HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-07-17, Page 1W I- ----------------- T". 111AR As tbobvIeW The OOOORIC" $TAP, b" �a Uftv ld& draw*t" tbots toy on-viam Qwmtlitrs 001W.013 Otbo county -"W" of ---------------------- I;;;;;,I o.� I III 11 -FRIDO,f, JULY 17" 190,; W40 l0vill 00DERICK, ONT-ii jin 4nd ple#, 0 o list 0 UK P ea ItetUNQUESTIONABUff" Allkloolasill(gigilliX &tvIgggg&W0**_4U4 wo.*N Items of 11OR ilito"."4 "Oury w9o, 4 he '011OW eotwqera 44 at) Originga got Ir. 1* W 4a ore "ohol mo, qoWwa at OvIt AbOlit IQ *111001111110.41001k 14- 1,400M,-. Pit therefore W Wbox,, "Wo glat t1givall svicosia, a�0114 dato 111.0, formov: yeivil'o, 41go" tlAt outside their b#11 On the, n9vt oiclig, r. A OM 40 ",ROA,ggid 0 0hvgp#, it by, iiiavbg it, A fliw bUticAfthip. cormilit. C �eft, , .4h 11% AtbhJ.lq rt 'a 94 Ita6ritiol., ga ''At out, 16, IN# Thvt 'tit ',grgitiff blmkod in &.1"d PX a10110 Pr (Jotteriellis but It I#' bard to arity What It-tive Liberal, agulfoore. The CelebrrOon 'S of; 0. 111tot t"Aix -4, sit to... WAY happe" In a few years. viewed with will pol, W61M j*�gg­ 00t, lot nd it srow J� rk! bring, and the St. ilaW LQ 11 W 41$� Won od. it $uc�,Q$S, When will tile porhat (firderie'.1t have livilobtedolis of ("'arrada, 'Who, 4V th* t "t tle wl'ta es t I Mmt �"M, _J* -STAI AW vrvi tteot,,I are bel It -Toronto 8entinelt '101hatles Twooll ex rearve A 0 t SON$ OP WILLIAM, 4ND FRIENDS ......... evet she, expe tq to seen" A "100il ro�afntott and therwis greatly I I. die, P,M, of Goderlch P Dest, 160, lift IINVAD GODER101 cited behind the blu;n tes in I which a ago, pot W -late ve of, le, Goderich Summer Hotel GOP hIs one The Coup Wiles that union Uolikkee.. Made ealentailtili the of t a bepA loe� g&I"Bum ream15-10- 4 ultoes and Sli Thoullaug! visitorlif To a sir a -6 i5arJ4�"ind ree of tit 4 106 ...... ....... wollph attani �,I) block flies. el as that 01.11wIlAnk. of mMerce. the Proceedings ggbXW4 -W 091141) 0'60L o60 led tire, 4.ed.4 14 Was twelve years 40D 0011gratulatloggo aivv In QLAer to mine toivl 7. so 00111010. 00 Tuesday' . V_ tAkiii tw since the L'tur Dowil town agent F. F. Lawrence of hosts of the British singlColliorne- a T. R., is shipping oil an averaRe alts, v .-Miss 1(il04106 let' Ouvernfivent a 7 7 polo 40gron d ov The Orauge celebration In Uoderlelt Ripley. 1148 resumed, boo Work go dauglitors-both good subjects of His Intopower. Oftheth irtoen To j6 o0ovidence Col!e ukloK e ln4 this will likely be Increased next last Monday will long he rornembered or 3.00o baskets o cherries a kveek. 8:tq 50 who then formed the Cbinet, 4X NUN,1' WL0, at 00 Morel coul rT 09 I If r e The mayop was thoughtful In order, vivo, While seven --------- aal;4"Io . . I weeut spring, by litausands al- peop!a as one of [lie lug the extra service Of tho water rLhna have as INO A If t -, n to break tb it p se, 4W�glyj ard 'Rot, Zotm, fill, tat lowt X 50,4411 A cr Tit Auburn Civic Roll "o niost plesaant In history. The eir- wagogiand the fir r 0 pj�%, 41150, to AVI 0 who have die 1w Ill ficam 0.0ma dWo lrgl� 'Wit 0110 i a t hold on Auk. 6th. at 04, xI rull 111 play at U%.Q live, wou P 61k In k a c imerelill C of 0 on Olt the isint - - I I , 0 Q .15 tef I -Ppect to timo -Mr. Al lit at accommodation opply to H. X iox. artl4ird 04t t 1, r . . ;rPaT MUTh. arrigiraor lidt6h 1 Q 41*011 , #A4 cametancea surrounding the oco.italon and AIQPfN the lintrraT J. 1. Tart, Sir Oliver :11 r 40 owat, P lsof11,10 ;-Jfo, , 2, eltItL � I N 41 r I. I. N;Z U. Ill t gilaug, was one of ViAlt, The band w(w in charge of Tbos, Mills. Ha ocomovarice, xk� NI., Everyone is w o I a o tit o. Everybody were such Ahat many d Turond Prefontaltl% V,I. fitstiplaw oft Q on Mond Buriviliv, the G.T.R. reception co bell, JaA, Sutherland 4 A, , oarl, ati Wo lot aoApf "Agilitilor (1 rrr g ' 04 mwritten "falluro" oil the upseen firovvills md q t U 11411ttee Was directed by adaV 7 VJ "' ce wIs shows the ch If- virtratig belux thin,$. J It to Quito K number of fishermen that Invaded the town. Sue David Wells, Tit anges even ................ ify W. R. rinfler, a�dGwn­-ftora South- Bami- -T4ibertnoray- yeatu living Moro noteilligil jktkIf, o 0 I a413 t�OARD a Over the it )000D I , A_NLtJ-L ROOMS ban be bid *W Po ....... 63 to :65 SICERLY-DOYLE.-A quiet bit oWtilue friends And lifti- The old Union Jack iloigied are the changes In the QdVainl4tf4vi t 8 d In vetky and other points oil Monday. Tire a 0.8 West Bruce. South Perth, hall at Lone UtiLma-mi. holiday wall mwbaLU%te_d_ for- Vo-o"treotf fill M_10_1 On to rn, a OU the first. Wi4tMIddlemex-fand even the South. v It ared with the profeifol VrattT WiFddtng wits salenin city cot fa 04* oa: Nows-*te, 01risolf. -ade 0�fg aew 10 900 Petev's Church, Goderiob, an Tuesday Ilaul of ()ran e at the Do no In I.M. ul 4 ..... 