HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-02-14, Page 7M '.- . '7� � . TIr - ­ , :,� : , �4 ­ I 1MrFrQpW1r*--.-�--�--- - " VIrr 11 -1 � * - _ , _­­­_ � . - 7, .1 I I , I - T.TF J, 111111111111111111111111IFiVI __ .. _ _7-T�__W;Y­W _.__ I I ­ ._­ �11 I ;. "A I - . 11 "Ir, , , I . 10 , . 11 �, , I I . I . ,W I I I I � I I 4 .1 �, � ­ 11 I �11;� ­ __... I . I � I r4. :�, , . , , � I - I = " - - -2i"MC-_ .0 WIN _� --- - ­­ -_ -_ - - - � 11-111 � ­ ­_­�r-� �- ­_­-, � -, - T._ I"— . -9-0f ��, 'i - :7;�j - - - - -- -,7 - T - � I . 1. � I I . . , � Z - � �1� . F� _�,��_ �. . � I "I . 11 .10 I MERRY OLD INGUO , 1 I . , . �, . ��,C'. I �r .190<4& A111111"Ohib r A§ft 7 ' I I If., V­,�, I . ArA Aff A.J 11 'Ilk, , , '� " I'll Jok "I I I r � . - r `16 - I , I � L I - , I ,�.. I I .. - . , I " 7 . i , op � 0� .� . I . L .. . I . . �� I �� 11 . � . � I .0''ify wAlt. Asarr 00" sm L . . I � � 4 1 :�� . I 1. � � , . ... , . & W � . : ". "* 00 11,114"XI . :5 .1 - . ..:�-�­11.1 . � .. .'CIA/4'... - - . i . I I .1dih-41111116 I I I I - 4. ''I _1-_.N_ � .� 0 010 101 � . 1.110 NNIOSPIP".wo _11111101 I 0 I 'LL - ­�. L� , ­ �,._ L L-4 I ^"-* ,,� ,� I I * . i L I . '4. 1 . L I , I I . . I � . L I � . � ' I � � - � I ,� IL - . L 11 0041freftits *0 *4 1400 'Itut 0401 - � , I I I I . . ; 10001IM" 1* IM V40"Whil I �, . I ­ . . . I . ; I , � I 'i I 1. .* . . I I I w4w I � I I �`l, " I I . L � . . I 11� I . � ; . .. I . I I . AIIII;&W L . - 11 - - I � � "I ChOks T, st6 Aopl*w, 44. , . . I I I Aft I . I ��., � t!r 4144.jww�j 4" 4� 14ws r!" "r L ", 1 1 � 11 I O." . . I , , i . . . I I � Nir. Row 1*47i;oq. 0. 5NW04" Our- " , . I L I I I _. I . 1W I -1 I I 1- i, .. *1 . . - I _ _­ naI,!s!,,..W4rk_ .1*t1W-QXFJ,,.M4-,"%4)#.­ - - �---- L. � I -1 v , � - V I - ­ __ - , - 'V4104 0 1103,0*.�, . I - ,, . I I 1, . I I �_ I . I L" I " L " 'L ' � of 'L I I M. _­ � I ;� L I . 1, . ... �, "I "I I L� , L :::::::: I r, -1 I 490e4l.04 1. 1 4% two ,�4iu;w) oppliell 10 W04 1. I . . _ ­ 11 ­ - ­�'­ I , ! � ,g 11, ,40. W . - 1 . "., I .1 I - . . I 1, � L _;, ,�.e .010 � pirtuh, in 4 - ex, 1�, L 4 *QTA I . � I .L V I . . , I L' b) 140 4j,%ro ',if ,0i, �'L . I . I "� . L �WiR , I WVQQjJ f, I L . L I L . I ­,� � . I I L I- ; L ,� , I I . , 4q_ I �� I I- . I I . I _. I . � I L I 11 I , ,�, . , � .1 : I I I . L I �LL L ... Coorldfir garrim%,kr qJP1I1f%* A$*� . I L 11 � 1 - . I I I ­. I , I � I . I � ' L .a V . , , 11 I- � ,�:, � , I L I I � " - 'Z ­­ - L - - I . I L L! "I �� . I , �­ ­. - I I . I � . I I .11 pit)$ IWOUP Pt tJW ,41*�_ 4; PfAV94-1 I 11 .., ; I 1P I I I �t . �`� I � . I . . �, . � ., L I ., I .. I I I . ed '01A 00 Noth-Bastera"ROliv4", L L' I i - � , : ., 4�_ ,� 4 . t � -_ I 'LL r 11 I I , . � . . I � I . , , Thtir NVM I -A,11!01 1,44. 4 MU03 I . I i I . � , , I .�,- " , , , . I , ., � - . . I I . � I I .. % . , , Onto I . , I � ' .. 11 . I .1 . I t . L ." - I- - I I . � I V%vxi hwilmi, 44A Ulm oCcupetwilt of I.. __ , _ L I � , . I I r L , Will —_ ­ __ _, I ­., � 1, _. �, : . I ' ' . I 0A1�-14MI1kvft44K*Ve0k5*$M1*' Iturylo , . 1, , L , , , , . % * :' L I -)�' .r; ''�, I - r � I ­ .., . , . I - I ., .1. I . i I 1. I I . L I � , ., .1 , �_ I � � � 11 I 111. I .'I 11 J 1. -�, �_ � L . 'L .1 - ^ ffeno,y L _ . . .0,, ' _� 1. �_ . L I 'n . 11 ,� I �. L , � � , � I .. . . 1 44 TL"Pq)n,$Q tat a a%lla .4e�, L I . e , ­/� I L. ' ' , L I I 1. . I L . _�.­­-1,1 ,�r -11" ­­ I . i , .1 _�'.' ­ L, . , I . Idwif hu I (. . , , I r . �11 ,; 71'._., .� ­ , 1. I _ I ­ Rk . per;omd ton, bomt 0100, � .. , - . I.. , . " .. � I ­., ­­ -11 . L I ; ­ � . " ' ' Owl ing at Wvft top, itno s"'Ont AS 'i 1, I - - �___7_ " �� . 7 L " I .� I I " ��­ � , . � � , � , L .4 Is, , , L L I . ­ . I I I I . - - .. � , , i , . : I . , 1 . . � �� ; L - I I - r Air,' JUSUOQ Grattibo . . I ; � - 7 '. �. ,., , I . .1 . I . � _m the st*rjtld;� , I i I I . I I ' L I I . I ... 'I. � ,� � I . I "', �1 I , , I 'ef the KIIIII'A '800CI)i I)1VI$f013, 44$ 4:0*,. " L 1 'I .,L" �� 1, � .1 I .. I . I . L . _ __ , � � , " I . I � I I I .., . . . I , . I . I %� - 1;v I .� . . , ;.. '', I!.. ,:, , f . P1010 24 YVIfill' si;rvio ,on the, tV4Cf$,. , __ I - ,.- . . .: ". , , r, .�. I'' �� . .. I . _ : , " , ": �'�' - - -_ - UrtRy;jW1V- , ., 4,.,- I I . I .. . 11 : � .. � , I . . .� � ' - L �, ` - _4he,­eWvA-ft"bI4* L . -1, _; ­ ' � . ". � . . - I . . . . ,_ � I '' ,, , -,. � , ..'' I,,' I L, " L " I � . , �� � . I I . I I L " I ,a 0.144 AIIIINd Whl!0he44,_V;bQ--flA*- ­ 1. I 1____._1 '.. I � L , , � � . �1­ 11'� .. . ! , I -­ ­e�­ , , .L I , , , , , , , 11 * —t- I . I I . , ­_�­­-o­��­, I ''i, 711 I ...... , ;%, .1 � 11 . ­� . stood �n NWI(a4tian strqqt, Sivattiol, �0; , r , : � �, � �� L , . I 1 � L I , 1. , I I I . I L . � , . � . .. , , 40/7 .� , I 1: . ... I .. I . 1, I � : I , � - ars, , :,. :�, - it , I r . 16 1 1 I.' I , I � I . I- I R i - , , . � �':�!lfL , . I � I I I . - - , ''. ., � I I - .11-1-", - linoi 4� 0roy, "Q of the lost'sy'r-, , I 1, L . , I :1 - !, i -I � k-.1.7 1, - ­ ­ I aw - . '. I I I . It, I I � I - % I :.- � I -�- I .1 I.' 51 � r . I . . I 1-1 L - I , � L 1111 . � I I I -_ `. . !" I I ist! . I A * , I � 411 �' ... I �­­­­ -1 . , L L, ', 09!!1.1_�'��a2tza, - 4tod at Claplittiff, it'* , �' ,. .i. I . , N�w . , . I -,., - ,- �;, iil ?,�'1�5 :,. "O=AP146 _7 �Ww_, !� 6 vivors; at the, Pritims, Alice disoto,v,, q I I L- '7 1 LL � iftt , , 11 I U . I . ; _ ,m I I - � , ;r' , AwpPe"WWAPAW " �. ."-�-_ ­.­,", �'ii;��O'm.!! miil! " - - � .., .. I L L �, I - .;,�, - I i , I �� _�. 4� % I I 1. - � 1 1. 1.11-11 . .. I r � I , "I � "I . ­ �'. , - L. 11 .I I � 1 1970, hwo I S; , � , , I � - ` ,7��, "I. -7 � , I I � , , 7r,P,w, " : . I I 61. 11, , I I . . " �,, �" -7777 � , r , I �, " � � � I . . . � ,� , - .. "� , r . � � . �, 1. 11 � � I I -, . :� _. , " L I . -L I I . I , . . . I � . � '' � . I , �, r � , . I , , . .. . , '. 'I — ,,'I, .- , � �, ., � � , - � � � . . . I ; I q. � I I I � �', % �� - 1� ", ­_., - , , , � 11, . L 'A V(e# �* Z Week COX'11114114r "OVIVa U* ''I 1 ) :, I , . I � us.", . , 'r ' � . . % ­ ,� Lf ' , 'r. I i, so PA- Tom to''divit lo*� It is +A . "A thL4 JoVVArfdIMqAt�,A4V* of 149 D'I'Vino Qnf� fjittlnX "to 00 kJnX!,4. 0 ' ifflim . , , � ­,�l � , . - _ - L , - . , , L I I I � T, �' � . I I . d . . . , - OR, avId t that argon qr% , ''I ** ,� , I I �: , " , � � ":, e , , . a bum, It W44 NAIlted, . � , I . . 1;; . 