HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-07-17, Page 5. ''I I I �14�1711`41F­y I It'. !�� - -- � �­,w , 'F;,4-", 7 .F. ai: � " ­ - it. '. - � I , ,_ �.j . I - I ,- ­�� I 1 �4�� 1 �. �. �"­., �._. 11. '. I 1'� 11 I , I � � . 1, .. 1. 6 il _ I . . . It I I � 1, . . . iI I I" . , I .1 .1 . " , I I., ,� .. I -1 - I I - �., � .0 A . 64, I . . , I " . , . . . `i 7 I I . . I 001,01, I I I I r I - I I , � � . . ..... - _11-_ — I I I . P , - . . � 6 - __ _____ - _ . - 11 I i � - I, -1- 111111 11 :1 III It 11 If 11::1:1411 , , . , - t - _,-1- � . I - I I ; P.� ! I ! I � !! ; i i z �i . ! . i o i ! ; , I I 11111 011101041110 1. ��_ I . , I - ------= - - __ __ . 1. := , _��A I I . , % ,t, � .v- � . . '.:-, , I ' . I it. . �t V, IV$ � . I 14) 1, I TUB (40DIMCS'' ST" I I . �� � ii, "I I ­: " , I - , ... ­� ­ ­ � - ,, 11 I Is ., ­­ -1 ­ -1111 1. Nowill 1 I I Ill.* -o".., Is. ____ ­­ ­ �� 11 � � -omoaammw*%*Mgw --imw%ri-mo I -- I iR 0146---- " - " I .F R4 g I - _., , - , , ,.,. _ __ ''. ''. , , A- - O.. 4410.10i., ­ I.- I I 111- I 1-1- � "I - . -1 - I I .1 - . I .. , . � -, - -_ ­_ : _ _.". , __ , . 11-11 ­­­ �.","l q ! l - I I I I � � : % A , - . I � -, ­ ­ 1� . ME- 1-___-. I �_!, , . . W 4,010110 . 1�1 1. V N . � "W"notp COUNOM �'#Xow* %aptics., My*! You S"Po* I , - - I w, _101. . . I I . N , : I i � � , I - ­�m._, - - I � !1!!!,!17__*_"n_ � 10 ,­%�_ �, � —, � - - - �� I I � . "IWW .A&C1, - Kp= AN � For )I I I 00LOOON comW44-4fift litlit, low — . 4 VOW � � _7!�t��-T �­­_, ; � 4 4 , . " � �,� �__ ­ I , , I � . I I I I I 001lblievolo"001 w4j; lit tts, "alowill TXWXLXMOIC,ao,A,X).—X*Ioc;twi,44 Xw", 0400 Coo of; w, � . I � I , 1� I I I 11��I­� .. 1 4 � i ilwa,& 44 ow amob"i or~. *Wwiltost I I I 11 . I � I . - - Y4WTrWbk.,. A . � ' . I I I 10C utat toll"gail; r"4"*WrZ& ,4 R#0tW_W1 Tho4fork at tilutifty AM, tho � , L I 11L V-0 I I , I I I 'k w I to .pFq- I , , . I ­ � L_, I � .,, JULY %'veLPADT 4dwIA^"_1i*"jr4ul Xr. *a A*n W"t 40lflil� El".410 U�11. - 97__ -, -jf Y,W L j4*,W*,4 I . IUMMER SAL i �', ­_ # �i � ";­ ' . 'U., `���Z­­___­ ___­__­-­ L ___ � to . "111mv .1 , 1. Dymterryl I was r"A AlIking, f0 & "0410,4WAL, , I - i 14AIR,alN SALE"-` , ?v ""1404.11,444oribrabledisIuLti�h. Xk,,,, , I , � ,�L ;_1 . � � 11 - 11 wire -that bit put on his tepies, 0, I.N. .ot,*rta�o�ble,tengt�t*t,,Wttblt*"-fo . if , _.. . . L ;,�, I ,. � ,, 11 I . 11 AW'" 100on*404kohlotbef"Altov. llitoy#a %taliftepw , A - kAVA 0�* k"O"t or osft**lW4 Thritot'lowir.90 I 1; . - " I I , , Pogo PC X �. lipplov000th I " - . _04 , ,, X's , . It. 4d.anpoll � �uok*,, L . - : , , , P4%* o""Of vi" . P: I I L - Xerntgb*a. tiioco..044, b .. . 'Kill Ilkv . I W*411%, ­ �, . I . Z Toalw, 11, 8� vloirk, aml. A, J4, 4, f`4 w9"04 , � - , "Wrt W405to I 1211A 0414ii Not. A lip roAd t r" Ullllksw. Alikoo out tba 14W. fifino $h4pavtl too, 0144w, "A"M I , 14r . 11-1 1 "4044ow" . -�, � , I - i . . , . 4r I I " L I I . I $"W=1r C100141b t$1 -,�. Low � .... �, X 44" bj XWAL"10, -0 hovdietig ljojliiorp�.' futo w*,d"t dvw "gm#441% : . . I . I I .. � op all witwoor usels. I �, 1 , 'L , . 9V , oath . 081h , .4 Ila. t,4 liwi* 04,q'it I 011.11T.1"o 0"IFITO . � . " I - _-Tht iiau Iso' -S' 10aftilitsiluwn. ,A"v0fq1 - am �t A .1 04s " vio I - $4L *�, P I ' ' ' , pt **w,ra' -10 " . iook%otid_te*QtifrAh'*4U;pi%--,tQ, _,,L,TfiW' "I 9MIN, I , I -_ ,W ,V ,, *.5 - : i . , a 1�,d .4 "Its- - � 40*4 toy D,040w, t At tbaw ,to, A , 14. Hilm", siod, tatow'Xitrarl 10 11 tho 10*0 , Ohio ­ ­­­ ___­_­_­ 14_---r---.--- - -1 --- 'L - �� �,�­_,_.9-_­�'­6­ ­ - I go �%" ____ , �, � , 1. M4 . "%WW1L_AffW . I L - . - , ",""I'll, LLLLL ..... I'll, ..... I . . I � I � � � . I - , V�,.,.�ook...�...V.......,...t....� "-wow I *'A%*i4__ I 11) ­ I.- - i� I 1W F�001,90_ -4 - ,,*jj.,1T.%_ t , *%T __ , OWn- _ . , IV, � �0 - i ,Cft- I , 644li and put, I - thevikrj( , _., 0 Itti Itu "wor as a-Zililt,40 "" On Satuird . we put i))A pate the . above tbreq lines � , I I I I w' ` ko'U75 I " L 1�oidev stoking .011.4 frel % 00"n-voti 11 . amr.... I- .�!t, .* 1, . I , 1. . . I I t 0 n r Pit -� ItiA. I kklox Don't $Wolter W en yolr of gillws. - I . L R. 0 tilt ", , 131 � . III?, _.t#n g9j gooda that Will he Cool all I 11 I ,� I '" L )rufoiltt the, frip"anta t 4 11 I no , - I I . . P.""Orl or. I - � thod sylint 01 t � it,* , not 'heing �ecfm-1 firlit"e P 4 , XWer 0 4 %"04 In Alto. A* 040po., An y9w Uviiw 4 comfort-, , r, � I004- , , � �, . I I I r .. . 1 0111,014c*4 in two, woOkyli, the, work wktt In) , , I , 11 � Kill And Mr. . . ny tildoistlill"V440494moft;A WA, � , able fiar a very littlt oloory, I � � - - " A. . . I I � L, I 1 4 I=r%DV . 0 - ork of- �pjiv. ao.,� I . s` L . T#A, I I . 1. � � ,%oo, 4outut IA441X#94�14CU LCotto, Ljjcwag� fsabj*W� � UnW � , : W the t, Lr tkr n �l L' t, _. "o Ail ** 40114*", "I STRAW "AU � "I I I �, - r _ Plain, or , �4 it, by the Tvand'oh � , .... - - with, oilk *tubro.de%#.4 cliLlcklogi, 9, 9�4. Rogular O$q, Tolead g t. � ' IFIT 4 , A 1% t ... 1:0 ambleted --- th -I--- � ___ -1-1 11 ­ - . _­_-_-,FIoTS13R - ­ Ca: I LLLL LLL -5--M- I -­ - 4 __ - 11I*K .*,I, . -F T L-A &-- -11 I � . � 9 0, . � . 01 4 _­'-­%�0_011.1i!!U�qs � . . . . . . . -LL I wb"W444r� I .. r 1. _�_�rId .1 "... I "...'-, I 1. .. ... Lf; . L I i I. . -0*4�jw" Trwirvif-irr"Irglir.-I I I 1-1 _;r�_1_-_._l _-T=� r= 7W , � $` 0- 0 ..... ,. OkM r S t.,5:90 8 t a or, ..................... $g.owo 1 . .7.—,;—-. —j. -.'.'.';-t, .14 �V 0 ,,-Ai4 .04MA , RRV ARW�- . rjL L jn'� *% 4f-4 ,41111fsallil 44* "qewa il . I I - I . I . � r - I 40 0"Ma'sAw "K: - laill t 0 1 , '� plin-if Whe" 1116 Ito. Ift 1A*T WOV161) ruNjov-, AIUST 1 -claw btraws for ..................... Aa,j - I . 11 �, . I I . I L . I � . . ,�, � !�, If M10 I 1. . I I I 11 le L in 044000's V;reek, 0.%—Tho men, wh6'Otiln riches wraw;"I 1* 14, ow., duty t4l,A.� ll Z;1 , �w I . 1. I I � . . � L r' - . . - ii I . I . 11 _ . .. . 