HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-07-31, Page 17 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MIR OOOMM=AR Is Ow WX"t WE' -RICO
4s - 0 , $M� Imul 2 N"Y"wpO to 000MAtty of 1W"t #Ad ira"W101t tbon soy O"r Neiv" vallis" owahty'i cusiq"tkv In 010 soctton; ot the co"Oty'at HUM IQW0 Xox "blIllaillissilt wealsLy XV 01N UZIVA�t, r In 00MRICHis ONT., FRIDAY, JULY it, 1908 . ...... SUMMER TUIse thiva 108, in t tie coutort v, It block 00 the north side or Next Wodolesiday will be Goiderich's The request for a money grant -to-
IV NQUESTIONA, LE, Wt street* betwen Waterloo ll� Civic Holiday. Advertisers and eel,- the Alexandra Hospital preseikt94 to
balittants, will is no , vs. 4 Js o' The Late Mrs, 410114, of CtIlsorise. satid Three Generation$ Fist the Town Council at Its lost meeting ptolra att.ead od 4, plealp �4 rvispoudeuts must send in their copy
In flit rot bvikollivs Her peagooll3sints.
Therp is ljo, About Tour; a grounds, 0 east 4 day earlier thou usual, otherwise Is one that should receive M04t fotvor- ell 'only, 04ft. .$.Urq "Way 9 cladet4il for a, Ut.t. And asAlth odable consideration. Any one famillor real imiaertloweauslottleasaured. Patrons A. afrit t net; wire fenc� W 'been weialth, Judiiii-e'adso"Ice 'b� 4 vlltrsQU'�'�O'f frLit 1 it to keep tbitivatoold h, Is Time died at Diml, Colborne Tp.. at the residence ot her anti Robert, will please ussie a- note of it and with the work done lay the. hospital tstr'�h'ygaal of; ple secore A conspetepce. 41 erasigick. ll� -4 oil July 16th. A atiMilln, rellot of the Into Andrew Qnaid' at "Ists avoid disappointment. since [tit elitalballshment tnust say ts.-In 9titeldes Ila 10. Tlio hnby, leas leii;x1-they ova' oAud *vinj; (be adiroopo, 34 "'Ce ki, is iota . ware been plQughou 4114 wonderful age o 00 years. Mrs. Quaid, or 1, Granduss Quaid," &it she was ............. it has fully justified all that Wall :is ��n,tOo sick list at present, Washope $own to graxe seed. and next year will,' titltlillttlY known, was born In Belfast. Ireland, Auquot. 2ad, 131' where Liquor In Military Camps. claimed for it by its promoters, and It ,cut, Int oa mone fair s, "Pasedy g0vory -Mlop J.Cgt gro.A. on 4ep , it@ and 7 Jo with thwoloadvor court. make I; ve , Is witlAer hub
at Boost she wax allies married and shortly after crossed tile Athatistio correapplidepoe. ptudelivit frorvfi� tennis grquada in western OutgrIct, band to snake a home Ili, I lie now world. coming over 07 years ago, and to now a public Institution whicti our Will (Coinmunloaw). Ripley, imosidain ovellovit, papers evory !,Afs the northwest corner of the court. settled In Now Brunswick, where they resided for 25 yeivilh and then At a meet t9wjs cannot afford to see cripplesi tng of 1hp_FMrAttjya�Df -6, I I * VVII Tv a n P-. X W rest cotin DAR^D-L00--,C0MPANY---- Ly Its operations. Tile statement$ made tv Ah-e'rTuron County Branch of the On
vZorl end plealture'trits to Undo" and Port sod'. It lit c�vered root find sides with 40 years is resident of Huron. Her husband, o abso was it native of Ire- tarica Prohibitory Alliance. hold re- In support of tile grant asked show last isaturday. ceder, and its l00%tion gives a valgie land, predeceised her about thirty years Mrs., Quaid remained cently. it was recommended that the Is Q A t &lid was III only iss Alsoady-carvier tor afternoon telas. -And In the 110151te9slo Is all boi- f culties to 90191is following statement with refereince to the tht it the rates charged to patients, ---Was able to 1011 Use canteensAn-otto iection WORTI Bill q -be i-41 a shelter from the sun for watchitro of Very -short' -She had ' 'a- keen Memory a�nd be raised to ot _Jo the I with the Int enor,o Is -thir -The -1 he--old-ilRyes 1, the-Ui6iii1to of the hospital must be reduced by Xame-. -morip-4 N,' IMGR. rich deserve the hearty thanks of tha and many steNing qualities sit character AM). SQTJA W.- r.. HORTO endeared her tcs AIL__ for putalleatiol , and It confined to the few and even citizens Whitefield, whonays the bill 14 needed, layers of Athletics for the welcome and site will lie r0tuesulleared w Ith allocation by all who knew her, as well as copy to the Minister of Ma0 over resort. by an utiv instances would"d notwithstanding it most difftoult to tuaintalki. their sick 0#0a fro I in what he saw at a sum addition to the opportunities for tonally lilt as oinle of relatives and descendants. Site Is survived We regret that f moderate circu
bk 01110-mistev-1-Al "a 'ktiktly. %_ ogoveranivilt regulations forbidding Port has been 0 I irdered. provides that exetelses. tile sale of intoxicialuts at suninvor on. ones there. An It is now. no one need WANTS. ifan.y%vottian,wlketherixiaidc)rxvidow. In what wits probably the most canipments, -these rules haves been lie deterred trout taking advantage Of OAR grossly violated.
