HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-11-2, Page 5THE WILL NOT GIVE UP.
ezeter aboorate
Ts published. every Thursday Moraines
at the Office.
ono Boller per annum if paid, le Aeeenec
a1.50 if not so paid,
es.clee'veel.51-=8‘ ce" •21.P.,P2-1.q54^
per di SCOXIii3X740d Until &Marra rage
, repaie. Ad,vereisenierits 'without tteeelde
directions will be published till forbid and
charged aocoreingly Liberal discount made
ror transoient advertisem en te inserted for
erT5ne 'Periods. Every description ot JOB
ixRINTINO turned eat in th4 enest atyle
and at moderate rates. Oheques, no oney ore!
ors, Rze, for aevertisieg,eltbscriptions,eto.to
be made payable to
Chas.U. SantIers,
Professional Verde.
eL KINSMAN. IA. D. S. et, DR,
_KINSMAN, L D. S., D. P. Se Honor
greduate of Toronto reiversity.
Teeth extractee without env Vain, oe any
bed effects. (Mee in Vaneoli'i 131oge, west
side Melia Street, Exeter.
TILT/ MATO'S 4421TIMR5ONVD.PrtS441.4.D.$1)
honor* ti duets of the Toronto rm.,
elite aud Reyel College of Peutel Surgeone
of Ontario. Teetit extracted withoet retie.
Au 'mode% of Theft:stn. up to do.re. Pelee
over Elliot Elliot's low oedce--eepooite
Central Hotel -Exeter.
444•41...44440.444.. .4,4...4'•444444.rn
TT. 1. IslEelBER OF
J_ e the Oen/lege f Phew lane a. n41 Surge ou
Outarto. ebvmaelan, „eurgoon end Ageitingli..
ear. Oe, Pashevea.l. tett.
4 el ti.
• eolleiter,„ Notaries. eenvet.atte..r..+4
Cernmieeouers. teolleiter, for tia.
Rank, et... Niconev to loan at. 7. arei le. per
40esto Faueort.44, 1.1:clelt• Mair
Exeter. ‘A treeneler ot the ern: to et
^A,tla Timr-• lav 441 41':,44'11
erettee,„ it .i. 1. R
"if. S.I'VetN•
Coe% le, flee illereet to
Le• ate
it, V. P.141 14. :' W 1„Net.1.10..
.1.444'; i '4"1"
it Y. k.tre 1:41
• 1. I. vested.,
r01..$":17 a'. I A iletee r.
att. I Or lt Ts 1 tt."4 a% 4144 ry
r• Lt., a..
lee..r .a.4 Auer
renteer ter t ieeee Perth and
1.4 ti„.• t otl'al.• rm,
Rates pr,••,,,I.,*`r -1,1. r 1..1 t 0 t 4 rie it rest.
achr tiolo.Saltr,,,ava....tk 4 AO I*1,,t e• Wm-
t h. 3 etnees' at
For whtlee good are We ill
Og the itirniture business? For
yours and our. -4, If we are not
uSeful to you we cannot be use-
, :tui to ontselyt. We have, got
4 to carry the goods you want. at
7 the prices you want or We can-
- not make a success Of our busi-
ness. But we have been doing
business right along or years,
which proves that we are the
right kind of people with the
right prices. Conte and See for
Vt rt 1.11i e
1 Furniture. Undertaking, I.
dirNir 21i:,,1172iirnir "tie "erees-etee NariA.
till'ONS 'KEEP 05 NANO
r4+4 41,0.07:f
kg% C1.$
THAI' P1ON-3ILLE3l ent.r. NOT HZ. fe
Fred Sweetneam, of Gosfield, aged
fifteen years, fell from a wagon, was
ruu over and killed.
Children Cry for
Joseph Renaud, a, laborer, residing
at Rochesterville, was inn over by an
engine on the Canadian Atrantic Rail-
way at Ottawa East and killed..
F. Lichtenheim, ex -Vice -Preside' b of
the suspended -Ville Maey Blake, has
been committed for trial on a charge of
having made a false and deceptive
statement of the bank to the Govern-
For Infants and Chiitheen.
ghats /07,1r it: on
01,3tattno „Nair.:slga Ertn)?
