HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-07-31, Page 2wir � , - - --, � , - , . 7' 174 , 111 11 -, - . � I � --=K7%,1--.*vr-", � ,-;-,Vpv - a - I � . %, 7,
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.. 6 ,.,..,.,..e,,...A+0+V+0+ m �Iujte * _ h4l" I oald, 64 T E"' TQXT�-URES ' - " sujncfoatgatrb��tloro�ut
I I we ,W4ke4 toptho,x dowa * long - six hours., *nd si
. ,,eted corri0r. . I in -ufoW 4kea dtir� , ' I
. -X tho,,Srst twolvo booris, or' so .i* ,1 � :
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't , I . �� 11 " q *,�, mo labipsitation. WOREIN UFFER proboly 4;*PA01X4-0r1AW,lat4 to � 11 k , � -,
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. .1t 8, ol c9am, uu* "to . JUR woll�qowg. xowlis QQuoro
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auawero441shaktv businow 1, Aosth vaouroitbot, tl*vrop sloa.4A. 1-11 7.- � I ,. � -
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", � .
. M, A HOUSC 01 MYSICIrlu � y tbgt the des, - go In I
. � OW,, .1 ti . 004, 0*. L Inig
I writs 00 , I I . I �1 , y. I ' A ssi�e* shAl. bo, -em 0 I - P 1914t ... �
. I AV . " 10" -S *rid, t1aus, prevo paoil * Otoft *h* . AV, ii�4
I L Ir -P *t W, chosi& Rouge are 44Y. , qpti q0cOP.P,Qs4iQ4,1 ;
I I I , I 11 L ... **0004". i # more unfair than, those Of any IliNd j4play JJ* ,'W14 takin er goodr".90A I nn K
� , , , g place. Angth
I I Ot. . I -- I . , - -f$ WRI,
�,' * her fwancior in the City ; but � __ .; V, , _ . , S",Rg "711 F.0 W FAT
-1. 11.1 . .4 tut, Ott ftsh Of fQW1atbU* ,. #W . . I
I . I . . I I f sometimes, you know, tbere's Just WilifffloW w1i 14111L . C.C.i. bottep bpjau, 1pda, 11011A i.;. +U- for. j2makr-t ,with ellk or proam and a little fruit- .
I I I L P . . . I , ------,. =;
-- - - - -, 5:t "�
& O&VOY of Sta*rtness tnein - - - ---7--" - . 1046i,114-15-1x�ri �� J J- ' - -Jij�jj@ I 5 eCT -by the most L�.
- - .. ij,i4-
--'- R �� � . L t 6p' 4i - t L ,
". 41� 13 , K . 117. , �
L 441ii
_W � oily, g
that might be nilscons= b,Y A A ,womatt 9001111i A 14"d buzang shortly a rdly, .. 1. 11
I , fiter a niepl. -Th.h � 4 L 441;00 s0omacb, - ,,
clever counsel in a Criminal medjejae re"JAr1yJu0tLb"*a'se` She Jltstea ,JljXA - . 11 ---- -,".I-, I. �
. ,. - _ ------------------- � 11 ,--,--".,-".�-",$.�---��--'-r,�",-r - -- - , , . ,� " -
Olt. THE GIRL IN BLUE is a woms, . , I Moil bel " Ir ! . , , 1414 *04 litoryof mod woory In I
. court." . RL� FrOJ4� maturity tp �rawtl, And tboilitesti I - bra .
I I I 1, 0"Cg_ hAltirig &lid middle'life, the 'J�oalthL 41*4,bs6p,P4� Pa di" I � I ftts. ,Vlq* 004, V -10w, 1053 � .
� . "Whatv, �. . . Qlae owisy p1ga . . 1, , I "" 011' AIX "�KMP . I I )l
w, - b" f k- - --- I _ ---W0=A-, 'L 1, I
. glaring at him. "No e ran nesil 0 every 46reaft'URQU Anomm.Rist, c nly . I
Q+*+*+0+*4*4*+0+*+A4*+ +0+0+0+0+-* with me, Gedge. Tell me plainly, he A day's stir-tre—,im--i-e-di. x Ir aft, r ---.- - I- � -
r blood, its' d0uess� Akod its re- . v , � . . �.. --- '.1 - ..
have I ever swindled anybody I" gularity. If 'hir bit , jO.d.,js pOoi -and COOP'ng a bird to be fattened will oa. - L. � -' � ,�
� sow me married 7" 1 cried, abso- 'Certainly not," f laugh- *Ir . re a good appet3to at t e start � ". ;. I . I
CHAPTER XX. he said watery she is ,V0 � �', laiOuid, pale su - i ' I � . . .. . I L I
_ Many birds, especially somewhat L � I L "
lately incredulous. jug. ,,Why, it's this very amart. and nervous. YL hor!41404 supply . . ' L , , , . - I
. , t-.4- willi ones
-----I:�- - 2: -0--- &--- ,L, will rojec a weal it off A- , I ,
X�?'.][ M�K =--= -.he;t -6!H� ! ,__ _ . - .., ��-tterz� ! � �-t , . t L � or- - -1
II Y t-Riez- t1k-GPASV-- "'Ot 'a�. L- t-_- — -'Ar.-�jZd -4t L n- I^ n- W13JAt yluk V-C�- -, . . � �sd dvot�-Iaver- - 40- 1117 -0011sloll." -0 .... - --- .77-1
,. OU will show me over this St. Andrew'&. Wells Street. it are to -day - a millionaire. If You aches, back . Bi , $101Q901100 on Confine, etkF, -iii I 11 0 -- �
- 44410 Vistripas fo6o-of any r I ,
. new domain of mine. They seem to was a smart wedding too for Mrs. bad not been very wide 4wake and the other Up" finish up by refusing. . I I � . 0--�!. 7. , . -- I -- .
