The Goderich Star, 1908-04-17, Page 7JW.A. I Igo, IN 'ON 3
wom o 441 WW COW #W* 41, * vo Has. -S THE 14IN E$� W, I ki�m � CMDEM0 NEWS ffm NEW OF b"balititit IlPA W 11A, IWA to itst. -FT 'By FIR
Q! the Wt PAII11:1104t 0AU 04. A WJ* uw* kPoWle o4s. havo� (W Km WWAI� 0.0; R)W 111100"sombio. 44 'Itu 0014 Qr, &Qua on Nioisass �prw IV is I Iwo Itia ver*, ikolao VA Ul. aof, Uiy poon%a,� glia Silt �paper faaltoll -wWoo of 0"s W. l"W C*".tr boo, tivo SQ hiWay, an too Wlok MAP40 4W )*Wk %4y' 04� Aik%, 04'404" OP 0409;41 AL Ospqtgh fc`0M BQ$fQD, Njo*$Al itlayl*. r0achf4 1111111114 When tie W itl# Tun quAllit I #0401" *qgq� �Vtoler lWy. W" on, "04 'id i,�Yoil in vo 00 Not, Qwl"- i4i4liAroll Lim squivs;*t,' W04 It itilpiUlstit: uos. nzv 401 U04 Y01 4y a latv all.1 'Vert, ,gWW'-,OX wo,� Ilia 0 Vtt AhW may * cut W Up 406 4.44 boa f0ly P;i for lackpt tit, 40,4VI, %IV' 'r 4 Idaho, $4�OY M01`4109, and Actioni" *0 buildings. tins, *'L illegar in h% later It. had pr4o�jcully thirteen. ehilwiches, vm Xtt . n. Q11, Iflia At IIP t aWNW$ *1*14 III �11 If iahl to P kAa N0101t, Ibj� tiqqQr y li,s,$pQd.#o lteolqls find. Nut, 1.14 IF#% buifne'd Mall 'out. Two livoning tarop let, -041110 QD for Uiv to klic, P* Arroelo oren's wsotal, City Hall, FItz uIllic.
rep huve IQ The *74t.04, the WW 00 aLibrary, - if%* sellout Ititustes. a. do n OP ses 4T' ff otit. fU. —
Due T ud! Wit 1pwitli� "tay" with ilciplifuly �w J vpywclj� It'194trii for the, IN I 'lull T er wIltel, a nw -01 41 -4s�u � 1t,icill wr 11 Tit* tP ill* 80"'alk Ygtd Pill"t Of tilt and WaA-WAI. A btown Iftoll A W 911, ll that It"I"o it UIA 11 -th4n, , 4i: �.Q gue, f4ste 439111114 "YV4 V t MA091 %49,40� st , , -W 442. , y actually reloed 4 5, ()IJ CMP.QAF. At At 0'elmli The ureW 44MOd was cigar IAPiW
. I I " r e.. 9L veliIII000A -of 11aloulaill it tiny famoored Um. ar a bit Qf cakN. ,IV thqlei. aft whictit Ile is Do* tiaggiAlt; "The ouatry that one PoAllleii tmm n ftiday Diala *jij�h -Wd 'Ab 04D� 40,p" The 13th 04no 111010 uppearec). W W about limit �4 Mile in %I idia 4 lj',rVP'4 "nOrktiona. I. 444p illyte, biflod aUIqccrL$ lin, *4rd, Us 46 ewel UP InAtqh 0143 -ON".�Vy day. (10 tklQ Ibait colliii , vt the flaawl *Pf"41"M any mu,ic.s lang. -Irb.0 extrelue soulf
ury r .1 Aw lihinw soull 1 , 1, per I'llvellt Is; full of vq,s u A o'. pendent of the Globca. East 11044D. The twines toolt In the'Lpi the T 40W of $�11 peogravilli;411 40tirrialil, $��Plant -ut the T W41,11. inqui tall $kIZtC4 lkt(tiQ f.%0W with India Init an IMP 15
't I . W ik:*hf� BOWWA INTO alluni0er in Iho .1 4 fainilles *%Vvre destray- Oil Company 4nd heri the ragr 41110iflemaw 4 1 . 11 ho It IP 40 "t -
and. alli�h off wito. tiisue ftW exCeplic)" #It of ill# -0+ ihe CQ %lon WaS - -tch fight. aN'<Unt� In Und StWng " Dow being tied In all tile 111154c were burned, Alto- through tile 01YO05 uf the Bortqn fit"
*WNW, '440b phpW Allit Ile t4G shell Itill, a P-eW One to Aha 404th 'at � posts that 1 pa�411 *aW WkQt `0111ier, Including tenvaignts itud ritzi- t,,Lot acid a of the men 114itilition's pUllco rallied Sprialp atiaver mQuitt%in to different
orabli - es, 10tue,
Ill ...,9 el $elzetil Ov;er ICWI te
;QA. -)* - and you will be Gurpriad the AtIguth -of Ilia litatablllow4a River 4410 barley F-Ving, potato OWS, Churches. bu*�lless bloM4, ho. from Ladder 01 tilt- Huston Depill0m. flot Olt 1044 to be Underweight. at, t4o result. and vo,ey kind of vj�* iTrw 14,40 'rho slaking done to date has b0A turAills- e1100to lit an manufacturing plants, bw luelit. thkNL -W r prilitly gantas can be played with *11til. -Pbetaire, p h �We rateaS PRO.exim, Ills on r Whitney says it 00 115%. wilie; principally oil Shepherd's timber limit, giltaIiIii thatt one Wo\vs In ronatil OWR 1111flictilitics wiilrb w1ped uut. It Is esti- ofLot ready the PrOvIncial ardep tit cuo� SKET j1pDrWISA b a ,commoil,, hard-boiled, Qolox*d D14C4 Uld, W. , oounwy is InIMY -ang
W 4 pilclitie W time in Juii. Lind inciple, is to be found. no be found. rho hogiv),ess, and the t 4 loss It - Chelsea Is a, V,hpt red city -of asn-
"'This Pigt hrlbur ligs- ocioRW(1,gA Ang!p4n with bran, sand, or sawduit, pi the banks -of the river, 4nd,tivere atO tg* C, it in $10,W0,000 to $15,00U.0M. Outsells, dtstaq�, 00 more than three -an Johnson has been living ill that a 4 -gMs,Qs" , C -A 44.yh not find large fu us I.s kn9wo. nly one taLality usiles Irvin the,,04WO tut Hoston. It ls�
re otile Italef Percy which glvta cin additional, hour of and7 -runs a Weleitsia- which yoti Sa
wurt for to '4ecl was.�jo. tile eli. t for, reoreagpin.-, Illils tabW ther.ehildren stand. Each general store, which Is it great convvia. putches ofprairlo. You pass by a grOat tb*--- light after worl
Infect player chooses a oolor and all her eggs jectou tnold Itmal outruh of natural gas, and oil Is '�fiiiclrred, although there vvere rumors 14 tho Ir. M. Hey has bV6 10 P105peCtOM, 4nd Mai I Ferrift and
PU�tk, mu,# be alike. Fat Instance, have the ap� 'I eirculutlou that tile bodies -of four I"d qt the y4j14 hiver
I River postoface I§ only one and a half 00211119 Out fur miles alcitig the river People had been found ainong the de- steam ruiLways 4 t v,It 0
ClIth Nlice�Presldeni, of the Grand DIU te, take Akirge 9f life accounUn depart- eggs dyed red, blue, g LUIXr,T.' . i It 11, cliff. reen. and so on, mileis train JohnsQn-ti store. brink. An earth movement has twitim L,t, 'lit ,tie burned houses. The known 'rile pkit-a %%hictl U 011ed I helsea. wu
The Object is to place the eggs upright ThIffate, April Sprlbg, A near at hand but the Place, resulting in a line at Iniult. which fatality is that of a man who was Geen stttled Ili Ititil, 4S Wit"It6annict, and
intent. forming distriii Its, Pritchard, of ontreal, in whose In th,prin so as to bring five in a row,
0. car- ltterritory is very rough and brukenwhere I,& alarked lot, more than one hundred renning across the Boston and Albany was a part 1631 to Ifts.
