HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-10-02, Page 1NswoppWin the cquat of "UMt
0 1
ONT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOO* OCT04ER,2. -4 0 T"lit U Il!tff IR UOM161 AND V11111 EDITORIAL NQUESTIONAB�E luto" Of 0 North st'. Ifiletow 4 t; ch'Aft) SUNDAY 'SCIIOOIL PPOTAltieR I A Ira Tlakere� it no adt Ot II 044 Poor; wif"444 on ObAtir log
cklm- "'Al"dilly i-oompatimW 4 telleplaorao JAytRII04 �,(Ak 40 jaitit. 111011111tatlan. hall -b 140 Lewis Finiqla, MsIyork'" -only, - , � * to'y , _ , ." : I .-At4ler" 0000woollis antage t kolk.1111411a -*,art , -1 I I - . - V1 Ulli§ Who listen I aulti, fit b ."k a allum, va:r, 0 sacemquilittloor ARA1490 100 00 use �QfAbAir, )ilmtor, Dr. WOW, Rod, riturit I. to 14PAP. Od',tbast bIts It , , '14; f - - -- -Do vw Im", ;Rt,- -Sir WilirrumaualliIr did no'WeO1W..*,WIe otlaqvil . , fto reaefir ollip * to him prove of Al Ot, this winter. 4X to the verynills, letesN lItIkIR ill#
coil 4 bott which,
fal reriamalyrid. J,, r, 4fillpatiar course by the p4astor of Knox red ticket 11 at Goollriab. th et al. *4 41111 on 0 Y01,11 may rf*f4t, I IX will Tbit arrivals. of ruful ntank to Thinksgiving vettioe morning last, upon Ateri-Thinklo tbakt be bolo IA'Ist6 aeorgal's phomb 01 b ' .%hon, Ott, the
'ba ashave a duty Of Obelal 01,111, P&LM-Pt% towards The. Conservat* nee$ And OPPOT440100111 CIAV 00to Rem, vitaingn Da Aliks, w the Ave Pre." Is t
i�e7s%teorn In the Aillitter of home ly. being.-ChArgand
(olialrPil �004 c, i"160,49 m4z; 46VO PAR 4V.�41alu baltialikels of Wh
If _111OXAM Aulkad %_� M I -0yaFy-t Ing of y 0-0-W RIAU&
On 7i� troat fr.
it" Wtoto 0 rto, oaAWag Convinced tb.4t in the faltlat(nuol, to Criticism Of Petty guy, t Alot, 0140, - , - , _ 'I rat N 1 .41"Ar Asset, OWL 11 83 .1,1111 I atrad, qjItIcl Wasibulaid" W110M bulibels for
275 Seel tho beat rather thillas Hato WaIratt gregatln al top disc large of this, -daily Ilea the Want . ...... all led tQLthQ OtbLQp%_DresAnfA& AbAt You WQAI4 be rink Which Will PI 0huarchOs'-11011se Of "Ithnately bringing ye Irn"Ientlaint H9 STWN Allik- the Gradaslificill HI8vAtQX Co. The ate.
PARD 'QAPANY� 3114r, 'four.. 1*140d brought fit cargo of 0% tot 04 waste by the uove .......... . ............. . ...... b. a. Holliketi lther I* air of 410.0m.0ou, at this peoples. f 11OPP140 40 0044e other place Carliao an. 1thled children Into full coin. money Is not a .......... 13M thial 'Raptiat CbAr herself. The writ petty affair. ton, - im 30 oil services Olt eutrda� Tho tall asiluloo); Arrived isbanat a nusillon W t er was It to
... ill ....... Is Whom you will lake qondnated by the' _ t week balte, comm�nclragon Monday, rarticularlyMereated In that _041� ornou 1800 eravy ilisch"Oe You feel th
to. ya�uraelf. I.W i4ris M -fiess or. be art f [Allah worse than extravagance. ;I'T 55 "The Symbol, When the dmp--or the -tticirmaralketes, dhiciturstas which had to of ----------- ............ with
L04(rtd1'X0e All - %he Orallownice of Abe 0 1 to WI J-1110AY BOARD. -The board, beld . ........... P Lao ". 4 0 0 the side" editor of tile To.
W. parents to delegate the relI010113 in, rant this growing Athapoilitifill on the 1pv
fecalia the Alul"IcHir beat of Supoliky t (at The -on
11 be Observed ALI; the brought out overcoats and Winter traction of their children to tile Sun. 0 News does 'It grind out ver .80 , Tgular meeting on Snitludnr close Of this Service. h1va"I" WMI141- find the weather since then hall per .......... Q t 00 B IN At 1.
4-6 20 T Ia. day school. Permit we that,, without much copy. but ,rho, Im" dourns.. ....... 01 0etlingi, the usenabers pkresent� Werts Bor Pal lifloging. been cold. with occaalonal sialloweps he does writefis n ereati Geary go. Strang. and continued high winds. The scene any Attempt at traversing the grounds Always orig Hill. Here is so r ef and
AS UsAsiaraki Tigert Tom RernighAn 400 ere arid via or rts-StRithog the reasons advanced by he Wrote on W per tuts, X ittars car Ally welcomed, Ili Paragraph
T%CRE Cbr- '24i' D1, St follotiving OIIORS� Is. 74 , ran% In the take, at
wild, tile outep;l times has been very Afe- Anderson In 'support of his con- ednesda. Ia 4 V4 Year* ago tile 1441P. Jamitle ura �rksakwakter and large "The NPUCR xia OnEDIT40kRut. cot wall son 'a Poll rio Were P'ks$e : P- W. Currier drawhi the Stindity, sell Globe, caking of therjack.
........ to 460, efliftli; Goo. Porter, books, odist sections of both Plers being complete. ten ion th to WAR PRIlt-l' of the North St. Meth harka 111ever Int:,tad r 04 140� ad to Oil llama 115 Flon a. said. Cort In, the County of Hall. . ...... ...... u 15 remained. w tla no othr a ,%!IAIlt I
p Lh. o4traut fie, -rent claprop'. Jule iutellecktl SY OlItullearged a great part of the ti a training In religious trut . to call at.
