HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-10-19, Page 5THE exeter Abuoca#.e Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN-STRFrET, — EXETER. —By COMP N NG the— ADVOCATE, PUBI-tfikll A Y TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Quo Dollar per annu r 1. if paid 1n Advance 01.50 Atairerctn311 =aeon obi.. .a .p1a21ca- No paper discontinued until all arra rage are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be publiLhed'till forbid and charged accordingly. i c u nt made Liberal d s o for transoientadvertisements inserted for long out n hAttest and at moderate rates, Gheques,moneyord- er., &o.. for advertising, subseriptionsestc.ta be made pave to a a p %'� ,� Chas. $. Sanders, EDITOR Alen PROP Professional Cards.. x KINSMAN, L. A. S. 8; DR. A. R. . graduate of Toronto Universitty.nor DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any side Main effects. Ofa Exbterueeree Block, west R.D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.DS.,) D honors Graduate of the Toronto Ifni- rsite and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. Alt modes of Dentistry up to date. Oniee QentraElliot l otu lbletai.e law office -opposite Medical 1'rit.'f. P. 510T1ATUQrRLt , MEMBER OF 1J the Collage of Physicians and Surgeons euaPhysician, lo and ic00uoh- v, Ontario. DiShwSurgeon1 1 I,eegal, DTORBON Sr. oARGING, BARRISTERS, Selieitors, Notaries. Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Maisons Pant, oto. Money to loan at 5 and Ali, per cent. Office Fanson's Block. Main St„ Aensalt ouThursday °f etch week.) be at I. R. CiARLI;\t,,,13..t1.. L. R. Incases. TiirIOT & GI.s'i.PMAN. BARRISTERS, Ete., 0onveya leere, and Money to Loan, a. v. Utter. P`. 1P; (1nAnnalr. Auctioneers The Molsons Bank. CGha teredb by Parliament , t855. ) 'aid up Capital $2,000,000. Rest Fund 1,500,000 Head ofnce Montreal F. WOLIRS A1THOMAS, Esq„ CrENE1tL L MANAGER. Money advanced to good Farmers on their own notes with ono or more endorsers atl per cent. per annual. —EXI TER BRANCH -- Open avery lawful day from 10 a in. to. 3 p.maSaturdays tteate to 1, pm;. A general banking businesS transact ed. GttRRENT RATES allowed for money on DepositReeeipts. Savings Bank at S'.. DICKSON & CAtRLIN(i. i'i.Il. Iit'RTO;\,. Manager. TT BOSSENIBERRT.Gran 1 Bond, Licensed 1 . Auctioneer for Connty Huron. Sales promptly attended read Fill receive everyes moder- ate. 13fOWII,S4rinohel;Eea, .Licensed Acct- loneertor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for tho township oMaborne Sales promptly attended toanil terms rea- sonbalo.Sales arranged at Post ofEce,Win- eholsea, Cutsurance. p ELLIOT. J Insurance. Agent, Exeter Main St. Before. 9,}i'er, Tapes Thotlpho&ine, The Great Engitsh R ne:See Sold and recommended by all fists in Canada. Only reli- able ell- abo s SB y red. to able medicine difscove packages guaranteed to cure all hams of Sexual Weakness. all adepts of abuse or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To, begets, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed =receipt Of price, oneackagee 81, six, 55. Onewili please* influent cure. RPamphlets free touts addresin The Wood Company, Wimdsori Drat. t4 Ood'S Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by O. Lutz, dru,etat. afL .. �,Rr •.A. A..pte,,Rry!t..• IT PAY'S I 4 To read the big stores' all- . �i OPERA ROUSE BLOCK. • vertiSelnents STOP! T0 14} ! For whose good are we in the furniture business? For yours and ours. If we are not useful to you we cannot be use,,, ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goo(1s you want at the prices you want or we can- not make a success of our busi- ness. But we. have been doing business right along for years, which proves that we are the right kind of people with the right prices. Colne and see for S. GIDLEY & SON. Furniture. Undertaking, 7J.35/T.F :r GSA- J i FOR FIRST CLASS BEEF, LAMB, PORK, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, PRESSED TONGUE, CORNED BEEF; SALT, FRESH OR SMOKED MEATS, Call at The Family Butcher Shop, One door North of &.Pickard's store. {carts eye Il&ZP 414 HAM) A rR 75 TiMil« IS li? KIND OF p:tthl (14 & 4* A .1114, *STERNAL OR E);Trilel1L, TileT'' fj,'iIC.E1LLER WILL N 31 Ng* 1,317.2E,. LOOK QUT 1011 tMrr'rIeN AN 1'7,05= SMOTE:). THE GENUINE SO±TLc DEARS THC, NAM; /* p ,m P7 -":r"'% R/.