HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-04-03, Page 7�, 1111� ­ ­ . � I - ��r 7 �, I - - , � - " S I � 'gro . � . : I 1) ­ I -- " - - T I - Now,., - - , , , . ,5F!3P5W7 � . - V � . J!Il ;-P :I- 11- I � , , � 41l -- - "T I ��'." , I I - ­ T- A# I - - I ., � I \, , 757`�.,V- .,� - � , . I - I � I I ., � I .11 - I , , . 1. �. �, ,. . ` , . 1. , , I I � I I 11,01''1111-1 X ,. 7 7 . N , I - ­­ , I 11. I P11.1 ---! � " 1011011111100"M11Z �, 1 , . . 11) � k � I I - I -... -1 - I I � --,41-111 40 ,,,.. = =!:1:1:1�1: 11� 1111�110111 ; .4il I ��-- .� I 11 1111olop"W" -- -., 11 -­ � . 1--..r."P-"W--.r1M`­ 11 I � 'i i t!i'= ­ ­ I I il " , I I. I ­ � , . t ­ -- ­ I I 1.11 I - �­. ­­­ 11 1V­.!I1PWi!!9!.. .4. ... �'---�'Kl ­­,­',',',' ­- . - 11 11 . I— �' i �. -- - � .1.1-111. I , 1^14 -- ---�- I . I �. 4 1 � � � - . . — 1� - "I I'll.."..- � , -W M � ,4" . i , . - % pfiar& W4 04i - �­ �­,� , . '0 i T'a - - 6001 . , .4-- kt­-P­-- . F 0. Ill . , I , 1 * I I q�w ',I I 0 *9 4 —­­. po"kii A � UZ11, dwiln, � I * � . 11 � � I � 11 - , . � � I . 64aW44 -ft Vatill 404 M4 I 11 AN , I 019 NSED ''NEWSIJI r 01jull TV ,I , , � I . I A*" I I tho Il ,at ,% *lfaw UalatA 11 . ,..... . I : I . P " 'U - I - 11 10 mp,!14� 900" I VO., NO � ' � � P40. W 41tes rmll $5 1 . 1 710P .... 01, � . 111� .1 G. � ... flom , . I ALTR ' — 1 , ­ Qbp�­ � I I 10 A J" *�"a . "I r . I I . . .4t Y** QK, was; E'4,4 10 11A W00OW" ��� I , q i �:.." I ��� I . . I . . . OAMNOO "Wo a" 0 r . I i . a I I ".. . ;, - . , I F:01o"' I �' : I kii .4 oll In New VArk* . I I I t, I ,. I 0 -1 -1101 . pAlI11111. "tit 0 . I PRTRW i . .. h I .�­' , �-, . . I , , - idustil wtvoll Usill takeft 04et , , ,,. . � 11 ;A 11 . I I ,0 system of Improvog - � I - 11 ; A4 � 4 W470 oveadiig , , , 11 �. -- --- , NO I � I , - . � te � ",", , �t ow ,�AC�SK 4 ­­ 1. ".- . .0 , I � 0 , at n5valie, PIZ, lawfAR twtwk t Ex FOR TIV MAY- , I - , . . I .. ! , I ­', � , I ,. I , . , I � � 11 0" gh" '*I* - litbop$ WWI; Ill � . , I I P . I I I � I 1, # dqsj %ho, wits 00 I , - - " . . P . ­ . � -- , l� Irio . - Gowille by, MARY .14.(,o tit of �Pbyxt in Ontario .-. I � I I I . A vulka,oxaw -.,, ..'s"O. oxoto ritoill - ef�edlbetrworking ,1)54. - 14 . , � ...". , . I , , . . , . � ser4l; the %Uol .1 . .1 .� ...P.11, -l-, : - � I I I : it .00, 011ie, - *"-- wot'000, . boulta per, W64. - , oat excrc!so, reg will small ... %pt#, it I I I 11 . �, - , I � loortIll 441111)FAM* 0 * ! 0*1111, Q111" rex.reMmbicr t it Olt " . .1 . 0 . , I � I I . I - 11 . . ., I iii.014 I I...- . . , W ' . hi's pipe 1.0 his 431, In UP tj .Qom . P . .. I . til .0 ­*� in,4 .;4 - ill *0, 04 2 "feilitill 4 Uglaft; , a I I 1will � fortablill _sr . , ! 1. I . � I � � I I � " - to IL O" OWN . III . it, is - quillo � ; .# I , i , � , , � . � . 1. � I I . - I , �m ,,",Door #140. - It NN .. I I pA I .- ithis %Wk - � . w I " � ' 1. I. � I ,� : � ,,� . , . 404 1 4.0 Ply' 14,*k`Vb�ug1fLtt*W , " I . , " . , , 4 are 40 in c3a she i�, stit hir. & W. Cemjl Deputy Mkit- sad anil villitaffe*oill I 11 � , 'a - , ini I I I U Ad ­ I thill *oil 0,N)MA . 4 "' Cak2blo 401 to . 1; aco ... PA I 41 t4til, \ litil I lot W* -,rowfaw-o - I -, *1 � I , . '.' I I I , ScItats - I � rit help to - less QbA t-ster of pubp ,NVork h an &Odw4s VMvW0" Of th's ii V*il . .1 . ls . - , � � , v"'a" � * QA4 � Il I,Xc, chii4s.other and , rill #4 Cal - - I'll, � - , . I . ,kI -P $4 -001r, 11 fi was , ruell to 0irdiarll Any olim who 40"14 titifilif do,11, , . .1 I k� I �.. �1� , talk U V K�koww * twom 04,0016W I . 441 Z , - , �! of 1, P116 for 11 I 1. I AWWOP *,a - A110, 146, * Of! Thei-il l I I � -61 V40100 904 � , . ,,l 04,4%%tat -9t,1*;P , , 1� 11w 1 mm�llp� '111- ­ I . I . ., ­ it* . , . pO , ObAlW vered belOo a meeting of the 00,04 001111110IIA Would be fullaw 4 *T4 t14 .kars, r1tal,Dment 44$ Aever ba - %yqrk P , W 4*04104 frorw QUAV4 ", . � litowavii".*9 911op . paper 40W. tkat �aftflfl INtri loe 'Oty. . W0111111 141*1 4umIll ciatLork, at Otitatio, UQU in aulstalleA gi, the . I I , , -0d , "'' tjl 1�4 il : - , to .., -I" � il r3l,,- X1041A ot �vajqhlni , , . I r I Witmuiplty,44.0�t, Q - ' ­ Alactoltuy� , They w . -WJ mr� K ft. 04y,01, " 41 MQa4e*l1,*Wy - � g ft CQAIJA 'I , xwis 0 . #bio , grel, lKeutifol dells, .tli. to GENIkIIAL. I .1 � g a tiny but healthy baby q�,roalka the other day, stroll adva- mads, , . . I I wvrk4 , 001 , � �. Irwar . 1 .1vil , fs�4 � - � � ', ' ',,414 mal . I TlmwiA W w all - It n its resttlfiUn eated, the building of bridges In th I 4, ,I . ,. I .1 � t it�iq $00'skoklity Okilho W, bals 0 droppitill - 40.4 Or . Ay. ----- ,4 il w e le "it is SUIT . . , ,.Which �,Jlta "�I#Xpn, . revelat, thell am � ".%hutg � tq,;Mqi�e 'alcull1w oviontiolualt, 0ortly, . Japan has asked Chino to Prevent the �11 . lu,44, Veil 0 abit shou most substantial style by means .01 CN I . 4 101! 1,49, U4 Jklil 4A At Ilirk '. .. tea, b* 114,94i one &�S's 19*00 we diolli, look TPA wovsk fiblilway Ctill 41tre I . -ed. This h "44 , I � , , Campbell, "UQW 001490110 , - I .. I , A � - - � tr�posod boycott Of Japanese goods and clothes am rell , er tho W9, 'CiVAalt * , I � i - " , , a JJX4a #,ALT�agllildi)�ft.UQ140 ii, an end to the anti-JaPane,50, 991- be le'stgMili-by parents' as I�e baby w It i ,� . .� , I ­ . jl,,, -, " . I , , , W 'S a, .A#CA 404 W r ilksUlted Alt $I', Thai I iw concrete. It this is carried out iS all - , , � will , glint 5 4611, wwl how, , � Irl* ,,,Sir), qn4 Xha Ifilll , real. Wlai## ure� prieptoril $or �qu Q , , , �. I . V4 ou . . . , ordo it. m11 0q%V,rnmeAt will bo glad to Can- th4st gommerill, , 4 tie- I I It CanatillArt army of 4� Z A I , ithen I : I *I I itioust � . �, I I$ 110, tho V � 11; 4 of 0-flill onitomp* I gig of 101fir , � � �,, liy-4,4 J"itim I ,J�i , 114 94 nk never ov: - I , . - P 1. 94IMPL-4 , - I I . I anil like An at jplg - - tA , ver � , � "M 'I , , "111, iA I � to =0 vatill , 41y, 4W IM lil Ver 't Illigus,and men# at, Qlseboo �, Wy rr! �he 6441 lookilks.tritti4l qu May day , VAD, � �, , , � 0 , Itkia" I Ill surifinoll , . POW t* A xrlsh Owl hQ4 11 4. big, -.0 - . - It is nut necessary to hang a Arlbuto one-third of the cwL Mr. is , to Attempt' It I . 41�,, IN Persons were drown eii.st= of',%,, Is I Cell j�ptk e4$y and & ,,kiL7,1,7" US& bon ItZ Over a hundred Will W Pt the po toy 0 I- , :k I . *4 the400c , 0. ),,' .. A , , , of, all I I � , . arm., Wheat � " Up'to da!04 $1.1k I many parents do, Campbell laid stresis an the fact, that Ing fil ,,,, . ll ­ and laughing and ovcntlmu � - I ten , "' , * . . iq Q `4fid 140 - r - ity. QJ In the sinking of the Japanese *am- all thO Until as *0 clis should strive to do Q Ill 404, do it. W,011. . Thl leads . I ,, , vow, nood, on lbe'Tentl4kaml R-010 - collision near talking to advocate, 4% I -- - - lg.l 'oulvill Wa.xam. *,sell" 10 4,4 eplika, er Mutsu Marq in a L I . 4 st, are 4111. r- . , rlill from U. ..Ai , I I Ing the tiny brain at the Same time. themselves with the financial to convert 'tho Wille I , I Wp , , I .1 . . cQmpatik flail � fy�fobll* at *tfl r whI1011 Tho King haiii pil ­� 'a"FIC'A'mill."ruisnov Co.