11 I . I I , 41 for hI4 tA .1 ey �', , �,! ,,, : , . , L , , ,,� ,, 'j, i.. ,% . � - . .. I wwkall.nir $A 'tb "'T.Ano at D*tk904X.1; as 00a4dan, la U)14010 Itio Ist4l Ix"mr Oat 104ft I told bbamore of issiko", 14014,44 quit* VbOrwora% Oxceit 4 1 ,,dots earfie(j joil.� e4oh I ! � , I I . ,'L " � "'' . . , I not 04 =iAt Voral I he, lafitita tilit *Mpk I I . � � : . ,TL , , I �, I I � a ,� , �Iartablbr thing 34 t ,K6r d. Drol)mi . AA4 *Q�,I)r, Derr Cont - cakild dIjltaJ;I4h,VLQ limp, in his wadk. Artor ProllmialitV , I � � �'., Johlitatleati. proceeded to Investigate t 'Itlf.* obtaining, Pti, Triduys and Suturtlays, and 6X. aq, ", � L � . 4 . I - , : 'L _1� I III go � - , �. .�� - a ItAlk A =4 bAltAosca 1*10" Nts curtio %Deny 444, Converted a sumbart Among hot . , L . , � �� ;I , '' _ , � mifft4l and ro .. k � ,% , � , , . L -,� . -;�:, �. - I , � i I : I I , 1, started an Al , 1.10(ot W *tll Voorit 91ther days. I ­ L_'' . ; . - A �� ; _'% �� 'i t 1 � , , ; . mom the 010 chief. onIttraM an)de somewhere In the (11* Perot* � ,� . .- IL . � I 11 I .'� - . -":, .",", ,Z ;, I 1. I L ., ­ ,� . .. gittkude I . I 6 history of an, � , ' I ­:'!�. I ,� I , � -, , , 7 '' ';�,,,. I .. . otql. 4 humtor� at wholot, ,dosortofi�4,Llxli 94 bla Jour. I . 'File Army. Council has decided, Ahwt _ " � to,%.. , , ., 11 ,, ' - V .,� . : . , �, �'. , .,�, �.� . - . - I I . I I I . 114ralikIng his' wity through tbp grassy Awamps, Dr. ThIst, )he told too, �Ati ytalitiosti most ramomItIlLwy to Whitler :,: I I Derr *0 I � , I , I - ,.. I 01' . , - -' L 11 311W. I . , 11: . I " ­ -� I I I . I the SJQ�Ieh. hat. 84 L 4 ,�Piv)k -for t - r .)L.""' � '� , f. I VrpvWjk -we" cl�,JXIOA in boxes '"Ifilliou the utig"ex I Ittil paV* reached I.Vurig, veliere us heard at 46 Itloo that (k hurt1link now,trom time to time. optit It rif, � " , , . 1; .. . . I "'�­"� ,� I . ­: �.. , t , 10 '' : . no ­��, Wdltl` 4911111st the suit Is not requirell . - , L 1� 1� .., , 'Al . I L L ,� -- ­ � "I , .., , I "a ,.. -tit -for pgon tribe near Gonsome. Those peopro, he was told. QuIrlid, more WhIroky to case It. . ". , ,.7 . �� 'i , - - - L �1,' ' . 0tIQft .b& lr , , - I . L � , --- Z :1 �6� t10 0,,,�-�, I "� � , � . blift of%. their ,%Ita�lf, Thug , 4 sournoy we* Made, , �_ "...", . - , ". , . I'' ­:_ �L�" I I "I informed him thpi, my Vitiator. *0 Much b4tter for In tho United I(lpgdom. , , � . . � I . "N . �­ .L . .. , I �, L, .�,, " k'' , , .. ­ ."I,' � I I . , ­ I I tWo. days,.* weary fromp, libroultb, land �OovdreO'wlth . were vwlIka and Aarca� 400 were dr*440 by the other irdilithal; some ,itiater. I , . . �,� � �., �1, i f . %_' I , � , � . . . . . , Prabftbly.�the. yoling"t litniplIgIter - ... 1. �,''�'j_� . '' , " �', . .. , L ­#bI1W, , , , , '' . Ifililt. Milo ne, - I his t00% titan I and. After L'�� " , " _ , . � ;h at lbo Iqn4, - loves. The 34ohammetian u4salotarles, who are active I ­ A �; I 7: ' *arr, marshy lend iors'o, find It was *1W difficulty that In tuo, 0004so, *r4d to $;a to them. After treating the applied It find totiliblinal4 It on tight With k bandage., giving in rnqlQnd,- uArtild Gcoafellaw, GV4 � . 11 '11 1, - -, ,- � ­ , , . I , I , I ,,,, I . . 7: I ­,!. , ,, 1, I , , L - �_­ ��' . k " , progress was ma,44i.. . , , ,,; I . ;),� , , . �4,�, ; -:A 4 1. I 1 Crams wilklou oxcindod &,taars in he sick at latung. #?V. Do" wont One to l3akunill, a large blat, Instruction* Act to Xem . 12. pororms the regular duties of thitt �, �, L. �g� , . .. ,� , , , � - ,". 11 I In , , A , I I I I , , ", I ' � ldse.,tor ove it unlit WhAd lftirne4 a " . ` J � "' , I ,,, . � . .� th 1-.'��_Wl .1 . - ,�L ,z�` 4 , " � f . I 1 � :',;�,:�:': - L' ­ �1;111 I . � L 44 I . � 'Ir ­ . " �" , I , �_: . � Pr. L Parr arrived at Skintal laxt4ledId. Its oilloo . . ; � , , � r L I � . I ,�, , � -.; - " alterwaro that its F I 4". .1 ,� . I . I 1. � I . I ; 0 0 town� 'which is ptlacIrAtly uOkkutloodon. - Ion$ time. ftqdkh�! L at Wadobrl ,.� . � L I i� _11 � . , , I I I . Aitxmvt is, Two -is, I . Ldge, Carowilli. I ,. ,� , 1, 1. .. .1 641nod , " �: - battiM C4 - *The proprietor of a place of ainflige. �n 84 . i , L "'d i � �j�� ill Ita,"ked tot- nomors whililloy. , , I 4', � L' e0rry(#;r, to_,-�,ILAO 1W Y - Va. . lizelp Parker *48 met lit thit'ceater of Africa. Mr. ,Derr pd�rlto out, the na work we . �_ �,� placi,wl:tere, some yoArmf � I .�L_�. ­.�'- -:` '' I L ... . 1, 1 i- , � � - ­ . - I I V� . I -Aa nat,;1vo Irl -naves or Isolated callitax In the jungles, -111-�ths-RQU4" Abaut AL . ment at VaTmoUth has -plitififilli6d; 1,000 I I-- ., I "� � � � " by - -1 - he has visited are the .,:'�;, : L": I __ L �� , I I . or pointif when Us dismounted tram V44 horse. 4 tilives Dr, Derr hq* trift,WodftgL ; ,,, j �� . � ­'j.F,,�6f't1tj'�' ,f 4�j jg,'�,#ej the Al Op . joe �f.--Parr,'- "v, -U&TV a- X47-11014kin"uPPO40- but In -towne- ---ar lio-6wo- ye4i Xiiialf X the nativeit whom , , ; , , $ . ' -loaun .'JL I . I - , . .1 -"Thwoulet-ot-isuhul,�Ift-W�it'I V savoge. Thor Aiao is . ." :,_ " , . " , I The Municifil people, who are OxtirlImat Pairs of boots for distribution onotting � 1, 1 of ,the low"st. These villages at* much the *era*. , �X - I I,, 1*�, ,. ,. , .1 k I B , ti .,#f . .. ... W k, , hir . behind certainly do not 1-486MI910 the, Comfortable dwell- peculiar poison on the tips at %beir arrows. Witt ,�, ­� A I ; , I 11 of my medical WOl!k, &At] he 906Vt me a cordial Poor 801MI children. , � ,�,,,, . I I 4 �,s ation fir �4 q�'L ;fi jo issp4ni . ,� -01110-11, ob. is fatal. el 1 wp4gv � ". �_:. I I �' ��,, $ ` ", t4om ft$0do*, 'The chief to start, 96 seemed pleased that .. - The famous orgi In ,St. H -,- r 1,_� F.!. � �"` , - , , . � - .. - �;.;Vj,% , P . � 41 I I vilit"11-1 lugs 69 Amork.a. The -homeo. of the xmtives am built of The antidote is known only to the 161(unotill people them _tn - - - �.�­�,_-,,_ I � . . fn,0&4�iliisf arpo" in -pt with the -1 churab, Elswavatev Which "WA \ � i 'L' � . . - , 11 4ft, I�Vt 414 Understand Whitt could be done -%-.. ___., --:-,_­ __ . - - - - - - .., ­ _­ ___ - k . .,,. �, �, ,, . . gross. the roof, which In ,gone shapelft Y�sitjqor Ly -a the ypor 17U, 44d hiiia a , , , , . .. - 1. ­ _. on- ;kc�3 y � ,Xs1VVffl.. ,P ,,,� . ., � - I '(toh Qf',disoi��!awd, 4dil i*,, , I mAlterwit, In my medical A."'C', - - Innufmor- -V-,-Vo- -V"T llt:06 -clothillut U -*0K. Ills garments consist- How tin Ott t- . ' .:t,.? �, I ;:,� � . , rox. � Ae & I � !!9J"V_Ab1L 19 �. . , . �� 2, .. At �_xk or At. , , . ,� I., I , , portalat to medical . I - � L� �' , , .0 � . I . I ;�� ,-�-�--Wtat-Dr,---3)orr-�Ud-szian&-tbe- al& V11grO. ppilbso wilra about the wailat py,nucks over rica. out who be& not yJal 0 Calm Came novated. � ' &I � In$ Of light Wr& to* 6 try can 6t"ret,use.