HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-04-17, Page 3- ,��.� I . "_ - " 7", - -, , , 7`%"T1TFR_W' - �pw �Iw­ -WPI"F - I - T1'17W�l - I , , , , I I 1� , , T", I I., �_ - . ". �, I I — , ! , .1 I / I � I . r- '04�, " 1, I , I . a - I - 11 \ 11 '. . . . I .1 I . . I . . . .1 I I I I; . . " 114 1 i � �! 1. : ! ­ I , I __ .... . .. - ", � 0 "',ti, 1:: q: 11 g III 11 ,�:�."111.111:!illlll"l:;,!Illllll�:11!�1:111I ­.. — - .��T I -00, WOMEN= I1WNC= .. , . � � - — . 11 ). -1 _. - ��;: --- _;�� ---------W ;!;' ;,o � ... .. .. .. __ ! 1 � At! _=V, , :111, I .. - 4 ... ........... ... L � C."==== I � I I P. ­ I- �� 11 ; . ­­­ -, , . --;m-o , I I I.. 7=�� . , I I '- ­ - -i—am.-i 01 I iia W - 41-1011--_ - � - - -11 — � ­ � � � IN 00111 i101101pe"04! .11 - f I I . - Om"p" � , � v"m",%*.",",Risi Iess"Is "I'll R F 00''""wes'sisam"'Imisam""14 " I . I- : I I I I HE $or I — Is, W_ " , � 0J $ $ L , AT 000d 4111W. (14 4L "alIg 6f *1114 .� -, I ­- -,,I . , I . , ' 0 i, , . I VOW" W 11114"W� *"'k, *6 i I I .-_" imil," , * , , I -1'�, "I I � 40 1W. . � I t� I 1 F44"F11110 M& V911114 kwo^ Ww V* , I I I ; .'L , e� . 1 ,U � - , - t 11 L., e 11 , . L I ._,. , n d m . I . , E � I -, ;P I _. ­ � i, FAILY RMS, W . = v,A 15 Qr Tnoft yery *trlorl UOMM441FASa __ 0 . " , * I Mw � ; I 6 .1"'Wo,t r .8, a b 03 . . �, � *W", suroxy, 1w,"ON An* $1101 ~ wbilialtiZINMOtoft, VA"*Plit. Tau, 404y JIM" ~ � � ��, �, I T I 11, - "I I I I . 'Rfr ir.surl- � ,*W,� 1 .-I I - I . 1_____.1 I I . I I Vjf* bw VAOUY 1444ut S Or It 14'41# . Jil is 1 � "WAINVY 1 . I � OiIIIIINgf, , � iclittft , , wh"i *tUrt'sow,00 Isom , . - . I . . -V . ­ . I I %� 1, L-1 � !­ . TW ilw,* a 0"*C006 _, 4, , 444 INA PwItit a* . .� . 1404'sirot0tit" SK4 00 CMV*,d 401 QVW "a" vaw"Wl �, P V= � - In Ibitif notVA% a w*tQvlAW. OZAA 4 i I �_ . I . I ."; I 1, 1, 4- **W4 I* IoAr 4 Rea, !M# in till* ----' -_ -- I I 11 'a, rit 0 Raw *4411; Y*W Not 34 __ _. � .1 - I ­ � , ' , ­­­- � . .. --gry );Ikg;g of;to. tQ1D. It *111te sk� %?OYP t to Xilt lilil I "I � . I , , , � I . L 0 , Vill , -, Out X "AP A . 11 ., , `U . ( . . I I I . """I , ifiltil-ViLK, lbe mraw V4,04 4,011101k, ag'"40 "70". 0104 ­ 11 10ow"t m1w, .114 � , pa)ao Was TIPM. . *,Ali hpirrItilp 01guttallo. end, 111111111 , - 1, tit 0QjR 0#, siaAAMA lnvmlioa , *-rak,­ ,U*.* 4 hissi*w" "tiliwa.eit � 111 . , . the* tild, gent1prallia dtapljq4 100 *Or* 69 W110.4 814011 CORAO th4i,balls, Ilk , I 11 I . � I � I � . 'Ok. cow i so***ZN, *4 Ow vx"& W)w boinfoWt Ot U0 ChK 109100, lt*WATUO)4 99910, 4*1 AA)W� 04 110404111"' , , t " and 004430 ber'"It right , 11 i � ,, . , , INIg � 1 1MYRIP911. - . AWAY, 92 tho.rocu, Into the tug too ,,I . I . I 1, - I I I. MRIAM V*vx otilfawlil* PNC"W Iii. Tailailakning Atsf W84 pr*!Ia EXXK . . IQ 19m ICQXI 1. I L I I'* O!"Zoo .24 It. Olt eyes, SP4 04tis. But - � 11 , I . I PII -, su I 11 Witter t, 4�Quld not help thliplons throu 141P thal:1 the , A � . - . 'ho m6sk 4W __0 , efigth for - $I* W1111,01, Q N,Viit nt *"y bilaItiettfoi, 1:10.191 V Sooner was her heaft tait - � I , - % L'' -, %*Ak ­� _ . JW I , pir .. �� 17 - , , 004*# _ , I L - 't, , . , � I . 4 Mq., although out WAN 09 muckii h $In K I I I I - I�� .Oil" I I 0 Wte.' It 06, . Wilmititil,qAtil; #1 At %ka d %T : . L . . , , , . #a . *, notte - .. W N 4.0blibitlaft I ojogcr than he Watzi and 140 Wished be l9bilitV cAuglif ti4v br 1 & atilia I I � I 'y AQV�L'* , I - ... � ? '1� AIR jfii�� 10 roqtwls, tQr"D1V0" 'Jill, A4ur rk to be� VW Ift. PV" eopoo - _ %tL'WggU&hNztNr, .. 11 ! on. Alitil 'hers, they Olt t1irge were. In I . .. " . _n last Vai� 4kQW, ,� ` I Mommo&Lin Wessitril y U , #den, ,�] ,�lls* ­� could have bepAo play with. Am If* was "thil, pot. calling QVIZIr 444 over- TbO I . � I ��` � >9U'q4IX*R,tilnwbN4iRJr*Fa,' I I � ; I , , - - 44 rs"It to 110 01XVkQWA, 71W stroulowt 44MV do "not U , - wp,IWX alpilif the rocks. Away dawn . .. 1, 'iIL � ' 1;J1L4t__q1t4jiUI�s 'Dy' Pr06'", &Ad 9"- Initi,is, tkt..W, ll,-brod-� For tiftW.J; plir. , Staleft4j, cast 4b � � under the Water ODD day, he RAW A lobster Outi the alter thusuped and , I .. " if _/_., . jot brkt ' L , , a, isaws, r"4 , , ;;�� 'that be I . p6�._'L, t�IQW40V,erj, 11 . round, gmill ctige. ft4fdo sat a lobster &qdic,*%aA I , '0 L , sarly wbeitw"Ibo V-10aw � ,.$ , y9u. ean Isfisistrys VII0 AV* A , ­;:��— , poor Tara So Much 'A ' I , 1ho atN49tst 1010,10A a .*I"* _ I 1� / ._'� L xokm4rY,or Ow prigolpfil-10AW lhxa_�"A -0p, 901W "011illy 1(ilo& 4IWA,Vs),V._MV,i1n4 t1la" %TW-9fraiiiq cmr� 7XJK %,$A 'NOw I _-k______, twJ041ing his borne, Instead at thvpbx. aut0y,would bsLV,t lRon killed if be had ­ ­ 1. . --- -.� .. , I I .1 L . �_ �:=_ R tug ct%CV* back. ank I I . ... il ... .. �; _w � , f, I PVPUVd. . �, I)* Iftwit VIN". And w1l"10 JA Fal, : libeir. *W't 640 t4w"XV40 Wr Oaf Wait ii,whatt Have you been naughty? ll*vs not at lost flat 0 , ht the I . � . rl ' ­ . _ _ Proston Is the best. �aclvifrl pt'.All ft tL'cle"Aill Wbeilit'#W� Tftg'� ON *1' Is r JiiiIisillials *** ago, ro'giia . � Vy put YOU to tile IOCIL'UP?" askitil pato out of %be how 11110 caU0. . . ,�,. _ L "?, . ,� . � L , . '14,04; #11, ldy* 0 . t -us . I . . .. N---,-----.;"- th lobAtilles, tall and Pull" with kit bill I 0, I � . I ` . I LL, � � L I , , I . . i I ' 4 11) I . *for". I PrV 'IV I igmvylu In, C,Omal!ai - A414*b101t Vbft 4QW413A 101t "411Y " � � I . . I 1 ,l4. 44$0USP_ L ally, vVy $F01, . . .. I "I cannot - 11 - _ : I q4v1sitbile, ilittwevero - %41jei � . got out.,* the lol)gtQ,r lialit, might. but the, lobster would no Ict , L Wm* , gUV.ng1.WtKA 19 , . F�& t li I . 10g, 4he ifill, ' ( ; . I . . 11 _111h, in at saA voice. . I I , w'. to �.��- At th­,swe "W.itIX all, 40-, penwk, to'�,Qw, � WOWS 0. I I go. "Do I # 11 .1 .L I Stwifi�y, Hut .. I L Q OWYI, "HOW did YOU got In?" . 14 Tom. YOU I I + I I I I , liflifl,tho re1qtq,4 irafftlet.tgs � aviyw who.109,14 4Pp0VhT41ZJa : I I 11 said Tom ,*come along." #'I he otteir was I � . I I I . .. or isilrta, PAY'o 1, Al'i1of 1110.,Q�Alan t at. it RW V 4. 1 .� ­ . - � "Through that round tkQl* at 00 016" net VitO all$ to 4cailrl *tml t IQ , .11 , 1,04-And-VIer'm wk�10: _ . It . , r relAtt q I 1. � � end of tit 1. 1. . . -io,zies Waite ,- 4l$tJ% JV4'r#_ip,J'0arIy up tQQ4 111141 � � I I I . I aatg the lobiltor. ­ . I L - , dgrs I quite dead, That WAN the I I I I I I . .. . � . " I ,* 1 bgLen origluctle4, from . L I go 0Ut,r­4KW wicked otter. But 0% lobster would not . . , . , . I � ,-, ' 0 ' In III) -ro _li behymn waire lftit � -Why do You inAt I 4% 44�L'tt"I'_41 ­gAMIPA"tal Farm Ito , "".iX � . I . � + I ­ � . -_ � - . ­ . ­ - . _Kloo, , VDIV, 'let cd. ­ - ­ 11. .. - I'll -, - --- -%e Fife L A) . 