- . ,� . cent . Niespunuolis W01h = t11*14t ,I into -ll Ing AN— I I go.krviliTAR PiOifil .0 ,an lad'Atil 44d still. aw . I Multi. KlIlltodate. ros". 4witika 10 . . I I . 1.� � � lon, relil to carry . JjA we* 0'314yl made ter a 1) cal piati,ait to tho 011 400lity I ate has passed a bill A low minutes 401 this each day will itio4ollions of the county and the ex- Vxtewluft 'Of this good doe$ n,at ox. 4 . ' (Agkiq. kilurip't Ahl utch gul W � I - . 4 Introduced, a VII The French Sen I d' , C*N S'prifitar CW*A Ill I and - from .Quebec, OQ' &,1110" -,who A , croo of do no harm, but then self-control should niscis in oonnectlat municipalities wbii�ro it I Igo that ' , ,,, it�a tO 90 sl and a baliket on her a I � n with repairing the it Is 1. I TWill ... 4 (­ ... � lirriaga, of divorcees, A'A automatically Convert a de n , 1. * for IoQhing after it, Al 111,1:101 46151 . 119jil'i 1 3-'-b � t is the �rutle and Fankul dolls were out 1111001 p. eat I 0 I t the end 01 be exercised, and the Child Ilatt to its =, In making small replkire in the ist he good work . � ) i .... I 00 _0 � - � L It, r, � W � � . : p"eal, are still v�`ndtl - 1w, - -1 r# of the altil w -ation into a divorce a - own devicm . roads he pqfintod out till the expendli counts. but t1l PaffnPle' Of ' ­ - .. - _ � ­ fasl .� � trittion tQ UAV43� PAW 44waW ., , Maggx,in4s,,and,.th*.dress,EW,,W-,M Ill . I 411QU from the United I i4par . ­ .. � I 1. th, pople WhQ . . � i to than it should much done that ImIp"ell "that a stand, . L, , � L, L, L, if"ri, , L, reacling delunite mormaLwA, I ... .1 pope larger Ritis year three years. , �' , � at widely be laid down on a soft rug Iture amounted to practically as . , � I i well qiffoilmed to talil P413 10 the fil h4d Made IMM WORwPaPi9i . Three Ilres were. kindled the winter near the open as ,it more substantial roads were built. will tiltimstOlY 40fixClUde � I 4" most Important aspeotili of - 11 I I r h a '.. � fore, or maltriew. in , " � ,menceill b rollll 01 cast- 4041,*Id INAO Which th.0 Voice � . 1 4111 dw � '. , flertaLing, the Militia Counnell wlil W 11 W ., I i,- 4y I celebration. at Quebec, skpRratekil points in Pekin on Thuralday, (ire, in tile summer War an -open, sull ars the municipalities urd road shall bel'A POLICY In �. � � , . i vioup tm-fai 149. ,rs taken all a -box #04, 6yea It In View of 0 In he last len ye . I I , - --- 1--�rl 11.4-00 0 pro I � . raisin ­ dol 11 . , C - by revolutionaries. -moved; f, done well and . I . I be able to state definitely just L ,- &mpt at NI h� e m,; with its clothing re The work Was - I., I— Gertrude and Familli.,jill . thill 401 t may no mill!r tit I - ny window, V contributed about $10,000,000 cash trIcils. lCally.ju.co.fill with Certain � I . I I I --a . , I --- il allowed lo-4-ack-and, wave -a -1114l --AIW ittilliMijIll ,thiatil roads. -Hek- ­o0OnOm . . ­ ­ ----------1"-.,;:.. I - g. ; ; � �,�. �-- '. i!= at 9 "OR .A - - ­ Jt&Iy-Js­Anxi:0=- -Iiii -pmvi� - iA ---w ll - --- I .. ­ . . ". ­ , - . . NW -Y -Wi9lfl -414-a- - %pay .14 W i1WX1-WW1`1l -- I -- 11 -- * I -, anerica. .1421INT I � a. RA U1, � I gration of criminals to A 4 W oulate aild indulge In its funny nMo- 8 of the , live I I . . JLW I V L ' � � making Clothes for - them, bul, tb4Y -The Canadian Northern Will P I - If said that this money, it properly hand- I I . . be,market t ! pyey of these In the new world Is usu , as it will. Nature. as sufficient to construct ernment Insp,cattan. ft Counties ,10 not , . A I .. , thought they, never had soon any q*vI: ,thirty towinsitos on th'O'market t ally honest Italian emigrants. Lague as long then its iflurse, and 'led, Would be adhere to this 'rule tb'e Government Will �� , � , I is.) nice OA JW10 And Alietels. They Ing ,summer. s we suld before, is . lroadwaya that would last for at Least I P.0 its one -thud of the exPendil I . I I NW1 � T 0 ­ I . . all played happily, logo. � at Winnipeg, Ys lerved that no' .. . I - I . 'til but OW- C. ,&V. Speers, I_,_& ------4— u, xvLsei 'One. ralist I- Bin a period of ten years. He bet I? � ­ ( . �� . . trudo onkt Fa nittJong � iop-eom"R 1*01aaboullo-W41 _=QM­af bin I---- ---- -­­ - . - ----. d. illea-mo--g-11 vafkid"J�t qv�r ture. .. , AAittJong -- ill lung& --Art Aher,eounty--Councills, �', ­­� � -utat-MR010-tracl be as ful as W4 thp -spring. MONEY PARCEL QUICKLY STOLEN. proper exercise, its 51(in is beling ­�J I , - ten -- --- - -------�11�� r � . ro' !I, 1. �. _ their 'no p ?I I' �, , �, .� ---.--. ­­- -- ­ --­­-----­-.- ­ -- Conkil for six sections of the '14' healthily ventilated, the h i . dolls - � I - a F11017 "Rey always have ifticell thillP thou tional TraIMMUnelat'61 Railway were Express Agent at CoIlling.00d Robbed oesal is t should 9 irir , , �. and happy . Armenians Underitake to Tis I I we do"' 4W. Gertrude one 48y, . let at Ottawa. - , making liquor at Station. ' � be, and 6 the baby Is guy ent,- t I o,: ­ , �. I Fannie.,. "And they C4ollingwood's bY-1- without tinkulation and excitem � 1, p ­l I -yell ansWigied gwood Says: I , ­ . . � . have such 0, ,a . mart kittgul Jessie &&Ili llqo4stll $2,ll has been quashed by Mr. A despatch from Collin - occurivol also as it should be. - A ROBBER S CONrt:%I' . r,J;e,�;[..-.;., . t. �� -1 -er luslips, BrItion. was perpetrated oil �'i ,�. 1: � I ­­ iow-Work that this Morning. when tho would IThe boldest robbery that eve, As W the exercise Part of the pro - A-4 . . I a, it climbed up 11 Bari Dudley will attend the Quebec in Collingwoot! at the o. T. R. sil ceeding, the loo . I not let it L . - Thursday ut,noon think that the baby had made an ox* I . , � , , - -------- ---� . ,riterigry celebration as the rePre , " , , . side of the screen doorand opened " tere , - .. , A tion here, when the Canadian FAIl f some excellent sY9­ . . Acting on the W Jy4D of AulsOldia. parcel coil. haustive study 0 ontreal I : - - .-.-- In ,Ife. vigor- - 11 ,,, - ! . p with Its paw, and squeezed through, sentat ­ I L . I I ent may remove Company was isobbed of lit I levollopment, .910 L &,Vrr , � I I . A despatch from St. Catharines says* enough to sus"! , an WWI been end then climbed down On the inside. Tile Ontario Governin % -. tainIno ,One thouslan-4 dollars In on, tem of muse a I Shootlug of I'lle e Delerme Near M ,. �,"" -�, , .,��, . I ous are I a movements and so suited W- L I . . ,�",- . ­ ­ belief -thitt--the- -,%QfJ%k1f­ Pa AW thei.trabaril qu ther OXPO't Of hemlio( t . fl, � 1. ,��L" :! trango Cil was . -on --- W- Z- du' e -0 --' a Who houske'Ll That was pretty ismart, I Wnk,I-but 1011117- dollar bills. The parcel was addressed I , 1". amming, ill* -Pael ... . a and bark to, the 011ited -Stated- ont- t1ioir design. � '.�, , � . A very a ' sh .1011 Puff can sit up of the Bank of M ke comes for The child I a , 1 _ �,� L T,.,-, , .'4 Arnientiail colony M. p,, is said to to the local branch When the tirr Explaine �,.L " , 1�1, day reported from the , with him dil'all him ,d 11 beg, and there am not many clit that Mr. p,00delpheforget, of by the Re- . s 11 Its the old nursee I .