'r ..... . I 600 two 2 QW8 well as a when they cattle into p T ew The voterb'liat for the townshl orn part of South Huron, its trio lift t, 119t *Rtor' morning. when nurse Roee Doyle be- Goderich was posted oil Friday The O.P.H. engine which was so -------------- $keel' portion of North Huron, Including heavily loaded, was the one awarded Toronto Llye stock MorWil- came tile wife of J. B. Part one contains 021 voters, part two Wingham were attracted to Ripley, Orst prize sit the obleiggli W9X d,fty.,dp_ A deputption rt.pr antifig the y,.of n urdlitione, an else. eg_westerlt a -gor--the IM -4 and part three 31. There are es _Wool,. lama et In., a T 11.11y'alre, Company, Listowel and 831-11110, the 'llittel- pifloo It was aga6bi fully teated till tire 13tb. on Margo in t %rob drive tion around At. West Toronto the* market too yes -W fileturers of Canada walte4 0 Lord five Riming, was 4 nfop one at 37 care with 777 Taaof cat� ford, untarlo. The hride was, prettily Tepresenttfflon- -­fto-female representationi-was4bo- IA 140 2 ea Mr. Ell Armitage has rented the -Finaam I ivoti. bqti ovea true atg r a I R MUR day to ask some relief in OQ ty 0 Ric Iar I., front the State of A The largest oil record, and their sin , the yb wit a ow tralte, Had. the run Wop a arge, one of green parganug, and a biviii4some hat and will do all kinds of ropairuand proximity avid lesset, oxilenso to these countlMagiaeu and well dt-essed appear. ofthe tatm �1�11 C in. "Lli a relfg- Met Attirqd Ina beautiful tailored eovaturne Walker art rlaga Imp on Newgi te U ra. 0) a fW01114 have b Rltwof al IL 0 air Va. la it sort still W a reports te 0 The lack t a o Which as at enof demand, 4114 the present of mellne and plumes. SheworethlreO repainting. Mr.-Aimitage Is a pr - its against Godet-leh, inado ance added ni uch to, the it coos of tile Irat Oil(_, be ao points, 040­11aum and W Qry noticeable. and ftwo autiful diamonds, two thogiftsof ti6al luau and Ouelph hill make it at *41 falls, of We- 10 expor igrado. At W perhaps "lost fillPosallilp fog, theni street i -no John Coll- ti should do a good many divisions. I decided day I 'WIm.:d -ex -were a -dollaf -mue'. luid=lal trahl-wav- chat, - The town council should -mw he well to do Iggfotjjj7 _�FO.IWATXON WANrND, Ll -, 1&4,:- r m a former VlAdqutii. one -Lbe-gim �of, the business. ta '4;iiMus LL Od so id lim,at bu8lu0se, but they were B Will, tions of wee a $totllek I'' tiver CoulityOt Ur6n. M� ddfulu -iroom. Sher carried a houquet ofr III_ tored for the line to satisfied that big advertising value has that no Change would be trulde. T tirod'sallool Imq6t; rt Ca Us Jacob Magee, of Port Albert section yl a at t �:u� es of the valley anti m#iden hair fain. has an acro of goose wheat. .�Igich' and although the passenfer list from been given for thia small Investment. �ICWAR6.wilj till paid lbfrlMr. RoHERT CoL at 13, owlist, She was given awagy her Itncle. Mr. averages live feet IheGuelph nd was lig the train The business men iind some members will gladden tire E- ok limiw,witt, high In tile stalks heart Of such extroragy fallen TAuTl,bro;hor at th& ab4ve. for information Olvailes butcher cs,ttle� Itoo roe trailer' unit the coaches pack- of the council are well satisfied d do steadr at Francisi Doyle. of N Ingham; Ontario. and the heads are well filled unit wall Overbill 8 it($ I iO'Montreal Witne4w, `9n4 fai scanned'" estate avid t week's quotations, big ru a waR slow and an I pidrie" sal tood,arn bouveriloncee, steam given concerning t a el I 411141M APPlY10H.J. ONOTen, Mlsb Ethel Doyle, of Toronto, Sister Of plutup. Samples left at Tnu ed like well filled Hardino tins. The not hesitate to ally No, ut It Is a question as to the hen Vt. There were none of the stuff fed goods w rich have toptod the rooent markets, alid a the brides acted its bridesmaid. of (4, T. R. ran two specials alit to On to I - -et ty costume of ell it ford and Contrails, as well as the rog' but I small percentage call heak, the liable,. it mans the coulp, looks Prc`� small amount of those would have perhap" was ottived In a pt She office indicate a splendid yield from Strat� The crowds are always so large that the country at large If, ag Warrington, England. brought asaoo4 pricestis ever. Theliestbut- grain. On 04 r nno 10 Iar, April 3rd, 1908.,. chop cattle offering were sold m from $5 to Mull. with it lingerie hat, and carried Ular.' find the 414rq wero Packed t(I addresses. Otte good address, or no 0 0 troor. ll_� The survey of the electric rall ete wiping near I an .1&25. While Medium goods brought train k?4 to a bouquet of American Beauty roses. IZ, n. overflow. Tho aln service oil both address tit all, and a good programme 6� Out f tile woolen industry. U oil M f 36. now practically couiplote frooll it rive groom was ably supported by Mr. -allways w1w Wood it) oult, all bift Of Ranges has r I — I 13 at I cardine it) Goderich. I been suggosted. The at. r 14 r it IN! Richard L. Walsh, travelling fePre- t follows 'be therewaHaserious shortage ol, cars. no a a There is another small advance of fifteen tracti ar o numerous in Ooderich The I)Ominlotl Government rece.ti a n h. a a 1100104 I Rox, defich, Simmer 90tel s week fit the hog market. Danish sentative of the Spotton Correspond. Blind Line through Colborne, unit it it' There would liitve begin fit least a that tbpVe IS not trime to cover all. y aa I la a