, 4d. r41`,0 71112)11Iii•
It is $41141 That 'Me Doer* Well lee,
tura to lialtdrellaitle After Be
OW Drives, Wee
London, Oct. 31, ---The despatch to
the Associated Pres e item Lady'.
itutith. $eSterdtw morning, which Was
sent at express rotes., me through
M theremarkable time of two hours.
it shows the twists which the present,
stage of the war operations has
reached and that the expected at-
tackOn Ladysmith by the joint Boer
forces has opened.
A despatch from Durban. timed
9.55 yesterday morning. supplements
the Associated. Press deepa.tch with
the information that the Boers' shell*
were citieqy directed at thee SWIM,
end that 11-o damage was done up to
the time the message front Burboet
was forwarded.
That the heavy gone of the Boers,
for whichso much was exPected.
should be silenced so speedily as in-
dicated in the Associated Press de-
spatch trent Ladysmith. is a matter
of great surprise, bitt the subsequent
advanee of the burgher force on the
British left flank shews the a nark-
ers were in no way dismayed themby
and were still full of the same self,
confidence and daring they have al-
ready exhibited on various oceasioes.
Apparently the Deers have con4Net.,,
trated for a supreme effort at I.a41.:t-.
have withdrawn Oafs,
forces front other points vilthrit they
Consider. Monienterily. to be ee beet
"Mportance. The ease with whirl/
htee re -Organized the German corps
whielt was almost annihilitted at
Elandslaagte. and Gem. Lucas Max-
er!'s column, shattered at TaliAta,
Hill. show how great are the reett-
perative powers and their fertility of
The persoveranee the Beeri
shown in tr,.vsnortite,-; he,viy
alice and
from their eoetiiie4,.rill. the Pr
Li.u.o•n: feittt to 0
rL13*.' L',0, Fitef %ladle th-
ward. air:, hot whiela
utomite...; niln" 4l,i'F.14.
war. S77 i+7,4 1;4',-447 "k744
4'44...4.7.'4. 41' i+i:* •• '4,4
+20:14'4'44 I..444,
44ro, t44 41, ,ht,• th, I etalt
t,ila 14. -re. ^:, Pet frat':x h' •
444' 11-;1 1:141:1114r-'4. 44447'.
'tle 1 it MO. th,ri
r.,.z lirta its or% of
smith ateer thee aro tweet re 7
inn "3.jilt+- LW:74 Wra.in
t41..1 1,414 '0 5.7;i•.11 go th•/
trete-444.14e eeettptall:imit le it?
kTh i(* I I. iv st a :Word.
oete,4 I" 4qt-rations of the het
3•8`..V 4:it:•S hat e seown reevelee teeele
contlititeee arm, d la, 5 1 31
r.t• weapow . in an teeieele te.et
lje:44, pron nr,.ta, them aide to
both :Ante anti in tete ee.e.,
tion With foot roldielle, fetal -
re item beer, 'vnt ettiseit es el. •
leelti itett ;'j.." pnett ions; pee.
111011tItt'd 11iitlatrX. lt Itieb. melee pre
% lone min4111 s. tile5 W4oti.1 bite
'wen forciel w 1*51,'
el nal asso ell ojniil.igt. %tea.;
led by dismounted cal:airy.
Armored Trani at 'Work.
1.0841011, tee. 31.---A War Office
despatch from Cape Town. (la 1'41
Oct. 0. says :
"An armored train, under Llewelyn
got within 1 .900 yards of the Boer
longer, three miles smith of Crocodile
Poort. The Boers had driven in their
horses on the opproach (of the train.
Three Maxim belts were discharged
Into the Boers, who must have had
considerable loss. They retunned ten
shots with no effect, Colonel Plum-
er's outpost has had several skirm-
ishes on the Crocodile River."
Ainfektstie :Ina Kimberley.
London. Oet. St --The latest news
from the western border has appar-
ently reassurt d 1 he British authori-
ties as to the ability of Mateking
and Kimberley to withstand as-
saults. Col. Baden-Powell's despatch
from Mafeking, "Dog killed," gives a
vivid picture of his happy frame of
Skirmish at Mitotic:4e Drift.