N asell ,jail, euj no -Chlot touOhiAg each Otbe'r- ra ie Ilia mineral has beell to bridge over Ili* Chelsea Qwk. it wa then ulcolPoleo as a town, -\%,Intel* MNclgl goo. - orticit �$MM �j*sisljd oxregi by --'- IYG I puttIng down one at a time, und. &.r11n,s ,lines along the bank of the Atflub, Corperiter and his men, has put In a uIras a U farm tins been sur%eyed lit town lots [liver- Ile ras caught Ili the flames on the 'rile liniturli IlIc9fD0 - - of the city Is SHP.4,DSTUFFS. -WiN,. 71c. Oats trying to fill the row, and also to cut "Out Of this oil, ties been oozing wo do Chelsea side -of tile creth arid started about 8 5514c; Ill,: for $1,200. and it is calculated that a healthy town 1,25.000, Tile k*lef e\ltenditareit
whIte' r one a .i.-Manit0a WWI— Engineer George Love of Kenom was the line ei the opponent. The III spring up. From present indicu- not know for how long, and no one,,hu I-) crow the burning structure into are: Police. JjXV department,
Toronto, cal.%edl, �Jcl Barley -105 to 95c. lid popu. IFat* latimediale, deliVery, No. 1 Nt5frthetn- 'o 1. on tM killed under his engine, which rail illtq who sucoeed$ first In obtaining tile V ticris and on account of easy,ocimsibility' Y"t found tile reservoir of QIl Which may East HosWn. Before lie reached safety 4135401.1; schouls, Si400 -
\ , . ek, large boulder on the track near Me- In a VeW, ings out: exist there. A German noble, theCount ' . 61.18%; No, 2'uorthepn, teed virlietit this new belt is bound to be a busy li�s cluthing caught fine and he just lation it, 19W was.
all Millail, on Frid von fictraillorstecin, has spent a 91%eat 69LA, No. g,rpe;L on UC -0 NEW YO111C. NVIIEAT M-4jilmT. . crowl in try. 1place doring the summer; prospectors "Rabin, raven, hawk and Bay parts. For May dvIh-P,ry,, NT�� I Sir Casper Purdon Clarke, dlreotQr f. fpcyri tile tippet- ditrict can lund at the deal of Ws Own money and time V n0l'them, $1.12; No. 2 nrthern, $1-07.; VUA, pril 14.--Wbeat fLouth of the ontreill River daily front lilt! to 0.114 a resem'01'r, and 1 1 S-; p o I, the Metilopollian Museum at Art,titif VeW Millais the flirst. Five lit the Rov 1144 8111
No. 3 northern, si.04y,,. No. 2 tied, 98Y.0 elevator; No. 2 Ytirk, will be given an horkorar� degree cerely hope that he may be successful. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white, We at rd- 98%c afloat,. No. I .rthern by MlcGIII. For another game place six eggs, lictileybur%. and parties mining front ro to be seAen ever s ock, blue, tho south can indhe an easy trip in front w W41' and asphalt it y Point of shipment; No. 2 red, ii9c; No. 2 Duluth, $1.07ye f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard Sir Mortimer Clarks term as Lle*ft� wbite',and gold, in a now in the pan Mattiwa three Hales a wtlere, anti there are great salt plains IG WESTERN LA ES ,d, 8fto; goose, rc. Nvinter, $L08% f.o.b. aficilf. ant-Gover not fur distant." -par of Ontario wnL eXplra IW af bro: one player is blindfolded COrn-FIrm; No. 3 yellow American, nic-Dth. 'His Honor will probably be con- arf4 with'a light and. or stick, touches NATIVE SILVER FINDS 7Z forionto freights; TARKET. tinued in office for some time &I kL4iiAjrlgdi 7.k LIVE STOCK N of the Montreal Creegan, the We eggs reciting t the 601110 Th new maps are out A$QUtTHS NEW CABINET. mi.xvill, Ic less. Toronto. April A.-QUOtations for se. �eaded guilty to ealbe2ZHAfT, funds, mode time. River section of' James township, and the Barley -Very don; No. 2, 60C. let exporters' cattle ranged train &s.4() P show approximately silver r Great Demand for Town Lots reStItUtion, and was let oil on suspended ..Peggy, Patrick, Mike and eg, h ;art of Crewe Replaces Lord Elgin Peas -No. 2, 88c outside. to Sh per 4cwt. Straight loads of choice sentenco'by Magistrate Crulkshaill (11,dA, which, is considered a very inuc opt -Strong; No. 2, 85%o,, to Kyge- animals were Worth $5 to $5.40 per tiouch my Eastt:r eggl better showing than was made in C,ole- Secretary of State for th� Colonies.