'L Jr. - ­ �'W - I � ­ ­ I - - ­ , . . 1. ' :-. - " - .." - - - ?e J�Otis. 0, tlW �­, 4, . , . . IQW,'y�af IM and AM of ��e , MIA) 0 AL 11he$61 10 ... r , - � r you stupid luck-lo-ths- -T1li)9Jt,X11JGGICD AND =1110XV1 . 4' . I .1 , e . "Comly, Alan I . e - I _. . I . L.SteallaQ I CAN'Tt" and the loblitillt . I I I � � � L Win. -Ivr the fisherman # L , I wmat ,percentage (Red rito orl 1. W1t*qJ. wWd usually be con . L'o � I .. , , .1 . mudl" cried , . I I I , - thin thr,Q�­quurJerSL If ill he", is ,, . . .Fito crossed, wIth Wage), AS U5u4UY $1, 41pr eiiiiiI will catch you." � � _#am here for days smill de"I I I ucgh Iduce, In 11 t toot W remembel�- . I . I . I I lot go. there jigi- JrOundre's a.' Us &toil% the d ­ . I grown they are very in a tit. I I I I out the lobster would not I 11 , . - . , a, . � .. , , IAIII Q1, er, that the ordinary western . N - - . I moot respects OZ4 are tot 41SWINIAL5111f, . � I - - . " Tom saw the 9shermen haul him up rocks." . I . . � ­" liblo ifrom. e4ch otbier otter threslArt'g. r At I'A' by no means PtIve, Fted .,r Ey MET A VjND OLD GENTLEMAN ., I to the beataldo, and thought It was all Tow 10$0-4 at the baby 691111311- 6124 ; , * � ____4_ W- - , - - . __ I W ____ `,� . .- � � , __ ._ _ -0melA,reRmblip-404, li-bilt,UAY, 1. " ., ­ ., ­,,0!eel1X____41_._ _­.­._..._. I ,-.-,!I.-"-.-----",--".-,-----------'----'-'-'--"--""--�- - ­­ ­ '- ' ' .. _...W_f,,_btm�, but-wileal-tha-labalter-mv . 000 414-14 W_ 1 - I - ­­ - ­ ­ L ­ . ­ _� - �K�_ -_ ,T*� , . -th I . I I 1. :� e L 11y'det t tne . , . � I " . � CO)tpetont Judge can V, I ty. , said " here �;q no children to the I " the flatterm In he X&vo such a furious --Well, tMis I# woriderfull I have solml �� , . sp a lacursloy's "Water- ' , I difteftill, t a the,W , I �,plte.s -of their many I qL.4 -led from qb 4 co between that v lon.-Ta Z W , ,,I" that is over YQPU- it�r."' I snap that he snapped out of his hand tbIng3 1100-11II93A again and again. but ; � I " ", � lothe.ts, proy" all the a . o(M. admirable qualities, I cannot 1,6001111- - - .. )!". - _11- __ Q we 'Yen," said Ellie. "I know there 4 / . and out ,it the pot Into the sea. I thoutlit.Y*le Were shells and Rea, siat- I . " . ) -, . the - "I - J1Ut lie had Ifft-We View bebta&.--for Main I #Oyiiir' ­ L , 614 of Properly mat in PV= mend these four early Wheats for tcuk you low waibrr-ba- .. ?, . , I ___RsO4�_�_0_II_9__QhjI4rS.u_ -aiiii-m-milaida, I .- .—.-----.--------coXA,iUon—Ulxtur,e "- W Is a Va. L I . ther-til.alit--Jasr- Jdawm_ _ 0 1 - I . ��, , _Plirpillse,ALMWILqjqg��ed Fife wi - too, and Mormon; I have soon them it neV*V came into bin head to let Co. Man like loylialiff." Tom looked again at I . ty for export PIIA'pcises,'JT*1�59� dib-,, to the seaside to spend the % And now a wonderful thing happened the w&t4f;bW.','and saw that it WON . ,. I with Red FlIo Ica I summer. she Was a good lit- In pictures." ll� I I . L �,, ,. arg,to by exurrittlation of the kernels- trials wh,ere early nut,trun frosts are not 4 to Tom. He had nut left the lotimic. Ellie, th ittio girl about whose he I 1,,,� Y dear:' be said. '*You are . I tie girl and everybody loved "No. no. m Al I I �i .1 ,,, Tbei 46itatement. solnettIlleti, Made that leared. Wherever, in the western mistaken." but a flaw 11110 -ants when be came could not' , I" W# thinking. and he was I I � . I." , these, mrl$ wheats resernl$10 otr are ml yrairle ffoyinces, Red Fife gan -be de� her. many happy hours she spent But Ellie was not convinced by - - - upon a Wilt'llf-filAby7a r'sak ltv* wiii";�r very h`mVM­­_"-­ , .1. - -:-.1-:_11 1. _ � Antilles on it ..Why .11� the d&uJ4"Vr_"M80;­ ,-a, .- --he'-flio-waln - "I ­ . are there DO . baby--aft1tillf On the sand. *X, Ellie. And. band In � n- - ­1VI-1aloitild he rocks with bar nurse. .,Canlai." il �­_ - � - Cited to vb6ats of � pen 4 upon `iii I I _ day she took her fishing not and what he said. . . land. they �Vaiat, to the laminsa of thin L �11 � �� , .s absurd. They -wheat &own, these earlier sorts, if used , water -babies?" she asked. I . When it saw Tow it cried. 11 ., � ) laronVI or "Goose?' olass I went out on the rocks to spend the " AAd there they found I . �, LelQng to the Fife, class And have Ito at all, being slfwn in relatively small � "FANCY FAES" - r- "Because there are not." said he. *,Why, Yt are act one of usl You water-babliilg' 11 I �_, ­ . afternoon. They met a kind old as w . L! .,7 11 Itelatlonahip, or ,similarity to Goose quantities Fnei,ely to ["like possible a Just at that mument he felt him not ... arVA no by. HOW glad I &in!" dozens and 4060" of water bablen. all " . �, �� " �, 1 ,. itleman. who said he would go fishing . . ,ran to Tom and Tom ran to ; �, rivileat. I I I somewbat earlier commencement of tile about wherever they like and go MoUll- . get very heuvY under the wee4s- He —, ItAandlt hey hugged and kissed such dressed In IOWW bathing suits. T107 , I, .. , �� 11 I . 10� with them. He told Ellie many won- . welcomed TOW *11th hu%aad kt�4 I ... �L.-11 .. ,��, �- The distribution of these varieties harvest. . Ing for a. tittle fun and excitement. derful stories about the sea and the lifted It out quickly. other. and no OGG ,Wa4 Wyer so ppy aa poor ­; . . I "Oh whore have YOU been All this � , .. 1:�L n little Tow. 1. " ­ , :"L " ;�r from tho Experi iffental Farms wa,s be- in those dLstr1,et,% where Red Fife does You would laugh to learn Of the many things that live in it. Ellie asked him "Dear met" he cried. "Nvhat & clue,er 1111111474 Tom BmAd at last. �_ 9 , , r t- gm many years ago, before the cil"rO Ti-ot usually escupe frost rhe.se, early curious names possessed by theirb were any children In too pink thing is thin! It beta CYO -why. . I , 1; I . I �:. �It. .. it there ". . -1 11 �­_':� ; . I RLt�y_f� - _ , ___._ water, as there used to be. -It 'there I I 1, , " - acterilstics of each, ioil lad bi1qAJullY, wheats Xpurticl,11190-Y :it"Al _retst9a . haughty members of the cat arlXtQ0- it is a wonderful thirig!" ., . �!� "I W In London ,,It is a water-babyl" cried Ellie, .. � "I, � fixed by selection, and hence it is now d be tried, In many - racy. At the last Cat XbO . . ! ", I .'