HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-10-26, Page 5THE
exam Abrorait
Is published every Thursday Morning,.
at the Office,
- ---By the
One Dollar annum if paid in Advance
01.50 if not so paid.
H_dsrort=$las• Teats n oza eseppltca-
No paper discontinued until all arre rage
are paid. Advertisements without seecifio
directions will be published till forbid and
charged,a000rdingly. Liberal discount made
for transoient advertisements inserted for
long nertads. Every description of JOB
Tlx turned out in
st 1e
and at moderate rates, pheques,moneyord.
era age.for advertising, subseriptions,etc.t o
be made payable to
Chas. H. Sanders,
Professional Cards.
H. KINSMAN, L. D. S. & DB, A. R.
KINSMAN, L I?. S., D. D. S., Ronor
graduate of Toronto University.
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any
bda> sects.th Off :Exeter'tsan's B1ook, west
11J.1 honors Graduate of the Toronto G'ni-
rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. Teeth extracted without(ain.
All modes of Dentistry up to date, fhce
over Elliot & Elliot's law o ee-opposite
Central hotel -Exeter,
Co evuoaergeona
sia]on and eaaotat-
tOntario. ayakwo , On
1 o aI,
J J Solicitors. Notaries, Conveeancera,
Commissioners, Solicitors for, the Molsoppns
cot. ate.
Fa.u.son loan
Block,and Main- SQ
Exeter. (A member of the firm will be at
Hensel' an. Thursday of each week.)
1. B. Census°. B. A., L. a. DicKSolt.
lel Eta., Conyeyaucere, and Reiser to
a. v. Fi LLIOT. P. NV. GeAretAN.
17 BOSS+E IIE;RRT,Grand Bend, L enac t
.1.. Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales
promptly attended to. and charges tnodcr-
ate. Orders by mail will receive every at-
la 3ROWN,Wivaholsea. LicensedAnat-
• ioueer tor the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of ti :borne
Salus promptly attended to and term raa-
aonbelo,Sa]ee arranged at Poet office. Win-
ahalsoa,. K __
r.`t ELLIOT.
Slain St. Exeter
ark It ojk 4te
To read the big stores. all -
Fcn• whose good are tiro in X
the furniture business? For p►
yours laid ours. If we are not
useful to you we cannot be use-
ful to ourselves. We have got
to carry the goods yott want at
the prices you want or we can-
not make a success of our busi-
ness. But we have been Going
business right along for years,
which proves that we are the
right kind of people with the
right prices. Come and see for
yourself.. .
Furniture. Undertaking,
2iiiv31131r mid' ate ��st
Call at
The Family Butcher Shop•
One door North of B. Pickard's store.
.CONlanitli"Ttintr faid
tttl lia-NO E'iEF,GP3C1f3,
41111.7alli'i1 or illi0011),
O3' A PPIrlEilleE.
DBBILIT3, the temente 07 this article
are (meet manifest.
By the ald of The D, & L. Emulsion, I have
gotten rid of a hactting cough. which had troubled
me for over a year, end have gained consider-
ably in weight.
T. H. WING13 AM, C.E., Montreal.
SOc. and St por. Bottle
Goderieh: W. J. Dowding, harness
maker, has sold out his stock and good
will to G. House, of Ilderton, and the
change of hands took place Monday..
Mr. Dowding will go to Toronto.
ohilldren Dry for
The Molsons Bank,
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855,)
Paid up Capital... , , .....$2,000,000.
Rest Fund 1,500,000
Road office Montreal
Money advanced to good Farmers on
their own notes with one or more endorsers
at percent. per annum.
Open every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m;Saturdays 10 a.m. to It g m.
A general banking business transiacted.
CURRENT RATES allowed for money on
Depositlieeeipts. Savings Bank at 3
Diens-ea & CARLING, N.D. Rtnr,os;
Solicitors. Manager.
> . ' ver: Wood's PhOntodine,
The Great English Remzd/..
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. ,Sfz
packages guaranteed to cure ell
fdfine of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abase
or excess, Meatal Worry, Excessive use of To-
baceo, Opium or Sttmulents. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package el, six, a5. Onewtltlrteasm,
sixwKL cure„ Pamphlets free Many address.