cord foe call year., Ut Al actime", Ilia fr
::, I � I to V. if I*) Re
Itsidialcienti. appitais tofCo. ftm "ce I -it) tile xsmte. at, JOAN BRAVOL14.1 a", 4 Ale , .... ,, 0111 2 A view for 1007, $.9.i Indomitable courage, big Warm 1rhdl with the heavy seas. tention through your coin their umbrellas, to 13 Oveving thar, to Coat rl I vy. IleArt.tilado 1-4 0). to cm, taddress delivered at -the recent Int, tie believed if f 91aqQlki ; -,. ance- premium atius in;airksLati, IWO% and A despatch from, aort Arthur. -8 14411' the Prentice
140ti - ..... 60 to 060 orsell on, titipplies aft thil-innal 'A - t. small to an sh5QkIak1Or0bY htay........ ly a I its. REC kilt )II make to a Boukhouur collatituanne erred
............. 0 11 . 'he rent to be. Pal by Me education in the Metbb molluclatice Of 11101111orlea flow rein directly u on this anbjecL In this Ot John BeRPOM, Chiokeh;::W"yAru pepalre )V, 18 tile POunrent general secretary of rkap ina muk" ev. J. W. arralaskilb, 1), 27th, saym: on few plankafrand a national 8.8, Couveration, which bea;6 �p V
�ANT W )(,Or ZAQ f4own- of, 00M rl tau AN --orlato fed ........ t�� 11 "p ..._R'house rent wits er--Atonarch, totino dre I
90. 'A Itken as Climb a Arch of of the stecran ad. craft are requiradtia, I at aG_ rat 4 ?i 1, I ad at t'a I J .................. of lie -in the -4011 fif ell, 7MIttr
nilloltor. for J own the pre. for damn- -tiorittlern Igation sented a striking ailray Igures, Pic pretty fat. Who,)] Mr. 'be bad al named I Ia deducted (up extr BOAR IND JtOOMS' ran 4611ts, JIU0,41[eflUtInd .a. � 25 tio 0 4 1111ontlim rent to I allies Graham. Next nda or"- CO., and which %vow wrecked on the takealt train the carefully tabulated re. ,plal mays that the Personality of Il NvIrl oflaild. accused O'lal 0 t , 19 day Reef holth0l, West. jitreot livarei (loom QZ Ulatolitir, low, 7 Ift to 800 work done lay him. The Ing Dr. Oranharra will ace tile opth rocks of We Ro�,Ikl in tile fail of low, turns and reports of the various still. Wilfrid Lurier 11 000 of the Renato frourbowlifig r)[Ak- Board flarZoluse. Mile, ballso. Wall 194. A" 0 uaror ...... librarlanla St- Inflitit, and, if only Rune Of Is The Reid Wrec Ing Oollipany lka9 day goho said tethe HxOQ t�er lifyou that Is Al Of the Country. praitaced domi. the 961 report showed receipts from cards land fa her, will ather twent-11 it le U= Association# In Oftinadia,und that says at t 0 *--;k— fin,esi etc., for the enth of Augus to ell vis mytit naive a States, which show
rkets. t of 9 that tile Topn
RRAL StRVANJ� 'W��Ili b le: $0,12, and a" Issue of 1479 books . . "a lit., Ill k, removing everything of value after making libel.&I bullue 011talk Ith tat I t �d - It e tit III -GRNIdertileptalibbell. A ;e of the said dotaiiand arrifing. Sun office, Tuesday evind"Ir" litept, go. find being a true son 0 allowance for a Western t war 0 ly to th roft1rd BtlslAetjK on the Toronto cattle tit ape of engines. boilera.:dyna. conversions made After A thirty contm. nd. mi�ll TOO Ann azines. With regard to the es' his now a& Ire, 1, th all 11 May attempt to fall
sat Which notice 411 an rather quiet for th Arket 14 t'Llif, the scholars a ............. It sbuient If a Children's pectin new movement will b_0 set in "to$. etc., and vn!X.!0_A_h.e_niRter.ILa fAken, 1111II-vo the sch,
Atail-takkaft-41se'-w I"Cit-te, -Olatotri-la u me peretual 0019- on aboift'-w )'-a K halt a nail. eatat, visit SAJ�E Q ft. mots At fill Al on solacal In oil&, So ay on dollars. UtHr must be Cie. r
smarket "if lit all prolliff4litty. be Ill epartment be requested to send a schools are converted arid brong to Veloped.11 a to Pointed ith a here, it was decided that the day Club." A beautiful folder am. STAR Was called tothe unloading of t openly. I tote. ,R TO LET. 'O church next Sunday -a -,men,t; 4un. On Wednesday thil' Attention of Tut:
a a' r any Part thereof. tin prices would her CaPaillutlil"! ]fhe North .St. Methodist al" cent. of the
it lit any Portion or persons at whose 0
its11,not Mink have bad notice. n M I8 L aof Bal(tord condition for OhYt tig like full'rijeelpt,; acknowle a Ofirl M. 0. JOHNF until box of Uie '%ravelling library" issued nounced its alms, "Friendship, encour. the Palika At' the West dA 1.0 F'Aacrea of me noose. 66 $TON (after the arrival of Center wocithor. he over, Air. urraV, 140145 well Slow and dragey; and several ol"013 by them. Oran Ocanada figures show that n I ban, W the house Ooucltor for Ritecators, low agernent. development, a vision Of P1 our Mille. It so happened that it only about 10 per cent. of these cork. Some veara ago when Ed ward Blake day of ftiternbor, be nobler life, a hand to help in time of cargo of coal versions union ALTYt7AQ)n"Iraft t e khade of fruit: Dated this 17tt _19* t"I'llertairt; which arrivi'a On the market were A DESERVED wall 1% Alumber of the Canadian 0 sL lowo thl lidealers, Picked Over for thoexplarp PON wits being unloaded 9 tile scholars occur ,,,"non;& he. Aessill, 11(ill-mor"specially-to kno-w-1 tie ..by. 1while.-the �V
tbe,�ooal, luriati -which ,C)CCUptild *4 pool. in the Sunday school
b IRS t fit'lim 40. ft 4 man named Edward Wood, liv, Man among was VOTE L1 it ST 00ti an, and to tie 'trans. tion its directed by the town council, The remit Color or the 40 per cent., or 'Past' on the sideof ills � 11,34illitaiiio �6 ate Pa lit) The grain bout wits lit a decided tilt). Zinfia"i's, coat., being brought about mother, Ann it PF My A'W I"too, i1113,49%" The cl great gra d. lug in Grey tawnsblp�' was d . tot() Ms
F _or sto4 act'",,
meet every T COURT OF A PPII)l r iftl.so up. tard'44kiabltai at with an offerice 11 today morning at advantage. land deralonstrat,ed tit f at other and outside Agencies Toronto Star to ohands, will mwoon r lit .. to sider the- Cla -1111,11 ITOWN Ok�'doDnolqm tile %b-fron 40 Itell 8 a "all ret"ained for ifera 10910" Cie houn. 60110 01 atl&))A barn MICMAC :horse AW.b a was brought IaAR It proposes in 'another Position. Its origin I 10 I. over four.fifthe of tile Scholars tit?
