hindouarwr ................ 8 too to 9 tot) undertaken 10 SIIPpIY books tor tilt, 8peond, Lit(- forlop, being VVIII, WItIlIA, of inVI-PlAsing inter-provinvilLI cofo� .Nlmldlt�, ()clolwi I!ji 1, III .Imlj(-s early in Ille Npriog. 'I'll.. ll,.%v 1,,Iil,l. . I FARM FOR SALE. -For male, on Ist, con., — schools within a few weeks. The ,title Of "Pep Wvf'r. Alion.. Mrs, Booth, of lnel-ce' Young Is 1,110 It. (). ings will,,gipa I IV improve TIT,, Iocillitv, ,i lot 10, Goderich Township. a (Area con. ,, Of copy )looks each Vpar I,, within t 1), Orangeville till(] Mrs. lip. Davis of 14. )'(1111' re"1411PPR Will I-Ploember (Ile - - . - It- tile VIL )t tit ,('LR i'llpt-for-I ... in�ide'll_ � P, Laining about 120 acres, with a fairly good MEDICAL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. roeifl,,,borhood Of ItEl)(Hioll copies. of I'aill, Won_ Stjoil-E, I'lunlroper, (;f iliom '"ally vargoem of liitv, still, vattlo, nblv Witt) tilt. t"'Wil-m ItIllwarartre. bush, barn, home and IniffiWivus other out, _!� buildings andrrall orchard; plowing finished, BENSON WHITELY, 1�. 1). c. M., 24. C. Page w h c 150JI(K) copies' tire noted in ittine, Njino , tieing it son fr-oll, 11 - apples and Illisvellanpotom freights It's It NN''ll'tol . thel . IT 11IL4 o(It IHVII It I I � . _kl�i , with (our So of T11"Vit)ITI, etov�a - (11, IV wing to The ('1111111RO In tbp 'Int" "r , . � I Jul - - - - - - — mitre ror sale-Colborno ]total ........... depot , rLtrient says, n, I) erniet-IL. " I � I a q, ,Would J. P. anit S "o, Farni.hed Ilonfle to ]rent STAR Office ... I Onto rin, the reenninder going to t hich tilt- St. Andrpwm sent] Myles lo"ro froollislilhutwil(J Ii make a frood dhwr 11 erm 8111'Viving hoshand. Thp relostinS were I V& off prourlstA he Ellin,q " fi,j, Thanksgiving Ditv to N,)v,,Ijll,..,, $Itb, for parLicular.-L ILSON I HS. ri Office and Surgery- Kingston ."Mtrent, Gode- Clothes Found Matthow Holies .... ..... I ot tier provinces. The new books, the laken to Oritnerevillp fo,- I L 119ed to poorly frool this poll, Iwd filol h� tho 1).,%wls th�jj be. 'N I the opening , if 'tilp ()oj;,Ii., lJorti- , , 11M F_O_1t_S_A__Lfl_.-__.___ all I I)e(!CRfn'd %16am 7:3 -m or ago lhi�re IN no doubt FA Part block D., Lake 0 Od.- Hourf-0 a.m. to 10 P. M. Phones - Boa 1,04-8'rAlt 011100 ...... . . .......... I .0 to Ile printed ()IT yeat -, anti I lie Init What Macy Of It 11(o"I 1111LI1 �N,011,1 1)41.�rj, Im.oll tlo',',"' ("'If' ral 1EXhiltitiol"I lit 'j',)I­ot,j will Road e"t, Colborne township, 2 zones Mae 90 Residence 1111. superior paper. Sincere *syinp,tthv of the (.ollllllll,rlil ' the boar. flow conling if) our -harbor , k t,Lke'ldnve Art 7, 1) tit. ,%loollay, N,,v. ilth. , I It PON loll.t he plare4l I,N- tbi, , .� )O Acres Farm for Sale- cham. J. SDeacc will go,ollt to Sir. I'lonfillep in I I Y would Ile glad of return freigb�t (If like, -f�l. I'M !I 1`11%k l,1;L11-4 F hibi,t,oroi will Please Take oo(i,v t1litt . from GGderich, Ir good clay loam. brick .. . . . I IN p I house, barn 36x67 with comonCstablin F. fortolohere F. GALLOW, m. it., m. (,. P. and S. 0. CoatN and Dross Goode - J. H. Colborne ... 