HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-04-17, Page 1o 7, 1
Igto WIN%
— — — — — — — — - — — - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
T a 00%W-RIW 3TAR bAw a fArpr
UPH STAR, the 14"t
Pf". mid In 01s, ow.004 91 tbo Comity ot,
15 .4t
. . . . . . . . . .
Viliflil"44 Weekly Nve *W In
..,_G0DBPICfL,0NT.4 FRIbAY, APRIL 117, 1%8 ;rl;zlunoll. &TO D. hero
&r x1ox 'vld*y eirenli* the JUDQE'O CHIMIN" CQURT�-TcatcJr-
*,-Qu b
(*4f*llow# of QoderIqh celebrated the day `W. Galger. of Dashwood, was Mas Wardell, milliner In charge of
_Blftk . Peeking of the silwalm, tborQ t% the
before His Honor Judge Ulas Cameron's business. has arrived
89th stintriversary of the Institution of charged
A BAD AMIOuNT.-O" Friday Of his, continent. ThQ Doyto witIA bre:lking into % RtQrrg Ot and tuken up her duties. .0nded Opinion th.ti the mptag,
the Order ma. t arikU01loall. and the time i's coming
11ON l E last. er memfiej* and their relatives attended Vashwood and Stealing $10 lilit-varoin. A. Cooper Isablieplin scarsotwheat
UNQUE§T AAL week wait , Wottio, of the silb lain
OF goo Goderich township, llfsleeii�4 fil Iarp numbers, and at 9 o'clock And breaking into a store InTuriker- to Woodstock, I vair a'. peas to London whekk the whole work of the a it
-Tilitre In itto qurstion 4 41.1 *UutL yQrf;;,;',UWI9f#. 4sviallit so- cents and a and I car at barley to Palmerston. to be overhauled and en.
. 1 �lmu ating MAD OFFIM v*r* fall, quairtQtteq were round 22 tables, play- smIth and stealing 00
Count, as there IS only alft sure "y P, MONTO 0eirlousf. Injurles. from 111, #9
larg*4. Additional connections aVo
Mr. Weston was engaged liUlling Ing progressive euchre. whIle.qdte a rubber ball, to which charges GulKet, All lovereof lacrosse art Invited to tronyt to time be matIN and- 4t,
wei#h' and thit is, by saving it. A f4w, Per$01130, 14, Ont he, did not, Wbojel only 17 attend a ineating to the Town Council
*--by 1; - - - - _ -
111MUer Wert- Pre years- of age.,pleaded
a V, Of liant -w *0
bile -01h-gra 11 ifidepe -an -ola buildItIgi- aud- Was On I filatcoule to the
r only MIN reasionabi I
udeft plattform putting a book to,ii, piece join In t outibire. At the conclusion Ilty. County Attorney boager ftsk- chamber 'on TuriWay evening next, to conclifieliotti that an enlargement of the
iirity� of pecipliq Secure 4. pompe-euce 91,
ltl%orffated by �SWW Att Of the fit bo, H. E. Edwards was ed for leniency on affectunt of the con, organize for the scallion of 19K
We' -out, to recolve of the old house ad that It tat =egda aillle )Madr&y*s prize and Bra. V, tion shown by defendant mainalo Jobecompulsory.
by spending le.44. than they maite aqd saving the 111417010- POrli'stp tri and W. 0
D.Pvt.. lowered, when the plank on w9tch 40 B. Grallam has commenced the
We P47 YOU" stood broke, pr sting L. Dickson, of Exeter, L mildo a stronj frame work of the brick veneered
a per cent, Tuttiest on deposits and movey him to the F., Platt the gentleman's. A nice sup
Win at �Ira thlie. � 0_ -9
-In,. ifer-ww-ttiffin- serytdL and durl 4 top his client. Hit) Honor Paiute .�hds b
Ativelil hn I, builiding eq TIM
interest jurini no al pric- at 0 ed
_16Y -A L -It -M -A 2nd lot, rom-Wellington street.
can his spine, breaklag three ribe discussion Bro. Sherlif Z I It, P-, " Z-Afe- lilt—Mmit- awl STAR tt*t the quality of milk suppil
Highest curreat tate of and bruising himself seated Bro. Alex. Johnston with a w a departs from parental cointrol,
THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY paid In our otherwise. of Huron and then allowed Golger to depairt on A number of breditors of tire Clinton by somp InMdorii is not up to tire Stan.
WATun AND LiGaT CobnUSSION.— veteran's je%yel. on behalf Thresher Compap a e to
Lodire for Iona service. The supper suspended sentence. now in litiuldiii- dard, In �f4ftlt� *'separated" I th rut
nostJ&HK At the regular ulleetIng on Monday tion, were before off 011SAtCr III 11MIll-
ended, the party danced till 2.30 a. w.. THE BowLtilits.-The annual meet, tiers on -4. A I ed. Th*40uncil of Owen Bound re..
'deposits a I an upwaias, evening - last. the petition of-- sever?d the Smith orchestra furnishing tb'� Ing of the Godirlob Bowling AModkii. clai eently ��, hylaws ativerning- the
COR. -NORTIT., STREET on f 1119 against the insolvent company.
GoDrucH 0 Interest paid iind compounded re4identli of Hillocks street for water music. and Bro. War. Campbell call- sale of milk, meats,
ing the dances. The whole enterXalu- tiou was hold on the 9th irkst-, Presi- The Litiorals of North Hurou will froultry440*01ous foods for human
W. L.' HORTON MGR- FOUR TIMES A YEAR. service was granted. am - dent J mines H. Tigort, presiding Tire hold it coravbirition in Winghum on rtomiumptl6alfostud it might be well,
AND SQUARU, A letter fr went copnected with the 99th anni
Mr. F. W. Doty, complaining of the
ntel was Friday of ne.�t eak'.� find the execu- now that neW tqwn bylaws for Goder-
Oddfellows' "at home" was financial statement PresO
Drafts bought anA sold, non -enforcement of water rates In- veroar Laagomelii;qf a commit- adapted; The election of officere re- tIveof'Ceutr�1_Hurmk were to decide tell are hohw- ublished, that these
the passing of ridr e III$
many casee. resulted in u riko, tire mem- suited as follows, viz. onorary yesterday at Blyth OnA date for their mattorg bg ",ir Ously considered and
A General Banking Business uWe d.!],,Ivinf special th
transacted. an,order that the treasure here of wh (h were Pros. H. E. Ed- president, E. N. Lewis, M. P. ; resi- corrvontion� Included initt
awof the town.