713 M "' , . .,! oAgainst his step -d after Work it, a LaHrieriam
MO. W PN� Olin Iton Act ... �u clack. A L Is open to any junk, ra-, Laint tile coal blah't Should have lition word Lt'" hill' 'Oft the 110110ol. In other all rther,a mIdo,2 I ter, and when As falith oi- of no falth
Irtit a Choice jet. a to is 0 a ? , b NOTICAR to 1111m. Judge Doyle he pleaded guilty. a Ia follows Df. and dal hedL2JXIa.
wltlak'� 401 L, 13 Or at Iscuss subJects related to ordisiney tion would have been Just tile tiling. are Boot Out into tile world tots light the , a a hold, pr6utint y 01*1011,041; a 04A Will Wh u or
Ill Main noon. and chool house: CO j,11OVII rI a, In an - to 44,26- wall Political Var ten days that e - It Sign of Liberal do. 1,1111 11RAO r Actl by Cie nontap, no, -harbor are- rent IA the fact
D 13 pit Li'llo Joaq fL ail in .75 to 44. life. and so u8slat towards trneat ides,119 The dock land Probably the battles without Ilaving been converted, I'lle Ala.11 ones Court or the Courts, of Has A
4 car.' 060er a rd or I -I w , to Up. liCA00i Plume* juld Hous 31 . . - oil,, On the L quirles might be Marto as tobis chi .. and noblest dePoptinent. most valuable assets th3 town fault, Olin any Clarlatlars parent. knovring Wulf 'lot itouchan Loilt Latirlor's cousin a P168 .0 La: 0 ki ed in a Quebec con- early and Roursloin Goolorichlorforti After full discussion tile GfIrleral hnd the coal hoist list these facts, rest contentedly In hazard. If It will ahL er. 39M at ton Wine - 11 There Ia 014'Weirk adealfrie,in tof ir A ROLM clecumistancea and other details gilt reasonably be SULLIcAtuy. realms lipply, tits no which 'heemed to thArround the -case, Anglienn Synod at Ottawa Slitup. more satitsfactory point, tile Mail GAff.4twilke if . . I Or 4actiatorm he placed at it InT, the eternal welfare of Ilia 01. her Wo Would alsta, Point Out ri!QIX tile _ " 1) n holnuirlsO4 all Id on what tile tile name to ends" one in t o Tsdotaltak.cl; bee,, tO Cool an "'at Monday he wita brought any gave Itfo full a grovill to the new The Ooderfell 131 levator &Tranmit (jo. (to Sunday school Olin Or Linueler't; grant grandmother on his u
I Park. OUSL AND -TWO LOTS FOR sA lity of Godorloh, to counted for in tho'comsation of an all-round of one of the Murray Ia tin on. lathOp'll side hasn't beet mentioned Uri oil street, near Agriculture t d at Q ericb, this 23th day of Soprom. atte.MPP Vb obtaid'saill enough Suppliom to keep the fuels -Judge Doyle ga a reasons Lee of wilich i. F,. Western Ontario, for since the first thoblastlo StindaY school worker it Oven during the callipaigno." JR 1! for's for him ? A
I list of the 1* $toy O"T"'"ll meets, but it, rather to be no _dnL6nc0- In a careful reviewup lch has been pre. is busy institutional; of
The bank o to fostr beral V red by -a well# kedwIth1rurTZIP1. thb employed fit the Packing houtrus, Profitably why he would not give it sentene f to, was chairtualk.' The cargo of i (tit' was delivered this "oed Scarcely be said that him objee't In degirab a' hit Apply on the premises to - a lot of Interior hogs bo. in'Prisontilent (he Man"' farfn of 2OU synod decided to perinit the use of the 6 rang. SAII it busy. There are too 0 ,
W. A. WO, Y.alles. uf Tot -on Ing alarkutud. While live hogm, are being presenting them 0 figure" wits ?lot nombially 410 lower quotations than rtl"Oted acres, a large ;turn My of stock. a sick hytrinal In Canadian churches *I,hp e ev&ted, 000 bushels have been to At tile meeting Of tile OTER& LIST COURCT 01j, REVIef- wook If F. a ara a tile unday school, Ana. is it ansidlark ON. ago"'t's quite PO$slblc that when first-ollam. Vill 0 �ubllcation will and shipped out, willell Olt .9 I that of t Ia riter, but to show TO RENT.-Corrifortable V goods are In Aikicat th ',till It number (if very yoHn lie known as' 'The Means that 30OU earn of ICA00 bushels itltalloftleturairs' RNNICIation in Mollt. nOIC of common what I is atlially accomin IsbIlIg at, antidern conveniences. Con, ;TOWNSHIP arket quotations ere will be An ad ration on children all requiring his Pre;ence rang t last %"link. tile president. ln ul "1911L also. During life Iso." and contains each- have been cle"t cast, or 3U cars the dip a PlassE week the Prielf of long clear bacon has cart". hui he insposed It ftne 749 hymns its 043 fit the byllin. pet- day front spring itt Oly CP J- 13' RAWK;INSI St' NOTICE IN hereby given that I* Court'wIll be vanced to 139, Lard is up to -ad. of $500 and al now Ili time. Thna to date. Tile o t a lamed, ittid to urge up. N Old mrsualar, ti He oil the Toren w $IOU costs, A 0 Ile Pas ld before the defeat call" 0 (if Ilia Annual It s onor t; ie Ontario vatn'Llat Act, market., an advanue of one-half cent Per Pound. dant e American layninal, deliveries m0t far have been for M pc tile finding, If possible. that 11, cord Of Pulpw address, stated �rThm.disaimbla properties. on 0 basJudge of the Couny-paurt Old ooujtry back'an 14110tationo bare advanced, would be liberated from j0h it Risky be use-ratit-anod RR a tytlttter of 0 low to tile question, Wily tho stoott-011t 11) Canada, -the- Olin -or- aroti-. 111-06 II4144,500t June 501.),468; July 505,181Z Work done in tile Solidity solacol is riot
L Ono square piano. Apply w ship a - on Monday, th.11w, 1w.the "auo RwOuld have to Intake anothercon- where he has been for a couple oi 00111plulson, contains 679 livilitif.. anti August 681,2117; September 41!),l3lo; all fr"' exportation I. tile ES. h dd States 0 a I at 0 O'clock, to hear and hogs at Toronto would h pre6eak' grices for Metbodist 9001-0 effective. The bettring of theme, Iletted this country ft -Of" $0.70 to $8.rO. in in of offors and camJasions in Canadian P%cker. 13 ow a rro t for the rs Imprisonment. The father Section of tile onle figures upon J. . t'so a in default of payment it rerin laynin book 030. A brought it, in 51 ateaulors. But a