be pretty 11 comfortable qu&rters, at Fordyce - was very wcIl Uown in shrewd you'd have been ruined long which only wAven know. S?me, wo- 'tort, be it ever so tQuiptipf. S'f - .1 -1 � --1 I I I . I., L 1- 5'L ' I . ,� . , r, I I . Nam 11.
any rate. st�cict , and had a large circle of ii�o men have groWri- ,to expect this much is being cootAtivally, ,viritten �. . 11
, -
"You surely don't moan, air, that I ,�� 4 vileace. But ar ' For Neuralgia, Headache,
He looked at me strangely. rieuYe. " en, I suppose, I'm well suffering at,40509,r intervals and 'about feeding fowls that this short
, I �
"Fordyce?" I echoed, puzzled. known in the city, eh 2" to bear it in ho�olpq, . tible on starviii L g, mg,v Perhaps � I I 1". I I
daYes, that was Mrs, Heaton's "Your naine's &a well known as women would oto4Q much of this come, (like the occasional f"t to L I,— ,. I 1.
I you wish me to show you over your name before her marriage with Bennett's clock, and your credit misery if they. fopk a boX man or bird) as s, refreshing novelty, . I I P I I I I
i &wn hougo?" he said with iucredu- . 11 - help � "N'GOi1heumatism, Paiq, Rc. ... .
lity. you. etands as high as any one's be- of Dr. Willistasp Pin): Pills and to such should prove useful. PA .. ------- �.
� I
"Then she was a widow I" I twee,n Ludgate Hill and Fenchurch them over oaqh. criti I cat period. Thisr has the advantage of being$ : , ,
i "Of course I do." I answered. gas d. Street. 11 These Pills actuislly make now advice easy to follow, for whatever So CENTS. ALL DRUGG15TS, OR ,.: .L
. �1- I
"'I've never been over it yet, and I e nodded in the affirmative. "Extraordinary!" I said. "What blood. They' help a woman just excuses way be offered for neglect- ".
�thiuk t may as welt embralee th-OL op '- I - fell 'itl6 --joU T -l, L - e�. �---- 414 )I------ --cafn -- ..----
_ i r g- r- ew- - mo r -e- -� � 0 U Ike s 'whi-11 -da-Wi-e-Ai-a;k-e,-*---tt�6--grgatc,aV-tiik-To--t,Vd-adi-e-iitWd-a-Ily',-tte-aM6bt' I Tor -onto I I
nC 1; Upon her blood -"-------f ango - Iyany, .
I IriolLned. The affai olho r Supply. can hardly find any trouble . A 11,
portunity now." all. nor now that he declared him- warkable fairy tale." demand in starv- [ I
� 11 I -- , -
!1NJ,ha-R'1..y*UJAitt0X�-gO1 tO-y*%F ...
kelf.-an--actual witness of-my-matiri-
They.,ha,v,e.-dona-1k.ULID"LQUJiA'94-8L . ga1QN1--- -
"HOLASALK 11—, .
I L --- 11 .., ....... . . -
-11-7- ,
room and rest I It will surely do you
manial misfortune.
sufliciont proof that what I Bay is
of women throughout Canada, why - --
—---— . 1
jj6------d montrevi-, LYMAN . -.11 I ------- I �
LYMAN BROS. & ., Toronto an
L .11 I .
I . I
good. I'll ring for Rayner, the va-
But how could such a thing have
truth," he remarked. "There may
CLARKSON, Toroato;, NATION AL DRUG Co.. undon- ��,��
. ., "
let." He spoke as though solicitous
taken place without my know-
be a good many fairy tale& in cer-
Mrs. Joseph Kinney, Gilbert's
Properly used, the feeding 'value
. - 1. 11 L'
�- '
I . I .
I � I -
of my welfare.
"I want no valets, neither d, o I re-
ledge? It was impossible. The
a-yatery, like the stran incidents
tain pr?spectuBes, but there cer
tainly is none in your financial
" -
Cove, N. S., says: -"For tea years .
( suffered from neryofieness and of bran is a very different thing to
L food. As a
the of bran as
�-.' ���:,
; I - .
- --------- --=====- 11 . � .
' "' " " ' ' - - - ". �
I I - I is I
4 �
I , .
� .
, . w " " THE
. 11
, iMpati
quire rout I answered -
%% hich h ad preceded is remark-
able situation in which I found my-
(To be Continued.
those troubles that make the li Ves value
of [to many-Voinen-L- ultry IoQd,- by,,%.vio1yPi§, brg,4 has a
one -of almost P I
: �� I
, �',
� 1 �,
. �,
I , : .
) � I
"I mean to fathom this mystery."
self, grew more and more inexpli-
each hour.
- -
- -
constant misery. At times I would:place very near the bottom of the
be confined to my bed for ;�eek:B. I list, and many poultry -keepers, not-
, .
, ,
,� .
' , ": I
. 11 �
, � " A"ADA'S BEIT
, t, ; � . .
"But pardon me," he said defer-
entially, "there is no mystery, as fat
We went forth together, passing
spent sleerlese nights and seemed jug this, avoid its use; but, even
food, it in
- L 1, �;
. .�
4,: '.