�"i•'t 'lO C , sun. TO Till': 1/F1`F.--1, rich lathy, Mired of her I -he ftless stun Noises in the iieaad b, I)3. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Hrauurt�. has sent :$1.000 to his In. stitutc', sit that (leaf people tillable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Apply to Department A. S. N, The Institute, "Longetett," (1runner,bury, London, '\V., England. fi LOUIS DAY Proprietor. (��a,noar..r,c-va✓•art•,.•+u+�•a'rv...�.rrv.+'*sxe.•r,r<n•.... :t� )1 Cyt k'','•'"'i' • tstt.e eno;tanQ np": 1tNl r,tirn of CunLiver Oil,agr e1:,„ stcinachs, F). 1::, r 5`+ {' » � ._ •s�7 J/ I s prefu rlbed by t_.r „::y:• :;.r t of Canada. • t r e rn •.a v a. . 5.13 D. etj Is n n,M.voll•,us r ''tmid will ^ive P 5'. you an appy t . 5 But n $� Aesure you get in l 'a f r;r LLo genuine i CO., 1..r,..it-1, Moo:re:11 Alfred Couture, a conductor On the Grand Trunk bene rap Levis and Rich-. n ond, has just died froth the effects of•ai fly bite received three months ago an the Island of Orleans. 'rt...r'i~aa0 Ire 8c„d try' tor The Cardigan Overshoe Women Misses and Ghildren W!LL BE A BATTALION Canada's Contingent is to Retain Its Individuality.. The Cardigan Overshoe is a h-avy tenet over -stocking with the v rubbershoe. utt.autce,t into a s sl t e. The stocking is complete to the toe of the rubbertuut Ynakry the warruest, lightest. and neatest rubber in the market. No butloes, uo buckle.. Made to fit all shoe shapes. Sold by all dealers. Manufactured by The Cardigan Overshoe Co., Stratford, Ont. LATEST WAR NEWS FROM AFRICA l;neertuiuty as to the pate of Mane berley and ]lafeking-Cause .ot • the Boers' Virulence of An. #Acle on Thesie ;'tins Place* •-.What the Queen Will Say. Ottawa, Oct. 17.—Canada's wishes count, An important concession which is anado 1;Qpublic sentiment in 'the Dominion as represented by the Federal Uoverzunent is announced in cable despatch received from the Imperial War Offictt yesterday, Icy' which consent is given to the for ma- tion of the Canadian troops -into a distinct brigade. When the Govern- ment gave out its official announce- ment on friday last in regard to the Canadian contingent. it was stated therein that the arrangements of the Imperial authorities were not alto» gether satisfactory as Canada Wold like to be represented by a regiment of its own with a Canadian officer in command, The Government hate been in ronY- znt:nieetion with the Colonial. t)tiaie* anti have matte some progress in that direction. The despatch that appear- ed in the papers . ssterdny tmnrnime from Mr. Chamberlain is a circular that was sent to all colonies. and it is only after an urgent appeal that Ow War Otlice has now eons,?nted 10 Canada sending a coutingeut to be regarded as a Canadian brigade. In reference t,0 the (petition of pay, the otter of Noir Zealand to furnish flay during the service iu rtauth Afri- ca in addition to the cost of trans- portation. was refused as Lord tans - dots nes Secretary for War, is of the opinion that the saute conditions should be applied in the ease of eat. -It colony. t'ol. Otter will be in conzuaand, Montreal Dayton as Surgeon. .11afttre'al. Oct. 17. lir. tiaarl.•� W. Wilson of Alemitreal received alti- wial until:e ttion last night from Ot- tawa that Ms services would he te•- •*epte'ti as surgeon to atwnrpany the t*it e:achan contingent to the teems - said, The t','w'rni tilaat i f the men acs fortis p.trt of the contingent cotatine a,•4, and a rtnnber tai tapplicuti.sus bare been received. _A.