Tho frond. Company. Windsor, Out.
Wood's Phosphodineis sold in Exeter by
0, Lutz, druggist,
Wa; gltar▪ xntl c ih, t tla e
Plasters will relieve
pair quicker than aAy
other. Put to only in
NUMMI, o tt
�5c. iia e
5o s M 00
d xa tet 1l. tat'
l,r T ,
allows you to cot the
0, DAL PL -t cr Any ail7e. .
Every 'Zantllar
s 17 t1 tt P d have. one
ro_a dy fOr 47+ Cal4d'
r�r'.v �re,11 CC!!,.
s & uurilaaaVi c3.,
Mime, 11.27^'AS
Beware of Imitate..,
TO THE DEAF.---. A rich lady,
(ired of her Deafness and Noises in
the Head by Dr. Nichol oil's .trtiiieial
Har Drums, hats sent $1,(100 to his In-
stitute, so that (lea people unable to
proeure the Ear Drums may haat'
them. fret'. Apply t(1 l)ftltrtw.'nt
A. S. N, The Institute, "• Lungeott,"
Ounnersbury, London, W., England.
The Cardigan Overshoe
is a heavy black overstocking with the
foot vulcanized into a rubber shoe. The
stocking i, complete to the toe of the
rubber and tc l slakesIt v t tightest
t e a armee,
and neaten rubber in tbe market. No .
buttons, no buckles. blade to fit all shoe
shapes. Sold by ail dealers.
Manufactured by
The Cardigan Overshoe Co., Stratford, Ont.
Spain's Greate It Need.
11x', R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona
Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S,
C. %Veak nerve:.: had c:ut 'd severe
pains in the back of his head. ()n us-
ing Electric Bitters, iu)erit'r.'s great-
reatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain
soon left him. He• says this grand
medicine is what his country needs.
All America knows that it cures liver
and kidney trouble, purifies the blond,
tones up the Stomach, strengthens the
nerves, puts vim, vigor anti new life
into ev c'ry muscle, nerve and organ of
the body. If weak, tired or ailing
you need. it. Every bottle guaranteed,
only 50 cents. Sold by all Druggists.
Sen.forth: 1`r. Henry Stewart, of
this town, c:i :d early Wednesday
morning, after an illness of about five
years. • The deceased was about 114
years actin months old. The reniains
were taken. to Clinton for interment.
A Lady Misled By a Dealer
Who Loved Long
A lady residing in a flourishing
Ontario town recently wrote as followw•s:-
"Having some faded cotton goods to
dye, I went to one of our stokes and
asked for two packages of • Diamond
Dyes Cardinal for cotton. The store-
keeper informed me that he was out
of that brand of dyes, and recommend-
ed strongly another make of package
dyes. S unfortunately bought trio
recornrnended dyes and carried thein
Houle.. 1 used them as directed on the.
package, .but the work was not fit to
look at, the rotor being of a bricky red
instead of cardinal. r was obliged to
Wash the goods so is to get rill of the
awful color; and afterward re -stye with
the Diamond. Dyes which I procured at
another store. I have used Diamond
Dyes without a single failure for many
years, and will never again accept a
snbstitute front any merchant. The
Diamond Dyes are true to promise
every thee.
Children Cry ,y,ora
• F7ry•
TImperial Light Horse -Two sergeants aqe
ATTt1tt 1Fi cLENcfiE;gc-commista ; Plotted officers and men wounded; one man
tot#r troopers killed and 35 no
Twenty-first Field Battery --Three gun-
ners wounded,
Forty-second Field Battery --Two gunners
and a driver wouuded.
First Devonshire Itegiment- Twxenty-nine
Hoa -commissioned oniceve and men wowed -
First M
hester e iment-Eto non-
eommlesioned officers and nren killed, and
20 wounded.
The Total.
The total number of casualties now steads
32 k►lied stud. 155 wounded. Grand total
Y• � Vlore*
T 1915 d 1 r t• F/ tit. teas o
ns a e [ F
Osw$rltIai Troop; Would Not H14.