%,. , : I Works. A Tuesday night and to ger Of real and bad been stuPPc 1A, 11find its leg , ..".1, I at the MeKlArtion Dash Metal will do theill' - . - , tio finalac4ug-A saemO for a mer I Mee in Toronto. It Y - . I . . 1�-�4­ -11��,- . According calver-General's ,a Ito unnecessary to aid it in I oung Armenian of eighteen years, who. jflW4, of food. he Armenians. t 0 "No, Indl answered Gertrude. breweries of eastern Canada. sa , it is qu . . t �, � ��; ­ ��, y , - was received y Ule agest of the ex- the searoh. Ili' le in place, and 1, �. � - � was brought to the works fvom liamil- told by clikeOt I qu . "Btft I wish,' she added, *that we could Dominion and city Police 9" endea 98 koftey. Whon Deler3ne offered 11 � �:' "',,:', � - taken ill ll quart then, failing to mply;; , , - Makers of counterfeit press oompunyb, Mr. L. C. Wright, from have had plenty of 9=, free exercise; A despatch from morktreal says: The wilianded fr e bul- �. �: . ,4z, - r, �, ton two years ago was l a- have something that would just ll voring .10 trgc* LS train. Upon re, resistance lie WaS 8110t tiwoe, on ­ " ., e f` I it Toronto. the mossenmer on it L, , � � I I linoney which. is q, -,c,, It ; been off work, He was seized and carried to 11,11 he mad& and when they are strong enough to police in this city ware notified an Wed- f . 1. ", ently and has Eiac V aYi them Open. their eyes," and a rculo"119 I telephone celving the- parcel Mr- Wright Placed - little body, the list))- Will ILI entering behind the right ear. The . I �­', , ,'?� ses to join lyis- jellows-at, work -or SL T 11 ztonikitic�- .5upport tile named .WLI- Ise of ofe a ­xAtharijaes a - - or ,heeling frighker" ,hLi - �11-", refu - iloed , to t1teF . IF, but was- her own so big as sho4aid -it that Fall -Thol, -Strawift lastskided by -Abe -cities it upon the I -puck with other pfilICIGIS, pull itself up by a chair or other Piece nesday, night that a man tic - �-;;�., pla), sits by himself in a corner of the where he vvlis rilifieril- me was almost startled. . � system will be i 11 away and were -� ".. , � . a r A , which at " I -room and cannot be Per- Te r 4 "tonlsh them." and engaged in otWr duties of fjiirniture� turn with that irresistible hain Sangster gave himself up in New horses, and they ra , ts�ued soon ,nd Strathoons. the pamnis of the uu, I 1. I—. ,-".:,, ": , 1� �.� : , . I- 11 general sitting tins, Sergi. M artily - jigaled the ,,I just wish we could ct Edimantom. a I picket, which left Ed_ ,be flint are rushed. more especially air of minglod conceit and rapture to York and had confessed to a crime com- tutor stopped by tic ,wus found . .1 !,��; �­7­. ; suaded to enter into Conversation. He no infamnatiOn They were not jealous -or cross Over The EdroontOT I as the case youill man. 1. .- ��-,;` -, 1 t . . gurgle several months fortunate . . 1� , I—. -1�1� case, but -0 . 29th, delivered the mail when the train is late as w see it some one is looking tit It milled near Montival %,,paggon, bleeding �,­­,� , :',,�,� also refuses to partake Of meals, and ' of the QPiu" the matter, but they did love to surprise monton Noy lost sight of it but I I the f. ' ! I , against anyon and n Feb. I?th. oil Thursday. He ed his its satisfaction with thIs now state of I H�sdtated tbat, with two Other in the be tom o Ile ,. 1�11 , �L' , bis comrades have been under the nek. at Foill McPherson a I n e e barely Conscious- , ,,,, :].`,4-��, a not'ill at all. people. I but when he turn profusely, and I .1 I I . ceiss,ity of forcing him to take food ion.that the n loan of- a for a moment things, anti tile deed is done. .!�i. ter Upson arid Joe La- but died �.� � - , 1: 1 k�, , this that Ger' The new clty Of Mdhtrehl e, arid since From that day continual fresh pro- 0 he I - 11 �� I Is . i not long after k ed it back to Montreal id of f� .. I 11, �, . ­ -1 It we. liken by the Bank attention to it it was gon WeVii a, a attacked a young man was taken , �.., I � " ----- - - --- trude and Fannie rece4ved a letter from millfion Pounds-w&s I nc tracecif It'has been found. The po- suIpport, shortly a er. Before dying he to 1, :, ed, a cousin who lived several miles away. ol Montreal at 97.25. gress will I* made. at first with named Plarre, Delertue, and had shot ,�, �7,i � ' -- � �:,i - - I bushel e;� ,,§t9mk .de all lice were tic,tifted, but UP to six o'clock the attack, an hiria by three robbers. v � ", ,.i ��:.' 0 been* having such fun," she h later In a staggering run, ending, to it% 1)ojerino when tie refused to give up �.�,, �, '.­�, 48k _ track, North "I have ay n., The contession ci ., - I A 4 ,,, and Manit ba reject A rich Uold 5 Light they have tailed to f Sangster has cleared .! , , ,i, I �'. I , , , . ", thili 2 people with knagkq the, mouth Of the .;, ,y. ;1'. fic to �c pe busliel ex Mackenzie, 60 miles I cr, Thu,rsd great surprise, Ili a backward bump, his itione he will be brought � , � secure I, \ LEADING MARKETS Bay. . wffiot4 I%ur,prising t of Herschel island. , although several clues and a new phase of life is begun, The crime to which be confessed was uu the mystery, slid His two asw "'. � " b "'� , — . Oats -42-75; still Do. hem to stand his trial, " !,�' , ,- t - RdUed Corn, $I -W .to flowers.", kred up. The parcel was In spite of good advice. them are committed on October 26. Pier e 11 �', �, . I Put their heads easl f Prince Edward Is- v1son, having 054L ' ' ,� , ',,� . - The Legislature o forbidding the al� been fo"ov It is I to be found Ili the world foolish and re ckates are 81ready in P Ib 8 11 Gertrude and Fannie ,,,. . up in tit- usual way. hought lerme, ka Young farmer, was rwAlu"ll ago for BREeWSTUFFS. - $1.70 per bag a-ued a law . &DIM time �, j� , . . "I". patents, $6.10; very close together at this, to read what land has P ok the parcel must ridoring young parents whose baW trom the urarket In the early evonin been 5 tenow I :,1 . -L Flour-Cholce spring the Prov- 9. I- .11 ,� .�, � , � \ Toronto,Nlar. 31. - nd then they ClaPPod th fr running of faut,omobiles in I 1,111,1"llp"br.ty. IVIVII-13t I'D wallwol and' talked and thought earlier burgi ar , :i�',I,, I,; � , -r.larkitoba Wheat 50 to S5.6o; winter wheat followed, a chlng ,%fr Wright Very an jumped up apd 'do- T - No, 2 northern seconds. $5. 's, $4.75 h (is. - irkce�l as'so very short Tile highwaym. .1��,,�� 1,.� � hern, $1.20y, �. straight rallb, tru:e. ,yant was sexitenced to -one time than all other babies. The result. .- , I .. No. I nor( , ' patents, $5.30, 1 4, at ' Just the thingl" ex Fred. Bi —-M==!!= — 1.,,'� �-�,., .1 d wheat, rather firmer 2 *5 to $2.35; extra, �n claimed Ger =' ption from the Illessen- -t,ncerned, � .' S1.17%; fee t, $5; do.. in bags, $ - tral Prison for setUng1CboLweyit% tar n� walking is c , -er .'L� " "� '.!, L sb . - `� 1 , , Now we will have something to a Ow Year in the Con tTrii.- W c � .Y, L. multiiiiElft AND SUICIDE 67c; NO. 2 feed, Glyt,c. $1.8o to $1.90. " n Army barracks at,fie n the and its disaPPearance. likely to be a well-developed BLACK HAND" BUSY IN MONTREA . 