Bye See me
Buckwheat, --No, 9-670, CWt. The British Government Will QUD&Ult Green and red and black and blue, a -an township, at a similar slag of A despatch from London says: -The ap- Line of the C. P. R. Oats -No, 2 white, 46yc outside, 48c S61tec buithers cattle sold on a per. te -Canadian Governinerib before per. Count for six, five, four and two, y good development. A pariticularl pointments to the newly organized Cab- ced, AAC
on- truck Toronto; No. 2 mix - fly with- choice expert cattle at 85.0 milling the passage of armed U, S. verm- , it I touch an egg of whIW showing Nvas mode last year on the net uiider tile Premiership ,kii Herbert Bran -Full cars, $21*.50, Toronto ii 86 p,r.cwt. Straight loads at elloica sets through Canadian canals. A forfeit then will be your right. west side of the river ill tile southeast quith. are ollicially announced as lot-,, 1: eights. A badly decomposed body was taken if I toub an egg -of gold curner f Jftmes township, where the s cattle Nvere sold at $5 to $5.40 per cwt, low$: onles being daily made of -I Shfots-Scacice, $24 1 o. b. millS. Medium butche& cattle brought 84 to train the Welland Canal near St. Cath- It is mine to have or huld." lucky Godfrey syndicate has six yet'), V Urd President of the Counckl-Lord A despatch from Winnipeg sit vark- Flour - anithba patents, special j5; common to Medium, S3.50 to $4.50; flrineS'011 SALurday. it is sUppQred to luable claims. A ft�d mtade on One U- Griffin, lan ommissiner of the oust Pl"L4- b -arrived immigrant. Green counts for six, red I -or five, Of Tweedmouth, � � e - Ila.,; just been Sales c,f farni lands hava-.41110 been brands, $6; , seconlis, $5.40 to 85�50; choice cows, $4.25 to $4.60; medium it recently P clahns last November
Thomas Noah was sentenced to twelve black for four, blue fur two, and tile tt'QS Secmtury for the Clonles-Earl of Cbriadian 1,icutc, has returned front 101'gO, many (min Strong bakvrs', $5.30- -yviet,W Wheat Pa,1- 81),.50 to S4; common cows, $2 to -ears In (he penitentiary at tile Lort- gold egg is worth more than. all put inside knn- A niecting of the Luck ' y Crewe. Mr. Griffin to tile ,,du, tile U1111,,i and awl the Ck1dfreY syndicate I; being culled at referred I
don Assizes, on Friday, for killing Xb- together, lot, then the player wins Chancellor of the David strong und increasing ciftad for bust. pIcting negotiation- Jut' ilacre#46�r 'I'll ,3,5o; balls, $2.50 to $4.60 pe A good demand was reported for ran ge for th deVelOpMent tit Solent FQx at an Indian dauoe� -on the, game, and the f<irfeit of an egg front I 8 Q PRODUCE.' stockers and ffiedlui property and pro ginald latesti unil resitlence sne,a along ill* now building f new I "its on wIlWIS'llow p weight feeders. Munice reserve. each player. Tile white egg Is a I hc bably to take ut a First Lord of the Admirulty-I'llt Ute;,,d, pi About 200 were sold 'at $3.25 to $3.75 per Itnes of rallvicly, where towns are now open prairie wilt c�iviul William Sangster. now in Montreal "hoodoo." it not only has no value, carload of ore, %% hich can be bagged from McKnna. 044bo feature or wtstrill IJ14 ;ttkrl ""th
Ruilwity 61 3
17c. cwt, The rate -of these lots ill" owning ouninier 4 41., E9&;-Nev6,- laid, file 6urfaco oil tile big new vein dis.-
Honey-Quiet; strained steady at Ile A steady demand obtained for veal jail, says his confession of murder to the but when touched, the player has* covered ifist November, an %vbleh or the Board of 'trade-VVInt- being bualt.
New York authorities was made with tile pay a lar,IeLt. Each player takes his been in progress during the %\ Vinter, and grain eleva banks, hotels, blit 'ez,i is ston Churchill. sin to 12c per pourid for 60 -pound palls and calves at former prices. Yearling laritits in wldtli of
Ject of securing a fre trip to Montreal. turn to be blindfolded, and an account front six to eight inclipq President of the Board of Education- reslidIa
sel' at many thousands f dollars have been house -9 arid places f 12c to 13c for 5 to 10 -Pound Pails. grain -fed, vvere ,sclmewhat higher, lie says it 'is untrue. i -kept -of eavh ,tie's luck. When a selid metal. smallite and nicketile and Combs Lit al.75 to $-0.50 per dozen. ling tit $7.50 to 88M per cwt.; Spring wilt Lie requirtexi tbe total of twenty has been reached, the 1111tiVe silver. It Iq ralcultiled that be- All the roreg4ding held Cabinet positions '!'(I'd to tile cx)mpuny in exchange for ed as rapidly as Itic, c-,ndILIlLS *1 the Potaltoes-Ontarlo, 85e to 9k; Dela- lambs re worth 93.50 to $6 each. Idn fore tire end or 1908 there will be allY under Sir Hear), Caimpbeil-Bictinerintan thvin. 13uilness was reported brisk In country perinit. 1.uig,� quantiiegi lot Ewes were quoted at $4.75 to 1115.50 per, shipping alille,S ill JffflakkS wn- v%-ith tlie exPePtIon of Winston Churell.111. February but in yarch there was a builting material f till kinds, will 00
game is won, even without tile go ware, USe to 99c in car lots on track GREAT BnITAIN. I the egg Its' many here. egg, of course the positin o cwt., and bucks and culls.-WId for $4 ship slid surrounding district-, as them lit, was Ubder-Secostary of the Colonist ixmrlrku�le Increase, tile sale of 'Wwn retituired, as, tit adkli.,ri to homes ftr Butter:- to 4.75 per,cwt. Lord -Curzon has declared In favor f is changed for each player. ............. are in the township of Coleman at pre- Office In the previous Advainistrallon. ktt for that month having been three -new fartners, nity uew town site& will, Creamery, - prints .... ... Me -in t12Q'�-Chcice-hogs. Were 4LUMund-, UW, sent. This calculation Is bused Upon &It-. John Morley, Secretary of Atili If Ines thut of the Previou month. Dur. bt: placed n the mark�l, by tile C. P. do solids .... .... .... ... 290 to 30c lights and fats at $6.25 per Owt. - Mr. John Morly, Secretary of State COMIC LA-13TER GIFTS. aiLtiNe development work being -carried I& India, cind Ir Henry 11. Fowler, Iiiii April tire demand has continued. R alone. Dairy prints .... .... .... .. 25c to 26c fcr India, will, it Is. reported, be cmat- let'. A curious case of deterroratun is to on Or, the veins which show shippingore Chancellor of the Duchy Of Lancus do large rollsi .... .... .... 24c to 25c ed a Peer. gradually tak. on tile surface. have been cr,eated viscounUl. They will G. T. PAC1rlIG CONSTRUCTION. Mrs. Hamilton, one -of the, principal be noted In the changes do solift .... .... .... .... �ilte to 24C rvialn their former ofllceq. Mr. John ENLARGING THE SCOPE. TWO MEN ASPHYNIATED. witnesses in the famous Druce case, LU& Place ill the matter of Easter gifts. RECOGNIZE THE OLD ABITIBI. E. Interior .... .... .... ....... 20C to 21c Seely, ruember f Parliament fur th Uiuwers for grown pc-uple and eggs for The, old Abitibi or St. proper Seed Grain Will Be Given New Farm- Accidents In the Watmv,urks Well at Beans-IFIrm; $1.70 to $1.75 far primes Tenders for Another Section N;Qr Prince has been fund guilty of Perjury. lh�- children wa-e Ilia two riginal Den is Abercromby division f Liverpool, liC- and $1.80 to $1.85 folt hand�picked. Rupert Opened. The Daily Graphic demands that Brl- es Lorraine -St - Winnipeg.