the Commission every Monday with. a -Kim . vice president. The tonderit4for rifting in the scill-
WANTS. Q1v 0"Tuesda I eve'lling.at or he the list of those in arrears froq3 lost year wards 0. A. Reid, F. H. Martin, Oeo. dent, W. A. Me be
JUL 4(ANTED.-APPlY L ora Houscot, Auih Of for water and light services, wit
money. Thoffil'oder 1i the MacTicar and H. F.. Butland. Jno Galt; secretary, Will. Lane; tiventatign basin tv 11 a opened on It The questlo�,haig been raised that
a UOUS0. wrtiwarded and -center t aroat favor on 4 e col. WIGGINS VS. 00NUR.-Dan. Wig. treasurer, Joseph Kidd; Executive 210thlost. Turijobwill beliVen
GODERICH B respective amounts, and that th conornittee-Dr. Hunter, F. B. Holmes legal fees whi0it'lillielong to the town do
file of Our, �vhu ueo.s It, by returning to,Brlt - right away,and-it is expecte tbellmai
TED. -By M COMDD lector entorce the payment Of Battle a$ gins, with his manager, W m. Costle, Jas. H. Tigert; SUcial committee- will be start&beforo Hastar woeL b"n not go Into
I ."rietteral houeWork In a limi dese ye treasury.
n 11244
tc A. G. GAMBU, Waitager. rapidly as possible. A number of were In Guelph last wilake and arratiq- t.L Edwards, T. T. eckie, A. Porter. p do r Of this Tukq,o�
fly.- MRS. Amm(,r P1 - - -------- small aceoGnts were ordered paid and not preptirtid, to
UOLIQ NOTICEr lication from Messrs ReUeru ed with Will Conery and his manager A kinotion to retain the. whole of the Albert Knotishaw is pulling down speak in poslt�*O,Urms, although we
_A RmWARD for Information vic� on Cam. for a ten hours roller skating grind oil lawn for bowling purposes was car the old houpe Rod cooper shop on tire have andeavo�pd J�p
..QauoQd4V1 at Mnmloak leading to thu arrest, and sad roung for water seri get t tht, fat
Ictoitin. -and North streets. %25.00 esd . the 214st last., the race in ried. find tho executly-3 wits etupower Watei400 street, end of hill lot, and to There is a diff
atVaef between- conviction a% the pqrigon or persons who will- bria. Road was granted. at ell to got lights put fill for evening itply
Nice Yociitton an4 good board. fully and mallicioutily damaged the boiler and GODERICH rdARKETS. .e at Guelph, commencto itLing in I& basement, on to which h the fees of county and
bellA t cylinder-; on dilikey engines, removed A NEw SEcT.-A Wingbam die" 9.30 a. m.,and ending at 7.30 p. m. F;rbe bowling. The annual fee was placed PuIll shortly move his dwelling froilou Own constalilpi 0
ANTED.-Boyor girl to learn printing. pump from There is no change in the grain market bore, � "ses through, but
atTmc from Santa, removed n. steam
W Good chance. Apply personally ge, W Plant and all over the week has been a quiet one for patch of Wednesday last said --A artles have each posted an a forfeit at $5, and on motion of F. B. Hollnes the other end of the lot. ho feeki collectq by town ashov all d d ottior dama,
('16 Crook oil the Guelph & new and peculiar religious sect, the 9100 if either backs out. At first the and R. R. Watson it was decided to y. In
Ontario cereals. Periwinkle's " speond contribution belong to t i -own Ireasul
June or Jklly. Vvam 4tipottt"d
ARD AND._R0OMS_ -9firf-bo-fiad 4Z. firm the Past wool- - members of which rink, but when they fintiltill the race A GOOD SHOWIN0. -The annual
A rink management, asked S300 for the hold a tournament daring the season.
amilton. AbDt animals have been seceded somd to our Juvenile Adthor's department
West, strueN live #no blo bign.4t, for't4a Illaster market III appear next week. We would be by tilt- town ithout re -
Board MRIL - would t(Lke place In London or Berlin, -a o IV l'ither the
PRESSINZ AND months ago from the Methodist
LOTH E4 REPAT MIN 0. meeting of the sharoboldei E the I Send to have- other young friends fletiting in any,L,W4�r
e they dropped to $100, at which price
COLLINSOM vour woft todimV Hogs arc worth f rain slip too $&10 and are leader Came here from Toronto a fe 0oderich Curling and Skating associa- follow her extuille and that of Chief or C, me fetching 111fares above the rultrig prices. Chur,3b, has been formed here. Tb
next doo to -Hutchinson s barlor Shop. It w it was accepted. The gate receipts
U , by gentlotimliff to be d tion was hold fit the Oo6rt House oil , i1nowdrop's u t a saue. make It plain wh
maist, am ritepared to do at kinds of work not,ovor plentiful at the price. rears ago. The meetings are bel will be divided between the racers, the Monday evening, the president, Dc. 'The Organ factory, except for stock itthese
ni8hed by himself. either on'or couven- and will guarantee, snit,faetiob. Prices rea- tnat�tvrs are right,
Nt, to, the S Separate or I'vate on sonithig. G EO. WATSUN, Practical Tailor, shall winner taking his half In full, �thfg W 3 R. Holmos, presiding. The
Butter and eiras are at last woo4's prices, n it hall over a blacksmith 11alk ,a, closed the past vear
wer hatcam.
Addresm or call on 'at aIng
francs desire Moderate priced. Tmi: and there im no noticeable chang6 in other in Lo W, h Here vi$orous loser pilying all expenses, Including financlal statement for the year waf fIntia.carly as possible. onfa&T] Id In an unicnown the r nt of The rink, out of his half.
STAR office for particulars, _M,t i�as order -
Nr [ON WANrED.-Ito John farm prodmots. discourses are e adopted showing as follows Lido cmialries, and our The t reet watfirtag0
tart. who died on the 28th da&of April, Organ factory Seems to be the only ed out oil Tuesdat.'*-t 11V MaVor
1905, at StaideVt it' the County of Ltj�ron. re- JCurrent wholesale pricew correct�d tongue. which the members them- Conery, who has it great reputation as
tirod school Lead or. tw to noori of Thursday.) selves pay the under- Balance from IIM ... ...... $2&1l 42 one In Ontario that hilis not hall a Macklin, the dust 1*111 iltifit'
POR SALE 09 TO LE do not a roller skater. and is the champion of
WARD will be paid by Mr. ROBERT COL WhOat .............................. 80 to 82 stand. They call mselvea the "Holy Ontario, skated in Goderich last year, ltonts--Mra. Fox ...... S bo ito long close since 6hristruas. Xglo ple lin
OR SALE. -III Goderich. one to five Boras. TART, brother of the llbo�e, n u per owL. Vatent ............ 2 85 to 3 tiz a. wind ala t0L k'jguab funny Vnin.
g decca If S estate and r: VS Howlers." and number now about ,, will be remembered by our of J. W. 4?6 1111 the high
cK Informatio .90
F1 ff sandy loa our p Toronto World: M. A. Pigott &
E% good frooLage, fine ,Ivan concerning the er owt., rally ............ 2 60 to 275 Bowling ub. 04) 1her4
L 3 Str .