—young child of Mr. Wm. Tilley, ( f Salem wvaa killed by fatlling iutoa well. A. little boy named Jules Desjnrdize was run over by a Montreal 'street ear and ent to pieces. , An exploding lamp set fire to the clothing of Miss Marie Grover of Mont- real, burning her to death. Ferdinand Ilobitaille fell from a scaffold on the Church of St. Louis at -Bile Bad, 00 feet, high,and was killed: FACTS WORTH CONSIDERING, Coloio BODIDEN Is Your only Hope if You Would Banish Sickness and Disease. At tbis time we simply give nfew facts in connection with the t15e, of Paine's (telex, Coir pound. that should prove interesting to all who are looking for new health and vigorous strength. Paine's Celery- Compound encourages and strengthen; kidtreys, and enables them to cicttusr the blood of waste and poisonous in'tt,'re that are the dircc't cause of' e et, 1ess melancholia, de - pre sign of spirits, wasting sickness, ness, blood disssists.t, headaches and that entirel ran down '1 condition that n 0 e ens the dee. t to organic diseases l' Pg, the 'heart, kc' a vs ,t11e1 stomach. 1'<tanes 0;;t ery Compound snakes the blood ta, bl e ent red color, tneeease s its Volume in t'llultetles, and quickens its airtttl,atitln enabling at nerve -tired parson tai ,lei p eight or nine hours sit a strata. Paine's Ce1ery Couipomid is pre-ew- ineilbly ca:eable o1 doing atlt bust it promises, and sloes - worn:. abut 11.0 other medici.ie`. Can acetnll )lsh, If you dear trader,have failed itt the past with other •inedleitiess, take it:nuiedititte •advsyritage of the virtues of Peeve's Celery Compound that lits prow ed such a bitiesirs to tens of thou - sande in the past. KIMBERLEY A STOI151 ('DNTitt:, from intercourse and trade with the Transvaal and Orange Free State.. Greene Was Well Treated. Mage Town, Oct, 17. ---Mr. Conyng haul- Greene, British agent at Pre- toria, received every etvflity on. his aourney front the Transvaal capital. Six of President Kruger's body guard accompanied .Jr. Greene to the bor- derof cit the. l'.,, ,S 1 Free tat,, and he receiv- ed the sante courteous treatment in the Fret: Stat.'. 'The news Di fighting at Madder Ri- ter is not confirmed: The station master at Aloelder• River telegraphs that Boers front the north and south have taken (,umgt'rshal. which they are fortifying. $MASIL :ti' BOWINIA\VZ14,E;, A G. T. it. Freight Parted in Going Up .the Grade, iJaw aYw 0.il . Oct. 17.—At 7 .30 o'clock. last night a through G.T.R. freight, heavily laden, drawn by one engine and plashed by another. in go- ing up the greiie west Of the station here, parted in n lw iplaces. The e lid - dle section being released, and the part drown by the engine being freed from the brakes, ran back- wards down the grade, and crashed into the section pushed by the on - gine. The impact caused three cars to be derailed, and the rear wheels of the conductor's cabin thrown up On the Station platform. Nobody was hurt. but traffic was delayed for over un hour. The condsetor in charge of the train was Conduetar ()wens_ The freight does not consist Of perishable goods, aand attain lite: will stun 1.',• straightenedthe OYtt. Gift, of a lietgtttal Ship, Paa•triotic il.•minnstrat ions 1aali. place yesterday at Birmingham and .other towns frust+ which reserves started for .Aldershot. The Ailautie Trans, - port Company, which gave the Unit- eel nite.el States (,overlent' *t a ship for hose pita{ ;turpose:5 during the wear witia Spain. has now done Great Britain sizmilar s'ervice, The Admiralty. have gladly accepted the vessel. -which will be named the Moine. Her Majesty has subscribed g500 to 1he Kurd Mayor's fund far South African reftts,rees. which has already reached ,e7a.ind). Not Expected That Boers. 1S iii Make 31iuch headway There, Louden. Oct. 17. --- Aciv lees from ('ape Tow n relate that excitement IS kept up there by ceaseless reports of battles, but that little ufeasfneSS is 1 visiblr in official circle~, -where the opinion prevails that Alafekiug; and Kimberley are safe. It is thought that the Doers are not likely to attack \'ryhnrg;, in Buchnnnland, awing to the feet that the population of that, district is largely Dutch. The gradual cutting off of outlying points at the scene of hoStflfiirs in South Africa from telegraphic conu- uninticetion reduces the accurate mews obtainable to a mininttixn, The