I " . P I
�,,`! . A N
.1 ; : .:;, , , . flend for tr" catalog.
as I can Bee. You accidentally
struck your head against the statue
from room to 'room through the
great country mansion. The place
Was handsome, of rather modern
That most animals have some
specific function to perform in well
to lose &I Caurage. I tried sever- considered as a abounds
, j1p -building elements and bone
al doctors, k,tit they fik , -d to give body -forming materials, aud,
me any relief. Thb last docto*r I and feather
I I -
�. 4"",�,., q
I :
I "'. - .
I.., � �
, . � . No. M
: -
while passing through the drawing-
known. Now, scientists claim -
frankly that he its favorably with
. � �,:. , , ;
.— I .I... I
, 1. ]��''!
and were rendered unconsci-
t)pe, furnished glaringly ill the
a species of fish exists in Australian
evAsulted"told rae at price, compares
I - - � � � ,
�L,1� I
, !'� " .
� C .
, F., ',A: 08 Bell NORD 1114 0WOn 01, lid-, 011010, ODI
ous. The blow has, according to the
manner which bespoke the par-
venu. It possessed no mellow,
waters which feeds on the larvae of
and so reduces the'pros-
could not undertake- my case Un- other food-gtuff a an value for money.
less I would undergo an examina- Good, sound, broad bran has, how-
. ''.1.
3EL3EI*Vr , ��
. � ,
'I, " --
cloctor, impaired your mental capa-
� I -
time -worn appearance, as did the
I to a
8 I � T*- belo
tion. It was then I decided to give ever, a very great feeding value,
AWCO-inch-bed CO3t$2,:%OO, T � I I I
city a little. In a few you 11 b
. laya e
all rif lit agaill, Poor , Mr.. Heaton I
_ahe a awfully upset. '
dear old Manor House beside the
Severn. The 1urniture and hang.
ings were too apparently of the
pects o ma ar a. L -a-
family of carnivorous or flesh -eat-
ing fish which is frequently found in
Dr. Williams' Pink - Pills a trial. apart from the actual food it con -
After taking six boxes I was much tains for what may -be called its
improved in health, but I continued mechanical action. Besides gi'ving
Willb-c Sold'for'$400 Cash i
"I will not have her called Mrs -
Tottenham Court Road type, and
the temperate and tropic zones, and
o take the Pills for a Couple Of i )the -finer
t necessary bulk, it d vides
- I
Heaton I" I cried in indignation.
the art dfnplayed was that of the
usually in shallow water.
in size, being only about one
months more when I felt like a new and more expensive meali, and so
I -
In order to make room for larger and faifter machines. ft is in good
that! I have no wife
-and a bag like that I certainly
art -furnisher given carte blanche
to furnish with the newest and
and a half to,two inches in length,
woman, and was enjoying -such expose them ,more fully to, the
health as I had not experienced digestive
a competent
Zn order, as it .has just beiii thoroughly overhauled by I
would never marry."
most fashionable fancies in the
it has, in the male, yellow and bla ck
fins, while the eye is Of a
for Years before. I have had A mash composed of one part (by
hilt. I
, .
He rained eyebrows with a
gesture of regret, sighed, but haz-
matter of wall -papers, dAdos, cor-
nices, and art -pottery. There
bright blue. The fins during cer-
n(J eturn of this trouble since, but weight) of bran to four parts ground
I have used the Pills -once Bince oats or barley -meal in more thor-
The Wilson Publishing Co., Lii -nited� ,, -
arded no remark.
.,come," I amid, "Bhow me over
were art -carpets and art -curtains
art -cupboards and art -chairs, art'
tain seasons of the year acquire
great brilliancy. I
that time for.the after effects of la
. oughly digested, and in every way
and the result ,Was all I
7.3 Adelaide Ste West, Toronto.
the place. It will be a most inber-
eating visit, I'm sure. And I
china and art -chintzes. Art was
everywhere in painful enamel and
- P
grippe more economical, than one of all
hoped for. These are plain facts meal. The best way to make'ug
. -� of
from my own experience and I have bran is to soak or scald a Bufficient
— - --. — -
laughed, reflecting upon my extru�
1,rdinary position, one absolutely
imposiable qreeni3. There were pic-
tures, t9o, but different, indeed, to
Jukes -"Who was the best man
elt that I cannot too strong-
always f end Dr. Williams' Pink quantity some hours before, and to
1� recomm
. .
unparalleled in man'B histoq.
,"'But before dd . ,
Ing 130 %%"I] you
the long rov-or n6ble faces with
their ruffies and doublets andtheir
at the wedding?"
Jenkins -"Well, I'm not sure.
dry it off with meal when required.
0 f -
Pills to the many1women wh su By this method the bran is softened,
not sign one or t%yo chequeal" he
-- "The
urged, glan�ing at his watch. .
arms ,ritnted on shields in the our-
ners t . looked down so solemnly
The bride's father had all the hills
to pay, the bridegroom had to buy
L J! +V� brides-
fer as
You can get these Pills frob� any and to some extent, predigested. If
dealer in medicine or by,mail a gh-
t 50 not sufficiently soaked, the r I ou* -,
'42 Scott St TORONTO Phone Main 1-1111
I " tman will call for the letters in in the great hall at Heaton. ' The diamond brooc es or e mass is apt to irritate the bowe s an .9 .
A �L - six boxes for $2.60 L L,
t ' -X'd- �-
"o F, aO'l'f an hour, and they must be do- maids, and the guests had to. give cents A box or cause scouring. I
, , " . - . ..
I . pictures in that modern mansion vord, from The Dr.. Williams e icine
,� ,,, �. � Bpatchod to -day." handsome presents; upon my i 0 - INVESTMENT BONDS.
