HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1908-02-14, Page 5� " �r ;.i - .� � �,,n� � �, . � ,,, � I 77" , , I . � . I ,� �, � � , � . I ,,�� � -1L I W 1�1111­ _� . I I �, � . I I � . iiimI . 6,2.1 I � 1 . I . Ill I F4 - L�t ­ . . " �'. ,, i � I '' - - . , -1 -1, -_ ­ _____ -1 , - � " � 11401*' - . . - _____­__ I - !!!w i 101 011 P N01 , _-, � ""Iq"� ... .. I . ­ ......­­_�� ­ 11111""Iq"� ,.. , , . I I ... li* i � I , - . I 1 1 1 :1!111!111 " 'i -1 . I - I , IN " A I I M" 11 . ­ i � - , = - "I � : I IF , - .!!==!!= +�� ; - No- I I '. , , , . _,_ - , �- ___ � iiiiiiiiiii1i�l I I gaillowmol""_ - I I I � � t I I WDIDIUCIff $TAR "V,� , " 11 11�1� . . . . . — . ­­ 11 17:�,:�; j- ---.-- 11 I . . . . . .� ii!!!! . .. - .. I I I � � I I - . � I � 0�*, [� I il I � I 1. — - 1. I I - __ __ .N.,- P � . - I I I 16 I I I I . 1-i- " ; � P: ­­_._____ __ . . � I . . . - 11 ­________ —wk. &" vw O" 1*0ft out Lbo 4*d � __ , f - ­­­ �olem�ilill�l�illll::i�i�ilill i - , i . ___ � � ­ � . ,- - I 0 .1 - . Work in~ awarlik" _W41my,efto OWt Aj�" ir4, * . , _i 0�� I.. � - I ... _1 I � .. - _� THINK I #EWITC140. Du . I - I --,--. I I I—— , "M I I I � A �__ I ­__ � I . tr"W with ue�wp Aillowl, to removo Mr. AAI&u T4*%jows, 011 140WW0 I Touches -the ffeartIRWIVA .on ­., " � . .'.1-1. , ­­--, I I _ I 11 11 a pis* of 0orth thav, is Ols, tbil, UK. 4*4 *rWA, 'reroato, wrium 00tilw"tw wow rarn; TlAy,,"0kMl0,% OF -"-*"W_"" I - 0 ... I I .1 .1 I .1 � i =� 1, � 1:1 � Z I 11 � dr4rila" thitA Is Ul'"a Aw*y We Will or tile, NMJ*A, 9f 7000404 ter 3 .. otiplog". I Irsoathw%wat 'F� ,, i I VE - 11 � . , N tke gravig for ZJW00404wo .#0,00 tr I $0 =40f ,t:lkr of ft 2*14� O" h" W . 11 I � .. I I I - I - - I , . � I Isrock. � . k "W016 810. y-40 - , � tiii,v houllet Wt apop I . 11 I I A i PWO . � I I - � � 4oia, '. 'S . ­ - "ror 40TOW ywo I U*4 W 14 , in. the Wow$ 14, ow ,; *over 4"AA t% 1"ra $&,�q * � I I . � . 1, ­ I I .0 I we Uvo the putlis out for*ur Uwa UOa **a �# i � iiilfitw th�,wuxltry inIA440. - _V ,% M , tQ guiL0, 6 I !, , , 0 - V7PV*A. A Ifted . - , W"', I ,�y , ".4 . . . 10 builditl# Ana it willbe IW feet hing,4.04 t#u -I", 4"M or, . ,�lt 1%"Qtb .,�� , S I �� I I , I . F 'W 4 'Fmch &U4 sqot l, losgcra �skuil li e, W;�44,00 omp Nino* , .. . F f� I . ." I 4 'IW U4. VW. .14 214dia", VIA" will .aw'SIR44 11110044=040 ""ON". 4 dXW the she-sho-elp'oeJu `![;lUV,--,b44,,je4k � � . � . -IF - ��NW4441-wboiiof , - I ; I 1 co"100 ly . - . . I I . . . PI 1, � I Pit * poworibouso� woq feet. " Ili$ our . Of 4- jhc�&Ild, *40 of thci Wtlqpab �_,­­_* M& tmMaiuo I # y � Ji%W Ana 0, . I - . . . I lutentI94, to puslo ab*Ad With this freliltVA'X 4'11#0� V*PVWJW- 941k,ovoryl . p. it " f . I , I " � ri t . V - storl"eii 0Vor,lQ!gk"-_ I I � 7 ,!Alt Mow owto �, , 4iliec, "a no 0i ,I � I'll, "I � �� "" a9s* 14"W 1w"ANxt A*Uor �. MO. Are .CAA&d ' . I - �. JL I ,,A"*. . I . . . ��. Ift Willing us 14041Y a! poWbIe, As we , I 100 40104 to IMATU."4114t, RD Q1 , � _� I , I I Are RUX10ug 't;:t bo,ye AD towliloted by - , , Q�: , "'"' , " . � I -11 ­­_ � , WAO , , .:ku "T9416. 144 Ama 44*04 u0svoi. 13W. lAucla deelark"s, #AA4, tb,ei -1 .. ..... r _t tt , 0 Whfqh , I lit V , %% .A_%lAI,r,_ _ W � 05 1 1 -_ " _� If .,Arw Py gWV,VX,% *dL' %Ctica, ,.04 L . I .. ­ 1-1. , - I _% It',$ ,hit 31W'Qf JbAt 414trle on L.- f/. §tOn*gJ)4 bow.041 . I I � 't belim. -01al, I . . � I .1 I � Y , A Q .A Sri* _� ai)t0- I � P � J111yor'Aulf4it- 14 w4tir to 1W 1*04 : proo 'o I ­ I . volix, � w -em? " I I , ript; f . I ­ I . I ­ I . - I I for Ue*t *04WI , ., . V .* 1014t. ,&t 1)A4Q1et`$1W0-VdZd AXO i3 1ka . 1, . I I �klliluoy# 404 -.11. - eame puysiclan . 1. I I - �, . I A, I . I A* bw*­wOrks, , � 4,114 .1 I , -�­ , , , idmr,�= I" 'lift _1111ilft"', I - 1�'.. . 4'. A14111114tal -Ak. *xd, $1, , � iir ])T,, !rj Notle 440 gue'll, tho 4ve, for Al�cady. I , . . , , I 1. 1� I . I � . 11"60ro trilly, 3� r, . I , --I " k(kAR�.for 44 W V 144 thvr4itn eu 'i I - = , A " I I , * .. I , I � ... . k � - Jaiiiiie$tJoa, IQMr� , I 'Co., 1 40444 U10404i T09ko ther on Volix ao - lv#"44iAoit�othot� I � . . . . Tux 1)QTv0N(JXX)A,WQAy,f# , . reNtla.: AX I , 4,gO4Je#tU* 0 14" , It JU4 00r#10, 1�,a I I i' , ��" of' i OAN r , I . , , !:�. . � . � I . ': A, i t7AQy � , _� . r I ,, � I , , , " � . . � � . . ''I ­ Ritio live Inen, Ali 01t 1110w4papVre, Are !f I I, 1W I . . ,!!4. ­ . . . , " zimic;: _ r , col , TWO . � whisper _ I 61M,04t, daily,. 1411PO �'- W11440400114 *441 Dry Sk% I I I , � . , �� I , , _ . .1 I l, : Af.r. MW WAS beAtil In OX01A i -*_1 , A ,111 OF w ARS � � 104t4l'CAV 4q -, t Wk _­� 1110,111 will 411k PAW IMIA IrInq1VIA1100, tIlrQuJ;hVaIIW*y IA I . 11 � 11 � " . . . . . I � ftnualt4or6ome(itl$cuosxon.!tW"490eeI - , " . W..104(0�, expl4lonj, wItAk V 11140, 441co 040 Afo"r illet, .1 � .. . . I ... . I ... 4� . I Aw. I , -' THE b AREM '' 11 3k as Wa Own Qr attf.'m to to, 1140 It.' X04,4mg P1441141 , T1AJ* oizan. to 0440Y proved sil tht __ I �- I I , ,- I , , - *# thskt bphal;l fully, ko t , . I I .oplg �t the 71, , Q0% 08, 0041% otbok, 0000. 0 . 4 .. 1.199— .... I I I I .1 __ - OtbispArvi Of the, . . . I 11 , The pe ,, hitclin I ure0ii;,W . � . - . .1 401.0lborhoOd. nor ,Qna %060 at_C' M_4mAvt% wir 44fterer, %Wq '1111111-1111M. 11-,r ­ ­ . ­.. , I . . �, ��, agrgementi And lkvrow now ilied , � 11. 0*� I �, , "a"" V*.h$;Aqfd 44twiWIlon, or I 01 . '1111111111 %. - . I' � . 1�, I . . _: I the town to band 0 lily of WI-4i"�"OPP1904 41760*10­00 As I 0. 4pon, the 4ulg# of One 0 1 , , . r. � .1 V, r the 46i; lnsiAll" - ,Vr 1,40*4 vhoro! 1hem ls�' al u4dirl . 14Ww"., . I , . two OrAnvsoNii; I I . mqtitpt� W�o 0 104'0�r A � *1440 _T - DO."J6" ourAyl) ry r . _ k . , I , ftsvAllq4t, it, , . I * Z -b --00 'W " - - . 'On t .. AX, 4401!4`444 q.k;44Ie0pN do nd ViRip"IlAK b0foro b r AT . - I '41 V� , � C 00rkb S r % . . , I . _1 ,m t i Motion . t I . . . heorlm '00sod, -Ana lquient4'killel tui(,]A�� r`sAkt44tt TOM Ono, Or I I � 1. �1_ -, -1 t'. - I . , , * 1�;A tho, de. rl�� " 4' boo "Tb* rac.4t: 411*00tilViiv W�*410*4* -'Q or otter4pt to:'.ex- 141 in , I ' I � . " , ,� 1. ". 1 W48 IVAR Al. I � ­ 4, s, two 47r, I . ,e I 111P . . 1, . ,., . "lifill, 130 , - , , , , � t* 'D ,, Ar ,AA J0.,,kn,%q10n_, 411-4-tives" eyOry night 0A . ", ,4� I 1 _1411,11p;10 Am"t, , ­ � ceptirod as 000u''astu-e�, Ar,t9 iq.b - . t400blp� ptAtilild f' I I tille, lines, -, , . � tlk� xwulta:awo 1114isolog�o, 1 , . P, � " , I .. . I . � , , a * tb# 11uli #W,f" in, Velli ao I . t vomwvo w4lizie, oxetviso % reasonAblo mro - . r , , � `1� '04 'til, . "I . . , I - v, J h., . , �11* ­ -­_ . ,- - - � q : . � I . - ; , '_., ..i...","�llill""I'l�,�ll'!"