1�,� , .,�,,"� 1 "' — ,�, ­, )�. ,. � to Jessie and Alice, and won't they won- fire to the SalvatiO Sa�: I — � ,.­ I Ontario Wbeii 2 white, 90Y.c Bulter-30c; for the finest creamery ,.I man were standing around, bu gs.-Youth's Companion. . .c to gle; No. Stratford. of dis� I The lus bow - ic Unaccountable Crime of .1 a Butcher at 1 4 � �'i, " " ' , 1, , goy and 20C to 27C for dairy make. Local der about ill" f to know nothing- s . I I , Die Outside; No. 2 reu � so -they set out to gather a bunch A bill provioling for old age an I will tall on the local agent, The Wife off Senator Forget Was Be- Parrsboll N. S. I ;;�!, I I " "' ""' �,��-111�11 2 mixed, 90c; goq,�e 87C. a receipts to -day were 37 packa0s. be found ability .pensions to colliery workers has peatedly Threatened. - ��, ", � c Cbee-se-Western colored, 13y.c to ,,f the violets which were to of th. plare-I . ,�'11. Urn -Firm; No. i yellow America , lial, the NOV& Socktia ,,Jr. Wright. IIEADACI-W-. FROM EYE'STRAIN. I i growing in abundance in a marshy been Introduced tch from Montreal mys: Mem- A despatch from Halifax, N. S., says: I . I � . ..; � 77?c, Toronto freights 13%�- white, 13C to 13W. . . --O— A despa L'. :. less. I 18%c per dozen, in five -case field -which they knew well. Legislature. - LifusLng himself on � his records -of tem of Illo "Black Hand" are getting Wws reached Amherst at I IP. Ill On � �4 I I 1, .:0 X Egg- About an hour later they ran out to Montreal citizens Passed a resolution , GIRL pLAYED WITH FIRE. nearly 1,30U eye exurrifilations, Dr. S. rible tragedy at Pairrs- .11 " - Barley -Very dull; No. 2 frOln 6 W 1.0 for small lots. and called 'to Jessie calling on the GovetrUrrient to give the W. ,,, Tom claims that 90 per cent. (it bold In their operation-,,. 1,or soma Thursoley of a ter . " 11 - -, --� , is, and 19C ', lacro., Cumberland county. At nOO11 Q ,� �r;',­' � ality. Barrels short cut me,ss, the picket fence r tifne Pam 'Audarne L. J. Forget, Nvite promineli, .1 65c, acoopding to qu provision-,-- � [ty direct connection with the National — Ell[ those suffering from of S�mktor Forget, has been recolving ,li young man,, named Lewis ,� : . 1 Peni 2-, 87c outside. $9-1., half -barrels , 310.75; clear fall, backs, and Alice. ci A Five.year-Old Burinedotc, Death Near reflex o neu. onducts a buteh�,r shop . I . �: %!`� " 0 Its, $20; "Wouldlit You like a bunch of vio- Transcontinental Railway. rulgic headache have Ocular defKt,�. IsiWrs 6uggeitling that the "Block Ha who c - �,"� '! Ryqi�--No. 2, 85c to ll $2. to $23', long cut heavy me -4 of Education has Huntsville. nd' K. Smith, ', %x, as working Q9 usual in - Buckwheat -No' 2 '67c. lkalf-barrels do., S,J0.50; dry salt Long lets?" �sk�d Gertrude,, handing a few Hamilton Boa' of a troliti Huntsville says: V1013 ()ver 6W of the patients exal"in0d In ParrsbOM , ter, another I �1. o'::: "�, 1 470 to 47Y.c Out- ;h the' fence. adopted a plan to spend a quarter A des-putch were altogether unaware of the ,Iela& required the skim -of $2,000, and that I , daughter of It Ih,, I)aymenj were not promptly made his 9110P when Junm Bile �. 11 - ­., � - Oats --No. 2 wjii� clear backs, lft�ygc- barrels plaill I`Qef, throug Ft L'uJIN. bull tile cliSes were of only blight entered find made the re. Xed. "Why, yes," answered Jessie, in a milljon doollaris in improving the s01001 etcher. the five-year-clol , -ell ­�-­� � side, 49c on track :i�lronto; No. 2'mL $13.50 to $15; Zi-baril do.-. $7.25 to ii,jr. \\,.,J. Fletcher, who ilves at Ravens re muscular unbal. death would folluvv. ,rile case was lin. young �;an, surprised tone; and then she accommodation. Tractive errors, or medlately lAaced Ili Ili,- hands of de- mark: "Smith, y0il are not looking %% "I W outside. 87 75- barrels heavy mess beef. $to to isQmewhat 14f; ITan,- Dupont, Government agent. cliffe. six miles front HunL�ville, di d this morning." Smith trallasdilatelY � . Brsn­�Full cars, $26, North Bay. .. I I*U do.. $5.50 to A6; oom- stopped in greater surprise, for the . e I it is in these cases it, which W-tivest, %N fill lhe ro,suit that a man, r let b Ge,rtrude handed her reports that French-Canadians are oorn- I oil hor.day ,norning, the victim of a onve, url( volver from his P-ack4A, And- . 11;� half- ar cjliury 6puslu is tile dirert factor In Itall. dr*w it re, ; patents, &Pec ,C blossoms which d bout , . who it4 known as Ivo rdram. an point I ,� - It,lanit,oba isl - fired � Flour Xund lard. 8Y,c to 9c; pure lard, lly -of green. Ing back to Quebec in large numbers ,�.ing accident that occurred a causing fl,�adache Ili persons whose oc beell arres". Decoy totters ' ithoutt ;rkyti,r)i,� a word, � 11y,c to 12e uere a beautiful shade The an, has I 'v k e, . 111� s, $5.50; strong ba tight. fall . 1. brands, $6, second, winter wheat Pat- to ll%c- kettle rend,ered, .. V, � she exclaimed, "I never saw from New Englandowltig to thesciarciti Wednesday r atid the cupation calls for near vision that Be- Edrarri, and tie wits i , the bullet entering the ' F:ze; 'by " hfid been sent to 'a a ea-,, $5.30 to $5.40; bums, 12� to 13%c, aecording to I i1.L111.1jrc'k on b,gent ll home, milk ournniodative asthen-oPla results. breast near tile right Lung. He then C idsor green violets betomi where did You of work there. " - ar-resW as a result (,I the work of the � breakfast bacon, 140 ?" d tj Iiell alild fired onts , $3.50. 4 f.o.b. mills. to 15c; 'v\ 1i The Czar of R lit 14DW -Iiei -(,nt relation beAwt;en I;Artuckn appeared betcro turne tie �veia � ussia has los-t his suit I T,.olh6ry h,'id rne to the barn ponon him ,� ,c* fresh killed abat- get them 1, , daugh- I -e is no appai the deteotivr1q. Rector lived only I I Shorls-Scarce, $2 1 _.... Sh severity (it tile headache and bacon, 1434c to 15y "Oh, ,out in the field," answered Fan- Stefan LudrofskY, d,lfaulting . left her two t - on Wednesday and was 9 shot In his mouth. . ;, toir dressed hOP, $8.50 flu $8.15; live, against "rurkestark, Mr. Justice I ed flve and Nfary, aged I ill' eloct, and noMilng Jadge C,hoquef Willi Smith Is still allme, but . I nis, quite as It green violets were a Treasurer of - , LeIrg ,,nQ a a - degree nf the ocular d ,ged with sending threatening let- live I : I 1. . .. O $6.15 to $6.35, matter -of course. Niathers of Winnipeg dismissing it to' it, ,�,vi ille'laouse. ' But a few min chat n cuan L v - " le, with he older girl rarb;fsP"clally characleristic, excellit perhaps bms, demanding ttw sun, of $2,000 n (I re4x) C r I I 4 4' 1 ,,,,,, f er L.,h41 If the cause. i�� fell I , 11 v� . -Eggs-New . laid, l8c to l9c- . LIVE STOCK MARKET. ,,Wbyl vhyl" ejaculated Jess I it want of Jurisdiction. is samail. �� I. mother with hev cloth. the patient's non -suspicion o be pain of oi,eatll. The amuse,l ple-lod ----40-� P ­� 3,.1�1� 1 , , -1 I wide enough 0 sul Mr. justice clement gave judgment at "r, g I Sickness or health Impairment May I ww,; remanded- for en- . . ,�' , J�, Bullet- her eyes Opened nzied parent car- not ill and ,,� k-1 � ... .. 