HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-11-2, Page 1T.HIRTEEN.TH YEAR. --607..
-".•e •`"'rte
Highest Price.
For Produce.
Highest Price
For Produce..
„„, GOODS,
.......- . BOOTS & SHOES,
If your dollars were rubber. the
� they , CROCKERY,could not stretch further than the FATS t C 1 PS
values we offer in these goods. See
then, HARD177AR E.
Alex's Underwear,
Men's plaint and fancy Striped Shirts
sant! Drawwrs. This week ?ie., :3"ae,
:and 40e.
}fen's all AN Ribbetl Shirts and
('tiffs= Double Breasted. Special value
at 50e. each,
We handle the best fleeeed-lined
Underwear in the town. See the
values we are showing; at 45e, and 50e.
Men's fine Lambs Wool Shirts and
Drawers, regnlat'; 1.(Nlkind fur wt,
Zoys Underwear.
;1. full range re of.the Artier fleeced -Ha -
1 goods fur" the boys. All size:;; from
▪ to 34. Prices from 2,5a". to 4ile•.
Alen's Socks.
2.5 doz. extra heavy all wool socks,.
ribbed tops. Special 2 for•.. 23e.
We have an t xtt"a heavy all Wool
Sock worth. Wim, We sell : pair for
• Men's line Bbwk (`cashmere :;trite
the best on earth at the price, --25e,
We have the best values in n ready
made Clothing. Come and see for
Aadtee ,il'danttes.
Ladies' 'Mantles s.)ecial at $3.5at,
1.25 $4.75, $5.(), sits 't and S6.48.
;'!assts ('oats in (ret'n and Browns.
(`leasing; aat SS, all,
('hildren'e Coats, nietly trimmed.
Special at *1"e
Italie 1 lir . Black or uneven, i8fe.,
vat's. a1,lt0,
t'luldren s White Boas, 1:u , and 25c.
Ladies Fur (8p(I , S12.and ;13.51„
If you want :arfin, teett afee•in'. \V'
guarantee every treat at 82.3 and $35.
Ladies 3Iuffs. Meek only. $1.tet to
:Melee F ur Coate. Special ti 11.INr,
Men's Fur ('ape at +:3,0al,
Boys: Caps l(le. to 25c,
.l'en's ('aps 255c. to atic.
'Ien s and Boys Astrachan ('asps,
Siwciatl at 5llc.
'Men's Slide Bands, el.ttat values at
eCadies' Underwear.
Special in Ladies' Vests, l:ac., 2,0e,
and 2.k'.
lire have ladies' fleeet'el-titled Shirts
and Drawers. :1,1t sizes at ane,
Ladies' extra Brave Ribbed \'c•;ts
With just though cottorl to pteveut
eh inkage. Speeial at lac. and ;)rte.
Ladies' 1)rawere all sirte-. al -
at 25a, 50e, and IF e, 1
1 fait•: •d, wool hose, regitler 25e.
flat ality selling 3 pr, for Liar.
Ladies' plain or ribbed ('a ellutere
Hose, . a , be . t value in the n 2 -.ode at ,. ,
Ask to see the flue ribbed (:aslmie"re
hose vie are selling at 3 pt•. for SLIM.
Ask to set our" 3lothers deligh t." We
ere showing for the boys a good heavy
Hilrbetl Hose, all Wool,. Special at
25e., 35e. and 50e. 1
Children's Stoekings, aaIl prices, laic.,
20k.., 35e. and 50e.
See those Booties for infants we sire
showing at 123e.
Spet:ial in Men's rain coats, just ar-
rived. Selling like hot Nikes at °this
price $5,(10.
We are not sure of anything in this world. This summer weather is delightful. but unfortunately not per
moment; and when the thermometer takes a drop you will begin to think about stoves. We are prepared this fa 11 t
show you a larger and better assorted .tori: than we have ever shown in Exeter, We have on exhibition.
With the newest features and designs, Base Burners, Double Heaters, Duplex grates and etc.
We have a range of these in all high class styles that we are sure will please you, Besides the Model, Florida,
13erxnudath, Family Banner, we have a large choice of others at prices that will not turn yon away. Remember we
will be pleased to show you around.