A despatch from Fort Tule for-
warded during the evening of Oct.
24., announces that Blackburn's
force, in the skirmish a.t Rhodes'
drift, killed twelve Boers. A Kaffir
spy reported thaL many more Boers
were lying in the drift dyin4,... Black-
burn died of his wounds on return-
ing to Fort Tun. Scouts there report
that •the Boers are concentrating
strongly on the Rhodesian border
With Maxi ms,
Civilian lOcctors at Big. Coot.
Another eminent civilian, Dr. Fred-
erick Treves, surgeon in ordinary to
tho Duke of York and. surgs..m of the
London Hospital, has been appointed
consulting surgeon wi e troops
in South Africa. Ile starts immedi-
ately. The true inwardness of these
appointments seeins to be .the recog-
nition by the authorities that the se-
nior military medical officers are be-
li io el the 31 Ines . The difficulty lias
been overcome by the appointment of
civilians at an enormous cost.
Portuguese Troops ..ora the Border.
London, Oct. • 81.-A special de-
spatch trota Lorenzo Marquez StO'S a
strong force of Portuguese troops
has arrived on the Transvaal border
from Morelligne territory, owing to
fears regarding the h °still ties be-
tween the British and Bore. .
• Bayonet Attack on the Reeve,
Lorenzo lIarclum, Oct. 81.--A de-
spatch received here yesterday from
Pretoria, under date of, ,Oct.f'.8,• says
General Cronje, the Boer conunander,
announced there that. the British gar-
rison at Mereking made a bayonet at-
tack on Commandant Limey's inc ger,
near Greedstand, but Were repulsed,,
leaving six dead on the field, and it
was believed that many of the at-
tackers were *minded. The despatch
adds that Saturday morning. Co1.
,den -Pon ell asked for an arinistice
n order, to bitty: the 4 demi, ,General
ronie assented to this., the Boers ase
feting rn plecing the dead in. the,
WagOn retiirning to 1Viafeleinge
Qur- artillery quickly reduced the
°lump Of the enemy's Ere; bet the
ttack delivered on our right tank,
iVas Ike principal ente .and :the eel"
htn fts 'Oetipalleti to charge. Tho
eter 4,*(ite Wee , been stIonsod or
time and our infantry tedvenced, cov-
ered by cavalry.
The enemy now began to develop it
heavy 04:nutter attack, and, as they
were in great numerial superiority,
General White gaNe orders for the
infantry to be gradually withdrawn,
The movement was carried out with
great steadiness and deliberation un-
der cover of our guns, which made
excellent practice.
Sonie shells were thrown into the
town from the enemy's 40 -pounders
et a range of tilller 6,000 yards, but,
no damage was done.
The engagement lasted severol
hours, and resulted, on our s de, in
casualties estimated at front 90 to
The Boers' losses must ha Ve largely
exceeded this tOtal.
The attack was admirably deliver-
ed by our right, and the Doers were
fairly driven out of one of ti-eir
strongholds neer Lombards Kop. It
was oot possible, hoWever. lo Medi
the success much farther, as 1,eymul
that point, lay a long, broken ide,e,
affording every kind of natural rover.
Of this the elinny took the fullest
Our shells failed to dislodge the
Boer*, and. as our inetnery leered
forward in extended order. they eame
under a, heavy and well -directed rifle
Are, the effects of which were :Awn
apparent. General White, wit° lees
with the centre, se,•ing Ibni t
troops On the right were some -Mutt
pressed. sent to their esseet ewe. the
whole centre 4...olonet. wtith the extep-
Hon of the Peroneltire
The hattle ht. d Met lasted flair
helms, during whirit i re art;11..ry on
both sides had tteva 41:11:.t.1 ;-
Sant. The naval which e as
landed al' Durban had arched tin Ow
scene toward 1 ie erit tti tile ttt.t!it
e.nd brought their ia a•t.y ;
Thellir pray as ar
cent Al the foiniti 0.rtot tiro
; bad 1, 'on ri 4,41,4
t net ittta. TE4** i**1"; 4a ie iteor.,
freed front 4,14.re4e eskon Ra"'
I'lat he Vat *E-4 t.* ''!•,,P
teutr.tee ;led '4 7 T.