1� *11 the MODONA 0, T abpt y9ar 09", , nor 1.7's 1 � I I , I I M014 t1slo L,"W- , , " . � � I , . , L L �'q . p, S w` , A ". , 141101 A 041. . 2.4o auil $3,00 Straws for ........... I ww� L 11 . 6, I L L : .. ,, I I ' I " ' ' 0100 'O . and"1*411y epicir, tilelp, are tile "le)R f"4r"4fI4j;�%ta*Qrcs%W I 7SO Light hitiflumer nats. for .......... SIC ; 1� ,:, ,11 r_i4oft "'Ita, �ilifnj;jl�.X S_003.ples) X , Preath � . 0, W bLoeq-'op ___-'-i oirs'lloo I 11 I . . . . � _rba*'ijQ,bW I 1. 11 , . # ., .Ain � , I 1! l" I ", . - . . � I ,Polo; Vgocy ,.� , illii�". I I I 11 �. 11 . �� . tb*t,ba0,t0 'tweat for thein. The in. 'I citiod mWilullipw W" .1, I I . . + , ... __ � -� vit,,' I. , * "lix , I IT ,AAS, 441 --Lau, _01JIlli A(tw bollidus $1.00 OUTING $t1IRTS 68c ­ " - � . -­ � #*-k 1�, lla,g - 1k%0�!r_,s"-"A4q oo�*04T'1` ililt-14 49-ra-M-00,P-Aft W -A"_ -1 44tg, klttilt ,twqu1rPjL,tbe_,m4- ths- W'U"d-tWq-bQgqWl"foo-AOW.100&400*pJody ­ L WhIlle outing Sbj�b.,Cojj - ".t Pt1rqtl,*wo,4,­.," . 0 L. I , I � " �, I . . .- .. 1. I ­­ -­­. �­­­- - ,,, � . I ''tt.,,v,­k".� _,f,t,t,w,_t.!-*,#... , � C . �l 'L L '� - L I 41 "7,wo . OROS. , , - at& attach 4; regular, Sz.00. reduced to 680 , I �, . � � I . '� . ­ 1 4., , L , , '' , 1­0,t.lw­1.l10.4 35 PAWOP 91"n, I 41, s - I I _.L . r i. Rtron$_L'porgatives have klljo,tj,�voap 040064t Is r"fluIl!Qd'0btAIn10R thtilut 011trOdt'thanks _ o pi, X' lghly 4 Anderson Scotcl% Itiontiel oujinge L. I I . I L .� � r � 1" L . . �, I . I I ­ . � L ': � - L I Y, thoi-A"ery liolklontrol; themeasor. , . to )P ur U ki Shirts., collars attached -, regular I I'll , ... 10 . ill L ' - ' ' . . � . home "a `"'. Costiveness. 14 btad� L I I . I .. � . Drem ., . , AQU14L haVio *,14* A* aa Ingo Of VIL %lea ; tile ifyM.PlAbLy felt (Or . , L � . X p i I . - � ­ . . xl��,; " IV rillowoutfultertill Doatitts Kk%fwy r4l'.. $1.5R. reduced to ... I ..... I ....................... I ...... $1.00 1 ,� . . I . . ' 1 . oil are worse. It Wick *; tellow,tollerf, . I , ,Is r 11 . � �, I �-'Vioqllnt,�, Nlittl , 14 _ � ,,, ' I t L .�Ie or billjog. , I L . I , ' , ' L , . qbefoa ol#iwrV,w*rt , the knowledge of whn t Priest 40 cents M bar or 0 Ii9x" for W"ITE VESTS � L, I aojs�:14 _ - _4y, la,cose 6f . 6V,K $., 1 I'L ( '44 uest,io . . . vill(Ij stomach jj;Qu - _ , . � I ..,. , �!;,TifKoii oubre" lit"41100 Swiss, I C,tQ 11A fis"ot , � �,,�,t I an dnqW r, ... a Ldolifkr Cglita to the average'tuan I . ' L. , P * pM - - the $I � . L 0 . L ., . I .1 -all these things ore �M,124 I . . *q, ��,Iwo _0 ,;M 0.Qail4 At . tpv Dr, Haoillton's Pillsl, They � - os, at Ali deol4riv or seat direct on � 'L , _ L .50 White Vests. sale price .......... si.go r: , � -s �4. A I � .literipso" v4yl 4�fi J�efgn#.h' avia, ,,Or. LL lob ;4keoi � I � . . 100,40ory of It $2 1 . - - 10 ­Yflurw - -W-19.601-woop"a-maw-im- _ ______ --­__­­­ 1�4_fmq i� - �, I areAo ol"La yoll.pAn scarcely, feet titiolit . L . . I t IN ij;�, 1 L 1-1 . . I _. . _ _____ 25'0,%4Qjt",-saI".t-VL"4Lf4-" .,- � _10416 I _�F - -km- --tifaf cl :. -_ - _*__" ____�."WAr1_*".A4+ "7,i-. ,.-, .-,, -1-A I L 0tj,?0-C--blLA,,Wea,-to­4hP--y 34w-%V-hite-V-ot&,--Sal"riee-..�ii*..-.-.-�--r,so-----,-,--,--- :. - I I .I "k'i . L .� , � , . . I 1 Y12C i: �4 ;W#`1;W1MF*kd** , " $.Im 64 drive list epilret prmliv I I � . L r1F. , . I I I 0 � pQ , . I I I ­ . r 1 .4 1 , � . , Uttiawbot hates fArminirl dooff k Talent% OW6 I — . 11 i � L �L . I., .1 � � t*m*- All. Oeaused Of wastag., -Dr, I - I, I . 1. ­:­ — � %.'; L ­ .. "I %I !.P.,� , ble, N,j ... t�j , L , _­ -, ­ � --,- I . � . anlgo* h4mb% you Into, uuai *Ilw; -1f," a r"Apin Is Impatient with — , . __ , � I I Tal I IRS " ''� L r' � similtoo's Pills move t _ aw ' . I . I I be 'bowebf sow, nR . 1 _'. L . , I - I ;1L . , _ L . I , . . gr_ r gap __7 . 1, 1�1 L P . � j the dilatory, and . 'L� . 4 �: I .I , U - - L . - 1. . 'ontpoww'. The, _ On they, tene the kidneys, LaWif thong ' I WALTER Cit PRIDHAM � 11 �- �� I , , . . . I : ca".4 ftowt;weiv c , MOW path to a 4"all 501d9zoll"Urgles4e, 9ImXfJAoo.$apkj4o,,b*.mu;e . digestion. cleav tile skin. For t1l pbd L \ -- - , ' " ­ i,­d,_r0s,dy for� I lisID&F,9willZolis. Theresto"sub. , L Pse L h secure forLime bi-the neighbor. . n, -1 1 -4--l- __-­ ---.--.- - ____.____­ t"__`R0gUX'Tjlj L � r 'Wr I I ",_X1_______ ­;�-­­--- - whexa.hift was.bpra, and-catues, he -Right Plac-",-men,s-et6thing-an-a-Flu,Tishtugg.-----------, : - .. �`_ - . 00 oaj%clj�, A�t�'* h . - - I,, - - . , � Jeek-W-Val(lo�rbillit)tILSBoafr,,,lLoTlii4iDrj --erm pells. SO.K.-r. - 11 .__.__­__­ ------ T., R. _r"-___#_ --I . �� , r,, 11, 'r W, 1,7r, *Mdilirl*hIZ�1 wit " : 0 - L � to thO city hoping to become audden1v Fall T 0 . � 1 " I �,,: . _� " � "' . .. � I ,. . 11 , ItUt I I U lilton,alpilla. r ;310 . I I . I I . 7:.,., .1 . . I . ­ I . eaf I . tbeiris lit no better 'medicine. Try a 4 . ,� � I � . L I ' � 250w, box of Dr. Ban rich. and thinking that 1w-call-tilro - 'J� L % . . I I i \ LS� f0j$L � '" .. . - I:- 1� 9". 10, 004 .1,11thb.ap; Mta'L - — iotO the Palikee of wealth and it f ; CENTRAL — - I - ­ , ,r 1, - -1117, 1 .i I - I - 4ts. -golden treasureal--HouP5 - I ... � - .. - _-------r1 -,"----.-,-_-..__.___,____._._.___._...,_._,.______. I I � L _­-, 11.11-11-- 1- , . __1 - -1 I- ­ . -___-1-.___. I � 4I 1". I I e1q, blent'. itellpa' ' 1. - Nile. . - -_ �___­ I ­­ _ � -'-'-- —, r I _w4tW_-1_9_W9,_Uv`* lused Dv- FOWLWS T ___ - _- - __ - n. a �, . - - ­­ ­­_­ , ' I I I , 'RegUiltr pric'e ' � i � --- - I - 0.1ituen tic .T Beecher, ... I I 4.6 dweli 0*40,14120- 1190- olw st r __ - � I . .. . 'L �, I . --1 9'51C_ .--.-- Ock Tues&y, June 3fit STRATFORD. ONT. � . . I - �. . , .1 , U.;Tpicm olrmaa slUwA*y.;ind , — I or jaCb 2!*O. 44 f�rl ...., -1 .... ".. ... . 1 17 .­­ . -, Wr I � � 0 46 -Ih­lk ' , '01)JI'a.