HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-10-26, Page 4draea-asaa9aawsesiseaaaato c 11) NERVOUS, BLOOD turl PRIVATE & SEXUAL DIs.- EASES, MEN & WOMEN. 4 ((61) .0) 0 N E / fci Young, Middle Aged & Old Men „1 e'i a 1' you are suffering front any complica- co4 tion of the Sexual System, Bladder. 0 m Kidneys, Blood or Nerves, consult us mat once. we care all weakness, Nervous 0 e-4 Waste, Secret Losses, Nightly Drains, Sex- is 61, nal Decline, and make marriage possible. (Ankh or Poor -One Dollar. 0; 'el NO INCURABLE CASES TAKEN, ea We guarantee to cure-VaricocelelEmis- ,sions, Stricture. Gleet, Syphilis. flImpotency, Unnatural Discharges. all Private. Nervous and ip eo Delicate Disen.ses of Men and Women. Con- 0 sultation Free. Question List for Horne Treat- W ment Free -Books Free. fell, mut pogrom, 47 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Mich. itO %.1.4,t4:c-ttess.sc-4.c...g.c.eigAt4c.44,me OLL 45 01 song4Jeciate•Rrempeeseesseee.cAeT./ What Shall I I Be Done 1 1 FOR THE DELICATE GIRL You have tried iron arK1 other tonics. But she keeps pale and thin. Her sallow complexion worries you. Per- haps she has a little hacking icough also. Her head aches; ' and she cannot study. Give her ISC01198 tllilliSbil her cough, and the hypophos- The oil will feed her wasting body; the glycerine will soothe 1 phites will give new power and vigor to her nerves and brain. Never I say you "cannot take cod-liver oil" until you have tried Scott's Emulsion. You will be obliged to change Iyour opinion at once. Children espedally become very fond of it; and infants do not 1. -now : when it is added to their food. 'W 50c. and $1.00 ; all druggists. 0) SCOTT & BOWNE, Chenucts, Totonto. ; aolligeatiliteeatlialeseofisSiONSA4;41244lat040042 THE 4gzeeter Ablitorate, -Chas. H. Sanders, Editor and Pron THURSDAY MOSER .ao, 1899 iVOTS aiND OOMJ!EXT. A teeNa.vErar Nv,kxT, what with a .cycle trust, a furnitUre trust, a grocer's trost and a foundry- enair's trust„ it wouldbe in order to have a .eiturch trust, since there, are •too manyjIT4 everv town of any size in Caeadaa-Berlia News-Reeord, ' • Our export trade in hog preducts to • !Great Britain is not by may means on the satisfactory footing it wes • a year ". or two ago. During the two niont,Its ending with August last was . exports of ham and bacon to the mother Coen, try amounted to lees. than $1,400,000 as against $1,800,000 for the same per- iod in 1898, • 4.e* Hon. A, S. Hardy has been appohat- ed Surrogate Clerk and Clerk of the Process at Osgoode Hall and will be sworn in Monday. The office of Sure ro,gate Clerk was formerly held by the late Hon, T. W. Anglin, and that of Clerk. of Proceee by the lateAlex. Mac, .l. FINE LEGAL roz-r. A business ham of Lis.towei ha., a rather tome:nal caee in coart at present, A. man living in Galt owed him an ace count and he entered a suit to recover. The matter was placed in a bailiff's handand the papers were served up- on another man, of the eame name, boweven as the origin:LI debtor. The num who was served.no doubt depend- ing upon his innocencedid not efiter defence and inade no objection tili af- ter judgment was given and the bail- iff seized bis goods in execution. The allestion has not been settled yet, but :t seems that no matter how good a WenCe a man has it will me aa;d1 him Araytkullt.,'" unlees be takes p.eper legal steps by disputing, the claim. 41.;ionie. what similar ease occurred in Lahtowel eome years ago. Judgment was given against a party in Listowel for a deht due another man by the same name. The party served, knowing he did not we the money did not put in a de- ence and had to pay the debt in satis- faction of judgment. The ease was ap- pealed but the Judge held that ignore vire of the law did not melee and 'hat in the abeenee of defenee hi. had no power to stay eNeentie in of ;indg- aunt t. Peat In Two Weeks, The Stratford Herald of Oet. 18, eays; Mr. A. G. :krdagli, of the Hiller.; Peat Fuel Worke, was in foWtt TileStilty and stated that he thought he would he eble to deliver peat fuel in Aunt two weeks. He has Met with the usual delitys incident to the inangueatiun