Exeter Advocate, 1899-11-2, Page 4THE. Around About lis Bismari 's Iron N erge 1
Nicholas Rogers, which occurred at his elgy* are not found where Stomach,
Chas. H. Sanders, Editor and Prop residence,, on Monday, Deceased had Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of
reached the great Cage of four score order. If yea want these finalities and
e ears toad his death was due to the the success they bring, use Dr. King's
wearing out of the system through New Life Pills, They develop. every •
Plymouth, Devonshire, Eng, i.eImar- teats at tally Drug Store„
red when quite young and •came to.
Cauada with leis wife and one child in
the year 1842.
Goderieht Maria Dunlop, wife of Britain to J.aeClharuberhtin, with tapol-
Hugh Crawford, died at the ftunily ogles to the ghost of Burns,
residence, Friday, rafter an illuees of --
three mouths, aged 57 yetis.' less two Joe Chamberlain, my British .Joe.
days. The deceastel lady had been \V hell best we cane eegeh)t,
troubled with heart disease and dropsy I didn't take you seriously
St. Marys: Many citizens of St.' Was the result ofhisspleudidhealth.
Ozzter Ab axat Marys learned with deep regret of Mr. Iudoanhtable will and tremendous en -
Twelve States will hold elections in
November, namely Iowa, Kentucky,
Maryland, Massachusetts. Mississippi..
Nebraska, New Jersey. New'! ork,Ohio
Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Vir-
ginia. In some of them there are im-
portant local issues, but in thele all
important bearing these elections will
have on the Presidential elections a
year hence is strongly insisted upon
1:'} all parties.
Premier Laurier, who has been
touring in Ontario, passed. through
Listowel on Thanksgiving day, and
strange as it way appear, there stets
I:i)t as solitary Grit at the station to
greet him, says the I.istomvel Standard.
Linton Yule, a ten -year-old lad, son of L, UVIee. a. els an sltperlllterl(l:trr air Z oai xe :uaythong but tltusty, Jne,
Andrew Yule, introduced by his the Seranton Teehuical Scllnoi, The
Joe 'umbellate, vie Joe.
uncle, who came down. in the same •ceremony was performed by the 1-Ccv,
train froth Baur' un, was the only T. A. Cosgrove, in the prese'ne•e of a , Joe Chatnberlatin, my lusty Joe,
h'erson, so far as we are aware whit lumber of invited guests, the ilulnedi- You're t'osmope)liitan;
ad at hand -shake with Sir Wilfred ate friends and relatives only F)eiPl ; Yet you guard the British Colonies,
amine; the half hour that the train 11)rt•sent. The bride lyas aS istt'd by From Sheba unto 1)nn,
'• r i 'c hem, Whether it was that hiss Bella Gibb, -while the groom was • Up'to date, nm darling ,toe.
I it t 118 l h i ,
the local Liberals were too much in- supported by Mr. • Carruthers. of To- ou've heel) in many a ploy-:
;grossed in discussing their Thant. •giv- runts, L. t me add before 1 go ;boy,
!tag taukey at the time or Wltetli4't' t'tt. \I tryst On \\"eelne•ii 4.y (La. se You're the l:ete.•t British whit''-hau'e•tl
they have become .so distlu•tea with .Iost'ph Gardner, town. was ulnae the .toe t'hantbell;t n, 111)' Je)e.,
the Tarte direction of the adiiinlstla- happiest of Dien, alrltl it was Ree. R. l:, i 1 ' ttes Wt. "99. J. A. R.
tion that they preft•4•red remaining at Knowles .who conferred the boon: Mr'.
home, , if left for those outside off the Gardner's bride tvit• Bliss Margaret
old age, 1,ir. Rogers was a nett%e t f pots er of lartnt and body- my ao
TO THE DEAF. -A rich lady,
cured of her Deafness and Noises in
the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial
Ear Drums,. has. sent $1,000 to his In-
stitute,. so that deaf people unable to
procure the Ear Drums may have
then free.. Apply to Department
A, S. N, The Institute, Longcott,"
Gunnersbury, London, W.. England..
V olcanio Eruptions.
