HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-07-31, Page 7IS
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THE WORL a.. 14 6' W VT VIM AN mix- ;4191041 �� . . r
_ 015 MARK S i . ., . �, � . ., CONDENSED NEWS ITRAS
- . 0*4rklk rro*�t Raaw.d A �. - — � .
. PRINC"'11" OV WALES I .. Mr-" I � , -.1i I 0,woft-,�'Ity. �� I mr- I TH I . THE KING TO THE PEORV:
� I . . 11 .
I .I. I . � 191RIPORIN nox ITEIM Ti"00.0 �;, --hifr k-Queb.4%i a. , .M. I I "'
I _.""'..'' . I'll., - !I, , . . A' 4w,'"t.c 04 0A, . I — - .�
, , , , :�' I % I TR4 ;, " . it - � , T11i GLOYAE. I
� . . , W& 09SIx"s, Tbuik4tbo lil�f the Prince of � I
I., 1111. M .1; 1_111 I '' I - �- 111--,", ____ i11111� I W I 1 ; - "OR"- . I '
� ., - 11 � . -'s- I I I' � 0,00A was. IU, i &Q bt the confort, -_ Cablegram Despatch to the King From . .
. I I I � ch ot onors, 46 1
1 .
. . �� 11 . I . - ,,,:�' , , vapm=law OF UALARIA. Telelrupble I1r .
l' � . I I I . . Prkev 91 Cattle, oroui,00m, lk* '90 the real ients was 4*0141� leb From Olor Own I �
- __.,....__ 1__:*-_- --_1-- -1_-1 t, 1,-*r�l . ;_ - I nv I'll, nr� a hA . S,
. . .. � 4 -, I— - -L4"A I - *a4lea%3�_�_e0ol -- # 44
� -*Is, . I fo- - 1i - I � I - � - :1111:�W-_ - .,#.I- W --VA_ -b.-,, th,e ",4-- �:_ , ,_,_ .. ____Qi�, and-JUs ... R*y_._.__.._____ ,,, -1 I ...
� �W_r�w#_" rw4o q I .- _ I
- I I I . - , T - , . p . 9 most careful tests that malaria is . � .. I'll ". ,
. , J ' . .
7.. � 1--_ - - I - . , uaft ,%4*Ak*X#,-,__ I Quored is 0 pre �ile f 'tteb - .Vpr"d- in= main t9 ma� oal� Recent Eyeate. � , ,
I � � - -I ---.11-1 - � - _ - � _ I
. -&V Dr roms. a! up per, . . I 11 �
i f W$`ho throuqh the agency of mosquitoes (if CANADA. ���
. I . Toronto, July 20,_,Fli - On- � Irecet in t Go a. ciak kind, thp prevention of the "The people of Canada, assem. The f"Ilowiog reply was receiv- � ,!� . "* ,�
vice$ a "I'll .
tario wheat 90 per cent. patents Earl Grey's reward for the sor I diseme is theoretically easy. One Wheat,cutting has otarted in v3rt- b1pid to ,,I,br,t, the Tercentenary ed (ruin the King -. . I
age quoted at *3.g3 to *O.gi) in hot has rendered in connection.,witb has only to keep the mosquitoes ous sections of Alberta. -Please convey to Mayor and .1 . � . 'l,- I
. . ; buyers"' packa outside for "port. the celebrations and the promotion . of the foundation of Quebec, pre- . . � . 1, ".
� � , , or to keep away from the Mo. The Doukhobors in jail at Regina sent their M citizens of Quebec my congratula- I
. I Miniolia flour, Arati pati -outs $e- of the battlefields scheme is a Grand &w" refuse to cat, humble duty to your a- I -1
. , ' Jiiid' Cross of the Victorian Order, whil aquitoes, and the trick its done. tLouts arid good wishes on the joy- , � i ..
second tents, $4.34 to 45 40 ' e It is a pity not so easy The Arden flour mills and elevator jk1GtY. and desire to thank your ous celebration of the three hurt- I 'I' -
. strong 9akpT@-. $4.%o to 0 , tj'.',,;6 " " Colonel Hanbury William Ill' . that it is ;
? - -- -- ___ . - - - 1. - I - - - .W . . . - !! - '31.0 AM it Rounds-' In the trODiCR, in thocl at Arden, Man., were burned on Majesty for the honor done them dredth anniNersary of the founda. L �
r, , % , 40at-vo. I -zibrtnerm-quotici %otac,4i-;P;-XV, � ml*� 0 - V.".- R�iiian' 'Vamp-a-gali-, Li ad -in other rjacurday., - , , - - . S the -presence -bete Of hill Royal troff ,0I_ MQ'Ir My- JJy -5uniuvi-4v - - -- � -- , -- _: ;
, � at 41.11, lake ports, No. 2 North- Three of the National Battlefields f The bodies of two unknown men Highness the Prince of Wales. They Ctiamplain. I am much gratified I .
. era at $1.08, and 'No. .3 Northern Commiasioners, Sir George Drum- places where the pernicious form o I : .A.
. motid, Mr. B. E. Walker and Hon. nial3rill, &bounds, the precautions were taken from dic river and canal see to learn of their cordial reception - � .1c,
� 7 I at $1.05%. he hou� taken are most elaborate; but they at Montreal on Saturday. . in this gracious act a fresh of the Prince of Wales, whom I . . I I �
,QntArio wheat -No. 2 quoted at Adelard Turgeou, receive t
Alfto s4c outside. ;Jew wheat sold or of C.V,O., which is also given MAY we] be imitated wherever ma. Two man were killed by lightning proof of the interest which your have seat to represent itic on this 4ot I ,
I .1
I : 11
ali'ago oirtside for No. 9 red. I to Mr. Joseph Npe, Under Spare. I laris exists, modified, perhaps, in at Virden, Man., on Saturday, while Majesty has ever manifested to- I great occasion I received with IL �', I � �, � I L
1i -No. 2 Ontario white quot- tary of State, and General Otter. some of the dqtails so as to make standing in tire doorway of a barn. wards your Maj'e8t 'a Canadian Kleastire tile renewed as8urances of I . � 11 �': ,
. Oats - and copse- A mounted infantry regiment has subjects, who, on Is great aodl )3 ItN on the part of my Canadian t
� . I at- historic occasion hasten to renew I tin Jec 8, . , ..
ed outside at 44 to 45c, and No. 3 Colonel Percy Sherwood, Chief of them less burdensome, b- -t in whose welfare I am % I
\ white at 43y2c outside. Manitoba the Dominion Police, and Colonel quently more likely to be followed. been proposed for Oxford and W 0 1i .
. 'No. 2 quoted at 46)4o; No. 3 at -44c, Roy are made members of the Vic. 14 the first place, settlem in the orloo. -the expression of their unalterable !,deeply interested, and to whom I . , t.