�,�,111,111"1', I on, oubullt, �by tbe. � PA vfm to, , �w a N 104,A4944 V-1th tha­10"lut 114444"rVolgilad, 1A 4IjL,t?,.p I � �1 .. ... i, . 7'. , - . I � , _ , te4 . : . ' ' ` � . , , , r , , rgdqt 1 4 � - to:-,- , , - . I .. r P.r . t40. 10 1, � �. s, -11?�"Qxt p , . . , 110440 , _ . ­ -i::-- r, � ., - _Vproy4tb " _ Oyer, '11V4 'tW; - __d the umek will . _ - � 40ew., ­ ­ ­­ " ­­­­ LL' - " � - I't, "M)Qkl�- - ,_X.tM1J Qro.�_'___­ , ,q�'..X hJull", , V if bw : .1 -1 , . . -I I" 11PAII)k4" * IfTA 7 I . I 1-slu�4-OW-610-9f .. Aog, theri -T-bey�,,-ii � - 9.p-- : liftiftovini- t1tat-volatm-to."thuilsaM0, lb �eioth, ._ . - I 131APgain Pri � . " ,�, �', I I I VF411A ItY I , . , pwdo� .e r j.'n , It ad . I . . — . :1. . , , I 1. -, . . I � I . I � -1 . A 1006 froqu, iuw town: aolleltor Otdo, b#4 tb .4 IIIIA -41; Al,n# 94ded them. w)%9';qqme' to , t),401).OmtotQootlllcl-lc,,Lwithtba 4reitil T.ha, QlAre vitil be SM � .. . �- . � 1. . 1. I I ,� , � L � L , , _0% ho.44'isilch 44opt,.0 r Wkledi treat In the Whitell 04 t, UY o0olitted I . -1 I I . ­ � . . I k . . ptat"ll that thii Rprota -NWQO� ref6i, the �34;t**Ates, *4 esu e : , � tu O's Wqk 4104*0 109mumption., . . . I . . I 1-1 , I I I I . . � . 1. � . 'T"P , I . � I . ta tOTM 13100410,411t of *944 A*,sess,* p . '�4, # tA'Jl'A­6v*b0- '144 -1 I *A4 111,4111talk,ed, by tRWW 14prok'a.. " � � . , AT . � .� �, TOWN"O - _q4lp, 44 . -, 4; I I 9'.13roltenbead, In 1hoir-.1300, 4,90 � . . , .. �, , .'� �. ',� '.1 .1 - VWXPIL " '41AU0 I moma lo -ower lit t1hi efe-oink. *lth AnUAlly lathe pmVinve of lives" to coa$unotlo I , - , I . . , "I . - I , ., _. ' . ,� � ,� � I , ea og4l"ot tbc)�A. . , lov lucyt. iiisre 49 nol b Pra APA.rer dlQ a 1. . ., I I : . I I I � I , � ' r r '! , , , _� On # with I I : I . .liable o4ly for' soboo AWerl.4*4 11"14" It is lif ors.i ikolge.. thitu IYAlillo from th * t4VIO" frolu this disease; probably . - ,.� � , �, - , � � I I I , I ­'. I Q,res I ta, "Prult t-ttOoy, as ftit sula". I — �, ­­­ , ­ ­ - ' lOr th-P 1A !X�a" li4. _­_ ­ � ____ . % I , ,� . .1 I , 11 _� � . � - ,. , _h&t*F"%AAd- �#* "Jo Agof - xe ., 00 11111"I" I . , - , . ,. 15�1101 gal .'d even h ___ I -1 . �ajjog*, �CWTAXWU= I 4004 ----,�-LD�twojr*-.Qr..Iw!04,Du', 4bby- � _­-e.-"*-W" -doAib4ibAt-4u;ubgrrt-oking-tue-e�out- ZIcIll-h _._._.._W . ...'..4.1— 1 1 �, , , . 1. k! "' � _ 1, —, 0 - . I, �,.. I � ZJ*WWO Wilf We : I ,ryr9_W*1 Thykfe�aw,qds� i�hon IU6 � . I I . I "YARIF like neceptau a Of ther I Ot j* '11111� � ,! I � I '� , q � , . .. I r ' I L. I _ So , of $10 , I . f1olon. f4re Or4loPs, 401610, 1194 and prilaoW gr4 ' I '.. 1. I . !OR ),9QS , , bool tAr � , 11 . ."i I � , , I � 14 and, t I 014 bj?%. - sood �_ ft,tly ilp 10 0 q: at jjettlbg� outtlig timb . ughput. . I . I I � , �, . � " , 101 . 1�00 'rollult 4_� vor . t! . 0: Sop . 104 Ora , lio We 44v* oil our dook a littiq booklet., many �lmoa lngreW4 by the opeeW . . i _-E-L ,�w � . � ." - t ­ a 41r, flat. ow4iii viust- 4 - 9Qk Alt � loh-dw-.Mool.ellygr-viitrtig�—or- ORS -1 7. Isom- 1- .1 1. �,�_. _., �A 1 -� � I I I ­,*wulader'which We I.. I f I . , - I I � � I 'y wgr & ;i The 9PM. � . I -_ . I ­ . ('41 11110 I 1 ,U46 � . 1. . �. �­ I 11 I . , . Altt. I— _­­ �- to 1provelit 41)yfo-� tgjrtot Ot the WIft',xio'battlephilp Oat�, day about'n year a um th Which they 0e, combined. . - , I #5 pono, , h# s �X ulliftitt , , . . . -!.�r-.� r , , ��­ , I , , I , '. . , - , , , , �, - wbst,w, 031011. cast Iml dfFkPtm Do ) 104.4-proply viols ' T. "'g," issoolati.m., by '011, to toll W* itilded aw the mbole are and . . . I—, _�,_��,t��_ . � . baTevelilo'd se, as U.WuQ,d by tho_Wffea4l, �%Pjtfl ' , , �:,. , . . ­ . 9.4 . .rl T410. a Harclv�' � . I . , . tJQAJ_o%44 b Af OJ46 Went Into the woods wIth lis axe to ­ ............ whom 1%4-blial � �." � � I 1. I . I 11 L . Alot AR n 'i�,4'­ .. "-..I I ---d' .4 ple.111, � - INIVAIR peo, . L t�l . .; I . 1! , I 'a , P WO--pr4otle-6 of _: -,-4,-- - - -r'- T-190,2-- . . � - I I - 7..��;­­­­ � __ . , -eat- a-tiA*or-d—nd-,-tM-'itTor--ug-a, a a Cho ' Hospital &W _" ,A%TAQ1 Its,"'O'l. "FruJ*,V*.lJVea11 11 " - , ­ _'_­r­� I;'OKerQ Vili and , _; Co� - _ d'AlO roturn 0 . � 4 , . I i I isy I - wo . I _____ __St6_1;,4_­6i4Il�i_ " - I - ­ _­ ­_ L " I I I . . I I 1. 110. - 9� 43k, � , 1. buildlug"a le,alti,to. He 41 ,a may be obtalik9it-ut %1I deeleiii, or will � . . I I � I . , , . � " I I __ . bylq � bpth litt"11111 . - - I I ','The, open turret is W contest � Consumptives. In these pa . . ..­ ving ile, to po , SAAM at .ou.ppgr tituc,'bub An . tes are be mentilo - - I � I . I I I, ., - I tily leAdIOX 4trAlght down into, the bell of at � goo, paid no A, xtpeili o(A rocelpt of price,_ . �, 11. . . (hot th'. . I ". worried in published ri� few ol;,tho letters t al, are I ... ____�� ______ -_ __� - - --- : , I ­ � I . i , � , I All I the', -m4mt�tk were pre,9041; thq s , tentioa. People are not being constantly received from ]I . , I � � i ­ I .4.00 , 500 a box --4 for g2.60. ,Tiraft.8, . � . ­ I . .,:,. �e � I ,� , - , , I -of loh' hJP-- At the top Ottlik shattAlle return even fOV,'d,1Y4s, but 4011101low cants seeking, "allsol "AP41: tives.- Litnited. cktawa, . " , ,, , *,,, . . �, "I I , A comil'ttlat a Xohtottin tbg' . I I 1. , 1, ; 1 . . - powder la logde Int& the heavy p4, I �. � Y, , I . . U476V ThdoVs9li !Wdb; th�� obair' , i - - on to this � " �, ir: . I V y Alt 'e,06* ,When others iifere,given, * � andihi � l # '. . . I I # be; was �Ot $,lirpri, to � 4 Angus 1yorried koka, home for Couf4inuptives. I., . ... I 1.� . ..=:!!!!!!!!!!!� . . I 00164 fo: ordop APR 1114'01070,)Velt � that 6v�rlingtand weat '. ' ' * 11 " � pi�pptl ­ 8' At � MO. bottom is ,Me h rvsaiQtl .. � . roferdooe. "g, room to, ad with the imp hat ionie. 31�et, us rofer to one simply to eraphs, - Nile. I , ' . I I .'. i 0011�4,OV da;vipbcJt"aoJ:blg as; cipt, t . e slivered trQ;; thing Was wrong. size the Urposo of this art clo. . .� � " I � , , ' , 1�. Im 9114sed SC?XPO diso , ugii.100, lin?. he V,; NV Wit rQ the: Powder to a n found .Felix The a cry i - OUR OWN KLONDYKE 1. I .1 ., �,��,�� , S� 111. . , 'ie I � ., 11 . I I ..., . I � - , the_4bsioAAdQ,l.lArO((g11 111neito a Town ,OmAn tteewill discuss it. � I thol WAgazInti. 