Britain to Chamberlain. Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob
life of joy:, Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
cures them; also. Old, Ranting and,
Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, felons,
Corns, Warts, Cuts Bruises, Burns,
Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains.
Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out
Pains and Aches.. Only. 25ets.. a boy:.
Cure Guaranteed. Sold by all Drug -
for four years, but bad seasons .of ease Because 1 ltald'na ken'' j gists.
dining; that period. Solve four iy"k$ T11at you were born fors lendid luck,
before death came she -lost the power ati'ie very sure, if slow
of speech, and from that time until the With tats of good old British pluck
last call she held but little converse Joe lot of eriaiu, toy Joe.
with her fiialily, though. she under-
stood all her relatives said.• ' .Joe Challiberlain, nay dandy Joe,
St. Marys: Wednesday the home' Y on're nice about your clothes
of sirs. Burns was the'scene ora happy With rosebud in your lappel, Joe,
event, when her daughter, ;hiss Etta, ,And pinczenez perched on nose..
was united in marriage tit Mr, Fiallk But now We know yon're lusty Joe,
t Can take and give* a blow'
I.hbe 1•: l ranks to draw lt
their own vo^'in2'lalld,
t'tsllle , :t pal2atlal• yullzl;; 1•ltly, of t11is
c}nsioth , Itl:tee. The 111114)11 Wile eonsunuttetl ai
° the rt•+ieheire of the groom 3 s pat ems,
11'e•1tt4'2t i11.,. fin
4.'.. -tons of :\*plat,.. tatty tlretw neat'.
Ihllst'l • 1':itt*t (tall, ‘end ,,,*,':Elly
Ihit4i11* tlsiei )t t ui o7i 4.11':[11.4.1' .Anal listen 4.t .04.111`:
lftc 4tt.t 111 ,e litir4 Will begin with en 31"114111 i of 1.41:ttir'' 111:+1 flit , is :1'il- Apo 4.r vi,a wall mt,,,ntlnn pay.
} it
1 ati't 1°..t t , 'ot t•• . r 1 • n_ In •st•t t la. a 4e a t11oa1.. „➢ a.htAit ' t
4 iRl, 1l'hllequal ) n t'`t'eTli' •tl`eRtlj 'the tttl'e11it'2`. Eli :^ t. 3Ial•y e. was brela . znatia. i \: oil t a}t4ali! yea lent:.
4 )2. 'tend with
4. d ata is Juthtt 12 4. 1, ltl')1. '!'lie, :,nil .I ▪ ':l utnel Cot21,•y a; -t 44 St. The Irishman * meet el iese veal:
1:)i; 1 outing -eat el• ore [ hat, a)1 t•eeree, .1 4.1'4 li, s4. "1". And.
lty.l., 4.,t di: -:Alit':
t*1N new eett lits begin.; wit 11 Cat. num- '4.11 3:1: Mr. ,lull. 1'*i,1 '..i t+t the .ai.d ^yt1'1' 4.48) )412 i '' • ll•4 eiln1"so.
,;, \\ Ill keep ".t. 12utic 1:. 1st+.
4 ➢ :t dais, uttll.;at ,1l) i o ti::.ut•e 4..1 4.•y r 11:41^tieltl Iitil', near 114 .1 e, tlit•ala'2r .:tui.-
, 1:•A. <t • •p• '44., ti:ly lligtlt➢. 11 4.1:°,„ A't•.:i'Ite'e1 the • :ratted „Irwin .