1. . and rejected at 42c track, Owen torian Order, and a C. M.G. is con- tropics are warned to build their Lumbermen in Ontario will pro- devotion to your Majesty's thruirel wish tin ever increasing measure of I :� 1�
Bound. . ferred on City Clark Choumard of cabins or their houses as far away bably reduce their out for next win- and person.' progress and prosperity." - . , -L 11.
ter -6y, one hal , - __ - __ - _ --..--- ,'_�
._ . . . --.-,-"--. - . . . .. � . - � -1 . . .. - 1. . I . I ...
- ______ t �. - Rye -Nothing doing, -with prices- 4Quiebte. - - , - - - . I . - -from- the- native- eettlemistats as -pos- Of 1,555 students writing on the 7
�; , ,� I � ,.., . purely nominal. -------+— sible, especially where there are entrance examination in Toronto, JAIL -BREAKING AT FERNIE. CHIT-CHAT. ;
Pea&-Pricea nominal. y children, It is with malaria - - 11 I
HAYES WINS HA,RATHON RACE man 957 were successful. Five Alleged Black Hand Itallans White embroidered linen frocks
Corn -Prices purely nominal. to as with yellow fever, that the.dis- ing for very your girls are alua)s . � 1-, "
I 9c outside, and No. 3 extra at 56 � . a, lantliar famine. owi to -the naUL . � . brau'Liful.awd "I 1. - I
Barley -No. 2 quoted at 58 United States Van First, South ease is generally kept going in a The prairie provinces are faci Made Their Escape. L tywyg -appsovIrkate - ___:_��L,,�; -
54 ------. __. _ - � - ,mumou,nity by the children, . � ;
- , ---ArrFCan_ Seeoad. _' who her of cars used forl crops. A despatch from Ferniti, B C I but the average lloinan regara-i I A �l��
is. - ---..--.-P-9-------- . . I
I .. ............ .... _T. .0 We 6utBide have it in mild, but nevertheless .i� , �;
._1_1 . ' it 'a- The Saskatchewan Legislature says: Five Italian prisoners, livid oil them as out8ido her tueana. A very , ,
Bran -Cars are quoted at $16-50 A despatch from London says: fectious form. has been dissolved, and a now clec- a charge of extorting money by good plan is Lo buy till embroider- ID . -
- I to 017 in bulk outside. Shorts T ,�, , ""..
----- - - -The Prince'w reply-tv gir-Wilfrid one of ther -greatest tributes to tae -1 - , he�.grev,t Mwatlisin_rAca, by. far A1L_1htL_3yin"%y5 Of the hQuIto tion will take place on August 14- Black Hand practices, escaped from cd cOnterPlovi", [lot of the heaNY , ,,
quoted at $19 to $26 in lbulkcUt7-7 ,; . ,
Laurier's address of welcome to Political genius of Englana's rule, the most important event of the should be screened with wire guaze Mr. J. J. Kehoe of Sault Ste. the jail on Wednesday morning. white linen variety, but tire kind I � ��,
aide. N Olympic games, was won on Fri- -not removable, 1;Lut nailed outsid . _� L'' I
Quebec Ln behalf of the Canadian ,ad the knowledge that they and — e Marie has been appointed Judge of Tile fugitives were no0ed tit liberty known as Japanese embroidery. . I'�, � I .
their fellow -Canadians of British day by Hayes of the United States. to the frames of the windows. The tire new Judicial district of Slid- by someone front tho'outside, arid cklittli-tild with a design including �� I
b I �
People:- I origin are working hand in hand Longboat, to whom the Cana,dians doors should be doubly guarded by a b it ry. have not yet been recaptured. askets or bouquets of flowers ; � � , �,
with a screen, door at each Hon. A. B. Aylesworth will leave . ; i. .
I am greatly touched by the - Bearia-Prime, $2 to $2.10, and the twentieth mile. Following is end. As an additional precaution, 4P Having acquired this, Kernel nla- I;' '. , I
in the upbuilding of the Dominion had pinned their faith, gave up at vestibule
IO;,at and sympathetic words of the ,,, a source Of deep satisfaction to hand-picked, $2.10 to $2.16. the result:- 1, Hayes, United the beds are provided with gauze to consult, ,aa.-a.u.'riat. FOUL PLAY SUSPECTED. -(-based to match. I I I : I .1
for Vienna at the end of the mouth terial tiltist be [),it � .
u4 nearlY no Possible, tile founda- - - , � ,_ I
. the King, as well as to. all those who Hay -_No. .1 timothy is quoted at States 2 hours 55 minutes If3 see- mosquito bars clo,4ed all round d On Wednesday 675 miles of the tion of tho centerpiece, and it few ,
IrsRH wit the- uam--T, 'an — .�;�,,
of the people of Canada, weicuin3 take part in British institutions. 1 f9 to $10 in car lots, and No. 2 at ends. ' 2, Hefferon, South Africa, to be entered only by lifting ont', aidO G T P front Winnipeg to tile Bat. Fireman of Huroniv Disappears at t6;f voillell I I ill
me on this occasion of my sixth vi -;;L, cordially agree with you in the pro- $7.60 to $8. �. hours 56 minutes 6 seconds. 3, for a moment. If one goes out after tl(, ki,er will be corn leted. Port Arthur. � I A,r � iennes intiertion or 11 I I .
I am fully sau- Forshaw, United States, ,.) hours Rundown -the malaria mosquito is . Ll IV �, r.. �
to the Dominion. priety of setting apart as a memorial Straw -$7 to $7.50 in car lots. - were . I 11.11 heading. Tito front (if tire I , . - .
ible of the honor and resp,-!rii')!hty for the present and future genera- Potatoes -$3.25 Ao $,�..75 ppr bar- ' Mr. Kyto and two cEildren - , , I
I 5G minute's "id 2-5 seconds, Welton a � I- - , - csp&t,eh front Port Art,hur, waist, alvd skirt may thou he cut - - - -_ . - � ,I-
* - tions the battle ground of the Plains rel in icar lots. n e,�cujpg and night flier -- one I poisoned at Tillsonburg by drink- ' " , 4 11 ILK 1. 1.
of my position as the represen�,at ve of Abraham, bellowed by the asso- Poultry - Chickens L , yearlingia, of the United States finished fourth. should wear a gauze hood, falling a Ont., says: Fred Pollock, cmplo�vd f fnint tit(, conterpievo, cho I. i g, It' � �!'� Ir 4:
of,olir Boyereign, w4 . d Wood of Canada was fifth, Simpson f the brim of it ,ing buttermilk that had stood in as fireman since the opening of lit%% i near as poKsible, It eampletO per 4 I 11 11
,i, ever min - - rom he hat over the till vessel. 1, y �1_ ill
fu of the un-swervin it ciations of past years, and I heartily dressed, 9 to 10c per pound. Tur of Canada sixth and Lawson of . gat,on, left his Bhip when Rhe was tion of the design, and the e ma � I
g oya ty of hit shouldexa, gauntlet gloves coming M I-. F. W. Morse, vice-president , .