a advance before eks, Or Like
AL -A house and thred lots. rner the ra Danish killings durfai, tile I0WeV house. led by of the vesmele Only discharged enough parent. the OtillPat in hand Is Ili)- Ia of the Municipality of col- -able Archdeacon FQt1milill ' 4ndOxiforMdRtract9;w - 8 Week -
11 an . Pas fire 38-00a head and otlitife'relatives Of the accused pro- Armitage, of to allow then f foullufactured Into news print paper, P born W I for low. the steadlinfas an indication of Vonet
itthOlIffit Oteapple and peach troca. rem. country. go, 0 pass through tile t Would net $37 it by tile of the Ind umtry' in that Ased to raise the money in it few Halifax. rough t against the acceptance Welland Indeed, itanay Ile said, with truth, so that Ana all if conalltilon. Five bod"Otare", D tell this Ilith day of F- W- MOPONAGH., Clerk Present prices are orair malsitalarto days. tile Dundee un Ono
mross I on n istattry. Torme'rea. Sept, Alp& Pa. ckers at the present t me by an active home or tne new book, declaring that it set Occasion only delivering 18,Uco I At the Sunday school, pplAulpily -fro f th this country Is losing son demand, and & forth doctsines that wore repudiated bushels. The Midland Queen Hourly $24) on PUBLIC'NOICE. tire interest In hot breeding. a "lore a Icleff total, ilX19l. on the parean. In effort to encourage c- AN IMPORTANT GAT11FRINO.-The by the thirty-nine art which suit, ditto made Seven joist intich less ski I up -to. vas not (lesignod even to supipleu ' every cord exPOpted. And a(iij eAt the proalseuttiniff Gtlnnp Ltd annual meeting of workers Interested up the beliefs of the -Anglican chupoil n� if 111,11t, tile home Inbtruc. Will not liston to tho 0 RENT.- OU40 land Three Lots. coiner for -neYs, deliveri f if f governAlent
TofO fordead live Inage, f.o.b., $6,50, $6.745 'tea and"wauteore 1125,000 bushels. Tile Glenallall a on a Is a 1 ldren of 01H.19thin par- auggention t at 1111 export duty He - TerOnto, and 87 taff aaarm. al Lit it, charities and correc6on throughout 'fheY asserted that Aoille of tile fir ave each made live trip" and g1riv streets, near Wheel A Fao 17; -a bid �oknal fruit Crania: a attacks be placed all pupfavo
I laj�propsaa yr. I III glem ar a an, o a The following quotations are current Canada will be held in Toronto on Oct. were dimanctly Ionic b tits, butwas intended for thoseof iion, h should L bOr for IIv* 21 of 22 Tla bell- teachings.
ri� Shin.
it oil repair. Thia or offer Latin g hogs at average local I t Hannon Cothol a in aid Christian parentis, it is only in recent Olt. Iv I',nIPresm Of Midland,
afrEy Dejoll an ATRICIC on n rental rot w. '_ of Calls annual lie adoption of the hymnal contained 01got brouRht two prich, car om e the legu":tavo vessels brought three 0 The resolution for fact each- er Ar out r appi tion to W. J: *tL81); London. $7: it 10 yearn that It Iraq come to be regarded
a licit a." or bt- conference are most worthy and should , provi8ion aaid spoken of no tile , nrsery of the rd to, $8.60. y 111,141). 10 whe ". ; Own" Sound,
Ilia It Ielicit the earnest sympathy of ev ti"itt nothing fit tile hythn. UIIU El)eV'e wepe three , ,VIt sing Church," Homo ThOillas Dollert 'a Of eOR Awlak Olt RXCHAN6'X,F6rC-, PitaU. person al should he consider 11 F PkRTY in" or near GO11100h the Hot- ro Dills _�w �ERs �Th- charity and oads- Tile large deliveries at Goder. meutOd hY Chat fro .epff it, tile vicinity. OTIC19 interested in -ed its an atithorItA. Its plate. known Inlltifit0ttit N illki� ever I". " ,ell show oil Crtiction, all and on 3rd coil. of boo for Paring dog,itax has been extended an fol"ll work kind. The field tive.PPOnouncernent upon tiny doctrine I Abut Out- harbor Haiti and true I it, Is tile of Sapn a. nalso ont, )f it,, IDONt Ing A G for philanthropi ffort in those direc- m.,1tIsfied It majoriCy (if tile delegates. clate will be killed. or ho owner -it by that PLEASE BE PROMPT. a losemidly broadening, October 151; I. Any dot., not in %a Of Lhe church, anti this fail,,,, Ill handy ,Ilia
8�-Ijc(Llrl all Illild- fair vessels, that tile elpvlltot. F., p 4 oil I' I tit'
den If the Church hattlon lie ChIldrell. NI'vortbolomm, tile P 1111"I'lit IN if, that dialric Fints. olia . in tied. dons In Oanad up-to-dato for' 1117110 ding of that its oil t a whole vost at. On as these period I - 11 poll the r1a"t department of t� a 33Y order or too UlGainell, and otibortun 1 ties mile The new byannal will sim Ile forced ulanligentent Haunt tau Hotel) its Car coal. r A tin t a fall Sunday school 11; here land horn Lai far away to eat L Ap toe . I W- A- Moll Clerk. art having 'a regular find having horet()fole AIWAYN Mupportetl
Goderleb, Sept� 21, 1 conferences afford for Interchunge with one ster notri. fill, Go DTHORPIr, f3altto lit. Ifift changes i4qradvertisements, in THr �enr`le- It Shall lie optional attend It to fiIIII)port; ana inn I. A tile ill both pro -
Of Opinion and counsel ate too valuatile ion Whether air sle"kil. With I& full ffair 11V , work. That it is d6log It grent work not they will )f earn the �]BIARM FOR 8ALM-For sale, on Ist con. STAR should be handed if, proaraptly. to he inlased. The progralonle will in- it. However, the next two months the o evaLor al no one will dispute. link that it was a' -ill
lotIO. Goddrich ownship. is farm con' il.pt elections, designed to relieve Vill-latiall filar. synod hopes -Ing 19118 elevato 11.11101fts'. it ad Monday noon is the stipulated tirne, which is considered to two much heLter entil Of