�1.1�;,, " If were of the queue-de-sicle French
� . "What cheques?" I think thki beat nian was the cler- Co., Brockville, Ont. I GOLD IN SOAKED ENVELOPE.
,'.. L school, daubs by the miscalled im- -
�. ", gyman-he was the only one who -
�t', I "There are six," he answered, pregBionists, and some rather too A London firm recently received Stocks bought and sold on all, exchanges
. . ", made .anything out of it." . --- --- � .
" � . 9711ft taking out a large cheque-book chic to be decent. from a gold miner in Alaska the fol- .
�,Ii,.. . for cash or marain.
I— - 16.111YU-1 ,-. - and opening it. "I've already That a large amount',of .money . --- + - - - - - - r I - I- - .1 I U . . n L .
" , . I—- I owingeurio sletter: "Gentlemen, - I . -
,,��,,.�� ill WORTH ENTFRING. , Cobalt orders executed for cash.
. L . made them out 'if you w kindly had be(4 expended upon the place A CONTEST .1 find an envelope .
. . .ON Enclosed you wil .
*, I could not doubt, but the effect which you will tear up in small piec-
�"' - & sifin them." — I J
1, . Farmer A Life Annuity of FIFTY-TWO
11 � . lanced at them. All six were was that of dazzling the gaze by
". I V, es and place in a glass of water; lot
,-��,-�- for T. consider- color, and no -where seemed therea DOLLARS is 6ffered by the 01 f It I — I CORRESPONDE.NCE INVITED.
,,.!.'. ,, soak for an hour or so, then stir and
�-ot��=- . ably over a thousand pounds. good, comfortable, old-fashioned ORANGE MEAT people to the one - -
:,i'�%' � Know "They relate' to business transac- drain,,and you will find thirty .
. ,,4 - Bitting -room. All the apartments sending in the largest number of 1 --7 rains of gold for which you will 1.
" - -
�.1:11 bow =c� inane tions, all of which are exceeding were arranged to please the eye bottoms of ORANGE MEAT pack " pped - � I
, ��v,�,! , a IsAhe could save by using a I Y ' ' OF RUSTY CANS ON .end me a stylographic pe.. - -11 --
1�,,��, . Mors .0 Pa. cd bargains," he explained' and not for personal comfort. The ages before May 31, 1909. This EFFECT These in- ---- - -- -
1!.j,:,, &o., I ell " I Raid laughing again, that the winner will receive MILK. up in a late newspaper." - --- ---,-- -
! .. I .. *0. , ' Rouse Was Jusu � e n t at a man me--- I ut,
:;." I" , , w1would t .b.0,1,114 a 'upp" ""' we , I've never before signed cheques - 8 duly carried o
I "�� :, t thl. ... .. ...d � -. 1a!1:,'%1d suddenly successful in the city One Dollar EVERY WEEK, or tructions were I � . I g""' 1%
. .dg ,�
. , ..,.g... A late bulletin of the'Wisconsin and the gold, value 6s.,.obtained, 0
, - ,'� 1, �'. for such big amounts as these. But -TWO DOLLARS every year, . I
�� �.'�,` might set up in the vain endeavor FIFTY t Station, in exchange for which the ingenious
I , ��.:,;, , hero,res, if you wish. Wheth r to develop into a country gentle- as long as he or she lives, or they Agricultural Experimen -
..� 1�,,� , vass-- : H PRIZE, gives some valuable information as miner was sent a stylographic pen
,,,,,,� ,,, they be honored is quite anoth r man ,, for to becqjne such is the can exchange it for a CAB MANUFACTURERS �
. ,; r.�L,:� , ��' thing." a, and their effect upon and two ' LL FIND .
- "11 r" . eal of every silk%-atted business (.f SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ' to -rusty can newspapers.
�, "
, 1i:11 , .�'!,i � � . Address I And I took tip a pen and append- id - milk for cheese making. The bullet- 44 INTENDING TO LOCATE IN TOP,ONTO WI ,
,�� ')1�11 I " - man, whether he trades in stocks Besides the above there is a see
1, �m saradmo4epmaks Co., Limited. Terents, Get ed my signature to each, while lie HUNDRED in points out that cheese makers are
�,;, . or stockings. end Cash Prize of ONE
� � , " h 1/1" 1.1awd one b one in envelopes ble in all cases to control the PILES CURED AT HME Ideal Manufacturing Premises
;, 111. , mosireat winalpes, Vancouver. "That I should be corntled .to DOLLARS, also other Cash Prizes not a .
"I 1, 11 I ready directey to receive them. .1 coagulation of the -milk with rennet. ' IN T'RUTHK%84JtLD1NG
. .1� show you over your own ouse is, as follows:- � low lbsorption lethod.