Frain Om Bow -raid Hoavlly for Their
London, Oet, 24. -The Daily Telegraph
has received the foltowlug from Ladysmith,
dated Sunday, 2.10
"The Boers. reported to be 9000 strong,
and under the command of Commandant
General Joubert and President Kruger in
D(Deesason are today
agate attackingtetng
comarauding aur troops, has
mored his camp back tato a better defers -
sire position."
How Fare They at Glencoe
London, Oct. 23.-A despatch from Lady-
smith, Natal, dated 4.15 yesterday after
noon. has justbeenreceived. It Is a liter-
-teral repetition of Cape Town's (Veneer
advices of yesterday. and it is regarded as
somewhat ominous tbat nothing has slime
been received respecting the result. espe-
cially when viewed in the light of Lord
1.Volseley's statement that Gen. Yule's
force felt it necessary to retire from Dun-
dee to Glencoe Junction. Oen. Yule evt-
dentty is in a tight corner. as he now lies
(sett, Joubert,
or had to face the main Boer army under
Gen. Sir George White, the Itratiab cota-
mander-iu-cltiet In Neta, will undoubtedly
despatelt part of the force winch was vic-
torious at Etandslaagte to his assistance.
Suet] a detachment, however, will leave
Ladysmith poorly pr+steetetl against the
threatened attat•k from the west. AS (en.
Hauser. on Saturday, wired that the (Wear"
it of the force to 1:t:tndslangte left hint
with duly a couple of hattaifous of regu•
Mrs. a mountain artillery battery, and Stu)
Natal volunteers to defend the town, which
Is the British lutlltur} b: ��
la Mort] Natal.
I.Iurber news n, therefore, anxiousy
ttx sued.
Opened Fire on Dundee.
London. Oct. 24. --'foe Dully News pub
'felted this despatch from Ladysmith, timed
S n.•
u d,aY ul Kli t:
"A large force, hurler Commandant Gen
eral Joubert anti f'ontemn:l;ate Ye;;an, Meets
ed fire on Puudee yesterday. The tlrl g
was continued today. The result Is act
kauwtr here."
A ltcassaring Telegram.
London, Oet 23 The War Office has re
celved the follosLug de+patch trout lien.
Sir George Stewart White, British com-
mander In Natal, stated at had,'mittt
Camp. 4.15 p.m. to -day: ellen Yule tele-
graphed me yesterday evening that the
emended :at Dundee were doing weil,"
MI* demi:deli partly relieves: anxiety re.
ez4rintr`l uuroii)ae'u 3:i:1:01sh lilt 10 last
TIIIl1L1,11NO D!5 '.1.1L5 Or BATTLE,
Cabled to London Journals, Show
lug That 0 Was u Pierce 1''ight,
I.un'lr,u, Ott, ;:4.-lntere;llug and graphic
aecvuuts are suppplie,t Hy the war cor-
retipaurleuts of (no battle of 1•Ltn.tslaaglc,
(rout wltlel► the fullu viae al's t ixnn'ts:
The Daily Telegraph , tys: •(sous 1" reneb
catuauetu'ed the aetenn alt CR)a.ul. 1'h•'
enemy had only Just finished coffee Mien
they were surprised and nearly alt or our
prisoners were caught In the vicinity of
the ('uptnretl trate. The limns,; and rail-
way nrlichtls escaped from the enemy. and
tame in to ns, to the uuntberof :l7 whites,
besides many natyes and cones.
**Both ot the latter classes had been rob.
lnel and compelled to work by the Beers,
but the whites wero treated fairly well,
though they were laude to take nu oath to
r.•auala neutral, etc. A Boer sergeant, a
native of Cape Colony, hid his nue and
tame In with 20 of hie late capttves.
••The Manchester regiment. with the
etuutu'teristle hurdlltoud of Xnitlsh Intim-
ter, alt mtrelted straight back ut the eut•my,
tun often careless of taking eover, despite
the rattlia Leming unit spitting of the
Manger bullets, Tommy Atkins saws lu ef'
feet: ",Wbat, me Aisle from Yokels: Let
'ent shoot.'