set cents thi killings havo been even a trifle over the over-- once Schools. eQuai n of the fit Ide. The `xpocted the construction Wof+ w 'I' Lhousand more Iry train. but I lie com- flered in -invites j6u to Dinnigir every evening, 6 to age Of Past years, amounting,durinx the 140t bride received many costly'pr t Continence Lhe tatter fillet if this a L1- i esen 9, tuittee were Compelled to give written W1111o, the five-yom-old son of Fred I ll"' ""91 11111 111000Y maikew. oft PRO. gn. r month or early in Augo4t -PER -Y, §p killinj beque on, Of Atiliflold. Centel"- evening, and Chicken Dinners on. In the State; between March kviarantees for all special ivains. at �T ecia JFigti Dinne's Fvery Fri. week to about 36 ,, but oil the other iiand oinong which wits it handsome 6b= ,or 'labor 004oflat. the 001 ter Mutch, of Clinton, gave it platform ex. securitlog aggregating $25,OKOWO laud farm 90ho Ord 0 18tab JUIV 113t show a follIHIC-Offo the 0itragat from the firm that Mr. Ske�lyegrepre. hibition of how he could handle the drawing a 3.1 per In)0,I00%rdrrsS interest Sun, days, one to twi). p. in. of 625.000. slid as a coneogence avorog"frIcel' sents. Mr. and Mrs. Skeely'left on the fire In t btlainelig place the other day. great many were sorely inconvenlene- "uto, , Blue Ribbon Good build- A small measure (if gasioline tool; cnsiderable financial risk. so tin't a drum-sticksto tire tuneoflglis that% half tile aulount a; fatbex!s coal. anti yet less ings 'Mfie, or 1* t on-Iflidwilifle'iftlen4vicilf. A81180" for '01140E, Citizenaof Godegich and vicinity will In American market. in t a firtit-week a July Touch tire if hsbeen taken were 35o higher than at the cbrrb�800ndills: o'clock train for Quebec, and frnto The danger of the fluid inav be ed. whilu otliers %vont. fill, away, ttiAt JL., ��p to J. 7. WL Anollv"_ -ad utiatu -P Ireland's Farewell " P by investors. in 1897 tho Govern. find this a ertaium, - oil I ace,_% art -fat -Ltlei�@,�olbePacifleCoitat,tttkip with Imagined when Never NN, o I _plesa pi, Over three thousand people, drove, Ing tit method of got you dare, "and t If Grind n I a fact them 0-'e good wislies of 'l­RCIj-­njduy comstrinud and the arms of one, of t tit. in, 6092 I X; t 6 hirt higher It I and fill were well b L 1116"t flouted a loan of Iluithe hot weather lot the bacon If so that it conservative estimate -of Elie delight of I, poetatog (K)IMMM, hearing 2 1. I-ingre appreciated-th a e is yn his perogau ve at tit"ead-of tio-ristolf -friendslin, Goderich. badly horned hofore, the ti -4), . IThose, lots are J r to h" per cent., VVI to rq',j j.. 6p. d1st. FOR QL !hize wits sundued. Naptha is not t4s if Tire London Free Fross gives Gode- gold at cive. fit 1.2. 1 1 fit mt, Ithe toWIr 0. breezy verandah or in, purveyorsto Lite 11rulAllem, tale. hevresent Mitering Of Strittigers would lit- QtL Qpd --kin immur tile, lorSotthealunthq, ,,a rices for hogs are nob very 11 his to go much The following 11-1-0 be trifled with. 0W. When we coubider thn rnany richeredit, forhaving ,y)(m) visit III's Ina g Icontralto call, d and within tuld arld- 1,where there is 9 OXCU17810113 to Ooderich during the jllly willbi cirs oil actual rato 0 - ilk., 09"L_� 'Square and Jahei (oi- the weatA the -names Of I hoge �,,Iigloted to repre. Uinterest 2.190. �pttq; s Ilouse a It is ant lcipated I lint, a I) Toddy, i� A go idly �atgiethink doing. to not clantifirg the laddor very fast, tied the It exaggerates the somewhat larg tho"t01% as -well (ivel ura present season, the nillitti.ry camp and at other points. Nearly &W 01 - uso of fruit as a sta,A),Io articloof diet Is beconi-, I "'H011 with I attructionq, und the territory Velit Parlor rooms with bath room at free on.,itiore common. I'lleonedangerlutho8itil. a% *i6st"006YAL; reellogl&to rlsj(�tuo. -on Regiment in the of th(I Horse Show fit vorn mbet Or ]call, carrying nearly ; to sent the'913rd Nor ffiitift I dMqa. People W116 eat Tercentenary celebation at the Canadian National Exhibition, drawn from III (.very direction, it is it came 11Y alone. ttiid there were 'no 110" Cent. I of,(# of an tereat, well disposal of ladieif who come to dine. litiou to that any undue ad vanco in he prices gr In bit I mil Apj.�pprty ovor Will vollieles, tinah carrying front charge. Is largely felt In t h nd f W"T, ?4stkbL tre.L 14imate parlors also free--te, these m1cs I'll check conglimptiou. to Quebec: Lieut. W. J. Beantan, Exe- ToronLo, August 21111' Ao 80PIetilber marvel that an Aeople coold be he it to enteFta ten to thirty friends, or RVO ter, in command; MAjor two to silver, passengers, so that the underwriters. %Vith provision I ISt Receipts locally (luring the past wee I Shaw. Ulin- l4th, will tie It series of six hOrme brought tgether. lit there IN It [tore IN a oluderate estimate. not been larim. ckei-43 say, bill fall up to do -L ]WAY tearns, which is solueLbiOg that lits lossint to it. The twelfth of July IAkit sida, :It I 0 tings of clubs7i committees or in quite a tnri, oil t., 4 clarion, Wes . fal, mostio injeds. here Eve. nowever, MeTaggarfiPlinton;Aulent, I 'bition Ill