of new enterprises, but Woks for fewer inch after tine. A. new maehme has inst melee(' and wi11 he inste.1.101 this week. Mr. Ardagh reports frequeut ealle and engairlee regarding the- ew fuel.. A news agency inNiae York as asked for a series of photographs of the Ellice works and operations there. with a view to prepaidhg illustrated articles for publication in- the United States. Mr. Ardagh has plenty of or - doe to start delivery on as soon as elle fuel is ready. Thede is an order of 20 to 30 tons from Mr. T.. Hagerty, of •:‘ he Commereial hotel, Stratford; two • eirloads re ordered from St. Marys, ene from Pahnerston, and the.. -.• from .he G.T.R. at Stratford, beside:, nem- erous smaller orders, Farmers around ebaut are likely, judging fromtht.‘ ea - paries, to he externeve buyer. At Chis rate the new fuel will soon be in ,I.ctual use, Mr. Ardagh will put his prices at from $3.50 to 81.50 per ton, ehe latter figure for delivered. Columbia Won The Third. A piping 20 -knot breeze was blowing at halt past ten Thursday when the Shamrock and Columbia milled out past SandyHook to engage in the third - struggle for the American Cup. At U.10 the Shamrock crossed the line fully ten lengths a heed of the defender. At 11,40 when half the distance was covered the Shamrock still held her lead,. but by 1.15 the Columbia was drawing a.way, the wind having dropp- ed to 15 knots. At 1.55 the Shamrock . .-et her large club top sail and com- menced gaining upon her adversary who was over a mile ahead. From his on. the Shamrock sailed far and ••ieway faster than her rival but could not overtake the whitr yacht though • .she pulled down her lead to One quarter e...f a mile. Columbia crossed the line :the winner of the race and series at 2.89.80 a.nd the Shamrock at 2.44,50. Killed While Drunk. Amheistburg, Oct. 2I -The body of :a, Miss McDowell, who has lived with Dick Dunn and wife, two noted char- acters in the township of Anderson, 'was fouiid last evening about 8 o'clock near the town Hall, Alderson, with the flesh torn from her back, arms and. legs. The two women got in a buggy with an unknown man and a bottle of whis- key, which was an eyery day beverage ...for the women. It is supposed she fell from the buggy and her foot caught in the side bar, and dragged her half a zneile, as pieces of clothing were found. ,•-eonee distance from the body. The Dunn woman was arrested last even- ing, and seems to know nothing only . ;that they were all drunk, and does not denow when the McDowell woman fell eout, or how. An inquest will be held. A Fatal Fall. 'Kincardine Oct 24. -Yesterday taf- ternoon Mr. itobt. Fingel stepped. on a eslefective plank and fell to the ground ge, distance of fourteen feet sustaining ,-severe injuries, which has since result- ' d in his death. Mr. Farrel was up- ewerds of sixty years and came from. the Connty of Hastings, and was a res- iclent of Huron Towni:ihip for the grea- , tar part of his life. 'CAULLa weer, GO SLEIGHING. 'They return covered with no Half et teaspoonful of Pein-Killer in bot •see,ter will prevent ill effects. Avoid aelbstitates, there,'s but one Pain-Kill- aer, Perry Davie'. 25e. and '50c. That Throbbing Headache .Would quickly leave you, if you as, ed. Dr. Kiag's New Life Pills. Thou- sands of euiferers hare proved their Matchless merit for Sick end Nervons Reedaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health.. bas to take,. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back, if not cured. Sold, by all Druggists, Around About Us • • Seaforthr As Mr, L. 0, Jackson wits assisting at the Masonic 'smoker,'" last week, a knife, which he was ming. slipped and cut his thinub nall.. Godericht On Tuesday a man named bs tailin from Hamilton, who was euiployedon the breakwater job, while walking :th the foot of harbor hill slipped and fell, the fall breaking, one aims legs, , St, Marys: Wrer, Neff, employed in G.T.R. shops at Stratford, met with a painful accident Fridayinorniug Ile. with some others, was working on the tender of= engine, when the truck which they were patting in place„ WAS moved. over his foot, breaking the ball