- .9, . � .� - 11 I "­', I � totally bri bill arrlval� the doctor wont among the VeQAIO. 4 4 all"' is fa�W#' , I -_ Ve - W � I . 1 I , � 1, ":,.. " � � 't , , -oravall, and Dr. Dares days are full , q9'M'I5J-ft-t)1(T6st royal servants at ,? , 11 q',,&"$W2f_4r,_�_' '40­� 4$49il"416"'Ir— I � . - _-___.-1-__- � . . , 4K' . 1. � -1. W 09 `� - i, ocorem lay alelt, with,ravor, some with limbo swollen by the.tAhould4r, it � � . I � 1- ­ : Ittakitheratle 44a��fle 1; . �� � - -1 � " � r, ' "�, - ... A I �, , , ', _. throU 'k �il'ila 4, hi, kl s I V. my. .- - tits who suffered tram Windsor, Mr. B, Bovinglag, who had i � 1. g L� , , , , it ,a �. * .�­'I.i" � I ,, ,t, , &#s 4 , I i14- � - - t a bad to treat Pat[# � �,,�'t;,�� �, '* _ 1'­.'I� " . . I olophantisulls; otbers, suffering from *after or Topro Jilborfil Ing staknose-that total disease to Which thou- for many years shown visIlMrs over -the J�;'�'. L' � I . passaRe junt;s, or� X, 8.,:,�Oeipi�:4traduateo '1� I pue patient lay with swollen legs. writhing in aliguish. GRATEFULITOR. ATTENTIOM �d "T ( . J � I . _ ' ' " ' I " � I - d lands of natives have 811001colletIll. . state apartments of the CaSM, has just pl; I I [V 114 1 . P, L , ­ ' . , -� . 111 wwo him Morphine and whisky," writes the ciao- Hcra,Pr. Derr visited the, blacksmith. ths vreav!r all Mohammedanism has been sweeping ever the Sou- It - - . -, - �,. I .. . 41 . ihe University -6f , 4qilqiao� Jast,fall-visifed , . I I to.4 "and p6tilticed the log with potassium pormancalosta, the school. "This was the Arot time I saw a M9,lilimr4o- - pit '1�0_ _ _ ____ __ _____ -, I ��f ,:I ` " �, . . - , Day after day I visited hit% , �ftn, and cliptatian missionaries, are -now, tt" their Through his \clothes becoming en. ­ ,� "�� � , , I 111a temperature wax 10. dan school In segoto.n.'.' he wiritm .."and It w" vezy I)IO4 11 ',..� -,)��;. , :"� - I savogej .� I � , . � rease& Im —a strength Against the spread. The Soudan comprises n I 1. F, *ho .,had ftev&,�,,wt;t- 0, Apician. 114110P 84.4.1,8-lr.iA _r ". sup, with-woullor _tkkrasque� �rhe little boys were sitting on the orround tangled in a loom he was repairing at- -1 I �?! .11 I - . I � '' A4" . 1 ; -'a I I I � - � tag I I �, : ?, ��' _V ,� - Blackburn. Cotton mill, Richard 13ccles.- . ., , h4t , .. , - ".. - and awa. Such t2tatent had rig,ver been given him be area equal to about two-thirds that of the United -Sta a - e shouting ilia Koran from wooden tablets. Then was without AlailkIL, 404 comprises about tan ldngd me, under � k .. ,�.. 1,�,_ ___ - . g4nyoo��Ja*ed, ,vaf ;,eem .; was Whirled round 4he reviolving shatt. '­�;.� 4 �� � I . v . I .1 I 1. . 1 . I I I .1 LL fore, and he tfiought Ilia easement 01 i)AIn was deas 030 hold by the handle. and looked like shovels." British., Frouch, And German Control. There or: 4bo t 100 - �� , I soma divine ageacy." I From Ifskundl Dr. Derr continued his journey, cross- distinct free boathen tribes, with a population .tu Ing and killed. I ., r,� ,., j� 1. - d � I . r #non.. I ,, � . r-, . I . I I train .� I I ­ , , . 11, I I : � � I 'orkifZj at 1Ae_$idf!oi4'*J, the Soudan " The mysteries of the revolver, tie explained by Dr* Ing the mountains. Here. for the first time since he took Of 59 PQMTW whose deallks wege re- �' � I )."". 1 4 ,, ;,­.- 1, 117 . . . .- , . r Derr to the old chief, filled him withlivorillor lit, the In- up Me Work In that region. be was able to drink p 60.090.000 to 30.00,W. corded In the Times, 26 had reached I '.. it I �,�-, I . . Ura I %. �� . ... .0 De The moftliLl mission, it to said, to the strongest W4QVQR ­ - " t, , �Vofted I'.;','"'" s It has cured - I genct y of the white man. VVidle Walking with, the chief spring water. " _ , .i. . , , .J04 atDonga� ir, In the mountains the air was fresh and the age of 70, 14 Were wiltuagenarfami, 'r "', "'. . " 4 tin against the spread of Islamism. "Cured of physical Ills." ,� 1 1 ,�,f�, . along the Suntal river one evening, Dr. Derr showed h pure, the scenery splendid. Possing down the mountains as Dr. Derr, "the native* will listen to r0tlglOus teach- eight wOro aclagonarlans and four Wervi ,.., ", �, ,, . ;. ", � -, , , I hundreds #nezro'es, . JourneyiNg from Don- ' r the ravoliter, at the name time discharging It. With 0 on the other side, fie arrivedlon September 2 at XI cana. wrq no Christlainip have atit nonagenarians. .. �i�, �4�r .1 �� I", � . . a Inc. And In sending them p1hyntals & J., , . . ��:, , ,.rNhich is 600 ,miles . ift6d, he tr4V,eled ­,�, I wild CM the Old man threw 114MA61f On his knees, his a large town. and practically the key to the region bo- I , ,� . . � " , -:. � go o. I When b*, opportunity which the Mchammodans. do not poss"I0 .oj Mr. John Capping. Who claims. to be . I I , � � , eyes �atarfur I youd.� On tho Ith he treated twenty patients. il,,P ;�., : � , 11. 1hD Oldest police superintendent In 'Hl�.-:, .. 1.14 - I in fright at the strange weapon, . . : ...... �­,.� � neqrly Xdo ifes tboaid.jhe interior, trealigg : I ,saw Dr. Derr filt the bead at Q� 4uck on the river. At a, .That night the chief visited him and told him the town - . 'L " '. " ... . ,.�.�*,-C�l '. - ,V , . — 11111 ............ - wan his. F.ngland, placed tits raillinatfon, to the . ,.,� ,�. , ,'I�, I : .� V..- 1 " -fiezinlinglY Incredible dillitance, the old 111411L was Speechless Some Curious Facti . hands of the Huntingdonshlre Just[Ors ,L? �!, �2 4, . .,�,�_ � � . trjbd$,1 -d Gongomo. . - I � I When Preparing to go 'farther Inland same of Dr. 1. I 11, 11 N�, 11 � �w ''. I , ,�en'unfil he reark L ty-coo people loss their lives after a service of 35 years. . Q ; 11, � 1Y 1, aevir beett ,.. I .- . M1777 I ey from him and be was loft N AN average. thIr . 1,,�, , �1� I" .. , . . I In that. section mediesne had , _= Darr's laborers ran aw I ", '�'. �, 1; ­', 1. . - I I -% . yearly by accidents in the Allis. Mr. Percy Fitzgerald, the authority an I 1! -., � , � .. .... , . I . - ­� I I �. ; . 1. - - � ­ I I I . . L stranded. He continued his work, taking journeys by I " ", ; "7XL, klpplie.i fqr- the-, "Of -A�ases, `�Uundreds of I I I � - I . I day and treating the sick. Near Kingana he treated no- 0 For a feat at dexterity and nerve It would be Dielmns, has offened to erect at bIs own 11 J.� - � ­ , - - , ­ ..., . ` � . I cost 4 status "of the author In the I . 1�`�,� � L , :.