Canadian subjects, follows with af- congratulate all concerned in this keys, 14 to i5c per pound. Canada seventh, Caffery of Can- in dock here July R. 11, left all his ho get into tile tuaterial %%ith a . : r�,:),
factionate interest everything which noble undertaking -upon the success ada, was twelfth and Goldsboro over the coat-sleves, and leggings. and general manager of the (). T. ties aboard, and aniong thern It,, band of insertion or heading. What I I I � ';�
The grounds surrounding the 11. has left for the west on a final clot � ,''I � . �.;,
I d , "!. "�
concerns the welfare and develop- which has attcnded their patriotic THE DAIRY MARKETS. seventeenth. The mail to really hou is should be well drained, tile inspection-Wi,tr bcfort� the vp ning Insurance polLC.N for one thousand eve r is left (if the centerpiece may ". : �� �
ment Of the Dominion. My privilege efforts. Butter -Pound prints, 21 to 22c; ri�ach the tape first was Dorando 11 0 Lie used to trun the BleoveR, which . .1; ir''
is, therefore, twofold, for I join "I much regret that my present tubs 19 to 20c; do., inferior, 17 to O; Italy, and the Italian flag was grass kept short,' and all puddles of 67r) miles of tire road. dollars. There was also some money , Al 'k, i. -
11 ,11,, lie left, ItIlti as art, finished %%lth the, inHertion ,It, ., % 1,
with you, both as the representative visit cannot be extended beyond I raised to signalize his victory, but "'Pt away if small, or oiled if The contract for the construction ('01111119 to I'll binding, arid a very handsome, .k I i � �,�
Isla. Creamery rolls, 24 to 25c, and ,st large. The water tanks should be (if tile Central Railway, from Mout- nothing list; been 4cen or heard of . 11 11� .
of the King and on my own behalf Quebec, and also that the Princess solids, 23c to 24c. " the Americans entered a protee hand vinbr,miered gown is Illado at - I :::�,'�,,__
; -,, 1;� "j.
in celebrating the three h . ndredt� of Wales was unable to accompany Eggs -Case lots sold at 20 to 22o because Dorandu, who drupp � covered with a wire netting, and real to Midland, has been migned him since foul play is Ruspected little colit and altnust lit) trouble ",",
me on this occasion. We both retain per dozen. 0 articular care should be taken tt�.,Ily the Dominion Engince,ing U-.- --- +. -- . �;��
anniversary of the founding of your from exhaustion when 2 0 yards P ()nlato pany ,if Toronto Tilt, material u4od (In each side of 'J , �.
1. famous city by Samuel de Chain. to from the tape, had been assisted see that there are not old t � cl';,,�`.,.
.. ,��i,,
? the happiest recollections of our Cheese -Large cheese, 12% It has been learned that tile Bev- Prvmident �'alitro has ,,rdered tilt) tilt, design may be finvly tucked and . . . . . . ..... . . . . . I , ��,
� stay in Canaaa seven years ago, and 13c and twins, 13 to 13%c. by some of the officials. The pro- (!aria or broken bottles round, for 11 - -A
,_ Plain. I look forward with keen in- , en prisonvi-K will) escaped front To- Dutch Milliste" tit VVIlezu'la till the niadvI bir tit(- dresit. oia� ill- (-lit- .I � ",�
i ' and Hayes, tile thr,se make excellent receptacles for 1", �_'A,&
I terest to the impressive ceremonies of the k.nd and affectionate welcome test was allowed leave the country. I lorn or plain, to suit tile talito ,if ,�'j , ,p
WL second man, declared victor. little accumulations of ater, in r,Iva,,,_)4A�,1r,,,,ickv' . luck with straws I " T,
I we'experienced during that most in- Severt thousand Turkish soldiorm Lhe ruother. It is better, though, r- ,
w fr , _ '�4 L�, � it"
�, of the next few days, during which HOG PRODUCTS. which the malarial mosquito IuvOB to om. � � , i,
� . the past and present will appear be- teresting and enjoyable visit. . -I. lay her eggs. Jacok Colion and Abe G,Iick of are reported to be it I to arrange for a It reak in tlit, w akt- I yt, �, 1, I I .,;.�, . :
� Bacon -Long clear, 11% to 1I%c B ton �were sentenced at Quebec Monastir di,,triet.. line, for tile twit (If-gigill; will be de- 4 �� ,., ,'I, ��
1, for us upon a stage of unsurpassed "I shall not fail to convey 4 my CROPS ARE FLOURISHING. In short, in the war against mos- "' ": �
I per pound in case -lots; mes.a, pork,. to fivo years for pocket -picking. The Permian insurgents are Ili pom Inched in an), calip. A proth belt , I .,ts, -I,
natural beauty. And here in dear father, the King, who takes the $19 to $19.60; short cut, $23 to — quitoes it must be remembered that sv%qion (if Tabriz, unit the 8hah's to wear with this frovk is it boned . : ; ", 1�
Quebec I recall with much pleasure deepest interest in this celebration, $23.50. C.P.R. Reports All Indicate Bounti. stagnant water is the danger point ' rhey were caught in the act, Ot- cauRe Ili tilt, north is lost girdle i,f Dresden ribbon ill- of tile " � . . ,,;�.