We have secured a Range this year that is a surprise. It comprises all the latest features and costs no more
than an ordinary Cook Stove. We would like you to see them.
Highest Price paid for Dried Apples.
Highest prices paid for Butter. and Eggs in trade.
This Store Closes at 6:30 p.m., except
Wednesday and Saturday.
The undersigned has a few good farms for
sale cheap Money to loan nn easy to rm
>«. sale well's Block Exeter
We have unlimited Private funds for in
vestment upon farm or yillage property, at
lowest rates of interest.
Barristers, eto., Exeter.
Money to loan at from 4i to 5 per cent.
'Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter
Sale Register.
TxurtsnaxNov.it Farm stock, etc., the
'property of Wm. Monteith, Lot 8, North
Thames !toad. Sale ROmAS CAMERON,Anct.
Ji to
There strayed from the premises, Lot. 12,
South Boundary, Hay, in June last, a brindle
cow, 4 years of e,'with red and black stripes -
and a red heifer, 2 years old, with white legs
star in forehead and a. white tipped tail.
An, person returning: some er giving infer,
oration that will lead to their recovery will
be suitably rewarded,
The undersigned isoiTering for sale that
desirable house and premises on Huron
street, East, in the village of Exeter, being
part oflot, 15,containing •4U.acres. There is
on the premises a good frame house, stable.
a green House, hard and soft water. some
fruit trees aodother conveniences. Posses-
sion given this fall or next' spring. For
further particulars
apply to
Wm. S. BAseR, Exeter.
Winghannn: Another of \Vingham's
popular yonng men has gone ancldone
it. This time it is lir. M. E. Zurbrigg,
'photographer, who was married to
1 b gra TI
Miss Mary A. B. Stettin cher, at the.
home of her parents in Ellice town-
ship on Wednesday of last week.
In the estate of Charles Eilber, the
elder, late of the Township of Step-
hen, in the County of Huron,
gentleman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap-
ter129, of the. Revised Statutes of Ontario,
1897, that all persons having claims against
the estate of Charles Silber, the elder, the
above named deceased, who died onor about
the 12th day of October, A.D., 18089. are re-
quested to deliver to Henry Eilber, Esel., at
Crediton, the executor of his estate, on or be-
fore the
5t77 DAYo f DECEMBER, A.D.'99,
their names and addresses with full par-
ticulars of their claims and statements of
their accounts duly and legally verified.
And notice is further given that after the
said 5th day of December, 1899, the said exe-
cutor will proceed to distribute the assets of
the said deceased among those entitled
thereto, having regar t to those claims only,
of Which notice shall have been received as
above, and the said executor will not be li-
able for the said assets or any part thereof
so distributed as aforesaid to any person or
persons, of whose claim or claims notice has
been received at the time of sneh distribu-
Dated at Exeter the25th Solicitors for
day of October, 1899. Executor.
No Right to Ugliness. ,
The Woman who is lovely in face,
form and temper will always have
friends, but one who would. be at-
tractive must keep her health. If she
is weak, sickly and all run, down, she
will be nervous and irritable. Tf she
had constipation or, kidney troubie,h.er
impure blood: will cause pimples,
blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch-
ed. complexion. Electric Bitters is the
best medicine in the world to regulate
stomach, liver and kidneys and to
purify the blood. It gives strong
nerves, bright' eyes, smooth, velvety
skin, rich complexion. It will make a
good-looking, charming woman of a.
run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at
any Drug, Store.
St. Mars: Geo. Crazies had one of
his knee caps injurer. at the Maxwell
works on Wednesday.
1J -shoal -le
DEATH Of' MRs. HocKEy.-One of
the oldest residents of this township
passed to her reward on Monday, at
the age of 85 years and 9 months. Mrs.
Hockey had been enjoying her usual
health up till Saturday when she was
taken suddenly worse and died as
above stated. Bronchitis and the in-
firmities of old age was the cause of
death. '
ANNUAL TEA.—The annual tea of
the Methodist Church here was held
on Thursday night last. Notwith-
standing the veryclisagreeable weather
a large number was in attendance and
the affair was a most pleasant one
throughout. Addresses were deliver-
ed by Rev. Bt•own, of Exeter; Rev.