- .11, � I I .;.. I I I L I . . ., found it a ff4t *M64y forL Dimittlea. at the helps of Mr. Thomas Elliott, AH114's Jrip Powders Cure. Sold � � � , - . ­ I 11.1 , . - r 0 �k. � I I b � I I Tab] " 1) k � - I � I . suannor .0omplakit suit Cramps. %e, Dids, Alta.. was the reene of a plea$snV by F. J. Butlaud, drugRist, Godericb, in The saoiiqr )'OU complete it course . I 2 �;, I I . . ,�, 117 ­ � � L, , - . . event WhOW his sister, Alias Lillian this school the scouer you n3a), ex- I , � , TT!"I - % . . . �� . 11 I I � � U1. �: � rL , ' 'would not U6 to be without it in the May. %vita united in holy bonds of The Bruce Herald says 11 horse ruces 'Pect to hold a Position of trust, Our Vour Furniture AD -r:�' , L , lfte'llcbed,7 beAvy Itinon Dilulask ,, in variity'Lif patterns. i .. .; 4414I 1. L' I " . .1, . matrimony with Mr,- Edward Pill courses Lire thorough anti practical. . .1 IL A - . 11 _LLk pr4sq,,qpecihl,.p*ryjnrd. _,_ -!­...!,t��­­,.­ ­..... 50C holum" . ll. can't lie ,,oil oil wind." Neither can 2 . I "., , . . I � I ­ kett, a prosperous farmar of French, 191th of July celebrations. I, Our students always succeed. We - . I �J,'- I , . , . '--.�'-.�.--"---'—"-.—.----�----L""-��--'---'—'�-.----.---. . -L ­­ . . I ------- I --------- . "',_. I' - briston tied _­.­­-�7 - ­,,�- - ___. I - — S%A�o Rev. J. - Jo 1,1116 A84istgniduates to positions. We . --i , 4 ,., _____ � I I .. I _iV7­_­_7_,____'1 11 .. I I I —, �__. -11 I �, LL, � . I \ . - . 1. .1 I 11�1 . I nuptial knot. The bride was given - -------- _­_ have three dePartilletitti- -Com mercial. Should be in keeping with--the-1-lome, and ,�; �F, I I I .... 111111i:;11W1 ',�� Ad I P11111111 I I Grand Tvunk Lake and Rail RoUto. away by her brother and was prettli Shorthand anti Telegraphic. We em. � :,-1. At tba,61rand Trunk general"offices attired in it white Swiss jumper all . ploy expeiieuced instructors. . "� I I I , �� —1 "In'404311M .* 0430w Tt I,kk,e can help you in many ways during thi! I �'� , � 1111111 ff3m-- 1 I _1C -N �.. 7 ... L . . this morning, confirmation was made- ith not waist and veil, and carried a . Catalogue free. . , ... . � ­ � & . -, 1� � . 1. .. . . I I % I or the roport; tha . � . hot weather term.* I .1 - -L ­_ .'�L, , I o -, X-1 � . � . , . _11- l;-s;Aong--zeruf­agree� retW,boulibet of orange blos-sorns. . (. . I I , . . L " went had been made with the Nqrth- little Medford Elliott, nephew of �tbe I R4410TT 8, MCLA-CHLAN, . , ,.,. il � I I , 11 11*=0b 'r u ern Wav- . Ql) QqmpaR�y QC-QDt . j1rjo'L �brjA4&-TAe_qr_tW8_d_ 111A PA.1% aff'-pnwage, L'- ' � . - " L�' , ,� 'e- _jjC_b--S- , ­ ,-, A ,Race - to,--.the-_PoIes. __ Principals. I\. -_ - ;�_,, . . liilk' 4, nr the formation of a Grand . TTI i r _ t tj�- " %P.f' ' ! r: - ',� � tar' I I I . U e carrying t.be ring in a basket of I NVe have lovely lines of �L.' - I" - I . . I , .1 Trunk Railway System line of pansies. The happy couple left on. the 1 I . � .� .� wraw'sto." OAIill; 710 ,, �., 1". . I LIEUT. SHACKLETON CARRYING litearnefa on the Georgian Bay and evening train for Calgary, whete they —, I � :. .. "Ili, I 'Rattan Rockers, and Chairs and Easy Chairs � I , �� .... �, ­.. * - Great Lakes In connection with -their will attend the Dominion Exhibition, . AS GOOD AS NEW L i� , L �tr L , I UNION 1ACK TO TtIE 900TH 1�, 'k, " on and At All Prices. I � .� . �.. 11 I I - Li . Ontarloand Quebec Lines from and to and i;hev will also visit Nant . , , '4' . the Bast and Sault Ste. Made, Port Banfli. bqfore returning to their home Iron .� ­ , AY. Ly 14, 1W8., I I . L I ��, . . . . . M . I 1. - _ �_, , F �, 1. , . - . folodl, Bedsteads that are bugtess - I . _. . . I ­1FI...." - �Ll While Peary With Stare and Stripes Arthur, Port William dud Duluth. at French. Bask. The bride is it . I . . . 1, W -fl�_ . __ . , . daltighter of Jame . a Elliott, . I I ' I . . - - I ­­ , Seeks North Pole - . The Navigation Company has been Nile, find . Mattresses and Bedroom -1 .111: 11 I . . COUNCIL. running lines of and fr�ight the beat wishes of a host of friends . FUrniture 1, I THE � TOWN . - I . "I � .� . steaviets, , in c.Pn_."ee1Ri.e.v iollow the young couple to their ne%v 0 . . . . . - - .. - - _... L�,,, �� . . . I . with the . . I 1, 7� - . . . I ' 13.-Wilen Con, ta Items. - � . - .11 I Sideboards, Tables, Bat ',,�� � " , �`.� I - Now York, ,Julk _ Orilind Tcuok f& it number of yea - .- - - - -_ -_ - . ­ .. ,. .. Tiboo Racks, I - ��_ .-71T.-l- .A speelai, ineeting,of t6oCouncil-, - - J , out oA-gQlUnFw�oLod-.and.-Gw,e"ounct - --1. . ­­ -M, , s . , �.;, - ,J'.,.,�%.� � I mander-R�t;ei:t-g'i,--Peary-boards his- I �'. was hel#.�Iaat Friday evening, all the � __ - I Do NoT DELAY.-Whell through i, 1", -L','� , . I . ,in g6rif nd from Sa a Baby Carriages and Go -Carts. , - ,�, Arctic steamer Roosevelt at Sydney, "t eor , Wh lele debilitated digestive organs, poison . . N, . ��A'; membel6d prepont. - I to L2 So F., ny I t. I t L " 1 , � .1 4 "l;X7, , at, i0V "L ;f we operated finds It's way into tile blood. the prime i, ,�,;., "�,-, L . Cape Breton,'this week, and starts oil ..,.,. wi I cLint.M. t t Elm been in use for over 3D years, and is I , �� r -l". A long discu4sion tj9pk place over' ' IL, ,� i I �, - _ , 'IF under a separate organization, tile consideration ig to got tile poison out ousidered by all who have used it to be NVe are leaders in all lines. , ­ , � 11 - 11, . his expedition In search of tile ,rror_t'h'--ml, arrangement creates a= close C . '. . ,"", the arrearage, 0 , F no do& the as rapidly and as. thoroughly �ks pos- the beat medicine for �1 11 ljl:� � _� ,ayme . .. �, . j�,, � ,1 - - town by,the Under ch organ Coil Mr. polo, an' international race to. tl'�e ut- affliiation and practically in them Bible. Delay may mean disaster. I �,�,�_. L I � , ,111. ­�',`,�J' , Saunders having',declined to sign the most ends, of the earth will -be on. &Grand Trunk line. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will be ��,�":�,. ,;�,-,'��,',, �, BAD BLOOD I � ,;r * - notes for payment ilk four lostair Pe ry hqpcs to carry the stars and The fleet at pr9sent consists of eight found a most valuable and effective � ,,�:,`! �' ��§ �1, . I I . 1.". 11 ments, all -proposed at Asat meet! og of a J to BROPHEY & SON I ;, %* , , �.111'� senger and freight. and. two. purely medicine to assail the intruder with. , ,, ; � .11.�­�, � de6idea that atripa'st to the north pole, While. a pass They never tall. T/hey go fit once to . I !" , ... �,*, I Council, It was finally , freight. steamers. . Five boats are BAD BOWELS � , I 1 �2, t�,, . .,. r, in the'event of failtire to make LheF !British Antarctic expedition *core- 0 the seat of the trouble find work . ­ .1.. '� L �,, � - perated on the Georgian Bay from I , .1 . .1 �,, .��!,', as� ,prop ed- permanent cure. .4 � ,�, I �` \PaymepiA I .os the Council L manded by Lieute_Errwest H-; Shackle- Penetang. Collingwood and Owen !n tippearance, fit least, will- tie your Sult West Street .. ­,.,� � . ,2�4',l . Will'take egal action 61i tb9*Rrrear- ton Is trying to place the Union Jack Bound to Sault Ste. Marie. and during --.O--- BAD BREATH if vou bring it hete'fo lie Dry Cleaned . � . I I ., ; ­� I I � . ,,'r,�. .' 4�� age. . I . . ,!rL:. .' .,,!r:. .' � -,. .�, It 'a �, 0o. , "'. of the British einlifire at 00 degrees July and,August to Mackimic Island, Walkertoo will bol 12th of ill ,ill thoroughly renovate the entire nod Pressed. 01d Suits that have .1 L �, �; . and Laithwaite outh. . thus giving the railway the only com- celebration in IWYJ. it Oarl start ,system, and make the blood pure rich been practicaill discar(leti, we inake to L, ��, � I, . 0ouns. Munnings In ' The Leading 17lidertakers an(] Rtilbalm'ers, �L I ;� - . moved that, W1 feez of fire hose at $1 8 r " ' L� , , _ �1.1 p a e rueans . look Shapely anti neat again. Although � , . . I t of reaching fill the 130j)(A Persistence, and the proper o aniza. , (!,�g '1� I - - (!I g and red--ourin* Boils, Pimples, Ecif.am, L' , ' per foot be purchased f rfrom the Gotta Lieut. Sbackleton, -and- ... put t � the gat�nients run), Ili- entirely kult of , -y let -_ - - _ . - ­ - L I � , _1 I _ ­__ blands.-the North Channel and other tion and machinery, fire Life secee I - Ringworm, and all blood and skin diseases. - — . . I. . . ­ ��,�,;j, ,�,,,. � ,:,M.,.,;�� � 8 ; �� Patella Rubber Co., and Couti. Hulp- London, July 3, 1907, on boajd the portions of this wonderful region. - assured success. hope, we press them ifito himpe agail � �', I 1. - . - �, . . . . , , �: ,,, " � , , , .;,.,. , � b ancl It0eve. MU,ean moved in Nimrod, a steam bark liner. Shaf�kle_ The two larger vessels. together - _1� _____ , ,:?� ��;�, er 'Mileint to purchase 300 feet at 85c __nT!!=____ We call for and deliver work prompt- , . .�L L.- ILUien ton iet an officer IV, ali'l charge 1)ut "tile for our services. . . - _� %3,i�,":,", � ., per foot with a guarantee. On th(, I of the British nA*yl with the two freighters, comprise the No person should go frool home, . ,i(.] ­', *4 11� Lake Superior Division running from without a botl le of Dr. J. -1). Kellogg's Important to.RdveFt8je'rs vw"M& � ��,��i.,�,�� � r .the, reeve, .deputy and Ind before leaving England King Ed- Sarnia and delivering passengers and Dysentery Cordial in tile! . ER . ,:. alliendment - possession, NEST HARVEV, - ,., � P . . I e All chaing,lim of tid%tortigoolouts for tbo our. """ " k� . 1 0 , ft.�, - . Couns. Gal ow. and. Humber .,�bted ward bestowed upon him the Vfietorian fr Ight at Port Arthur to the Canadian as change of water, c000king, liniate, refit, 184110 STAR 111114t, hP Ill 1-110 11111,71dit CI,0TI1VS CI,VANFIR L" � ,11�-, I, , - , � _ !�� , yea, and Counit. Lail;hwalte. Munnings order. He was a member of the'Brit- N - c I The West St. Halitilidwape ' TN �'­ orthern find Canadian Pacific rail etc., frequently brings oil summer Of Life crig"tIcit, wer ula, A1011DAV NOON I , � . ,�il and Cralglic nay. &a the amendment ish antarctic expedition of 1002-3 under v(ays, and at Duluth to the Great complaint, and there is a week. Advertisom. will plo­c govell, West Street, Uoderich. NICHOLSON & NAFTEL . " 101 . . nothing like taith .,�.4 was declared carried. . Capt. Scott, and with his commander Northern and Northern Pacific raili bein houlsolytis necordleirly. �`!'�"L% ,)- � i,,,�, ; goo another member h I ready with it stire renjedy at '.�L�j�', I t _­_ _____ -'- _­ - - ­­_­ _. ___ . � , � ,,�, th- .1 . .� ,�', V Themayor,read'the 100�wr of Capt.: 01 I pap y- ways for Winnipeg, the Northwes kn ., which oftentimeR Saves great CONTRACT ADVERTIsING. . I T 5; Lindsay with reference to the Military accomplished it sledge JI-Axy W, and Pacific Coast -points, and, of Suffering and frequently valuable lives. PatfOoN (If 1111C STAR Will I)IOSSO "Onest Dealln— . . ,q �4 � dogs to it pilint; 82 degrees f! minu L Y camp fair 1009, lts ricited in TUE STAR t course, litter -on, connection ,.Vill be This Cordial has gained for itself it thoualverl,killir ratos aro to uoikr u I.,. Small Profits V�' , "L� �, � " .", ill, "I" last week, and asked- for the views of 80 11010 "I;,'L . nth latitude. Peary reached a Poi made with the Grand Trunk Pacific. widespread reputation for, .a.,., Norithern Navigation CO. - _ �.,�,'�*,,!