is symW6, -of the sacred festival. These ty. ill Lot 8, eveds Winston Churchill us Under Vio ors us Wall as Old. Chees&-Firzn; 14c for large and I,W2c lain force Venzuela to respect the tary of tile Colot I I Offlee. righ
he vnship. und furinerly by Jo ill A despatch from Montreal says,. -T of British Companies with concessions were, the natural txpa'i:ss1,fI Of the ids been ild despatch from Ottawa, say,. An A ckespatch Ivurit \Vaimpeg ,tays: tee twins In job lots here -4, Grand Trunk Pacific Executive is again it. that country. gr%eat Resurrection buAtilig seph Frtivr. of Morilleal, I s( Vis-countll has written to his cn- order- lit (�uuncj ties lievit passed arnend- it,.ja,- engineer f thv %valrwrks Baled Hay -Very ciqll. timothy As tusy with ted,,., for new Work it- will vorg&nlzed a-; tile Big I"issure tiLuents regretfuliv resigning their re .- 'rig tile regu I lolls governing the dls- department, anti Thomas orary letters arid 31.1riog- ond i Owing to the little progress made in through temp Niming Company. v%ith EL capitalization sentation. He sit ' No, had to choose ted, -at iX5 l"S16.56 in car lots on shortly have In progress In the west. the negotiations between B Ile 111k; into IIcw beauty. fh� first Easter ys 11 tributitun of sed grain It% the At.%t by, I I ritatn'scid t asphyllated by gus ill t -talks hem. al these jt $2,",ii0o, owned and CO[Itr'UIIW by Tenders were opened for an additional tv%een withdrawing I'voin tit(, India Office permitting ud%anow to Lie inude to set- it ty watter systnt oil \%edne-Ailly United Stutes ver the Atlantic fisher- cards drew their &,�urutiuils firu Baled Straw -Dull, $8 to 'S9 per ton. mi miles east of Prince Rupert, which rtuinl) most' capitalists in Birmingham, Ala. Jos. rind withdrawing front the House of Gerst Ito had &own it<) grain in tho, beu. n%e cl Maple $yru"I.10 to $1.15 W &&I- ies it is feared a renewal of the modus ISIHIPI i ctiv ce the ed torning, Claverly was Ili Oturge ut were cialled,for after the agreement w L\euutilul ,.ad appropriate which coul eph Ileeley. all experin, Faining titan (,umintins, finding that he was unable to stoic ,, IIJU7 Under tile I'viiiiiatluils ndL may become necessary. night, arid evidently went d\,,ri the air
Ion. vive reached between r. Wainwright an Idaho. and who had chargt� of tire d,) justice to both. Prittle Minister .\a- Pusised In February lmsl. thase settlers shaft without, it fur gus, accord- Britain has asked the great maritime ver be devised. Presently the olid 6er-, I real tile British Columbia Government wila U ider the foriller Is qtuth and his fellow -members of the Cab. were I.Jiut out I outre-,eiviag seed grin .11h to instructions. and J�htistun It I send d-elegates to a confer. ina legend f the hares and th,e Easter PI P�Ft� or W PROVISIONS regard to the InJIdn lands at the kT' e"" Ought now ILI charge. At a distance (it 2 ln�t strongly desilrk that he retain the flufri ti.t! 'Jing IoA life lit an heivic atlempl, to rescuo -lice in London to derld,e on 11ap prin. eggs carne inu, prominence. 15t el 'Intent. But, acelil Ininus, but no officia,l Information jeet front tho; lacun shuft, a narrow vein Indfift Office, EL desire It Was not W ftefilvils fruill'th UlfiCtrS Ill charge kif hall. ciaveriv �vas u y.ung Engl�sh- Pork-Shrt, cut, $21 to $21.50 per bar. ciples of internaticnal maritime law Irtu portions uf our country by %be r Ich in native *live,' �Nasl found on the easv without a sit of loyalty and tit been given out regarding the tendem. that are to apply in the International German setticvs, it bas spierid to olliel, v W,urk A IlLstributwil in the vke.,,t, it man and lidii no relativt-. here, .9 fel; mass, $17.50 to $18. face, a crOSS-Cut, will be run froin thP iti.pvar� that tilt! iiumber of applicants d tallith, prize courts. regions, ILke u,ur own Now England, sur Lal%`l,-TIerces, ilyc: tubs, 11%c; paW, main shaft at ill,, 151.14-1, lf`�el to fr AkN�i is ruu,.:h leis thain was ex- 21yc. Whe '40 It 6- libli1Q)tUtely illts,ningless. The the LMLE a" CUT IN TWO. Wit this vein, and it is shipping Smoked and Dry Salted 'vleatst-Lon UNITED�STATES. egg in the meantime having been SUp- pii�;ted, urw lit oumse4lienco the uppro- 9 plementod by the chick-pMslunaly to ore will be fi4yulld. Sup'erklitelidtat ALBERT4'S NEW LICENSE LAW. prittiti,un mwil by PailluaLent is cun.iid FREE CANADIAN %VHE46 L C or bacon, 10c to 19Y61clus and cas- Ie TQwnsite. shipped a (,or es; hams, medium and? light, 12c to 13c; Son at Mr. Willincric Baker lluia Over Oakland County, iLhigan, has adop- make the les,,:un clearer -the chllr Loyson of it s v,ecl, to Deiure arid crably in ,l,f tit mquirerrietiLs Millers Will Ahk Congress to led local OpLilin. Easter gifts began to take <,it the char- icad f orL, th, Price of Drinks Almost Doubled at Cal- Nuaitio,i,j upplwutj�ns tral,o L,,n I,. 7