Suddrair site, lako.wa r. Box X FJTAlt Office. I y-fiv Ray. Richard Hobbs, of He is said to be in Toronto trai ell ffCo. have brought an action against PlaltIts by morchanf*14IJ64 inErs, tApp.1y Lot 11. J. LONOTON, 2 85 to 285 twent ning 5 Star Flour ... *.'.'.'.'.','.'.'.','.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.': .. 3 15 to 360 0,irrard- 1&ect Methodist 4Dbur-ch, -rr;tbe Carol race. Wiggins, ,Our the Ouelph and Goderich Railway Co. and around the Squftoi VIllis i4 cer.
icitor rgland. Bran, per fall ............ 23 00 to 23 83 1
Wariinmon. Et Dan," has half a few contests, and in claiming $523.574.75 and Interest for
_1V0_NICNR0O;TG LET -With heart' 07118 PJ
April 3rd. IM, ....... Toronto, and Wrmerly stationed here, tainly it recoad start, slad the itip,,tion
T' rwithout. Ladies or Indy and montle Shorts, per tell ..................... 2,1, 00 to 25 30 a EXPENDITURIZB L-
ttacked the sect in a sermon here each instance has shown d It work done, nitacrials supplied and ex. Wits again ralood its ti) tire, pua�ihllil y
man preferred. AppIr at STAR Office- Screenings, per too ......... Is 00 to 18 00 900 SPOe Jilortgage. 11rincipal .. . .......... 6200 of
Oats 0 40 to 0 42 Sunday evening, calling them a delo- Strong staying qualities, and excellent IntereA .. .... L ...... Bu 00 penses Incurred pursuatit to a cortain Of,one wagon doing tbig,Wopli 1)1'(tI)k'l'ly
diringtheiienson. A ottlOu tal tile
-Furnished Room in house with all 0 45 to 0 50 of fanatics, and followers of Judgment In regulating his sp Insurance .. ...... . ........ .. 37 (0) contract
T 0 LET.- is. near Square. Young Peas .... ........................ . 0 78 to 0 go ded set eed. TaXoS ........... ... ... L .............. 71 77
modert OVUM cc used '�HR STAR wishes Dan success Square, pointing to htscoualter,, whit if
ApPJT1 to STAR Office. Ryeii ................................ o 4s to o4o the devil. His sermou has ca In hill
Boa ........... ..... .. 58 V, Stickers Oro very plentiful in all our -d with a IliytOr if
lady prefer
wheat, per bushel ........... 0 50 to �O 50 some excitement." t were covett
lay venture, and hopes next week o wel- Pr ming ..... ... '5 fll rivers this yoay. Latit, week two pr0_
-48 099 ca- s
NCUBATOR'AND BRO DER ... I ........................... 13 00 to I 1 00 Annual too ... . .... . ....... V 07 fessional ife made tilt- 4liggemlinn tbitO, a ...... la Butter, pot- III_ � ...... 0 25 to 025 P Wednesday the come the champion home to Goderieb. If h , v
It 0 as flow. Coat; sale price. I it It d I reel fliorchants of wagon of fit(- ollb horse* V40et -y in all Los cts. No room E , par dolain ......... 0 14 to 0 14 furlter lr�&�irlg of the case a J. Nicholson 3117 Lucknow journeyed to Pine river �n a
I,,. thifft 1. -gainst A large delegation of 11 rooters" f com 21"etr1a light - -
-for i oult isroaNtinforiolling. Applyat APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. "198 per cord .................... 5 00 to 625 bece will most likely attend the race Balance In bank. ... It) 57 its are oned it, the cities, I�Oqld h. vi .A
TuR A Icli. ......... 4 50 to 42 Wm. McLean, charged with stealing and cheer the Oodericb boy to victory. a cker fishing expedition, and I cured at if rest, Anfl,"iIII& ,,k
NoTlen 1. herelfir gil-on that application wilf oattle, 3 75 to 4 ell'took place in the coun- Wiggins left for Chatham on Monday, tki 12 Orl �home with t pretty good I0`d--`f hired it to momeorre, at it th ig was
PRO- Lambs, ...................... A 60 to r) 50 f rotp M. Oonn The directors for the current flah we mean.
It SALE OR EXCHANGE FO bomado tothoLor,14turoorthe Provinecof deemed too vxpensive, then exel.,mi,
fit or near Gode, lob, the Hot- Ontario fit It. pre,lentattang for orfAottoeon- Sheep, fat (.wtl .................. 3 50 (10 4 10 c'I chamber before Police Magjl�trate to go into training. were elected its follows: Dr. W. E - - 1 .1
I . fit) to It- Air. James Connally, whollas on- tile prement, tw" borse go nd k1m im the 3rd call. of At If field, conta if firm Bylaws 20 and 21 of the Town of Godc- Hogs, live weight ................. 6 6 10 �utler, when the complainant, Martin _00kiet
acre�. nearly all in gram. Good build- SHARMAN - KICKLICY. - The I'esi- Holmer, and Messrs. W. L. Horton. A. gaged In the hut�lioring businces here havetwoof the
lob far stepping np and selling gortin parts Hares, Ilio.r III ................ .. ... U 11 to 0 10
orchard. whion ill ply Int4rost r Ship -r Lane, Beach Stro% and Bacon, 4, clear .... ........... :. 0 111 to 0 17 Connell, was cross-examined by 0. F. ILt. S. %N,il_
whole Investment. Pummon or iolling Of, dence of William Sharman, Waterloo has PtilChAlied the by tb(- prefient I -I Think'It Torrilce, wate Parrow,. J. H. Colborne, with Ali. Motrow.
too jar away w attend to It. and aw �z (of, ppinti I )a road in extem- Shoop Skills .. ................... 0 50 to 0 50 that 'Harry Carey was the man who str
aciLIDT)tIonier, 6airroru Ont. slon a Water Lane, I
IApply to J. T: Harbor Lane, roads In the Tawn of Goderich, laides .... ........... --1 ........ 4 00 to 4 (16 Blair The cross -e xam I nation showed -pe, Win. Wallace, Swanson from Mr. on g off ol of the Uotincil.
eet, was the scene of a pretty wed- T. Goldthot e C
in llfg'*o%�n of Goderleb. rendero(I ................. 0 05 to 0 00 J. A. McIntosh, F. Davis. W. Lane Quettiv atrooL, and will take possession
rwied by the -Couboll of rho To%Qn of Oode- O"vils-barnya;d chicks, per lb 8 to 8 Connell Idea said ding at high noon on Wednesidoy, a
trick the money. nd Dr. M. Nicholson. A number of m earIv ag convenient, THE STAR
fed ................ 0 10 to oil ly daughter. Ethel C., acook
OR 8ALE.-A ulne-ruouted frame house. fall in November. 19,,-. and Life agreinnont that when be Intel viewed McLean he when his on ints were ordered to be pikid and welcoine" Mr. unit Mrs. Connolly JAI There are evehpools in some partH4
hard and soft, water, goWarago COU Potatoes ........... 55 to 65
rise' earterbif Into fit purAUaHCO thereof.