of the big toe, • Mitehellt The many friends of Miss Margaret Jane Thom, who for . many years was a• evident of Mitchell, regret tolearn that she died in Russell, Manitoba, on Stie inst, A little over a year ago the deceased lady married Mr, W. T. Keating, and tOwards the end of Juin 11 ehild WAS born to them, since whieb time she bad been in a deelining.state of health. • St, Marys: On Thursday' morning the light of a bright, young and useful life was snuffed out after an illness of only ilve weeks---RaChel Mary Ade-, laido, seeond daughter of George goal . nah Spearrn. •Deceased had been engaged its teacher at New Hamburg for the last five terms and had it not been for an attack of pleurisy .which ettilSea her death, who would have been ee,engaged, se well pleased was the school board with her work. She was a general favorite among all who knew her and her work in the Motto - dist church will be greens missed, Deceased was nearlv 21 years of age. St. Marts: An old and esteemed resident of St. Marys died on Tuesday. morning, m the person of Mr. rhos. Howard, at his late residence, Death was eausedby concussion of the brain, brought about by a Severe cold. De, emeed was born about the year ISA in New York State, whether his •par- ents bad emigrated from Eriglende In hie early ehiMhood hie eame to Cenada with hie parents and lived in the neighborhood up to the time aids ..bout 27 Years ago 110 was married to Miss 111alvina Harris, of They'll:ma who pre-deeeased him three' yeare ago. Of the union four children were born -two, daughters and two sons. Blanshardi The residence of Mrs. Kenny. was the seem' of a happy event tut Wednesday evening, Oet. li, when hex, daughter, Ella, Was married to Mr, James Park; merchant of Lucan. The blithe who was:is:4,0d by Miss Lizzie bpideSillaid, WAS dressed in white organdie with valeuetennes lace and whit e taffeta silk, eltrrying a showe er homier et white (*mations end mai- den hale fern. The bridesmaid was dressed in white dotted Swiss with valenctennes lace and pink silk, earry- mg a 'bouquet of white andpank carna- tions. The green). was :Assisted by }M - em) Stanley, of Granton, and the cere- merry eondueted by Rev. A. Grant, of St. Marys. The eouple will reside in lateen, where Mr. Park has a sue- eessfui mercantile business. Gmlegieh tp: On Oet. 11, Mrs. Chris- topher Sturdy passed away ether home Applegrove Farm,on the Sth con, 8110.:W15 one of:the early settlers of the township and laid reached the good old age of $S years. rntil recently she was well and hearty, but about three months ago it was seen that her health was failing and she sank ranidly until Ere was spent. The deceased was born in Fermanagh, Ireland, 1811, her mai- den name being •Mar- 3. Leith. She came to this country in 1832, and after two years' residence in Goderich, WAS married to the late Christopher Sturdy of Goderieh tp. For sixty-five years, therefore, she was a resident of the township, a pefiod .during which she must have beemn anyhnd great chang- es. Mr. Sturdy died m 1853. Colborne: On Saturday a sad accident that terminated fatally-, occurred here, whereby Nina Jane, only daugh- ter of Albert and Emma Goldthrope, lost her life. • The child was One year and four months old, and survived the accident less than a day. It •appears that cm Saturday morning: the mother left the 14)0111 to go outside to gather a few apples, leaving her children, the deceased and Oliver, the only son, looking out of the window. Mrs. Gold- thorpe had been out but a few minutes when Oliver ran out. screaming, and the father, who Was neer by, eushed m and found his only daughter envel- oped in flames. He quickly picked up the dear one, and pressing it to his breast to smother the fire, ran to a tub of water that was near by, and put the child into it. The fire was quickly out and. the burnt clothes removed, when it was seen that the little one was bad- ly burned. An M.D. was soon in at- tendance, and at first it was thought that the injured child might survive, but she was too weak to stand the se- vere shock to the system, send died early Sunday morning. The accident was supposed to have been caused by the four-year-old boy clienbing on to a chair, taking a match from a coat poc- ket and striking it near the window pertains, and that when ignitedit'fired the curtains. After the curtains had burned upwards they are supposed to have fallen, white on fire on the child, the Testa being as stated. • ea. A. 