hams, large, -rrXc-,tC 12c: backs, 16c to by Traln at Lindsay. William Jennings Bryan has m ade actor of a menagerie. left on �dnesday night to lowj� after shoulders, 93/,c to 10c; rolls, 9yc it, The nialn shaft I- 4JOIA-n 130 feet gory -Early Closing. L.4%ed fwzTi furiu�r'.� in Alberta and us Remove [)lit). y had A despatch from Lindsay says: -Asa about $50,000 (jut ut lectures Ili 1907. The uninertse popularity of the chik )1tiIchC%VUh. W41. although tit A despatch from Chicag Sd� A,rt- Ur, 10c; breakfast baoon, 15c to IGe- I onsiderable,aniount tit develop- A despatch from (:algary says: Hotel. s, %N.a nu grain last N'tur, ure Te occurred here. about 2 <)'Clock The United States naval appropria- anJ the tiara next stimulated the'in- and a c green meats out of pickle, Ito less tha� accident to Lul- sciotion was adrilited by tile un Friday afternoon, witten the two -and- tion bill calls for a tutal approprLation getiulty of the tradesinan t� invent nerw ment work' is being ctit-TI-M on Lit both )`-Eepers have decided to almost double gently in Ilred �f seed I�r the u"ining slacked. -of r, Baer, em- of I I,vels, and ore is being LAed �ut. the prlLe of drinks as a result of the 't: uvuli- kliller., National trk variatwns (.,( the theme. This season Lind. u.s bved grot is rx, here on ThLlrsdu�, %� twit Of the New F'R nevv license law. that gue.s all effect be hy iii,!Mdual effort to Ill"se % Ito pleyed by the Sylvester Company, was Herman Bidder, YO ths. shol windows are filled with rovs- LARGE VALUES IN Sll�E , u I MONTREAL MARKETS. \Illy 1, which cti'llipels thern W close lion Congresi; 14) lillicild tile tariff u -S tun -over and killed by a G.T.R. double. Zeitung, thinks Ckligress win remove chick,,, lisres, and u,ks not only requirt it the has aitivn%lecl S., as The little fellow had wandered the duty The undeigmumt development %vork the bars Lit 10 p.m. priceA t admit Canadian %%heut bult Montreal, April 14. -There are w header, 11;ulpwo,d. tit their ritilurai feather.,; arid fur, Lu t th., regulatwiii. as f,.!- furvign c-,unlries free 0 dot\. lt.a �.n tile Badger is pr\ing the to have also been uJvanced. Under the flew developments In the iocal flour from home. and was pluyixig on the Negruks in L)kluhainu have threatened 1lasquerading as pcfli�xaien arid sf-ling- it, vcr� %alutible k CMLSILI I ble Oil'- new bar tariff all. mixed rinics Mll 0111i tvy(i hundred ineinbers of the villaniza- itrade. Choice spring wheat patents, tracks. The engineer stapped the train, Iq murdr the f tile State and maid., riding lit auturuutilles� wearing ullt of leaf and nt'Ne has been ol..�t 25 cent.� instead (A 1.5 cents, anJ AN EMBARGO ON LIQUOR. Iton in uttendan-le discussed .,w but not before the boy had been kncke to burn tile �ily ( Guthrie. huge hats the label oil ,tie is "Whi�re $0.10; seconds, $5.50; winter wheat pat, td.Qwn and his body completely severed. The Supreme Cuurt �f Tenessee fti�und in the big )LI 11101 vrill whit it for 1,qu,,r.. if ri,ixe wittk mineral Lind theri !t 4; a spe,,ial win- hus d,I �ou get that hat?"). carr�mg um- ents, 86.10; seconds. $5.50; winter wheat ierly carried p-, -lues, 'file wall mc -k %,,il; rest a thirsty man 4o cents. it is Mall Carriers IIVIII No Longer Be At- fil;ttee, later in tit,- report- crdered the ,Innlaid Oil 'Company to tile,,- ii -A, Lind kngagil t till s-urls of to. pLtentS, $5.5u; straight rollers, 55 to cLase dtuing busmess in the State., 1, als4u sho%\Ijig gtiod \alus Ili plact,�- e�timuted by the ,f th 4,� luvied to Triinsport It. e.1 tuvorably lot- tho petitlun qha crie. dicauus ]AlrskiltS. A rabbit playing oil he r\, firtiruil \%as drtmit, and 'foliwared to $5.25; do., in bags, $2.35 to $2.50; ex- President, H�uie��Lt sent a nissage \I,ulin. ALL11 three ChlLks ,if a b,-neb Ill ex(e�s of 60JU t -u tile Lelia Ternperance. I.eugu�. that t A de,,paltli Inum Ottu\%a uy,; I lit! tras $1.80 to 1.90. FASTED THIRTV-ONE DAYS. t4r. i,ave twen tal,en dUCUOn A lh�,111'3 will Clurtull the r pt ushingtion. Manitoba bran, MO to 823. to Congress askaig for legislation vi,ith IildIng music Lclol,,E. are nitt,unted on Surface pruspectaii,, ha� been started of tilt tputtLs by a ruillwn und hil, taken it ri t suppross,rig anarchy. Iu*f` carit labelled. "Easter Ret,eursal." A parture Lit lvgaird to all future c-intrat L� to $24. Ontari, grain - Knuto Olmstead Died From StarNation Over, thme Ifundred studellnis were dN- lilot east of tile Big Ilet, %t -in f d-illars. Alt IMPEILSONATOR FINED. horts, to $22.50: middlings. $24 to at St. Paul. misied truril ( -rn�ufl College, Colum. Ira bbtt &,-ated Ili it walaut-shell chariot ltt%vu ertred lril�, with ittail 4arri,-r,, driving a beam uf cl,icks L9 another tile tI have the approvai uli ,uppul t 4,f lite Polla Pa) C25; shorts, $25 to $27 per ton, includ- Mian.. t,ja� C.. LWLUU.�o of some April foot Grucr(p It Five flurradred Doi, I A despatch from St. Paul, feet lit width Of Cakil,tt and CONsIABLE SHOT DE.