tulleaubjecteof this Statate (in local grounds, tile tiodericlist Red shall betray lato IslaCirboolY RnY 011- keenly contested hall game ever seen -VOUND.-On Hamilton, Asset, 0 the *kill and comfort which the hus-
of gold ApeptaftJ84, In Ole I , AI�D ROOMS can be had ILL suspecting 111 lagi. a pair oholue", Want- at live doors rest Section 10 of the nillitary regula- pittil altords wheat sickness vi4its their can have'thow, on provin roporty And from biwling ritila. Board Mae. by scents. paints, pjawderor perfoopes, Son defeated the Wingliam team lay a ti one reads its follows Nothing in f sully. Cos pxpensos, A PAY at TINNITAiil o0ce. (IoLLINBON. metica, artificial' teeth tralse halt,. scorituf3tollatthlooday. sagal40 By all means help like hospl-
ng's repulations and ok the KI L13T.- ron staym, Cereals, pads Or padding. was lit-hufaill of dazzling plays, voting- lore for
"�0TER$," LIST NOTICE igh-heeled shoes, low out Lite ar-my, so (at- as they relsatam to the till. gentlemen of the Council. ---- 13(tilobeingthe at&&, all the desirable 'Prove 11 evrio.-Jace,, varism establishment of canteens, Is, to he tin. OR 1] til� K&ted-drOP- -time, --tkodrge Britton, (if Winglim domistood its perruitthilt the sale within H MUNICIPALITY or HE TOWNS got 9 or. artful pra tileLililVita_()f,.caiiip-gpotandaa durin lie Leadbury. two J. . 13HYDOXIll. HLP oar oth deceitful mean .... ... . ..... GODERICH, HURON COUNTY. tices. the marriage upon tile Same team, fielded faultlessly. Annual training of tile isillitl van- NoTicS.-Wni. Rao, B.A., principal OR SALE UIRVAP.-Naving sold my "Ou'll�IctiOn Jim WiRghts pitched a woudedully borall a4verLised In TUX STAXildlit Weak, Notice Is hereby given that I have Cremate I,- a all be null and void. of spirituous (to Issolatole wine) or of Edmonton high school, has beesI P.Ti. w-cafflarfor Phaistoll slid at tod-or-attillvered-to-the on -me -8-TO __ ORIN Tbe"plaing of Belebot vtstting tits parents and other relatives a ntioned s.- Judge and Elliott, brath ld tribh Niners, was not, &lay kind; their sale pors; G T11ji Sfinilll within In It being strictly prn- limilk open Bu gy. aloo a set of Single Harnoils, ocotions 5 and 0 of the Voter"' ob. I a having vf� ituther use for them. U. M. copies required by the said sections a As Barret has a fish preserve on hit,) Blue all to the mustard. Lewis Elliott ties and friends liert, for tile last month. ELlisq1`11�1 '.be Square, Gaillairlobs. transualtog, or dellyered the list I I )or- the excellent facility of using. is hililt,a]. fill tal flop or all P nil it Springs farm. Be has had trout in it Air. Rao was =rFivanitaid by lifts on . for* or) odou'vod by t a last Tey�md mammal 1,,, ton a a marked d8141-14 W11110 he Is o'Officers commanding camps of in. c harlultiN and Led young wife. tyWbefentity, tovoteiit VILL for the last, two or three years, and �1"a'y'sIng" struction will be held responsible that t.r Gal). I r or of Iclarla atuntelpallty M tits ara Davidson is raw y oil and . a Ill 'Bet. c I as televe r , municipality at of eattima (or -members rif the some of them have grown to quite a SuAifatmiy_ the above order to carried out, find a pleasant visit to itn uncles and has U bg � . r 0 ell, gislative A earably�and at municipal also- respectable size. A wire screen at Lite Goderich A. B. It. H. P.O. E. they. together with officers command- hall, Mrs. also. 11 era on tile s. tions. and Chu a said list was tint posted 0 L stit Shelburne. i . F. come for or EL I in my office In erlbit Township, sit the 1019 mouth of tire creek prevented client C. Webb it. F. It 0 1 a 0 0 Ing units of active isillitist, will, In 'large jolt L, F. 9 I I I 0 0 t beau If Is t Hot a w here t he law so al I a ee ta, (lit NVednesday last Ii dayofJtdy,l and ranitaints there fan-luspee- fasont escaping Into the Saugeen. But It- El I o III to Mallitt)IIA. -MISS 110111- App CAS. his as a J. N ft ind P. 4 0 0 be liable to prosecution, In respect of Mclutaish left screen was re- FT. Bee or Sral b 4 0 1 2 1 0
to tia Ft I. one day last week this Ir o called upon to examine the said moved for the anv liquor sold In tents or tiny other ..all Moore, of oront.o. who was O�E�A 8 Uagd r 'are express purpose of let. R. Mol,aninan C.F. 4 u I I 0 0 Lt list, and itany famitmions or any other error visiting Jim- mister, Mis. Bell, has ro- Lou a$ ban e threakis"', cor", are found thereia.to take immeallata proceed. Ling the fish out, and tbw reason he I). Nicholson 141; as 4, 1 1 12 0 as prelvalmes subject to tlieli- control, in turned to this city. 'OR larld 0 To We'd we Inn" J. Ndis 2nd tal 3 9 A the Ash out was that be was c. Devine S.s. 4 0 2 0 1 2 Ile Initiated foi- it breach (if military ad ell Inge to hays the said errors -corrected according wantiqF I 2 3 2 0 adall tiou to such other penalty as may
o re-stooking the stream with a new V. Deal, C. 4 0 0 It 0 0 tRill as 4 ;n� F17,Tb.l aNIXON STURDY -- - discipline." i0orrie. lip to July loth, 1008. Township 6erk. kip 33 3 9 *26 0 2 �f' �NS -A he Id of trout, a kind that is known its
rambowtrout. Ville hadleftibithig No doubt theme ClatlHes are clearly oore slit for interference In third Inninisiv. PERSLINAI.. -- Miss Ferguson, of cALsH with balance in �mall o fish Ili the streassin they would have understood by Lite officepe, and jet at Willghatil, Is visittug lilt I ves in town monath% installments will lit wil ---------- Beat 9 IK
$700 -PUBLIC NOTICE. eaten up all I be little ones. The new W'nffr'arn Pos. A.B. It. H. P.O. A. E. Ay List Ist Is 4 1: I this camp canteens were allowe to hae title week.- The Alias reWalker, of lit- an exec fraine dwellit stock numbers 12,000, said after established where liquor as frasely e" ke w" summer kitchen and I F. rett. C. 3 IF 5 0 0
large -hod attachega, waiA ____N__TA__R_lO WEST 1,HORR R 'e - 10. Moore 2nd b 4 1 4 1 sold, sanctioned by officors vvhn ILI,(, thei a first class otonfas Also a frame barn on Y. Co. grow a bit thoy will provide ali'Me gelssult. fire opondin