Thr Deily News says : "The approaching
fall of darkness was a great factor In the
last plume of the fight, making the capture
of the position at once absolutely impc'ra•
Gee. By tbis time the emelt of rifler Aad
the rattle of Maxims had become absolute-
ly furious, Our men understood the neee3-
sity well enough.
Nothing lona, they exposed themselves
nllantir in their resolution to drive the
doers from their last stand. Officers, ser-
geants and urea fell in the fines, but uoth-
Ing eheeked the fierce Onset. Conspicuous
among the Gurdon Iltghlanders and to the
lighting iine throughout was Lord Atm,
nt:nrhwd apecinily to the brigadier's stuff.
"The Onal rush was a sight to see. With
levelled bayonets, cheering as they weut,
our men sprang over the boulders that
were strewn at their feet. The Boers, re.
coiling, fired wildly, and then dashed down
the rugged steep to escape the annihilation
threatening them.
"Some desperately determined on killing
ret N
returned, however, to the leek, In the ren
of nhicli the Highlanders bad crotched be-
hind some boulders. These men fired on
ambulance men at work among the wound-
ed. I and others there can certify from
our own experience to this distnrdly net."
The Daily Mall publishes the following
despatch of the battle from Its special cor-
respondent, Alr. G. R. Stavens, filed at
Lunvi117 1th
"'Phe battle was a brilliant, Complete suc-
cess, The Boers numbered 1200 to 2000.
about1 '1
and probably had 100 killed an 1 150
wounded. The fight itself was Ilke a prac-
titai lllustratton of handbook tactics, ascii
arm represented doing Its proper wort: to
perfection. The Gordon Highlanders in
their attack advanced In magnificent order.
They were immediately saluted with a
heavy fire, which told from the frit.
'There Major Denim fell with n bullet in
his leg, but as he lay where he fell, be lit
a pipe and smoked pincidly, while the :ad-
vance conttnued. As titan after ratan drop-
ped, supports were rushed into the tiring
line, our men, denting from cover to cover;
splendidly led and ever advancing.
'Tet, ns ridge after ridge was won, the
Righlnnders still found a new ridge con-
fronting them, and thus they fought their
bleeding way until the fins! ridge, was
neared, with nearly every officer down,
"Then, slamming, every available man In-
to the firing line, Manchester, Devonshire
and Light Horse all mixed. with hu;rles
chanting the advance. bagpipes shrieking
and the battle a confused surge, our Hien
swept, yelling, forward, and the position
was won.Menuwhlle squadrons of Lancers and
Dragoons lapped round the Boer left flank.
catching. the enemy as they retired in die -
order, goring and stamping them to pieeos,
and the commando was not."
Heavy Price in Life for Elands-
langte-Proauinent Boers Willed.
London Oct. 24. -An official despatch
from Ladysmith, the British headquarters
In Natal, dated 10 p.m. Sunday, gives the
following.list of casualties among the prom-
inent Boers at the battle of 171andslaagte:
Gen. Viijoen, killed; Gen. Kook, wetted -
ed and captured' (since dead); Gen. Kock's
son, killed; Col. Sch1e1, German officer com-
manding the artillery, wounded and a pri-
soner; Commander Pretoritrs, wounded,
prisoner; several Boer standards captured.
British Losses in Officers.
The fotlon^iug Is en official list of the
Bi1•ttsh casualties at the battle of Elands -
Imperial Light Horse -Killed: Col. Scott-
Chrsholin. Wounded; Major Sampson,
Capt. Orr, Capt. Afnllene, Lieut. Curry,
Lieut. Shore, Limit. Barnes, Lient. Forbes,
Lieut. Campbell, 'Lieut. Norman.
Second flattery of Field Artillery-
-Wounded: Capt. Canlpbell,.'Lieut. Man-
ley, State -Captain Brooke, 7th Hussars.
Fleet Devonshire Reglment-wounded:
Capt. ',atone, Lieut. Gunning; Lieut. IIIaY-
loy. Lieut. Green.