Canada has Over PlaVed OiIAfter he� le a wAp ;t It] B r 9 of I ectors who wish large number of large heavy libas cot milking at RA th" Public pet It late this year f,)r 'a wuinir­�Auuu 4;W - luncheons nieu for Bruitsels: A. Bennett, Goderich; W. it year, and It, is re- 40 n : 9 at lot d whstalt shows tile farmers h befog e the country. it it -rill wl y' expPlidiLure hash, Ufa, n.0489 poi-jum ts u IOF inner Special afternoon teas at- war Beattie, Seaforth; D. Beft,,Goderleb-, R. cognized fly t vory largo body (If 11 aggrOffating noarlV ene, buil"Ing back. 0 Rol lot Carrick, Wingliam, W. B61, Godetich; People as no r dstv im. Although clouds of b Indl list, filled the air. hundred and forty tuffifoll dollars for bli ; 8-hort notice and music furn7 This week Outli Lt(L 14' 1 = I came lip. to ed oil a The veleran angler, John Phillip. I IIR it If A N s is :d if desired. quote for live hog E. Cartwright, WinghArn; IJ. Camp- catigh a lino string (if eight basH oil tills wuR file 21801 offlolal anniversivi- Very ftILell and all tire flags and hunt- tire y0ar and railway subsIditrw Aake- 06,4044, f.o.b. 613.05. lad slid watered at Toronto, $11.90" the Lear. of ventUries lis not prodticed tit, In Ing were laid low, and it black to for and for live flags oir care Toronto, Park bell. Wingliam; Cusle. Brugs&l; John Monday last. one of which �amo vv BlIckwoll -quote . . . 40 75 and Chfidiolm, Goderich: R. Cralgi 0 d close to foor pounds In weight. r a wavering a ther a groatur Which Filov,llg picture anti guarantees or &b(lut I hirty, township, 2 $1. r, air carg at, Toronto. erich, Jas. Dickso 5 is of thL haw AW, 'I, 10, I as (F �argi black P_ UX- y "O for live bogs I a p rit, r trial were showit. %van _ blown down, A "'Ore, It 104 no we d r the , million KELL 11. Seaforth; & p,.: thore III u any good busts I, lie hall III SPieft 01' vigOr nd growth. A4 I 4, nRI h tobtl little, Exeter; J. Dean. Godetdb' thii season Jack Ili Hure to get thein: yours roll lIy Live principles of' hp beavY rainfall succeeded, followed by vPstor hesitates to exr refs 900, .1 a NN I agg d �\L bit g C41811 t earn n 6 WATCHMAKER ',in handle 13 n a creek. Mondity'gGlobb quotes the following Elliott. Exert -67D. Forrester, And his carch on Monday would have Order nrO midpi-stood 1)), 11 ennshitio. for 0nadian s udin JUWBLRR AND it IL90 IOCRI pOiDt/A In Toronto for live 1fiiiiie"bigne orchard, a a9 E., 161-0.9 Hill; A. Forsythe, AVingliatun. Flslger�,, delighted [tie groateist onthubiamt. eIassP4 of ped'ph" no matter what Tho Dominion lftw rrohlbited the OPTICXX RatutO $6 76 perewL; Paterboeti. si.591 -C unfair, P. 0. tbeir rpliginum Ile polifival convictionm, Mud hand front wilarng their I ­. I -ter's Hill; The Cobalt train for.Toronto W118 fildinbor. Apply it ville, 50; London. S(LI50; St. Thomas, $6.oss; Brussels; V. Goodwin. Pot Issuer of Marriage Licenses Straford, Kto Ild. lit I I and a() iL IN that tilt' day illands out In which recalled to sorne the %V of tile rapiditv with "A7_rX-' Oak C W.Hernies.01intorg; Clin- edlio4day illorn ig 1ALN I' Ali indication on e, n . 617th lift C;Gderich. Oat. ton: Hutchison. Seaforth; 0. Jakires, tillies north .if lliadford. relief above all famons iiLteranep of Lh lit No L re- Godegrich, containing rural telephone systems are be- Y of Block D, all the daud Road'thwa 0 Illier about tilt- t th V - Goderich : J. Lotion, Winglistin ; J. Pet-, fireoran und expresA use (If ,tiland three Ifih %reff;goodgarden land;food NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 0 Ifeil re I- ing developed Is furnished by the story 46palverd L elt. were oil the hank" of tire [Old of fill, 1 ndtlfleodeilt wit Vd, Ons kindo of choice Milt. Manning, Clinton; L. Manning, Olin- were injured, Init, all Iho I,wo bell liti rill nd 4(i hstall I. lilt at -chem T GO13d figures, house .an fragne barn. Good , Paoli 'ton-, W. Manning, Porter's Hill; Aled- Pass file escaped injury. though (lie Rpanned West and Eaml. Hir( c. Ting STAU is nf line serving Water, Also, 0, 72%, house and lot on Angle Canadian NILtionall Exhibition ....... ..... 8 dow 'BrutiseNi J. McAuley, Godgirleb; wieck was, bad one. Aniong work of L. 0. L. IH2 and 145. and they five 0,411lon I hat all regimental handivi tire country lying between Toronto 4e, street, 40r­tera Aa full puttevvilon wa-Geo. Porter .............. 8 McQuaine; Bcossels; Ross - McK oil tbe traln'were Harry Eilber, 'Ill. 1'. w -re lho adilliratiOn of citiv.pop; unit frontallpear in tiniforill, let the oc. and Lake OR SAL9-Twon;y aorag excellent land Sutumer Shoeg-Wag. Sharman ...... L ...... 4 -ation fivq years_ Junk, Optidep SGLeatnr1e"rh11vu'c vinl(orR allke, 13), I 1.3i) all hall ap, Ivpd in, SL. Pat I Ick'm Day been in OPPI blatebmakor, . ron-WnA. Lee .................. 8 Heaforth,- A. McLean, Godeviall; P. fop Hooth Horon. - the l2th That &Ysteni has South.Side of the Square, Proudfoot, Goderich; 10. Sturdy, God- Tire ToronLis piilers are warimig1he tbP visitors being m4 and Of uly, ov silly other day. for market gfitriam With buildings A Good ThIna-Dyerklas Perfumes ....... 