Jewett, of Elinnville; ItEr. Ortwein, of
Hensall, and Mr. T. B. Carling of Exe-
ter. The Main Street Methodist
church Choir, Exeter, furnished the
music which was much appreciated by
SCHOOL REPORT.—The following i3
a correct report for S.S. No. 5, _Mc-
Gillivray. Report is based on work
and attendance of the pupils. Nantes
are in order of merit:—Class V= -Nora
Coughlin, Clover short, Ettie Cough-
lin, Pearl Wilson. Class IV --Willie
Lewis,' Georgeda Scott, Lilly Ligh tfoot,
Josephine Coughlin, Cora Short, May
McGrory, Edward Faulcler, Tommy
Lightfoot. Class III—Leo Coughlin,
Sam Scott, Olive Short, Rosetta Light-
foot, Huey Lewis. Sr. II—Pearl
Short, Nellie Lewis, Jannet Maguire,
Gladys Short, Erwin Scott. Jr. II-
Arnold Coughlin, Allice Wilson, Lottie
Welsh.' Pt. II—Raymond Coughlin,
Adrain Coughlin, Mable Lightfoot.
Pt. I—Clatraa Lewis, Edward Jones,
Fred Lewis, Francis Glavin, Eliza
Hodgins, Chester Morley, Erin Scott,
Willie Maguire. Average attendance
J. H. LANE, teacher.
There was a very enjoyable time ,tt
Mt. Johnnie Simpson's op Ttaesday
nighty the oeeesion being a big mast,
- Mr. and 'Izs. Reid spent Tuesday
evening here—Mr. Geo. Sellars' sale
on Saturday was largely attended and
everything sold well. Mr, and Mrs.
Sellars will be greatly miese(1 in this
neighborhood. ---Miss D. A. Clark, of
London, spent Saturday and Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mr,. R.
Clarke, Nirs. W. Mtlydy has just re-
turned house after spending a couple
of weeks with friends in I'ineardiue.
Fr iedsburg,.
Mr. Har•r'kot, of Galt, visited his :son
(aey here last week, ----Mix'. Skinner of
Johnston l;leetrrt,tl (.`o„ Toronto, and
('. Cook, tat liens.!!, were in town last
week es 1 Hari « the cost k ofin
an Telt-etrual plant here. It is not as
Omagh we did not need it those dark
and rainy nights.—Jacob ~Widow bas
again moved 11, town and bought the
property owned by I'red. Ilse, the lat-
ter moving into Simone Miller's house
on Milton street,-- (=et 'our wheel
over-lielrled and enameller! by the neve
'tlatrbeleizing p gees• at, the 4'ye1e
Rooms. Mr. Fred Shettlet' has .re -
tamed from few days' visit in 130118lo.
_Quite a 11111811(1• fl•oin here attended
the funeral of Mrs. liestle at Zurich
last week. -.lir. Felix Wild intends
running as confectionery here., -Mrs.
and(':sok, of : urah River, have
returned learnt after visiting; Mende in
atrteyj,• arow0l town.,---1-s-i's, ('hau•1:•s
d`tr'c)eti,01'.18(1 \V`ilIwlm l,•ir• have r•1• -
turned front the West, -Mr, Fred
Ilse, crus t:axidertaist, has Letntccl P.
11clss:te .shop and will stt1)ply the
wants of the piddle.— The loud of the
eider null tinge throughout the air. -
'fhe Y.1'._t. held their• literary meet-
ing on heredity when an exeellelt
program was given, --„31r. ,Iterei Iiau•t-
Ieib our Hardware ntel'rhatnt reeelvetl
ar number of high grade strives bast
week,.I?digbuIYer tl Fenn have en-
gaged Mr. Zimmer, of St. Agatha, as
workman in the show princes Miss
bllnnua Tiernan left. for Sarnia last
week. --..i. meeting of the Dashwood
foot -ball and Atheletie Association
will be held in the Photo. Gallery on
Saturday evening next. All nnteube•r:s
come.—Messrs. Al. Van Alstine and
Gorden Mears, of l'arklall, passed
through town Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks are both
confined to their bods through illness.