only salient facts in yesttmdny morning's t,ld.,iaaz, •.Y' t t` are that the Boers have •t,Ivauccd beyond Newcastle. and formed a lain},*er near Bunnhauser, itiNnat 13 mile); north of Dundee, • and that Kimberley is isolated and prob- ably invested. Kimberley has thus become the im- mediate centre of interest. The last news from Kimberley prior to the cutting of the telegraph and railway by the Boers, said: "All the troops at Kimberley are well." As there are 3,000 troops there, there is little anxiety for the safety of the town, especially as the Boer farces are said to be of about the seine strength. Many stories of brisk lighting at that point are in circula- t ion; but, although the forces are likely to have tome into contact, all alleged details must be regarded . as premature and speculative, especially if the report be true that the Orange Free State troops are now in com- plete possession of the railway from Kimberley to Orange River, 70 utiles away. lis' alleged virulence of the Boer attacks upon Mafeking and Kimber- ley caul roadily''be understood, when it is realized that Beuchanaland is to the Iiocrs what Alsace-Lorraine is to -'Prance. It is, therefore, probable that both towns will be forced to undergo a long and dreary invest- ment before the British troops aro iu a position to send a relieving col- umn. On -the other side of the coun- try the Boers are closing around the British- outposts, and have already conte into touch with theft and .ex- chalned shots. Therefore, nine stir- ring newsy is expected. Death or 3lrr, Itorrere. Brat>.:ville, Ont.. (let. 16. ---The in- quest into the death ''f Airs. (alive Rogers. who was repert•r'1 to have committed suicide on Sunday night. ()et. x. by throwing herself into the Ratter because ae ltlaat1 Minted Mil I1azn- fnil hael. alter paying her nzarked at- tention for some years. intimated to her his intention tit marry another woman. was concluded last night. The jury's verdict was ambiguous. but indie,ited suicide while in A stat,' of frenzy. EXETER MARKET% (Changed every Weduesday) Wheatperbushel 05 to i0, 1. 5 0 , Flourw $. t (X, Flo per cwt 2 Barle35 to 40 Rats .., 24 to 25 t'e,a� 56 tot 0 nter 54 to 15 lrggx reratoes per bag so, to Se day t - ........._.4.5u o sv per tori..-.....„... ilei' dt .Apples per ib Tinkers T to s Chicken '(c, lb. (;cele .. ................. .....a_.......,. ....5 Charge Against Conductor Bright, iilra,iford, Oct. 17.—The case Of Conductor Bright, charged with man- slaughter. cane up at the Police Court as''ain yesterday. Traiuniastez' Castello was present. but failed to produce the paper:s cull, d for, name- ly, Cui(luctor Bright's report of the accident. An adjournment was made until Monday, Oct. 113, when 0,T.lt. Solicitor 11;11 and Superintendent Jones ww•ill be subpoenaed to produce the required report. Forecast of Queen's Speech. The Queen's speech at the openit_g of Parl lam mn t to -day es i11 declare that Parliament has been summoned at an unusual date for a specific pur- pose. and that this course has been rendered _ necessary,' by two circum- stances. First-11er Majesty's proclamation culling* out the reserves is neCessarilr folinwwed by the summoning of Parliament within 10` days. rd'oud-The position of affairs. In South Africa demands the attention of the Legis- lature. Her :Majesty will then declare butt her •:euernl r.elations with foreign • 1'owver% r p a eaeerul, a state of affairs which, t n- rr rtunttlely, does not apply to the Transvaal. The IIouse of Commons twill be iuritetl to. provide ways anti means necessary to prose- cute British policy In South Afrlea. The speech will conclude with a promise that when the proper time are it es the Legisla- ture isla- ture program of the Government regarding matt ere of internal interest Will he submit- ted to the IIousc' of commons. - The Situation in Natal. Durban, Oct. 17.