7F Ficton street. total occupied by ...... ; ........ :7 00 to 9 Out said that he had kept quiet because was united n marri t M r Fred, a colunt
gons, No. 6, of Beef ..... ..... ley, of"Guoelph., The I
[A(�DONALI), I it Ittee appointed -o considpi� (joderich. the town. Their xi,v is caused front
it not selid by 15ttk A. 11. M ................ See to 9 W Carey had told him not to,, peach." erick L. K c cortain suggested improvements aild
Thom. Wriatherald. olialtor for the Applicants �ok place in file parlor, ']'he blocking of the old drain tit the the fact that the st-wer system is Iwt
April will then be otiored forstale bypublio The offence is alleged to have been ceremony to - held If anction; also, the northerly maores northof HE BERLIN. WATERLOO, Toronto Live Stock Markets.. committed in the -British Exchange which wits charmingly decorated with report at a meeting to If( ext urner of Light house and Wellington its general as it Hhould be. As act'll.
k & Mar- TLEY AND LAKE lIU11ON RAILWAY So n office, Tuesdak evening April It. - ferns. carnations, ate. Rev. 43 N Monday.- The rink lossee's lease was streets, that flooded tire Collars Deal' eqnoncw fill, inedwal p1lotessioll Vill
G. T. R.. being part of Block A, Pat
wood's l3urvey. A y Trials. WE TILERALD, notel, anz midnight, and I tire evi extended for two years. At it subso- by, wits found to have beell caused by diagnose Lnd detet mine, the cause I -f
-ancti In the price of ho6,m Is re- -fit Street
Another a0v ce it tated that other charges Hazen, B. A., pastor of Not
210 Delatre Screct, 0 stock, Out dthiswt-ok. owing in Partin bad roads, den ent affecting of the newly elected the hig elot that, grow
LIM 100ES Notice is herebV given that an application pc i affecif-d file half am %vell im all other than that of thyrtiold-up would arise Methodist chu rch. being the ofliciatifIg qu Z .1 various obnoxioum and contagious dix-
Iltinue. near the sewer, The cutting away of t)ktl
113 FOR SALE: -50 or 100 will be mado oil behalf Of the i3eriin, Water- directors tire following officers wet
lots are inarket, lii-t week. and which still cc out of the case. The P. M. sent McLean minister. The bride was given away I. eastim ft limit it) tinu The sout-b-
..kr as desired. . Inc. Welle-lay and Huron Railway Coal, receipts art! rcry light, Some reports are to 0, and yeaterdav he appear- by her father. and the wedding march lected for the current year: Plesi- the roots freed most of Life cellars urn part (if fill- t(iwn has been neg-
among the vorT, iblest, in the town of Godc Coutull dent, Dr. W. J. It. liol vlee-pies- from water.
rich, neurally neared and - within two mIn- ?,a DO&
�jg "'a rd of Rail way sloners liandorsiltioual prics,; beingpaldforhogli up for trii as "Ins
utas of the Court Houma Square and ada. t the expiration of fitalit live�OTEA in the vountry. although few of theme shovy ed befoa e Judge Doyle for election and was played by the bride's cousin, Mi lected for years, andafter the repeated
wal 3 frormthe dat'oof this notice, or so Soon there- WAS ident, and manager, W. L. Horton f the town as well much evidence of reliability. Pricosareabout chose to be tried by His Honor Fnmr Mahe' Sharman. The bride, who k legal not(, frorn Toronto says the complaints for s- Imig a period, same
on can be hea, r principal butness places 4 lentil, (4.. itsithend of last week. nod in a white secretary, Win. Uarnpliell lI OR In t convenient Lo 4 t r. 10 el, to the unattended, wag Row y Bey. Soverigi if Batik (if Canada. has begiin at ent.lon should lit, Ilaid to, I
as Uollegiato to H. W. Hall; airditors. hurillsill 9
ind rest offloo. People who or-lu%."a avies %matout_ marily. pleading not guilty P. THE
Public Library I torthotionationota lease of the Railway of For this week Win. D immed with lace and STAR could name toany streets In
ant at propoTy will do well 'T h, d at charge. The trial was set down for allk,rprettily ti Ida and Judge Holt. proceedings widinat W. W. Farran,
dembro a line resid "to ea,rim, Waterloo. Wellesley & Lake Huron side point,, f. a. b, ; 56,40. to watere no
a vnw; ioi,i Slifil). off cars in city. lose tion, and carried a bridal h0quet. W. JackNun, Gunn and D. A. For- town that require the mevirage,systern
to See Migs. J. U. WILUAMS, arket, LtreoL Railway Company to the Canadian Pacific in Wednesday next.
rapany for n term of 99 years froin Guillw inoto 86-16 F. a. b.; fA40. fdd and e annual Only relatives of the bride and groom,
roster, all of Clinton, to rt-cover$20,W), and fill, Council sh-ml-I merfously con-,
1tail Va cc HAr) A GOM) YEAR. --Th
ACRES IN NURSERY OTO 1 415 3 Watered all I'(tionLo; and so.fk, off cars. were pteaerittit the marringe, fit file 9
0 Agents wanted at once to -?I the t ayo, antimy, i9w_upon file terms being the aillount. of it written sider What intist I -v 144w
-ingot ifiag delivery; whoh, and conditions therehi mentioned.. Park, Blackwell quota live hogs at $6,15, f. 0. meeting of the shareholders of the conclusion of which congratulations tvo of tilt) account. of file Clinton St. 1�avid and oLhvr �tit,ets have
it all of Jilts and Bpi This notice is given p rintant, to the provlh' b., ItIld $C-.60. Olf0trQ. Goderich Elevator and Transit Court. were in order, after which the wedding ferpd, not only from flo,ding, dis s
a rt time; liberal terms; outfit free. ions of sectioll.3(ti of tic Italiwav- Act. Atonaay's wobliquot,," five hogq at repre- -d Loan party partook of if stimlittioug wvd- and but i v oil lonce at
J�rg, W. BOWMAN & 8014 CO,, LTO., Ridge was held in the Standat ville, Ont. 090. A. WALI�Eif, in�s throughtoit Ontario as tol. PanY W. I Kylly, the jeweloi reparation vatin
$6.10 0 S .50; Stratford, §6 Co's building At 2 'a.m. on Wednesday, that o;le of him large Big Ifor,
8.creLary. dirig breakfast, and theyoungeouple h '(III Oil a
--- left liv the 2.50 train fo4 Toronto, Bolt.
car of early Idaho avers in I hese up 10
0 T - The Berlin, Waterloo, walicsilit and Lake to $ij i.i; �t 'I'll ... rims, elf; London, *5_25 - t, J. 1. A. Hunt, of Lon- the BAyflVId Ittind hod beell Carried talft
ituit, arrived for petert),ii-o, b0i. u; Owen Sound. $5.75. the presiden
use. They tire a Company. staff,- falo o:nd other points. On the conclo. y lie town by.