�­ � "" I . and Huron) shoul anottini-­ are. I should like to see them," said ... I A ; ,,7 'll, there were, 4theVpuagdool and, of course, it was. � ;� - oubt prove of Im- .. - k � I, I .1"'. I V,Ually� possible In an ordinary field cases they will no d she. "Water- fiddlesticks, my dear, said -_ �� �, I "', " . to find heads invinse value. They art- the only suit- "Breeze of Springtime," "Song. of may", "Why. you strance little girl." he. . .hl , . � ;1 'of any -of thiew wheats 011140 type. In at present for "Don Pasquale of Thorpe" and ..LIgh I ,t I thb old gentleman. and lie poked the - OTTER'S BACK" . I ,::: - , Yu: �, -or kemeLs of niore than I able varieties available .9 at Life." How very Common the lines- queer pink thing with tile finger. it -ON THE . I �� I , � ., �'. iorder to overcome this objection,' V such districts, except PTIn Ws Chain- Ing name of "Tabby" Renault, earn- bit his finUer until it bled. I I . t � :,- Improve the varieties as much as Pfl$, Ojai" a bearded -beat of similar Pur- sum jumped I'll, � __­ . . l, I , I pared with thene, high-iiiicitkadivic Utlest I . "Oh!** he excla'"bed. He dropped twiddled his horns. "I have - ? `711rt' .. II � I r sible, and especially to the entaw. lso . . okwQrd and stdOwuYll, 21. ,:I,.,r ­ 1�y �_ - _get, rld 0 . the pink thing on the seaweed and It uDwaid and ba I ,,7, "� I �,., I '!qi . � I . Into tie water. mild I cannot got out; I Cannot find the . I � . kernels With a yellow Ado (which unuer L,e, recommended. I div d I I . — 11' . IT ,�.i� �� '! � the present Grain inspection Act are Farmers In localities where a fair do, Story About Kipling t I I was a water -baby and I holo." 11'' " 1: .1B � . , ,�, - , I � � �� , �, -sel4K- -success L9 obtained with Red IPLING. an a lad, wag noted 110V � U eak," cried Ellie. "Ali. it Tom looked at the trap and mat? It - ", . risidered inferlor) a curetyl rb heard It,sp " �', 4�; : ,� I :".,I,, Cr gree -of I I Ii, 1, ;111' ',.Li� 1: 1� . ­-� Von of these wheats was undertaken,a. rife but where it Is occasionally touched his pluck and audacity in Mlm- Is gone!* And with that she Jumped was a lobster -pot. I ,, Ir � I ,, � "71, , � " " I , 0 , , , 11 �1'1 �"',: K ,hlef. When he was very small down off tile rook to try to catch It. I I � , �' ", ."i.6ao.e �i.,,,� few yearq og�), with the result that Im- with frost must u&O their, own judg. -Stop a bit," he said. "and turn your . 14 :, � �� �� t � j� I. , proved straim were poduced Some ment to decide, frorp the foregoing state- his father took him On a 1169, Voyage. I . An she sprang she slipped and struck tail up to me; I will pull you throligh." ­ . , . .1 - , �� i � . . �: r, . -.;, I " � at these are now beliny distributed, and ments 'of fact, to What extent they The father became quite se,oick, ma- her head oil a sharp roelit. The ola But the lobster could not understand. - � , �_ I ,,, � those of the very best quality (of which ,should use these earlier wheats. though the boy suffered not at all. Late gentleman tried to waken her. but she so Turn reached down tile 11010 after �I P ;1 " - . �� ,!�, 1,;� 1, only a sinall amount of seed Js yet CHAS. E. SANDERSON, Cerealist. the first arternoon at sailor rushed dra- would,,Iiut,, wake n. tie carried her him. and then the lobster was no clum " , 14'1� . matically to where he suffering father "Vi, lionto I It arms. She lay Quite still. � . I � �,',� � . I availablel are being propagated as rap- . sy that he pulled TOM In head 101*11- it . �, k Central Experimental Farm, la�p-d..! lead - only now and again she woke up and , I I i, Ie. I � .�L_ 'Idly as possible. A full description of Ej*caIj vcur boy. He's I most. I .:,;�,�!� � I said something about the wo.ter-baby I'll ��, - I 1411, cach variety need riot be given here: atta%ira, March, 19GS. � crawled out on the yardarm, an' it he but no one knew what she meant, anA - -Hullo! here's a pretty buslItieSs." said . . ", -.... 1, I let go he'll drown." the old gentlenian did not tell. Tont. "Now you take your great claws � , but it may be mentioned It .9 th-�su hpiked 1, . ;tN, . hat selected --q— 'He won't let go." teably murmured I One moonlight ]light the falr1ra came unit break ills points off - 1� I ,��,, , ".1 Preston is a bearded wheat with yet- * the parent of the reckless youngster. ase I flying In at the window and brought - and then we con both let out,' . 'i . ." ,�, � "� rded ALFALFA OR LUCERNE. her such u pretty pair of wings that "Dear me! I never tiought of that," - . . I ,�� lowlsh ("while"I chaff; Huron, bea be sank back on his pillow' said the lobster. � "'..., Z111'I, with reddish chaff; Stanley, beardless — ?I - she could not help puttl%ethem on the spikes � . I .. 11 'I �:: "i, Percy, beard- Bulletin Written by Prof. C. A. Zlivitz, Perfectly Frank. - She flow with them out winclaw, They had itot halt lot I �V .., 11,� with reddish chaff, and Discouraged Golter-I really - don't I up through the clouds; and nobody out when a great. dark c slid came over .� _,�. . , �i,� ;�, saw it was an otter. ..... I I- I ��, 4 I',' less with, yellowish chaff. of the Agricultural College. believe there's any worse player than heard or saw anYthing of her for a them and theY . �', ,��,."�� , .very long while. ilow she did grin and grin when she ­ ,1�r�'1.6� ��� " , "I hat -Torn! I' -SHE FLEW 013T THE WINDOW" I '. ,. 11 ,�i, 7 When questions tire asked In regard myself. Or course, the queer pink thing t saw . � ­ 1, �', I I A bulletin an alfalfa, also known as -There may be worse than Ellis and the old gentleman had caught "Ali." she said, "I have You now, �Ou 11 I " � 11 a In 01W, "I 11:1 heats the answers are usual- Lucerne, has been written by Prof. C. you, air; but th y do 't Play. "',`, , ;,, to these W Caddie "IT BIT 1-118 FINGER" �� 4 ", .. illy desired in the form of a comparison � I ,�,, A Zavitz of the Ontario Agricultural thu (!UA:eh. it 111"a tit lousily, 0,01. W !,er by l, — I ". 1��,�' 2=# ', , � . I 11 . " ;z 1�_ � I , -with Red Fife. This method, therefore, College and printed by the Ontario De- . 9 , Indian 'Myths L, ,I I I, plith. �;11 " ' 0 un , IV . $zp "I, I -BUSIM 'Ci+ ., �"­ seerns the best to adopt Ja considering purtineat of Agriculture. It is now 0 �9, _j.IiL IIU� , ..-,\\ CON . IV, ,E(WI-L , � �q ", . , the vari011s points here discussed. being distributed and copies can be ,ob- I � � Canada, tile chief divinity is Ifil"YS 1191i'l I \, tit tiny ft;4j.zilil,al put I Jt".jq.'Abt_tr . 1, 111. C. C. James. V DALVILESis I,) tilellk I,j if,,;, iwtters; lolu. � . I � oze-NA (7, t .= MONO the WIPMAC, Indiana, of . sually rip- WJ - � - . . . I 1; Earliness. -These varieties w tained on application- too -INV 1b71drMM9 d Pez7r , A Glooskap. They be- 11, L - I ,!