'Around' this ii4aditfig �, Moo late for last wce). ) � 1_���� . V , - _ is of a resident in the . . otters, fro , I Jorgelet, with his head sp 'village of Lucan - . a mother. - NOTHS,-Mr. William Ballie attended Q ,�� , � , ;� , , . CIo0-,?4X'hr--'Xr, Oamptwll ro;0- a ­a,T6,­--­—­ ' ' .IQ 11unici.pal". prild root". and Noep'n and � .. .1 , �. �­ I T r � w1k. .),`Oferencef� a suppOl I Y Ofilt) . .. Opening al'oetly Into It are the axe beside hhn� friend writing a . � .,!,� , . . - J34y - ii, � I � , : � ":: , - - �, tidv�c.- JjWtj I h the magAmlues. . at buried a her behalf says th" On account of the severe storm. our stage . . . I - ' Fidi*: then be ca.rried tile word to afiewin6lathail, � I I j, formal �J;Utoment of Fir�l 'The County Council fit Goderich last Week.- . . 1. t,` thir recount, which gave Mr. I ' i C this, PMJQ ',4 �, " " I It. : . , �� . 1 W 4 register of births, Yllarpiages and The guns in the turret are Areii with I Ili our big, new Store we are I 7� , . , Illoilip. elitlis, were teal I I the �ettlement. In other- pIaee,.v-Ite-- Cittro 1, buried er hus All a Mrs' driver didn't get through from Friday showing a veritable Klondykel - /-'- _L I 4!,� - , ', . ._ 'i % f.� 3� The 806clul 9OM- ch"ges of smokeless powder, This might have been accused of murdQr. ban f"An Con- until Tuesday, . In . , . ; _.. .11, L" . I . � :"-,. ; , I .1 I.- I . � . I I I � ­­ . ­ -1 I � I I , _14reil' him - elected Wyor ( I Lna � .this er, -69, 0" A powder I . CIA -There were no services held a . . � . I , - .; � simaintijoAll'V of.,fivtl ,yQt9a`.'%ud.de`. ittee Will cone'dor' the" 4 _m t� dXlIOAA . , , It V t4litfoletkiwas it sum - HO was An Oil mail. He 11RCIA. . , I . - c . P, , ive4 p4lvev to �s, a a hard, -round substance, of but ille north Woods uladerstands a ped 011 oil around the country in his . � _, ,:: 14� 11 .� I _ __ -11 ��,,_----b�ing_ ----._- otepf6ro.76.- I _____ - _Q01111108itIOU Which looks-Alot-unlike man's character and they knew- An- wia$pn. Theream-foursmallebildron. on Sundnit Quarterly service i I c -woi-Mli rose an , , , bbath morning at A - . ,' � � `:,, , , I ��. ' I.. . mmludod�His Leptero ,oil the fol atbe�i e,d next , ­ L , : 11 I L - I ' llowing subjects for the ,heaviest *gun -are cylinders communities might have suspected her slelan ill utertained Dungannon _ Lea. � I'� I . , d celluloid. Its gritills-lu tao charges gus had not killed Felix. Now, We mother has been "zon ill and The League e I U 11 . . , I I , I � delivered bli Inatigural address its fol. were filed . Fopultu"" and House Furlols �h I , -_ll; I , . . National. Sanitarium As. noses i& case con. I . :1 , I . Iowa. - ,bout the 61ze of a spool of thread. ,Ton -the in'll ctlim doubtless ob. 91, 11, Wednesday evening. Is . . . . 098 , � . !"i, , . It that some one else had murdered t4o �It . I � � Bociation asking, that a delegate be =( , , � �, , � , ", I ,� 'I - - , (Iontlomon of tile , Council of M These grains of powder e . oth- In U. 28th. � ___. I -1 ". �, . � ... . � Frenchman, but Anguf and tile hursimthe husband, A good Programme was given by Anent. I _____w_&_1%.� . . ­:,.�� ­ 1� I ,� " . I .0 Tow.nof 00ffc- ficht to thell' convention In Toron. wh 0 ancon . _i -`1�"."."­,�,-, 11 - � _ � Well., era Itpow that no one could have -kill- The Mu bets lif both Leagues, after which refresh- I . ... ­ . . 1. - - . : , � to on Moral, 4tb, aml from the flued do ROt explode It they are pet on skoka, �00- Hospital for Con. Ituents were served g . '', . ", _. 1. - 1- --okn0ellibn, . ad- ­Feli - w! - � I . __ ___ ,I" - of -QAnftdla*--M-nA1iOfPahtiea . - Xx. .I _t - Th -019, - .Rur4P.tIYes.._Avo_ being asked.. to admit, , -1 _­ - - -- -­., W440-Anda-yott. Union, __Q1V_n_"..9,. -44 . .,A*,,d,,,,,Z_Q__,carry ever�thfng,_-Tou want ill all- - . --- , 74w-",;_� ­ . I . rial-P -4. bis , quL,liaLur. oLAOcial _1- - — , 1�_ , . I - - I 11 . � . ,. I tonight Ill council ithd tO'congeatulate asking reorlesentation at their Leaven -firc­, -but -are -cbnsum6d-,Illt&"iliil--'i;-'O- - I . I thri - . 6 lotment was alrat,-A sacred concerlr � ftaLag W." 'aucy articlqa*,� I � I ., � �_�"'T'�', � - crackers. ,I rb� foro it was an accident. tli�t. is ­­ � - ar' . i, 's 41, ,.,.?�� _-_ .- ont oil yo."r success, 0l__the---T,io110-.. I ,tion in --Niadleb-le-XITAt _AitA_.,_fn7jUfy`-Ov­ � Now, under present condi- Angus Forgullon continued to live 13 wi I e given in ile church on Fehr guarnalec n e t*sgok I- � 11 . . ___ - Ke, , . - nagdAriont , u� 11 .� 1. I 1. 'I ­tfbAl-at Iouit;-"e r&hu-h-u=W­r- 6 Id - - 0 a a pleasure for the ma, # and %1W .__111�1__ , I elieVO YOU"Will'411 do the beat you can August. . t -i ;; at XIC-1 but-ho.rAflis0i to tone wo oftlils Institution to be able to say that 17tb. beginning at 8 P: tn. , r. . 1, . I_ 1, �, , � . cidents In, loading and firing guns can Xe. — s,ng � I . . 1-1-: " ! , , . " JO, gPv?..otd­1ho, -beat interests of our a , . hlrsi_,,�Lll Miltion. of Kin,isville , at or I I .�, ,, � , I , I , more f9rtl1nate notill . I and %�09,r. wil Own I a number of ..� ,^� I � towns by havin ed the Vouncil of their resolution Within a few weeks George. For- -over flv,s years- �_- 11 , -ar ., " ' * The Best of Satisfa ,:,,r � "", , , The Wa,.crand Light Commission be counted, on. ' - n"AlAlle -Laince I`110 doors wow opened ,trp6lp ar " 6 , , , . When these occur the - 'o-litta-W n I � � , to . Youblivalleen " two lulty- tile't burning powder grains w b 4 -91 - -&eJi&Q--j'krvf.r- C. Rxid- wMIlve Id,, ---. - - - � - . I - . I , , . than most 1115 C � . , 9 ; no one but, their employees oe . ill fall stralght- spills, a noted axeman, soug t to buy 0 admission because - tion. ,.- . I ;"�.:" =, I 'OrshionelliOuth. Had4nobbeenfOP mooll of his or ber Inability to pay. entertaintpeTit on " The Tougue," ".N I ,,;, . , . ''I . bets of tile Ore brigade would be down Into the, handling room,� F ILX' film axe. At first Angus re- and . I -- �'� �, -, - . , , ,�'.,,, ,,, . I The e 8 I Other' 1661 talent will take part. Re- You can make as touch and probably I I � ­' � - some, mist fuqpd and iiou,3 him the axe was dan- This weans a heavy straln-fin4noially I ''I the delill 40 Oil the pilrt -Of two Of allowed to open or use the fire I)V_ charges tn the handling room will be gefous, but as George Was not afrald on the'Tritetees, who year in and year freshmelits Will be settled in the base- Have more b buying here than else- 1. returning bill6ra in twi) drants, Sent to p, W. committee, set on fire and the whole turret will meat at tile close of the entertainment. � I �1�,,i`,,j I . .divisions 17,would have been elected on * Angys' Sootch thrift overpowered his Out have gone on with the work, mak. . . ,":, �% ". !. � . I ... I � . the Oth of San ary with a�niajQrity of � ACGO . be 011ed at once with a poisonous, '. ,I' I — " where- CRIT.'and state Your wants. 