4 Hyr-iRNHAT.,-The Inarriag(� Of Miss bereavement, haraetel. To (14) Tills IbeN, 111119t I � IIIX I. � , .,; 2 acreq yoting orchard, acres mlAnding so, 10ftel , J)" I t has it 1��Itl N(:volal boor. Irbi. bilil(lilli, will I,e (,,,,-I) for - or poblip ,,(.(!()III Rood ILI I,,ro shoud be ex �,�:�,',� . ,.� " b"'itopq Siltord v ifternoon ntul 1411 1_�.� timber. Apply to C. C. MCNEIL. Dunlop P.O. Offico Hours -0 it. ED. to 11) p. in. phonoN. - Rubber Goods- K J. flollaTid . . � ... ..... I Mrs. Alexander Eider, of Blyth, to Public Schooll Board. under "blic vontrol, It 1.11111('11t (.111p1"�(.e,o. �% ') %S '11<4d of Moodily, It I l ( 01111100 121, ReAldencto I in. , '\1111111111 11 , an( Spr nic creek. 'filer, dalighLer of Mr. and . - well with water In build n . W. Office and Surgery-- Jordan Block. ('at. Fall Sales and Over olto, W (FR borno Street. Anly C. 14, . 2 a . C. Priolhain, 5 MccOulloroointion, and ill[ t1le :N - - __ - . .-.-, - - __ - ____ .- - __ ---,----- - , - _ Huntarm ExcirNions-c.P. it ..... .. ..... .,, Rev. AV. I. McLean. ALA., of (Itithrip I 1 I Toot (like T, . I I � 11 ENGINEERING. RS. EMMPRSON & TURNBULI, Shoes In a Harry --- Will. Sharman, .. I . . T11w regniar niontbly Ineeling of file the n,j:0w vipW that Lhe erertidIn itr - G.-dorich f,,,. ,.,-t,m,,j(,j-:IIjI4� tinjo, rt'j�_ ; f , -I' church, litigoien, wag (injetIv soleilln. I),,,,,,(. ' D — Tile Now Kid Glove" Millaps, ize, I ILL . I SpboOl liflal d Wits beld on Alon. shells is rop life. in-rimit or (!.,I,. it. ,)illy Itlo 11.,%% ,,.�ljlg 11 (To )%("'("lot 'If the Donlintorl Xler. , �� ...... . tile residenpp of the Ini(le I"ditical dljl�­ ,it I iong the Fx­totivo, or (,arjR,lj,,o (,(,,,. . �� I AUGHAN M. ROBERTS, Civil and 14 A%V.T. flilimicossoN, M. D. Special Lines Cameron anti Moore ... 8 P s (lily evening,; pre,,ent. mehmi-4 W tit] I he contrary. RhO1IIJ theme Rile(Is ,.1 ...I,(, ,,,, I B. TuRNBULL, M. B. Right(rGrullarls flodgensilro% ' ., (,-I ..t,r('!'Af'iti�lg)tn,[(',,I-r(�ctit)iltliis I V iraulic EGglencer. Ontario Land Surveyo , Offl ,. s ave'llts On Well neNdity, October 7111, Arlieson, It 1, (,,tilt, if. 14,, Ifolig 11q, t1l" pill Top. 1111111y PaRsPnRer boat,m ' .),,41,1)1� 111111 (;I;tll,l B4,1111 �11 � - I - - - - . -_ t *�i rich. Telephone in. to . . . I (DrOn!'"Ked to point-, tratop (11111pe McLean Block carrier Montreal Stree , can. Hamilton St. 'Phone 102 lit 12 o'clock noon. The cerprtiony wit e would IT" IN'011 111-91-11 To po4t.pooe ill, 11"tioK . I U.I. Notice orsah, -no 110t,ol (loderic .4 A. 1). MCIA"Ill, .I. S. Plat.l, A. Sat It ariang"ll f-11- Ovtofwr 21,,t no,[ -.!L,,,I, 4. pelfornied by liev. Dr. hict,ean, .j derg. .fits. I'llit.. - and Gillet- fieigiltp," coilld to,. " __ Dr. EnnerHori'm ResIden7;W- North Street, oppo. Notice re Elect ric Lightm W, & 1'. Oft). I neVoill "'11"It 0111 RVI'Mill VILIIdl.1100 \%:tfo ontil Monte "%(--I' (I'll". Ithm-therefore, 11 ;; mito lit. Goorge'u Church. Phone Toot. FurniAhed Hon -a Warlied it (4oderiph. father (if tile groon), assisted The Xerretnry�m roj­tL t.,I- I foolin tpd, steel even if tile C.P.R. were � 16,4"I h\ 111, (,%\it flivlld'� to, I 'Cid"ll in -,rder too -volp rL ", '� MUSIC CLASSES. g nod ox 81 . I by Rex. .1. L. 14111all B.A.. of Blyth. .1, Ak bPVTI 'If . Dr. Turnbull*s Residence- Montreal Stereet, nor- ('0"lin 10 erich- Prof. Dorenwend . 