t4aining about 12D ta"Cas, with a fairly go PUBLIC NOTICE. clude the following subjects : Theem e t at tile now Ilynival, ill,, I fI(:.f;)uger support t fie
buildingat and small , orchard 1, Plowing finished tiers. will in every case coil- and bi-ighter than the one lit nb0sinesiflike far r Policy of tile bush, biukra, house and nutnetotiO other out- and advrd' of the consumptive, prison reforan, fill' Instplactin Laurier goverrin with four acre" of fall wheat sown. Woubi The Electric Light plant of the Town suit their own our gaol system, care of the feeble present Brief I own Topics. tile fr ehildreas in tile truthm of Christr "O t- $&fail in tile forth
make a good tie farm A n premises interests by being oil minded, hospital financing, tiestitute In rise, efor particulars. ILSON I children, Juvenile delinquents, sugge, tiuse. Please be prompt. within a short Aisne. ward oil the reality shift on" 10tit of much responal of Goderich will be will supersede atiltv tit hour,, or that they call 11) fo r the (I will vote arid work
it everywhere Theeverain fruit) east '"Ing election
-MAUMFOR SAL -E. -Part block D.. tiOns rot-' Improving our houses or 50, instead air billtv (tea' to) the Sara, t
CLOSED DOWN 0. T. R. nowleAves fit 4. OoRervativa�li, 1Aka I : refuge, causes Of Poverty, distribution at 5 O'clock. ()no tat all netluallIted It- In of Road emt� Colborne to*Rhip, 2 miles at midnight on Sunday, Oct NEW ADVERTISE PEOPLE WE KNOW. [tit ScrIpLoo-'al tell.0fing on Claim )oil, (lanadiart he give" m Goderich. 160 acres good labsy loam. brick _MENTS. f relief. the care of itaefirlates. Mi.. J. I,. iii-ot;1I wam lit Toronw of, i, Oysters Rerved In all styles. w t his roamotaff Uuae. bard3saver with cannentstabilraf main closed about one week, -4, and re tie -day Ira will for fa, Inoillient atillilt. It '[taking ft than for the pur. Page James Mitchell, as president of she brickm, confectionery, etc. (% and Ili many Itialmur, 11 .. Y, which Iwell with alluter In lanifiall I.Arte m,m. llornee A 1. flOPH, figs. Spar ii rectit. to trial In visiting lit Terence. Blackstone, fiVelat St. Itestau rant. in m hot POse Of installing a new generator and Votcra'List COurt-W. A. felci Children's Aid SocieLy for Huron hats Air. Stinson left lie ill"Irtiction. arid for thim '2 afail youp rehard, an 2 acrera IV -dig inaking other improvements. tot- 13tratheona oil Tual,day. , t fir [till (ilovern. Id A If Ilk(f In 1141, liall
dinber. ApPSY10C. C.MoNim. Dunlop P. Boardors-Mrs. C. Book ......... : .......... been Asked to lead tile sUbJect of "'Des. Ay. We would (,late two coplem r reason should Ire encouraged j but this ...... 18 [ill that Ohl iAt Ilan parent.8 nuglat to the fit e is tIIIIA week for Lockport, to coin IW, A. McKIM, P'llAvarda wam ft valor rat ie Illytb show. Tits: STAR ofax,P)p1l 2-1th, RRIS, In carde"l. Luorstairri titote Children." ENaINEERINa. The Rig N,y. letifoarryle. Solne reader will exPectofit. Itim only am we regaid at oil The no dots at have IL Copy. the Sunday in Ilia VVIAtion to (114. t rOats-Hodareas Bros ........... HORTICULTURAL' MA7rXRFI. Jostatill J. Doyle is honie oil a niontli'm VILI? Seely W. and.L. Coin. MillinerY-Uarnoron & Moore ............. Mee Mpan Block, corner Montreal Street, ..... . M'Malcol'" Nick"Olmon It ft for Fort aivi:j all, oil In the Ooijso -vativo demonstration at crney draulfo Engineer, Ontario Land $urveyor. even and Ransom- Worsem'. ...... OcietY held last Friday I ell Indic part reactions fill- ILA exis. rettanito, Bargain Days-Achogan & Son. derich ti"n. A numbor front Ooderi children of onliellevill, of [Ile
Dated Sept. 24, 1908. a 6 Horticultural sellse of ,YAUGHAN M.ROB]iRTS, Civil and Ity Tiv 8 meeting of members of Che 00 n
caloric. , e onday. ence I liPortland Cement-Howoll (.'a ........... 5 evening heard tile report of it corn- St. Marva Wedn aday. wher iof Quality, clothes -W. C. PrIdIsam ............ 6 anti tee to decide oil COUD611CH' 1-1-1ted illytil IloW all R. L, � Efor el, of .t. All.. V ll14tandpoint. 01tawn to revolL nt tilt# tioingm ot A. the bull) distrilm. ruffiday. den, ]Palo all tile ell'ort arid till, t tile W. KA in the Inelf4t, tion, wits One Of tile apeakes.". it file at-pok W. E. KELLY & co ......... tit era-ror iNIS MI.- X. forlioclie, Or, N Y , fair Ile Oppoti ollnotni.
.. 8 The COFurnittee recommended Ilia[ to: Tnogday, W. L. Lindsay ....... 8 and S. 0. JECWHLHR AND till ait partner for propel dsonw:,Iljrlrllklu of file
wATCHMAICER lipb Ili- selected, 50 of lasixed varieties Lftnc HImInding a few tiny" In LI,(! West) IN now levelled and Ilan it good Church lit this ate .141 then tholie of iiNSON WHITELY, M. D. C. M., M. C. Embroidery Sale -i of 4leal". lipingstied
MEDICAL Service and Quality The secants lawn addition (two lolm Nobrighterpag H. Colborne ..... .... ape to Ile found in
lleen city.
opTal fund 50 of parrot vill'ietY, to Ile given surface, so Chat when Reeded down it which re(I'lloill n $am
all aAkaf,chewull. Pioneer Sunday front i0 cla Hours-9a.m. to to p. an. Phones- secretary gets tile 11notations of oil - law,, bowling. 'o Fitt [kill llug only Issuer of Marriage Li�ensea or five rinks lot n. ft 11 no likof I r
rl Office nod Stargery-icingsto Streo4 Gode- — to each inerriber, and ' soon its the 8 MIA" WhIddon iort oil Tijesday on a %Awlt, W Will Make f0in' excellent 1ptanlif court 4, school work ; 14 I O4, XOWI1TVVb;s. Walter Buchanan, otTottonto, wit. In tow" and 111111"Pasive exalliplen, of Mee N Rosidence.411. t upplying firm the orolvi, will ,,I Wedne.day, John Salkeld ham anoved lnn bill rouliog on till, Goderich. Ont. he sent! I I to the firin Selected, firing heroisfil fully lie f.maid w It oITun ELECT In amooff tile noblo lawn it Fall