itair.rit.11.1, the 5ttt,..ttl'-•1 ,tlnr
V.!: tire, hey
Datien-PoeJs Getteureefeti,
leneere 3
eoreeeeliee ^ lie fee
3.0 leente "! 40 ''3 'ILA e~:",
;:•44 4'
.1 o it..1 : : .4
r •
43 tr.+ el a
11t 810.,-1 1..4o
114 ealltIttl tan e,ste :az. et ajar. tallow
noomi u', 1 1411:14444,1 • 1441 1,1 '4,1'4,44
4441144,444: 1144: T.,dy win a, e'.'.1
tweitailae itteoll..y Ch. L
44114 14444 1•141411 44, 114 1, •44 4'411 43
• OtItlhatlsk.4 1/ 4'14114. v 511.
• •'1 tl:11.1 a.tl tl s•
tiPtr 1461 tt100#114. tlt.' .,;
1 :‘• • •1,•11.1•N t:oost.545017.• 404 4:4'n ' I 4 1
.•3+. 1+++ 1 .4 :•.•.1
isvie !tog 'alt the tra• 44lee t- . a
veeteeeel the etee, ocitte Nikk .1 4( 464
Pelee the fate ef lialf a teuttat litittee
11 eght by Me gre.st uatieue. eleeee ewe
wilitess the matet ef the de e.eeteautie ef
teeee heruee uuder tn. deg ILO' :IV itteor
of their emcee allft 2i111111r0.
Widrid Laurier wi•h 11*
114`41411 C4101141eftee 01: the duty of tentida to
tette her proper eleet. in the etreitele of
tho Empire for ninety and equate,for alt.
The Majoetienend oleo vil*l a few v sires
and, after rousing cheern fur the tyleeo,
the regiment -Startei1 oa its marelt fee the
place of embarkation, at the Aliens wharf,
teeing In tbe principal streets ot the eay
en route.
Crowds wore stationed at every point of
ventege stud the streets were erowdel with
eltlreas und Nesitors. who (elected mei ap-
plauded their eitizeu soldiers most beartily.
Arrived at tlae Aliens wbare the retee
mein was drawn up in companies, while ar-
rengements wove completed ler embarta-
tion on the Sartlinlam
the nelghburiret streets, wharves aud tho
Miffs above were crowded. while Inifferin
Terrace and the Clads were Mk e
m ormous crowds. The trollee end milieu:7
keeping a space Meer for the troous, the
erowd pressine so vigorousle that th; melee
'Were frequently carried bodily within the
Special Che eerfor the Nurses,
There were demonstrations as well-known
military and politleal 18en appeared, but the
heartiest plaudits were given to the four
lady nurses 58 they made their way to the
When the embarkation of 110 111011 coin -
mowed, it dhl not take long to pot the
whole regiment aboard, everythem beieg
very well managed by the Deicers in charge.
The mhe en were In tout of spirits and
appreciated the hearty good wlsbee of the
people, who shook them by the nand cud
wished them good luck, wherever they
cculd reach them.
There were about twenty -eve badly dis-
appointed men who were left behine. tle re
being that number enrolled ewer the actual
umber authorized, and for whom accom-
modation had been futensaed
Shortly after 4 o'clock the eardinten test
off her moorings, the men covered ber deck
aud awartned In the rigging, singing patrl-
otle songs, "Rule Britannia," "Soldiers of
the Queen," etc.