it,. g. AV. � a- few weA
0 r %tile Valkvir, Mr. find HowsFsswigst basis repainted and NOTICE. Sport in -the- flabing line any one man L. Altle 3rd is 4 as I eworn to defend our country, uphold r jL . S.S. I Mrs. 41,IL,- returned oil Monday Trout "I milli ion, used �prin well, Yaas a. If 1 2 2 2 cement c=towa water and baro in ARconsuructiou work Is about to be coin. needs. -Walkerton Telesebpam. Passes 1. F. " 4 IF 0 1 0 0 Its inatitutlorim, find maintain its "ort. vigil), Whoro they enjoyed tile [thrn i menced on the above Ry., notice in hereby VV, C. T. U. N,)TES.-2rhe members U. Britton R.F. 4 0 2 0 0 0 laws. I The property I.- well Pit noted, ballast Wl ,take bree-408 rot' It week of- so. - not given that no liabilities are to he contracted ft. Cruick-
minuteg walk of tt)e to 4are, public school a elleve the delihernte purpose Ms.%. Al. A. Carson, of Toronto, III cumulates. Tlll� i8 all opportunity for skid no craloolits-aro to be extended lit the Coin- �pf AV. 0. T. U. vooducted the vemper- tahank 4 0 0 2 0 41 We 1) t name without the written ftuthority of H. Dounop 1'. 3 IF- I 0 3 1 M portion wishing toAmeat. Patticulars,it e lestion in Victoria street subutch a great ',"Los of the popleof (114) spending it fe%v Week 11pallied lay 34 1 Tuck, with FT'& ST.I. fido. Rot;ero. Chief Engineer, &tie - province, find the right thinking citi- twu little same or H. J. A. MCEWAN, on Tuesday evening last.' Mrs. Poulin IF 24 6 4 e, Ili that law should friends here. They were former real- 'rhar6e iits, corner See. of Ont. West Shore Ry. Ca." Bov�tHon IFFILWaff Barront,-cstf Dun " Tof o' ford and Regent streets. near Wheal led the meeting. Several pointed to Hills. find must be obseuved, olifial will do- dents. Rigs Factory ; 900A stable null fruit trees: a L -o asked by members of fwo base lilt,,. Ediv, L Illott, Yaaaka. G round that tile trallitlic shall respect N(yrnm. - tbontrictor Brclay, of all in good repair. Thin QIestlims %yet desirable property end I . BritW,;. , the law, and until this is assured, tovery Ell, uniseld, finiblied the abutniontm To 1101101199 I JOHN KIRKPATRICK. Epworth League, and these wore ans, 1ginti 4, by Dunlop 6. child reh -Robert, of Dunlop; James, Port Albert; A' r ts, Alias Struck slit by %' W. J. wered by women of W. C. T. U. Settle Double plays Nic olson to Beitsher, Wiggluti Irs. Vroollitill, fit self-mspecting young small allutildie- tie new steel bridge oil aturday I, barit.1culars oil ap iplicatkin is INoAllh'ity Ontario Most sore go Oodetich ; Miss Matilda, liviog Willi her hrother Robert; Mrs, Wax fuse to enlist. find did a good job. It Is hoped Lt o Ic WILSON, h Towns ip. Of the questions w we : Is Local Op- to Nicholson, W. Brit ton to Moore. Hit by pitzhor, Elliott 2. Port Albert; William, Ili Now Brunswick; Mrs. McDonald, at Washington; E131DENCE FOR SALE. -House and tion an improvement on Scott Act? le Stolen bases, Goderich 7, Winsirlialis 5. and Miss Margaret. of Port Albert. A stated in it shor in THE Making the People Pay. Hill & Co., of Mitchell, have the con- three lost; on Walnut street; all kinds, of When it was proved most conclusive- Sacrifice hita, Divine, Whosgins, Carsick- STAR last, week, the funerid Cook Place to Colborne cemetery an 'clittil R t notice steel work will not ho long delayed. fruit trees. Apply an promises to MRS. JAMRS NOTICE 6 ly that it was. Another: Whitt re hariks, rday t gave ni htly BROWN. Attendance 160. Time of game r hour to minis. afternoon, fnllovved by inany friends find relatives. Rev. Chas. R ther- To the Editor of int KrAn. trct. -A troupe I" ten sponsibility, rests on young people of entertainments all last week to large Umpire: Baxter McArrer. Blyth. -61 ford, of Dungnnon, and Rev J fillies H alit I I ton, of Leebu rn and Uoderich Tp. Sir. -I have oft -ell read In tile press audiences. 'rho medicines, peanuts. oft TO,RhNTJPosIeP1kw to today regarding the tErmperance be given'Ootober Im2, the well known St. r Lou- FUR SALE Men and reams Wanted tion? This was answered hyRevques. Three rinku left on Monday to congregations. cunducLed I lie services find the pall bearers were mi)( grand- about Chas franking privileges and Song books, ote., would not have Hold Mr. Lawrence rebideracal on ontreal street, near moos o =rd, who gave a,m don to enter the annual tournament f tile 4.1000Mmed, viz: Albert and Fred, of Dunlop; John, Alfred find Matters. but I have come to the ell"- so eadily et.c, it tint for tile y this Public Library. This In site of the beat ost instructive a barle bat. city� In the situated and heat appointed houses for either a. Fallowing the young men an Of the bowlers of t Wiifred, of,Pt)rt Albert; and Will Vrooluan, of, 8hopparalton. The ttc-- cluslon that Mr. Holmusti, the Refor ring contest that caused foole and Parties- Immediately for Construction preliminary the restall. Was eta follows caimpauving photo shows the deceased lady, and three generations, candidate too- Wpit Huron, takes ul frivato residainve or boarders, Pull young Indies also their duty lit th their money to lie easily parted..- are can be 0ail an application to Mas. BECK. Work. matter.- The W. C. T. U. -held tbeltr3 . I)GODERIcH DV14DAS cake. The malls tire just now beinq he electric lights will soon Ile it thing corner Brood and VIoLof lit streuts. E. L. klmoll Collins loaded with campal it literature anu of the past, and oeveral business placess RXCHANOE FOR PRO- Phailm, wlko received such Serious in. the frankiiig priv Is regular ove4ing today, Jtily 27th, the R. Atc)"eall 11 OR'SALE I president in the chah'-. The meeting Brief Town Topics