� . ­ ;', en from about four to twelve days be- , .known as I It ltj�.a .if lso ""I ,� taLt ; , licl I . I , , ,i , � ,., Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Parlia- I lievo that whelk Glooskap first made V# get 1) I, " � r '1� " j . I., I tcret Red Fife, if sown -on the same day that In sleep he l�', * L I e tf ,,, niont Buildings, Toronto. The bulletin OCKO cried and whimpered pitifully, of a tree, trusting - JIV411ii-ws ul %hi, .1 . tie all of them very 1'11,� W-I, 11, "'I "It"r I , under exactly the same con- might forget his bunger for a while. , the animals. lie ma � : large. Then of tile great moose. %krong dwov, �W' - - � -i '.I :1 I I and grown ,gives the results of -experiments con- for he was hungry. His little MAS- Ulid tho. -,WVC parl) I � - "I ,-I, .1 � ditions. in the Northwest ProvJnces, i hat would You v,,n,j gla,,jilaliv -ming to Jhq4**Aclus1.I1 . " , ducted wlt� alfalfa for ten years at the ter, Gulseppo. hugged the little ard- Jocko nestled In the crook of his arm. ,) 1. .. . t surnmer-fallow Will usually Soon master and beast were wrapped In Glooskap asked: "W I � ' - Preston on Agricultural College, and should he Mat still closer to his breast and trUdg- do if You should moot an Indian"' I give ,he h(t-1- tiltilp btwoo�Atlld 'eL t,-;", .. ,iLt -I, the hands of all farmers who intend ed faster toward the village that lay be- slumber. I am � - ripen at about the same time as Red wittil, 40,4ts N%114.� .� , `,. i, And tile moose, who was as tal f1win talid us 11011C I � �,:.,.,�i' Fife on stubble. Hot ,weather towards Guigeppo was having delightful 1.1 . 1; . 11 J sowing alfalfa. The bulletin closes with ifore him. Guleeppe, was hung". too, the highest Pines. said: would th.-I, thlo" jlw�-., liarllcls�ejji, lftrr.�t 0 .. �," ,,� I harvest reduces the difference in time following paragraphs: but this was not the first time he had dreams of sumptuous banquets, while 9 on him." ..You \\Vu'd *.I\" tile pl..I�.elll WbkA'We ,il- I l .11��'- , ,of ripening. Cool Wedther lengthens it. '.lie go he had Jccko found himself Ill a drea.mland tear down the tree � '14-1 q- W. Re� Alfalfa should be very ca.refully test- been without food. Lone a where cocoanuts were heaped about in are much too strong," replied the god .Sri-l.'d It light. till I Illade for it fUty 1" � I � I,: " �;,5, " Stiffness and length ,, Istru ed on many farms throughout Ontario. learned to beer privation without a mur- Glooskap, so he made the mOONG lieving we NN, - at wast j'�t� mites ,�r_ _ , . - � mammoth piles. when suddenly the 1� ,F , isistaince to Rust, SJULA and otter Dis itt, large yields I nutritious feed for I smaller and weaker, In order that the .1 I f the h0f,mile, -10 I eases. -In rega. � monkey awoke with a start. The next II-IIII 11(lill", 111,11, -;'� 1.". - *A ,p,d to these points the stock, its i ennial character of �J , Indiana Might kill the animal. ;1 "Ind th#-AVh)OlWud- e,,�;.,� - . , ,_ -_,44-,r4V__,vay:jf4tjeg show no striking dif. "Till I moment he was chattering volubly and who was the ,1,,I,,klv covered, ,0 � " ., '. I- I ') Nowth, and its ErleficlaVirifluence on tugging at his master in great alarm.. Then to the actIftirrel. nded ovtv let, I - . lerences from Red Fife. I size of it wolf. he said: "What would ""till -4, mkl8t h4tppi� ­­ i;ws Ot 1, I I I I �'r .!� Yield -Experiments, In regard to yield the. sail, are all features which oom- , I The lad grasped the situation at once, it you maw an Indian rom- , and (Igniviles aild wvnitiorltil Folil) . ',,',,,�,", very highly far those farms you do , 1,1'11'_�,, : mend it and was hardly behind J'ocko In climb- T1.1W, -S, 1,til it C, and4liandal in il . �� ' -I would scratch Pll-�l 4"'P . . � ,�, �� . dItpri, give contradictory results under Successfully. down the X� � I'll on which it can be grown I I Ing the tree beside him. Well might hs, Ing I" opliod tile Ii,gh' pin,-e�;. �1. 14 _. :� some conditions. Speaking genemlly, # ___ it trees on him." fiercely ri . 1, 11 \.\ a., tl,.N. lbul j�..,,,taqtlf1, hilkhallo- "''I , �, There are different ways of laying to not more than a few yards away . trongor .,�-�_; !��` however, one may expect a large yield - I , '' �,,_Q down a plot or a field of alfalfa, and %,%,a squirrel. ,,you, too, are , I was a huge bear eyeing them fero- you should be." on 11 li�,, " from any of these wheats often larg- urmure4 \-let, inl(I us, ,,r I, hirbrito evening 1� " J. Id suggest the following method as . .�. � than f I , , I'V or thilin. that train Red Fife. On the 11" " . ciously. � Glooskap. Thus saying, he took the allItI.-Illk-lil in lit-, gleat. wood$ Where I )Vll�_ ll the beaide*d varieties one which is likely to give very exoel- ..'P, The bear stationed himself underneath a o� ,T!W,,,,,e - - ' 11, � —_ 'ii Kiihato perhaps . laluirrel In his hands and smoothed ill, w"Ivos Ilb(illil 1. I%%-) 'v�l W W se .1 .( "I lent results. Select land It ving a clean, . I tree gely up at the M down to his present size. .. I -1I (Preston and Huron) are rather more . �a __ , t to and glared sava A forward 110 asked the great white g� put L -N night isl,ii UW I I i"'t . ,V:, ' )1. fertile surface soil overlying it two. For a long time the boy sat I `� mellow, bear: "What would you do to the thtilts'.1%,-S Ivi LN'I'llor!.1d: \ . ' '� ­ �, - may ' ' 7�1`,� , productive than the others. It must be .�, � white bear is � . , - I., . ,C� � perched upon fill, I vlv�,-yd W 1111,!"!, I . � I -1 deeply drained subsoil having no acidity. astride a llmb, with Jockto Indian?" And the ,rest Ili,,,' woll cabill '" �� I` � - remembered that these comparisons are - his shoulder. Then an Ides. came to rinswered "I should eat him at 'I , I l) I,., �'t Use large, plump seed, free from im ! once.- olooilkaf abook his head. ' . 4111.,%%, e, ,iom i ,* I ;t �;, generally made under conditions favor- him. And a bright Idea it proved to be *1 I III'v I,) 11M, , ­ purities and strong in gertininating oulseppo began playing his accordigon., i shall put you 11 a vast. d 03O late dilvzfwns IIIIIIJ 'St'.1- ,f wolves a" '. , I . ,� P able to Red Fife. In cases where frost 'r- inoculate the seed with the - .11 1. / at first softly and then swvIlIng ut � waste, 1, ere you shall see but low pr,illiling ubokll� V1,,,:g SUIllatilnes It - i I �`: int burst 6f melody. InitmediatelY Indiana,*' suld he. ,. -11 . , _ lips to be considered the early varfe. Powe kind of bacteria, providing at- (, - 1i 'd �.,.: � ,� ilieg usually give distinctly heavier yields proper I tho'bear became all attention. Soon Ills And so the W150 9 d placed all mat challe,u. lit d bil"L if I e . ,JLSP0sc that ''r, I I �ii -,, ,� �,! . .ifully I the cross old lii .r _ falfa has not been grown success fterce look disappeared; 11 I mals where the best servo 11). I � I I ,, : than Red Fife. hilarious brull. . � I might � , , n, , � ,� n the land in recent years. As early r". bear became a naerry, �� � 0 the purposes of II, a sub)octa, the In- " T �>�, " Appearance of Grain, Selling Price.