As the ship moved slowly 51W511" from the
wharf the big guns of the Citadel solemnly
boomed out a royal salute; the crow de
cheered wildly and were answered tre ibe
gallant Royal Canadians, handkconiefe itit
Sega being waved, end,. amid the plaudits
of 30,000 spectators, the eontingent began
lts voyage to South Afrlea. As the Say-
dinian steamed slowly down the river it
was cheered by the crowds lining eerry
projecting wharf, the steamers along the
rivereide anti a fleet which aceompanied
the Sardinian blowing their whistles end
flting rockets, etc. It was not until tbe
good ship hnd steamed out of sight that the
crowds began slowly to dieperse and the
farewell was over.
smell Of powder end the smoke of
We are pxoud of the honor that has
beee doe. our Pity la its selection as)
tie emote or the mebilization of this
select reginient white the Canadian
people seed to die assistance of our
eiother Counter.
The presence In our midst of the Ite-
presentative of our Most Gracious Sov-
ereign. fi.s Exeelleney the Gorernor-
General and the other clignitarieli ot
the State adds not Onbr lustre and eclat
to this day's ceremony but gives to
our preceediugs a 4leeper And %eider
metalline It WAS. no Vain appeel that
was made to our valor and our toy -
ally, for alongthe way teem Victoria
to Halifax a thomould picked men, re-
presenting the youth, the peysical
etrength, the diseiplitie and the eourag-
eou,s, eariag ot our people, freely voi-
unteered to :Inert under the British
nag The People of earious origin end
diffe'rent religious ereede that go to
mike up the populatton or thiff euun-
frX, are represented tat your reglineoe
and now that we are ter the time being
aesembled within the walls, of the moSt
French city of the New World, let us
realm tor the FrencleCanedian eleplent
il. large share of the warm And seem
emcees outburst or semis:ilea of loy-
alty to, Etteleed which =treed your
felon:mho-I Parasite from Your homes to
No matter how diverse may he our
origin and the lenge:tees that we speak,
who is there that will dare to amino
that we inure not airthe qualities neces-
sary tor the tasking of a real nation.?
WW1 dare say, iipen smelt 4:41.4.141111i
P1S1‘;1kiSleg314 ligaii";01:1Trtal kt1,14-1'
canA(Iitim nernintoa and loyal to flag -
Med, which bas vas so complete
a measure of liberiNe
rreaeh- canadiaas bave itoyauy
/*averted the new destinies that Previte
.1445'17.1itr '14%0i"";ir14.?if,.ir
betty van 1EtV4 foigotteit ree or leen
tin tbe summit of this proud reek of
tetehee. rendered illestriotis ity Jaeiples
artiet 2.le 4 14:11114.141111. 11444014 bin
few stepe front tide plaee thr superb
monnitteut exel 41 le• an Bretileh tioe-
enate. to the mento:y ef Wolfe aud Re
mentealoC Why Matt Itit• not it
the emblem ane 4114P. *lithoi uf uur na
tIonel lathe?
Let Hs 1,/.1 rf• '00 03e5. 5111151 1111131
41111111.444 11'1 Or. pre Nieto to retain
L11:3444/ 44414:1 IOC 11Lug.11,7, „r tt new,. tir
I1" e'see te -4 le" the 444
or the she! it. eirel 1•111151 the 'et of
earth tee: t; • "tett epee:trete leinge
wee. him te, reee. eel
nsi lie 5.4.; •4 / t?,0* Nti 1••tlIV
f...4%.,•• that 11 • 1' t."7111i7 !lir f..te-ta,
Wet kit a e•-••)• atel the
nt of tee • oes,, "tees re.onrees "a
tielt 44, 4, :wry.
Om' 144,-.1 -; :1,4. eepetay y;.,1
the lee.: 4,4, 1 of )
roe t tl• r'4i• 4:4 4t
OVAL t '
'"•:.rox ^,
L41441 1.44 ,^
41S 7+17,t17.-7, *,
11011 301* 7'
le+ 7
ala. 7 Dm
ya,^1 asVa^
0 r..714!11*7
7.4 :
4,,44r al
y re.
in tie:4
'411 Cm' i of itereet erree „-
. w 33" a .6
eellee 41,4„.. 4.1 , re.
tr r t t",
:44* n.4"7 ef e •esset.
too tie.
o*,eeet, eee. .• z ens et g.
Tr,trit. Donley it.