11: � I �' l the vote polle, 4 . s. The following we" read and sent to I , strays life imme- their hope irt thel,00d will and goner- , .d ". U19TS. gegini bag further extensions and placing and see how well we can serve you. .7 and he sold the axe which . es ', flaming -gas that de Is bore a in trium�b. Less . : l:!�i . � I believe this Is going to.b one of Finance'committee-, H. (). Dunlop, a. than 'a month wayr, while .. � dlately and even melts the softer met. lat. , Forseille IsKY-Of tile Cana fan public. 113, , ,,�i � ,8. Three times already, by a talracla was in a hewing contest " . " " 1. . , . t4pn)ost imtoitautyears in Ile his- medicine, etc,, for-smallpax trouble, , ill Paul, . NVe do not know a more 4eserving many women 'We Want VOUP Trade I'll .4. , . . 1117; telepboht American ships have been savedfrom better known as "The Bre " charity fit Canada. The cinisumptive WEAK now 4 . I ". I . tOrY .of the own. There tire many $34-05, S. E. -flick. dlitio the Is found everywhere, and we, , there are that get no re- I I.; I , " bylav0s to be dealt with The. Council Jog, $6.00; F. B. Holmes, coal t6 the explosion Of their magazines be. axe slipped and spit his sit 1 open, gladly I . 1, . , small- , I � ­ .,� 1, I mult be calls and he fell from the butt of a tree a article the sugirstion .." ,,� � . I I Very careful and know with- )x patients, $1.ft 0. 1). e Of this kind of aceldiint-Henry - I Mild to this TIRED - treatment from sleep. C 11 "', � * *-1 L I - out a defibb tbat-tbe byla-ws ae6 being q'�! STIrt, $1-k. A, avco'v'en'.ft'$o'1?"QM0,; Reaterdabl In McClure,& . dead, 1, ' , � ".� I I 0 the booklet, Wat our readers i They woke, in the mom- . ­ . . � couijilie'a- wi tbr.- I have heard even at lih,ummett, sbow plow work' in De. I The people began to fear Felix far as they can to Inalutain just . � 15.1, I — Ing and feel tireder than - , ;,,,�, �! " I , this �Pwlydate t'hat if the Council f�tll- Yorgelet's axe. No one wanted to olp as WOMEN J, BRO'PHEY & SON , ��,_,,.'i ! comber and January. 7$ hours, $19.50, u Patients &a the poor mother of Lusuch - - �.� . T .. I ed tQ,do their duty it, this respect was ordered paid. The Blue Eye and the Mosquitoes. b Contributions we learn Ana be sent ' When they went to bed. I .. .�: 1 ­. y it, and it was thrown behind the to Sir Win Ig They have a dizzy aunsation in the head, . � ""I, ­ '.. ; t ' tbercf-Nvould he Injunctions isqued. I The "blue eye," so called on accou= camp where Forseilltl,- ha -d met hi.3 - R. Meredith, It.. Vice W I "I .. �:� , �,".� . , �, . ' I . ath sure that none of this, 0ounell is a death. It was stolen: by John Long- -W j. GageO Oodo Hall, Toront ., - � , , , COMbAlT110E UFMItTS. Of tile brilliant, blue of its Ims, President, .O: the heart palpitates; they art irritable - - L wants to become r.q . - . The Mal-ket collull it tee, eported that small fish One ti-od a half to two inches' arm, 'and he was found dea4'i,n the . Isq., 84 Spadina Ave., and nervous weak and ;vorn out, and . I .. J;. i"',,': pe glially, respon Leading Furniture Dealers. .. __11� I I . I _ 'L it was alleged that hn,y, stra,w . tile Forty Mil[' or J. S. Robertson, See. the lightest ikouschold. duties during thb . � , � ;; Lit*'' � � . � . albig. - _. and long, living in shallow Australian wa- clearing not far front -� J -Treas. Nqlonal I Undertakers add Enibaliners, ,��. . ,. , other Proeuce ivt,re being weighed oil ters, but the , Sanitarium Assocl day seent to be a drag,Aild a burden. j '11'..:�,'.. I " There" �is aAther ver Landing, on the Whitemouth. with hi � ion, 347 King ' � y important scales other th creature has been made . Street W., Toronto, nt. - I . . . tuatterthis0ouncil will have todeal .ill those On the market very b1g h0a,d split open. % . 'L-2, , I and they asked instr to Importance by the discov. 111T IDUR�l . _,:�', . I , . . .., 11 1. with, and that is the sewer question the question of I to look it 1; c Frolm that time oil almost evor:y­ No, a — ----- - I _­­ .. ._­____­--­---_.----�---�_ .; � , � I -howlicti"Als . ry Of POullt Birger Xfoerner, 8 a � Juili S HEART -_ i� I flit, tilt- Comic wedls� body in the woods was fr . .: ; ,J . . in the southern portion of the town. may prevent this and co I or-sul. that It substots on mosquito a Id of thO 13 - ;,, ,� 11 . � Thqt Will -be the duty of tbo- Public �11 . mp'ekwe 9hiOR -4 axe -and its reputation spreAd until- RODUCTIVro rARATING.-Under this '&� . . -:1, I I . - . -larvae; Arta . I . - - � I the Public acal 8 0 , ­ �"... I � ..� Works egulmittee to find out just ca r some difficulty enough of none would touch it. But late .1 , 1.1". . I , rried,giving the e ' Ajuldtic, was in the heading the American Cuil,tivator of "D' NERVE PILLS " 1��11 1: I , " " _ ; _ � � . What 18 required, probable cost of con- - such Jinstructions We fishes have been captured and sent fall Ed Dines, a reckless lumberman Jan. 2.5tb, published ii� host6n, Mass., am the very —edy that weak, nervous, The Goderich StAr 1�1 I � . I struction'40. how the money is to be Tile Finance coulloittee reported (1) to Naples to test their possible influ- from Michigan, hooting at ill(' idon 0"I ,� - 1, 1:1 1 provided. � the settlement with R. p. Hays of his ence In altering tile condition of the that the axe could be bewitched contains an article frorn' nur well- tired out, sickly wornan need to restore ­­ !!�!��," �r� , granolitble will assesimept; (2) that . malarious 's,lvamps of good health. I I ._�Ili.��, I I �i , �� I I I.. � ",:.� , . , known citizen, Mr. John Joynt, of them the b1cmings Is better equipped than .ever to handle .�, " L, � T__ . . I Jk of cleimed it. Dines was killed while Lucknow, which, besides containing They give sound, restful sleep, tone up all classes of ,: I � I ,�. I I , . , . . F, ,. ,. ,,- - , - , - �. � ; -i,-, I �Ir. 1 . .. - I mates and ., N.er- make rich blood. Mn. C. I . �,­r,_:� committees keep ,within their esti- book of Oanildp, "be laid over 1� � that is, I Would like to see tbe sLveral � an ad- Italy. To science thQ tish Is known as site side of a tree frout a follow work- successful farming as he has ex the nerves, strengthen the heart, and �� , '_ ;,N %ru qb'e'iels juac one more though L, and Mr. Heaton's letter respecting and marshes chopping in the woods oil the oppo- some interesting facts with regard to vortiseinent in the "Commercial Hand- Psendolnugll signifler, and It belongs man. The axe according to thetlone icticed it in Huron, has two fine I MoDon Id, 0 1 --,.q. ,ill , I . . quarterly da to the amounts spent. 