�. , ,,!,, il Ir may be, and that evory, ftll% ortiNor 1, fJftCVtI Oil ,:,4o tile Council. . After a long discussion 87 itegreas 6 minutes north In Ap _Aff ding I I ,� I _ �i� , . .,t. - 21, 19N. Through fares are qooted and tickets prompt relief from all stinitner eolll� the witutile hask. Wju(l(,w ,,,,(_reejI., 11 r ,; it motion was Offered by Courts, Mon Tours of Great Lakes and I . Site, 12., allil y bir otilv 20c. L ,; I 16 A � I ,; 1,14N%,Il l%I0i%:ejS, Oil]), It fe L �N_ �:� "I' y . sold at all the railway offices to all plaints. year] Y coil U-1lot d Implay nfivertiploa. lit(- iwr Geor-ginn Bay . , ,, �%: I I nings and Otaiigie, to empower the Sbackleton took with him a specially poi ___ - In I -ft at $3.75, ,. I r, . -,';,., r 1.i� nts in this vast territory. - - oh.run of paper. vor it­oi- tx�,tw., t oil, w It '. � I _^ , , ayorl 2c., to It,". flow. iocil, urcording Io 1.1luo ajol ror Sault Ste. Marie, Port A I "��: _L "' , ­­ : I � I .L �! I ly t4at the Coutietti I& in built motor sledge which he hoped to Of the fleet, the 11 Huronic " is tile On Wed nesday morning of last, week ! Special posiLion for coul,rarl, adverll,. and Duluth I,eave s;1ruie, NjOlOov, 1�, qi ,�"L in to rer - rt iur SinokelesA` n-itil" o0orlesti Ouly tw(, Of like tuall, . .. , vace' " favor of ass sting the camp for'next use in his polar dash, and it num"'I If flag ship being a new -vessel soft One Peter McGregor, Brucefleld, passed nit, extra. I I L ,_ " f, . year by giving grounds, water and Siberian ponies, in addition to a pack of the I 1, Wellnesdav all I p.illt� Of iihsolute '9uperilifItl' fuund fit till- New �,�!t , -11 . . a.wat and flnest on the tippet, Away after it long illness. He was in Notices under tile lipaoing of I,Lnitl Notl � "erfeCtioll Will' I'llinle Oil St -e. 1 mA i hurnet. . 1, ",I, same as for this year. of dogs. Peary will use only Eskimos . 1�!.Ff i.lav, 1. ill If. lit. (FI i- " light, the . I I " , "'' ! Coons. Gallow fuld Humber moved In and dogs . I ]likes. In addition, the ConipartV has poor health for it number of yearli,and "' PaIre 1. to 11011-aill,prti.el... ,vill ho vhall'c�."(7 dav Steallier I ligh I,, 0olluth.) 11 � L I ;1 , L -#it present under construction to be 111�`ITO(41L I'tltklllllt( Ilon Ill 11011t)iLrell I, 1,,-. 12 %%"ill of witl1lolt OVell. Call unit ask fill a ilcul,,ji 11 '. 1 4�;. 1 1 � I anleillImerii tbat it is tRe wish of this Befole, leaving Landow Lieut. put into service next year, another went to Clinton hospital lately for ilestot,lbolooli; toy,,ar), ,-onixiiet wi',..rii� For Manitoulin Island, Soo and -tration of their tneiit�. I 1,�' ' 1 ' � I , k �� 1 �,., . Lreatment, but being weakev lie re. orm whose ativortf,iiiii; amwar, ill tio, ­uo. Mackinac l,"A"t "llill9w"'011 1.31l 1). I I 11" ,� , j,o�l I Council .to make every endeavor to Shacklecon wa presented by Queen vessel which is intended to lit, not only turned home. two weeks ago, find Rl- 1-110' 6 cout" it 11110; in lllo,�o will' make ,, Ill., ()%%,er, ,,;OOu,I I 1. j,, 1, fit, ,I,u,,,Ia,, fit I'liliq (;Irt�,Ij. Ili, ,"�; � _�, 6 &mp. at Goderipb next Lea a 1111 0 Iliklu,nding,and I rl .11,_, teN.t lll�kll (",)%.ef.IjIu'.uI ..I",(,�', .,­ L. 4 have th r- Alexandra with a British flag to carry the largest, but finest vessel in the though very ill, tile end came soddenly. otherwwo advertime, 8 cems it lloo. (10 'lot Sutuiday. 1, 'I'L, - ','� ,,, 111. Yonriv mul ract, it r . . . , � . . / ill 35c pet Ill. ., �:�, �" ) , which Was carried, Reellwe Me an with him on his southern dash. About Lake Superior trade. She will [we of A,x " � His wife diet] aorne years ago He I � and, Courts, -Mmoulfigs and Craigie.vot- the same time the Daughters of the, r),00o tons, with caigo capacity for leaves one datighter, Mr.4. Rigg:ils, fit AAvertifforminL4 Without miweifie in,;l.rartinnS For Parry Sound, Point on Ilaril - - 1- It, I - .�. 3.� , r,�' �11�� L .1 L li. Ing Pay, ,,, 9 Ingly. ' '11:1lt . � 11!`.1. " , L American revolution gave Com mander 3,M) tons of package freight, w1a. an will he limerwil mutil forbid, and chariti,ti iw- and Killarney I,, -o%,,, Collillg%%ood -;P"'I", -'I ')s, Till -1111) Ilow- Has- Folk Rope fill,[ "41'; 1 0 SL will whose home he resided. oord Pulley" t;i "'Jole, ()11,. ll�kitlj" % (L%%,l Slliipllrq Ikll,l �1­1, ,, I .1 A letter wa. read from the Doty En- Peary a beautiful liberty and, peace have live decks, with accquiodation x ert horseman, and one of the beat NI 11day and I'lid.1%. to.;,, 1). Of. L. I I ,��';, �� jL All Advert1slup accouut� are rendered nod I l'i'lling TIO'kh.. -t . . �� �., ,, �­ " 1 , I - flag, made of silk. and consisting of fur 425 first cabin pat4sengers, find a J�tlsges Of heavy horses ill the Do- collected ajout-Illy. Jet, worlt, c. 0, it. For Sans Souci, Cu., and Parry mith hight-st lluality, I 1 . gine Works proposing that the Coun All at loll .,t juicv,, ,-ousi%teat i . Cil appoint a smial committee to go to the stdrs and stripes, surrounded by large number of second lass. There It - ­ f minion. The funeral took place on AW A file of thim p . I :'"L­� I I t a broad field of white, to -carry with will be eight parlor roomse I I a I to r nfl� n ,,,,,, 1, Nfli, .n, , a t 'n i F. Sound 1'eall., Pelle'tatig N%vek ,lals I - .. , ,"� I -Simcoo at the company a expense o With privftLe Friday afternoon last. STAR Offleif 00dorle . 0. oil let � No schemes Just Plain, Honest Deallng. . I . . ,, inspect astham fire engine Which the hica to the north. . batba, drawing -room, ladies' lounge, ' ' I ..... . No 3 21, It. Of. I . �4' . ,nge for the- one L smoke -room, and an immense still- - _ - 30 Fleet, Street, I,owion, x. I%. fr'Lo 'if Summer Rates Now lit Effect, — I , : :.,� �1,j , company NoUld excbR I charge. and af, the lulLor addr6m Me,wr,t. V $n � now owned by the,town. and it was DO, YOUR EAR§ RING? parlor capable of being converted into Only One Painless Corn Cure. & J. Uardy & co. will be g1fM tA) ,ol,oj%ou,_w_ Quick Returns — � 'I i�,�` - It b8c itflionli or advertimeanonui oft out I ... : TiVk0% and infortuati.ii froot fill Railway Full Measure ��,L,jl, , ll, ngs an half. r I S� ��', . ,._ ��"` Hit in ber bd� ,a* �hii Doty "' Ag,uis. .11L . �t, ,"L i , I agreed that Coun I d a ball -room 38.� 90 feet -in size. The Hundreds have tried, lult. rm one has . � �,_' 1, N�? Compad-v- Wps3ftbeir 'kilenses. Cam-r-th.