-;� '. - I I , C _' tives who had never seen a,rhite man. Instead of op- difficult to surpass that of the Boojesman or South Africa. . , flF, fialkes su#,,- _. �irsiant blood dis ,es, who Walks quietly up to it puff Adder and deliberately gr'OundS Of ROCh"ter Castle. Dickens ""�' .�,, . I w r .ew poster him, the natives received his attentions with grat. �,� ; - I . I 'i I ­.". 11 ' . 1) rr Was lie elated,he made plane to - i � '11,� � � , �^ � 0 hlhdftialand��2kers, languishing suffer- �, Itude, and Dr a r the ,zets his Vare toot on Its noclit. in its strurcloo,to es died at Gad's HW, peohasteX, ,. ��',', �!,� : . &,�', � P . . L . T ­ I to bite its assailant the poison riylzqbeth Jay. a CheLsell, mUfiie, tea.. `�, �,_., �� .";"' r' - 11 ­ . . I . . I . 1, establishment_ of A station. Cape and attempts . - fl- �� ,�,;r �� 9. I � � I ___ - - On his return to Donga Dr, Derr continued his work, gland secretes a large amount of the venviii This In Cher, Was burned to death at a fire in ­.- ;I � I ��,;�-�: . I i�� � , ;. '7 ,� k"', I I . I I I lellying behind hirn hundreds of patients who � had been Just what the Bosjosman wants. Killing the Ake, he .1 I " . I I her lodgings last week. The ilremen , � 11 � . .�,'. L" . .. I ,,, . �-' ; ��­ 1�1 I , I I . � � . started on the road to recovery. At first. lit says, he eats the body and uses the poison for his isrrown. wero not aware that anyone, was in the �,�,'�'r �� k��,,'I�� __ , , � 7 1, I found , , , �� -7 i�� I dIfficulty in getting the natives to lot him treat The latest use of the telephone to tn locating shoal@ hlmo,v until IN, charred body was found. "'I 'L _'_,!� 1, � I . � r� , 4 � . '1�fl I I . them, their faith in the nativo witch doctor having been of fish. The electric apparatuir In a German patent. A - , , I � �S,�, . �, A disturbance was creatod in a hall .� ., �, ;. implicit. despite the failure to cure. microphone, Inclosed In a, witter-tiffht cane, connected ! 5,�,,� :�i , , 11 !;��',A_ . 11 at Southwarli; recently, a I I I ��11 1, .-,�, , ;� . - lowered Into W here num. � " � 11 � , Pno old woman recently came to him for treatment. With an electric battery and tolophorre. N her of striking glr1 box-mokers were I I �q� 4. � � . 0 r. s ,, I - ; k. For three yes, lie had'suffered from ulcers. The only the water, So long as the telephone bang$ free no f ,',,I � , - I �.'p , , , " � - ��­ I . � I . holding a meeting, The hall was in- . I '­ qp - , � . " -7 ; 1� ;,O,; `X . I 11 I . . Itrev'ment. she had received was applications of fire. In- aound Is heard, but an Its coming Into contact with a. v0dod by girls who are still working, I '. r x .1 I I vestigation showed that her ligaments had been sloughed shoal of fish the constant tapping of the fish against I ly, , 1� �,,� � , LL . I as a aeries of s and a riot took place. The police had N J�-'.' ��\�` � " . 1, Although the natives. after seeing a cure, the microphone came produc condo which ., � �� ! ,� "��, L, $ Into shreds. �, ,�i:"�"�L . I . . .1 I regard a physician as a rod p=3eaaed with supernatural at once betray their presence. The cord attached to 11c be ctilled in. I I , j�� t � I powers, they show little faith Ili his medicines at fixot. the microphone Is marked, tie that like exact depth of LiLst sunimer's revenue of the Thames . . . � I . . Dr. Derr writes am follows: . the shoal is designated. steamboats fell short of tile working 11-- - � ror this .. 1�'L ' Tire tltln lieutenant comes from words signifying expenses byover X18,000. N1_111 ,i�P(%:r � �� I ,� - . �.� the , . *�,�p�, I DIFFICULTIES BESET DOCTORS "holding the place." Thus, a lieutenant Colonel holds , ) cold and WPt weather wfts In soma de- , � . . ­ tile place of e. colonel in the absence of the latter, and grOOS responsible. The patisentim � �,) � ,L; I I -1 . LLt� , I "Fear on the part of the native, Indifference and loot, a lieutenant fields the place at a captain. were fmver bv nearly e Million thin tn. 11 4 W - LL I ­ ., - �, . I elf faith In tho,wbite man's medicine retard the work at -or I I ,,, ,,­ ­ Ili the manufacture of knives the division orf tab the slimmer before. I , I ! I I -L .- � - tIrst. A :11ort lime a fie, I came to D"gg, four men got Ilan been carried to such an extInnt that one knife Is It Was stated at a jr4eling of The ,;', �, LL .. . � I V, .- �%m, - ti for a blood dl!ieli�e. I tied It carefully ex- In died by seventy different artisans from the moment 11arih-Pocl Eduoiltion Committee tfloll �, I �. . � d,lately, .4 1 1 plained to them that they bould not be cured finale - the blade is forged Until the instrument if, flalshod and T70 Children of the locality &%) 10 Seboal .1 � �,� , � I . __ I but would havq ;9 Came once a week for treat , � �� , !�': , � merit Two ready for the market. daily without breakfast. � I I 'came for a second I Jectilm, and one of these never came �: �::�,�,,�'. �, , r, n �,, � . . .- - 'led regular treatment An Iceberg often last 200 years, it Is declared by� I ,t. �11.1,111, "i� Ir' . � Is' -W for a third. The one who has recalv _-Alb— L 1.� 1�4�. I ,, A ..Orr-01ZJ*10 -40._e�,Tpl . now ohowp decided evidence of Improvement, and al oclantlats. t'� 'L. , ' . _L, 1�11. - rrr so 'L, ,�y , � ", �­" �, *�," - L One sudden death occurs amons women to sight - CME FOR RHEUMATISM. . ..: i �� "',;� L�._"L 'r I - __ . seems -quite grateful. A boy was brought to me With ''I ;� _ I tions/iSf medicines -an� ointments with amazement. Dr. Derr spent several days at Suntal, during the time among men. I ,;� ;,; I . .. .__ .. � i7 L . large patches of chronic yawn on his shoulder, chest a-nd I __ ,. , 1, I LL 749ROFF- ,!, ; , ,' . � At Gongorne, the innermost point ,of the 'rho smallest, simplest and best protected Vollt-t I ,.L., '11, i, 11 F., I Ill, I I , 0� ,r I � X'S continent dressing the wounds of injured not;ves and administering log. lie was a pitiful spectaci�, and his expression wan Remained Two Hours In a DecompO& . ­��,,y.,,)� r� " Dr. Derr last fall', the �d`lu;es at first regarded medicine to the sick. On the night. of the harvest festi- 0 I ��', , - ' I !:M,! - 1; � - Moo In the world is ]a the strait of Magellan, and �',�_, L 1 1. I . ". I - __ — him as It. god endowed with supernatural powers. His val he cat without the tent at the chief. that of Ono resigned to his fate. I cleaned up the acres has been there for many years. it consists of a small Intl Mass of %Vhule19 UtUI)ber. I 1� , _ , , , 11 I � "I * .0 and applied otntm�&nt. but lie never earns again. ., ,,r, 1�� 6 aw ci.