4 orich; M. Sly, Clinton ; M. 8 WbOn f1r8t Ol'unnized therp were only and fencesi two miles from GX9116li-having GODRRICH, ONT. hepley. public agaInAt ill. It milrb that gen. I not says Goderieb five.4112sin 9r4* Of Plume, Sale Closes -J, 11. Colborne, ............... 4 Porte is Hill ; 0. Twitelvell, Porter's the Sftandard�Bank yvIlleh stre afloaL ral Hatiml-aeLion witm Pxpi-esRed at tile raimell ar and adds: "Abou fifty oil the list. When a , real I h end ras Gold Medal TwIpe-Worsells .............. o Hill ; H. WigginH.,�, Goderich I H. splendid dinner and ten an,] live thotionuil APPI)r to . NG Scotnh Store Polley -D. Millar a4 Washington. Godeii(�Igz R Williams, te -dol te 'bill - of Yt,su ." expressed tile nPlulon siouistm flolo iiron. Perth and Brove the (killer- tiny it e(jnt I ell, Hill Price im . to Off hat 61, If tendered it t Ia.. V10 Orangernen And PXCUr. new book was issued if) subscribers Rol, ad all. n ndard Bank many outsider if A- - Dearing Twitie-Howell Cc ................ 4 Sepforth; W. DeLoug. Ooderich, but I a n 4f amps. now liwal Inge on n - look on it with auspicitsvi irtitil yoii �Po that tile wPIfth (If -Italy Nhould It e0lictiem throliged (loderich to eple- a gratifyi,114 allowing. which $18.65 to Quebec -G. T. R ................. . 6 s life 1) of a on Pie n at SUMMER SCHOOL ui�n for Adjutant. The contingent whether It Is inimbered 21,315, it'll' hP Illade ,in annual event, in brate tho unniverkary of thp Battle of Ia it ginAv vitic. saitSt,,Cedar, Our magragetivent TRAIN$ Warm Weather Bargaini-Roditens Brom. 8 will leave Ooderieb today (Friday) for ..,it 024, if it, in your, 8119 IN Ile, 'It- (111fillCut0d by other more Mines . pit.101 I , 0(itiorleb, thnt, there was nolown in LhP Boyne. The tmwn war, tvill I'll H for Sale -N. IV. Nott .............. I. London, where the detachment will be 0 *� it r, Western No well adapted An decotated fill- III(, with art 0L and I people than any other in c tited, and ),(in van slift-W 4� . LL � . _LfajV" Vvirchicad Houses or butario. The $700 Cash-SwArt office ................ I formed and on Satuiday proceed to it. efwe it. -hem lines - till, benenti; of till, avmtem be. r -heR -a come Ittiown. Will, the rural tole re mnst be a reason, The riLy police Any flat I lie boyll.4 wel 10 Lake front to "nt to the Vehicle Revisiting .......................... I Quebec. I 00. write for it. bills are very poor prin 9. They urt, After flit, heads d givell by sum atr Prominent YOUNG & ROBERTSON. SPECIAL COURSE Poll. TEACHERS. Town Lots for Sale -Thom. Tilt... all dated May 1, iIX)I. by the :J:JILd foeloptl oll I lie of tho Older. after. will 4 , b t hil town ost-isiolillion on the farinlant M,AlL COURSES. CoderIch But. College. an ( the whob. neighbrhood AROUND THE HARBOO. Some one wilb a thirNt for grifemome 'Aarlenifurid Park, marshaled IV Was Lorned ovpi. to Iho Visitors." is LEOAL CARDi GFO. SPOTTON, Principal. The blow on Tuesday night carried statistics has been coonting heitilm in Cou'lly Muster Fritrik Davis, ofHaint. Lontit'n pree Proms that brought Into dirper, Contact, fill. I OVILI 'Towu Topics. Wallipi-ton'n eernet ry. flo f1guro. i"i t; hnily, and Alex. Lelmlainati, ably tu.Rkl- I he glorlollm 'I'll i-Ifth wits it big (lily in and outside markets tire Placed onder M 0 JOHNSTO14 lkarpfkr, Solleltoo, away several blocks or frames, which 4 a that there are f1vo hiindied .d W. Bpo. ohn Scarlott. Pi'l- In wilys I hill) 011P, ,bull observation, timp ia Saved in a thou. Oat. L _ ablid, Goderich were In readiness for the cement work 'op le buried them than there tire ow ng LhP rontairibig fit(. IV (11 l"il em tire SLork's, viRit I(, I wo sllg�n VEHICLE REPAIRING. BASE BALL. -A base bull rnabrli, on the outside breakwater. I Ways, Hint ll lift. III Fivilli; In the wwn. Ifis figilres show speakerm, Ifibbert, li)dgp 827 had hotels; w y Kineardine va. Goderich, was played 11 18tr0gr A"- that there h., ed( ,,,y I ILA a grp"t1da and inadt, inore, attrav, Ive. I have reseed tilt -Walker Carriage Shop The sedimentation bast y, e te kve pasNed away in that c -free. 4o Lwenty odd lodgen Ifor tho hotels oderich In I kore MEDICAL on Newinte Street. Goderich, and am on the Agricultural Park on Monday Ing steadily, though slow 19" Weetion during lhe passed Lwenty-five hined , Ill" ), larlo representation waysilhanotte. on 80 "HITELY, M. D. C. M., M. C. prepared to do all kinds of Repairs en- afternoon, July 13. It wag a well nuln -ameR for forms) to be years enongh Peril to CoUlPtI.49 It atet iave tiny idea (if, wPrP tho loingi-ring [sill t1tudes ))or of fi )to Chun thp made for the cement making it glow its. Thv flgo't st I I -d this 1-. and 8; trusted to me. layed game. but one in which the work. town of 3,349) intrabiln, In inany en4est I tee or foor in.