- -If not checked, the result, is ,,,,, ad v , L "". %V,�, I i Y� such Co.. j e:p This is the beginning of chronic interior -decorations and Ovila-mentit- ,succeE-ded in making its good a r . - 5� ," raetor. specting Newspal . - kvi� L �' 1, .1 ,, A simple remedy that .. , - � .i I deafness. - pers fl. 11-GlI.DfIRS1.1,1�% v. C. 11. NI( 110I.MIN, .� , �, It's by far the , y `� , I I �� Hay. Bros., of Listowel, wrote ask- tei-lor expert in ,Ior. I" Nillnugel, Tinflic ,Nlgr,, I """M"" , ,� �IE'-�, tion are designed by die most cele- as Potnain't, Painless ,.t Decisions Re i " ., brated marine in . -e of sob- -sou or rfer.�onm wl'o ujit­ a J'Slj(L'. r,ir "firnia. � r ", f, . best-liewai . . I I � : man to slowly America, and she will If Ally put . 1:4 . I bar ' be a very stitutea for " Putriatn's." ,larl.v from a po,ttotticu. whl-uo,r,O1d,o­,,I ill — . I ing thail they be allowed to leave their . �bvaicians advise is ,, C,,1linR%%ood. ., i j 'L ,", "' grain warehouse on Victoria Park- f6r en 'Catart-hazone ' a few tillies Complete and handsome ship. She - natuo oi- aeol,lit-r's, Or wbel hor lo� lia� ,fit) . . - �"_, ,;- l, the present op payment of a small sell day. The soothing vapor Of will be flLted with engines capablo of I --I-- -, 4cribed or act. ix re�ponsiwo for payloolit. I - - - - I . I ; ��r� that th 0MEnrrhozone cures the catarrhal con- developing 6,5Whorse-powet, and with Jacob Gingerich, it young resident If a portion orderli lil� juiper tu�miiwit I$ 4�,-, ,;� I., .,Ll: I,- . , rental, alml it *was agreed e ditio-n and hearing improves at once. sanitary heating. ventilating., lighting of the Goshen Line Sonth, Ntanley, muAt pity all firrow-h. of- nio juitill-tit-r if - f I �' building be allowed to remain durin ', �,-,­'. -ho" STURDY & co � ; -1 ' ' . R Head noises, buzzing ears are cured. died after a lingering illness of stom- Unite Lo st-toi it. flow poyrueol j� ,,,:%,I,.. foot ,I , ; the leftsure, of 'the Council, at a rent- For catarrhal deafness, throat, nose modern and t. all e most itell troolile. He was if) the 2-ird year tholl collevi, th. "'ll"I" Itallou'll wholo'l. llo� � . I I � and refrigera Ing systems of th ,,� - : "I of; per month. proved designs. A f his age. fie leaves his mother, paper I. talO-u ,it- ,let,. � 11 , ..; I , ip is under considera- I THE GROCER [�', . A. G. Gamble, on behalf of the remedy so efficient. second similar all three brothers and thrpe sisters, be. TILL' """"' " v locided thill rt�rll,inv to "' ThO Big f HFORUP6 Store . .: - .���� ;'._ and lung catarrh there is probably no tion for construction its soon as the - t-k.,�.-.�,,�.,�,��.,,i'14�t,i,)41,-4%1� frout th,- 11,-t 8 i I Lawn Tennis Club. asked for some - Ides a host Of Warni personal friends. fiffig. of 'll'oo,"'i I 11 -avel from the town grdvel pit to be ­ . traffic warrants, the intention -being a 'or ."�'. .uiw�, full I.avll,K Ill,.") lloo.-k 1'..l I -1 11 ­ . - - I �,� . 1� ,; . I , 11 , gi ______ --- I'Llon "Pul"ill. ourfai'l j. -�l . . ,': 11'. I I used in preparing their new tennis Legal Notes. that by the time the Grand Trunk Prima fucia evidence of intoot iotowi ri,tild. , � I - ­ . ON ,rHF4 SQUARE. ,­� I Krounds an Ploton street, and the re- (Mail an& Empire Legea Queries I Pacific is in ,operation west of Lake THE WORM 18 FULL OF PAINS— - -, . --- I iL�L� ! � ,,,, * Superior a thoroughly complete and The nobes and pains that affilet. - - - . I . ". I q "I L __________ --..--.- _. I t4, ;; : _LL � , '. ; I finelit was granted. 11 W. R., Goderieli.-Qu.-Has a illin- up-to-date line will he ready to furnish humanity are mariv and eonstant. , - . \Ve want to call your ,Ittcllti()Il to ()tll. tzi, �, . , , , Conn. Craigle ave -notice of motion Ing - Con any any authority to it rapid and,e,njoyable trip up the lakes arising from a multitude of indistin- �, . I . . I 11 �:r,, -j� - !� f 01 Lj'�. 11 I � aw governing eathlK engage a Tloctor for the miners, and -a service -class in every parti- guishltblc causes, hilt ill tile olain ow- i 1, [ I _ys b striking out the 'wit IN,.,,Iilk,llarioillk,li.l!"E'�I 'A"I'll ,_ . � � 'd I- ! 21 V I to amend the b I I I houses on Sun% charge every man $1 per month for cular. ill%!o man'R negligence in t; killf 12 1, , 2r, � I,, I CRT MWE , "., . , I I I , , 1, , I words -between the Kours of 2 and 5 medical services. whether he has a _-w,-_-- I is health. Dr. Thijin_as� Ke ectrip I Lj',,1­­ I 1: . Verandah Chairs , . - 11'' o'clock in the ii,fterridon" wherever doctor or not? (2). Has a doptor a Y Ak. Oil was the outcome of it universal cry :-,:: '': I . ;,�� � . I I ;. �., I , , I . ._", ! :: 1: ;:, , they occur. right to teach school and 'only visit for souie,lipecific which wotild mpeedily Z , I i �l You sleep badly, appetite in varlabje � I � I ),Ve liave a Ilice assortiliellt ill ()](I '­ ­ ". , .1 Council then adjourned. ' the miners when sent for P $18.66 '' , Hickory, also tile . I .� You eat but gain no streligth. 'Morn: rFlieve Pain, tXnd It has filled ILA 1111.4- t _::we�l . -egular Verati(jall alld 1,awll cliall'. . .� — Ana.-.Tbe company has no right -to Ing tiredness makes you wish night sion to It reolltrkable degree. - I // I I ., * - __ I � �, 11 I ' charge its employees $1 per month for would come. When night comes ' ' . ' ---..----.-- -_ - . il� ; medical services, unless they agreed to' refreshing sleep CA to obtain, WeslpV Garner, of London, Ron of I ) - ,, , L� NgRVOUS? - is bar TO QUEBEC and RETURN ' I i I I ; . submit to such a charge when they You're run down, your blood Is thin W. R. Garner, at former resiolviii, of . \Ve liave a olle-1110tioll folding I �­' tl �L DO YOU BROOD? entered the employment of the com- and watery. your nerves have grown Exeter. narrowly Parallel] being �11'0�­ + HAVE MORBID FEARS? � =a (2). A doctor has a right to weak. the thought of effort wearies drowned at Port Stanley. fie was FiIvom Goderich - - .. -M-121- -.- ". I . I I I �: � , #P,. TOSS IN YOUR SLEEP? chool or engage in any other Ko I Standing on tile pipr* witi.,hing It " "', . O�d,You need Ferrozonot itmakes 'riii4 i,; Ill, still(. (it IO,u.