8 and s'-po-111hpi. "'Itu jen'l and I Ill'#, 9 " ' 1 14-1101ted, The town ,voold renp 1111111), large USIC CLASSES vltIlle of t lip o I Itendmire, h. hold 111'. Con fere live mr, I — nor Waterloo. rear Ptiblic Library. Only (lie itylillediate 'cirele of relativ( follows; if it,, finseR Life or lay t r. Tony 11 - ('11101ill 1­�t 1111i.stf-T-411 ill I)II ill:, :I (Into- io .N11Vpjjjbp1, of Wl)i,,Il due *1 'Phone 194. 014loil for sheds, in tile PRII)loyn ent ,, I I I ; � M __ - __ __ - __ ___ '7 I '�T(h ,)f lilt, l.tio Rohell P'.Ilv? 11 , � GranloyltubberN G.M lellicti, ...., . , . M Werepresere!. The bride wits attired — Mantis- and Furs John st,ond ..... . . g in white milk organdic over white m U (" j-, -unrill­ A 7. 21: I i I , I , rmt I, v will he givo-11. . � I . . . I I am prepared to receive pupils for liootpon� it ilk lit lestAt lift y triple lend the oppor Ive"1111111-11.1".1 :I I;twN4,I f"I illo pd, � � Piano andTheory; also I, I Crefluroalgrel Meeting- R. N. Lowe . ...... , torilly io Burrows A- H. MACKLIN, M. B. , 8 and carried A shower ho(Ilipt Of white M�4cw;w p.tA'l*,. ,,, .IV, I Musical 0(ul 31X fir Ill Ling out #III(] Vj('tllRIlIf1g [lie b( - 9 child an. 1. Crolunho, ,earlier or lo -F & Aulf,l.io.p, lj­j-j ,,lip Tho Kmg'� lomt,-, . I 1�11 Kindergarten Method for yo roses. Both bridt, and 9100111 Wpre lift. N grip oil Tile 11:LInd Ainicking. ,;� � , Tormi, field other information It at pt"N't--hion and So gon. 8SOCIal attention to — %%,u , (ioderiell has lost I( and )w 9"t 11 .� I a d I attended. Air. and Airs, McLean will .. .. IIAG Thomson's METRIC Store. (31de. ear. name an t rofit. Mee and realden HOT T.Ile ( o phon. � , MISS EMMA A. ANDREWS. Ooderich. ]Bank of Montreal, opposit cc I.,R1111- trade, Tend Elitist look to the friendly "11111 ll;t4 �"Wl! 'dillIO'd :L\%tL% fl"111 I'l, ', lu I" WeR Post Ofllce, PLEASE BE PROMPT. apend it few tilt a quietly at NIT. 1.0-taferlat"d Ir` 19 ILI ­,�.- , I street. Ooderich. Telenho'ne . y Iflorna , 'till of tile "T' "-N � 1 , Nit, Alld NII`- -I,t� Kion. 10,�''L. ,� - No. IM int Ing I . 3 &, water. Tho, I,tnfl JK fill, P,11114p. IL1111 -11.41 1141\% i!;kI, \01 'Iiwk (let -4 ,,,,,I f I— ___ CIPMeni? Inineral springs. Mirbignii. Sta r . . \11- -%I"v "I'll (11VOIge arn .1 . , - . . I - . . ' N . 3 Iwo town's anti W 1 1 h I lift v -1 y Arnal I V Xpenme '111141 1111, f'.1 tho g"\oIorlG"1t. jjjj�,. vi-itiow, Ill . _ CARD. I�ehaen�"'00111 is a Finn of liev. I)r. iollip - (""'It' I TOT ill,, Ilmop "r W LEGAL � . if I'll INI w I : . I lit of (lie' Prertion of the 111MIR Gor ](I )-I \% FYI Al:�Totry I , 11 . . AUCTIONEERINO Changes for advertisements in Tit I( wn, and before entering . A Nair,, . .5 12.11 It I Ith-oll 11111111.4.1 of Arolow t."IAV. Qoitv n. fit Inhel. iL. KILLORAN, narria.er. Solleltner, Not - tile Presbyterian ininistry ge,ndoRtell !1. I I %% or- li�.G,1,11­ Pevenlie woold . It#- more thoon all tit t rrmo heit, 1,,,,k To 6--lXORGE BECKETT. Gonarall notioncell STAR Alloill(I be handed Ili Promptly. . . W. front 1111 (lit- hontiq IlIV4,gtlll(,I,tR Ilie . Ltwkotitv All,)w on ,.a.ary, &a. Money to Than at lowe�t cut rent front Toronto Vniver4ity Willi high ::. .