FPERT in Or near Goderich,the Hot- Apply at once to V. M. ROBERTS wal.1voyd C. Davis s ATLI being have Installed the town LIVOtyliono giLM. 3 430n. , was opened with reading and prayer. F. Davla, skip. - to B. Racy, okip.-25 most 1,1141104'fullY abuse Minister Of The thirty stioLers Ili -tit obtained tire f Axhfield. contain- land in ont Chief Fugineer. All. John Salkeld's new brick houe Jilt ies I hat Ile dled front Lite accident. jag I act". nearl all in grans. Good Invild- A short discussion on the coming I.ONDON H.C. has been platitered. he notriy friends of Mr. find Mrs. Customs Paterson does ttie franking all In use. find half it new oneti inilp. no or which will pay Inte-A Call betwecn I I 4W T i a. tawW� T. aoderitititt, . A. E. Barbour ers' list Phailsowill ib- ti,irry to heat. (it the avid Inside Lite envelope "The costs, havehoonordored, NVIthagoodulds" oil the whole it) ent. Reason for Pellin jbp�al Option campaign was LhKi taken J, Kidd t .1 J, (Jillempl. The Goderich township vill death I tile Vt itanta of Hubert Holmes " Im ton. heIt. Ell' I Ile R. Reynolds, -kip.- 20 H. . D. Swift, Rk -5 I -ig I L It far away to t Lt. Apply to J. 2 and 3 p.m. TF. Aloved find seconded, that Mrs. F. J. Be land 11 W. Mover IP., was fit -sr. posted lit) on July 10th. not, to look aftt�L flourn, Saftfal jolt a resignation as treaurvir he womtorn Battalion. ored. I bdve Seen it find know of aplant' it in lilt I H. J. A. MACF, hipped I attle find lamb pled, and that Mrs. Holland be J. P. Brown 3, Pril,chard WAN, Lite MI ati Hutted IILHL %veek otheit; who rpeelved file campaign IE 50 or 100 aoi whirls tile Hiii-ori forin- 11 Tuesday. %till ht,' ano (iralrager -UUILDING LOT$ FOR SAL Shore Ry. Lilly The point Is, that to further It a Sec'y Ontario West 9ppointed ro Least till tile. annual H. Humber O. T. Rutherford The Mealosetung 0anoo (!lilt) reglittit, sit a left t4tiebee on 4unday hipped hogs oil Monklav ; the IaLtei ft. frontaras desired. These lots re H.Thifers. U. ft. Theobald amon the ver nest In the of o a- meeting. wing to the oppressive 1)r. Hunter, skip, -23. C. B Ed wards, Hitp. will take place on %VedopHday after- afternoon and arvived tit I,tindop oil anibition and intmetary gain ewers, it little lowel. ill $6.71) Willi
sIs Iv it all within two win- I and evening, Aiigust Will. t Lite oxpen4o of tile country, tile Cho t1gure paid. It %vita reported Ir of the oil class Square and rich, heat, the oducat le,nal part (it the pro. Fleml, Rov�NL) MoudaY. 'rise then left for their Iteforni candidate Is ruitorting to Class round town on Tuemdav inurning tha't IF VEHICLE REPAIRING.
P Par I I grantine was dispensed with. The GGLIERIVIII Till, pitsit week hatt given im 8evetal ileveral hookies by tile regular trains, frpu IlHo of tile I)oHIILI survive, $laid bithinesti I coo the wu well am lit nvenient logiato nstitute, I bilve leased the Walker Carriage Shop meeting then adjourned. Dr. Ilunter. skip. 20 15 triagnificent sunsets, the case oil Mon- out anon reaching (Ioderich by tile 7 21) Cho ColiNtable of Nvingillun. ry and a settle who On Newgate Street. Godericht and atu 'OND ROUND -Falls. hi-RdS At OURIMM, ILII)tlg With killoself, I o Ili 'LT day eVVLIiLJg being Itenaldlill indeed. E.111. if The men look siin-huri'ed oil ill" wn Lt -oloeter find (JorriStais4 Ia n a dent r will do 11 Dr. Hunter, skip, - 17 Weld, kip. - 6 I It rullst Lake the retitionsibility. we o all kinds of Repairs ell- Mrs, S. 8. Kelly has hought, the I J Flat heall,hy, and report having Ila,, ft look fill- Irle of Illegal sale of I also arket iitrec�.. prepared to al trusted to me. AROUND THE HARBOR. utory dwelling, corner or anti good Lillie, both In,,varnp at 4avat been Said that everything its fair Ili intosalvarlLs. Not Illuch 114o of (-()ailing THIHIL) ROUNII it ARM Foil sAL9.-For sale. on Ist, con., Being a practical merhanic,and tho- Pai-k atilt oil the I mains of Abrithat times (If Will, lkilt 'there Van b0 110 lter letti g it Ili, known Ili goo time Flotio, Godortch Township. a farm con- The new street from the dock should HTRATPORD Wellington mtreetm, lliehaid Poor. 11 taining about 120 screa. Y siness, all Dr. Hunter, skials.-H Fly, skip.. If 109tiliVIttl0c for making free tits(- of the I'rho telopholl'. in Inuch with a,flairl good roultly I understanding the bu dectric lighted. itbeforeha he s bush, barn, house and numerous otberaout, wor wi I be guaranteed the very best, AssocIATION - FIR -91, Rouri lonsilm to[. the politival advancement of "thall the ('0114IMble'll horse. hard; plowing Brit hed. 11 It, Parsons' itaint, im now added' to The I119 (if I he (loth -I ich ,buildings and small ore Bring along a it y vehicle requiring The dredge Arooldi and outlit re- GOD&RICH J. J. NVARK:... Mi.. Holliles. with four, acres of fall vwheat sewn. Would -tied from Southampton on Tuesday F. Davi�,sklp. 13 II'tore I , skip. 20 tile, list of owners (A ill Musical Soeiety, for Lill, lecepti4)o of Repai! I - rs or Painting and the wotk'will be o%VHo Kt;ows. make a good daV1 farm A mises tile annual repol,Ls, Lit(- election (if Port Albert; I[Aply an pro .
for particulars. ILSON I ERS. promptly attended to, st troderate prices. nd ill resume work here. WATFORD Ooderich, lie having bought, ('fit. oil R. U. RoynalklH.Hk 14 tev Irwin, Hklp. I., atilt Italy other business, will Went Wnwanosh, )lily 2H, 1111118. Rubber Tires replaced on all kinds of Tile str. D1.1110.1111. with it cargo of uesday, , I , .
ARM FOIr SALIE.-Part, block D., LAke w Ile hold ,text Monday evening, Atignst IIA -r It A I 1, �N A Y. Has fill body Road etist, Colborne township, 2 miles beeled rigs. wheat for the Elevator & Transit Co. (10-DRIlleff LONIIIIN G A- modern new Lobareo cutter has .4 al heard tell Of it MAIL 1111,11led love V I a IF In tile grand in',Y ro011"Of tile COVERINQ UP THE INIQUITY. Railwav list rom Goderich, 150'atirss 900d c loam; brick SHOP OFUNS ?d NDAV, JUIN- 20" ICj08, arrived Ili port y@sterddy IllOrIling-. - R. O. lteyfaold�,.klo c -k-19 -been tiliLri-d-ity tile Hrmiswirk what was talking house lifix67 with comentatab in a IF an I CONSOLArmIt- Yjawr ROUNLA stute alit West, streetz If yoll it Every -t It row N Some itro we,, ;bar LI ARMITAGE, Cootie and Hays nraloalled 4OU tons this, ,lot
Islas "water In buildin �, M ILL S )'rlock.