%D. ttuiperanov people �f Vitt DQuilliv)[1. A Ing bags and pure grain mouille at alized. "rrying -,Il%ei- Nulu hu,, been Thil comic l�inent m ail these things vuil be Isichied .in all future tars for Election Crookedness. says: Knute Olmstead died here on prunks 4 d it $32 to $34. k-und tit till-- '%taunted Policeman Murdered at 1�rank, cul,Lra�ts wimil will piov,tit mall car ednesday from starvation, after an Spk-al;er Cannns resolutions calling is sunple und tail CereaL;-Roiled oats, S3.12% per bag; Xk <,c&iit enough in it- A dv,palch I'Min %to treat says. o n - r W for anqn%esti9at,QfI (,f tile paper trust t�ell )),It aft will be Simi, n ill, ne%� riors fomi currvaig fritxicating llqu�r. tell,e %a.% ptL,,ised uII % I vorminteal. S1.67% to per bag, attempt to fast for 40 days in orde % hat r-InU in do they bear to 'gh Alberta. �Kd fres,,itly morn. Outs-Eastelra Canada. No. 2 white moinslarte his theory that the mind were pasied Ili the [louse of Reresen. _or, "at presetit mall carriers ng upon George r -,a,, Of —cenirlitte, 11w mill de It, 1"i 4ald that Ito pleaded C troill the body. and that mind is lativei Lit wilt be shlppi�l out it,', \%esk. A de,patrh (min Frank. Alto., say� clull d if thvN Aeie lntr,Auc4.,d Into the Sun. tiring liquiur int,,, COUnIty diilrictti ulung 1,, having att,iiiii(ed lui vote on. cats, W-,' No. 3, 47c to 47%c: o. 4. The Crown prxnerk lia,, 1,Pen ilmot, coil,table (,f III, It. N. %V. mightier than matter. Olmsteads fast John it, Sun,l),urg, aged 73, a ma- I,y �Y, I g. Sh,ul we not expect y,Ilh Hit, inaiLs, arid \It". I.— (let a fulhe rianie lit St. Jean Buptisle
_s,b W to 46Y.C; reject,ed. 440 to 44y.c per the rentro of a i!r,al it,,,l f ink�rv�l 'iti. P., \\as fcund dead ut the rour of Ow lasted 31 days, according to those ILI ct Gale,bulg, Ill.. while going tile ilIllkIelIc, of tl�e h<,al t bar iri- ileu� has Illude, iip lu.s mind to ha\e ut th" labt uturli(Ipul elecLlon. J
-he], ex-stre. and Manitoba reject- r dijwn a flight uf steps. fell and was Ize with 4!cpntly on ,f 11- an -1 r fit petial lta\mw lt-en h,,A thrwigh f
tll� character of tl�e 141i It any"lle �iuldt,S illij; ed 47o to 47%c per bushel, ex -track the 1100"e- itrallgled to dvath by his false teeth. find at n dilklalit t J al., till 41) f- I I'votij tit ii,i�k )it Saturdii). It I, It,, to viie hour's ripris- North Bay. do),? Is it nout irre%erunt. If wit sac- faft .I rile it will b,- cunculle onnient. and a line - f VKh) 4,r an adi- At,oul 8.(JUJ of coal lands in tudmal tra. tl;e original had hev" I— "" "' 1, jr, tit.: September westerns are sel- 'r n L, n wrt'll, ix nion'tils, 'I ho line %as pwd, ling BIG TIAIREII DEAL. PP Cheesr,--,Z-v (Aiunl� ahf�,rnla, about 21)U \%!tit t1w I rd., rising" Full in 25 lrich,-� tv.ry fl.h \%uth �ri a,"',unt (
aT 13c for whilp and 13yc for col. miles fr� m 1 -un uncisco, or,, about n native slivt-r. Ili luot I I ,v . -. it - , r it hiitl Ix,en rp, tra I,.d. tared; September eastrns. 13�,c for to be d;aN eltiped fit tit � xlen--,ive manner, 1!� goutl arid twre%sar%. but as an anel_ L pure inclul w, I-,, lal,l�ll U1. 'I I,j- P'll flthtlliI1 l4vii wride to i, -h Ill.. BE sliol' HIS MOTHER. TIES ON THE TRACK. hit and 13%c for colred. Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars Paid ent. -is L,een mail, W f New, 1(irli I,,, li� if tho hit0--rial was pill there li a sea.ri. ant] I little to evel Btter-Fresh. stock is now elling Pt for Limit Near Vancouver. derlared lit lhat it would lie cimw that the (,r� i� III,- ri, h. -I eN,-r gLor,l. !md nothlrig %\nl r the shot Brooklyn %lacca Complained That '4he Aftc4upt to %Nrrek a C. 11. R. Train ptirfA,,,,� und,-r the heaven. ' For sh at 32c per Pound. v, the importation 4rf April F,tu�s Daj;�ex (ftmp. anti thol Pit, di't-111i: tile flight. Ih- 1-1) bellig folind %NaA keeping 1111111 llk Ne-ar Edmonton. 29,c to 34r. and storage A ricspatch from Vancouver says- At better to roine,,i Ili Ili, nunw
Eggs-Canadictin newly -laid are soiling -o hundred than to discourage 1'� t ono (.if fiw I)e,;l �,-t \It if �tirra� rn-urning. 11 t� that per dozen in I ge timber deal Involving tvi and lumber by bount, us kkep uur Eastpr sacrod. h. flip Ion it.- hurglar wh,j had fr-,fri r, a)., iIlVbeh a. at Ise to 19C at lots. fifty million feet of lumber within twen. it bv tariff. flyer IfIlit) ittinr" iLball 4 U11,111, and at l9c to 20c for small jobbing ty-lour little.% of Vancouver was closed After it Of threP we�-ks' + Ili,- \11 Ittleflipt I" %�Imk [tie Jule of the Nallun I llial n Ilrolit 11.rli t,� Nufi�u. ffl, Iraill \Nas moe on Wednesday by D. Van\Vagner. min-_ duratirl. tile P13"t a Ir�r own) %k bl, It lie 1, ad lxx n it pi L� ner t,n \% ed Provisions -Barrels AhoFf. cut mess. ing engineer, London and new Yet], India Rubb-r at Bristol. R. I., tq do.. clear lat -lit r , employing about 1400 hands. resumed the [list qpr,ng ure miftuWt e,:Iipsp an) stl.PtTI4 -�( f+1 tit, 821; half barre and J. G. Fitch, a Californian capital: thp relirn (,f Faster, pi,t lus tilt, next 1,,%% ItIAI%FD ON TIIREE LI\ER14. IIll' sda fill-- V --"lit Ibacks. K02 to S23; long cut heavy rness. ist. 