\Iar.Iool. ..I A I;- . : :0': town ever ron(le. All The fottire ,of """"'IV S111MI 1-1111AY nod Iier( Rer,l ", offlir,.r� Now system of Tlcketm anti crotAintrup, Mondav noon is tire atiptilaterl tinle, t honors in ClsofeRica. In eurnition ,wit 14.11 0111100 oil North street. near Registry 041.. Hamilton St. P'_O. Box Ila , 1) lo"y Li .1 - .. (ioderich IN Ili her wittel- fr-ont. \% 111-11 1,;Lk., If it,m d , "" �jp al,l ILI ,. pi.-iog hav I hiq wro-k. �1. ___ ---. __ ___ . ___ � ___ - anti Advertisers will in ever (nse coil. the roan . 1. IlAs M7 "I 1111oll\ V011" %%Ill 1w ( I �.Ijo ,011 "'o "­,' I(M-It"T 4 S. No. I 1. A � If . i commissioner, Notary Public, Goderich .1 1. Barrister. Sollclear, INVESTMENT. suit theie own interests by being on InF parties, TIER STAR Most heartily I'leA iou.ly I ... i.1 !,?I: � .,-I .1. A. Fmvi�icn, I, I.;. """I "PI - WaIt, M. 10. JOHNSTON . y " IT y friends of both I he vontrarl - Yoorm e(e., ( �,Idvl 1( 11. :14 11w I , 1111hol " ",.\\ 1:1 I - 'S `oIbPI V. -r Alton � Ont. Office -Hamilton St. OTICH To INVXSToft4. -- tiTe. PleaRe be prompt. w Rhea thpin allhappinvin; and it look I'tV1110".1 it fv%� All -0 \1,il,!k*�, tht.1f, 17:" IA.iln. Illake 167. -%Villi,. Alt"n ,� I I I N — =-��-�-:n_-__::_-_- ­_== == married life. T"Ifol 1. IlAt'. 9,0111 41 - - - ��111 hP ill. III -I'd f''I d10,Ig11,T:. ''I I, �l VITT. 1Cnromm S11111wr- IV. Mr. LNI:Iry 1�1 0 hoexectitorRof the late 0corria, Aaheimm'A W. C. T. 1'. NoTnR.-The W. c. 1'. 1, The prinelpili'm rpp�)It, fol, ,.1jelitern. AROUND THE IIARBOR. smondpi. IS" Fl. Tw4t liall 1.10, I V. Jr. 4� ­ vo decided to ofror the whole 0KTat,e hnrhor� ,,r mi%�ido . . " o tat. ha Special Notices. 17. held their reguini. Hipe er showp(l .-,I.') pIjPIIN en ro I e( 251 The Nir. lonir frool 141orl Willinin 1� 1111-31`(%�;001� Thi -i FlIte .h,ho"tm, i.0 III. *jeq.fe Sto- PHAIC-CO11918tingot real flotata, bonobo,do. Ling Sept. boys ,in,] 2jtj I I 1,1,(,I,t ", To"','"' fitureAked stocks. Parties wishing invest- Correct Styles for men are green any] 2R(h. president In chair. gr ", Willi an average with wheat fol. tht. elpvnt,),. ant, .bIg 41111- :I- tlIf' 111,11, th-'e"o J'U, 1':I,Iil) . , 'I'Viall) If'- I VIE, J.7,1 ij, I— ! , I I .1 I a ill 2,111 respectively, Tnill. arriveil Tuemdny toorning need , , , ,�, , On Calling On the following: .t, am shown by wits opened with reading of sclil)l,llt.e or 9S �.oer rent. ,let t-ppol-tPol also t lint left tit( Willip liln/ler 14, 1 The Sterling Bank ment0i will receive full partloulars of tile same brown Rhodes, in the stripe affec The meeting toot:Pnilanete(of 1*111W RUJI110,111 h� III,- I,I,-,o,rjI It4,f,,I1lI .! ,411,�Iml 1111, I "Into Menn 127, 1 the latest Fa,shion Reviow. iiiir -amplo. - Name