tIa•il 4.t' I t1:Pt with ! . .•4 ti:• t t 4., ' i:1t•11 ytll '44)111'+t"4•ii l•d, tet ix,;,.•.`i -
yea1 1.fta the il4nNh `l `.•4•ar.• : ill have alk.' ul ;7' 'Pea so. Mr. 1'a id'4'. ' tat• 4.t The •;1'antit•..1 dor t➢➢ 4.314h:
r l:A :8411• soar -e•. '*'11.•1' i4.4,got that. if t'.1Ae 1. 4,i44•e'1•-• 48 t11!- hat':•al:; : \\'*tell a yt4t7" IATA 1.9 is:1,.r1t414.11 tt4'
A t .!1411 all Iii: t•lrit) lit1'•• 4Att ' 12aA11 :t Tt14• lard i1•ti S°' :4• Nag 1444111,
4.t}4 4.,1 yl•:!t' emits! tl'ai11 ltd•. rydthNi' :81
t•! tit. :eel' 1. lite tiillt•t'.181 hat 1144.4.444* at '.k° 41404 114- W44,4 i11: it1414 -4.a e.Y-,
i:444'"' 4.f 4esa '., end With ilei -.:(1, I l4.,)➢AI. t aal.it:.:tad 4.t:)"1:eltl ill t1ehil:It- -"'s 1:1:1'1 ,=f T'!' +'!At 1411:t1of light.1'•.1I, Otte: that tllt+ titer 'lay 4.1;•Jewelry, l 4.'"1 r.s1:eot in this 118I14te' ,'/its . '.9'116'84• .\ 1..Aa,I of 11,
The 4 4. 1ltl: s4. i 1A ;-1 art A:'rlall)1
! t n! is 113't•t••'t)"♦4, '16 that d.4.)' :'? the ; 11^` has lived :4.4 tt,*l;, mei e:`. a well 1 e.,
Lew ?+•.11 7:4= . 'til le 7 4...,y ,T1.):t`-`.l! ' 1 ltottl?. 114.4 (..,4.j88. l v4.! r 1 le I' That iithons shell he trete
tT1:- l :tt>•: 4.1.x44.28 i. 4=114= •4, reit oats' i21' lit BaaT4 enol la stat:': •It d anvieldiug tial ata, ,1 to,e ; r r [ ••a
[ 1 7 1 aari. lltl :,
1 .. ,t -,, (,at:•:8 4. iL44 411 1s441,t,r ile ae:At - \ • )- '
i1i : 1 n441::•`• T.i'• -1:. 4 CiA7.• 4.t•, 4a:.Cl':S.Itetlt•(,t8- •'Tl:
t,••,•!, u11,• ve1•:• il,.tittrt:' It t:°'•t h5 o,',, 1 reviver and :° l:il'tos':14!:4.41" 4 e,Ya a hare tl1' ;a::ntl. i ➢li•"1r 4.1•t•ih 1, ase
1;,t::.•tel•. Ilett O. 11 11111•^ s 4)I4414 8'4 21', .1 ''!el!•:, ti81 4l:lot-rh t•1:`. its mistiest tt4e t4a This w.ele41 I81'e,ee'.4ei4
[u Utak', ;I e4.111 11r.tial 4' t';,1I Root 4414.1• `li the nieteosy ti as loving
,• • r, ,, l ltt sl••i ea anti w,,T•i he .seas!. lbs• 44s: Tlit•it s'V4ntt' 1' ;12,iat11't• tot °4+1A3' (,1^.:n•. •14.
4.l [ Olen ' l* a 1
4•0'1" 4:'y *ill WIT lla': N 4.t;= [Ale 1' 1yt1eld x4.'111, e) man t 1 !4. b! let? c I. 114'
1 d' +1'il= [t .•1:ih I- 41444 04 1.:4,,g11'4"3010,.
r rt t,e•ir Noose, til iwov* 4tt•Itrlt i 1x1• • •'.loll: ON \\ etlT etid:;y 1}Tiet•t's
r,l.at.4:a;llt on alt,• :i1`' D-4.,•11--1,41. 1'')tal• i,'11,4'2'l , Ow toxo` t.:- \/•, seta :alll @ <1"" +•
;N-A'ttt'1.. ally we 4111.'l' the t.4te x).e•tit i \ji,, ( ▪ Bund. F1vot41 31r. l+e•ott were --- - :• '•• _ .
ee" try with .i:tnusey 1. :1s'''. Bet. I,.,.'b.24iwogeld tilled w.1li•Ite reams, Our Canadian Volunteers.,
1.8•l.•i't it•=les v14 Tatta.t ..,)4.l1144= 4,int sail desats.::all all•-• to loll t)yex 'na1l ;
en!ir• eof 11s:I ;Uhl ) 4'il••r,::;t1 its that hal levet 1!'T tI .; i11 the ^ltrv'• l *'tout 1•,2Y,.r=l:tnt1 e:11/ws till• [itlut;;s
;este-. t' -e: el eis! .'1tg8 4.4•8r T1184. sod , 4.T at tii.• 1 flit 11,1481•• 4r Cin,, That a yes fight 114,, t! i he !•:t^t.