'rho tract is situated ,n anquin operntions'. the ear iwst bird � ng.s delight .," 9 frl)[Tl 1110 CalrIP Ill "' f�,r 3,hl6 I.rI,qNPnqer� and kwed tier at Irtime 6, an�j t aj , ylt� by and ur Landed at liall(a% uu,n,y str,%A, llmokl)n- N�,ung I alm W d $20; half barrels do., $10.50: dry salt it,,. ton Urp roli.erned Creek, Squiumish Valley. The sum of Italinn it) New York, fright. eur!i, ill-- ni-,ther lln,ls in nutur,� inaw- Vilithial a Fen liourl. I,ad j li,t been rlu�Aid the refur Ili,. b- .%11,11 t1% IIR- vilgive cing clear backs. 10%c; 'C fild illastratiunq siw mu\ till rtlat,r)ry tit \a;a,n<m.h, whert- he had %%Ote tibarrels plate j�, 0,IJ00 will I* paid for the timber. anti ened by rumort f proposed Rlark [land 'llip Duchesti provprt% sfl $13.50 to $15: half barrels do.. a MOOO mill will be erectoJ in June. ontragieq. caused a panic In a school pie�,s upon he Ouldren Ilia trulh - I I, leinan fez anti r. 111i"r1l'.11 1, f ,', it r r,, i r: 11W fix. -�,eiiterrr-ed for sleuting it lmr arid 11.1 114)t lisp rills % (-to,, t . the 8-,.25 to S".,�: barNp heavy mcqs beef. by demandins, that their children be I.\ Now Nor� Itt, , 1-1 I.( ull'I It— f t\\Lt. cirres11 rift..r the f tho ij:traifo (,u,111d J�e the Frid a v
'$I., to Sit: halt barrel;q do.. '35.50 to split frm IN, l.uilding. r r�%Pral thiowind N-1 e li� 1, k, r � ft*,,ni I arr.�l is GtVo,ct <,I Ife and I.�-aut). w! tht-s :n flip ift,t ven li,�Alflw 'I., Ill,? $-!I e h11 SI,,J 1'. ft compound laiA. 8Xc to 9c: pure lard. fler-beh Wright, son of ItUvor \VMght L'tla; kdafn�. f Pa.. trenihino �ia, done. 1,)(olifill In sli i [,it, i, n- r% I., it , W, it., are In, I n-) planted i,fl itt have alr*ady push- "' ! m., 1,,,r 'N�rauw hho �,\ a� inai, It"It it %%It% the \%ovii c,f , It I- lly,e t Ilyc; kettle tendered. llyc ter of Emerson. is tinder arrest charged till expert At nlll�,ng patrhworii quill, I vry)� Lhfrtv \,.jn,;� it1). f I � 111. 11 I ZJf1ZJ,JI,Jl l'o, 11,r and my 1.fl tilt 11�1- P11-11 1,f 111.1 rXII. -dQ to %,-till smuggling Imihoral women into He has Just CATIT11MIC',11 une rnlai *' " their ufy.hurd u p ,, 'Ilk' tit' 12c: hamq. 12C in 13Ye. &Ccor ning I tit in.1 iararil I 11. - 71i- 1 tF,pr(r f sl2e; breakfusl baron. 14c to 115r: WInd. the United States. 11.046 patch,tl. it required about thre e grctet tile warm hunshine, and dulh -.F- --- Ili-- t,, ,, re I, ,it tile haF (h3nael t,� 1, 1he clityliall, In. it %%ill k- triad., fw riti ip I r. light I W) I hi -1 car bRcton. 14%c to 15Ye. Iresh-kItled Fort William people have appealed years t the quilt. Ore timb ;w pill -d -ut I !-, Ilw �Ii�qrn ilw tfr--ight rile Imr-g--i I,% it it ?'�3 1111141 thr�,%\ it � 1 ll try ll�
(Lbattooir-dressed hags, $10 to 810�25; live, V the Provincial rovernment W assist Two tresixt, a�roe,ng on MR nppolnt- ftev t If,, air e,irlier Itim %t,h.en st-ealing a lhrink�if,%ing Dw rind %% h I I I%I, rl, %till bo %%lilt fill ip ih, hjjl,t,r m� I :Irllf� � lhent in dealing with the Doukhobors. merit (A to settle bnun- ri-b L,itiwd ars tiftl "it, unx.vtis it gkt. (-%#it f, fl as derld it, it., I, I tf liver, m-1 1h it I e, thfit" anti It%" dary line on.] il,--f1shery di.qput4,s be. V% 11 1, Go (IN I 011ING, t.f11 4 It was nita,h-�d. has now ofilproed fr,,7n lwipn Cfinrlda onA thp I:nited (4tattes ufl�j tiff if I tlLe JtJ(1V tl�w I11 it I drift i A 11 IU4 were signed 'it %\ ii,hington on Satur. brilliant Lutterfl\. Thern. the oil- ttday. L;1.1, f Ire,, antl r-In"t hnt,o d. % '101) orl and it Ij Muoh ma-aront wheat Is t*(,n ,it dt,nr� and aq �\arriith tl:tt arrangpint-rit., %%ill be made 1,o r.e. TATES floV01'eKprtP�1 1,, the nussian Black - has .1 NFAN VtIN%IPIG DEPOT. �un,h,ne hav, tell, lhplr fill �,.riip up.,ruli,un, ..,, (tie prX+(.ItN at an
itSea prt4. I,ut thn bakers prefer the bl" I THOU
a fr.ldmg ill,- hnxe Iwn ]at, (lit itw It,d Iperill
arif minniprited upir. 1'1)0 t,,tidtlit 111-imi,t)il I, k-pinit up the de. Tenders Called liar illion-dollar Unlon live produ,,t. I. r which they pay up centi a bi)0-1 More, claiming
plantbig pri,iillncz and Uw.w1h t,r a %#k,paletit %\,)ik %%till the ii,tidl I.,r P (At %fructure. That It gives ixtter re-sullst. bean . a pen. a I.Prnpl r f rorn r it inom ril,,ul. i10 Men, anti will.- ri�sujl, ITIg�0l-$JN Wed One all objAct lorrni ,r. at tile ri,�d
influx Pr%m Aoross t1he Border Surprises A dmp-il It rr.,rTi n r i tit] %,. 1��etl I 1! I. - I I. r `p -c (.['Nr.n kL. and %Nlrph tiring Ilw ourning ti-kinnater. 'tour f tit. 1,-% Have Been Voted Out of Existence in the
theRailways. art e!oquetnt f -f Ilip mfurn 4 life rifl,Nr t, irp,ilmoitif tit has ad%icP from lilt n I .1 \k
n restored In Lis. npporent dt,rith. lKith so tritinN rippre). It,-- of ill- lobalt fi.ntn(t that . � " it. tit.- I unit] an
Qiflet hoF again bec (-rand I runt, Ila, i
bon, bill the cil) ; % irtually under mar. prIate avrrtw Iq Al%\ny,, tit brind it �pmp ariaviilPrn#-nl,i. 1,,en completed to IIfni law. plant arid go \\intilpeg. 'I he tiff I State of Illinois.