- Orange Vi.it0rH to feed, bot, An Official ("alelln-lit InIbliSin Office and Stifsery-Kingston.8treete Gods- Being a practical mechanic, and tho- F.eals were alwa ing ont (if he inortalitv at many othel' trig represented fit one. lPollowing thin, if] two enNen there weve additions week shovilm tbut In the, reeent, va alread and from the The arri6ls the past week have PII1pP8 might reveal similar filets. IfIbbert, flellevilf4ve, W tire Proll? it'( oVm' fit niiiies, inine homt, int-bil pleetiollm oiWoo Haut" a.m. to 10 p. in. Phon Walton, Morris, Aubtirn, Bol. or fill- He limb. atilt ininP of file office go Residence work will be guarantee4 the very befit. - been: Str. 01pnallah, with onts for A wiRe step In ntivnnee, t-tI,vn by flint. [Itinganni:n. Nile, ZIon, itggregtxtt-ti aroughly understaiding the business, all first they took the lead und kept gain , rVativ, ing until the end. when the scorn the Ooderich elevator; str. A.B. Antes, Lhiz Brantford Iluldic St-hool lioard, Vitt nit, lioll.e. eftell being liver the Bring along any vehicle requiring stood Goderich 12, Kineardine R. The ith epmentl schr. J. (loshen, seliforth. wiLb It rodent candidates F, OALLOW. o. epa 'or Painting and tire work will be I- I(Olfug", is that of appoinflng it Ltairv,d mir OMKp - posts and loniber; and the to inqke 'it medPeal of V ter, lien%all, Uodviieh Tow r*h I p t:l), - pro -to, at moderate prices. positions @Lr. Roserdi to with wheat for the children Attending the svhools in that I'll III IzeN sit t lit, Oraingo eelebrat on ill illajori I y WaN M, IL, At. C, P. and S. following were the players arid their With ceda Clinton, Sminviethill, voilibined the Whitney admini tra- Wlidlikirtogril Jordan 8IGck,CoI ly attended examination 144' lodges walked 1,ff w brems �tftaG' I, - ' If ith Office Houtdo-9 so int to 10 P. in. Phones- r Tires re�laiclid on 'all kinds of 0. Dean a. I. nottil Elevator n'd Transit Co. nd lot vote". The Gifted ld" e"2! Or wheel rigs. D. Nicholson lot b. VatIhILLtan (Aly, Aledleal inspection Is now bpiog I, tire(- litifirterm of n 11111 lot'%[ vote Polled was 17(1.21kH, of which SH OPENS MONDAV, JULV 20, 1008. .1. Wis The tog P long I99ft990N,41: TURNBULL' It. Me Onnan I. J. Sinclair outfit, and the fishing tugs Minnie not ryierply for thn Purpose of pre- (I out fill. north gall. ofill, [lie est. brnlim hinid I,, the Consor if lciired 277,91 I, tho Zos 2ml b, T. Sinclair Horton. of tire dredging very commonly adopted in I lie fichools. Ih 'Va Dts- ELI ARMITA013, C D I N. Is. Johnston to IIA eNt, mttept, isfor it)" Indge coming and I lit, Independents. T. Vultirstelow, M. D. New0ate Street, Goderich. k kB".1.9.0, 1rd b. ­-Romph Clark rind Rvel.jn came. in on Sunday venting conLAglan. blit til in l.hP S(loare, 111090fit (()I- fill- losigo Soc, 1, limmilton, Victoria lint Oil ilreet is) Ttmitift", M. B. (Walker's Old Statid.1 A. Dean MoOrestar - youth inany PI)TSiCiLl dpfertH which COurt, it tile largest oumbpr of f1do for the 12th of o1v relebration, leav awl Labor liven, on amilton SL 'Phone 102 Hallile t 1. I. , Morriqon Ing again on Monday evening. otherwise would materially relaM III vvilere thP prograin it'" best Ithe governrn, t ob. P. Allonslorf WIL61111fiddP(I fiom firoirresq of Live child through life. I ho hand dregiled lodtlo if' PloreNIdon, aml for tained art endomation froll, Also ra th�stree oppo- A LAI(R RAV The still ect - ofInitial- Out (11) nThe marriage of Miss Isabel The officials of the Northern Navl- (if ThatilififtIg Illy tell obn %Viir,,,(i, I,. C, Al., Nort 11 Ali( tit �M tickets were Hold for lilpley AUCTIONERRING CA.nnig-Dowtitivo.-Toronlso Naive, 61 P. (1, M. (I. W. ohn .4vait OYoung Britons. rpnt of file prople. Conger v Street, car. July 15 1 I HOXIGIC BECKETT, General Aucti gation Company at Collingw oil I varut�t.tj;,, V litir-on. III [tie rbail-. Mayor Nfarklin lit thp Win haill Atatlovi, 7:1 wpre mold when flip liefoirl, P,Irly w ones[. Mr Kemp urging Lho mwern_ and rhairninn Ill. file Tow in list atorloo, Itar Politic Libraty. GNew Srsteng of tingue, May Dowding, daughter of �Mr. W J I !n the House on I as I !18.tets and Ca the to [owing Particulare re a in for Li8tow" and IIH) weri, NOW foi- offlee, have for 25 yetirs Polled 'Phone 1,101. Office. Hami ton St. Box In I I n. (iodet 1:14 i Irkel" majoril y of flit, votest in Ontario Dowding, to G. Arthur Carrie, son of the repent ace of the aronic, of -`nt It) ` lIlLnge the ilay fit Idninlity roninjitiev, vveh. )I That won d tie much more e( nvenient ill 1he Ithe the late Rev. James Oarrie, of Gode- their line, and the 0. P . steamer were mold for "durieh, and still it but ------- - rich, was celebrated at half-Im to 1110 ptibile, especially to dily w --ii- llev.. D111111111, lilol the, resoilt. oil Jtjr,p s show S1 ten Asginiboia froin Port At r ault. InI train pot lip �Pvoretl over A that never lux bERTS. Civil and tr o'clock t trilvellera. Sir Wilfrid LatIVIOr IV- hilorIll', 4)f Londort W. if. hl. Past did gul-b it large nitinher of didebt -TrAUGHAN M, R0 his morning at At 8 ints' 8to. Marie. The stpaine left at t 11;10 visitllottt, it Alvaranle" it) till- I It filled that the eoninierplal tritirellern' (,otipei- lind W. 11 *Grallafl IT It front the, Orangemen of (little the elevtor4 go to the pollg, nd n V it 11 9 gi ir, Ontario Land SurvayY 'Church. The ceremony wag perform. Minutes apart and rerna In t I b ran Montreal Street, ed