the no uncertain proofs which I have the gratifying expressions of your The Government printers at f: ., ,
received on my several "visits to loyalty and attachment to his throne Hams - Light to medium, 14 to ful Harvest. always, as that iii what the mos- CaWa haVO worked on I'Sundays for Grete Ilvier, daughter (If (ill, softo,it Ivory raditurn t4ilk., fl, 1:%,
. I i� S�;�
14V,c -, do., heavy, 12y, to 13c; rolls, quite needs for breeding purposes. I 'I ( I I _. ,_
Canada of the loyalt�V of the King's and person, of which his Majesty is A despatch from Winnipeg says: several weeks and the Lord's Day Mator of Froiborg, Saxony, wil. 1) I As bmh dres,ii-4 if-srribed above . I �, �;
10y,c; shoulders, 10c; backs, 17 to It should never be allowed to gather I , % f '�,
French-Canadian subjects. Their well assured. 5c. Reports on the condition of tile Alliance if; complaining, headed for the niurdur of her fianct . fir(, ,if such mhV('T matorials, a whito � - '11'.:
17y,c; breakfast bacon, 14Y2 to I . . 11 round the premises in quantities, � !,-, I �
proved fidelity in times of difficulty "Once more I thank you from my P Fanatical Duukhobora in confinc- Toventy thousand mill Iiand-4 in LalTvta .%Ill, ,imidd be worn uti(ler 3;- - "
.. �P�'��.,:A,;�,
Lard -Tierces, 12y4c; tubs 12y2c ; growing grain of the western "(I- however 'small. This is simply a ment it, the West are trying to Bombay have struck in )iynipathy th"Ill, bit( if th Is not able. 7�A:,i� �
. :
and danger, happily long past, is heart for your kindly grecting." pails, 12y,e. vinces were received at the offie,e of matter of ordinary intelligent care. .'Iak, tilt, NatiOuldiSt. loader, tIll, ulitIni Illiffy"'k I wij)roo,ur & ��:�:'z��;,
the General Manager of tile C.1 . it. starve therniielves, and the atithor with T I I, rts I It (Ilk very . ji��, 1,.��,
_. _____ -,-- - - ___ - .- _ - __ - - _____ - If it is alregdy th�rc in larger quan- -tell %%eIt with (lit, white embroidered ,j,,.,,,,'-,,
on Wednesday morning. A sum- - ities have the greatest trouble in who has been transpoi fI,r six ., I ,
FIELD CROP COMPETITIONS. the official sent by the Federal Do- BUSINESS Air MONTREAL. titles, a coat of kerosene will make forcing nourishment upon them. years for sedition. frock , while for till- scrini dress it 'A't- ,� i_,
. �V_"_i
mary of the reports indicates that it noxious to tile mosquito lart,ae- Oil Fridav, Benson Dick,ion and Tr(ops fired on tit(, striking toill ,ht) Inade of flowered ditnitv iiiid 0 ,, -A, -k
— partment, to judge tile grain while Montreal July 28 -The inarket the general rains of last week, ex- . III - . : '.i - .�,��!
Provincial Prizes to be Offered to standind in the field, Youth's Companion. Roderick 11',yreii pleaded guilt.� ILL ban(I'S'ill BornbaN, (lit Friday, killing fi shed in many ruffleR would be I "r.
for oats is firm. Eastern Canada tending over the entire grain dis- 1% ,,, ,
' ��, "
, ,
Competitors. Owing to the fact that there were No. 3, 46c; No. 4, 45c ; rejoicted, t,i,t,, have been of great benefit to Brockville to a series of robberies. five arid wounding forty three charming. . �, , ,
, , ,�, , , J.
� T11P
not a sufficient number Of Societies 43 to 43Y,c; ManitoLa No. 2 white, the crops. There are a few points in Dickson wag sentericed,to five years ------- - - - . — - __ - - __ - __ ---------T �1. , � , _;., I
The increased number of socie- entered in Other kinds of grai SUN BATH FOR NERVES. in the penitentiary a Ill Eyres to it.�I�i,�,
ties which are taking part in the In we 47c; No, 3, 46c; rejected at 45c per Manitoba and suuthern Alberta call- , :,;,",:V
". -,;.,'.
. � ;;., ...
Standing neld Crop rain, but, generally "Intimate your cat, madam, and two. 1,i',�'
are confining this competition at the bushel in car lots ex store. Amer*,- ing for more t
Competitions Winter Fairs to oats. an corn, 82y,c per bushel ex store. speakitirg, all have received a fair take a sun bath these spring morn- At Kenora, Ont , a drunken man, ,§ i ,.
. _�4, �
this year an(i the excellent results Further parficulars will be mail- cFlour-Choice Spring wheat Pat- su not identified, jumped into the lake . .
that have already ajecrued 'have ed later. pply of moisture. Hail is report- iligg if voll want to get rid HOG INDUSTRY DOES NOT PAY �. , .
. ents, $6.10; seconds, $5.50; Win- � (If your and wits dromnvd, on Friday. Tile l- - �
been so marked that the Hod. Nel� ed at a few points, but the dRmage is nerves,'' said a certain well known � . 1.
Farmers, I trust, will appreci- ter wheat patents, $5 ; straight rol- 8 . I letters V. 1). were tato,)ed oil his R , ,
I " 11
I Ron Monteith, Minister of Agricul- light, and confined to small pecialists to one of his patients re- - - _ ____ - ___ - . � I I
c -;I E I
- ate. the desire of the Minister Of lers, $4.30 to $4.60; do., in bags, " re as' 8 hest and the name Christina John- I
F� ture, has consented to extend the Agriculture to improve the stand- $1.90 to Grain dealers interviewed on I , ex- cently. "See how lazy arid happy ': 14�;.�, I
, $2.16: extras, $1.65 to ,lot) oil big left arm. �, ,,,, ,
"I, . 'P, I
Competition still further by arrang- change on Wednesday morning sai I pussy looks it-; lie stret,ches his body tell, Farmers in the Province of Ontario Axe 6 -111.
e prize winners ard of the grain crops in the Pro- $1.75. Feed -Manitoba bran, $22 that the expected the cutting o f th' . . Vice President William Why ..... ..�_?_", ,
vince of Ontario ancf give us their v $23; shorts, $25; Ontario bran Y e and blinks his ye4 ill tl H 1-1 I g ,,., 11 , , ,,
. -,
e the C. P� It Bay% tire vit-9tern %iiheat , o 11
in each of the different Agricultuir- beairty co-operation,in this iinport- $19.60 to $20; middlingii, $25 to $26', crop to begin about the second week gull. If catm hall nerve dis Wiles R I ,.,%-� ,,,,
I .
.- 11 � ,�:, �, ; ,, 11
I tit crop will requiro twenty five thou- Giving Up Raising Them. "I " � 1 1;1!
at Societies competing enter into a ant forward movement. shorts, $24.50 to $25 per ton, in- of August, which is some time earli- would be. the best thing in the wor Rand extra har%cstor4 this year, and , f:�, ,: � . ,
. ,:L,
Provincial contest at the Winter er than last year. -. I "'I: ''
; _��.
!:� I , ,p ',
Fairs at Guelph and Ottawa. Each J. LOCKIE WILSON, eluding bags; pure grain mouille, to cure them. tile men will be paid two or three - . - : � , 'i" 4 1 4 � .�, I
� .�_,
$30 to $32; milled grades, $25 to —it— 'Every sanitarium has Its gull' dollars a day with board. I 1, �, ,P
exhibitor will be required to for- Superintendent. ' A deiipatch fi-to (MILAVIL sa%s ItUrle,, Acreatte of 7,13,444, a de- .
Nvard two bushels of the grain with $26 per ton. Provisions -Barre I a FILLING UP THE WEST. room now, but women ought not to Chairman 'Mablio of tile Railway ' I - ,, ,�'L, I
tile SaTIL 4 .,.'I,.
which he takes a prize in the Stand- -----.P-- short cut mess, $22.50; half-barreba I __ f wait till they hat, n reach( d Commissi(m, in dianiiiising a Grand' 11) the fir -t immue of till, V,-ngu, atilt cn-a �,f 12N,uu7 NN here it was pus. i I ,�', . ""'k
," ? �
I , � '1L ,,,�
do., $il.50; clear fat backs, $23. tariurn stage of breaking down be Statuitics NI"Fitilly, litilillmlled 1,\ ,it Ir t" gvt Lill, .,I".I) In varly tile �L� 1,� I !a
ing Field Crop Competition this . , Fifty Thousand Families in Fifteen Trunk Pacific applivati,)n to lay a � I - � .:", �;.�,,,.