—Two • ext raortdin- ary gazettes have boon issued. Tho first proclaims martial law in the Newcastle, Dundee, Kilp River, Un- Sign- •and Tipper Tugila. Divisions. The reason given is that Natal - sub-jects have joined the invading Boers end assisted the • enemy. The other gazette reminds British subjects • of their obligation to the Queen, and warms them to abstrain C. P. Ii, President at Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Oct. 17.—President T. G. Shaughnessy of the ('.P.R., accom- panied by Mr. Is. A, Peterson, chief engineer; Il. S. holt, the well-known contractor, and 'lVilliatn -Whyte, man- ager of the Western Deivision, arrived here yesterday afternoon. IIe will go through to the coast, after making a tour of the branch lines in this province, and will inspect the Crow's Nest Pass. Ministers in Town. Toronto. Oct.17.— Sl r Wilfrid Laurier, Hon. W. S. Fielding, II. J, Logan, M.P., and Icon. William Mu - lock cause up from Bowmanville last night. The two first -named are stop- ping with Mr. Mulock. Mr. Logan is at the Rossin. Tne Ministers speak at Paisley to -day. Awarded a Gold Medal. West Superior Wis.. Oct. 17.—A cable has been 1eceived front Col. J. I-Iillycr, London, announcing that tite exhibit made by hint of Ontario ores at the Greater Britain Exhibi- tion, Earls Court, London, was awarded a gold medal. Direct Case of Suicide. Toronto, Oct. 17. — eeisr Emily Campion, a donustfc, sleallowvcd aborti a pint • of methylated spirits lust Friday evening, while in a de- spondent osponclent snood. She died front its effects in St. Michael's hospital on Sunday-, night ]ate. Capital to Be $11,000,000. Montreal, Oct. 17.—At a Meeting of the Merchants' Cotton Company, h„lcl yesterday, it was decided to in- crease the capital from one to two Millions, and also build a new four - storey mill 250 by 110 feet for the manufacture of hosiery yarns. "A” Battery Mete Skipped. Iiia„ Ston; Ont.. Oct. 17. — Two more desertions from "A" Battery occurred last night. and Drivers Mat- trisc and McDowell are now likely on American soil, having skipped out, The absentees are daily increas- ing-. _. Gambling in German. Arkny, Berlin, Oct. 17.—Emperor William has issued a • decree; directing thaat. all regimental commanders• shall strongly revivo the Cabinet order of six years ago, forbidding gambling in the army. . Y Why let your neighbors know tt? And why give them a chance to guess you are even five or tens year,* more? Better give them good resign* for peeving -the other way. It Is very esay; for nothing telis of age act quickly as gray hair, ger's Hair vigor is s youth -renewer. It hides the age under a luxuriant growth of hair the color of youth. It never fails to restore color toray hair. It will stop the hair from coming out also. it feeds the hair bulbs. Thin hair becomes thick hair, and short hair becomes long hair. it cleanses the scalp; re- moves all dandruff, and prevents its formation. We have a book on the Hair which we will gladly send you. if you do not obtain all the bone- titR yon expected from the use of the Vigor. w,rlto the doctor about et Probably there Issome difficult with your general system wehieii On J. C lAyer, Lowell, Masai. One American Balled. Manila, Oct. 17.—The insurgents . made an attack upon 1 elcS at 2.a 0 o'clock yesterday morning. One Am- erican was killed and seven were wounded, The Filipinos used artil- lery, a 'few shells exploding. 'tViiliain smite Was' ISili.edi, Bing;stop,, Ont., Oct. 1r.=wVillia>n Smith of Westbrook, was lolled by a G.T.13,. engine at Cataragiii': Crossing last evening_. .. r fete 'JL Che Po Your. 6 Post Office lir �,• For. it) it)i 11 TDaiIy 1 Free fro le PressPERR. I (SECOND EDITION) e 1111 ei' ,.1t ififitkProverb but don't think you can patch clothes to look like new. Then again it would Dot pay you when you can buy clothing t til at the prices we sell.RBMA==iaai �w BAINS Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Si; 9.80 Overcoats Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, $12,00 Our n20 blacks beat all otb•ers at 523. Conte awl sec for yourself. PATRONIZE US. • People patronize us because they realize that we always selltoc1otilinn..that is strictly up• -date... R IC GRIEVE tl 