11 1 ,� "Now," he said at last, "it You to say the least, very amusing," Ten Cash Prizes of TWENTY Thin difficulty is traceable to 0 three By
.. % , STRIKING GRATITUDE. really wish me to take you round 8 sources: ,viz., the strength f the
,�`L aid Gedge, as we were passing up DOLLARS each. —
-� �.,\%- the whole thin quality of Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each
. 11,;�, A lawyer in a Western American I'li do no, but I the grand staircase. "If peogle Ten Cash Prizes of TEN DOL- rennet extract used, the
.1 ��:"`; 11;��:'N' ma so droll and absurd that the milk 4tained from different
' . � town interested himself in thecase BOO uere told of this they wouldn't e- LARS each. If you ruffer from bleed- LOWEST RENTALS, INCLUDING
. ��. 1, . 11 - i
� , , , sir, you'll excuse my doubts
, ,,:�,'130,., ,,--i of a man accused of murder. As a hope . 11 lieve it possible." . Twenty Cash. Prizes of FIVE cows, and the condition and kind of Ing, itching, blind or protruding
, ., .." , The last is of most Piles, 'send me your address, and
., , , ''
, " ". !, ,�.- "I, I �T .. -reffult, the culprit, IvIlo, had had as to your insanity. "I myself don't believe what you DOLLARS each, and ONE RUN- utensils used. Steam Power,, Heat, Electric Light
� . '-- " "Well, why do you think I'm i . I remarked. DRED Cash Prizes of ONE DOL- concern just now. Previous work at I will tell you how to cure your -
.7,,,, --,7 , In- tell we is p
r;LL;" ", .
i much provocation, got off very ossible," �
I I ; L41L lit
�, , �,,,,� hightly. nal" I asked, looking straig " But who gave orders for this fur- LAR each. the Wisconsin station has shown self at home by the absorption Fire' Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance.
� �� - Si� months af�erwards a man, at. him, "Do 1 look like a mad- I, iture 7" The only condition attached is that the use of copper, nickel and treatment; and will also Bend some I Most Central Location. Four Large
1�. . I I ill
1�, � z. , armed to the teeth, appeared in Mal "You did." that you cut out the bottoms ofthe iron vessels has a deleterious effect Df this home treatment free for i
,�, I I I N With your head ,, Freight Elevators. �
�-. the lawyer's offilco. And who chose it -approved of ORANGE MEAT packages and on rennet action. In bulletin 162 trial, with references from your
..� . "Are you Lawyer Blank7" hb swathed in those bandages, you tile designs, and. all that sort of send them in to ORANGE MEAT, the effect of iron and rusty pails, own locality if requested. Immedi- '
��,,.�11 �, look like a man who's received a
%,.," I us injury." tbingl" Kingston'. The bottom of a Jumbo cans or vats is i considered. ate relief and permanent cure as- S. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73-81 Idelaide St., WeSt
14"... �. . "Yes," was the reply. scrio "You certainly did," he answer- package counts equal to Three of In the experiments conducted the sured. Send 'no money, but tell
� ' 1. . "And are you the fellow that "Of course, that.confounded old oci, "Some of the ideas were, of the smaller size. You should be milk was placed in iron dishes and others of this offer. Write to -day % .----- I - iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieIiiiiiid : .
t -- h�lped Ding6- Jack rit'C6Zirt?" - - charlatm t I'm not in my usty 'tin' pang and -- . -
I I n Britten ,put forward -the course, Mrs. Heaton's." - able to *ip one of the above prizes r was allowed to to Mrs. M. Summers, - Box 102 . i BREMEN
�� ,� � The lawyer, thinking his time )lad suggestion tha "I thought so, I dorn't believe if vou start immediately and get stand for definite periods. *The re- Windsor, Ont.
.- , I ,�,?" come again answered: "Yes." right mind"' I said. "But I tell nlyself capable of such barbaric yovir.frierids to help yet]. Send quired time for the coagulation of --------- I.— , THE 0
. .
11.1 .1. . "Well," said tile man with the yolt quite calmo, and,without fear taste 11 as those awful blues and your name and address to 50 cubic centimeters of ' such milk, ., I I
��.J i�, -, untradiction-in.deed, I could
�'..,. 1. � I , gun and knives, "I'm Jack'B pard- of C oatb-that never in my gicens in the little sitting- room.'.' 6RANGE MEAT, 'Kingston, TO- with a standard solution pf one cub- "It looks very much like rain to-. I
- - swear Upon " -)AY and state that you are en- ic centimeter of a one per cent. com- day," remarked a milkman, an he
, ner, all' I've come to pa The morning -room, you mean."
.. �,� , ", ,I , I�my.ou. I life have I entered this place or I )
.� ,.A, .-,
1 ; � I haven't any money, but man "I suppose so. The whole place tering the contest. It is surely mercial rennet, at a temperature handed a housekeeper her supply
J" �`. .1
11j, .
r, ,. "" � of honor. Anybody in to7n you Bet eyes upon you or Upon that is like a furniture abow-ro4m7thiB worth trying for. oi milk. "Yes," agreed the latter,
,,:�, � .�: 1, ,� don't like I" rainted old girl ---before to -day. ranging from 87 to 80 degrees Fahr.)
.; g� I 11, were itf my place, sure- M.yle complete, thirty-five guineas —.f. was then observed. Milk in glass an she., peered into the jug, "it usu-
.,7�! ,,, I The other assured him there was Now, if )'Oil nd so on. You know the sort of if people would 09 half the things beakers were run no controls under ally does I" ai o i i , o ioos
" ,r, " � . uld, resent being called ' I I
, -�.. 1- _
�, .. 1. . net; but the man looked inereclu- ly you wo thing I mean." they are going to do to -morrow
7", . husband by a womqn whom you similar conditions. The time was
7-1 , , � I ,`� 11 Icus. and said- . He smiled in a.nusement tit My what a progressive old world this noted at the moment the milk just In the causes bf infant mortal- . LIMITED
,I ., '. �,� " don't know from Adam; you ity cholera morbus figures fre-
,�17 �'. , "Put on youf hat, and take a ,,rd,. ' (No Personal Unbility)
I I ; , ", - "I being condemned the would be. thickened.