a 0�
LIO as w ola Is fr tvo 0 d at I nto fill. 13th day of March, 1, Ifty-rilite loads of cattle, 1,111 hand, at the don, presiding. The annual "Ion of the honeymoon I firt they w 11 off, atil(S Tlll� TAR to Hay LhAt Ile ILVVN land regulation.,
V liolea early I to and can b b -tit the party
baton early r us I L any grocery taro 191,18. roronL(l.itirl(�til)litiiarket4 yestei'daymorning, mout, tihowing a sUccessful business take up residence in Out-1ph. The wolild be plea8ed If) prPst taline - --- f a khtd oil I he whole rather better, botti I. Vear, witt). a balance to contingent 1;1),Illcll will sooll solve tile lllstt�r
In at I' UPHEMIAA-McLENNAN'S LINIMIPT I dert . or s ranch §trc, West qualit atal duing, than were oil hand a week bride's going away suit wag it hand. who took the same With Life (,half]
E fund of and set -.6" whivI Indoor to till, walch which WIL" Street. ago, tal I ly full dell very for the Toron ) of grey cloth. with which oil th, Mr. NVIIIner Smith. %X If,, ha tuffered
is a pokitive core ']'here was a good lot of exporters asi(
Vor external u�c only. le to pay a dividend of 7 per cent. Some onc
very, title loads, averagl
Ott SALE. -LO acres land, valuable far for spinal dlsiea�c, hip disoame. Inflammatory ff.ring, iind I fireo
he wore it becoming hat of bille.
frarden purposes, 16 miles front Uoduritlh- rhoutnati,itin, JILItio back.honbago, Store threat oil the paid up stock of the company, valuable Ha( )ism drtfppeqI it) 14.1ill pior ton, no little alillovitnee find ilanger
about Ike i.4ioi mark. were consigned by - old Board - The bride received many itigolhorne township. Apply to 001-li` weak and more lunam. �prains, tlif 101 was adopted. Tilt of Direc lth Urtiniter of Gurrie. Although one picked preson1wi-and the happy couple hOap8 Ifild I)WI41', KhOWi ng I hat I he vry last from Life Hall antl hs surround-
THORM Vl.n.wilrulturc and all kh,drod f 60 t I wet t! -,old for $6. the fancy prices for Lora was re-elected as follows : Messrs -ill-city it) tile crop if fodder
of good wishes, In Which 114H STAR IOak were off Life
und a cure for,throat affections III her Ea"Z,r tiple curi ant last, w J. 1. A. Hunt, London; S. Dyment ing,@ being mo fit him (livelling and
Two pos was it mmoewhat mistukesi oil(-. Some
OUSH J bill, and Lrwlo was on a more 8
LND LOT FOR SALE oval basim. Ex. heartily joins. has sent if let Wr It t1w IIIif
tic,builtof veneer; mix None gonulno without having tile trittle 30 to $5 M for Barrie; S. 11.,Stuart, Mitchell; W, L. -e bay wits ftool $21) to
Story. now with at If - good cellar with mask on labols and wrapperi. nd U. A NI,- porwt� �orih from .$5. M r. A. A. lhhty N -im
roura,i; hal way and bat modiffin quail Hortan, Goderich ; M. McLau Jilin A GOOD APPOINTMENT. 44 tho
$2.) and 00 tons (-fit oil
cement floor. Easily hooted. Good trame 1,caliall's Liniment, Ooderich, Ont_ A �,d at, aboul $1 10) to $5.25. A)Jr I and W. It: Hilmer, M. A., Ph. D., who is it liter- -t' 1,11 I11q building.
lrarden. Not far on wax Seat on each bottle. iToronto- .1. Ofildie. t lie , t wo of I yenr4 old, west wall falling (1vt
stable, Iron covered. Nice $3.7.5 to nd light ones (it $3 to $s.69. Wayland, Fort William. At a subse- and prot,�mthig agnin�( t Irarn the Varo. For particulars apply fit, ast ary teacher of high standing and on r. Atti,ill fit $:J) fit pot I, co- -old tit $1 to 64.75. A feature of I
Manufactured only by -ectors the of this fly the I :W144 qov--
TILE STAR a ft -e. . week's trafle. was the purchase of about 800 quet tneeting of the dit of the st.rougelit commercial teachel- At thAL time milk wag 'ell XCHEM A A. MvLENNAN. head of exporter- by the firin of Sivamblillit w e reelected officers, viz.: in the profession, has been enfMged to l-,wif ti,r it hag hei�n S, w tat imtkes fire OUD FOR SALK.-Martin Connell. Cat- fanat New York. from a local r114 7
vo hundred cords Jo take charge of the God usiness tilt. lilt,'
W bortic Township., h"t% sale Patantoo an , Q, 'roprim - re - o ori, A. 1, president; S. R. Stuart, has pathint windvr th-e ton
Pf mix it wood for Sale for people who will vice-president; W. L. Horton, College. Mr. Hiliner ban not i,111Y vontintw,l annoynnck,m, and all
eaway. Come quick &no Lot your supply. -easurer Z 0 w " flation f the Town Ifnil n,il how
ARTIN CONNEIII. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. fr ecretavy and it held the chair of Higher MathemAtk, OTICF To C I aratins, superintendent ; A. (I. Ouln- hahis proti-st now i4 that ARM FOR SALE. -For "RIO, on Ist con.. N 'alze and Modern Langiinges fit the Canton rhitrged with a Flat 10. Goderich Township. a farm can- In the Su"Itirate Court in the or (,ardenitigNeods WorscII&Son .......... 5 ble, troditor. BtlRinesR College for three yeal-B. tile fle(if town fit, I its, We fairly goo Huron. In the Op,,ing ....... . .................. 4 A COMING ENTICRTAINILIFNT. - rbe chair of Ancirent and Modi.
tabling about
120 acres, with a -rn Langua- kidd, nntl with vagranvy, I'll(- by go and numeroum other Out- DecoaAcd. pecial John Stand 8 rem in AU.Lln College three years, bill
buIdt, barn. houi plended guilly to the first
builaings and mularl ore and -hard; plowing finished all Versonm ba, Epworth Leagues of North street tent with four acres of fall wheal, sown. Woula Notice Is herehy givon that Spoelals - D. Millar (a . I aithad niavy.yeatgexperieticeint,-,trii- A Oood Man for North Huron. 11%V,7" ,,,I in I g eN, but. not. gtii1ty of I ho if I be rr( wn Hall Iq farm A ply on promiset, ig claim� agafn4. the E-tto of I hoina� 0 ra- Victoi IS, street churches will conduct Ing and in managing some of the Iar- tililic S,r.tit has pleasitre In presenting Vngt1LIlI-) llis llonor, fter few
make a good did ] Lvp iant. late of the town fit Goderich. Yeoman. I)roms Acha�on &,Son.. .... 6 to life nod tidiarent prolwi I vt
for particulart. ILSON I ERS. hamt�r cloth;nii: W. c. Pridlinall 5 an enti-irtainment, on Tuesday, April gest commercial colleges in the rooll-
doccamed are required to file the manic with f Mr. A 11. Its- I"I'till"I'l to tho priBonpr, men- he of TI 'it i1 Ineptl g "it
George it. W. Orallarn. the ftecut.or named E t r Term uorwrich Bus. College, ..... 4 28, when MISS Chapman, B, faroolig try. Mr. Blither is a Rpeclaliat in the herewith a portrait I)
ARM FOR 9. oonces
SALE.-Boing lot Will (1.1.1
Stan 12, W. D. Colborne. CGraprimin 100 in the will or i,aid deceased oil or before the -am c ve hirn if) mix Illonth4 in the April fith pavd it Rtrongiy F offi, withfull particulars of Easter ]title, 0. T. It ...................... I -elocutionist front Boston, will be tile higheet sense of the I a' In - A flonn of grove, its the prospect ive Cmis, eminly JoLil With hard tirgilig I lie ('oa ncil t
acres, allitleared. Thore IS& good comforfbi. Louth day of ay, I o
the same. lill.. (�oljcgc Elliott, &IMcLachian ........ s leading attraction. The London Free resource and strength of character, candidate for the new rid ing of Norl h
frame dwellinir house with collar underneath; A d patch boin Montreal FiavR that !11" proposed expenditure of it I lim, -
oil (mine barnJust repaired and onlarged, And notion is further given that, after thO Sprina and styleg-lingh Dunlop 4 Prom of March 2.3rd, Raid of her : always inspiring tha rupils with, III s The Winglimin Advance 4aym sit" -e
go, )it, floors said alistablad Said dato the E'xecutor will proceed too dis- 11 litiron. (tie 14 1 dollarm or mot on III, hall
with cement foUndati( nion Spring Ne -ove will accept, fill- nomin. will lviiie the (loveloolont, changes until fit*,%- had fully riiu�itlpr.