Mr. Robert Luker is also on the sick
list. His ein, 'William who recently
bad Ii! i n broken by the kick of ,t
horse, is recovering.—Miss Dora Baker,
of Fairfield, is, we are pleased to Say,
convalescing and will we trust soon be
ottt again. - Mr, Norman 3litchell, pro-
prietor of the evaporating establish-
ment at Varna spent Sunday here an -
der the parental roof.—Mr. +houldice
and Miss Emily Tomlin, of Brinsley,
visited her brother here on Sunday.—
A number of the neighbors assisted
Mr. Thos. Neil in hauling a laarge quan-
tity of dirt to put around his house.
which when finished will add much to
its appearance. lir. W. Elliott, of
Fairfield, also had a similar bee last
week and a grand job was the result.
They are indeed handsome houses.—
Messrs. Frank Anderson, George and
Harry Atkinson, left here fox the lum-
ber woods last week.—Mr, Ralph
Handford left last week for London,
where he and others from this burg
have accepted positions on the G.T.R.
as firemen. We wish their all success.
—The Centralia Epworth League held
a literary meeting an Tuesday even-
ing, the subject being "Tennyson."
The young people handled the subject
splendidly and deserve grea t credit for
their talents on that line of study.—
Hallowe'en passed off lively in our
burg and the boys are determined that
the good old night shall not die away
Scxoor, REPORTS.—The following is
a correct report of Centralia Public
School for the month of Oct. Names
are in order of merit. V -Lillian
Elliott, Polly Windsor, Ahnena Hux
table, Albert Callfas, Lillian Salton,
Katie Elliott. Sr. IV—Clinton Hog-
arth, Edith Bent, Mende Baker, Perry
Windsor, Aggie Hepburn, Alv dna Wil-
son, Earl Mitchell. Jr. IV—Bruce
Mitchell, George Hepburn. Sr. III-
Minnie Baynharo, Clara Fairhall, Ruby
Hicks, .Meno,Callfes, Eddie Callfas.
Cottrill, Alvin Baker, Emma, Hill,
Warren Mitchell, Rosy Wilson, Frank
Boyle, Allle Haggith, Homer Matz,
Hecter Mitchell, Herrman Mitchell.
Sr. LI -Elva Windsor, Cecil Vale,
Chas. Heilman, Russel Bloomfield.
Jr. Ii -Flora: Hepburn, Rebecca Mc-
Coy, Winnie Essery, Verna 'Nilson,
Nettie Cottrill, Verne Sheardown,
Cora Frank, Clara Dempsey. Pt. II—
Gladys Essery, Melinda ()alibis, Wil-
frid Hodgins, Murray Elliott, Enos
Windsor, Czar Wilson, Melvin Ca-
fes, Joe Heiman, Norman Heaman,
John Dempsey. Pt. 1—A. Gifford
Roger* Frank • :Mitchell, Gordon
Wilson. B. Samuel McCoy, Charles
Chas. Graaftnn.
WV. B. ttseraw Teachers.
117.55 C)Ll D WALKER..
Following is a correct report of S. S.
No. 2, Stephen, for the month of Octo-
ber. .No. on roll 32, average attend-
ance 27. Sr. IV—Louisa Flanagan,
Garnet Hill: Vern Essery, S.iloina Hirt -
eel, Delphie Essery, Sr. III—Isaac
Sims. Jr. IIT—Glettis Hill, Allie Hard-
ing and Bristol Essery equal; Lon isa
Sims. Sr. 11—Arthur Fianaiga.n. Sr.
II—Eva Hirtzel, Roy Sims, Nora Sims,
Ethel Lamport, Joseph Edwards. Sr..
Part II—Mary Gower and Lora Sines
equal;�Chester Sims, Luella Stahl,
Wilfred Hodgins: Jr. Part II—Gertie
Essery 1o
sa, -Harding, ig, Jos ph White.,
Jim. White, Jos. Gower: Pant I—
Mary Chambers, Chas. Dishnnan, Evert
Sines, Clayton. Situs, Ethel Si ins, Mag-
g1e Beggs.