- c Changing the tune to a morr:y Jig. Out- dians. . Gollorlilly. tI,,NNr%, r Ili,, Wing Is mere � , i, V: � �", . Irliese early wheats are as hard as Red in the spring as the land Is dry enough seppo was plea,mid to see th bear rear bill. %%[Ih a r'N' Ill.,_ ,.,,iN,wn in; the � I "I , - 0 . I 1 I _� and warm enough to. be worked to good JOCKO SEIZED THE CHAIN upon his hind less and dane '. I I h, - I,% 0 I VeS do 1� -qi 0�', , , ' e ` I -r i4 it ,I w ­l. . ','� I.. 4 ,� Fife and when the kernels with yelbow dano I "I L " I", "I advantage, make a suitable &eed-bed The lad now took courage to descend Steady Coin I ,,,,%, n fri�nzled �'��. 4I skins are eliminated, are of a rich red- from the tree. He continued Ilia play- not atia-k fillill UW �. 1 I ., I I � . .-, 1� ,.� , (if any difference and immediately saw about twenty tour of complaint. It was different with Irg, however and the bear still kept up — _____ - - - __ - - - GACE a smooth strip of paper upon _,, e,11, -n guns I', I I ..'T 1. .r � ,1 dish color which Is impudent w- - - v Ili, jlulikI4 r. .\,,lie it-, . �:1 I , alfalfa seed per acre from the Jocko; he wast only & monkey and could him antles. i�hen what did the I :'. I " be seen) rather darker than Red Fire. pounds of Jocko do but seize hold of the chain to IS DESERTED I : the corner of a table. Upon this ,,re n.., juk,,;j ,t 1, ),11,11 I., vArry a MI 11 . , 1, .,i;, I I I seed box placed In front of the hardly be expected to suffer patiently. P carefully Wand upright a silver ylj�, 1. 'I h4erO IS it . I `1 I � I 11,11: "1, 1 -herefore, as the Grain Inspec- ' which the bear was attached. ,Together I a . %, ,vi�t. ,rl i :1,0 ,,t , � 4 "I ` So long. n d I and abiiut -one bushel of The outskirts of the town- 'gained, they led the bear bock to the menagerie half -dollar, , I'l, Ill 11, ,; f.�r!ll tit affluse- � - r -1, . ��,, ti(M Act requires the higher grades to i ril Gulseppo unslung his accordion and be- from which It had escaped. give our things away. 1, wil,11--i . .. 1. 'r� , g .� 'I" , ,,.rin g wheat or -of barley per acre Inum 1. , '�.� . ERYIAPS you may rt,mernber how "that we can't By a little practice You will gain the '. �5, I contain cert8i'll proporti,ons of hard, You may be sure that Gulseppo was 111'ell, %% I, , 11 ,.IIIb,II,,, 1:,,. 11,.,:ce,sary 41K. , �, . c the tubes of the drill. Smooth the land gan playing his liveliest tune. Strange to and Jorko ill, toys of D.11'"Illi, played nil You must ask your Father to buy YOU ability to draw (tie puper from beneath - w, , f attire 1 " . , ��' ; , , ,�,�, I -1 red wheat of the File class, these varte- -ith a weedpr the street. well rewaided. and that he P to amnse Little some toy money - , t.-Ill'.111 'r .�J. I I \% th - I 11 " 0 �, __ \ ties should grade quite as high as pure with a light harrow or %% I 040Y. not a gerson appeared in dined well that evening-hetber than sorts of garrics the coin without disturbing the lioattlon . ,.l , I., -gi�� _1 I �., L ,", . .U, h .1 ..; , ,� , 11 " urse, and if it is very loose and rather dry, fancie he saw faces peeping from they had done for many a day. Girl and Llltl� flu) Cif -ver little Ana- I,Ittlo (;Irl spent over a y�ar tryInK .,,I I wil It- %% . IN., .. , " largely — - � , Red File. The grade, of co beh r -closed shutters but no one Father to bring home toy I i. -Illi rsty 0-ellWIlt �A Ih., n0kiliage I I '. - �,,;, ��j Controls the sale prioe in Canada. r, iso roll it and again go over it with rivii doll, It was who ill Induce X I �,� ,.,.�� "�, Intsight. Outseppo did not know Appropriate. bellp, the Fril, Illiv sAerils to _ . he harrow or the weedcr. As soon as that no more than an hour before, the thought of in -1. of the -s" games And money. Nor could Nho understand for g,111., ,1.�tr.,5vr: it curta . , .. 1 �,2 , _�I f an English expert in t villagers had been warned tb be OnAhe The small son of the minister had a long, long while that n,) t0Y t"Oney I . V V1.111,u %%Ull U, a Tl -'l% ,� 11 �, "n. � � �,! i I I The opinion 0 the grain and avoid Leaving � ed from the table for she it was %lo, derided that Dolivillil �� . I 'rl( ,�, - In the mi!ftctIme, all . 11 Aq , ��r'f , regard to stamp it one the strayed from a mentiterte traveling naughtiness and was compelled to sit was ever foloin I , �r,! . ( I les of Red Fife, Pries- ripe, Cut lookout for a nerce bear which had been banish - . �1: , ,1 , 11 tk)n, Stanley and Percy, grown at in- land longer than necessary. surely mumt lia- a department store, tile propit. of 1)(ololle, having find one 'A __ 4p - � 4 "k, . � Give the Alfalfa plants every opportun- thereabouts. Whereupon ail the towns- at a little side table. When Che time at- h as all lilk �,111�u pom.essed. SL\ I VNI k -11tl7.lA.\I().\6 �IrL, , , " 1. k dian Head, Sasic., in 1902, was that the I Lu n -Ln people had Immediately rived for him to so_y grace. h -s ransacked BUC tho dl,partment ,,tun-, gavil It �', -, I ��. �" f" .. �,4- . Stanley and Percy would sell in London ity to get a good start Ili the III. ter; nor had they any Intention of com- his memory for Scriptural quotations, So Anabolle pioadod with 1,1111i, ClIrl. loi,k at I find sitfu , " �,� -` , � as Uile Red File, but it, preparation for the winter. If fo� I'ag forth until news was brought of the end made use of the following. which he who although m. Nl,,rtal. was A1.11O."T n., further -intildelation. sltl(,o they Vall'!-Ing 1.11,11gilL� "IdLnt .. �,� ,;� "I. . at the Sarno price bear's recapture. recited loud enough for his father and 'good to, a ,1�,Il And Litll,,� (1111 ,,,,e unable to pur,h­ ftI,Y ' f In' till? 1. 1, ! ,1. JA ripelis in'-, -drger I I �7 I 0 . " i , I the Preston would command about hay,cut ,each crop of Alfalfa in the folw Ignorant or this, Guleeppo plodded mother to bear; as ii I'aito r. w1o, wns .,it "-,It- Ili ,- things diRpi,,yed So I - 1, %, I ) h. n, , � ., I pli,.ded wit .' ` I ."'o . "I IA � �, ", I ushel less. lowing year as soon as it starts to hopelessly throuV the street -O Lord. I thank Thee that Thou hast ve for two f�)'.,r­'­ .he , I .,,,,.