SPECTACULAR FIRE. dry salt long clear backs, lie; bar fore they indulge in anything as spur line oil a street in Winnipeg, tlie Ile, . lartnient trf Agrivulture, a Itroslicct.4 at-(, fairly good, buL tile - _ . -t-l'-5, i
year. The amounts offered in priz- Ve a rs. cheap as a sun bath. A said the rightA of runnicipaliti to report is I .1 ... 11.0_!�
es at each of the above amed win. — rels plate beef, $17.50; half -bar. ny \knman who given ,in tit-, crI), nnll lat,, osu barlv% i -i reported a'. poor 1. �i ,�,-.
er' I �J, :,,7�:,�
I.- rels do., $9,; compound lard, 8% A desnatch from Ottawa says- has a south window and an easy control their own highways wuuld Ii � o, �tl Clot of ( hitarit- f,)i* ,t Ili- imoil It and thin 1.� �, - �,c
, i"'?, ,�,,, ,. � ,
-tel, fairs will he- ist, $35; -2nd,, s3o; 13 -on, e of Kingstonla- MunieW to ,fly, c ;-pu ie�_Iard_ 12 to 13c; k chair can have a sun ending Julle :10, IL4 foll'i'to, �". seen " , ! ,. �
Y_ - et- According to statistics compiled 'by I-t I) lie pro(ecti'd. . JILIN lind cl.,%I I tit lit, hardly �,,�,N i
l3rd, $20; 4th, $10; 5th, $z). All , ,t,i 'If `, .; �, I
Bulldings Destroyed. tle rendered, 13 to 13%c; hams, __ _Stati'stits Bureau, 6vnXY- Morning if she only deter I'liv great military review was tile \V treat iii-croamed a, r,-agl "' K'. i - I �[
Societies west of Toronto will com- I the Census an(F � ,� I d it, llL,t P-ar. A grem deal � , ij -,,,; .,:
A despatch from KixLg.,?In Flays : 15c; Windsor baCOD, 15 to 16C, - 50,324 familie, took tip a correspond- mines f 1.1.11,A 111-11`111111I.C. .� 7� " � . ,
pete at Guelph and Oose east Of 12V2 to 14c; breakfast bacon, 14 to . to take -H, if tll*(',- Pot to en eati-tre- of th-o Qnebec cel - ebration ,)n 1207, the totAl area 111-1119 '2.:,-,l ,,: id,,\or \%it,i 'I'lintor kiilrd . 11 I:; ,! :�,
a '
. ' ing rilumber of farms in the three have to be peared or the stockings Friday, Lord Rokerts left ihe-sidn-d rlr*ro� In gvyieral All di- iiiiii,m,; ,,f li,,,, �t It in f .1 � I I
Toronto at Ottawa. Each exhibitor On Friday afternoon Kingston was fresh killed abattoir dressed h � �. '�, i:
' I,eltdp(l .,ul %i,rli, And R�"?;LIZI' .% lo'ld ,( '. " .
o9r, darned, they call Ile done during the I vk i,.l. I (11.11` I ,,in,ido-ralPIN, to nuiuitier, . , :,-
will send his grain by express C. 7.n danger of losing its fine ,city Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatche- . and marched past at the head .. .. . 1. ''!'� 11�',
$9.75 to $10; live, $6.85 to $7. w - best, ,A ay of - Royal Canadian Artillery and " f 2.11 hu,hel- Iwo- act- anti- 11-1- NAIII, Ill.' 1'\(I1tl1M ,,*f s"ine, which _ ,. ,
0 D., addressed to the Superinten- C ese 8 in west- an and Alberta during the past sun bath, but tht all is of till . hi-tring.wilfNat is balkNilkid I )4",: " J!,
buildings by fire which broke Out he -The market i fir , I 1111M It 11- Will.. �o i-"'_e�,J,
dent of the Fair at Guelph or Ot- in the massive wooden dome at 3.30 fifteen years. They increased the to take it. just. all tile cat does, i it t lie at the. head (If the Queen's Own, he .. , ". 1
tawa and the transportation charg- o'clock. A plumber was at work erns being quoted at IIT/9 to 12c, populatiun of tile Canadian West by laziest fashion pomI,ible, Rull tile beLng hunurary Colonel of both. Tho perventage ,if ,taild-ild I -1 . �. T'�"-,
and easterns at Ily, to lly,c, But- ditinn fi)r ltiwat I, 41 1.i,,rN ,N lser:, fitruwr� arp r,i ... rtod I 1, ,� 1.
1: I -,,,�
, ,l I , � . ...
es will be paid by the Department soldering around the dials being ter -Market continues strong in 205,774 persons. From the United shade way tip to the sash. tiio%e tell ill :1. I a , tl,. V , 1, I hv ll -,g III&I'l 1-�, ,� "
Oat, A,roagv 11nuk ,�
of Agriculture. lilies your chair within range of Ihv Run- , w It], 11, it I ,t;th-il, 1, lit I-r-"ot -i", 11
placed in tile tower clock. Sparks tone at the advance; finest cream- States there cattle 16,344 fair ' 10S,460, all Ill"I'--it- �.f I -, , -I. � 1. I , �, �, *1
The grain winning the prizes at from the Bolder pot were blown with 70,703 perqons ; from the B r i't' light and luxuriaLe for half an hoor. GREAT BRITAIN. :1 � _�
cry being quoted at 24 to 24I/1c in , Ficreq In F,plto .,f hil" .-N,in't. 11 -111-11�lllk I-, paN, .,\,ing t'� t1l'. high " �1, �i_, ,
. , - �y,,
25c r- It's better than galluns of loodi iritish House will riot remove (nill appolli, (.. ho 41''Ing it 11J.'LlIld 1.11''., ,if f-I'lltiv nrit,-rial. 1111111'Ll , , _,�
these Winter Fairs will become the by the wind into some sawdust and round lots, and to grocers. iRh Islands 10,797, iNith 31,3D5 lie . I Tlo- I ,I . . . �,. �! "
-od, and immediately th - -)o cines , and may sa\e li-mrs ind li-mr,4 �' lit r I hirk ,,( irtain, will th.- hoot pri-ol,, _ i I i -
property of the Department and rotted wo e Epgs There was no change in the sons; from Austria-Ilungary 10,6; ' . t1w Canadian vattli- emliargo. tuay 'Nivid from :;,, t,, ill 1, � 1, , .,
Condition of tlir, market, which re- with 52,039 persons; from ltusRia titling f,,r pork ��� 1, *11,: "
will be used for experimental pur- flooring was in flames, which spread of dullness or staying in bell later ,1,11, I�Illg s pj.ize at lilsl(.N %%as acre. I , - , A
-_ , , ,
poses. All grain exhibited other to the place occupied by the big mains firm under a continued good 5,ois, with 24,694 persons; from on. ' __ - - , - "
than that taking prizes,will be sold clock. The. city buildings hose in demand. Sales of selected stuck Scandinavia :I, 8:30, with li,c)(;8 per- ''Indian women havo tilt, Tylost "' it bV Pri%ate Oral. E.ngland. � -, - - - __ � -1 - I
. - _!t
, lj..,it . spittal (if Ottama finiiihed , , ; . 1 ,�
- ;,
b,y auction at 10 a.m. on the morn- tile tower had no effect on the blaze. 'Acre made at 22c; No ace of pe"ll ,- 11 , ,,,,
I at 19c, ,tons; from Germany and Holland placid nerves of any r 1 , ` : e ..