0. T, RAGGITIX Teacher,
COLLINS & STANBt'RY, Barristers. Con
veyaneer,. Notaries, Exeter. (ant , B. U. Col-
lies and I. (i'. Stan bury, BA. !,late with Me-
arthy, Osler & Co., Barrister,, Toronto.
Mr. Walter ('lark has moved into his
new residence. Mr. R. llckalls, of
London has )coved into the hotel,—
Mr. H. K Eilber
Our citizens can now walk
sefely after dark. The firm of Going
:Co., London, were in the Village a few
(lays last week painting signs for our
Merchants.--- (..`ottrt was held in the
Town Hall, Monday, by Magistrates
'lanais enol Sweitzer. The plaintiff,
Cherie anylorof Exeter, laid a charge
against some of the lines of Exeter for
breaking ,windows and otherwise thine
; aging the property. The boys agreed
to settle for $25,03, costs of eonrt being'
510.110, Rather expensive flint—'Mrs,
Rivers, of Sarnia, serumpatnied by her
family, is visiting her father 31a. 1L'ul.
Lewis JFrankc •t •c
�. irts
moved in with Mt. Hy. iin.b
c ,
Mr. Cbas,(ireb, of Ztn'ic ]nevus the guest
of Mr, August Hill Sunday. --Thi,
cabetSociety is booming these
They are working hard tor the 550
priz,- Messrs. 11, Finley and V, Ratz
left for Parry Scrnn(1 liontlaay for their
annual hunting trip, Messrs. George
Mantle and Win. Yearly also left the
sante clay for :!Muskoka where they will
spend a few days on a hunting expedi-
trnn,., •31i'. Robert, Walker has put up
as telephone from his shop to the house.
--11r. Henry Sweitzer is wearing an
inuuen'e etude tie -se d:aye. It's a boy.
--Mr, I. (g, Voting is Visiting his faith
e1' at 1'.Ce
ter, who is at )re:i.en.t very-
ill.-1Ir, i.etvi- Bertrane is Ia:tirrting
31I'. ('nct;will', new residence this week.
Tuesday night year fledlnwe'en, Not
hint• .. uaisehiet was done by the boys
her, Dive -Son Court wi11 be held in
the 'fawn Hell tin Satue.l:iy next.
Some interesting eases will ha, heard.
The rains during the past week ren -
&red the roads rather sloppy. but we
are pleased to see their drying up
ilgsins• -Mr. Henry \\'inert purchased
a new driver from air, henry Wing
ono day last week. ---Mr. John Pope
and family, of Hensall, Strndayell at
M. Johan Gray bier s,M1:s.Pape's father,
e- Miss Fanny Snell left on Sunday
evening fin. Hensen, where she has
accepted at position in Mr.. Pope's tai-
loring esta hlishment, hence the choir
was mains an organist Sunday even-
ing,—Rev:,i, (x. Litt, of ('rediton, spoke
in the interest of the Lipper Canticle
BibleSocletyr in the'van elical church
here en Tuesday. --Mr. Ezra Tiernan
wears a broad smile these days. Iiis
wife presented hien with a bouncing
baby girl on Tuesday week.—Rev, J.
P. Hauch pre:acb.eel to a large and inter-
ested congregation in the Evangelical
church here Sunday morning. Mr,
Hauch is a poWerfnl speaker, He
leaves on the lith inst., for Japan,
where will he sent by the conference
AS a missionary. His many friends
here wish him Godspeed in his new
field of labor"• --It was decided on Sun-
day to hold the mutual Christmas fes-
tival in connection with the Evangel-
ical Sunday Sehoal here. We hope
each individual will do all they can to
snake it interesting and successful.—
Mr. Henry "Wiilert shipped a carload
of dressed hogs to Toronto Wednesday.
Mr. Jonas Hartleib, onr genial and
obliging hardware merchant, appears
to be doing a brisk trade those days,
having sold six stoves in one day.—
WEDDED.—The Lutherian church of
this place was the scene of afestive
occasion on Tuesday of last week,when
Mr. Charles Kellar and Miss Lousia,
danghter of Mr. Christopher Miller,
of the 14th concession, joined hands
and hearts -for life. The Rev. Eifert
performed the ceremony. May their
voyage over life's rough sea be one of
continued sunshine is the wish of their
many friends.