8 a- -, 6"_", . �71, ��-,,�'.', - �1. . . p . . - - Pringle's itecount for grocet. es up hewing Mr, Joynt's t ric, Man., wri es: " I was I . , � "l' , . "� � ,ation; (:3) that Thotna sented In different p�nrts of the world into the wood, twist, bound back mid handsome residence, and the other .1, t with shortness of breath, pl- , ,11 ­ . to report to the Council ther considei - for flu -to I I do� not think there is tiny rise of tile 1 a the famt4Y of atborinides, repro- witness of the. tragedy, suorried to sinh trationa, -,one a t Job Printing I I , .�J,­,.-, . .ed to smallpox patients be sent Colt by fourteen principal kinds and sIxty- strike viciously upon Dines' head, good Held of wheat, yielded OW bushels ion of the h rt and weAk spe&- 'I - - '111'��_ � .1 I takirif lip any more of your tituo now. for payment by those who got the five subvarletles, Whichwill be eagerly killing him instantly. ., c I I bal eve that ymr g � to 15 acres and cost only $50 fol to boxes of Milburn's Heaurta � � ill 1 ;4,, entle - - ad — ­�j 1�, J . I men who oods; (4) that the following accounts Investigated If the Italian experiments 0 if No matter what You Want, this office � I , L . , for the e -of F)e pa.1d: 0. P. IL, ticket, $1.35; David succeed. -Argonaut. . fertilizer." , and after taking them I was ._��,� ,'�. . ch -Pose the Council Bro. Joynt concludes his c , interesting article lhua: ',�; �! 41;, . ,1� �, �� "'. " , in Price 50 cents , ,�-1'1_1. I �_ I 1908willdoall that -you can toLdva a Bell,caroof iodlgen(;,$I; W. E4,M,.. I , CLEVER AND - COOL GIRL. can guarantee to fill the bill, and give , ,,� ��,� �'. the best interests ofthe town, and i r,ean, $2.21; Guridi-v Bro-. $1,rB H "MY falm is situated six miles fro i per box or three boxes edit'to yntireciv Vibration on St4ams Saved Her Own Life and Companion Luckpow Ontario. on J, for 411.25,� . � L'l,', � 11, I , - Grand all dealers or the The T. Mil- y 'i N. / �, , l , the b4filetirtle do cr Townsend, $12; Georgb I ...... ter, *$I i.20: hips. Just as good work as Ou can secure in . I I I � ,4 TrmZ,'� It' recently . Toronto, Ont. o;;; ".1, and at the end of 'Vear we ivill be ab tile Signal, $58.8s; Doty E rigine Co.: Some surprise aral disappointment From Passing Train. . , allway, and we hatbe burn_Co., Limited London, Hamiltono Toronto or Me - :11 erect�d It telephone line quite close to nt "Q. 11 � to.give a good acdountof our stewar - $18-26; Wm. Lee, coal, $.j(J. , have been expressed by p' _======_�_ . real. ;". 4! " . assengers on, Miss Mary (Dollif,) Tufts, of Glen t Ile Mayfield farm so that I can now !,��'-,','t 1�iI � � �ship,.and that the electors may still I I � . ' � ��, �. � r. � . idence Ili us us � BYLAWS. hat vibratlon, Lewis. has proved herself of the i;tuff got In touch with'iny farm managel. atter the ,� . reralh­the same confl I turbine propelled ships t It don't m , ­­ . 4 ,�� ,,� , 11 I I �,vl � 4, -1, � �q � " ) i Itho t driving out to the The . small, THE STAR can handle it, and we . 1�,_ I Tile although It hits been greatly reduced, that heroines are made front. W1 cla'ss of job, big or � she and some young companions were Mayfield farm is either o "."'. I I they did on -the sixth day of January. * following bylaws w lilqh had tins not been entirely eliminated from . lih e,v,el,r f , z daz c , I _ ''; I . - JIMPORTS OF orVICURS. been voted on by the eiectm-s were t ' in considering this sub- walking down the railroad"track near suitable for stock raising or WM NIVINS Reliable are always at yOur service. I I . . .. . . then given their thirt! readfbg: No 47 liese vessels. - corn . � I . The auditors' report for December I 0 raise,11"00 for payment Of capital Ject It may be as well to state at once Corbyville recently, tile growin . ��L,� � . I . I-leadliglit of 'I, as it Is it very strong, rich I I � � I I ,�e!� I so .. 1, ��', �, � ., . - - . was read, also their annual statement outlay on water and light account; and that no matter what kind of engine be the Madoc trail suddeolk flitshed 'I, we I watered by a sprin g e'reek 4L,SHOEMAKER If You want a good, clean, reliable home - �, i,� ! � , � , . I . and rdport on town f1minces, all of for new sewer,on Wellington street in IlSed vibration never will be e rve in the fheas of tile t� ..-king _ . , 0� � , . c liminat- around a cu giinfil right through it, newspaper, THE STAR will" endeaVor to , �� �")_ � , *lit. h,were sedi to�,Mnancecorumit_ 1 W7; 'N .3t ed f Young folks. They all juteped clear esir le farm for stock raising and . . �,� % .- W of the track except Dellis, and Fho ''. 1: :�.�,`i,%�, , ,�', , , , I . . 'The treasurer's statement for building t)f a -edimentation'blisin. pr .. era, The hull of a steamship Is tri ped and fell into a cattle culvel etor of this extensive farm is t., Godericil. . ,���,,i,'.._ , - tee. q 48, to raise $7,000 fol he rgzWstearaships driven by sere trust rour readers will notice tba't .th I - REPAIRER . nieet your wants. , orl � � � � ..­ � . Junuary had not yet been received, Bot'h7these were forma%, Pillysed with. a highly elastic structure and there- an found herself above her waist in ( . . . r __ I � the acting cle k said. t Hamilton S . � . Out OI)JeOtIOn. On tile eading of By* fore:Peculia � Pro . '1� , r Ma"tho hirgest dealer fj� 0, un . ....... �, - - , . ­'.�,, .:, ,, � The' collector reported receipts.'in law No. 49, to gnaraintee I0150,00o ?f rly sensitive to any forces cold running water, leaving her head leached, harilwood ashes In t in wet. - . , ,��, � tending to rIlIv -, ------------- -_ �_ I I 11;! - Set UP vibration. These and shoulders above tl)e track. 1 . I � ll I I - Janually as follows -. . the hands (if the West Nhore Electric and Is always ready and glad to an- 40 1 1 I , i, ­ ; . . Taxw of IM7 ................. :slj�,o 4s li�;tilway, some d In forces may be broadly divided into Iler escort in an instant jurnpe< to ; 'i �� I 000 . iRcussion arose, I swerany correspondence that would I �) I . IM3. view of the compally's PIOPORal to ask three ItInds-the Impaci of the waves, her assistaffee, , but she waved Ili"l be of interest to tile readers of the .� I" I 1, I . , . 1905 . �. .. 11. 19 05 , ,", � , .- I .. . � -- , !,�, , IL � a , ��*.::,.,.:­­­ the Legislature for an extension of the unbalanced moving weights of the back. 