3ic W 32c Toronto, March Bl- -Choice cattle con- I was all she Vancouver finding the Dominion order Ing oil fire. tie ire the flr,t inciting factor Ili solmo- Pa tient ADS AND FANCIES- I ".4 1- . I Creamery. prints .... - 29c to 30c even Gertrude; and tha hich several Hindus .ried her bark, to tile 11011SP, und ex- nsiderable ocular detects which quetsk. The pen -ally for the offence r �,.:�,-- . il� tinue very scarce, and while the general seemed able to say. in Council under w "', - � I do solids .... .... .... .... a -ery effort To extinguish the with cc charged Is it )car&' Imprisonment. "I . � I .... .... ...... 25C to 27c s market was fair, -rhey are were field for deport lion invalid. lion. ficausted In 's stiffer trouble tKIfOrO. Everything now-a�dayet is hemmed. ,�, I , ,. ,'�. ; I)airy prints quality of , WAay' magic vjoklets,` Gertrudc is -essing uill cent - I �,,; � ,'�,, ' � , � .. .... .... 24c to 95c there was no really choice animals. d in a superior sort of lone, Frank Oliver will introduce leg lation flames and relieve the child - gave no) --All Ileir di ,Inue elaborate. . . �- -�,:;�, "I do large rolls .. .... 23c to 24c rinswere . I I dy was so ter- I I The, jacket by altogether replaced the .t�-�,4 , do imlidis ..... .... .... .. What exporters were offered brought and Alice could ask to remedy the "Iefe'et- Ings, Utit the little bO . . e . and before e6se �tj�, - �,,­ . urned — litly burned Ahat death (oil -owed an HOME CURF-15. bokv,o. t� 1-,1-- -1 446 , , . i% . 1. Inferior � ... .... .... .... .. 2oc to 21C prices ranging from $L75 too $5.35, and any more questicns� they had t I r - r. SENT TO INSANE ASYLUM. . We" z"I. - , ­ -$L75 for primes I tu h —+— r,y, I,vtlsh- kild it teki-'T�)"`� , Strathroy %fall Thrmlened to Shoot wear. demands tan �� , ­ 1. it �': 9eansr-rirm; $1.70 to export bulls, $3.90 to $4-40- and run ba(,( the house. In the af- GREAT BRITAIN. cur late - ,riful of pow. Fashion insistently 1-"'o . - -i �' 1; I Will[) spr I . �v:, I i for hand-pickeLl. y I As ralike, as $5.25 was paid for picked ') , . � . and $1.80 W $1.8t 2C h hieb last week would not ternoon they appeared at, the fence was .boric acid to one cup 9 Many bloiSes <jf the coming 1 ,� . ­ 1: . .. � � w - linke Fannie (it -M41 -one That Approached IM%D- I 'I %S . r � kil Cheese -,-Firm; 14c for large and 14 butclieVINIZ, again and called, and this Drury Lane Theatre, in Lonticn, PRISON WORSE THAN DEATH. tic ev< An) 4� -�101 � � ' re than $4,75, and ,.ii stralift and aP[)Iy to I . will show long sleeves. � I 11 f �:, for twins, in Job lots lipre. have sold to" Inc gave jessie and Alice each a cluster completely destroyed by fire early Wed- — I firning. A dasPutch ftv,m .strathroy say.s� Wal- 'I'll" � r . ill, $9 to $lo per ton ds 9f choice were bought and each cluster . Bor,dered ginghums offgZ&AiLtrancing . Baled Straw -DI straight lost ,of lilac blossoms, seven Chinese Traitors Sentenced to n,ght ali m ,il", ''I In . Thread it rivedle L#I Saxton. a yolung mart aboat 25 )ears It in') n moki -- fut, the swT,Arn-jer morning I., " � ey ng To ll a Ring. si;gge4tiurks I , . ; wheat straw, $8.50. 90. Steers of medium w a of cigarette s � Ott track here, led for FA -50 to $4- as shaded from the Usual purple near the Playla=* fee I, Long Terms. . , - . I brices which wbuld the stem to a delicate green at the tip, ill I ft A) 0 strong thread; pass carefully un- jq age, %%,it. arr sted bV C unty C n �,�,11 amy is .seriously 'if W,Iscl (31, Wednt.s_ gown. 1�1 1. . Baled Hay -Dull" Un"01hY is quc quality brought sh lrom Pekin says, Sc,ven wl � %Nnid the thread stabic, George C. n I r, ,4 - have been paid for choice steers last "" 'he Br"', cy of the service. A despatch )n track bar- ir,g the .fr, fen aer it,() ring head firIA, \klltte linen crash, wILh a colored )4, � � all $16 In car lots 4 Dela- it was only the very poorest while Gertrude gave them each a spray ar recently, charged wit)' lightly around the finger regularly all ,fay night for fi,)iiri,A;htng firearms and sinfoo bord.-r. is one C -f tile practical, I 1.111, I 11 , 1t Potato.es-Ontarlok 85c to 90c; week, and of yellow lilies-cf-the-valley. I Ralph c Manny, a Rhodes schckl� men arrested sr�rels, do,,, to the null 14) rodure its size. thr*,Rtt.nlng t,i sh-oat 811YOnO that rame tloiig� arming tile linens. . 1, - F . Iwo/ , 51 in car lois on track here- Good ockwa were equally sought " aFted a magic garden," from Ne )rleans at Oxf,urd. w I trafrick4rig in Governmental snxton had bkien showing I I �.�, ,.4 ,,P - , ,ware, 9.v, I steady at lie to 12c stodk. d proportionately high prices We have st , M; have been found guilty and stmt,'T'Ced Then take hold of III,, Miort PrAl (if the rivar hial. .- N\realh� of frosted foliage and clus- . � ; I ; 11 I pound for 60 -pound pails and 120 after, an . said Fannie, In lft-w- W the questions 1,,vashlild 01.1, the rocks and druv� ned a .o long t4vins of impriI,oninent. 'this unwind I'. The tijread ,Igns ,ul insanity. and. x,blie creating ­ 1. . I Honey-Stra-lne� pails. ccrobs were paid for thein. -of wonder. Polrt ...c Cornwall. I hread and . Nlt'ab thre"t- texs ,�r 11,,Nkers are arnon* the less ex- - und good demand and small offerings and exclamations Ily ecrisidered W t ring gradually will Ile- , oll,turl,11i at his home yl.,ive (J . ,,pio,a,e it<) tA,11 Ili about ill" oo,axed - pums,turnent is general ).,ssI(Ig ngains . ' I 1 3c for 5 IO 10 -PO dene,l at 1,11'q P .1,11t. fa,�hj,,I, ,trIpe i4 the moment Is I r1ri Av ' Dr. c-,tant,on Celt, editor of Thp Ethi g and I.iang � finger. ened �kitbk arrest. Mad e I o(kiffini adornments. . lit $1.75 Lo $2.50 per dozen. Of eal calves caused slightly higher Alice. Bill (;crtrude -only answered, cu, Review, has been sentenced W a I)e wor�e than death. Natuni For,-igrk "'o"'o it front and threat- . I iii�-:� . � I - C London for Tun Yen. 111('rinbers of tile Fat plenty of vii especifilly in the Sa),ton got holld of a gun, light an,l dark colors with diagolleA ��." I � I prices to be paid for the best quality. I ,r'4.:� sonment ill handed pint howl, peel and ened Ic .shoot ark�,�)Ilp wit,) \vt,uld at, ill Is - ­ >ris f 4k "(1h, it ft M month's iml P IOVISIONS. n1bus conductor. Board. were on the court that .spring, Take a t4liqws tit intert, alis of an inch or more. � 11 Prices of sheep pind lambs were flr�n, The girls sho%ved their magic blossoma -thir& cup tf.qllpt tu arrest III'['. County (�,rLstabo 'I'liv twiv saili�r list has a broad. flat . . l., aterfally higher. Spring - ent will serid at eown the sentences. The conspi,rary A assaulting an orn .,[,Oe full (if onions. l two 4 I I. $2, fol $21.5o per but not m . e houise, t0c. and their- Aunt FAIth The Imperial Goverrim pork -Short, cu numbers, ;n th beautiful and so special comlinks,storier to Canada to seek agionst. (Ike Government Ls ruirly %vid- I qjIll over thern and nover with a W,ls,o], tcuilo hirli unimlirvs und tic I rink unit I< w crown, and I& practically �"-' I I . a to $Is- Jambs were offervoll in liniftcd . xv,tli,n tile " III piale that \\Ill PIVIIS Itu"ll ,10'wrl- rfsted him. 114' was atibsequenLI) P,enL I I ll ",' tlarrel; rri $17.51 thought the illacs so �-ig out . 