- " '' , "Your friends all admire - quently, and it may be said that
I ;;;;� � ,, � , : 1 � �, , %alk with me. Beo anybody yati wouldn't relish The results showed that it requir-
,.t�'111�jrl. � don't liket just point �im out and au a lunatic by an idiotic old coun- I " he remarked. Pleasant assyrup; nothing equals cOmplaints of the bowels are great
�.- i-. � �, try quack, ana being imposed Upon P "e, name ed from one to sixteen minutes long- destroyers of child life. If all me- Authorized Capital, - $000"000.00
.� , i
�� .0, , 1, I'll pop him." ::What friends 7" it as a worm medicine; the
. I &� : ".." � oll round by in when, yp, er for the same milk kept in the thers would avail themselves of so �
.% .' -b - persons t i Sir Charles Stimmol, Mr. Lar- iF Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- t DIRE CTORS.
I �:,i�,t �., - t.an not the nterest. rusty pan to coa U a eethan in case -
� I , , ", :1 r, A POINT OF ADVANTAGE. Ii ht.. - The greatest worm destroy_ of the milk keptg th effective a remedy as Dr. J. D. Kel �
. - �1 - g . a smile. in' glass beak-
- 4, His face r6l ... d int combe,,Lady Fraser, and people of ator.
I , that class.' et of the age. I logg's Dysentery Cordial many 9, Arthur Dinnis, Gontrnctor, Presbdent.
- � "Of course, the railwa�a Owe the ,,If I may be permitted to ad- . ,, er. The acidity .of the control finilk
. " .,� i"...': '--public a great deal," saia Air. Dus- - a Raid, "I think it best I never heard` of Them in all my a a a 1higher than that kept in little one could be saved. This . A. S. Wigrnore. Mga-. HoLmes Electric and Protection a.. V1"rfttdftt.
, � �::, �! , vise you," h life. Who are thoyl" I inquired, Mother -"If you marry Robert, I was lw Y Cordial can be given with safetyto Fred. Armstrong, Contractor, Sec.-Tmasurer. �
Ir - I f '. � � 1, - 11 �, . . � t -ii. Stox; 'but you niuRt al�o re- not to discuss the matter further I the rusty pan. Thin difference, how- child, as there is no in- F. H. Herbert, Arch Let. J. C. Holtby, Contractor.
� " �1 1, member that the public is indebted ac present. A solution must pre- interested. swear that I'll never Bet foot in ever, was not great enough to ac- the, smallest George puLhie, Sr., Contractor. J. H. Tigho, Wrier.
�, � Frienda� of yours. Tboy Visit Your house." Daughter-" Pleag6 Jurious substance in it. -
to the railways." sent itself before long. Meanwhile p count for the differences in retards, --
'1�1?�� � here often enough. You surely tit that down in writing. I'd like I ., . . IYA NKERS.
. I I I "Yes," answered tile critical citi- your intellect will be rendered thb tion. Every timelbat th,s experi- If you want to spring a surprise
'. 1� ��11 I zen, "but tile railwayB are in a po- i� ought to know them. Lady Fraser to give your promise to Robert for ment was repeated�.the milk in the on yourself sit down some evening The Crown B&nk, Toronto, i
� , ,/.. " 11.!: I � , clearer by response.
� .� , sition to collect." . -I've already told You that I is,your wife's dearest friend." a wedding present. " of a re- and count the number of white lies I
I -.,.I . I 'Fraser T" AUDITOR.
. . I .. 11 — 4. until I've ex- I said reflectively. rusty pans gave evidence
, .- don't intend to rest "The only Fraser I know is .a bak- A Cure for Fever and Ague. - tarding influence on the rennet you have told during the day. Henry Barber, Toronto.
. � I .,:, , , L r , I Just the Thing That's Wanted.- tri,,ted myself from this absi�rdl t
I ,� 1. ,. I � A s upon the st,ontach false position," I said determincy or in Clare Market, who Rupplies Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are action compared with hat in the and take The property 400nsists of 28 40-8cm CISIms Immediately adjoining tba
. �, -, angill that act, you 1k,v Nervous Irritable,
. I � . � I , �. Ye * so compounded IV , 11 feel absolutely certain that lity old servant, Mrs. Parker. with compounded for use in any climate, glass beaker. It the treatnerre end bloat tonic; you now famous HARM MAXWELL, and upon the sarne amount
� I . I , . .1 . .1 till 1* been mistaken for some one of b read. " Then, after a P&U8c, I and they will be found to preserve Milk that had been allowed to .'k rovin"" person by the time you have used A ment shoul,d prove equally as good. -of develop.
. it certli ingredients of it pre- f AN.
, 11. "And you Bay Is for several battle. 176w
111. � Z , ,, 801 6wor to act upon tire ve added, that these their powers in any latitude. In stand in iron diahe $1.00bottlos. All dealers. 100.OW shares are now offered M the public at 15 cents per share. Do
L L 11 . , '. , 1. . int �u.lals, so as to clear tile same name. " .8. Have fever and ague they act upon the It ur had a peculiar bluish' ' 9r"ey n one -of the most prom. .