Ing of the last day of the fair and In twenty minutes it burst through and No. '2 at 16c per d'ozen. in the world, probahly, and doctor , 4,11IN 1�%,, 11''Int-A bellip(l tile "Ion(, . �_ .I:",) "
1 -Iii. �
, I
.� I
,.-� . 11 .John ( ritcht,,n Browncl 't A POLICEMAN MURDERED ,
the proceeds remitted by the De- the dials of the dome. The height . 1,986, with 7,734 persons ; from .
- yrance and Belgium 1,131, with 4,467 are beginning to thin� it is because 'InI0114 faddists are I
partment to the owners. o! 120 feet bothered the firemen, ,, UL h. n I London i,a.ils :dIsIf ,, I li,
�11 � UNITED STATES MARKETS, persons; and from other countries they Bit in the sun so I I( A n just, as harinful to thelaiselvas as I. . l"
, An affidavit must be furnished by 1-ut finally from the east and west than woman is a-; fond of the H I ,�,I'i
un .11 I,-
each exhibitor at the time of mak- v6ings and the front of the buildings Buffalo, N. Y., July 28 - Wheat .568, with 2,254 persons. is t I,,, so, %%It,, ,iverfeed - - ___.__ " i I
outside her wigwam as the cat , of � �� ,
iiag entry certifying that all the streams were played uVn the burn- _ S r ing, firm ; No. I Northern car- —.P— his fa% orite spot. They Kit in it and Fritaciii Darwin. who will be prc-%i "o �*4
.0 �.f ow BritiOi As,ociati,,ti invet �," - 't, , I
grain exhibited by him waa grown ing dome, and in an r the fire loas., atore, $1.15% ; Winter, PLOT TO Sl,%V LEOPOLD IT. vegetate for hours at a time, scarce (lent Officer McCormack Shot by Unknown .;.�
(in the plot which was judged by was under control. teady. Corn -Higher; No. 3 yet- . init: ,it, the occa,not -if the juhtle,- -,f i.:�, � � 1 1
6 -_ ly winking tho eNes V:�",
low, Boy,c; No. 4 Ill. fatlwr's atilt ... ioc,,ment ,if hiq ,�.
.. - I yellow, 79y2c; No. �k narehists ,lirrested In Brussels— "Tbere's no olallgor of w"Mon t" .,
-1. ___ 3 corn, 77% to 7.8%c; No. 4 corn, famou,; flivorw,l, �Nill reiterate )n [)is Man at Niagara Falls, N. I � �,�-
IL -h Alarm for hing's Safety. vellotating these days, ,go it's quite � I : �,�'. � I.
76V,c ; No. 3 white, 80c. 0 ta - it uit , I inaugural nddts� till- ('(intention , ;L, L . , ,,,
safe to advisis one to t in the. sun � "'� . I'll
Strong, A despatch from Brussels says- as M I urh as she can 11 t , g good for thRt plants are -ndowed with intelli � , ., A
PAGEANTS DAllLE THE EYE Minneapolis, July 28 --Wheat - The Journal Rtates that tile Belgillul her anyway, but especially so if 9") I .1 'L ii :
, �j �
11 No. i hard, $1.15; No. I Northern ' auther&eB are greatly alarmed over I : s nervous. " - A degpittrii' frnryi Ningsirit 1,1111,i, I NI, ( ,,, ., k. 11- I"Illot %pring Ow '. 4�
1 ,�I,13; No. 2 Northern, $1.11 ; N \JlIgft1'L I ;1!", \ I lilt' - - 1 I ' I IL I 1 it r! '111.1 ,,, � .��,,, �11'
3 Northern. $1 07 to $1.09; julo' a rumurof aplot to assarisinate King s le I'NITED KTATES (�nt , says At i
Y' Leopold Svo,eral Anarchimts have y , .,Il W-111, ,dll� I -1 1�v ith-11 � , I. . -, .,. , \1;1� , , , �� ti., 1;W11t � , 1.
I - , 'I il., 11., 11111-1 I . -,ri ,%,ro ; : i, I
� qi.13%; Sept., 97Y,c. Flour L fed The olire have ar HEALTH HINTS. Lightning orn, it a tr,�(, in Da\ ton, I ,,'(,I,., it ()fli, ,,I ,, \1,,g!,, 1 lind M, - I , .
First patents, $5.75 to $5.90; see- I . 0 I &lit] kill -d 120 turk,-%- C,,rrni,k -,f Ow p,,Ii f-�ii ,,,--r-, , ', - I t I I I- i�, 1�-1 11 1% I, 1. �1�
' ,,rid patents, $5.65 to $5.80; first, rested a number of permilITS; who art, I'loice the fingf,r in the (\entre of 1,\ an till ; \1 r 1 � � i�. li -t I 1% ;0'- i , � pir- (I t
Too Much of Them to Takc on at Once --- Gorgeous- c , ausPected of compli(ity inusthe Crate(I ll,� till- Ill -0 ,'ill '111illot, 411''t ELL aI11I it-lod-1 .- . I !' I I"' 'i� I I 1-1 '�11! A
. I Irars, $4.35 to $4.45; Recond clears A wholviale cr ad a lemon all(] keep it. there until the ma It. on l'i jda�. kilh if lorn-If after ky-wri ollLn ()1h,,,,r ,\I.( ,.romi, I'l 1, I,
$3,50 to $3.60. Bran -In bulk, Bcheme. e felon is ready to Ili- larti-I lisi,o �inrf, fli-I fr,ou Ili ioi,ii�, i t, ,,- I- , , 1, ..'' 1.� t"'. ,1-1 1,.,l 11".