511111 tit.. .stit1w 111'rig lhat %,,as worn five years t� . lly,c; tubs, � f wonderful that she usRed for a bunch a solution of tile difficulties RrW' - I I �,.c -, and sold up to $7.50 each. ,,pn,ad and tho rfnelatlonr4 , Lard-Tiarces, "Ibri'l, it nice." said Gertrude, Ind immi,mation into Brilis last f4P%N d4-\'& 116\` ,A ,11,r The Drarket for hop is stronger. and h 60- ' � ,onsiderably aiarm- re "Ill be A thi,k W the IA)oAi.,I1 NsvIlitin. A ,�e,i reittum 1 0 it, thn ninrii IhP I 90. �.. It, \%,(.A u * JM1111.5tialt"ll. , ) rup that iq excf,ilent for colds or sore cl the affair I,i 1hfil 54110d)"-� fall"" I 'flip srarabiru,. ancient Egypt `41 - - 1c. . pound was paid for selects. r. shake of her head.'(" " I". I, 1 I he (l ur i. anJ the At . . I at tlw 1A)f1don As)lul' a a royal I � palls, lIY ad Meats, -Long 5y i.mb . ,� 1, I Ind Dry Salt ,c pel with an cniphatir 8 - rmnllow occoalonall naoirri.paLen 1''. 1 3eelu., i1he \ - Lit'(' (,ok (,nioii thir.1,en with earn 'I - years. scarf pins, anti even for bracelets. I Take a ,,to have some Smoked e, q - tc Joe for toons and —0-7 .thilig that Jossie and Alice se Vasbington Government No less than thirty ill, p<,d,tn M.,pri.son thront. in& ­t, now finds favor for hallpins. rings, . 'y ­ /�'clear bacon. ', 12 Y.c BomB KILLS TWO PERSONS. wonder about." t es ".I he voyage of its batllo� c.Ts are now being h,ld in ellst� ly - I, I Tile late,st of mdny ishaoleks of blue is I" � ,,, ,,I� Ish I zza I 'to, t�, 11 "l cases; bums, mpdium and light, to 1. In ro to be further delkfty0d� LL is reported that th,, ( hua I of 114,li ,,,I. po,i pill over hings for ,�. .., . , lly backs, — On the other -,ide -of the fence Jessie Imp sgut n among this knu%Nrl to prevent, prieurnonla. ------ I-- t, , �. I ,.- I .� large, -r(, talking earnestly. And ' as not asked the squad- ef lhc� Forbidden CMY I., knowrl u-9 "Ption." and to a cousin I" I ,. , , , to 13c; harns, ,kc L,3 12c; is ,..I ' � � ; � , to 16%c; shoulders. 9XG tO OY-c; Was Hurled at a Squad of New York and AUCT \N, G t.Ln la c�nl in . , I I 1. 16c � called to Gertrude and Fari. I ron to vW, gy of her port.s. ilumber. Certill-11 rnell Ili Pr + COMING F"01111 UNITED qTATrA. once mmt�ved froin 1,1143 still POP'ular I 11, Police. then they Dr. Hall e th,,u�h! 10 'Ili — (,oix,riliagen. I . ;",:" qy�c to Joe; breakfast I>Wn, 14C 1 �-, 1 . � r I Wits out of pickle, le wards, of Birmingham, t�.r.,rwmirmilenl ,(,rvl<,,, al t,he d) n-usty DEATHS AVERAGE. ONE A DAY. . " reen meats rom ,New York says: A rile, our paper dolls arm In the course of his be acUng its 6PIP' I'll — Immigration to C.2mida Largely In- �vhite cfAlAin voile. trimmed lavishly � 0� tu I;c; g A despatch I ,.Wp,ll let you keep Z an -Crets, I � I less thall. smoked. hold a Socialist if you 11 fell us about your magic I who I but who is a,,, ,,ell aA trafficking ill StAU� .94� �, 11 dcterminc4l effort I() rese.r.he, 1 -to the X-ray, with valk-ndcolnes and cluny or Irish , _ - -Fewer from Britain. - I ii� Tst -d - Aceldenta on Transconlineiriltill Con, creased �d again Tur �:, ;,Ile the till day i, 'ere expeck -1 A , meeting in Union --�quare, desl and other arl .5 are I t', . - garden," they said. r of a sue,cesstut method gilroction to b says: rile crochet Ire -1-9. 19 being wisd la"n obtain - - '�t'- or X-ray cancer. has had —4— Imil waists. SEEDS. I 'Ih e Investigated. A despatch fr<)m Otlawa ,,�", � I t. fact that no permit had ed Gertrude and Fannie looked at each ofetr" gilliti(in for January and - spring %%enr are Corn - 11 �­ " , 'E't I I Foldowing are the prices paid [It Ou and in deflanre of tile orders 161 the Po' other's eyes a moment, and then they a 611, . pension of $600 It YcaT , ES THIlOU(;II NIOLTIL . ,\ (14�sl.a,, 11 frfln, yx,ijillipeg mo%: The figure.,, (if 'film Many t,,riijolls I, t 11 Ode points:-Alsfloe, No. 1, $lo.50 and lice ended in the explosion of a bomb 1. "All right." . VAC(,,,N il­x�-rnriwnt wiil inv0stigilitt? Vebruary incl that ininilgration t1i rxiaf,l � entlrA-Iy .,r Icilot am,.)ng which . I turned and An'Werc conferred on him. - - D,!p n-ri the United .f higher for fancy lots; No. 2, $91-25 10 In the middle of Union Square Park The paper dolls were brought, and — , Satisfactory Immunization Aualrist To- ,Ili, t.-rrble ,14-ath rill,- arn,king ralky"Y th4, (Ankildaurl WP -St from ar-, pilpe,l eah-�r ms.-budq, bacheloirs' ,,,, I � $7.80 -to $9.60. Samples Saturday afternoon, by �khlch One man, UNiTrD STATr.S. (,,n,1­vtlr,n vtorl,er,;. ,.it that i-1111 14 ;.,,taip-, ill I�s year. will be consi(terably Lult,km, or �­ppws. 1 4 .80', No. . ng they were handed through lite fence, bercolosis Thus Secured. A I year. For the two I sA,,ge and hwnesriun ,,I,,Lh, once 111, . : . .1 . timothY, trefoil or weeas, Igantz Hildebrand, a tailor, was In. Gertrude .,Old, "We just dip rho bl<)S- 11, (,r1kn.I T, Ini, I';,, ,ft,- frorn Kendra greater in 11 ld� I I . , �� I wi i have cnII&OC great properly ati.11 froin tho United -unart afternoon . o g I') oilloilly. sightly Nown ton death ;,lid the man log -I for v4qiting and fteco soms in aillmonia. You can see the Tornadoo I ,X ,lo.sp:Iii,11 tiorn 1,,,rl,k,n -it), 1) r. , �, I ,,, ,111,1r,l�l Ili,,. 11w. dvalh rate r -Alh� I'll"` ol r , Allcd ( irm�r* No. 1 cleSAM- ,xhn held il;fe was, I..) badly In- cclor cbnnge. Our musin wrote about damage alld &)nie Wss (if lit" If' the 11,11i. f,f ,41. GP,,rgr-s jIo,4)it,,[. tend k, ,tl,,%%, ,,it ,n- revk�W 61 �" 'ent ' %Ienr n,,\%- rin, lwrf�rllv norre�t it only �;. I I ;10 er-f I Lit t I 1,0:11`1 (Ml. u ,Ia� dike 1,, dviiamit,I! . "' ppearance of the �! an 1`10 M I I I 'a ,1.11,., ari(l ,Ah, I.- a- , $12.50 to 12.75. d' hil for best; jure4 that the ii.111ital surgeons Say it and we thought it would be such Gulf Stall pl­,ini.nai) P,"PIT I)ef,ury lh�: It"YRI ,�\f,�­­Ilq. It L,s .said 14i lw� dll� flu the ,04' CIATIP 11 It %�Ati January nnd 1"k-bru. I the I �.Il" 811.2.); Orolinary loll$, The Tu3n who held I ,r,A,j canadian cle6s of a \-N' flu- !' i ­in \\,,ino0�j%. �&ur. Immigration from ,, No. 2. 811, 14i h " is certain to die. fun.' ).. merchant ,Aerp iva iur- S- "'t) 'Jf Niedw,n, . r,�I,W­ ,11,of� ,�r li,wit 6n,itnitp The ar) of Ill,t , " g'All aro S'Afilco-litly smart. � ! .� . -1,,rN . n .­ ; � - eed6, according to quiality not who Nvaq about t,, hurl It chelle. N. Ihat satisra, ink I I pot Is "i Imi".d'with Ilit bomb a But almost befort thev had finished. lending V- 0KAv ,1% !, i,md N, N& ,I (imerninerit cer- Great Britain an -I FUMPel I � � i London, M h 25-C-alrull tins ed, � lico-yrien when it ex- winer eiriployer. ,I 11111, I I t! ' at a squad of po I n off Je nning towaril tunes by their f tijiwtrul�s tit, ate I, 1. f�,Teryi, 11 - f kv�ma,; IlIkilly Px. it,'. <,Lhvr failid, &110'As "' decrease -it - L "' "'11` . ssle and Alice were ru , " Kane, as inurliZilticri agaln,l tec.ne, -N- If I. , perickd. 