evening. ('11,11didall, t�� wnm�#, tho. H111"11( � Lillv '%Iron , _aL' OV CANADA I MRS. ArtircRoN. Executrix. In. .cc Iaro.l fashion platOm, I. are -11 I, 11.111. Ida Walle"t. 1: I-, lot'.1% It. lipta , ',-; ,, town Tallorinsr and frAyer, After the business Mr. I . Mel,ean hold tanght in Miss The sedimentation basirl IN gPtling t� seat and hudding. h -til - J. P. Bnow-4 N. In the Fnen*e �ectlon. -- Department more, caller I several reports Were iii'va" PaIROn-' stead for nine days, retool that "'1111-111"11" "w"11111 -v 1!11. I'Ptlr (11allit'r IM), Marta I I Win. ArFnw� Nocutorg. CAMERON & Moteart. in $I tawaud" r0olplPti( 11, tile flormt, linif alid pn)lpv4,j%4, �1,tt, 1�.%% I, llak,-i lilt. .1,0,11 (;1po I. -,T 1� IT rold,onid was needed in Mt. An* Of tile roof being flni.be(I and the . MAD OFFIGE - TORONTO Onfle'l'I" Dec. r ) F on ) � '. 1807. by the il'"rent. superintendents, Rome I Jr. 11. I I __ - OUNG & nofiERTSON. . - - — - of which were very Interesting ( rvw n ward mcll(,,)I. fortrim for- tit(. ot ber half beiny plaved . Her ' vi ."'1111-t(M 179, 'Filloalw-th How. ., ,,, 4 i, Meeting Calendar Aillonglet, thein "Flower MITIRIODR.". A virvolat. front the Edijention de- in pnotitiot). ( p"' "t ', Sp- It"n" N101"I'll. 09-orge ',� I Incorporated by 13peollat Act of the 'y I I. is sit ill I he rool, "'Inen t Nil \ 1 "'"l-') I'll"Ill"" To Olenn, I't. I JP C--vil Johnsbm. - � 1 0 DominforIi Parthimant to recolve Real EAtate Agenti,t Farm, Town. Village Regular mentinir of Maitland lAidge, No, .T3 The Superintendent of tills depart� partenent, RilloWing [))OIL $(I:rj bad been reinforced with steel, Iq tit(. fl r9t (If the the Into, 1)"11111m.11 pwll.tlo,�Ilt f,.t Tho- notiked ' were ahmeot for all or ­ 1 ­ Deposits. Property for Sale or Exchange. A. F. Tend A. M. next Troogday. ment stated that Bile had made =)I Ills Id I o t lie loard $1 IT) on reveraFt. at- kind bilift in Crillaila, Illmik-It, ',a�kal( hv\�otn, i� ()fjj� (�f part bf #-xaoiirjatij)jj� .. 1, . - FICTErtilar reflecting of Eureka f lounall, IL T. of nionk calln. distributed 159 bouquets. tendrinep, and War, on tortilla G tea. The fair wpilther of Monday and tho gwItIvinvri \01", hko Huri,m4. t`arh#-1-L .1 (,. �tjtojhpm, I . L . Railway Time Table. T.. on Monday overtime, October loth. Aiesides a quantity or elotbing, a eheroo' (Inalifleation find lenjill of Tuenday enribled the f - .. I � A mcetin delicacies, Anch an f "'I service, IRhing fleet Of 1". __ 'I Of all those IntereRted fit V.m.c.A. ruit and jellieR for . T111 -11t], FIA�4'1, M(4;1f�g1ol, Jill,-Ij HigbeSt Current rate Of intifreot work In Goterich will be hold Alondoe, thesick. Thestiperintendentp report A - rohnnonlral loll front Afisn this Port to lift thpir r-PtA Tit#- lifts "OlmesvIlle. I r -I Paid ilk but . VANADIAN PACIFIC. Oat4obtit 12th. fee Dr. Irripler., Bor. were rat her above I hV average of lit ('04 -It, Will �,� 111MIN '41'el V's"I Ref''I ��' in office, 101"Ths' Of jail Was alan given. We are pleased r(Onlan, Of Wyntning. waq te. " for the 111,11"Re Of roloresimliz note for 'Iftle, oara'14 , read Sind "I'll""' " I- N11q. Tellblitt, ,r., who . WERTUOUND. ('11 It I I ll!L%f. hev"In" vtlof-11­11,i� 11"ll W am I " ,I year. to Bay that the number of priao.,ers filed. ,W F a r PAIle -tri,ken Nvith painiv,,i., i,, Rome I I NO. 91 No. 07 - __.