�=�v lvrortle twm TioaTav o work Among theme PrIMINve people of the jungles la "The moon was shining tn the clear ,alcy." he Writes, _'�" �� � L k�! � I I . � I : I . I "From all Be painted keg or caAk, and Is chained to the rocks at A remarkable story comes from Au. ".�',"' 1�' � I . I . typical of the experiences of physicians who reach urdn'4 "and the palm tree gently stirred. As we sat there mem- accounts, spectacular Operations are the the extreme cape in a manner so that it floats free strallu. Tbort, Is a place In that coun. ., I ;,.:", , 'i 1 , ; il,�,, I I . ,.,!�� ingfirtit t4y Ldie.� Dr; Derr applied his rein, vaded torrltory. . berm of the tribe appeared, all,dressed in white, carrying that make the impresslon an the mission field,, but for L�-�,�. , �:�� 1,�� .�,� �. . I a myself I do not coneldor it wise to undertak(, such with- opposite Terra, del truelro. Passing nblpn send boats try called Tw-ut,uld Bay, w0ch is a � I It ,- . I I Dr. Derr Is stationed at Do -am a. large town about Its strangest Instrumetita. There were horns, in do cr , J�- L �', ",., '- L ,, !,,;X � an anesthetic, to take letters out and put others in. This Curious w!"1111119 station and also a beasido re - 'I, , ad out an assistant who is able to administer I I edies—the' natives regarded him in wonder, 60 miles Inland from the Atlantic c ast a north of the elephants' tusks, which gave' forth the Weirdest. momli i 4" ��, !� " ,; , than postoffice to unprovIded with a postmaster, and Is, surt. A intin who pad dined not Ivisol,ir ,,�,�,!.,, ,�­4 C age region., The suffarini;2 of the people In that ace- piercing soundsi and strange, blubbering drums made of and without better means of caring for the patient L�; ,'.� � 11 "4 ' � �'� ! A L and, when suffering tvas relictied and �sorcs 0 1 exist now. Up to the present I have been without soma therefore, under the protection of,all the navies of the but 1,ju weil. slid had partaken Qf the 0--; ty�: , , . " ' i,p, on are hlkrrowlsg,� Many, according to recent letters re- ' m - , - -4 drugs, to the fact that my world. ,N��;" �. ­ , he ceivoll train him suffer from virulent blood diseases. In a' the native orchostra, played. one could hardly of my most needed owing cur) M11,11 (11(mirt; and inctirlatft, Was i ,,,;�!;r�` . li , " ,',,:�, , I Wed, they sl�nk to the ground in vvorsh if zkt�-Thea from MI." . Tire coldest perlo� of the day in said to be a few walkIng with a couple of friends on 41� 441, , �� ., . . 1. the Inteilor he has been Icept busy, from morning until more walrd scene -the moon shining so pallidly, station chest has not vat arrived . � i., , . . I "'. - Many, of course, are the humorous experiences of a minutes after Sunrise, Thin is due tu t)ho fact that, I ii , � 11, believing the. 'missionary a god. I . MAW, treating the sick, He cured Ono Old chief, Who was d Ile strange musicians producing unearthly noise$. me months ago (he chief at Dongs, sent for when the sun first strikes the carta, It causes the tile ,;h -re. This man was staying at / ^,, ' - , I ,� so ov,rJoyed that he aticepted Christianity. at eight I talked to the natives about Chrhit, and they physician. go lilt hulel at Wen, a town on Twof,aid .' - I '! I � . ,4ccoun.0s of his dretek, just received by "The medical n4svion." wrote Dr. Derr, "as an acces- .w.,. ,.e ly Impressed. When I tirose, the chief took my Dr. Derr and asked for whisky for his sore leg. evaporation of a. chilling motsturv,, '� - ' 1�,��!4 _p -r I.j -c their Cure Nr se- '_ '' , , L "I had a note from Mr. Berkel�Y saying that his maj- Ono of the strangest prison offered by the Irronch Cay. 11) ordi iul, I �" '. "",�,,,�, friends in this country, .are intensely interest- eery to preaching the goapel, used as a means of gaining hand. He was deeply stirred." esty had a sore letr. and had expressed a desire that I Academy at Sciences Is $20,000 fur the person who % er,e I'lleuniatuirn. But white 64' ;�jj�6 out I - 24`�, , - the lava and coluldence of the people, has proved a sue- One nle,*ht Dr. Derr and the chief took a walk Into I V found a cure of III,' UWTI, immen"ly , , li.,, I hig has Dr. Derr cu"d trany b S re to him and allowed should examine It," writes Dri Derr. "llo. told me pri- discovers (L method of communlecttlovi v,.tween planets. rilurt, t,111clicicius � " I . "", Arot only Coss In most fields. It shows the people tn a tangible the forest. "I pointed out t e is .I'.,-$.- - ,,,, .. I - I - 1, :1 ;1 , I - ' Locomotive engineers In Germany receive a surn of than rnuitard paLlu �r � . \�ihysically, but he has eonverfed s to— t1lat Cbriatianity stands for love, good works and blin the Milky ,I)Vay. I explained the movement of the vately, however. that he thougnt It was whisky he really .1 - "''� 4 cores of na. wanted. I thouglit this not unlikely. Putting a box of money and a gold watch for every ton s find Masstigo, for the Ifirey friends ., � ,,�; ��, I . the relief -of suffering. Thou0b, their may be Ignorant of earth about the sun and the moon about the earth. Then esPi,oil a doad whole which had been i I , tives ao;ong them an old chief, at one time their mental darknelms and moral depravity, bodily pain I told him of the majesty and splendor at God's universe mustard leaves and a bandage In my pocket. I proceeded without an accident. . � 11 , I L 11 . A I - - I - . k - — Insects. as a general rule, have little or no sense cut open. The rheumalle 6'efiVernan i . 1. .� I U�'� � . one lqf the most b1c,idthbuty andimplacerble of sound, The ant is the Iri.e,t. with the b,,st doval- Ion& a bpe,llne for It, and lit a lew . � � I 1� � - ' �,Z�� III ped hearin organs. T1111110PA Phlngk-(] right Jnt,u the nuiss of . 1 9 . #:� _ , I in the Soudan. . a An English authorlty declares that the most re- decomposing blubbpr, 1, I �. ,A) �- - , . � . 11.,-A, , ff-V -nt markable bridges In the world are the kettle bridgo,a, Appoiled at the sight, him friends en. I ');,� , , �11 �:�' . <,�_ A I IF Wl.d a If of which Cossack soldlort, 'are expert builder*. The dvftvl)r*A to resclic him, but were driv. .1 ,,I gpdhmn mciallies Infect whole tribes of natives Keepin 111100 �, . I 9waryn W14 th PrighLrhued Rgaitqqlo matorialls of which they are constructed are the sat- ell cff by tile Iwal. and smell. and even. 1� I I I I .1 .1 Ij Infiermact Africa. Plagues spread luld dect- - , 'A� ; �� �. � . diers' lances and cooking kettle@. seven or eight lually hooll f -i leave thckr Companion - . : I I - Itilitto the black Tuitions. Incredible sufterings are F YOU will wear light-colored clotlies, your Ilght-colored clothing must Inevitably reflect the eun,s autifully taking h.a tn crimson. The glare of State street lances are passed under the hand1to of a numb,,r of ,'or "I I I L ra ; ;,� , I endured by the people of the jungle: they d.e. ys of light and, with the IlGht, the heat the rays crn- In Chicago has locoed the xteers in the stockyards. 