9d per 412 pounds. of bi-,% garden of James a L.�y of eighteen. %% vi - It,, lh,� llw ,litla, - 36 P,- du,,U tile "flip �111.1.1.NERY No%K1,TIF-1�. April-Jime, 42 � ploded, had his right ban house, to start a magic tA ,JI,t",nj.j I,y ticirn,lillster,rig cent . I � the shot and IWIed by a P<Aiceniun In Chi- tile I ling � 1, L�, ink Ix,,;,.I,1e ct impra, tical,le I � I - - just ab.)ve the wrist. arid both of his thet n.- Cx)mpanfon. through . inciAll anst,t4ld I, f In "r , I'l-II, - - - +- --- , I eyes were blown out. DeWte h;z ter- r ow . Youth's cago on Tbursday. the mond. lft� ,I ".%"rlb� J ,11". .a I " r,,ni,so W be exti-Il , , 1- ,- MONT il lk,`[ArocrT�;. --------- if,�-- - .. lner, rind a nian %Ivrn kiled the'." Into ----+ --- Brftc't!LOAI6;. B g I� Ili li ii,ts' P I ., I". I I eal" If.- Manitoba bran rible injuries. he was (.)cca,;I(.,naIk ,,�,n- Two k%'u a st,i)riii near Ruw vi 11 I Whitt IK. ruretl gianduliir Itil-wit - )IINOT11111311 Expf.oslo-c ; . ,%,%-tIISKEY k.,,fD Tv [�,J) , lit. . I �. Ii. �, �41 , Itiontr M ern, �,n I � lightning during I:Y Ilnpro)%.vI PkJ:1n,,lI — ��, " ,'4 �,4 1 . sc�arus in the course cr lilt. aft ITALIANS' BLOODY FIGHT. (.1 ,,,,,, ILI1d nwaket, — i,,,,.l smi ,.lker gnute rbbon. rail be �.� ; , -d a y. ,�,. . ". ,?'' , I -50: ' is. S2�: (Wario bran - — flftv I,%.es iiii Iul,�rklloss- Dir . . onlario'si , , k. 1, $23 to $24 1 to, 3127; and ew ell. \Iich., (in Satur I kithnni*�, s­�IPTII Indianq Along haL,. I , . , 1,24.50 to $'," ' , I) 1, �� ­ " 1 ng . S2o .ning, and he told Will the pk,�,,e illed on G. T. Ill Near Condillon Of I\urn it, ,, giinkn . "1;, , [ ,.. . I I and tile coroner who took his anterritt,ii Second Outbreak of a Week Among About three hundred and I .�,,L,Isel oil it,,. nrigintill re,omirwri-Iii- T%%o italfrins 1% nientable. I I r!7i%.-4,r".It�:,�ll,,�l,.Ill.I ttIlip" -InJ dal I , 10 si:��, .33 1 . . ... shorts, y pure ,p, I. t it. Including statpment that lie had intended "I were lost 'on the Nc,rth Atlantic ct,ast 1,)rl ,,( PI -Alf. 1�orli. Tnodifl,il by Prof. Dr) den. Boundary is La , x", I I . 'It licit triiiin�ing I I . I ",�­ '. 4 ., a -, 'milled ull,o, .,4.11 to $35 lem - The Foreign Element in Toronto. durim, tile fall and w1ii l)IgI,ts %%.,,I( ,n the opq;nic I notle\� . l fr,,rii %\11,111POV 9109 Mr. IWIX, apiliv-i French '11 3,31 - 11 I . I . � � " astem Ca I 1,� 132�11 Per ton: throw tile bomb at the police 1.',r'e' rp�uqrrlg from cr.-,sIed Plertri- Vv � 1. ,1,,,t(II frwn )%,ri. I," srlvq Two A Ile. 1,,,�l,l, ,s here iii All like I 1� . , -thrower is selig Silverstein, a & despatch from Toronto says! Tbe -4- ­I,i,.�i I, tl,e fright - tiQlark"I ()f " . 'tla.ghl. .r 11,,� J I 'p. �� .. I, , a tq, Sac; Izinlil A. 'A 14 In 14p%% Ott I I "L I,r" w "rn qu,l. I --� '. '. , , '1�-)-�' . 3, 48c; No. . tX lilt Pillion quarter on Claremont street, To- light wires dantaged the Grand Pacific nk4,1, N "I mq w,pro ,% trap n:,Dflv Ow 4 , N. , - , , . ,�,, , I young Jewish tailor. . ll 1-,w II.At ,J fataliti- rif"ong the tI4,II of th,� . lipill. "I I eject,LId. 1.5c per r. ulo. was the scene of a bloody stab- Hotol in Chicago $100,000- MACHINE RLVAii UP IN "Ll'" Ile bay, Ih- �', lith " ­ I I -- I � - ..q , n I hurs- tarLo. , '" tN.tv,lain Woo is ft I.,ptI,,,kr ,pring : ". -- bing cifftlay, on Saturday night. which President poolsevelt, in a .qpecial mes- irirt;%%irk Town " i W , N ,,, Tkstr,whm , air; I&ll,g along ill-. i�.kr,ler is iliTmIllal,te I mWirbeiN atA , I I majkq the second outbreak -of I�wless- ,jrged the abolficill llotcl Building in New BrI ., � . 7,-M [IV %kt,erl 'IT. 11NI'l'ov"ri 11cclir- C, f whiskey uli,i tul.),'r- sha,14% for haI, sl-cl r sage LAI Congress. (I ,t \I,Il,,,1Wu :', I mn;,, , ri 1�.r (,rand Tht-) an! vicLaus ,, rVell 1, r giov( s . ,. oreign element In the of tile, duty f.n wood pulp. Wrecked. I r -I , 11 . neSS , mong the I -a 1,� ,,- I)rI,i,n I w., cul-i'W's - I .; �%pst .t,,l within a week. One Italian A,t Aurok . Ill.. an Intuxirilto,t] man ,\ (I -spat 11 fr, ni \11'�11'17'1 Ill - N 11 - 1 ­" � "t '11' ),,l,,-, nr�- mikm,wn — - � ... ­ �,�,.- ME x1c l of concrete at another was ihro�%n from his wag -I and wils "It's I 11, - llot,l 0 il� Ill'' 'I" ""­ � - . CITY WIPED - OET threw , , n,,rtIi witli id 1h4 �­­ i, ii,l �r,-I !,,),.,I, r ternbly . ", . I and if,, � to his heels. The man w1io drowned in the street mud. �,,,,, ,",,,,\,.,,.n�,i,,%'­I ill,, I,, ,xilcht in, I -m. 11""", ", twsp,tal In a CIN 1� : �. - 0, " rnplute�y don"1:01 .d. Inalik! ''I tie I. ,ri . � I \,as stri, accused a third man. One Congrcs,inan Ileflin c,f AlabomA shot n 1( ''. 0 � I I .. � (',r,w n ra-,� r and the other a knife. The negro an,l a \�,Jiao man in a fipl�t on 'll; " I " ,oI%, ill ill� tvoiq, 1,1, In W o. ill ,, i. ct nJ,t, ,, 1, , I , ,�-". I — .,I: - Vincenzo Guzzi. 2G5 u street ror in V,irkshington. on I-rija). a n, I .,-ri 0­tIk til- - . X GROW BEST TOBACCO . I l — 171 Suits foi , ,.0 t 1, N B 1, e x p i.,,. lo n , f I ,, � I , I � . ,�,­ Clarenicril, .,'f-r,t, Is in Grace Ilospilal. Thp \vcrii Trade Lerigue N plan � th4, 11, t,L� 11n,ellif Ill 'It 110,11 E%1CN 11% "01ALS , � "I ,. 11 I -n- g:,,, olArik,ne -it 11 ". .Over One H I with h's N- y a mass ning it) get all (if the 6.W0.000 Am , ( ni. ,\,,I,,,',I&\ �\Prvrk 'fit,, clork ,,f tit.,' -- ,;: �',�' � '' Inhabitants of Chilap 2f w,jundq jil.i slashes which required can working women into labor iiii - g Ien' mt tho 111110, iligiedy at narv,irk, '%,ar flip Canadian I t , . ,I".. - &tit, 11.,s L, ,,,,se. Francesco All Eleven year old Alice J�,yce Bk-rlden, lit,Ael was in t`1- Ift-SPI'l Jr BoundilliN . cultural I . I ,0 - -1 - Vd n, el%ld seri -lig' inilir!4" he Fig . ".. �, I I ill Clarcinoril s,r.,el, Is in the Western ,,r Chicago, an lietr ss. is all,)w,,d $0.000 nr . Mopel.ith �N�fe Cigars Shown to Agri ;, I Lose Thel - i' arthquake. car 'umpe tilts summer. #hr,,,,TI ten Pet. MrI Y -S Canadian I . ve I _rr. -ery Ill 11; 11 I-In't A . W- I ,,) wounds from for a, trip to F A ,I­P�itdli ["'IT' 1 '' '-[[it! " so . : I ". ''I ir'spitial. voth leador c,f a niinp,e lo, 'he pr,��;,;" Li \ -1 't'li(` 1`111"r- `\ "d ''j, lite R.R : . I : to car arr-s- it,, i,ar,k of the head. 111.4 Ing \few. the , t 'I" , :-�eNerul l it ihp Vni'o . :: . I 11 I I `1 — . ,ill -off and he hug Tong In N,,,,. ),,rk. was .qh,,t and Kill"i I ' it jbP tLITle ('NC;Ll.A"I '1011' 14" 11 I , r . 1. 1, ,. I, ! 1. r I �k � 1, � � , 1. r). . I k� Committee I I .11 , 11 thumb \-4 "ear I throe fe!low-ccunl,r� d n it a rf - T" Iq­ v I I ., 1. Q t,,a i I, , . i..;, I I that I � .1 r. � , I , A d00attli from City of \Jv , , a long rill in It.,- bick. Inflicted by a I., tho street by c is 110111 It - " 11 %', Af, I.J 1, N ' ' I I L "! '' d ' . lit .. ,�''. , . I . ya , (4hullpa is 115 frilla from Mt%%160 City, razor. it t ­k 4-, ,1,1,hes to close his mprk. on Friday 11 --------- I . Chilapa. a town in the Sin te tJ I atli,mpt vva,z nicide im �;ili - -411, I ) I fIL (-` '% .... .. � ' ,,, h� ,,,I ,\. �� - I I , anti till eerampnication3 have been cut wouind-,z. 1)� tiwn - - I -, "AIMO, 100 Clare- An P14 % ITII C.011-IN141 "' ' a, I - . 