'Let tbe train go OV& file." 1-1, American Cultivator." The Godench Star I jumped cleftr,of the track just as the __ ____ . .N...ffl . � ll": �_: . s000 43 time of one year to expand 15 pet- cent, engines and certain Inequalities in the v STOVRS . 11;_,� I . This with amount already paid to on the %vork,"and of two years, or un. thrust or the propellers. trail, thundered by, ., To Cure Toothache. I 1�1 I � - "i" . . � . treasuver4 $IM.21, made a total col- til 10M for the complet ion of tile work, American. I - scientific It was over in tin instant, and hur ,Renreb over the whole I be and ___ � .. - - - .--- -­ - ­ - - --'- ­ ­ - ­_ � �., I I _ 77=f!:!!!!f� I 1, , . - and paid over of $2133.04' " I . I _ " - I looted . I He 1. . - I RN 11 and f6r the validation of certain by- companions rushed to see tile fate of You'll Riot find the equal of'Keuviline. TO BU �r ,,, I also r6portext that, a settlement bad laws, It waeffrallIV- decIdPd that the , the brave girl, but they found her un ' l it relieves at once, . DUNLOPI AT -TIRE I '�;,i solicitor . , - ; . I been teached with Mr. R.,C. Hays as be consulted with on these . Hunting the Head Hunters. �urt, only voly cold rrani.fhe clinging Fill theauvitv with batting dipped In 10 A � �� " �� to disputed gratiolithic- wiilk assess- POin1tR before finallypassing the bylaw .11 efforts to subdue the "head bunt. tee and water. . Nervillne and rub the gums WI th COAL or WOOD (like Dunlop -,4 Tiren 20th . jp"J, luent of 1903, and that, the col,loctor's and with this tile Council adjou'rned' era" of Pormosa by tbe Japanese hav- 'In telling Of I)OF eN110detice after- Nervilino also. If the face Is swollen , ,il... Ing and sore, bathe with Nervilino and 11:1 I . roll for that year would now he closed. \ been unsuccessful, a campaign of wardg, she said that A, flasbed into then bind on it lint Itannel for wheele,l vehicleiO ". , � . fi�.was given time to contipue the Slintile Home Recipe. . extermination has been entered upon, her mind to flqtt.�)o ilor I - This can't . . . . colleabion of taxeg for 1907-. : I 1 � � lead and fall because Nerviline kills the pal Brand I . t I . . and now `WlIfem a company of head shoulfleni between the iracl,q, in the oil t �:; . ! . I ; The sexton reported interment of IS Glot from any prescription pharma. hunters Is located the place is so hope th t the train would vass over neu - r ' algin, and stiff neck in . l 1. � . � - a . YOU will miss real bargains If )-on buy IS THE STANDARD � cist ibe following; r right' Just as good far caLarr I adults and two Infant§ during Janu- rounded by a wire fence. The wires her. - 2ar. hot- before seeing them. ',i�-7 �­ ' , up ounce; 0ow , 06 of Nerviline cures the ii:t!U of the ' li�7 �_ ' L . � I arV and tile number of Ic, � Fluid Extract Dandelion one-half are charged with electricity. The soi- Her eseape In it ramark.%blo 6ne wholefamily. Trvit. — , l duAn ao taken tpound of Kai' -goo. one liters begin to shoot . would no doubt hAva ]�� - - � � g the 1 mouth. He A" - iged that . � some f1fice/rdpairs be rmide-and asked con i tl� three ounces. d then the deadly wires saved her own jife by having presence 5 L11 . that his sala be r . � . el -Re- .. y6ised to $500 pet, Shake wall in a hOttle anif take a got those, that the bullets miss. There of mind to keei) her hearl and shoul- view ofilce and left a s I DUNLOP -MADE CLOTHES Z. , " , W. H. -5utherland, Of Rast, Zorra Good Chder Ranges . ounce; Compound Syrup Sititsaparilla, stampede, an . The savages b itruck by the trajT1, and she ---------- v— � Spring. Samples . Jear. dating- Zorn Jan elkiled at, the Woodstock Sentin CX'"Ietery commit too. lat' Sent to' teRtPumflit titter each 6eal and at nro about 100,000 of these head buqt- ders down as the train pagge by. Mean Correct Fashion& ;i, � - � , bedtime. . ,(I mail bag of ,. The P. W' ors Infesting the eastern coast of�,tbfl Miss Tuft went to 1, friend's home aPPI08 that were picked in tile autumn G00d Cheer Heateps ARE HERE "I �, � I . committee will consider a Tile above is considered by an emin� of I(R)2. The apples tire of tile spit. . . A" ('1r, I �, l;:�� � � 7 , �"!, , I il � , '. I use street.. go, appear to he In as good f r I'. '� ­ c Llght*ho 9t pve- recently lured a party of soo japatieso ment with tile rest, and she had not condi a Hundreds of tile �t` o cut, down two trees on York daily 'Paper, as the fine. barring a slight ifes in.a. New desirable citizens have failed. �phey 'wont on and (-Tlj(iye<,' the entertain- ahtink ) rvluest of.Thbmas' Fitzhinions to he ent authority. who wl Island, tind,all efforts to make them nearby, changed lr-r clothes, and zenburg variety atid . . I allowed SCriptlOn ever written to relieve back. Penn Esther Ranges Good Quality ,in, and they ,� , tion 09 they were when placed in First Claaa Workmanship 1. . � � � �,�, , /' Areckumt, fr,oul Market Clerk Tow- ache, kidney tilo"ble, weak hindpler and Chinese late an ambush and kill, even it cold to show Mo remarkable Mr. Sutherland's cellarg six summers To be had only at are the best ) et. I , ,��- ��,� , xl',." � 11 , ; ersey to have"t partition Put up to en. and all forms of urinary difficult ed them all but three for the mere experience 8110 had gone through. R90. MP, Sutherland has discovered Reasorulble Prices , " �, " I ago bi'll ea. r I . to keep warm in the market This nil'ittire acts promptly on Ithe .pleasure of kllllng� ' � a method of .proserving a,pp,es which I . ��,,�, � , I I , . I I . I I 10 W" so 8 . � buildin nit to Market commit, elimitiativo if sties of the kidneys, on. Had illuttrious Ancestor. seems to give satisfaction. PINDER'S What triore can you ask ? .14 J � '' , I teewUpOwqrto4ct. . � . abling them to filter and strain the ;irly Railroads. Mr. Oliver ,V(,Uzl who � , 4 X� , ­ I - grio, I On E CrOlp'Well — Everyone guaranteed. TRV A I � logs. �, ____ __1 - , I C0441UNJOATION9 AND PETIT acid and other VaOtc.rnattor froul Therold fas diptrecently at his home in Kion, . - I t Nionle property owners on 91girrave. tho'blood which c- binned practice mention- Prin e Edwar � ,;-.,� ,I atroes rheumatigm, oil In the Druce case, that the fifth I COuntY, Ontario at Nothing1just 11 _ - I . . Some perrona who suffer with the Dulce of the age of 92. lfts a ,(Deal dosef. I n" Ron(I flir the money. 14.,�i �_" -1 - � aak<a for lb,girollthic valk oil tibrth afflictions may not feel inclined to Portland had his carriage of Oliver Cromwell DYSPEPSIA Y'. off for spot canil, , � . - 14O ,,,,, ,,,ndant I strapped to a rallwity, truck whenever surviving chjuir of e last T � I I .93de between ingston and Montreal place much confidence in this simp L. HUG" DUNLOP 1, . I , . I I , � Wroeti .Ao, be laid outside , the Arees. he toolt to the railroad and that he sat Isaft George youn.. AND � Plu-bing. "euting and Reprilre, F.