Sprf� creek. ill 11111piviall ears ago
2 AVLNIKft you will want to use it. 2 acres young orchard. an 2 acres IF smile Newgate Street, Godericb. of coal from tile Leland In 21 hours, F. skip. 1:1 I', K. clark, skip. -is alfsirs, and I)ILI-t ivil lat 13- III Ihe Iflan. Althmigh sidisidiem were visited fit wondering If there shnilld Ili- it rewaid timber. Apply to C. C. MoNEIL, Dunlop P. Wednesday was it 1141t, (lily, and ()It(- (Walker's 0141 Stand.) and they consider this pretty good 8RCOND ROUND it, town band, is re(Inealed the semmimi ,If the Dmidnion tattered fill- hint. PerhapH he has got "OR SALE.-Twe land work. lifiNDON If I hP. Sigil.4 WIIH that lit It L111111'1401' I 1) to lit- proment, and Lt) take it part lei tile Pill list ment to ON I tIll in It live Wire 1111d lilts K0111- raty acreg excellent F. Dayi., kip. -8 11. O dley, "kip 12 live that afterliom) %%a not it lopoling, aen,,. with dinge I L lit tifily Ili vouiptrAINPly few Catlett to I ariLtilmo, AS to railway,o %onto lilt- for market gaIN 3jood bull The government supply steamer. fences, two In ENGINEERING. person oil ill(- l.owling -(-Itlr information i,4 given it" to very slels. and nothing to may. halt I'll :3o3frovis G torich-havng 2!� Neepawa, was in por-t (in Wednesday R.G.Rcynalds,slip.. IIJ.IlawdtFp,8kip_I8 A hig flail tl(mlgerm I hat slit live acres in orclaa of apples, pears, plunis, Nivikolson & Naftel, that West, mi reet VPVrd lit b()t1Ho ill town t his it,, I deralty (If till- vorl)(WILH0118 Whirls bet Illy ()Ili IMM4 that thVY Will he 16 cherries, pessives, krispes and m berre AUGHAN AT. ROBERTS. Civil and Hy Morning, and delivered the lighthouse reams) ROUND Price and terms favorable. ApPlYtoTOUNU" V daratille Engineer, Ontario Land surveyor. supplies for the ye:Lr. NIIT('IIRI,T. hardware hallt' (h.4H1$lVt1d any kinds ,If gowilm fare 'lip LO ht -1`111411. fr0III the grMlItm. A case blooluing Hight. hivIti-v hv tile end of & ROBERTSON Chiderich. Office McLean Block corner Montreal Street, Dr flun�r, skip. 7 14"lley. mkip. 8. Illit point 1. that air I he submidy voted ILI thirty yparS, When thilH4, Inintiq Ili 11119 GoIlerich. Telephone W7. The str. L:!yArdlid barge delivered tile hbelow tiod, the St. Alary'm final WetiLerl, ;)fit FT ANIffleld loons tip like it full t th
III FOR SALE. -Two now Dwellings On Angle eargoes of c is week, the elevator sey St. A comfortable we in on oton L decided Want lie will (to. taking part of the ateamer's Cargo, the OBITUARY. llo'h Y11,1110 it is usually It sinisfit or Col. Itailwav flit- it lille fruits illooll oil it clear ni lit.
lifidin to on Av4nue, FsexSt.,Cedar MUSIC CLASSES. I 1) J. Ilickle, of Norwirb, I (If fashiml. Thim buying Ili ILVc)otlHtoek to KiFeter, I'llt' Isrilloary PRItf+0'fAf.. AV. 1'. P�11,lw and wife, 9L and Do SL -n Flout, Mills tile balance. KINO.-There died at NVingliamon I I' _ I
Weste , oronto
of Dilligitilooll, [)its bought tho paymToronto taxoH Wish thitt I-Pading Ili him purticulal, (ioderieh, 111111ILYO'd Will) his rather. I .. woul ..illy 8upf)(Ifle it wA4 r. alld Airm. 'I. thill'ah), WANTED.- few Forehand Holmes or MUSICCLASSECS. The Steamer Leatleld' delivered a Sunday morning last Mrs. George E. vott it natill e Laske, front to renL for the Messes. art till- by sh"Illd hont."lly Ili- spent in ."" Roams, near looLd of gOain on Monday and the till-. King, aged U9.veara. Her husband, it AV Fit I wiLm 11ist glatleptiverl1w viduninh of Tim summer me M intevidod Us help mit. Home hYtllli- spentSaturtiny null SlindlIN with him YOIJNG & ROBERTSON. p I am Prepared to receive pupils for lopmoret if idland Queen it part cargo of grain brother to Mr: R. 0. King, of Gode. is, am TAR, D..r I)Ciflg ill) old atilt HPe Wil-tt (II)t1prich also,., Cate Ili blilld it tint- ft)'- brothe - N D. of lhi4 Villngt� Jam. ,ad
Lane an Theory, also the BurrowsMusitia Kindergarten Method for young children, on Tuesday, both at the Gode"ch rich, and a well known cilizen mer- of this 1ptifts are Flirt of hwal development. Am it matter (if Issiel,iod, Det it, vi,iited friends horo, .1.1119 LEGAL CARD. Tormil and othdr Information call be learned tot elevator. fart, tile fifty tit pilrely loval tint-" IN lie Past. Week, almo Isis two little btn- Thommaon'R Musit. Store. chant of. Wingivain, passed away in The faLul hantants, peel to Sont; of S-o(land will hold their pamL. Ifolle Ila built it, i4 Illevitally 0. JOB MISS EMMA A. ANDREW$, Ooderich. Capts. McKay and McDonald bad a Lite spring of 19M. A] rR. KIng had find its way oil IF, I hit wskIL4 Ili (lonle ltSetifolt.h .... Hooner -ir lilies- lay olP I lit' ile. MSTON Barrie er Solicitor,