* [ins decreased RO that at Presprit I here Moved by A. linunders, Recon -il by I I, : I thy''Ilgh dv;ll� The niany . 0C 118PRIMSDI 1.1-olTorrentO ........ 11.03a.m. (LIS p.m ____ - - To "I. '-"w - , :11o"a ...... 4, %%'ill tilt, 1),mmii-m better at tile preqent.' .� ri I nx�p,lj To fil ", joe ti'lit'%il lei , on dep6sits of $t and hpWArds, LoavaGnobIple _.�... 9.&e)a,ln, are only ',,vP. NO female prinoners It. 14. ('tilt, that tile enot dor It tnftn�o'-woofr holleit, nown A" (lip (imormovid. f(ii jpjjjjIj(. t1jollpr to,j frieTAR of Allan (j. Ijornball will he � . A 11.22 P in DEATHS. during �,� Year. So that our report 3ro Ion of Ang, 111,I)Ilr 111,111,; N k,looilllq(�11 11ILN, jjt� sorry To r MV6 amotieb... .. tw_m. P.M. 10.40parn captain's gig. hear of lipt. �eflonq Illness I . Interest pidd and compounded MASTROUNE). 11�' , 10M, necepling tile resignation of � . 11, , : ,&It,),t,,I,n Odderich on Firld October 2od this Year Was much brighter than MIAR velita Wa r, after In The rock dredge limp .INoo ,e tho past ,.,,I,,,l Illat ,I(, %Vill 11'.t l'o 1% (.1111,11,1!lt and hope rose, ,her Rpi%etiv rprovpry - I FOUR T116198 A VnAR. GraCts. Only child on t9011, Ile rescinded. 0 M No no No. 03 Vh1r. tend Morn.' that Of last yoloall-, and (,at Carried. . week bla ting h (lie harbor :I MrA A11111holla Ill retturned hole)" after Drafts bought still sold. '* . . . .. 10.18 &in ,- evator. I'll 'r, Art ve Guelph ng order ' I 0114 01001011, jltv�ollrtllk iindvi mpendinga very plea,4ant two weeks '� v - 4.43 Ta in. __ � - Moved hy X'. Haunder", sPeonded by dredge r *r er the ,utinp kind (if prv,4q1jry frool bv,j,I III Clark, AiQter and , Lftta Goderfele ...... &oc �:Re. j,jej p. tit. Ill's RaId. aged 5 month-. option comes into full worki bottom Ve I'. c. '-t Of t e Arrives It 6r6nto ...... IZOS&m.' (LIS pan. we believe the rVeord will Ile better JITEA. Taft, that MINS K. Wataon, ljavjlj� tile Note iialtod III'mi'n,to pnr;hannel fror I I n Ch I eago - M r , I � 11 A General Ittereldug Ilruslueles Thro%h 00111511WA betWean 00darleb, LiRtow- " I,et Lewis Pinish Hill Work." ;till. In filet, If the I'Vil WPre Stamped tit end of 4- noinide hrpak iloatteiN tlint. forped tit(, %%Itl,.Itjj%%7jl .%IIQA Ili( kp were thel VneoltA Of Barry i I � transacted. fit slid reinto on ail tralrep, rout our land We Would have no takAn a ennerce qualifying tier to (ear Walter to tile harho irahnin anfl wife on Nonday, - - NIV, : I � .1 � I L I GnAND TRUNK AYSTPM, The members of the Worfeo.n-s In. further need for Jaila, refornintorlep, nature aludlen In the nehool, tier ,-f Nil. A. \\' FrItAel lit ()It:%,\,t lv'r�l I,vooard. wjfP and son. Visited .. . � stitute held their rontithly InR Rt etc. After eallinig for voluntep 11alAry Ile Inere The Steamer Tho ,I- "t-tI. will) a The,o, lhing,i aro �jgjljjjp:trlt ,jq 0"�N% it IT friend,; nn 4nndav at CronAtance. �, I - ­ - - ­ aspell try $11 per atinuen. 