- . t,i, , I P, W. comilliftee, will consid(ir., rillktilre', Yet these Who IIMVEf tried It whoso,father. a Young, left Han- WF43T Striplel 11 T, ..! . 1�. � 1�4 lIgn-sAllen of Do, Alex. Tayloi this relief being efrecte(I witbon the ordinary compartment, soubils strange -re lif, married Rebecca I .-I t � . The rest Say the reMllts axe simply, aurpr Ing. In the carriage In preference to an over.00 years ago and settlecl in rng-. 8 tu"S41 BRAND' - � I - . � I as it member -of tlw � land While the TOMACH DISORDERS' 'Eliect"10 Wivind SLAnd Fix Merdant Tallor. . I � , wa's si�ceptad, . Ot or Organs. a common - - ... , , ;� , . . Board of lifealth slightest inJm'y - to tile stomach or to the modern ear. it was Oromwell, cousin of the great Oliver MAY BE QUICKLY AND Givv us a call. -1 - - ___ I_ - __ ­_ I i � i practice with 'Cromwell, and som, (i,ft-, went to I I ; , Tile vatuatorn' rkporb ion the Doty MIX some and give .it a trial. it moneyed people Ot con- America. Opor Y � ��, I. , it sOrvatird habits In the early 4a-vo of still in lgoo witfc t,Ounfj',!flnt to Can� PERMANE'WLY aMED BY I , 11 I I I , . E1191110 WO1`k4.'pr0P0l't�7Wj8rPad, ag. certainly comes highly reeomme"ded. the railway, and the companies mad i omer rited Empire STURDY & co. 1,1� '':'., � , I . i� . gee alfrig $35,539 on P14t, and $17J78 It is tile prescription of an eminent 0 Loyalists, but before coming -he also .., , . waillindrbuiltrin s, *,AI1;Wth0' to)- Authority. Whose entire reputati6n. it adequate provision accordingly. A married a Cromwell, Ills cousin, thus . , I": .� I on F We Re PINDER 9 Suit fol, spiting I'., I I 9� mptithy l: supply of trucks was kept at all the bringing into the. family a daub,, .., � '1� , 1,wing letter front t e oo is said, Was 0st-fiblialied I)v It. - � 11 I THE GROCERS 'I " � , 1. G=TLJM#,,-At, the request Of a A druggist here at home when asked Principal otations on the JJnQ, and no strain of tilt, noted Cromwell bloods : � � I . I . MembAr 0 volle Cdandtl I aid onclos stated that he could either suppl bar 0 'was made for em 'Phone I as. ,V, ., " . - b lb�,Jilrjg or They sAtled In tile t6wnship of sid., - - -_ I oud RPt the very lateqt New Vork tatiches. � ,. Ong here "a L 'it the carriages or horb ,. ma. -Dun. ney, near Belleville,, Where Mr. off or BLOOD . - ­�": � ; I flit a top�, Of.M letter hp,nt to ingredients or mix tile prescrip'ttimi lan ng, — % " �___ -, 1�1 .el .- , I .11 ! tAo Council on Dec. 17th 1asL It, sewns r 114114101ra, Oic, r&ommends It de �' . v Vvcry garment made by experts, 11 ; .� .. � 01' Out' /Adverdser. , Ctramwell Young woo bom , . ..� � �, ItAlat the lottor ald not reach the Conn- as harmless. � __ . — - t ____� I . - Style '11) to the initute. A " 11, , . . .1 , 0(4.4n(' I BITTIERS, 11 I I .1 � , 4thOreforeitiO401:104liva9t4ken -------- 4�_ , _____`s`_ , Britid Canadian Bus. Coll ... , . o poon W - , . . Rose to the Doession. Proved Beyond Doubt. 098. /' -_ I i[I I , , . ! ".I �� .�. I I us (*,real training, Small co,;L Good � I � , , . .'' - will, . 004 file I'lle disappointed victims of poor IP followg; " I desirio to thank you for your wan. g. Vvery. I I , 11 I I 11 TOWNS"IP COUNCIL. Mother Wif a4d a Ivarm h Mr P. A. T4bilia. Madwaki. Qu�.. �H,.. " I 1, varord'"al? to V1115 tllitffor I call , positions. Free Catal 1�: I � , I - � , I — J., � i Prices $15.00 to $22.00 1 - sesset! by Umo. Yvette dailboM catarrh remedies should ead the dedui ouro, it,irdook 131o�l Full,,, It. A. OF A it 11 A 11; , , , ­ I . 11 � I b*4ts3`3r thAt It 10 thO In U01111,101) Of Our . fjoq I � � . . I _. ;: , '� A, --"- � Ilk I . ** I . i Thrw years nan I h a very wvm atftel( ,,l A I- - -1 i , �t � ,_� ,',,,�l f[ r , .1 � I 1. niflitlorot of the Co formonces which mho hao given in all cor. Vonge a � �1.,[, I �:. I --- ____ . - 11 , 1 11 � '.r I " t4h�coaotrdttloki and V, borne Counefl met in tile Town. In Cat 0. I I ,3 �, , � I � , � � �00&8, JAN soon 9 al'I'110210114) Ile byspemia. I tried f1w of the boat doctors I I oro�t i",_11 i � , Il. --- ,� " � ,)city welcome. .�1181.. I I � . , f,, go Lilly tb.pmneed fintrivdiatelv"WIth . cotnolaND After one of the many charitable pel4 fitat6ment Of J- R- R11111,11), of Lake BON R I " -ill France the priest nf the country '.1 � N. B. 4ta.'T 1�,' " i ; t iff. .- I � � I = tvill ttfillf, ship W - Carlow, 011 Fob. 4th, 1008, ell. ?-111,7 1 1 , lid -to pavit, -flift 9 ; could do ma no good. —�Z���--- - - 1� I I fl - ` I I r� That winbsol"te Caro And says.'- 9ould find but ebey 6 . 'L.' 'K .1 �,_� . I I !�_ . . . � , last meeting read jjt4 confIrine.d. A. Od fill tile ComPliny at In cau, . I - .. I I - 41 V0 vitp dlyo�jj§ All the members Present, minutes of '1690 Where It had been hold entertain- I or a lilt% girl of eight I wu adv1sed by a friend to " Burdock �� HATS ( 00481ble. ­ , . I . ,%]lit cold whIc lodge 16 11 I I Y�l I I nth. Mine. f Or ears Blood IlItters and to my great ourprEge. fdter . . _ . , : � I . 'vivo llav� ptVolased'thc; tjx�d fol�. draft bylaVv wag rodeived from IiNe Yvette found an egg on her plate. oick and deaf an catardi, She became tsklux two bottlea. I ww w Perrmtly cund . , 6 . ,:,. I I - . . 1+ T* Goldthorpol bol"Pt .tile 'Propet.9 11124 re*t li Good Itolilds movement. d nothing helped. '13Y hat I have not had a n1lut of %,"pnl& da� ;,", . New . I .1 I . , broke It and ton gold ploccli, �ell out inhaling Catarrhozone she got I 11 Spring flatq are here already. 1. 11 I � � `111100� WO U00"6109644'erink Atte well an relief I cannot prodco it too biwy to oil aufferen. 11111�111 I . . I .t. ,­ " &I'Abb 116011 Sfdi� of 'R�ti ft 16ve by ti'llittba", seetinded bY "You d6n,t know my talit Notice to [Hotef-Takers. � � � , , , , , . oti"g1hattlin M. -I-,be left In the _PK quftW d, gradually tile di . gelifir, e went to "I 11 nrmtn StIffA PrOulia, to be �. .! i . thd e6horeto W61,14 d � I boiled eggs. . . I . VA0h *it" IldfidO of the reove Carried The Yet, Af. 16 Chre," she adid. 11 ador* away. 8bo was onre r*leetly or ing tor we like B.D.B. . ver) popular thiq : dibro'd Mbel-fW my wtilericnec It 18 the bf2t I aver uzed. Noth. � I I �� /'�- -, 64,thd b6ltdihJ;,'A64pontrj6t�d with udlifiell'at this meeting d6sitj�tod the but I ellt'61211Y the white. Ofttlt"ll- Personally I call All water rateS are now tlue. "L " ��, . [, , - , 'O'gobarin'tor tile iffo rba(IRMiiell they do,ore, to )or placod I noVbr touch �"-Jrolk. and t mutt Gatarl-bezone for coil . X00yaltuend Doft'&�Acnept a nubstitato for Burtlmk Blood %ea,;on. ,� . �, �.. . ' . . ber widwijod (Indor tb'o Obituly noild, gy,to 9JAN a"(' throat NIUSM 7b0r@ It 130thing " JUot as good." Takers paying for Thin In tll"ItOre ot bougehold econoniv, , , � I � 11!