at)4e ?y. l}t•ftle[lt t 1- -'1 " 1 r 111., tli i ,.
shall nave run their ,•'+oust•. 1 i o1,4.11. No eine 1.' t11.• ;sniffy }t;41•ty ea10 Anil she ash:- of otn• 1 atett.ilatxs
1 • l
_, expert 1l):' 'i•'1=.:.t I N' 4 , ,; 1.s' 1 i Sli• MI/ lye 1`Intat.
2 t:` :hoot the r4•: k:a'uh•+•d l t 1 a- t :n4.► r 1: 1• l::•4 tai 2Iit 1.:a:P4. es s til). ➢11 a vat
'I'1 1 it t 1 t
b:: f.in1111• Tv'.l' 11';111411s fl'i'nt 1 11'o47g; 1 1' 481• )e 1 *tun.:Anel 1111'11 ill le:Tsi.
'.1711 i% i). 4.l• L. 1:311'1,x14)1 1,411:•iia-111')+1the 1 )t villegt that day. x214111 1s t oeght . il4l 441 net Is. t'i'tl:•:4ttv:. 1i1•-+'•tu'•+' a?1•• ••'1a• '+•>"N`•> ev}'-Y+•C41• y
'.11.4.444 having lame tr.+lli}ie's with . .1 11 411. a) t )+ it t1e 141. `ill:. 'U1146%1624,'4.1624, 1)4. - 1
t',,:te•^ 1.) xe14.101111, 1 , ••t 1''orto-day ..,'..
t i • .1 fa°l, ..1 howeS:o:, ave.* .ala„ eurset thaarwork.
And if V ictoria meek ti heal.
We will send a thousand moles
We send her a contingent.
Of Canadian volunteers.
And may they Will then' 1at41'e:s,
Like tht' Irish Fnsilicer.$.
There's. tidings from the Transvaal
That the Boers had to yield,
And the Irish Eusilieers
Were the first to win the field.
Brave Symons was promoted.
Bnt too late, as it appears,
Who led the Royal Rifles
And the Irish Fusilieers.
History shall record the Gleed
That tall the world may know.
How brave the Irish !acted
At the storming of Glencoe.
They have shown the naughty Boers
What the Irishmen can do,
And the way they Wou. their laurels
On the plains of Waterloo.
On the field of Balaclava,
When the Irish forced the foe,
At the watchword "Fanghabo1n,"
(Irish to clear the way)
And the Russians had to go.
We hope to hear good tidings,
From our brave Canadian band,
When at the call of duty,
They have left their native land.
Ancl when our boys return home,
We'll give them rousing cheers,
Three cheers for Queers Victoria
And Cautulian volunteers. '
' The Pullman and WagnerParlor Car •
Companies have amalgamated.
Albert Mclvers was found dead in
the hose tower at Iroquois Monday.
John Welsh has been found guilty: of
erhninal neglect by the Coroner's jury
in connection with the death of Mrs,
McDowell of Anderson killed by being
draggetliu the gearing of a buggy
Sinus i0RE FRO31 A H AChlti(1
Vonon.-Take Pyny-Pectoral,• it will
cure you quickly, no shatter how bad
the cold. Endorsed by thousands of
Canadians, •Sohl throughout the land,
lauufaetureei be the proplietora of
Perry Davis' Pain -Killer,
W\'141. Parish.' a workman employed
at A. Cole's.Wood-tenting establish-
ment, Lonlion,halsl this thumb and fore-
finger cut off Friday. 11e wee elltting
some strips with a rip -way, when one
of then.* caught and threw- his band
against the saw. His thumb and fin-
ger were emnplctely severed, tonal his
Seconllti*ger was ripped diovn.the cen-
ter. •8.n effort will be made to wave it.