(.jI,.j,l r,ollonjil. � � - I legitimate business which he is com. - red, strong blood. - An pranks of a number of young trien anid(' Account of Ter-('enictifiryCelcl)riitif)ti. \V11ell %,,If I'll\' h(.11t. %,of call o1wo%q l C. Go -Capt J.": �, " -, Try Farrozone. . patent to perform. The fact that he is appetite? You'll'eat evervthing anti stepping, fell into the lake. Being oll- Tickets yoo,1 goitig jilly Istil to 2,,11j. peod ,,If lelial'I.- fti-11 g, -,,,I,. 1*11.,v are �_ � � , , -4 . , n doet,or does not restrict.his liberties. digestittoo. Strength? That'swilat able to swim lie i4non slink. A Mr. o' go"d :1� the li� 't. ;,Oil g'. a l"OK "0110 Ndlidl \%'III intere.,,t and I)lc,,Ise 3,()tt. r, �, I 11 I — . � and doe not prevent hint from engag- lenty of food gives. Forrozr,neglvpFj Holland, of London. secured It ro P Return limil Aug. 3ril, j9M towittil the rv;th/�ttiou ,.I itut, lioll­ljoill , �,, 1 �� ,� �, All the Vitat activitietj of tile body Ing in any other employment. tope. vigor, vin), endurance. Use and descending to the morface of trie _____ � e(�,11,qu). � Call a'lid look dirongli oIir,'-;t(,t-c. .,:,�' I � � Ferrozone and get strong, Results water by means of it cable tinierpeded . "I. ". , are quickened Into new VI or by Per. H. M. L. -B., Blytb.-Qu.-A left his are quick -cure is lasting. All dealers In grabbing the boy as lie ranw till. The Popular Route t,, A triol ,it-Irt ,;,,li, it(.,] [,it ;it,\ tililig ygl "'­,�'�"rrr �? � rozoncs,'which contains alftbe constit- wife with B. agreein to pay her In -50c. boxes. The drowning lad then strasped tile wallf . . I J" L I z� I utentu neeftosity to make herve board in advance. whil he did for a — _� ___ cable in it death grip and was thus AIVSKOKA ANT) TAKE I* PAYS. I P., L 'Ill . I * I 0 " I H � 4 1 4 0 11 " I I. , - I � I , 4 - - � , , ' ' " *6 "_ ' _�� ' - 7f L' 1:4 X= �j , I It = , I �Wkk 1 0410 -"P,w = iiiu* an Wr, yth 9 __- I W i N , , it .12), k . eo 4 troq , , to a 4 - "04114 00y I AV .. in 11-A I 10 2 " deept . "I 'I I U *115;rl I -" , -0 kp -$W-4� 1 1 4P -1�,�rtt-"", t ., - ;__�6 ai k, , 9, _, if " aJ 40 " wtdodf ,r/% Willi F0 11, 6-- a- n& , - , I C. atre�Kth, few Weeks. His wife remained on for saved. . llendquarletf� f.,r New Ftuit-;, � GEORGE JOHNSTON, I., 1, �J. I L s, first notion it; upon digestion. a mouth, having received Ingtructiona Kiticardine Is having trouble with Ti -twin Servire and F,quipiiwnt �', ''4 - - - I L �� I � ' , , it stimulates the secretion of gastric from her husband promising that he its town water. Dr. Amyot has written tile IjeSt. 81110808801" to H. B. Beekett. Furnislicrand Undertaker. . - L�, juice, ensures perfect digestion and would settle everything when he got the clerk stating that the quantity of New life for a (joarter. Nfiller's ___ � � -, I .1 chlorine Indicated in the aamples of Clompound Iron Pills. Sold hy -F. J- For further inforliff,ttloo nod lielcot, ifliply to I Phone Nos. Residence 178, Store 89. � �1' " - re ar a 6 f6od so sajo be easily his month's Wa es; he did not doso, Sturdy & Co., , . � �J� psipmile12 d she left. JR watersent, for ins _ ley are now living In ,Lpection 11 would in. Bildand, druggist, Oodprich. ' . ,:::: I or6ntd. What course would B take I � . AN er, i , , Thus everything you eat �s 4don- dicate that the fl Ing timin In filter- - - - - F. F. LAWRENCE Tito Square, 00derich � �.:�",, ent 11 - - .1 � ­ - - -_ I I I . , verted into,ftobtlilhin that enriches to secure the board moneK? (2) It Ing water from the town side as we C. P. R's. Magnificent New Steamer TO%VN AUMNI' / 4 �,:: 1� tile blood and -'Ienda pew attength to sued would 13 have to bear I e costs P 11-9 from the take, and In considerable I � �', . nuant1tv. Pour of the, sam lea sent 11 S. S. Assinihola " is Upper 011lrellourq 9.401M.011.og"Olp"I. I . -1 � i� I tie nervtm Ana. -A must pay the board bill of r �r �' " show the presence of bacteria of an Lakes Chow". " J. STRAITOIN, Dep,t �gewij. � ( �;: i By Ferr6ont tile mind is relieved Ill; wife. 13 can ano for (be amount in Intestinal origin. This would tuake � of tho" broOdfirl tendencies, Of Toronto If he now realdes there. (2) The, latest addit [on to the Canadian � �, ilits,W unwilling-* It B sues for tile amount lie will he pumped with the water. I'lifla, along paelfle'R upper lake fleet is the "As. �� I in.rbild'unfisitural' of] one suspect iliat sewage in being J. 1). MCDONA1,I), 1). P. A., I'_I "� . �,_ nesq to ecillitOntrate att*ntion on entitled to tile costs cif the court If he with the wide scattering of your ty. twitilbrilit," now in active commission, Union Station, *roronto, ()fit, ,; . , recoverit judgment against A. phold cases. would incline one to An � � things thitttlidold btl done. and an her first voyage She )ton proved ,, Won't You uyVAbtk6y4daP F herself to be not only the largest anti , , Wort't, you- glvb ft a. chance to win - that the water supply is being P01111jed most modern pailispriger vessel oil the I ­" I you back to health V It Will do It, just -At the first withr.sewage and is a dangerous upper ]likes, but also tile swirtest. 1 J!� 'A itiam tot wh, Or�iihtop Zinek, of , symptoms of inwrnal disorder, Par. wale " Opand , melee,s Vegetftble Pills , She will. Rail from Owen Sound fit , Palm, st.t.I.twetilutrig; X4,94'".ko "yo, should be re- . allont 5-W if. m. every Saturday for ,� sorted to immediately. Two or three Miller'n Granules core .instillation. � (" -1 want WgIft, my, ekilerletkod. with Sault 91A3. Alarle, Port Arthur alyd i , I A I f � of the" daltitAry plilletti taken before Sold by F. J. Buthind, dr i hil , Top-Centenapy , , , t � , Ferrozono�WiloWl b6lfe*e It wIll be t, Gode- liort"Willinni, the eonnectinq express . ; i ",I of Asslethtleb to thousands of vrolaten going tio hod, followed by doses of one rich. train leaving Toronto a# I.W p. in. whoneMltbadly� Tw Vill"- tbin, ,or tW0 Ville, tot two Or three nights in I The "AR.Arillinia" has luxurious fie.