�.. . � three-quarters of a cent. a b ny Into the woods fyond. Vvenrily he prepared a table for me in %he presence and -out" Mortai But even Morluis are demeTted. ra __ (oll, ill , � 1. ­_': I A' 1� Of the same v leti- gro-n at Ottawa bloom. In curing, try to retain as Ina I, f,,r Ill LS Ill-, reform IX � I" - 1. 11" I own under the shadow of mine, enennies!" sometimes Wild, as Anab,-Ilo was guarded the mu0n, stairway and pre- , . , I ��, 1� � threw himself d Ill - !,-lift �,r " , .� � �k, i C . 1,� ,hu believed tile Percy and Red Fife of the leaves -on the sterns as possible, obliged to ndm,t e,loen Father r�turiied --rit-I th. tr­.blesume Teddy Dears PAI1rR UNDERNEATil. THE COIN if 11.,,� 1,,,I.t �., I 0 I and to ,protect the crop from rafn. I -, '�,�, ,,�, �.,"11 , al prices and the Pres- that evening -il,l I, lieliShtful t"y " from sliding down, .�,�,Ii,q al.l. 1, I i.lbk�j Up bv ljr.,a,hInJJ �� � " � would bring eqU thre4quarters Never "t or posture Alfalfa suindent- -b-C ,rhat t,,y Ariabelle sh-4 livr head again and . �" � L 11 it ton and Stanley about he(] purcha4--.1 olving the day of Ill. lilt ­. All that in required Is a d .%%It t" Ih,-I,. , � . , 1�, ', � ly close to the ground to reni0ve the spli,ndid doll 9 again, and exclalmi,,l. ' Mortals ar� Ito N, 1: � :�';, :� t � 11. 4 .of a cent a bushel 1-. was no,hlng -,I­,,thao' a swift. st-dy Jvrk lit a direction parallel A fl,I,%�fl,11_1 b[N-W ulte'll uldil"t" d . 11 i � Crowns of tile roots, and thus Injure or v�ry oti,pid Thcy mak� till 161109 or I I �, "?, IrnInt � .� I 1, Milling alue.-In their oonduct in the ­d.psi r I t,r ' toys, and �t-t never think of InAking .1IIr6n6mjZ Iwid I V., L'. . i _. so dire - 4 yr-Ae Canoe .UCZ,W 40 �rlta It" vdg, of the coin but you will . I , ly re- possibly kill the plants. If the .c ., 1� � " lo flkur mill theqe four wheats close - T h-, Ne,y ne.1 d- AIIPLI " 11� PA a'I to arid (hill by no Means easy Of ac"M- l_ 11,,Ill _,,� 6and arid lit,"' PCLAY � � �,�, - - - ,,!, ,I ,, tionq are (ollowed, the, alfalfa inav be - - � ­ � , . " Y tloun�y' . I I :.l 1. 11, I , semble Red Fife. The bran separates . 1� . - . I)VI'Ville to work. furnishing It e I I" plliiih,nent f..r ,-,ti­\,L�-1I,­ 1. . il.,� I I readily, the proportion -of middlings expected to produce large and valuaul� _--irk- —_ - I A ck Wager. - --- - _ - - - I i -I ,."', I : -ears without re- . �i r., Flight well tho varl-4 d.-partror-'s \\ 1,31 \,. , ,i- l% h"11 ri" ,11,3 L, k�lk' I � !,-,, I J produced, Is large and life middlings cloPs for a number of 3 - Ift were Ati,cked. too The." W,isi ­'rl Jim lit maii�r till my marble,; that The Very Worst Man. I I � I ;� �� 1� I thilir, from French gown. cind hills I- y ­I it toro.- di,un front that tliair be- . I ;., to reduce. seedin g. ____1 t , A little boy was asked whom he' i 1'� I � "? o �"Ij I,[, I . I ; ar,_ not unusually difficult ."A� III c in u eiaiiilll IL"" I "All l"i, t�'­ 11, ,. . ,it L.- it-, ltv,raL inu-:1. WAII- . 1. ,�, "I irlK 11,19 ,.l � I 1 � 1 1� �, lk�) -% j- I 11 1,.t v,iu all mine that I �orl I. thought wan the must wicked mail ; , :1 . I 4 lylits ineans a high yield of "patenV . -------..Vll— - - . - I L 1. Then calro, tt,. day for ,,P,- I t� A I I I 1, I., i . " . wonderful Mori, Ths pla e was thr-i "" J,m ('­­ down noentlorood III lhio Bible ,,,,,,�', " . t. ,� �( � 1; �, . fl,jur . The t4al yield of flour is very TIW SHRINKAGE OF TEME. I - . ed with the lnhfthit­t� of I.ollirflli, J, � I .",I I -Mosen - rentionded the boy, after if % � %, lid k I'l .",�, ,,,,.,t L" wil 1, , 1, j , . "break" flour ts d Little Girl, who .atch,d 11- TI-d1IY ij I, (Iii-ii,it I,, r- Then stay there , I , gcod and not much - A , , , I,, .,,i­jii,. at I.nw­ L " I j. 11 I — . % B 0 r -hiev6ugly roll dciwr, thi, I-1— - agall, softie ,ren—ti.. [ 1, _ � �� . . The.&e fact, ara StUted 03 a mint utoll I ask �, �.. I � , l prioduced. NVent I 1, - b 9--nit.,rinf; would: d beat When requested hiq reason for the I I . ! . , I. I_. ,,II,N , I,lT , - trl L1,J 'I W. - ;I intaleplut of (he Man Who Went , , r ill (Ao.1 Joe crol to .I, III 1 mind he . ,: . 8 ! .� terts of Disown ust hot, ,,, hip .Aid ."Il'tirw Ili.. � �! , Ing.stal way' strang. , rv�h �� . �; I , I 1, , the outcome of twenty milling I be orne's alU's?glititeers right ana ,,,I". do­�' ) V � 4� , , . "is .orit 1. ., it III,,- 1- I' bV ( samples of pure Red Fife u,nd twenty. Back to Ills Boyhood Home. . 11,_ li�ft. V..."I it was th" m..t d0lillitful __ . __ 'M.oe. niu.t ha- been . Ilk '. , I I . r 11 � I ...O _. . - , 'g., 11 ,I�t-.�Tlda I I "',�, I - .11 .. I . . _-e Its me the tuyN had ev- plaved f --r li�r A Bit of Wisdom. man be.ilose li, broke all the Comr I ". % , 1. . r %1,61* I & � I 1, three te-os of samples <If the four Par Sulailler. ' . . - 5�� But soon Anabelle. thi, roar.agf,r of th� mandments at once - 1,,,,.V 11ji.,11 4,1 )uU_1_1,tI�1 � Ilo-bod � n . I i� ��� - - � it , Iter wheats, all 1he tests having bee s been iminersed �_, 0- . - sto-, found h -self i-otirrool'-d b) ft 11 -ard Y -i k..w. th,-v .ay that It - ___ .. . .1 eltIng,r-lit thing, i'l ! I � 1� I , carried out during the past few years said the man wbu ha 0 - , m_', [,!,I,, I-rn-It'. a - I I I'll tt . In business in a distant City for thirty * m -t disturbing proo.m Fo I st " I I - f uo.1 It t I b,- tir-, Fitting Himself for His Position. 1111 %A 11 Y',zht- ­1­� .1h., 1, ., w � hing does now But don't be too quick to make up came to her from Ilo- doll 010--m011 FAther My boy. when you see & V, T. I 11, ' I %- the writer, Personally. "when I made my first VlSft W HAT horrible I _­ that, alth.ugh nl-TIY 4 th- P -1111A Via- It'i-ld %%!,, ol,d lnp' �' ,,z � - Color of Flour. -Preston and these ),ears, approach, your mind. I I o 1� a r%,t, o, I I, , rnIntir ­11or man loallnor about street cornpra %%_i ,,,,t t.II,,� ­itiv I �L, , Ii It- 11 l,-Ld I I 11 I " my bo�houd horne. W Am Insect almost like & Just wait awhile; the bug. you 11 find If Ing the ott,ro wisi.,d to b,y. lh�y h.J skiltInst It It you dwl'l bell,v, it a what do )ou guppone bm is filling him- tell , have, like Red Fif,�, the "All my Iffe slrc,(� I ,,untry Or beetle, have, of priant &I Is taken apart, wlthuut mul,h ado, to"�.,mlnk.Of,. W�y out of this difficultY d,ingoro- 1,5t Io Sun -To be a policeman, air. It ! -1 �� � roach; on.y 1. -in Arilbell- endeiivorild on st4f for I'll life' . I I I 1, other wheats fl,uur not left the c ok at the bumps I -ii t lik,- �- rig ti J , - , - bit � I . ,� I disadvantage Of producing ,( cin thusw OilldhoW z And tra j_j, 1 , . f I, - ,I �i, .in, �h�rg V.at. I, , 41 11 .1 .