;A.1)Ilnt 71;1) Saturday night file was
tli:wov'1:'aI tit the third fluor of Ken-
nelly lines. evaporating factory, neap'
the 31 !Pixie -an Con tlal depot. 4..eatiling;-
1tn. The fire alarm wee eitioulail and
t'espresso, were moll tat wink, but the
fire had .,,;aitat' 1 .tt*4i headway that it
wee ilupi).sil)la' 141 hate the hitiltlihi(;.
11 was with hard tight leg that 1114•lna-
ehiltel ties eave/l. Most of it 14'8- itn-
intn 0'.l. .\beth 'i{all ialsllels of :l ap14•s,
iii pr.tr4'ss of 4111•ing, wet !minuet. and
all 1)il)ee and fixtures. The the origins:,
ted ir*au 814• kiln. 81141 was thought to
hove teeth caused by 11144 excessiveheat.
The l*,t'441ti*g belonged 14) the olsoi4s
1'ialh°:. '1.'114• lose is 4e -titillated at about
1142,010. wit II lilt in.alr:'14ei', The factory
44u171d'yed :9114)711 ti ty hand'. '1'liey
it ire ie1141,IA4'l' k}1n. 14'111:.'11 h:ad been
ht i+•t4.1'u4 r i1s4,1 Om wost,'. 14'1!.'11 tllc'y
4.4 411 14-!...1* until the end of the season.
Thies have and it:man:se steel: of apples
t4h (ovate wet ea :cul green, whiclt was
41ut to i'havl by the tire. Kennedy
Bort..' will ('1•4'ct lit•ty buildings 'o)4.' Melt
1;-41514,1)44S t2I)4•tatt 144415,
7114; .1.11'44 I1 t, r ,• • .They supplied.us
'with the 'menthol ventailtl•11 in that
win41.•t•faal 1). ti: 1.. - delated Plaster,
etliit•11 relieves. instantly backache.
i1eadaeli•'. tiesti•:ILLia, 1•lieltnl:atisnl and
:'4'i tt,t•it. :tai tife''t1I1'4'dl by the Davis.
h La41•r.'ne*' Co., Lim.
t:t4..'e1 regularly alai.'. a ui'adoa•fttl e'u-
l-r•„e4:11eut. Made by Davie .t;
I" 27> =• ('i)., LIM.
Drowned at Goderioh.
(ll+ticrich, Ont., Oet.. 28. --Shortly
after 5114 o'clock this evening Win.
E.hynaas, of the firm of Buchanan
Rhy itas, builders, when on his way to
inspect some work he had on hand :tt
the harbor, fall anti the dock i::•1 was
drowned. Soine vessel hands heard
the splash and gave the alarm, and
grappling hooks were procured and
the body recovered in a little over half
an hour, but 1411 efforts to resuscitate
were futile. Mr. Mynas \vas it prom-
inent member of the Mason is fraternity
and one of the best known builders in
the county •aucl a. highly respected
citizen: He leaves a wife and four
A1.' ER a COLD DRIVE a teaspoonful
of Pain Killer mixed with a glass of
hot water and sugar will be found a
better stimulant than whiskey. Avoid
substitutes, there is but one Pain -
Killer, Perry Davis'. 25e. and 50e.
Free War Maps.
We learn that every reader of the
"Famnily* Herald and Weekly Star." of
Montreal, is this week receiving a large
colored map of South Africa. To pos-
sess one of these neaps when reading
the war despatches is essential to in-
telligently appreciate the position of
affairs. It is also announced that at
the close of the war a revised map, of
Africa will be issued by the "Family
Herald and Weekly Star"•for its read-
ers. A comparison of the two will
show Great Britain's gains by the pres-
ent war. It certainly pays these tides
to be on the subscription list of that
great paper. In addition to the map,
each subscriber receives on receipt of
his subscription the two beautiful p7e-
tllres "Battle of Alma" and "Pussy
This is the Time for Mai
• ing old Things New.
Diamond Dyes are the True and
Unfailing Agents.
In .Novombei thousands of woman
will be coloring dresses, skirts, jcickets,
coat::, vests, pants, shawls, wool yards
and. carpet rags.