. :It -.re e„ re, I,
Petiele• Voee' , .1 e- eee
re 1)0
eh v . r r. :!4
111414' IP*" 1 I:7 7 4 .•
I1t01.1 ,.,, ,3„, 3 0,31,01
41er• that' 0,4 •' 11.4
144 '-' ": 1". .*,•1
the' 111 ."" 44' . 4.1 ,01/.11 •.4 es' '413'
IOW en, e 5 ete ise t ;
The ()twee seeleen 0 11 ,13 . ete
tine from hi.., a e
so na, w 4.4 '4
teem 04 tetra le+it th+. V71411114 het the
city. Sint...rely yours,
e.T. Israel Tarte."
111n L7:4T44 44:'' 4 44'41'1
44411 .4i 144"i4,444:4'1
14,c4 '+'+++. •
'" scnser.
111.4 r.igh
:1 s,„ -,a•
Lord told Lady Pauneefote,
Liverpool. Oct. 31. -- The Whit *.
Star I.M0 *eve:tier Oceatee, kit el
, to sail front this 1:1411'l toov
NOW Y ork. Vitt Q 1141
174,14 1 Wt1 1
have among her paSSellier1+1 LOrd
P4141114101'01+% t Illt British elm se. e
to the I7nited Slates, and 1
: r. tied Mrs. Atelrew•
Carnegie and Mr. r
. A. .T. Dexel.
gletres at the wherf ha grent dittieulty nMARKET REPORT;3,t
Men Behaved Splendidly.
The splendid behavior of elle uaen 5111110 in
Quebec is greatly admired. It would be
difficult to bring together a finer body of
men, physically and morally; they are a
credit to the Dominion. The character of
the men wits shown at the service In the
Cathedrel on Sunday, when one-third of
the regiment perteek of the communioe,
lip to thet true the authorities bad eefustel
to liken to Any application for the appoint-
ment of a Church of England clergyman.,
hut the silent appeal of this service was
too etrong for the nelitary authorities, and
at the last moment Rev. Mr. Atweed
-well-known Cbureh of Engtane ciergyman,
'VMS 51)1011'0(1 to go wite tbe regiment as one
of their chaplatiee.
There were probably 10,000 straneeers 11*
the city to -day to assist la the good-bye
and on every side woe heard self-congrate-
latory remarks en their good fertune in
heriue •issiebed at an occasion which will
he historical.
An A1)11O;LI to Patriotic Sontintent
and a Declaration of Loyalty.
Following is the civic address:
To tie.: commandant, the Ottieers and
the Men of the Canadian Contingent
of Volunteers, en route to service
to eolith Af-let •
The citizens of tee:oboe offer you the
1001 Cordial welcome ta.teis old fert-
1( 4h, 140 cy ten rammed by war and
tempest; wlioso inhabitants, from their
earliest years., have beezt acepetomed to
the music of military bane*, 1.6 1.11,0,
Light Trading. In Wheat -Dull and
Uninteresting. Market -The lels-
ibie Supply -Latest Priers,
Chicago, Oct. 81. -The wheat mar-
ket wits dull and uninteresting yes-
terday. the. closing quotations being
December bleec to 70c, and May
Mee to VieCc.
The American visible wheat supple'
is 49,562,000 bushels as compared
with 4i:1,555,000 bushels it week ago
and 14,848,000 bushels a yetir ego,
Liverpool, Oct. 81. ---Wheat futures
closed yesterday led lower than Sat-
European vieible supply of wheat
Is 64,300,000 bushels.
LeeviiiNG 7WHEIAT metittetere.
Following were the closing prices
at important wheat ceetres yester-
day ;
Cash. DOC, May.
Cbicago....$.,.. eis 0 tere, $0 7;lte
New York ...............0 74½
:Milwaukee .... 0 (301 0 093 0 74ei
St. Louis 5) 69
Toledo 0 7014 0 72 0 Teee
Detroit, red 0 71.1k .0 7e4 0 765:8
Detroit, white 703. „..,
Duluth, No. 1, north. 0 57efe 0 67-1,4 0 711,4
Duluth, No. 1, hard . 0 683:2
Minneapolis .. 0 663!., 6614 0 70
Liverpool -Close -Wheat futures dull;
Dec. 5s 1151, March Os eel, May Cs 'ea:
spot corn quiet, 35 741; flit:UN nail, Nov.