. , I + I . He shrugged his 5houldet He reople are friends of mine I 0 8 not lose this GOLDEN OPPORFUNITY of investing I
.11 � t I many friends?" secretions and neutralize the poison color, indicating the presen?e of Charitable Man (to former blind Isin,g pFopertics In the distriot. rer full particulars apply to
� I , 1't�L' .� 1, I them of excreta the retention of Axas evidently a shrewd follow this "Lots. A rich man has always which has found its way into the iron in solution. The Maximum beggar) -"What I have You recov-
I . which cqunot but be hurtful, was man who said lie waa my secrotary ered your sight?" Beggar—Well, I '
I .1", ,: , c, . - blood. They correct the impuri- quantities of iron diaoslved in the
, L . long lootced for by the medical pro- and was apparently a very confi- plenty, of good-humored acquaint
$, 'L , ee, it's this way. I've lost HENRY F. DARRELL, - FISCAL AGENT,
1, . 1. . -asion. It was found in Parmel0c's dential servant. Anceg. ' ties which find entrance into the milk imaged from one to one and a you I I
, I I � I 1. to - I "They like to come down here system through drinking water or half Pounds for every thousand my dog * and as I can no longer
I I I L, �,o . .� Vegetable Pills, which are tile re- "I'd like to know what to rep y . tip, food and if used as a preventive pounds of milk. The lower acidity be blinJ, I have become a deaf- No. 8 Colbornd Street, Toronto.
I �. atilt of much expert study, and are to Mawgon'a cable," for a breath of country air, I 4
.'. " I be said. mute. " I
11 . , pose, eh I" I lauqhed. fevers are avoided. of the milk kept in contact with iron --
"L I ,� 11 L � I �, . adjentifically prepared no a laxative "You really ought to take some ,, . .. . 111. I
� , .. n,nd an alternative in one. - ' rotice of such a marvellous stroke , Tis Well to Know a Good Thing,
. .� . L'41 I . That's about it,- he answered. supports the view that the acid of ,
. I , A good many of them 4%re not very Minister -"I made seven hearts the milk acts upon the iron,'and ,w- Those people who do nothing do
,,� � - of good fortune. His discovery said Mrs. 6urface to Mrs. Xn, Is quail the favorite oish of oowardsl
�, . , Tho optimist invests in a box of - sioeore in their friendshif, I fear. happy to -day." Parishioner-" How finally causes it to pass into solu- well, when they met in the street. much harm. . , �
I , I means fabuloua wealth for'you as i ,
I . - r , r h the dark holder of the concesaioh." The man who has money, ivos well, .,vas thatt" "Married three poll- tion,' The iron lactateg thui formed "Why where have you been for a "You haven't explained how you
4 . ,�
��, . . ".. � 11,1�liaof life. t 'K." will inartalse the solids afthe milk, week backl" "Oh, just down to happened, to halve Mr. Wacker's The Mild Climate of Virginia,.,
': i . I 6, t, or keep: � good table. &ad has choice pies, " "That makes only a a
I . . � "My dear sif," I said, "t wine in his cellar need never be "Well, do you think I did it for no- and the retarding hifluence on ren. the store for a battle of Dr. The ffers gplandid 7 rtunitles for Atack mining, �
L � I . in ' sake don't bother me . - chickens in your possession," said fruit growing ar
,� eray s tit a loss for genial companions." thing I" action way a6t least be partly �r In n
, 1 �. . Vkm. I"d,t,d 11 blnrd will %all " when Moton- J� a ry[nA and general far I
�, about this follow and his confound- , , not mas, Eclectrio Oil," and Mra.�Sur- the magistrate, sternly. "I'se try. Winton are a ort. 0 mate - -thf.1, !:
� . I aud filits tt.ubla& op 1� Milk oomas in contact with iron 'ed the prisoner. "I in Virents. Its for I orma on to Ik- - I
I I ' I . &TO iwtout,%41 6 mark tho %kln7Wq%ver4C= You seem to be a bit of a Alo- — . I .. at '...
'60 L � L,:. I '
W i %ye,ver,4 myrup wako alburt work at I iteply just as you like. due to this cause. . face, who hates puns, walked on. ing to think, your worship. Give flojod and fie'llng below 'to T&" '.. b
e'll, , "4
oil pans. V valueeseVear. mazgart,, ans are
� �� f": You sem to know all about it, I a It r, my friend," I remar ed. "Captain, we are entirely out of But glib refriembered, and when slit me time," repix In c I
. ". . I ., Ile smiled knowingly. ammunition," said an orderly ser- in the form of rusty cans or Orly contracted a weak back there was will Fourteen days I" 0. W. r(OINER,
. . - "I eontend," said the lawyer for tion't-nor I don't want to hnovr." "I haven't' noted as your score- ge-ant to his commander on a field- . C010011881oner of Ag-toulture �
� �, . "B tinned utensils In practicalyY0 11 anothor customer for Eclectric Oil. , , Rkhmang, Vs,
IV � �� .,L I t1w defence, "that a tomaw, how- ut in a case like this I do not tary without learning a few of the day. "Whatt Entirely out of am- It �. , - , ., � . , . . , ". - - - , ,
. , 1, . . care to act on my owh discretion creamories /and cheeso factories. ., —
, ,
, I L 1". L ever tvell ainied, could not have i. "They are crooked ways of the world." munition I" exclaimed the captain. The qualiti of thd aillk w0l, to a Jakey-"Fadder, a shentlenlans OINKNILLE OUMMIN4111 —
.� 1 11 - I I micmd a h1tok eye." 'But it w&s MOM." he proteste( "What?" I exclaimed, "Don't I "Yea,,,entiroly out," was the re- - b --hole 6" #2 Me& of beime Kofts" Wo
11 . r evidently awaiting a reply in Dow-
, ,our honor.$' . always act honestly, thent" This ply. Then cease firing," said large oxtent� ftead upon tho con alf fallen troo do coal I"
I r L I it) a tin, .% the � . I 'ell the Isaac "Clap re cover ofer him, ugg OuRvills ovenae"An. Hotel Cumberland
I . . I poll City." I dition of utensils into whi Little no% I I
" L �';-. WAS '�ometliing entirely new. eaj!tain. W011A 96 " bbftt r"tt k*. Car. st"two
I— I - Ojve Holloway'A Corn Cure a "Let them wait," I said. "I .. milk is poured� kepty and finally kerviek, \main sohn, vile I runs for I � .