P.'GALL0 'I'l I p Cont,ractor Ilairmingbavo ans rotio-jan,1 front ne%v dwelling. corner of Alarket street tha 'd I ng proport IW, M- M. M. 4), P. and S. 0. tisfetetion experienced try ail tile Ilia Cobalt rL.It. al w(,),= borneA IN,,. F veal aI, tinve,lind are milli. ecirrving on
-omc,o =9 ne.i If known flitailly front that grand waft alhi. rvl o"Alm. to 10 P. In. pill ones- we -it. finaoIRA S191 Port Albert and north and mouth of Bayfleld Road an residentm or the eduration and refickell L hoped, be increased IlLue, or oronto, wall its amle. tilt Fie 'rare day County fowl]. Latter Helf Allnegat loll, at work grading tile track and thin 8 general and fine diaplay of g we. In (it rtleld, mon of Sillion Nfe0filligh, love for statils, aro spending hol N 1111(foralraoll Sir R8. EMMERS69 & TVRN`Bt;LL Some tbirtF teams ar ft Is that no still' suid fall, pure an', it I
tit In illont? fir I lie .I y
fr, Road is now Assuming Yorrm round supply of gladioli hultim wil it a; aOfficies and Suriffiry-Jordian Block, Cot_ Ric H. R. -The 110ectric stin find KIgin Ave., find Tim STAR wel- wh as jernbers who last spring were I Air find Mm (ico- Stewart were at tile Illytil coulee ill(. It derfaiind
this inwho, ist9ni vifillike Supply. Certain with I- b aD 8 ladioli I al il,ra-i-tr, of Nxot,or, tin R011d. folord the golf enpe l,sht "veto Re" `111 fill, f,,r tA. T. EacksainsoN, Jewelor, are lively along the line blounk fell Fail v A or of) 'J'nomday. ft] 01104CIII-P p!Lny now boards Its working Starts' was visible this Summer among'at tile Clinton, WHIN (I (ItalOrlCh fly MI9- .101110hital Aonial aurroll It Vvry
W. . TuRNBUll The Oo wits ever seen in Oode ,I, -
Officar. fi amiltall SL lkpono 102 South Side of the Square, fr, Miller ,laid rulver lingo In ordr if: plant cretairy Licit. Ifortoin hawl (11" that faiatoly Hat'"fy thelie-pleor thibif-liontly will),
and has formed I% large camp near tile membership of the society. -Sp Trettaturer W. L. )[Orton find I timed in Tits: HTAII� Tin. lomt white finality Dr. ICraerson'R Resldon� Cirth Etralat Oppo- GODERICH, ONT. Lane has sent o t IOU elverallfar are lit Life Quaten city. advertised site �h IL' P one Port. The boarall" If so many later, "I to fultu Mr. list(] Mrm. S X. Thalmann. of ol wore Tific S,rAR hurt grow Into chulvilpti, 1,1141111-ITIR fiDr. Turnbull's makes things look f.,�.reati% at this men hout the count" a6kIng In Gaiderich this week. week, found o Owner Yosterdny seeing Him who Ia invi,ible nfind. ltaaaldenca� int on Chi their help fit interesting ' that
-MantrealStrectcor. Lake Shore post and It HIN friends will iegret to learn Ing In H Inn their reward. Thosto 191. AUCTIONIEqRING In the cohinty fruit (lisPillY to e ,trade wILh rOlstivuA if) London. h Hill.[) lotaks as If things will be k; 8 it " Lewis nor Waterloo. roar Public Library. frult grower'S "el" J- Ilan; returned fraina a vi it Mr. Harry Videan, what Alpt w Porhapi, in It 811INIP(loont, Jett I... .. . Caut er we 'he electric road ew Ye 1's4 'Lt the Provincial 'xilibition to lip. Mr-- 3 M, Ilell. of 11dortork Iltor'm pollnintion EORGE BECXgr� I, along t till ar 14, it sPvel-P itecident. recently, If; carat njak y. with tile R. A. H. IN, M. 19. - Afkaf�fto..... Is PrOg"Pas tnivart MAOXL �o�n Day. field In Toral I [Line boarrelailvem, it, tawn: wfl� Class week Ing al give monle New 8 rateral of Thakers and catalogue. made that the dat Mr. An operation !,dt(-covf.,.y drawn fl*nIlI it Rolne' ft Doth Protest Too Much... hydela, d 8 Ur.c. St. P. 0. Box M LET Tun LjoHT SHINE. '88w,lal attention to was perforl WIPLI, intininio 11147flualistaravo with tire 4ftnoorlithe n leaves till$ week to reaturs, On t I 43'
e 11 Tarnow VnivorolLy Injurald Arria Incit �4aturdn y ill) I a a work, wily the "operinteradents. tnIthe US' light plant alterations are to coin- al HIChibition have been moved for- v,Mr. an'di'llUr". GoorRosaultq of %vinnilmlis, are aplinter. of tile hone rein cerm and tOILCII ITO I. Mee and remittance The electric Of the fifth annual Ontario Horti air
0 Hank of Montrocal, cal3pogir post Office, tur al
t street. Goderfols. T6 octal no No. 102 MENT. mence at midnight on Sunday and tile Caved. era In tile Monday eRraili wr Ih,. Won INVEST ward one day. to enable the operall Mr. W. J. Tholn", notinager of Vic. denerve Tff,,H TO INVESTORks. 9 Mr. anti MrA. 'Andrew isortor wore in Ft lnop" of tile "y"I'Dathy N"rely final it, rjjir)ti till, town will lie in darkness for a week or being held on (lie evening of Thanklo. Mary'" O" Tneway land Wed I toy. forba, opera% flotj"p I IF' meeting wilb fkn( "%port ?If all' tied ere 19 0affirgal mityrnotir. of licit lov deserved sueettlim. The views during
NO so. Tag STAR ham been Informed that -eat rivalry anjong tile 11 the Plant week have " n -a I.
giving Day. November 9, T Mhn,T. tr,". Ill tfiyn that Paper MUSIC CLASSES. ex u ra of Pe Pie It t ell flow re.
the late George Achemo tempor arrangement& might gi Torcianto lie- ""Pic of week. with relatirvolt, Is ationdirlir a "a ive. nouided tilt, remigontion bit docid6olCoolter the whole o*)n Iowa.
SSE& Jonart, of Hamiltn, recently of ('Italian aliv good. nno the progrittrunct ix
A for le: also Uri Ile coratorst and caterers, to see who can hcPn exception. (1f tilt- then of pact estate. bonds, do- �I.It a. Parties wi%hlng Invest Mills the most ar(fiftic and correctl on 'at tile (!urwcn farm. I urato road. ' filghts itweek will eafratints to) Ila lit laving P-rtm aln u made 7irtK the Western Canada Flour set lip In I N Sept. Mall, Islas. Iaf N, I ;rlt ineoll,el, lit pill run PrlParOd to receive guirits for lorna In me nil a whereby the efeetric service n I inka an Th6*6r I ve fall particulars of the same could be continued during the tim featt v 1,114nir her oixter. Mail. jet,,, Morrim, Sarnia.