'Narrow Escape; Thankful words written written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. " Was taken With a bad, cold which settled on my lungs; cough setin and finaily terminated in Consumption. -- Fehr Doctors geye Me up, . saying I could Rae but a short time. - I gave r:tlyeelf: up to My Saviour, • determined if I could not stay with My friends .on . earth, I would ineet my absent • ones above. -Myleueband • has advised to •get . Dr. -King's. New . Discovery for Gonsumption, ::•Coughs end.'•Colds. I gave it a tiara, toelein all eight bottles. it, has cared me, •Ati.o. thank' God, 1 atti- saved: and now a welLetid• healthy wo, man."' - Boa- by all. iclanggiSta.... • . 'dflets, and $1.00, Guaranteed or .price ie - funded, • • • • Ws. Lucy A. Wilson was found deed the 'send at her home in Belle. vine. John Deanwas sentenced to twoyears. in Kingston Penitentiary for stealing a registered letter from. the Napanee Postotlice, Mr, Thomas Stoney, formerly Mayor of Stratford, died in that city at the age of eighty years. MterW. A. Gunn„ secretory • of the AleOlary Alanufactoring .Volupany :of London, Ont„ is dead, • • James Sweeney, aged. seventy, was burned todeath at Jeynesville, N. Be in a fire which destroyed his house.. The case et suspected smallpox on a wrecked vessel near Bernie turns out to be chickenpox,. . Tetnug IS NO UNCERTAINTY about pynyapectoral. It cores your cough .goickey, .A11 bronchial affectione'dive way to it. 25e. of all druggists. 111:nu- factored by the proprietors of Perry Davis' Pain -Killer. • nos Foxton a man upwards of 50 years a Age, residing in the seventh concession • a Thurlow, cremated suicide by cutting bis throat with a. razor. He died soon afterwards. Fax. ton was forsome years a resident of To. ronte,but basi been recentlylivi ng with a relative. L, hall, in Thurlow. He leaves a widow and two stepsons, all of whom reside in Toronto. No motive is Assigned for the taking of his life, Seaforth; A conple of women, who reside near here, paid one of our dry goods stores a NiSit, on Friday and ex- amined a quantity of silk and other goods with the purpose, it was thought, of making purchaees. They made a few email purchases and left the store. After they had been gone some little time the clerk missed two pieees of silk anti concluded that the women uniet have stolen them. Be followed them to a hotel sitting -rout. where he found the silk in thew possession. A further eXalltipatiOn of the store showed that a large quantity of silk and for trimmings bad been taken. Chief Oillispie and the clerk drove out to the homes of the women and brought back the missing goods. Con - duet of this kind deserves to be sevee e- ly punished, but we understand that nothing; is to be (harem account of the families, CHINS AND THE MAN. ewe roue jaw Give Yon Awa' 04)ror1 Eon Speak? Protruding china characterize talon and women of the get there type. Sue, cessful people usually carry their chint thrust forward, with compressed lips. This chin, if heavy, with broad rami and swelling massetera, indicates fight. big blood. A retreating chin shows lack of force, mentally, morally and physically; usu. ally Of the yielding sort; soon diseour. aged; desires protection; small exec. utive force. The development of °Ott faculties often MAIM up for this defect A small, well rounded chin, with mobile and red cushion of flesh upou it, ludieates a pleasure loving owner; il dimpled, the more so, for dimpled claus belong to coquettes. People with diturilee love to be petted and loved like admiratiou and praise; .eeneralle fickle. Usually this chin is Irealthy, ro. euperative and long lived. Broad chins signify nobleness are large dignity, unless vertically thin, when, ifwith it there be thin lips 01 bloodless kind, you find cruelty. Square