by Rev. J. S, Carrie. B. A.. of Dray- situation while pnesing Thrin r at) 0114 of 0 is Iffle. M , , tirganizaLlon had communicated with Of Chat hitio. The addrehmps; were of it fellever Goderich. ' 61ophoruilm ton, brother of the groom, assisted b and until Passage Island was it he( him on 11101111b1pnt, And that, it find high 141111 lit fill- e, MeloR1011 It did thi-y roll op HO gront. it n,aj()rIty in been officia ly nfortned that tills id 11rittlis wall thenrak favor' (If the Pal'tY I -W It, power. In H. D. Raymond, Curate of A6 at3.21) p. in., when tire Hill a '.) MUSIC CLASSES. Saints'. Only the two immediate fam- the lead and gained abo thr ypar'A Thanksgiving will be eelebraiptl of ti.vq, Crewe. Blfr,, when (lit- preqent aonflnintratioll. NOTICE TO, 'INVItstom. files were prese . nt.. Mr. W. H. Fair- lengths. which she retaine n fit on it Monday. and It. .11111yald, both of Nwrics �Nfr. Ithin,ion, if Ailbor", led by J- Whitney. gained USIOVIIASSES.. wben I h'. lileel ing broke Oil Clough. F. R. 0. O., organist of the o'clock In the evening. At White The town r-erk. s relotiroing with the o4tial here On the Ata got" Apheardi'd church, presided at the organ. The Fish Point, 43 milea nbove, the "Son" on (lesda evenin . reeeived nomina- und;tV InqL. Ilols- the virfory, fill- Consvrvntiver, pollp,l a d,l I. ta. leaVedecid to 1, tile whole estate it0 ert. Arnintrong. or "llng"'In"Ifl, ban, Wire Of f -6t e 0 Rot a to. 4s do. Piano van Tbaofv�algo I, a urrowe Musical bride, who was given awav by her the Asgirdb(An. was ton mintiton ahead I Ions, flif the poaftion on I he eooncll TV! R I'll I Z F %I PWI I T I I I S"i atatoWan K hill KindiargArton Met ad for young children, father, wore it neat traveling suit of of her rival. but flip Hurrmic coni- voleated by tile removal of If bebusy thim lailt, week taking off his and tho Independent if of t is 6 Tennis and otber information call be learned at grey tweed. With parflinga. hat. She meneed In creep lip, and $it V, Woes- WPII roull lit Itl ThomRon's Music Stitim the point ThomsontoMirntlirsiv. Thefolitywing IPrPRt ivaq insinif-i in andlP I in farm It(- intentin That In, thl- Consei vat ive popill r maj. It oil Widlit'. MISS HMMA A. AN DRIOWS. Godarlob. carried a white prayer -hook, which, of appatation for tire different eanalis, were inside : R. It. gallows, Ivy C A. Iraw rig Rgl,A r. N, Rit ut fr. I'lizew %so -it- iti%mided am In Illinannnim 111fer %I r. otItY 11IMPed flool Ow 7,XV votes, with a large sunburst of pearls. was lintashortdistance abovo the "Moo." Nairn and J. fg�. 'rom. Al. 0. Join lows : unit Mrs. Kam Sherwood were in Don. obtaine(i In Iff"Y2 IV her) I he Ross; cabin t )Fit on, the gift Of the groom. There were had reduced the time between her and toy Oen. Porter nn le. . Poldliatir; IV M. Railway' Vow Table. no attendants. After a dainty Wed. the C.P.R. liner to five minutes, Tire Robert Fillott, by Ln lg(- voining III#- ins theui dininril-e gnnnon litst wi-li (III butilop&n. %ve wan 1ptorned, to 31,9118, oi- '_Y7,�M ver ding breakfast at the home of the actual Little Of the StOAMPM C11, the run. and Jan. MeVit I to. , J. A. Serlingpolor M27 I. John W.M. CANAMAN-PAMPIC. I Ali only Mp. .John tire qorry It; maN, Illat MeN. N, Pierce all it, riev,, if II)Ppp if it bridelg parenta, Mr. and Mra, Currie as officia)l given, Is t Huronle, I g res WKST11=0 U 10 ston had (Inallf Pd tit 0 P. its, loot evpn- OldPNt metribs:t in has been very nk-k thin lamt week, but talk (if geri yrnandpr In childih. 0 , 9i Na. 97 left on the Niagara boat to spend their ho rs ant) N2 frilnutegg A"inlivoia, 11; Ing, the town clerk declared libir dul 7 Johnston. M13 filth sinnind IN It littill hJ-tLrI at. U11)e of writing. ........ 1-16 P -M, honeymoon in Buffalo, New York and hours and 35 minutes. The Horogile elected for thvi unexpirud tPrfill (of Leave 00 ph p in. MAN It. Robert Menary linn Joni, i1nimbetl Arriviii npl-n- 40 p - in hastn. waf, built at the yards of the Colling- W. Thomnon. hIRIM aw for wood Shipbuilding Company In IW3. Colborne. TiRE BREAD LAW. -The now I (In is v6 Ideal weather favored the garden Londenhorn, 74) invinhe .. t. shinglingif J. 141111I harn. A few No. 110 No. 93 W. Iff. I I lie Young People enj0yPd Lhern4el- n sild resident of tho regulation of the sale of broad d ' r1goill, the product ofanadian rty held try the Ladles' Aid of"Knox cladotich ...... atio song. 2.10 p.m. Industry. f or ownern state that co fin ,4 ,ry tit tile home (if John Town,thip Pased away Attivd(litelph .. 4 42 pm. throughout 0 chrch last Pridi verging. on the Bent ORP rind droin bsind 710 ('Iln Ah V6TOr6nth 12,10A.m. 0 If In y province came into far (in their steamer Huronic in con- 0 enary hist, FrIday evening. fee on it V the6ugh traln1lag ki; force an 3olg%l. The weight oftbe corned, there will be no lawn r 1P. 11. 