Khoderstattifn Method the ratio g: the alteration. A transformer, we adlea who are MIAN Walton returned froth Himinill"Ir a
Iy; &life t o narrows unreal on
for Young children, Of this nature. weckm with her sietcar. Mrs. Annear. lit Woo I
t I win Setediting table. Th "I ire wirl I Mrat.joinelffaistaliell tit Ipendingo, Chill worak tractive. A PRIZE FSSAV COMPETITION the vl)n%tito,.rj,y
On a of Aft Act thousands of I
Executrix. interested Corimervativf, canditlatf.. North Teraina and other Information call be learned At MAN. AcrairmoN, tnld�.would have to be In inattorts Nim. flerk, thol,well knn%rn propriet. wits -t(,Ipn fron, the Thornson's Muscle storts, J. P. BRGWN procured, 'The e few r
Ililqt EMMA A. I ANJ1)Rli;WS. Godartch. Was. Acniii;�mj grecutors. le achlbition will Ile field in St. Law_ took. IAre A ess of Lt)(' St- lamoved A Chance to Win 111400 and Help mtroet Arizona Ki,-ke, wam it party to
bill tso' would pence Arena Into the house again arid contemplate" Gaiderich, flee. 5.11107. Appreciate I Goderich !1d.cuid Mrs. H. F. Nloorc,,, our one Unit, reopening it rot. winter hoardprm, Canadian Sentiment.
has reached ro . tit, wore to town forn. row daya the Paid, If rational Itiloat he I'liulp rant later trust stage when every necessary BOAR[) (IF THADR.-The general 11O - Tviega-saill Nnym: LEGAL Alt OUO & ROBERTSON. kn I bot tile fi-all(la 1111'1 it ')fit. 'rho arriRtor. lict r Nof� Real r�htato vestment in larraps. glass, etc., Wridaricardily evilliflu ft -Olt, Lh(-Ir I etrain. find I lie Royal I illi..ion it 1� ICILLORAN. emergency should be met. The In- meeting or the Board called for lant and 34". MIlArand MIRR j)oralg ratturracul orradation. 1,011glial tin Or (It the avy fr tile Ii401411' the y stULn "Oetober to enmore acecalli- The Toronto Bran
Atlanta. Farm, Town, Village Chicago V1,111, Molloy to lo" rat tc�lre t Property far Sale or It.latcharagot. butaindall men would more than pay It In with regret we learn of 1111(tal,
9 al lay Monday evening wan not as largely if to) offor a prixe far ratelf, Mco.ofu North street. a, ,,,at the Interest on the inv6stment. attended air it Should have been. J. C. Martin returned lems, week frorn a to find Invite otewill tIll, the omem --------- AW a tbodeittli yeatertay or Helen Inaliel, homt of T -A I tltvtho north -extern Province.. re'"' in the d,."patelf.
REV. _ P wits remarked by a gentleman present ef; and friendit. lit. t danghter of W. It. find Alm. Shall eit- Ira ti�rluq O. J00PNSTO1t4 RAIIWAY Time Table. ALL CIVER A v. Nfr. Runge" Easily (-n Ili(- 4 Bilialster. Soliefto notengaged fit active life, our basal. inder, aged Nevp1l Therhild a vY ,If her own a- lipplied to lion. Oeorge COMM Amforbilar, otary Public, Godarf Thynno has resigned the c liti'll. 000. W. Andrevr�, jinviold read. Ila. have- it tin Ilinfav,wahl,
harge of the tiess men do riot scent to linve waken. gne to Maidtatooll to ViRit her to Ont. Ofildem,-Histalliffeal St. CAN�A&klq pA_(,,IFlt.. A h Underwood and South ad up to the Possibilities of united ver and Afina, o. Ira tit been ni for Noarne aline. Punoral Tile Problem to lie Rolved IN how Fo"t"r- Bruce congrega. 8 tjrd�j afternoon to Mltiand cerno- Canada HlFty)heaff, ranItIf.1pare "A I fIrgan that effort or to the fact that tile push or M144 Nettle ("awall returned on Wene,da tit Ira the larat from her two antintlia, vi�l,, with reltiv Y cry $it ' o'clock. dprollet, of tie 11411pire willi'llit nrl� No. 91 tions, where for the Past five yearn he modern eompetition doinands act ve ill) ("" point with Pride
LasavaTkaronto ....... IL(saintat. No' 97 has rendered efficient service. The I ON . it'le pld-t lon (If Ito,, ILIi P'm and trieradm in Dakot%. On the last (lay of tile pxhihl(i()u one Ifill" to her preRent nutonniny, tStratton in %Ve4f tietel holl need
R.P andsel's propocapas to print rand (IImt1iI,lltp lriot lie AgIlItAt at the rertainly of . I I I . (an.
Z A.m. 8 22 AL I atent effort if either the in- Air. anti Mrs. in". Vivian anti baby tiof the offielaim hall a plonannt, ft -at tire.
Pm. an CRUSO (If his resignation Should he ft divi in or tile COTHImunitY expects to Portli.
at The Sterling BaRk A 1810P111, lesson to churches to keep strife out d., are VIRIthak th MASTROONA). keep up in tilt- ace. The seer mother, rA.Ja&vI,iao. ato not Advertised, to pefforni All couL A dispute arese in South al D 1, L final he prize Pascal? In large
�tlftve Oradell .... No. go No. 02 between two read a reply front the Allialstel. 0 Air. Writ. I'llatehingon A WAS hatort Ma fulthfail in dotv " ho bad the in order ill "le"tic'n IF, ortlat
floan tl 1 "A (Tiot-'ai n leo' OV CA14ADA Bruce congregation f Puts fall returned frocks I ArrIVe Guelp 2.30 p an two morithit trttO Late I been "eve edi LI lie itrat out violin. The ro- ToItONTO Arrive Toren J(I-286m- 4.43 P'm: Eartles, as to t"111 --h of them should be rveAter" ere', som. suit of h leasnot jahop wr, the Iwortant lineation. Ia Workil tinted Se t. 10, regretting with one of t ra I dayn pre e"I" PlItalle opinion ion thin ion. Prof pat tth"w Raton 1, rieting ularket afterk it ting witnesta
Thto Mr. Thynno was In no Way Involyed who is making Ilan anti wire of it rouple who will lie ortivarfleff it, Tire orgrin of loll Ca"114111 between Oliderfah. Listow. barriers of Inarker clork Towmicy
rental oil all triallias. The enquir Al though he, bar A, when at Clinton Ia." week, be .8 marriage rorectiony The r1lles; governing,the (-()oIpetitl()n 'It 11 looral agent in is &M pn. eep the ke of the Oran. Inabilit IT
I toll visit Uoserich and Aspect lit t Ka� t t Ing"of I% IProfeanor or tile virttips
In the difficultV. from the Canadian A on. on a two we"I'd trIP 1AD flatiliftan, viniting hal., applic-alla-an It tile vices, this very trjfling a 7 9 mother. to IQ (Ll%o
GRAND TRUN9 syStgM. a C had been a real at traetion at tile exist. the [Ion. Sorretary to "lending cool. Parlistrura attornpy of it 11%0�iafkt 0013196 Of strife led to Stich A, rumpus In f Loll on. Hog., asking the Town Mr. and Sir& Arthur smith have pt.terned hition. Tile lady unit gentlifiluan land Potitorti, Wells, Poter. ,1,61 YW *60141 Aa of thist testalre tiodorfol takazar. 110 O.m C60 In. camigaregAtion 'mail for information regardin flort ugh lind other consatittiesselpal.� fWwaiit to flaoslars Arrive 1,35 I 100 pm. JAS .. I that the pastor decided I from their virtit to DerrolL. when, thelp were decided to Iretriarry Recording to the The PH e in given under I lit- AnAralf-eA t Y"derieh and Its business op ortuN the fluestA of our former rowdentA. latir. a z WVIlA to resign. Behold how rent a matter ties nil rites of tile
PLirlor Car to lit"faa on MO ILM. tmin and a little fire kindleth. Thynne has and which I Ile (,,Oil Start; %van. Tilt. forldelis f1rat cholee, ra, o afffilst, Cat an U, trato to Toronto. r�Iad tie. no] f the avy League in vanatia ; Abe arelativsm in the vicinity at Wingluran. el'ned to act on but Be the "oloinn ceremon wart perforined rofeam" (Neetal of which rare lit At to Board of rattler %VIIR- Of thin lariferlid flank p , fvrm. Trade, will be anatwered by the decro- a" a two weelot' holiday , rb&'q& to the m 7*11. Tits kill (Jertrude Fr,%. of till" town. ,a",,
Wt. to hiq *tot tw6t tato of flaterest =;vlFAFckr Ionian ran ft tile fro v 1. I'll brains tiomn to a anadiart,, Ke r.