chins with little flesh denotc firmness and executive ability. Thest make rod haters. Drunkards usually bare a ciroulm line about their clans. Slovens have wrinkles about theii chine. Long, thin chins are poetical, unsta. ie and delicate in. constitution. Such people are subject to bowel derange - Menne If thin through the angles ol the mouth, too, they are prone to tuber. culoeis; generally short lived. Medium chins with a suggestive bi. fercation in the center, with small mounds of flesh on either side, charac. tcrize generosity, impulsiveness, cheer natures. The siune sized chins, with dab of flesh just -ander the center oi the lower lip, indicate meanness, sel. fis'eness, brutality. N. B. -No one feature can be takez in judging character. Often develop. ment of other faculties of nand or fere ture entirely goverus. In each case tala the "totality of indications" before judging. --St. Louis Clinique. PROGRESSIVE WOMEN. Queen Victoria greatly dislikes a visitor who is shy and colors or looks agitated when addyessed. At the finish of the in- terview the queen generally bows slightly or offers her hand, and then turns a little to one side to save the very trying neces. sity of an enthely backward exit from her presence. The empress of .Austria has her hair shampooed once a month. It is still beau- tiful, luxuriant and perfectly black, and when let down touches the ground as she stands, and she is tall. It is said the hair wash requires forty eggs. and the other in- gredients are obtained from no less than twenty mysterious bottles. One of the best-known figures in Paris Is Mme. Yoer, who, upon the death of het husband, a reporter for the French press, took up his work and has conducted it with marked enterprise. In her roluds she is accompanied by a great white poodle called "The Doctor," who permits no one to trifle with his mistress. One of the authorities on decoration in England is Mrs. Comyns MT. She is the trite of a successful theatrical manager, and to her ideas on stage decoration and costutne he owes much of his 811008SS. Mrs. Carr has designed dresses for several of Mr, Irvings' plays, and s IIIMOSt always Miss Terry's chief counselor on wardrobe matters. CAST• For Infants and Children. The fac- simile slettatnre 4440 MARKET REPORTS. Wheat Market is ritenter-A, Oener. al Increase Us the Visible Sup- zoly-Lafeat Pelee/. Chicago, Oet. 24, - Wheat was firmer yesterday, oa encouraging ad- vices from Liverpool and continued dry weather throughout the winter wheat belt. Closing quotations were; December 703ic, and 1$14Y The American visible wheat supply is 48.555,000 bushels, against 47.- 289,000 bushels a week ago, and 14.,- 848,000 bushels a year ago. Liverpool, ()et. 24. --Wheat futures Sat- urday closed 444 higher than The English visible supply of wheat Ninecra eSect 112,000 bushels the past yeiir. The European visible supply Or wheat is now 53,928,000 bushels. LEADING WHEATHAERETs. Following were. tho closing prices at important wheat centres yester-. day Cash. Oct. Dee. .ltlaY, Chlcago „..$„.„ $..„ et) 701.1 ee ains New York ... „ - 9 731,1, 0 7514. 0 70% 3.111waukee • ft* 7,0 Lauls 0 70% 0 Tihedo „ .... 0 7414 0 774% Detroit. red- 0 71_ .,.. 0 73 0 78 do, white 0 79 Duluth No. 1 Northern . 0 65 0 63 0 72 Duluth No. bard0 00 . Itfluneaioils .... atii 6 66% LIverpool-Close-Wheat futures steettYl Dee. as 11340. Morel( es 01;t1, May es litsiL Spot corn quiet. 3s Silt futures don. Nov, as 3d, Dec. Ss SM, Jan. Ss 7110, Feb. Sli 67.14, March 3s (PA, May Ss 60. 20s. tottoNro sr. LAWRENCE erangder, Oreine, Wileet, white, busti....,. 79 to so 701,4 , red, bush, .,...,- 12 .,.. " Ate, hush .-.., 0 titi " goose, hush, .- 11 73 0 7311 Barley - hush. 0 40 0 aeye rea1_ e, • .• Ai* • w • 0' Oats, bush. ...... 0 291,,,i 0*3034 ltSe, bush 0 55 A 4. • 1- 110e1cWhe411 WW1 A it. 0 50 • ReatO• Per ...... • • 1 15 1 20 Seeds-. Red eleven per Push ....34 25 to SD 00 Alsike. choice to faney... 6 70 7 20 Alsi. ke, good No. .,.. 