First Manchester 'lteglrnent-Wounded:
Col. Correa, Capt. Melt -tile, Capt. Now -
hinging, Capt• Paton, Lieut. Banks.
Brltlsh Itn.nk and File.
The followingcasualties occurred among
the rent- and file: -
$lath I.pnoe►s ,Three troopers wounded.
An Dallkely 'Despatch.
i,ondou, Oct. n „g. --A special despatch
from ('ape Yawn, slated Sundae, s,tys
that advices reeetwed there front Pretoria
retort President Kruger as now beteg in
favor of an uncondtttvnal surrender, it is
added. that it is ezplef th expeeted Executive
cit will ! ! me 111 a
et on p dal or Tuesday
to discuss the Advisability of such a step.
The report, It Is stated here must be ac-
eepted with reserve,
Situation Gruie at Colesburig,
London, Oct. 24,-.A. despatch to The
Times ,trout Colcseurg, Cape Colony, toys:
"The situation today (Monday) is grave.
The Beet's are 350 strong. and will be re-
inforced from Driekop. No defence is pos-
sible. The town guard will retire on
Neanwpoort on the appeerauce of tate ene-
my. The Drlekop force is estimated at
1500 men. The retort ot the fighting at
Glencoe bas been placarded at flethuto, the
frontier town on the East London line, Ss
a brilliant Boer victory."
0 Rhodes in a Hole t
London, Oct. 24. -The Daily Malt says tt
understands a message woes received la
London yesterda front Cecil Rhodes. dated
at ICtnlherley, Oct.i19. declaring• to sub-
stanee. that the babel/eats e.f ltimber:en
d ire
e d to draw the attention of the Govern-
ment to the need of speedily sending rein-
f'oreementa there, 44 the town was being
surrounded by Increasing numbers of 'trees -
'foul and Free State Doers. The matter,
eccordlag to The 1Inily Mali, hiss been sub-
mitted to. the Cabinet,
WAS .ron. r1
a C eCtap.tn edf
London, Oct 24.-T11e correspondent or
The Ds'fv Mail at Durban Natal, says
'tau otftefal at the ltonenza intim. who has
just arrived from 1'retarie, ,jeelaree that
while there be flews that (`01. Baden -row.
ell. the Britishto ntnratMfa
had captured General (`ronje and .10 other
Beer., and had killed 500."
They' Are i4no'tyn to De Intriguing
Against Great Britain,
London, Oct. 24. .The Daily Mail
says on the highest information :
"Those who are at all behind the
Scent'S in European (liptotnaey at the
present moment are we11 aware of
the intriguing that is now taking
place between Ilussiaa end Prance.
and their intention, if possible. to
take advantage of our difficulties. We
very touch doubt if these intrigues
have been checked by the Dritish suc-
eesses in Natal and on the western
( border of the Transvaal and the Frye
"Our Government, which is per-
feetly informed us to what is pass-
ing. has not hesitated to mike very
Swift preparations, naval and other-
wise. In view of what is being en-
acted behind the scenes itt Paris and
St. Petersburg. and. we may arid, in
London It is interesting to remember
that the German Emperor will be in
!mutton Oa Nov. ^O, providing that
neither he nor his (htvernrntttt is
party to what is transpiring.
"The French 11editerrenean fleet of
six battleships and several cruisers
has left for the Levant, where it has
not shown
years. h0 n itself for two w lla Is
may or may not be conuccted with
the schemes above noticed. Nothing,
would be easier than for the Rus-
sian Black Sea fleet to je in it while
passing the Dardanelles.
"On our side, the British Channel
1 squadron is moving to Gibraltar.
and an cOnrple convoy is being sent
with British transports. The author-
ities at various British naval ports
have been warned to be ready to
send a strong squadron to sen, and
several cruisers are now only wait-
ing orders to mobilize, The nrilitiu
reserve has been colied up. and the
millfia embodied.
"The British nation is ready."
Aturnvieft and Delensse Have a
Long Conference ut Moscow.