'itrFc) of instiller ft Oiiprnent ,-rwl. I I . %-Omw- teAvieriaridertch moll'tte.zlop.en 45or-. the homelo of Mrs. Bedforelp lifolor'PIThurs- � I "'I'* Crorried. w � . �kftlorb " 11M " 1.66 Am. 7Z t. I .W1 pin, Rates to attend tile entinty pobvent ion arr ved In port We � I i 1100DRATCH 11RAN0.111 - Parlor Colts, .4 dity of hiciett week. There Were about to be held at flrIIAWAIsI0$),.%t. oth and The (itleStIon of nelling the nit] Iron I port We ie-dav evening tig that 010 ()tlawa gmerm000l 1,4 ('111,114 if Nt)Tr,Fq Don't forget tile � .. tiTotooto on 1.10 itt.m. train And So treembers In attendance, - I IltdretClefOlit 40trsjhfaj16j�rdO. and 11 now The lichoontior Ha ip Iltift ran intnIalstroled at, tilt, imaki,ning vall`,ed anniver,ontr RAI'viee anti tpriolepting to . -, 1 , , - names w, 7th, the releeling adjoll tooll mtu *V. va"n on Rt. Pitteriek'a word sellool I%loon lie held In tile N10010dioit Church. on � ., � , A. GXAMBLUI, usetulget - - . are added to the frillernbership gmundoet wits left CrIth the (InntingPil on, Wedn,Dttd^ .,G'. ,of t1le erew g tilt, oloctorato hN tho I., ." I . - I . 11 . -Seetteeirs S, ­ij .., -L_.,� list. At the next meeting, which will -1-.0., f rommittee, Willi power w act. t a " '08' I . lot'nel a 1,14,114 of graft pio ,u, ()rt 14 and IT)- Rev. Mr. Ilowtonte. of , Efrollf sal6ke and 1,� �Pv tit I % of I loorni 11 I � I .1 ,:\ ela. I J I I.. jrl�l .. " , ,� '� "I - IWI , I I I �, 1111, I I I " 11 "' I I r "I ! I -'"*'*' 1,11,r,, ­� . pecifle " Let Lewitt Finhill I n Work." ' 1 llollowxyltli 06hil 013" is ft * bell held at tire home of Mrs. T. Swam, tried e . Wingharn, will preach at 14) A. In, find ! , i _ 1, -_ --- , I "T" I as MoLn. PoIltleiftTI-4 to tho ,iholter of offive 7 ri qn. - title] tit 2 Ri,v Nip Jolliff � _--111.- I I for the retintivall of vorns and warts. therA will Ile Prifeit given Aeeountst were certifled and ordered I � , __ '­ ... 'i 119.,.1.,,_ . I A.dr;wa he " . . - O � . ! I , If W6 bA*6 irl"or heard of its failing to kitchen Apron : till witternbers are step. ,,rid wil f. . 11 for the be*t Mists Andrews bag r urnp Inion. On rfool"Ay tilero'wil) �; I re. __ If d to town to be Paid all followa; Torriperano-0 goom on lot), and tellq ltq (,wit title rid � - I . _, , , tillt"Yo S we tot TAlk ftA* t6 opol open or odergarton elanit hall truste.es, rent., $10. Gen. Porter, Ile Sure d vot,, , '�. vi,l �er, I . a good number of roppakilern and a grTed 11 ­ 1. . I . 1. 041 ot 0. t6ftl6*6 even tho *ont kind. � posed to compatf-. tills week. stationery, $7,26 -, Star, Printing, 97. tflat Y�111'� lot goe� i" k" The I")X . . t'O$rrmm 01 111111nit'. etc., and we expert , I � I I . 0 1 1 . I I � Let Lowis Vinich l4in Work." 1P full house and *Ood time fill round, I 11 I . 11 � � '% L � 15 . i, I� .. . ;L , I V, . '. 11 � �'k �, I I . � . � I I , I I , . I I � L I ". V I . � I I I I 1, \ ': .1 I �_,. I . . I , . ��_,. . �­­­_ .- _�­ ,�_ .W,Aiswbkakjk&, "I __ � I . 1, ­ L I I I I � . . . I : I . _­ ­ ­_A.001.kAA_L � - . I , , .. I I I L I I � . 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