10 Ill% ov,rl dv%ires. I two hours he o " I ,� L 1, I ' ' ody will be kept Warmer in winter than if I kettles and fastened by means of ropes to form a � Kt, , 1, A - L Now York Ili going heavy on cheer -up cravats. The r. rnalip,i %% li,,r,? he w(L,,. nn4 then carrio , 1, . and tbks disease or plaguo-dontlnues Its raviligesurallAe-ked. Wn. �111 �. , � - I . I PrIgli,ful V616oftings of the blood 1,311 off thousands I your habilimc-.ita be the dark hues which man (But the Lancot's word goes f4ir. and the season In patriotic American necktie became obsolete with the raft. A sufficient number of those rafts, each of which v�,l l,vrItN`,lv kvnber, flip rheumatisin R , i � I '. � _ each y0ax, Infectious diseascm Crew) throvioll the jungles throughout the civilized world has so long London ban produced some specimens of malo garrilents hereditary American vent. it rurvives only In New will bear a weight of half a ton, are fastened to- f- ITI �% hwh h, It id heen it chronic skit- �� � i I -, , , 1% - I I I *Iib it purpose Mora subtle and virulent than the most fiffected. And s -our SPirits Will abritinuallY be a that would have made the queen at Sheba chase Soloman Mexico and the adjacent acreugn, wht-re necktie parties gother. and in the space of an hour a bridge Is formed f r,,r P101r,-ly grme' The holel at Lden ", � �,, �� ,; I polaoubus, of sarilento. � . d deal higher, more cheerful, than 'the cordi. off the block, And already the Anglo-American mind, maintain some of their old-time popularity; yet even on which an army may cross with confidence and i; ii, w hi'l e,f rhe,irnutir liatit'lita waft. i � " I I I goo safety. , � , ." , .. Vor,centurlom It hits been 80. The black man suffered YOU have de- Which still thinks It can't tbink for Itself, Is tuning up Its there many prominent citizens, while willing enough to . ,rio I -,r %k, -i'les. is +X)Il as (,no in , ,;,,, , I , tion which, during the Ion? years I , I � and died becative he had not wharewith'to cure himself. voted to somberness of attire, you have 'trained wheels for a few preliminary rartorlal revolutions. attend, are prejudiced against wearing the necktic thorn- It Is scarcely ' erodible, but It [a a fact. I hat a Close il'I'vil Ili,- I atlrril� ure rowed out t<) It. � � "i, I , -can be broken by the voice. If you strike (L thin '. , �. I because tie did not know how to tmat Irls limiuriez, Ats- yourself to regard as normal. Mostly these now position floweret in duds run to waltit- flelven. ill'. �%14.ders ,I.g f,3r ouch a blirt of nar. , .l � I " w1no class while you hold It by tile otom it will onlit I , I Vuaj�e��lltim fevers and�cbedk coninklomi. I Such is the latest theory- IldvanCed in the costs. The era of the vcst ended finally when Dewey at New York, however, to almost In deopair. It yearns, . ,!,,,�, .j- i"��, �, .. t a certain note -in most cagell IL pretty deep nee. ...Un.- 4jA.�$�,All,_Wg_fAJuUC_r.. lind ill ifus, I �_ )h0Wev0rj hdA� in viii-eh'him, curem era promised, Manila spoke the historic words; "You may. fire when With the florae longing characteristic of the Great White . h 1he poitwiiis 1.�- f,.i t"() llouri. .1 .2� : � I for the'*bItir-Man Will doctor him alld troat hits acres ready, Gridley. That was the occasion when the United Way. for cravats which shall be more lurid this Vc,ar than (,,I], , .1 � � I 17 foratifictit Medical journal known to the profession, " approaching the glass rapidly to your mouth, urd k -I.-I.I. , ure, are not I,y ariv mvllri� . . 1 - I Datt0ligoa wIft,be, wrapped about tits Aching. rwallen, tl,u London Lancet. States proved It had the punch; and Great Britain earn- they were last. Vat every hue of the spectrum was long iihouting Into It the name note an loudly an poasti,11% . � V "� 1� . Ilm ,And lotions will be applied to festering bonds and When the Lancet speaks, medicine and surgery Incinerated it by admitting that We were tie longer her ago levied on by New York to whoop up Its sagging spir- the vibrations of the glass boing thoreby oxtonded, it ii ,i,i., �%n. illb�mt7h .s,,rn� of thern might ., 1 11 ftect�l Quinine will dissipate fave.-s, And various raffiedfoq hold thcir breath. So every circle ol civilized hu- poor relations and receiving our homage In the drawing Ito, from virgin while, which It likes to fawncy approprl- will -bp sUlvered into frairmonta. Thin used to b, a. bt- t�m��,Ii i I %%4)r�i! Ili:m Iti, il�­­. . 21; , . 4 1 cloba'dift the venomous goilros which have devoured the inanity, from tenchorb to tailors, h2s hastily risen room Instead of tbo aervants' halt. We discovered the ate, to polychrome braided wlth gold Onsol. favorite exporlmont of E,ablavhp, the renowned slngor. N doaf uii I ,�u­;b morl %%its wari(lprnif ,�N, I ,1. . thus break. one aftor t!io other, as ma:iy thr, ugh Ili.- f:1., %hi'll N�­ h"I'l rill'i'l. ; I �. � �, totearlith rand Vitility of tribes. up and tithen'notico. '. - Japanese were really human beingil as soon as they had The Inventor who can offer to door old Broadway a who would - "IL" , f l',s 1181,� �, �� � L �� , 14atifiril hiroOlf halt ,00111: blitorl? with many of these � I slaughtered enough Russlana. new %lid gorgeous cravat color will bo welcomed from glannon an were handed to him. i,? % in Ih, marl,vl n ,,, �S � . I , . . Great Britain tins a lonirer P­a�oezt Isne ilign rtny t,%%rl fird I -n-', Ill'o,".1"'I " I,N ... J! , ,'�� I t", childeen--ot, nature, llow� civilization promilsen r6ii6ellies � America's gratitude for bar kind old grandmotherla Fulton fitroot to the Park by every haberdasher-nottee other nation In Europe. It ineaourps r,ver 3AQO d find ,I I .- � f ;, I I 11,A, I 11.11i- 11, 11" tui lied I , . . � . id 'XTART chemistry, when It deals With the condescension at once ended the existence of the vent. that word? ­any time between I A. M. and 12 midnight, Italy coming second with -2472, ftunala ranks thir"dilalon" 1 : , �. ter their illi. I ,.�.