$19.50 to $20-00. against AnarrhiA4 and por�ons Rus- Old magazltne,i, thoroughit, beat tr.\ ing h) ,I,,),,, It), %% If- 'I I— � a
ly Maud --Superbly Exccuted. pected of having relations ovith An , . Ali in-atw N,,"jirk ",,nian ,lr,)i;ri and Mol9t]"r iii -ri-, k lmrt .I I ..11�l ill: , I— 1,� 11 I - ',`
archists has . et lb the oven, triake a good mull I her t"in hill-, it' it till, ,.f waI,r twl- ,,ni, r r� r- - I , , d � n I ... ... ;, , ,, :, . .
CATTLE MARKET. been started. -11toh' for It hot ,Aaler bottlo They ('( t ),lit a rnAn hIL'I 1w"ll -.H 0' ", ,:, 1 ! \', - , 1-1 1, ,I I .." If- l'' . I
- find then couirroti-I "I", ide -11 I ri ��-
--- - -1— hold hic bent nvarly am long and can I inp it rPI%,-r --ri N111.11 1-o mol I .,. -, , i, I �1. - ,,� ,I I . , ,� �
Torento, July 28 -Choice butcher (,ONVICIED OF HEDITION. be nged under the ba (, It rind other I ro� ' - lit it 9,11,-1 it, Pitt-l-rit -t- 1 f,r-, �vt .,,it 1-g"Iti't I.. I''I''. I I" 'fl, I 11 11 �i 11 . k\. I �i "
. ondent, describing the the ursulines at Quebec, Dollard des cattle are wan',ed. Butchers seem — placo-4 where a hot, water lii)tL I c can ,d 1-: L rr pani, aim-tig tl 1:,o ,hildr--i, , - .. '' , " " I
pageants at the Tercentenary at ormeaux. at long Sault Laval, and to have enough Rupplies on hand for '"'" '"" '"'"'""''""', "'""' , , , '' \
- Tracy, Frontenac, Montcalm, the present, A few fairly good ex- Nationalisl Leader. of Rombay, to be its,(] preRent. atilt nulrl� w,,r,- trainpl-I thft� owt it niall lin'"i'l,rig h- I:- I ,, I 1, - , " 11 , I , , .1 I d
Ruebec last week, has this to say: Invalid',; Dishes lit prvrinring di-I'llpil'in IZI-.11 t1-ro, arid ...... .r I� I- , t i I� -1 � I i ,.I , f r
Quebec'R ton pageants are to be Wolfe, Murray. These are charac- porters were in, but no very fancy Be Transported. fowl for broth rvinooe Ihe f,kin : 11 on , (iii, ,41ic-r, a-lo,,t] hm, othat fit, I -I ' , � , - , rA 11, -, f. , ,I ,.
und between the Promenade and ters too great in the eye of history stork. Suqan Turnpi, ,Alfo, ,,f L,,Ill, T, I , � _.�
A deppatch from Brimloov i,ays- will ha%e a tnor(- dehiale flai,tir t �, �o 1,14 I'llet I 11 t'.11 % ... I 1, I 1 - -I I, - I,. 1: I'l ,� t I ", I'. 1. , , ,, I .
rhe ('hateau. For diversity of cris- to scan in an afternoon. with any There is a good export demand for rilak. the Nnti,,nnlIi&t lelider. 'Alloile For r-gg nog use onk. Ilw ,,I iff benh r) ti -,r, ,,f Kansag ( 0%. 1,11, g"011 I : 1; cl 1, I � TI " t ". , . Il. I,,' -d, 11-11 P. 1-i I 10 116 11, i � I I i. I'll �! I'll. d I I.,
tume, for wealth of detail, for ree,1 inkling of comprehension. One slivep, which is wifficient to abB(-,rb trial for Redition OCCLIpied reveral white. for it chrioge ' to quadruplets, t1.lL 1.i,i lit( lil"IV 1,1,11. 'I (I, ". J�. I .rl �', I It o, 11 , " 11, it I h� V � 11,1, d 7, 'A.1 I,,a �
. it lit It, .
,:uri,hJ?lg .
. heart interest of the kind that grips tableaux gives food for thought, the ,Lit the large offeringq. Lamba, how- days, has been f..und guilt). ,lond has and elt-liciou, Hay.ir %it sherry, girl I 1%� 1%,-r and fir -1, fakll:- mJ,r1,,,, - , - .
� the intereft and holds it fast, the eight surfeit. ever, are rather week, owing to the been sentenced Lo t raro,portat jon ff)r brand.s, kanillil., or note'll., Th,,tnaq ll,.rtrl� and ( harl- P,,Lit
ontenade is far ahead of the spec- COSTUMES MAGNIFICENT. large numbers now offering. Hogs sare 1wid it. lkfflih. (harit-I t,,,il, 1 '
r slid to pay ft fine of .',,000 Home Cor- Wet it ,hoh, put n n it , a ""I'l , '
t over, the quAtntly cos- e the to Ow I*tIIII �,fnf" '�,
0 � article, rippearing in the li�psari, a pain i,, a sore (,iir(- f4o- nvtirij1K:a 4 , , ,
tumed folk who form its multitude long procession of events in tRewhirl ket is weak. Calves were stronger A li,whe,fer alif,,nkdi�t - � POISO ��'�
�le said of them and more. To a mar . '""' ( ""' '", ""' :�r ,
_ up_. the Plaint; of Abraham. are unchanged at $0 90 to $7, fed six yearil, V
.I is P.g ... The costumes are all that has been rup"s. The charge N%a% broted (III red popper ,,%(-r it, and apply NAIwip
[h rid watered, Toronto, but the In
I)f entertainers are free to go where Floonah weeklv new,,prippr. ,.f wlii�h To , ii I(, a ( old in Iwad ,ir hi,-ak " I' a 1,:q car int,, tit(, Ei io ( nnill, , r -�,l : � ,
through the years on an express on the light run. Tilak wag tile rolitor. inliting the vold potir %yiiriI,,, i,f (affilth'ir (In' , i I �,
the will Mingling with these' are w urtla,t atilt I,0 ant] ;t %�olllif 'rill% 4t' � I,'
I�i hich trd%,dtg MAtibir than time. -P natives to rebellion and to uge hand,i and inhale thrmigh ni,oit � �:�
10 era, 'sailors, and civilians, the Fventa move with precision and des- bomb%. and o,"v �,-,,rnp;I,rl%inV hint %lf-l" dt%wd I I �'
ormer given to marching here and DECREASE IN IMMIGRATION to A f-flom"I'm ,if I T'l Slat, , ,. r, ,, .
there in lines, singing and refuging patch, the rattling of a few gunR in — - - - _+ — - In ��ntilrolina a Omml�,,r,or, -j(l, , r-o-lary ,-xi-rim ary I:"'oolk, I Oxford County Farm Mud flie Victini of � .