8s 0V4d. Pee. 38 7cee. Jan. 3s Med, Feb. 38
6efe5, March 3s Gd; Dour, 20s.
Toseeerro er. Lao 1i11iZ,iu1331.43IST.
Gr80 -re to $0 711h
. teat il.Neldi,11;°1)U b
sbts h
.1 . . 0 70 0 71
"tile, bash 0 tie
" goose, bush.-- 0 71 0 72
Barley -----------------0 46 0 47
oPneas: b
inuttlhli. 0 i
0 :. (10 0 8
0 55 ....
lEiguellwbhuasaht, bush. 0 50 ....
I3eans, per bush 1 15 1 20
Seeds -
Red clover, per bush $4 25 to $5 00
Altske. choice to fancy(4 70 7 20
Allsee, good 330 25 00 6 23
White clover, per bush7 00 8 00
Timothy, per .bush 100 1 2.5
May awl Strarr-
Timothy, nailed 150 1 5
Hey, per ton ..... .....$11 50 to $13 511
,straw, sheaf, per 1,011 8' 00 9(3;)
Strew, loose, per ton 4 00 5 00
Dairy Produce-
Itutier, 15. lIS 30 20 to 30 „ell
ggs, new ia.°11d0 20 0 25
Poultry -
Chickens, per pair $0 40 30 80
'furl:eye, per lb. . 0 12 0 11
remits, per pair .. . ... 0 50 0 Pi
Geese, per lb. ...... 0 07 0 OS
Veldt and Vegtettables--
Apples, per bid 311
01) 1:0 ''$2 (3
Potatqes, per bag --.........400 52)
t)reite I. Live, seoete
Montreal, Oct. 30. -The receipts at the
i'est Bud Abattoir this morning wero, 13u31
ead el cattle, 100 talves, 300 313101) *105
et) iambs. Tee deniand wet quiet. and
triced unchanged.
(Ohonged every Wedeesday)
Wheat per imehel .. 6.3 '
Flour per cwt 1.85 to 400
nueley 35 to 40
Oat. 25 to 33
Potto 611 to 60
Succor 14 to 15
Eggs ie
eetetees per bag
elay vet, toe
Dried Apples per ih
Turkey... _
ill 30*1) fro
4 st) to 500
- ... . fe. lb.
.41 in 4,e
1$ to 14
Do you got up wail a ,
Is there a bad taste in
your mouth?
Thenyou have a poor '
appetite and a week dege.S-
then, rem erefreetleiglAY
dizzy, always feel dull and
drowsy. You, have cold
hands and feet. Tea got
but little benefit foam your
food. YOU have no antigen i
to work, and the .sharp pains
of neuralgia dart thrOugh '
your hod_y.
V.hat lo tile cause , of all •
this trouble?
Constipated bowels.
151 qtieStien 1int Myst it1te.4reSt you.
Have yott your NOW Stilt i If •
not, drop in and as et the
iptT•aeS thUes
Fancy. Worestedk5 and Scotch
Have you seen the new Staple. and
Themingbone rat tern,=. They
are beauties.
A big range of Bines and Black, Irira
Serges at tbeal n'1e.
u want a )1ack, we e what you
letians *313(1want in Twills.
teepee3tt Beaveze. Meilloitee
Nal., Ninfitittt.4.1:,...
will givc., )
and certa;n cure.
Keep Tear
If youbava neglected your
case a, lon,3 Cellee you.
better ta14
also. It will rernovo c.:1
impurition that have b,:en
accumulating in your 1;Iod
and will greatly strangtaon
your nerve.
w.lto Mc Docfcr,
Tbero may be somee•err fee
your ewe) V4.441 do **t 114•44.4 4,1
wind. Write the deeta: fr e.ty. 5013
him bow you are ate.tertt t. Son
will prazeptly reeeive the h.
medical advice. Addres,
Dr. J. C. Ayer. Lowell, Mars.
don itz
it grairadteed.