t Ls"Long before the th-mi for the opening own enthusialstie met iods. Ile a
off. There is if large ung orchard of choice ritinto the ostato of the Raid deceased a 9 ian and a willing r Muggi
yo in thorough discipliner
wait watered by IL Spring At the parti" ontitiod thereto. hav Ing regard Itoont. (t) IA't STAR Office .. ... ...... I of the meeting in the Auditori
U nt and entertaining, I Ion, if tendered hini, an(] add": '-M itPit the (Iiie4tion (if ptilling down tho
bearing fruit trees onces and everything only to the claims of which notice hall then r,, ntod -Mrs. Jankin- I yeqterdav aftern (fif of creek and two wells. F arms had particulars have been given. and that 4o will flat beffilble intod-Nixn sturdy I were seen congroon ,crow� �Igople teacher, plenim f lily. If the ion is P,Ltire boildhiv and re"ling It rown
in food repair. For I, or JAMES for the amsets or tiny part thereof. me distribu. egat, ng a out he en. and keenly alive to the rapid progresR Nilumgrove lm at present Principal (if it
lo. it wpanm that Ole liumn Hall which w -mid give lirriver
%Fopjl� ta MitaXI.I.RN MCWIIINNTCV- to Nile Post OfficO. rd trance and on the streeto widting for and best. interests of thoBe linder his Whighain Publin School. Be list
FUNNny or by mail to any por�on or persons of whose clalin he clothem Itepairitig-Georgo Watson C�olbornc I not then have had notice. Eatorspecwt to.- Hodgims Brom... -R to open. and when at last care, Dr. Ifibner IIILA bev.n In char will be itrol. In"dation to the I ivic ptlkes nd file
the doort f, " I I rarge (if general knowlit,ilgv, a.:,, department. provide it vault r.,r ille
LOFTUS IC. 1),.N( BY. FP:,ttafio John Stewart opened the Audi. of the Commercial Department of t to w I e
fllwi-ek". 'I'lip Regiment
he londo lip of 1 11 1 If,- -m, ser ifARM FOR SALE. -Part block D.. Laka Solicitor for Accutor. the entrance wmq protection i,f file poblic iwill,
M.A.Plgott&Co. Lorlurn wits Boon III ed to overflowing, Wingbam Business College during the On Intelligent grarip of the ptillik -m- v; I FRoad cost, Colborne township, 2 "'ties r are now liable to complete de4tructiol.
150 acres good alai loam. brick Datod this 7th day at April. 1901.1, MyTriplatCafe. .... 8 and Inany wereturned away, being st year, during which time he akshit- lion, (if tbe tiny that few file gpantq. hand. Rignal rorlim, Hiretehe
from Goderich, San pit bearern and 21 Ill. -Ii per or III case if a firp.) and all"w of it house. barn 96%67 with comentstab Ing,arte "N' -STAn office, .... ... .... I d Mr. Hpotton In completing inail lip is or charn , vr, it 2,10 if all vanlcm c it chatuber Brid it )fail f.,Y- or in buildings. Spring creek TENDERS WANTED. anted unable it) get even Rtandinv room. . MatricillsiLion, Civil Set --
well with _ i,o.i 14 1, � it :Office ..... ... .. .. I Miss Chapman. tile gifted voting we. co rates in
2 acreg y wnagt orchard. and 2 acres Branding — pmB (,,I. good Kiwenkcr find popular With Oil meeting,t which would be fit fm I or. pply to a C. McNEIL, Dunlop P. 0. ENDERS WANTICI). Mrs. JameR ( lark ....... I man front Boston was the attraction. vice, etc. The Ooderich Busin In it4 weel(IV n( leg fr� I its files ot
ptirp( ...... whivh the preAent l,tidding
T Dining Oirl Wanted -Huron House I Those who had heard her it week ago lege lists progressed most, favorablv, Ih- would inakv all i,(,t lb,w. The objeeti,m I, ai
PEUTY FOR SALIL-Block C' Tendorq will be received fly the unde managemprit see its ally HII_Ilg anditlatf
0 N PRO:
1), on the (,uIr"Ignod
and the north half Of Block If to Mayulud, for concrete Arch Vert, at Furniuitv (;no. Johnston 8 went away inoRt enthusiastic and t4)ld and the and #in ftilk' thf- ftillowing onder date once rablf-il, "We nftmd i, If,&%,.
fre's Creek, Goderich TV. Montt and -'Queen mined In put t of itto the fron .4
a tiand Road town of Godarleh. containing Lot. for Sall� IIQX X. STAR OffIC0 ... I t heir friends. The selection. IIall thi we AI)IiI if. 19414 no timney fill- Bitch it large t
jo rid th ;h acres; good garden land; 9OW if�, n n one We linderutand )ve im III fill piper (if In wl iting to this challge most It*- loadp, If I Ivarions kinds of choice fruit, b res "a . cc a' Eqtlier.*' wils it beantifol number and mercial InatiLlitl . College re- livartily agrev r. ore ard barn. Good be ce a" 0 A w for twenty-five minotes the vast audi. the Goderich Businem,; fill- 81. I'nootype, which thell III it very few yeal N. Boll it i,," wi
It �. R ,Ik lid r
ouse find frame r E. n, ' .8 - ,. a I,, or i I or any Special Notices. Price flat breathless listening to this opens on April 21mt. and will remain Iii, knnwn thiollitho"t and ill had lit, announce- I Illoney to spen(I
w ter. Is a. 726. house and lot oil An le. I Tw1l n pa wag 4, if anv nime itt
soft 8 a 0 be- rt would inake it ri-pre. fit-iit of III- death. Pay- in part,
r terms and full uticil N 'TuRr)" fork I)on*t carry your express parcels t familiar story. open throughoutthe year Ooderi( (qy rp,,lif
heC. P. R. offlce� We r ratrhing ki� the pre8ent apply'V9 nor. CtlArfr.rlm LoNo, ing an excellent sulinmer resort I bere cv
LeGAL CARD. and driller in any part ofthe town. ANOTHRIA VETERAN. A reference should be it large attendance 'sit tile sentativ,- tit It(- promil (if. im the lhird thliv that illy denth has Vo Otto Life E. -Twenty, acret; excellent Ian been antiminced and I ran fell vou it IiA,.t,F;R this quelition tonivIlt.