- I have looked baU It Is that SpUeSdan grants our Mt, ; nsfermed into a canoe. It Is er aln,' said she to LAttle Girl. my h -d. 11�1 I "I palo enough for the popular taste. In- 3,-anes %%ith a great deal of mverenco. A -------,- - .------ - ____ --,------- -_ - - ---,--------- ------- - - -_ I I"I .1 1� I 4eed. li.q Mw genefally grown they IiAer)Ihing ounneeled with. IN'st' eurlY I . I -111'.11, 'I . 4 I I I. - I, \\.-, - ,;.t "I \\ I. l ..Fi I, 1,7,, .. j., I, 1, ,,,, t., t_ . -1 ,r ! 4' I 1 , �. . yield flour of n deeper yellow0h. -11,.-I,111, q, lit 11 !,l..;,,i 1,,%N,T,l I!I, I ,;-k -1 1,,,!...l I 9 SCENES " '' , " .. I I ' co 1") r da)s loanied large if) lh�, inind. Ii -Ill 'I'vvil \ ,-w "f I Inc, 11 1,� f:, %, . RUSSIAN WINTER 1, �. -, , , I ,­ I—I % W. I : -1 1. , - IF, I., ,,III , '! ,. rn-1--h 11; 1 rl Oln Red File. SOMP. mil- h my MADE BOWS OF HORN "'"t'll - 'llill. gh'. � 4.,:, , thaft nInde fr "The river that flowed throug V I,Ilg .111.11111-1. loll,, \\I , 1, \\ W ,''d 111-1d.In :: I iers find it advisable to artificially -iondialher's furni %\us mirriething inag- t�110[1,r, gllwl. alill b!"011 I" bill'"' I %,11 %\Mwt lit,- lt.�l I. , . "I f f!, I I� It. I"I I - I V, \\-I ('r \ r' .1 �, , such treatment g , \. .1 . th.. , 11 I'll,-,] :if­'I,V , �( " .. -_ I .- I,. I I 1. I ' h-,!,"" I Ill- " "' � 1, ! bleach Red Fife'. and nalrent, the b(puse was a nianslqn. this - 1. , 11 '),'' \.. lit, I ­ , 1\ - I� .I I,. I � , , !!! I �� i I wciulci be necessary with Preston It It trees grew to extraordinary propoitiums, _�10.1.11 11"liN BO\\S. 1, I- I'll\.- -,,,,I ­.,I \ - , -. I r ill "I I' ", Im: .%\%I.If. 1,TIIA.\L'-o-i OF 1111' ! . . ,, ,...I r \­ ., '. " il, I "'A , ,� I , I, 1. rl .1 1. I I, 4 -,i P ,, I I, -I , , f 'ur "I � . ': � 11 Were desired to bring it to a, very Pate \\EkPO\S OF TtIr NORTH ILMERV Art,.11".1, 13 I.- -,f .01., " 11"I 11 1��\v %\ I" f Im, � I fit: 1\1 - 1.� ?,�! III Ill. I III r I: I ., , ; r tile garden was filighiv 1'"I)v. tile Or- 11, ;, , l,g _ .1.1__ 11, . l_f,l 1-1,g , IA , r .111,- I ,-,I, ..I r,,,, . ,.� lf� ,It 11. oi I I ) I I I 11 I 0 I 1% I I I \ - ''. ,,I I \­ I, -I , - tl.- I.. , , If., ''l. ,�Xl- '� k, il., 'k. , .1. ; -1 . , . , I '� , J shade of color. The color of the lieu ' CAN 1NDIANS. �, , it. . .. protluecd rr,)fn thp be,4&elecled strains chard was the greatest ever. In Not . . f I .. " 1, l- 1. -, I -'. ..Ill I.;)%,i ,� ,-, , . uh"tI.1-1 I'l, I I,. - .1 .1'.1 -, I, 11. . I � I ; 11 I I ". - N V- � I. 1,�, ..�l­ lit!',) -l"; L,�- li , . " 1. - . �� , Ili U ,t,I,X?1I [I"Irl I'll,- -_ ''. .1 , ", ., -i f., - , of these wh'�AL5 sh-Avs a great improve, 1110 whole scherne (if life was on a large - I", .,I, ,Ili 1-lIg .,I, ;, , " _ I . I I'? -.1 Im I I :. I ". I I ''. I 1. I I 1. �,11­\.,t \%Ilhwit I. I . . . 1, I I I .. ,I � . I";_ , . '.) I % t . I , f :- 1. .1 , - , I , A , 1. � , ) over that scale. , ''l-4 I" Ill) th'.1,; OWN f, o' ,I I"I ar" I %11 1.11111tiNI, (i,(rp,,p,)n.I.-III I.j% pS 1111A ' " '" . Ill. 1'. :� . f 11 " 'I'l ,I- ll� t le I � � ment in sonle cu:`l(1q made "Now I vvns wont tri hinast of Itic, Ilion 'tt,Uight"lle'l 'ind . I'lld liguill, I'll- , , , ,.1. I v I h . ,I ,.'. - � f0tefir . , qo - " I I , . 11 J, � from th,e (irdinary .samples. Flour from scenes, to any of iny Irtends, who would Wood Not the Only Substance tsed - '111ligh, 1;­ls -1-11 "s ,I---- 1\, 11 lill- ! " . ,,, I . I 1". III. .1. , r ,% �1.. ii , ;. " , I I , ". I 1,-� ,I 1. ,. I '.. III, ,% lu, at, 1. I i , -etion of stanley (Sterile I -1 I % '..1­1�, "%" "Il. "% Qrj \ I . 7 . E%lirrit'll". of Itil"Ll IT] \\ I I- r11,11J.-I.; li, I ,1, 1� In ,,, -1 1. ,,,),I � I .fit: , I -.11-II i . . �� I, the best s.,Ir y okinsent to be lb,,md. They rould,T I Done and Deer Illorn Also jl�,Jlll, I III IN) lk. n- ,il­ N- ly I-\" 1, p d , I'l .I r. , - JI'l, , 1, A1 7olgr as from ntd .�r.,i,,,I,,1 -,Al. (III to,., , it., r ,I t , It. Irr IIIII... �1.11, Ir , I - .,O lif .1 `;I'll,- -, %"U ALrjst . . .0 - I , I, ' R. , I,r.­,t t: i4o� ,1 �!1- -'1.194ri"�'l 1 4. , Fife. ,rhe best llre.-,16n, ilumh and *01 l,.,IId, iL is ,1-1 Ifoit , L-ok%s Ti-�ob - f 1-11" Ill.. ].%l ,I 1,g 1! ,,, I I .. - , ':,, �, , I . , IS "f tile Sarno ( w mr ft.iyli,ing In the muntry lire I I .4 11 Ub I tic\ \�Il, 11.111 �'� V , I" --f 11.- 11 J­,J� I- 11L Z, 1,11 .l . flourelL � , I I , I but I wn- ready with n reinfirk twizin- I I i .I. ! - li� I )­, 1, - ., , ,� ,t f 'N ,,tl.l It r;t- ­ I I '. � 1. L Percy lilt% P also been improved, but not ning. '\\ell. when ',-�,Il In- I - -1 ltllt�`r ""f" "" " f11I '1114\% Illt." I ' ".1 ' I—%. ­1'1� I '11-N I' 11 "r, 11, , V \1 ,­ � . 1. I 0 I I -.1 I- � ,h. 1�\ '4-i" . ,, . ".. , I k I and . I " I ; � I I ". . -_ " '� f� ��'L I-.. �Iiir\ .nil I--" ,­ I"I"Y , I ��,; 44 �' quite W the sairiP extent. I was a. hoy.' Thc 1--4 Of the North Afnef \, rc .. .1 III ;. . -1, , I - I. . I., - 11 :)T�d I , ", .,I t.. ,1, . I I" - I - - , , -1 I T, , " It has somellmes 1-41 On through boust afler bon,l. ,1;1111, \\. 1, Illade Uf %V(AKI, buill, .., Ili., ,I. j..IL jl,�' I h, \ P ,�, I 11 � I " . I , 1. '. , I , 111,1 11 � , , . " , " I- 'V1, =,d ,I I I I t .. I,11. ,, ­­ ,Ijf, -111.V lrtl\i-ITI kllh� . � � �, :. .. Raking Siren ill.- that now. f,r,r ,.,,,,.I,,_ Ill(, WAV \%U,4 11141.14. "t a IIII'l rl�r a ,o,,,. %%4.f, i.ffq.f 1,\. � I.i;l ;if�. r IT. It,,. ,-,It, i 'I I,. �� - \ , , Ili,. �111 I � I I \A" 4 ...... I . � , I � . � . '� I I— _. , � , , ,- ! 1'" 1'.. -1 ' �:,l I 4 A I ..� " ) teen ,utilrasitod 11fift a comparative bal- , "I have stelpfied nil r, I".1 411,10 'It% al"I I'l 'If i. . \� - .-'o I 1:. , I i 1. , r \-"I, hl�,o 1" I - - I!, t I I . !�., , - " , 1, - 1. . , Riot .t .I ,w-- le, IN c, -nt bAck lnqt rumnier I f4,lln,l ,,11glAo I--. ,,t wood, sonwtlllw�, , r .". - \ a (­� Y�Ll . I " ;Ill I.- 'Io.).. - , I 1, \ ,. I I - fl, � . . I 1� .. , �, �, 1, I , - , I "r - . 1, - , -�, , � I � ing test should be made to settle once vt hen I w, N..\t to Ill,- I" � %, a I " i. 1, I f " ­ 1" .Ali, I S, I - 1. , ­ , , ­­ I 'it,- I , , ,r,,� , . C-1 I I f.r,r all thp relative "Ierits of lbege [hat it WaS )list an ordinary formli,inv- (.,;It J_-.: perhaps it %%a,. . f \%,iA - I r, I . -I'll r114.,litt.-�q �A ", . I , 1, �� . I . .1 i. � I , ,�-i I., . ! , ill I " 1! % I I. I . . , I �I,y,,,C.�, (-)I (.111 \T \IFX. I 11 1. , . 