AGnossIx1usTioB._ There has been
circalated around Khiva a false report
concerning one of ourtownsmnen which
if not corrected might do the party an
injury to some extent. It has been
stated that 31t-. Charlie Guenther was
made to "pull up stakes” and leave
the place while threshing forNt'. John
Rowe. of the Babylon Line. - Therum-
oris wholly untrue and without foun-
dation. It is true Mr. Rowe got anoth-
er machine to do his second threshing
and that too foe reasons he will cheer-
fully give to anyone who. may be in-
quieitive enough to enquire. Mee
Guenther's outfit has given satis-
faction wherever he has threshed and
particularly on the Babylon Line
where he has clone the hulk of the
Work 'from the Crediton road and
away up past Mr. Ra.nnie's farm in
Hay, . for the past fifteen years.
Charlie takes second place to none for
doing good, clean, satisfectorywork.
Mr. Alfred Young, accompanied by
Ilio wife, was the guest of Mr. 1). Hey
u)) Sunday. I've is doiug a nice, �p�x'os-
perous mexchatntile business in Lake-
side. —'Ir, Alexander Wylie, of Toron-
to, Inspector of the Reliance Lean
Company, was at Mr. Bay's the begin-
ning of the week on !nosiness, in con-
nection with the company.—Miss Van-
stone, formerly assistant teacher here
in oar school, was visiting in this sec-
tion for a few days during the week.
She is now attending the Collegiate at,
Godez'ich, where she is preparing Juri-
iat" Leaving Work.—After at residence
of a few months, t villager, 3Ir. J.
Blanchard teed fancily, removed front
the corner store to Mn". Thos. ('larke's,
about two riles south of bore. ---Mr.
•'s Ieeaandee I1.tekney, who. went down
to London on Sunday last to see his
,t) )
brother, v who of-� o"
tit David, v It ar` itt
1 v h .
fever, e
v t, x•c p )rt than he isdoing nicely
told that the fever is pretty well down.,
lie has been in the lmspital note ..bent
tltr("e vvteks, 1511(! It is tllonght that be
be able to cnttae home in atboe:t
another week, - Me, 1). Hay, our nter-
tehant bete, is putting in a 31eLaus-y
furnace in his store and house. Ni:
Moore, of Kirkton, has the contract.=-
Mr, S. Pollen looks very happy now
and evert wears a broader snide tha a
GNAW, t'it're, a baby girl.
Hnilett: WO understand that Mre.
Thnrntee \\.share• has rented her farm
to hex son-iu h rw, 31r. Woodyard, and
will take rap her reefdenec in Clinton,
selling her :+tock, 'etc., on Nov.. 1. Mr.
Woodyard hats l,cen elnjtlov ed in Stan-
ley for• settle time, and le spoken of its
a thoroughly conlpetent and. reliab e
young; ratan, who will -improve any
• f:trn he takes hold of.
Seaafx)rth: 'Mr". James Melville, ten
employee in the iir.rttifoot :ant1 Hex
fact1)ry, met with as painful tweident in
the factory on Saturday Last. Ills
right hand a 11n11e 111 e.ontact with a ra-
pidly revnlyiug iron 11tui, r:uisita;; x8011
tUjori s ass totit•ra'S Otal0 the autlAlt'a-
tion of parts of three fiege'rs and 11:s
thumb. 'fhe :weld:ent will render Ins
hamd almost useless, although forttai-
aately he is left handed..
WEDDED,—The hone of Mr. Sohn
Kent, of this place was the scene of
one of those happy gatherings on
Wednesday of last week, which are al-
most invariably a source of much in-
terest, especially to the young, the oc
elision being the marriage of his sec-
ond da.ughter•, Miss' Emma, to Mr.