Moscow, Russia, Oct 24. -Count
Murav ieff and M. De]casse, Foreign
Ministers of Russia. and France re-
spectively, held a long conference in
Moscow yesterday, and it is under-
stood that the 'British war with the
Boers was under discussion. Count
Afuravieff has returned to St. Pe-
tersburg, but there will be rho Cabi-
net Couticil until the middle
of Ulf
corning month. The reason given out
is the illness, in the Crimea, of M.
Nikolay I,'avlovitch Bogolepoff, Min-
ister of Public Instruction.
Captain Conway Seymour, coinder
of the British Embassy at St. Peters-
burg, has arrived front London. The
transmission of despatches by cou-
rier in itself proves their importance
and it is believed •that these 'concern
affairs in South Africa and the fear
of resultant international complica-
Jewish Blouses Stoned,
Vienna, Oct. 24. Anti-Semitic
riot's broke out at Halleschau, Mora-
via, yesterday evening. Jewish houses
were stoned, stores were pillaged, a
house was burned and the gendarmes
charged the rioters, killed three per-
sons and injured several others. The
military finally restored order.
Wireless Telegraphy.
New York, Oct. 24. - Dfarconi's
system of wireless telegraphy Willbe
tested this week by the United States
navy. The inventor will be taken to
sea in the cruiser New York. The
system was successfully used in the
British naval manoeuvres two
months ago.
Vandalism in Berlin,
Berlin, Oct. 24. -Van dais have de-
faced the newly erected monuments
in the Siegesallee. The noses and
hands of seven of the Emperor's an-
cestors have been demolished.
The Heiser Will Exhibit in Paris.
Berlin, Oct. 24. -Emperor William
will exhibit the Frederick the Great
collection of curios, literary treasures
and French paintings at he Paris
Exposition. .
Barn Struck by Lightning..
Camilla, Ont., Oct. 24, ---Yesterday
morning Robert Reid's barn, near
here, was struck by lightning, knock-
ing the west end of it out and doing
about. $200 d linage; It was fully
(Changed every Wedhesday)
Wheat per bushel 05 10 '1;
Flour per owt 1.85 to LOU
Barley 35 to 99
Oats..,,.. 21 to 25
Pee.... 55 to SO
Butter 14 to 15
Yutstoes per bag 90 they
Ha9 n
4..5 0
r to tto5aa
Dried Appiea peri? b
turkeys ,toy
Chicken 5e lb.
Ducks e
lx. eve
Corn...... 4: oto 48
Wool i3 to 14
(fit Hangs
If it was only health, we
might let it cling.
Bill it is a cough. One cold
no sooner passes off before
another comes. But it's the
same old cough all the time.
And lt's the same; old story,
too. Thele is first the cold,
then tilt cough, then pneu-
monia or constlnption with the
long i kand l Womb,
cess] life e
Ding, In the balance.
loosens the grasp of your cough.
The congestion of the throat
and lungs is removed; all in-
flammation is subdued; the
parts are put perfectly at rest
and the cough drops away. It
has no diseased tissues an
which to hang.
Dr. 'A►yer's
Cherry Pectoral
draws out inflammation of the
Adria', Frew
laemenebor we bail a MotllealDopart-
meat. Ifyou have any complalntwbat-
evor and desire the best medical advice
you can possibly_obtain. write too
Canter freely. en will receive s
prompt r t without cost.
°gt�dresa DR. J. Lowell, Mate.
i A Q1:IC a Cit?: S ':.•.a. tc
tell)COUGHS AND C alert ..
Very valuable 1?..v °. ,' 1 :at w.1
to aiizeliozn o t:'a
p(A THROAT �. c:.` L.k-;.'lt ,a.Sen cl N.
a) i,:rz a F..:4/41, 2,.., ,..
01 D eVi.a C L e1:2
e r ,:. eta,. r, eeee ,te
'tt , -use's.of 1•:sy rtav'• is - ,
While shooting near liotuokn. on
Thursday, Frank Parsons received •t.
fatal wound frotu a gun in the hand,
of Garfield McCormick of London.