I . I
Jo be taken seriouiBly in any sense the diRtance conveys in some myR- eturnm for June Show a Falling 11''ILLIAN ,111 11DERED. ro-mi. it is ,,ftf-n (1, -, ;I , ,, ., ,-A% V Iry,-iial exarm Fiat i, -it J 0- ( ,I Y,m I . 11 I I � �
BEYOND DESCRIPTION. terious way, the ithpression of the R — the min(i0% opf-ti Toprot,(,ntdrafts art banking P%ovin a Remcarkable Accidoilt. L
flight of time between one tableaux Off of IIN Ppr Cent. Furiont; FiOil in lhe (,ololly at and krep r -an narin %Nith windo" \1grilt r,der� bisrn-1 1hr- Ill ,, , , �_ I
But what of the pageant itself, and the next, A despatch from Ott,awa Rays : %ault Ste. M aria. open, Inke orib,rn. ht-] niu%lin. tight Cent ral qtal n,l Ili K, ill i- It t, i�� , :
The big spectacle on the Plains with PICTURRSOUE TROOPS. The total immigration Into Canada ly fa,it-ii v it it thtimh tarkto ovvi- the c$1111V the compan% all ilood .. 4
�ve thousand taking part in it7 As ' Decade glides into,4ecade gorge- for the month of .June waR 5,617, A despatch fron, Sault S14, Marie, up,ning HIM,(- Militia to critrip ,,o its i ''. lo, ,1,� 1.1', I (, � 1"', ,,, �, (I. ! , , I I . ,_
I , -1 Id. ,., ". -I . 1 "
. IV ously�cir Picturesque troops and as compared with 37,f343 for the Ont., says: AR !I requIt (if a melop Sait enforu inl(, 11- ennip-ition i,f perty l%, \ I.- I I I ,� ,,,, I I . I I 11 .. I t, , , . ''. , , " : ,,,
, vI endeavor to describe in a fe
es iss thie two,ceInturies and m7ro treac ingle in the gafho trion-0 InAt itoar. It decrease which 1,,ok plato ntn..ng the Itah a tort, (Ill(. f r ;i f, ',-n Tilki, (-,,m The T'nif,d Stnfeq Ul.orf (.r k I .,) , - ,,:, r , r,, ,, to, , , , Ill" 1 - 11 11 I ' T-111 - I - - ,-rt _,1_!._
. ous savages mi A
. early history which it represenv;. great natural stage where Canada's of 22,006, or 5S per cent Tht, im- aria in their ,limi-er of the town -In m,,n r -k ua!t, Hit o 0-r-igh1l, In peal at ( lit( ;irro ri-ver�ed the I lq ,. , . fy I 0 I - . . I I ,� I I I i,.i - it t." I �� I ill
; I I .1 p� -I, - 11 i I J , " , I 11 1 I �-. I 1.
�, 53 to - i"I'll pil.%
rom Jacques Cartier in 15 . -t lit"I I, ix % 11) m,nI, (if 311dore Landi-, fininit 0 ,, . I , I ", i , '' , ,.
,f real heroes fought mind died. The migration deereaRed 01 per cent, Slinda,l niv; ,me man I- dend. I I,,. , '. , , I
.40e liontealm and Wolfe in 1759 and costuming it; perfect, the blending for the first three montle; of this lia% ing been riddlvd wit)' b"Ilet", tin pj;il Yom, ,.tit nt -pititii ,if Ior ,lonflat-4 00 ( �,tnloiliv $29,21(l , �, �- I � I 1, r"! )';, "'. .1 .� I I '! ,11 I I I .1
1760, the pageant is a blaze of.glory, of colors at; superb, but the pageant fiscal yortir. The total fivinlittration rive pono-trating big breaut and oii,� pentl-W KI L 11 It rlic lo,ir;it,,d oxith und irant,-d it new trial I . 11,11, 11 I ,--,i I , I - 11 � 1. , � lit'' ,,I :,I,,; it I �, q r I I I
j, stupendous whirl of color in me- - for the Rix monthn i,f the present through hiq head Anoth,,r wail At, 1,111, -I ,,,,,,, � it , n'T-t.d l-iri f,,r I , ir'' 'If' '' I 1� - J� , , I I .11 11 Ill ,�I, ,�- .1 1: : I ,t -
ion and unex regsible blending of Is almost too sublime to grasp. To calendar year was 96,119, as corn- verely clubl)(-d and stabbed and no tov(1111% fl"it I"LLirf, aod th,� felon will _ . I 1. I '11" , i,� , , I d I I �t ,.I. I, I -, . , , , � , �, I I I
a" it is to hurry through an art I I I
nd shaX pared with 169,410 for the Paine hopeFt are beld f,,r hiq recovery ,,, I M, I'l-I tw- I I I I I , I . I , ., ,I , a 1 " -I. - it I, ol� .1 .
i h a o that is Mmost be- gaiery with a train to catch. The . plw:ir _ (;F.NF,RAT,. I .1 ,rl.110 I � I . -1 I I 1, I ?� , ,,,I, 11- f I I 1p t 'e..'.. I ,� L . i I
'if 1 the -4- - - T lo, I, 1 11 "I ,tj " , d � I
�,ild.ring in its complicity. months of 1007, a decrease of 71.- Otherq were tn-,r-, or loqn injurril " so
scoes are of marvellous beauty, atio, or 43 per cent The decreare I )I I 0 , : , ,
pageant dopi not instruct. , 1,y knive" 11 I! 1; ,AA IV I* h r ind livpi; nro report, , - , '' ,,, �1.,olla,l ,)a 4 11 ( I .
I historically correct, wonderfully waA via ocean ports The immi w4ed in the t even ,tstg TI- �, .11lio F TiirkPN luill refo,rd : , I I ., I - it loo I,v ro"(1%; in Chr i " , 'h ,it 1,11I.I., " .1 I ; �i It! I , :�, I """ 11 ., I : , . .. I t ! I; : i", I I
.1 THE TAULEAUX. / comprehensive, but they dazolo gration from th., United Staten have been it .e Tito poll: c ,ifik to grant art rtrurie tit lo,i roi-1 it .: \ I, 1, I ,if roll w,,rl,(,r!I 11 . I 1. .I , , ,,-,I I ,, , I " I , 1. I I - �, - 1. I I 'Id 'TA."IC. it., 11 I I . I
Taken tttble*u% by tableanx it rather than illumine and that is the practically held its o%%-,,. as the in. lbey have the murderers. I her offirer-, arid haii (10 I I I I 11 rIllIt 4111 - 1 11 L I . � f�.I '. . � , . I I . 11 I� I I j.1 I � I'll , 11 I 11 1, - I!, I ov b, Ove felt,- �
jniot, Jaeques Cartier, Champlain,, whole truth of it. � ,
.1 I '-d lit a h- k � I - - I I , I I r 1: ! I
cresse is one Per cent. arrests will follow. Ministers are traitors 1; .10 -iii, 6Z �
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