James Young, of London. The cere-
mony took place about three o'clock
in the afternoon and was performed.
by the Bey. J. Hussar, of Crediton, in
the presence of a number of friends
and relatives of the contracting par-
ties. The bride was attired in a beau-
tiful dress of blue serge, trimmed with
white satin, anti. carrying a bouquet of
white cnrnattions. The bridesmaid.
Miss Lilly Kent, sister of the bride,
was similarly attired and both pre-
sented a charming appearance. The
groom was supported by Mr. Percy
Boscove, while the bride was given
away by her father: A grand array
of presents were received by the bride.
The hapPy (ample left the sane even-
ing for their future home in. London
amid the Well wishes of their many
friends. We extend congratulations
and may theirs be a long and happy
wedded life.
Stanley: .l quite wedding took
place at tht' home of Mrs. J. Stewart,
on Wednesday, when her daughter,
Lillian, was united to John (.'totting,
the eertannny heing,r pxerforrneel by. Rev.
A. SteWart. :No briclesiniutl ormutate-
man assisted, and only immediate fri-
end:; were present. l3oth being well
and popularly known it goes withot,t
saying that, the good wishes of the
eotnxuunity go with their.
\Vingharn: News reached town of
the dearth of'Ir. Joss -ph Clendenrting,
Man of Mts. ('Iendvnning of dais teiwn,
which sat, event took plau•e at his
home near Duluth on 5s\ ednesdaty t+f
Iast week. 3.1r. Clendenning had been
on a visit to his relatives in Winghatn
and left for !tome about two weeks
ago, and when at Duluth was stricken
with paralysis and died .shortly aft
reaching his home, which was near
St. Marys: Lightning played quite
a peculiar trick at the house ownedby
Mr. J. Robinson and occupied by'Wrn.
Woods on the River Road, about two
miles from toia•n 011 Monday :week.
During the heavy downpour of rain
that morning, a bolt struck the corner
of the kitchen and did considerable
damage to the interior. Mrs. Woods
was thrown across the room and receive
ed some slight injuries. Stoves, furni-
ture and kitchen utensils were throw
about in confusion and the floor round
about where Mr. Woods was sitting
with a child in his arms, was torn up.
The escape of the occupants was noth-
ing short of )Miraculous.
His Life Was- Saved. -
Mr. J. E. Lilly; a prominent citizen
of Hannibal, Mo., lately had .•awonder-
ful deli-oereuce from a frightful death.
In telling of it he. says: I was taken
with Typhoid Fever, thait rani into
Pneumonia. My lungs became harden-
ed. I was so weak I couldn't even sit
up in bed. Nothing helped nue. I ex-
pected to soon die of Consumption,
when I heard of Dr. King's New Dis-
covery. One bottle gave great relief.
I continued to use it, and now am well
and strong, I can't say too much in
its praise." This marvellous Medi •
eine is. the surest and quickest erre in
the World for all Throat incl Lung
Trouble. 5Q cents and 51.00, at any
Dz'ug Store; every bottle • guaranteed.
ROESSLER—In Stephen. one Oct. 27, the
wife of John Roessler, of a son.
HE'xwooD.—In Elineville, on Oct. 27,
the wife of James Heywood, of a
MCALLxsTER—In Hay township, on
Oct. 24th, the wife of lir. Charles
McAllister of a son.
TIAYw utD—SMALL—At the resideuce
of the bride's parents, Clinton, on
Oct. 18, by Rev. Mr. Murdock, Frank
Hayward to Miss.Bex•the Small, all
of Clinton.
YovNG,—KENT.-At the residence of
the bride's parents, Brinsley, cin O-
tuber 28th, by the Rev. J. Hussar,
Mr. James Young, of London, to
Miss Emma, daughter of Mr. john.
Kent. •
RUINSTOWz,slarn-.At the resilience
of the brides' mother, Clinton, on
Oct. 24. by Rev. G. W. Howson, Ira
Johns, of Tackersmith, to Fanny
youngest daughter of the late Joseph,
Tow nsend.
HoaYEX.—In Lshorne, on October 30.
Susan Hockey,- Caged 85 years, 9
PawELL.-In Exeter, on Oct. 31, Etta,
Florence May, daughter of Mr. Step-
ben Powell, aged 10 years, 6 a tentles
and 21 days.