The (lying operation is an important
one and demands great caro. The
principle point is to secure the right
44%e -eiders that are pule, bright and
fad to washing and sunlight. The
Dialnolict Dyes -the only guaranteed
dyes on eartheepOseess all the grand
qu ,litits that Make perfect, incl true
colors. Diaod Dyes have such a 4111e
ivereal .sale that unscrupulous dealers
make efforts to imitate them If yon
.Iwinld :successful indying, avoid all'
crude I in dations. Prorxlptly x .'fuse al,
dyes reeoinmend ecl by 4104.4101-5 to ile
just a1.., le, )0d .as Dranz<ind Dies. The
Leem xgdDyes .1.1.0 thel,est' 11th° World,
and all deal,lexs ;are alar' of the fact
:j1•. N.'iitt was ill h!s :•1''.m'.' tial one
o'clock ill the mingling; and Mr. Munroe
timelier, was around at four o'e1nck in
the horning, so the thief must have
been there within these hours. tlr.
Scott's store was entered some years
ago and the guilty parties were Maples -
mimed. 3h's. Baird diol not miss any-
thingfr*nu hertore.
Gode rich: Faiday evening a tramp
named William McArthur walked in-
to Thos. Warner's blacksmith shop
on Haamilton street and hung around
talking to the proprietor. Mr. Warner
had Decision to go ont for a while, and
when he came back McArthur produced
a spokeshave and offered to sell it to
hint. The latter thought it looked
like his oven tool and. accused Mc-
Arthur of stealing it, and the tramp,
detected in a smart scheme of trying
to sell the smith his own spokeshave,
took to his heels, throwing away the
tool as he ran. He was arrested that
evening and was taken next day before
. .gi. . Seeger,
pollee m,xr,xstxate who reman-
ded him for a week to investigate his
past record. The magistrate has al-
ready discovered that McArthur has
spent two winters in the gaol here.
Biddnlph: The beautiful home of
Mr. Freeman Blackwell, on the 5th
concessiou, was the scene of a quiet
home wedding on the evening of Oct.
18, when his daughter, Miss Maude,
was united in marriage to Mr. Oscar
Hudson, of London township. -The
bride entered the parlor leaning on the
arm of her father, and attended by
Miss Lizzie Blackwell, of London, as
bridesmaid. Mr. Hudson was sup-
ported by his cousin, Mr. Melvin Hurl- ,
son, of London township. The cere-
Hon. Peter Mitchell Wa.s fonncl dead
in his room tat the Windsor Hotel Wed-
nesday Inorting.
ninny was performed by Rev. _Mr. Fair •
of Lucan. After the ceremony a. dain-
ty dejeanex' was served, and a pleasant
hour spent in songs, speeches, etc.
The list of presents Was large, laud the.
malty dainty and handsome gifts testi-
fied to the fact that the young couple
are popular and have ninny friends
who wish them every happiness,
Stanley: About a month ago, Mr.
BVnn McClinchey, of the Goshen Line,
accompanied by his youngest daughter
Bliss Marjorie, went to Michigan to,
visit relatives and friends there. While
there Miss McOlinchey took ill of ma-
larial fever, and after two weeks' sof--
fering, passed away Saturday. She
was supposed to have passed the worst
and to be in a fair way to recovery,
when a relapse suddenly came duel
kproved fatal. The friends at home
new nothing of her illness until they
received the telegram announcing her
death. The sacl intelligence was a ter-
rible shod;, to them. The friends in
Michigan dict not think her as illas she
wits and Mr. McClinchey, hoping for
her recovery, deferred notifying the
friends at home. of her illness, as he did
not wish to needlessly alarm tl1em,<a11d
then the end came so suddenly.- The
remains were brought home Monday.
The deceased was 21 years of ,age+, end.
When: she left hnlxpE she': was the pTc-
tare of health. She was exceedingly
bright, lovable young woman, and Wag
)l, nniversaal favorite with all 14hoknew
her. Tie sad Event haas cast a • gloorii
over the entire 'neighborhood.
Ohto r
5.1drren Cry or
rM• 4 .$ ?