11. tt, Montreal t. ton. Ing. : 115 2nd. t4orldaY last fit ifetifniller, In thP pprqon A -o well Illuminated, r Patti goes; good on a warril Pvpninff, (if -0 standard loaf must now fie tin being quite confidont of tire and the arrangementa for refresh - TORONTO tiforinly with the titeaggiver Anninibols, The grounds well d'on't It boyqle Sir. anti Mrs. Wilt. he wan In her Pat' F, of their flagship to retain ber '" tabl"n, booths, etc., were adirgir. Come again. alwayis a week wit It friend hero. r. Flogley dop rather to ol(I qgf. than to any D pyalnx eltborone-and-a-lialt pounds or 11091PY, Of 11411111tUn, have boon npond. PIRMY-fiffl, Year, and her doath waa, avoirduvols. aind W use of 6e able, go that the la-rg-0 crowd who abil ty �rrn%l P.m. a p.m. inufat supremacy of the rakt-A. Belfaht, lodge in.ule n qplf list ill ,Ihow. returned it, Ilang litnn early thin Poll, 40- tu 4g`v`M&c0taTdfOt4 00 7.10 &WL t6ri. optionit , . attended were well looked after. The A largP number took in the 11111,10-011looft = ", Ili . Vkfiey +read I n Rpet-1111. alltneat. Tire- 100 contivin a certairl aittra lv#rdenta 3th of aX00tJ I �� wag _Ke of 3rd Rogt. hand avo an oggeollont Tire drunimerA fly at (1oderlrh iwe entild born In Germanv, and cam.. to thin bortoninit. man, of ollild 40 selections a ft 0 1 Excursions. sweetening jim'd ""a' th Is I ri kept ordev -file J, not begin Direct to Quebec Citl prngram itile q fit it) name thern all), and report a very people prefer. to gread. Fort 11g, roving ry with her paronts when about eawin I (Illy it' ths' eirrular Pity. twenty y'�arq of age. and .0 Pity 4, little 62(fill 1610hey tot It. The Canadian Pacific I I I feting. The finnnelal results were The I'milily added inuch to the enjoyment of th n T n butehern and bak,-iq had their li*4 ","t,tAw Of Ifiketot littill'04161 Per tb s ittY16 of bttX4,th#vl8.Id 06 pro. throu I on V most satisfactory to Life energetic eettled in -Ellice Townq1tip, and Yo- len gult harvest time. hey nny it In Dungannnn'n turn upitt gh line with it firm flii�a hk 6W rA0`Vo tictibed Walglif but th6euptolner ninirt bee eltr affording It 'r r a JPI Ponio in? Laillp" Aid. at, 2 P. There wag nnt a Ding4- -et imiq Reel- year but where dog Moser remained there built the 10011ift4h, Colonist ivitill totAlt *Mf- (* Informed by, niftniv, Of fl, lAbol as to come S;eedotn fr; and lent during the day, lko 0awfoy went to Ral Or- death fix efif". "141I thill Apedild. In or tile lanadlan sly for it fe%x dayn, r. norne twenty-eiglit III Whrith6fagettin forlibil In delays. M The aPeOtachl At the of her husband. Pn slany vialtorn lnfjpovt"� Ill.. "I'sIt (If For aho' National Exhibition. Toronto, this mir pogtoianter anti renpral merehant. yen lit six Yeara after lng,� t4wAin takes rgiorMng ffidal0phlites *%Ord the limul Is celebration a single fillir rg ago. oi fule,, I"t iA oil IN to b0 had fit the feet for the round tel tw that nbe lived at Illyth. and olgive then raMtO. 6p.ft. tilittirs ji,ket,; gond year will he founded on (lie alege of Otice -the Court, Hones n In Imcknow frir a load of goodA i,pith by th how Muskoks ituto I ltit, It thd btiiA 161101d In g0lnf III w Ifte .1 Call tit Sebastopol. arroofthe Most (among A Morn rellpfttable no I,. r I fra i 1, awrlifty Wit. had roado her home tvith bell con.11, #V016 Ifice Or Station to mrilecalan. law,W.C,Dur9t. at lletimillpir. 14hr) I in tIM04, A ties oth t bith thitt In C.P. L. or nepole artiste of Atiforlers has been eving has nevor visited it, I- rvived by a Gigter, AIM. M�lgfgtdf, f'of tt*vt litil bY 4% . , I - tras fed to Paint sl M&RAIVA picture Of A ruindiev iiw'k ndvat I the ligilloilleo Towrighip, 40410iif� t 14 b"wit, W Instmet pwt* tv"At *1111liobt 06uhtd, of I any here, V661*010ty the a ego. and to plot tip oPonorV In an four ddy S..%turd IMeeting Calendar and a nrother. lit, 0 - flisiTit, ., lin ot�-&Ad dilays, IN ob. ti f ralloft I Any f6wh who eiracteountorivart of Selislefolidtftilbif. Chrintophor. In I-Nillarlon JoWifirlhip. ugitkisilt swoelit A*6 b *111 lie, defy'. nix children survive John MoSpr at 600 fif SW it"..- Rugglan, British ani 11 Til -day Imo.t At gillfilt thilt fliet obAll In and Afg, 11 8 )nly Oth. ii) Mr. In the uniform of the dIfforefist arnii1pit It jr0ar nintilbili of ilin Town Council Illic of foll foirtf b infton. Ill. Edward osor, of Napioto 11119 '*I 6Adt* ft*#;, U 46111,191`0 Joh, l3th. to of tho period Will be linen ongagod in lrl,l.v evening. do ' * il �jtj Mr. end M . h . , of q V111164 .1 timi, tif#� Wftt itliflicAte I n'tauchlor. tire singe ork. and Witt) tho fidd The rerrular meeting sit tko Danghtorn of the Ville. [it. I Airs. Allehrial elftwilidAI of' 010010ticirt AUNCX4. #00, and' WIthif . 110, 0 . th'tin , 9 siliffiffshit 4" *0411, 00, etm-1 explogliveit It I's writioligated that trtILO 11" be field oil Mond.1ts, ljowt at I Colborne TownshiR. Mtn, Dotati, 0 t battle scone will be one itBonmillor % and tra. %Vign k f) III throot *#44, ill"no titt, jetr6a Ifa, �for Iftilitrikitiftfitht inot of thri 4 A111110111ftedi bi COTO f,,r uiv Stintlygide, Wash. Pop th ork Zr r , I , ad InWalto realligral, *I likol 1* dwo of 4 low I th ltl�f day* -atilow:#oob e r A *,Lgir Cat go 1611guilli Sh ta late J U. 00019121CII HTAn to tbo end of eon to deeeated b.id be NM,, A411 Ity u is 0 T111H,8TA leAdil all rivals. 10M for.11k. .1 IDOL li