5 50 6 23 White Ouver, per buee.. 7 00 8 00 Timothy, Pee hush 1 041 1 13 Timothy, dolled 1 DO 1 63 Ray and Straw - gen per ton eu. 05 (0 313 50 Stntw, sheaf, per tot /0 0 00 Straw, loose, per ton Oil 4 00 Datry reo dare - nut tee, lb, rolls 0 18 0 23 Eggs. new laid 0 20 0 23 Poultry - Chickens, per pair 0 40 0 SO Turkeys, per 111. 0 11 0 H MIAs, per pair 0 50 0 lit) Geese, per lb. ° 07 ° 18 Pratt and Vegetables.- Apples. per bbl.... ..... $1 00 to $2 lm Potatoes, per bag0 15 0 50 NrOVIK. Montreal, Get. 23. -The reel ipts 141 tho est End Abattoir this morning were illt0 Ind or 01111 k'. 100 flares, 300 sheep, MO lambs. The demand was good and prices well maintained. eattle--Cholee sold at from 414e to 413.4o PCI lb.; good sold at from Elie to 4e per lb.; lower grade front 2e to 30 per lb. Call e.1 were sold rrom $4 to $12, wording to size. Sheep limuglie front Se to per lb. Lambs were sold from 31'..,0 to 4c per lb. Dogs brought from 40 to 41:c per lb. 3141,,T Oda, (.11.it f...A.1.1.1.N 41 A. It KE 1. ICaSt Duffel°, Oet. 23. --The market Rlt gt.itt.rally stronger. with 173 loads on sale awl a fairly active delnuittl for medtitya mut handy rat butcher rattle. Tho qualltY Was not (mite up to' that of hott week, but qt .tably the top quality was stronger. There ,were only a eutiple of loads of the strictly Peary export eattle, which sold 011 the baste of $5.00, but the market was tirtn at $5.75 to 5(1 tor vheiee to extra quality of 1400 to 500 lbs. eAatert steers, (Tole° stockers and feeders were steady and etuanum grades 0111.4)'. Fresh cows and springers were lu 10124E:rate, slIPPIY, about 10 loads, fair de. MAIM 4,114.1 eteaily, Calves were in moderate supply. about SOO heard, fair demand, high- er. The general close on coalition cattle nos eaw. Sheep and Landis -With 07 loads on sale, 16 of whielt were Canadian lambs, the ntr. ket 137418 fairly aotive throughout the day at a decline of 10c to 15e on lamas and tirm 011 sheen. 'The hulk of the lamb sales wer,1 at $5; eholee to extra quotable $5 to 35,25; eood to choke, 34.73 to $5; eammon to good, $4.25 io $4.75; sheep, elude° to extra, $4 to 34.25; good to choice, $8.73 to $4. The moritet was pretty well cleaned up tit the elose, but prices were easy on the balanea of the offerings. Canada lambs were quot- able oa the 1>.s Is of $5 to $5.45. out: a'sv; ETS. Canton, Y. T., Oet. 23. -Cheese sold for 111Ae; butter L.r 23e. nien, N. Y., Oct. 23. -At the Utica Board of Trade toslay the following- sales of cheese were made: 3700 boxes large colorsd a,. 111..5c, 2845 boxes do. at 12e, COO bolos large white at 11140, 180 boxes do. nt 120, 540 boxes small volored ut 12e. title boxes d... at 12e, 360 boxes small white at 12e, 54o In:xes do. at 121,0, ltiO boxes small skims at 11140, 180 boxes do. at 111ti0. There wwe 80 packages of butter sold at 24340. At Little Falls these sales wore matt,: 420 boxes largo colored at 12c, 240 boxes, email white at 11e, 914 boxes do. at 12r, Lin boxes small colored at flr, 820 boxes do. at 12e, 355 boxes colored tillIt3 at 12e, llo boxes white twins at 110, 024 boxes do. at 12c. Sentenced for Birc.antY% Roches ter, N. Y . , Oct 24. ---Harry F. St.' Clair, 'whose Marriage epi- sodes brought him into court, plet-:xl- ad guilty yesterday to a charge of bigamy and was sentenced to five consecutive years in Auburn Prison. St. Clair took his sentence calmly, and corrected the Assistant District Attorney as to the number of his wives, claiming he had married three instead of five. He admitted that his real name is O'Brien, plain Frank O'Brien, and his residence Hamil t Ont., where he says his pmrents ere yet living. He gave his age as 21 years. First Reeve of Stratford Dead, Stratford, Ont., Oct. 24.