The office of the Lang Biscuit Manu-
facturing Company, .Iontreatl, was
entered by burglars, who gagged the
night Watchman, blew open two safes
and stole $2.50.
Will Tell You That
Poillo's Oe1rij Oo�tui!,
Is a Wonderful
Hundreds of Druggists Know of
Cures Wrought by the
Great Medicine.
Amongst the thousands , of profess-
ional and business men who speak
plainly and strongly in favor of Pine's
Celery Compound there are none more
sincere or outspoken in their praise
than the druggists in Canada.
Our drnggists, who are thoroughly
acquainted with every prepaired
remedy, are the special champions of
Paine's Celery Compound. Why?
Because no other medicine gives such
universalsatisfaction and health giving
results to ailing and sick men and
women, and as a consequence the sales
are larger than that of all other com-
bined remedies:
There are hundreds of druggists in
Canada who can vouch for marvellous
cures effected by Paine's Celery Com-
pound. No stronger or better testi
irony can be asked for; as these drugg-
ists have supplied the 'medicine and
watched its. effects.
If rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney
trouble, liver complaint, blood diseases
or dyspepsia axe snaking life a misery,
go to your druggist without delay for
a bottle of Pain's Celery Cenipotmd.
If you have doubts about its efficacy
or power, your ableand honest drugg-
ist will give you the assurance that
Paine's Celery Compound will Make
you well.
011 41
but don't think you can patch
clothes to look like new.
Then again it would not
pay you when you can buy
clothing at the prices we
Pants node to order, all
wool heavy tweeds S2.( 0
Suits 0,80
Overcoats *.o9,
Black Worsted stilts a spec-
ial, S i 2 aQO
Our $20 blacks beat all
others at ;23, (Come and see
for yourself.
People patronize us because
they realize that we always
sell clothing that is strictly
Opposite. Post Office
Floul..V1toleale and Retail.
limped feed Parley. Pea., Oats, (',an
Prices Right.
J. COBBLM DICK, !i aaager,
)11"Cook's Cotton Root Companni.
is successfully used monthly by °Ter
10,000 Ladies. Safe. effectual. Ladies :Mr
your druggist fortook-s Conon Root Coat -
foam Take no other as all Ml1uru's, 11215 anti
imitations are dangerous. Price. No. 1, 8t per
box. No, 5,10 degrees stronger, tai per box. Ivo.
t or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3-eeut
slam s. The Cook Cotnpnny'141ndsor.Ont.
re�na bleDruggis:a stadium
Nos. 1 and No. 2 sol... ir. F.xett r 1 v (;
Lutz. Druggist.
No experience acre... trv. Pernaarxrit s osi.
Hon, Liberal terres. Pay vtee1tly. Stock,
complete with fast eviller, sptleiatities, in-
clueing Seed 'Wheat, Corn, Potatoes, Ern.
(?i"PFIT FREE. Secure territory now
Write, BROWN BROS. CO., Nurserymen
Brawn's Nurseries FSG. Ont. L 6 m
The Attraciion
of Ai! Eyes
Just at present the object Of attraction
to the people of Exeter and surround-
ing country is
To see is to examine and to examine -
our stock is to buy.
Prices are so astounding when the
...quality is considered.. .
Highest Cash Price paid for Black
Ash, White Ash, Red and White
Oak, Hard and Soft Maple, Hemlock
Soft and Rock Elni. Either stumpage
or delivered in yard.
For further particulars apply to
Manager for the S. 1. Co. Exeter.
" iE'....'StsS'q-ft i''zi9% OOMvilarai i'!V',ini y:S
41 cushy ALL YOUR PelleS SSIFii
ra (;:t
A'Medicine Chest In itaolL
Simple, Salo and tduicit Cure for
n%r R11,111 'S, DIf112Fi13OEA, COUGHS,
ge COLDS, EU:l'l.4' T Drs''t,
id rt ti EA I.E:ia'�. 3jrr
0 25 and 50 oontl otiias.
tialY 05LY THe. Gen'tilee.
r9F gi ?2:ft#a'i.rs�."istitidt'1. a ."1t 'ru :1.` : ?