P�b to, cc [it, toiler, Notari Goderich M. fair catch of white fish on Tue4day, been In pbor health ever since, the rich. III Dis ext -time flit- (.ILI p A"Kl'Nt 12th. High. (,(hot. ,f lilt- grent I is, this lilts we. -Is. ameH OnL ofacHIH-Hrustailton St. INVESTMENT. while on Monday tile Port Albert ImInediptm t al 5. th I I .9 Ill"- Ist-amajoam. A httiv f,irelhouglit is ,it) landjurs' Mind if Ivan rew lifted about two tons of smizav% IIrItIPP(l, It (411111111"It prartlett rill- oil*, of Oodsi'liell, slinday.-il with hi4 116MA-a v paired tn avold titoger allot engaged lot- lilt- day ,all,[ will ILI",) Ive varietviiLtheir-Lrao nets. o 'Nons, fill grown prosecution. Keep Lite peels off the fail olien flit- Ftthe everilng. a1111,lugh which to ge tv"'we is IsLj�aw I'l -z one fifli a Wntv lilt IV. Capt. Alex. AlcLean has been grant- The funeral took plaee at Wing- it It it, Alt NItirray, BENSON WALITELY, M. D. C. At.. M. C. palks, i4 Ft g.,od o"porth HuhNitly fiir a new aection intended Air". %VnIke" Theexecutorsof the late (]cargo Acheson'A oil is. license for fish gill net flshing off IhIpa;rs on Tuesday afternoon, Mr. -ind r T. illrity 11141 I-bild, J. P. and S. 0. Estate brave decided to offer the whole littata 'rho ilidivatioli% for Hotel flI ighlittid darts ing and piping. A the begitirlinK h) he part Ill the Mr. larval , Jim. 0 us and Surgery- KI ngBton :Street, Gode- forseale conmisting of real estate. bonds, als- Goderieb, and leaves today for Sarnia M arm. King being in att.Pridance from look aN if Aligliffl. VVIII bet it Vel)vlilioll fi-AtiltV Will Ili- It V lilt lit 111011811 Ip lirrity, visited tht� h5 benture, Find stocks. Parties wishing invest, for his tug. the Arldena., and on his here. Rev. Mr. Perry (Presbyterian) of JIM, Wheal file Willi lilitt h betwi-t-it Whighnin alit[ and West(Itill 01111111-10 IIILIIWfly it ri . A greater itchenip. It, thim St. Isala"Y'm and Mi4m Ji,s
0 se H uays;floea. in to 10 p. an. Phones- momm will receive full particulars of the same return operationa will commence. officiated at Lite home mand M v. villagplittitwook. Mitts.loan lhintifti, ificifF go g oil calling on the following: Fully 'rho groundRaround (hi- hotiNe ii,vp' Flillartoli, fill 0 amid . e Tbeweativerhas favored tile work at the grave, and the pall bearers were in, nevordifig Ili [lie Potoot Free the funeral of [lei- Man. AcnEHoN , Executrix. I00K41d prPttier, find tile ll44itarlo. Every the Canadian whieli im Ili lilt- uncle, aniem NWIF19, oil F, GALLOW, M. B., Al. 0. P. and S. 0. on the outside breakwater, and the Mesists. A. H. Mnsgrove, At. P P f.morl ill Senforlh ill, Ao is voulpa Jordan Block, Col. BnOWN, [; 1*,' its much its to attlact fill Iit Ili Ing a husines -1 lk
Hepburn, H. Davi end W. A. Camp- ing it local orga �41,
If, to Ing her pitrents ill W. Offlose and Surgery AeFiRso'.1 Executors. structure Is now assum A. Morton, Opo. Spotton, I con, background. Tt t IAP ANION LiZZIP (InIlli'N', 111-AlItfOld, 14 V14it fortahle suininer lifitive. gunt 121h. parently, it borne StWept Goderich onee had a whirli Obtl0fill.1111181mid( -anging flout $3,0N) olfice �rr,_jl a. an. to 10 r, in. Pliones.- Goderich, Dec. 6. 1907. like appearance. There in L lot .
office till, Rot, donee 110. worktodo yet. though, before it Is Icompleted. JOHNFITON.- E'leanor [fine Fowler. "ll"Llp'll" Plep,41-ftliml to 1OW1111161). tit lhP 11011mo Ili him In $6.440 per via le flit- what IN 'alienate . d Ivitizetim Ili the person of Janit-4 RS. EMMERSON & TURNBULL. GODERICH 'MARKETS. Illuminate tit(- total- dial4of Iho town Alim, ansen tii form one of the Cnaintlifin I , arifle h ,it Sun(lay. Tile D Work on the sedimentation basin is Nvidow of the late arnea Johnston, clock, halt till- proponed work �eeiiim Its Ib' 11"t 1114 how"t, in the Ontario 03(tPlIlli,mv. 1, 111111 03(len.i(in hat] Filling tot- nianY years, and T EasavaiRitsoN. M. D. With the exception Of the slight ChalIg0A in progressing, and a lotof labor isre. died oil Saturday after it long illness, have died Willi tile old Ht"llh- will run through one of t I e very bemt
k9. TuamilivLa., M. D. eirgs abal potatoes, farm and dairy produce, uired before much can be seen. will ked till tit It fl -W IMIll"t before him offices. Hamilton St. 'Phone 102 are at last week's price,,. The hence her decease was not. unexpected. quest.ion Ili asked WbV lbf� I)fLf.Rpnl Husn, cif liiivn. III,] ill havloing the grictlitural nectionii (if tilder Ontario, death Ili getting thi g4 ill %hi ' t Grain buyer evidently waitln for the re. lay and night pumping to RI]Ow the he was born In Onderlelit township, council do not finish the wot it Irian. allill,"I tit 11, 11111 it it, fit*- huggy (lie it section where, outside of Ow build an additi'm t�l him -North Stsfee OPP0- atilt" of n few thrombingg to sett a two fafail(] Ill,. fruit bell, Dr. Eviversalla's Residence I I stairs prices work to proceed will he required for where she had hoatte of friends, but gurated by their IT-decessOlm., tile farmers arp pet lip" im, tim lie wt," will he inuch Dallighte IF kwiting list slitick more prorap-rouq than they tit-*- tiny site Mt. Goorke's Church. Phone'lK of cereals. some time yet. lived In town many years, where she The I'll the Empire wmild missed, it% lie waIl well known, having
Dh Turnbull's Realdence-Montreal Street, ocar- A. J. Cooper shipped a car of osattA to A yhoor ' Cap I. Win. Craig of the Huron will Ile niurh aniseed. rho deceased Ali, Fowler fit alit, hio-lo, initiring I'mir whs-Feeln Inthe )Vince Ali(] Wet f Fuitwt-Iltv Ivearq f,,I1owo,d not WaverlOca. rear Publlo Library. this Week. toe gratishil for- any donatimi of evown r " y w Arl, i'Phone 104. House. Is an angler of no mean cal I bre al had reached the age of 57 years front friends in life town ,I, po�nvtrnHng it entraps, I )atilt is tint- Trims Tcrossed the river fail) of faith in for their High find Baziti During the, past week he made 'a I)Pin . the finining with t(Current wholesale prices c0reated IfIJ111 I'd 11111,f) is NtOp Torrintoli(I)Sud"hury. largelythr, P to noon of Thursday.) In Ill 1.11 'vigil It 1,04 firtin wos: it Lvato -nrL A. H. MACKLIN, M. R. Wheat... u .......... .. M to couple of good catches (If black bass. the certainties of the resurrection Tiipsday, Augnst Ili), in the rink, the Ilwilderness without any al" funeral was ve" Iaigp, Mi rigm 95 the largest specinien being about four Her rpumilim were plared beside her proveedn of whielva ato) said I lie Jprwe, anti lifilit,4 Ili#- n(jw i-nierlitined whatever ft Lt) feeelve 11 left the residence for Diangantion MY-1clan find Snrir eta) arntion to Flour, per" o w* ... * ... tent ............ 