1� I whentg. it is V4,ry ao-v ,,� draw pr,Cielc4 and The river Wait a tiny, lazy sitiraln, al,.n_ , I it tilight he back#xl I -v 111111", I 1. a part ,J I 111111 ,I -Irlil." 1� ,. I , I - , I I I \v I, 1, 1, w I , I I I . It ' "L , - 11 1 ... .... f 1, I . I . d- "I.0"d f[N,lr it I Ill 1, I I - ''A � " 1-1 V.: I .1. I I . I . .1, , " I -1, . ni­­ 9 h -d , f ! I'.. '. , I \ ., - I., ,, I - , 11 , , , 11 1:ti­. Itp W t., con- �, , . Iq , . , � , I ., r� , � Rions froir. a stilgle leqt. but till- and the orchard un,; sairIll.'ond therr, r,l, 1�\ I tie sl� in of some affiriial, a, - -r .1t,pil"Ilt ,.I ­­ .1 111. I , 1. ,� I , - I , ". . %. I If. , - � . . - ­". I , , , � . -1 I, t1.0 , h. t, ur � ;, �.I)J. - . � � , conclu. .rillibitun,jit tl,* d. %. .1 11 1, I r.. I , ,. � ti. I. ,, , '. , , , . � I TIW 11114- PIOX I 11 I I . 1, , . , "i . I wi,ili Ing I,, vorest find Rtnr-fim. I I I � � I fortunately such, conclusion,.% are U511- ,wa,tn't much left of the gar.len. lh,�,,__L \,11., 11 %%.a Inat, lrmig�no I- J�il\. 14 4�n __ 4— .. I - " J. 11, 11 .1l'', I � . . I I,. .. . " .' ,� ally wriong. 'During the Pall, few VeOrg I haldn t pnne blirk at. nil. 11 waq nlllrh terial f,lx the weapon waI,4 ga I I I '' r . I I !. I � ". 1, , I, . 1� ,'I.I 1, " . "I. " .110 &I- � L _ "' 1% .Q,,W and ,\v IT,' it 11 � '),,"I I " I I I I , I ?, I , ... r", I,,- I 11-- '' � , . , I I� , 'N ,�. If,.- '"-woo \,h. , 1. I! i�� the wpj�er bwi baked flour from thirty- tn&o comfortable to keep lhat. pirturo whfinr,\.�r it wo,i possible, and a "'Ail' I fl(lvanced IA)wnr.') iLq pr,�,,.rlp f. -I 11 \NIIIV. I'll 11,10., D\\I.1,PIl( 4 �. " \ I 1 . .�� 'T ff _q of these fiVe Wboli% bav- Ili tho, mind and lalk rimul It I -o nil MIght. tlave ill fil,4 "gCl n nuTntw-r ­( W- I I , r \\ 4. . It., ,� I , I ,, - I .., " , �, 'll, � �. .. . , I \ I I . - , I . , , I 11, I I I. I 't I I � . , , 1, � I - T, I . I , , '' - 1\ I) N I, I �0 a I. -Il-, A lu'.1tice �� '. �, ght s5fripip I henrl',q content. The subtocli; M con- qtirk,4 i,n,.h of which lie intcral,�d ull,- J.Jrir,� 1114) IYIW u!" tll­lf� , I '' .11. ., . I, I t , I r j I li�: d -1 01 . I -11 - 11 ' 11 4 14 I\' I' I I A' - I114,0 1psatl Ift " I I I I e �, . Ing made 170 lost leaves. ThIR amoun I J,o . I I , 1, I I,- .1 � I I . if tip Inny fancy lite arr-, I- 1-� '.I I ­ . i, , � . h,� I �,'.,, *orl.1 enfiblO.s ofto to Jrnw ceetaln vt-rsation are few enough A,p it N." ninie-ly tAl fashion into a bow, or. ;. . I ,I � I " .1 . 1,1� I 1, \\ I. 11 . '. - �, " T '. \ Mli, I , , I . wal'. I ,� . I � " , �,u of dvi not livP 10111111 enbligh for this t1w, Vrowth <,I a simple 51111411119 '111111)"�' I ', , 1, - I,, ". � ,� . I I " i. - r f. .. . " I 'i . ,� I I .11 .1 ­�­, I I I �, I !, 1, .I I'! " I)— �l , .1 wl -A I. ..I.!, ­yi,,thing to I , cone] tolow;, but by no ificam answerq . ­, I I 11 I I , _______4__ \4 T%hI1,h (ICV(,Jcpe(j into n ,14,rt ( "" I " , 01�1 ., , . 1. I .. , (�,� !- I'm - 1-11 I I �, "I - thitt nstUrlilly 01SO. I bow.m-Uld descend to hils, hdrp. � " ­ " " " - , ,I '' \ � I '. ,,, , I , , , 1, \ " , I W .1 I 11, I , I -1 III. "ll -,,,III l\, !t 11, - - 11 I � I ,.,L� all tile questlan% � I. ':I' I -:., "t, ", .1: ,.,. ', h �,- I - - ., 1, W I all � I . " I, I'. � 1� I , ,I' .1 ; �� IN't-l"', 1. 14�fllle ill \ 4t)III - I hers ,%hen rea . . .i -P vwst important finplement (A hun thrown. Sifrilln" 11) ','!I I 11 11 v1 �:, .'' . �, Tho chief gmeral cancilWons may be . ,�f. rimsong lhe OWdret, ( f oui 1, :1 1,1 l\,,. I, % r � ill, � I i1i � ,f, " I I., , ,. ( I it. . � I , , . " - I,. � BUnN,T HIGHLAV) MARY. Ill . It is lb 11 11.1 here stato, As a irtille, ned I-114 91VOS ter ,or warlil9r, lite boax was hivhlv U . ,, - , I . . I j., -,l , 'I I, , I.- ,.f .1 it I .. ,I . I. ,I _jx� ,1! ,­, i,ilirro , N I ., - -,lfe IITII ,t.ifIIi­.S- -T11,00M � :�t , �', �L ftlir diglifictI.1 hight,t in baldrig Mossgitil was; the "I Ircla6l It, circle valued. I 111(hang. ! I , , , f I. , I. I. \ I I'' I-- -, f ,, , I � ! , . I 1, , ,.!, " ,. .I '' ., .. , " , " , I L , I: , I - I'., I W I 1, , C 1) I � ., � . (%! strange and striMirt nsociatfnn,%, .:, 1 1 1 fefIgth illafi I I I In- - 11 I . 1. I I f ,,-,I �, ! - , . ." I I , '! I , -, i X,Tvlo- I I 611 , other wheals, fivill, B6 -4,p nf bOnA %Ve-ro MUd(- S011144IMP't MAKINC. Till. \PWAI, . �Ilt,qllr!q ,ihoiv 1hat fir(�olrlll 41 1 .f . , ,. �� '"_ (.1i6lisfleld WU not f4p. ,lislant. and so - " , � ­ " �! ,, - 11.1 Vile- , no �,,#a ire lwve,nd LhV 1'11* . I I . . . � � vtddd ill# taft 0111WOd huve, Wit I of grellonq 6f lhe Vb'�of largo animah . The arrow can-9-fild Ili th"i- 4`1 1 ..,I! . " .. �, I'll " - ,, 1, ., I I . I I . r 1. ,, I - . ­.- I 11 V, -I ,lit r I.j:i t_Il,tI),,-%. them, I- n- p'v.WqUI`0 14N'. , .1 /';p . -11 I I �� I I T )� , I I . I I, , , I , "! 4'' 1 , ' I -I , I . - , � , - � \ I lgivmn uJift ar oolditsom and (W d0irymold Ott "- " " I d t4r anA were parls, tho hood. th,l,hrif ... I - I P- -I" ,� - ' '" I ' , 1 ' r ,:,�" � I �!''t l' - 'I-':" i- - 11 � , WhA,n nplj(A PT I 1 'ItIor. W 1". r- -,, 1� I I 1VC-A whol, thit emo toll doply In- lov�ef`vvl 1,r!�'Ilil flur'L 'd 91'J' ,"fller. I � .1 � " j� ,, �.. ,,, .%tinif ll,a, I% �,, I h, ,,,, � -"� . , I ­ . I - 11, � I I I " , I ;' ,I I. I'. ,, . ,­ " ,�.,l \, .1 rljul,'� all . I . wauda. )Pmperly ope ho VVOA ft1JI&1NA, . 0 O -Q, 9( e Ime3 I I .. \' I.!. , � AlWis )lit'# ' ' # 1� � 01A , - Ina to tho West 115,tZally hacl,,M bV &JW�V. Tbas;ot irif III lit , Im t - lh;ln 171" ,I. I— 14, , I I t TI , I':Way A-, 1�,.­,, � I , , , , . f. , I, , I , :" , " ,,-T11 1� , I l. I I 41-1%. 11 I I . " ), . it' RIO 11�6 .;6 80molfrifte.4 in a Mirrid, eormt-ding of ril-r, ,r , I I r "" . �V ,. r. I ;1 ), ), ), .I--,- f t, I JfI#I sweet vena, anilm' 441 th,, ,ollc ,4*e, 1, ,.)F.l - I I 11 c � . ., 1, . T- it, I. i �, h _. I I 11 11 4 I, , ri, , t v rl lie IQ I ,, M*116 I , I .1_,�Aa ftmyo� t tilltd,m wricita ro.Lr 1.11 � , ' lijt4 ,NJy \Inryr Ginglo pW�.�,,M(I at �jfp& J,jl"_q In Goe. pipoo �nf wood. 1h,r, q,rirylih%,1 h11,111 . , � . ,_ ;11,1 1,,-,j I ei I ,IcUat-1; it- il 0'- I- - ' I , , PM usuttly 00% 1 -iinwle tmmr 6 I a�vjlt � AiA ga m I tho I I: I - I :,, , ". I , .. I f � 1. , �. . tie it 1, � I). fi,nu, w: he %'proaches 11�1m-it, M I, 0, , 1, md" tt*pol V I , N I fit thifytfi& iond 'neatly ,.vogt vviry var](41. 'the fPnIh1-It1l:,' " � 14- 1 " IN ' '� ! "'171 ":"4 ' ' ' , . I I , . - I.. . \ , , I I.,.. , ,,et*.,n 1, , I L� it ri I t I,, I,, , , I - � � I I ' I ' ' I . . � , I** *"l Dc It, fit 1. v, I - I i, t \ I 1-4 1 h � � � I I I . 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