*,. � � I 1 I , I I !, DOW* tht� last, Ifileado memdlfts work ba been basic properties of light arid beat In the Dropara- hi Is d I d I It in article of feminine attire Sundays Included. Franco North, i(,f.� rt I- � Vic, 1-'t !. k\ I., � [I Pw I\%f- I w a'" a '� .I. ,� �' � � CoiniNobiki-fla Aftloik'­by tile vanguardo of civnilk"... the- E 'tory, schools, has been accustomed to state that henceforth ,Zril".nable, as the grateful Japitnese left It wils unfortunate that the Lancet did not move Its In one Unbroken nocturnal flinfit the ruropoan bird ,,,, '1� .. �w,i �, h 0 1� %,,n thwr exhit, I ,-It � '. , , 0 known as, the northorn blU�thl!Qnt 1120 b^tkn PrOVOFI to ': 1� , ,,� 0*10040, WWOnarles, -who Am taid"r; Wgh tile croAm. best and light, in ponjulic4lon, as When they are their flowI7 f pp� ,P­I�', " %iia, In% 1,�] tn .,hy Irl'o r Q , � g national robes to their women while they discovery ahead a few wealco-bofore all the husbands travel from "Ittral Africa to the 0orman 0 -an, a ,tie- I � ,` �11 - . - , I I mIldlefut 6114 -the: Aftl6it came. In the Soudan, portico. rOCtIvea from the ilowing disk of the Ito, are uniformly Inserted themselves Into trousers and looked like 83.ra all tile women dug down for the block pony furs that tance of 1090 miles. makina the Journey In nine hours. I',,- 1�ng tur,d 1,10 , n IN, 9t-%-', 'f h` . I � , ,� ;, I The sunflower crop to one of the most prolliablo 11 . loly, h4b nfiAdh bean ikocOmpliAbIld by missionaries within reflected by surfrices that are light tn ' for And as ard- worth of hand-me-downs. have nearly frozen the more desirable halt of the popu- harvented tn navels. A ffo.d erop Is worth, aw It ,:,� if am) dornh ,Y, oi. it I h) -171� ,'wa' 14 . . , ,,( , , . ,� I � 6 .�, , , �� , � the hist fo* Vilift. I formly Absorbed by surfacs 2. N& now America's halt -mark of oleatinoo to the walert- tation this winter. stands In the field $20 an Acre. T'ho x"ds are s -1,l hy I'n 11, W ql� t ­1�, ." 1, , I r. 0".'PI01 It ��O�,,� ", . 1 , I I ,�, � Physicians filive Act.'J* fiffloli$ the natives dind per- Part of the rising up and taking noticki that developed con', of which the great historical significance Is ho,o for They didn't know thpir wore freezina until the Lancet ilia farmer for $1 is 11 50 a round. then tha mer(hants 111, w,.�,!1'wl1 '411d K!rlfl, ,o?J,r".kwd � .. , I tothf4d *hat seemed mtrocits to t1t6ge simple-minded peo- among the Medical men of Groat grrtalfl, immediately the first time explained. told them. But now they do know, it ban become appar- 841t thorn and rotall them or $3 a round. At every � - ,. � . street cromaing In Russian provincial cities are stands t i., "'. 1� �.nlrl , k � )Ili l-,X­v.,,s nil I i ��4 � � , , ", ,pit. 4060stomed Ito the WItaill doctor*, *bo never Cured, upon the utterance of Its novel dictum by the ]Lancet Was Whenever an Englishman gets excited be sees red. ent that they must vbang- to ermine. and Peciddeft with basketo. wellins; to the passersby -A10 ,. , 1 1 1 . %Iktg to sd000dedit- 4ftloalotod remodtak, which never, of deVoitd to ofiricutholne that the infallible Ono Must be He Is so much worked up over the LencoVe Announce- There certainly to something in the cheerfulness and the malte, p which forms c6 ,I, 'I Ili, linp% I ,. , th , " 1, , 11 f Wit .1 . I I oarduct at the aundowev, tit, I-,(, -.,4v i1ni 4,x, r 4- a % , 1,,rl all � � 'their 644 IrIttlA, U40414d, *41 JA'iAV#x Viewed the AppliCit- ofulterfat from an invasion of lixte in the btIfty, because reent that his waistcoats are volcanic. The American is cf the theory. - - - - - -, .- ,. favorite f I I , 11,� � � , , Z. . . I I L I 4 I I ,\ , pix,firkIly pllm0inll h­�s ,,wi,-r the . I I I I I �toi # ill 111111 L, illigi, I I ., I . , I '.. ­­- '- ­ L - .- - - . L 0 11 I ��,., ,&;�i, it n4,t -ni,lv 1, fl ­L � �i I'll') C,lt� I I �L�w_: r � . I , ; , ! I I __ ========= - — __ __ - - - '­ ­ ­ .-- - __ --- loo rcn,J,,- I him 1n,,Pn,-I',!e, fo, f'bi I ".1r," 1:, I . QVM. $ A' OV�A Or eAft (I tooln Ls sat 6part as a hospital for GSNTM'�r SrRMONS. No man Pvpr dl(,d from thfillcing too FRANCE TO RCMONT WNXIC'M faint, the rrpufriflon elf ,Ahilt, mpn. hn.q 1,spl,r:,�.q wrrmi-. tj. 11,1 IMF— IHIA� vie)'-,nt (.,n1d,A %%.th ­ 11 4 � I " . I I 1\ . � "I" � � � ,/ .— the sick ants. . . I much, Unffts fie was thinking of him- _ arlelo,d,n letirli of 1,11forne-S 14) the gen- ll,� 11-r. fulao ,,f Ow sllk-rtat,�ri .,.Jr- .,�, . t; , 1. otb. ' 01feen Aloxaffiff1b, JS surplisged Ikedg oute doubts. Vnt. Sr. 11hat if,, ye 14, .0,Itl,k rl in ir , I'll . . 'o ftolr$h Udl(t AJ$0 ;"aVJ& VXUb- as 06 "cl r Thow in New rAledfllliq " Ill be !oacni ornfl,a) ef CrIl gr�pvntlrr of thl, corillnoll- . .­ ,�V. 11 liv, ,J4.0 nnd flunil, 1 -an . I "� " , - ,;!� , Cat thuCter by Lady R,eresfaiq.,whasa Many a rl6h tile conics out of th.3 r , �,, 1pwl n,%%, llalsi' I , - . . I , I � , Iij�a,.pill � ft � # . Cojjttj%��I, ,�', Y � v, w-niVi ificnitrA Fionrp. �nl III, Pr, q"VOIN �114 14aid, "%\ tic'(1 wil N, . i, � . 10 ... I 'L . : , � roll6Ak,ft Is said to -0OmPrIW IZOISNal- tehool at po orty, The larpst rooms of 4destiny may be to Islands Ili Pacifir. I llrlf�% I-'r-n(h. E,nVl.,�i r. �,il., 60�n ,,,I� ho k%as 01"', t'n %, LL ill, J&k iltit P t . r7r. Ili Itio dn\; cif 1971 NeW (",,tie , 11 1'%,, A,Ipl", �'L L � :' I , .4 'air __ 6 I ; dortia haq bpon The dimiquila-9 algelml 1111] K.1.1,10r) 1,011 1-- nol 1.� .�J.,!4;, I I �, Lg*h Vftllfft I'D r0kk MohS ot all bredds;, taluding tile .,4._--Yhb man with a grouch cidways. waters er-lorc through the smallest dOT)rS Of InfurninfWn hlt% rrft-h,A S;drlf, ,., TIM , , , . I '"O I'l "I L I I for. tals -is, IS* sUWt6t' Of %"defifig Wts �fanx cals-. Lady 116ftslard Is tho his owil IvOe-4. duly. '. Anqtrnitll, from N,mrwn Itint i1w j r"I " L, Vat. 1�r ,I,iwi­w,, hoa,f I 1­­-IN� I , I . of 1'ran-'.q criminak. If ther,- I� a I I , " I , - 11 _') 1, P, e I, 1, 4 " , , 1! , n It I I � .. 'toogatb4 ,in ao tew,14 fd �i mrinbitt, looder, of U16 tilt elub, wh!e.h The -life ��Vl ftases to rise wben Grvat thoughts ftire thow that p) -Jeop Gov�,rklnrilmt has at inst deci bo � I.r�. ,h iulvil:r nt,!19111 M thl� 1 t' ,: lo I to - I), I i I a he I p 1, %k A 1, �,, I I , ,, �, I 4' I , " t. It 4% roordl�d to�"a,oc� g�nll;fj, hrrn of lh- t1do of eliminfil 'I ; lmwsplqt� . .ffft_�,18% efiftS h(Ad dliftotil exhillft since Y43U forg,11 to oft()p loot( Up. enough to talie mot and befir fruit in 'gin the work- ,,' rep�,rin( t: rprin�il %:k h,n ie gn ff tili I' ho rorr3 Ili' Ill' "i I I .ri, 11 � ns In , n, it %\Ill ,I,o trwro than anv. . T", mm"t � %v�yv 1. ' � 1', � .. §k wotf&VNI MA 01100. AIOX4041`4� 14 ,Uoddift. Tile' 04eater numbor of .bet Tho highe-A. In humanity I.