285to 3W work t tc:t Spe r the of out- Alexandria, HOPpital A coast revvietery tin Tuemday. Rev Charle� @or, nose and OfIce an residence nour. Ig lawt.. Vamilly ........... : 2 60 to 2 V7 ounds. The guests at the Huron,are rtner In Maitland vemet.prv, 111111 ft few W4-'.kk IItPowler mailisitiv for hatilding thin other branch Mdo"Bankof Montreal, aooltif Pos so. a Star our .......... . ......... 2 m t 2 6s riving witnesses of the Size and af ial- R�Ln r. hat initteo will reeelve any oft Filiation fit' Rutherford conducted file qerviro, avid t 0111 taking place front her well signals. through one of the wont West strealL Godeartals. T -ii substrate, No. 162 5 Star Flour ............... ........ 8 Is, to 3 ity. residence on Monday atternoon, In the rink TueRdav mov ning. imt rirts of t he Prov I Fare. ilheart-r-4 wsrt� %It- Bran, per ton ............ ......... 23 SSfthG=L Pfir to ...................... Z 0000 2235 � This week the Midland Queen deltv- presence of friends and acquaintances. Special Notices Thp ab%urality of 004 wi .de mymtem Whinney, Ororge Ili aper, anle" AUCTr0N ER ga, per ton ........... I .... Is to 00 pred a part cargo, and the Lealleld Her husband pisaaeal away it few years In Tile window of U. Elliott',, A. .1 hit. anv uantity of (If substilly granting VOIJIII 1101 hP Illol"l- a )I vpr, Thomas Dmigherl v, John Ica IV arkolK General Awlitiusicei 0.1. .. n ......... I—. .... ........ 11 6%.to 0 W 77.5W husheIR, at the Goderich Eleva. since, and she leaves to monrn her ill(,(- store may lip seen ft plant (if it lit- stt. for a I I'll - If I I -I r -1 vleat Iy shown than It. If, in I to I,, i)art (Irithatti, JoReph 'Dereased ........... . 0 45 1641) 0 60 hydrangf-IL grandiflora Apecles wi Irh o; r, keta and us a. Idly .... ........... ow oseW f T' IIF, r raise.. 1pfl ill fumiro hi,odepnitm-P a wifenrid i
P. 0. Boil: 181 0_78 to 0 80 tor and Transit Co's elevator, making. four children three alone. George, In wnith it walk to look tit. There tire P,u', n, on ....... 0 Its be 0 40 It Is said close on 2 500,000 Inivadvelf, of William, tint] J. H., find one daughter, 40 well develorpil blossom" vavyl f,)Iil. rhiltirvil. two and 6iii,'por'LushW1::: ........ 0 60 to 0 to �Frain defivered at �iie elevator so far Mrs- Hont. nil of town. Two brothers wnF T:i,Bnl1derA I linvi- ft (Immikv (if Thomitwand twii ilwivhlerq, Find ................... . " to ii viis ' also survive, George, of Ooderich Tp., from say I to I ineliest nero"R, It I e,-() IBrick rav fo. I,. , The Man From Manitoulin to Nun. al thl. ...on. The leading vessel in do. some more developing. The pla lLsine, lilt- voungetit being ith"ilt 13
per Ili ...................... 0 18 to 0 20 and Hamilt,san, of Lindsay. Air. WA,, of,(, needinar I �Ill the 4,(fl per dozen .................... 0 17 to IS livery at this port for the season In the WhIL- grown hy Mrs. Won. Iilaorno Hoek atia 'Jilt- Nllotk-, liji11I,r I' 1 Tho Toronto yesteiday yeare of age'. Per card .... I ....... 6 00 to 5 N . lit, of Glencoe, conducted the fain- The Sterlig Bank 6 75 to a 25 Midland Queen, over 440,(M bushels - Ile at the as he may well Ile proud or her nuceenn. a,IF,- re-lialt tit "I v John Ibe to 4 so next, In order are the Turret Chief, era[ service tit the house and 011 kri". Mr� It It. (lailley, . 1'. 1'.. Knit] ................ 4 60 to a 60 1127 Wo bushels ; and the Empre 9 of grave, and Afeemrs. Robt Duff, Win. A eiLizen vornplalrut of lilt irn- ing it vernerat tatrible X� Minna III (twit U I n Oli, CAITADA 10 to 4 a ga Iy (bill i4 dmug the w(Fill. IiilIV li.4� lhs�tratle V::: .............. 3 21 MIAland, %5.(M bushels. ft totl for Beevers, D. Buchanan, Jno, Kerr enforeeniont (If the hyla, at way mol.111f s. 1. VP4l0f( 1. W ............ a) sit flu i's 00 Cho three of over it million and seventy Jay Ativit. Wit wn,f 71 IF Federia�i elertionq Ile 1111all""d who heat, hi" w4will. hiLs to %voill. till Vair Its, .......... 0 11 to 17 Bessinvel Beeverst, and Capt. A. MeL.PoA bleyele riding tin the sidewalks. lit, Ill Dallslop � Ill -,lit Mi,,. - TI ... 1av Pri Flervalivs, candidate Ili North Nork down L" It title atilt the Illan HEAD WPM TOR014TO 0 ill to I as gilt pire wilicit t he I oinat it by adding I hat It in r -and I 0 06 thousand, There wele sixteen other were the pall bearers. mays he has tied several nartow eoeappa ell .......................... 4 00 ta al 60 v els with cargoes of 20,000 to 134.W) front rollimionn with riders, anti an- 'I'll [)all er. Ihe I 11 right. Thim 4 this;
U - I, 0 'a alre, 'It I ht, In, to, I lie dalure wa" ependent nPon Hon &Jr. Sheep Skins .................... 0 50 to 151) other complaint, comes; regarding plaee. had Ili#, mi-fiIarnme I.. get him
Tallow, rendered ................ 00 bushels, the smaller cargoes being of I the pits IF I I's. 1`�
0 05 to 0 AMONG THE CHURCHES. oiler skat Ing on the Square, it priartive bav ar (old hift, t"' '. T I's 4th. Avienworth bring the Liberal Htan Clatakatina�1varhysid chicks, per lb 8 bis, 8 vessels who discharged part rat estargo In the r I I "' ;N,:, Wish shingle mill desirtiyed hv flit on of the I'm asery talk (lard hearer again. Ttieqdav, while he ittill film ineii wero
lamorpiopated by Sp6del Art 1 sit II 0 o., lnrk Loal. it f,
resolve work,
"O" 0 Is) tO 0 11 to elgible them to pass the Welland Vietoria St.. Nlethoills4 Churell, Bab. which 19 dangeronit to ppalestrians. Plain work. ensid V, hoalf It It to Ila 1, I havP no denirp it) go into ederal at d1pner, I uhril is. henr t,tlk about
ill to IT Oanal. Of the vessels which entered hath, Aug. 2nd : Quarterly services What about theqe ralstatteral, gentlemen Programme afternoon Ad he ,onlInued, - filar I tit ver, ............. 75 to I Of) this harbor since the opening of navi- 10 sist.m., Feast;" I I rj,ni., Rubje"et: of the lovent- Admi..lona'ad) Inat, -adlo, i I inean it grain it handling ft ri I .1
forvistdatter ...... ..... 7 00 to 8 Ou Lion. one has made five trips. three "One Priest:' 7 p. an.. subject, "Result There will lip a thounfind rl It r an P; "I'll are rareMl in ymir )URY now am it If#, and would he r Editmj I,v (h.- ,III folk". bladquatter ............ 8 Fla to 0 OD a TEe - , howP of Ratlefled it, eonfine my Pli'm to to I he but. tho tuan of Imlav whF, van heat Highest Current .tstaila.:ahl Interest gave made three trips, five two trips Of One gin." RvArybody welcome, in the great sipectarle, -1 a plav,mletan. Ito in -f aq earoriii lh,
ellverod sin to Deals free. Splintatrypool," willirb'ha to he lis,"PratAd fo0r�j OptICIAll. ('01101FIR, S. 1, I Al HY '11 Latin Provincial Loiliqlature.but if Mr.Ayles Alf. Hostile, and oil st hillmide tit that. rAld Ift Out b, and Wn have Dreg More nit Thulr�,I..I I #Ili 01011 cargoes. The above deliveries at fits The marrampnt, of the Lord's Slipper tit Atilt Cth must 7th, anti ltotth,, -,,-r 1, w firth runs In Nnrth Yot k I arn going will lonts more than thp nivent ofthis,
NTS. linday tly at the Canadian National Ex - practical axpearionela. to tie his opponent," hrow If Alf III aftor hills gilt port do not include the niany cargoes will be aldinibistered m Aussinat Met In year The suit was
Page nest S It Ition, Toronto, gf delivered &C the Western Canada morning after the regular service I September 12th. eare will Ila thirty Sir tinin In n,,w in I)llqlnpnn ill dito an ondav, but whether front oft depoittall bf'$t '694 'A' Aid$, Northern avallptioll cas ................ . 4 Plotir Mills Cois Mill" n the grain leaving the cradle, or John during the the North Street Afettictillat 0burch. I 1,nonand otplare feet of seenerv. while Meeting Calendar oronto, an7cof late han hepti spend added would of sermon, "The Triple- [Afe." It to farnposed also to th"ehargo guniss r%C of the (i.,I, h Wall, IF ina nio"t (if )tin time ill Toronto In. Fritziry hinding I ho grain after
Ilia Is intatitute will I. (If at him Inland on Sale- analso the iLrrivals so far at Goderich vening there "Ill tie Dvillon at the 11afbot PalN IF.) (If ohn (4tinitf'q re0donce It oniv
'I'n t I,. TT:1. I Ma"i Sann,le. I won't IsAV. liv tile appear. ...... 8 Same period, oatrisslants If ft in1ml I and mortaro and, In fact, to present a
flect. Porter. ....... ......... 4 vivid it battle scene an any mimi-ry of tonlin.
Iftrbl, b&gut and som. largely over three million bushels. servicaff of chriatiffain men and tory. -yo oak. .,,it 1611d R ...... We 4, Special musle by the clin r. warfare eon Ile. lackq the finishing touch, which will tile dato Tat Ile ridded I% littlo Intor on In file rear. Are your flasistes rIght,P Vision In the stalimin Of aA. An- Jno. Pharla rpicirtivid on Aat I'd Serviev, again next Sunday in . the ,;;;;!!.AcbesotI& 'A
changtopmalithrgdo. ConsultS.L.TAstgPia, derson, who 11. Ion., holiday frout Detroit. where he had been" DIRT11118. im to araml�ri,h a I it i4 HeLthing
is5 air I ro I i lit. Ina e it A FnRI141% Chorch. after two week'n
Dunlop's Drug 13 to. oil Thursday ,%nil I- Knox Church pulp t to eon nVI w I voir og� g I 1�11
lhl#- haslit" ft note .... 0 t suyli;;i rid toy I lip Illnerm of him first vor w ,', it I t vaesition of Ilev. Hicks. Thon. t her floorgas, o, I t "I"T oticroolf, in
"mims, and Vri Aug 619 'day, Aus. ftb and Ith. &j; follows - v who had met Willi Ili fatal aerident, Arect, a sam. n
A L 0 re I it I Wafford. and we
1.1 M ).A.. DEATils. I Fulling a blower to hia
I � 10. 06 itev. The deepased was repairing a roof, find An exchange says All the lotterall J. Ure Stastral �, 11 llil, III, _ . I ort Wayne, was moving on rt ladder that wall, URAMETfL-.InGOd*rlth,otigt),,'�, ],If$ IF! Have yoii tried Holloway'a (Nirn threshing oittilt for the fall'a work.
....... ... -7 I
I of the alphasbef; are found In ft Detroit - AT Joseph placed an a roof below tile one lking IDA Wall .................... Ott.
MI this also 1g. 1 Q., $Rev. Cure 7I It hissua no equal for removing Nothing like it good thing, Tons. -
A. 0. OAM aw"tionciss-11 The q a I c If brown tot 7 'Ch I A ug. 23id he V6lty,sOAt, Port AIZ,on i,iiv,.4i
........ FIliott h. A. ofo*W repaired. While polovaltia down t these troubleatcauepweresenceflas many Another butcher w&ggon calls at this Jklovived 6ver the lazy dogs." Rpy. W. W. ht #P.Iton, Mo: roof (he ladder allpoed, throwing 10, A= YoUtW, a yet,, h�' have testified Who have tried it. burg front Ooderleba on Tnesdslys.