10 It contains all the latest 01 itri news by cable and other- ill f\ wise; complete market re - 10 ports from Liverpool, London, New York, Chicago, Buffalo, rit Toronto and elsewhere; full 10 notes of sporting events and lel iWestern Ontario District iej news. News from the Trans- df/ fi vaal full and fresh. The ®� 'Ali largest, best and most popu- T j 6q lar dai1T, newspaper in West- ern Ontario. Only $2.00 per it,;/ ,4$ year. Subscribe now. Cd ill •p -it Tne London Free Press 110. Co., Ill. kb r;),.. LONDON, ONT. Ifij . AO•ptlr, .P.f. .sr... •r./fJs•a'Or•/a.. .tw Iierbert:+nelgrove, with two com- panions, jumped from a nosing freight train near Brighton. Snelgrove was killed and the others more or less hurt. AN APPARENT MYSTERY FULLY. EXPLAINED. (3plp(e-.itt' l'e„t. office EXETER ROLLER M!LLS4 WOOD WANTED. Flails; Wholesale and Rt'ta i. ('hoped feed Barley. Pea-. Oates, 4't::^fi —BIO STOCK OCK ON HAM— Prices #i a—" Prices 1iic"llt. 11, COBBLFD1CK, Manager. Oook's Cotton Root Componad Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladles. Safe, effectual. Ladiesask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Yea. round. Take no other,as all Mixtures, pilin and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, Siper box, No, 0.10 degrees stronger,$3 per box. No. 1 or 2, malledon receipt of price and two 8.eent stains The Cook Company Windsor. Ont. re�nsible Druggists in Canada�cndedbg all Nos. 1 rand No. 2 sold in Exeter by 0 Lutz. Druggist. AGENTS WANED. TED. No experience necessary. Permanent 1-051- tion, Liberal terms. Pay weekly. shock, complete with fast selling specialities, in- cluding Seed Wheat, Corn, Potatoes, &c. OUTFIT FREE. Secure territory r,OW. Write, BROWN BROS. CO., Nurserymen Brown's Nurseries P.O.. Ont. There are thousands of people in Canada with very limited resources who ,ire always well and neatly- dressed, but Clever in debt for the new dress, cape jacket suit or overcoat. The question with many fs, " Howv Call inert a11121 WOttlell dl e . s 'well when sltiull incomes ate barely sufficient tc flay lent and living expenses?" The explanation is simple, brit tl''tu net•et1 steles.;, 'Wise, economical See - man e - gi, ,. t call to tie-in aid. the magical hal pow- ersu._ Ll :, of Diamond Dyes when new crea- tions • .,,*ret 1 wearing ,L needed 11 ticnls ere nc pp for the mother, dale;hter, father ni a, o• dress Or Cos. - tame ,�•• t v llc s 1 dl1 son. .1110 6`l r>. ago ttttilo worn a year oz t.w o ,or it may be to 1.,ti..c. 0: rusty cape, jacket, snit 'ttl•.oval:tett tutu has done 8ervit:( in 1,11c pit>l.- ll aro nn:de to look like 7 ., r n+wt .i •' tl, . r r ct., t by the use of ni asnn d i3 em )• :le 11,1 ' - S s 1'n'y' the new- , .1 1.> at( lanai corning: co;or5 for sell „trn t. This is one. nt. 0 1' groat IC1 Vt1T'1 ; '> OS >,; i:.ritil.n(tlld i)cc : offer to: ilir' 1. ;.1 No other packagt di c ;t't 015i1`(nig, 1,st cad !without a the 'A;; •.untiities, •11i1 l.t. t:g•a 't) .}' to use. Ali ,�.p,± ,t .'i e..'..l,l:•!+i 14c. )tit.l use tot reliable Diamond ?lies, The Attrac of AH Eyes I r r Just at present the nbjeetofattract-earl to the people of Exeter and surround- ing country is OUR GREAT LINES —OF— FU EN1TURI To eve is to examine and to examine 0111' stock is to buy. Prices are so astounding; when the cpualitt is coneideeed.. . r, R. ROW MBEMLR 16C Highest Cash Price paid for I lack Ash, White Ash, Red and White Oak, Hard and Soft Maple, Hemlock Soft and Rock Ehn. Either stumpage of delivered in yard. For further particulars apply to GUS, IYAGNLl;, Manager for the S. I. Co. Exeter. 'rd''t,•e�,'-G•.y'•SI.,: crt,r='�' r4[dtii:.-ai• 4 a•,<Y.J p. _.�a�e`t�t�v,.>,,• ..f' "'•t''t.re..'a w'vi r 3 ;-v„” CURE1 tr't , `� iag.t'auLYH, c'l .'t wad COLD$ ,,, c , 11 I.ti,• 6 L .I`. i � t t ri 1 2 ti Y rr �r � EP t. .3 :lee C,.,...—i..:..:3 RiMIS ,.y 'al): ;7.1 rr> �., / kk .fJ j�'ti ail Ya.L,i ,r. 1 Vu? iioi N .•,': a Large Mottles, 2 ,:aL e r ej? ,c w„L.,tQCI Co, !_ .'1, as I1AF,a S..A c';, Prop's. Ferry Davis' 1...._. !.;iter. d .t y, New York.iliontgc 1 t • t