FfOR S 0. JOHNSTON BarriRter, F4oilcitor. A Last slinimer we lent several fence In TiIE STAR of March 27th to the summer school here. ST ctiIJIM11, 1q wit very Stin-ly a
er nArket garden. 1withiood. buildin
miles from a arte - av ng M. commismioner, Notary Public, Goderich 1,,,,?llrlha-ers of our fencifirr Yon IRLP Fvnnynoj)Y. - Thpre tirf, ;I Ila and I ces, two OILL 0 thtlay of citizen J. J. Wright, J (10DERIC" Tfin inity he by (lidefly at (loth
I it, plu , ftlee11dLinfiton St. them will confer a great. favor 75th hit r if � i-nr nr I wit. wiHimit. hPing 'kill
Jlv resin orchalrd of applies. pea 11 EDITORIAL COMMEN1.
ch rries, ifeaches. grapes and r err us. by ret tin. i im, I lioni. am thero aro flevorid others btingB back early memories to Mr. of narrow minded an4 selfish people III
ice and favorable. Apply to OUNU waitiniz for then).- CIIAEL C. LEE. Ip �" Tliv C(inqerVILtiVP8 Of the 1WW Titling
BEIgr ALICT "`tb'1v' 'I' 11"44"T'll"ll'y Irian' r
RO ON . Uoderich. IONEERING _ Morrow & Margan are still at the Riehard lindrilffe, still halp and hear- every community. many of w1moi (11) Easier Sunday, April 19tli, 1908. lition
CCXETT, General Auctioncef. protiory nild 11roduce buidnem paying Lhe ty. although defective in eyesight. It more harm and daninge in a minote (if North Huron will hold convention
F%RSALE.-Twonew Dweltingson An le- HORGE III
gal Dwelling on pictongst. Now System of Ticket and entalolina. hilibe,iten-h price for butter and eggs, Man- wm on the (Ith day of April, IMI, than could he rectified In yearl, 11 it"s V At the liathor. in Winghtim next Thtir,tda%. :,53rtl
Bufldin no, ft!paex St., Cedar earn once 'a 'a that, Mr. Radcliffe arrived In (loderich STAR hag for n6hrly lift V yen A gnng,f nien nre Imiling a new ot-
L A comfortable MO. Hamilton St. P. 0. Box 1841. 'he w M Lrs fricai 1%11 fill, V . hi9t., to elect (,flk(,r4 for
g lots on Elgin Aven M room. freca 0--__ fron, River. lie had been Tod.y new
mt. and Pine St, dn"y II., ,.It be Niagara vored to lie a friend to (;odcr c 11M Nvoitorw rratie to the dredge Arniddi. ttanization and -A few
MUSIC CLASS8.0%. ell -lend of thits journal is WANTED. ForniAned flosca, or , or. !,,in prpviotisly twelve years In Her our poig)le A fi Rocins, neartho Lake front to rent for the day. Send your ordera to the tore and act ty,, custom service, and when he entire ed: an enemy, or if so call-
a frion hrr�e Vail"' Blocs and Nl(,Kavand 'Mr. the 1,0giSlAture. Thig i,i a piop,r -t,-I)
summer season. USICCLASSES your tick- 1-. -re the late Duff Cameron WTs c I ed eneiny,the pergon who criticliz.fin livilley flaket wi-re tiot tin YOUNG & RO]391rrg()N. M If( o tv- 'I'd met and one that Owtild be fAlowed by the
I min red to receive pupils for lessons if) lector of customs. The office n lw� finds fa -lit. says hard thirfFs In pt hill' nt-ist f(ir the flr4t little I him Rea,ion. 0im;ervat iveo ,( Cent re Iloton it an
oury; Rise the liffirrown Musical t Th
TOWNSHIRCOUNCILS. wag on West street, the building then and1rivaw because noree tern orl let. le De ..... S i I,, I,,- r (1,,vetninent light al the light
KI he hig d,14
Plan"o or n hiltotinnt oil can be learned at, being the one that Ilifir, LI, tel, oeg not please, might olfep -q ,rlv date. Even with I
NOTICE TO INVESTORS. To a nd other oth ffr young children, anel Par _prove to be iel were r WFAT WIANO911. off rererItly rpoved from thp street' I lighle(I (,if Wednemolay flight for the agn.Inbt them pillitically. the elret,rq
his to l3totio. so a real fr end In disguise, ime work A A", 188 M AA.ANDROW'S.Goderich. conneti met,ap per atUournment on March walkand had converted into, com- out all problems, and the clitie R4 It if( the new riding hould get t,,w,ther
Thoextioutoraof the late Geor w, will
SAINLte have decided to after the gAole�cstato rth all pro-enr;lteeve liallic in fortble residence. Although nearl rule flnrtq to hip Porrow tha I .h rt -en froto I h hLt it tin N,-Ppawaw nd talk Fratters over.
for salil, consisting of jeal estate, bonds, do- '61046VEMENt OF §f6CK. 0111,hair. 1%lintitesof Itiot meeting con firmed. half a 0&ntury has elapsed, Mr. RitY didn't know It all." There arcl ci ti7.enp In inin Midnight
artion wishing In yNOR SEflV1( on,motionifIrMitirrayand AJedd. rhotren-tir " vwrary. 'I hul-Rday for purchased an Im. tatelviont, Showed Il Once on hand of cliffe distinctly remembers citizen who do not care to Ape advarfeeniont, I Th, -I i,ia of 1, t- h.. benttkreA and stocks. hy Victim will receive full pArtlenIft" Of the 0nom The hill to anietid the Lbliinr Li,
on calling On the follow-inu: parfait, Improve York He Piled oil potion at Murray Wright conductingtile Huron Hotel find there are other citizens who want anti 1 1:1% itI k lar trip.
e, which will and
rm, lot I con. 4. Gode, Choltll,Ron Jarrien Lyons waited on Council be into (1 1.