The Cardigan Overshoe
is a h'a4vy h ac over-stockingwith the -
foot yule uii eel into a robber shoe. The
<toctrine: i' complete to the toe of the
rubber sr v.,ek.•s the warmest. lightest
and neate.t rubber in the market. No
buLLnua, ,', 1,ucklc lade to fit all shoe
shapes. 'old t,v oll dealers.
lninif,ictured by
he C1:1isan Overshoe Go, Stratford, Ont.
You have used all
1 sorts of cough reme-
I dies but it does not
0 yield; it is too deep
1 seated. It may wear
itself out in time, but
it is more liable to i
produce la grippe, I
l PP.
pneumonia or a seri- I
ous throat affection.
1 Thu need something 1
that will give you
! strength and build
I up the body. 1
• E
iU_;ON s
110 do this when everything
1 else fails. There is no doubt
about it. It nourishes, I
1. strengthens, builds up and
1 makes the body strong and l
i healthy, not only to throw I
off this hard cough, but to 1
fortify the system against
further attacks. If you are 1
run down or emaciated you j
should . certainly take ' this
nourishing Food medicine.
- 5oc. and ^ r.00, all druggists.
SCOTT & 80WNE, Chemists, Toronto.
,.►lo aa► ►a-o» ►►►• ••»®twig
and COLDS 0
octI A2r h
44 t
'S •
e A• e
4 •Y. Fai
The Ca, avian Remedy for all
- •Largs nettles, 25 cents,
f t KantLP;a1 Gy
What is
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
IftIorphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and.'Srind Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flntuleney. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children,giving'
healthy,- and, natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea'. -The Mother's Friend.
Castoria. ' Castoria.
4, Castorta is as exceUent fnsticine ;far *l Caetarta is so w4:11 adapted to children
Children. Mothers have repeatedly told ice that 1 rccolnlnend it as superior t41 any pre.
of its ;good effect upon their children." ° aleription known to ale."
DA. G. e. Osc000. Loa's::, .",.',.Ss. ; 11. A.:taCUEat,1 M. D. Braattsn, a'ti, •1"'
e"A :..i :.
.. r--' -..'A"n'°n.'n:e. siwK'--a•V+S','•+c±'MF.Mf:-r wawaai.,av .r:,.a,.aic.>: •Aacx:1R#, .,.wM
COUNTY 4.)1'' lI("1:(T
!h.'s:. '1',8 S Foe.
_a 1.0
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('(lt'NTY OF 111.1h4N 'I'i t \8' 1'1' ,
Dv virtue of war`:ant. troller the 1:.1u1 411' the \ 8tt1t'14 a41:11 Swill t e III•' ('ei1
p*tldttit)n l)1' tho ('oultly of Harm. 11:4i:11 t111' 'dls4 41:,y 01 .\44("1°r8. 8'':1:1. l'„lit•
1na11di11g 4114.' 10 levy tili.)1h 114• laude hag *matter ilia, I !bred, fel the .1`1'•11 -Is
taxes 1'e.in•Ctive'4y flue 11401•eu14, 111:41'l 14.8.1' 44i11) 84,1.1,••t,o1iet• is l4*•' lti'
chat tnl165 S 544.4111 ax.': and state t• tie skeeter 1*;•Id I shall in ct;n1111t'.tlet wit:,
tlhe Consolidated Assys>•me62t :,i 1. cllaptor.24. 1..S.(4. 1st'7. i1I•uret d to soil )•1
}puhlir auetioli the said lands 1'r s8) !smelt 4Iu'Ieof:ls may 1:e licecsnary Is.
charge the same,. alt the ('sot's: Moho.. :es theTo1'.1; of (iotlt•rielz, tett
TUESDAY, '1'II1'.:.'rix DAY mo 11.4414
at 2 o'eltlek i11 the afternoon.
Ilo;t'ri ption
N..', S.
Part of
Part of
South part
Part of
Yo. of Con. or \o. or Patented or
No, of Lot Street. Acres l'n)latonted. Taxes.