� , '!� 'rl� . 1�, . � I 1. - . i , nh in leave It to YOU Pt Folif Door people.11.w, irrItIlt,10111 It's a wonderfol M104folne." etn_.— - -.-- 1908 dt ring I r � � , . I ­� theovoratifthe confity4dopti Londoll Tele;ehilb, Sold eyerywhere, 25c. gild $1, - I Whet' You bliv here You can , I I , " . '. 11 . � t1j; A411 George Herker'A sale, in flowink, the month of Jamlafy Will be alfoW- AlwayA de- I . . r . I I A0 it 0att-th. * The .1fealgriatfoix of :F. , —, brought over $1,7M and wont wi th a pend on rel - I I f eqh good,;. They are We have theni in tile very lategt allapes r 1. - -, 1 4. Try ? Ake 0614116*6 lorokaurar 6t the Cow : Pee ,4p- _W (n � the befit. and go n long wny , Void' ow Tmn-D-ro tT.-W, ed ten per cent, diicount. as good as la ) e r � � I I . , # �P,Vbd and toad ,,,, n I Ditto as Indligo. H 116kin Ad. rush, HOMO% eattle and implemprits toward tile reall7ation of trite household � , ,11 'Ahlo, *44 N , � I � , r ' , . , vance� At Now Yotir, t1to , P. it. All persons In arrears for 1907 econorny. ___ . ) � ?Wple4kii, **a , , I ft6rv#. Me%*,, by.&t_ it Yo are glee te 'Jr. L I .. l. J0 fi, 1[ioltle .4 T'�, D41,9towi nighan plegs-no enorgy-b.1d sent & , rani thk%,ftrh Id lilgil. It, Grallarn Is m ted to I � � 00JAZe, d'Iffo rtion - irritahle nerveg_ evety to till it "' I I � 61'a -414JA tote that Reild, regignittl6b its NOW 11110 V6firlin � , , , I _ N ,,, 11 11111 the only bArgaln of Cr day, a MuSt pay at once, or water ixill he A trial order solicited (or ani -thing you ' " ' ' ' � 'rodfil"', J�, ur a th onts, tvlahf.ij them & p#y I . # 44,01, ­ , Acts to'dol,thelloitt regulm, md6tlft fil Fig 9601119 wrOnst. You'rb -getting War," And as lit%, "o oIt at $110, last year'n t irned off. want. . � 4 11 I �taborealomt,'� &I irt, Cilitt oil; *61'0% 801111t today, end y6ur misetry 'oIns'Xilt's contti. 1111111Y sold at 101 and a Wall of waren t � " " � �� " r;:" to. tr�r 1�1 Alft6it by Xgf�hf t . butioll.tio t ddesired oft %e 1� .y6tke *44telpil by r Wly wobdid by so"'Wattliall diat the 10 billildlAg lit) vvith F6"ozone. tVan rtilueeil tli�l bperittitig ' 06YAC64140 brought $121. " I � � I , � .1 011% 04 that r . . I i I de -00k, at he, m .01 A � #�,Y4 bowh O*rdtod to recoiv# tlA6 * V's food' t6hid-��69&1109 butriffient, atill someof thoagentg lVauld hJJ#i& _.­__�___ W. L. i-IORTON, Collector. flendquartern f,,r New Pruiu. WATER 0. TDID1109#X (�, . I � ­ , thing Moto to� itly Wtvii , � j6fjWfo­__ . t A te? bilildinilt mao.rivil-gives vrelLk 0 ,to do HOW TO Cl-RANon THR SIVA L I I I I . �et W., AtiA it s.,litsEw r;. ITAW6 11, add OxItfitilliti;j' jheV#bj ill rKalls dubldwdrk. A9 4­oofi#eq46Jl4!,ei'R0- , TrUir. - Jan- 4, 190R. 1 1 f, " I 1 UIZ,0:4 .It. TAImpum , butulot, i teornot, the winglihtft &kofi 6 ___ � The right lrouge fo� � I O'N't, , , 8 ft"An they reillIff'o, - �jl hit* t stilt Of Scientific Atudy of the offeeta of ! I iu, (� !n-__!!i1�!__________"�. . Intol, It, ,,�, Parmelee 0 vegetAbIp Pilin lire the to. I ,A�ffh#,V�.6nf�, 41V 14, loot* I r - *44 Pald MOO- tdr 0 ­ With Perro2one yali W on deck from a a, tn. Albf I -_ . 11 __�- - I I I I I 1, I I ,V fig Ulm, 6a6mbro'digostthoro'geffattor. vi. llorl2p.m. jtlotnu . flearly 61't�tltr-tsrif CPvtAill root- and herbs I ) , " � &ts :Out -till, �06fi dodoN follL Tr' -40ii C - phthi) Astettli 0MAW - (kltF collpho'i tilrquRN ou voins, the wicket, Cheek 1) 9WIttild-.0. Me ffil)pfl tile diffe_qtiVe organa. ,nipir use . . " i 1 40ilfsw -f , .ft 2SI, , . koopotir 01TJ 0,rf0rwki(% tf Maliv, 10 ooyy�, n6y,aia it � , mlilklx- 100111ftit.' 61 Joutb.4 Airlp r Anq afritate. Uh th British Cludlan IRL Me turdy & Co. Ot, OW �e " .. lilt' rh 1) g, 0 "164 JAN$ demonrarated In manv - . UY Dififed atka. i V I)OU Inat'08, vi hi inatancea go I I mi�A�# -AW %reg, luig afta 800111 11JA. Milo et6tifWtin4heldtV, to VOIRIft, "Plon,"' or,, t'-611bttfil 111016k Wat they to - r, . CLOTHINO I � 01 itlifft 80ditriled to A lrf% forgo IWO: F, - -_ _ lilate thO action of the I I . *Jlomeh foltbIC4 11.61;4 to !(5 turilli'V48 tlis flot - Meet ligAill. Nilth ftIlt 4 Mit Ald 1911 t 16- 110*' 110 ddAr INAL OFFIN Pot 3 2110uth's cotime. The Square, - � 1"'('�'y in X&tV)A, Jake a rftWids *0 Itil , F. - kidnipyo, purify tile Goderich � 6 '' 00 . wet. At all4rd , t*.3L*k%Nd.*l.Pq,6 6clotkr, - " filetl'�� - IJ4 rw9 what 618f. it i�'0_4 n4e L" V -111, I t , , eiltly *8 patro. V U means a , , ; ; ;r rite -before Dec. 2i. __ . " , P, " 1,x. ,'$V, OXA014 , oil#, " blood and earry o* all morbid irecurp /S Yrs. B,*P0#JeJ7rr, 0� . ­­ AND I , . T, "A" i5lot IA - . , F. "sr', � 1) I f t , I .today,- Me, *t all st4t,�fl alliftt �e vitop 14W Y ulationt from if . -_ I ; I "t W040 "TONAW . 21 0610 � 011t; $23.80 W I . 11 � "I I I lork., 4" '', . U t's , "' 11ittem. They ato Pree Cut4lairtle. 9covybody Welcome. Tun iii, -, , --- —_ I ? I 11 . .1 I " � ,1 I 11 0, . 1, on a ovtrflow 000 (4 ,;,) ft� ' �'O fAk#. and their action is mild I FIVIVICH RTAR Is Illopoll-0 # I r I . , , I � 11 , I i , " - L I , , i I", I -T--*"-, I ------ 7,::;-- 1 -11, I I I I i�o be 140 I I 00114 M I .11, _ I I I- - , � . -1 .. I 'L ". I ­ I . ' r . ..1i I . , ­ - ' " I . I I I r arltmeall, 11"Ilefte. Y40wmdmwit f1reatestnew spapor and costs onlV one " 1 . ­ � . I 1, I dOtlfr it yet% r In advance. I I �l ,,, w I FURNIS"INGS I . , I � ,4 I .� , ,r . I I 11 Ll' . . 1: , ,r r I / q � . I "I � . .L : , ,.A I I � 'd I �, . 11. . N. . I I I " � � .1 111.1 I � . . . � : I . - I . I 4 . ,. r I . � � Ir I � . - �L. ,- . I . � , . . I . ' � " L � � I 1. 1. ­ . . � _ I I I I .1 I 11, I r I � .. I I �!�_­­ � I ' � � I ­ ,. � 11 �­� Lv­_ - �_,.,­ ... I I I 11 ­ ,� I � r . I ,,r _ � ,111111, I . - I q __�,","�,­� I , ,� '-, I ---r". ' ' ,,r I I I I I I I � �'. , � � .� I 1. ­ � , ,,,, � 1, I ,� I � 11 . . I 11 ill I I I I r "I", "I"L"'.11" � . ­"[ '� r� (,! . I ­ N"i I ­_ -.-.- ­.:&AiL�­ . If AJL I . I 11 I'll i � ) I � I . � , , - ffdkk.., .- - ­_ - � ­ - - ii� &%AWL­'*iU7, _�_', _-1 !r' -",A .... lt�r_ , ,. � 11111 I � -0 evii0ft ��! 1111 ngwkb." �ai I � I i I L1401 11 ��_ - __1 .- . k�­.,; ­��A�_2'= LAN ." - - A06.1sk ,,M&-, __ !!�cl - I I __11111 III __