--Thoums Stoney, a resident of the city since 1848, died yesterday at the age of 79. He was the first reeve of the village of Stratford, and had also filled the positions of warden of the county and mayor of the tovn. fie took an active part in mun icipa 1, educational and other affairs, which attended the growth of Stratford from a village to a city. Insurrection at Panama. Washington, Oct. 4. - A cable- gram lias been received at the State Department from U.S. Consul Gudger at Panama, stating that an inSurree- tion has broken out there, and that martial law has been declared,. The Revolution is General. Carthagena, Columbia, Oct. 24. _- News just received here shows the re- volution is general. The insurgentsi have taken rimer stearners and have arrned them, and have burned rail- road bridges, The Government is arming and despatching river 0,11 - is ea ees with troops, A GeverluAiMi "nr missioner .kas tOalvjsl. hoi.e J wage% • -4 _ COUNTY OF HURON. SALtE OF LIFINOS FOR TAXES. COUNTY OF HURON TO WIT : By virtue of warrant, under the hand of the Warden and Seal of the Cor, poration of the County of Huron, dated, the 21st day of August, 1899, conn mending me to levy upon the lands hereinafter described, for the arrears of taxes respectively due thereon, together with costs, notice is hereby given that unless sech taxes and costs are sooner paid, 1 shall in compliance with the Consolidated Assessment Act, chapter 224, R.S,O. 1897, proceed to sell by nubile auction the said lands or so much thereof as may he necessary to dis, charge the same, at the Court House, in the Town of Goderich, 011 TUESDAY, THE 5wee. DAY OF DECEMBER, 1899 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Deutription N. S. Part of Part of South port Part of Par McConnell SHFIELIO. TOWNSHIP OP A No. °Mon. or No. ot No. of Lot Street, Acres. 4 4 E. D. 50 4 TOWNSHIP OF CO 16 OED. 74 10 Maitland 70 TOWNSHIP OF 0 18 B. 8 0 Maitland 45 TOWNSHIP OF WEST Patented or Vianatented. Taxes. Costs. etc. Total. Patented $2L20 LBORNE. Pateilited 20.73 °P1):::171 :2:494459 22.12.301 133159 WAWANOSH, 9- 50 52.78 $23n8 2.07 29,40 :1,31 14,30 Patented 3.14 2.30 5.61 VILLAGE OF BLYTH, urvey 9 Bloek B. I Patented 5.43 VILLAGE. OF WROXETER. 3 Main St,, 5. 4 Patented 8,70 County Treasurees tare, Goderich, Aug. 29, 1899, ,,Y-• 2.23 3. 11.01 1.VX HOLMES, • Co. Treasurer. , ; 11Wati em2. 4.0 YOUNG LADIES OW Any young lady can earn a Gold WaltharaWatch, or rt Dinner Set, Writing Desk, Imunge or Chair, etc. For selling among* ber friends a few boxes of highly perfumed TOILET SOAP Send us a poet -card for premium list and inStructions. Young ladies having order forms cell 511 them out, aial send them in. ST. JOHN SOAP 00„ 102 ST. LAWRENCE $T., MONTREAL. GENERAL DEBILITY AND a. "RCN DOWN " STATE calls for a general tonic • to the system. Such is The D. k L. Emulsion. Belida yop tip, inereases your weight, gives 'health. Made by Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd. • Mr. Axford, a farmer living about a , mile and a half smith of Delhi, Friday morning noticed his hi'n to. be on fire, and not limo') could be dope, as all was iu a 311888, 02 flames. The. cou- tents were nearly all burned, inclun- ing one mare and colt, machinery, end all this season's crops. The building was insured for8400' but the lose • is ebsi:isizei.ated. at about$1,000.. A. boy playing with matches - citheed the r WESTER( MEM LONDON. - 41 Brighest Weekly in the West. 4. Reliable Market, Reports. 44 All the Horne News. Latest general Cable News. Bright, short and continued. stork'. A (dean family Newspaper - twelve and sixteen igee. 75c. per year, SEE CLUBBING LIST. 1014ILIY/74, 11}111:1111111E11118Ell GRBAT CLUBBING OFFER. 1DVEPTISER DV. TE. oAxcn An Oac Year Beefs, for 32. I Either call on your local popsy, Or address orders to 5dvertiser Printing Co., 4.1 LONDON. ONT. eneetteeneeteeeneereereageal 47.01S*Ilaaaalair:34 AFotrY.ou.r. )14:: Post office to l'"'1°X Cbe Ilaily ; 2 (.0 Freeir ffx ir% rress -.PER Ili ...YEAR. * 1.4 (SECOND EDITION) iii 00 It contains all the latest fe news by cable and other- a/ 0 wise; complete market re- a/ 0, ports from Liverpool, London, fe New York, Chicago, Buffalo, ill 0, Toronto and elsewhere; full ap notes of sporting events and it) Western Ontario District 4 i re news. News from the Trans- a( 0 vaal full and fresh. The 0 largest, best and most popu- to , lar dailT„ newspaper in West- 0 ern Ontario. Only $2.00 per ill fil year. Subscribe now. /016 1,01111011 Free Press Pig, go., llo. at f.q LONDON, ONT. '.4.. Geonge E. Pare, the convieted Do- minion Bank burglar, has applied . through his couesel for the reward of- fered by tho bank of $12,900. Ci-dldren Cry for T A.