% the best livrai. 01n,'Zies Of r,nnvl, 1, al V %� ; rl (.4onlo p"ligrolie) -iwh -1 __ rn ,I I e - f lt� 1) qf�l ""P. 0,�,l 11-111:11 . �, � . a Joit(lot I � lit Ihe Jhd� ,&tMrJJJfg, W* fillY �,'ftfs fliblibit a oottalqc� spoCibilly built we know of dIVInIty. r 1, 11 hiog PIAP to rt�mvnt Frc and lin F01,Nn 11 -A). r,'11 �,,l (,L : , t:V 1(' ,%I IdLfj , I , � When a mon (rtm to hI#ok III!) pe]lgfon Tilt', I'll"W', 1111A U-%Ifl I .""It sflfl� T'I I togh rrin1i4)nq in that part nf flip wvirld. n, ,k . -­­, I �! rwriv , ( It ... lu iN,,r � .. I � V,tij" *% .0 ft li�"cr �t VVA!i" Mr, tl M, tit her 0ourittly placi�, - The Inst way fd,�gcj rid of tin enemy fie 1,4 wristing [fine ooverina Up tn In- to 01 AuAtralinriq. ll,J:V- 11 w nill I vF1.1 t ,,, Y " 14 , ,,,�l I � "If,, k!, n nt 1!w I 1-1t, - (),�p i � . I . .W,hig A.%,kiaj, ,C4'"� 40f MlTii4%"* L 'Pio, 00flage Can ba MnVoflta into fin IS to Mako it Iflend. visibility. %Vfvm4,n %%Iv, ir wril 1,� 1h, IsInn I ---4.---- __ I ; " 100�,, ") A101. n4,1-1, , . 0-11a A \­ -1 I �Jr Th"lli-I't Il'Al '11"ll A frv),l ,,, I I ,, , . � " ' #,q %N l%vF,.,cI,\fr\r. .. �L r .1, - 1 . I kft" 1111ft ii, order.� �, . ", I �, ,ejibt, -POVIlIti5ft tn 'Mt, Mather; In will- XO church IS more nMdy then the Thptl 1,9 nothing Imagin6ty tibn In tho Parill- f,.r f41II\ (I:-,, � ary !-� " \ rign.' ,nid flip \% mi, , ,� ,, ­Jli� -ni I 1131,11 pant rp�-P!.' p."J. - ,.�, . I I TW* 3 oj)� iDeolij 16i'64,10, Vilud 4.1fic that fiegloctq the needy. lit the -lv f,*rrnittp(l In r,ltt)rn In lh(,r Ivl_),�, , phikou,phl,ql -, 11 I . 6v5d it va Wilt ,6,4;tiado or It 4� wamed by an elaborate beat. C the wcAlinew; that rmults Will wofty over And o-venlually rurtha,r r(-rrWak!,ni 1� J,, r,l. r. "i� I ItIrs ri 001.1 ililliv. ) w) I,l.,V,i - " flato (11;,Il w , I \. I' ,,,., 1, ,,,I it,,, ,,pf..te rrr(-t it ml� / ,�� . M1310 bt hJ ftvipliftttu.,�, One mbm Ig Used ag 11'a Oil Mpty blisil`!CLT� f,6841fn fifiliginary Ilt.s. n, % vi �, n, \v v, Hif'4 in him mil I v., i - - r - f.,, iw� f,,%%i,- thwi f�mr tV Vto I- X . . '' L "Ahom, Rooev W44 siny "Ot W5 tbyA it 1%6honj Wherd (I U-4man qtndsi her �OaO Ott br6ln food altne. lo prtir-aod. ' 1111Z �11\111' , ,1. . ,% ,­ I a,l hn I , i I Pvrpe'i nariv-Y I � I 11 . . I '- jh� Ifib filft Of, lh&­01!1�4tA, . .11tw Ig simply driudgkt-y co -A., Ift,d A moff'o place In Ili# flealmah, roca ­ ', lj,op run Arifls flirongil 111M, it, It %k "I'('* 'n I .L � ,, 11 PJLJKC4�*� It d6p towalig lot IhO at4f, While a ,tauj.� 'at ,L It haq nIN,%nvq hron a .m.rp 1�ninl I . J llw�r rel ­n le';',"N'd . 41*�.%,Iolta. "Whtli, Illo"'No* 004- 10y' Mdid 19 elaiif(i�e;i to Wj% alcir by Iflo glary of n. V191611. will ('�Perld 'u"ell 04 flUl WfligOin 10 A11011111m, Ihni thoir el -VT)(`f(1e,r% ' n :1 1) I , 1, , I'T'A h I in I n n I I If is levolA '74� vl,,rld t.%%, , w-- !, ilklr,�,, -,-:,I"- ill :. 0 y - . I Ick, gulf( � [lie hurnrin raet�. `I ,,, I - �Nh% I Inlo, 1111ahly I'll,,, Rt ...... P),. 1411v lw.�­q, , , 4� ,, n_,,I- ,,,,,,,- , I ih,ir 1,itthl PnJ tN1V I " , 11 illiftiol: It As Pot '61. *1 ahv4YA, jjr�tty 1xinkiltillit iDidt" an,4 tAurew , 0'0%1111�ng r6t�fffll alWAY9 t(InQ to be, 0 the cAlaniZn ll,.n ,,I lhe J'r on, ti 41n.1 llr�f " " 1, 1. ,vt,jo I. 1,� d,,ctI,IrIT0.,I fmin, thc I .1 . , I , 14"' �.)JjKf#4�, 001' th, OMNI tword. - .., , f4 tie ll�& litto it. Tile IaQ-'g WO M131zo- for *EhWa t1r.1 (It- f9h F,Mllpq .r,f - Ilocin I.,,)f, :. �,-(),,�,l n ­ ri. r,nnorked The T,v.,,;1mI,ti, 11w (svil, 'v^1 "T i : rll� I I . I ­ 9c.tially stKnin _4ftiy jo iknitf a' _�ifjjSltlutef 'f4l' 440, ,I,, ! 1,11 � .1 , , LL, 4 tuo.,CW06,4 1* 164 a0f 0h6t*9r6f3h1qg"V,Wf, Ilia 6lued mat anar the L,edg and CMI -11Y hlftbl (1111CAV Is likely to On: traMed by the 01114 od tovo of ftypetliatn. 11,01 "b"Ih I 'i" %% t) 11 1,,:[. ler, 1h.)i q ,�%ti) " I "wil I ,),,I),i , L . I . Our eWA live -Q. �, - - , - - I , , I horpoth; *)*-:h0 W011 14,1i, hill�dftl%. To�htrflg tin'litong in iuNpr. `Tijera Is k4V6 110' World only Ititira,eillills" , . Ill" hiflirt, I,nnll n IT,) r, ' fy­ , ' I" ,,� I--I" - - -LIO --- I j)J'fI,lL,,J)l"4 I � � ... - - , I I I . tit , & - 110 f,; a WVYV -��trl of a t1aft W110 al. Ioc: * "vi,l (',I FINANCIAI,. fill, ni'l-ml a I ..i6f;4f,t*%�*xIlgl� ank.1 14, ,gi U�!* OfA, U lacts, , Ili , y flo� J)y *W4 Inwide.1 A3 ,xal telIJEOU'dq W by n de6p d�-. t WAt rind sVr rK c f I r \ 11 VI % R. I , V1111ya 11111110 *f 111" OtV" 'Loftoffy Ili jht" �illw((-t day,Q,` N#Ivi f '� , !- , , f�­), If It i,(\�r Ille denlCrg III4 ,f ,in "'I .,,I 119 I Ve 11, - N I I 17'A I % li:., ft,r i . (All .40tU of atiAtWA. 8U b".5 AW � f'.10,f4'10 1414'00. TU e4UMMI, 19 $41d SIN' At fwl'0 Ift �'*Itglon. I I - lid It - I ,,,, p0q, thile of fi�i limllipes aqv,00y� iflilp 11) flip Vevi If, I r I - ! r I f 1,, -ni raininta run,- Twli�si of �(f.'?Mq'1rI,;. a Vid r1l, ryif,� "f . 'I 1, u"I l" ­,& I 1� ' � lifijr `6"IA" "Ifilatl' )* Ub Itill.. � 10. k(f Lot 'Rrt4t '#dlU(J` I 1lAI(uQ.r�glWo0t,Pt1g. ja Jim ( " " laJW % � it, �, F'. I I 1, 1. I!, L, �% J� , . ,.I � I I . $ffJLJ*1AferA41dt� WINW., TIOP-Wgi � _.__"t#,�*� .!_�­- slblt v.;� hab2tilal me,kedfivqs. Tile &V& & e,left 0V ovi halippiff pak'ative ,­)�,� w1l), lk f1i, 11 C,Q11T0 Je, \40 e,q fin, to altract"Vo 111vV'Rimplifs IAV.11 fl,341(1111 � ur, � � , . 'Liot Ut-this % IAM -1 Mi W 1110 V4,!ktV 'N . , _111'4ry" ,Pt_t0L doM frV)fn X- ..... .. - 1. 411� ,n 11, thi,q I rw tro can glill put O;�r Sur. 11),, tn, ., f.. c;uut;,-u' Ittat I rnartit,d 34,!j 1 1_� , ta 3, We '­�] I t; ("� it millift Villo, ula'smart k M.104 , NZ) ymm&Z i� f4w). , b - will refrealled ts,47 plctffr�� on, thn wom ot jr, C I ' L I L I L � ,*Aty'6f4tab, 41 0* "10 � *111161t* #t.d 44 sitilixt Vr W. ': , A I � Ity %*Vu " I 21 51 Lupty. I Ift MIP ',Vh�'VO (M 01,1111 1=9 MV61 ftrict litly PAtille btl3uty .%,�ts. Will plim In porberhour.o steak. for your bmuty:', likV to 1IL3 da -A. . , I I . . - I . I I I - .1 . . I I I .. . � . I 0 I I ? . . , L ' '., I I I L I I. . "I' 11 L. ,� . I -� f� 1, � .. . ' L" I I � � I . I . I . I .,� � .1 � I - L . . " ". . '. 6 � I I % I I I . , I . .. - I . ': - . I 1. I L I . � --.1-- 11 . I � � 11 , I � � I . I , , . I I I . I A . I I I I . I I I , ` I '. .1 . � . " , - � . � � 9 .1 __ ­ r � . . I .. . 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