DgATHS. GREAT GnialyTH 14 plas. - Win. far The procuring of options on th am. rth country lllcld�nt entities tile trust ell official of their detif,narl,are at, anti injorlmi of ,,, ri"lo it A. F. onlemall, of fata tit one 11.
MOARMO.-Ab iMiallailleft Ig nil the Ooderich Industrial anti file firistf. tron h off h. Kinpir,,. Rinn. Of Ilullett, bought tone pigs on Stiff cient land either north or flout Fe fire- f3pon Pit'lolif at 11 Of Mr- O. It Elliott. who hit. been yondina a Lotion to it favored narne for �rry two air the intent arrivalt, at the
lie town for a Permanent military Week at lit, hornal here rottirciani to ,create the 9th Of July which then weighed on Irival fill oneo p,o". itQtombif Into. Ira: andal Woolnerday to tclasme'lans atudua it, the Hetrokill ma% yetirs to enamel The PA rt IC I To -Ito. ho� mal tre-t! hole the work in flop; Ild lipartal ?do ribliffaltbaf 0 14l I *a0 Tt 4 Alkid 31d Carol) Bite, in which Mayor Macklin of Practical Sclence. (tra r view
AYl- 250pounchit. Onthal"olhOl"Sep had been untiringfra big effortal waa 'tee with town Clerk %lichitim, Na,jr "im"'lly lit , I- of ar atenography, w Ila. r. binittsirdit Aetailiker I 3 61 ; h.deOVh;,On TifilrAdar, OctieUr he sold thetu and they weighed 050 discussed. and In view of t Mm Andrew Back har unived into lie? rag, 4. A. "knowlardarn I. lmver,, o v trak he difficul. once an Montreal 0traot, known All 13L as',(Al�ertrk) Datly %tit of rolu'llp A "A file hook k.reping r -And T I *Xulailrotit dialuklater of plauslids. This is an AfItoonfebing ties occasioned by the unreantanable al The LastlabithIg Her. ThirilXn9ruct-ook.to Opileial
VAAIL tali I issitill f Sert. 21 As k this* of two w 'fight rIAAq Ill pen.
7 ofalthot.
e increallao bblux 70D pounds ter track dy th" "m""Ingr lack of lotortnittion on inaticalifirs ill being ratarted.
naval inatte" fly th-tributing iiii,rat,
Aftilitland aforsaitialry, on Afk�e()Vt to ILA fnCfnf%eM (%till that PILL, to r,o,' �ane
gold, I Wry n., lay Pronfrotinailintonehinatorna,,ath tory
Increase of 175 pounds per fal i. They should he made by the munlelpit, "fear licaniffnition lart week and have taken lip if tbripm I Messistall, hitely And In het.
Oil futtIMAYAfter daym-avasil two months, OA: an Average, wits expressed that no further efforts 1) 1601(blit Over a pApt f the big cot lanur The rnall vourgo of in it few demands of land holders, goo hor back a the a home. known t upon Tilt, weeita-
as at S, thre opinion 11 fr ends will be glad to ILI nil who find bee Ili- I Iran,,, are held every other evening fair
1'. Havolon and Mm Hayden returned front ablation n SL Andriawla ward. center of Air- In P4'nmttngl)IP offpred by tilt, Wing. iA Othello :kfalting Itosinem", alillari of the Tansworth bree . They authorities, anti It Ito likel Vsawfloo, ,itrefit and k4an avainno. onxid. oll"Godetle and Portal Hill Anyone demiring forther Infor"Llon ban, Buidnens if,)ollefre h.,xq laten turned
I fatiorse Pliatchattled frosin James 8069t, Of tiationaill now drop. Vngtd, respiletiateig leave of ft 0 is- 191, tin Mobility Tookorinia Ith. and gold to Robirt win. Vldh Ito))- Ist of tile P () ittaff, left Lethbridge alloold fuldreflas Ibelt tXr tit Searartb, Cria Town Council that ft ... L . Wirkharri, [Ion. liver to Alp. 01joinkfundnon of A U pumal to thin y. ago For winnipcAl. where of, w it ay for thel 'men after an fix- ItInn bag Ion 'ould he prep;ired And suh. fende,l trip tIrC, h Maraftobal 44a_ Mail nary I"I'l-10 Ratatity Committee Vollege. Thl-al eourne In irpthrur (fair to _Iaw all fic"dAy "be walk to become the Article of Mr VVI nit Kinphre Building. Toronto, Py. MvIchmars, formerly of Ooderfoh, arl po�'lllar, non Ifilis, prided ihlf*lf As being it" ex rt 01 Irmitted to the risdepay s, amill kateliewan land Atudonts having on- "Not 1, ftlol hot" all. b Is OR at thip morale. then take up her home In Pilot Moun . IL an. tithern Alh-rta. during Is tbia IpAt elections for ralsin OUgh Uta- OM Alvallge and glarce Children find While being V h lanrarprafted Jeweler W tiliti 13st week in
eir t1sw plimfe &h6d VOOVUW6 he ha* Istfilgilibbed hitalself tbatt"'eIr to build era Ijid left on 1,LjO.Ailty for R Kelly inanufaetitred ft('(' hAnts to tile nombor who have 1"n
30 111y 111141111*4 fil"M W Affl? Flo an ome Detrolt rho with therpttalaptio
MAILAVI'l, — tit matiuractut )b fire gbt sheda I y arrivild In Goaderich on A A former proty, ft handataint, laratenicat or wrist. ebain taking it.
OtAl " of Mi Mr- on Pe dock, WA d 0 liked rnt the three nionthl W111%o Will June And Incels, theylif Several teeliern front the
how week. rounty and neigilhoring toll,fis hAva,
atake firm- whiell wall or Preso taken thin opporterlity of ofstalraing 41Aft" Dick, Of S6^(6fth` light roor *it and root oIng Aerosol df for Al. Ramaliall. during 11
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