- .... GelebPation �, lit' � f The ron down; In flosli mid sicked c6l6t.' 'success I " n a everit,lve Whiaharn Times hag entered comodation for 2:10 cabin passe �, D will 86"k a pr .11 he with five catwina Lie loxe (p= I (JULY 20 -AUG. 1) My- net"04 1*16""In i%dieladiftif owe. �. f dys gin, and Its tweltlif year under the ediLorAhip of ' 0 atL I , dbloo � t � I it Anyt1iing flill'I , w ., a - 1, . , , d brtbol 0 tovill,li I I,W4rt tl,_ train ,Mr. 11. 11, Elliott, and continues, to lftths,) sparloon dining saloon. obser. ttl �rde , __ Y .1 dohl I di .0�ii, .,=. ", prosper It lit a good local paptir. 11 i start. 'At Atht 11 I " 0012, All , � � . . 1, vation drawin and nmokin t -o--- . � I? . . , 11 . 1, I WORSELLS , - 1. � fll_:�, 4. Are Sole Agents for � �, -4w'..", ..� i , ' ,1. "" � I 1�, I. , I I , " � I , I GOLD MEDAL TWINE �. j � I I pooriv put together. Anti well printed. . " .. ;; wake 1110. b"I't IWO , A it I I . find many new 7enturea conductive to I � " d Uri. Velftwoo went, right to � THE STAU WishesTheTimes continued W U B BE U 1, , �` "y. success. 4 passengers' comfort, Intendinp pav- _____ - - Work . btislifoOd'ity-jifolse londr, W, WiArton geho -.On Monday night sengera should makto Parlv appileation BRITISH .__ - I - Pure Machine Oil, Scythes, Snaths, �, I - 1 �i � lines, gxvitf-hio 4)(4onti,64 fbitted toy tlu-isitltt- I 40tfi,wPord. Capt, T son When $18.6l; To QUEQEC AND RETURN to lacal U. P. R. agents for accommor tft 'Ll : I . k nervooftebilt, rftlrboiffif liktos4#4 toy liftV � 160ir Hiliad afghtm Re disabled dittlain. CANADIAN BRST , I I'll I � appetitisAhathy 'wfilght,tAtob to -W binfl6b, theflYc'n Gravot, bound from via tile Grand Trunk Railway. double. --- - ---.a- — BUSINESS 011SINIMC; oiliks, Rakes, Handles, Pure 11anilla 11 � . I , i .. � , I f t1hatIO&AWIt'aw"It, 0W 06616 -engine Crack line. 10coullt of tile Ter-Centen, Are you not well? Are 1, ;V1 49. 6 5 GE TRAININO , . , 11114MA, 0*6ft Sound to IMtrolt. Tbelt I I I lotig gl6b wit sty Celebration.41 Tile many special weakly, d yn"01 "'. I I 1, �, V. .- apj I . , . , On#'!' bMlilltoboift. Theyhad�6hl ohalW ressed in spirits. " , TORONTO at reanonable pric,.,. � . I hjW 'It illiso a 4196f, bwbkt�Aod hxd sont it to Uolulf TeAd for foaVires In connection with We Is., nervous and irtits. le Cot. vatige Start tiny tfnle. . �- " t�� I 1 I eat Pholy, t1m, � Return from GODERIC" Rope, Screen [)oors and Windows, Iron Pi ,l. I It cer int 't, dd , 10 thWhY A14j'Whiewitit tbAttilhAnt,h suddetft eaught event, Including the vittit of H. �ff It- Tpf Atillov'r; Compound 1, & Illoor Off, Adilrett,q � I � ' - I IVILY11 - "All' 4 it It'' In it 6tillro. Tiit"*" filten."'6*01toment the PAnvilf of Wales, And the British, So d by F. 3. Botland. druggi I. 0 �_ I Ticketit, gifulid going r ,� ��' . . , �,, - . IN (4 1 R.A . . l"AltQ1211,kR5014. B.A,, r1ril. I 11 :1 boxes. � I I to it *Asf"red thi'yWodId Antericilin find French Fleets tOgethet rich. -L- =_­�!�-�----- ­ - Hose, Oil allid Gasoline Stoves, � � ,J,t�'­_ ­ is . Qi with the fifistrity thousand Qd1o". on. - ­ -.41. --- A — ,. � tllw�l . sod t t J'ampf In'to''the bay. How- —A � 1". t,(t�, I 1 6vd* , L , camped In this qualot historic 014 CIL 11 July IS to 25 ­ --- . I -.11-1- 1_1111!!'! ­'� �'. , . I W s feg'04 t6 MlWil M4, tht &allt of 6 oft" "A In gettin rj- Tito county clerk of BrAle&,Aty 011clunive) __1=___ � 11 . I � .... i I Ito I . L� tile wit4i 6f, j6W L", je.0 AV too"'tit, '01A it towed Item My and n I t,l �tj In mod. fill the newspapers with 4% " Of, . CHEAPEST A r 1L . Th� � � t twildint Ithl � itit l - I � yearr# 0, , a the county � i"'hen Return Limit Aug. I WN� NIVINS jk,Allallc � . I " At* � ""' Will make this one of the greatest mi , � �� borol Aftiwi'r & lftg md � roceedin a. 1h th " re. 11 . ,�i wbich 6&n.ma ob wiama, jai' � �_ �A. . . tA,'crg.e="W,,Ip, IV stWit Bruce � , I ; I . a, IF ' - U I It to Zt. . wt1ift l'itnit A0 '11611 . 1p.ahcad offola Hti.111�hllll` Excellent Service of Post Trains " . . t, W ' rpn. qh_`.�-o ' ! � y 8th. SM *M A &000* itif , 3 � " fAilltilbo"L ' olil" ii I 0 Foretot, to likeIV, tb erftb #, , "'HORMAKER 0 pa", *,", N*V" kh"ll I � L ' , I 1,11 . Pf6portiolliate rates rom . I . rot% itYar attgan fmwe ., JAG111 11 d t ­ 1:011104tArlo, Tickets Ap&fulf titAl skating Unk. O4% ,,, � WORSELLS' HARDWARE I 'I , boys and' O" I% ... I , TICIMS Agank. GMeriell. I f � 1. 0411 it, ,� 1111W ,, tilid Y Not I 4-01% 66M anY Grand Ttuhk Tho appl,,4 iivspomtat at ,,A . I 0 or-rItee.lLroatiti.d. A..GP.P_.T,3TOwit4 WRWAIAN I I 11 i " ". '4 10, .1, I 11 . . , I _�Ml . I I tilgatit bt� tdtif,ged. I R 1�1 "I V414 of I "W: al W I 0 , , ) " , 1, , f �, IN 1. - . � I I I . I . . I I " . Office open 11 8 a. in. to 8,30 p. to. 11ftfl . tiq 4 11 .1 I . � I Store Open till 9 o'Clock Rvery Night. �. - �, 1 4' 1 1 1 " , I "I I , , , � I 11 _I . .. � I 4 , If . � I � �". I ­ � � , � , �")., , . % , it . , � �A � I kl,x 11; ,� 1. � - I � �� . I I I . �'� \ I I � ;, I 4011;-., ... �, , I - , I I .. 11 .I .� . ",­ I 11 , .� . iii, T . , . . I 1.1 O� I . - � I I , I A, IV* �,, joll . - I i , I, � 1� I , , 111� I , -- , I I � � I . . I " r t . , , , , I I I , I ,� .,.. ­ , ,. , , -1 1 I I 11 i I � . I � "I .1 I v.. , ,, I " I .1 � I 1% .1 I I I I I - .1, � . � r' I I ­ . � . � - - I ; I I . I 1. J P. . I 11, I " �� , I I ­ � � � ,� I �� �� I , , I "",",L, -I I o � � - �, �, . - I . . *I ,, 11, 11. ., I �, (I � � � .1 1# ­ , � I I - I ­Metw�ff . , I.. 1� � , ; 1�'7 . I . '. I , . .. masm% I , A, I - - wia .�,g�`k M. ii ' �" I .1 . I A,- � , I 11 � r I "It, , ,a"- -0, , , 'A, � . ,� 1. _".tA&__ I _. - � _1_.. �, J11111111111111111110111L, - __ _­ -.di-.&. - - ­ ������������������������������������������������� 0 - - __ _______ I ­