Japan and arri sopking to, Pa. sirange that the Pn0e,ir elzg ront,nueq in,lall tilt -r, "I U0,otli). rofn y�.ar n e ]l Upon oq \%ilb ih.. %;,olk of A despatch fi M. Paul, says: ThA Chidago Oreaf Western Is bring- R I L' i a ,( it, kmd on Lh- e United Ing ft ttin.ear Irrain in from Iowa. TI lrc�nch themlelvll In anchuritt at the laai�st the ,nl\ available f,,rrn f,,r If— im,perk \tith art int.r-laned f,,r(e I enl* r The volume 101 tradic troin th le expense of China. . ha,e to t�� n by the I 11 fit, n t 1,
Sifilesquitil (Inada at ptelOftt 09 its. Plirlin&n, tkv from Nebraska and one The Governor of Galicia ro,tter favor or Illustration f�,r La. -ter. I Iw w,t,06 Htaiiwti tit thi, to an't thP .,f L,t.,it,tru t;,,(l A be tfian, sal.K�n% v-11 close lh.�-ir doors
I li . h Was 4549zsin- ,
tonished even thoga rtif way offifeloN UVIlit' Ifti. It Aho Hook IsTand one alod fly a student at IA-mberg. . il Sol- Ila- ovo-A �tritlrlu,-Wry and 1.gun till% )ear. Iu�r riunte,l in lii,n,uts filt� re tfmtv da) -A heraQ as a rewit .it lue
'who had -xpkted it reVivill Of the frOfti ltdinstL9 and Oklahoma. ish,,uld pon tho Jail .f mg. lit t"k, \v.rIn.I1g 11 1.1 ) , t 'the a%a,iablef
'knerfean OlVaIrld1b." the tagh tiot1h. Tit& destiflations of these fainlNest dre urday. i0nr r,; ,irltiv Ow suitirnor 'I tie n f it,, urtf-r .ties but i,la(. numlicr at %er LuOu. being
*lirld Ll Out of all, Pfl�(XtIIOIT 16 the Ped M U 'NdrillOrn 80thtchew and A HIGH TAX RAT9. I rbrill Male 1, still dowit. V1iIFE HFTL TO F)EkTil. i.tnoq lull F. the ifiuit pail tit t,uvvnq %%htch had
itilAborattl platiq M06 fl� & tiallft with Albeftd, 'tho Battl0ford and Prifie At. Promfor Datakin DoOidnif Plan in Rtart t,it prepailf,m, Ili Ili-- k%av of voill anti sjid� rig lyi,irik; I , ut I I fix in fl%,, to t%%mily fly#- ittiat,vuris oath
urt- 1 --lug madi, It, re I he r1turn, a� Lle, tINI 1,� I ON% 11 J, tit �palch frum llti�rvpt. lot . sa),;
btaneWs into British tdi-rilbty 16 h6fidlil! beft digit'100 , In $akilitchowall, are Belleville Muncil Fixes It at 27 AIIIII; Them July of Next Votir. I itionlreal Woman Died of 11111irfeR Ile the, Spring rph. favolvd, but aan�thing tl.*Ih of :A art ,arl, date nd sit Pq sit, ,,�Pn jtiipre,iq�%� Trial 11,irlyll%e to%Nns in C lorado In t%hlih
Tho rel%ed a I A
"80y, lifaw 4 116 11 1fti idtiA 010 jibe '4&Ml 140 be JhO OPY. on tile Dollar. fr-im Melbourne. AiNtrl. 1,, r0mito filling Ili,- elinvaipr 11I.- I flanda oI IN band. Ili, I, It - t�, , , , e%t�,nl mH umn- P(tron,, %%ore held 4,n luciIday vvtt
Jkd that 110 SWIA A %V114 A 614�41efl 00M Nofill Port6f -9* A despatch from WIll,liville say -9: t 11b. 93)9 Premier Mlln is de%wng a ftut% S0%,r a,114,iti� 'tile Ite,,I %ri �I,fpq itfv thin ttlrNet, urthi �t the ( it the ue-0-in t,f t.,cul plkn. Nifteloco
hmm - n,,I I- it In tito rat,ori since * �-tqan 'Ito I lem t Arhio, tiftivint (mm tile sobthllro meellngof thO CoUncilr,cli sellemkl whcr4bV PiPTISPIT14 Pt k Ito' i I-, 11"A. I, tul r,,ry,t-'T ji�-if.g tu the saloon. ' theiv --6, ti -,ns mQuIt lit no Ilcople Solids. 44d e 'r. 'It rewh �1&. �r "With I, land. oveTling tile lax fThc ratd for (he ton ltillinircl weplily shall betain in H -I I,it ha,i 1�n I.,r quie I kas in (, I., tth� larger c,tws anJ P.,,toen %uted 1,, liconial slillorm 111 I t,e ant.-quiun elvirent won over Vicar
Auk *00%,by domidig a P, tonto x tht di,46 b till '10"r 'parts year Witill Struck 111, W. 11111b 4111 11110 dot. July, 1909, T1W Laborileg pr.Gpcqe thni It I. on 11xo] tithority flint till r, urt �in I uia I,ar,,:ed %,I?i It ia.k it., i .1,K.r rtt-,rP,,L% save 14miti (hill witre U,ralterly OnJ
I- t& 'o
0011*1111, Ifillio *44. UE Wan n bettit. 04 tre lat. The lutmacd Wlwtat tbi; mon*y ahould be G,tieur") 1.), ati ie-,- it, %IF.% malovial clin4ess.. tut urvi, ren,aridocl I., ti*a�t the fmrn I nift', 4�ndfllft a FWturn, rn,in mo I 2tX) luvi,mllips of ttit i,qu,,,r tilerneint rnade, Wallis 'At five
it Oft, till# Iftmo Wilt no Vitt, A ii 40.11t A 14V to *om1&r#bIe I'll lure Jac -a unJer Ific? (usturns !Ziir ,, 11w tr,,&nerq trook, arraliclenleniq rRqUlt IIt till,' I 1b)WAA It I
�JA twou" to Tooft 1 pads Of 401- plus Illownue Bill. now Wet-uro the to operate their priopert) on thpir owh I kely that he wii; nAj% it trau-J t,.r alur Itte .Silite ore and it i,,. not WtNns 1;.viqg thic-rit th advarilial;* ot
HOUSO 001 NprtSentAtIVe-4, scortunt. On Pride of Cobalt work %ter or manslaughter. icasible to state with exaCtnen how one ill the tal of chonges,
r GIMTY 91 to W
4 .4W -LM