.1 I I . L Nobody ean be honest in fi- 1. I -!ne!t� The degree s &rreRt him MvM AMAW60A Ovdi" 0i No, it, mo -eve at "th AL,
. . - firial. It removed ton eorns from t1on't want to bother my head over . . hauled to the factgry- 6 policamand. Vt must X I �. P WNW YORK
,1� , .. , nan".."' * -oal t6 60als, Oi he'll
; L , �, one pair of feet ivithimt any paiii. IhAtters in which I cain have no ,'Well,', I saido monting his of influenco of iron on milk will do. for tryin' to at V1 'L
�', L concern, Tho alleged ,. I I I pend largely, Upon the tomlivitktur6 We us fvr tanli0a", -9A'rW%Atn
U%0, it htlq done once it will- do jrossil)10 CTOR -BERLINER � . 2, r4111ab-
, imputad '"I wasn't awar6 that I . � -1 I 11 . .. *6z anal 83M tfto
� �, I . nuktrimonial alliance of mine is of 0% . r of the milk,the A"th 6f tiraa kept No" Mod st"Ies.
11 . 11plo. . I had ev t swindled a person of . I
,� .- fair more importance to me than 0 " in the earrd, stad the amoubt of ex -
I sixpence I'm1my life. , , L . ,N [ : Ideal Location
L . ' elier (readfing let-Wr from all the gold in the Riondyke," -Sixpentes in such sums as they . , I posed surfacili.
I 11 . . ( Mra Mr R Ile CIM In 1% I I , Oco Nsir Thalbre
. , . rou, at college)-- "Ilenry'.g letters "Well, the lady is our Wl 0. 80 , I - t Winchoster House don't lfi� &ftt
. sl" , I *lWays gendple to tit() dictionary!" why worry furthor , - out itl" count. It's 11 * ., I � -1 . , I 01
� -
'. - � -- ArOiTter- (re - Witd. .-, 0e� thoixsands. L I � F,A,ST8 POPW-POW-fia. L '- - 1.
, , d" I . Ifiledda. I
* - - V011 ,,s.i1niRn� I . 1 nops and
"3 U? 110 We pasacti 16 eouplo of gaping - . I
� . � I I "Ths;Vs rothing, " a waYn "And how do you know, pray maid.aetvani6i in long-strillgibd I Whilst an oftaslonal Atarve in pro- I 11 &�.,;i.,� All, PriCeS Ahd stylbs fivni $12 ' ,�. . C"trtl PA&
11 -u,&
I I iond Iiia to tile b"It. "Recause I was present at the ' Atido, looking At I bably an txeell' .1 I , 1 -40 tO
. . ., L. L 11, - caps, who stood oint thing for both- I . f
;, � , 1. 11 . . - epremohy. 11 tit . . d' No doubt the aaws hit alua " I p5lultry, thttb. s1r6 t1l"6 ; I $21404 Write fdr free catalogue. I Nil W, MWOM 0
1 t�� I , 11 . I L , .
� 'a It, I ti a in th'8 lif, , 61 46 f0*1 *11led a I mop, kod Abealub4
; i - unab . %lbrftntS, * 60dialy rft� at". b . .4
'. I . ousfe Ilad I M . t4 ' 81 fut, is to I , in, I f.. Fift
"I RUPPOSO You'll tell 0 th Those 0041dont ure i I I big I . Omit
. 'I N � ...... !1 2 1 46aitkg. Tho f4 - won f6r C', 1� 6
oment, thsit"'a I'm ed rAsh Wks in the I 6 *
� In to utbor further words. h D td the I 0
I I I , % fhe aeft h&ll. I W , in f0t, On 11116V to 0 L - 0 ItAt"; 0,86 *Ith
a �, ' that you wer6 mv he"btwy in mv tile donlotit, A * Vi us to b � . 101110 01pKk ounlyl 411u.�r#01011 fthdit ftthbt�gl "4
ftV .�.,Jjftt 'Voll.L"ill. aj),J go Whero I'achelor dAys?" I 64h to imply. that . thd Oft e . , 6I&,b Ift a CJ�61$ pt** I
. � said at last. ' (i 1161%lifigN af milob PW � *A*O *,stJftfA , .
. I *yf,,Ifr lir' th Theo � I � , 10660 Me Vi6*g**M at I
I I �t�. $6111 eunf& got n botter, 11(lertainly I was." e9e I 61110 41M "* rMA twa i bitth,o, bo&rb do"ah', tO,6;o�, t" yoft* aftot, Irmou. *a.ts
1 Al v. 7��?,,T r) r f1wro aMidoun wa than " And you *say that you wero ae.- 16 wiy� 1 -hsvo I* the a a 1, I '� I L' 1. '**� "! 6 *" ismill
I of *hieh, I 41 LL , 11.1 1. , ......." �. I'll", '**w rlois a aoid *khato.41.
� ,�Ic� 1, . tual.t 'sent at tho eltureh, and knOwlea, hm""4-4" Aot *1-' � �S;VNMWZNU�-z � . I 1- -,- - I . I I -1 Agidllj�. witibid in't'vety �*WAII- . I I --
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