'I .. '­ � �. 11 , , '. 1�,.Il I fq%,,r I ! ,,6!,,,lat�n which w2,C4 ,n. , I I . 1. Was practically wiped off fft? e air, ,xaept for couriers, who are report- merit stir"t. %\04; arrest -1 for throwing at Pandora (*,(,I it) kill 4;An. flulk,t"" TIViliDING 'Aft" \'l I I,- .1 , 'k, 'U'A'n \ dtqi­I 11 fr� In Ottawa ��,I.%�. "COM , T on ' mukr - � I Nk 1 I f. , -11 ,. 11 1­,t,3g. 1h. rarnierq 10 gm\% tobacco. . . 10 ,,hursday night by an enrll (d too tie on the way to Mevioo-City Wells. Gwn�eral \tanager (,I tho � Ing " 1, � ,I I, I!,,, -. 11 . I, # I � � " �W which followeJ. flow mart) d rrom the stricken district. The -only the stotlP. -- -+ - gler UnI.)n Mining (191. C, ropetillon it.one %lad tmong Under , I , Ih- �, i I 11 lifte, I. - ". 1, I I I, 1, I ft, 1; A , kill pr d- - ft -01 "'I'" eticularly mcded wriq I - ` 155.000i S.OULI; vl. -rn . of �, �, , 1,, 1, l A , � I,4 : tl� it 11 ,,!,� 1, .. , ,,!n.,,, ,�\,, N. It I lie live in the phrr piticbura girl maqq,is lal,er% In (11114 -ii 11,11,1� t .,%.�l Ly I \"tI;14t11 \\':: ti, daqz in .' Vrl I 1­1� howwo and the estab- I I ,wiforffiation so far recolved Is that the � ,n I ­- .i, ' ,,.,.I a',ng I 1\1,s I \ I iifirl,r 1)r,rnlntx-n Whilcm I 11 ,g,,, I%oald lead to good +1 - I � 1. -44 their riVes is not deflniiely hn,,wn to�ntlt* city is a LLFD IN ,%%,.-o\IIN(; MINC. A - wa.% rolstaken I,% ft IT116h ,\ 'I.,qIlfII %., 'T *;,. in. . , Ill , � I "I niassof flames and can. 65 KI mans; rlolhes (it from (1-11-119'� -Y- ­Tra-I- !-, V I h', I "��',,r,pr" \ �arlan pmkoluced samples . 11. , , � . 11A� � . ret, BUT The loss; Of lite 14 es1innl!o,J ri. t bd saved. - - on- tar a ncgro wile-murol till I ii f0riern, Ls it,-, 11,, Iril ' W � I 'I"flop ,ft \xe.111IR � i .. '. between 100 and 200. The numl�,r - hilftP& 19 situated high in the moun. All the Vichim"I %let Their Death lyriched, (in Friday, J11. 01"tt'l.,- 'k,lh e\.ry .I. , Ill 11 V I , I Agri, .1+ , I I kin A.111 t,.1t,kki tar cigar binding 'it ,,,,., ,,Iqj�r ,�\V," -1 %%\ % I 'I"re , " , , !1", it". " a e4ual IQ any. . ?­ . , I . I I.,. 'I - .1�. " -0 k.iL.,I( 11)F kT 0 I I 1, NI ,,, s:,. r I rw I I -' - - t - " � - ' �- 9 IN - I% 1 41n. " � , . A, I I lnjured�s eCillmated at 2,000. jt,,, oti itiff Inter-Oceante Atillrolad, slantly. United States rogiorl ,i,.) aig to'g- \kit I . . niiih,ir 1.�g a' LC '' lie decluml. w, ill " I ,e ,;X I .1, " n of lilt I I, � !ru\%n In Vtcqc�i . . . Costepol, conception and Teti], 'i - Inili, ll that during rpvpral ni-11115 Pot 1-1k I , lh.fli tw. - — Sit, 1.ill­ . ( !I, ,. ,nll 1-111., "t llip ,1hii 0 � 1. . I I �, lbreP Wwris, with an a[7fZrPgafP.P0P1I :t7 I b Is being bbilt to Vera\Cruz. The . A de,;PfttA IT\, m I In n v, �\ I, M - "' 'k-9 i, I, tl�, Ul k, �,� .�.,,.- ,,�, f I ., , f 1, ,In , . u I preselit ilr,),, n \Ir Duncan l V1. (*., 'allballif ­ � 4� - ,";', " " * , , . � jitrysIde Lq bell fdI* tile fril rt "ni, n', , f ­NPilify Chinamen have btvn Sin"Will '" the north 10 lintinn 0611 01 ""th 11101" "rom \at 41 hp. ­ � i 1, ., `,� tion of about 2,500, In Guermy-o 1-410, � r�tremefly broken. The 810ril Zia, sayn- The bodies ,J , hiph sole from Ontario Int'n Ruff-lic (,,,PT.nl dqr�^11 14 11 0". h.- qjni.Lted. very 11, ! sj%1111,14�% kt ( anoth n c ON "whith , , 1� , I , � , I ;, � N I I 110 r I t * ;.I(" I I d \"Qrs, etilml In Ill, "to ttIL4 I .1 q were also wipod oil the inap during Ih, rou h miners killed in I-- 4x the o)thor evpn n,, in 1, ., � IV I RI,-, - I- il lh� Irwitrif, f-bill,l) Laurier Rill )ft - ok,.I, ., I (Iniarl. � \IT WigIP. a 10rg ..... I �. N iii` .1 , I \ I .1 let Sur Mouiltallis oNtend 'ill g mine No. I ,,, 11,11 I I In - in an addres,q -11, I- In, 1,,,,I�l I .L,in"-' "'ns "'W -al fr,,f�� Ili. ,\k I , ­ \1,, I. r, , 1A I lll�r' 1,ad I,r4,%v,I h.ghl) . , k 0 � a toktha*.al , � �, , . N, night. No report is made of rho dam. 1 1h, nlim q,taW of Guorripro patfillifil O"111TA'd In rk ,ziotinh% I- I - "IQW Yor1c. Jacob Alip said lhfr, ,�­ to 0, \ 'I, ,,lI .h " ,, C. v , 1, I N , . , , -I ,,,, ikk,..,,jb� \Illor, ?. I�r,,t\.-1 \%,,,I,),Ik 1, I , ,:1 Quei.,c on( ,�% .11 , `�4ge, but mnn% were Injured. , I eolagt, andthe Country 6 br,01�. pacift Coal 6ompany " ?(,1,0(10 rooms In tenprn,rifq 1,, lvh" " 'i I., ,I ,,WV . 11, qrI 11 . ,,, . W - ' 11,111� I fit tobace., I\ n9l 111�0 0"D 'Alip,44111 -.vn4 , ­ , , , ' " be, All ht,fm' f1f r- , r ; (,aFI­ ;,,.I fill ,,roi­ "I ft .1, It ill, ,\n lick , ;in ,,- (-I , it) AN, d. lm,111,1., "A he -aid, 7,6'vraY , I The flfnlre of thii, disfurban iinleMUS Spur,s ruinkfiling Inland. g.n vecOvemd. -W -I..., no) light or fresh air flenetinl,� 011,1- I " 'til'i n, I �,,%r .., ,,,, I., ,,I I wir,�r I,iAIl p gr,'Wirl n I[A-011 pr"bably 1,000- I I qnd Kent 1,41al 1-A] OP Tol'14.,ity atcw, rl� I"" I n P �') . So, UV heen in the State .of (31=1Z, I "I" valleyS thte,rb L4 some a4ficul. any of the sixty odd nipn e - d , 1, pi,iwung ... otitive Wtivie r I I . � hU beon oband-oned. fem ttw ,1 11! t IV 11, J� 'I'll 110 , , . f all .rIl4TYVr `k;:"o,', Ml 0 - 11 )kt qberiandoali, Pa., flip (atl,hli AnIl.,,. 1­,I,,4.f Iwr, ,h, ! . ..... I i I'" ... I" " I I I . qua �Jl� I Ife I ,��r,,-:,loc,-,il,, .�w 1'ra':f, It' % ", � ,,,, ,,,,,, U ,, nollt,M11 roklaklemil b87 itiot il . , � _ � -I , =1 ill rea I V 0 al r. AitrwolL Ili � I I - 11 *111111W t damage wag done in Ili, 1�, ,I n Ih6 high ground can. , .,Ill Company closed ILI; v,llle ,,n tho, IAI ll �rkt 14 ,Iamo Ivii tqt, e"ftl ti�lnki V , , � I Fill" itnin to,.,wng. Tile upheaval ,,� I ,a -- I 1)� III � I .7 . Il � *iino 44 nd 1:9 4undef 911111VALW4, 0t I those rec,, % er I ! I P"ff 11' ut eq,,Ik. prl,ipt ,w a , , , I d I . n Grid a of ,.. indefinite period. throw ng I full �00 , h , tP, Wit ', 11-1 I"" I" " 'I". - f "' V ll ,I � I\ " I'a, I % ii A10 ,,,, Q �,h�, fir'll fjnUlmo r, #3 'n .rh 1, lit I'm I - fay a I'll'ol n. � 1, JIL110 whose ! 9"Ito of R0 Altron I , 1 11'"I"14""AUe te!egraph wireg in mme Put, 4. I thtitfIlted �., O,vrli t� 0 flu -1 ­,�.- I N , , 1! W ,�-, 01, X� !kN, W, im- - , . . Cal Ill totiffia^ ,60fik, Va. ftisd t their oampantong w,r� ]­,'), I ­, rind boyq out -01 emlillo)Yrnt""'t [am I'Ps 'kcT r, and -11,� TI -0-M TI ".11 w, ke.1 In I the , I I �I' ,3!;evenly toffln,ii; have, b -D , � ,hv , ridertak" a III fg, ha�e It'd IA the If­,,�,.,IkA,,rt.1r2. �, tt , ,o - , ;,Zlh 'N tft #0 i nouth of ll and rlina and - tte,n Ultaill the pitiflil OM. 611111l \ ,oging. flint hlo win batt .qt,,1l big V . . , ,iene) is I, facturoxti,ir,�"M*Ated with till A6 Alhor�gokfalmtlier 'Alt b0o , �� I )ugh the fkdMO (A (Alk I- .,r, I he A,Uponn 4,r 3,., kN� I (I kl,, , ­ gm%o INFIS Manu at of t1alki,id,L,anklin fir , 1A, 4341toi� 10R',�,, � " . I I ., It4ftlea tie ilamage and po,, - I tho dtftd;� b 114 t�a and cold them for Itl Ling tile I I f M%t, 0, � -I ),,('I 0 Ing W t sparsity 6' "' ,1, I J011"1111 to I Fl�� � A , =1 - , d have Win outaln"J. 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