4 4 E. D. 511 Patented $21.20)
10 6 E. 1). 74 Patented 2(1.73 2M7 29.41;
10 Maitland 70 " 1.2.49 2.31 14.8'1
18 13. 8 Patented 9.4 2.21 +.11'
9 Maitland 45 " 11.45 2.30 13.71
Part of 25 6 50 Patented 3.14 22.50 5.04
McConnelI Snrvey 0 Block B. .1 Patented 5.43' 2.•25 7.t"4
3 Main St., S. 1 Patented 8.76 2.25 11.01
Costs. etc. Total,
$2.7i $23.1'"
County Treasurer's office,
Goderich, Aug. 29, 1809.
Co. Treasurer.
Any young lady can earn a Gold
VTaithaxlnWatcla, or.'a Din2~ler Set,
Cltrlti_ig Desk, i'.,oungc or Chair,
etc. For selling anon:; her iriendsafew
hoses of highly perfumed TOILET SOAP
Send us a post -card for premium list and
instructions. Young ladles hztving erd::r
forms can Sill thele out, and wild th*.-ni in.
' •A y
f{ 41. ,,1 •::di i +'!y i 'v `,v<• ?:'+' l,; t c"r? 1
qp a a
'^fix'r r' a , s1') r' 1IIOUSANDS OF YOUNG MP,N are i4'
S9 troubled with nervousness, despou-tv,fe;
Cjs dettcy, exhaustion, loss of memory, i
4sch'.ttg backs and kidneys, painful mina -4.14
%IS don,, bashfulness, sedinleut in urine, losses t
:sight, impotency, headaches, varicocele, e >
t ptmplt s, ulcers, bone pains, -Tho results
' of ^vii bab t:, ill youth or later esces.es. 1i
fij) Oar Vitalized Treatutent cures the worst 4.p
c. ses. Varicocele a ' l Erroselon & t4aricooetle
finny, the vigor aud vitality and pproduce'
alt;vii viten. 0itr Dollar Trc14lsaesat it's
5i..'asl:l Luce Vote. (►f''
4.3rec.,.I:a.are and Cleeta
h lv+) In ,tterhow chronic, yield to our Tt'It:4l-'t'4i,'
")'Coni Treatment. 110 operation no psin,iiv
au detention front business, rkii dra.lns
t3,oyso,s. r.0ollur Ilc:t4.11. 4144. wit/
('241 a u
pa ','b EJ' 9Q.lu a Diseases'?
< ire,!-fc ever. 17o retirn of the disease, ke
a •.o Mercury. No Poison. 011.11' v43ait,ir 4
, 1 rc eat rctc ,.:a'S c'111 C,.'_ l o4.,. 'We (4:1
4 lass *443 tee4:laree.
4.C(' ... ( .i'
-.4.t 8t curs 311 19
l.4. e.
a•c- of utc z
women l'or
t '
u.nty, .
¢, re ai ;illi as3 nssaltatiion',<.:. 'Writs for tkaiction t)
:, L?ci tan Lasae'.ua real.
. rt n
•) If 1iC 11 4.1 V
n a i 1 ell '
a P, e
r }, e
i a
.: 'j 4.7 G J rc t a h
, r.16 (,b l)
is+,car:E ^ 'v.S.r'.$t. ,`-". .J;,z: :`ite i',.`T•.L'v.,.£s r'?c'"1.'4ru1
The t`'' Ikons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital ' $2,000,000.
Rest Fund 1,500,000
Fuad ofilee Montreal.
Money advanord to good Fanners on
their own notes with One or snore endorsers
at 7 p'5r Gen t. ver u)rumn.
Open every lawful day from 10 41 m • to 3
P m;'Statnrdays 1(Da,ln. to A p.m.
A general banking businesstransented.
CUBI'LENTRATES allowed for money on
Doitosit Ttecoipi:s. Savings Beanik 411; 8;3.
Monsen & Oa4RLTJda, i .D. EMU ON;
Solicitors. Manager,.
Burglars attacked the night watch-
man rtBi;cel's brewery, Brant forcl, tied.
him tap and robbeil him of $10 and then
blew up the safe. Theygot no anoney'
in the sere, f riling• to open the cash
Ch1dr, y
Ui, i . , et ,',. r