r uov. rich Tp. Thin 14 known to be a if esenta- re Jame- ePtierhon, who In nick fit bi- place. I thi-tiou I r1i Lni orthe seaffoo w
Mnq. ActlEgom. ExectiW1 I be for service (Lt my & In Kingston street in Ooderleb, and Lo spe Goderich forge abead. P0 Act, introduced by lion. Mr. ll,inrla,
J. P. BROWN, five 111111nal Of Ills clail.. S. ft. I agreed Lot pay Jamet; Lyoff% $3 per I n thoqe early days he proved himself eral yearR Tnn STAFt has referritt, to FoT t I"! I xI'rd o(sl oi,opon-tit rogno h 1% 111 f �l int Cletnenn, in Tit as mAkeit sleveral important , If I
Wit. AcTiPgon. weAk for ra f tiefilt nll his removal to AS capable a host an he ditil In later the benefita to be derived front it cann. of 1(logitand and ]4, OMIT P4,11ft, 0A_
Goilovicb. Dan. lie hoiipl,.�raoon Madd ad Thomp. fear9,, In IWA the only street treelf, Mr. Ing factory In Onderich. People who f -r a,til ever 1� hw of k trur- -d 1ord )( 4 fly. I r an(� machinery to looking to the hipt,'.er left anti he h.n f- Ill., ilrer, -affle. §()Veq
W. fTA say , were In front of the llfv.n the liquor it This bill ry
Pon Till I th, to dritin. vla ad 'Ord.,
E. KELLY over unit �ttloavlowaeif Pound- 9 have not looked into the rannfirift fact- Kyrie
-MEDICAL WATCftMAXrvR keepers and liathmillittOm %Yore ft�Qntd a. piesent, new G. T. R. freight sheds. ory Industry In Ontarit, have very (Ilarla ILI hi A cn Siiekpm have been pa%iiing iip the the right of jutotilcm of the peare to
DENS IVI All 1). C. M.. M. C. JTt*r5J,VR AND where the late Judge Toms lived for little idea (if it_q extent and vital in, Paio-tritia reat nllmk)er4 therast. ton give 9"WIVOr liquor dating prohibit.
0. Fencoviewors.-John M1110 John fiord, many t t that time -om NI C
P. tan A Jiurnln J Pardon W E, ordon Grier. I portAnep to both urban and rural If- M IT n( fv aitiand Fal 9 allcth
0 as dwa OpTtdtAN b t� re 'IF I Ilin. Malcolm oWeM ed hours z Lt gives offelit to the Gov-
&�iUnx. C. iliol"i"J. being yeargi th mulliO.4FAIltim, Thoireare albout 70 rac.
owne by &r. r. - I ty friirnfl_ wWy'tip ihe aitland and itq bran be"
r ILI011r,
rich., loguer of Marriage 1.4ceirset, Taylbr. Xcittiodum, Val, HuMpbrer. It th Colin Cameron. There were a ir n operation In thin prnvine 111)(Trin IV, "At h, Net, fm. thV, hve been caught in goodly num- etnment poli( -v that where Int -Al op-
111mincit- P. 1)
ce vii, Retildonce 96. Godericti. on moinfila". I -), in laying about 7AX) handif In If0l, Ina tion hall been carried and is litaAed
WAtrOn 1). Wilson. 8, AWlet M. Spror. ear h ioliling the farmern for crops eultivat. ;the ift of netn thin qeaaon was
1Art�ed for factory vurpolleg over nadp (in Mitinday hy the rwo ritacs. rq nifty not lainw llren4riq during the
atbradAPIA.-J. W.104knitin, & Kerr W. trees In front of the stone lion "" on
Ae J 1�,ast Ittreet, owned on many y Ularta (in if, legal technicality,the commiqAon-
Nivins, W. Youn "P 00, J 0- the late Thomas Daricay, arfd on No
brililts lalwit. Cbl- Stlitherv, W V 0 offica and iguttrorr treet. in front of the residence then lifthe STOL istrien The help employed in the fmietorlen i1vinn im. The lift wpilithed it little fiver W) lhq., ad it. rennalned in
& tn. to 10 p. to, Phone%- NOW OPEN R. fW. IWIG]i W. owned by the late Division Court wou; sub -divided an followk: -Fernsiden not It had one eonnidering the effort life of the bylaw h
I were ill the lake and the force, unlettA the written consent Of
00M ol. Itaidarinte 119. J. ightman. Thom" torde I Gull". R. clerk, Air. McDougall. and now ficcu- 4 216 male 2 MA, t bege figureo not In
UNTIZU. ANV VA Y. Ith A. DwillittkW. lialtor. 11 P,,murin,, me I lev
ied by 0. P. R. Agent Kidd; and ft ittriling offinial staillin of fifietompn. A e.011 I riii o if weather the head of the Department, is obtain-
Feliv, ttoca on the northwent corner of canning facto in Goderich wiffild cantme lowninn . %. K I . -
Winter Viral in fill deprtments of Btalther. It efft=. JMOI,� r Imo. % ed. It further providea thilit when it
A. SMwaft. M. W X UhliallaY. I , I I�ornatu r
t1le, �', - Or"Sklm- West and Wellington streets, In front he of ngdenna' value t both town 111rinn 4'13 -Tho P- the Do�,p hobwo Mecting Calendar.
74. t('r % "y 4irm- of the residence now occupied h man againift. whom notice hag ben
W. 8M61t"r Ilthor- onvirclu country, and e he ipvp Mr.hv
0 , moo, Uft 11 1 holof CEN' L gtrlint, M L feId A.�t lifer, 11. kDon. Mr. U. It. Watson. Mr. Rrildir-11W. the matter nhoisid receive attention nvtnn 09, � on tht� fie tirreetion ortil;;Ii. I I ti n of the Town Council thl. aervpd to found under the influonee of
at kt*a opf* In IVIre;, W. J, Todd Jinei 11lirbor during his llfbitime has been a great frorn our hvialneag men. The demand rn
Hobo A9 _LF(J1E Yd I � outitt X J. nowfp^;. Rorinan ftvv M Itirrbull.
SINrMg ald. ii.,*
Dt. t I lover of trees and Vature study, and for canned goods will Incroalin with offerfory Volontarf, for ( irnot, Pinte mild Union tirelon mooti on liquor* he mugt be requited to teil
'TdrontoIt offere spl, did .0 S
111111ces (Ittyror. W Affirlit114 J ] th trun, the Vill of April. hi. TaLalrrann Hall. wherij he obt-Mued it. It Slim ptlihibl-
IV, A 1 -4 the 91, 1 amea F ot,uv- IN Ilrokc I M PIN1.6 ratio no"
J. 4kh 8. -
thego ifleminiscencds will doubtless the.settlement of Lite WIt. n IlArelf
lot Apolldiag", t ohthq��,Pleas- interest to tbb JArticultir a4 g,,t irdi S, building and machinery Iq . Ififtiolotboll.. 1. ifee of tranalfervinIN thd
V"# i Lw. n, R. ob
Ole? locir, olye . trS. .. ...... Monday.
It Ie f THE by hr, meanli excemive. 'I'mr, RrAn Hyfpn lit. Jea.l."ItT. Id tied poottiloned o anday, April Ti -riorn from one peraitin (041lotbrie
Civ 11 bar
_ILA* XACJ I. Th STAIL again tuggests that the matter he nor- I,aril voutax on a �onvictlon. (is has bootit done to
Told AZ Meeting In Town lal) On Tue2da
I t I hit" to 9. V_ 8tt A Tio '000twicu An to 110ron's lonstlY considered by the Board of Three to roorganige the larra--se club for IW
11000=10ri olfin
s#A11 6 buticil, and our eftlieni goner- ltezular %0tv of Iturim chaptar. W,
171inctim ml then' reatm,filigwe" id coilift otilly one A�
Organist ft t Q tk. R. A. I Loit wilay 6vatilng.
n4 C otimv, -37.
W. % :oilk%tl f# y"t in a I