.1e4et, eee
Trefiti ON ?AID,-
Cooler; Cotton Boot Componni.
4( Is .iroP.-.,s4fa11y usel montely by'F3.5135 1edtes.
your drugeist for Cook s Cotton Root Com
sound, lake 80 013103 as all Mixtures. pills tine
imitations are dangerous. Price. No. 1, $1 nee
box No 2,33) degreestronger per be- ••
ere tame, lon ?Peelle of priee aud "wo e•t• al
stamps 2he Cook. Company Windsor. Ont.
rt.,7"Ne.l. I laid e seldana reeeinineudedby alt
responsible Druggists laCauada.
Nee I met N., eee i,. lle. er le 5'
.3 Lutz. Itruggiet.
Afore. After. Toad's Phosphodino,
The Great 11nglis71. Boned y.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Six
Packages guaranteed to cure all
lams of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package 31, six, 35. Onetto7lpicase,
sieve -IL cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
me -Wood's Plies phodine is sold in Exeter by
O. Lutz, ctraggi.it.
TWO Grand Trunk freight trains col-
lided. at Port Hope. The engines and
about twenty cars were Smashed. 'Fire-
man 'Milian]. DOWler was proba bly fa t-
ally injuredand Driver Ed. Miller ef
East .Toronto was seriously scalded.
Promised by
Potin Orr 83ffi1]o11g
Nothing Vague or Indefi-
nite About Results.
There is nothing indefinite about the
kind of "good health" that is promised
by Paine's Celery Compoundand that
is so strongly vouched for by letters
that (tome from our best 'people.
Paine's Celery Compound ateong oth-
er blessings gives firmer and stronger
IN"I'Ve, perfect circulation, complete
digeetion, clear comploxion, sweeter
breath aud more regular body func-
tions. These blessinge are elways se-
eumel by Paine's Celevy Oom.pound
when other remedies fail.
It is foolish and criminal to neglect
daily a eheS, .pains and tile uninistake-
able symptoms ef dengerons diseasee,
when i t is well known that afew bottles
of Paine's Celery Compotoul will com-
pletely hanielt eveey trouble and give
condition of health enci guarantees a
long and happy life. ,
Every *Ilan or womaai whose 'nerVens
-eveegth is overtaxed, ov whose life 11.,
lee;y one and fell of mental Worries.
will e5) .)11 feel the invigorating aild.
effecta of One 01' ttWO 700tt1el,
sf nature's health -giver, and seo bis or
he., health • i tprov e after the •firet
:toe:: of this gi tell est of all rethddics,
experieuee recce/are. rrean r21
don, Liberal term,. Pay eteliv ete, e,
••emplete e•lth fee seetialite
chillies.; Seta WIelit. Core. Pelatere, e.,41
11rTFIT FlIFE. eure territery n••••.v
Write, BROWN BROS. CO., Nue.elemee
Brewne, Nurseries P. 0
The Attraction
of Ali Eyes12
Just at present the object of attraction
to the people of Exeter and surround-
ing enuntry is
To see is to examine and to examine
our stock is to buy.
Prices are so astounding when the
. . quality is considered. . .
13. N.
Highest Cash Price paid for Black
Ash, White Ash, Red and White
Oak, Hard and Soft ...Maple, Hemlock
Soft and Rock Elm. Either stumpage
or delivered. in yard..
For further partiertlars apply to
Manager for the S. 1. Co. Exeter.
,k,„,...,„..........,,,............„.„,„,,,4,..,. ........„
P ,7-
A' The : i 0 Q,,,N. . . L9
Tho D. el'..:. L, i3ltill.”...51Ohl
Is the hasten& most palatable prop-in:Mort of ,P
Cod lever 011, aerecing withe m
thon ..1.1icate
stomachs. i
.The D. 't.".a L. EMULSION !
Is prescribed by the kading physicians of
IS a marvellous flesh producer and *4111 ",lty9
The D. et I.... EMULSION
you an appetite. 50c. ak $1 per Bottle. i
Be sure yin] get I nAvts & LewiteNCE
the genuine I COD, Limited, Mentreial